Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jul 1875, p. 4

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ma, waau bigs fWilows f ared biln~~lql,.d $o find himmu ak inW aI struek ibt oqh ut au4 r baedabaoawatsr. rwmscaan 3 am coula b. - Ipaçy.4 a litie' )uih 1 smemh i al ave b ivs yiomo rgs, wli.p1- -a#w yen going down laid ona cf bis nemrades. tllnka7hu fhtku, tba9tdosp bols e fore ttruck. )Pt kiciugo banS whên thome big mre I jn.;t kept rigbt an top Of- OMOe 11Pon. I tleilta Icicit my but ccuidn't. I 1.1,yen, beys, uW iawehiery te go Ilirougli otô woîk teiUlorrow4 Iwmn' gal or X slmuldn't ;"a e uippad. r't wAnt ta try il evîgaf, Ti. et eo rlDunebaneuibroken. saverai bad bruai... werà gradually <is. eavsreà by lIme patient, wlieiesignaliseS dimt dlaocvery by uingoalrong expielivos. Ma contloned: té 1I led My breath,. 11811, fromnttlo -limiiti I leek tile plunge until I goa I l I Ottoi.ý T tlîenghl it was au haur. but 1 Ifmilm,t tak li t cof waîem.1" . "Dan'î boIieitl muthing elge aould go mverora ti md iv.," sid u tI Mon. , i#SI ceo h 'Dont eay I Ain't tlimgb auy mare,"I said Newman. -;But dildn'I I laite gond care cf my hemmi, hhaugli ; T always-diii, yen lmuow P ecrw SOM .One ofthec oulutide asked - "lu h.o<dn2" Ne#" osud the. river driverIl oiy a uitIle diacouraged."1 The Itdiai legenda gay tint a large Party Of liliùais was oice eoyed fImte tihe rapide abov thie filla, aud perisiied lu Waut Plich. Hcwever that may bel wu wedoubt if any mnialaever passshrougih wiiat Goerge AX Newman pamuemi on the Inernlng Of .TUlY 8, toa ieut with lVie breatm of lire inu111111 It wau motici ly lhcmp Who waîcb. oùmth l.Coursemof thlb. Iroo balloezmu iu *tixir depairtura ye&Wirday - aflcm.îoou Ù004 Promontbry.Rock tuaI flic baskcet Iu WhIh l ioro Lizzie Illing was au occup)ant waMcouelliatlug from ide tu mOilde, .anity Ieoked wlh girsat con. Cern lest an accident ulould befal the fewale Mine -had inmade lier Ibrt loue ascension. -Tîeir fearu Toi-e more tian couitrluetil ly flme esuilencollap4e of the basket. AÀr»Porter ef thn Timei iim. niedinteiy prmieeded la lIme seoneetftihe catastrophe sud izeard (ranti Miss Tbling tii.BL O a toryalieoccident. 8h. liaiiissu ta a boigli of about five timeusani (set, and wamse0itnpresoci witlî hie beauhi. ti algt cliulosad ta View as aho-glanc- OiA mtheiméPark tnci turneS lier eyea ,Io- Ti#rclu the City-mboèbegan taking notesS and writne dewu lier -impr esslions, wîeu lihe motion of thse balioon udmen-R iyoimîlngod. Befare everytliiug was 13 'Petteae> quiet, anuà lieir ship flealed ao walont auy perceptible jar. Now ic thébm Con liîened areund (rou itgil. coaursesud appeared tea115' rying te go'0 lu wodifeeu drections. lSie aya:S Ltit his limetau net knoing how AI ta aocunt fertIis taiage ee lit,I droepes oto-boo i mmd enail man01pS 