Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jun 1875, p. 4

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iuaiam 1deal witihthq lady of sei1 isoees. A wolunan .wil. steth~le viW rfmy extermin-' 'a 7pui'4haa'a bottle wlfere a I order ime off the stopi with. zqing~ at Me." '.--yoür whast?" sIre asked. Au' lie replieI, ese eplaced w ue phial of dark liquid on the f is iefthid, Il wa.dam, I ýo cali your attention ta xny ]3edbnR Externningîtr.' It lias e4et1 home and abroad, anS tin b t <ailiaS b- ,, t 7dé0u tuau,, -ir?" aÉire de. gettblog veryr llin thre face., (itu house luâtautly.", bux I do not wisb yoii b infer ut you tb leavo Iis lboushe 'Kadami allow.pme to explaili my- 111 wll cali 1hé'polile V'" sir areani- ad, urakiug for tire uior, and iho atily lookeS lç struhk sud irurried ont. .Goiug dowa aetroet about two lüloks nie sawwthe, ldy* of t1w Ironiseat the iutrlor wisrdow,, aiid.4nstestd of cimbing tlire ",tefpm lie ltond ifs 1er tise window and pilitely Sepi;:' "lMadeni, J dont wislu tc) -en inn tisai. "">'of tho bedeadle lui your luomî art) inllabitq l y lr..s,.lu-& "Wf.uut Wlut'stî lai i>" t'-é,e xcliucd. "[ ialil tbat 1ilu dt lîse cnotelit illi. tliuaîaily cf the beljuls.tcinlulavou. hl$F snae r ifldly bQç1bnigq,t Ili) rielilerd, y'liace ysc:z vit f h -l s d Vic out>i t'd snle1îliîîig utticlyo0f2,te bueit or a chair tuti lubaudiiuhiiug ilantlMini. di Bg pardon, inlidair, bit I solid "Onlt oti P, .--z.îz. 1 guiout, Ur l'Il teli t ic - -'i4ir --r 1- of tk Fiu le l;mt h. -xt-sriuîztnr sigîsît YSiN<îit utftir- yarà 1Ffcjr: .ioluii <-uill utîioiî-lindii i'u- - liiiiti-inil di uzuro I -nb iwuizit «di. H ln t : izi . L4 LA i i ýt ; 1 0 smzIut.z i-Jrt a- Tlc lt lun~w. u ~git susîl-i MotIia tees asd1oli zrlî dt~ .eîe-tl My ob iau îuazlu.aî latzsuîz. roblor t1 init tng a450t-id fori'l, ulotressctd cotirimtnity. Vit, sesu~ f- utr.r - di trot eomlig!a p nûlisu eisIart of tlir,,world's- jîo}ulatiguilu il,. m uuifisioiîl lu oraii-.' 11awhwlo nworld.d" T, tlot irast siuy liciipcrmrit e- osuî"lecolitiaul, cluslue ýtartcd 1 t iitniork bhe trîînkç. os reiti lzaveirs, iiruada, (to 1 re. mosiiu a pcda t clruap sesnesa?", lie Il:,iwd I uiii nut liou. I ast lire!isl Derovit 1<tu nlisuce thre coiufortii of t«l it-'toplroduico VIitsimztt nream& Lût tri cai yo,ür attention tu rny Suu.' met lieilbug :bztrsîunator, a liý13rid irar. ranteid b-" .1 t iîl it- l V',<-lrÇ-(-ke. - ll 0,a in Idy Suamt eoîlzdbusg Ixturminatur. Il ii-tO ilsty'lis ne' iuthtI hlumbrle turugru e1Jiis ni u-tire bans(if hof &rk nlanti, mue well as ii int royal palace of Iler Majosty Qttlnl--.--" ilYou -îr.