Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jul 1875, p. 2

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tlved frcrn the Toronto Mr.WiuiIngand Willam.- if tbe pamphilet entifl.d, une;& pies for Britishi Y, 4y e Britioelim.bject. action by ta Cana4ien." a style lmore vigorous fi-ullia the h roeUpo l« Iri wbst.5h nr i e n ot n * aîaatrs, but slnlkvut uand leys sl hlm, egai-ices o umsiequence. aippssg-s taiho Lo ile"pt lnmIen invect ive aai dvlt4lratssionud in Plyil s fenive termn t oblse vl ' an i ho hacees bdifleri, or viet: imagines >may stand luinlsheva, earnyiug cuit hie maguiflceurî sciu Irnperial Foden-at!ti. Tirmngloi takos occasion la procliîa huftse tltuogli-going auuadlerated E1ng Tory-cuis c f tige " genino .rqel stock,." and,&a leai-îy admirer- cf Canurvative leader, tiue ,tîpendg phie Cebrutii.y"-iu secs»ie collet existence cf Ithe Bli-iliaEmpire - aced L y Itue growtlu of hroe *~re ru'plive instiîencsR," Tley ,re, loués cf lIas oliur cotuî.tsy'e onii ;-"Tlsc ambition ni lcu a teeu TIeneif iîlaioni aspiratiane Thu,"- 'lee crinbr of Euuglar conunreae iîlus.lui' ,14a-, tuuY iruiied intraiurresani-os suustwid, seperated train ils dependencies, umi eenttauîy lcui les, and legs i paÃ"rtant aes nirsueu0crigtIe society progreme so ates. EiluivelyCiDglu 'nslot doQrtcuisti witliu tberapid luce- Of mutful'actiinug actirily nlau 1r1 counnîres, probably ' suaiuniciluinter acre l'or acre lu riettiral repources ahid gronnud auil îi w e.are ilur, -Zenlith, blsey lire a0u1lY ccuing -uni)fi theoion, ua. 'htindustrieal prigrosi chier Enroptean conutries aîntd of t gigutiic Norths Âeiiceu*repubuic l luises Ilial tiey will vteuy Cocuslouve fai-lueîuintt in ie, rcssuuaýîobiliu. 'T indotie., ail tdopil)d 00 uali cas1ain tenlal snperiarity., that loess of sile la mluetlie quaickiy fullowed l se os I lfors) (r. Es-m g lu ni' ater vekeealuns., if frs)n i) n. ulaor cas ,theselt'govtruiug colonies wiil soi eolsse te luaryauîy defereuce la tige cnt oily cf thein uepil i otiier, ûan au uegard ta1lier- wishesiandilinteresîs,I fotoitney part rot lies' slresli l dinJpi, tuâche leallinge; or ha lie honni iy an bu liu lbîo lotissbies, if, ladced, tluey i ne al liluformsal rdoeuutileae. i unakeOaPOU 'sepanalics. -Hon rAfiricu sud ANsildpendencles amd lier wel lise ltronghlila iyl smenu le inca cIeth idiu ingb internai roe lIons, a galugt the atteoke etfîaeigbboui slcv maoge but thon grevu peverfu- Or egeint et .joaîousy oet Ilosoe no POv >ens wlose dignlty vill be elTainde, sud visese uupisity wil bu relkeul. b, ltse iigiutcf a secaud-naîe onrIlinrela paver PeUeciing mua nrny cf tIh. key cf vàr and coarnnercu. If tIse cidinar course cof nature is cllowelî to ron in lti Proeeut gi-caves, tih eastug, uistoird' tInircOf dolninicu enueit long eepi distusumleiuiuî, end caocu11e0 uu cf lsmmousbensssiuuiî will lie eîîed: poëlitical uuffacosuot cf Eugiud-,cîce tIre contrailbfigure cf a ssîeimafcly meLguificent empire.",CsiI - itspeil4tir "u. of.uu a clcniu. siitaerin"lu iire tis wliat cuir suntiîmait. lahuces c "lsey lisivii il lu.uunius"' for tjin d;plorracli,' e is'ccger oi auri iidlsîwniruit Maute, able tadeuri liîirutly critia Seige naicus. Tluy wouu:l lille te ii lce au finger -lunltse interamtionel i., ta -u pienlpoteouîiim, hilaîse ti'aticii OU. thoir m o o uat, critîs cî ai-zy o te ir ovu cixclitashymi tes-uuts, tu lhive hidi misu 11111e toa'utguu ianttuigueoK ul har oýwu little foi>ugi s b.,l4. 1 t e 'lay Wcld 13,. t t> COUÃŽ.uf' 'titlles UJ libttiltiu., or tb cbali4b hoiens togthses-, accordlng ta ei ,eeal refermues, Tbey lhave ui0 patience for tgielong and vanled li-rvies vliclu its augiaia tor n vel'oere l sveoi'sh.gip. Lsd byq social cfrcuruu.,uîaicei;, bliy eî,caticu., gaudu polifl l ioloaî o glituîor Antieu ratljt làie 4Is Egîllisu)Idgesicf ulilie lij!, tlusy Wclil ikuu le roarclighe higli. wst Pct$ lev iut birtis rdAeuy îaic tice auulpîqaular flattery ' .uuerd- lugly iil ix usaIa4tsiiîttig tIiailt o)iel palltiOeàa'ns»sbiloudnccasinneuly ineke an shoCw.a s spitefii peekna i las ivil lisI, wili thoy deocalt4-apect b Ii- 1) i0eOUI %Wiin th filest six yéess large uuaajaitio4 cf thse CanielaI-àlia. tueut aud Ilie Naw Sl Wales As. eualy avealupedl iilo ib sio r e s4utur, ore .5 offensive tb »Rsl dneineplçuty. -Ostreclem frm pH otfçflA Us4 longor, cf tir.coses Wh h u ost loyalty tu>liuland, ma nin Ea iti le ilde"s, Wu frer114treself-sov. niqsIue u otug but selfi- W<usee by theia. blebstet bbc xpeonse ofth lotte lébninhabltanle," sud Imuci, mn lu Uthelia ue it-smn. ,Beepectlug1 cADAad s l s letire position labeen byý fiài excellent Englisir Tory pampWle- . Zl c~aad, vuîy few- POliticIens r*buld alpri-eeeny deir. for lie cou- dapfeof oienucion wtli Bgiand if àé p in nt c -f inablily- le da-dolý. Tho bouagt cf tise cou- lare& ilue Ho se et i ap- frorn ýy of It lie eif A. glise tour.- live Den- dis- u 3. L elYveWfrA5 sr A- T. Gal thttepropotal of a Britlih Poders. crne)-atoo 1at. for Canada, And i confemis that Il arn ot at auiso"-'.Sm woulsI necesitate bncb an addition of coginhl menbers b lb.the dera1 Leogis8 lature as woioli1frgteu j salonls Ens ebnu torejecon of thentire-pro. posai. She e a ebiaobig and wii.