Whitby Chronicle, 20 May 1875, p. 4

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Naý- tof tihe Dominion, ai thse I«kfg u ai làgetracts of land la tiha hani f popIr4orx, -Whoo do neOsing te Improvo thlwk roprty, and tirrive by th aISr fet tii saers. CAro @u4bctlon b>' tho Cerernonet te provent nueli boco)misig the case', b> etrngntprevlàsionu, wliiclz wotild uakie ilc npeculations impossible. or unpro. --ftable. Ilt i e bo1pedltirat none t actesl bonaflde seittler; will bu allowegd ta locat. landi. l ie f rtjîs, laina ta the w.sê of Fort àarry, and. teat tilles- te lanid whlcla snot occufleti and in- pràvod wll Iapse. At &1i oent soine actio liolio,rbo Iukeil ta psýeveît a ru- e srreneo o! se condilioasof affaira ina the )ioozfli-Wost siuliluer tu tiraI whieeh was oa great un obstaclirte tthe pro-'reas of -Evûry i ,toriessi student, says Vin ~tZecupwill bu glrsd lu heur that tl ngllh lovcrnseîît, tirouglisthe roubie Il(srcirdOffice, ,sow ousiclÏys au agent ili i sxti c oleta atk eafor L'nglibli ll)ltryj'roinrtires Errlîlva ortit)sVatica il. %Whüru trorquent w"e *fi t ni 4e ta tire 'Papa oto p rîslt4ho ln visLsigation, Ilii. Helinas liberalty irornslei.very uomslrtssnça ira bis power; bu(t ailtostacles würe tlrow in the way wlili provenled tire realizutien of tise oirqo. Tlirose'liurî.raîrcos, wo aie happy te bc tIno tea tate, have bean elTetuali>' rssneved by tirhessios ex. crtions umadie by C(ardinail*anning on is rueceulviit ta hlcssrre, asid lhuis Pro. tostasst Esîgisîssel owe. a prii'iiogce never Iiefro uijoyeui iry issu' unationti l i e-b Isirs report jwi4ssul etts tisI ero WwsEt uIcrease of 14,0000 acruers sîsîier vals sut barlscy iii frelangl li -1874, 7us coropareul wlihi 1W,711;ea l ecrease of1Ile. a=$ ero under greticrop.4, brut a ler. ger yioeiri; aec kriessu of 14,tfri> acrots undler turisipis, sanilo!f 10,00f) crùs un. der fluez; asn luercetese(if 20010 scren uudur.wLùast, .5,00 lur. ulir CU..sstbe, sella 68,t)(fli undçr Ilaye3'. U ni uîajiiira lnt tire ferruers, iiy ieLluwiug WLcid stegrew uuetheseckei, ecas ami ato Ilueinro! absout a millions ani a liait sterling lier At se snew-tigr cftraCOasiersil <!tise Otitarlo itiie Arec îtitiîan, lhein on Tues. ay, i il wer trh-ue-Iin tplre tise rssgte> tire, yliîlee nucamps e irirg hli-h t o. Iue. 1< ¶/i i hec s i-i te ad tu tiV poceeie c ae suctruls opolr to esevab-7,y oily, tsire i iiiliir to tile "Liecel tititt lu îrroîr1ir 1e Isirtsriale ' irAtr Tlire tisiiure-of utlifi h-I vould ssot tlisa>'iverîit eut t slcoriiit toransie ris ver'> lite lrur'reh'y fl<~--Vli int fr sa hiiger 1 , mi nI iII Iliti feit h-ialet. tioisses wuuld Irispreveilterl. UAY.-. ni uxcrifesu!Arfufer frein i 1en" ws'ong iwlict t i hieicys :ilwire ici purltaprs, gesseraîl>' sjc e'rehslg, n n ssfcss, s (suie yoeer isswliléli t1irs, Iearît>' and l lveli. oursesof'naurer ris)se rtrikiisgly dis. w14 ie n ltio4. 