-iasec:i t1you uilyuu 1" sIre wire eoi; l "Ioir driziyou u ttrr mefi "fNo inuisti, iriladai il ira purse urft. ter of fût- ilLeua-a 1 Git ow't 1" sire tcrertm eit, clutclling EitIsi ia ui, auîd lie Iral 10 «<r oui ifi uncli a hlrry litaI lut cnutldr'tlocktitu nk iintit lue reacîr. ed theie walk. lMc travsled eeycoïai blocks alluri tun ouI seveaalcorners beforo hbcbalteid agals,, bis inus ,fivdel way te a iualanelîoly griii. fIa saw two «r ilîreda nsgged ebhlîdren ut a gate, îîotlcad tuaItIrhe bouse iras aIl, ând lie bratced' up asti "I vîsasis nu zoiup)," e8ti heo mni osf thbu se au lice stod n lthre dooi. S"Soaîî, tiadarsi, soap 2 I1.hava iro 'ouup. -t1notice!tisai yoix ive un auril l lotoée,-anrdas eadh luuirs.e r îrlly at lm lIinféeet1Au- sire ihoâteil. hue itimu,' ho i'clipel. 'Il ainselldt' îo a litipeiueloni'y uuu3'elf, neuiul iRi waraliîtod i " i vat ta n)Vâtîitliote 1' n-lue u'0tiruuizotuouisg fori- aitu lu ave. Palier eolluuiVI 1" ishve oftei l bu' saistaisesa fuor $rukeî,a mrii, buit hever befure "for ut îîaper coliar dpedlan. Ludt tui)urllodacu1suivtrtrnk au! emwb Ivhailet iurllu-nodbtc iîrbst taj iiu- ile o urtiur, aiid, alfter eVoi" e tic îgéitt fl-'s .1 iur(ihiteit, If y(li' '.iLe .'uiek out out lents 81atl trot la shuy loblici1r isbouit it !', 41t illsiala ht uughlt tihe agent wuse it. iig on Ilatt l'us,-r.-I i l r.îut of a 'oi slatn ui oa, ucidte Satluo f hu ae uveuIng irie aut i.pui.-the i- -. asîel fly hoic iîîmirîu titi i-c. 'ilhi Prtýfl iIjiU <Muietby;î ;'-li10 zrutuj'aarelahlg uz,' uiiwiay anublunýt4 for - at yeau' lhav-o jît t b.ei z.ui-d Fu Ibetorêtnnss lbici-ui iaI tliî' total uiurofPur-loli.a reprned a ite! to -the Board Otf Tratie in îIF7rp for the nlogRsguionw s 1,42rr, and! injure! or00. f lue kleuzu, Etuffaini!contni. z. lnteul 1,17,5 -; Suolhtad, 1.11 ; iunIre. -ud Ian , ) 0 iteýIts, lcjd, thniuberu fuýr1Ela~ir -aie, 4,lq8; Spolarid, 490 ; ainS I lusMî. lbfsrtitr r erai t- A thlîre more ladî'year lsin o Uniteu Hlng*1o01, b aeauÙit tfoir al bila Iillîng Un&-*woutjdingl 25 nunllione lrbwu%*en PAsacnigor tralnior, parts of passengqr Misse8i ansiv611010 chi tinlg fauil of the ,.lino ,;?O co1lisjonnabot wicti goua trais' or' palts (1fgonds iràitré ; il Colisiours -ltû î.îuup wo enginýEa3; )7 tAcciltîri PasiSungar trains, or parts nf paýsenengr trlulçttsing ine nuila,; 74 ùoniigon4s trinsc or parte if gooqQÇ trains, eugi46e, 4C-e ,perfonîniug thiasâasne <sat, 4q froin - - .ý, or eigl e, raveling li tire wong dtre4ilon lIuiugir pointa ; 21 fmin trains rinbiîbg Itostations or sislagw a4.too igI3-à,apsed ; 195 froui trains rutoting - ve j atteP o othPiaobtrU0itîon ' outh. gae-atWç roujùgs; 6 <monlth1e urtàof iliera &p., tof uis..i; à ftosrý -tire fa4srre of iîsoisiry, upringei, 4 o Il égnes; froai ftluèe of tireg, 4Aof upbls6I, 13 ; of arias, -20- of tropon use! lt wnrklng inuiburea, 8 ; o$t tunels, bifilges, &o., 4 isaaiag eta broketi rile; 10 tg blocking o z. -. -oiof ptrurraoent wey ; 8, to aslips Il'ttngéor. eirssnksuets;»,, 8: u ire s;12 ta fine at stiations,, or'14- z.