!Wtby, on 1he1 r. Wm. Calver.1 onhi Ih o.B.H fl a -WHzIBY MABKBTS. ca3oszci.1 Ornez, 3uly l4th, Iwo.' P& Yiwheat.......... 9 5i 09 splng Nnat, ... é 0090 8 o- ~ab~............09. 10 TClav ........re. Ri00 ta 259 Black Eye Peau .... . 5090C Rye.......8ao 70, Oatu .40 47o Say .ee... .. Pttegp.....1e Ob' Butter............. 1600180 ei, per tan. ...... 7 $88 Wood.#$#..... ...4 00 0450 Porkt percwil.......8808800 lck@»...* ....... 80 40per pair *DueIks per pr. ......00000 Turlwôys, per lb ..... Zo Applus, pur bumbel.....t6080 ches ............ 15e 170 Bout, hiud quarter ...050 M Eeffoequai ~.. 0 tee, June,18. NEW ADVEaTISEidENTS, IN CHANCERyI pUBVISÙANT ta an arlur ,bwndê Ohauceryp wheyen Swtzer Coua u arp~1 ti~u, n a et Rat,' me.r" Curtis, ElIualtb Grat, ra ktTbomau Kerr sua Rlobert eir gre',doeadainta thes b iedwl1 teoprabation aizaceun ui, la r.1. n~ a l»B.urat Comte bOIu 0tY Of Ontarlo (who iuth. n»lrP]tative Ai iii. lands hereafler 0#N 'WHlTBYi llth DA Y 0F 9CTOBERJ, 1875, th. faovinglandaaud preinles, naueiy: theS5outh hélfof-Lot No. 5 lu the7th eenceuon of the T wOvnjfEat Whi*. sareasmnoenhudrd monor les., alua farty acres more or lu, pao f the. narth half cf lthesld Lot d.uoraIe au fllavi: Cammen.ing eaIthe North Haut angleoi& fuadLot,,tian uauthh sixteenda.. grees, eut ta a shaké hhern imsted, Ihen .louth sevonhy.famor dogrees vweut, tvenhy Chaîine, thonu outh i ul igen o saIe, tWenty Chain§, la th. centre ecf fsaid lot, heu nath sevontyfaur degreesesMet twenty ohanu,,tien nat i uthen degrepeset tty hansmare or less telne puace of Thore are ane huudmed *ares- cluamd, the reut ilu vo» tlnbored vlth liardvôad and valuitble cedar., The cleard portion lini a good esthe cf cultlvatlan, luevel vatered, sud distant Ir.)u th. Village of Oshawa elgit mlles. Thore lu miscas gaod amcbard andI oxcellept building oau sud far T'he property vii b. sold at Public Auc- tion thetii.hg est bidder viti uowi te hoeii ssld Ruai Eepresentatve from tlme ho hlme, ta adjoumu thbe sj if ils judgment, an adequate priceslina t Ldd for the. said lundi, .BIM*klhoî.,E5pp*ti 'a.-.mrg. Thepurîîsurst ssJd si lu inta r'? a de. f1101mand Caomielauug.-«By thprughrosit tiIton percent..ou tii.,daycf s e, aud kual.d. a lb naure lau vlcigo er.,t 0Iaiîe balance inîçicourtota le cre. thé a - rations cf -digeonan sd nutrition, ntevineumalfoi Anadbofa hi, lu.pthe. dsY Of silo wlthonh internat. pmprtrýOOMIofWalceetedccoMrn o Furtber parilçmIaro sud conditions cf bau mavdod aur bresf ablesýr aie may 1. bad'on application ta D. J. gavenLy fiavored beverage, wvilciiaY Mélntyre, Plainifs saoltor Lindsay. u boumutayihesvy doctoral buls." ît i oG u i nî i eeann d eictr by the Jdilouue cf smci arlieles -cf diet Whtby. thstaa nstiltîl<n may be fraduaUy built uputl atmong enaugh ta ru ust overy ton- DA t Whitby tiis 201h day cf lune