&sse & x..-, rs %nsLatt ..... o 00l. fo wbogau lot .Wvenand dia nôt cou. C -od p*nta btu-pait fve.. Jfoit A ~squawls but was- net setuallyý dek, ad- the deotor osid 1 lieaitise< To Vo-,pmte the dishtses wt ahi, sudý Lh. pries, phà d for' Ihersi weuld seem fabulous. W.e otnwenced with tee sud fiulsho4 wlth Soup. Some o!01Lii. 'IntennedIite diseps werss shark'ç ie iq seerly a gten a amoutiJsftsi» felsée.eseofipoodle< e littîs dou ratier, Hk iké p»lg; eept fer lIL. head; iUta fisl4 ntè th7<uli isell, au iastLIe ubstanas llk. 'PLWeX or Iridioerubbei', icih. Yom tnigitti a8tiesto buit oould not po.slbly m~ails; peaaok's liver, veîv fine and recherchse ;pitrid tggs, neverthe. lems very poil, rite. of course; salted - pJrumps iaketi alinonris; cebirage in a, VaiLet ofrcis; greein gitger; e4tewed (mgiý rlt flsof p>slrmexskinds; onions--ad l liue s;sait Sucit - ureS 1k. iianijtanS *pin sievery foi-ca, *ro4st, bolledc i, à s; Fquteirow lbai, wblc el eti e eequtil te witslire. lu tfact, tise Chinsse excel lin osk, but EuropeouxwlIi rarely Lnts il, unrer th iSUsperf4titien thrtt thseîigs are fod vu babies. Uf course aci pg wili acet a baby, If IL fluis uns, 0a1 t Mi il evour' a rattiaesuake, but tisc. ocassnut prevent u~ sî4ug rn iciu bacon, wis.Yo thse pilga ruits yll is tlise wrsd, aud Itou, h'ei is oic, ,upoîr any verjsii tlsey can 1h14i. NWhùtlu tis at I3osstlss s ttts 8I geL Lwo fttagrlfcesut îrttlvAuRkýp, and My pigge e lm otis, l'Lat diS ne t -prêvent Lise pige bu,eingtrtti fitii tîir ttii st;anrl i ttîle I wolil as-(on ret .ranuinntatiurn ofti liy fiteis sail tf rttieu. essenke, ùceps sdly tilst -tt. un I L e- 11eývo tIrle %vlitrie î tg)s"lit, »- li . -The [CIiirnasMareu.eri, jitplit ilerî'lsîr islrt tîssiir swilis, tittl. icop tir~t 1r'inned 1)iplu tire titusetirsiomt 1111 i rgr ~,iul, ire. - elzig tit) )ttr.IlsirOE t-W keig 'r-rrrlril %vaphing. -hu3'frruVN nirols' f1ishîn.aof ifo esdlsr'1ene u'rttlrr igx. l luI I1'lu ltet ir t1taluinue (tIsi: a Zi fisnnsrir aver titites ca h-ehy. Mrout tsis i elock eve ft8t roi the lblt, wr ikdatnt, iowls c-4 ilnfiidntslt te llci-t. 5,101(<rtht Clrire wigliee-î insg tlîse ii r' Ill -.l-nr olr<.rIre ý r" rttrrp ,i-' i 5- i oit--i, front C"ufi<r i<< rs.i' 5' f.O ilLa nit li.- irs i hi4, -t it' n u5soes haèmrire 15 res l'ilrr iii ir t ic' rrcrs'rn ati il. tîsi eoriist' ti'the titilflet'. Tise wlole wrse coedrot witlaceîst mait,_ nd atiS tei ver'y iriil tri o iii. 'lIre Iirrlrla ceoéts sùelstfil lulin gI) r i rrsitrgluae; irit thse ec0Akur corubii set-r-o jrnrltlrrilo. Tire(log Asoit waq ike ti"5-5 b llicato gizrte.d woll estew'l t-itslsrt cloehrie uraate e'cry tendlr'l'lire drus hl iI rucleel tlis tn-rOsItllr-rrr', oui; IL) lire ilrai ;fur tsi trsklru F ns oniSI lilir efter thie is-etlti I ; t îriirlitîi, ar] i ta ly feR trails s' 'k urisiiii th ssitrr- tinSi <'<<r III rAtiY or'h and tr-- s- io Ira 's,-' 1< W it is i i oirs' te ' 'se t f-i our'r' of tIr',-nrîli'rtnur . ..SI 'ts ier'io r t (s--rki.