Whitby Chronicle, 6 May 1875, p. 2

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ONI.Y .si 0PER AI*IUM. Whiftiy, tThrdy, May 6, Wb7. -The. Town Assessînent, The report orbte 'messor wms laid -be!... th. Terni Councili on nt]y o.ailng. It, lu a document or mare- than .rdlumry lMport&uceant]ý with the. "tiu<aeoir figenaugiven lu 1h. e turum oftheb.amsesainent roll, very areilitable te th. ndutry'.ý sd abilily -of Colonel Wallaee. The to4%àsommsuent Ihis yaar auIatS te witln s afraceticu ofli,l00,. 000, agalnisl #187,072 lasi ýyer-an luarefa. of ueanly fifty per cent. In the. thinse wards the, figurés worii elhWard. 51,4m5 ,Ulm 131e Centre W&Ot. 81,X0 tUC ilit bSerih Ward; îe01-îile,4e w 187- liait. lerbotal. laCent.. lý,rttiWar.0,W 25 21e,2t3-im oise ffoutaan 126 ut,eM s4e ;,3 lia bis special repart ltulte Counêil, Colonel Wallace sei ts te tiîlb auner inlu wlehe irndele easseesment. t was u Jui whîat woulti b. atopteti by an Intelligent, Practical mail a bi'shttef4l- like way. AMIen going ev@_rtlîe wioie towa Ie took town the values cf pro., îtertie i ainsuli figuras mu were placeti upon theni by lie ownrs; tîtese pro. penties lie 'dividedti mb bven classes, anti fore quallzation purposes lie vaineti este propertjý, lu such cian., ut a flrice wiila ho judged il couda bu readily uold for lu cash. 1-1 a Wvord, lie Mairie onie) lus 0t1e casa cf property, te Stand. ird cf vainc, AntI aller C&relulexamiine aýilou anti llewatsee, vaiîeilteettiirsi In -Mconlauce iituti tat îîttial..lHO -aise teck tliiiprsetcion nîot t îlîiivvr 01 lise idit i In iwlîc idît' idi 0111Y urîtil li llnttho titfuts' teice itthe m-uto u nttlii 01- cs -IHte r hi' i f ii, sii. il iie sstIueditls, tIi-liai-rd l i fi-- o lui. -lietmns- 'is tii t-uilitlî if îi m-qllnelniîruillit-.i-tci lit- m iiti ui, Itu ilsbe nit ictîit!:epi ît ii t %ti- acaor's.titicfo r ufitn- o of-a?]i.l uit- jiistly lîem-mited tho mvtil. fi-buis, we blilvu, lifiilias sîune ils vîtole aivotu det>tY aitimftuy, andt hat teeasasamltt -- maie b>' hlm will hlieislainei loîtivl liy bhe Court or' itevision lab>' hythe grea brie ct f lte ralsatyenset tufie bown. Uîîter tthe iteal cf IlIndotue" 4 ti4et, WvbicIL, ý the' li. a>'- aus n 11111 taixreti ierotef'ore witb pereonal pro. *punt>', te ilucase hans heen roin tÃŽ.285, in 1874, le tj-.2!o iis y-am-. Wili tlitu asssncssnenl -of fitruiitgi-,nml, lie hlt$ O udeIIvlcl ti letîi jitain %Vil as gunernsy-ani susis ieraîiy tb- -wsrftiliaI intenes e-s te lu', tmuti a rolier negmrdnta ho efiieut lslcitarge etolfshi iflas coulil d tiiiuisuitîlutîto f, ("o[. allacct.)lakes -sanie ver>' perti- * neuit reinanis as te fle priviioei pesi- tien oftxloiengagsq.anoîl lt-la sïugges;tions as hog ilx. sesim-biiiy et a change cf tbe la* miter tlîis lieuti, arc eln-ci vrtix> thisacouaidenatioti cf biseLegisauure. lis rnsnnarks on lie usàesîîîellt of mer- chue tcalu sMeres, anti etfartu stOck wiý tIlsbfotînltidistructiv'e andt Ney n> tggsstivn.' lunafarnea Iitxmpinlte amiSes- fiar repente tint l l' ittis gver>' geucrul feling previliîig tmongisl tiie rntsuîay. - ensagitinet al - exupi-miîs frein taxa. Moriet. , Tiere alenîieîîadoiût atever upon tlms ixani. Bhitioettpeopleie ili. amintteti ho be an unju*tslproviaiilocf theaàassossnotl mv ta- exempst cuncli and] chier prolîerly front mnunicipàl tax- * ation., MVe iteet utet gu mb oail buie a:- gnuanlts ltI ave frein tinte teaUnie besa stivance]L ntpen lhe sbjesit. lTeé e mtent lb vicit exemintons are non' matie see, maîsifeel injustice. Andi v. »gre viti Ounr couteinpornnie lu thtinie. IngtliaI 11e lte uul' ty fencit munici. palil'l inte couutl> te present tliin grievanriboïrstaté Legistatune, vitb a vle e ho. lenmôrtl. No intlividluais lli tecommnuumll>, cxcerltinera anti time Inigent, itounlîl ba exempt fîomn taxaîilou-for te pri'iluuges te>' cnje>' eiti thea protection fcf limc lu-s tntflite Thk Court cf Revisien for the 'roivo. - lie T'avisCotttil i titi tî,wt cf Witihtby hauve in pecutlia- tuode-sonîti. tlites-af equtiucing hiîir procecti- inigu. AI tht' nieehtg oftfbitecorîneilil Maonda>' eveiiitig, itshessi rio hlitoun lureterance te fle Court of lRe. visIo n tndlg te .Iroceliugss cf the prelans îeotug.Ansi tefbitegeieri - n0blhinul, let us auî, bier.en-as ntc alvend et argumetnt offestil for tiie cauts. of the hautge.ise ntoiceuhile fltac;t alnluhueabsetnceocf tyc ilttn boesof Iii. Sentit Wnnl, the tniétuber pi'esaut gibut] h ave acquiescetinluflic, precaeeiung. PFanfbite toment vus eau oui>' usY' liaIw. besleve- lite' - cet] lug cf tlee concil are Informai, anus, lu nu>' case, inthie sèecllou, f et imeux-1 bers Of lbe Connl, de a great injusticej the biersinaticn oethle propent>'. boIers cf thie bown. M ~ Tue-Ciock Factory. V ie i fnlcanloat] cf eloaha le rend>' ton shipmt ulto.incrrov. Ivo moescar. icade vil be seul off tu aient four vache. - MIen flitlng up the present stoec.-Col. Walsue iliitait toma den. - ainlY viat'looka can-b. matie tonrund profits, snd If he ûtmide lia hi. nil smuggl inlto <.aunam $0ilg AIR doie Atklowe ratesIbhau the. taadlani are Wiltà men :e ennd Wecannot se, Ibal Iri . u re oudtogo and make railwayi Mcr liie Canadlians, ln orter te Induce. thcînr te retuni te tiair niamas; sud if oUr Conutrynemn tait. ont &mavl lhey will tiot do' auything of the kinti. Non 0au w4eOsue thaItiihe Canadian P&. aino ltairosd will do ail tuat people Imagiun unless semae meaus bco baken 10 put aindutehoie bioocidugup by tuIa# sowôv. Il lu, a serions buuines tii blocking op. It ii ouly a short hi ag tîtatu mdneadfl Itnoew.upoacurred on a Canaîllan railway, whch kepl lii. passieng'ons se long iluaaloess liaI biîey -deent a telegrain, se il sait, te New' 'York for tii. photograpi cf a ciaken,ý that titeir eyesamugit bca negaleti if thaie stoînacîrs were campty. If -the Canadians requine railways te b.e- ceci. structed, thcre ara tiionsanuls cf bande ile iniNew. TYonk aud Chicago, aud in tlitaotiier giest ities cf lte uion,.in addition ta the tiionsands wanting em. picymorut, lu Montreal anti otîteeCana. ( 'it twus, besideu liaedt04000 natives cf Canada, wiio prefer living in tire Uniteti States, anti canuot lPo îuduced by ountici ýte return tote eDominion.