1h51, sec faer, t1re se' te )Ileirtrele M' l urs Toirus issulusscirre se liet scecrtid i-iîtîsit dei'sfrals. gsanco cviiIlicil beurs tcist te louok lfer 155 055f 3'eîrtiiIs SCr055.'lie-vo usoue gieucsti cf coiseleslion, lisewue--', eft. l'lss iltri(t icei iiiliinh ii uiirsgte' t tinfýte hies rleiletiesr tîset Wr5'5e e'-als-i Wi ll scueçCtl sre- eler-rel iihlreess tee- recul lin brce- icisel l se injee esufie ;L-Il, uni s uci!tiielvr . i t ic-1e be-ssicl Aitr, ;lig ire eicec1iurvn t-r ,rreaj.tlyo 'iIlOtssrico liii a ligeu' (o<f twestiy- russie tlIrecýIteIr-, lellhi sleiat leuI-t Jllu iro 'uet'.ie i 4olawri,- rise) e tuîv ueîlll4 ueftnwrlw lnse-seu'eest seliY esiwsinles 'se iý-e- s<r liii us'. -Croeocilu- rae i rre tie lI-t ic,,irt ln I riti. ,"l 'lrebs are, tIrer preîlr-riy o! ss) iti eriserur, asli re tîiissu sIîs sejerslu, lillyfin( 1 Oentario. Thoe serUrs,.ires abesi lirîgth, n ise> r.i'jeeys sre-susuiieys 1 A girl sernauserjlin ira lcture scieriencu II lIit iflýi riri'eestiy ;bers ail tIOse tsr gIiNssrrcariid ; 014111 gu'ueral consterna. tion and astrIs ifor Iluir e nsuosi -i pîsopire were irriisoti, cietîses ter, ni, dtt tire jeosbi wsa eus pitioi; andt IlinIlwns isseortainesI ClintthIea firt -ocreaniuer- unI susei a rat. Oneor h o! iemst luinrsg robirericesever y porpetratcrd wau coisîrauttueti lstwcen ono susîuithrec o cloct eon Fitlay after'noosî luntire jowsslaory establîishmensst cf!1B. L.-1 htood, onuJBroadway, Ereast Albanyi>, N. -" Y. Mr. lisseil bt t1isustore -aboulit ie ie cock, andîlones ie retuirue settlsrs-'.ueuuri lis seje roeuthie, ai( rinu iOlul (r Io 12000Worths t of orl gons-.- IlIre urZ1giters obtaitueil seraouitrancue front au slýjoiisisrg buiIlullug 1»' csttin ' hlîrourgil fli cWall$,. Nesu t tIse10,i-eleurs. IFvidence'acsresîîsiaea hat the ýNorth-wt JlUtteil.od>uliceeForles imi u"Il:,", (I'ih4izesl cendlition. DIavidl ullnîîstono, a suesul r cf isa force, iritestset t1eisî usala arc eiying of lirvitiosl,i, asd ttsise s'ervoy slusîci l atliiead wihîtire treatîrcuit tisey ru- auive. Tho, wirole irbody lu çxpeçtctl tes break Ur at a tumionan'snotice. 1 nillrn beutii1itiis sre stili tise bane of Tire writ for Centre Toronto ectirusi liras l ben Au esil. Tuo nomrination ilu ppoint.ed for Fritia', (lhe 2'di t. Tire Hon. William Annand lins re- llrcdi from' tire Novia Scella Goveru. Ment, anti beon tuccoaeui b>' tIsa Pro- vineiltSicretarcy as Prejnie;. Mri luXe. Klnuonl, imber oethétise smiy for Antîgoiisilr- hicsliou taan .4rte ire The pir o! Strrabourg Cathesdrai is no longer tir. ýiglsqstjlu Europe. Tire gte p le of-thu Cluiý4 o! St., Nýilirolas,, nt Hanrburg. mast comnpetci, is 472 fect lilghr, and* six fet iiglie.hscýtramtira -f Strzabouîrg. By thé ~arrivai efthie sciroer Gaspe Laos aIt a eirartlcniars -havC eaue reclvc o se iios of tir' e igautue Orient on ftut 22nsiot Novelubor hast, on lier voyagé froua Neowfonnlland witli floue, Only tire tata andi one salor Th~ie Post OffIco Deparîuit