-in e) ' liaà tlt-tnrll's' a-ti, 'urs iirV<Ii<ii-ià ïs,> eirl 1i-i th-. rril. tueai,1 ytr sul 'sr-srtusc a5l'e-îort;s o rvýwHsidrî. Velie frr r,< le a nd u b-miti s,îer ii-sîit ps i tvk 4U e 0U*p cliow.ecisw csf sciauge the 1rer- P su-itr jrie'ea-e'ed, 'sipo cr cîînber sr'tr irrlifeln senasgrîr,'211 luie ptire'lsesrtlacha tenaîîiitl oftir k l 4a, tt to ius l oho lim e cge. 'l'Ir loci 1k sà M illaro ni r.lioeel. 'hien "tick te liaqualstiunIsSuS c fo ai-k I1ýfry Ilby,' Leîikcws'~i rrotrvisceckIs" iirgs't.- 'rrj's'L t lr rt 'he rMile -I hava hrr lotsw oi -lcsl tirign iioi ssî-gu'~, 41( ail0 ey a you ier-nl stl rt;'lu ie rsulyirain 0 Arr Iritaic-l iii't i aromet triro ff tuectueirv'iîl fce t slirranur suri tuerr rure ul rlt hras tiga r s-r-Luton brI rs orc-ie yerrirlpationeci', ai1ý eaytirebtturit 'iriiirý aafil ec nes-e liilsitliii îr'r'slsri l tu ioer rirtoat l'y uIwtisrnr, eIr riurtisrc weil.ir ler- tial rlir, sw' ur-i neiOisl ILrs' t ti <1 ' ns mi 1. ' <]y e . On'Im grnd ai 'citttir-nwile lzt"liraiu lie diS 1 ai l ar-{sii <-s -uss ite-II fo.1Aet el iar rsurin nl i ý'elale -r telleIlitr illtissai Iro neci'heeitly irst' "et u Inas r p ~oint. SlIenIpelare- se ie i ts uis] s 1,0-iransgo lur r habits; irs Cc Su eit. It's e stifiî'lu, le 'ittslc' tia eiýicria 1tIre otier tday, Ii ns tar ; .'t,' tlistr-aline ri tmonef tise e ast -t tsotîliglr'lIe 2-" eilli atuide e 11 qelsi-iessU " llow or -t -ri ' , ncieUreesiiueibly i'rwti t e pl',ainuenauseiing %ryniut, whosea oft, si]veny toues reudurir lier Ireeiively rnt- Ilr3etivO. lu tiùsa ocial cis'cle, hon- pleaseut il in. b iseer a troxan tallc iu Ltt iow key nic,î ltNWays chai-acter. Ixce tlt i ini adry. Ire -théaireeechieî-'-of huma, o lion' ui-hsr-ilts secours s he û<rt- fi ehilil raurîl tilrsa i etrae-Cay hiles brand. larve whlen tisey are nef. Tisa love of Pleasute Of 9gIU9ngpain btisaherival, I!RWNIQoh furi nvolty and oxitensent, are f'e" eul ustaken foi' eornooliug fer bette' a»S h'ý Oue;, 11i sâriege isen- eliaiche Licefair seIf-duceive-, euSL ee-ves lier fatotIieheïli-' her own Iidifferenco alréS the aveporà tlen -of lierroinc -o lleas.-Y'onae-a baiSe 1 tiueronsand M«gnnultnoitlo. a boy in sciool' wlio liea loe' fiet hlm.kuoiv y ou ever ticeir-ie&s.boy vitts eliebby s'lttalic bout shabbiuees in PIf tiser. la a latne boy, littlie leey t1bbéd "'î, esehr ;I all ôv-l~4i' e c of hie %&---shelstc tIibshd dy' -but -d iusèdi 'seh36o<,l [y to run-to tho'e'nctcrs r be.sloo-nt 1OW firlh(tîke oi. Innwhat Mac ahsersieet ete Or d') an. lr sae'lian e<sC h, tà ioas tht. methodaofi lfermlsv thee citizens Ci %W.thy and ts e rfou»ding- eentsy that o pupom vingshort pIeseurs ex. uelmonaeOntarto aOveey Tupsdayy-Thur8day, d Baturday aft«aSuo, lm ingetdock ab 1, 2, , 4 and .Faro for euch excureloti, .25 cenats. onii. l baseg wlli ha le sttendà à ee et 1h. ZrtIah Asuerleaan d Royal Motels bte talce p&M. i*tn ront tise boat. Pare,beiwy conyey plo ala Sud 0tîer ecuo asq e te aesy poilnt on the shore efthtie Lakce. G00 BAVE TJisQUEEN, f Port lsitlcy, Argnet 1876. 