Adiso,25 cents. iIiy, Jung Ots,1875. b.ed ' ta thr Preceedà i aid Of College Library. JOHRN J. H A RE. 1' ArendsaUR the. tn 19haié ben bigly WÃŽU th A lgHItb 0tif Ifltddd,- -=-..51 Cocznzndueu d u.éd 6y emut uCig,000@idufiOn ltt tslg ibis suu al~te of in. and Phy#ielani of qv.rg ennry. , bCrenu, hosas & s e intesbv -&e Bush betJ in a ardbad inImius, wuoc & iP m ylth abovu usmd bo uraddhsf ey«ae rp ino"t terest on 1thean on. .SOHOOL BO(OKS, 'Écho Ã"1Books, a ful suply c, f text usuful on eer-advus rsing Tbl. *¶o,Ii7ùit 1bai dmws4'pro umbook ai'ways on hand. pria. 50 cents, wsod it à . srrendured, ithe pruiu p&id, - P n 8 SON iudthebond ahmo 19 ol Pr~l'rs Mu edr a specia harter, grsn bhoed iislec W__c_____.the_______ STocLo iaINR ,ke' b NEW DV2Tr8E0NT: ew Yorkds. The'naltuho1 . sttckof FauoyInitial, and Commercial Note P9pers and NEW ADVFTIEJEËI ý boie, or, Teisdureuthe t ae n lopes the county. ~~ ruccgizlg bsnsfltswhloh wi*1 Arise 4M em ts cus of, this -4nteanie bave aeunpted ail theres'ta s af a' L NÉ'O peirty of ithe Comnpany frein taxticu nsat. L.iNKB O S Bak Books, Day Bocks, Cash sesements for pro Yeats, sud hein tIsa con- Bocks, Journals, Ledgers, &c., made cf the best paper, in ved-t Amea ricaahouilurtages. knd-ad hop ADJOJRNED COURT 0F ItEVISION piiee. c~~se. cd binding, al i d TOWN : OF dig itesueete n NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES, Newspapers and au T0V alaNM 0FersWHIPatyBan.whilMagazines.. Thoso wanting their, Magazines and papers - he Vlewe tthe structure erect4 With -lis delivcered with-prcmtnesaddsacscl ev hi Thse adjounc,l meeting cf tise Court of mner cen eaYy, U idestte eroc t ïsuilOur op,.s nddsp hshud eaethi Rlevialca fur the TOwu cf Wiitîby, will beccuutrà tise n'est Magnificeuî building theOruer at RQuertsons. lieid at tli. wcrld Ans. evér seen. e place whîch, in trutls, rePresdtJ tii. indueîry, eiergy asid me- ~ ,~ ~ -'chanlictii genlue cf the. Amenicanpeple." music, Music,, a largel stock of Sheet and Hall-dime S Thse panufaccturers aud -the imvan usie 'oo ON rare ~lpculiarly mftere.'lae Muicalways onhand. FfIDAr, THE- 18TH INSTANT,, bat itin ebtoir hme:t41 h eJ. SaiR BEIflSo invel1týoM>nud Manufacture& tan bcexlii.J.S RO E T N ai 7 O'clack P. iM. ied ansd sold. --y'_Z '1 THOS. HUSTON. Tise buildisng wiUl contaiu 5,520,000 tque. locheeller, Nawsdeaîer, Stationer, sud denier iu Fancy Geede, a&0. Town Cierk. feet of îs ace. BtguhsOdSad' tc tet bt Wlllîby, Jute 15, 1876.-,-Purclf'seers desllng Boende beoe au(egulsOI aui)]ckSteWhty ageucy lu sestabliebied wlere tise7 regide, c GUSETO LT. iH ceurunulcate direct witlî this oilice, P. S.-vWe pay sPeical attention to the crdering o mi- il- re.» wbere uic-y cen lbe supplied. - colanecus Bocks, M1us t&-, &c.ý Heioste 1.t on Élie 201h mI n oitalisae Psntiee deslniag taeact an agents or te Pur- sueu nrocus., good cellar, tliad u sa ise boude wlli adiroea water, aud situaed in a pieabaat loÀcaitcy. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO., ___ Apply te-. No. 12 Edst i7uh Street, M, 1B. POWELL. f)et. li,wsy sud St h Ave., &DR i I wwty ul 5 80 5New York City. COGI&WARN[IA 0' Wsiiue ,18525 NOTE-Aluxcueys hy draft ou New (aeShuxuone & ug rnCo, FOR SALE, CHZAP. York, orExprss, or -postal order-eiiargte<aeCogl ra e, Tisai beutiful brick retideuce lu thse Jue 141ii,1875. 