- .a sto bridgs or zvlauruiua- ÈACTORY; ouvi. Bot ntw'~i iat acompletesatock -of Cabinoe< aad UphoIýtery Gdoùfs, ~Bedd.oom, and' ~Library Furniture 1 sud, i lu ht, almoat eeyarticle in Our lin.' of manifrelur., in'tho - LateSt and molit faohionaiIo European and Âzner- 'jean Ztyle8 I AudstaI Priai~s we are certain wiii ~'DEV'Y COMPETITION! oterSue ,adlec bom L isters itw naiss pecwaty of gectliîîg np LOÙ(W ROOM FURBNTT1UltE, care u Az. 'c.,rdauîc wti th tso voîil pprov. cd alud aî aun piaîd an d unaur- lita.d bolli aî egurLif E']-14 ( A N ( UTILITY, AND) 1!xsomy,, CHEA4D, Ç i STORE DUF FI MNS O'R E.E K. t:3- Dry Goods and Gro6eries, the Nèwest, mort FYùhionable, Best, audch Qeapest .i FREDE'RI C K NEALE, -WHOLESALE & IETAIL DEALER ix- GROCERIES, WINES ÀAND LIqyo-oI s SIMCOE -ST., i i OSHAWA, RiAS REMOVED "1ro ]AREWELL'S BLOOX. AGENT F011 DAVIES & B3RO.'S Celebrated XXX Cîeam Aie & Porter. CHOIOEE.ST BRA.NDS 0F Ã"I ARS AND TOBAC ,,os Ai, WAYS IN- STOCK, - f- THE TRADE SUPPLIED. -,â ELEGANCE, [ Oeiuuuwur, Maiil 24, 1875.' ECONOMY, ll~it1hui-tnueet atiufacîiot uatrait. lit lu l cses. 187 AND 180 YONGE ST1REET, UNI)EU IALIJELIT HALL. - T OR ONT O. JAbs. ISAXO, THIOS. -JOIINSTON. Tos-ouato, Apnil, 187r, 3 N ORTEItIUIITISI fMERjCANTuLE Fil?£ INSURANCE COMPA NY! 1Sate, atrul reliable,,ulirgee txrodc-raîs, prompt ottiaureil0e! aimé. GEO. TULE, Agent. Wiltly, Jtune 21 876. 23 CTRA N) ANNýJIJNCEMýEN-PÃŽ YoUng and OId Take Not/ce. NMV G. SPRING' GOODS G UR LEY'Sý (Taiioring Establishmnent,) ]KING STREET, OSHEAW&., AiI-thli vtng stlesfil ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND CANA- - DIAN TWEEDS. A Newuv and Bei-utifill Slceol stock t6 bc soldul t very lot, priaus. Tito boit of Workmoen kept, aR, go!file guitrautteed. (JLOT- -SOL)D BYTIUE YARD 1 G. OURLEY. Olsa t î tr 851 NAvy. NON-E IS UIJNLLSS S I. APED rv .&<?z TURuuas nitsjUsuroua IiIîT4TIOINS TtdZ rictE. Pl'ut. IIi, 187ô. SPRI1 NGSI TAJLORING COMPLETE Choice Lots of New' Goods Suited to the Season! -000- First-Class- Tailoring at Low- Prices! 00- English, Canadian, and Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Yestings, Fine Doeskins. -A Superior Stock9 of £leady-Madc Clothing, Hlats and Caps, and Gentlemen's Furnishings of al kinds. Lea-ve your orders-a good fit guaranteed. JORN PERGUSON, 1Wîîitby, April 6, 1875, Dtunducs- Streeit.1 LIST 0F AITCTJONEERS' Licun'sed fer South ftidiýag of Ontario, North Ridmng of Onitario, and separate Municipahîties in the latter. Samuel Bainr. Rl. E. fe . John cGll David Brown.. L. H. Caineron... Donalil Unea. U -Tas. M. Paltenson.. Wnr. H. ]Jayd.. Wnr. M. Mrilrox. ....- Danieol R04e ... Dai BLo).. Jr.meu Digby, ' . Jaiuit-m Ditry, Jr. -- lionalil iis. Thtom.as Iouiche... Salemt Eckht.... J;tu. Kavarragh .. E. iljn.:,,* D,-M. a'... Win. Gordon.. John L; Wstii.ir. J. C, Pilksîy,.. C. Moorp-...... Tiliorea lunhen. i-. L. Vasuzant.. l'tiias l.w a -., .l O. îddie ay John t'. Go--.- Johin R.'1'ag, ...... 'Chluaw t 1'uuîîr, .. L. Fairbankuls, Jr...