12 A Gtm wîrth adng!-AÀ iamînd wîrUhieîug., Q~0~ u. BESI ' araoin ilirîî Etta p (ky5iW tie AND» A X<ý.0T fthe. ]UVIrlrIIW Telle hOw tefRtsOs-e mpar. e ist on asnd Ovei'w.akseihYe S te are WeakWatser., 1ntasiPosait- Nea-tl tsu Myes, aiai l aeor Dis- 1vAT Neo itit MONEFYDJ wMNG lHUGJs OLÂNS S o- otss 4U ND Dis?- FIGVUJUNO YOUR FACs-t.Panipielet sf100 viies uMaes Nree. $eind youtnaaudres A&gentB Wazitody 4ensrlais .dt03 fM $10 a dey gs-armitesd, Mel particuaasu tstfeess. Write Iinieltyp fe DIR . 3BIALL & 00., sM'.0- uni 987) lfa. 91 Liberty t., losvYork City, N. 7. T 1i i \.j' T I D \L. 1) Y" r l wh-i e1tcaîu le c'îi-cilby a11 r rc'l îcoî't totlli s btaid- :sî'st pu'cpa,'atioiî ,4s lituis eti J>'r ) r ',y thel îdtsOf test<iîîînîuhlsl'CiC( by the ph'rpîietol's. It i aeknowl- ce-cl-by Inauy pî-oînixent hyi'sisto b ho Ie rost î'c'babk'l'c'l)paratioilevet'ii- tîr of, ail Lîgcoîmîplaitîts, ofn ir leî'd to the Publie, eto';î'l', foit'y ycaî's. IWhw. tio:-e til hiseasoîs it sel- rl'r i4o f'r 'cct a ,ipcedy <'liii iii i lie inoesi SvCI' vra:e'(ruîgsB'oî-ît Cr'oupj, M\\Iîoopîug (3otlî1 111I1M 1141111101.'\thîi, Colds, Sis)r'- 'F'hro:t, Pia ins- or - i-1s1) f lie Ch11est and Sie. -il I lie' I.ii, &c. BleedanhJ wVistar's i slsîrdoes aîot dî'y up al l! rv1î, anid Ibave thecause bsiîîrl l thtet' cse %vit1î iio ptîi'c'pliîatioîisbut it L' 1l--cns- 1 îî rleanses the atng, t-d allays irritation, tîss 'cîus~'ll>~the Ca-USe Of thse t'niîplaitît. PREPARItaî n BUTE W. FOWLE & BONS, Nostia, Mats, .rcsî seIni ' 1)r-rgglotesand Dealers genereity. T) 1sî'î N'l E, '1'WO 'ITRIPS A Y Cetae- I5TY tOF-'Tr rUiN'laJ e1C4.-lt lrela r iL'r' 3,dri~ oot <!yrrnerga titt, 'L)- coiut la u., uti2p ur'rseNrg ara tt1930 as-.irn., andi l 1s)~. lr., I.eîNlutou est li0a. ein , mal 5 p. ira. r'rrrxuîtitoes Sor ti', I'aei,' iflaulo, Ciu'e-iel, itro-liact<'r, Alii uay. Nuie- Yorkt, irîetr-,it, &c.,rIt' lir-k. r-ti tll til rfrrurr Hr nN , F l'rort IJ 11 0 1H' , "',i L'. 'r555a51<iV A~inîr. :11 rsC'it5 . 1 vi - <5 i . Coreti~ cosirne Bwî'ett's cùcaiu'-c I C. Ir'e Danr. i5.c(-- Buîrnett>l (ecoai-ne - furn:ett's Oocoaine 50 and I's onepr[ctoain 5ri'.R-< C a L, PirenLr. Q Al 't ta r'nIftOfanloai. JOEPB UKNetà co iTN. POT 1111W ANDritaaRT ii-. BurITNett' RCocAin 'JIME TABLE No. il. T âs ssaSst on Mtenday, June- 7, 1875. Trains rue lxy Toronito tinie, which is trreeî- ty-twe, unlautte slower tirai G.T.5. Lira.. Wilriy Jrsneion, epeut 9.25a. .40 pin. WhI& ....... 9.8a. n.1145 p.M. .. Myte------10.12 ancà . 