25-0ll nP O E -TOWN OF'WHITBYTHnOB*Er1I1M4, atiCUMINOSCOPE 1A W IL O N PRQPRT eThis instrumnt ssi enesees the property cf ut prosbsnt occupied b7 BIL .Lawder, Post etstargiug s«sal lctareta-te ail setoils.W 2alsîeritsg eactnt Carde-de.Vieite Portraitsi are Tisispisce le Most Isanaalflly ituated, muified sp te 11f. tize. Statuery snd ~" ~ ei.jeylg tIse cool rafroshlig breezu frain iwers aîlipc-r iti wanderful magnitude. A th.lake and bey, wilh pra-sant s beautiful Netiilig co sicilien juteront lias iscen proe. 4ppeuace freri the 1rellasfeK. . vionely introcluced for th.eutertaiauib de rocl, witiit are sissag tise fineeit tiae fetnily circile ir ea social perty. It ncai. cdwriha in cllcof 4owarnug elîrube houseisold as e constant source ef-pieaeure, < and Jaiiue ad chicefriù treN. w itetatise artiltt h affende aready tuc1ns Iasienaâllg purclsesere are reepectfuilly lu- of obtaining an enlarged cofy fren wii hte , 'aitud ta inwpecit tise îanenîw iee wth sa'siis tacsk a flue specîmen of t lis very unique ;4> tisey arecaureto ie à plcagedl, but ui tmore se leinmn.T a eue ees . tisnsu v s terni-us wldis ncay tae kncwn iitu t obcOo tMsr y euquiig t the Offc 01f TAYLOR & BARNARD'S ~a FAItEWELL & IIUTLUDGE, Jeweîî store, Wliitb, suis uhey cordially Barrisierb, Whty invite aiparties te cal sud sue h wlseihasr lune 141h, 1875., . îiey pnrchas. ornit. Wisîtay, Julne Sis, 1875. 24- Themonedbis Coer * -511mP te Esalignstlnontis cl tise cldaKet . Haie), Wbutlîy, wltere adi kinds cf wnrk can o r A Grand I'W-itc lceneoff Ait lbe dattewitls neatuest sud despatch, sud ~ AN IS RO Egarentecd. X c ÀN IS1'G OV , uJOSEPII LUXE. Wliiîiy, June Diii, 1875. sin-24 neu liear Oslsewa, oun__________________ DO0MINIM ON DAY, JOHN G. RCI3INSON, M.,,__ JUY 51 575 JAtt5TStATLA, GRAND (JOMBJNATION ORGANS * PrOcéeedete est aie.J. J. boCanun luATTORNEY, soLICrTOI?, CON. 2 pueIng cltise ccbt onuPresby3tes-v. ITTED 1WIITE THE NEWLT.!Nlv YTED 2 e p etidid Bnisittnil oethie 'Si, Pet. VJZYANCER, ctc.,m lck's hieievoient soviet)' wlIl Rasistinlu msk- SRB E PTN-QAIYN UE lng tise dey oeeof plesseure,' Ornîct : 17 TORONTO STREET, CIN RSPTNT QULF NQ UB3 Ganses sud voiiccus amousement il 2-1TORONTO.Anietcs snct r ouheuur indalged lu, sud lries givers te successfuî hsnivetonbving a mo iiporatrbearincan h ftuereputation met*-iiers Qaril, Bn ülb l t.-X OLc f ileecI Inttrussiputa., ly menscf w)siosthse qnliy or volume cf tenu tnac i goodhQudley.ud' Fe jeteO ETI uveny lsngcîy incresaeed, sud the qnality cf toue rondercd Grcande open ai- 10.80 c'clock, a. s Tickets, inlulnlg*refreoheluste, 80 cents. 20O0 A O RE S. Equal to that of' the Best Pipe Organe of the same Capaci~ Ciildreu, 20 cents..-01 laine i4ti, 1875. 