Whitby Chronicle, 11 Mar 1875, p. 4

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wth * usband. l'ove lot Lt..i au ~ te k~ ,--wft t> rwgM, a'9rwu Iana.4 iJrs. eut;&, Uavè or iop- 1 (jecug M tu taetorbori &yLa 9, to Oopjnlu nscmtrous Oéin~tA IJ k 4h Ofatebroaim Port Hope. fot *,uP. e P220. ta. Ar Pt lfop. sk at tire w1 rimhsaTruuk siQr~pebt ,u'% neklma u i. bd &Yes...us lu avezp 30 tht22 Ofpva c ItYol mu <avm Q 0t. i2m for BoM ry 0 L . TÂ&Tu IL T U 7bCuel ie 4 * t,;l r 187rt4ll~e E5T la1 sot (t&d.O Id -Co *i, dtrdl5 lits waqau utr 9,a19te ffét z" Wrt 2. 1e ra01 oreuh ubua poens """'~ l f it su d ;ked ~ ~m iloage ta serre u m iu , OUI sstg-W e rvie caunot i lautuoe ~est d.d m~n l »400t1 aifi ue dUUg.c... lat lune; and àlse.uow cepyrgeau: 8.M o .~n ioutrs toa30J eta y atl hÏdt i ea ooompai.d uerî xeddlithiltr coe bya661 a ! ea puoJî . .....1................ Itlsought 7051 gave goJ c2usfa O. Atteidig Justices on422stunuar, moeltai reeyýuail ra rett Baya~tuais, iUr o xamnatloof aiPr Tu. ilhnos~booee i Mr ~ ouisce ciarged wltJs Crime, fo The -oursi uso, éNo. t wis, Aidyucserl ml ladj,101 0011 AndmJrte, fqsIe, W2scisnol 1a i *,adWain0dlllçfîea tha our hnugp ti1s poot, ~otl&~ soçuo etdia ~o.do.wisss ngagid more tiaz msqke. Tl'hoeniszitto .!Ltis e timAe whqu tit ir ........... pso i iewiz'o iuatiion, -i8usthe oni. secaos;r1 oe.seje tri. fr 4J~Byoa bfor tht ysla. f (Whou Piibilo Côlsveygsnce L'aus ts thse lady h -là cconosi ois ùýtcà,q -, , tiskenOuly risusnuble disburse. 0111s0re was i othisg ffUoç Lut W S).tiiiinorline. Jury for Comesr Vai.ii nte, th ' eisiIlsumo, If hleion seine dzy amune isl 1121 i-s of w}ich p .1 y. ~ 2J me fUisiOfid taUlied WI >0 toi; et dosvslàu <i i.Atendin,: cdiadjolmulnenit tit.. y tIiiril, ifnot eugagod mure thtui * ..&tlt', If tlàsighl boit ct tu qat 12, IDu i1. il ongoged Moro thalis tour me. Yaul= (ut of he ho.Oùin ............ .......... -...... étly. IHé %'a lt t eih aîitiablo cou. 13. Scl'ving suMcsooyisor ubpcSsa ti dit1à lltiJ[ ailil for a cab an1(1 s. ,ttorud blon, Coroner (Sabjoss Criuucand raVodIli e .a lild ^ but Ie-aoc * Mloensrvungçsxs 91ltQ'h!U,--ant ýudtu 5 :7ZuinSg body untier Coroat<54 créitqlr iii a'itéus id _ a hji,; wurr.t ................... Grant, uaI : à4e na ogt liaiti. _ m. Io-Lri1R OSiam0, ........... Oum@ apo1la~ oi' hie lausgulige, as -thse 17. 8Sirv1xngdil tremsuwarrant, anai n. babhcreW u 511 hi. *ouedot, in re. rjlgbuj ......... turis, 1 tdtiato -ieLmSo maa. sanie a 'i I&. Advc'rtiusigunier dsîraus war. abutliw t tMattai'z igit, for the . i.TraVelling b issake ilistr'uue, or ta' fntnre, Witlt Isi,ç. wjîfO '110 epaiti very -àicarch 1furgouoetorakoS4r,~ litti, attention' to ine, and mwOnt n Wluqsnu goocle are fônisti. gtJI»tozuteipg tu IIIMoelf about a cep. 20, p uiomeae, hler b D uo aaoWhoeu Ifui. Yatcnausil i aom. ior Moro, 29cetts in the dolla r, Uri -or Ét Ilvadree -otihe goodi. oleverly CoUt of thea crape io tam 21.