7.22 p.m. ~timmt-------10.23 a.es. 7.83 p.M. 10.88 stm. 7.48 P. Prince Alber.:: - 10.48 ain. 7.M8 p.m. Pert Peiry.- . ..srrivo 10,50 eux. .0 p.ne. poPc --l .... del .00 rie..1.215ixî. a$' m. 1,05 p)an. ~Iroclin----------. 00 .îu.2.251 P.. Aua.J7-'20 a-ns. mis. 12.48 p. WhIlbyýt...'. 17.U15A.m. os'. 8.00 pa.u WsLyJunctlan, Arrive 7.40 a.m. 0.0.5 p=r. OPlatfarmn stallone. Trains stop an slg. tIele nlyr --- Oonneeting atI Wiîtiy Iinctian wlti tise G.T, e, L et ý " eS wuat atP èmiw li Win. M. WUOoxý-... Daniel Boe... Davi#i Bleep -.,... James Dlghy, Jr... James Plgtry, Jr, DenalS Bos. ... Thoemas Pencher.., lem- Eekisart.. Jas. Kïavesgbli . B. Majore..:.. . D, M. Card ... WSe. Gardon .. Jehn L. Watkls ...-, J. C. Pllkey... C.-Meore..-....1 Theum Pencher. H. L. Vasnsant..... Rlia. Iteowes . Themas R. ;alah iddlIyStele,... John F. Goss,.... Jochn R. Page, ...... Thomas Pencher,.. L. Fairbanks, Jr.,. D. cexay ..... Whitby..... C ïnnington. Port Persy.. Pickering.. Beaverton .. trxhridge. * Part Ferry... Markhamn... Gdwhltis...... NorthRdi.. Broks............s Marts ..a.... North: Bldlng. Mrck......... North dn . Sorth Buea Sorth -iding. LIST 0F PEDLERS FOR THE C0. A. R. Macisenede,.., A. H. Morgan, .... John Car-... James Brlgg .. -Wiitby, July, 1875. o -10,1875.- " ,1875. "18, 187&. lé8, 18M'5 17, 1870, 9,8187 D'c -Q4hC 1875 Jan9l, 187 Feb., l, 174 Feu. lot, 1870e )NTARIO. eov ltisc 178 WM. LAING, Co. Treaurer. Furniture! Furni1ýureà !!, Now *is the time to buy good andclieap Furiîîture. flaving bouglit out the busimessj1ate1y oarrieda on hy James H. Samo, we take this opportun ty of inviting his narîy fricnds to give us a eaul, and ve can assuire al that NVO are prepared to do as weJI by them 111 the fuiture, as Mr. Samo has dloue ini theps. TILL & JOHNSTON. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JN.DERrfAIING-The only first- elass Estabislment -in the County Nvhere fimlerais are ful- -1y Stupplied.- TILL & JOHNSTON. Wliit]by, Octohur lest, 1878. 40..y LARIGE STOCK 0F CQH 1S N OW COMPLETE. ~yAil the Novelties of the Present Season IN G1,ENTS' FURNISHINO GOODSq' CAPS,î4 &c., &c., AT A. t NJi CGL E'S. B RO0K WH ITBY r (Next fluor Norti of I)uiniion Baenk.) BOOTS AN D SHOES.l THE SUBSCRIBEI- HAS A FIIRS-T-CLASS STOCK 0f Ladies', Gentes', Misses', and Childrens' Boots & Shoes, wliii lie is determninedti te ssI FOR CASH et thse lowest liviung prces. Lesivc your orders. Carut bc beat fra perfect aînd easy-fitting boot.- lclprirs as usuel. A}rril 2811e, 1875. F'RE DERI C K WILLIAM BURNS, Brock- St., mWhithy. NEALE, W HOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER INm. GBR OCEBIEJÂ,e WITNE S AND 1LiI Q. YO ZR,ý s i i SIMCOE-ST., OSHAWA, Soeoo Jy' --dealt. utWO 6aw. Thon 1iiow4s~t thae ýwIen *hiou warnest five, This * knng'-herafrým me: WoodIl, whdo sele$ôo Choice a cup, * Âncl *oà sUCh wide rerýown, Has nover been ike theeo WOUND Vs, Nor yet like thee, aux< DowN. WOODÂLL'S OtD .