Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jul 1875, p. 4

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Ba on rii pttfifour pramOgi, wha i l r.rudercd the pramiain païS, Il ural iibitlon Camp n dra or40W hartar, grnulS h Lt o o Yok, Io gvan mthoily ta iosse theu bondis, Tbe- giuiature ctai te State regll~tegreat banefils whlchevi #xi%@ froin thi& mccc..ofthif Aentaplueo, hae eep<ed aIl ha réal, astate aSdpro. poy of <the<Company fr<,mntaxtation mandsec. sssmcets for foeYeats, &sai l icacou- erred othor ip-a ihpiviioeas. ifvery Auerln who uniertanaim Ihm Purpogsofi u o! ausy Ville oi e neoi mty, fol aapriais c liIt u a us ccceusf ci ( shfzl" wubz,, bond bfcozne. an Wer ud k11inteotoed anSiMd hen moeutln - ad 'tieet n u lidan oi sry xegyaam The ttco. d and h e utr ou t at Itno ta blhixai, whee tey racier nua ana cmiata ietwt teecfie f roi» where <ey eau ha supplieil. Parties delmirteîgla-t Kif aganto or toeleur- Vliesi>eîbndil wýfli tlfei TNDUSTTiIAl EXIIîrrioN 4C~o., Nuo, 12 Eeet l7th Strvee - iet, il,,wÇ[Yay h eh!., Njw York City. vion-vyà ee iv yde-att on ew York' Fx iram,ur pufitcl order-chearges Junu 14th, 1878.270 CUMINOSCOFE - aing mal îi~iureta anuaatouIea ing ewtent. <iarulta-lee.Vimte lPortraits aré muatglitlleel p to lit.,sic,.Sthatnisry and - ilowarsappear ille wotierful. n&agxitutle. Notliitogol sillai Inteiobtt lias een lire- vlonsy ly ttoduceel for the eutertalnmeret of -bth analy crie oaiaial party. Il ton. nolft tai ta ba wlcolne lna veîy ratined Iaoatshalid ao6xcawetant ource ot pieaue, whItletot h.eirltL a sa aaynemans * !obts.lutng un aielarged coLy, frota whicie ta vork Sespocîneen of tIn vsry unique Initrument. Ta les sein et Massrs. -ýTA&YLOR & BARNAR-DS t owelletsrgae, Whtb, andeStey cordially nvitè aaiparties ta cal tnd ceai lt wleetiear tey vurcntata or net.,- DORT WJIIT13Y AND POlIT PERRT JP EXTENSION XIAILWAY. - TIllE '-411LL No. il. Taeaaelfïeet on Mouday, June 7, 1875. Trainas inn by Toronto tima, whk-e la tweu- ty.twu miantas lowar thama G.T.iî. turne. WbttbY Junctîoxe, dep.art 9.28 arin. 0.40 P., whitty, ........ 98 5 aan.6.4ô8pn. Droolin....... 0.55 ane, .705 p.rn. M jrte ......... 1(1.12 ain. 7.22 p,.n feimit. .. 10.231 a.78 1p.m. - Mauciceta3r ..... 1-88 at.»>.7:48p.in. Prince .Albrt.., 1>.411a. i 7G pin. PotPerry( ...stria-o 10.50) U. :8.00 pi.ra lit rat Pawrr...depateel .W ea. 1.2.5 p.l.. * Faniec he.... - (10 ic . 134pan. >*4Mecheter .... (U 1.ai. 1.45 pan. *81iit ........ .30 ame. 1.55pan. - iyrtle............64.42 ami. 2.07 pin. lîratlin ..,.,.,.207A) 1am,.225pan. Wib. .... " ' ic a- tu-Ai.2 .45 p.en. tel * 7A am. i 18.00 lp.m. lbtby juuictlun, Arriva 7.40 a,», , 8.1> pi». PIletonirue stttiote. Tî-îieea astop 021 Big- nals ont>'. <onnactiag cnt Wh1ly Jacietion vine the 0. '1. B., eeat suad veHt;ttlPort Peit-e-y ehh otage for Urba4dIge. nI cleriîîg hîavtrt-eiin, witn steamners t(or t.tcetaay, Fieloc Fells-, JIAMESlIIIOLDEX,, 20 ?caaagitgDirector. ÇOENTY lXANMINATION clc - -PUBLIC TEACHERS. lu mcrlac-wlateState n sdltae Galinerail Raguiaton-adopiael b>' liî Cocun. cil ai Publie Iuélrtaction, thce Aiunal Lane. Ination of Candidate$ for Public. Soniooi Tasehers' Second andaS Tiia l isaCortid. cetes for <lac year 1175, wle lil ac D.