Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jul 1875, p. 4

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- YORKVI aa.Did ky ouit ?, my Tbom, rat-me.mob m-Ici me sole fim 1" dope , blà way- madamn, but do not e amoto.eThoner, ln bat yauv lbus. e eloo .té itreet At the Peilut Wby Yeu, that'a him; thet'. My his. la Ilboh exlalmd joyfntly. 'j luti ~ t ou aiL howamadrowned.' ro, =&dam, I 41<1 not. I saw him rI~ pnuts ad I belleved iLt my r'y tg' you thatpeauuti are net 111 y et th is seso 0th ar Il le au 4 gpfly out, andi-eh* tood r. and .liewu'lberparasol asud star-- %ftelr liraai Il hewere a menagerle Deal A gents Wanted. &pîui Wanted Éor Enoh'Town ld Cou eiY lu Vie Unitedi Motem. èrtilei dîlring ta act as agencts muet ac- pauy theîr applicaton by e ietter of ce- n.udation as ta cher-acter aud retionnl. yfroniaand 8ignet b y the 11db r cf-s paper poilahed int Ste tow:: or ccunty wimeh agent propose# toarst. Th:e sto ket sli ths bond$ of tVi Idugli-rt torn olpoy, BONDS $20 EOACU. 'flIcstihl NExhibitin(emnpamcy will for-iiii agnats wý%itlî irt retc., etc. Ear. uts ispr ambticl 1:: ( inte toiNn Wliero egcat in laratei ibb, se soon UN agww ncyl asline hoaivea au li-ie meut, stiverttaiing suit agoey andi the Companty, ianti fuit>- ex1lainiccg the plas, urpoReitintbjes f teCoan .n ut, ci esudnb llts continus la sucl )j tiatie mntwiI' Tho Tis- Inivitrial ,llbtiua (Jnirusuly le thO i,,t Lta tnlapt SitePieano0ba31g 'laose t y the ilurôpesa gttvaritittntr;0 ts !bsatltg btonds -- wlieu t 11(i cwitma11)L 4la tst aBrtildandt hot rin]sI: t ])l tti t oi01i t' bt i t tattttt fir' a Iurgs p titi i tn tvestrnentt of #201je -.- ur t: retinute ite itvector 821--tans tiel- lar imors tta t L- ailiti lt titi. fEt- tfs210 Baud : ilituy oltti t.i jtrem1,01111111tiittor of $M, *0, e2wIU 5 , #1 um),, $3,<00055ttU, m,1 #5OU r #ÏM 000 l ii itore8- Wiliic] is or-iltlît-ly tlltrimttaite ail the - lie )r , rta, la lu ti i oaidiesel- -botei bly lita tas. Tics ittrhascr oi it btod kuows lie %ilI r-tait lk MAhie veotinenît, e-lth a sutaili rata ot intere ttdittl, snd lu ---.coîitlarstaatit çtabttttg ti i all rate of bin. --toreit, lia lias etva isntrbi tijabovnsitactnied freimnilling, wlil h are paitîîty th t itrlo. i on Io Ilotritotl ite wIciloin, -Jisch bond particIpatese lafout i. r-winigs eech yeair, lnatil IL hn drawn a pretoinos, ,ion 11It tgsau entamaie, te pmsnlabaopaiti, ami the baudcatnoeled, The Induistriel llxhibiton Companty,nun- der a spiel chart-tr, granteti by te Stata af New YDAm, le given anthority ta innue theàa bonde, Th efalaturo aofte Stata recognaiog thie great bansfits wicch' wlli aritie tram the -suces. of Sun enter-pries, -- have ixetuptei ait the rani estate antd pro- Icrty aoftié compauy train taxation anti as- sessmînte for-ice yeatei, anti lias aiea con- ferreti aSter- groatpriviieges. Every Amerlcani, who :nterstendiSte p>11p