Whitby Chronicle, 26 Aug 1875, p. 4

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ths;no, Devirun-Mi - I'iV!AyewILj hGfl tnu oui ellrigt ie~ar a whil; -AD V butI dojs'î uéeewhy ah.o ant be al~ II T ei rght nov, I don't. If ilii don't 1. bm- lirove, th. Lord lb.y me 1 "Juet you -if<a 5, ,. spiithM tire aeain," laysa&hontame OU yterday ,"Jso inai d Fil MyS u 1i' Uirow tislo ofwo ?down your ,20Na work for you, whie yon apit in 1h. o rlr Lr Thora', Ma ry Wheoler, who Wa over lier.yeterda , Issaw ou winlAt' lier1 aw you,Tfm inî sI-1-Dontî 011Toudidn't. I sAw you-4 'eaw VU 19ntiuNars sent free, Write àMp yon ta, DRL-..ALL&O., cp.o. TJoeu BiLLiMOS OUt TUB A OIoo.- oGiLbrytNeYkOiy Thé rffloon là à reuldoevth e i.UnitedMÂK, Stteov Amrlea; ,h.eàmigrated, ib JAES DaE I mI JI thtontry aoon after iti dlukovery by -Clmuwlîhouî àa seul, and nueiingAgent for the Oowi*ty ot but'hi.s la*o tdw gel h it living wltb. lie fz one cf them ldknd of persans --- Whose bide is worthb nào athon 6a1lthe -test ci hlm.th H.j>d=amcg~ r n i h i heavy linibor, and cultlvata, tihecorn 1I1(id. for enstenonce, and uiflrtands bis bizness., Riz f amiiy contîae v a wire and thenoehidren, WIhO réside 10ith hlm- on flice inside of a troc. He Cano lways bc found nt bomne dnrfiig th. dity, tew raceive ellii, but IM. nikhile1 arc dovotecIta -lockilig afler hie ownTOJ affaire. HEslirgcssln fsoft fur, Aind biz T ltait, -whichcIà round, lias rings on IL. Tliese rings -are av ltce ,same malarial. atbjetailele, andl are worn bon 811l occasione. Dccing tco wineIrml,. ies MKS11 EKSR lupief nlefin a bari l n la1e down M _____THE__________ by Lita fiîeêsîde. Vern,»Sv ,a Tlise icllowing ucodesl advc.rtifelonî 54 solution or Z rloi oxio ixulisbil ici na New York- palier.;-. If0n, fs o counbdnedjas ta Wt s-A yolîng inan wislies ta ob. tihe c/utracter of inaffinent fAtnil3,, whr.liii 1àmioral i Cîqmorîcinut tvit/ct/he blooil as f/àse int and ecxemple wuni cd hocotcleid o Z' tMZclc«Rcs thte qeta, equivahicit. Itofergince recliired.'" 117.Nfure', oit a he lJ"lit I$Mface dit-tyy" remaurked a f 's"f/ognfl,"ij whyt le uu.%itie seatei aI t /'Olnu,.?vb,.(,« a licinerýt*dbli *on n stearn-boatrniing ,itaUzl nd vtci,ýsern. olkp franc Caio oto New Orleasi..-"Dirtyî rice4 <md VeiP fthe ribo Xe; wIsy dIo yoci ask ?"-"3ecause thal etseej »r f/eb lnsuîting waiÏcr insiste ipoci pttting a reaciq pritamges ami se towel bedideny plate. I have tlhroiwn tose llarc/in o tgnol4d s three naier the tableanil yet evqy ,18eae VofeedtOt/t linielie omesroun, lie pliu <lerfa 27 s i hc ret offthec»mcd IIULE# 8iï-O Nc 'M-ftoriieg )ysp'epia, Liver ci prudent éhit gentlen uoffers lIce fol- plaInt, »rop.4, Cliroule Di owinug:-Alwaye ait nexl the carver, if rhanlsevuAfci T -on eau, at dinner. Ask no womnan 