~~aLeaweisvy u ,iw ...............pi - '*w W or7 the~ noenqysaias tb, sboo 'sth& se t. 149h, 1875. - P, uai..... ...... . . _uý" .#*d 0 I ur con <ra a ê ..... ......, O~ NOWesgUdu 4 W c- i -w Il Q 'flDl.........ta.u....i uiso e=nt ....- to ulg h éuain rnigsdStatlonery 200'00 F&ir0round.. tort$1~ loÈ**4 ~ MI. 'Draper inuarejoinder to KMr,1[ Ie 'Pulses .............. d40 W EBoiutoaelway. 111111164 e Oùaeda %)ÃY a 0 E ÃŽbInterst on do... 2 8085"i," "4LM h luVBso PUR ANoM. tsa' wlthhlie vark dose, sud flOBts. eson Rai.- '00 " ouatiu0800 atolckiB..- MoMO ot&,U topa IWUL.S r~usù>, ~,, ~ ar-nouaI01 money espeudeti by iim on e ru ~ ~ 0 itaraisy~ ~Ie twui'Laà &~fO.bs ______________Sep.___,W5- te liîrbor. wils oGy nHg ooî ls ays suol . 00 Ugnt.esV on ut othowalIta. hohù, - entayeid. -One voz*y -notlcble stuata. Ger. (*st, Pub. Sol 8OM S0 Inteest"nc>1iitiad thes. r wpss gett u on.u NOTICE TO SUBOCRI»ES etlsd yhml eees até Mnaplssseu.14140-~etre.. 0 £ROI muntiusta hie Camdesu lteAthé M dlffe aleumeahat.sl b 4,144 .25déSpiIOU long théËi préot of>ur b. p.ld~ rom hue ffice tirt hue Ililway e- - - hiy haveuîy L t"- vsn posageunPnb' guacLxWi rule ,ane d by tbhsh~wsr lb. amzg ave -epanaos su te od'de.n ér #W h n e u , 9monea te c mëd bthorrere.Interest ou' do... 277.50 - PUveois 4thons b e. lois, s ouu iong r en:t cta- se tativ e lunm= king contracté), 1it t hé t aIm twoul aoltre ur aga la for s nu mà . W &YSP tibO fr 150, nd 4opn t e - b i' B i b i l b i a w i l f ai l a I to hu s s h a n l It D o n l e. el o e ti h. s A t ber - o f y em . 0 0 9 .6 0 1 ,W ,81 9 th e p u b lic afg t s d d a $'i t w a a i. dateo -e - tLeueAs lauimallw.>'. la qaad repafr and vas neyer Ob.- 4$.reeie ltirpaero -poatage Port Hope, daqe - aolooklilks sdisin. ACOotTB. and i nolndeiIla struetetlthie maner Il Ioest,piment, prepaid. Tirs names ai al subseri. efluation t sillte railwsy lp ob. ÂccaUn, smauuting insusaietls feurm ofnhes aIn ,#Il les nolonigeras pubicdck bers la arrear aht hiat,sao wiiI be tailng fregil and givlng e* ad- la0"W, ves eed andiordored for undeedigepunt. 44W.40O 1,097 butle mzaragei, sa. if il versltme pri- t'truck o9 thue lis alla ihuir saoauntovantageOfallie larbor sud IiaalIltles.:paymeuî Bl i 4amlu1,2 vlporty'oC rpr ab lst ~Io4<r~1ehcs hihwlTeWlb on0yl f onCudl Baias.edue on tathipubhioailswliansd 1Id. ual Plu fr old a hchWllTeLumber . 00 haitalte 55>gay.that Dat on. ini ten, do. cuse espelirs. ladefatulter, o. AAau. - -Balasce.la neaX. 149 busIuu nes uil, rnove or tiblke for pemrdedci s -a ogienttihlh le ap>hiÉzg oe.e 'ut sjubscriptions are payable lrictly ila tbrasotluaviacpa Whitiby, Manday evening, slt'ests..,.....eo Mr. Drapée' private proper 91Tu sulvance: Naetlovistian eau lis ittida Iakiugsok sud msklmîg préparation& spt. t,1815. - Printing ........ pion Whho i . Draper ";Fa were- in .*o ha acvehia4 tmnsr~ $150fer anoîhor year's business lte wbIlAy Aspieal meeting> af thie canna i c den taI 0 sof diila$dcndlawoeos luunu.Pi«*WA4to etia evenlng liere were preslent-the Etnteicstohiort -aime befare the trAiner.froua 1h. i~.rmumnx.Padcalr s$.niouloundry lbas re-openled, sud la Dow r-un- Mayor [lu lie chair-J, -Mosans. -Blow. Lsebool bouse... ooM aid ompsny, eIlfoi uOa ni pm~ed<t alu fhib jetwih l,.ad ew mutCamer-ou, Draper, Fairbanks, Fesenpaiti4on se. * a1riob Wit- lia wih illIe troubleaund of! banda. TwnTxseopimsu Harper, King, O'Douovan, snd P p1V. caunit...... 2680- 8,820 sud1thn wabrledgr 'and ii Wu a o -EETownAi TaEEes.IWAT>. 29,582.19 endti ililarge stance -Tue total ceet (;Àatomi)i, Pwlut,Èlcier lie Mayar stated t haIli latiCacatof IEiIPthaile impravementaIà lte tins, baing c Galng foi l5dper t téa lmeoffice ofA s < ji b55ean by lima repart cf the tlimebin -pcal'a it oui fCsil rau>.400,00 bleud.sdtnttuaddoulars, pubictin ii asaPîasnoe ueproceadiugp lu ther omalm Iw everal oail e ratepayens s anciilors Dog Irax, sy.. 100.00sanaiwl ravac cawhsirsie puliatonWilalo lots loe il rcouua te-ow hoha soknta brmin tareferance le. Fées frai» W4hbeen axpesutist on pions sud docks, put. taxes, bila year wil ha 2 conte -sud 21 whahuîd11upekeue mille lunlthe dollar. te-ui O ustin vB. Part Whity gstaea, balance tn haltgle.-Tih. aId Company Part Perry Biliway Co. _Ha under. cf >or ....7000 expeudeti on lic rond sud lierbor, W4,. seuh ntit iOcîla Exibition stamlitat liera was au exeenlian in Arreans for lsxýs 000, sud paidth Ce gaverumeut 055,000, CoayEhbto, The Town aned tite Railway. tue Sitelff's lisude for ueanly 0112,000 ilu ol-l .....50.00 sud lte Iste firmnofJamos, Bowe & Ca., gin t seC m a ya di a éi- A vn l eoh o expedoti 820,2W0 lu dr n g, ncain. The t.we ty .îîird, nnual exhibition At ainm portant spécial meeting o ! a le îo mev lita nature o! be suit sd board o u acecunt -re -- galst ouian> su ilwasdesr- dvse'dc tiic ing landi. sud building docks antidae Ooelsedto-day (Wesiuday). sud fren bue Twa- COmncli 10consider- liii nb- vitllte estilwouid ho sla lime bown current elipenses 218.00 lieuses for ltseacamumodatiop allia th lb.uumbar r o cItes already Muods, jaeté s epecial eer-nniîîec was appointadsteak. Ho vas luneoposition iiseif Goernmnu a :publie, sud sithaugi promleed'hy lteé guvea prmilotlsf boing, very' mccesa!iii. ttakatelegs! aiivîoa anti btaii informia. te give information an te enijeel. population SHOW. *goverumoul, viten oig te ok Thoe re 3erly890 ntresIn erestiOunuotion cf Mr. Harpon, secaudd ati sesfreinM. 'L. --patent froinlte crawu, they ver. nover Twa, aîyiîOetislhe-ete.The proceedinge bofore lte colin- by Mr. Fairbanks, te coucil resolvati Fnnd ......... .5464 al e lit n hnte esn t In citie theoala a littîs !sulug off. cil dischose ail lte facIo w1i îmu ur iite caiileeofa!hel. vioeta cansider Intorest on de ... 