Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jul 1875, p. 2

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SOLomes of the aisarect Ontario Bail- âm, as the pupils làad DO PiOviou Intif; motion or their succou ait "the wliitin, w0y comptules . doliriLlit connection of conne the intentestinterent wu with Ibo (>&Dada Pacille haro beau, in manifoited in the reinit. complisne@ witil the request of Mr. At- ExÀuiyz»-The MAIttfflo 11BY- t,6rn@y.otàüeral Mowat, laid Lefors the Bey. Mr. Gibbs, (joyornmoït. Otir lOaders WW bar thaï At & m9eting of the repre"UW D, Ormistou G- MONiU- tivée of the alfferent railways held ait in Esq', Robt. wilui Esq., Gao, Baine Toronto à short time ago, this wal Que Esq. of d» conclusions arrived at. As May CUSS LISTO.- well be suppoied cach Company bu - . . i pot its own came ind clainu in thé inost FOU IV. favorable light. And in this respect, Greek.-ist Huston W. a., 2nd Mo. wé art Weil perouaded that the X&PS8. Ginvra chu., ard Mocurdy A. W. ing Dinctor of tiw Whibby and Port LZ I.-lot Beall, Loura G., 2nd Pmy Exteýusidu bai; alto dona hie, en- Huston W. S., Ord MaCurdy A; W. Honorable Mention, goGill"dy ý Ch". tire duty to thâ claims Of his Company. and M w**ns Emme. Wo aliço have a -fiw words which Wle Latin II.-lot Arm tr M 2nd desiré te add on the oubject. it iâ pro. naînaay Mary 0. B., 8,rdoneýiUerulyio. poied tà bullil tho roAd front port Perry Ailthmetie I.--lut Bialt L. 0., 2nd miner Jas., ara Uùston W. R. Ilon- tu Proisoh rivai, a distance- of 160 miles, orable Mention, MoGRvrýy C., MQCGr-ý with a branob from, some point iu'tbO dy A. 'W., and Ilamgay" M. 0. B. towmohip of Brook to Lindsay of. 15 Arithmetic IL-lot Higgins Emma. milés-to obuneut at Lindsay with the Algobra I.-Ist BeaU L 1 . G.,2ud Hus. Victoria and Belleville Railwàys. This, ton 'W' H' Algebra IL-1-2 Mg Emma, Me. with the 20 miles now built, and In op. GilIvray Chao., 8rd Bâmosy Mary C. B. eration from Whitby tu Port -Perry, Honorable mention, Mocurdy A. W., would give à total of 196 miles connectý and Armstrong M lng wità the Toronto sud Nipissing Euclid 1.ýl-2-à1111UstOU Nv. H., Me- Ctirdy A. W., and McGilivràý Chas. j Railway, lu Brook; with the Midlaud Buolid- IL-lot Riggins Emma, 2na At bebverton ; the - Northern, st Wash- Armstrong Mary, 8rd Miller Jas. &go-,, and the Hamilton and North- Problems.-làt Boull ýL. G., 2ud Western, At some point ut or lueur Gra. Huston W. H., 8.4 MoCqdr A. W. Me. voulturst, as May Ille eDnsidoreil most Gillvray Chas. Honorab' e mention, deoirable. It is prop6wed to'allow4liese Miller Jas. and Iliggins Emma. f , Natural, Philosophy-lst Beall L. G., connlecting-roadti to have itinuing pow. 2ud Armstrong Mary, 8rd Ramsay erg Overlor proportraflic arraugewents Mary C. B- with the whitby sud Port Parry Exten. Qý Book-keeping--ý1st Beali Laura G>, ilion Company'w liu'e. And aise te give 'Qnd ' Ramsay Mary, Brd Armstrong j the Cobourg and Peterborough Railway ZýnglÎuh.-I-2 Huston W. H. and ape the Ontario atid * quebelc Raîlway Beall Laura 0., 8.4 Armstrong Mary 1 like privile^_oHý recoiving in roturn like and Iliggini Emma. Honorable men. priviloges frout the Belleville Junctioa tien, McCurdy A. %V., Ramsay Mary C. a B., and Meaillvray Chas. ltatlway to Lindsay. The Whitby French L-1-2 Armstrong 'Mary 1 route has uli the advaittage of being the and Beail Laura G., 8rd Riggins shortest betweeu Lake Ontario and Emula. -Holibrable Mention, HUbtOU W. IL French rivtir, with its terminus at Frencli II.-Ilut McGillvray Charles, Whitby liarbour-uckD;owledged tu be 2nd Ramsay Mary 0. B., 8rd h f MoCurdy oucýof the bout harbeùrs en the North A, W, ti shore, and wfiero a auitlicieiit' depth of German-Not examined. el water calla àlWaym lie obtaîuetl te admit Englifili Literature.-let Arinstrong d Mary, 2nd Ramsay Mary, Brd Higgina the largeat ve'îititý,ltî. À comparisôn Of LI urm S. ai the .4lintaticeN will ohow thât, While the Cheutistry-lot Beall Laura G., 2nd Pl distance frow Whitky tu Gwravenhursb McCurdY A- W-, grd Armstrong *Mary. la Ouly 8(),Itàilem, the dirétauce from. Tor. Hoiýorable mentiou, Huqtoü W. H.,2nd Ramsay Mary, 8rd MoGilivray Chas. , uitto tu Or ' avejihtitut, by the Northern, ' Physiology-let Ramsay Mary C. lé114 iniles atili, fi-oui Fort Hope by B. SE .tliaMidlandiKI11juilos. Tiiisgiveun Anciont Hàtory z-lot Huatoâ W. H., p, différoncit lu favor of the * Whitby & 2ud MO.GillvràY Charles, 8rd Beall fo L Honorable mention, Mccur- POrt PerrY route of 34 miles am againiît- d aura "' y A. W, Ramsay Mary C. Bi, and 'ýurUutO, ana of ijl tuile$ as agninbt Armstrong MM. 00 t'Orb Rope, Aud a comparisou of dis. Modern History-lot Beall Laura G., to tances gius sien this further utierpect. 2nd Ramsay Mary C. B., 8.4 McCurdy N, ô. A. W. and Huston W. H. Honorable th oit result, td&t, frolu Gravouliuret to T mention, MoGilvray Chas-., Miller Jas., rontu, via the Whitby & Port Party *nd Iliggine Emma. ho IIUO aud by L1ý1ù Grand T.-tttik, Woula be (Jeography.-l-2.3 Huston W. H. mi I)ïileêr dhorter Ilian Inj ilie Uccurdy A. W. and Beail Laura G. Honorable mention MeGfilvray Chas., roi Xoi*iltere& Bailivay fronè Gravenhur#i Miller James, and miggiqa Emma. 14) 2loroi#1f)ýthfp maille comparison of Reading-lot Beall Laura G., 2.8 Hus. lu' course liolaing good as applied te the ton W. H. and Riggins Emma. Hon. oci distance frm Freucit river. - orable mention, Armstrong Mary and 'gr, Ilaving thug éliewn that the %Vllitby NoeilIvray Chas. 0 ,Mapyiug.-lot MeCiardy A. W., 2ud 0 & Port Perry route la the tihortest-anét Miller as. gel juoot direct, lis extension inust aloo be Euglioli Looay.-itit Miller Jus., 2na exi clearly tfiat that should recotrimend itielf Huston W. H. Bq te the corimideration qua assistance of the French Bossy.