ý W. do net object te the 4tmigration 'of ltas. Who. cannet get on here aftier * hhy have ruade a reasenabi, effort; but we do ebjeet te tth. wliol,,sale soductien of our psrople. as if teonêjsct w.re tb depopuitte ur laud]; *a4d we do hope that liii Governinent wiltnrn ils ah. tention ta this imper-taut- abject, and tint lte laudiords anti large employer., cf, labor will encourage lte working classes le atay at homne." g 0f conrea Canadiuamile ut the ab- sunîily of suchi bugaboo rcasening. Iriblitnen, likre ohhcr feigrants, only conle te Canada te betteétteir position, andt WC are pleascdte te h.abl. to Bay tint tlîey iuvaninably aucceti in doing 80, except wltene - it la ntrly thleir own faull or the. rasul cf tteir own impru. dent,,. 'W. eau peint te thousantie open thhusanda et instances -wlere suc- ceas lias been acitieved,' anti te ne single case cf failure wimenî'tihe Irisht cmi- grnt it Ciutaîfla b'ee ltide s penlsable reqiîlqites cf soimicty nttd in- dlt'y. Inisliten lhave itodeinalt. liii1 forttxnn,ýii n Uillil, aid al mu ii i tuty aii 10 Cartil 11scl t Citi lorit- li- tsîs mtifîrubIoneg i 1! tat 10(iuai- itdea of tak- - ! i-f sdizii-illfonri-il llni~ i iiltC iibe:gig;uy. \ih oi fr :l-~ut tc- !att l i uudonor- n-~~~~~~h untlteîlce1 rI-~itu1 eigrant lis t de ia-d on îCce iliii- oîuîîrbîîoiîy cni oo ùg.u cctnlu nfie sittuple et aiiuetilaiii of un titdýeltiicncue i-e 'ct lutttieii t i t hine lnttsr er; oftiliil ati ui-iutdrutiger>'. le bretliti the-ire' ici-ai hCatta,.1tý-to live intier sur Caunidiit uMuxîieipai Sysetn, anI poai-a ,dise igict cf esi-1goa-cru- inmitt veulI l e. foîttuil a becin anti a blese.ing thnt, tsuce ei %vmt oiI iieven lie exeiaîgeti by te lt-ait ima- imliatît le Caîtade-. *itua:- Tt O 1rs ). Ft.4111,1t: EaS ., CAscietuO~-muun taae.-u isw-vn Mit.luuir'- retioval ho iTorontois gu-tirtl numger etfte 0tiunlo h , cf wilmitlis hitt't Icis-tilit casilc- ince ils origattizuutioui. a luargoe tittîti-ir of piseutîl Iietîds etiieti uit bis r.eFi(iiue thii em id-us hreus.ýiti iiiiciii iha itututissi tîlî ils-r l b-evlilenn- itg uihthile iiictiptictt, atuttiis e-. liiabLulagl i>'~zuith îa îitlftisilamaul bruiceicbt. Ii .Worsiti1s Mtyn Met- thnr, ocmil fe lte dolttars, reimîla shuort aldt'esia expressiiug lte liglitcs- teexuin li îichoanti Mrs. liciter are hls itlmli clnsses cf liteecottinniiî> hintng w-itheit>'hav'. liveti se nîcu> yeam, utîi vilc- regî-ehlingite chage, on îunblic attd social gronînt, tIse>'coti- grahmlate li, oetm hua prenutimin, and Ils.Ba Rei self con heitig able te re tain hii, caluebie services. Mn. îMillier -- pus-ml in tseling beri-tu, ttatkiîtg hunion « beil aife Mis. Ficher ands ilteolton J Ilteir c-cty vaîuuitie ittdsi uexpecteti1 gifl, ani tmore înumticulanni>'forn thMs kinît1 atitiisanccempe>-ing it. Ant thioce presoth er. tieI. on. Senaten Sîtîî-1 son, H. A. Bulice, M. P., J. McLeod, Mi. P. P., W. îThompson, Ileeve, anti0 W. K. Bumke, Depnl>'-Reea-e. >lit.csumci. Lsuêtt.Wcregret teb 1 heur oethOee iaucioi y ticat ti f M1r. Wtin. NMoore, youiuest sotiietflion. P. H. Mooreu, oetS. Armanti, - Ile n'as foundl tend on or ticar te moil soie ue tIle e distanîce froti ie nesiideuce en Monta>' i merning. [t auppears taI m t atstarh- es] lu-valulii.herevieus emening freux Steubnitige lii Sh. Artuatît, but (il lsE -ourniiêti) bcbng everettîs b>' faig.fue utîd tecoi, lite perislîii lu>' thieta>'. Q Mnr. Mutine regsilesi i Wltily a fev j >-ear'c mgo tmndîs .l ie. 'tusailn s sa fot-ritii ItOPilar hf-uertif lte Outanie, hiîîu it livre. Mactuî liotînu 0to ch Mvidiatilitail- S c--y. p4ii jij)luiOCMuîrcImnie -li-ll givî- i ol4tîuthie Mifle-n ilailva>' ic-eI titisn tureumdy-, andtîl il,,on hîit-lueiet uguii. Tic by-liu s -flt'~ iîttt>î t nise cîhichl n-hI tquine at eLicIi uLitocf att nidl-tuti' ilusf outhettidollurmn utuntll'foum-twventy >'caro. Flv i cit l iupanJliro. miele i rect fis-,, tatiolls itul tlite uuîi- cipali>'. Tho neerosl t 4abions lia lthe îîu-pIofsl-tut Mantou.vi rs On.ilhitu and Buuavc-ttot, tîîd itl is ceul-W-1ni' sesiî'nll t la q asjliteun iut rcr ut ito IPeople et Marm-ustît by tIliu tiie uttideratens] -s W1a a-tout giviug te blluuatiey nl -> net huy ie~ stîîîc Qî'lusts itîmfnsn.-y au tîiver. tisément lu cthisn colitîcîtts, it yl be seen ltaI ufraud Odtisi l'eens Concert Wihl be Iteitliouthie eveniug O e iti.1 instantilu hem i en- ilS. A gotipro- gramme n-lI be given, 4lii ciita nuni- ber eftallentetlnemfù-fa1Utens vihItake part. AdînzsuCn ly-ýr)5cents. Ci.tsET.-li criLckot club, her., is nov onganiîtgt anti gise promise cf a etrang elevati. Iegulan practico vihi commence trexî vagk. - lie Monînaul Gazzette lias na new dresa vhiai grenîl>' imvea lis type. grapitical.appetnance. lThe type h et home mnantifacture, being suppliet b>' -lie Doimlon Type ktauufachuring Calupan>'. The vrl t it,'Hamiltoin ejectian wes insued on Sehundu>'.i Frit, Chuimkle>'. a bakesmian qu lte Norbheru RÙ aly>, telI between lie can anti vas kilieti, on Me'Pduuy 1aI, 4t Ban- nie,-Ri Hi rmaina -were torwmnieti la M rints', wvitekle ioibrouto. WIille Mr. Chas. Stewaprt, oetGran.- tham tevns4i)pias réturuiîtgfmîSt. lat unig tuches ofthe paWut The. chaire, <leaks,' a N. <Ps -caabj à». being mode am &,John"~;, 0 Toronto, and, itissid, jýi11, exPêfi-a ;tigof hekindi hePove. T aqets und mslttg w. purchbsu au ivili b. laid nex& week. ' TJe obandIli e-a twelve burner-has arrived, au a an b. seau by the. curions at the atoi 0aùfG.0. Grain. We bp np. u onUn 0issue to giye >a 'fulldescription of *1 1building, an4& a stort history oith* EmBateru Star Ledge. W. bhive heurd a gentlo»an dont wheher. after ail, the, aminent Amer fcmandj ilother visitors, mentioned i 8TRE CIcaoeezoLE, WOUlda ObUmlly b. «Whitby on uhal jâa. W. are auhorij ed ta stata positivaiy that, 1 FIReT, The'Hon. Mr. J. L n of Kenituckey, Membar of Congress, an M. W. Grand Sire of the order, will b prosent, and wilI, in th. afternoo opeak aIt tc Town Hall groande. SipcoND,. The Hon, Schuyler Colfai feo Indiana, ex-Vice Presidant of th United States, and iêpresentative t tii. Supreina Grand Lodge, wii be pie sent, antid eliver the "Oration on tl Town Hall, grounds, at 2 o'àioc. TuJiD. The Hou. John W. Stebbeni Grand Master of New York, wl i preseut, and deliver the dedication Ors tion iu the Lodge Boom. - FoURTH. B. H. Morrison, cf Sturgi Grand Treasuer cf Michigan, will b present, ana, take part iu the. cerememie of the. day. Fîvrtu. The. Bight Hon. Sir JohnA Macdonald, K. C. B., W-ill be preseni and speak as an "lAncient Otit Fellow, iu the. afternoon on tiie grounds.« SIXTH. If beaiti permits, Hie Ex cellency the. Lieutenant.- Goyernorc Outari Ã", ha. signified hie intention t bu present. 