- RÉnSuDrNzCE. Birook .... Atlnunle y... lEast NVhuuby .. W»Yitby ... Boavertouz wlitnhuich.... Part Peny .. do. ... Fast Wlity .... Pickeurisng... Deaîierton.... Markhauc. Uxbridrfa. . do. ... Pout Penny .b. llcuigog...... Oillia .... Mankhnon. Stouafniiguo.... Statte Su.-v orli, witiby ... Brock......... .. Mara............ SosuthrBdig do,... Thorai. Thraar Nortir&South ridiuig Brook . ..... .... Nantir lliding.. do. ... d......... Mari ............ UxJridge .... South Ontarnio... S n t ............ Northiulidîîg .. do. .... Brock . ......... NorhR idinng.. Beuch .......... Mant........... Sasstu Iiding.. Nuur-lirRidlng..... Blîn.i............ Pu-oc,.........-.. Suit-t........... South Ontai,..... e reni..... .... .... South 11uiilo... Lîcuwîsz Exi-sos. -Marci 4h, 1875. Jnly 8, 1875. Jirly 22, 1875. sort. 3,875. 12, 1875. 22. 1875. dS28, 1875. 28obr , 1875. 20be , 1875. 2, 1875. 5, 1875. 0 1875. 7, 6:1875. 17, 1875. 10, 1875. 12, 1875. de13, 1875. de13, 1875. 17, 1875. 20 1, 1875. 'e20, 1875. 2,1875. Noebr1875. "8, 1875. NKov. 31h, 1875d. Nov. lIbli, 1875. Dec. ,ir 175. Due. 111th, 1871d. Dec., 241h,ý 1873. .fuît. 121h,' ý1876. Feb, iI, 1876. B'ein. lut. 1876. LIST 0F- PEDLERS FOR THE CO. ONTARIIO. li'dwand i rank i.... 'i,. Rliciarncln & CXo Nelson Iiz.wey....- A. E. Mîienic. A: . HMz.rgau, ...... MN1Wluilby, Nor. ParI Herny. Camnxssioz, "..... 1674, On foo.a. .ti ..... t1- ..... uit............ One horsts, Couuty, On Foot, ConuOy,.. WMI LAING, Srd Marei, 1875. 141-laiy, 1875, Ienth May, 1875. Igtir Jcire 1875 4tlt lly, 1875. Nov. 301h, 1875. Nov. 218t, 1875. Co. Troiasurer. 1 46 TTM16ORAN &u 'IUIV IWLLUVLLIlYORGA NS. ENGUISH REMEDY! SPEC1FIC MEDICINE Cures ail Norvouw e aos scir au Trr-moroi, Debîl'y. rs-ssiietc., whloh, in many cases, are produqad lsy ove r tudnlgoncu lin tira useot tobbiral alco. hrtrhta sPirite ; but théSe cific itsfdleis e -more eapeclally reontrnond.ed as an nuis]- tcure for Seminu.WeakoimOseNaer- miciorrhe.s itpot uryp au ~lldes 191de, lPailu Ite lisck, Ubluhof i 'f 1%101aPresuaîslorsOld Asc, aa1m r aiiher alimeuses tirat Iead tQ Ju.ntrf Viusspumptlou ad a i'rtsmniîsiruanve ail ok whlch, " sa nule ara firet cas ed b dovi&tbirgb,uttlire patil01 =itu' 0 an.i oy IndSulgenceu. - - Thoe SpecîfloMadicine la tiré recuIt ofi a hile tudy airS iny yearSni ereence in treatino braeuspat ial disasos. F1nl partie- uhsur zàrPanlt,*hcî irWe. Sae» )to Tire S 0m'-'lhno1.8sol«tsy au Dr-iÉ. sýiàtu at fi1 per paeage, or sixp.sukagv*a8ion o ie ub maIIOu rseýI theitrs ttene>', byaSleslî --WILLL5,14GRAY C i - - .,IIP. unî'.