-rît Armstrong Mary, iný 210d Riggine Emma, 8r(l Beall Leurs Ooverutuent in thoir adoption of a rail. G. Ail way poliey. Te carry out the plan of to ettension inbmitted, Uoverninent aid we underistand, ocugitt fur to the amount Greek L-lst Ormistou W. S. Prc of $4,QOO, Per mile, froin Part Perry tu ýGreek IL-lot Bunting T. B., Doidge no, 108. pet GeAvenhuret; 08,0Ü0, par tuile, for the Grock III.-Ist Eyras D. J., Goudgo brauoh te Lindsay, and #15,OW par 1 H. ste utile, in Money or lands, from Grallieu- Latin L-lst Ormiston W. S. wo: hurst to Yrench river. Ana surely for Latin II.-lat Hamilton Minnie, 2nd orl such a purposo, and with 80 much in - unting T. B., Urd Moon Kate. ly favoi -of the route the desuand cannot ;Latin III.-Ist A. Formytlie. Latid IV.-lot Byres D. J., 2ad Boss evo blIt cOusidéred either extravagant or iin. W. H., 8id.West Edward. Honorable tQu rensonablg. meutiou,'Uowbray E. C., Green Jemi. tha Another schewu, wllîcli we uuàer. cou Arithmetio L-1-2 Doidgo T., Bunt. ton stand haî beau gubmitted t'o the uotjea ing T. B., 8rd.Evres D. J. Honorable . , of the Attorney-General, alïd which mention, West È dward. vui would be legs costly to the country, sud Arithmetie IL-lot Dale Jennie, 2nd fait ,pérhaps serve as Weil the samo public Wùodhouse Morttnier,8rd Correll Kate. mu, interants la ne follows : That the D/Ild. Honorable mention, Ormioton w. S., 2ual 3,fowbr*ay E. C., Green Jemima land, Ésilway give ruquing poivéro or rtllmeto Carson E. Vj fail traille arrangements te the Belleville 12nd Nourse Aunie E., Brd Hamilton tair jauction an(l to the Cobourg and Peter. M'nu'el. - 1 ïUm tario its just of the trade by HiStory I.-Orraioton W. S., thât the Pacifie Railwayo and thoir morits 2nd Eyras D. J., Ïrd West - L, . HOnûr- and we claim to bi such as shoula Mure able mention, Doidgo,.rhos. tras Arithmetie IL-lot Eý&jû J., ')nd the favOmblO cOu4idOrat!On of the Goy-, Bose W. H., 8rd Bunting T. B. Ron. t ardment. Omble mention, Lowes Annie. eaSý1 Ilodom Emtory.-lott3mithie that The Verdict in the j3etcher Cxse. 2ad Bou -W. B., Brd West E = : gooi Honorable mention, Li jrre» 1). J., Or. No reguit bu Yet bien arriVO4 at in miston W. the Beecher ýca#e' 'Pas jury are oeil out. ,ose hy--lst Byreo D.- J., 2ud Theii AU Charges Madi againstAefeu. B of ý-4 Buating T. B,, Carson onorable mention, West E., houl Ilânt'O 00un"I ifý tamporing with the etaima, Ardagh E. Jury. à;éçý j ing rrou Euiy;.v-lst Ardagh Edith 2nd kitc, Eyroo D. J., 8rd Canon E. V. 0 North'vork. ýO 1 raible m; ention MoAllau B. Ilon. - somi Wrigag-let BuÙftg. T. B.?- 2n& The b1r' DYLUOud bu ý,éen elactud by a MOOD Kate,.Srd Grou Fannie. :HOU. iuojority,-gf 818 over- UX. 4oultWe. omble mention, bioDonnèll Nàry. tribt Bu ngý B. The ý6térn&tionA1 itifie î4tc M, h- OAILàn - grêt Green eemimâ. AXERIOANS vioreeBious 1 oné, ;he pont International. ]aide match cillim -1wal ojicid. on Tilesday si DoUymo 'Latin '--'kt Croi ess. gud Eut, " a mil4s Dtiblin.' unt W. Wood ingi The Amori. Latin Il.- tién J= àwOn AtokdofD67t*M. The Ist GrOBBAlbed 2nd saci powellF. 8rdGould minwe. follévri at the ilifte»nt L"D III.-J-st x0sure, ]P., 2na Roi. Stâb, mages 1 dou'J.', 89d_ Toms. W. . tio* 1 Amaricaut, "hl Miller Aggiep 2,nd and' 1 U-7 crou ;.e ard 4 au ý A. merit4a striogurés in thé laist igotiëg 0 your papers, re4peoting the position; 0 ýera1 the hotel-keepers of Oshawa. In thi articles in the Vidicator and-Beform or, it is improperly, assamed thst thi hotel-keepero bave bmken the lawý,b3 sure keeping the ban open durinir prohibîted )Wji_ houza on Baturday oveninge. Ilidéed al- in the latter paper the unwarrantea,» sertion is made that lhey are 11sYstèmý rare = Iaw-breakero." Sow, Sire, the hing epero do not admit that they re. violaw tue law nt DÉ ;-thorefore Voui fine-spun arguments are aU fonndeà::.Ou nW a begging of tho%.qüeMion. "Thehô"l. 0 Ton were fineil peil. kee gr havinî light4iin, LOO' -an keeýingpoopM ils. fheir ars--NOT, der. anderatand, for silling liqu'or during ,foi pro1iibitêd hours. for thora was no pkool of that-and they have appealed against lau, the conviction of the maetriteo. The igh- decision in the Minent oue,,'il2 Toron- iwn. to, where a conviction ' obtained under ana similar circumstances was quasheû by the court, on the ground that- thora was &me no, proof of sellint liquors, thé hotel. igd, keepers of Oshawa elieve governe their lion case ; suc1,theý have no reason to fébr the but that thât preceai nt will be followi - sa in their appeal. ýýt id therefore un. 50'L' just of the éditer of the Vindicator ., ta Par- assume that the law has been violated. rare And is it not adding insult to injury-in the face of the well known facto of thé case -for the newly imported editor of the re's Reformer to stigmatize respectable men tir, as 11systematic law-breakers?" Fràm tich the Vindicator, at least, a fairer state. fiis_ ment of the case was to have been ci. self pectpa. Taking all the ciroumstauces into ac. ta count, the gratuitous advice tendered a it hotel-keepers is entircly out of place. It is not called for, nor is it friendly. The liotel-keepers of Oshawa know thoir rights sud their dutics, and in the matter of providing shed-room sud the for conduct of their business will likely bc ity guided by what they conceive ta be tlieir own immédiate iutereste, with, at the sanie time. a proper re.