4g counPaUY got contraI a!flte'ver titeyt Elreep, $bout the saine amumr O!f O n wcg. lte ver-bai commninication cf lte Mayor unsolti debeulures deindedthelitsOuin ofans thousauti] tries as lait year, Anal lu swine Imu 'ite aun A trespeîing the steak oallia jown lunlte neahize gy.... 8500 dollars for Ilîsir nigit talte praperly,1 incr-esse. t(lia-el suseoeo ud roots, Br'S-to a WulîîOFAO is.P. W. & P. P. R. Co., now msaerially Cleigy reserve ... 91.290viticli amenali James Rave O Co. paid 1 aèvonage aboulime Hise as ibil year. EL5Y.-Miasrs. Taylor & Barnar-d hîave affectedl by thte execuhien lu tIre Siariffrs 17J ul an daller, tean, Aud, uolitlistandiag ailtitis, rhlhwo re iesntlo oWl andea. or $908,577 wil Mr. Drsperihadllte audaciîy ta state aI Tieso 1ffmldoauIio 0wi a ver-y comeplete sud hanutiful stock cf Mr-. Draper vas cahiei upan as s r-ise teoMn af s publie meeting iteld luthie tavn uts as Iu '74-lte tLint e iog regarded as a goode sud Ases lu daily oxpecîaîiaîî cf lange shokholdar and ansea!fltse Dire. 015,00.80 i year, lat Itîs aid cempsuy neyer paid f ltlte RI Yexlîibiters. Of farin. furbimar arvivais. tors aiflime Company ta giva expîsa. -Loos laxes on N. Ji. te overumenl interest an lhe îaoney. i ï n i î Ilie t re l s a la rg e d it . t- - - ~ - - -- - i ats a s e w la lie k u e w re sp ctim g t e L a n d e s d lé sa N o s ia r io d rs lun t e o l ti e m p a y t ply h ar lm à aR olr.S eout Oxford. uit. o au clhrl a... ver receivati one cent f divid nd, ï pls. Tmealar> cas l sia ai re-Mr. Draper cousldervid te Mayor $286.09 15,619.99 29p582. ucilbar ver-alte direcora aven paid for ,preeutf,(d, ce is lte ladies, tae fine ar-la mî i blit ms ua. esmxs. Aseet migtly iu csiling lte meeting. -eompauysevi8,ii itesdboky ar-eo - and alter daparinanîs o! %viich vewu -Every atepayar lunte corporation vas Tttbtcaen eureif:armeti iepossesllsiowcf1and Ht r on, hav 1 mî îaelegv olaieliolie lmî. Mm. Crooks, Provincial Treasur. rularesîcd, te lime exhaut o i o vafxetesohbteHii, nt Pbue rki n tposiodater M. Draperfrein relit tem1rXJ lzet zIveic. - or, btas boeauelecteti for SentitOxford stockaItmail ovents. There had ben lieScicel8 fanrblie proesnt ary.1Lr-dclr- agdlie daber . uhaaIee, ieyt- by Iîriamustatmn unaariy o 30. Tae ast, titoraforalite itad ne opporhuiy o! 50, vlcit viilraquirs, lu addition te are open leanuy aneahwito vstbuex- Tfw povietbOliiiuuae eiialiicte s nte i-kngwingaything o!fltae affairaec!flte' theaboya, an Pqual rate of 44 miliiiin Yars,&c. A vonside-raiia bi orn liilciai -Coinpsuy. Tliers lad beaunaoannuailte, dollar-an ahilte raheahie praperty YONE ,0F EOL O ellin heeretin o ta eevhidnxpoaIll. esl .........cIioC)Ks. HopxINs. maetlng the present yaar. sud no accouaSlu nhels ownu hable te taxaioni, sud liaI N FTH O ed n it rrclîîî o 11Wbîmhuag luIneuahi....... 11 , .. o! rieceipts anti dishunsemaenta lîsibiseenîtin oallie townshuip Unitedtel ltse [Tiieme are seatitres furthitr pages C *Whîlthlmé esnya~arassxyNorthliOxford-....... 1 ... laid befora tho ttockltalçiers. Ho dlid tovu for scituol pur-poes. -On motion,oa! huIs latter, vitie aititsbeau eent us tibiosutidllars '-;aml,î scarcai>' be-vila West Oxforad.................ul 1-now wit lant wassltse case. The ltee mnînltee rase, repeniti progressé byMr. JohnuWatson ta priumt, altack. 'Enet Oxford...........q statuts reqnirod ltaItIahre sitould bcan aunsd oblaiuad leave te ait &gain aI lte îug Mc. Tiraper and alter-s perseusily, lalt isi.Anns besv afaNol-th Norwvichm.i, .. -12auai meeting. He kuav noa more cf naîtmetn.adrsoigthcnetsfa m i tw')t w-sbre'y framna dlweuiugs; by Mm. SoumtNom-viols....lia4 hesuit tuan di t lier mamniara o!fis meig.dra theg liecopnteî o! aci- 4 Iieuusn o hlsr- eteal butilbyMm.Tiloubrg-------------15 conil ; lie iatad okuowlae o lteCONFIRMATION OP ALî' OFDeEETURES. Mnlcslian, iu Mrnr"vtc 'tkmiote iobisom. 1Tuvo tatlouo tuvo-Derehit.î.............. .....8-ri tl aprslb taeBShériff; lievas On motion of Mr. Harpar,_ saccndad wh m ammow odin.pArsude o!t -MIrey brick divaIHingm ftou, the sIuace bo luis cfte heamunul cf by Mr-, Fairbanks, lte saie cf tva ters neferreri la 'haveimaa iteratafore d Yaravaii OranCompmî1~,oma- G-ega371 $- 15,000 stock, te bewn îhîti $10,000 tionsauti dollars ai tcvn dehlenturesvulaealubtscmunlwod ilee, yMe Tona Dveilca-eu-(38asock, othuor -privaba individuals-iteid vas ceufinsed. sear-caîyaccord vIihaur iense o! dsly I stock-ltevitale amounbing ta par-tapa NCOTICE-Tà W OvLECasRa. tthe publia la re-apsu Iliainfer dis- 6 bar warîî hyMm Cormacis ail painting fu lr Cïookti.....808 480,00W, ar .oro ttan ene-titird cf ail Mr-. Blov gave notice that lha oulti ai ansion.] by Ur, Siigi. Tite sairetirmahavae tae stock. As le.lite abject Of te ýthe naxî meeting introduce as bylav 6 simo erealsd à a bo.uloî-ey buiciciwell- Scaleuced. eve b>' te suit hhey coult OiY ouin- fer lia appointant aiofv o lC0leclar., To ce Editor of Ite Wltitby Clo,,iclî. I -ing Qon Ahltee -o, 24 z 80-wjit ving JiiiA3.-WViltin, staliyBattes, O! -Setations, &0., lte sains as any alter Aeiino ieafo eL die s cel ou-isu !li 16 X 24. Mr. Dauvarii, br;oeo vomi; Oshawa' vos Irieti before ltse County property la pasa mb ite hande c a ÀPtto nbbl fteLde'10 nyu ,8eo h n Caorn" nd mumi osnosrptiîterwark. Judgeasud seuleucati ta tw ra aî u iv ale niiviuai, sud if ltaI comtidho Collage, for lie abaleenulocfau offens. met., s latter frai»Mn. Bois regar-diug Bm..ilaimm Ilelbas cocel hul.tioPrvncalplitntasg1-9ally doue, iltvwas ua erlons question ive drain nuisance, vas ne!errd t lte -ite rsi ilr ra iRa sa i e~io vosbry eiteneom lier sSUL- -leutelar.for teevaw. Il iniglil e hairaIil as streats cemmillea. _fan» uof tetMac.Bepr o h re éieneo ilet ASAL.