'SEVIENTH. If public business permnit tiie Hon. Oliver Mowat -liask promnisei te Be lîrement. 171InTH. TlicHon..Alex.iNlackenzie and the Hon. M. C. Campron hava beci iuvitldtajobin ithe celeltration of li aont andi of tiei. day. NiNrir. The Gr-anlloilte cf Ontai lias beûn i;nnnîoîîýedbin ieôt in Wlitbi on th#t day, torio the Grand Siri îp wwckwuÉu m itprgrmn for thflay, anci ail particulara cf Rail way crî-ngenient onitihe Grand Trunk Great Western, andi l'rt l'errýv roads For the Bail, the dcrill shed je beinpj flored, ant tii, Town Hall wiii bE utilizetl for a rcefresiment rmaiu. Dur. in." the evening a reception will be ii.h ai fli.. eonth end of tihe buildiucg, by the American vieiters. The. Bail Commit- tee wili secure ti.he bst muai, ta bc fautid inthie Province for tiie evoning. Sern.- Show of the Union Agricuicur- ai Society cf Whitby and East Whitby. Tite annuai epring show cf the Union Agricuittal Society cf Whihby andi East Wltby whili camne cli ut Brook. lini on Titnrsiia3, ast was weil attendeci, notwithstattding tha inclernency cf the wealliîr. 'Tie. shonw of dratîgIlt lires wvas i'artictîiariy goolI-tiir boing ne fewer titan niitt-teeti tlries-incinding the tlire, yeîîr olds-in ail the classes, Tues foiiowiog je isthe P11IZE LIST. i3îo laliocne entry--Mr. F. Lutitons f; armmtnby, lat. iiaddle or carniage-tire. entries- Jas. l'oweil's 'Henry Clay', lot; Et]. Mdjor's 'Green Mouinlain Morgan'2nd; Wm. lMcKenzie's 'Luxali', -3rd. Dranglit Stailions-nine entries- John Ponton's, 'Scoland's Giory', let ; W. 'M. Tiiomson'i%'Prince O'1 West', 12nd ; WVest anti Storey's 'Heart; cf Oak Jocki', 'Jrd. Tii. otiters were Ant]rew Boys* 'Chairman', Jas. Powell's 'Iobbie ilurns', Wilson & htilitardesons' 'Napo. leon' Geo. Ogston's 'Eani', \V. M. Thiionton's MTine O'Day', Fraucis El. liott'q 'Dnmfresiiire.' Canadian Drang.it-flve entries- t:uLî. Ag-etI IulliLtajiBuî-u;n etîiesi-Juhîu Hebiot, ltît; WuiJ. Rein, und e. MoKeuzie, !irti. t l 2->'eur olti, do.-2 enhli'e-jalîu Dry- dci", Jat., Jas. Mimne, 2ndt. 2-yeur elti 131111,-grale-1 enry-C. Lyttîle. . l-yean cuti, uiî.--iVtm. t. 3r>'tixl, Pickering Spring Faim-. l .e intgfuir Oft hieagnicillunal ,Society'Oaltie township et Pickeing, viticlI came off ou Weduesday inel, vas n-eiiabheuticd. The felqving le lie- -]loti Stilia-î enr>-W. F.-Lin. tons Warmnnby, lot. Satdile or cnniag-2 enties-Jas. Povell's - 'Heur>' Cia>", laIt -John Raimer, 2nd. Dranugil ýSlailion-la enies-W. M. Thommcn's 'Princeafthtii.West'1sIt; Somnerville & Benîbie, 2nti; Joseph S. Thamean'. 'Boit] Buccleuci', ard. Tie chens vene John Faucaîl, Gec. Mittilehan, Richiard Grahxam,lies. B. Armstrong, West & Shone>', Ândrew Bay,v Joua pli Greug, James Lavnie. Canadian-Dagil-4 entries-Joltu -Miller%'.il'hletlevooi' 1eb; Petqr me- Dermott'a 'Young Coukein,' 2nd; J'ai. Tremen, gril. Tva yeam- aid cs6lt, Canadien dm-ugit -1 entm--Ciarles Pihikey, loti Tve yenr oit Colb, satitl, or carnaslIge- l eutny-Jomu Wrighh, lh. Bulhlemîalvet incesJauarye-.871-4 enties-Jehin Wilson, latI; Oea. Mit- diehon, 2nti; JohnMiller, érti. i. Dluli e iveti ince Jaunr>, 1874-2' ecne-G f ititieten, laI; John, Miller, 2nçi. 1Agei Bul-l enlny-Bi-rell & John- eten, la.. _0 lb. Teurnin Sid-Mr. 's7t,,,sit if n e The. report o! the assessor, Mr. Wal. Fi lace, wua bien laid on the table4 ho Te 1 h. Mator'MadJ Couswil c f 1h. be Towa cof WJribr. Suex>AND QENTLEMENs ut In retuznng lie auees.' ment rollioethle town of Wbitby for th. yean 1875, t6 yorotinciek, 1 have secoW-im' in pauietiit byblmis document" asmaeortof in ne pont, aetting forth shoitly for cr ~.information, lhe methieti adepte by me, inùmaking tie ausesment., Pirat, 1 vent overthie - ',yila town nt' tmking down lie seveMrapreoperoisna id suci vaines a were paction them by be the ewuens, tavl*g don. se, I divi dt tics. propenties mb .seven - disetinct ~'clauses for' equalization - purpeses, I lieu valued oeeproperle in oach cf' s,, s lieunlass at aprice. I .utged it coulti ào ha readiiy seiti for icash,' sud the. te otiers I valu.d lunaccpdance viti ltaI, bhilebeing dtie.I vent oer tie bovu a» second lime, examining eioseiy esci ho property unden bhe valuation I liat madieanti evan thon fauntii iltneeesuary Lte make many aiberatione. be My next course.wuva omake ont lie ~sciteduies, exact copies efthle roll as 3'alteneti, se tiat by neý possibiliîy couni lier. he any disarepaucies e ween - thiose echedulas andthle roll, fer I holti li taI ne assessor for a city. or bovu, witever his abilihies may be, eau value 03the property -anti teliverthie sciedules1 as ho preceetis viti the maesementi A,. wthi any sort of fairnese or accnnacy. th bave given particular attention hoi , ieincemes cf parties henelefor, par- itiaily assessedt], is bas been tie un-. den many tilificullies.q x- The course I have taken you wilU ob-. ci serve, in revelnitioniting, as lb vers, ltej systernicarrieti eut i aseesing Ibis to town ton many yeare, anti may b.thiej menscf iucneaeiug bhe number cf ap-. s, peals naIthiecourt cf revision, tôt, wiici )d I yl neotiubt neceive a tain ahane cf hiame, but I amn content te tccept anti heur tat blame until the lime coinsi et wicn te ratepayens -avili fins]taI an1 n incncnsetil asseçsmexit in- htein case docs *~net meanu itcrenseti taxes. on(hi e fantttiig lands, aflen gctling aIllte itnfotmation .1 couimi fremi lredti. La eal f.innters, it anti et of te corpera-( 'y ien, tinil persenly examining tient1 .e tiorongiîly, JI ixel fi maximum anti1 mininmumn pnice per acre, vaineinc enci lefart curefuiiy ncccndiug leate qnalityE o f ltantd, buildings theneon anti position,t -giving'due weighit btaIi, size cf the, tarin andthebb building upon il. 1 Thus tan I daim tb lie ,laid theic foindation' cf a aystem cf asseesment C liere, wiiciu, alliongli lb canuet bc ex-1 5peceIta e b.feunti perfect in ene yenr,f r-wiil do nch te simplify the. labcr oft die ti. csessoi, for 1875, anti enable -hlm ( lu acine meanre te do equal justice te ahl classes. Anti nov ailow me to say, that ici lie acourse cf my tinty *I hava market], viti some interest, viere lie present am-.