'ChilIs anil Foyers, Iffumn irage. Be civil b ail rich uncles and1,8of-nsttla %rg aunts. Taise yonr oldest lbat, of course, Lies of thne îîntîoes a: fer an avenngpfarty. »on't play a aIdsdes t umae ido n clise dwiglia Wl 0W. Never contraclicî ldePnil on1i a man Who studios. Pull down the an(' alildisecaogn<«g blind belore. you put ouyour wig. In a bai stateoffice blood, ora eve utirange houa, iii Ila swelî ta OOnpatfed uy elboit or a go ry aate offtime ntfe. Belltgf, incire where the brandy i. képt; only .co»&41oh01î,n,ayf, i t kyen Wre imisen ilu lnte middle *neruùxîng q es~'j bf the nigicI 1 Keep your -owfl secrets. lneed b vcorreapontuîng rem troll no buman beilng you dye your Uton, but are perinanect, if wliiskers. IWrite not one letter more ing sftrengt/e, Jvigfor'a i n( e than yen ccon help. TIce man wbo 1fi/Oifo aIl Parts of tihe svsten Iceeps np a large correspondonce le a and building iul an iîon Com ~'ri martyr.lied, nt to thce saae, but thce iftfion. pnos. ViJousanls have been change, ( A young mani, wîo propoaed sîarting tel, i u#O rndc ro in busineps ici New York, made a pro. Éirsfo astrn,' aiy, a 9 $le fil , tNI a limnay iot heearmd it lttrs11apy ieana Wioincîc; ang of introduction tobuaineos mon. Tlese inans cannot reasonabîvhe presented, anthlIe usual complimentesfiate fo glive ii a tiat. passedt, the New York merchant inIr. Scec f/af cacic bof fie iccs PDR ed what ho inlended ta do. I bm IA,, P lw n h ls mot exact!y decided," replied th, yonng VA "U dw ntc ls Porilan, *"but 1I expeol ta -set tle miPntoiet z~o anime geod business ici whioh I cAn gel SETH W. FOJWLE& SONS, Proprîetors *a living lionesly.-"A living lionet. N.1X10 lcjetn ly ?"-, Anlionest lvn,-'Young S 'Z. Br iPlil XtoiPae S NoAtom. m4an," said the-New Yorker, III congra. oc r- EZAL tui4te y'en; there ileflot a city lu 1he ________________ Unitedi States lu Whitli you will mieet - KTIME. witlî go0 utIle competition ici your meilod QUC of doing busîies,."Q The judgo o1 a MWestern court recoalt. ly deoiàds a polint adverse la a certain lawyer , Lawyer was stubicorn u an-si ici. DIL sistesi thal lice court was wrnng. III O IIs AL teil yen, I anc iglt t" yelied the court, Steamner CITY 0Fe TORIONTO (Cap wilh"flashn eye.-"l I tell you, yen Diok)I baves daiiy foot of Yongoe treet,, Tc are not l"M rtotd die cocpsol.-"I am ronto, aI 7 a. m., and 2 P. ni., reaclies x4ie * riglit 1" reiterated lthe court.-" I gay ara a t 9.8f) a. m., snd 4.80 p. in., Lewistoi you rain'ît"'peraisted the' counne! tO aI a.n, 1mx1ii o) .n. CL(, oxcester, O; rier 1" yeiled lice jndge. "'I Iadocrn IAelail, ew oBton, eelan &c ic Ibis court lor ton minute t" Andjnxp- ets mcii ail ixifori ato it, ., e. T lng from tic benec, ie pitclmed mbint he Street. aine o ,Fo ceunie! ; afler a very lively uitIle fight, D.MLOAet placed hlm hors de combat; afler wlich lyh 27,18375. -ILO Aet buinces was again reanxned, bnî il was. -- - Dot long beforo auothercntdunclorstai. lug arose. -1 BUrfett's çcc Wctiitc Lov1l.LiiTrgis.