- 1u fhp~i aîamendmeut of ber evil republican wayo, and thle elevating Of- fect of the indirect influences Of »ritisiî copuection le far toc llttoutify an enorlMonasacrfic c ritili mperiai- efffiClebo-y. WVhile eh eumains nomin- auy a ,pit of the JBritiash Empie e ta the Pedg f ts îbarldom t11 ir in- soleijt nioghbçur. The roway Bepuli. lie le formýidable te Engiland, cniy ho- cause-En latioletramernlled liy the bear of hwlinieaflnîer or'a Sbs.rm%à toa aquait.helpless Canadians witli th. horrors of American warfare, She, is now ,thorolngbly tlrcii of lielng seuc0d, fieecod, and kicked ley Yankee bulbies, and on fit lu haill itb rapturo thepror.- po9 oý leliverance from the source of hr weaekupean d humiliation. Wmon liberatoil, 11e .May obtain compensation for thé 1088 cf Canada by taking more marsageable teritory in wvarnier lati- tues. Neiwfounniaud, rnoreover, ueed nol folow Continental canada, aua B3rtishr Columbia là so fer separatod frorn the populons' parts of the- United Stale o ste ho nearly eqne.ily secure froin attack. Il la in eod aiready part of the Dominion. But it le go 4dig. efTcld tatsevrecewonld lie wcl- comed 1.y ils; own people, and could not w8Il lie prevented bv the other provin- ces. Tire .lest woulil then buet liber. tyto geecaro e quiet 111e by forxing tIietuseives; into tlî<r Canadiean Repub- lic." ew-a 01s puuuisc coudncee. .ud proeeedinge, 10 wMeh wtetinvii orp ay meY ffither add llrat lbe vas idown t140 on lire di1ay 7-1 osles unuer o0, as as "coue- quu.c f.Gibbeelclicu and nov gi-eut shcow t lie ;t. ii s orniug, 'ud lie.-,grand proce'sio ~aflervars-d vas g9roed b1 tlicusinds a0f speclatorea. Tise procession vas a Most imposiug one-ilihe luesi cortainly tisat bas ever beeu seen iu bile part .ofthticoounry- anda every cirons going the roed for Moi-e tison quarter of e century. iras 6bopped lene. Four elephuants aud six camnels drcv carniages lunlise pro- cession, cavüraI Cansiagoe were dravu l'y as flse aes ton irorses eneS - anal nover have ve ac.en horses lu botter condition* or s mnore splendid lot. Thon tien. weré thie pnies, mules, &c., and the groles. We catnu ri sisg onrtuives ta oueve que fectures cf the procession, s0 vei l ci hiat filit is tIhe iglît lu whici Canada dosignusul ho excie tise risibuihies cf Use a" irogaîdced ly Eugiish politicins-nos- youugstes. And, faken ail lu ail, if OU" i. lsthinshc r îilrEgedsîe inteliolos eeurea o! tire ckdsibition s iu ,ucnie aoyl uiih lebakc came vp la what thno olida promises 91*lltfld cloy l; iel b th bilkof-andaicliOrecine riei s ids ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~' lieEgihpoi u esi.garticle as- ecoryexeicgofea pi-asita lie lu tlae Wallon on bbc îiauii.let under sur'paiu evytngc1h ld 'ithi notice vo are inulceilaiod: "4 l'ave".is Weil deeenving ail Usevat ejy "Tihis ir i the mcaiii. lie gesnine patronage il reeoives. ual c-and nra etmn ftems f ,W. vs-ils lis as vo go ho pi-eau and lm' orasetencfhe as fbefore ve bave achcîeata ses "tise cf ngiel plihciaus rlîLreard tie eoplient" tînus carly lu Uhe day. But ae Cassasieu connoction, aseeves-y cae vIso eshah brave ac sînake of tire "paw," ase~~ lielrdann hnskcs îagily andi by, and lie able tae1.11lsav il ic i- y Muay. prectice polîtic reses-ve, orfacsaial o'i10ou-set isovenO, 1l1aicMiomnct cf general reaclicu our liSe tIse pissei;nt', ray le undies-tiue tran- Celebrattan of the "Twoufth." cm ient isfunciocf a différaint mnoi." ef t Iutisadi. al liaise, wu sirouldT h 'Iie e'elebraciuuofatie "rweîftîî" biis the- sequsre bethos- evidneocf lire tact tîscu yens- eppeara taeires-e pesei off qnietly us the icoafl ouitiuringuof tire aurîber al eves-tise Province, accoi-diug tb lie u,3to'Il Te Great Ctice,"lcor the ecured, telegrapuLie deepatlises. lu Tcronto ual andaiiis.onlsntei i uterances<if oui- lies-. as ~vos-y lange procession, and î-Torontoc i-epoay. Tiae glerlng tlîere. - nes eehre the fUne weation Ul injusti- dolue ta Canadien sentimeont, appcaa-ed te favor lb. diephsy. Iu l Ceuiuilcu b oyaity, end (.'adian disin- Whitby ail wea remerkalily quiet-iere Àfa, teresteduess noduenuabtter defernce vas ncthcr air non display cf auy kiud îhu Lta.w ng frt iside lips cf Lord whaleves-, if we excep thIee ppea-ue ny Dnfferin: cf the Uta andum -usbaud cf Ilse Young te "' Thle Prevailiug Passeionscf Cane. i-tons un tîeir vay lu tLe station for o- diais wae Ithe desine lu anaintein lu. Pontl'ors-y, tlhe great point cf et(raction. ny tact tisir cmmacio itîn Englerud, A. long train Ilftîte station cf lin. id It a imnpossible ta os-er-state bie deptir WhLby & Pms t Penny Ilaulway eit 0.9(1 an cr îinavoialihy of tîsis sentimnt. Ho a. ni., cr111 a goedly numbos- cf tire r- oxpatictteai on the fnleaîdly relations lia- bratlsreu fs-oui Osbawe, Wbitby, &oc., lý- twecu Canade aadIs th a Saes, vini-e tiey as-ri-ad vitin les.; hsenaa Seai l ai es-siy tbcugbshîui citizen o!ftue bornaftcs- hem dàopartireohtsra lsiug United fit4àtes was couviuced liai lime tlioken oubas-a ethlie varions stations aî ltbe cf CaircilNtuis uallrably fUxal, andi alongtlibne. Ani IeleIs, accOun2t '3d cuutcinpiats théprogiese ot Canada we luese cf visaI tocS place-.