25 lleing NorthsJ<of lot No, 15 aud Eas cf lot 11 is thse 5Mcou, Pickerug, Voit Our colebratcd I"Va x Clestce, Vox Eiumana1" Wilccx Patent," "oc- P-NCadapteS for raislug stock aSd grain. tave Ccoupler," tise clinrmiug "Celle*' or *'Clenionette" Stops, I"Geme CT Apple teo un," IlCeoa"61Vox Angelet," "IViola Etlerià ," and - 1 RENIIY HOWELL, . rn'"rm or AetT. MOODY. ALL THE LATE rMPROVEMENTS Wlsîtty, Utr Jiue, 1875, 24 O0Ir 1C rE.,nboobtstiued onlý in thoso Organe 1 will be klaI ~- N -0. Fifty Differont Styles, fosr tise Parler snd flic Church, the Best 'S TLLAWRENCEOBANK, Material asud Werkmanslîip, Qtiality sud Volume cf TouesUsicqualled .i TUE '8 TÈ LARENCE BTNKPRICES, S5o TO So. lieur aDufli' Crack, cn TORONTO, ôtîs lUNE, 1875. Factcry sud Wsrerooms, Cor. tiIs and Cougress SÉt., DETRIOIT, Michigau. WEI,'D.VISD1t Y, JUNE 23, 1875, Notice ie-bereby given uhat tise Ansiual (ENtablisisd lu 1830) ktsWtdluEeyCni.ASe- GaineraI Meetintg cf tise Sliarelioldc'e, for Aet ati nEeyCut-Ades Ili aidcf théIs ioau CathollasC churci tise adection cf Directorv, wiltbc SelS nt tise CLOUGH WARREN ORGAN CO., DETRIOIT, -M4ICH. Douilcllng PunS. .Bsnkiug}inuse cf tis Institution, -iu Tor- Dinuer Served ai sz2e'dlock, neen. ente, ou Wedueiday, these eveutis cf Jnly isnesulmeeat...Aiexi. rThe chais- te bc talioeuet 12 'clock, ane, &c., of u xcittug as.Sluterentîiug nOn 1cieter will talcs place tisrcnglocut ihe 24 Dy os-Serfltise Board.Pcensl Ii-fssrlt. d ay, aiid;uccessfnil competitors Filb jI . LOCK11ART~ Buriiett's Cocoaine TacuReT, (adtniticctg te grounde sud dSm. GurntQ'c Cocoaine Der) 80 cents. Cishidren undun 12 yeassof wîd Uindwrl ,. - -i'eicaîia Gou. Lige, te ventef. a-on GoÉID le5iîow - Whitby, Jlte 14, 1875, 20 SAVE TOUR ETESI - ENDERS F011 STONE& GRAVE-L. B r~ts(;, c oain e -- uotere your Si hti T î ra ss f.y "O8TAGE FREE,-- DRreseIWInm Er IÉLu- "al otorleas ie&ec-tious o! Lteresitlug tom. Mon1.....-it dI> . s.MixeS -....:5&W p. M.tuu pemely for ihizeaduiO'2 ilesd cf19 Ccring South fs-cm Osillia te LnsaA.ID Y UN 8ltIS. tE arse;ec'fsypePonea tumn Peterbone' sud Port Hope. - for thce esection cf a ~ cf bonis sud forigcue; sud as ernlaiLeave Ori'ila,- agriculturel departmsn L 0»MaiTHO-7T 8BENp. ns.E, -8Ar DAtLy Psn Mnnss, 66- 0oo Côusng Seuhl rmmPtLakei2 s.1 Ea1O IT TAENCLJ-, Wxsxa, ' " . 150 M - -. ,--ONTARIO-, - Tiseunélesgned lu now receivins- impor- WitKL 160 ixd ...7.4 q m.1 au ....5a p r .tations of Ceai fs-.,Isfret» 113e Minus, and le Frqa0cfpagite 6ftes- lot Jnly. - cnec withhéii. ipteengElva Plans sud pcllcatlenns maýr 1 bien at proparecite treat awisties *13e vWh wiste0 Forn 4ss'éctvaaccis ....,hae,,t... &' =ds - Tornto&Wt thli. ie As-eisiecto,. uS nresidence of'the, Ru-S yd 5St8-i7 P t&I*t7 The, grestosL bargain cf thse sec is a BLACK 8I 87je S'yard1, ccnsidred lsy igecd jndges to begced. và Pleay of Shawla, Capes, ani Sîseveless Jackets, nt yen iinens at frein é tol2Ie. 6ieamloooes <rom 10e uî curtain Nuit, frei 250 te 700. A large aascrtmeufr Asplendid variety cf black ami clcred 1icL4Gleveui, siake, wsanted aà gecd as.tlh THE HOSJERY IDEPARTME NT 1 viii lie touconpte lu -vus-yIane. ,WTree pair cf White Hosu- for 26 Cents. Meu'il Brown CettonIssU ouefrein 10a s pasr upwarda. WIsite LawuHRond. kes-ehiefsi, , 8c, and ani 9e. willi euda i sekofWaiesu olrd hrsTes lca Safe u Under-cetlsing. Just srr.iveda asplendid asertzmeut cf MEN, AN!) BOY"8 FELT -HAT8J 11, tIse Reaty-msde Cleibing Depurîsent will be found a very