-ThO fol- nrevent, hiie lai r irs.;: !1 YoWgrk ply has booc given by a New Burtiett'1 - ekpapor bta a oorrespondent:.-. t -s'ocoaline "Thor'o la no aelmits-ru!. for writing Ptii i :i 1ic:fl rau love-leltera. Yeti sbocitsi writo on fool- Burnett's C;,cyaine scap paper, a il bear on il. as Sof as eu cu .uingWorde ofsob bnrniug lov hmllhey Will flzzle ond th loint Burnt-1~ h JOUÏ BRE3 T G Ti TWJSICJIUohg - - ligt lia' wgfteg a lâltar expreslicg' 1ORT WEITBY AND PoRPil RU tbî9»tlP>th~lb.Tl'borne a.eWm. .L EXTENSION RtAILwÂy. gs n$i.fmpdote., ýielsy:"i. 4bmav.e re~ia le &Idenema ml lb.h spup dbot tlaia, mAud 14o sc TIME TA E No.,i1 adt W ftheb.Lord chiai juicýhleT4. Takea effecl on MOndmy, joIne ,8 !a~îZ ba. ra4 aaiq ~u'cm~ malTrains mn by Torento lime, which ia bWan- nmth'., Tom bhé'OOnVfet inDârI. bY-wu minutis .ower than G.T.R. lime. wQpig,,bê *Ër a.geotciminel of aurý tio,'I,6ýêb lmaeida4 over MAilINS co0t1NO OTH. à& amat baaelse i bbýmot- .VV7àtb Jnnion, depart 9.28 .m. 0.40 pi - 4 l~ # in~>stav~y~Whly........ 985am. 0.45 Pm. Mêi ienc are bcregt roxm ...... .955 arn 705 pm V ...... 1012 aR.M.: -pr "tsmmt . .... 1-28&.. - 8 p.m. AZW ..Illige. manohester .... 108 &.m. 7.488 p.. rtsbwsIth gtPrimce Abert . ...- ~ a..748p W 7ý0I& oIuJcesen 04heOimcggo* ~PorlPerry-i.arve 1.6 RM.8.0 in daia att.ly The lajmry don, bIbhe 'Pori pe--e p l 1 .00.m. 25 p.m. u.mjlt ery greal, but upt as prince 6.09 à - . - 1,84 T . i l I CT$ii.'c o-h Maies........ 820 . an = Z *ol' rbax ý rooklin,. .. 7Qam2m.M ) àpèteÉm i a.bden i d au-------nr.j7S.85. m D-t8.00p.M ~O! o ip~h~as CaeltWhlby .uTwelii, arrIve 7.40 a.M. 8 6 .0 p - ~~~É of th. Patentl ?Iatlom a ttiIons. Trains abop cxc slg. 4%ý4Ve tly *mOtor bo be a -nais oxly. - * 1 oonnetlng mAt'WIcby Jxnolon .wibh tIcse ±il eZ60j <_(LT. , aoým naVesh ; At pori psrrwih LIST 0F P. AH.Morgan,.. JauBrigg .. Wlcitby, 3xcly, 1875. - 81 Oui a.,..., Bocti~Eidng.....June 28,1878. 'EDDLfl Rs F0OTME CO. o0Nq[ABIO. Omncimgto,.. OnPol Oxcty,.--No lst 1875 1 bors.,........OIs My, 176. - -W&. LAING, GCo. Treasurer. ALARG F NEW. STOCK SR I-N.G- D-RY GC A~rnIyED A~ Furitre Funiur!!A Fresh Lot of Grooeres and Choice Now is the, lime-to buy good and eheap -Lqos oinituJams . Haig ouglit out th -e businessý lately carried Which will be sdld cheap for cash or farmers' produce. on b Jaes . Sao, e tke his opportunity of inviting hâ mza y f iends to give u si a a U, a dwlau a srli Wh" t ,y p I . 