diny a isese ýHmndredefsu lmals- . D., 1875. dlqssrpIortiug round ns eady- to attack Z. BURNU]AM, es eMarly a tetai ubafî ly eplug aur- Rs SelveuseuIl foahl5ed, iti pure biedad da pmcpunlj'nourlshtd, frmeL'-Cieil Serioe C HNCERY SALE I RENEIDY VftIMIFh-We Bond Irae., a simuplu sud sure-moonu of beIf-cuns, for Con. OF VÂLUÀDLE sumuhian, Brouebîtis, Asthma, Csharrh, Boro im nydieseofte hia or Farm & Building Property n liityPremtureDe- 0 sakuoe, audisordera bromght an INTU byyOuhful imprudence, TUTTLE à Co.,0, 78 Fatiau.ut. N. t. TOW N O H TB lions an vilci th. faut cf 1f.depeudu. ButCPucrmau t ho suieteof li.Cuto to reconstmuetthie humnan systeni ater Caueylu1.sutc hoa beome physlcally deoruilzed by dis. LISCOMBE-vs. GROSS,- obi@, ilurAlly to -mesa new bainn. Tet tbst tbi eau le dan, lu capable ce soIns thore vill b. sald by Publie iAneian; vitii '? n$rtion. Dr. Wkeeler's Campoundli te epprobstion of Gea. H. Dartueil, Eliq., lng the 4gestlvo procoss, sud fumuiluig tie BRITISiI AMERICAN (Rsy'.) HOTEL, e uem.uî*of boue, muscle, and -uerve, por-. nt ad ow fWibo taetsuth$i mulationuetfiood, andI coin- uh.slITv fWtba plot@ no rishuiont cf lb. tisanes ; nierbid Thursda , the 6îh day of Auguut uext, ir6duah sud huners ar re nmved tronc the. nd vîc a iieuthy procesu cf re 4ar set a iê rA.-'D., b 1h7sal ii l. rgang, ecqrdine ho Iatnru', PrOcesu Master, iluoeeor more paresls. asehereunder et buiding up ti.feobl constitution. stateci, the toflewing v.ry valuzable fan sund IB B A Bi N E tb, adTewgompseet: Propsred fre2in lhe Pure Grosse cf - P"cIC.-Tii. Easut uvety-five acres of tii. nrti bal cf Lot Number Twenty- THE . CANADA BEARlue, lu the FirsI Concessoen cf lie Town- y, f hibnow formlng a litofte - soui T la cf Whiby, exceptiig tiie nerti. Tb[$ 'dullghhfmily perfnmda preto n east otiNcme, nov owued by thi. rpresenta. niat sglecsuy uiuh taoi e Hair, lu- tive. of lie otate cf lhe laie Thomisu Bon. cllulng it ta romain inu ay deslred position. nett, centslulng by admeasurement oovouîy- Il give*she is no ona aui sluxuriant foqr acre, beu1huo saine more or Issu. This grfli, Lut arreole greynumu, Laldueus, sud parcel frontu au the Kngston Roua ansd lu chrdoissf lie 1b2ansd scilp. t i fanr lately dwned b y J. Ramer Green- Osamno ean'. Gu resue basmoýbeuheld wood, Esq , and acoupled by Messsa.Eok iu blgb estoeni us avaluable article for Ring sud hou. It ilu@aIlcleared sud lu a Dremulng thi.e MAr. ilt ha. houaiigîy higi ucate ai cultivation, sud tie laudtin eof eamsusndead m ud Ly snent Chemistu tie ver>? bost quillty for fsrming ar grazlu snd Physielans ei &Vry country. purpemes. It lu vithin toun minutes valktc Eseh botalei lu oloied lu a card board tho central part of th. Town ef Wiitthy, lu box aumunded by afialeî.ugaved wrap. wliicli lownthie educational iadcaller &à . Pas fr mlg apà okffl ahre