-Ar-uebl, forâim ault auinlauded la raliava thieirelvesc!Iliabilily Peltion ai Mms..Graviera, fer relief, Witî>. Gog Pogm. !Es stileo4t, aîtiopposite lion Mm. George Hardainîg, sexten cf Ail sints, CîIt, Ilte tie stoakitolders,said se cut liai» aIf re!erred te lte proper- ociniittce. 15r. Burne nppeara la ho aI a logea - Cor-muait, for Mn. Pruce, liai aisea ieal peaed- su vs le , enlim-aiy. If blie pr-perby eoultble salai No action lu malter c! Striekiauti vioin la beieve, sud sas, "Ail vîo ia. poddguil>'ad lietecd o taI weuld beolte affaît, andtihie e- asskg fanrafunti cf taxes. ver-a nu praseat ate contesl have lte.IJ * Iateal mglm caslitiwelling. 15r. six monîths villi lard labor lantte spousibiiity cf tse Direclors,asilTatees, Cu cil adjouruad. da tmcncnin1rinhecrui ý.'sII0a0 l lit aVià g eracteti, by Mn..-GCetiral Prison. eaiiîreh> doue ava>' vîi. As lie said, 0 * ~ ~ ssicscnett vl i ndcloalasl S'oble,a fine tva store>' fraie msidence - -.~ - -lie did ual kaav tue abject, ha simpîy -artai utrae byRuffans atmCentre ilceet, MU.. Win jlbomn la SalaidIsiof!Tcacbcrs. stalafi literesul. Ha prasurnet iiltaeho - as pnosidont saf"t u eI the duty ofSuheitnneldtenitlris sthealvbutTvr tmîluuq< A fine Ivo store>' brick residence -Orlfasocesieysol e elilt eomn rcn lie dut>' e!Pic commuai!.t ascentain le 8aCorrespondenruffians pubessiveeytionuodfmuaI haladilsrando»meud on eau lrmu.t 5.Il.- i epi>' te ciaspnd i uthne cu rsion o!bt ar-lesu vitalfwaî outrageai anu nulorlîmale vcmsua i h niamsny Machine on ils iraI trial by d b s on - i ..a. P O , . n i. .i os e v m a t n O h mi t t ? l it o e r l t f o r c r e o b e t k atub e s f ! î e y g o a t hi e I s l a n d ia n al Ige d l s t t h a e m n s o a m n li P u . I lia eecet atv i ol rmgi sîlGtc fwmoelte nsaenfo-and le probac i te atter-asîs o!fltaeCor-- hmouy auanrdrrset aalii vt, liskovwo id put Itîem aine b ouseen auDnaan tîel nueai lt ie lpesil, va give the follcwiug as tuma poration. hsdy Forwearstionhi Wi skon ou pthi am car-p ain oI.Thos, Bobinson lint ofemsalaries paidtela eachars o! tliMaiblr Blow :uggestad referrirmg -tseretura th:t day aitsetre otheraite anypapar, (éveitlitith anging o! a M9amuI. lol el-n ,neceasary lagal opinion.- man's eviaisuca alliheexcîmuuahion ho. pooketa.biei eing FrI-ami, eii halîve beau or-ad. iioII tCo.a Oi, #.20) Mm. Harper vouiteinelufivol- of cI-)- But, sir-, icnving ahichance triais 0 1b' 1u , JImmopp¶'r- an Bu-coloStrsaeet liiasn lei nse,*121 ainiug muaI oui>' nlegal opinion but ail lame fita Police Magistrale an Satuîday. suds, andthIe statemeaba o! sucîr men Afr. Dois Uccollan, u 1) Nr. Mocîr Set: e, #woa; iMm. Dnvimlsomm, #500; uacessaî-y infor-mation, aud snggestîd Slitestatedti tit bwye ans agà selleCama as Phougiman, va vouhd like ta ravie 6a , Ai r D l s M oCrote li mn, o a i y aI - o , M .Jacks ai, 44.1 o ,it e a p p in m e ul O ! a com inh t o a cn- p T or on to fr -ci»th e G isai e IsJlan d s ; th se t v a M achines lu a n aw lig t. di C frâ. CakH ois uC ironu PeUBLIC SCOOLS. fer iti te towu solicitor. se as unuarrioti ai vediti l Lbusiii n ia» o neuu Mu-. rawor, om ocistee, n Co. 151î. willis, $600u; ma.. ý'0ollouse, The M5as'or- agia roerredto b his ovu aamie regards ltae matariaha wlhclmcomposaes --NVsmon a lCC el act, 1Mr. 1) Croluman, $600 1lis bicitie, t$31)0; Mies Fraser-,action simd adised aI ltea llany - - oman on Portlandi stréet, theinandthle mode o! tiair causîrnoc o )u Trett r-set.MNr. Lowes, (o!fltse 11P) ;Miss Voadlmcuo,,$250> ; Mis, atirte acriuiaeiwii. gîrghe iaiot ygoing Ont ta lion. Wc viill ale teé Jolmuston ir-at, dé' irai o! Loves & î'owaul>le s'erechlug a Bur-us, $'250 ; Miss Baoirovmnan, $200; Mr. Pip cÙinded bis councilltaI vor-k by 1h. day. Ou Thuroday mnm-Il i la al kntuatthle Johusbon 15sa661 ao v-sa-> bikreilue act Misa Joinston, $15.vien lire bonemmsby-haw waa subuiitta d iug aelleul ndovu ho lte Esplanade Machine thab is vary lhable ta gel ont a!Idd Inae ano-tiEhibaib srene l; nnanScitol aîcîarsb nli l haiviCvpn thimu arpbul Tt mcinrysI.ba'er-u inhale amaunt vas ovusa! b>' tImatowvu Tria Vînr-OrF rUaPtRNCE OrWALEf3 o!fvuouglittiran, andtihbtaraies ar-e Sucs sud a is tw au îwlpesiiig #,îruaîsur-a. Ur. Blîlcu- varktef iu aJ'a (iteKEb>'hii»s.li sud olter- inl'3W fmrias rO INinA-lThCentrai Newsaila emnhbl- rvnb en facanwihds Esteaiva mproverIteuls Imieta ucaiice fb oroiean , sud 013 ou Our wvia veat etin concert viti tlitelasîite liai Veaice lias uaw heon fieadr-ensyt teanoa o haelu viai is 1--1Sain t e ioAruasur- ou îtse suai lie ebeemeai teuvusmnun r ý;n e, cerporabien. ojon ns lte port aI vitici bis Royal Tic îilîing part is sae as;y Ilistda boy:tirc Q-uen's Jiclel, Ve-.o t Iir.- Mm. Iiicw, *ecoandet b>' 1Mr. Ciameicnu i lusse vil etabark fou Intima, lieWviecan irive a teain can Imn eS TiPitovNIs-tu eza- l'S LpC-inovedti tirheIma ayor, r-soya anti Serapis, viit iii cosi aI Malta, oî0 mchna; hene a is lo s steel cuing Tvcmte sato anluthelie Vbaate Tio CeNrmiSî--s:u. ..1îm v eot's lUrUtdeput>' neeve be a spiecini couittea t tte v> nl raat apcs- bacrvilli bie very hast ci guanda. Tite Ps Jusl coimplotaiti; aime n ieSprt at aaîlst, m iege se iau onbeal iifothie lova, inconceart la ecive bis Royal Higituas ab Veil. ar-suit atha Chiampionturne ltseyer-se 9011001, ear the atholic Clirch, ad Li te b vutiieolll ar1stiecilacidersf boh atcertainkhiceesOctohar-er10, slsdohiecdepr rlurad va>'dlartuthemata machinashin ntianvisaeilt is be thesol, e s im a mblie Ctr-c, suaith r-iîîou-y itmue nlec lad omt-upt vitleffecl lte suit of Austin vsl. tic ylbaie place an tae came dte. À'. A wital ldraîva tae kiftiand utven lie lte s ubI sioa, yliadu ufioiaBor c BlolTusésai uidspractiesa. lTh.elo*cyg itIdc-pet. Railvlay Company' vanlalhave an lte rayal sainte wvi1-be fIr-eti aateerapis IL gives ltae bai sîrckit llias a tiow- Sub01 Éruteo,, ouDa dlla i¶ ,ay>': Il la quita possible ltae tria! tovu stockt andti leprocure suai legal liepart b>' soins shipa of van varil pr-essore on lte itifa, (heuce no h la t. utepata cf îuot av10c n in> ,l.mc ti.eaci"bo. ,a.. astivice as nia>' hanecessoary, saidreor.