04i the 0aIes of time basknt. As il aWa 0d (ron, shle te Sida I 1.11a gidly gon Wa fan, but 1imiukiug lte bouttretal iursue Wa te keep quiet; Ifmid ual pullle tIbe sxlpding rop., or thee,-ulve yepe. 1 Amioal lmumodlatoly nilt.r1ioîem liond pelsi. acdlookiiig up saw i bah thibag ladbUttefl and Ilmo gaist as going. I uils n tîc tt Iw as doaa04euic ,. r - e idly. Tiezi I gntJ sick mand unl imta te battanof flime lakct, and m!em't ro- msmber anylbiug ýmorec ulii I wau ltkcu out by a gentlemn, nlu an inee. sile cndlou.Immit woît-ecoud and Clerdldatiil."The oùly injury she tecelvo<i %vau a glirzlît briise on hum (faet. YO At wi imIio ont et day wasm Aami Y Iorul A Mille beore Evi. .I4.reight i-aton (rom Quebec t u Eu-i ropo have lmpravad aiiglitiy.r l'b 3uge ciQueeaare tale1ali1 aG Coufeenceha deici ciilies of prie- lice ta ,be adapted in lima Election Courts.1 ptpa&h ii u gimeei-mi hwe lofth the. taîae Ocale lme Vancocvemr -luaum laiIay u onnecliou wîthi'hi - Tbe <Ionroniient cae l)1epmii-emi ho abwaei epnhraoçu for elîi ections Of le -Welland Ç'unai, sud iil 1gnomis ea F'5 telaotm'meî)rs prom-ie theto uceamUiry M1&OG&iaiui54&y. Song'sdCb.b Tot the. ight -miu i' he li, eas. Song *And Ob-aa Dora D&m« onrà g Tii. . bugdc Avadleang u Oh,-aym............ eu. The mamy LoveS n og =a Sag b dCio-Haws . Soa gDr-'.Sng. Sang mad Cho", Alone ndaa maed. Sang Cho, . - ayal............ .... ...... Jarmithie Flower ai lhe Dell. Sang An<l Ch.-Rayi; ............. Thé Sehool.houe on thliel1. Song SBy the Auther aý Mollie, Darling. Allie, Darling. Sang, anid Cio.-, H. P'. ianks ...............ý0 i Why mon't cu Wrte letue, Sister? Sqng md Cl-Dmnks...... 80 its. sang and Ch.-flé»l,.....-.50 et.. By theC A'ý:Imr off Silver Throads. Any (il the abave iniied, past-paid, on receiptcf the zarkeg price, .ileces mnrkccl fîmut #lîuave ricînre tille pages. Adtlrm-au 3L. 1'iTEltS, SiO-iroadvày, X. Y. J une 22, 1875 26 !3urnettîs Cocoaîne ,Eurinett"- C.coainie Burilvdtt'-Iu Coeoaine BuirntL's 0occoaine Letï,M m begeîdOdor., Burnett'ri Cocoaine 1îî,,m ý 1fr*ctormy iig. BLirnett's Oocoalne Sr.thit-%the IrritaW. lap-Skiuî. 8urnett's Oocoaine Affols tlIillîsat Lustra. - urnett's Cocoaine Burnett's Oocoaine 11Klug DmimdrutT. Burnett's Cocoalne c b) th<omie 11111r, BW rpett's Cocoalne .'a omd 731 ilea <e t tite. PNRH? DAViS & SON1 & LAWIIUIOE, iSOITREAL, P. Q. Agamia fet Dominion ef Canada. JOSEPH BURNMI & Co, BWoSTO SeGm wîrth Roadig!