metamanîjsd vantsges ar, cf i eigesi order. tXpon iietul au every Ladi«s'Dresslng Table. ths parcel lu an excellent dwellig houne., Prlcu 0eut$ or piacksge. - large sud cemnmediou arnan su nbnild- Sin D & SON, ingu, lateiy erocted sud uuuurpsed lu thus 19 Sale Proprletors, Mntreuil. part of tie country, sud suarchard of up. warao thre:h'housnd ycuufruit sud -NEW AýVEriTIBEMENTS. teualto pl:nty et vater ou lie prAmises ansd __the_____________tu__excoloently e vîe wti or sud poot, or pickot fence@. 04 the premlus TF iINCEYthora are ilireejiard vater veila viii pumpaà j and trougissudtwtv vemy large soft vater cleteimu. TiIs land lu ail npder drainage. tg The remain eîoght parnels ceusittof a] PURSIJAliÇ-tiasu-arder, bearlug date ulue, toen cee and tree, or, uis, l the 251h Day ai May, A. D.,1876, and made Second Pa oca f ~sdte hllofnAnnot Iu s cause lu the Court. ci diaueny, viero. number tweuî cghti te ure oces. in Swltzer CouwaY and Uane Loliway are sIenoet hi. saic Township et Wiitbynov t: Plaintifs a utUgc itfachel Per. for igapr ftend Tow fWhlitb y, GomauRoe Cu 1rrmls, ilM'ru oris ontîiniug by admeioacremeuî inuthie iole of Georgateu' llizabeth M at, lmani eabut ffty saes;ÀA i Hat h em, and Robent Krrm are Thisuland liesho thie eassinf parc.! number. defendantu. Notice I. ieruby giveli al t Ou1010ansd i. alime al l tIares!, wa Ifouts! iti ,parties iavlng ay lieu or lnennibranee pont and! board ce pieltet fonce., aneI in under P upn thie iaùdi sa,, remises, luquestion, 1a bigi state of cultlvahjou. The.1zo1 lu of ne liu the uaid causebain h.uutîi hat cf the. tout qualily fr nzing pur poses. Park b jat lfie Fl,'. lth. Sventhi Conession lut number tire., Irontm ou hie Kinugston o -f thie Tawnsbpof at WbltbY, lu th. Roal,ansuld isIf laid o0dmi building lots, 'Caubty aiOntaAIlosIoay acres ef mulles eligibie sit'es for pnlvate resideucas n fcoîl hsî. ofLa e d og 1 doscnhbed as lier. are no buildings ou thase lots, on ai lolows -coi enin a ertî.es a rt ofllot tir.. tiere ilu alua an orciard. ai a glu 0e ti ot, tie a,-util16 de. Tlitectier lots front ou Aune, sud Henry t1l glees, Hasut' luaîsaaà tm her. plant. Streotu. s ; thon muti7des". evt 90 echuts, l'arc.! number one vill be cfered for Sile Pu on south le demn, eaut 90 chaîta ho dnatAsd to teieremaîniug lots oee t contrs01 Wdlot, thonnorti 74 dogmes,, prce, anadfsil asaole tioroflun ule M su t 20clislqq,uitho oth 10 de ~es, wott. thonuuh lotsvîîyî b,o Oh frmesea.8 20 chinu umoe or lostlethie p scoof bo- steorsfor ua.s pr alug'ta pt*dtLeuta e es t eb1 :imberu The urchsr or purchaserusî alli te PE 6 hé C ourt Routei te ieOcsale, av down a lu no tJ!ste, pro. 1 0 portion et 811 frevury100oftiesor thor m OV N- 0F VVH ITBY, ior ndsa &B yanom su ber St ai ýurcisse inoney vlthin au. moti tramn hiean Augut net Lyof mle, icheut internat, sud