- seasment act ft; I rend il) beaus bec hieavily on seme antito lightly an oters ; fan instance, a poonr man vibi a salary et $500 a year, vie, from hav. ing * large family or cther cincum- stances, eau banely live on the ameunt le asseasei ton $100 ofthtat saler,1;7 1wltereaa lthe man witi an incarne cf $5000 n year from rentais vixici ana net assesuble, anti an income frein0 mnortgagg,.s an bauk stock cf $500 wicli la asacasabie, is assesseet for only the sanme meunt as hie witi thte $500 e yeur.M Azain A sella B n certain pnoperty f t on $500, la paiti $1000 cash andt akea a nîcrtgag-e cf $1001> in secnnily for puyment etfenii pncpenty, lie interest on Ibis menîgage je not assesseble ita beiniz lu secnnity for real estate; bunt B sella buis montage te C, in wbose Y bands itleIecemnes at once asseable, wlîiclî, peniape, net snitibg C's ideas, ite in turm sella ilto D for nuotien piece et properhy, andth ie lucouxe frein tint proîîenty becomes inassessable, rentais being lunlte liaI et exceptions. Agnin an assessor goes mbt a store witlî a tain kuowietige cf lis value cf gooda, anti sees- avhat lie supposes a stock wonthi $30,000, but is ecoeiy tld tl tint tien, le enly $8,000 ta *4,000 offtb that stock paiti, viici is the enly por. cc tien uaaessable, lu anohher h. may flti th a stock cf frein 04000 te $5000 anti is bold tat tien, le oniy $400 te $500 tu paiti eu-lt. lu on. instance yonr as-M seseor vas tolti thal in a stock et aboutl n $4000 there was net a dollar paiti upon. t it, doing business as il ver. wilhout Y capital. th Anti agnin lie aseessor calia on a sa fanmei-, enquires about lie value et is si stock, wvicît ntsr b. worth frein *2,000 01 te $20,000, andtistaoffereti as ta evaine, g cf paiti stock frein $200 ho $1000, lte 1 censecubivel>', witi bine on rei ink for ni, aseestunent puross, tic original nun- va bers on the sev ,a plana beiîîg left as W tbey ane ah preseut. pr lu conclusion, let.me say thnt I fliti t a very general 'feeling minmonget the an taa enom--th Yor bedlenl -servant, (i -J MüES9WALLACE. hi ad Th, clerk to adbecetêcuclth the andtor's Sp étI hwliius é oenyo for lie neil meeting. of Movti by Mn. Fairbanks, secondeti du b>' Mn. Tionipson, tustthbisvesoluhien ne pasmeti aI lat.meeting, appointing cer- bu bain members cf lhe concil le fanm a su: Court et Revision be recoum'idereti anti rescintiet.-CarrIei. i Moveti by Mn.- Thoimpson, secendet of by Mi. Fairbanke, that the. following ia membere b. a court cf'navision for theen epresent year, viz: Tie Mayor, Mesure. ve Fairbanks, Ring, Blow anti Harper. bb M.Psrguesziouïea'by Mn. HaIei, a moes tint the. falovlng be a court of ai nevîion, viz:* Hile worship lie Mayon, wi Mosm ans Hçer, Draper, Ring, andtihe gL moyen. -N, y Tii. ameutitlent vapul anti declan- fi eti lest. ; 1. The. original imotion vas'tien puat CI andi tiecinneticarnieti. Mo 1veti b>'Mnr.Jarpaî', iseconded b>' Mn.natei, thal biepetiticu ofMathi6aw Collinsanad Fmâcher Piereon besrefemae ho th. cammittee oni streeseanti im. Bi St. Miche's Palace. Tom-enta, Canada, Aprl 23, 1875. To the Miteroet he New Tom-k Heaat]: DEÂR Sia:. 1 beg ta senti yen fer publication lie Englisi translation of our joint letter te lthe Bieieps et Ger- mnu>, lruatiug yen viii give il. a place lu >'onr excellent journal, vhici, belng Mnost extenaivei>' meus] hnougieulthe uvorîti, peUs ilS e011mu111b lite Combat Ion libiert>'. Ina fev ulmys WC, mmii sent a&cp> of lie sanie lter for pub. lýeition te .jeurunas of Europe. lie slî-nggincg Cahiolice of Germauy vaut a cheenfrotni Amenica. I have tho honour te be, my dar min, yonm- meat obodient servant, f JeimisJosst'tîLyNtoj, Arcbbiehop oeToem-nte. l'e HiL'rniuence Car'dinal Ledechcw- ski antd Io the Archbighop andi -Bismopir cf Germcny: Mostf Retierstid Lords and Veneralile Brethers inm Chrisft: - W..the Archbliîeop anti Bisiops cf tha Province cf, Ontario iii Canada, taking occasion of aur reunia uthe eonsecraticu cf eur venerabla brethar, ihe Bishop et Kingston, bag ho atitiees you lu the ieutage efthe Hcly Scnip- tunec, Il Cosifertamini et cstate viri." N'a adimire yeur aposteiic courage, ve aevernxce the prison. mudt]hle cumins bhal viluess youn sufenlunge ton Chist. feu have ciosen ratier te oie>' Gat than mati), ut] tom-lis tuifiluient of youn sacret mineln>' yen neiy upon povers ut] graces gîven yen b>' our Lart Jesus Chis-it, th.Etennai Pasbon cf seule, via eovens Hie kingtiem an eah1the Chum-ci, thnougi yoour mimilebr>'anti mot bhrongi lie minisn>' cf lie p rinces cf thie vort]. The ici>'spirit cf Gcd hus placat] ever Hie Ciurcihisioopu anti nt princes. ]3isiepe are the jutiges et true anti taise doctrine, mut] ju]gs cf wiaI is nigil lu lie discaipine etflthe Chum-ci. Il le lie office cf lte bieope to vatci aven lie aulucahien et yauth mit] especimil>' et candid]ateu ferthe sacret] ministry, tb admit th. enrh> und rejecitute unverthy, toa peint pasters et soula. 1h is le tia bishepe hloue ltai bue prisasare amenablo anr l tliîiigs relatiug la thein sacerdebal undiens. Ib is lthe tut>' cf bishepa te apho]dlii.hgoooilpastona cf seuls andti t gutlin thin in leir struggle viththe worhti ; te reprove, exionl ant even le remove frunni lissacreti iinisn>', inde- pentient>' cf un>' eivil sioverumnt,un>' nriest n-liebecotie unventi>' cf hein- ositijont. pe Tour Lerîlships hiave luefore yonn eyes whutlia iunhappil>' betalien tie Oburci n Enghanti, wiee pensecutiona causeti m-st sciisin andti len hem-es>', andtihe legradahien et the dlem-g>, and profana- eon et sacreul lîcinga. Tour taitlitul peopie, thaink Goti, are net prepanedtho sceive an audet cf hhinga telal>' ah variance viLli the instilutiens et Christ. ile teep>' sympahune ii hîern, te. rivet] as lie>' are b>'the iniquit>' et a brannical goverument, cf lt- bm-neu ut] iegitimtle paetm-a; but va glon>' lu lie firmuess antifailli vitict lia>'con- lemu lthe anacluinus cf their deapebia nilers, viati, iaving nm ia iuing power (mecause net tountiet upon justice anti wuli), refuse aveu sacredtingu frein meiegiaus anti pclluhed mad. W. adxireyoun devôteti dem-g', vite, tenghithein chie' pasters an. shmuak lu auýr acret] persens anti vasl numbeni 5f thi e es birovu inlo pri son for lut>' anti conscience sake, are etill aeithen overcome non even tiispeiised, nI glor>'ilu hein sufferngi for Chrisl'i iae. - -,1 W. are tieligblsdti o learu Iliat aur loi>' Fahen, ta niark île appracietion )f yaur henoc uffenings. for lie faih, ans been pleasedte b ais.ho the Moet minent digmit>' et Cardinal one oftyoun renerable bcd>', tha illustrions Anci. bsiep et Poeon, smilinluchains. "Cour- sge, h sun, meuh reverenti brolienu andi opteesens etf thetib, tie Caholie wrmit behalde yen vili admiration anti ;bries lu you flrunes-. -Einbracing Fon ailibroteI>' affection anti pro- butd venerahion, We are your devoieti ireliers, lu f Jotux Jasnt Lnncoa, Areihleiop et Tononto. fJoRc, Bisiiop, ef London.