ý ý j T[HE "MUDGE & YARWO'OD MFG -C0.1 MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRATED AxmERlICANOGAI SPeocil notice is elie! to thre f¶dtowing Styles and prices':' style 5', i\Valnut Case,, $140, iii so#ut cuise,' with.Caviffg, $ ' 9&yl ", uin u ýÇ4e $.p~4j , gant Case, with tJarvings, $170. Style 7, in ResonantCase, $175, iii - case, mitir C0v4go, .84« tye9, Ineosunt Casso, ;190 , l in iîCase, wiih Carvtigs,-, - - h Ai àde of iMaok Walnub, pannellea, ili revolving or sl$dinag Look-. bsoards, cOntainin" al4 tire laie8t iriproveius neatly à a, - éRn sguuiteoraing tb price. AL$ :O, YAJIWOOD'S "MýELODEONO1(N: In hafndsomé Ràsewood Piano Cs -, , ly fniehd Sye4, $150; tye ,$175 ;, Style S, $200. fllsbueMlodcon.Or-gan, Psutentod 1878, are mianufacturedsaolely by ns, and con Only bi.Poçird from us and leur Agente. - Trade Marks Sud Cases Beiuiterea for. aur sole use. I The,;riia A mpcnCmev Coileil Andfuxi~bs Ma~,$zTÂTIýfr ;«Youëng, Méni than al thé, other Colloges àn Onteatio Comb . a-I R P.PBR EN CES- jnon. Ale%. Mackenzie, Premier ni Canada; Hoù. Wm]. MoMaster, Prent Canaýdian Bu2k of Commereu Honi. John Crawl r,ýLiut41Wernor oi Ontario ; -W,. . owlond, Preuient DZinioî ordoi Trae H ~Sinpon, ProsidoetOntaxlo'emank -Hon Thou. N. Gibbal Osawa; W.GoehmEqjtidn in i ooi;3 Ustin Boq., Preuiden Dominion Banik; Hon. J. Hiilyard Crei.rudgt r~ài1 naur., n.; Hon. John MoMuriih, Prim. Domininon 'el ah Co0 Gini4neEs.; eral Manager WVester» Inuce Coe.; Jphti Maunhillj sMiino'. ]4 aiedlý fm once Co. ugL cttEq.en. Manager Q('neenQiiéityreltuaura- vo 1)ù,5Vma Orindarongt me rcut are entirely too -numrôui to mesotion,,audi Wec 08 Only roer ouratr n oteIoigbutines»fison on tevy own ondcltyn 13 '# ODELL &TËOUT,, Toronto.. --000 Now is the time to biiy good and cheap Furniture. Having boiught out* the business lately carried on by James H. Samo, we take this oppo rtunity Of inviting his many friends to give us a eaU, and- we eau assure al that we, are prepaxed to do as well by thein> ini. the: future, as Mr. Samo has doue in the past. TILL & JOHNSTON. -00-- Orders by mail promptly attenqded to. IJNDERTAKINXG.-The only fist- Class8 Establishinent ini the County whereà fnÉrals.arfui ly supplied*. WhitbY, OcLober lst, 1878. TILL & JOH.,NSTON. CARRIACES B UQES -coo-.-- MESSRS. TOMS &-NE WPOIRT, Beg to inform the public generally, that they have opened, a New Carrnage Factory, ounflundas Street, TWO DOORS WEST of the POýc.T OFFICE. Where the are now prepared to execqîe ail work in the Caruiago Malting Lino, on thre shortest notice, and made of thre best mn- terial, ana first.olass uorkmnnship. ALL WOIR-R WkARRANT ED. REPAI1ING DONE WiTH NEATNESS AN~D DESPATCH. Whitby, Jul y 291h, 1874. JOH]NSTON'S SELF-RAKINlG REAPER -AWARPED THE. FIRST At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. Wtt oler b oQui, customlers for the coming 1-arvesi, two dis- tinlct Haçbi1q0s ..which in stylIe and construction, enubrace the lafta îd most urieful improvements ofthie day. Joli NS'tON'S SINLESL-A NGHA-E -THE " IRING OF REAPERS."Y The uttiversal siuccess of this Machine, hoth -in closely contest- e! trntl nil)urthi!' brus zof tilno fariners, wnirrstunuin