shah tion h-. Day Q * * * i eemnlng lie.balance of tiie Sals!purceu li I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~MIO oharfte clee ..Pui n Osiey xute R:tatutory-mortgsge îesrnug Ch letgt Otra 11cf c 'iousnud luoumbrsnces cnt Par annm, haitearY ;uûn o anA egetier viti uatlsfectorY 01140docicfthe'Pr se-ln d lu referouce ta aa1nniberi t- out due thirson. -oe £ uà qocauefr2 hri)ts>. Dated tii. aith duy of îuue, A * 185. va Ilve ybraeclans. fe ro sal.~te. - 1 A. ,,180. su yarutrncti d1-t s a - ] . H.DARNE bu Venodr.villouly beoblige îafurnis um Muter, s c9py cf lb. ltegltrue's Abtruet cf ta leà lu-ID ~~~~and ;filibot Le oblele rdc iu il ~ deeio vîdeuce oi titis notlun hor r"mes- sian Ir eYles cf lhs sume. ,Posi és an viii- 0o'Qt o taIs on lhe Secondday A:.1 ýOTS F jR S4 LEF a e t a do1fe, ph-lgî t ha Tbee inum eyed " eacoi parmielWh Oxot by tie Mauter. IN TU The otieor coudîtiome o uale arethe Stand. Q lus Ordure of Sileocf tie Coeirt of Chsnery. 70 N O LV V ý. .rendors lu vrlting vii aluniab. recoîves ferrlth. pureiase of auyaof lie abv prpapoy' Uti No, lOIn Setion A., tront au Gravel lu bulk eor separateiy, Rum m adir ho4 F dad sublact-t te .fareoalng Condition. , Lot i<c. 10 in rear Ou William St. Thbéu mrtgageé ta be giveu *halbe pre. Au, L a o nBrook St. paredbyj the Vendor't'Solicl1rgat the ex. AdLto 8, in rear on Wlllm'Street, (peate of eé urasere. - - w9oliC. 1 ý:_ . Ftrthser Vsrtiularesud condition$ af 'ThPt.flto 01theo late VMI M v.I5sle A17t24?A 0;M(,- llua, iritd - D: i N E~~ A 1) v Ei 1<.-rI- STÂTIOU~RY, Stationery. We keep thé best selected sckof Fancy, initial, and Conmercial NQte Pappe and En'Velojiq" inuthe county.- BLANE BOOKS, -Blatk Books, Day Books, Cash B3ooke, JomrnËs, Ledgers, &0., madeof th'e bestparn èood biding, ail knds.and cheap. i NÊEWSPÈAPERS AND MAGAZINES, Newspapers and Magazines. .Those wauting -their Magazines -and pape;rs' delivered with promptnes 1 isad despatch, should leave their -order at Robertson's. MUSIO, MUSIC, a large stock of Shieet, and, Haif-dime Music always on hand. J. S. ROBERTSoNY oogieNevudealer, Stalioner, and dealer in Paney Goodu, &0. (Bengougb's Old Stand,) Brok Strel, Whitby. .BOOKeS, Shool Books ,fu ?.S.-We pay special attention, A MIRACLE 0F CHEAPNESS A T 1,000 Pairs, of Ladies' Prunella Boots at 60,certts per pair. is uow complete, comýprising ail knds of Ladies' Misses' and Chuldrens', Gents', Boys', and Youths' Wear, And some Fine Arnerican Godo of Boston Manufacture. was est speoisl attentioa &Ivan ta 1the scienùce of Boakkeeping as applied ta i l.m ýaco- every departmnent of Trade and Commerce ; also tb Song a.dgChaAr PBCTI(AL PENIfANSHI1P, COMMERCIAL AITHMETIC, COM'iR-& By the Authorc CIIL LAW, BUSINESS COBBESPONDFINOE. SPELLING,-Ae. AIIy af th. abori rept f.the -keà , Ils graduates are cara etent accauntante, anZl