- Bisitp -ot Tenepta5 Vie. Apos.. eft.1c 3(oved îy 1fr. Msecondeà by Mr. '.Vomsfa t uLt eàneil reselve itsoif mto a courmitbee of biseidiole oh aomînuniaît fM.Go udm. Mr. ~Blow wasDpt in ltihechair whil. 1fr..Holden was heanibefore lhe coun- cil; lbe.ômmnibleathon rose and ne., porecI the folliewing resolutions : M.HRpero,soeconded by Mn. Fain- batiks, movedth laItbe M.myor, Meurs. _O'Donqvmn, Perry, Draper antiHolden, b. rqjuesteýto 10 ttend a imee ,ting la To- robo usday the i. 1h mt., ln mc- cerdane.w;êith e cuest o! Mn.Laid. 1fr. King zmoveti lihaï; the secrelsq tio comnicmte vith lie Hon. T. N. Gibbs, andtimsph Bigeiow! Esq., 'en. elosing a eopy ef Mr. Laidlaw's com. mumilcatien, aise cailing attention le lthe facttht bie corporation by reso. luhion appointeti dëeagates anti voulti b. mosl happy te meet their co-opara. tien, Meveti by Mn. Harper, secondeti Mn. King, liaItih report of lie commibtee cf lie whole on Laidiav's communica- lion b. adlopte.d.-Carie]. Tii. commnittee to whom; was reterred tie petition of Messre. 3oti4 & Iuke -andi otiers, te have Enaliti stneet open- et l ils p oper witl, brougil np tieir report wvich vas remd. Moved by Mn. Fmibanic,,seconded by Mn. Phulp, tbtIth. report- cf, the- commilte. on bte jietition of Mser. Rotit & Luke and ti hens, be receiveti sud adopted.--Cmrried. Maveti by Mn. Fergneon, secutiet by Mn. Habai, thal tbe petition of Tim. oty Cofféeb. relerret le .commit- tee on streels anti improvementi.--Can. rieci.à Tite standing conumitteo cli finance anti assessmentrecammentiing paym.nl cf $80 rent cf Division Court l6 Mrs. Cochrane, brongit np thein report wltici was receiveti, anti-on motion cf Mn. O'Donovan, secontiet by Mr. Han. per, th. cenucil went int committes tixereon, Mn. Fainbankse in the chair, cemmithee rose andI reporteti vithont amntedment. Movedl by Mn. O'Douovan, secoee by Mn. Harper, Iliat tîhe report cf lthe commnitteb et the wioie on thq fifth re- pent cf bte standing committe. on fi- nance eut] asssment be a1lepteil, anti that the. treastîren bc, anti is herlmy in- structeil te puy lie necouns meutioneti lierein.-Carieti. Moveti by Mn. Harper, secoutiet by MrI. Fairbanks, lixat bte Mayor be ne- questeà to appoinrt oune or moee peciai constablces for the purpose cf pnotecting laies anti etiers goirxg ho anti coming frein placceset'woneitip, saiti constables te acl witiout puy frein bte ow.- Carniet]. CeuneiRliteu atiouneti. The German Pnelatcs. ADDRESS FROM THE ARCUIBISI30P or Ta- IIONTO AND CANADIAN BISHOPS-PON. TITICAL RECONITION OrFaxtED- CHOWSKI'a cCURAGEsANDi ZEAL. A LETriFRO31itMita. TILTON -- THE .tL'5S Ettt'Lv. lhe folloviug letter frein Mra. TIl. hou vas hautiet te.Jutge, but vas -'of course not reat luncourt.he letter eund nepi>' une given in iBrooklyn pa'pens. Brooklyn, Ma>' Sm-e. 1875. JUisoitNsîLaou,-I ami e t.pivilage frcin yon for a fev vords iu my avu bhInLb I féal ver>' t.eply'the injustice cf My>'position in theiantiudbfore lie ceunt nov eitting; ant ilii I have underabot anti expecet]frein the.be- giuning Mm-. Evanîs principia lu the. malter, >'el sinçe >'aur lusIt ecisien I have beau se sensible efthlie power cf my> eneuîiie. that ni>' sul cries euh be- fore yen anthe gentlemen efthe jury liaI lie>' bewAste hov, b>' - e divitiet verdict, he>'coneigu la m>' ciidneuna taIse antili-revocnble -stein upon their malien. Fer five yeana peel I haeo been lie vichim et circuinstauces mosb cruel anti unforbunnîe: sîruggling train lima le hume uni>' for a place ho live hononnail>' ant tnthnll>', rleasid for soex nhs freinthe iteyllb>'vie powerncenécioel>' I cniminateti>'m- self &ain anti agmin. I deciane soiemu. 1>', betare you, vihon tsar cf man andi b>' fmibhin Got bt I aux innocent cf bte enimes citargeti againet me. I voulti like totell in>' vice sat]ster>' lrullmfuuy-te acknovledge the requeul taise shatements vm-tng tram me b>' coxmpulsion, licugi ettheame limne nvilliug ho reveil the secret etfin> manniet] lite, vimici oui'lte vital im- portance of uiy position inukes neceess- an>'. I assume 1h. entire nemspensibiiitv eft hua neqnest, wiich le unknon Cot trien] or consel ofeithenSide, eut avait your }Iououn'e imonouraile tei- sien vihgm-eut respect. (Signet]). ELIZABEITn R. ltýTou., THE JUDGLE'5iIEPLY. CIA31teîS 0F TISE CîIY COURT' 0F BROKELYN, N. Y. Baoeuctvu, Ma>' 8, 1875. -Muts. IILTON,-I nldireCteti b>' Cluiet Jotige Neilsho nte ebunyour iot- ter as il cannaI be m-cutI i Court. Aise ho, mînle lit in civil cases coneel have lthe nigilte orefrain tram- ceiiing *jpantic- nIer viluesses, lioveym- compebeul, anti ltaI neithter lthe Court non lue elient eau intenter. vihulte exencise of lthaI niglît. he Jutige aise inabrudîs me te su>' thut lie question vieiiern cuîculsibe a arilues stands on quite noliengm-on- freux liaI cotsitierat vien your ina- baud vne callet anti evon. He vas a ceuipetent vituese 1e tealif>' lu hii ovu bhait againel a hhirti perecu (de. fendlaul), anti vilethe polie>'ofthflie 1mwa va s amm.exteul involved, tiiera vas ne expreass stabule iunbte va>. But theetatute cf Ma>' 10, 1867, ex. presel>' ticlares lie wife ta ho incoin- maen e a wilness fan or agninst ian Tours raspectful',, GEO. W. KNEBEL, Clerkf fCitycout. tc. Sergemut Bates viii valk train Wind- sor te or-ato carn>'ing tbe fiag et lb. United] States, arriving lu tuaI cil>' aboultite 241i cf May'. He viii tale the boat bore for Ouvego, tram wviie place ha. preceede le New Tank. Cm-cs-. îng the ocuan anti landing ln Europe, i. propoese marcig birongi lie prin- cipal caun.tries ou liaI continent te St. Petersburg - itill .cmrn>'ing lie fi ag. Titis is auý extensive programme, anti periaps more dificuit te, accomplisi han vimallie sergeant has ceunte] on, especial>' if lhe approacies vitiu an>' reasonuile isetance of lie Gm-anti River resenvaticu.he iniahitanha efthle countries he prdpoes visihlng vwill ha inalimis tehregard hinmamre as a, na- tive efthe meomi Ian a, citizen ofethe Unitedi Statues. coeê àtlou'u meuh froni telling ils terrible sIen>' of Mr. Beschen's aduller>' andti reacier>'. OnieetofMn. Evekrti'. Mcmt $elling points, se fan as ponia effect wvu concennetin luîlela reti argauenit at liaI ime,- vs's i il as proposeiti legivethe hushandthe i.op- pcrtunlIytle blacken the' tam.c f bie if z 1tl mw eaie- erd in pu againet testifyig luniber ovu bebaif. Sie muÊt dit and hlen tl eran bauti uweaning &a 'her vwomaniy hanoi', soli-tue, lmwyer in sui;o*aucei witiout te poor remet]>' cfaàrepi>' b 8s0 bas. au accnsation. The reporters sait] Tii- Ion quiveret]under 1he bitter vends et' thie eloquent cunsel, ait] cerlall>thle public sensetftair pin>' vas deepi>' toucieti.