liras de- cidç4 te mnalcqau amûuai alowance of 0 100) te sU sarrA$rru conneceetiwili tire fies postal 4elivery systena, for tise Ésur Chseof ntoruns, ane fitoer1iolo! tire Cicago, Tribaune, tbt the ira ulk of!cottoî -le pr~Iodur4 y white laboeukiu ourt- 4icsauý,egloiîs orf the Southrwliere thoreareb ut fuiw-negroas ; tiraIdtha ne$gro, o tias tled--cgioms-lirane dter' e-ions d1 e ftr ya.riutil pIsiters hày ocoo lastndisheartenad, anil lâ Ù ihs uiminsied oui% À N01W and Hoauti4il. elecelS tookr to be md at vio4wpriee, Theboit of 'Workmn kepti ana~ good its giaraatued. CLOTII S3OLD 13Y TBJE YABD 1 <i nhInTP Oshawas, Apri 8th, 11175.: 16 cÇAUTION 1 ,MY1tTLE'NAVY, NONE IS G.ENUINE UNLII,88 STAMPED T. &:B. rsTIIruu Anstuc iplntls i MIrATuouus ON TH 1IinET. F,.24, 1875. T 1110,QUESIII iIOTHL, TAYLOR & MbcANN, l'I01'tIiT0ItS. Sils uderoigurerl der-ire te lniem thir friru»ids and tise publie that thuey live lichen tihe aboie we-l knowuuIlotel, wlsiclî tisy lhaewiy tltC'e-d uîr and relsovaed,rana put 1fSite thre Lest ut! srdsur for tire uaccommcoda- Clou o!gîusstsi. 'l'litl3ar, wliiî-lat is e baud. iiuiruest lut tha e ssnty, 40; wel suîîplied witie lire fluent lraaiel sofwissîs, liquris, and ci. gars. Ample euelcsed slitd reirss ana good easlling, box etasils, &c, hJr-sched rooms for comtrrzseriutruvllierui. J.P. TAYl, li' 111ILIP'7h-AN laCs uf Toronto, r P Wlfl J rY A" D iPORT ER1Y -E LXTENION 1tAILWAY. TIME, TABLE No. Il. Tain., s o4 r-t iq Mcuda>', Aprrl E!, 1675. Tasr s e'Toronitutinie, wleirh is twesi- ty-twu uminutes slowir thrcu (.T.l1. tise. TIIA5NS cOItNÃ"UNITrs. Wltlry.Jscsetics,depart 9.,13 i an .717 p ni. whl ........ .50 u., .7.21 pai.rî. Jirook1?e ...... 1010 rusen. 7.43 pmn MyreîO ...... ......10.28 nIlsi,.8.0f) irun. *,Sqttnit .. ........11).42 ams. ,12 Pai. Mnceser..... -1.5 a.nc. 8.22 ,rns. l'<-ir'u, Aler .... 11.05 a.M. 8.32 p.ms Pur-t 1erry..arriva 11.13 a.m. 8.40-1). Ponrt l'en-y.. e eperet 6.00ni.. 1< psu, ilrusenAlb5ert.... ,09 nies 1.49 5i.iT. Mnchseser.... 620armtes21x11 ps.1 esurnieeL 13....risse:j . 21:3 upa bMlrtse ... .. -.17 ism:s.2.27 lirai, l5rncnekiitl .... 7.05)as ie1. 2,15 . wilsic5y..... 7ý5 .ir. 3.15 pan. Wlritl>y Jsututou, arisesu7.'40 nues. 120 lîru, 'littfeerns sîteioces. reeleenutop eus sig. niches ussi> G. T. IL, o st w heesey;YlitP- e t-r itiuse stit eofier Uxlrerîu"ec 1e)1elî-ireg uscvigafiaen wiàlu secese'reierI ui-les>,1eslesi leeslsg, iii siuagiseg Direceor. ;. A.rr -t nfe-- iniiie- S ieri e o .....e ...... .....u 2 ir; ci~'reieineee~ir- -euenee n-. 0. I25 lu-ne . cc e r-e e i. ............. 0 10 4. mllelicie ce h--n esurice' liîeencc o'-i lie 1 neff da. d-rijli,-eî,- 0e e 5. .iegi- iîkiiul; esee-i-Le) -- 1 eue-rie-o e iIeleeo eceîirere- ................. e.... ri. Atti-rilrîg Jiîseiiees"'ne - raere.ii cerleeor1e'xeunieîeureenof rîti- lislesrd eliarguti wiii Crise, fier seuilsday ne-serarilys-mloeds mrssere, ir i-re nc-aer, wlre.iî uret encgeged nuore t5titi toCeue- fis.. 1 (0 7. lie. de. whîen etigagî-d slsure tirrie tinser s.. ...... .. .,. ». -' -7 - 150 8 it(!]L(lug ANk;lzes r0; snsesis en'cli s y........ ...........i1 5 o.MisegetriLvelhinig tira ttend As- osz','uîcrsruei lxfre Jsîetje-î' (lrluisicielie csvsrnee cisiee trîke-se, îeuly rieeecnile deee5ui-ee. irseri4teue ic u'i.......i10 1.srrsrseionitug Jîsry fori'Coe-neres' Itesueut, burludling eliig st nuun5esmreut, ansi nshl servin-usinire os- pLetut lîreut, iftbeld oue nenmse eh> U4e bey 1§1liuneuie'ii........... 2 10 1.Atternii Cealeiad' rsljer lare ni-et tîsrorae, iftiret e-ue'gageducre thaus lu tir lion" 1........... 19. Do. do.if ongatgeorscreclirin te-cuse .iheuru ....................... 1, 11. ervssi surniuicns or su 5e-r il sttosn leatMONrsr iiuer liueiljc-t Nie 10)....................0 27 11 'sern5i r'- eierg insu-.....-1 . lu 1-5 L~ euiissgibody' Uresîer- Cese-cirrî wur'rit - - - --... ...... c... M.liIe-hiir>,iîcg rnne'- - --.........2 0 17. tle-reiusg ilire6i; were'nuet, enîi r-. ttiri'ilig siersie'.................9 4is. 'uivi-'itirereg rruer diiie revar- rat,.................. 0 191. Travehlling teuler duee'itreie, or te cre-l reli.froeiiitee icekediriireee, wîrsn use girceir uK re tuee5si ... a 1( 20.Aeîseueo'en wloterirîy one r eri 2 ce-nti misirtheen,it, oer tîieeeniie of ic , o- rel 21. CatalrgettissaleLaid comranmiin, lei i Picc'yiIgrodrit S < te n 22 ' E-urirgei-cir wileriLi .I - *23. Sereiusg eeticce uni iCent 1.J.,ifAC)ONEL, - Cheik ot th ira 1-c, C. 0. Wlisiby, Nov. 17 187-4. ieî-47 DR. Baforo Taig ft ld . SPECIFIO MÈDICINE Cures au hYcrycus Diosesucli as Tremors, Debility. "utu etac., wiih, lunîany cases, are piedcesd ble>rs indulgenue iii Ski une ci tobliaco aud suce- hboue spirite ; but lire Speeifie Mudicinle la morOeNepeclily reeommnendcid as au unfail. lnngcure for Seminsi Weaknease,oissper- mistrrlaen, Iuuîsolcy, sud att <sasses $baàt foliaw as, sqqueôee e! Self- Abuse, as Loue etai tcmory iiUnîvarnal Lasst.. tnde , Pin lus -ige Sack, Diese of Voison, [arcmnture Oud Agis, red innay cier diaeissostbrct laad tr ioJîsulsuhu'or Censamptlon 4nd îe l'resntlrtirave, ail ci whuir, asule rule arefist eaaed b>' devmtiseg trursth ir alle ut naueara dover indulgence. .Tire Speoifla Medicine la tira reanit o! a Ilite sld>tudyman nsyîarss ut exporianca lu trealhng tirise spocint disertes.. Fuilpartru- ,iarm la our painiilert,'w)ileh ivo desira te son [re b> milt e -ry one. ' , ~Ti aSoilice Medicinre il;solt b>' ail Dvg-, ltaI1poe packae, or six packuiages t oi ndcwil arsn ail un xeetc f ire- sons> e>' addrosanng e e - Windsor, Ont. ~TOpK. StfJPPLIED. V--wa B R0C K ST RE ET, (Ne'u1l)Doer Nol-tiro! Dominion B: TMEE MUDGE & YARWO1llGO. MANUFACTURE THÉ CELEBRA.TED AMRICAN OR<IAN I Specisil notice la cullcd bte e.follo-wrng styles susipricose tyo, uWeinut Cas,$140, in Eesonant Case,,with Crigs 10 Style 16, in WusIrut Crise, $5,ieRsnn aewt &ixs$" Stylo 