-Cta1 i~asle and commieisio, doubtfa>. 1 suuula dsui, ayaolf, %bat 1 2525<1 dtelivery oai oodle, 5 Cie. S Ohe i14 r ut crea4lsfughyeterbae, ti2 , n epr co!oo. 2. et rodc o.f blM, and sa e el b or ra tutu for. %etuSgerh urst cae à 1w A let nd; - mdthe péseta slinutiby ortie-,. ml)ort niaY aosuO!tOA acéoauion alo 11.J. McIIox1LL 1 'usan OoylîgYCMyoursta -aow. Wiitby, Nus. 17 1j71. uaaud.. TuoseAs IJvcMum. --- --i 8 1bl a iisiu, on icaving u, U Rtutherford îreot, YmiIr. mattiiw T Ohrl omitng biuu-tupraitupLi bad g rout Opfrits, *"I Ve ieeu tu Ibis getelilla.iàidence; mid ii. émolus.PATENT 8E W/NG MACHI 0 nt 1 uentloDed My Lui snec04, tse-y kick. - est me onit sirèaîb. Tlierauwers t%*.9 TOIpostt J, tise uuarest îsr':sx * Witoîùases f e! tinsacut; ssss< t's worth ' aIuuudred 1)iundaJi)tup si, if itïi worth a- tsiii'L- sy Mhne in stise %wos "* i w2h YowuuY Of ybur mck,' arsii. "Tissuk y.7021' ayslsss. "When imay E~IIL E N E'I 1 pu o tise salue compliment on finit. iugti eryo~" u e"suyti1. ifer tise 1Iaviug swept awîy t 01(0sa.gsû th ' if nany Of tise diflicultleand ennoyons "Jus~ wipt 1 c'peaod,~ Cu3'î O. ttendant cOù tichip o tie ssii al. Vedais. ailticwork ; Cuit u(ow yotileo 1le nca ountfi,.>anti clailni 8iltise crod1it.-.. Mr. 'Tay, o! courseo 1- "Wiîo tamSt, tisas, 2 of i lie. a musî ut ot tcol etrti va w"t.otisaheuls»f o!nisy ca "!rigit1if'dmuaI, rAîlser iuar'~it r c096, anti rune vo0 lîglut, and inlE (tam i ert tiui to yoo 'maaitY1,-and easy ta underaitaud, tisat nu lady 110,0 go.. itito tiése in a rai i t y urry evor weak or ncrvousu, or howover iir ,What do yà ithinit of tha Ie l i'hoakotoise-? Wouid ViNu ilbe uSa r aactowed sbîo xnuy bu toietisec li iuliarpt el s soôuwuts', i snciiine,,, comil ssite use il *Cen prmste you 1 Pnsiom x.r ftgpxcîou it uus1jto< -t'OWI)VH EASE AND PLE ASJRÊ RIs.65~?nj~w'451ltput. "h'io shsuttie of tins IVESioi i s i Sir, Jny11îi ,oilaructed biset tise tenudon oatieun S erpeant I~Izisnr 110 ais'ady toîti dor iliraicaue Le cisanged ilu au n mtai yossta o.alonujee.yur i uOndoa n i ouit unthressling tisa bluttldn. ,urhe. 1iae havi~ie 9w thoiy- L an3 à atyar imoniber VITE "wLIBTW ttieasym of tise -i6ittivâ polic.1 are p0etivelY Çidne siulte 18Ls [Ïa'a isat ixeed a aeIi s nro ainig Offiilly yoir di». finish, mus.teri 11-30èt, nsCl I cnuctionlO ili~n !