(pessihly iralutiiug teDvsain alo twt nogopbx ecu n May reuit inthe eeetionbkijlz 410eareil Mr. Farbank objeood tttheofoaivutatian)re breaka teg knife).oitliteeakr-suitf pinheclias i a Il inteeatr ar 1té .n r,. void, for- il le nov hardi>' pousible for au t15fr-. laibands o"aaer lat th orm wae!rnov cnuiaiug luls ia Ifairhaloilvt mng-epoxSOou sui Deeriull hie altogetiter put up foui-eau siocîlon te laite place thtï dc nt lu. lte ontol sut dcomiterdaci hhat e .rnastaee. ies. vsathm i vil u sîocliat ia it oidi Ilîe ail louger thîsu Mr bulig lite semu fur varions parties, fringe l in olmou>'an l sytbut tw indeltpnaul. H o- i eaisl lsnIsfnlplain box,.lime pibinan las a hall on "vi buthi t e udings p o t st t i o v e ti au n d m b Io h a l ffect p o ntt o l ,a , h d lie sa sv isit a oLng Io tlee n tian dt h er e s e n c p on ts e i " doi alaas! arelis rdttMesura. seîo s c uOts ii eceda b>' Mn. Fargumon, sud vhiei dayo vii ho paldte lutKl 'GeorgeOa- o!flime kuife vhticitar-a bathliteldtogether cou0 Di)nitie1 tnt Wsstliglthave laid over- i n sleti, fr od vul, utcu a, Géc.Tevyg aller sanie discussionIlu vicir M.re. Ye acontinueti h' s all s aidnuit, sud if ltS>' egay au>" i Ob tUiiLbu bIctitis UInumnr. agueltei, licWod Inluncs vaicli r-a. sud ti&ersoiact vas s Me brrane an direct t a va>'060sa&Hiyen itave te do in ta give Wt .1m t. Avrumi 0tla hisnfîglaenes Whih . Caagiiandporher» onnprte a! i ndte lty t a d A Il shîr-tat o!anthe nit. r-cool ths i TrAi4e and biusiness srs r"vivîog, lsurîed lifma lait electian heing gsuutcieul. opleti - 1Mr. Blow,' solutioîln, * s ina ît i t> IS niAe i u uuat iekieln ieh wlll be bnief. At lte 1-naureti Port nlerkofteca.-relt eue.The vicie showsvut ia Vhlîy MRY h ermuitted a ~observe ltaI noiheunder lte commandi !si8r Bavie' machinas belon. yen lanbliair bruiecolorpofaivos laIs Is~mrs ar-haisaervatlve Parrlu Seuth V ito ui ainier-t, Ç. B., vil meet lte*BrpssuiIfecotatitIn>nhastim'k fmutrlren fo-yard Ou au-e Ilngther arffar se ljudici. M- îipttiTSi.andti ses as s couva> ' hnes toBon- persan, siter osamiuiiug Ihat»n lte Hon tIrsmnaehucf ros&sudani inipTOveouslY' liat tli re slatuad ds r hlproparleti frein Ibis b hï,Itlà laexpectetithiat lte Princeabyponeunofatagvli tyv meu~,sp Ibt ia grvî o le lva auetui cmeo!fIlmir bout frieas. nite.. Report adaptesl, recoimninu. viiiarrive aI Bombay>'on 1Npvétuuhen 9, championbtepalm. 1-imas 5hmi souevial retau-dei lanyeau-s '~----.payaient of accoannîl aiW. H. vliic, bolng lheanlversar>'of liis-uh. As far s fielctaeste are cuncernei, tien,a put, 46 atili lusali>' anti vigerous, said lb. isse.. B Toge, Osv, ue ýgîg nud Cimes. Taylor -ef 082 anti day, vihioaicoursoeisuti addiltmuslinlu-'laIus laite an example, aytse Csyuigs I ai ýh eu fl o rmie ,t Oro teMinn.Bllns ohwa u n2 espectivoly. terest tlathe tilsmbanitétlon. Gilef versus Ciinpion. Tusy Me>' cul dan lm Pm'~hue ilai pomse t ~ entered. b>' s burgiar on- Wetusssy amEPOa RTa,33,5tRBIT COUMITTEFR. - quslly veli aI firaI, but Ib is a fat hiat ilaspt ..... a - ighl. Tite servant girl wTia PtomehrîsABaixsK-Ti, 'people tirs Ceyugs Chef fi na oseltine coin-.datri ..- as avakuati Mr.Draper repottifrai lte 'cota.-ofManitoba are suxamua liaI lte Pain.pareita lite Champion.. ai hua by lte noi"e sud gave te las Sîsaudsu i urlîtonou treets sud improvemenîS, bn brencit çloud.b.lttrn ie WmîIhv oneiOt1 e u> i - - li~~te hurgisr mate is usccape hirangi statmn2g ltaIit e &Mountloaithe.appra. a-inbr ie .e, ol alib pert nn'l .lcelbebtIntq CAISAiJ* Vif. Pe LéalrqmA, tii. vindav. pruatian ion Brookit sreet vas tao 5in5ll, 9.uelzelyand ti tIe-isme lin.e assure yonam siipeakingeanseieulious e- ra sud sekià g fan s.milter'suu af 250. furnisi eMploymaeult a liai, vione 1>',asd I challenge contraditioin on aiîti' The. remuIt lias toit bein mecelVOdab et Juan vint RieUrPLACE Fv ous BumeIl aise stati ltaI ne eomun!catman cr'apia ve ,fallt. The cillzens o! Wla. an>'one point. but ho Ilh, timpe vsgo tla -Pr-ou, but Wons!bailassSestvr-iemsulo Tn becu recoiveti frein lic tovunlnpea propose t s>-isflte sbtui uuynOf' ulsltusfrhiaeo bp e t, oIiifavor 01 tuie PllulIsd4. IVai. uniis. - -certi I-este ite goilli ar-a, 1 ve -ossgcftii eélflc Bail.1go t itlsiils pJsl~~s Ti. sore san4sîiuim------------------------- -----------------------vs> , provIion ho voikkbe comume-si I-ae hthanar toits, air, af Mr. Nyw AL Gom"Seprtimie. UrerguIOn compiaineillite large l fIL- - ourseclifufl laund oft aang,117, secj NivFLTGams-s uncnd, itO Olte gravel placei on Broak « - *~ JAME Be OBs T. ta be 114;canai, Uitiuus ,asi ment-pi Messie Laug akîlSewart. etrest; Mn. Drsper osplaineoi RPport NTATIOu TOe îmw. LMeCace- Oshawa, Sept. 10, 1875. - lirt M0iud *wý $lte*o dovii, - Orà dqlpToalseds'ria OEEB Y.-Bome, Sept. 10.-A deputahhan -f te, COuaR.-dioîJustice Da'oou is heimTR TgEaWxerymoî, nbbifa u mencu eienX s TA Brxx ia.stovel, sept. for ha ~ sisOjwSE oOOiO"u. ffor-e tltChe f éiJnstieshi1î Mihe ýl. O'Donovanpneseute lte repart bath alidllodrantipÀesut li ed »astti 18.