nice Soluetiou cf suite adapteS lès- Spning sud Summ'er Wear. A las-go stock cf Boy's Cleuising BepOTS en-Aul N ssuS O Jusi te liaS ô cases of Ladies', Prunels Boots, at 00e, a pair. 8 cases extra fine Pruneflle <aitens, at 81.00 a pais-. i case su-efle Pienuella BaimoraI, at 01.25, higis cnt, ccneidered good value for $1.75. Childs-en'u Boots, antd Faney Tie Slippers in great al-uudauce snd ah remus-kably lew pnices. Meul' Cas-pet Siippers ah 00c.. censidened geed velue fer 01 0(). Ladies' Carpet Siippers i 50c. This depas-Iment willlbu fcuudà large and well selected iu aIl classes cf Boots sud Siscas. As fer Prias I arn hounS net te bu undersold. Our- Gscceny Depas-Imeut wyul b. feunci complets in oves-ylins. New sud freeli Tees cf last, seaseu'a gnowth. Sugane lis ail tise difenrent'grades, sud ppular pripeg. Noe -sii gis-en, as tise above gooe~I are ail marked eu s cash beu. Farmers' Produce, Taken,6 in Exchange for Goods 1 &ny enetomens holding cur dollar scnip, by preeenting it vi cash' for purchases iu Dry Oeds or Cletbing, vill sas-e fis-ecentsi on every dollar. If yen have net gel eue cf eu- dollar bille, ask for eue. Oshawa, May 28th, 1875. A ES 5H E IAWÂ. ORGANS! A sgoed srtuient cf Auserican Organe at 2,TOE 0LIRs ORGANS! J! t'CLOCKS I Thse place to buy Clocks is et NORVILLE'S. Bti-Uc in Regulators, iudicatiug bous hiicutrtssi sud Tes-ente, cnly $5 00. Other kinde bheap-Cail and look at hies. IlTHE EXCELSIOR WOIIK BOX," a Wonk Bcx wlth Cleck attachS, the neasttasd meut coeutieultlshink oui I No Lady sisonid b. vitiio ee1 Only 08 50, lie surs sud ses thes. Orgzane, CleokeWatcuseq, Jewelle-y, svc--vthing ciespefenCash. Bepalning lu hL ite ta-chesidone by a practicai man cf 25 years experience sud wvansieS. H. W. NORVILLE, Wllklnseu's Bioek, Whulby. - CD2 >z. H z c O. H z O O This Hetel isituatedl in ijie central portion cf the city, ouvenient te thie wblI$ale establishments and public buildings, and for teuriots and commercial travellere je ga meet eligible situation. The lbouse lias been tliereughly re-organized aud re-furnislsed tlsrengbout, andis fittefi np in the meet comfertable and fatehionable style, equal te auy first-olass, boeuse in the Dominion. The. Ledroonis aud drawing-reonis are large and airy, and the best sanitary regplatiens are ebaerved. Te large and cenvenint sample roeme, for thie accemmdain cf Commercial Traveller, are cemmodieus, aud cenveuiently lecated ou thse fluai flat. Omnibuses and' Carniages slwas ready fer the accomnmoda ten cf guests nrriving by ail the. tesitis and ateamboats, and aIse te ceuvey them te the depets aud whsrves on leaving. Geo. Kennedy, formerly cf Qtieen's Hotel, Owen Seund, Manager. Telegrapli Office in connectien with this Hense.. TERMS, $ 1 50 PER D£Y. C- O'L'DSMITH'S HALL. Few Goods to HEand-Great Induce- ments to Cash Customers!1 WATCHES, rIN-.' WATCHES, WALTHAm wATCHEFÊ. (RUSSELL ELO >ay ana 80-,honi, Clocks lin great variety,, English-Fine Gold Jewellery, Gold Chains, Eardrops, Lookets, Gem Rinigs, Wedding Ri4gs, -spectacles -and :1ectro-1l Cqmposed of a Fine Old Hyson and a PFure Uncolexed J-a- t 5 s 0 cents per lb, We defy any grocery stor itecut o>a i.These teas cau be purehased separately at the above pricea, but for fiavor and, trenglit ve reccmmend thec Mixture. Teas from 25 cents, to $ 1 00> per lb. wIl LIQUORS AND GROCERIEà ,S IN PROPORTIO.N. and Cal ýat the O1&-Countr Grocery Store an.d take home one sout pulid of Tes and try it. One usd, always used.