7, in e esnant Caso, $175, in saine -..eue-wihCa ;$~. Style 9, lu Resonanût Case, $190, ieaine as, '0 J:,iay$2~ Ail macle o! BlasckWsenut, pannaeileti, with rcvfolvingor siigLcr broards, containining ail the latestirrprovements, ncal e d elegunt>' firaishad; accurding te pnice. ALSO, YARWOOD'S SMÉLIODEON OiRGAN." Iliaudsome libsewood Piano Cases, highly fiished. Style 4, $150-; Styloe6, $175 ; Style- , $200. - Thoe Melodeon-Orgaus,ýPatentod 1878, are mauufaotureasolely Js up and crin oruly bo proceuredrfrom us and our Agflet.u- Trtile Mark$s andaCases Raiste.ed1for ur .soul as. À"e 1 54af1 s PRINR SUITS- TAILORING-, C0M'PJj]TE Choice Lots of NTew Goods Suitedto -the Seasdn! First-Class Tai1ori'g at Low Prices! -00- English, Canadian, and Scotch T.weeds, Fauey Vestig, Fiine Doeskins. A Superior Stock of Roady-Mgde C1othm*,g, Hat$ nd Caps, and Geht1eîne.n' t Fuishingo, o"' f ail kinda. - Leoave your orders-a good -fit'gUi ranteed. Whitby, April 04875. JOHN FERGUSONf, . Dundas-Street.1 ',BYý EFARI Colle ge, lIASA BEJERCOURSE 0F :INS$CIN And furniShes Mous SITUATIONS for Youný e, , ,th n ai the othler Colleges i iontario Conilined!1 Ro.Aies. Msckenzle, Premier of CAnada; H on. Wm. Mcuadte,Preldent CsniidlaLn B3ak of Cmmrce; Hon. Tolm Crawford, leut4èvern of 0ntprio - W H.LHowland,, Presdant Do 0,9n Hoard of TrWie -Hon 'Jbe-.itIWai o Mb»& X~Gibp, Çaliswa; Wm.Goo0dor aMIE Bgc f Trontd; JI Austin, Esq., President Donion Bank; Honm. LE4àyar Cinru ruiat rxo*iiI&Z!ur mu Co.; Hon. Jolm MeMurrlch, Pros. Donion-'P4lbgrp0 MI.;P. x i-jpQ r ntm uranosCo,; lohlmaupas;angr¶ar Uc ng8Eq., Gen, Mn¶ruenetr.ince tlDuman k o lrcantle Agency, a Y , , uve x ,~ezo onl 'ee oeLr atstd teletadlng i ne. l' gl t e««y tow sud ltyinMl Outlo.For terme, Specimena pi Ponmsn.hp, A-:.addren- 03 O LL,& TROUYT, Toronto. Furnitr! F~~! Now is the tinie-Iýbuy good and tcheap Furuiture. Havi ng bougt out the btwiness lately earred on by James H. Samo, we take, this opportun#iy of invitiug hie many friende to give us a cail, and We eau assure al that we are prepared to do as weil by them in the future, as Mr. Samo has doue in the past. TILL & JOHNSTON. -0- W H 1 T B YaJ Orders by mail promptly attended to. senk.) xtr £3ý £i- ..A. CHEAF CASH STORE, DUFFIN'S CREEK. I) Dry (oods and G-roceries, the Newest, Most Plashionablo, Best, and Cheapest. LJAST 0F ATJCTJONEERS L fescs!lor Soît}u fiding of Ontario, North- ltiding of Where Olitar]io, gid separette Municipalities in-the latter. Carnage Sainneietrud Ji.l eE',efes(!l ... Diavidl Iwtr.. E. If.cearera.... Duuurfdîlions ... '%iI. . 'îct-re... Wmn, M. iicx Daril Ilote. .. Daid li lioip. James Digby, J. Jaunis ligîs>, Jr... .)Jnîeî. KvRosi...... 'El. Majnr ...... 1). M. Casil... 'Wm. Gurdon.. John J. Watkla .. J. C. Pî'e>... C. Mooreo..... Thoumes lielir... '1'iiresnre I. Waliube, Antlson7 SOêec. J. C. Wicddlfie d,.. Jecri Ji'.Gosqr .. 