<I.V.), MO VDA Y, Iifli 0F .IULY, aiB 1.801 ý. lu,, for SeùO11,I Clams; and un Tosdtty, OOîîe Jai>, ant)Da. nm., tfurThird % êr#t6&,o4 u1 onlyonit don.1-IfOk lor tbil aatsd seai PAe,#8, aldpoâtpVidd. ne . THE AMATEUR çIUIT'ÇIStRI A Colleetlou o! Pavonia Sou%'Char. uflasnd Instruental Gulatr uicby -Stewart, Kinkeli,anS othar <ag;aihors. Prilo, $2,50, uaatly hourd ta boudes Opuertsal eS Cantatuasuiteeblaforl ai3 heli tve 310W on viw aioiiiPh* Chntand - UpheIstopy. rate of in. Bod.Roonx, and Librar-y Fxsrniture 1 tend, ta lied, alpost every -articeainuOur lige otM'basf*ouri, hi the Latest And mostlPashionable Xuropean and Amer,,- bcan Styles! - an ut rives a0recabmin vii SDEEY ÇOMPETITION 1 We'wuuld aise bog ta latillat - .Odil Faluow, Oraunge, Foresiter, AieS.utheer Society Cnaltethat va mxake s. spacialty ai gttiug cep Feetertei Society LODGE BOOM UN1UE carvaedtee ae-cordaaacea wicie the astc aapprov. aS anad anad appropriate clii, aned unsur- piaced ote c-d re.gardsa FIRST.-CLASS STOG'K t Of Ladies', Gents', Miss"~', and Çhildrens' Boots& Shoes, wýich hac i8 dtermine a tç eau Or on ASH at the lowes1W ivngprice. Loave your orcicre. Can't be beat lôr a porfcottend eaaey.ftting boot.- Repaire tas usnal April 28th, 1875. - .Bztok St., 'Whitby. FIEýDERICK NEALE, WHO0LE SALE & RETA IL DEALER IN,- GROGERIES,' WITNES-AND SJMCOE -ST., OSH:AWA,.. RIAS ]REMOVED r"£0 FAREWELL'S BLOCK. AIGENT FOR DAVIES & BRO.'S- Celebrated XXX. Cieam MAe & Porter- COIOEERT BRANDS 0F CIUARÉ AND TOBAC%' 08 AL- -WAYS IN STOCE. Mr -THE ,TRADE BLEJA.NC-,'# E LEGAÀNCE,1 Oshawa, Mercle 24j 1875. UTILITY. ÂAND I 1 ECUONMY, SUPPLIED. -W ECONOMY, 1 iey aeey ,E tititiiitiii li e DomlnLeae. 1 9ie. The fulîestPit atiatetiongîtaraen. teeS îla ail cas. ROuleeulber Our Wareruoaeaaddreias, 187 AND 189 YONGE S]TREE.T,- UNI>ElIALBERII At, ;,,--TORONTO. JAS. If. SAMO, THOS. JOlINSkON. Toronto, Alril, 1875. 1 N OU EBRITISII&A' MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY I Sute, amed reliale, echargae»neoderata, promcapt amllernent of elaignea. GEO. YI3LL, Ago¶t. Wietby, Juna 2, 15. 28 _GXILND ANNOUNCEMEtNT 1 Young and QId Take Notice., 1 NE W PRIG -GOODS 1 G.- GURL ÊY es littloria, i.'.lieeatil RING STREET. CSAW&. /Aithie alaing hlylas lie F-1> OLIdH, SCOTCH, AND CANA- DIAN TWEEDS. A Nat-w aiS J3c-auifui-l .-1ctU(i L tcle tu >leusold t IVacer l)t- piaic4. 'lifi- be-t ail \>urhkîlcuee ket -u goti lits gtî'Laeeotl. COLO"lI bULD) BW THE YAIU> i G. GURLEY.