- - The feeling vus general liaI if lie 1mw vas responsible for se cmul a dis- crimination behveen hushasuani ife lu a mabter cf higliest conceru tea lie latter, lien il vould bé al le ochange the hav anti giva Mn.. Tiibou a chance ho defenti ber asaulteti ciaracten. The. bull le ailov ier testimnn>'failei cf ils passage, sltepublic evo, antilfo rosions vhici ma>' approve theniselves le iavyers. Titen il vas announoeti viti a showvet autiani>tytrisefan as lie plaintif! vas concennet], Mrs. Tilton veulti hbaavedtehoteahif>' viit hie -ceuniel takmlg ativanhage eft hein nu- doubtet i ngit cf objection. This an- nounc.metlhae since heen muade se poste> ani e medi>', anti videntl>' btvi y n r cf Éton'a conusel, tiat thatvaiingniste let the accus.dvwie lake 1. tndie<uil. beyeud question. Yeh v e nslththli.e defence are net geing -ta eau Mn.Tilleul1 Tii.> viii neot aven Off er m as a vitu...!1 Whaht ocs thie meain? Whnt olien vituesu couit b.e se valubiale taMn. Beeciien, if ha is a guillesa mai, autitis veman viti vbem ho i. chargeti wibi hnving eflentet? nH.gays>'. hils ne- lations viliî hem-, so far frcm beiug criuiinei, ver. aitogehhen delicute, pas- tonly, spiritual, anti recpechfui et lier vifel>' digity ; thaI tit e allege-1 itn- proper interviews lie conîmibtei ne et- fence agninat luv, religion, or prepriet>', but prayeti vili ier anti fortidleutliter seul viîiî pions conversation. Non', if luis is sic, vtli segoveil qnaiifieîl as lte emnnviitthum lu iculpati in Itie vroug ailegeti et criminel conversationi ho vipoe>' bi te otions coloring 'vwiic TIbtou givea ho tues. pions intenciangea? Hem- sten>' bld op lhe vihnesatandi count l til et inving a deep effecb on th. jury andtihte public. Even Mm-. Beecbe's' evitieuce secureti ne vider attention or clesen scrutin>' han vonit b. given ho liaI of thie ccuse - vife' bestityiug ou is anti han cviibebaif. If Mm-s. Tilten le net offered the li tietence, te publiecacn dmav necthier conclusion than tintthîe>' tire net risk -blen 'acceptance as a witneei. If Mr-. Beechen is inaocent of lie wvng ciana- et], tien Ibis viiel>' alandenet i vie aitoulti b. given lhe opporbunil>' cf ah lest sheving hem- ane]uss toavear te the facte anti clear ierself frein neproaci mut] ier ailegot] paramour frein infain>. lie tailure et Mn. Beechom-s counsel te do Ibua, on the theor> of- hie guiltlesi- nose, is inexplicable. On.lte tteen>' et is guilb, i1h leaesil>' expiaintid. The Beecier Scandai. -PttaeaEaa 0F Li-,iss.-Ve tinter- stand lie, aaaeseoni, census, jut Con- cluteti, yul show Ibat Lindsay>'iau a population of about 5,400 on 5,500. lic lucneasa e ia-en>' gnatityig. lie Tovn le filling up ; ant iere i. a sean- cil>' cf geeti housas of modem-aIe size anti et mederale rent. Real estabe comints a gooti figure ; building op- eruhions are inise htugu net as impor-t. euh us lal yeur ; anti every . hiug lu spit. eft ho iardti mos p remises aux- s tanlial andi stea]>'grovthinuthe. future -ýýa--growLh ït i i keep Lindisa>' nmong the noat enbem-priaiug anti pro- gressive tovus oethe Province. MUSICOILI. ]Jnacebnitigîlias udapteti comptilser>' cotmmutationi for atatute labour, aI lie nimbe et 75 cents per day. Mnr. 14aibia preposes lu eus-ct ait out- tuteut imiii e-t Itînaciitie, if flic settleé* oft lthedistict niierrt-inae-le en- couinageteet. . Bnuce'uî ge ita agile-ted aven lthe question f umlequnte protection frent fini. Th lng bi uilt ut iitliiîttitn- able int r iais, tni 'mllIy titipruciisetsl n-ith eug tjes, o iur tmîî parauusfor ligbling fi e. hmAdveca-te propnoses lIcer lurtci ut f fou- lciical fine-ex. liti,sîe UXI3RIDOE. Snell, W. lenîn, ita s eux tie incroase lu tie hininer cf parties assesmît iii tue township thiti is believedtihie corpora- tion wl b. entitiedtitve tw epul>' reeves. . CAPTUBE» AND IIREOAI.TURED - Ivo- youug boys-naines] Pierce, ageti raspc lîvel>' 13 anti 11, fan steuhiug $25 fin the desk lu Mn. Gouit]'s griat mili. Aller beiug commithedt]e gaci tbey matie hein escape freinthlhock-up bul vere 4uisequentl>' recapusel. CA&PTURE or A B=Tnisu Surn vT- AOE»smua»uca Os' HALe- usa Cas.- Wasimngton, Mn>' .-lie Stute De. pantuient hareceivet, hliiouigi Brillis sources, information tintt he bnig James Birne>', carnyiugthie Amenican flag, whil, ut Hcve's gm-ou p et elauda, lunlte Pacifie, in seplemben [ast, vas Capten.cý by lie natives antI one hlaithie cmcv murdeneti iil, hle remaitîier escapei in tie ehip'e bonIat . 1e t fafftcers anti setimexffuruineit isla vident te>' vere ail Brilli anujecte, viîici opinion le ual oui>' ceufirmeti p hpeb.Ne-y De- partuxeul, but tie n spicioniisliaI the James Birue>' lean E ngili vessa saili. in,- muter Anneican-colora, angagatin l stleal'iclie niaivei oft1h. gnoup otfle.-ý ,ant viatt, andt ttthe -natives- aul> tdetentiedt hiteselves akninal li mimdi- ena. lie services of lie Amenicun nnvy lu punlehîng lies. savages le n.. tnseti, the :Wfmcadidate <on Montrel West, nMrmaae, v*hbia aise e zandadate1 bas announeeti hi. accept. anc. o! the dednleoi Tht, pelitien agatiine iet ruuf Mn. M. 0;. Cainenon fer East Toannhois been; viîhdrawn. OSHAWA.- Il t salt we herses are in traiuing ln towu le capture lhe Queen's plate, vilic iéato e a n for ah Woedsteck. The. Baptiot Chuncihba. given ài cmii ho he Bey. Mn. Heeper,,vie inas mc- cepté IL h.ei.Bey. gentieman.le ex- pecte t tepreaci nexl Suntiay. He bau Juel gratinate] frem th.Wooetieock In- uIibubf, anti comaes racomumentiat asa minasten cf miuch promise. B«Eua TO k 1&?<UrÂeTMNU CcX- p4iiT.-The by-lav gnanting a bonus of five thoueand dollarsote eMaseox Manufactnnlng Company vas submittei e he people on Eriday, antiarnied. Theevas ne excibement. * PORT PERUT. Mn. G. L. Bobson cf tbie p lace vas eue c the nine successfuletutieuts vhc Obtai4ed diplomas, allite close. et tie elaIe session of tha Ontario Veheninary College. Tii. total assessent fer tbie year lin li place viiib. about #8390,450, or nu incr " of $197,-80 oven st year. The neai property i. aseesseti ah $841,. 