Whitby Chronicle, 21 Oct 1875, p. 3

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tth of Nov, 187t Nte, " TgoON, (or Mu. ià John Str l rèrslýyo *o voudo u alot bsold, Tho7ybeng tii. aseld be mortgsgsss bousin. M'TM. Lots i 1 , .78, 9,10os M& la, and Lots 40 tle 47, {iluisf mavked olkosali.plsua. Tbera 0 veldlaa« on tissie, Lots; tb.sy i .5d un t.fhlouf4tlýi s au tonuJO! 3toajl. 1 , s itoist cny 9et mlr uLots* 00, 7, 8 im g9 hil PÂ1iOtL IV. Lots 905 06t907, and 910, on the mselS pluz. Tliss Lots ari parý tilly *es4. . Ie ntercet on ofleti vendos vilb. sola i t~Lot 2W; upun tbits Lot (90.7) la srsctsS,ýa saiil ,Fratiat Hia use, renlet i t $8 pi" anth IAIICEL V. lcos106 te 904 ticlusive, on gala &i4byor ciig a ûck <ciland, biu tu byHur»,'PrInces,, Station -' and Quen Stafeet, at show» on sai la,coatïslt about four acres. Also Lots&68teo9ô, inclusiver, and the landl aemm on lald Itn,-beaanded on tho Xdrirth by Lts 4 e 4, , jnelulve, ni, tii. South by 'watnn S reet, on lthe NUr0hby Huron Street, aud lots 68 suda Z.i h athy Inta li anai 031'anda iii the landi laid nt for a rnaS or rlbt ckw&Yvirnm StatIctn St. ItýheQuamny, angéslothe tladitlai ont Ior tha sali - coat or rghtbt aiwsyte the salad Quirrv, %Il maishwn or letai eut oen the slai elitu-, ontbe I es crlh4ni lapd a a. ~toryanan.}itali Pr»iae fHouse and Frime 33ar» recontly.inglcal, rsniig. wi'th about ontam;for about $t0ioet aensui, Thisbloo*s Io ieeaion lhe -North ,Seuth, liant, and. partlally oit th Îa. t a* basuponi the 04tono W liarry~f«mo.rlywork4 dis ta rnd Prîne!5ss> Station, Waton a ndl Iumnil Mte, as shiow= ousa s aI is» -PA11C3L VI. Los7ôol4en sIlîlJilan, inclusive, sud those poil D.a ni mog 16 li 111sand118 not nvîyeaI te ie -Port Wwatl'y suaiPOrI ýPa.mRrail. Comnrun: also Lot 14#1, cii 'Lot, 1481 lto F1n'elsitve-, Lott 161, Il02,tiai 16:1. avilt une porticaîs aof Lotst 144, 14A asud 147 Wi-atoniaal net pcn v yed to ii, oii'otwk.T lock a feticed i 8,01 P ' est M o î ast by tihs Rsllway. ]PAECYL VIL Lots 122 te 1289.' icllsv. (of 278) end lues e rlions )f Lots 119. 3120. 191, 340, 142, 140, 29.-2 74 atîd 27i Bil1 t iand nosnt yed t e laoui lilway. Tbf =usIl# Isuceti aud' boutideai n il s at l'y Whthly Strai't, on ties Southa hy Waton Street, a'd ou lias Wsst ay tlai ailawy. PAJICEL VIII. Lots 241 lu 208, inclusive, on thé cfalai pIan, em'ept soda pur- tionîs etfh ÏMaaSd 26 as havo been cou- veyed toe is sliaiîlway. Tiar- col Is bonialea oaa lia.Hast b y tae iii- wiy, an tie North by Grand Tmunui St. snd on the Wept b, Station Street anal lot 248, ad Iofeuceai on liasse stiesw; Itllo. Imneidaîely tle ia ci cf O'Neil'a Tavern ; a copy efthle aiaovs uaentiouoal pIan siewlug seïeral parcele wi be producod et the lIme ci lia ssaai scie. UACElJ'ii.llîtssiaiaodialoly Norhhofli. >ie, '1ruuklaclwcaysun h oaiiiaed' wjeýa. G.