-A fliamind.wîiih Eee-ing SAVE TOUR EUESI Ratoreyn Bg, r111W AWAI Jy=W JicT&aCL, UV redii r1u AND ANVATODIV or thé IYEMIGIT.'Tell h0w taoIlcator. Imp~uir.1p k. to cure Weiblif Watery, Innofoaand Neas 1 hlt layos, mnaît5altotor u W-4SrT NO JMORE MONRTTjJSTN ftG(; OLAISES (' ONoU£ NOi)E ÂND 1Dis. P!GURlNG TYOUR >FACE. Pamphlet cf 100 mges pMmuied croo. Sehdyouraddrous Ous a110% &gentsWatd 11ANL erlng UlW 1~. (Tmait RING 1%1'NJ UPtIlS DIAN TWEEDS. AxNiw mid llmnmmtilil SA-î- io F'REDE'R WHOLE SALE Choice Lots &RETCAIL DEALER IN 6~ R CE 1E , IN JJ B 1 SIMOE-T.,OSAWAe RAS IIEMOVED TO FABEWEL'S8 BLO< AC*ENT-FOR' DAVIES & BIRO.'S Celebrated XXXI Cream -Aie & Porti CH0.ICEERT BRANDS OP qIGAPS AND TOBÂCCOS k-THE- TRADE SUPPLIED. Oshawab, Mercis 24, 1875. PR[N-G SUITS of New Goods'Suited1 the Season1 First-Class Tailoriug at Low PriceE -00- Einglishl, Canadian, and Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Vestiný Fine lJoeski4s. A Superior Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Hats a Caps, fand (*entlenuen's Furnishings of ail kinds. Loave your orders---a good fit guaranteed. SWhitby, AprUil6, 1875. Dundas. Stre -LIST 0F AUCTIONEERS Licoused for South Riding of Ontario, North Rùdiang Ontario, and separate Municipalities in the latter. Lad@IoL $55eM$$10 day sosrsited.L cuiJaremsent fre.. Itie îfiicfiag y, aumlBi . M. J. BÂAIS & 00., I(P. o. Box 9&7.) H. E. 'Del1... Imbrty St., New York Ciy, N. Y. Jeoin McGill.. Dauvid Dioas. Aýgcmit for the Commmtyif (jutai-je. li .leraans... -lasm. X . llo. Wna 'M. Wicx.... Daniel Rose... h ANONCMENl. f Davl't flleho1 .. James JJlgby, Jr... - Juie Digby, Jr.. and OId Take Notlc. hmun, 1 :rhe. Salemu Eckhart .. JeT. E avauîagm.. . ýSPIING (-0 D : M . C Wm. (Gordoni... A IT * ýohn I.. Wmlkis .... *J. C. 1ilkey... G~U R LE Y' S cne ...... Ioî-îi<Eeîîbl~îmm105î, Elias flaw Thomnas R AntimaitSteele,.. STR~lET, SH W J. C. 'giéldifle.. -~ John P. Gos'. jToli)m,. PB e W th luimialing. tysi-11, m Thuma l'uner, HIi SCOTCHr AN n YA- À 1. Pmirbïwksi, Jr... tk JLAimimimmtoi ut pl.,mm., Oaie by Ur. 1B. Lewis, of Lexing 'rt ()f dut-Wolmrimummm l~~l m l'eau. ba% gne ta 8mraweuh, %luand l'or limegra fm ml Sfor a puije ilast10,00 o lmi." Pielag otalllen Ilamget' iibeauc ni heloc ma1lýe, Ili., I itlaiean tcfPllpIdpsa foi- blatshowlIîtmirày on lard, to D. c., for OpuiW#ipst»g Dot, oaRtr fer lieë tAscl otfr -#15OJ>OO golit, L'1rfumod au offer or p.U0 ôn bi duhl' ufrbe., aoral V . G.Harding# Of NâamIjylle, Id ,hâ~tmyp.l a~ao li Ad otiUgner te DitiiîC. forfPoo WA&'ériô*lytrot opPark sast k. iTh ra c$bêtapar Égain on thb I ~.oai1gava 1JeeyBb» In-0for ring «And wnùi;g oTào to )lXo d of Mige $nh b. -moet. lin lces Edwad state #ptbviunomre i OL(OfTIi SOLD J3Y 111E YAîirD G . GURLEY. ofilmmm, April m ile7. 1 IT l ENGLI$H REMEDYI SPEOUIÇ CM EDaICN Cm.. mi Nmrm'um DIm inmch, 40 eL8é , are c smpoe "Cihy recommme, 4As Ali mifail- lCur ftor Semint&l Weaku,ès,, $Sper-. igaIrrha,Imptentl, iund mM4 dis;sse ta llowasla peqxine, ci self Â~. A4 épa. osme jmiaw'Vernnm ,. ie9f PAmIjgD Iiik moâ.mo a01Wi-4A i. r frmtcau#ed by deviatlng frofit the pîdtof na Sdover TIa 2pmclfte Meclkin $0 tho resfflb 01, a Urinourpmnf,1uict whiolh wu désire là