- %\ItMSTfliy, lîTAEU10 F ARX AND WELLINU FOR SALE. F1ýLi acsrt, pit (ilut iNo. 4, Lî lit i- -lul eoae, i1lnute; 0acu rlatiarelithe ic xùei. tiuao ca hient 12 or-i18 ac-reticinî of eil neamly al ifl eal. à goteel dwellli.g bouea On thaaeise aieo e tablet amatilargi barn vlth Atone fouiaiiatioaa ;,sEtlairiving 0arclctaed. Bvery onttelearela li1ump aito aaduc. aca Cpt -uuaiing eaer; aLtia a cOnatat mIrait» actthec blitni afnive.ailn'" upnme raek. TII,, taim#n» lthe lilaheît sjtt tu cltivatlon anS srall fana-d, ca u s vithma ielvcaen fivOa anS ir minies ot Port Ferry anS Tjxbridge, market toisns4. Pur terma a tanithrpsntlcilars apply la, -TIMOTRY O'LEAIY, 21.11 Utica 1P. 0. THI EGREAT ENGL1SH REMEDYI1 SPEOIFIO MEDICINE Tremos-., Debultay. P~osîr,, wlitehinmauy cames, are produa tadaulganc.intuee,îo o~ bolobaco hou. mialrllem ~e lana ai.. ~,,s,,aan, otherdaaseshat leaS t ÇçonteminanS a Frie LfotIa An &- ali lh, a & nl re tan ohi' ns.. Savialalu g lb, pte titof - Tableau, 'Prlce1 5M il4ulg<uce.. ~ln bw4. - Théa Bumle Medi~inei S UITS TAJLORINQ COMPLETE Choice Lots of* New Goods Suited- to the Season1 -000-- First-Class Tailoring at Low Prices! -00- English, Canadian, and Scotch- Tweeds, Fanec.y Vestings, Fine Doeskius. A Superior Stock of Ready-Mado Clothing, Rats and Caps, and Gentlenuen's Furnisliings of ail kinds. Leave yoùr orders-a good fit guaranteed. JOHN PERGTJSON, Wihitby, April 0, 1875. Dundete.Street.1 LIST 0F AIJCTIONERS Lic-eUsell for South Itiding of Ontario, North Riding of Ontario, alîd separate Municipalities in the latter. Seceecri iaird.. H. E. OJali ... JrauMGili .»' David l)t-owci. 1'. Il. Camenuai.. - llooald 1tm-. Win. IH. ]itcyS.. iVin. M. Wicoa .. ieanimI lo,,.... D)avid ]>LOiop. .. JaIaîee Di)gby. La-., - Jaîna tighy la-. .Tai. lavanagle .. E. Mujoia.... Ji. M. Carel... wtc. Cordont... John L.. Watlds .... .T. C. i'ilieay,... C. Maure .. Thnnaaa1oc]tn 11. L. Vauza&nt.. r!,lias lluwee. JolitaF. Ceea-a. John I iFtc"e Thoaa ç. L. Fiticeikea, r. A'tlieele ... ist NWletby ....- Wlitby ... l3aavei-tO)e.. %Vllteliaele.. ft2iitning-tce .. Fort Ferry-... do. Mi.rkliaaaa Kesviage.... Pont Ferry.... So ag. ..... Markhan ... Goudwood ... Manilles ... Cainlîgtua,... Stoetffvillea... Stade New York, Met-kbttia,... wliiiby ... M3ra- c.......... Ma-.......... North &Sonia idiag Brîoch.. ...... .... Northa Ridig .. do. South IiiLLg .. ---Uctarialg ...... Maia............ tzcbridg ...... SoutheOatno Scot............ Naorth daag .. Sdo. Blroc-k........... Northe Itiag .. Iteach........... Mfarte............. Saulh Riding,.. Nom-hilliiîg .. liroek .......... Brook ........... 'cltlett....- - .. .. .. . North ....ng Naieing'. Southe Ontacnia,.. Broo-k,.... .... .. .. Saîth Ontario. Marub 4h, 1870& n a > 8 , 1875 . .Tli 22,1875. St.14,1875. 222. 1856. 26, 1878. 28, 1875. 0e-lober 1, 1878. 2, 1875. ,1875, 6.1875. - 6,1875. 667, 1878. .6 10, 1875., 12, 18750. 111, 1878. 13, 1875. 14, 1875. 17, 18711. 20, 1878. 20, 1878. 28, 1878. Na,;vembar 3, 1878. S, 1875. Nov. 15h, 1875. Nov.: 111h, 1878. D.c. Sîla, 1870. Dec. 111h, 1878. Dae. 241h, 1878. Jan. 12th, 1876. Pah. let, 1876. lehb. lit, 1870. L1ST 0F PEDLERS FOR THE CO. ONTARIIO. Jî~aedI eaeik . ... NIlqsaiT.ltieaoic. A. Il. orgn.. Wliby, Nov. 1874. Xoee.ltesideat. We-hit)ey. Noee-llecLiLeetl.... Wleitiey. l'ont lterry. Ceiianuiegluie. Ona taot....... i lorsa,....... lo ........... do..,.......... (lu ............. Oie hortse, County>, On Foot, goanitj-.. WM . LAIN(*, 14tb May, 1875. lOCh Mai>', 1875. loth Jane, 1878 -ltie Pl>', 1875 NlUa,1878. .Nov. 2lat, 1875. Co. Treasurer. 