«jb n IsE $soi QOt, 12, 1875. SM-46 Ageqnts W1apsC4 lu evory Towpushl lu Otaril te ssIl ths é.d by tigs SmithAnrl C,~a~ o. Sand-Georgestéé6k aMd o.'bePinos., specia1 lndubgwsnts -wll bc given to Afitl'st4is aï.ýtsa4wln018,hroé i. àtor'four wirblng te pa'clase. m; Âny nimber M t.tlioule i<&or n aitoefrTst-class organ. eau b. 1fornlsh- *d, Imt se; tbey arse l tru but te a n naimbhav tgwven @lio- ur- aubhowevsr fi&ttWclg oau add tea hoir .11 Chureo louinu organs wlll be m Aaicau, we wonlsl ai attntion tÎo ý» asbeng esspeially adaptedifor oehamal nus an& halls, fîs Proportions are gr*eeful it. s..d ls psla que~ltiefar M làpu OUT ail *A > 00P ir thé ;Yotàiliis àfo«vurouïan plendid affects, tbi. stop oau b. uzse neaste Sslowly increae the volume of tons tram rýa whisper or suddsaly bring forth ail b 8 the power of lhe instrment- i t a burst M~ of barmnony. ili, aIc oandti r <any 7of thefirst. tv, clans Americaiimsaiàutcowtrs an» Circulars and pro ist usul fafeeson )h application., Â ~ ALY the 1 erl eI Chuoh.t,.EowanilsOnt. 1y4B N. 1B.-AUlIatroifents warrsuted for flua yet, PEOL. WHITE, agent for Wlitby. - GREAT AuOTIOs 88AE I 1'ARM ISTOCK, IMPLEMENTS, &c. Tus subsriber ha. recelved Ilnstructions Item GEO. .TWAMLEY, SENn., To ssii I1)z Pubfio Auction, wtlioit 7551V, ou Lot ~N.$, hu the 4th concession ef the Tovwnsipof Pickering, on Fr/day, November Oth, 1875, $È,1>0GC"i"$STIET, W lITIB*Y, Th- anoli tt -WiUi býe coplQete i n a few days- Lines LADIR MISeS'AN1- e MENS, BOy$, YOLT Reémember that KIEK is offening R UBBEJS AND 0OVERSHOE Sel ;.AT WHOLESALE PRICE8. ]RUITBEIRS! RUBBEIIS! - Ladiesj' Rubbers at 40 dents per par., OVERSHQES 1 .OVEIRSIQES! Mens'- Overshoes, at $1 25 ýper pair. e" emember the lollowlng valuabîs prcperty, vis Bj1p, Free of- I litrse, O y cars nia, by "Nethenay,' 1I Mare, e eare ouui. iaç'Nethcrby," i Mars, inl tui ol, by &Matrooyft,'l i1Hors. colt, 2 Yjpars uid, by ,Mg)âtroor," iliorns, 2 yeaseol.4 ly 1, lenioi," I1liilly, 2 yotba lii, by Hoenît Tqin, ' il3aly I, yenr 'ipd, by October 2th, 1 laa.cn o'i nktaig Ce ot 1 ay"P>r, ni ttip ,Wes," 1 Tlaoraîugh-bred Daut, 9yeatrs ai, i BuDll weil.breal, 1 year ci.], 1 Bull Caalf, got iy 'éPrIacset iOîaagm," 2 Sprlng Calvei,, 3 Fatc Ces, 9 bliltia COMs, an -Calil uia,,raugla.bred lll, 7 Steere, 8 yearî alc,1 Iteir. 8O cars nid, lia cuiriait.48eeas, 2 yeai l i .,ha, 29iies 9 years o<ila, 1 Stemr, i year aid, a. Heilérs, I year olI, go Ctowold LEwep, well-bieai, il LCoc,wold Ewe Lamais wmeli- lirei, 1 i olinstiaaRés Pr, 1i llaper, l3rowaa dPaterion' ashâlie urse Carl anai lia aasee, i DnuII seuaed D.gmnocirc Buggy, r1 B. W. RaYmonda, Wkiz'nn, i Double.sa(-aled CaViags, neaaly iniw, I1 Double &et id Carrtageilarusîs, litarly aew, 2 Sets ut Chai iamrnis, i H. Z. Culver, Pleasurs