are souglit for by merehants aud thua b ave picture il busiess men, lu vaut of help, fromail parts of th. Province. S:e There are no vacations. Bimdents may enter at 5 lime with equal ad. June 92,1875 vantage., .Bemember Ibisisa fuilcourse commercialsahool, sud: conneeted vithi ALY DA others-loealedaItMantreal au&the principal cies cf the. United Slalom. AYJ) N Terras reasonable ud> lover thaï meut cf the other sohools inuthe Assocm-iaton I Auy persnn nding their name sud address aud enelosiug six cent& s psp, Commiencing anc vil receive l>y rekumu mail a pleqe of Ornaxuenlal ponapauship, specimeus of Business enmansbip And Cirular. _TUEi8s iW the Most populaa 27 ODELL& TROUT, Toronto.. ORGANS!1 O RGANS 11 ORfANS!!11!T A gooda asortment of AmericanOr sa (IÂLL ÂND-SEE THEM 171 Iý CLOOKS!1 The place ta buy Clocks lsata NqRVILE'S. Strik- injg Begulators, indioating bath Mcutreal and Toronto, only 85 00. Other kindi cheap-C41U and look saI hein. "THEXCELSIOR WOBK BO!," a Work Box with Clock attaced, the neatest and Maout convenieut think out!1 No Lady ahould b. without one.! Only $8 50, b. sure and ose hem. Organs, Clocks, Watoheu, Jewellery, èverything cheap for Cash. Bepairing in aIl its branches dons by a practical man of 25 years experience and warranted. *H. W. NOUVILLE, This Holel in siluated in *the central, portion of the city, conveni eut ta the. wholesaîe establishments and publia buildings, and fortonniaIs and commercial traveileks Iu a most -e .gible situation. The hanse has been thoroughly re.orgamized and re.furuished hhroughouî, snd i. lltted up in the most corafortable and fashionable style, equal 'to any frut-clas ous iu the Dominion. The bedroms and drawing.roomé aie large anda miy, and *the Lest sauitary regulahione' are observed.- The lar-go sna convenient saple rooufor the accommodation, of Commercial Travellers, are commodjlous, and conveniently looated on the first fIat. Omnibuses and Carrnages always ready for hhe» aacoamodation' of gueotla ariviug by ail thé mains ana ulegraboats,'andalaso ta convey ILium ta the depats and wharves on leaviug. Geo. Kennedy,'fommerly of Qneen's Holel, Owen Sound, Manager. Telegrapb Office in connection witb Ihis Houe. TEBMS, - - 81 50 PER DAr. GRAND TRUNK & BOOT DEPOT, KING-St., OSIKÂWA.1 Ouhava, Marci 101h, 1875. 121f A SPLENDID STOCK C. RIREK.t CARRIAGES AND ]BUGGIES. M. 0'DONOVAN'S Carrnage Factory, Brock-st., W HI-T BY. VERYCHEBAP . CALL & SEE THEM. ,NEW GRQCERY- STOREI1 Greenwood,--Tiïiul a deosirable -rosi- My 0184VWUM'& LAWIINUE suTlown.lt patcfhe OM4TREAI, P. Q. Begs to iutimate to the inhabitants of Whitby ésud-sr AUl lioeueparcels ara itin a shortdis- A gults fer D minies of Gonade. roundig district that lie as penea outinl th1e s r sunce of the. centre et lb. Town ai Whlhby, JO8EPH BURNETT & WO., OMM0N und vouls! malte excellent building sites. 