40 OIGANS & MELODEON ORGA NS, to eo THE 'MIIW' .&,YARF FGR7èy ced hy valer flITJJ YJ.U h,~ mugnea MA.NUFACTURE THECELEBRATEDÂMBIOAi ORGÂN I mu, Ser- 1pecial noôtieià cnled to the following Styles tend pnices: ail Ssae ~~ Style 6,i ,antCae,, r$140, inu ,.-s, ih avig q1O tye1inWainut e Case, $150, i R onaps ar4s, Mw$*a (,Arvige: $17. I -4 a e Style 7, un Resonant- Case, $175, in saine C»ie., withffi- i.18. aeaitr r yle 9, inR-esonaat Case,:$190, ini sae Caa., with 'Cexvigs, fIbOr re 4otalve, Al d oElka cauoed by a m of teek alnut, pannellod, -with revolving'or liing Lock. oe eS aver. - bonrd8, co>tainiuiig ail the iatest inîi~>OY<1in4S, netelIy md- ~esuiî 1 - e'lgantly finised, ac>ndng'torice.. ncn AISO, YARWOODS'cS "MELO]YtON 0GN9 Se- e i a 11' in handsome Rosewc>od Piano Cas"es,high'Inishlèd. - Stylo *4 . $10 ; $Iè.6, $175 ; Stylo 8,. $20W. afte These oden -ag - tetd1878, tie ' ma ciured.èolely by usi, -~ Melodoonrý4.Orans nRP0a A tute MORt n 6 Mr>L J&y . LUUU5, nlSULL MW. 01 NEW DIZ$8S GOOIDSO NEW LUSTRES, (Oe1.brited ,Bïands,) NEW PRINTS, NEW OLOýTH!S & TWEE@DS, NEW RATS &7CAPS, NEW MILLINERY GOODB, NEW -MANT'LES, &c., &c. Olthngmade, to order l atest-stylés.* NEW T EAS AND GROCERIES. Whitby, April 0, 1875. 15 Furni*ture! Fthftnifre! - (Late Simmons & clough, Orgel IMPROVED C~*êA9NTDOR Now is the time t.o buy gôod and cheap ~ ~ . Furniture. Having bouglit out the business. lately caïrned - on by James H. Samo, we take this .opportunity of inviting ~ - his many friends to give us a cail, and we ca.u assure al p that we are prepared to do as weil by them in the future, as Mr. Samo has done in the past. TILL &JOHNSTON. 'GRAND CO MBI NATJON' O1RGANS -00- Orders by. mail promnptly attended to. IJNDERTAKING.-The only first- class Establishmnent in the County where funerals are fui- ly supplied. Whitby,- Octobcer lot, 1878. TI LL &JO1-I1fTON. S40.iy 000 MESRS. TOMS & NEWPORT, FE uWrrn mx NEWLY.22VENTZD SCRIBNER'S PATENT QUALTPYING TUBESI An MInvention having a most îziiportant benning on the future réputation of BecS Instruments, b>' menais of vhich the qnaiity or 'Volume of tons La vary largel>' inarenad, anS bbc qnàliby a~f lana rendered Equal to that cf the Deet Pipe Organs-of the âarnê,Capacity. Ourcelebrated Vox Celete,- IlVox Huma4la," Il'Wilcox Patent," -"oc- tave Coupler," the oharuriup"Ceilo" or *1Clanionetta" Stops. IlGame Htr--, Cremonu," ' " Vax Angelet," "Viola Ellieria," and ALL THE LAYE IMPROVEMENTS Can bo obtaiucd only in tiese Organe 1 0:" Fifty Différent Styles, for the Panior aend the ChurcU, the Beet Materiai ana Woîlcasieip, Qunlity atnd Volume of Tone Uaoquaihled 1 - PRICES, S5o TO S5oo. Beg to inform the public generaily, that they