sis ai thig Company will, ai a nocs., 8lty, el s pida la aldilng It t a s otcasolul torminatlsu, Liaci Latibvititai wiîo boy. ebantibecamas an owaer sud anc btresteti party anti wheu hi views thiestructure aecteuf wthis Xaatiey qan say, 'I aidedti t er-act lu 0Cr contytice masS, msgniicent building te world heu avar aeon, a p lace wblc,lin trutb, reproeimti the lmdutry,, energy aloime ehauloal goulue afi,tliAmerbcan peope." Tieha aufaotor-srs anti the inveutors of Ameica aepecoiariy Intorasted inluthe ncosseof thus et*rprlse, fur, te reesan that It ls a Wte their- home, Wherî ail thair- Inventiona aod moanufactores eau be eudt- lted and Moiti. > - Thme budu:5)g wiil couSsin 5,520,000 equaro feet oainépas. , Pcrchasrsdsiing Bonde before su agiusy ln etablilldwlere tbey ette, wliiqommulcate direct with Shie office, - ram ýviere tsy eci te supplieti. -Partiensatrlog teacet an agente or te pur- chaste nds wn ad&res INDU5TRI4L EXHIBITION CO., Xeo 12 East 7th Street, -Bot, ]3,way sud OSu Ave,, No* Yonk Cty. NOTE-Ail cnbne),e by draft on New Yor-k or lixpre,- or pontai ortier-charges pai Ly sentier, Jtiis 14th, 1874. 25-10in c - - JiXMAMINATION 1 - l'oit GRANTIN G CERTIFICATES, -PUBLIC TEACHERS. In asor-ieuces WM the Stisute, andutht 06 nsmal- Reguietbons adopteti ty She Conu. ci of Public Itmr-attn, ttc. AnnuoniEmam- Tieir'Second sd c1'tmtClnsC5h] caese, for tlit e yar 1870, will bco haiS CD. V.), Ilic the Two ai ci ht6y calncmnmcig om rIN. , lotitah,-'JuLY', P. aS180 n., fa tcietClami' muid on Tuesdlay, Uth .li et 0 a'.nM.,*- lac Tubi The Exembnatlan of bÙ.tndidaten for Firet clams C(irtlilietee iMill te imltiet tthe suint -y hq-ite Canidatesen au dObtaiad ot itl-i cationto t h lai (ctar, 15 lu lntunpecaBiiiteS Candidtie îouldl iutify the Inkpecter it latutahan te 21ai c i- JULOntoa thelr intention t, presont thtnt. selyesteor- iimiteoln~i JAS. MeeniJEN, 0. I. P. S. VfUS1CAL CIIMESI, --boQk ( F Volces.- - uaoi1'lao a biêt pond in wor-ks afth 89 S per Doîi le, Pott.pald. EUR GUITAI of Pavorite son~ amentai Gllter- torant, Kinkel, au Frius, #2.50, neat la~gte~ suitA moi g1Ave now on vew a ouplte. stock.-Ci Cabinet and_UphOIatery Goodo, Dining.R.oom, Bed.Boom, mad Library Furnituret andi, in-tact, anotesyatcein Our lins of monufacture, lin.tiiu Lateat and mnost fashionable Butopean and Amer- iban Styles! And aet Prices we are certain wil xI)EY DXCOPETITION! WC wonlCl alto beg ta Inltimaie ta O(id Fellow, Ami o l-SaetY - CotMnitae, that we ma a peiaity of gettinig np Iraternlal society LODGIA IIOOM FURANTUPLE, 4r, marv ilu sccor-dsxce with ths mona artmv. eti ati antialppropiriate tiatigna, and onor- S pasti bbath an regardes THE, SUBSCRIBER HIAS A FTRST-CLASS STOCKEA 0f Ladies', Gents', Misses', and Childrýns' BàÃ"ts'& 8hés which h. je determined te soU FOR CASH-ai thi 1owosti Iýing prieo. Leavo your ordors. Can't bo bea orýpretades-itn bo Repa