saying tisaIas a Seif.Rak- tin- Ilapin g &nehnl, ilh,,asssmore gond points and lesem defecta, and buis met Witis mrns siiecesu, rud tens s iluiru. lhsn-lscrclofore oflered 10 lthe psîblic,- CAYUCIA JUNIOR MOWER 'Re were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Prcvin. mual Exhibitiosi, beld iin Toronto, 1870.in competition with ail thre ieading Machinffl manuafsctured in the Province ; and with our rece nt imroenuA, we sinbeaitat- jiglý chanllenge inve4tigst'on and compâripon with cxprg Machines, ire are sautissed thot snch investigatîon will convinre evory"pinprejutdieod immd., tlht w. oSfer the béat Mower tb the Fermner for 1872, buit> lu, ie »onios-. !?ec for descriptive 'catalogues. BIRQWN. & PATTMION. DRY 00008 A N?QlQEI The undearsigedisicw rec eivimg -a, LAIRGE STOCK 0F :DR"Y -GOQS C9,psis*igý of Dress Goods,.in great vaiiety and -of: thïe atesb las .oOIoe~Sls, Shawig, 1IIantles, Uosiery, Ging1h"àms, Cottons;, Pxts, o. A choice assortmç,it of Canadian and otber'-*è%s and, a fulll stoâ& bf GeutleUIeW5 Furuising FBJi9H  ML YGRO0C ERIES, ~as 9~eS rw ai.r~ed 8ugairs, C-7--uiTJ, &o.- '* , Wr"r ~~ Ç a44 Porter iun 18 now complete, comprisiig Boys',and, Yputhis And spme.Fine American Gdg of -Also a large -as ioitmnnt of, Ti. GRffli - N &E9T EEP! C. KIR: Oshaw~5 Msroh lOtir, 187&- VV H I T B Y PHAM ACÇY messrs. Asihton & ParMous, Homoepathiec, hemists, of Loudon, Euglsznd,.have established aun4eA c frthi Homoepathk& Remedies iu Canaàda;. This lviii enable u to keep Up Our stock of their PiluIlés' Tinctures, Globules -and Triturations, &c.,* without haviig to -Wait for,.: plesto arrive from Englaud, as formerly. - Auy article u'ot lu -,tock eau be obtained in a fewday.s. Parties who have: been usiug American Ireparatiouns will fud these cheaýper and equally reliable. Copies of the Guidle -vith plain- directions for the treatmnt of Common CoMplaints 'to be had Free froi- 1Whitby, Marcir 16, 1875. JAS. H. GEERIE & CO., corner Brook inS DUndtre Si#., Whwnj 12 GOODSI & CO.,S. tudsu -il. Attai j19. Do. d boi Io' Eebh 1TWMv -r thas value of thre gbpda. 1 21. Castaogule Date and ëqÉtniaaon, ana,ýIelivery of gode, Soe. -ii the , on netz.produce of goodü. 29. Ezecuig aearch wanra4 . . . ... 1 DO, 28. Berving noticeiu on -constff'61ef Phubflheby"oider," . H13. J. MA.CD0NELL, Whitb, ~ ~ Clerk-of the Peace, C. 0. -htyNo.171874. l? $ý TO ý20 PER DA.-Agenia'1;it- oS.- Ailclasses -nif working people, af eiher sex. yonng or nid, mate more moniey ai work for ne in ,their gpare mn.- mente, or ail the time thon ai onything aise1 Psrticulrls f ree. Post cgrd to States costv but one cent. Addrese, . G. STINSON CO., 50 PertianS, Moins. s SALT L,_ SALT I F'OR S A LE 11 To Formersaon&ailihers wanting Sait, 1 amn selling gkood- dean FielSl Salt, fresh irom cars, for 86 per >ton, or hy cgrloa40to suit parchasera. Farinera, aian d lea*e y6uï, orerxs, you wilI never bny, iemper. Alséo arriving by cars a 4unnity ni iresh 'mined, Coul, direct froni Pennoylvilnla. Amy qantity cigooSdrywojd all for so q clAp for cealh. atnlyCol 1W'ood yard,!somu* Caldwel's Hotel, Whitby. ÀALEL ALEXAS-DER. M a r d , O r d . 