-ard for the publie accommodation. As ta the pet- or- ty.fogging argumeuts of the stuated se. seribbler of the Reformer, hie quota- ich tiens froni saine *Fishgr's-or some "fishy" dimest about Ilindietments a- jr. gainiât tavern-kee Jers," it la Plain that die ho , bas no kno%,&,fed,-e of the law as it uoý stands, nor of the changes and aménilments made from time ta time is dur'ing the past quarter of a century on ýhe subject. Re is impudently impos- )ro lug some Male, out-of-date notions upou na those who have the misfortuno te be no botter inforined than himselL From this person's captiýusiiess I am pleased lie to be able to turn te the manly tesji. eal mlony of the editor of the Vindicalor, w lere ho Baya: ire "In Ot3l!awa, we have a claes of hot'els whichi as a wlible, are superior to that of any other town known to us. They are well furnished, and the tables lut liberally supplied," ». Then, I a9k, why elloula such a class of good re- ýr- spectable citizens, who pay very high )n rente, heavy taxes, and licavy licenseq, anci wha help ta build up the trade of the commuuity, be, subjecteil in' thair logitilbate calling to the surveillance of odious spies; have their characters tra- dured, and iudignities of all kindg licap. ed upon theni before the eyes of theïr fellow men ? It tokes no small amouDt re of capital ta establish and carry on the business of a hotel with the accomnio- > dation provided like those in Oshawa. Ras that capital and industr-y no rights ? nu claims ta protection 2 Is that inveetmeut ta be ruined, and the fainily of the hotel-keeper begygared, be- te cause saine characterlogs pimp happons to become the tool of so-called Temper- ?s ance men, and under cover of - a harsh à law-imPuse(l UPOn the Public uusus- peetingly as to its results at the tiuie, through fanaticism and liypocri8y- lodges an information as ta the letter of u the law's allégea violatiou ? Does such te a state of things deserve encouragement il !nouroursmallrisingeommunity? Io it doue out of a virtuous motive ? Ras ýs it in its tendency the effect of rusking people more sober, marc moral, or inu auywaybettercitizens? Allexperience h provos directly the COntr£Lry. ýLet it )' nôt be understooil that the hotel-keepers n of Oshawa do net intend ta obey the law. Bad au,] severe as it la, it is their full intention to obey it. Neither do they seek te inake-any compromise, as 8 tated in your papers, sa to the hours of closing on Saturday nigbte. They ýre t tno well aware that that would be quite futile-that the law le paramount, and that their only remedy is in a repeal or a moëlification of the oýnoxious clauses ckf E 1 the act, by the Le,,;i@lal.lure. But they in- 'Ç s tend sticking up for their strict rights. 8 And while they are compelled te close il .!heir bars, ihey will alsa elaitn die riRht r -1- - 1 - . ý 1 keepers care very little for their custom,, ý1 for, at present rates, they are certain t be ont of pocket on every meal. ' Who il thst has witnessed the performance of IM sorne of thaë gentry at a table dIwie, or tli on anexcursion but eau beur evidence It of the eiformaÙce with aknifé and M fork ? nt this is beside the question. L I bave ý only a word or more te add, Io 'and firet to, the Il Unco'guid and rigidly sa righteous,"-" Yoüng Men's Christian tli Association,", and people of that ilk, eu who are always casting virtuous stones Ai at their neighbours, Do they ever ro. tic member the gqlden rule, te do uluto or others sa they would be doue by 2 In Pr what respecte are these persona, as good br citizons, in paying their just debti, in sp bringing up their familias, and in their ab 'n'y tô their noighbours, bétter thau 00 -the hôtel-k'éopers of Oshawa, that they wý should aét the part of the praying wc 1%griooo tnwards thein P In the words th 'of Burno, let me oay to them- th I8.D4àý,t What scant oomion gave, th "And (whiitle, apt more üý,eA %, the lave$) Lc ",Tour bottar art o'hidnig.11 Oshawa once before wao -eestered with 00 the presence-and extravaàonces of exý Ti with the Da4ly Advertiser, sud WiE 1 8612t to gubscribers ta the Da4 Libo whose terms miay met have expired. THE O£OWNS£eDFAMILY AT WWBI We woloome Again with muéli Pleag t hO aPPýeamnce Of the talented Toi unil va mily in Whitby. They are wayo certain - to Provid a us with a r, trest in the theatrical lino-somethi far remoired. in point oUtaient sud sPectability from the ordinary presen tions of traveffing, thostriasl _ troup Tagoday night, Mr. Chodes Danc ben-utiful comio drama ffThe Wo 1 na, fui worasn", waa - lilayeà by tilem , the firet time ut the Odafollows 1 El It excited the liveliest futerest throup out, and the acting of Mr. ilarry Tom oeud as tÉe Mr4ait of Frontignac, a Misa Constance Townsend -au Madai Bertrand, -was warualy ý applaudg whileeverymovement and «PraSsi of Mr. Burnet Towntend, asCrepin t Cobblerfairly kept the audience in cc misions of laughter during the pý formande. The Other - characters we aloo all Wall austaineti. 1 To-night, (Wednesday) Shakspeart great historical tragedy of Richard Il is to be Placed on the boards, in wlà Mr. John Townsend &11 appear in 1 masterpi ' ece, as Richard. This of its, aliould be 8ufficiont ta fill the 11all its utmost capacity-aud we are ëure will ' P08itively the last night, Elections and EJection Petitions. Moxex.-The corrected roturna fi Monck give Mr. McCallura a inajoril of 4 ; 1,883 ballots were. cast for hîr and 1,829 for Mr. Edgar. WEST El LGIN.-Judgmeut wa8 rende ed in the West Elgin local clection cas Mr. Thos. Hodgins takes his seat, eac party paying hig own costa. ----? _-_ __ Y,* 2-JJ-4 ROPPOI Mazol Robo'oû Magoý» sa Bill nmble menUon. Clarki )Ward Ribbt. Botanyt"lgt MOGIRVUY Jentie,2-8-4 Hopper M&VY, Robson Maqie, Billî 13enry. Ronorable mention, bl:rc Emma, Pred, gnd Gorde Florence, 8ý4HOei;ýir MAJY, Bobson MoÉgie. Bonorab ýmqntion, 13r&'V* Chao. and'Thompoon Annie. Gëîrýby.'