ie as uasfra efctad ayttn bo. 1April 28ti, '187-5. F RE DE2R ICK WILLIAM, BURN~S NE-ALE, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN GR nOCEBIESe WINES AND ~I I UO-ETT8 SIMCOE-ST., OSHIAWA, Oaal at. the 01&GCoitryG poiind of TeZ aad 'if.;,ono Have L 110W opened 4p a Lare Stock Of Seasonable DyGoa ossngo NW DBESS GOODbse, NEW LUSTRES, (Oelebrated Brande,) NEW..CL0Tea & TWEEVS,' NEW~S& AS NEW MILLINERY 000DB, NEW MANTIE4; &c., &c.l RAS ~EMOED T FAFWEL' S 3LOC. fClothing made to -order lun latetyes. AUENT FOR DAYIE S & BRO.'S- Éelebrated XXX Cream Aie & Porter. CH0ICEEgT BRANDS OF. CIGRS AND TOBACC"OS, - WAYS IN STOCK. THS TRADE ELEGANCE, ELEGANCE, Oshaswa, Mardli 24, 1875. UTIlIlTY, AND) 1 ECONOMY, ÊCQNOMT,1 b>- an'y 1stablidlmlintin li tcsDommmimion. t s~Tho CulionS eatiefaction gunbran- tacin miail rases. Ileucerocar or War-cnoa ttras,, -187 AN]) 189 YONGE STREET, UYDEM AL13ERT HALL, TIOR 0NT 0. JAS. H. SAMO. THOS. JOIINSTON. Toronto, Apil, 1875. 18 N ORH BRTISH MERCANTILE F/BE INSURANCE COMPANY 1 Sale, anti rel able, charges mater-ste, prompt atti.eaet c aimus, GU, . YULE, Agent. Whlty, Juos2, 1875. 28 (;RAND ANNOUNCEMENT I Young and OId Take Notice. NEW G, SPiIINO GOODSý A AT GýURLEY'Si (Tailor4ngE.4tablishinent,) RING STREET, OSHAW&. AUl te eadiogusyle bu ENOLISH, SCOTCH, AND CANA- DIAN TWEEDS. A New aud Beatitifil secected Stock 1 -O tbchaold at Try lois prires. The hast of Workminen kept, andi good fits gLtînrîîntecod. CLOTII SOL]) BY THE YAIZD! Qi. OURLEY- Omhilwtî, APril 8ti, 1875. 18 /%3tMS,2flONct IISYUSBE - (LATr ;A 1tîtIo WflIT1iY, ONTAILîo. -E. AIIMUSTIIONU PROPILIETORt. F A1IM ANI>)1)WELLINu 1FOU SALE. ?ifsy arrc, patSof oi No. 4, iithe uts ti roll.o0 lS,-cli IaU sitar-el wtth tlicexcep- tion cif about 12 morIi att-se ('f liard weeCi-- -îcarîly ahi maîple. A gnod l i-lng Iconse on te pri-ninien, tîme stable anti marge barri -iti stie,:funthtion 1; atmhrja-lg oritarti. Es-ery a Solde reqoloite, pump npsd tbainti- suce aimaulig watt -i;alto a Contstant stream. aStuile bar-n fr-marn e ver-failing m4tlhiibetweeh five and six muilei o! Part rerr-yanti Uxtcitgo, market tewuis. For- tenant anti furtherparticulasf apply te, TIMOTJtY O'LRARY, 21-t - - Utise P. 0. HîaeTlE GREAT <is~r> ENGLISH REMEDY 1 bis kind, 2eITDR. RISTI1 SPECIFIC MEDICINE " Che Cures adl Nro, Dlene sueR as ýcusa i' ryTreasorst, Iebality*. Pyoitrttttîs, ste.,ý cd thir whîel4 JnmieaCyassa epatat 1 ae bl m ou 4nlgpsue.luseofýtobbaco'uaea- ly buSholie- splts ' butth4 Specifià-Medicine le ,more eïsm~y:reooAtaétas an unfa".- pble- fer lng aure for -Semtiel Weaks.ess, Spsr- malorthai Iupotesoy, masud mi sesiï atta Ii tuai t.tihl* 04a ae sqce 0f Self bma aIn t1113tui, lais lu the Jiasc1, DiinheWw oo, ?er: 75 Vision, 1Pematnre Old AiaSay )tiier Sb.aaea SitSlea4. ta Jnssuity or, - VcuUMismitonand a Preguuture Grave, ul.i." Au dalai ia, as anale are fret canied by in's use. daviàtn«froon itheit a£ nature sud aven Pzne, 60 indulgence; - Ths pealfie IMedicineslithie nesuit of e iu Tlirm ie rtu4y suS i eny years of exPéreninl ons. Noa metingthisseialtiiasif. ,Fnclipatuo. 