~s ise foi-ce. -toie ofa!Aic-iceus <j1asi ure %vMUic i ussyits1s'syopially nt ê o 20Citlsditin suacinein oal apimoi i <.eetts ue ul istmd4tido u at ueuuy re. 1 Eve-si-a essa'is-wu'-aute< 4sairsOU youî r ucten,,Il l<s 'bv tis rî'nu'curîflos i. 3p55' tiapli6. hist yeu a sutt'suite ls- epougis tor oui' PuqoLýSa. 11' <u..cÂte *v Ait Dow ..j55 oaui obedît'nî esrvant. ;,'iAyla TuicltqTsrox,. AGENT, WMfýITBY.. 110iaJsr-The ,foliu mj îndul uacliuesnau bcamu e IujsS e Ostei itise W() kw iiTorouto rIu-histunjuyuscut d41.iss lisi.aalfewdp-v :t...5 lys uis * relda.reward, 3o*2 buQ IMiss.. "<~<6 fiu is/i~i 1870, à tabu î tin lszcfneç oud Mate cirauilvsi'd tu JU.ysdi-us tty-myeut1vWC, e: esao h ta1sig AND EAIiY TEIns IS 1 NFOR PAVIIENT *u' .uu uea rila aretie cu t b c Qsibetr isuw -ioiteu ok ~lJ~ -from thé paliof'inature Anti ore' 1 isÈesee .of ex4ei neo but 5e".glasC iin la arshîst, Wislch ve'deoire to 'sqd tesi~~Sfta oves, one. ~P4b~ftifikkdn.~1t .' sUi rcesftia i~uaio-, .euyidi of, the I G ordon.*>.. ...... ~o~ w od Nrtb idiz g "0,87 jL~Ds.......rooç~........ N , zu ia mi. gon rokNov. Uth 8,1878 ~ ~ j.. Do. Sb ai ôB" esi.. _ _ »3itIii87 :::: 1 iLST, O -PX>QI È T HE *00. ONZARIO. D E, dwerd Frak.... KnEedn.. nf o . BtMrb 88 Tr i r Bd wilti:: d ....: 7 1 Lobnan Wh1~........d4. .......... . À. H. ~ueen Canu~gton . ou Fbot, Oouity,. Nv lt 85 !ÂKMNwm- LAING, Co. Treasiurer. tii -day Whâ1by, Nov. 1074.,-< : 044 095 - 11 ARE P RRPARINN FORETH it 1 00 R T Y o MlThey, areselugod tgray 200 s aiga' alln O L2S&3o E L . aO 1 GIVE YOIJR SONS A -CHANCE,! Q10 A3 ACTICAL EDUATION THE DEMAND OF THE ÂGE t. WC wilb ta puace a copy of aurj C,OLLEGE C1RCUPLAR Iý In thnabangs 0os very To na man a canada. l "c ata las Two Valua ble-Lectures to Yoing Men' Puy IRîbt. Wilkoq, Esq, Mf.P., anti Geo. Hairue,. Esq., Mess. TorontoflBank, VE Begidos if ler u8er/se Lifs/rmai lon igsraining ta Prae!MIaa ZEdcaiiot, We', tis u ntiereigussd. alter haiig exanilned tise businems is adpd yteBg aiAoerical» C9unriai College, aIea synseo iecureÃ"aott ieBili in satin t1nt w belevei ýsg O thecou s f struction, have plesure t adiraly tedtô eetthereqnhxements aofbisose ceutens. d.Pluting business lsursniîe asud, judging troiwit ekoatsegtemsenebd wih tise Institution, v. Louve no iseetationli commending it ta tisoso aurions ta secure the iucssar asies for tise iigisesi clasa ai commercial attaloments : * Hon. Alex. Mactguzie, Promise a1 Canada;- Hon. Win. MeMasI resenCn*ao Baînk of Commerce; Hon. John Ceoivferd, UtletGovernor of Oitmt1 ;, W. X, Ilwtani, iPresident D)ominion Boarti o! Trds; RKc.fotn Simipson, Prelidant Ontario IBnk;Ï,19 on- iThos. N. Gibsbs, oeiawa; uss. Gaodenhans Esq., President Bank ai Toronto - J.'Âustin, utEiq., i'rssdeîut Dosniou-Iiank]; Han. J.« lflyrd Camneron. Presidesnt 'Provicial Insur. siti C.; kgln.SJotnMEMucsq , re M d om>n_ t elgai s. . 