ÇOUNTRývp Tee and Liguer.Sto.re, Dandlas St., Whitby. S- - OLD if 8ILVER- CASE&, ' - S 8-Day a5znd 80-ho-ar Clooka in great -variety, English Fine Gold Jewelldry, Gold Chains, Eardrops, Lockets, Gem R~ings, Wedding Rings, Spec:tacles and Electro-Plated Goods, Ait uch beow last yearlS> p4oes.- A le* Gigsasud Perambulators leftyet, JÀ- . J e1 " JOkJNSTýON, - s PracticaL Wate-inaker. Geldismth's HIall, 'Whtby, Mey 18, 1075, . (Lato .Simmonii& Olougli Organ Co.,) IM'PROVE-D 8~AB~ET ~RêAlS! The British. A merican !Cmmerealcaloège, TORQNTO,: WaB establisheâ in 1861, and ie now the mogt ppuuar:ad eitensive school in the Domninion for the Education of Yeung. M'MeiddIe.à qed M1en, and Boija, iii commercial branches. Special attention is given to theo science Of Bookkeepinglis' epplied te every department of Tradle and Commerce ; igo to PRACTICAL 1'ENKANSHIP, OOMMEROI A ITHMETIC, COMMER- -CIAL LAW, BUSINESS COIIREsPQNDENQE, SPELLING, &c. Les graduâtes are conipeteut accouutants, and y* iischants and business mien, iu wsnt of belp, froni all parti df »'kiI. 0:ý' Thora are no vacation". Studoints74u r.sty n' jme ,çith squat ad. vantage. Remember this is a full course coinineruial school, and oonsiected with forty others looeted et Meutreal and tiha principal cihies of thse United States. Terme reesonabie and lower than mont of the other sohools in tihe Asisoiation. Anypersn'.ending their nmni and addrosé antI eucloeing six cents in stampe, wil reoite by retura mail a piece of Ornarmental penmaship, epecituens of Business Penmenehip and Circuler. ÂA TÉACERES$ CLASS WILL D3E OPENEII DURING TE OLIDÂYS et very 1ev rates.' Address, 27 ODELL & TiIOUT, Toronto. NEW EIKVEN ORGAN CO'S. JUBILEE Olt, UA N S. NORVILLE lias them-Splendid Iustrumenits-Iand will selI thein et price that will surprise yon. If yen ever expeet te buy (lue, now je the tinie. Be sure te give mie e oeil before buyiugù. A good eeeortmuelit of Clooke, ut wiîolesale ýrices, te close eut the lot. Clocks, Wetchee, and Jewei. ry neatly and promptly repeired. H. W. IÇOLVILLE, Pundas Street, 31 Opposite. the Post Office. GRAND COMBINATION OIRGANS FITTED WITH ME5 NEWLY-INVENTED SCRIBN -ýWS PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES,, Arr inve'ntiton liavirrg ci,îtstt irîxp)ortrîcet bessrirrg osutire future rep)utatien orf nfli nuri1.mrrnuî, lr%' ineans of whilsihtie qualiiy et- volumne of tons is e ry lar-geîrliy anrd, cthie quality tsf toua resîdereS Equal to that cf thc Best Pipe Organs of tho same Capacity., Oui -elebrated Il Vox Carier-t," Vox IHunîrii," IlWiecox Patent," t"oc- lave Coupler," tise cljiirsnitrc "Celle or I"Cierionette" 'stops, I"Geins Horn," "lCi-siona," "lVox Angelet," "Viola Etheria," eund ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMEN-TS ~t.Fifty Differexet Styles, for tire Parlor anidtise Churcithe Best G- l N '7~ S C"~ C'~ 1~ jj jMaterial and W'erkmariship, Quality aun Volume of Toes Unequalled I ~i- .'