'jelii iX Peg ,.., Thomesueus îcera, L. Fa-itbrtiri,r... ilrock .... Wijitltiureir. lanrriugtun . Port Pari>'.. di),.. East Whirtby .... pielieiug... huciiamk.. Uxicridge. de0. ]3rocic.. Port Iccrry.. tleug.... Miarlsbam... (ioodwood . Manill . . Canuirsgtsu,,.. Ltiate N Io'-rk !fnrlham,... Wieby ... 13 rock ..... ...... . Matais ........... South Itidiug ... Tisorahi . lhsorah .. Iirock .. ...... Northr Bidlng. do. Souths Riding.. do. Uxbridg ...... Mura ........... Uxhinid ... Scott,......... Northrliig I3rock........... North R iding.. Beachs........... Maris............. Sautir Ridig .. NorthIr iuing.. flrock.......... Brock. ......1. .... ýSeuIl............ NortiItedin, .... SouthrUtis,., Jîrueis........ ... SoucisOlitnuiu. : Luczusz Ezînnas. Xarcir 4th. 1875. Jnly 8, 1875. JTul>' 22,187r4, Set 14, 1875. là1, 1875. 22, 1875. 26ob , 1875. 0 i 2, 1875. etue , 1875. 64 , 18751. di 8, 1875. 6, 1875. 12, 1875. di 75, 1875. 10, 1876. 12, 1875. 18, 1875. di01, 1876. il 4,1875. di81, 1875. dovm20 , 1875. di W , 187. Nov 2i, 1876. Nov lîr 8,1875. Nov. 5th 1875 Dec: tÇî8. . Dec. ,21th, 1875. 'an. l2Ih, 1876, Pablsts, 1876. Pcb. loC, 1871.ý LIST 0FP PEDLERIS FOR THE CO. ONTARIO. No'. 1874.adtrs&C Ne n-ReVidelit. d , ..... Wiriftls.. On foot....... 1 hoe-a....... do,.......... (Io............. do ............. Oui borisa, CeunI>', On Poot, cousty.. tIre March, 1875. l4th May, 1875. l9th May, 1875. -101h lune, 1876 401î Jl>, 1875. Nov. lOtir, 1875. Nov. 2lst, 1875. WM. LAING, Co. Treasurer. 401 UJNDERTAKING.- The only first- elass Establishmnent lu the Couuty where funerals are full- Whitby, Octobor lot, 1878. CARRIAGIEB & B UG-'IES. 000- ME SSRS. TOMS& NEWIPORT, Beg to inform the public generally, that they have op eued a New Carnage Factory, on Dundas Street, TWO DOORS WEST of the POST OFFICE. the are nqw prepared te execute ail work'iii the Making Lina, ou tire shortest notice, andi madie o! the best m&~ tonial, and fint-class workmanship. ALL WORK, WA-RRANTED.1 REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Whitby, July 291ir, 1874. JOIINSTýONYS SEL-F-R.A)K.ING REAPER AWARDED THE FIRSI PRIZE 1 A t the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. We otier 'to our c ustomers for the .coming 1-arvest, two dis- tint-t Mtfeines," which in 'stYle and construction, embrace the latest and most usefuliiprovements. of.t.be day. JOH N S 1'N'S SINGLE SELF-IIAKING- IIPEAPIiR TE " RING 0F REPERS'." The univerisal success of this Machine, both in elosely contest- ad trials and in the banda of the farmern, wa rran t us in saying that, as a Self-Rak- ing Raaping lisaphine, it bas more good points and la9's deecets, and has met with mnore success and lesa failore. than beratofore offered to the publie. CAYUGA JUNIOR-- MOWER We were awardled the Fimut Prize sud Diplonia, at the Prcvin. "ilai Exhibition, beld ini Toronto, iOT0,in oomptitlon with ail the Ieading Machines nanufactured in tihé Provine; - and with or rment ýimprovensents, we unhesitat- ingly challenge inventigation. and comparison -witt conlpetiog Machines, w. are hsîlsfied thqt sncb netgtif wi cni'eevery unprejudiced mind, 1h51 we ciftr the. trienthfower te the Fariner for 1872, buiît In the Dominion. EISnd for descriptive catalogues. BROWN &P.