1A i,,.' Tho prciaser an purchamcro, ub.U allihe Od- d Fe.llows'J.>u.lU..LLg, .LLUWi"»(,<,eet, [me sfale rydovu a deoait lu lhe OTWHT ANDPORT PE1ÉHT proorton i &(0vor ey 01W0 of hs or ORWTn iciïr -unciiae-mousy, t10 hoVendons, or P EXTENSION RAILWAY. L~i T LoeIr Solicitor - sud oubsiloaosisyasuin 2 ofincIent lu inskci iti th. depaull eue-hait TIME TABLE No.a . 4 £e '""" ', ~ O flute punchase money ou lie l7th duy cf1 l' .. 2 >oe Cl. &ugnst naît, being oeemonth tronc lb, day Tales effort ou Mouduy, lune 7,1875.,UfJVL yI and'4 ..Uvcion fliStore, f maie,,auasil psy the Lalaucecf the sulelTrainsmn by Troutt hm., vhli lu0Iven- V1Tnhnù purcisse ma the li ith day ot Octeben îy-hvoiutemml.,over tlisn G.T.Z1. tîre. W"eeeinedtokp , Ila m6 alnc on - luinuindrsLneu Gorne eROU. He hopes that from past experience, sud by strict. atten. the Voudora viii only b. obligea! ta fur. WiihbY luueto, depart 9.28 sm. 8.40 p.nc. lion tbhusmne8s, ta menit a ehae f publie patronage. ii a ventdoed copy of s Rîglsrar'u abutract Wiitby........... 5a.n. 6.45 p.m. < -e tIle1su viiua L asUed-l pedceBrooleliu 9.00 &.M. 7.05 P.m. T~' myttsded reîdne ititîe net in uiM t. ... 10.19 &..nc.7.88p.m. TE AKS -A S P E 0 1AL.TY. loéin possesasion on, copieofe s ai. a cheter.....1028s.mc. 7.8p.m. TeVendons 1.eaoserveel bld au cM uchîtr 108!-i 748~i.Casih Paidfor .BteEg'sm'and. Tannera, Produce. werlsi ds by lb. Master. -1,Prnue AIberl 10.480 s..7.58 p.m.Bter Pà aiOL Nu. 4, viii be soltI aubjeat toa Port Perr...-arrie 10.50 uam. 8.00 P.m. 93» A cai l respeclfully eolioitad. ortgage in favor of Mrs. Jane Smart for * vai&flOONcuGOUra. 25,Ocu wn hlch tiere, la past due 4or. Port -Pe%..-d pr .0..12 ,c dF li WibArl1 PETER SITH. Sicpltesuru et020,sud lulemes t i Bprince bn,.- 6 09 ani 1 pm. C-87.17« er Cent. tram lot May, 1874. Manchester .... 8.20 &.M. 1.10 p.nu.____________________________________ PA3CEL No. 5, vili be acitI mubjeett laà a 8unciit ..... 8.80 s.m. l1 .50 . 'cesse in faveur cf William, à oCabe for Mru. ...0.42 &.M. 9.07 p.su. ,UUipou vhlab th.re l sut du. fon Braooklin--------- 7.00 a.=. 9.90 p.in. rinelpal the aun i f$1,000, sud luheremt at Whitîy.a. 7.20as.u. 2.M9.5p.m. 0 r cet romth, 2th4âýofjup',874 y 7.85 i6m. ne. .00.p.m. n bou he s' f 8 forpurace. ÇÇMÉtlw Junothan, arrive 7.40 am '&0p.nc. Theotâ coiindoitionus et sale are tie stand.;*ltomsainsTrns&ponsg 19 conditions af.sale of tbé Court of nalstonuatu.Tristpouî- Tenders lu ritlug iW !s t » t'u at Conuoting a hitbJueo iMhithe B O T I D S I E M O k I ' f hiie b h a ue forthe puch a GTB. , st n em; atPot Peny ltb ý-an cBthR O C K orSI R E E T,1:,d dW I-IIT BYgtio a a Py ta A. -G. McMilan, Barniston, and -2E4HLDN Or iten, Salicitan, Whliby. an totahe 9 isl~D6ctor. ~~E ' dMuem AL!J OFlH TN S-AU4'NIDJ R S (Slaed) GR . .DART]iE F 'Ca 'A". 