ý Rc] HA.M-ILTOIN & 0,0 Haveé110W opened up a Large Stock of Seasonable Dry Goods, consistig of NEW DRESS GOODbS, NEW LUSTRES, <Celobrated Branda,) NEW- RRINTS, NEW CLOTHS& TWEEDS, NEW HÀTS & CAPSi NWMILLINEIÈY GOODS, NEW - MfANTLES, &c., &o. Ulothing made to order, in latest styles. NEW TEAS AND GI5OCERIEs.ý Whitby, Apri 6, 1875. 15 BOOT« AND 'SIIO'E EMP'OIIIJM BROOK STREET, WHITBY. -e-,-N- ER RSAUNET 10OH'N Largest Stock, Latest Styles, -Greatest Variety, Ail Sizes in Fine, and- Coarse Lies. LAIDIES', MISSES' AND CHIL DRNW,-VERY SUITABLE Ail ord1?!..punctually attcnded, Repairs neatly donc, DOMINION iWAREROOMS.ý LOWES & POWELL Are in receipt of a fli and completa' stock cf Dress Goods m, great variety. Black and Coloured -Siilk Poplins, Lustres, .-Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves, Tiaces, Cloths, &c. A. Full Stock of Milineryq. Dress a5nd Mantle Making doue tû. order under the MIllnery and TaUiig done to order. Satisfaction M»' Six Girls wantêd te work on dresses, and Two - 'irailors k> work on coats.,< Whtb, pfl14h.185 LOWES & POWELL. Whutby, April l4th. 1875. , - NEW GROCERY C. P. c qua c&tarca bo ocs er- liwatee cvery jpart oflic body j, repafIing ùdaîsaageess uta-astf , seareldng ont pmorbid secre- tiona,-creid leavMzng nofluing for diseaqef0 feea i pou; Thtis le fthe secret of fhlu it- cicrfai successof titis erernecigtin curing IDyspopsia, Ll4rr Cern- Plaint,' Dropsy, Clronie, ias, ChilIs-and r-cves,- Humor,, Lois of Constitutienal Vigor, Diseases of thse Kidneys -aid BlIadderi Fmes cComiplaints, and all citeas-ce orfgisaing in a bailet ate of fthe blood, or a.. - oMmied b debillty or a loto stfate ofluhe smetepn. frc frola Alkohol In anpi foins, its -eneriz-rînug ekecteare. nid foi- lowed lsy correeponcljng reac- tioli, bit are permane, i,-rAS. ÃŽf ifeittoa auparm of the syswnsl,- andl building utp an Iron cou- blosun7ave beencyanged~ 1, -aise tUs-ee f a-lremedy, Irons Weak, seiiag, stfferisg crs-a- titros, te etronq, llealwy, aned happy umen and irwomenjand invlule «ran,freasosaWzhes., itte to gi vo f5 a trial. Se that -acli botf2c7sds PERU- VIAN SYRUP blowm In tlceiaes. Pumhosproo. SETH Y/. FOWLE & SONS, Proprletors, Jyo UNG'S OTEL, ROBT. K. 'YOUNG, PliOPBIETOI.- tsy, etc.,tas-niseSte pasties seqniing h- sample accommodation fcr -Hnntera isud Sportiee.,Tisubar anS larder supplisai vitistisebest of liquens said vlsndsto-be tondiSl ie ccuuts-y.lNoue but eblieing sud attentive ses-vants e kpt. godo stabliug tand. prompt hosties-s alwas on baud.' ROBERT H. YOUNKG, - Ps-eps-lto». Dalton, etis April, 1875. 16 CUINTYEAMNTO FOR PUBLIC T in accos-dnce vith tl Gelni Rleg9nlatoad 16 - STÃ"-REI R~ 1MIT Begs te intit 1rosis, j A !IP. ALL NEW-. SAAPES. C3- IRJ 0 0 mi Mb 1 MI S. RGANS 11 JOIEIN SAUNDERS. Whitby, April 20th, 187b. s :F i:;?j i ý IV E3- (:eroolDs« 1 in ý ý <, < 1