~'PRICES, S5o TO 550e. A ND FURNISHJIN-G GOOJJS For Superior Clothing suitable for Sumuner wear try the Clothing Stiore and Merchant Tail- oring establisument of j CD :EZ MT 1' MI Ml CF-TYSO0)SF, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. A GOOD FIT AND STYLISH CUl? WARRANTED! Gent's Furnishing Goods of ail kinds, inchlidiug Shirts, Hets and Caps, Umbreilas, &c., Wliitby, July 127tis, 1875.tfG HAMILTON & 003 Have now openeci up a Large, Stock of Seasonable Dry Goods, consisting of liAS -REMOVEI) TO FAREWE1L S BLOCH.1 NEW DRESS GOODS, AG+ENT FOR DAVIES & BRO.'S Celebrated XXX Cream Aie & Porter. COICEEST BRANDS 0P CIGARS AND TODACCOCS AL- WAYS IN ,3TO.E z:r THE TRADE SUPFLIED. oifhafwit, Mrci124, 1875. liltf NEW LUSTIRES, (Celebrated Brands,) NEW PRINTS, NEW CLOTHS & TWEEDS, NEW FIATS & CAPS, NEW MILLINEIIY GOODS, NEW MAINTLES, &c., &o. Clothing made to order in latest styles. URCANS.cÊ iMELODEON 0OANS NEW TEAS AND GROCEIRTES.! Whitby, Aicril 6, 1876. 15 JOHN ST ON'S ------SE-LF-RAKING. ý,REAPER -; AWARDED> THE FIR-STPRE -- -- =--.'Ss THE XUDGE & YARWOOD.,MF'G COi, MANUFACTURE THIE CELEBIRÂTBD-Âf IIÂN OBGAN. 1' Speciai notice je galled'to the following StY.lqs And y-mes Style 5, in Wajxiut Case, $140, in Reesonant Case, with Ja=ig, $160. style 15, -in Wehut Case, $150, li n S Style 7, lu Resonant Case, $175, in, eaéýMs VeeU' Style 9, iu Reson2ant. Case, $IQ, A 1 -seýçOe, AUl îuade -of i3ael antpuêlkdwt écvrg r~i~gL~ boards, containhning ail the W~est improvements, neetly sud olegantly finished, eeccordlng to price. ALSO, YARWOOD'S "MOD-0ÊbON -' 0RGAN.2' lu llandsome RoseWood Pifuno Cases, 1ýiiiysfin shed., Style 4, -$180;Style M67;, S tyl e ýSt 2d0 ~hcsee1~don-0r azs, 1> 'tea 1878,'.remesuistured eeloly by us, aud eai-only b. ,roced m umaiosn ge ts. -TrâdeMefsks ana Cases Re curesole use At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. Weofôjers tuo.ur- customners for the eOmilîg EIary est, twcdis- tirscýt' Machi nes, ' hich 'lu styl~u d construction. emýbrace -the'.Ia'test..sud ,most useful impovemnent& of tbeday. Thi -unh'i-versai success.opf±is Mcie both ini closely conitest-; ed trials andilu the handsof liee aratusJ ,sYIDtsgtat, es. a Soif.Iak-ý ia Reepins bluchino, iI, h!4 more good psa'nî4,pLe asnd -*L1 roor ie~~ eicijeà fÂîik. thïn beretbfo,5e offereci te the puiblic. c4IT( J'UNIOR, MOWER Factory and Warerooims, Cor. tti and Coungresa Ste., D)ETRlOIT, Michigan. (Establishefi in iSlj Agents Wanted in Every County. Atdlîes- CLOUGII WARREN QiRGAN CO., DETROIT, -MICE. JUST 'RECE"IVED -AT'THE W H1TB Y CHINA TEA, STO-nmýRE. By GIBSON & SPA1IVELL, 35 Hlds., Crates, anti Cases, cont'ainiîîg the Largest, Best nîîd-.Che'apest