1. G. MOMILLAN, Mauter aI WhbnThy ie Soiýth tVol Qusrfrsof Lot le,'lu - Veudori's, oiton,. - 14t1h icOÃon o f Brook, (0 ce)404" ]USTUErr éue 180 uI eR vaW'tered, by Vrooma Oroi é 148 TE C itby, Jun 2911uin97 Log Euilin& excellent soi, tenu. libersl. IÂIRBeAFKS'et uate o Lo 2, nLargest Stock, Àppiy ta- tdd4Q-sty~les, Cot/I? ci ûà m, dI/n flOOM&J aune 101h, 197. Çm25oi î , Prlt Ho.lMR gTO LETI 1 AU 1 Sizes in Fie-and.Co 's Li fl aera s alei ave is nà SPRING DRY GOO à DS W'. J. HIOKIE & "O'a A.Fresh Lot of Groceries and Choice -Liquors, Which wll be sold-chea12 for cà sh or far-mers, produce. ;ihitbY, Ap4i, 1875. 1 WHI T BY P-HA RM14A CY.l SAVE. YOUR ",POTA4TOESIl POTATO ]BUQ'DESTROYER.- liv Lu This remo lu thfteva MCalum; Chemiet, nX Ontaio" C) ue DESTROX mmense sucees iu Western Ce be tise Boat and <lleast IR N-(.ORK vi ale her "oesIn vuen sue viii bave ah 2 P. ,drcfr Port Hope direbt. TWbi ishe Aoartest sud quiokeut route ta Ouvego s ud 7Wshertavn, vis Lake Ontario Shiore Rallraad franc istiatte. Dealers lu stock, &rt, wvOl lut bis 1h. cheapest sud nasî exwediics roule thO Bas. B. CR&WPOED, Ci. P. GILDERSLEEVE, Part Hope *Kingston. 17 U-0171n- the 1 Dl c -og ed Bosum Iron, s eeaiU dî Of >s'tu Â97nsrf. derfut sgicJe; culquuag yspel plaint, »rOpsy rhoea,3o11e,2f CbilIs --and. F LMas Of Con>q DIseases c f th Jlladdor, >Feuý anti ali4<iseaaîe comprdeft4 Bec iiaïicachil VIAN SYRUP bli SETH W. FOWLE & - -ev. iexuo, z SaOLI> Ditaeer ~P I~ I ~- G- Dress GoodsSmgre.at v-,Aaiety. Blaok aud Colonred Silk Poplinsi Lustres, Parasols,. Hosiery, 'loves, Laces, (Siothè,&c A Full Stock of Mihlinery. Dretif and Mantle Maldng done, to order under the superintendence of a first.clas~ Dresemaker. Milliuery and. Tailoriug doue tq'order. Satisfaction guaraneed./ S~ ix Girls wauted to' worl- on dresses, and Two- - Taïlors to work ou coats. laWbilby, April 14111.'1875. 01r Valuable Building L o ts, -and other properyiluthe ýTOWN 0F WHITBY. fCPuronant ho a Decree cf th. Court of Cbaucemy, luthi.suit cf JOffNSTON vs. GRQSS, tiers viii b. adby Public Auction. vih 3tiie approbation ef George H. Dartneu, Eaq., alit1er cf tii. sali Court, ah Wbitby,. aI tie Court Homo,, in lie ssid Tovu cf Whitby, on Saturday, I7th of July, A - D. '75, at lb. boum cf Two e'clock, p. ni., by the said Muater, ilu dvi parels, tie following_ Building sud Park "Lots, ultuated luthe Tovn cf Whltbyqaud compouei af : PÀIOcxL Fo. .-Psrle Lot, numiber eigt, ou ball cf Lot numb.r Twvon4t-eight, on teFîrol Concession o h yonhpo Wbitby, nov fcmmig aspart olthe sald Town of Wiitby, sud bondod by Muetn, Elizabeth, Gilbert and Frances Street&; sud eoutalnlog by s<lîeauuremut, 1 68/100 acres, viti feue. on Maria Street only, good landI sud nov croppîd witi vheat. PÂABCEL No. 2.