-1ot Robion Magg'Les 2-8 Cole rence, ]ýoU'Eaiiûeot. honor. able mention, Wation Liotie, noagion P»d,,XoGiUvmy fennie.. P96" ý Composition. -lit Gerrie P., 2nd mges maggie. . Writing.-ist ilopper Mary, 2nd MacDonell hhn,8rd Scott Jane. Hon. ýo>ble mention, Smith Lizzieo Pardon Amanda. ine2lig lot Iliggine Maggie, 2ud ard Ajands, 8.4 Macdonell Arebie, Bell Earnest. SP@%g sud Dictation.-lot Bell Fitèrnest, 2.8 Robson Maggie, Hopper ,Mary. Honorable mention, Cole Flor. ence, ]ffýwârd Rob$. meipping.-lst Macdonell John, bnd Pardon Amands, 8rd Powell Ida. Honorable mention, Hopper Mary, Scott Jane. DU 91CL unies, sage, ana lot your mal bjý kindriesses te me, 1 coula not negli writing yen, aveu, if what:I haïve to ti is net the Most - agrobable luowa in t] ]g worldi I cault my thst the good 1qý of, I know you moït hitiriity wiéh,ýme hý ýst yet attènileil me,; but I am -no wor off tbail btindredo' Of , othbro, up - her who, -like mysélf, are unable to obti or OmPlOYmOul Of 8nY kind- I have trif )y avery person anaovery thinà whe: there was a, ghôst of a. chance, and if sui not discouraged it is not for lack cause, Touwill bave Beau in the paliers tl bad. accounts of Manitoba, au'a I CE apsure you they are not'overdrawi to The grasshoppera are eating up avoir a. thing ; farinera are 'keeding but little,* in sny, and are takinR their teams to woi 3e on the railway-; and except for 1 ' aboure: le to work on the road, there is no chanc ýu of getting employment. Money m scarce. times are baTâ, streets are crom B. ed With Unen2oov6d men, sud the fevo j. is expecteil as acon as the bot weathi Rets in. There was net mneh of a crc last year, sud there will bc less tlii d And another year of grasshoppers, au 9. Tjin CuEtoNic-Lu will bc able to bny u tbe whole country and have erioug type left to set up the outaide. I WC told hy soma farmers that they wonl icive Manitoba another yeut'a iris]. au a if there were grnsshoppers thon, that e all they wanted here. They have loe ,t their all, most of tbem, and will hav to start anew in Ontario. Others war to sell their claims now for enough t take thern to Ontario, and are sick an disgrnated, with the opuntry. e I liave -presented -a fitir, unprejudice ,. view of the state of affairs bore, and yo t will find many who will give you t gloomier and darker account, whil others , (Who have beavy iuteresta a stake bey) will, of course, pooh, pod matters. - As they Bay out bere, th grasshoppers are sent bore to drive th white man out ; the country wait ou], !niïde for half-brecils. Aud I bolieve 1 is truc. I bave net been able to writ, a letter for publication, with. the excep lion of nue (that I cever sent, but stil bave in my valise), and don't write thi with the ides of p4ttinq it in as it ifl r ReIwAte the paragraph about the conn try'e state, and if TaE CHRONICLE Pro vents one man from coming up it wil do more good thau could be imagined Bye-the -byo, I see TisE CEP.0NICLE everj week, at the Standard office. Personally, I do not regret the trip 1 feel ton pnr cent botter, and 1 havé learned a thing or twa. Ode is. that t little Il brass" or Ilcheek" will go a gootl ha ys. Consequeptly I Il cheek " it. 1 va frequent conversations wfth au M. P. P., have drank with the Premiei of the Province, (but anyone eau do that), and bave smoked witli Governor Graham of the Fort. Still, I'm'umble, like Uriali Heop, and am looking out for anything that turns up. I bave hopes of getting on a surveying party going out west 600 or 000 milesbut as yet -cannot say whether I will be ap- pointeil or u et. If 1 do go, I may not be back for a year or se ; and if 1 dé flot go, Goa Ouly knOws where I will drift to. I sent von papers about the collision on the IW River, by which you - will ses that we boa à narrow escape. Yours, &C., GEO. il. HAX Flight of the "Cock-sparrow." To the Editor of the whLtoy Chroniole. MR EDITOR : Is it true thst "Cock-spar- row," the whilom% I*editor," (as ho cali- sa himself,) of the Gazette bas been hired te go to Oshawa to pick potato bugs 2 If se, I aboula Pay that Whitby bas had a good riddance of the contene tious creature. He never answered the urpose libre. Yeur baruyard fowl eat him all hollqw aveu in the potato bug Une. But, Oh my 1 wont those who engagea hiru te go to Oshawa feel sold, when the come to understand his self sufficiency ana the conceit and impu- ilence of his manner% 1 He went far to ruin the Gazette. He may have a bat- ter chance of succeeding in extinguish- ing the Oshawa paperunlet;B lie is look-_ ed alter carefully and in time. As to (lem01iS11inýa the Potato ýl)ùCys, %vlly a fow stronr, fellows would be able te demol, i8h himself holit8 bolu8. Your friend, JENNY WREN. Jttne W, '75. FESTIVITIES IN IIONOR OF TES VISIT OF TITF AMERICAN TEAX TO IRLLAND.- tice Whiteside said the American visit- ors had honored the Universit ' y by their. presence, and they rocelved them as brothers.who bave ýeen foremost in spreading civilization. The airs Sung Nt the banquet were composed for the moulon, by Dr.. J. Pl -Waller. ý They wýre &Il ýAmericau in rientinient'end, were. entitled , "Ireland's welcome to the Imericau ride team," IlLina of the 'Weà,ýý and "Welcomào'Brothér of the W est.,, ., ý ý. » 1 1 à On the 28th, the tord M&ýor of London and suite arrired this motning. rhey were coMedon bif the Urd Mavar -7 to- my limits, the bàuoon wents êtraight oce wards Oswego; but wheu it.got twen tell ilve mfieo dut avez thEt lake, the wi the chang-ed, and an easterly course, làk, wardo the Cànadian shore, was, otra las When about ton: miles south ci Whitl me the baUoouýdeuo'n'ded yery'lierceptib aitai-wardo' a surfâce or la ourrent took the ball nists ta thé ci 09 . tion - 1 ý !ad tre U tho'lake. The Mo 'Wu =C Bre lating, the, balloon