eled ba b mWoveoe. - 1 baUD1v6 gIau rPackage, or mlx" ack "Ci, fot rýeaten byzmail on recipt of the iusnmy, 'y adreu.ing idro-k . ... Atierly ... But Wiby .. L'emverlnu do. Engtchuitliy. Pcanrington...... Part Pe-ml' do. ... l'ick u... do. reck . Port Perry.: Markham.. Ge-oodo .. MainUm... Canninglon,.. stonflvilia,.. State New York, Marlçham,... LIST OF I'EDLERS FORI' -Soi Th h NO Br( No: Moi Ux Soi Seo Nez No em Mai $au Nom Birai Nor Nor Sau' llrom W. imrdsam&C .Neitmîi to my.. I. '1.Morg, . Nom-Itrt'imkmî. - -. <la . . - - Whithy. Ntmn.Itesidrnî. ... Wbil~p~:;~ ('mmmfmminglomm. WRe were awàrded the'First Prize and Diplomîtl, at the Prcvin. tees,&. .iai Exhibition, beliciin Toroio., 1870,in cbmietiiort wtith ail<the leadingMac ines OYSTE1I , be rnanfsètuired ln the. Péév1rýM-, and with pur recont inprovémnentg,, we umheitat- ingly challenge, investiga!oi and coumparion with cam»petUrg Machines, we are ssîsfld l~mt àehndtiïlitior wilféoni nee evèry unprejudîced mizmd, tbat We ofter2lls ub oul If éôhb fartrfor 012, bit In th. Dominion. ~Sn hsy e.1 fr escritive coalogues. BR0WXý-ký PATTERSaN. 'Y GQyQ6910 -ID WOEfIE8,TH Mt-acip4mrT-. LaanEiîm ock ........... ..arei dth, 1875. i.. ............ly 8 . 1871;. mlih liag .....u ly22, 1875. do,... sept. 14 187,5. men............ 3, y151. 4o-ah........" 22. 1875. rllu&Sati iding " 26, 1875. ock .. ............. 28, 1875. 'rth Rliding ...Otober 1, 1871;. do. ......... 2, 1875. ahi llidimmg ....1., 1875. bridge---------- 6, 1875;. n.. .............. 7, 1875: cbridge........... 10, 1871;. ,uth Ontarioa..... 12, 1875. Ott........ 13, 1875. 'rh idiug " 18' 1876. do0. ..: ...... 14, 1875. iok............ 17, 1871;. "thi Dstn20, 1875i. eh.............. 20, 1875;. ira............ :: ý21, 1875. mli liiig.ove mber 8, 1875. rlh Ri-dlng ... 8, 1875. ek.............. Nov. 151h, 18Mr )ck ........ ... ov. 111h, 1875. ýtt,............ Dec. 81h 1875. tli,,lldu . ec. lilu, 1875. -1hi ...... . ec, 241h, 1878. hi nai Jan. 121h, 1876. ýc Pcb. 1l, 1878. ti Onmiri, Pcb. lat, 1876. THE GO. ONTARIO. Olà fouai..... 1 hm..... d o. ............ do ............. One Frt, County. -WM. LAING, do. Treasurter, ard mardi, 1875. 141h May, 1871;. lo)ti May, la~5 4tlm July, 1871;. Noï. 101h, 187ri. OIWaAN8 &ý MELODEON O8GA NS THIE MUIJGE . & YARWoOIy M--G co. style 5,1 in2 iutCà, 'golld t te fil Stle15 nut11Ï $ 4 eson4nt Case, with darvings, $100. Style 7, i ép 'nt. i oueCam, WU.hQrvingo, $. 0 1iùiBsnàü Cse, o, sama Cage, with Carvinge,$8. AIadofBlack 'Walu$i, panne&ld, witli revolving or aliding'Lock- boiid~,Con ixingllt~0est unprovemýentS, nal n clegantly finiquhed, aoordmlg to price. ÀLSO, YkTLWOODS, " MPL< , EON Qffr~k In liandsowme Rosewoo'd, Piaýno Cagse, highly flishi8ed. ~ are manufacttured solely by us, an cn ule rourdfrmuanaonrÂiÏg, Trade Marks j'haas e for cur sole uàse. AIlwwaztd'ý o yeare:' , lFR El. .