'cep, ion ul ijuour p]=bplet,, vic a e tirho ,,e -mn senabreebymaitaev eÃŽaons. : - 7J cemn Tb ' 0peif a Medicine is solS by »Il Dr-v gti e minp&kage, r sx packages for e -u pr-win'a sent icr-malon recelpioaithie go. V , i- adnsi"x tquln.d. T cGRY,& 100. SP RING AL-1 SUPPLIED. -e- SU ITS ---000- TAILORING' COMPLETE Choice Lots of New Goods Suited to the -Season First-C1ass Tailoring at Lo-w Prices! -00- English, Canadiau,.atd Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Vestings, Fine Doeskins. A Superior Stock of Ready-Made Clothind, Hats and Caps, and Gentlemen's Furnishings of ail kinds. Leave youi orders-a good fit guaranteed. JOHN FERGUSON, Whitby, April 0, 1875. LIST OF Duiicdas- Strect.1 A TJCTIONEERS Iicensed for South Riding of Ontario, North Riding of Ontaio, and separate Municipalities in the latter. NAME. Samuel Baird.. ILH. L 'Dell... John MeGil.. DeviBrown.. E. H. Camer-n..,. Donaldlios... -Tee. M. Pattenion.. Wm . LBoyti.. Wm. M. WVlca ... Daniel Rote... Davidti Behop.. Jams,,Digby, Jr... Jame Dgby, Jr... Donald Ross.. Thoamas Poncier.., Salemo Eckhiart... Jas. Kavsnagh . E. Majore .... . D:.M. Car-t... Wm. Gar-ton.. John L. Watktne .... J.,C. Pilkîy... C. Moore .... Titoman Foucher. .. H. L. Vanzamit.. Ellas Dowes ... Thomas, H. alshe, AnthionyScte., J. C. Wtilt,. John 11. Gosa.** John Il. Page,.. Thiomas Pencher,.. L. r-airbaîoks,-Jr... EeImmENCE. Brook .... Aterey... Whitby i... .... -BeavarSon.. do. ... Wiitchurch..... banuington.. Port Penny.. East Witby... Pickering... de. Beavertai.. lfarkhama. .. Koswick... Brook....... Port Pene>-.. Mar-kham... Geetwoeti.. Manille ... Cecnington,. Stooffville,.. Stata Naew York, Mar-kianu... Whîtby ... MmNICîcmrym. Brook ........... . Mare.,......... Seti Rbding ... do,... Thorai., Thonai. Narth&Southiir Brook .. ....... Nar-th iclbing. do. .:: Southt Riting.. -do. ... 'Uxbritiga...... Mara........... Uxbrige ...... Sauth tre Scott........... Nanth it uing.. do. ... Brook . ......... Narth it tiiug,.. Reack .......... Mare ............ Sautit Ritilng.. Nati Riding.. Broch............. Brook ........... Sorait.......... Nantit....d.n.. Nartht iiding .. Sentt Ontanie,.. Brook,.... ...... Sentit Ontarie.. LIST 0F PEDLERS FOR THE GCO. Niatarid Frak . . Rdwsardciee....- W. Ilirîiardton & Co Nelacain tweyl . asrLeliie . A. Il. l,,rFn). Wittiy, Nov. 1874. Whit>. WhiÉby por-t er. Caiiaitiigtdnl,.. On foot....... 1 ors............ do ........... do ........... ne0 herse, Cont>-, n Poot, Canot>-.. WM. LAING, LmcamsE Exrias. Marri 4th, 1876. Jnly S, 1878, Jul>- 22, 1876. Sept. 14,1875. "22,1876. -20, 1875. fi28, 1875. Octobîr 1, 1875. de 211875. 6, 1875. 6, 1875. 