-TIse )y~ihglssceualssem Tue Anses-. Ilsutie cf the licyne vas celebrated blie ï e -uiantiwiieoenongis ta Tisndaretacnd iY a vs-rY large nuinbes-Oftpeople, tIses-c -y tle aefitîruusiing fs-arn tisé existence b-.iug as rcuny ais foui- or fii-e thoneenai ýsons lvi>eatu.uacontinent tut' su. itlical Wrc us-crIs- adi'eeta.tsc h Y sycuiens cffculnrg UaVypaint1e 1c curl-t, lrssacnd ling! e wroflying in crery emocpiarean. anai friendliy eu.uicicn diieruit ionS uthifeenî Orange anai y wit ii su- sîra" seviî' zX'auîc" lirlitousLodces vere reps- A,,,iortheiecou afï 0fit-uiyrisicd tiseausolve Lii pro- r Au ir Iai' iraitu cii <uuutunei wil cîc-dutn lit isoi andi manchei lbrugh Ywiici h a~-usnd aiensl;e iueili. t lie ri;ici-pal scet fi-enstic Town tiorai4- m trealcîl, tîieî-eau ws'lifilc-b lt ts g-cui-al alwh oai tus Le'îiraileuî uh-ir ilsn l,.: w rt" c siisell'y G. W. Ganili, - c las'ge a unri., AussiiiCs-5Cý>ilnîr,- utes-of Sels iOntario, 1P. A. af le, gliauin p-c-Os)ie. ADJ, liîfr- Ii.-:udtie n-s. Mesàs-. Joiaaston also cýzu lieililer-nn( À lis Tlà,- ec erevciy ordlesly 0once luoel2 snthe wor(1,4 of -sîlûuuitiin gio'lt1ia Cday. Thc cddresse~scft tlsiie 'r,L'o-igtt,zsdv'ili-, leo, i 0 ii~',~'r rna-aiofor Ibeir anallia- kinly acil csîdoe:,src , cf uodsesration, issul o 'erytbiug 'passe i off ind 'o piuiyaf:4j;ncupinol"Sof al A excursion en the oulightr'sat-îi iibi f lut'rcuriLe- Loid lake ass in c 1c1ina tLe Town uall toirn-. lean 1sisunue ci uious .tieliid'alririjnSao ani Johurton'e Cabinet Fadai-yd oi Br:lua isI'sura 'ennifuru.per. -i ic-eu iried1-,wlaecu.e <b', iuiulliug m'.vc 3 Tic THEuue'i'a Tus.'nOu' S.e. iangsnagss (Af thei' 'd5rilUt,ýs-rise luitt ise iicuumsl lseit s! hr.cJuejuiic, ssal f le a i aý-ir atisI"troubles îaevcs- 'igul-sncucsi.ulughiuis'l'o-y nrsogasu'cossue silugir" wsmnli notihuiateiy ep- t C fnaiact ci)ti4, evluiate u, -elsPo"-' alu ii t boutrps-ue uex- t ignoloent u :bl. ucl we le, ,.n eucnplilic:tion li ino e c f 3MesSaines li-ss-tru'cîssciuruttise l'an cf vi-doefarrituro, vas e ininiocustgribib-Iam i-is î Ia' <de.b-n ioibua w ees'* . i - 'hoci,!*'Acctient se i-nis-la iuluclulsi prapert n- csYogo t'- Iîtcetly h-st Us-o Iliey %coeeaelies-y el -issu iXsiANT5yu<5Li.Ica - ail 'i'iey wes-.laioeves-, sucs-ced- lr A-i )éNTjN1Ylt ing lin goting tIreur uuffiirs lito goodm nIu4Fsu ic'ATntnEi - iaenu osd-t îaccsiids, euiîuir birsiamoss re-estcb. re luire IRAclc iu1iu nuua assair- soiiul tousîdebion fm lte Wllby stationu auiti4aturdc't iuas'i- oIul 'y an tlsieo t'rus-beimitsg cansitY. f iasg, ly 'wlich asl mia-su. unac n ci >i 'lfa'esy nigli a nctiroéir farter-y et Williessu AIso, ist lie lit'ý inr .a l c-scarnaîiio"]tsl sa-ahlIe at finI mannes-. Alliwan was cIDoIYuL4 on gronirtl. 'r'lu, fiseory veus ililedal a tlise a'PCOI'itraitn m-iluloft I tiac Wlnth? 08,000; the cuaginara d cuicacbiesseuy cu't:au mItinfoi' 'T'ronto càl 7,85- ÃŽ. DiAs alune î2,000. the<lam niler casthe prf. tlise traiîîieft bm vas usecu ersengisug tae mi*es vag eslunateul la Leouwortin 3,000; di, bell-canai oaa thisetes ufit e cas, criithveuseer U010; uuufatnred goode #8,. Il' hig liack lueltne engiuc-Wui hus0<.'Vtai boss same #20,510, The engageailte train peaf4olrainder thc lois- cniy inssurlaclio-as n pabecy cf $2,500 M, brick bridge whaicli crasses mehetraek on lssGrMuhslCopn.Audîliatil Brok ai-ot. ii, ucuiltu imeunfr- s nt a?.Tiacre Ivene about forty an toae meu - ailxl réun otioae u! lis 'asss'lpo l iantiseestablishmnent Bc daugcr-wasitisaI tishetuseir iis hisatiandsisit o!flti-s lias-e loiti i u ls. 00 eîtrrck ageiiish îflees-rci if linobridge, Wu> simeSely lsympatiaizevithithlieno. WC -cotpWehly 1hakipg cf the iop ofth ie lorpnisiacg, fimu-anai espeelally viii ekui ira kocing un c î.our oid ttlýnd Mr. Seuse-mi hîl hbeir cic skuU aud nock g hm of au cai-iage. Tise bd7 feu nupou lbe heavicatlmhe. Tirougin licir pezseyes-. trac sudwas reged aout 00 ard sce aud indmslny tlb l i lushort t1aé hondiei oraiagwbsoutil00vas ni ime oshabliaiiod eaIiost lucrative bumi. -- ta hé oi cri;1 Sngwhre tannes-. neas, cad> era on liseigin i-cd th ol maugled ilufile etslfrgirîful m e praseitsy and foto-une, Andi uow-th Tire, rains vos-e sceltes-ed1 aoug tia tra41, sd.. . cull h ieei . 1 lirliufnlo he-oetctr rools present.M !ufter s deliglilful dayi a eucyrent , Cialiy sud ilethealyan l.bu allier boing aI liaI conhi b. desireu PC ,ho proceeDngoeIvre -broughl tea à ti ,se by the boadpiaysng 'Ilie naticnal t them. REi5Vxor aGaOee's Peasîrso Mi. si 'The -pianiug, mii vbwhilied ben s80 e ag a couseinus objecî lu tb. part cf d 0 ovw héeI it stocul lies beon r.fo Oved te mer.e couvenieul quai-lors. Il now lccated adjacent bt'O e vork- Je, Ope cf tiîo isltby & Port Peiry Bnai.lm.p ly. Tira trach i-ueriglit up ta as1 0dOOr, s0 thal lumber cen b. G dosded irnmedietely frem lbe amrs su-lb lise miUI, sud vork shipped*in the -Mf mie manuervioucatg.Tr raUtage o! Ibis 'econornical arrange- ont Mst et 1veTry greet, iand tire'con- noence of thre saviln4effected auh hý as Wb onabie . Proprieoî rte exécute- Lc Sk aIl ,ie beealpossible, rates.. A r boüer sud' cIhrr nachnmneu,.aDau - ndertntÃœi been inlroducod,jaud * Brytblrcg addedi te make- tire pres.eut'l ci-ry comploe. lu very respect. wThuiýy ta Glasgow,, Liverpoola, da, e ' nstovu, or Londorcdez7y, lbi-ly- ben e oreswere galy, adoa M 1docoratod with faoers, ribbons, ", rsud eacli team carried ailrge fag ofits rown, and -ina word the whole was a very blilliant and impou'n- diopiay. iAdded te thie thore wers