&TTERSON. DR Y GOODS. ,-A N-0O GIOERIE8op The -under Snd1511W, receiving a IJARE SOCK 1?IR- GOODS Cnsistîngof, Dress'>,Goods, « grat MateHosiery -G ic g-û , CtOUsPit,&. A choiceassortinyt of Canadian: and ~~othe -une à!eedau ful s400M fentlemeu's ,Furnishing FR-SH, .FA MIL Y, ROGERIES, I?ýeas, Coffees, i'aw. andrefiued Sugars, Ne* F ïuits , &e. [f'Thé best WîÈes,ý,.Lquior' nd- BrandIies, Ale auci Porte w ôod:,s 6ttlé., J-4 JýjR y, Mesfirs. Ashton & ?àrons, Hýmopathio Chezis, _of e Lo4iig Ex nIàeud, eé estàblished' 'au'Ageucy foï their Ho.nioepathio Bemedies i Canada; This will. enable us to ~ keepi u otoekof týheir Piluldes, Tinctures', Globules and' Tri9rtins &.,without having to wait for supplies to NO& arrvo~ror Eu1a~d, s frr1r'Anyàarticlenuot in stock eau o otaind h a fw dys.Partieé who have beenNo U84n American Preparations will fmd these cheaper- aud tv equa]ly reliable. "CO'piýes of the Gude 'with plain di;eè1ti for.thêeeatniutof:COMMOn -ompl:its to o b li F Whitby, ~fareh-16, 1875. ,JAS. bIL IL5III 61Co., Cernwer oek and uà és~9sWa A LARGE NEW .STOCDK'0F, GO0,ODSi ARRIYVED AT W. J. HI1C KI E &C0.S, A Fresh Lot of Groceries and Choice. Liqu S, Whieh 'wýiil be sold .eheap for cash or, ers' produce. Whitby, Aperi, 1875, 14 C) -v- lb s. 1, o 17 1 is nué- 1A ore=s. rPslce eut 12woceiof dasusd slet m - ypof the abce msld,-poSt-pad on m.. J. L. PETER?', 8M5 roadway NY.. P. 0. Box &M', 5!r o P4-PEU DA.-AÀ. w~ eoiUb' iein ycung or old, make mm* mcàý n w u-fo uointheir iaeMo- mmnti, or ailtho aime than at aatbnas. ,Perticularsfbe, Pont card toSitat:oacests but on. omtý- Addream, G. STINSON &CO 50 Portland, Mle S ALT,_ 9ALT, SALI I FRS AL E 1 To Vitrmers sud 6therz wautlnjSait, I am seeling good cleanField 1Sait, freah frora Cars, fond6 per ton, or by car loa& to suit- purchasers. Parmers, c-al and lesve your orders, you wfl nerer buy cheapern Aise arriving by cars a quantity of fresh md Coal, direct froni Pennsylvanis. Auy qnatity cf good, dr-y Wood, ailfor sais~~ ~~ ch o ah tmCosl and Wood- yard, sotb CaidweTz U otel, Whitby. ALEX. ALEXANDER. Iri, B&a, MS7. 105 WÂANTEjD-20 Cora Grcenwood, Beech aud Maple, cut this wrinter. Apply as. above. CUSTOMS DBPÀETXIeT, A IUTHORIZÈD DISCOUYNT 01<' -Americm Iuvoies until further sno- tire,: 18 par cent. B. 50. LBOUCHE0TTE, 46.tf Commissicaer o Custeme., RATES 0F PASSAGE FURTRER REDUCED. , ' rageraes fromi-Quebec toLi 1 Londondeny Giasgo-5. Olidreni- ovrossdunder U'haUiv ae. Returu - - GEO. IJLE. Frei n hom e ai' mAgi ae Whfiby. sept. lUth, 187. 8 S EEDS I SEEDSI 1 Mlrowzn's Catalogua of Seeds sent fiae to a&U tiraI appi>'. XMy soiSare frelipure, atn tins te nie. >Tire>' are" growu. sud aa- three mileà weot cf Whlitby. 