1 8 7 5 . - 1 WANTED- 200 Cordai Greenwood,.Beerh and--MapIe, eut ti, winter. Apply as CvSTOMS DEPAR'IICET, i - Ottawa, 'Marci 2lst, IZL .f. A VUTIlEPIZ ËD >Di S COUNT, zr tico, 18 par cent. 1..M. EDUCHBETTE, do641 Conmidner of Cuutoim m RATER 0F PAýsSAGÂE FURTHER Steeaar rates <rom Queiec to Livepool. Londaon erry~ Glaegow-4Wj. Childrgrc aven one sun under 12 Ssii lare. Retrit tickets,-Quebeà to Livarool, Do'rir -or - Glasgow-M6. Prepaid. passage zerti- caies,-Lîv:Wpol,'D1exT rryanGiosgaw tb 9ý - 111. TiLE, - bgeut. Froni whom every in!Dr=ation' moy- b. obtained. - - Whltby, sept. 19th,. 1874. 89 - 5É1D5 I SËEDS i i- H-1ome Grown Seeds 1 3irowni'aCatalogue ai Seeds -sent rebto a&U tirat apply. M e-oS are isupure, anS - truc'ta name., Tbey are growrn. ana are knn ale on LotNo. 'S lIstcon-.of Pickering, tbre nrileaweet ïî-WhitSy. - 1 IwIleuauSfrcby mail 10 IU parts Wholesaia ancl-Eetail Seedsman. Wlriiby Oit. Manhir rS, 1875. M- 10-l SPRIN1G DRY AIIRRIVEt 'AT W.J.HICRIE A Fresh Lot of Groceries and Choice Liquors, Which will be sold cheap for cash or farmners' produce. Whitby, Ap4il, 1875. - -- JUST IECJSIVED WIIITBY. CHINA TEA STORE GIBSON &SPARVE-LL, 35 llh.ds., Crates,:aud Cases, coutainiu g theLargest, Best aiîd Cheapest Assortmeut of China, GlassWare, and Fancy Good8 0f ail kinds ev4er exhibited lu ýWhitby!1 China Ton Setts, from $1.5,60to $20. Faney Vases, fi-om 10 cents to s.50, per pair. China Mottoed Cupu aha Saucers,;feirix15e. to $1.60 eacir. China mottoed mugs, Card 1Baskets ana Fancy 'GQôdi" t5IN-I ENDLESS VXRITY Il,~ FANCY TOILET SETTS, FROM Sr TO Sxs, PER SETT. Ladies, atl the- above haviig bcen- purhelide expresuly-for Christmas presents, thoy unire l»sol! cireap an! vithout reservo. Ploacaoel:ond, examine for yourselve'cbd before purchasibg elsp"where. ffl" Alo on htcnd, a full assortmerni of ohoice Tests, Famly Groceries, Fruitt ana spices o! ai l inde, Hams, flacon, Lard, Baitterr Apples, Pota- tocs, &c. OYSTEIIS, bet brand, alusys on band. GIBSON &SPARVELL'S. 1Whitby,, Dec. 1î6th; 1874. THE. OLD WM. TILL,pRORJ.RETP4 New PrlorSets, - NwN]ed'oo gSts - New rngr20m Sets. 1, And a la-rge, stock .of iCane and- Wood sýetQaits, - -ables, 'Bu1_reaus,- Sofas, Loôunges BessteadsR ,upboards, ar Qoh and D ek s-,Lo'dnges, oih~ &t. c iestock of-ýNe* GitendwGr i hiE The ldrgest and cheapest stock of PietI.xesejer$tg g in town, ail of"Whieh he o:ffe-r,;-.at prices,,tât wJiu Fil suit the ti-mes. - --.- ,z z. . I J- : Theu M*Bgnd ihes to state tvHe1 it - 51 STiNAND5 A LARGE NEW STOCK 0OF GENUINE-1 RIRI AT THE , 1 81-IY 1 PRIZE. 1

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