Assortinent of China, Glass- Wlar'ean d 1ancy Goods 0f ail kiuds ever exhibited in Whitby! Ciùna Tee Se tte, from $1.50 to $20. Faney Vases, fî;ou 10 cents te $.50, per pair. China Mottocd Cups and Saucers, from 15e. te $1.50 ecd. China Mottocl Mug's, Card Baskets and Fancy Goods, tý IN ENflLESS VAEIETY FANCY TOILET SErTTS, P"ROM Si T0O 55 PER SETT. Ladies, ail th cave having been purchased expresely foi' Christmas, presents, they teil ho e old- e-ep and witllout reservo. PIE>se eaU and examine for yourselves hefore purehasiîîg elsewhere. ffl- 'Aise on liandl, nJtil assortîiest of cisoice Teas, Feinily Groceries, Fruits and Spices of ail kindes, Hans, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Apples,- Pote- toes, &c. OYSTEI(S, bcst branid, al tiis aud. GIBSON &SPARYELL'S.. Whitby, Dec. lS5th, 1874. 5 WTY JR.i JM Ir THE OLDSTAND, [ E STIA 13 , 1 S Il ED1 WM. TILL, 1833.1 w'l et prm Maisser Tis lu taom aA ,.4s uy eciquirrng asOthe oeof - -- =-"- PARWR-L& RUTLEDGR, Jane, 14tis, 1875. Brltrs~eî.~ P, O F FES TO BE TAKEN. TB'?CONSTARLES. (Under Ordet tn CouneiI, "cl e4 th dayr of July, 1874.1,* 1. Arireet of each indllv«luaf upon a -,* 1~ Warrant.... ..........s 2. Serviegeummons or ubpcna .... 0 26 8. Mileage feo'erve enm=ôns1' euh- iransor warant..... 4.Mleage viben'servîece cannot be n on preef ci doe dilIgence.... 0 10 5. sage taktng-Mrsoer tgel, exclusiveaifdisursements nec- essarily eipended in theirý con- Veyancé ....................e. 6. Âttendisag Justices on eumaryq trii, or on sisuninaion of prs.w douiera clsarged e'ithi crime, for each day. neeeseaily empleyed iii one or mûe cases, when mot engaged-more thon four heure.. 1 W0 7. Do. do. when engagea moestii four lonre........... 8. Attending Assises or Sessions, ssci, day ........ ...........i150ý 9. Mileage travelling to attend As- a sC, ssion, or before Justices (hnpublie convcysace n bu taben, oly sessnble diebuhrse- ente teha anloed . O10& 10.%Summoninig Jury for Corr' Inquest, sncludling ettening t Inquet, anS ail 'services in res- pect thereaf, if lseld on nsme ay as Jury osnmmoned ............ 2G0 Il. Atténding eoch cd jouru ment ,thereof, if sot engeged more than fi ur heurs,................... 100 12. Dc. <le. if eingaged zmore than fourý heurs.......... i50_ 18. Serving e usym,,ne or suhpoena te attend hefore Coroner Isubjeet No 10.)..............w... .... 0 95 14. Milsage eerving Som( ...........010 15 Exhnîning body under Coroner's warrant...................... 20G 10.R.srysgem.......20GO 17. Serving lisires ws.rtsnt, acd re- _ turn n ee.. ....... ...... 150 18. Adverti!;ing under distres- war- rant ...................... . 150 19. Tr&avpl1iný> te moa di«treesF, or te, sparcîs f.,rgnndLeto e luiitrees, when no gonds are found ...i10 20. Apprsiuiernnts, wlietier. b onle or mûre, 2 rentq in t'he dollar, on the valne ocfic egnols. . 