gradually getti lower and Jowér. .;e.Before' iundown Of ichooner, was oeenW'ithin speaking il tance. Thé men e hàiled it 1ôr ho ;ho -they intending ta Aower and- get an boar ; buL no attention was paid, a M. the vessel,-turned about and went in v ry, other ',direction. Sand was frequeni , if throw i n out, ta lighten"matt-ers, but si ,rk the balloon descended lower and low, 3ra uniii about eiglit o1clock, it atruck t tee water, and the amatuers thought th is were surely "in" for w watery grai ,a. Elope, however, ' filleil their bearts rer they bounded heavenwards again. ýer eliarp wind sprang up, and Oshawa & qp- Bowmanville. wore passed - with grc la, 9eed- Niglit set in, and ît becat ad ý very cold. The three press men ma the bon of two overcoats, and émokE and kept up eacil otherlti courage 1 las singiug suatches of snuge; and Ga tld tried ta persuade the others that it w ud "awfully jolly ta bc up in a balloa t'a For several hours.they dritted abouC est darkness, the generà heiglit froin t: ve water being about four hikudred falot. ( Ut a calai setting in'at mianihhtthey ag-a ta descendedlower. Asallthe sand lii ,Id been disposed of, the ancher and ropE and levait severai overcoats were throm eà over ta secure greater buoyaucy. TJ DU basket touchëd the water, risiug up ý a each article was thrown out. The que ýJe tion then , -what next ta be pitel at ad overboard 2 for the basket was bu ,b filled with water. Mr. Donaldson saý ,le ho really did uot know what ta (Io ni ale IC-88 able of the reporters would - oblij ]y the company by tàking hie leave. E it remarked as a very curious cirenu te stance that bis companions were no P. very quief. They took uot a note .ý 111 the beautiftil effect of the silvery mooý is beame upoii the bosoin of the lakE they spoke not a word; they ove disdained ta use that comfort of Mau trials- the pipe. All entliusiasi was as it were washed away b 1. ?ach pant-soaking wrve ; and the fee iug rjànkled deep in the hearts of tE reporters that the ambition ta wril two columiis of sensation had proved Il delusion aiil 1 iuare." After this Il a no maý say that reporters are no mai ,1 tyrs fol the.publie entertaitinient. TL I basket sank deeper and deeper into th n water, and the wind rocked à like ýr cradle, uccessititting a continual rusI 01 ing of the unfortunateit froin one aide t the otheiý, ta prevent bein.- immersed As Mir. Doualdson observeil ta Th Mail reporter, the water was net s a very cold iteelf, but it-ivas the *'much y iieqs" or it w1iiýh was sa very diàaeeE 8 able. Re said lie had no notion beller - tliat Lake Ontario was sa big. Every L body had literally ta elng ta the rope S for lifé. Chatto.ring teeth and nutnbei limbs took all the fun ont of - seuddin i along, half in sud lialf out -of the water at the rate of fifteen miles un hour At last a brilliant Ides flaslied upon thf Profemr. Re, of course, as. captain could net Icave the ship ; but ho pre posed that one of bis passen.gers shouli embrace a lite-proserver-thle ouly ont tliey had-and consign himaplt -ta tlic Mercy of the waves, with the Lope thai lie would be able ta drift ashore and ob. tainsuccour. Lois were tobe drawn as tc who was ta go upon this hazardous job. Notoue of the prosa.inenhowever deWed ta ho a Beyton,.a-nd it was uuanimous. ly voted that, if die thýY must they would fill die together. Another liorror stared them in the face. The pangs of hunger were increasing flipt, for not a ruorsel bad been tasted during the voy- age; and the most careful rummaging anlong pockets only bronglit ta liglit a crust, illiort tack for sucW a fainishiug crowd. It is said, but we cannot vouch for the statement. that thoughts were geriously entertained of casting lots ta provide for a repast. The slauglitering of an unoffénding reporter was stayed, however, As in mauy similar cases,' succéur fortilnately came wlien it was most neûded. A sellooner was seau in the distance, and as may lie iniagined the-hings of nll were-used lie never Ille. foi7e. The officers of the schooner- that turnpd out ta be the rilying Soud, Capt. Minaker-thouglit at firat . the ballooniRtf; were fisherinen -out on a mit1night -lark;" but being soon iller. suadetl that liolp was roally required, a yavl %var: sent ont in perquit of the un. manageable liallôon, whicli WaR net reaclied until lialf un liour'a liard ro*w- steanferSochester wait boarded, an(! Belleville was reaclied about elëveü O'ClSk, àt vight. The conclusion of the àtorY'is that t6 four wearied bil.,' locuisto took the ilrst train west,'and anivle<d ber@ safély and'soundly. - 1 Doing asked whéther, as'thia voyage was attended with go rnuch daýgîr, there woqld be any Cham of succesa in the trans.Atlantic týiý,Mr Donaidson replied t-bat bc thobjzbt he could mau. age the journcy HO said lie woula use a boat insteaà of a basket, ana thug h c ý provided againsf- bth winà and water. is tO bc 1uUt, ' the Frith ýees ritatiot 1 - . 1 - - . 1 . TUTTLE & Coý, 79 Noâsgu.bt. N,,y. uck. 'Frightful garthquake.-A whole City Itby, Destroyed. PROS RATION, RESU14TNG PROM [bly. the effects of the intense beat of the suminer monthi, is the pre.diçoùng cause îana * BIGET TBOUOAND PERSONS 'BURNED IN ýof no many et the diseuses peculiax te hot con- =E DEBRIS.* weather. The stomsch "king of the )du-' - 1 1006 of vitality pervading t9earthole fillg A letter fiom Maracaibo, May 29th, is unable to'complete digestion ;-the ijoâ Il a iiivosanaccount of au eartljqtiake nt Vassing undissolved through. the bowels, dis. Cur irritates the lining niembrané, and Diaribcu, out&, South Americai on the 18th. Dymentery, Cholera Morbus,'anci Whep ja-e- ýelP, The firot Bhock levelleil every Wall in vailing, Asiatie Cholera may be exciW. 