1H49ane Es q .n ou eralaua~rWet~n Iusurasce Ca. CÃ"s i ty isa e e Mane C.; n , W n ute Lr2c'i5. &gM uie C. oWlmmu re 'h>are now prpaedto cli & ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -. Ca,!l a.Yu GfI il; 'idai0 ve, M. P., IngersUi. Cna sgL' oitscsuts it msa Cii tue uaus mle. meoonuare enirotoeeî rri ago meistaisUnensOu the go hkrtinanotice, admdeo h anly~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ "ct rme u arn ats etin uIe.Ii iraiintion, lo»an vcy u (riel, andi firit-eltias warksnanip - Ozst'srio. l5ur ternis, Specîm ns et enmauaiaip &c., ind*eas-S ODE,-LL& TIIOUT, Toronto. ALL WVV- ARRANTED. REIPAIBING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPÂTOR. i"People are. alWays askiug. where eau Witliy, July 29tis, 1874.,ll fi iveget ;good TEÀ ?"'___________________ Hav e they tried Iwo9dall's Old Coun- N* S T O'N 'S -try Grocery Store ? If not, do o at once. ~rI E 1 E Customners Cà'n selett any qualityan prico they desire, froxu 25 cetsto $1 50 per lb. AW DE TH FRS PRZ I T ea a d ui e iq xo s re ou l ad . -At the Provincial E hb tion, Tùoro no, in 1870. in W o have without 'exception sorneo the'best OdRje and pure Malt. tisat eau be bouglit. We offer to our customers for tueoi~'-ae t, wo dis. tirnet Machines, * which iiistyle; a d-cémritin nbrace WE DElY èst andmost ,useful iniprovements cf the day. *We- pay cash for ail Farier's' produr, OINTNS IGESELFUoKN RAIE THE "K1?G 0F REA.'ERtS." White F ish and -Tro ut, at Toronto 'The universl success. cof this .Maohne,.both ini cioseby colttest- wholecsale Pieelq. -d trials lsnd fthét aandé bf4e fermers, vusrat tus ayf ta, 8au a Self.Rok- ail * ingReapesg' 1aabne, lîi mre goot poings sud ies 6defecti,sund hem mat vils fPoultry o 'al ki s also, Gaine of ep le'ýe'h .~inus ; - , marc uucceauaund lacs fire. tisan iscretofure ciiered tu th' pblc the senson. Give lis a call. yY-~A U I R O E -.J. WOO Ã"D ALL-LJ C r- a. of ent ýrCqaps anid tg, Caps, and Fur Goodas F6r, On ih Long-er i we' ,J. WILL SELL <400wçi Eor ~ Mo~ith ibuger! ~jÀuZI B~E~,GÂIL~-S The Largest stock in Town. Ci&CO0 ~rnitïu re!Fûtrniture! Nowisthetie tobuiy, good andecheap, .FPrniturEý. Having bought- ont the business lately carried on by Jamnes H. Samno, we tak-ethis opportunity. of inviting bis Ï,any. friends tO -Ive. us-~a cail ,anjd-we can- assire ail that we are prepared to do as wol ,by thein uthe futýire, as Mr. Samo bas doue iu the past. TILL &JG'HNSTON. Oides b mai prmpty aendedt'O UNDERTAKING.-mThe ..0 y first-ý clagà, Establisshmeuj ithse Connty where fnrl are ful- l4tY , uppie . 17. TILL & JOHNSTON. W~sitby, Oetobcr lel. 1878. 