6, 1875. fi 7, 1875. fi10, 1875. fi12, 1875. fi18, 185. di18, 1871.- tg 14, 1875. 17, 1875. 20, 1875. "20, 1876. 28 1875. Navaiber 3, 1875. 66 8, 1875, Nov. Igtit, 1875. Nay. Iltit, 1875.- Dec. MSi, 1875. Dec. lltlc, 1875. Dea. 24t, 1876. Jan. 125h, 1876. Fat, lit, 1.876. Fot. lot, 1878. ONTARIO. anti Merci, 1875.' ý4th May, 1875. 19tit May, 1875. lti Jue, 1878 Ath Jul>-, 1875. Nov. lOti, 1875. Nov. 219t, O75. Co. Trea-surer. OfWA NS cg MEL ODEON OIWA N8.1 THE IUIDGE'&YR.D FGG. MOaYUFACTURE TRIE CELEýRATED AMERICAN ORGAN I- - Special Inoice is cailcd b ýhe iollo-wing sty1ew Aadp#icai :l Stylo 6, in -Weanut OCe, $140 ; Rsoan Cs, ti(avns*10 Style 15, iii Waliuî <jg5, $10Y lhi Besoxýant Case, with Car-singe, $M,~ Setylo ' 7t in Résena Case', $176t, irt- sane Cse, with arrings, $Il*- Sty'le 9, in Resomiaut Çase; *90,in- game Case, 'with Carm'i $20s09 Anl mmde of Black Wanmt, pasinofled, with revolving on sliding Leck- boarde, containining ali the ltet iýii6t~ioemente, flotly ammd elegantly finishedi- accortiing tao~c~ -ALSO, YATýWOÃ"D'S "ceMELOIYFý»N OGN ludsm Rosewood. Piano Cases,hibyfised SI 4,, $150 ; Style 6, $176; Style8~$2 Thei9 MeIýosn-Orgàns,:Pat½.4875, are manuZacturedl solely by uis, SudwÊafo -- a le A.g ~.- : a NEW TEAS, AND 1,GROCIII-S Whitby, April o, 1875. 15 Furniture! Furn ur! Goldamfth'o Hall, whtby, May le, 1876, (Late Bimmons & Oloughi IMPROV3 -A D- Now is the time to buy good and cheap E - Furniture. flaving bouglit out the business lately carried on by James Hl. Samo~ we take this opportu.nity of invitinig - his, mpnn friends to give us a eaUl, and we ean assure ail that we are prepared to do as weil by-them in the future, as Mr. Samo lias done in the past. TILL & JOHNSTON. GAN OMJATO ------oRN O BN TO Orders by mail proniptly attended to. IJNDEIRTAKING.-The only first- class Establishment in -the Connty wherefunerals are fui- ly supplied. Whitby, October- lit, 1878. TILL & JODHN8TON. CARRAGES #&BUC-- I8 000---- C1VESSRS. TOMS &NEWPOIRT, tt~ o toi t o - O ORGANS PITTED WITH TI= IBWLY-DOVENTED - SORIBNER'S PATENT QUALIPYING 'TUBES, An invention having a mont important bearing on the futiure reputation ot Rsed Instruments, by means ofwhich the quality or velumsetftamis la very iargeiy inareasati, andtihte quallty of tons rendcereti Equal to that f the Beat Pipe Organe f the saine Capacity. Our celobr-ated IlVox Celeste," "Vox Humana, Il"Wilcox Patent," I"Oc- tave Coaupler," the charming "Cilla" or "lClenbonetta" Stops, Il Gons -Horn," "lCrem.ona," IlVax Andgele-t," IlViola Ether.ie,", anti ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTFS Cen ho obtaîned only in these Or-gens Il 0:> Fifty Pifferont Styles, fer-' the Parlor andi the Chuirch, -the Mater-lansd Workmaneiip, Qoality anti Volume' aC Tons Unequalloti I PRICES, $So TO S500. Best1 Eeg to inform the public generally, that they have opened IF acter-y and Warcr-ooms, Cor-. th and CongrTens Sis., ]DETROIT, Mdichigan. a New Carrnage Factory, on'Dundas Street, j Estalshed in 1860.) Agent. Wsuteid in Every Couuty. Atidras- TWO DOORS WEST of the POST OFFICE. Where the are 110W prepared to executo aIl work in the Car-nage Mutking Lino, on the shortest notice, anad made ef the beat ma- terial, and firat-class workman3hip. ALL WORK WARRANTED. ItEPAIIG DONE WITHI NEATNESS ANI) DESPÀTCH. 