012 tàecity, buryinR-in.à single instant S'. Attention te diet, moderate exercise, bath- and 1,000,,people out of à populatipn Of loeow. Jng, and replar habite must be obierved. Te Maintain the vital force and prevent SoYeral, hot killed, - shbaequentjy died insituae ana exhanstion, Dr. Wbteler's utlý from iluHes, and many were murdered CompounaBlixiroi phogph cl C eti At" an alisaya by, rob ers who plundere'd' in bands. à unguestio"bly reliable, as it invigorates wer, The 6hocýe continueili and fires burned the digestive organs, and supplies matériât the much property. Those ý save'd fled to for geuemting nerve force. ;hey the neighbouring country and. encamp- E A B I N E [6v8- ý oïl. When the neworeached Maracaibo, B 1 as two steamers weré sent with ý food, and Prepared from î ha Pure Greuze of A clothing to the sufferers by the Amori- and can consul and.people, alsoa corps of THE - CANADA BEAR. reat physicians, and â'çommittee'to dijzbursoý âme aid.. The . Gôvernor Peut soldiers te - Thi delli htfÙUy ilumeil prUarati ýade protect the people. Reports from San impýý il a .1 gl r eh tu the Haïr, in- ied, Cayetano, Santiago, drammalote, Ar- clining it te rémain-iii sny deaired position. by botedo, Cueutillà, and San Cristôbal, &U It lie' Unir hot only a luxuriant ýach aggre gating a population of 20,000 con. t arrests greyness, bàldnus, and 9tr,9 ses of the-héad a cd was firm previons accounts of the.* destruc- Genume Beses Orense hU IZ Le, held OU" tion of life and yro erty in those places. in hiqh estes= ý "'a - valuable article -,for The shock wa elt -at Bagota. Dressing the HÀir. It haîiý beau highly the co--ended and used by éminent Chemiste -and Ellysicians of every country. 01.3 A RESIDENci IN IRÎLAND FOR THE Eaèh bottle ie enclosed in card board >in QuEmî AGiTATEn.-The old question of box surrounded by a Ilngly- engraveil w-rap- had a reaidence in Ireland fer the, Queen port forming à package both ornaln en tal ana ?est was brouglit up inthe British House of useful en-every Ladies' Dressing Table. ewn Coulmons on Friday niglit by Mr. Pries 50 cents Ver Package. PPiRR'Y DAVIS & SON, rhe Stackpocle, Member for Ennis. Ho 19 Sole Proprietors, Montreal. ) as moved that it would conduce to the 'es- advantage of the Crown, if the Queen Ch- aboula bave a permanent reoidence in NEW ADVERTISEM IM . lalf Ireland. . Mr. McCarthy Downing,_ aid Meraber for Cork, protested against the HANCERY SALE un- mation. Mr. Sullivan, Member for c ige Louth, said the motion, was inconsistent Ho with the dignity of the Crown and of OF* 111- the Iri8li nation. Dr. Isaac Butt, Mem- Valuable Buildincr Lots, Ow ber for Limerick City, gave assurances Of that Her Majesty would meet with a and ther property in the loyal reception in Ireland. Mr.Disraeli C8; asked that the motion -.lie withdrawn. TOW N OF W HITBY., ren The net it contemplated. was one whielr MY should ho left wholly to the free will of Pursn-nt tu a Decree of thý Couit or s- Her Majesty. Mr. Stackpoole accord- Chancery, in the suit of by ingly withdrew his motion. _70HNSTON ve. tROSS, Lhe Tian TornoNTo Boàni) OF TR&DEI-AND there will be sold by Publie Auction, with îte GOVERNÎMENT DEPOSITS.-At the quar. the aj)probatiozi of George IL Dartne 'a terly meeting*of the Toronto Board of Boq.,.oaaster of the said Court, ut «Vitby,* ict Trade, lield in that city, on Priday, the ut the Court Rousei in the oaid Toçm of Rr- President was authorized to appoint. a Whitby, on - : 'lie 'cominittee to consider the aubject of Saturday, 17th of Yuly, A-. D. '75, Ie GovernmGnt depositi, it being, urgea Da that the prosont systeul placed the et the hour of Two o'clock, p. m., by tbb sh- whole ffiouey market, under the capri- sala Master, in five pârcelsi the fonowm*g to cious control of one man. The Prési. Building and Park ~Lots, situated- in the >d tlie Town of Whitby,-and compqged of: , - dont also received authorization for 'he appointinent of a comtuittee to report PÀECEL No. l--ý,P&rk Lot, number eight, on s 0 on the -Goverament's commercial statis. Amies" Second Plan ofparf-ci the-north h- tics, which are complained of as being lfaU of Lot number Twentg-eighti on ,the First Concession ofthq ownshiptof es ceediugly incorrect. Whitby; now forming a parf of the -said ere Town ofeitby, and bounded by Maria 7- PLANING MILL BuaNED AT Li-zDsày.- Elizabeth, Gilbert and Francel; Stmto$e ýes Messrs. Needler & Saddler's planing, and coiita=*ing,. by admeasurement, ed mili, ut Lindsay, was completely des- 168/100 acres, with fence on Mari& Street only, good landand now cropped ag troyed by fire on Saturday morning. p.ýcvith;hea1. Iry Insured for $1,000 2.-Beini -Park Lot number' Seve.,2 il said plan, and bounded by .le In one of the Frencli Dephrtinents ilb AtÈlizabeth Danlo andFrmees nt tliere is a ,Society for the Protection of Streets; contaiminM' by = azuremènt 1 Birds Useful to the Farmer." AU 2 11/100 acres, go land, in good con- 0- dition -a cropped witli wheat,, no la nest found are reported te ý the Society and protected by it. - In the past ypar -fonce.' le PARCFLjýo. 8.-Being Town Lots, numberz the Soc.iety protecteil two hundred and Thirteen, Fourteeni Twenty-nine, and le Éourtoeni ýests, from which came lime ut Thirty, in the third Range of lots, on b- hundred and four birds. Annes' first Plan, of part of said lot nuniber T"nty-ýjght,,în the Firat Con- LO In the West Wellington (Local) clec.