Ibree bande in r lie, procession-Ube 'Whitevale, -Mark. hem, ana Sbat6on banda-sud thli rmiceal performances woe excellent aud enlivenlng. Lnî wievaseake<i cf, about one. -oiclc, aud vas xMost bonntifully eerved; And At ihst lime, il wes estimated 'thaItisher.e conld net have licou legs than five thoneanil peo- pie in the beautiful grove. D.oringlnncb thie bande vwiedhi ieuch otherin plea'int alto-rnateiy their best pieces of muef. À publié meeting -vas aflervarde held in front of a large plalforni that liead been erected for the speakers,, snd it was only from that vantage point, look. ing over theo "ses of boades," that au es- tirnato conld -be fornred of the vast con- courge preseut.. The chair was ably fllled by Mfr. M, P. White, wlio adilresedl the assemb- lage lu appropriate- terme, and by wbom tire severai speakers wère iutroducd. Atnouga>t thre romifient gentlemen present were Hon. Attorney-Geueral Mowat, Professor Goldwin Smithr, Dr. MoLellau, N. W. Bro.wn, M.P*P, Bevd. Mi. Boss, Revd. 1Mr. Peatie, Bevd. 1fr. Sauderson, Mfr, G. Hl. Bobinson, Prin- cipal WhIÃŽtby Higli Scliool, the Princi. pals of the Oshavwa and Markham Higl abhools,Mr. MoBrien, Connty Inspector, &L. &0. An eddires was preseuted Profeser Goldwin Sinith bly 1fr. me. Brieu, au beiralf of thé teacliers cf the Couîrly. - Mfr. Smdib, in replying, took occasion ta gay that lie hlie lcouled ta expect that ho shouid vituesa a very ploasant spectacle, and, lie iyas proud. to Bay that iris most satîiue expectation lied been greatly excceded. 0f course, ho seid, hoe could net Bay tisaI il vas the grandest spectacle h. hadover witueaeed; because lie lied seen tise martial posup of some of the largest ermies in Europe corne uuder review. Ho had nîso, seen tise Crimean Arrny on ou its returu froin the Crimean var rnarcbiug Ilirougis the, streets of Lon- don-he faces of the vetetans brouzed wiffi Crirneen sun, sud tiroir bauners t cru with the aLoI sud sheil of Aima aud Iukermsan. But tis lie could say, thal a more pleasiug. sud enjoyable spetacleohad ue1,er *witnossef. Nothiung oconld be more gratifying than to wateli the iengtÙened procession witb team. after tearnýdoying sncb a large0 number cfuicely dreffod sud hsappy looking cliildreu ou sucli an oc. CaeIOuLIb heec-uic, acccrnpauied iy hosto cf thidIfrieufe and relatives. Nutbiug couid more triy uar-k the lu. tereet teken lu the canas of Education tian thse grand ditsplsy of thal day. [leferriug 10ta th array, of splendid herseesud carniages and 10 tthe drese and appearauce of thse vlsitors on the grounds, lie said il aIl evidenced the wealîli and prosperiîy cf the country, Hoe contreeteil the iappy lot ot the Cauadieîî freeliolder with that of the Englisli tenant fermer and fnrrn lalior- er, slrewiug low ranch Canadiens lied ta le tlsaukfui for. Beferng t a re- ent tour wiîiciî lie lied taken through un agricultnral district, lie obaerved that, lie lied seen sal as ferile end frmts as weli cultivated as coula lie fund lu eny cf the vauned colnties of Et.iaud. Taking int cousideration il the circumetances aîlendiug the isp lay, and the ndeniable evidence of seit great interest taken luthe -cause cf 'uiucaticn, ne one, lho said, ueed des. pair cf Ithe future cf Canada, but slrcid ec protid ta le calicd a Caneolan, whicb le himueif uow ciairned te be. Fera )etter, li aid, was it for tLe people to uke sucin an interest lu the cause cf *ducatiou tiien lu the petîy poliie 'hicli were vexing the whole Domin- n1f. He lied now beeu six years lu t Jaada, and Le eudeavcured willi thea Wst cf hie abiity to uudersland the lifeèrenco lu tas principies of Canedian leformers end Canadien" Conserva- f ivs. -le Lad eêven esked lii frieud, lie p 'retnier, et, lus rigint iand,to give bis h xplauatioue cf lise differeuces. but even Ir. Mowaî lied feiled ta satiefy hirn on lt head. It appeared ta hi.r that oe praper description cf the two par- îe %vas jîs Ibis: Ibat vben thse Con- ervatives were lu power tliey tried te if unserve their places, and tlio Beform- h Rscsca~ OUrE AGeAM.-Mr-. Wm. aicCabe, aflen e trip 10 Europe extenai- ing os-or ses-on menthe, ari-i-s-d safeiy com, hast veoin. His viieoxteudtia1 bhe continent as voil as;ho ltho "lisnee ;iugaiams," lun aIl et wilt h. loft oarccly sa0113' on place cf notenvisih- ai. He expresses himeif as being reetiy leuefstldly hie trip, lu painÃŽ tf Iealth sud clipnvise. L75. Harpoe' Magazine for August i a hihuent number. Tise iset cent-l- otion lu thc \nunbes--Mi-. Louigfel- îwv'eç poean-is by ne menusthles poln.This poant, ccnpying fs-e agea ofthiaMagazine, whr, il la pub. ishoci by arragemenut vlthlIeenas-o, 'as reaci on lise occasion cf lin. fittielli runivornsry et the graduation et lic ,ae et 1825 in Bovuloin Ceilege. rmng tbe usembers cfIt oies.a, lie. aidea 1fr. Longfellov, vosee he v. leonge B. Cisever, Natianlel Bey- aorno, John 8. C. Alibott, Congrmel- nan Jclinatlian Cille3, sud j. w. irsai- =ry, ex-Senator tes- Main,.. Tise oeLis le oibet cf lh. recent produe- ions o! Mi-,Longfellow, suai tes- ig'ni- yanai teudorneas o! teeling la nol eu-- m"ea lby auythlug io heu es-er viilen lmply as au exampie cf pnbliimg eou- i-prize, tho issue oet lus paons home- aiely fter ile resding lsa mernorabl, PoeSeeAsrscsmpas- Lnmrsa.