8 5 *i - ~ that we are prePared to do as well by them in the futur,- --. i -as Mr. Sftn-O has dotîe in the past. S ~1~j' TILL &JOHNSTON. -L. JI Q IJ 0 d s-Havýe now opened upý a LargeStc of, Orders by mail promptly attended to. Seasoflable Dry Goods, consisting of UNDEiRTÀKNG The only first- NEWDhESGOS ofclas E stablibhment in tho -Coulnty whorq funerals are fi- E USRS Sly 'supplied. NW(USREelebratéd Brands~) est NEWPRITS t-TIL & ~JOHNSTON..- W ýYitby, Octabor 18tc, 18783. 40.1y iNEW CLOTHIS& TWEEDS, "Yni NEW RATS & CAFS, ry, 3Em et xNEW MILLINERY GOS L LA RGE STOCK *OF CL Tl NEW MANTLES, &o., c is NOW COMPLE TEL&- lôhig ude o order inI latest styles. t3rAil the Novelties of the Preci NEW TEAS> AND G ROCERES _ Season !1 Wiby, April 6, 1875. 1 id 1_5. - a, IN GENTS' FURNIISHING 'GOODS, Ai IIATS, CAPS, &x&C. AT CARRIACES ê UC IS A. P B 1 N G L E'S. ;BROO-KI . STRÉ-»r, WH 1T B Y MESSRS* TOMS* & NEWPORT, Ou: (NexI Door Northi of Dominion Bank.) Beg.to inform the public generally, JitcêOO0 a New Carrnage Factory, on Dundas ,Street,., TWO D.OORSý WEST of the pOTOFCE B O S ND Ho S.Where the are now prepared, to execu1t0 all work in thle Mat tonial, mamd firal-ciaseworkmanebip. o --SJISRBp ]A a TR SBS1IRE RS- ALL WORK WAIRRANTED.F F JR ST-C LASS. ST CK ! REPÂIIG DONE WITHNEATNESS AD DESPTH O La i sce t ,M ;W bity, Jùy 291, 1874. 1I - f ies'G ent',Mis ises',and Ch'Idrelis' Boots & S-hoess-l whilî oisdotrxnncdtasel FOR CASH u t tho e divi nce L a ce y o u r o r d e îs . C a n 't h o b e a t fo r a p e rfe c t n u d o xî lti g b o l. - E N S T Repairsas cisual.""leIY:tt g o .-N S ' N APiil 28tlh, 185. WILLIAM BUR Wbii. SELF R Arm i AWARDED THE 'FIRST PRIZE ! F RE DE R I.C W N E A IE,1 At the Provincial Exhibi tion, Toronto, ici 1870. WIIOLESAIJE & RETAIL DEALER IN (e1ofrt, Weofrtour customers for the coming Uiarvest, two dis- GR O CEIiJRE ,-IIES S.47ND tixctî Machinesg, which ici stylx and construction, eucbrace 85]1 7 IEthe Iatest andmost usefulimpn eens o"bc ay Z-4,4sa1 success of this Mac hine, both iii closely contest- RAS IIEMOVRID TO FAJIEWECLL.-S BLO U J'4 b.bnscfIelam,.,Wrat slaigtasa mSelf-Rais- China A G E N P o1 .,VE S1&* C K o gl 4 g iasxh ine, t b s m ore g ad points and l" ~s defects, anà bas m et w iuL Celcbrated XXX -Cream Aie & Porter, welre awrded theirst Prize and Dipl.O1aat then rialExhii al'th leaingMebinfs CROICRISTBRAN S OrCI(iRS àmanufactured la :tbb-,provjne. m nd vith opr recent improvementi, vo nmesitat- CHOCEET BANS 0 CIARS.-ND TOBACCOS AL- ingiy efisilenge *ivyesaigaî!on and caixparison wyuL competi'*g Machines, vo are-LU1 WVAYS IN STOCK. satiafled Ibîl sccch investigation wili convinre every unprejudiced mmnd, Ibat w e se offer the best Vower to the Fariner for 1872, uilt lai tho Dominon e n for descriptive c t ogues. ' * * , W e xa m M rlîE TRADE -SUPPLIED .-BON PATRO. Oshawa, ldlarcuc 24, 1875. 