075; lime pensonai et *40,755, anthei income et *5,600.. MANCHESTER. The. Bnock & Ssîngog Sprnag Show, heid lien. Tuesin>, April 271h, uas better titan lias beau boini uconnectien vitititcame sediet>' for yenns. BEA.1*RTON. IitLUcVMENs.-Biidttgopératiotts have begun lu gocticantest, nov lice vanu weabter lias set lu. The waiis et Mn. Haniltuimui'iw sttires are goiug up t'apily, anti lut xii te to open luis Mugic Hlul iy a grartd uxenert' on Do- miniQu Dimy. Ge rgeIrclor, Esq., ia gettintg lthe foutîdlatitutof n 85,01)o lieu4. laid,;.Jotin aProctur, ilitto Gen ]P. Brute oiet, icost $2,500 ; D. MIeTdsggart, oeeb.,,tfls, and ti ters tee nneosta- metution. AUli te parties building ln Benverten are able le finisJ wiblîout an inîprovemiettluthe shape of n mortgage. LINDSAY. DEDICÂTIeN 0F TRE NzW ODD FTL- LOWS' sIALL.-Tie uew OtitiFeiiows' Hall, a spacions noin luMn. C. L. Baken's nev block, vas fom-maRly de- dicabeti lasb Frite>', villi the impreg,- elve cenemouies ýisual Opon smci -cca- sions. The lotlge vas an open oue, anti despite tteéînpieasanl veatten tiers' vas a large attendance et ladies anti genîlente-:.. t3 guests cf bte loie. The ceremeny was penfermeti W. Ms. G. M. J. Hum Penn>', of Wlîibby, ussist- ed by lthe proper officera.he services vene pnrtly citerai, tii. nespousea being matie b>' a chtoir> ledl by Mrs. IRoberts, orgunial cf SÉ. AnCrew's Cliuci. Aflen the dedicater>', ceremonices, Grand Mt.eter Penny delivereti au eloqueul anti iiîîereabing attires. in illustration cf lthe principles efthle Onder, anti cf iba wendenful grevîli turing tb. pasl thnee yenv. anticuluni>'. He vas telloveti kythe Chaplmu cf bthe Lotige, Bey. J. A. Murray, in an elequeul aditrese. Bey. W. T. Sinitmehb, as representative cf sister societiet, anti Mn. W. CaIting- humn, as au Ot]tieiiew, madie felicibone nemanke. Atter the. cioef et i.pro- ceeding, the membens oethbie Lodge an- tertuineti Grand Muabten Penny at a fine s1upper, continobetiou tezuperancu prin. ciples, aI Beusen Housa. lie chair vas occupieti by Mn. E. E. Haudenson, X_ G., anthie vie-chair by S.Perrin, V. G. lThe usual loyal toaste,-"ur Gqesîs," "Thi, Ortien," &c., vera pro. peaqt ant i tnonnedtilis closing, et a sçasenable heur, a veny pleasaul aven- iug, Tii. nev Hall vilI rnnk ameng tie meal couvenicul, spacions, anti at- Inactiv, lu the. country. Nbw York, Mu>' .-A St. Louis b. desîiateltiusys Fletchier & Ca-, hoavY b- pom-' packîrs, have failiedwvih total lia. âý bilih,, etf $400,000, anti issets about en AISPELL.-Â spelling mehoal wvI ib. t orgnized lu Port Hope ehorbiy, be- hyen the yon- g ladiies andtihe young hi Tite spelling nignia ita brolcen cult àI 'f Picton lu lie mail maligunhtaninr. La- g firi ,develapuxeut vue in lie Baud -o! tl ôme 250 muiers.e T hey have châjý- ti lengethe, W. h. Assoiciation, a gag e-J4 assemblag-e about 800. Book. stores -N are teing a brimk businees luinspalhing. a- houka, anti sverythiig bld. tain fer a fi livel>' time lu tite Tevu Hall on Fnrida>' as evening nezt. -Ef . lime Carliel treopa in Navarme areS saidt l hve pronounetdinlxfavour of sibiusston le Kxig Altenso. Aschoner- cleanet tfram Godaici c: an Salunta>' viit wi.al fer Clevelant, E being the finaltieparture-Ihià seaeen. Si lhe New Yank, Kingston, and] Syra B cîîlse milva>', -le construction et vhich toultw li llionis, -vaesoéld-Sattpndayh maisft 5lis4,,.. thi,.rj -__ muoýr anemt, sata iiu.LuaeuAe3%UUI M matie ho prevent an>' intertenés5ce with the Amanemun ifieuen, aud the v ywuId have no eaen te cemplain oftLi a open- allouof-lhle en mny othe lav. ' D)READFUL XPLnOSINorIN 'A Coex MiIoE-Pi&OEABLT Less orTmury LnVZs. plosion eecurre jeshbrda> atterneon in lie Bunkén's l- coiliery, Nerthr Staff- ordahine,wville i nerueremhvowrk. - At midi ilIvelve bodiies iamtibeen laken eut. Tvenly -titee men are ye- in -th. mine. Tiers leno hoperts mnyr ef lhém 'sitbe mrecovere& e]ive. gOUEsoHrxer11NS.-TiOe e vi- aw. in tm habit ôf buying plaàt e holses kmev iev fresh, ati4výdesicatIy green the>'Io* w hen liey aren euh, anti iov apt lte ara e tireep iovn afleérvard, freinthé eaffect ai th. cinge firox thFvrm melel air cf msoues ho lie dry atmosbhere anti trmughte of tha sihing reaux. It lashateti ýif lia plants aae nvalopoti.for, a 1ev dàye lu, lin- soft- paper, leaving au openîug ah ltie tep, -lie>'vill becoma ecdlimiatad, vWi*tient feeling thi- change., Sprinki lina ?eaves deil>', on boti mîtes, witit a I hie. viicimay'bsi sutmeoso mgeuuu, bprosperll>' avaits tieti. la Mexico ho be Annexeti ? 5- OUrToqinoven on the.chier faide areM =tici eaileti on lie eubjeat of mexican raiderls, wvli is leed, cross thée border anti plundan iin Teimes. Tii. 'acconus, sfurnnied b>'the. mneri- cane, shew liaI sati' ahnoctes bhave beau committuti by lie fexicaitaibut thiy are all se very-bad, anti se exbeed- in .gly uuipnvoked, liat, lis Tender sh ionce bagine tq Su eeel bat if Ithe Moi- ica acouns o iesame transaction werèe peruseti acboederable difference 0 bevean the Ivo veulti be discovereti. -Il is - .ven suapeebe t liaIfor varions iramons U. 8S. Grant -voultibe rabierý gljiofe'an cpponh;unilybof emplcyiog the Yankee and at of direating pub. rf lie attention'ho se engrcsumng a subjeal se' a Mexican van. - Hov thie ma>' bc ve cannol eay, but canalt present mene-ý y givathe reports as'lie>' appear - lu tlpAerican papars. Tiey areý as- Opthsfroni Taxaà, give atidihi-, taliiniments of the cubages b>' sMxcan raters. Dr. ,Loveli, nu -. eld ax q rcmcnenh Teins(Cti-en, vas sur- dcineet l îeis ons. ahstCarnitizo,,on hif 'Oi lit., b>'eleven Mexicacis ani meroil, A matinameti George HIiH, v e ming phrsea on lie 11h -mals., 0ap<.upon a camp i et Mexicans vie ~ieed hue. oeo Mexiam citizen. d! Texu e ee recently murdeneti lu lie pssnce cf liai! failfles: CaIlle are M ý ng to D',an theb aciersare m ev- agin olv. 9Troaellinig has aimait sq ppeti antibusiness lu muai deprees- et. Prom - reliableieloremation il lu st ted liaI almosl even>' rancie miel bmp'ed is crevded vith azuastMaxi-J cà o. riFor vint purpese they oçre therd it ýs net kuovu, anti iev nany ' mea deubîful chanactens are concetiieti in! tue tlîick ciappanal vie affortig safe' neýreal le hardt] l sa>'. A criisis g clos. _ omîuxîo FIATE Ot'A NEcuHO MUcmEIîEtu. LI .4HURLuun ONvust A BaIDEerAXI) DP.stEu s Pc puss.-NasivilIe, May .