- Mi-, voltt, veiro aItiret receis-cai lire p. oInment hem been, ve regret te fiuai, unt o the riglil-aboul, sudIMm. Bous-y isaman gisaideneai viti lie office irougistise pove-tul inteftention o! Fr S. C. Woodi. Cornwall,.Nomination. At, linsnominatioun for Ces-uvelL sIâcis ooS place on Sala-day, for lthe re andi Ina. G. Suelsinger v'ere nomi- atedi &asuabes. Dcii gentlemn 1lhir epeecire. bclared hireçailÉk-e 2dependents. Tire MasonieGiani sgeofa!Ca.18.. 90OP.raed ilI sesion et luondon yus.c rday. ' ' Ivieited Mi-. Davidso's L&iM a elle ltime ago and p-.rbas.d- lt.he eie Ir Orange Bloseom XIX,aud f3lemnit, -I imported fi-m btse hord of Mi-. Crie]i duoani,, Scollanit We dh4 cnct leama iwhabt prieLie purcirs. vas made, bu 4eluce lieu, vo knov Ibal Ivoosters lb.thesame tarnlly sold ftrlisehigir fil ures-one for #8,», and lb. chier fi i2,0.W. alec purcive from il] 9 ountrij GenUeen o f the 81b oftJun tisI M. Jhn - Pge s abeau ù specting eome efthe celebrated',iei-i cf ebortborno ln Ibis oouty,,,et i srnngsl. lb. iest Mi-.Davidson's,c vliicb lie ayo: "Jas. I. Davidson's 1e nemi- -Myra Station, juil north fi-om Wiby, lu good farmiulg region; baud roiling, au lu every çalley là a quicie-runuin brook, perrepe only -a fov juches vidi but permanent, sud tire cultivation'i atire sal i l exceptlonally good. Lu tail Mi-. D, lmporlod over lveuly lhii ors frein Cruiekelian, Seotland, frozi Ivo te feunyesa old, vari-yng lu lie look sud excellence, stili' every on gocd, and many quite extra, afl vithj look cf Crnlcleslank's br.eding, vii le mixed-Bates sud Bootir fonda tiens busiug croised and recrossed nl lire traes cf lhe original soi-lelire neai ly lout, but leaving a good, beaitby i-s Lsait. i vas atter sevoràl limes ns vieving lbe viole Ibat 1 pickoulsa Ethel Buckingham, red sud wviie,j -trie plein lunisead ad sobar, butj brave, eliovy heifer, net; equal lu sub >stance tthelb.roa cc Clarmicg, wvi ie short cf neck, legs and bey, a grosi feeder, vutinth greatest develepinen e ver lier ci-cps I ever sev. Bettei ai le Solernnity. a red, gcod fi-rn lhi nose-te lier heBels, cernlng thi-engirtired top crosses cf Cruicksiank irulle--tie lire. Baee bulle frous Secret 2uî by Locomotîive (4249), s ccv purcirase b tvIse ite- Mr. Harvey frein Bates, A beî,moderate-sized hi i; hE tva yeai-s eld Orange Biossom 19th,, c thie same sti-ain as Mr-. Kissinger's priE, i.ifer cf lest yeer. Village Girl la ed viti extra gooci nrnp, and Fiera 6&L le a full red, looking mare liko a Lona= tinan any impci-Ied cov I rernember. Tire bull, Crovu Prince cf Atheletane, le a grsndscu cf tho famons ccv, Quasi cf Atielâtane, i-ed, sud 11k. hie gi-au dan, quit. toc self-willed and higi- tempered; like ian a vouderful quick feeder, witli e isadsoeere ead, tmiel sîsouiders. briaket sud Leart: a et-aigut top sud plenly et style. We are under oblgations te Mn. Davidsan for thie meuy miles lie drove ns beiind île favorite trotting mare, Fiy, bogniling tise way vitn pleasaul Short-Horu chat end Scottleb @tories. One cf ilsese rtdes was fifteen miles ho Mfr. Wrn. Moffebl'e, 15t. Fields." Mn. Page i. cousidered an sntiugiiy -u tact eueeofthe boul uutlsorities on sliortierns-eund bis romarn tieretere carry ail tire greeter weiglil. Dommqor;Tirzeoars'-NevQivie -We notice liraI lb, Dominion Toio- grapis Compeuy have moved lulo their uev office, opposite the Armstrng Hotel, on Dundes St., vîuich lias been. specially crecled for their une. Thse office Ilireugiont la vos-y ueetiy sud tastefuliy fitted np endi conheins ail thed necessery conveniences lu the eliape of deeke, canlrs, tables &o. Tlsey have six beautiful sets cf in.struments, neaîiy dividiei off, sud six Ibraugli Canadian wires ruuuing iet their office, thin.n abling Iliem, 10 wonk direct vitr nearîy every teonand village ilu'Canada. rîsey have nov ever 840 Canadien offices lu operatien and connect villi aIl tie principal places lu the United States, and are repidly extending lIseur vires, and openiug nov oflices daily. Mn. Stevenson, the courteons agoni et this place, leaves uoti undone by is promptitude and civillty te gain for Fu-bIer Debailscof tIse lais Eai-bquake. uiJ'fIUliPOPUILATION - OEMISSAL PILAGaE Bns-TarEs-E, AND Laber dolails cf lie tes-ribla carh- quaeailuSouth America iutoirnun tiret Cucuta S in muini, net s single lscuser iemaininig. TIse k1usd ai-e, cal- onlatea et 5,000. Salazar suffereai ses- c-el>', suai tLe edjoiningcouutry le uearly des-astatei. iseg numbor et dead le calcniatedai et lro-ou-the o! lie enlira populaion. In Cuesth Ie fev familles sas-iadrie onthe onlekirta of visaIvas tIsa ciy, but lie3' vili sauo he obligeaita, relire, as 1h. putréfaction efthlie deasi vii not aliov i inem to.e ro- main. Il i. heei-li-cdiug 10 ses Ilie veundeai vho base no -care, andi vie cannaI romain long elive lu tireir pi-e- sent condlition. Te-es sud rebens from line- snrrennig cuntrymvwepl daou liste ibi-faesioily,, sud hardly a siugie sae. lsbeau sas-ad tam., ia h Custous Hanse> own. Tise" pillage is gene-al- Pon usadreti mules voe' Sillail in tire st-es, ansi as lier. le ne ,one to-cromove lirem -'-1h.estenci ' le tlgirfal. The storerouso ah Puers-lade Los Calce s s âlei saidburusai 1>7 bandits. lu Piedaducosha lhe tavuhall, le desiroyed, amain Paviona lie celie- <Iri le lu ruine. DnuarseeGIvEsa si-oBAse.Durmarse The- Canada, Club $avo s dinuer ist e-seing ho lie Ba-i o! Dufferin, Gov oraor-Gesseral- of lis Canadien Domin- i o n - T i e E e r î l u r e p u e a s t o a s t laid la h. sesaligpasof Cen.