1 Win senidedefre'eye hau to au -paria cf Amsricae - WÀTDÂGardiner, aingie or nmri S. C.BROWN, Wholesala sud Betai Semmisa. ,Xarcir rd, 1875. -S.O NOTICEi TO, THE- PUBLIC I i '7, il } E1 i » -- t' - i il ~ b - 'T se 13 e-,- a j -h <IB Te Col --'i tram' Ti Nes! cola The àubsriber haviug removeci to, and fitted uwp the,.pro-. mises feorri>'ooacupîedby Ma. J. Wrnmxrsor, s a Musioand lewrehery store, is preparati to fnmsh goodsinlubis line, fficluding. S Pianosv, Organ8i' , Clocks, Watcltes, and Jewellery, AT FÂTU PRICE S AN~D ON EASY TERMS OP-PAYMENT. REPAI-RING in ail its branches doua with ucaîneas and despatcb, and: satisfaction gnaranlead, and àaIprisses'te suit ttilmes. If you wish i r-an Or. gan, Clock; Watch, or unytling in or> lino, den't f'erget tiraplaceaand if yon wisr any o e rai pairad, bea ura andi caîl, (andi if we cannot suit yen we will net charge ypu anytiîing.)-e Farmers' produce taluen in excirange fcr geoda. Iý' Bemambar thre pieâce- Wihkinson's Block, Býrock Street, Whitby. - Whitby, February lOtir, 1875, J-UST RECEl VED 81-'l CHINA TE,,A -STO RE WH.NORVILLE. 7.1>' A T THE - GIB'SON & SI 35 Hhdti., Crates, and Cases, eoutainin the Largist, -Best and- Cheapest Assortmeut of China, ala-ss- Ware, and Fae od .Of ailkEnds ever eèibitedluWib China Tea Setts, from $1.50 to $20.. F'ancy Vases, frein 10 cents to $.50*. par pair. China Mottoed Crips and Saucera, -fr Deo, to 41-60 eacli Cina Mottocd Mugs, Coa tts and.PnyGns 9ýr INENDLESS VAlUETY 1~ FANCY TOILET SETTS, FROM. Si TrO S15, PER, SETT. Ladies, ail the above- having been purchied expYessly for Christmans presentio, they will ha sold cheap and wthout reserve. Please ýca]i and examine for yotrselvcs befoie purchasing clgewhere. IW- Alseou hand, a fuil assoxtmcent of choi,. Teas, Fanriy Grocores, Fruits and Spices of ail kinds, Ilams, Bacon, Lard, B'tt &PPUÏApplsots. tocs, &o. OIBTER3, best brand, always on lîand. GIBSON &SPARýVELL's. Whitby, Dec. lSth, 1874. THE OLD.SAD r ESI'A BL[ tS>H'E D 183 3.] 01 ana, New Parlor Sets, New- Dil'Og-rom sets. TR -And aà lar ge. stock of Cane and WooÃ"d AI~ seat -Chairs,, Tables, Bu-reaus, Sofas, Longes, Besstead& RE Cuphoards. Hair, Cloth, auJD'Ymasik Louxiges, -Couches, «~< &0., &c. A fm.e stock of N'ew Grlt Wiudow Coruiices, eheap. rcol The largest and cheàpest stock of iPietures e-ver brconghit fC in towu, ail- of which ho offers at prices that wffl' not fail to k suit Ithe timese. IT/w' British A merrloan Cq 'mmerolil ;TOROý,NTO,0 LARGEl STOCK 0F CLOTHS ! 18 NOW COMPLETE. t-Ail the Novelties of the Pmeent Season IN GENTS' FURNISH.INO GOODS, HATS, CAPS, &c., &c., AT i. P RJ1NG L E'S. SPRING .DRlY TILL & JOHNSTON. NEW IE WELLER Y 8 TOilE,-- aBEPA Il? SHVP 40.ly 00:0___ _______ - OBOANS'& MELODEON O/iGA NS. TE GIE' ENGLISH REMEDY! ---- ------ WHITB-Y 1 1 - 1 : ril

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