Sla.4gli, ilDouble Rouler, i Cultiv- ator, 1 Cuttiaag LIa, t Gang PIlnagh, 2 Usia. awa Ploglas, i Steel CILapeai ion Plougn, H. H. Taylor, 1 i 3,rnace, 2 Sets of Hsrraws, 2 Sets ef. I Wiffletrets, 1 Scale, (lvehîhe; 10 owt.,) i- tScuffler, 1 }5',rt4e liaki., 1 Wheehbarunw, G. M. Whoeeer, necrly 1,0w, i Laider. i Woolen Wiaeei aima heel, 6 Acî Turnl:Mito e b: inItheia round, 5 sIc laks et Hsy, 2 Staicls nf Straw, Mat Laflin, Hook s, ae 'okad aiuioh arti- cles teole aauinsrUste.mention. Tiae wiole et the preperty ailvertiaed wili m. D. ogdcn, posttlveiy.,b. sciai. thue igheît bidaier, witiaout the iiihtesl reserve whatever.--1 1-1 1,1 Saisîut 10o 'c<ock, a. m, sharp. Lunch W. IL. Terry, at 12. Truies or SALX.-VOrliae Fat Cows, Tain- nlps and Ray, Il naonths; for lias other pro- perty, ail sums at and under, #.10, Cesha; over liaI amount 12 montias crédit nl be ga. ven by t urnisiaing appnnved Joint r»otes. A i l hie âa neneet wnl be charged tram day et sale if -'-" nl pals 'wiiia dua. L FÂ.IBBANi'TS, lerCasefiý. Auctionser. liatheWst by BookStreter-WibOt 8h 85 I1 uaInln>aercals are Sot ef anda d.- . -joIlung ip '. sta ti e iagalai Retiway. AUCTION SALE 0F PARM STOCK, Tias~~~ ~ ~ pceslibeciiubcttlii IMPLEMEFTS, dcc. rg at(iny) aciash purciasser tu close uý The subscriibe haiéclvei istrutions fraom llan lesresallnchhsta MR. JAMES MbRRI SON To oeil b y Public 4uctîon, wîicut nescrue, T purçkasons sabo aliast le ima of sale a otaIN o. 4, 4ti cou. outhliasTownsip ai pcy doua ton per cent. aiflthe punchase Pickering, on mnonyl!erty er cent cuili 1 0 da la h N A~ \)E IF~lt 80 sal,w,50out Iitorast, anal liasba os Snu10 D Y 8, 85 Cliu ar te ieday of sale, villa juterona-t h ola owlaag valnaeeprnty, vii: fhem the. day et scile, et 8 pet cent, I BlianHre, 8-yrs odt, 1 Bsy, Mare, 5-yro lobo se by, ttulorymrgca opa» ilInoal ta I'Clansincn,>' 5 Mlcia Cowo, li lie praniss. Lias urchasers teaibave ltas cali tu tîiorugh-iared Bull, 4 Heifaîrs 8u option wthin tli a ss!irty days ai eli>cl ol, lIra cuita otiiorcugia-brad Bull, 1 iieiler, Ing le pey. fias balance li cash tiestuat oi i--arraid, 1 Steen, 4-yrsaid, 3 rping Clv%,. gving a incrtgage tieosor. 8 Gýond Leicester EKwes, 7 Fct Pigs, 2 Luin- Upc» lpayneut c1 lb. sali urchscer i Paç,1 i o f B gonneanly new,. mocy anal oecuati ofthlis iirgugo lihe1iC utter, 1Pi c ao-Ies, 1 Oshawai brs fsscnetesiParcel wii be entîhled al lionbi,(No. 4), i Scotch Pion ia> i Peaio lie cI!onvoyaijce, sud ta bc et icI flul Woole I Harnaus 1 Scifflr, i~1 rnip Drill, sIc». -Tiasue vill lho sreserveai bia an cati i Honse Raké, 921anning Mile, i Hcy Bock, cf lias panceis SuxeS b> fhe Mater. i Sel ai iangtug Teaun Harrissn, i Set of Plougia Harneps, i1iiali.flsel, 1 Urinaiq The Veaidorq nil noâlieb bnaaia -iapro- Stoeo, S Acres aI Turnips, Il Toua ut guadl