ý adians as tire deirie ti sumsntain intact 15984 o n tise )o Canada s est esd-oers Il, ot, Dakonge-1fonde............-1i ru, .....~ece .........01 aI MotmbuncyÀeZ2L. 1à Ut, Moniseal CenIre--ogllvie-.. 4...-I Of Mfontre st Rat-Taillo . -.....1 Moiîhroai Westr-MOGSnyraL.. i g- Nalevib-Lafontaluo--......O ~~~~..... Q1. 0Cur--ifeî - SQ.ebe Ci.-aan........i 04 Ofl'ticbrcnd sud oe-mPicad... 1I -se Strnseki- Tiruva.....':....1O gn St. Harcine-acaud -O1 e, 8bod-sfrasàpleeu..O.... £ cf Sre rbrooke-mobert .i.... t et Standeead- -Trc-on--------i..... 1( t- Str. obe-Msrira.....d...--O0 n Mar- lcek-Laarte---------i...... 0C e. Trthbone-haleatin. .i tos. a Thre Blivrs-areoti- -ajoi t b To outausOuMoelt- i I italaecrsage-.......... . O Elloice.t.. latiu Comoe ne -1 - ae ie ola ovlughearetlir ordtios a tniseI andafteso et btent 12 Lalit e--------------of2.2at1Me r p-8rar....................-wor eonso tiiEahe..........ltl...l Majorityl for Mous ft apr, 4. n ou Fridienoon nslet, bedulee ptTnions cf lisus platcad iclie ale Luest(oniia)Wed f:ra e Sh.A* 1 (For iom Grofip) h A para "grgvBgowh.yigvr cf"hi ieulmonlias laou gog rouds fl lieoftuvspaper iaeri "ay disthegisled iskiidas on Poweeno'ii-sp Le g antiaI a t lattrdilion etenck0eiem questic:nta."I.AHarst ,TIers apoor foklefIwvitren havperided"-Geoge oreownon è. obnihineudeali ?"-hiMdielr. "Afeterikiteflunderluge ve i-c pwe r o mainsuce gnet a nt lieu trise cilcf liefee iséth Hun ghorofli ou"-,-de. aer "lits adeuî ay.ea "-.Hr rsohr Maec'dsoenaelod. vnl' *have idedighaj inghna mycwn t6 e . as t ani.-8kr panmiell wetbilons ji tbuudertml."-. 'TIereuallon b c ise dinitue graanucf brctli."-Wil. rceir. "iW ret s baai- ls "-Bis- Jioi in headong rpfd.t.-eki4 Ilhave kptheglria go iglt "-Emdg 'Ise rymiy I"a-MookCame."-u Rymalt. 111Treil aood, e bternet speao "I ewiasinascntb. a ciplie l th greataymnmtuaccobno Wlnger.- III a keto re aitr"DNao." evdin tle fil tei.J.Ba here in slufécanter i"-Paecu." GaW.oH.Browln. -r DaenuaAi'rexPT AT BWGANîv Ex- B y ai-cr c o a -ai , 419 ;W 2 97 vE xs C Aa .- A despatli t e J . I . s o I. F. LOCKÇHÂRT; Rhodes, Superitendonî of the Adamsha Csshir. ý Express Comnpany, stes liat >a des-a Movd b Ir Clisrma, soouedperate ettempt 10 rob express imesseb, byWm. Taylor, Es4., Tiat lise report en Burke wu made et Long Point, Ili., tht be &doplte&eandiprinteai for lIse informai. eus lia Vaudalia Baivway, las u rt*<>~ lion cftire sliarehIaders., 'Cerned,- Tire Englue sud car vers-cit .. M oveul by D r. M orton, Éoco de ul b 7 ed he engi ulr kiIed. B a i- br nr. to c M i. O sIer, T s a t ir.e D ire e ol»o r s t e hb e c a d e ai Lie d o o s a n d l k p i b . ro b s ia l obeoed tIis day are req e sed to cn ciy a I b y ""t" be' a r ved . ra a il sharahoelders ii -crane ou call, AÀ sm an nam ed. M yles M N&m ra o ue Ihat tlie sarne -are roquirei to e badOueu uunisd eui < r i-u, . J.,nl c2i lyff cII HA moit, Tee~ y lhe Bank hâd undonalien ocn aday vitltkits c urios p eB. nas Ian9l111i, ontnu, ie place r. about sixty miles nroo st atheoperiod visen tise greatest conlrac- apyaueAfzuudoIr' a t i llôu tqhnuand no alternative asopnmilis frorn 1h. ine dividlu1 lebw,'u c o the ~ Direclere but lo pursue the couselrsitorii's. The tovu 'stande on lie 0-0-whch-bas ou adopted, uupl.esapî the;ceontir beuk cf tire Zrni Riiver, soins lu0re 0sî i dmndrf6t- footl 01>0v.lie b.d.. .Tta appear- th met. lsearedter ight bepromply sc BDo ugstv fhiiatiy -o 1' your Dir.ctors arehaEpy to taltc tire; reetangular Wall cf ithue, varying i- 0~ irisasuev ortie lee &een asc =orn' irh . fom fi-m fiteen fo f toy fee . Our- "o od 'hiùhs-bec. a i.adiuée camp vas hardly pilchod, isoveves-, b. O psero etal pointa n Ã"o or..5 of0 thb.cbietrmnumade us vel- 'pr ofj ilse Bank'gens aB;t ost .corne, and sent boys tb us viti bundles iinis em.rgeuoy, visiohhgl Oifi-e-vcad, br 10 lo e ob i. commeudabie sud il efferde your Dii-. mOîta bIxriyTire biInlldu sud o cters ploaeure te besr esimeuy to velis of uudremss eone, cornenî, aud Ibtis tact., To foi m re, ideof hat adebe; the only measeoetapproach bha- 1 basbee"don, ui y neceseoaryl o ug by ladderî tetthe roofs, fi-mvwhici liayas bOMduing le menthe cf Mi-ch', uer-cv soutIes admit tise visiter by 0 0 A p ul, M a u dI a -M une .n e b a a ,um oaber ladd ars ýtot e 4 ein eri ani M ay Ilsen 0700,000 isas been vibidravu.. lu 0f $te buildings are ireansuemo@ El: rosit sud.circulation ii hle eaval-.joaïo . four elorsahigir, lerraeai1 lieh 0 e a s s e o f t l e B fa n k a s i - e r e a t i v e l y .. c f - c f a et mu e x c o , a s d e m o -i b - inuicigreater nov lieu et any ilm ed y, recot. ovei-ed ways leed 0 Duioothes p.iid aUnaod& te.. SYoUr fr0121 011in lie vailtute e tieam, ODurc rhave been commpqled, . r- frcrn violitle vomen sud bldi-on 0 di eaexet arry wàter o-b euigae u as'far as possible, any, embarneemmènl -icane ollcs, already referred te uIi 10 nelrnî~e euiîle mate etdopalier as msimlr tla-h. fragments Of' regret, laI the extraordinsiy demanda pottery fcndby ne lu Arizona.'