1Whitby, July 29th, 1874. 8l-ly1 JOHlN STO0N'S, S'ÉLF- RAKI NýG ARER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE 1 At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. We ofler to our. customers for the coming liarvest, two dis- fluet, Machines, which in stylti and construction, embrace the latest and most useful improvements of the day. JOIINSTON'S SI.N ELFIÂKA RA THE "RING OF REAFERS." The universal success of this Machine, io 1,th in closèly cont .est- ed trials and i the hnnds of the farciers, warrant us in saying tha, as a SeIf.Rak- ing Reaping Nsehine, it bsn more good points and es defects, andi hAs met with mûre sn:cCes and liess failire. then heretofore oflered te the puplic.' CAY UG:A' JUNIOR MOWER Ne were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the PrcVin- eiai Exhibition, bila in Toronto, 1870,in con.petition w ith ail theIleading Mfachinfen uetired la the Province ; and with aur recent improverneàts, we uhesitat-. 1ngiy challenge inventigat!on and comperison with competipg -Machines, wo are aalfe h ut netgto wl ovneevr nrjriedmni htw oalfler the as oer neta teoFermer for 82bince e he r Docmin.< tbaSend for- descriptive catalogues,. BO N&PTES DR Y GOODS AND.- GRO6EBIE8.O The 'un-dersignmed is u0w recei'vimg a, rLALRGE STOC.K 0ýF ,DRY u%1:'GOODS, Cousstig ofDres Gods,111great variety and of the latest iasbiou-, côÇorea-Siks, ;Shawls, Mantie,,;H.osier y,,GinghRiamy Ctto ,Prits, -&o., A, choice assortmeu't oCnadip nand other Tweeds, and a full stocký of G9ue]Ëtu ý ui1in FRE4SH F-A MIL Y GROCERIJJS, Teas ,Coffees, rawaud refied SuLgars, Zi- The be't Wines, ]4q~ws n arg4ý(4és. Aie =d ýrbQ1 TI woopd ààndto e.î CLOUGH& WARREN ORGAN CO., DETROIT,, MIÇH., JUST RECEIVED- AT 1'THE W IlJB Y CHINAI IB SO0N TEA STORE B y &I SPA]RVELAj 85 Hhds., Crates, and Cases, containing the Largest, Best and Cheapest Assortment of China, 'Glass- Ware, and Fancy -Good8s 0f ail ]inds ever exhibited h Whitby! China Tea Sotts, frorn $1.50 to $l20. Faney Vases, from 10 cents ta $.50, per pair. China Mottoed Onps and Saucors, from 15c. to $1.50 oaci. China Mottoed Mugs, Card Baskets -and riancy- Goode,. i~IN ENDLRSS VARIETY! .1 FANCY TOILET SETTS, PROM Si TO $15, PER SErT. Lacies, ail the above haýving bee ptuchascd expreSSlY for Christmas presents, they -wiil be sold elieap and without reserve. "Please eaU and< examine for yoursel-vos bofore purchasing elseiff1kre. I'Also on hand, a full assortinent of choice Teas, FaMily Grocaries, Fruits and Spiees of ail kinds, Ranis, Bacon, Dard, Butter, Apples, Pota- QYSTERS, best brand, aiways on hand. Dec lSh, IBSON & SPARVELL'S.