- Tl,ýe nigro fient Jea ]B'ed, vite siol atnti kîiesi otficer Fraser, for interfening %výth l>itin lu hipping hie vile,9 'vns sùîee and liuitiidte jaii. lTe ecite- niýrjt gnew more antimtue intense dur-i luý lte aflernoon anti evetîing anti cul-j minatd ut hait-paI elgilto-niglinluai Llul-ge, exciteti crcvt gatien.ing in front- Of~ tuie juil and desnantiing the keys frein thte julen, Hevenen, vite reftseti le give Ilium up. Tii,>'tien immediately at- tapked lie building, fonceti an enînance, anti ah hait-puetthefu o'clcck, atten forcing epen four ieavy mron doons,. succeadat] iný neuciing tie cel lu inwici the tnegro vas confinet], tic deor cf vici vas> brjoken open. THE LYNCEtXG. Reeti vas seizet], a nope, fasteneti nnznntiis neck anti itimiedti ethi. Suspension Bridge, from wvici ho vas ti*cvn, vit the intention o!fianong ifa, but, tlemnoe brenking, he fel te lirocks benentie adistance of et ue fee-l, anti frein theu'ce imb the river. H. vas shet once on lteWva>' t, anti again ut the. bridge. Hi. body>' le net y t been necoveret]. lhe al«rm vwas gi veni on lie final indication cf -ret, anti a l arge police terce vene seultb eh ,a 1, but v'ene soon overpoverati andti latjvcn ava>'b>' lie nietena.,The, jailon ani ii.assistants tii al l n heir-pover c te; resiattheii, îback anti protecl thein tIoAT ABOUT 1i tacu i-Major Wood, t' Vf Lexington, seema ho bc a determineti v sort cf a penson. Bedieving 1mb lihe a %5ýs îfet i.Revolution hmd beau cioset]-c lonsg eougi te rentier it jpnneceisar>' ii tecpneserve Itolile feeling longer be. ii tvpnEultd tiAmenien, hactiecor. im att ilus iuse n l-nIIhe day et tue nccenh Ce:ttennial celebralion vili ýenîvinet]f fink c0 f lie tvo nations,.uhecnr et lieu he placet] amedalinen cntrne b sa4viti olive leaves, antiýBeaning tep Il simple incniption, à"18175."1Hea] lîc ughl il a ver>' prett>' va>' cf; hovi'ng n thi t tie tva nationswvicia md openeti p val rviti oaci obiar oee iundreti yeans . agcb are nov United] anti friençlly. AUil througlibisa dayA is banner. ver. un- I ditibd a in the evening ao wae h infermnedtilt a apart>' cf rougis, vies, pntrielic instincts vene aggriev.ed atah le diapin>', vere comlng t tean tovn lte Briihflng. Tie'Major took frem insi hai an oit]"lever musea," vlxci iad s1 becp picketi np near hie ions. a eentuar ago~ vaiketicul upen hie deer cîeps, his vh te hiinb istin i ethmeenliil, nue as lte mb i aIted betare hli. -B, a Bai4 te lieux, Feilovs am arnaare oh il, - t le -I - a a it id, hei ons - n n Roi Rau si lis Sh a t: tetL cf bi- tes nhe S hi ti vnu dois élie es i, tr1 abas u N' - uifî et.e Ah offe Ne ver paper a -vaîll aven elti paper a"ma pi-mIe. Alvays ecrape tovu han- ei'l. Oit papen cube gaI off B'b damjtei ng avilin' aerutus anti vater. lieu M-e £ ver allthe cracks efthe asaU ivibi phtL02e etO Pare, and fi:nuil>' put on n vai et ofi Veak'solution, et canbolic acit. lie beà.'t paste le Mate of rye 'foeur, witi tva iounces et glu. tileseie lu enci quart J'al.; halit unce; of pcvdenei horst ïk-proves lie mixture. Au ouken colon e-. - be given ta nov, pine floons ant abe% > vishifig tient in a Solution of coppê, ras diseolveti in lye, a paunti et the torma, en t a gallou of th. I-alen. ltPeu a, -, shoulel ha olleti, and it viiilook w i11 fer a >ear ,or 1v0 bien renew the oeLa1. A'set-heaietiyouli residii,,,z lu San;,. gemen ecount>',-111., 1lias gom ,mielan- chai'y mmnfor lave, ô! Beie ýZ.utimr, im-aughh on hy readinWher evic,1ein m tie Beecier tInl. Omèismgît; -ouin. l>' 11emade, a elunas>'figiurà cf Ihie' *5W. clothinganti caried ii frein- mcm b&ÃŽ m-coin fer several heur. Plally ici, kicked lbtidovu tva fligits cf- elaian&, nt' mb bithe ceflar, yelllg as he 040otia ne lie taoonfetlilittie apa*bment: '."Wýb>'- Besêle, yen tumbletidkswn I _1I]%nt . James Russell LoveR,4ln a paper hin- th. North dmerican Retiew on Spcn. ®r, gives lie definition et classicu "6A ilmesie le propeni>' a book vhich main. tains ibseif b>' 'fuIaet fthat hIîppy ceai- ecenceuce of matter anti style, liat iu. mute anti exquisib.e 'SYMpali>'9 betiveen the thugit tint gives lita anthe tarin which ceusants la evér> Moti f gu, .ut] tigni>', wvici ceauhosmple viti- Ounîbeing vulgar,.elavateati iieulbu- nug disant, antivhnich i.sesmeting neitier anciext-nor modem, alva>'s ilew, anti incapable et grevlng ait]." OuITuIocîaPUIeCuL. - A Young man frn lie ceunIr>' visiteti anacf Our-; îeoksteree yesteria>'for lie purpse cf murchm.iug a. tietiotiar>'. UHe vas- "hovu the voes cf vavricus mutions; but ion. aftheuxappeared te suit hm. -4#An i.e vends aint lu hie ena,"esaiti]hat SUniu e nunabridged Webster. "'evie liat?" askedheelerk. i"Wy, essiehun mint there," said lie iay-s.ed. Tixe clark, teck lie books anti -shoeoti hut h. vend Physician. 'Wast nov sait] lie feilov, "vho'i evei 1mb et o Io oking for fessisifun among he p'.," DAMAGES e-eu MUnmLTjN.au î.-Woob]0 Steck, ont., .&prl 80.-.Thje caau cf Balla v. Dul>', an actionfor biting off ÃŽlantif' fingen, lerminatet inià averdict ®r lie full ameount alaimedtwIo tons. and t]alar. The HoD. If. Camnoron defentieti, mudMr. Jônues- of st', Mary's, aonducteti he case for the, plminltff An Inihumu vritiog frei Cigomù:., my:"bsm lleg'an ceunfthi.The e]b are. as -big as dimixen pes ihila tii. lieds ara e uetifor eeaoslu reeke vith-one imop, ant lie>' voev çtiti twaoOn hein bua7ka."l À mUnve>' l e a homaie cf Nanei suTrannîuHirharsrby Mn.Hme uder instruction, eft jhe Public Wenics >epartmanh, afler îoni'petingwvici i. 011 procect ho routa - anti naka au, 3amninulion af-liat mm-bon. Somce excitiugeene fok place in- ne aHoua. Of Aseemb>' et Nova Scella. liher, vas final t ofaila lie vote 1upan e m-ilva>' question, aiih vas sehîlot i>' 16 Speaker'. dlecialon. -Anotion cali- tg1 upon tiie epeaken-lo reelgu, on the rudeii.iccMpeteucy, ivre lien- mrnieti b>' u vote cf 20i te 21.- A WRIsTsa SXru: - "Hav mat>' oes kn vxatthe bm-antis onhe tees 'Lü aHvaacigans nen? lTme laes Rcgunlia Loadreas, Drnas, anti & ntr'esras; de net refer ta quulities -- )ut to stzee. hequalit>' i.,it .caet )y isperfiac, fine, euperior, anti bum~o. fadure mene tint1h. tohaeoivay lncong, auctere fc- tiat net 5s0.slnang Colorado, fr m odiumn, anti 0cler ,fo 'The résnidence e! Mn.r T. Beale>', Cen- 0e Street, St. Catharines; vas enterei- y iurglar. Ou Sunda>' nigit turing me bsence cf thi minates, butthe et- renders vera Seec" b>'a neigihour uic 9ave he alami but failetoi apprehenti Aý feartul figit, reuiimg freni n mu- mi>', eccurrati en board lie- Schooner ýeffaersn Bardeno an-ber veyaga frein aass M ai rc

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