>. h s fo r Il o n th e re su nice e f t leB n k , e ufd o- o lls a re a d îo i ly b a l e c elf o n i eB h ea d àr. co sider t nhe tate oftrade and le toe lbo setop , and, vo-h ra e i. c mparatively uiort ime ihiiri vicli fl Bomaneque c stumese f t e- o tuis reduction irasý beau accomplisiea, mnadd te tie strngenesf le -,your Directors feel arrnaned irudocn-' scène, îviich ,,sem a raher Oriental graulating te pioprieary tat ne liu Ameice. vre re ants ave aie d d le effort. N ticeable every vere in lhe intoi- j W itli reforence le th e future of the. pors er. eagles of varions soi-le sd f ank, y ur Directrs desire ta oel ah-. siscs, s m e ied by th . foot to perches, 6 ten tionc u thlie a t t irt t ere a mili ie an d alliés-ah an gi ng lu cages from le - mains duo andi unpaid, on celle, u. vails. Tiey are ta Ihese people sa v arde o! $200,000, a sm viic, if i-e. aared e. they ver. tethbcse cf lie ald. rithd immàediaey, vcld enape h. A2Ioê empire. Tishe-wls nlose ah Vil BýanS o pi-cecuto its business iti ares perlipe four iundied yards vigor, andi maltain, unimpalsed, its. square, sd e population f'bout four- Prep-sent valuabie- connections. The us- tbon indreai sonis. Fi-cm a amail lie cessiîy Of immediat, payeynuî of cMIL, piaze lunlIre coune cf tie love a fev ue f le due nua l uy bt i e future vol-be. farr s-o rai-ets ead lu sever l drie- ig f-thienstitution, but aso oversde ions; but lie eriaced ri-acteofthe Iose visa have pai up tieir tock iu dellings, vici a-e almosi, continu- a. full. Your Dire tor, th r oore, trust "su on le four Bides o ! le Wall, foi-m lai referene uounlthe enjet is al that lie usuel meas of communication bo- s ncessary, s ny ieasurea taken toihycn neiglbrs. Au olai JeaicLrci e n fo c e p a y iu ¶n , o r W v i e S vo ul ul c a u - o u th e p la z a , vli ois mll b l d oa s I v rs pel tlem la fofit tIse stock, olai e large ipanieli belle lu an anciet toer, e as repug ant 1La Ieir feeling . go to i . nlo v s be rs lum erable ato andi aal- As parties ffected thereby. Ycr Direct- lov, but la therwse untenantea. A il. ors oniai uggeithah acticn solai ho Latin inscription infrmaeune Iliethle ho talin l in is subjeci by the . aleolul.siallr was erecea in 1776, but tb. chiot nte r , et t b. annuel Meetiug, andi an i .lu. a u bold us that le pre i-s e c ice 9W dicaticu givesa toth ure Directora of as ereced st mucin earier date p- n lb. Bank of the co rse, tley deise o u the li, site f teir Zuni tem ple, have adpted]tiohrec. lu vew f the Porn of h. alls f wirili-farm ea part, e ache aboe stated, andi belie ss-ingasob f tie new structure.-Williamn C. Man.- stop eceesay, te cisiugofsegve-a! ning, in Hrrpur's Magazine for Augai. prolimiuny measures )lave accordiugîy Mr-. Wallace, Couservaîlvo, ira been ait beau taken 1 accomplitis ibis clijeot. declared dnly electedl by lie Court afber uexesu. rarruarr. ' Us o itiier lied caied foty itneses 170 Goneral Stateruunt cf lie liabilities vhese juulgmeute hav, beau consideneaij and Ameosfth fle St, Lawsrance' Bank, savoe, presideai ai lie trial li- aucas [p end Report cf Pi-ait andi Lama Account vasi cetainîy tlicrougily iuveellgatedj for tise year ending 801h Jusu., 1875, 10 audae iiglteourjndgernntglveu. Thsis1 n. b. uanitteai vitb the Dis-coora' Be- adds anoiber 10 ilse Ceuservative bancs- p tort et lbb Annuel Meeting, wbiob vil isi. ilt e held ai ire Head Ofrice, Toroente, ou The Chisitian- BrelLens, e Cathoi a- Wednesay, tIse 7th oi Juiy, 1875. e-o ooe laîyt b dcba r. Balance aiPiofit and Loos Ac- rédeodwblyttheucio c un i Bh , Ju ., 1874 . - $7,27 2 0 f the. p o , ar c holding a convention t P-oit. f'yer endiugaOh un ' Paria fr tIi. electlcu f e Supes-r 1875, aller deductiugcluargem Genes-al. Thais houer heasireen conter- ofananagemenou ...........--4,87 17 s-ad on Broilses Inlidle, Duroctor af sI. 0 530 Bernas-d'a Colloge, Bayonne. Thre newt It D ividen ai N o. 808 , 0~ S u perior (en eral f tîl e m et usef i paid 2d Jn- Ordeisl a man f gret leaa:ing and c nay $7-18,14 O05lOy n Amlaeauces znuDecgaÀei~.~ M. rectoe....-.2,878 2 ossAuî.-P-cf. Johin Wise maelebie 458nd t - 620,88 aiballon ascension Tue.iay. JolinWe, Balance ho credil of Profit i rnasn ni e izicblg sud Le s Acc nni ~the Pr fesge ss ni ce, ais e m ade am cn - Ju ez1875.. ....... 29,744 12 s'ens. Miss Ililiug vas tue fîÙit 10 as- é coud, andi îm lie ie d rcacised about hk ENRL oTlifl ENT 5,000 foot in thli is, Ivo miles frem lb. sà SCapital Stock lsubseribed . seln-lcii alo u-t u 585,400) ai p . .... 0 4,811 as toru froin tIc top tb * e valve, ci Balance eftProitThle gas caenont in sncb quantities as Id - cens-led les-yard 629,844 12 le carnpictely-oves-paver Muies Iilingas Dividende n- 74-5andaibcifell inlo îLe bctlarn cf 1h.basket ý cied--------.....- insensible. _SIs ley tiers, sud theb--p - eserveai interest 1,202 46 #81,593 14 beiloon fél outhli grona. Tire lady« 088,409 01 vs badly injuredai ulot kiied. Whou - Netes iu circule- lie babo a as iret sean te, bursl, il u tien---------...0837,29 00sp Demiueu GeeBilan ai-auna itih feai-ful vebccity, sud Bi D o m in on G o e m -1h . g a s.b eg feli cv er lie sid a. T e mse nt depasits ircuearneetatce ote payable on se- Pialueesagmn taid1 i'~ nuni---------- 14 laloon is; what saveil tise lady frorn Provincial e- being dashd to piecs. fa payable altos- no- TzNWMerain-OCbgo, ..UIY9. tice..