-T-da as ain umtehrs ver-e ot«ma i -TilspijlyTornoun aosbas ho#' 0i. prnme Court. < ft l i tanding cominitté on ffnlu m--oa téenorpher s à coi. i'dià ug nfta«'tii. laitankel aiti horo* J557u tlnisa -th, th--bard---- -- andi ssne îwîsi-,,,,îm._ - cns il .., amnneM--_Ae5 îJi~f Nigr hxLgimspB$W .-îe firit at if- if or il le Atrrbediar crdonnLake ad fr res ooaI Agro icalral hwsing terrble isaber akafuud a large additioual sut» bayond tit- The propelier Equiuox, on lier way tho animale ta be purcitasea wg on- 1. romChiagoto ayCity, û l rustta b commission coà sistiug o wîîh saiI, and towiug lte schiooner tite Hon. A. MeQnaen sud lie Han, W. E m m a E W ay s witii lum ber, w s over- E P ra , M i h 5- taken by n "t"î,nashu t w o a-c ock in E e l y M m b rs' o ! the E xecutive tae mrning, ne a Point au Sable, 280 Conil, sd Mr. lches, Secreary af -miles nrti o Chicago. Capain Wood.the New Brunswick Provincial Agriul. r w ort , o ! tae E quinox, cam e Sa lita ural A ssociation. Th se' gentlem n Li sernof tboproellr a tht tme nd ave been for sins ime n Qubo sd 1. aru a! bittoe ter litaI lTimesud sOntario examiniug a nuniber ai aur r cadon t nata cu ll en eTti asd leadiug Hardsansd Fleoits, sud have doui a sud lite teropa lie read osuscccedod lu cauciuding saine salisfac- i bard ls csw a ninlee mensndtory purcitases. Iiu lie Quebec Town- Caplain Dwigit Scott, of te Cleveland, Ms itipand Msr. biallite lougliofronr- a wsî-kowu laie capîin, wo was r. GhtadM.Bi ielt f~ i copanid byhiswifeand rand abreansd Jersey catIe, and fram iM. vdaugtter, iakig a total o twauy-wa sudchrBeradoshe hoga. n Tor-okiîh 3persans. Tite first intimation lie ersie oe.I ornc;te chooner b adl o !te catastrophe th' ba e be au lu trea y for sev rai fi e ut»- tueorei CmI des abaillions, sud h* lta Waysceud rnclr n asistncewitt- Vesteru States for Perciteron lianes. Way cola ènéer o asisanc wht.Ou their way weat te Ccmmissiouora teetre n h o fribhes rquirn, sdclosed a bar-gain with iMr. Brown fer s a ntir Tew a! bx ii quno enh draft a! liirîy sioter-itrns freinlte Bow den.a trib at Ei, wlîicihmet wibt ParkHerd. Tic lot consiste a! twenly suiatribefl, wasowed hy thie young hulaansd tenhies n h Grand Trunit sud Sar-nia lias. The Animais are snid tab e f rs, sudbeue vessal is su aid eue, sud rntldvory sud qualiy.-Glabeth !gelhnt low linte poinm Of safel. Iu 18738lIe c em p a uy v e r a u le d bi e r s ud p u t w r k . Y A T C L L s O - . D u:EA niUL AccIDEIT-rFIEEmzbt ILL. OTItaIt VERDICT.-The5 body a! lis m te BD.-New York Sept. 14-A pn-ty o! fthe Misteta, whicim wae run dwu firem n woer experi etuig with a and su akithte Soient o u liie lth nit, patent lire l dr i Ruber'e -Square, by lie Royal yacht, Alberta, was mc- lis mr-ig. Te Idr waq raied cntly recovered. AsRte body was 12 0) feet lu bh s ir sd iliith m en found w iti in t e jur ldicti n o ! P r la- m ou ued i , W u. H . N as h, C h ie ! a! liem m e t , as u i - nq st w as lield an d Flire Baîtalion, heiug ahthetbp. Wiila bemmiated ou Friday lasI. The jur be iremen were goig tromgi blir rndered a vrdict a! acidentai deat, vluties, le laddr sddely crckd, but witîî a rider ta tiahre was anuer- sd wihot scarcsy a ioie's warn- rr o! idgmneu u te part aifte ai- înbroke off ah lie second section, sd crs o! tite Aertba, sd hey farîler- alos ripail twere precipitaed la bhe express te opinion,tht a ~sower raté grund. Nash was ista ly kilad ad o! sped sd more efficient look-out w c e! hie ompanins, P ilp manse would ha condu tîve te le public sud Wm. Huglies, wera se Iarrihlyafey inangied liaI llîay cied wbiia bslug IlEDUCTION 0F CÂBLE RATEs.-À Lau- ceuveyed ta tih tation Hanse. -Chier don dispatci t sates tt,'after lte isti persous were more or iesa inured. a! Ibis mentit, rates o! charges au cahie TU E B EEcH it SCANDAL AaAli .- Tîse messages fri» New Y rký City sd ail Brooklyn cadal is aain befora lima points east e! Nw York City leate public y a ettr fromi Mantou te United Kigdoui sd France, wiii ha District-Attorney Britton, whoa ad reducd te ee shilling sterling per î cm m nded M r. Be c lir not la word. T ia ttis r du tiou will c ver proc ed gai st M o nto u f r libel. I u ail ki ds a! business h7 tiis cab ile 1mis t ite l tter M ul on de am ud s lia I lie sp cified, but tse rates m ade by ana charges againal hm ai u ivesitgited as wildhlesgvrnb. seau1 as passible. -lisechier wag wiiliag SUIîCrIDE OF'ANl OSHAWA WauxA.- tt, 18,98. SBoniuoh tien for e2pen._ di sine lustfani. SWith respect to ttbst 08à ,00e" about Iwiclitii. Gaielle desires information; Permit me *ta say, Ihat. lthefigures should bave red, 088,as 5 iivin#, pedd:et1it October, 1874, lnswd of#85i , asstafd, y au. T]à total enpeit4ur., ou sud for se- count Of the barbai', to date l80oup as follow:" Expeà ded to lot October, 1874, inu, cluding dredging, &a., 488,4U5; expen- ded, on eievataoi e rb , 11,200; ex- malolng s snm -total of* 078,648,-ta whlcli say aiea b. sdded 082,157 78, paîd ta the Governet on acclant af purchae, making the stiom totiinveet. ed by lie Harbor Ca. ta be 0110,800 '78: And lthe Gazette insinuabes that "flot eveu $85,000 ha. besu expended I Mr. Holden ays we niust have "lo0w- or liarbor toilea" snd cheap freiglits" in arder ta get the. trade. Ail very weil na far asib gees. B3il, if hon had added good wrna<ge.neit, lthe picture would have appoared mare perfect. Wibli respect ta harbor toilas I ny say that Mr. Holden at nse timo thought tie Harbor Comtpany shouid give the Railway Comtpany a bonus of lOots. per M feet on ail lumber brauglit ta the itarbor. T'h. Harbor Company onid not sec the Inalter in lthe saane ighb, sud Mr. Holden llîeretdpon bhreateued tem with i# ig fpteagitec, sud Ihis titrat, it is ta ho regretted, was put jute prmaIica operaioni sud every tlîing wli hiru hâs been wra'ng at lthe Harbor ever sinco. Last faîl I had saine correépond"ence with Mr. Austin upen bte subjeot of Harbor tels, sud lu orderbtat lthe pub- tic rnay kuow bte exact position of mat- bers now, I wiil give au exîract froin M1r. Âustin's letter on ti. ubject, aud tuy answcr tiheret>-- LETTES PROM MIt. AUSTIN. "The season haîug naw a "haud whsn we should be iooking af 'baer businers for uaxl sedson, iny ai ' jsct lu writiug yen is te ascertalu yen arc williag te make auy redue tien iii yonr toile. 