181 Manufactured by O. MeGaIlum,. Chemist, &o.),- T London, Ontaijo. lÙNDY'S POTA'P1O 13 ~~TOYa Tula remedy ha. beau n-se&vwitbmnh ~ ~ oW Isnkel-mrmurmaug aliotimer piiepara fnsao04 .4 sanÏ t plrpoce. - ?be-Oxc#mcGvermsenî appocnted a 0cffihl b invealigaba and szpe~i i. New n nj thieitb0as ud chempeal mode of de# 4, lIcaldestructive -Pont, thé Po. abo uFîTii oo eo" c.WemnîîpOucb~a .uanperented overai ~~ poisons vers e d m fvh sstÈ-lthw!Îâ b,ôIigmd otîbn' ls e fomne c oon. thal waro sucosas. ai wsre.f ~ ur~b. j07<> eiavi af& v * o- dt L nad sîka1la , uelebrated 'Me.s id .vho a fo dfretl0ne mm evitac ihmi -eect. ILat ear a ub6 2M 411 _«$y dno , b t1radyli bhe demmuci cr11,but tUn eàr 9Mpjp rvî n sbi aw Etou1d t e i2arkal1 so ibai âo ii6 uèrd >o The ùg - i - - - - . e e !p THE MUDGE -& YARWOOD II'G' MANUFACTURE THRE CELEBI#ATÉD MERC~Ol~ Spécial notice is callosi lu the fýlol w cgstyle s m n c s Stl ,SWalnut- Case, $140, in Risona# Cae,with,ütjgs$4 Style 15, ii Wut Caso $150,mi Résuonant case, wMtàO(arvSgg-eoff S t y l e 7 - i n f l s o i i i n t C a s e $ 7 , i i a n m i O i7-C r i g , $ 1 - f style 9,iiBesdnch Cmsà19,ii ai Cswih ýcýrvlxcg'f $20 Ail'miade of Black Walnut, pauneilosi; with revolving, or di Lpk. boards, co'tm'iiniÀ1a1lthe Iatept imipr<tveinens naiyas elg atly fn ihed, accors -l n s ï ri e ty ALSO, - YAIWOOl'S "MEIODEON. .RGAN." In hazidsomÈe Rosewood Pia no Cases, hIgh)-flihd style 4, - $150 ; S , yllyf6, slee Thel a lfta .. ,J $tî - $20. fi Goldsmith'w, ,Wbitby, May 18,1[875. PatcfW tbMk, - .i',x î:1 (Lut&mmns&lough O gim Co M 0 V E~ C A B #ii 1~' - - IBIANDICOMBINATION OIRGANS' ITTED wIcx TIE NEWLy.lVET» 01IeaInstruments mpotat egneof tha-V,,au -rL&sla,.un Inîm mo ta b ea s f hl h the qualily or volum e of toe .RA.Y' u m lverY argely in çreses, and th - m il o.b . en er d ýf@ e mk cc . bm T kIS quato hatof he est Pipe Organe -of the. sanieCapâcit-Y. SPEGIFIç MEDICGINE ~ 0 Cures ail Narvons Digses,_-sucb a. na y$ Il o ~Tr, rl.9DebJîîy. P2qromtreun, ae., ir colebrated Il Vox Ceioe," "Vox Humana," Wicux Paten, "c-hilc iiil maùcae'otbaepouana .i ove lave Coupler," btho chmrming IlCello" of IlClanionet" ta, -ÉGemndlell pncinthebuotob cifiandetnêi Hurn," IlCItemona," " Von Angellel."" Vi la Elie i , I mmdropep Cslr ii e dd m nt na ngcure for semîiag Weakneoii, 4per- ALL E ~LATE IMPROVEMEN-1-S iorrheu, Impecenpy, iaaldsm Iblflowm séquence o4 Self Abue, as Oaci be ubtâined ucîly inS-these oergans Leos of llecucry, .uniriernaâi lams. 0:> Fifty Different Styles, for.the paorIo n ansithe Ch0 c, he BeI iinP romos te6 mxcaiz n y o atonal and Workmaciahip, Qcmality acid Volunme Of TouesPcieqnalled r pl2er disms lcat 1mai te Im igcy on ceanmptuoe anada Prem.aeere Grave, PRICES, $5o TO Somlauol1wbicbgoas'iule,ar an