- WhiUtby, Dc 1t,1874.5 lu IV IE MW XY' ]FIN THE O-LD STAND, - [ESTABLI'SHED W.TILL, 1~33~Ej - PROPRIETOB. New Parlor. Sets, New Beld-room 'Sets, New Dining-ro( And a large - stock of C .ane- an seat. Chairs, Tables, ýBureaus, Sofas,' LouxngeF Cuù-p boards. Ilair, Clot4i, and Daasak Lo-iiigj &o,&.A fne stock of New. Gilt Window Cor The largeat and cheapest stock of Pictures- iu town, ail of 'wbich he offers at prices that -w suit-the tiues. when no gooas are fou. ........ 20. Appreients, whetierbOl or more, 9 cents in 0 e OllrD the value of the goodos. 21- cao a n d c~aommission, ad=,èyof ,00di, 5Scw. in the $,on net prou'co1 gooâr. :Executinigsearcb ':1n. 25 28., Servlng notices on - consEtables, when peraonully sertadj.... -O0SM Publisheid by order, Cierk of the Peace, 0. 0:- ' Wlxtby, Nov. 17 1874i. _ in-47 - S5TO $20 PER DÂY.-Agenita'wait-. ed. Anllamasof workcng people,. eiher sex, yoVing or oId, inake imore - money atwork' for us in their'opare Mo-- menti, or &IL tlIe tik¶.than et enytl.ing 8114. Particulars free. Pont card to, States7 conte~ but one cent. Adess, G. STINSON & CO., 50 Portlana, mains. Sý ALSALT, SALTI1 FO'R S A L-Eý- To Parers and others wantiùg'8uIf,1' amn selling goal cdean Field Sait, fregh front cars, for $6per,. ton,. or- by car loea tk suit -rchasers. Fazmers, cml and leave yourc orar, you Wil neyer buy cheaper. Also arriving by cansa qmantity o!f fesh. inined Coal, direct from PensyIvan Âoyqiantityof good, ds7,-woa,'s%âI for? s .l c1gpor cash, et myCosn Wod ,yad, ..aideU's Hôtel, wbitby. A. AL AXANDEB. Mach, Sd, 1879. 10, I WANiTED-200 Cls4Ssh Green'wooa, Beech- âd Maple, cut this, *inter. Âpply auý above. CUSTËOMÉ DEPÂBTMENT,~~ Ottawa, March 2ist, 1874.f A UTHOBI ZED DISCOUNT Oli-- ..kmericaii Invoices until further no- tice, 18.per Cent. R. S. M. 'BOUCHETTE; 46-tf Com-i isioner o! Cuutoims,. RATES O-F PASSAGE FURTEER:. REDUCEID. Steeraýge ates fron-Quebea b Lierol Lodnderry,- Glauaw .C=idrz over -u ne, ndr12laif1n6 etr ticketi,--Que'beb otaliverpool, Derry or Glasgo-pO. Prepaid passage -certiS cates,-Liver'ool, Derry or Glagow oqe GEO. YULB. 4 Âgeut. From whom every information may b. obtainea. Wbitby,,%ept. 1 h,157. 89 BY TENDER TOWN, OFWHI-TBY, Lots N~o. 1, 2, 9 and 10, Hellei's plal nxediately west o!fhMr. F. Ciark's, and fkcig Drocle-Stret, will bea soU by tender. Ten- derswiU h recelived forayon lot, or for the tour, snd wfl be opeuonthe 24th of- May. Whitby, froni wl;0Mauilinforma tion May be obtained. Whitby, May llth, 1875. . Sn-M0 13~ flcê-~1 Oî tram Hi Teeth e -local as --BUnà 3ýsienc PostOM, -thh;,sboe 8tnt -t ,Dicjk L Ather-iy -Whitby, s s LA Theasulb near Utie, Wook. - UtiaSep :E. ARMS 1 ri 1 1

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