ý_&il1N~ EW DKÉBSS eGDS, .NEW -LUSTVËE9-, (elobiated Bru) -~ NE RNWA~TS NEW.MATS & CAPS, DS -NEW M 1 TLIES, o, o -~ i. NEW .,TeA, S AND G~%EIS Whitby, April 6,~1875. f uru1xe Fizure!,! Now is the time to buy goo-d-and cheapý Fuxmtre avinebbUght out the business lately carried on by James H. Sao,4we take this opportiuiity of inviting lus many friendA to: give us a cail, anda"'Ot can assure ail tbat we are prepared. to do as 'well by thein in thefure as Mr. Samo.lias'done in.the laÈt. Oirier b mal TILmpL & mJONSdtot 1JNDERTAKINR TIeonily first lass Establishment > - the Côiinty wh'xe funeras are fti 1 CIK 1 AL t- i of 'W ca 'A w' fin Thc eoI t ing1 cu CARRIAOES e t 1Y 3çg to inform the. pi bli, geueraily, tha, tley have openeci Fac tory and Warerooms, Cor. Gth mind Congress Sta., DETOIMic4igiz. a Newý Carrimge Factory, on Duna Street, (Etablshed lu 185.) Agents Wated ina Every Conny. Addrem- Si z i. z >5 PXTTED TI TE CWILY-IifVZugTx SC]RIBNER'8s PÂTENT QJLPIGTBS An invention hiaviug a Most limportanit bearing au the future repufatl -of Eeed Instrument$,. by meaus of whici lite quality or volume of toun is very iagl ioes d ,tdlieý quality cf, toue. renderei 1qua1 to that of the -Best Pipe Organs of the marne Capaci )ur celebrated 'gVax Celeste," "lVax Humana, Wiicox Patent," <î lavt Coupler," lihe cbsrming IlC8llo" or IlClarioÙeilt, Stops, '"lGeins Hemr," "lCremona," *1Vox Angelet," IlViola Etheria," sud - ALL THE LATrE IMPROVEMENTS Can be obtained only iu these 'Or"gans I. Mij Lon et -WOr theORS nW pEST 0f th exPOT o'.al FkinCte 'ailge, Mhaking Liué, ou I he shortest notice, sud ùxiade of the beat ina- ILL WOeK WAJU?'ANTED. REPATRIN\3 DONE WITII NEATNESSAN DESPATCH. bitby01r. N S9Th0 1874 3E LF-RA KING RAPER AWARDED THE -FIRSI ?,-ý-jRIZE1 Peofler to our custoniers for the côming farvst, two dis. uct Mlachines, which inu style and conofruction, embrace the latest and Most useful improveý ns of the day. >1 NSTON'S SI NGLE SELF-1t4--KIN'G I A leTHvlalscessofh*iG 02F ReAPoh laeR os." one trieal in the;bauds cfttha tanners, warrant us lu mayJng <but, as a Self-Ilak- lteapinz Ms'-Iine, ft lias more gmod*pçm'nta andi lep ,,*eCts, anti hou met with 6e"AY G JcemaciiI'uIiU N ItnrefOR ' lcc ~fèul CLOUGH& WARREN OR GAN CO., DE TEOIT, MCH.' -WIlAT THEl TEIA .ýS;TO0RE i )HN A SPRYEL GIBhSOCae, nd &assPonAi VELLt 35 c Hh i , Crae s m d ase, o a n i n he L r s,, Be Onal Ilass eWa Mie, ad Fancy Good Chinùa TU ea Ss, froM $1.50 te $20. Faucy Vasas, froml 10 ceut te$.5O, per pair. 8*I N. ENDLESS VARIETY 1 _ ùe aboya ha -igbeezî pnrchascd, exprersly,,faeChristinasa orlil bc solci champ minciwithonl rasaiva. ýPlase ci suda urselvcs befere pui-chasing al8cwhcra. hand, a fulil atasortment cf choice. Tèas, Fantily- Grecerce ,s of ail