21. Cntehieoesale snd emrrsinn, sr.(Id deivery of Lgnoe, 5 ta. in the $4, u nt produe c f gordà . 22.. Exernuting ceairi warrsnt.-b 23. Sevn notieR - on reustable, ale ersnnsllv soeeS. O...0 Pulseed byorder, H. J. MACDOIZELL, Clerk of the Pensce, C. O. Whitby, Nov. 17 1$74. '4 T H E GI , ENGLISH REMEDY!1 WILLIA M SI'ECIFIÇ MEDICINE- Cures ail Nervous Dieenftes, sucb, as 'J'remort§, Debilsmy. >otctinec. which, in maycases, are produced by c'ver ,indulgence in the use eftteb bacc and alco- holie rpirits ; but thse Specifio Medicinie te more eepecislly recommended as an unfail- ing cure forlsesniuasl iWenk,emo% rper- misf,rrhess, imitof..ieny-eail diseases tisat follow as a sequence of Self Abuse, as Lues of ltemory, Uneveinal 'La Ni<. 'Inde, Poîni sfio the si.k, Dimuiess¶eof Vision. Preenninre Old Agi-, andS msny other Siarases that lead te Iiiessniiy-or ("ineiumption axiS a PrensînreG rave, anl ol whieh, as a rule, are firet caused- by deviating from the path of nature aud over indulgence. Thse Speciffe Medicine le tthe resuit -of a lifesatudy sud manye years of expecrience iu trcating thee speesi diesees. Fullpaxtic. ulare in our paru blet, whiteh we desire te send free by mail to every~ one.. ': - The Specifie Medicine is solS by ail Drug- ts at ti , r pa ill-age, or six packages for e5, or Wilnb sent by mail on receipt efthtie, rnoney, hy addreseing WICLLIAM GRAY, & CO., Windsor, Ont. Iý" SolS lu Wbhitby -by Jas. H.ý Gerrie & Co., and James Byrne and by, sn druggistis everywhere. Northrop & Lyman, whole- sals agente> Toronto. 47 CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT, i -Ottawa, IMarcli 2ist. 1874.1 A UTHORIIZED DIt;COUNT ON, £.A meriran Invoices unitil furtiser no- tice, 12 per cent. IL. S. M. Bo1rCBETTEO 46-tf CCrnrniseioner of Custeme.' ]PIOPIRIETOI011. New Parlor Sets, New Be.d-roQmi Sets, New Dining';-Ëom -Sets., And -a large,- stock -of Cane, ad> Wood seat Chairs,. Tables, Bureaus,,ý Sofas, Lounges,. Bessteads, (uoads Haà ir, Cloth, ud Da-i&msk Lounges, Couches, &cs-. &c futock of New Giit'Win ,dow Cornices, cheap. The largest an Id'hetapef;i stock oôf .PIctures ever brouglit in town', ail of which hle offprs at prices that 'will not faij1to suit thetimeës'. j:". Tho nndersigu ae(l -ishe8 to'-state to bis old custorn- ergaii44lîe pt1 pubigeorely, thai os to elfond et the "OLD STAND,", and has noithor hought eut, uer seld eut, and j hain o way ennected with A .v ia,-' au a ifà meli i n . 4,5 G , 1 1 1 - T.I M E- T ABLE. Goiag North Irora Port IHepe te 'Lindsay. Beaverton andS Orillia. - LeaVe Port Hope-- Mal10 a., m. MiX6e....8.00P. M. Gcing Norli,<oPeterboro'& Lakaifle d. Mal. .. (o 0a. nM. 1 Mimed .... 5».W P. M. Pert HierrY,... On.lii-eCoh e Canugteu . On Foot,êauty - OshaOwaote.........r et Brooklil--------iherse ...... -4 STR EET, .J - :î 4 ;s-si -~ v J, y À ý 1