40.1v BROOK STREET, HTY MESSRS. -TOMS &à Beg toiRTr Ahlarglieand superior stock -f ell B e g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v to i f r h u l c g n r i y h t t ~ ~ e o p en e d l m a d e L a d ie s'(* G n t s' , . M s se ' u J C il re 's B ot a a New Car.riage.FaOtOry, on Dundas Street, -he.Tise stocek.congprise-s -tise be 9itwork, and wfi be ~EE~~OOD'WML- BID &XCEF - -- - LAIN( _&' SfjýWA W[TBy -and JLjargeit>, tèi a n d h e a e a t A s È rtm e n t o f - 0fail dud levr exibied in Whitby 1 China Te, 1Bette, fo-1d o*0 P S C h i n a jMs t 0 ,ed Ou a $ 2 0 . ç r u - r m , 1 ~ t o $ . O a ChinA M oto4M~;Cd ~ ~ao lfANCY -TOILET S ETTS', FpRMS TOS P ST, Ladesailtueaboya havingbenurhad prpent, thay 'ivill ha sold cieap anai it-t rouer Y,.forasse eaU àn examine for Yourselves before purellsing UtaIser. pè- ~ loon hand, a full as rtm en of, ehoire T t. T m l ro eis *Fruits andi Spices of ail kinde, HemsBcn ad utr A aa to O <Y T R S , s ba na * s o n h an a l, p l s W iýby,-c b 5 d, 1a. o 00IAN S&SARELS , pIendid Stock [or Fa/I !:1 Wint AT THo Ã"HEAP&FAfÏNi. BOO AND ,SHOE TiE 0F ý JOF le a ais ma e -Pmt the nhe tae dam wiui thed 'mýv2-Lo"ýL"14 u J l 4U1 Ite15j5I]to callt afdxamine thé goodls and list of prices. 2Lepairs ne4atl d ProrlPtY-. executed. »asîuery ~lii, 1U75. OIANS dMEL ODEON OJiGA NS, THE MIJDGE &YAI!ÊWOODXFG. Co., ?1NUFACTUU TUE Eý:OLBRTED AMEBIC -N ORGAN i n- c 'scallé df tÏ3olin g ylsan ri Stye eOoinaWat Case, m th Canviuigà, $180. tl, U mp'aveong;neti at - e ge y.finii 'lsel , tdu o prica.- AWi-YKRWOD M~fôï iGN" lhaludsamne :Rosewéoàc andi ci Style 4, ,10;Style 6 relodeou-0rgans,Ptetti1 ilybeÈi àiifim.s na àl ne were-awarded-the First Prize and !>jplomà, at the*Prcvin. É-41 Exrhibition, bel jeW Taranto, 1870, in cu btta'sÃŽkî iWeaix ahe ni~ . uf urqibin thse Proviance - a4iupd aptawet oqtibeiiat-. inkIy 1islegaj iýesîiùÏÎ' n coiisariýon viienpetir-g Machinsuevaare ait ified tiset tuc(iï inîesî fgmîson viiicanvins.e every unprejudiced muxid,'that vo oe ibê1Wef <gasir lbarirfor 187p, bufit Su the Dauninion. IW'Send for descriptive catalogues. -- bh~ GOI~ AM GOCE1E, - u e~ifi~& "no.w -ýreCéiving -a LiARGE SITIUM YK Oj DRY GOODS, G~ ir ~ t~ 4 GoodsI gret A An~t &do. ~ t fbu o~ e ik. S a I Whitb, Set. itis,1874 * 48 ['ES TAB LIFSB E D' 1833 ] WM. NewLt, - d o PR EMRil New Dining-room Sets., -W And' a lar:ge stoIéi of Cane-:iind -Woodm seat Chaàirs, Tables,,Bras o ,IoiheBsedrepiu CUPboardns. ia Clotis, and Damak cngs-Ccetie &c. &. Afie toc c NW Gilt Window Criecep Tishestanld cheàpest stock cf PiëtÙresee ruit' hi twn; ilof which lie offers at prices tisat will not fail o suit -tise turnes.