'Yen are liu douli aivara lthat lthe Port Hope Harhci Comnpany madle a large reducbion lati Beilson, sud whicit, I am» lad ta ht. lieve, was ltae cause of aur iasiuga large amaunt o! business, lb mini * h evident ta you, as lb is ta me, btea uniesa wa raduce our ratas ws wil] prohahly lose bhe business- for tIe caring eason aie.,, (Signed,) JAMES AUSTIN. ANSWEII To THE ABOVE. WViby, Jan. 7th, 1875. FAXES AUSTIN, EBq. :* "Yours cf bte Sist uita duiy i'scaivacl, sud contants oarefuiy iiabed. I fuily caucur lu what you say as taebte advisabuiliy o! aur bry. iug te sacure a portian aofbte lumheî froin beiaw Lindsay for the. railway titis yaar, sud will do whist I caaute tuat sud. But yen muaIt have fer. goetaltIwhsu yen came tle mb possession of ltse raitway btat yau han sunndartakiug frein btsheIarbar Company le bhe affect thaI tie toila te ha coilected at Port Wltby shauhd nett aay lime excead Ilî toila ohargsd st Port Hope, snd yaur Mau. aging Directar has aiways beau fnlly armed wih autiioriby te put sncii a clauses lu auy contract lhe migitmalte for freigit; aud tbie is certainiy Ithe ,eat position bte Railway. Company ceuid ha placed lu. insuring, nas il dose taelthe customers of lthe railway, tie verY lowest rates citarged nut Port Hoepe, eubrtling btaei» aise le suy te- duotion, sitould auy hocinade frein, tine le -lime. But le place bte ques- tion beyend doubl, .ne malter as le it lthe rates at Patt Hope may ha,- Ihlave ohtaiued btse sanction a!fbte Harbor Comupanmy te tht.eiclosed lat. ter, giving he Railway.Campauy full power le malte contracîs, guarausen. ig bte 'loweab Port Hope rates, ho thay witaltthey iay." '-I was net awsra liaIlite toUls aI .Port Hoe ware reduced inst yeRr. Will ýyan kindiy give your autitority feren stat. ig' sud I wiil try sud ferret il ont, as biiase ostipped frain iers issI ;asou are entiled te ho paid bacit uitiug tuaI %vas collected haro in Bxcass a! wihtbwae paid at Part Eope, which will ha choerfuly dons ffound tbc ase 5570stato, t11mb tiare ealiy was n reduclion tiare." 'Yours, fnibifulhy, C.'DRAPER. CITER REFEitRED To lETUE ABOVE. Oifica of W. H.* Co. Janun 7th, 1875. nEs AUSTINI, ESQ., rest. W. & P. P. R'y. -lIn makiugcouîracts for froiglît opass aver your rnilwny buis sason 'o are at liberty, and yen are liera- ,empowared tb put n clausisnl very sucît cantract to the affect btat e Harbtor teles ta bcpnid' liere hail meoijin any caswe ecced bte bus nid t Port Hope. -t lu ibetaialof thiePort Wiiîuy Hbar. or Companiy." Yanrs very lrniy. his correspondenca speaka for ileel!, requiresrne couJt fret» mue. r. Haide an s-" Can yen expîaniz hy alumoesîsTry aliipprnncaptaiu tug business aI -Vhitby Harbor nmplius f liete reatlaut r-ecei0e lima landa c! the Harbor master 2" It iuducsd Mr. Hoiden te set tmp Mau af strAw I lînawueIt. I have no- Ilactimi a! the Harber Masbar svmr mg bldSuy difficuhty wîiîl caplains osole; iseg, iltashaînvar caine ta .uowledge, uer sam I aware o!flte bor master isving had auy dltfEl. th 1th siippers. Tite whahs ting sx- i nions t» Mr. Haldeu's imagina. t sud uowhers els.' - 1 am qmille wall swara that Mr. li ls labourat inuesssuthy - la malte1 pear tiat tiere wss ne accoumio. v > aI -Whihby Harbarfrsier aber, sudalu hie effortslam inure [arbor Compan, li a nioat if- ay laI miglt havee' f gre<atl ul t ntthie sockhoulders , ry gene rlly. , *- , i bats, I sk,womild lthe people think w Hngethomanage le iiMid. hasyPo r 0He',' hewere li-he rea su 0ol elthât w a me n o f ac i ili e s a I " P o r t H o e q la n d in gs u d 'g ii p i' l" u si G I-ua eVerybdySýayA4thewaa a l l n i l e f t y l i â d to ' th e r e s i CO~ ~ 'ivaP ale 11110101 a bae suh aours ireeti, Pickering CouneIL gatifrday, Sep, llth, 1816, 1 Tihe Pickering counoil met pursusi rte adjourament. Members ail preseni Minutes 'of lut meeting read and s proved, MLr. Hoover preeentedl the petltion-<c James L. Ià lier and allieri, asiu *for a&d ta John Bosch, au aid iMau il indigent drfmtucs erosi presented thu- p,tition o1 Michael Nxghs wasuder andi othere, asking for an, sp propriation ta build a bridge acros west braneli of Duffina' Creek, oppasi lot No. 85 in the 8thcoueessîon. Mr. Green moves that tihe reeve. a clerk b. authorized fo draw ou the Pré vinciai Treasurer for'the-.suin o(on thonos»d dollars ont of, the MÃœuie Loanfurtud accruing ta titis townUship.