ducs amy Ptliae deecle nutl ira hela' poils-Thnthy Huyl, 4 Tons ci gnuS Ciâver Hrsy, 2 %leu&io ue rodauuce auy abstracte xcoph sIti aiWhi eltrees, 2 Bock Yokes, i Grain R.llnrs btrarîs an coptes of ù-%aans. Craile,i Hay Knie, iLaggtog Chaian,i The niorteiges viii hoe propaneS by lias Von- Biuin« Cliati», iCrosst-cnt SIw, 1 i iuan dar's Sollltors nt lis experaso e o ispur-;aaw,80 ilsof aIPoaaioos ileheeýFonka, chiseni. Theother conditionseheaStandI. Scythies, Spades, Hoee, anal ohier articles Ing Conditions aiflias Court ni Clancerv. tue nuanéruais b oontioni. Alào a quantihy Tenders ionrcl or i. y cf tae aboya prarroi,, oi Houseiald Furailture- will be-recel-osa by lias Master up tolihs day Scie tu comamence at i2 o'clotal, sharp. ci sale, Tmmaas or S~AL.-/Ali auras edi $10 cad un- Purhier aurîcaians nayb. elai eal>ar cash ; aven lIait amoana 12 munthia utr Mii. W. H. ui nlie .ormais- are.11t it iibe givea b y farniîhîng cpTroved fromMêgos. W H.Billnati D. r .uitatois, intsrest-wl ho charge fmin ton, of Whialby «; Mdiîî. snilli & ae, dlay ai sale il aipi palil niadosin. Toronto, anti trou, the Master. L. hAIHI3ANKS, Auctiouterc. Pickertng, Oct. 121h 1873. - 48 Dýatedt fiais lth day et October, 1870. -- - __------ - 1- G.HILDARTNELL, NOTIICE! Maser }l LAKE Sil)OOR ,JUNCTION W. H. DILLTNq-0, T Ililwcy Company' nl uppi>' lutliai 'Vendôa' Sollitor. 48 Leglslataire çf:OOtaia ahethe nart Session thoreof for un ait le amenathlia se inenr- p -nîting the sai Compaiaiy, ampoweriag the saune to cxteaad tIaesail away fa 1h11 T WO GOOD H3OUSES Shoreocf Lake Ontaria, nitiiaiaeo Cunt% T et Onlaritand ho onaaect or am.algalmaîa- T 0 L E, T ! wth any other litciuýy Compuany withia. *ON EUCLID STRET, WHITBY. Ca.nN., ndior j Appi>' te- Toroaito, Octaser 7tlî, 1875. iu-sI2 J. B, POWELL. _____________ Whltby, Oct. 9Oth, 1876. tIf48 HCUSE, H:jO1USII TO LET I EAST MARREVT SQUARE.T ORONTO. A OaGond Twn-Storoy Fraune Hange, ilat ONL,-~-PIPIEOi Prêtent cocuplei lay M. ROiaîueoýn, anS itu. Tramts, ei.00-pan Day. Stabling in con- ateal iathe SBula Wmri Taheuontecon-. ria.'4 han ilgialrn ior upihalrs, abl iaour______ alenia ; a gaina iland fsida -Saer, n thoe premaxs.aPoAsa-isson iraI Navorrben; diaoc 1IDLAiiD RAILWAY 0F CANADA. For iriur partîculmr appiy ta- W. J. IIICRiE, Wlthy. -Oct, lthb, 17. lIn-43 AND WEEICLY LIDER#%L.' The. Great Faaully Nonapaper. Ispîsslia New$ la gents. Balancci 0173 ires. praemimMap ef Ontaroutoe eery subscajber Valube and neeful ogt't. Ad&eastsjs a Proibtory Liquor Laiw. 005155 an Elsbiton nouaI.;. And *¶i%5 ood aiS progressve fiessure. Fa snDpsrtmont, by Rov- W, P. Chili- 0trep u~, fdeslsanS bhrà ' lps Golng North 1 mtm Port Rope te LInSas> Ileaernandutilla. Luave Port flope- Mai.... 10 10 a. M.n, MixeS .;-.8.40 p.atu Golng Northa ta Palorbora' dcLakedoISd. Maul.1 :10 P. m MxS -.7:10 p. m Comlua South tram Orlila le Lluasa>', Plitsrboro'-anS PartHope.. Litre Orilli- al...1:0p. an. Ar Pt' Hdpe *J-.0 p.m. Comtng Southi tram LaefliehS. MIxS .. -$c4 4,n. Mal. . eli-P. M. Broc] 1875. that K irk repairs al Whitby anti Oshàwa. ?atches! Elgin, Watuhes>I Chas. Fargo, J. T. Byerson, T. M. Avery, Francis Ruby, Lady Elgin, Gail Bondon, Dexter Street. tbove Movements in Gold and1 TAYLOR & BARNARD'S, Practicpi Watchmakens, anai Jeweilers, ýk st., next door ta Graoss & McNachtan's Hardware Store. Wliitby, Oct.:lsth, 1875. LA TEST AMERICAN STYLES, I~T EIb~Jr8, 0A2P8, 'Just receivedl from Buffaloe one of the largest and rnost stylish assortment cf Rats, Caps, &o., ever imported te Wmtby, which for Quality and Pnice, Defy Competition. Aise -----on -j r î: r j Stove Pipes anai Elbouss, Whitby, Sept. 22nd, 1875. 'Corrugated Elbows matie o ne pieu.,&c IOCK.- STREET, WH3ýTBY. GOLDSMITH'S HAILL, NOTED FORRRELIA BLE GOOODS I Stock now complete, and seloting and'importing my owz goode can offer auperior jaducomeuts, to cash cuatomers ELGIN WK1'CHES. Co, C) Gold anti Silver, Lzdies' anai Gente,r different grg&das antieaes. Vory fine Geli Chains, iaplenîlial assorîmenl cf'Coloreai andi Bright Go elttlILckets, Gem Rinjgs, &o., tic. 18 Carat Weddingr Rings, Near-sight andi other Spectacles. Eleetra Plaîsal Cruels, Butter Coodera, Sugar anti *Milk Bacls, Trays, Toast Rlachs, tic. S Day and 80-heur Coceka, by thé besti mako. Caîl anti examine gocals and pnices.- - Irr. Practical Watoh-maker L875.8 89 W.A RE.ROO~i4,1 CORNER 0F BIROCK & DUNDAS STS., WHILBY. LOWES &POWELL Have on stock, fuil unes of the following goods, te %whih they invite the attention of intendling purehasers. Bavper thgsFaenchy DrsGo, Scawfs, . Hôir>a n S olGloves, Twaeds, Ble, aok LuDrsraos, Surfsta, Flowien sudeathers, Seeds Coatin 'laces, Sheingi, Ribons & h s, SeahgkenColaing Manles, lihiting, Ha iBonnetBis, Blanhels, Flannele,- Clothing, Veluets, tiC., tic. j:e Fali Lines Combplete irz-Every Devartqnent. J.Oe To persons, desiring te examie a stoci~ embracig the greateit possible variety, the newest andi most attractive stylo, cue woulti eay,lwe have it. Also sa large stock cf GROCERIES, anai FURS. First-class Milliners, Dress Makers, Mantie Makers, Anil Talais execùted lon short notice. A largo stock of Muflineny'ani Fancy Goodi just redeiveti. .1 BUFFALO ROBES. WHOLE SEINS, Wh.itby, Sept. 8th. 1875. 4 STORE do NEW GROCERY -PETER- SMITH a large Stock of Gentg' Scarfs and Collars, of the la- Bg oitmt oteihbtnso htyadsr test styles, direct from the Manufacturers. . Begs tonina tt th habtapns oouWitbae sr TO RECEIVE THIS WEEX, A -LARGE STOCK'0F FURS, MOCCASINS, &cs Ladies wishing their Furs Cleaned or renovated, niay depend on ha'ving them done suitably and with dispatch. The oash pnice paid for Raw, Furs. Whlitby, Oct. l2th, 1875. 