- Wl 1; eTise:ndeisigned wishies to state olsodes~m are muid the publie gonerstily, thuit ha is to be found atet ho "OLD; STAND, ant'i e neithor boug.ht ont, nor eaid out, anti is in no- way connectetiwt nny oison establishmeint lintoWoi.- h !'Under-takdig as Usual.-A Large S .toqk .9f ReadIy-7 made coffins canstantly kcpt-*'lIisaidand -trinsnsd té ordan (ouit-eus- tonsers, on shlort notice Fun » ab ysplitwt ee.tsig une wfy upiawthýçY2ýtu Wliitby, Ã"ctobar 15, 1878. ~ent Fu »ising Sore-I ---aa-- IEOHN 'EI H S N i P en t oi Ininet- 1tarnalu. thse conit7,~54 Toronto, 164h Sept.y 1874, RATES OF.PaS8ACE FTJRTHEift REDUCED. Londonderi.y G1agw-.915 nqver éise an >uer 12 i0 tfýe,. Btum tickesa.-QtÏebec 'té Livgrpool,. Derry or preaiùisasmge certifi. cates,-Liverpoi Derr&7or G largow ta Que. b ec-$ 1 . ehu d fe a e . DROSPECTUS. Fý BROWN d P4TTER8ON if UPCTUR7« COMPÂNT,' apital - - - $120,00&. ,40SH ARES OPS50 BACH. Thse above Cnnounyielu course of for- lioilfor tse pu aneof P uhenj ad good.wMfl thise anuscbnmg huai. sea of the Brown & Pateà,où Agetfil Frlsain tise Tavis cf Wbit.by. î _. [n tisew o panpiy;Messys. Brown atiersn hive.BiUbscrab $80,000 stockd ler subscrftonbave- Lre=aiyeen'.cb intiiaeuist*ng ta 2bSOOOnsuglslzu )w a zibd'o #55000-It.in îtendei m e m.0 ie 5iitt 02,OO S btet vde mean forincreaang tise bïuines oubie'tie, nasmt hitsettss doni. and. iargnlie capge =* iohe-preniWoôr thin eddiintion ioof budn9, pue; Sng tibeewovampanytsIrzsen useir oIle business -ofi a stricty cash bus. In de ta showthe pofmble bsnes 1es lte for tsa new Company;ia.le only neai ta at StiLi at -linses'er' ians eratlang+trium Tenuarj, f62 t-snuar, 7-Meeam. Brown & ttan ii4aV~ ablei, layproits realiseti, to tase thelare sont of Stock ubave.nsenticned sbavn ai snusacribed by tisea iii tse nev Cin. 3y.. Thse property hubeenvau-ea, undar direction manaem .v.jano! eurs. J, f.Wlcox atnd Jilss Toipson 'tv 1a sin lait ýoffmneoicsng ttain, à' '» i ahi â crianaDImE ' oathse conspeny. Ubse tiaus ai stock in the undertak. aenatreiTec#ey.solicitea-. Thse a 00-f tise atok a 'mg dividaenisn i. _et eam brs e asbeingbeyond he; -bue-tsheat dvantagee te the Moia.Whitby. 't daiounty of Ontari o in ring, an e%çqstcitise fmvorably wu Worka 'aôf éWisBrao & Pattersoir arMes deàsirng et ie for stckart- iest.ed ta 1enclaie aiaos dnum, per post neariy daY statin o! mler01shere' viistohaypf1ufftt4ý , , . 1 N. W. BIROWI,u FYAINOLD,' Prcaident. -" Saeay. - tby, 28ts Februs-ry, 1878.101ff -i r, q~, L i.- I S , DbaNt aior, iefor tis eason, including Ih g , A, lwrge" R tblck à ;~-~~< GIBSON &'SPÀRVELLS. OLD STA'ND 1 1 Il N Y ýrl M IÛ1 tc( le vil in 0 ric 'n. nt Ciýsby's Old Stand , Whiiby- 1 - 00. TILL & JOH . NSTO N, T-IlE 1 1 5 pil

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