have opened] Fac tory tend Warerooms, Corn. t3li aend Co ngreass Sta., DETROIT, Miohigftn. a New Carrnage Factory, on Dundas Street, 1 EsIahlislied la 1850.) Agsnts Wanted la Every Connty. Addias- TWO DOORS WEST of the POST OFFICE. Where the- are now preparc-d to executo ail work in the Carniage Mfaking Lino, on thoe hortegt notice, tend made of the boit ima. tonial, and first-ciass workmanship. WARÉANTED. REPAIRING DOl-cE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. Whitby, July 20th, 1874. 8l1-IY1 J OHIN S T 0QN'YS SELFRAKING RIEAPER AWARDED THE FIRSI PRIZE!- At the Provincial Exhibition, Torop-to, in 1870. We ofler to our custorners for the coming H'arvems, two dis- tinct Machines, which in style and construction, embrace the latest and most useful improvements of the day. JlI N STON 'S SI NGL ESEFR K[GRAPlH THE " RING 0F REBAPERB." The uîîiversal succcss of this Machine, both in- closely contâst- cd triais and in the hans of the fartners, warrant us in. aying that, au a Saif-Iiek- ing Reaping Sichline, ih bas monre good points aend lees dafects, and has tact with mora soccesatnd less failtir4. thaere rtofoi.e offered to thm public. CAYU-GA JUNIOR MOWER WFe were awarded the First Prze and Diploma, at the Prcvin.- umial Exhibition, haiS in Toronto, 1870,in cocnpatitlon wlîhâaIl tha leading bMaciiinps manuùfactuÏreS in the Provirce ;. and iwltb ouirament improvcments. we unhesila.t-, ingly- challenge invaaigetfon and comperison with conlpetirg Machines, we are satlsfied that such investigation wiii conivince ave -ry unprejudicad muri, thet va oSfer tha best Mowar to the Fermer fur 1872, bailI in îha Deninion. '~ Sn for descriptive catalogues.1 r.Sn BROWN &PÂTTERBON. DR Y GOffâS AN'D GROCERIES. ---:oo0:-- -The undèrigild 18 110W receivng LARGE l TOe 0'F »DRY 4GOÃ" DS, variety and of the lats.t t f hio L, color di ~iks> gëànies, Haiery, Gi C ',GotonsýPrin ts, A eéhoi-ée as taentf Cànagd1â, 1?~fE -ýF J4AfWY GROCE-B CLOUGE- & WARREN ORGAN CO., DETROIT, MICH. JUST flECEI-VED AT1 THfE WHITBY CHINA TEA ST0-R^E 1GTIBSON & SPKA-RVE L-L, 35 Hlhds., Crates, tend Cases, contdining the Largest, Best iî and Cheapcst Assortinent of China, Glass- Ware, and Fancey Goods 0f ail kinds ever exhlibited i n Whitby! China Tes, Seta, frein $1.50 to $20. F'anoy Vases>, from, 10 cInts to $M.5, par pair. China Mottoed Cupe tand Selucoro, frora 15c. to $1.50 each. China, Mottoed Muga, Card Baskets tend Fancy Ç*oods,' 1mE IN ENDLESS VAIIIETY i1_ FANCY TOILET - SETTS, FROM Si TO $i5, PER SETT. Ladies, ail theab .noea having beau puircliase4 -exprcssly for Christmnas presents, thauy wlibo eold oheap and without reserve. Pleasýe ealltend examina for yonrselvcs:before purchasiîeg elaca,-lere. 3w Aie on hand, a full assortmcnt ofef coice-Teaia, Family Gocis Fruits tend Spices of aIl kinds, hums, Bacon, Lid, Butter, Applest- Pota- OYSTERS, bout branri, alwayiï on haud. 0-IBSON'& SPARVELL'S. Whitby, Dec. 151h, 1874. 