ý cession Of the Township of fflûtiby b. tion trial ut Guelph, counsel for Mr. aforesaid, now foý%îng of the-said ýd McGowan (Conservativel admitied Mr. Town of Vaitby, ounw by Gilbert, s- Faliey's agency, and on this ground Frances, ana Dunlop Streets , and'con- taining together about one âdre cSppeil y (Fahey'sevidence proving that treating withpotatoas and outil, no f=ý!. )r was indulged in) the élection will be de- PJLàczL lie. 4-Being Town Lots numberx )f clared void. Filteen, and Sixteen. in the sida thira Alex. Brayley, of St. John, having Range of-Lotson said lasi'mentîoned Planwith comfortable fralhe bonze and announeed his willingnness te row a kitcheu, good well and choice fi-ait trees, single scull against any one in the, Do_ now oce ied - by Aý W. Watsàn, Lat a a illinion, barrin-cy George Brown, Parties rentalof;f.50permonth.- Tbisp , xoperty 9 in Halifax ha" accepted the challenge is bounded on the.norýh by Dunlop and on the east by Henry 'Street. - 1 ý - for any stim from $500 te 1,000. The PARCEL FIVE,-Being ý composeil or Town race te takO place in Aigust, when a Lots.numbers Twenty--nine. Thirty' 0 new man *ill bc brôualit out. Tllù#-One,- and- Thirty-tw., in, thé Second Range of Lots en said lut men- DEITII OF MR. GEoRGF, DoRYER.- tioned plan. On this. property there is Mr. Gcorcem Dormer, barrister, of Lind- a large fram - a bousè,'îýécéntly répaired; s say, ex- M.', P. for South Victoria,, died food-driving honse, wood-sheds, pump- on tlÏe morning of the 24th of consump- eue, hard water weUsaùd soft water tien. At the general election. of 187ý, cisteril, orchard, with choice früit-bear- lie was re ing dall other nocessary con- ýurned as a member et the , an ,e.=s; and is bounded by- Henry, Holise of Commons for the South Riding Dunlop, andFr4neei Streets,* and is ut ofVictoria, 1 titi t dia net seek re-election présent occu ecl 'by Mr. ý. Ramer after the dèNvrifali of SirJphn A. Une. Ès 'la- a ý deairible resi- donald's Gý_vernment in the folloiving dence and_ Jný a llealthy part of the yea eath was net unexpe&.ed, Town. as jý AU theze parcels are -withiû a' short dis- e en ill for a lengtli of time. tance of the centre of the -Towe of Whitby. r 1 Sicrs$10.'îS FROX TnE CHURCII OF 'cl would malie exce)iejjt building sites. The purebaser orpurchaserg, iliall at the ENGL,&ND.-SCVeral OeCeSSious are re., time of sale, pay down il deposit in the ported as liaving been mado-froni the proportion of $10 for every $1(» of bis or » Irisli Cliurcl in consequence of the re. theïr. purchase-money, te the Vendors, or cent altera . ous in the Athanasian* -their Sfflieitor - and shall aleq'pay a- Imm Creetl.&* Am, n- the more itupo'rtant is uufficient tu maki with the deposit one-lialf Ur_ of the.imrchase inonýmv nn +ii- 17ý1k - - D. 0AýatýII, ToitNAi5o AT DbTiwrr.- said muter. Detroit, June 28.-The damage by lut (Signedj GEO. H. DABTNELL, night'a tornado foot e as follows.- A. G. MCMMLAN, ûaÎter st WýhitbY- ,Twèý killeil, bôth children, three persons Venclon' Sôlicitor. -danàerously liurt, and twelve ()thers Whi . tby, June 29,1875. Sin-27 Severeý; twOntY-thrOO honses dernolish- ed 1 un many. others more or less dam. agId- A e6ÈO OeTious !ou of life - waR 'OYAL MOTEL. proveiÏted, ovýiu9 te, the spanely Bettled IR candition of tiiat part of the City" ne the WHITBY, ONT. pcwcr- of the tormado was very greaýj and its devui4ion terrible. Thousands A. IIINDESja., ofIpers . us hhive vm-tea the scene. A OPEN TO ALL FORMS. Drawingoriginal sketch.-lÈt Ardagh Fi. III Form, 2nd Pardon Rate, IV rý ý'rtu, 8rd Lowes A., III Forrn. Crayon.-lst Carson E. V.,Ill Form. Prize Poem.-'lot Ardagh A., II Forni. The following pupils were uuavaid- ably absent from the writteu examina- tions. Jeunie 11088, Carrie Taylor, E. R. Taylor, Bella Coulthard. The Pri7e Essaya and Poetu occupied inuch time and a'ttion sud were heard ivith applause, The examiner of the essays and poeins, Rev. Mr. Bail. entYne, addressed the sueee8sftil candi- dates in Englisil CoinpositionMtieigin" at lep.-th the efforts submitted to hitu, Poiniing out the merito and defects, and il, a liéral way finding much te coin. men4.11 Ile paid particular attention ' te 1e first prize essay of the Third Forta is being indicative of no ordicary talent poem-he f took, occasion to tqay, which for Euglish Compoi ;WOU. A, large number orvaluable sud band. mely bound books were distributeil ý the successiul candidates for prizes. ýqo pupil was allowed to hold more han two prizes and thus the badges of LOnor came witiju tite posseaujou of Chai lasoi Offl, -CO L-à MAN] bis Zn and e New.1 0 LoNDON.-The pOtitioU againSt M Meredith has been dismissed, and t1j petitioner brdered ta pây the costs. The Prince Edward election trial adjourned ta the l2th of September. The election trial for West Peterbor is posýtponed, till the Soth of July, au Eïst raterboro till the 26th of July. The nomination of candidates for th representation of Welland in the Loca House tock place yesterday, Captý NV Buchner and Mr. J. G. 'Currie %ver noininated. The New Methodist Church. The coutractor for the uew.ýletliodis Church has alreatly commeuced oper ations. ' The 11first Bad" was turned or Monday. The contract for the builcIing ha$ been let at $18,000. PERSONAL.-Mr. 'Mackenzie Bowell M. P., has been in town the pàst tw( days. He lias been present at the ýeiý amiuation of the Ladies" Colle re, wh er( 15 his daughter is a pupil. 'NORTH VICTOUIA.-The North Vio. taris, election trial is poetpoued till August. h tc A Noti Of thù be due pany ( . Byc The contest fur the prizes in publie eading Offéred by 8. Beau Egq., Co. am ' bus and H. J. Macdonneil, Whitby, coasioned much goail reading. IL was ratifYing tu soe that thera wore inany ompetitors for the lionor. While all cquittod themselves ajimirably, the Xamiuers, Bev. Messrs. Gibbs and ýqllentyne, had no difliculty in docid. 