< Mr. Brown lnrrodnced a by-1am which was resd threseveral turnes aiW passedl,ta asseisIota Fa. 28 and 29 it lst con., andi Na. 15 in the 2nd con., tc jay expenses for snrveying the. sait IiMr. Hoover moves that the soin oi Sili con., aud that, Michael Nighbswan. der aud A. G. Hoover be commissjaneiw -ta ]et the saine. Mr. Hoover inover that $1 a week be grauted ta John Bosch frai» the lot of September to the 81st of! Dec., he bsing in destitute circunistances, sud that Bobt. Seckier be coin. tu sîpsusi te Rame. Mr. Greeu mayas that time bho show- ed ta Abrain Knowies tili lot, Dec. to remnove ail obstructions on te side road bstween lots 20 andi 21 ini the Brd -range of tuie B.T'. concession. - -Mr. Brown rnaves, bliat in thse pid. ion of tis cnucil, a prohibitory liquor law for Canada 'would reault in great good te the peuple, aud] that sucli s Isw coule be enforced if passa duriug -the present Parliament, aud that it la ad- visable to appôint a delogyate tu attend the Dominion Prohibition Convention to he heid at Montreai on the 151h of the present niontit. , MaL. -Green mayas in avaeudinient that al fer parlmameut be strucit eut. Motion carried as aniended. Mr. Hoover moyas tînat thie canait (10 not adjouru sd stand djourned týl Thursday, the 28th day of Octoher vext. __-s4 0 --. il oi Xi là 2 re, 50 u $1 on a ero Lie gie hie Cer tLAu iSo; ClI Cal Car the Lsrge Purchase o! High.-Bied Cattie. The Provincisl Geverument a! Now Brunswick, witi a desire ta pramote lie iniprovant a!flte livs fart» stock a! ltse Province, conciudad-ttis yaar ti devaIs bits public rney usuaily grant. theie of tII£U51507. Dominion Rifle Association. Ottà wa5 Sept. 18.-Polowng le tthe ;ore, in the second stage ln the AUl- aomers' Match at 1,000 yards; asny fIe. 055-Sergl. Saucier, iSbh MatI.... 56 bot)-lplatu Mawn 11h -dc .1-56 Pte. Millier, t tt st.....55 VeR S..Hs..rla, 0oyBr.... s.e 5 TAonS t llmani MS tt ...... 53 Captalu Raile, lahtit aS.i Pte. bnrlaon 11h Matt...48 Sorit. mi].ew B... ..... .48 Gurner Jobnsthn, 0 B G ÀA...48 Sargt. MUichoit. lOti laItt...z. 43 Corporel Threop, Gý G y G...43 The AII.Comers Matou srwaa followod Py te competitian ilu-the second -stage' 1 ite Wimbledon Match.'The prizes naùÙnted ta #800. Lieut.-Col. Gzaweski ave 600, i. e., Firet prias, 0100;, sec- #d 80-1 third, 870'; seventeen prizea yen by tho esoioamounting .ta iSO, forle om ttoemakiug the gIîest score alr i trt- tireslui 'opartion ta their scores. 'There we ,re )ur ranges--200, 500, 600, and 800 arda. The foliowing scors enlitle e inuta prizes, Mantes S' oint. rgl. Corbin, tiird MatI ............. go on). MitcheU, lOti Matt........ .... 5 argt. Sutherland,G G YG .....9 omb. Crove WellinWo , - ...9 tout Cole nit B al............ 91 e. Bos ï,IVk'. D rgt. Mitchel, 135h Malt.,.,#.....5 tou, Wrigl 501h Matt ... ......... 84 lent. BaelifletBatt al.....- . à riLpalyn, iâh Royale . - 884 ýrp. La.q.Sa&th M att,,X. 8 Mut. Piteli, 78th Mat ......... .... 1 Iptaln Magon, 155h 1MatI. ........... Fi LPI. ItaittIs 11h Malt, ............ 7 )rp, Thrcop, 0 F F0............79 Lp. G;rahafnt, Hamilton,p BF....M.78 With respect la lthe ist lwo. naines entioued, il le possible that tioy May excludsd frai»lthe Wimbledon Teain. case Britlith Columbia aud Manitoba TISE ý M INIISTE il OF FI N N . - lion. ii sitb by drow ni g lers alfi n l -Lake Mr. Carwrilit addresse h is costi. Outario. Suie ase drwed ler child, tunts lu Lenox yestercay n lie albl oaoltnnotsada ilancial olicy o!lte Govrnetit. sîtmime. H a argu dA lio in ability o ! t e aanîmr y A uçu; si îî i ri L C H ON - T H GUio n t l hve c.r-ried oultlime ber-asns macle Cis.A rslo yneil pnlishes witim Brilih Columnbia b5, îule proi-as secoud letter n te Gui bod case lu Adiminmistration,. But iîe aW norcason tse'Toronte papera, lu which ho save: wimy taerelaxed huraien asemirnet by "IL appears ta me ttat die SIale lunte tao prepasnt Governinetit iii relation tb case ai Guibordl, wo itede.af !te tht. PacifiaeIliilway itloulli al ot paie o! Ie lîs htrcit, la mauifestiy inter- fulflled. Tha esîlîate ha bail forwatid frig lunmters at c! its coipeeuc qfllthe reveuseo! thé)i carrent year- lie andi causequnuty need ual bc abeyeJI cînime bo have 'ieeu -borne out by ra- fer conscieuce sakie. But tilla luterfar. subis. Dcea ta mteOr ta O b)toiarsd tea voidaà BÂNE %,K T LILLIU A JSCONDERC TH S 0, gre ner vil. If te Qu b rd ec a lip. 000.-A ianuainîd NfLiiula, a telei in pelltiielure I wouliC -ild mysef nen- he C lisdian B sk of C m m er as, ton ra , I wotid Ortler te grave r. p lt la, r-ad lis abcondd wtit pw.-ds~bh fenceil-in, and 1 wouid receusecrale- ima arer, ira appears ho bc inplcah- et in bicecrme, arc e bale-d tuohave gone la Nov Yack. SEA>IawliirsCUED.,.-'Ve barqueta.n titIs Hylanti, at Sydnesy, N. S., reportsi Itbat, on Aog. 26I, lsIte pickite up, on te oust o!fIlîs Grand Banks, Fraucia iThorupsenand Jolhn Occars, a!rlthe bmricsn isitig sooner King Pilip. L'Tay lmidheen lun a dery for six daye wihoul lo.oti r vabr. ELE-EN PEaaailiePatrias INA Mutmt. Landa, Sept. 18.-Eleven pesons mrisieti mal ,niglit main poisnos gag in lis Douninglan Woad cdlliry, Shropsitire. SÂv 15Imms. BNEn.-Dresdon, Sept. 18.-A. Trerice & Co'r'. uppar- aav-inl ras bucned'yestertisy umoruing. Los 0,000, Insurane 2,000., Luxnuzuzrse o usVENiONrr.-Aî Lumbarnen's Convantin' la Clicago, ,esterday, one of tho speakers sait lt Oansas oulai drivo Atà er-ban'luimben. Mn eut ai lie asterun aIkés if e leo.re, e d $ A ÀComnililee eport. R&Im.W.îy T'J'm-lanr--elcor- ner o! Ver-lailunis lepsy tae son o! $5,50, or 2-ÃŽmille u inte dollar,bacrte inter-est andi principal due ou tic banus Tisa NG NtcU Im<suuiIcrPm.-r'Pictrial O! ltse nagrees implicaltd in lhe laIe insurrection la Geor-gia lias resuilteci in temr ainlitli.Or-demlias been reser. eti in mîssiissippu., The repente ai dis- lurbances in blial Stabe ves xsggersî. eti. Tier. HARiVEST ix Dj&Aueeai.-Deu. mark lasontrvs etian fa lte lar-gaîl a-opaser are. BvSeden siee reporta a iudnyed CAsziWýE . Cief Ji bice, Draper rnodent jutigmuent lu lie Car-dwell case ou Monday, disiniesing ltse psitiou wýitl ce8OsusdaticonfxinugMi. .FIson lu .is seat. -'-- Paamunmrromq.*-îîe Duncan; by.lav vaso car-iidyesterday lu thé tbinsbfp of Ililgrtlit ORT4 Gacr À PM.