6 - 1 ýTHIZ OLTD STAND, [F-ES '- i 1Si E D 18 33.] WM. TILL, - PIROPIRIETOJR. Ne'w Parlor Sets, New -Bed-e'oo-mSes -Néw Dining -roc 'oAn aarg stoc of Ci seat Chairs, Tables,- Bureaus, Sofi iiszz' Cpboaids. Hair, Cioth, and Daint ho . .................... 150 18. Serving surmoônsor gnbpoena t attend before Coroner (ubject No 10.)....................0 25 14. Imieagêez vingsmre .......... 0 10 15 Exhuminglody under Coroner's wrrant ..................... 2 00, 16, Re-bnrying smre.......** » «..2<0 17. Seruinug distrema warrant, and re- turning mime ............... 1 50 18. Advartiming uncler distrais war- rMt......... ............ 1 0 10. Traelling tomniake distrees, or to searchlurgoodstoiliakecdistrais, when no goods are . fi a ..Oa10 20. Appraisements, wbetilYrb1y one or more, 2 cents ini the'dollar, on.' the vaine of tha goods. 21. Catalogue mae and eornrnizsiou; and deli-very cf goods, 5 cts. in th ,on net produce of goodi. 22. Executing search warrant. ...1 5G, 28. Seîn notices; on constables, wheb ersonally serveS, ..... SO50 Pubimhed by order, H. J. MA.CDQNELL, Clark of the Peace, C. 0..- Ixitby, Nov. 17 1874, fn.47' ~Q ed. )J clauses of woring people,. ofý aither gm young or old, mike More- znwney ut work for ns ini their' %prs mo- mfents, or ail the time than et anytbiug aise, Paticular fres. Post card ta States cote.. bût one cent.- Addren,a G. STINSON & Co. 50 Portland, MLi;ie. s ALT, SALT, SALT 1 FOR s A LE !1 To Pmrmermsudnaotheru Wînting Sait, I amn eing good lem Field Sait, lresh from - car, fori86-pr ton, or by car load -tasuit purchaoer. Farinero. cal and lbave your orders, you willnever buy cheapar. Âioarriving by'cars a quantityoqffresh- minmd Coal, direct from Pennsylvania. sAny qunntity of gond. dry wood, ail for lae chaap for cash, et iny Goal and Wood yard, sonth Caidwell's HRotel, Whithy. ALEX. ALEXANDER. MaFch, 8j& 1875. 10 WANTED-200 Corde Greenwood, Beecb and ;Maple. cnt'tlia winter. Apply ma abova. CIUSTOMS DEPARTMENT,1 Ottawa, March Qist, 1874.1 A UTHXIZEDDISCOUI8T 0ON AAmaricin Invoicas until furtiier no. tice, 13 par, cent. B. S. M. BQUCBETTE, 46-tf Commmaiomer of Custonms. T E ALLAN. LINE. RATE$ 0F PASSAIGE FUR.THEFCt REDUCED. Ste rae rates from Quebac to Li-var=o1 Londqguarry., Giasgow-&15. Vblde over oneansd iuider 12 hait lare. Retuiee tiaket@,-Qne'bec ta Liverpool, Derry or Giasgow-8O. Preaid p usage certid.- catas,-Livarpooi, DnyorG agow b Que. bec-ps1. chiidrrn luaiftare. GEO. Y=L. .&geut. Promn whom every information may 'be obtained. WhtbySept. 1M1, 1874. 89_ SAE Y TENDER TOWN 0F WHITBY, Lots No. 1,2,9 and 10, Keliar's plan, im- nîediately wast of Mr. Y. Clark's, and fscing Brock Streat, vil be Pold by tender. Ten- ders will be recalved-for an y one lot, or for the fonuand will be opened, on the- Oth ot May. _ Addreis Tenders ta Mr. L. FAIRBANKS, Whtby, fomn whom ail information may ha bt a!d 'Whitby, May lIth, 1875. 2in.20 ( - -P -I. rpU¶H» BLE1 SP R 1N G t 4 E - IA LL W OUR b b ec.l.,, 1 1 ;_ -- ;ë#bësý-

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