39 that Mise Emma ' Higgina and Miss lioe Ardagh were entitled respectivaly the lot and 2ad prizes. The Ilead Master in briuging the roceedings to a close said that ttle year Ow ending had boeu one of grest pioe. eritY. The numbers had kept up ýeadily throughout the year and ýthe 'Ork had goue on without interruption -hiudrance- Tliemelioolwastliorougli- 'equipped forwork and the large aud rer increasing numbers from a dis. ýnce was liroof if any were roqui dl at it beld noý;light hold upon rjeho Mfidence of the public. The Inspec. rs Of IE911 Schools liad rande their Bits ana in no case liad they found 41t, but,- from their own statements, uch tu commend. - At the UUi.veýSitY matrieulàtion last R the candidate from _this achool ob. ined a high place. During the year ýü candidates from this place obtain. the very higliest honore in law. It te e8P6ciallY gratifying to him tu refer the achiMmenta of the old Whitby j )Ys in Colloge Halls, and lie was sure air names and lionours woulël be re- ýved with bearty applause. - 1 Mr. John E. Bryant fiad agaiu car- 1 id off a double scholarâliip in Toronto 1 ýiver8ity. Mr. Carscadden hail won B gold.iuetlal in metaphysios. Mr. Imstrotig, the silver modal in niodern aguages. Mr. Davig a suliolartiliîp in ýtural sciences; Mr.-Balfour the prize ý Englisti eiway. And inenumerating BBO nalnes and lionors he was quite t re there was no higil school in the t ovince could boast of go many, and ch Iligh distinctions at one examina. He took occasion tu raturn the thankî tbe-ý1nastOrs and pupils W thoir ends who liad giveu go liberally to iure the prizes. è v It but remuÎned for him, tu announce d à the boridays would begin forthwith c a last unCit the lotit AuguFit. Re b LOted that those Who. Were intending a eturn would -bc in Choir places as rZ as possible, and that from. those t it WoUld not return ho might bear h Dà ýaceotmt% in whatever R&Ituation7 in they Might be placed. FIREO-Mr. Henry Gould's ise on Byron-ot-came very near be- y kurned down on Tueoday. The Ohon, waO disoovered iu-a blAze from b ne fat which took fire in t'lie atove. e timely vresence and exertions of Mr Fau, the chief Constable' là mainly éon., d )uW to, thé saving of the building. - Chio incidïnt, ser"s atiU furthoé to iw' * the preioing nëcét;sity for à' lire 041 ât, tb»ý ýOujOÙ0 bouge. ý 'WiiiJOUt 'I gagne, Withih réach, the &a ËU a tl ýùûe to take onèh a hold of any build- ti in the town-u to Cause ite dosirUC- fE i belote the engine could be got out. -0: ffi timely assistance as the eldef con. b ýlê's présence in, the eue under 1". ý may not be alwayd 1 culy occurred thMýUOh the mûrest TIVO ý sii STI FI M Iowa: boz ter ani Will 0 Iowa: of th., Il and 0 wiu lu 5th et North W made 1 imen's: grana , The IR wol bo Néw D States. pnncip the cit, anil E fuge, 12 Ger=& chestri, àa Re Ticki by -y -promn 0. Guy Thoïna ucciel bam, borne,, Trentoi GXange ana Alt For f June 23 p Roi DC Wiler, -11part aE Miroug] TI-1 M Be obse ulaces el Given u ANOTUFR TERRIBLE STORM.-lieporti of etorms, hurricanes, and earthquakei come'from all quarteMof the globe witi accounts of ilreatlful losa of lire. A Londou Cable dispatel, of thé 2sti states that a furious thunder storn: passed ov or Buds, Festh, that day ; th( lightning WS13 incessant, sud hall foi, in "Uch quantities that roofs of hoýsei and the gurroundi6g bills were covered two feet with ice water. The fall waî extraordinary. Torrents swept througrt the etreets of Buda, carrying men, ve. Moles, and everything moveable, dowzi into thé river. Many houses werc sud. denly flooded and destroyoil before their iumates could escape. Five hun- dred of the intnates are missing, and qt Icast 100 have been drowneil or killed by falling walls. AU the railways are interrupteil. DR. WISTAR'fi BALSAM OF NVILI) CytEnRy is 'la compination and a form indeed" for healin.- and curin.- diseaucs of the throat, lungs and chest. It cures cough by lonstining and eluansing the Innge, aud allaying irritation ; thus re- moving the cau8e, instead- of drying up tho cougli and leaving the disease bc. hind. By refèrence to the advertisetneut of Messrs. Odell and Trout oi the British American Commercial College, Toronto we learn t1iat a clai;s will bc opened at that institution duiing the holidays of the Publié sehools, for the special in- struction of tàchers in Book-keeping and PenmanFihip, at very low rates. DESTRUCTrVE t3TOR3iAT-BRADronD- ýsy, Tows IIALL BLOWN DOWN.-On the afternoon of the 24th instant, this towu was visite by the most severà tornado experienced for fifteen years phich apred death sud destruction, Buldings were com letely unroofed, and trocs torn up b tge rootR, chimneys blown down in ZI direction@, and telegraph wires of boath comparues broken by falling trees; but the saddest of all was the destruc. tion of the Towü-'ý Hall, a large brick building used ý--fay âîý"wÏ:n&r'- ochool. Some-,ý-people who had taken refuge ilear sud oaw it swing, triedý to- alarm the pýpi% in the bazement,'but their criês.were not hoard, and the roof> sud aides fell in 'with a crash killing one pufil and sorioualy injuring two others. do' James, of this Place, sud his boys, wero storing hay in a loi barn, wheu the tornado istruck the barn, com- ý letely demolighing ýhe buildingi the gs w9dging. in Mr. eâmes,ând *bis liorseo, he was extriested with gust diffleulty, but socaped unhurt. The blinister of Finance and the Banim; The Miùàter of r4 inalïee bas of jAWjaý0 the Hamilton Time#,ý,paia saverai visite- to Uoiitreal,, where he bite been'in, con. formée with ýth6 leading financiaI mon of the. Dominion. The result fi, we believe, that mattersbave been piscad tipèn inch a footing là WLII z elleve the mnitli týei.1la

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