-D'Olng Par k Lot number Seven, ounsait plan, and boundod. by Glbert, Elizubeth, Duniopasd P-sce Streoto'- coutaiuiug hy admoasurr.mnn 2 îiiiod acres, good land, lu pood eau- dition, sud crappeil viti vhest, no feuce. Pà BCzL No. 8.-Being Town Lots, unberl Thirtoon, Pourteen, Tveuty-ulue, sud Tiiirty, lu the thiird Rangs of Loto, ou ,Aunes' lirat Plan cf p art of mald lot irumber Tweuhy-eigit, lu lis Firet Cou. cession of tii. Tovnsbîp cf Wbutby * giaresald, nov fonmlug part cf tie malS Town of WhitLy, bomn dd s.Gilbent, Frances. sud Dunlop Street& ; sud eau- laining tagetier about one acre, crapped vith patatoîs sud cats, ne fonce. PABCEL No. 4I-Bejng Town Lots umbons Fifleen, aud Sixteen. lu lie said third Rangeocf Lots au musid laul moutioneel Pmh, viti conifartable franc. housu ad kitehen, gond vell sud chice fruit trees, nov occupied by A. W. Watmon, ah s mental cf P.0pemmouth. -Tbluproperty is boundeon otheiononti by Dunbop sud on lthie asi by HeuryStreet. PAReEL YîVZ,-]Belug composeid ot Town Lots numbore Tvenly.- ulue, Thiry. Thmly.one, sud Thlnty.lwo, ilu hi. secondl Range cf Lotu on Baia laust mon. hioues!plan. On tiproperly Ihero is a lange fraice hou.., receuîly repaired, goo divig-ousvood-sheds pu2mp. clutoru, orciard, viti e olco fruIt-beur- lug Itre.., sud ail atier- neceusary con- *veleuces ; sudIa boqudea by lory, Dunlop, sud Frances Stroots, asud h at LOWES,& POWELL. F FOR SALE. 75 Acres, belng -purt ci the South hull of Lat 27, lunthe BIh can. of WhItbyr; about 5ixty acresundor gaad cultivatiôn, goad build*ngs, good water, &o. For partioulari, addres- THEos:. BSON, Lindsay. July 4th, 1875. 8mog.28 E BLAME STATE»>. Came on tho preuiucu cf the unucriber, Lot 82, 9th cou, cf Whitby, on or about the. lut -October, 1874. The owuer la reqneated ta prove propert, pay ezpenueusuad take it away, or il v e b. sold in due couru, cf JONATHANi EREY. July 1, 1875. 81u.-28 nONPESSIÃ"lfs OF A VICTI.- %,Published as a warning and for lhe benofit af Youug Moi aud otheru via suffer from NEIWO US DEBILITY, LOSS 0F MANHCOD, VITAL POWERe., glvlDg hi-# raies of Self-Cure, aiter mMi suiferiug' sud expeu n , "nt sul r0.on rec.lving a ulamp vaolrtumoua.AdesNTH 0ANIEL7X M FYPA I,. O.B:ta 8,Broaklyn, New York. 6m-27 j-OHIN G. ROBINSON, M. A., ATTORNEY, BOLICITOR, CON. VEYANCER, <de., Oprici: 17 TORONTO STEET, 24 TORONTO. Burnett's Oocoaine Frouent, Ib. lisir trou, almZu. Burnett's- Oocoalne Pronios teiltbyGrowtb. Burnett's Oocoalne 1»ientOneoy"nor Eatiy. Burnett's Oocoaine Leaves »u Disagutr=cbie Oteoi. Burnott's, Oocoalne Sabdu luoitetnaà ctory Este. Burnett's Cocoafne Burnetts O -ocoal ne Burnett's Cocoalne l netl Aboie. uin Burnett's Oocoalne ]Roin ew Licesta Il,.ffair. 50Bud eit ers ooln LOWES& OWL Axe in- receipt of a full and complete, stock of:l i to, the ordering C)f nlis. -rr 1-1 Oshawa, March 16th, 1876. OF =;;, l' bokesoi ARRIVED AIT - Ali