4 42-ly LIST 0F AIJUTIOER rLieensedl for South Ridung of Ornta.rio, 1Nrt~h Ridinço Ontario, and separate Municipalities i the latter. C. Mous.... 'ricnaw Paucier;... Rî. L. Vauren .. 8ilas Rlies... Thoas H. Walsh@,. J.C U ai... John F.- Gots. Jtohu ., Page,,,4.... Thomas Penchier,.. L. Falbaiks, Jrï.. D. Me%y. .H.Caunarc... C.Mor. . Johin MoGiI dc Co. T.H.~ih Or l Gf i CI st Ci i LIST -OFPJI iM.dackèue,. - - hP à car.,.,... 0 lèa Bugp.,.. nilia .... ....... M .... ....... arkliam ...... S uhiRiaing.. koodwooai.... eNra Rlding.. ailla .... ...... Broch ........... ;nnlugton,.Brck...... e p r .. .. Scost............, toufvalis . or t I~ ;tate New York, South Uu5anio,.. - , darkhsm,.B .. rook, .... .... .. Çbiiby .. . -'Souith Ontauo. Isibu.......... Soil llg- lierai...... ....aa......... arlila...........do .......... &shlauu........Soth RlSlns ... 'ltouah...............i EIDLERSTFORaTHIE CO. ...... y . Oue hors, Ceùtýy 3snnineten, .. .. On PooI, Caint>,.. )biaa.... .,,.. Ou foot....... 8, h.1875. Dec tb 1875. Dec. 241h, 1875. Feb. lit 197. P.b. i, 1976. 2d 9,1874. Oct. laI, 18l5& ii18, 1876. - e19, lm.5 Odd Fellows' Building, Brock-Street w E1-1 1r B 3r, New Grocery and ýProVi8iOn Store, Where lieitendls to keep everything i that Unme. He hopes thatfrom Piast experience, -and by strict atten- tion t b uginpos, to meit ashare o! publie pstronage. T EA S A. S-PýýEÙ ,1ITY. Cash Paid. for ]Butter. -Eg ,~4 rr Produce. 9ý A coU is respectfnily soiciteti . -- - -PETEIR SMITH. oaa Pilows Biïaing; wl1875:1 BOOT AND SIIOE EMEPO-1tIIM, PERS T F0I F0I F0 BI: JATJL A ND WIMý H;E -PLACE -TO R CONCERTINAS,- go to Robertsou's., to hi s ,wock. .cheapeat stock iiithcz coýity founti there. D8~ etbelýt, &nd R PL UTES, ACORPIANS, HARMONICAS, go to )R MUSIC, Sheet or Hait-.-Dime, Instructin Book~s for ,the -Piano, Or gan, Violin, Flute, &c., Musical Works of! ery discnip- tion, go toRBobertson's. À laree stock o! ail on hand. DM o~, onas LLE e dgcrAY , BoooStIrY, n BFnc ooKS, of every descèription, go to Bobertson'a. Ris stoçk in ail the. dopart. monta la very completeý. INDING.,Bindinn"g, Binding. We bina, Boocks, Magaw zines, Papers, Pamphlets, of al inma, at Toronto pruces.. J. S. ROBERTSON,. BookbincIer, Stationer, ani dealer ina-Musical Indtments,;&o. Brook Street, Wbitby. A SPLENDID STOCK 0F CARRIAGES AND BISGGIES. M0' DONOVAN'S Carniage Facétory, Brock-ist.,- W-H IT BY. XT T-T T '-r' i~ V PH A P M NCY. CINSALE The. subsoriber bans ta ssii by Pnbilc Auctii on Lot No. 19, dth,« THUR8DA Y, Oei Thes ollwlng propiri WILLIAM ,nuttiur 1 etti Thes violeeot tii.proprty ativartrlsed, viii posltlvely b. soli ultiiont the slghtesIt r. serve, sas Mis. Brnirea givianp taruiag- ScIa te commence at 12, e dock. .Lunsii et il. Tzms or SLZ. -AM sinus it atiunaler $10, cah;,oser tuat amenaI credit viii b. fOven ta thale Jt QÇctober,1876, by Irnisii- il apr 'ont Notes iaterest ~lb due.. LEVI P l; k' Wihitby. 