fi cacaedlby devimting freinthe path of nature ana over itory anmd Wmireroomas, Cor. 6th and Cocigress Ste., DETROIT, Michigan. indulgence. ~established in 185.) Ael atdi vr ony dxe..The. Specifle Medicine la lthe resuit of a ,1. tuyand yy n fm SUiecei CLOUGH& WARREN ORGAN GO., DETIROIT, InCH. 0 Pàil t, whicb we desirs lbo TIi.SpelfMediin i ol b llDrg gli tspr p aor sixpackages for $5, orwilb et byMail on receipt of the money yadasn JTJST BE'CEI VED A T THE WILLIAM GRAY à:Co., 'y Mr Sold in Wbttby by Xas. R. Gerrie & W il I T B C.yan ams-yu a-ie- -gg- .fHINA TEA STO-RE,.[5S AT eAT AL BY -FR S A L E To Farmers and others vmixting Sait, I II S N & SP A RVEL LfiLodceuFedSiié &; orcrs,oy erton, osr by cap lado.ui HLhds-., Crates, and Cases, containing the ÈLargestj Best OarYUW éubycepr g , Aise ariving by cireaa quantity cf fresb aand Cheapest Assortxnent of! ined Ceai, direct frern Peïneyv".m oo8g baAmy qumnbiby of gnd ry odaifo -s ~ e ba p faer casb1,aetxny olasi . wood vina, Glass-Wvare, and Fancy G-oa y _dsout Caldwall'sHntel Wlclîby. ALEX. ALExAilD3R. Of ail kinds ever exhibited in Whitby!1 ma-hsl82, 1875. 1 -WANTED-.200 Corda Greenvood, Beach l Tes Sotts, from $1-50 tu $20. and Maple, cul bthia s-inter. Apply as E'mncy Vases, from 10 éèente lu $-50, per pair. abve. -- *China 14ottoed Cups anaiSaucers3, from 15C. ta $1.50 eacb. China Mottousi Mugs, Card Baskets and Fminoy Gloodo, 1:ý IN ENDLESS YARIETY 1 FANCY TOILET SETTS, FROM Su TO S15, PER SETT. CUIÉTOMO DEPÂRTMENT >Otawa, Mardi 2181, 1874:,. lies ail the aboya having 'boom punchasesi expressiy for, Chistmas ÀAUTHORIZED DICOUNTON ilts, lhey will hbcol0d cheýp mimd without roserve. Pemis-cmi - md lc,1uer cen.vie utlfxte o ine for yourseivow- efore prch msing lscwhere. aR.e . M.and'UCcsETTEr lie- Also~~~ onlasafl~sortment of choice Tamis, Funiily Grôcerios, 46 - <Jozunilssoner of Customa. Ilma d Spicos of ml kinds, Ham s, Bacon, Lard, Butteir,- Apples,-Pota. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'TERS, boit bransi, milwmys 'onliand - GIBSON &SPARVELL'S. ), Doc. 151h, 1874. 5 ý1EOLD STAND [rESTABL[$,HI ED 183. E. TILL, - PROPIRIETOR vParlor'e-Y - -Ne B d-ror ets--- ,New D!iinga room S %P».3AM YOFCANADA. a large stock of, Cane and W&od> TI1ME -'T AB1LE .. 1a,ùis. Tables, Btireaus,, Sofas, Lou»nges, Bessteadla BfaPonlHcp.andLlndaiy. ard§.' Hair, 'Cloth, and Damask Louxiges, Couches Loive Port iol. A fI.e stock of-New Gilt WindoW Cornir ,oha IMu .1 0 a.in.I Ixd .....00 P.m. largest andý"cheapest stock o! Pict ees ever bou . Gcing North t 1?elsboro'& Lakfi.1d. î, AU of w h o heoffere at pnices that -wi]1 ot f&ü t.o Mmil - . --10:10 a.m. 1 Miïed....5:ao p. m. c timaes. - ---oemlu nth 4 àron r --i -y - 1 i

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