-The Cit 1v giuml 15110. No inserrùptJion was- causet to -passenger trains as-one of telieaings were clear, Olirougi whicb the trains were allowed-to pass. AieomaU DISASTEE ON LéXa MIRc- GA.-Chicaga, Sept., 18.-Tii. pro- peller Depere arrived in Milwaukee yesterday, sud lier offcers gave briéf réjiarts of lie founds'ring af th.e s"m barge Mendets. The Meudots, with witi t bebarge Morniug Star, was eeilý ing along Ilie weet abore of Lake Miih;ý igan- on Tliursday night, ut & point nearly opposite Port Betay foundered ,and-was s9Su siuking. Tiie crew sud paseengere uumbered, tweuty persans in aILl.The ifeboat wue iaunciied, and seven oftie persous on board gaIt ina lie, aud.lthe remaluing -thirteen weuî dawn ýwlth th. bout. Tie i.lfe-boal- reacited Maultawac lu eafety, sesa did the. barge Mormiig Star. Tirs pro- 'poiler Truedeil being at Manitowae taok the. barge in tow snd reached Mil- waukee' with ber hast *veuing. -.No- particuhars o! th. disator-are given. The captain's>naine 1ox-Owuers' names are flot.msntioned, an'it ia net knowný wisrs abs behougsd. Shsed s&cargo af ca! sud wab Icuud uPwards. A son o ai ls awner of' the boat wss on board with haé wifs, sud ha msnsgod ta get into the Iife.boat, bUt bis wife failed ta do so, sud he 3ùïp.:'d bsek on -lte sinking-boat and wue drow2ed wâhl lier. breal, sud Mis Magaret Macdonald, dangliîar o!flthe Liont-Governor, >wsrc published for tho fiWst sud latsiminl rSt. Miqha itbiedral, au Sùinday lest. se Thé' mZrage is ta be solemnizsd an à lthe 6h. A. CATTLE Kinoc.-Captain Richard Kin', lthe Taxas "1cabtie king,' lias beau vîsitiug aI Harrabnrg, Ky. At bis ranchs in Taxas, Caplain Ring lia field o! sixty bhousand acres.-wibhin ane faese.Ho receub ly filleil an arder by telagrapi for twenty-six. thoueand beeves.. r. MoxTREAL WasT.-Mr. Fred. Mac-- ,akauzie, ltse unssatad zuember for Mou- )f lysaI West, lias been. re-offered lie 1-nomnatian for lie Saune Co nstltnency, m lbulias refusesile a ccept lb. ,- -Mr. aThaon- Workinan is ta b. tho Gaverii. rment canfddaa. a TEEiBuL&. TRAGEDTy.-A terrible tragedy la reporte&- irons Auburn, N. Y. U man uanued Harrison Andrews firet attempted ta inurder lis, eseein sonuby dasiigont his braina with9 liataitet, sud tien aroused his. two dauglitere, ans o!fItem ho liesot througi lie abdomen, finishint bis, diaboli work by sting fxeta hWbou, sud athon cimtigsiie Fas-UG !N saoT AT A CHAR!. vâ..i.-On Ssluriay avsning lut a pr>-o! youug mon living about twa miles ý-o Elgin praceeded ta the use' cfa ress, le Young faumer by the- naine ý - Gùlre for lthe purposeo ai givg hIeotçher, wio wae ýlately«^ mnarried tu ~: second iubaud, s. charivari. Tbhe.ý%rty were warued la' keop away-fron sue ,reinises,'but titis lts7 disregarded.jnâs ohet was fired, froi bte hanse, wounding. fonr ai thein, one il la feared fatally. . f~.eral skedaddie o!fblie party enued, eavig gune, cqw.beile, sud tins *bons;on the prenuiaels, whici were gatlisred --up b'- thase lu th. boue ta lis kept unlil caiied, for by the. wnors. Tii. event' bus caused considérablo oxcitément ln tuis vicinily. - ]Buaxa» A-xvp-A BAT Cm yHomints -Au insane proshitute known se Can- ada Em, recenthy lodged lu Bay City jail far safe kosping, died. Weduesdsy aI miduigit, sud was hurle,! Tliursday. at 8 a. mn. Frienda suspecbing that lthe body ha beau. stoohuialthe grave apeued yesterday sud'- l their liarror found lthe body lyingaonlIe aide, bauds cienches inu*btsheafr,, e y Se wde open and shoot cevered wibii hlood. Seveiil persans were présent sud subetauliale lthe story. The woxuan ta ah appearan- ces was dead when buried. Bits came frai» Toronto sud was about twvenby- lwo years aid. FATAL ACCcaaErÇ.-Norwacd, Sept. B., -Ltist nigit Jereiia Maiiou.y, a fariner oa! biesws pwslrWU' frai» hie waggan and kle bu mils freinbis haine. Ho wue going dowa a bl iwieu the boit came ont- of lthe uack-yoke, lthe poe -cf btse waggon foil1 ta bthe grouud ajjc¶ ws rokeu. rie wagon turned b liseside aifbihe road sud lhe was tlîrowu violently inla tie dibcit. HO muet have-heen kihied inatautiy, as a Young insu Who, aw the accident rauat'à te place, stapped thie morses, sud, on gcing iwhlere Mshouey lay, fond lite extinet. EiceLAxuANI> ClamA*-Tii. dlicuity between Eugland sud China lias beau setled. Tic ceestiais lave caved ia. RÂi.sToN..-The Verdict aoflthe Coronerm, iury on le body of Balton, mnager If ie Bank o! Califaris, wase-Acciden. il isat froin congestion o! the vital Drgaus and drowniuDg. COLISION - BrAmn aS1u-ii,- The loubie-crow amour phsted war-steani. ra, Iron Dmuke sud Vanuafrd, of six lausand tous oaci, coilided luin th PnghilihClanuel-st week. The latter unk. No ives wero hast. -CaNiRis A Busimar.-Oougres» Eau, awned, by Fred J. Bang sud J. El Gardmer & Sa'ns, tagellier wih ithe lîipiur babbing bouses, aI 8hubIýau jringo, N.- Y., were burnsd on ,-e- ssday nigt. The firo criginsýaea sr heengins room. of th. bahin hou". SLavEs Cour.-The United States mcr.tam.y ofblie Treaaury izitends tlare - dace tefatianal cnrreuoy witi silver TEE DI5ETt4BLxE ha uow lu wcrklug 'der, sud iznesages !oropsen vr eo wlre aI s hie rate f neel 0 si o cl or thel 'I 01 Be Ch fi u de ost, aa fore o. Weu an&a lrc mein Troz aIng e insui orsi 'C13 Tli, gerowu VOs AU, h And. perry. ONTJ meebti Ladies Fridé incrae lre c SData, 88 GOi ý- Port Wh Wltbnp - Each Q "rues aul deeimed. The fait rectire cm premi 1 preamil i prensit 1ipranili 10 preniim 10 prenm 27 preumic 48 prmi 900 prmnic 1premùu Bprtlm 10Oprenili ,10 e 44 przm M fiprauh Total. Thme Cern money em orsler, draft of Tha Indu Addrees slept.lat, il, &bu %juuuurg on r-rltlav r 1 1