kinds, Haine, Bacon, Lard, Bilttdr, pesPl- Ladies, ltIl presenîs, they - f-ES ~TkI ~ ~ u Li$I1,,t no'rl- teeîving. a LARGE -STOCK -9F WPN GOODS, Consisting.of -Dre ss Good, ngreat variety and of the lateat faslion, Silks, ShaýWls, # ate oIry lïgh>sCo Prints, &C., ,,A choie asSortmeûnt ofiËaiaýdian and J otiier Tweeds,.and a full stûCo-i o Gel r~~n' urnishing Teas, Coffees, 'raw-tpnd ried Sug ars, U7~ ThebeetyWnes, iIui4uors, and Bzaides ~Aé~ndU i wood à fi+e. est branci, always on banci. - - OIBSON & SPAEWELL'S. m.J.i, J.Qgt. 51 20.A . M 4A.DONELL, Clerk oft he PeaeU-. 0, Wlxltby, lNov. i1174, in-47 if eiliez texr. yanng or nid, mnq MOTO,. money at work for us ini tIeýprar io. monts, or ail the lime tb4n et aniIiýgAle1. 1PUdlcnars free.' Pout card IdtC.tae coula, butone cent. À4dress, G. STflNS0N-& CO 50 Portlan, ZhLm.. 55ÀIT, SALT, SALT 1 .FOR- -S A]LE i. To Parmers snd others wanlling Sslt, 1 ama zeilmz goed cdean Field- Salt, freslïf*om Cars, for 86 per ton, or imy càr Iesd twsalit purchasers. Farmers, cmli and Ieave your - orders, yen wfl never buy cbeaper. Also arrtvingby cars a quatity fatfresh. mi#ed, oal, d rem=Pennasylvaznia. Amy quantity of good. 'àry Weod, allfer gale claeap for cash,- aI nzy Ceol and Wood' yard, seth Oaldweil's Hotel,'Whtby. , i .ALFiX- ÀLEXA2qDEB. Ma4rgi, 84d, 1575. 10. WATED2.0 Cordé Greenwood, Beech CUTSTOMS DEPAETmEN, OttaW1 a, ari t,184 Y.S MBOUCHETTE 16tf Canannasioner 0af Ouatemu. pveronÉe .4 nder 12 ialfýre. .]Re= tltCkOs-Mm>ebec -te Liverpool, Damxy' or g =ow 88.Prèpald psa be-1.clàldrçn namo- OBO. TIlLE. - From whom eveTY nfmaion oiay b abtainad. wWiitbY, Sept. 1lbh 1874. FIIM AND DWELLING FOR SALE. Em au l eaered wftý' ie O tAeim.ôf12lorl13 acres of bartIwooa:! uuieily'allmaple.- AÀ geod dwelhing bouse e0nlie _prom-nses aléa stable ans& argebamî - wllh mlon natimmu ; a thriviug erch&rd.. EXVeYu7 cuaiS.réquWaie, puup. -nu snS.- an« af rinnldng water; Iég, a constant streAm At lime ban rram a nrvar.faiin- spring-cek. The farra içl iih Q=s uftile ef cultlvatien anad- well fenoed, and ig ~'lbi bewu ûe udsi,, miles apz PsrrY sud UTYzimge, inazket towns. For terras aud iurtier partculars ipply la, TIMOTHY OLEARy, ,WM*ýTL 'NW: TILL, P ]ROP]RIE TOR. NewParore, Ne e-ro ýAndaý,a,7g New f-, ~1 TAILOIIING COMPLETE -I le w -j saChe an's ui Kinîg WIerk D, ommiaglo C., Alieri 7hitby, e -A ê. fi Kf.11 197,1 ," À lu ý-- - . - ýcxR"ANb COMBINATI,'ON IRGAN ,MESSRS.. TOMS, & N-E-4WPOBTý RATES OF PASSAGE FURTHER- REDUCED. Ili W ty , supplie o, 88 1 N. 1 1 ..l .1 1 il - il - 1 i , 1 1 ý 1 1 . 1 1 -eIBSON êt 1 . 1 Vhitby, October lut, 1878. TILL -& JOHNgTON. 1 WhitbY, April 6,1875. TILL & JOHNSTOP -ffi Nviat OXÎ& rWO DOORS WEST of the POýT OFFICE T THE JUST RECE117ED .i, Ïhitby, July 29th, 1874. . 1 ai-ly B ,ýMOWER

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