9th Oclober, 1875. 42 WHITEY, ONTARIO, ImprtrDaler and Manitcturrsoft&U LÉA THER ANri FINDING8, cash palS for Hides, Bark, and Leatizer. Lectiier stretched. ta"BBLTING MADE TO ORDE ON SHORT NOTICE. May, 187à 229 GREÂAT ÂCTION SALE of Thorougb-Ered anSd iS CATTLE, ,IMPORTED 8HEZP, HORBES, &c. ýT T- T frOMmMes. WESTLAXE & FURSEY, CHEAP LA MPS I CHEAP LAMPS I1 I i'senbubUcuon wt oat rsr concesion et thue TLonsblp otlWtby, On We are 110W reeeiving ou Fail Stock -of MONDA Y, DCT'R 25th, 1875, Lampsi coimposing new designs isfdlsn viainai-ndstcsc BRONZE LAMPS, GLASS LAMPS, HALL s oliseHl- Sa fd4yngHie%,r LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, PO C LAN ya 'êg, ý 1 2 uckiug Coite, by"«I P AND PAPER SHADË.S, BRACKETS, to, os!t brugh-bre & zEtti s & O., &C. Hlf, ncsxs tolS, oulira oilu, ocg-r Heifa 2er, <qdi atý 4rubb .brstiHe2lari MU to 13usd4m. Owing te the- great depression itrade -e are enabled to BU ifcu oeil tue above at a great reduotion on former pricos. Hanti Lampa com- HIfer-Cdf, Thorough-bredS Bull CaR, i plate for 25 cents. Bronze Lamps with Porcelsain Shade complete for $2. 2hmg.WpobzdyJSTIh Remembor the plae, J. H. àerrio's pîti stand, bred f a rim ore Stock, 2 Rua L nai, 6 RPnc Lambs, 1 R'~a, 2yecrs old, 1 Ootgweld- Corner Brook andi Dundas Streets. a,2 wewfrd 5BeLmo S. W.. B. SMITHI Pure-bre ershre Boar. Wbitby, tlth Beptember, 1875. MrAUth.abv Stckmurtbesli s Mosans. Westlaks & Purs.>'are oves-4ci Sais ah 2 ociock,,noon, rUJarp. Lunch Tzmwcsor Siaz -Ahimm t anti unier N EW F A L L 0012 Î10 cash; àoveia mnut1 onths ARRIVED AT day o seil net pai ibo due. j W. J. IC KI & C0 S Why. octèber12th,M85. AuU A LARGE NEW STOCK 0F' FLOÂTM1-EÂL, 1-À dcc. T! NEW STORE, JUIST OPENED. GIVE Â CALL. -WM. JOHN8TON. TO THE FARMERS t Ploxigiaiand Piangli - CautIngz, Iraw- CuItmr.,FinuiugMiIa feapmans ntMow- WU. JOHESON. 'Wbllby Oct. lti, 1875. -- 1149 FARK l0a SALE I1 t .le j2 inu th.Lieu. of Marc vian geca mtà Otober 9na, J ESTATB 0C 1Golclsmiliis Hall, Whitby, Sept. 22n11, i DOMINION New Frencli Merinos, New Black Lustres, New Winies, -Gos New Cottonods REAY.~ADECLOTHING For Men and Boys. A choico assortment of GROOERIES AND ýLIQUORS. PR IN GLlES Merchaut Tailoring Establishi ýB R 0OK ST REET, W HlT B A ranch larger ana better stock than nu&Ia,'embroil Newest Cloths, and Trimmin r eanlémems- 'Clthiw m: a ud they 5r0 givulg BROK eT E!WF Largest !to<l:k, Au Sizeesin Yuie Qn4 ý 1 1 - 1 1 i 1 .1 1 1 1 ter. charge. CALL & SEE THEM. VERY CHBAP. -PT4 ARMACY-1 42-ly 1 ý New Dress Goods, or Parmer proauce taken in exchange.-I ýHjITBYý

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