-........5,0W Of) su-NiciobsThomas, a mechanlo lu lie Provincial Gov- car-aliops hlie, ahates tisaI ho iras b eau erumeut deos okn for e lon ime ou h ricpe Ste p abahion ivDig ln toiicpa d 11s, -wit <> v ic li developeai K e ly's new m oter, f Other deposits il ?dtiraI hoedai jmolime ago si-nivea tu payable au de- sah e sanie conclusion.s Keely, but ë mend ..........-49,871l 8911 as not quihe noady 10 give lb.he enîlt Oîiner deposits cf Ihie investigailaus té lut ubi. .ai payable alterne-affirma tliaî the o mar l ig lirai Ë bu c Sprîn1 Barley Peau. Black' Bye. Oats, Patbai BulIer coal, J Wood.- Po-k, p Ducks ] Turwy Appien, Chaos. - Def, hi Beefla Bref fol fan kniovleý lire apes sud, bv. deuây l Bviae ve ensieunm byyoti tuons on te recoss iras ilcous «See, ig;x tirat lbin Eixir ef; lect, tire plate noni E s -Prep, THE -This ads elising it 1 It gves 1 gro-tb, bu otiner dise& Geumne in higi au commanlda aaid Phyel Bachi bot box fflü NEW. seechs 'Suncsag againestiste gract tor lie Priceatot Wales' eseleru trip. SA debaloou on emasure viii 1511e plac.eoauthe 151h iust. Tise steamer Walrus arnivei st Sydi- ney tedey, sud brougit four sip- vi-ockea pensons fi-cm lie schooner Boya ro,trcmStJohis,l.F.,for s. radar, viriel sanS ffteeu minutee sIfen S trikigna pan o c e. -uIor near lie St-site c'f Belle aIde. Tire passengora sud cee, elgisin luel,vere resaneai by p * ig vssels, Theo cargo vas valu- eble. Nolhisg saveai. BxxcaEa's SsL"y IDIleMsEicra 100,- 000.-At au entisusiss*ie melting cf lis PlymouhCiurcs cenagregalicn uet nlgirl, Becidsaslary vas raiacai fram #20,000 la 6100,000 per enuum by an nanimous vole. Tisi. mrose j, useaut' ta as in ludofreyi*g is cx- penses ilutheiel. Que cf thespeak- ans said lic cougrogatien vouldi epeau million, if ssoceaeary, lu defenceocf bhisou-mlnister's innocence. -lInlth miaistiof tis St lesaaid tisaiMoulton lu- louais te pi-osecute Bee r for peujs-. AI Tnosnbns-y,'en Tu"aday m-orulng, e litle boy, agoci, eight, yeers, son o! Mi. JcsepShawe, virile.pleylng viLs aloadei gun viici ic gel dumriug île peret'aabsncefrens borase, apos.. deneally siret hle cimier aged sx yoz'e It appearstira girl vas aI breakfast sud wcre Il ssci for-tIse cs-clery on tir. tle table vSIch hi-oS. tire force cflire. sirot, e fatal accident veulai undeubteai- ly-bave hseppenect.- Tvc TireM-s Aaasmzi= ni Mox. 'raàAL.-Two parties nameai- lsaie, anl Nevman vere erresetasilast veek' on àa r-oetosirop -ltifisug, sud i'vere commiltea te stand ieu- hi-lai at lie noît session cf'lb. -Cýo#ri .-WfQueeu'e flenci. Dung th. day lie pa&rias visa wiuessl - he rebbery lu -tir. Ville Marie BanS, vberoby Mi-. Thain lest 01,000 vîlci jus' lidjuil dravu, made lIeu- depomltiutce in lbe-,-case, ideuhifying lire pihour. as haviugbeen tIhe parties anspeceli f:tire robbery lie-e sema 1 le a gang vlio have' beau ve-y active lu licir eperalions since lhiu arrivalinutire cil>'. Rumors- elusy viI lire resignetiesi of Ms-. Hsger, M. P. for Prèeeot. John )'Doncine, bale M. P., to- East 'Toron- to, la namei as e probable candidate lu lie Goverumeut interest. Tise nemes of nou. J. O'Connor., J. Wite anal uevaral atiere nmeutioned inuthi eanserva.tive lutereel. Qnehlec Juaiges viil holai a conféence codeoidouùpon the rules of pi-actice lu bllon conrs-t. Ontamio Judges ehourd laic »e ome, hefore the conusion lh.. comosgi-ester haén it le nov. Centra- liclcr'y-decisione hy differeut Jusa, 4ud iby lie samoe Judge ini differentc l1acîs, are net caIcnlateJ 1cr lucrease pubic i-eepect'for bogal sntbcrity. A ev day.Sucine a fermer vas teiling L -hoiqr ieanug athhed plaulesilesu or. suds aitfofpotaoaenaihobeer. ad tiey woul ie b.des ryed by lie otetobugs. "Are t lbpaule up yèt7' k e i s b y s t e u d or, > "N oé , "Il rep î me a t ire raemer, "1ibut hédennea hugs are' ait- âng on overy lli vsiting for bhen." Tronhle lu Wall Streot foiloveai lb.e allcu.cf a hi-ker.to setliouq!iri-de It s uolb vcry ' bion Suce lis Ageai Daniel 1)-ev, ba$ug sbiglynvsll, aigct te gis-ohie brokere directions tb hlfil bis engagements, sud plnsost cens- i s panl e ir te 'ma-et. Somejouru. Li thon 'euggested te bina beLire hea" stter relire fron stock gambllug, sud s-e e isattention te cIrer pursuile, lu bhich a elight, illneassou bis pans vouli lot nèsuit in auy public danger. Horicu.BinseD AT - Oamna.sa Mi.-Col- igvaod Barris, Invi-usara, tovabrlap ifOriliu, ied hiei rotel bnurned on Sel- 'dayeferunon ia'bout fs-s, Tierecigimi 'tse fi-e lpiuienovu. Tire lose is $2, 00. Il le lnsuted iju bo Western Iu. Lrance Company' for 01,000, Luscoax Es.ecoc TauL.-Tbe poli.- îon'es cas. waw eosed ons Mosrday. se eantoer.'etiasu against Mi-. By- i-t iras beau abandcssed. Juaigmeul. cerveai-te b. glu-en on Friday, l7th pleuiber, at Osgoode HaL A»unusen if the votirg p lusintire routroal olecliions wpre invaidtei ov- lg ho lie ebepo. cf blolliug paper. soin lIh, papess ero foldeal a blet vau ruducesinluthe 'centre -opposite lie pc.sing csud idate'e iâsue. Ca-airPisi-ceezewrse PAaesGRzEEN. _A culai cf Mro. AyI.u;cf'ochster« le, vaspolsoneda8twI eek,,hy esting t' t thea 25nir71Da inus canze'i in SvitzorC defendanî&. parties- havi upealire lau ÃŽn the salai l nineber 2. -of lira Town Ïîruave: cc angle 0,f lb., if

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