Whitby Chronicle, 28 Oct 1875, p. 2

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airer a QlYeWOO ma 4wbit. roue.iream-; Ext.p4virdisae.o faralude-Fatowfl ThoWerld'olie w -*oLyoîîman. -Ut1Sainte' Ohurph COnul-. Aitlon Sae of ataudng Wood- OKM«JIBRY bALEI. Ontaio Baui1tvii. Ureçiwaod. At ly,. hotal, Wkitlby, Kondsy, 8ah AUOTIOI4 SALE 0OF PARU LANDS. At Powelle hotu, I*aoklln, mauday, Nev. 29t,-estt.e cof lati Itou.Wells. L. Valùbinks, auetlanor. EXIIOUTOIV8 BALit. Praoprtv ai laîe Miclia s!Creý aI JTuffla' reek, Novr. 20t1h. L. ir. - 1) l11, f tc uoýno- AUCTIO'N SALES. Farta sitock, Imp~lenta, &c., Tbarit. af u. 8t, tepro rty of the Es- 10iL b!7.i u thee SUA con. ai okpng n Satuîîlay, Oct Boti, 1875, - *brm stmok, loiplonénts,&C., flic jpro. poi f 8Kr. Jolin lioî'l.-L. lair- 10Avnf st ock, irnpIsýoants, ».., on IýwanieySA 1,1,0, g. 8, acon. tPfkrn-.L. FairbanliaH erdaNov, Dt, 1875, property af Mr. Jas. Mrrtot lot No. 4, 4îlu con. of Piacrug-]*e. Fairbanks, atIc. parm Stock,.iînplellet.4. &0., pi-up- eiya or W. Iiopliiî, lot 22, iut con. Wi %b~ VeiCl ay, Nov. 8rdt. L. Pairin stockî, iniploinonta, &e., thé ruperty of' Mr. Igalph MowLray, ou os7 anti 8, (lii con. of Pickeritig, Thursilay, lNov.-4tla, 1875. l. Fair- l4hke, auctioneer. Fat-ni stoek, -in plainants, i&c., 'the prpet am auet Jünûti, lot 1., Diiicou. townmlipof Picariug, Oa N Wlegeday, -- Nov'. 14%, 18743. -'E. Major, asîçioncer. AUICT ION 11f LLS. 'art ies g.tîtig thele - nctilu hbis- ,printed t i T iîu R Guîr«, ofî.: ile. gsia noice cr (lie aine' ilTUP. CxenoxlclLle., /#*cd of vielIitgc--a favur which, froua the large 'circulation of Tiig~IIONIOLIhý, Wit It,a failS- woîili innulixmore thali tflie Pl-aN i ec offlhe bille,. ONLY Si 50 PER ANNUM, liIy, 'rhursday, -Oct. 428, 1875. Succese af the Nov Caiadian Loan, tile î,a'Dominlion loin cif bye - simlI-oU uh ut- lalf i eriug, las boéns gVeaigat cr iauo-llpto lethe <ile-i tuili'a huit tii-uc buinxufsiuiufor. lii i luteîl'a-b uy finios os-ai. Tfi--u xpect'-l tbL rimiallu'tinaîuîs vilI t>.' uieiila-v iiueaoty-iiglst pounde itIs-c ii iliaugs, ithe par bsing 100,- uni thi ttrta ul isféea le fur par cent. The Wate pci Boquest Goce: voiS tQx Wutsop Boîjuuit ta tieÇarpoi-. Ffoa. 7utiuftely t1iae cusIS coine ont 'a inuaeaâe, If apiptuais thit t bitet- qutesf bélngoaduos-go nia-n reaI roîery vos controry h-o eSftýtUle a of )grt- Main. Wuu are uuruoefplua;c ltai oui- t5loy»lé Ppu'eouvoîlfr6ln conutadt vitlu tho uincliemn athini. It was iii go-ai-ie vory "iyiîthue wlie propos-ty nlt for tbît te wliiî Iflassa wcorne, a filiabje or tholm MImv of tlie lawyca'u wlio, vltttî'c lako, pré>' upoas if. Ufspocesslon cutiS brin110iagoad hiscli la ftiaefuau, andi voulid ln tr limeIîtiro, as ig lias ju t1ue paet, provos a prohii latice ni lit iga- tili:, tihepstatllîaantiocgUycoofro. West l'etecboraùgh, Iluthrna recusined gis-eia amal ina- icrihp Ian Mmr. Ce, thê mInilteil oa-. dldaIs,'-waithi larvé>' te becui fa-an. Thé rosailte snolt tieflinif cilyitsi-- -LATM&I-AII W14 goItupreoss, vo leuro', frac. a pris-stéesouce,t Sot[boftha beemu eeti by s mjority ai anc. '[lcGlaiee staies Iluat '1c.clrrcîe-ditt- ('Y sffo*'le" veté atel uefaf Mr-. Paxton lu 'NortfhOntario. Thé Globe Veuitkn 1r. Paxton ovealui elec- dalin ua giestliai-Itaeflacindifférence vIf - hi hithe tcandidatenbrosuglaf ont y fyilteOpposition vas rcio.Tii. Cunuei-mstive îrfy lin Bocitcould viiîî es-è1- oidicsaay efforts laas-c made the * njority-fr loi- ier candidate 800 instead of 207. Anth Ie Caflolic vola i VaMa * aand iara nt #hioli Mr. Paxona.oni> aeelvetd 89 njonh i t Jaunnry,cooîti - w~'ê, 3igh éf~ut ba-heciakept aI thesane figure intaS f ainigaceî llp o rémajority aci 8, Tho ClatIt Factaa-y. T.Afr $sA bi5 liit hé O abawa ar-- ra.ngorntente foirsecuring $0Ils. i-oitFac- * tory.- lb le é nlbllly tIsaI Il ;mmhlSUR -contfülq tai i hlby. Wé aie informeS liai 8mrofétai lIme aa-é-p'ing zrne'o 'ifthe tovwu arec oosing L9.orrulttasuslt Mr-. W& KOeOap ilu uryig onthe utxdortsiting. Râbr appear Ibis <Thuusday) ona' in cal aud COaaskss o! suie Wàalti-r-- lu decl te l., 01 ulevr Sue." uu&inls, sud-bgo~ st#oem u-Uoi2mglu Ioward. As10 , tise ehetion le oviag mcre-to vaut cf iuty Zuîhuhls towausis thse :OP. fa%" sbanug Mid#e hluself péueonaly mee$Ptsboioe4 lIi. JaUiolie o01 dite BtSlug, thaLn le auy love ar liking foi 'lb, averuùtnan. -Mr. Piteusoat sarw~ UPOU Mie eletion race hesavly hmsn1dl. esppod--ssllJthé oade vere agaxas hilmt ;S we' ý teaen 'regardelbyhiab backre ýinuýnsbouse, tausas sprt- ig prat,-Faiton bad airestiy thé prefiige fa i wn.M'naud vas on many grôuuds, the out&nsudsafoat ôanSdâte the Mllnstfry éould liane pul inoa the fied. The ranniig maSe by -thé former le Iherefore ho thé higlacat degi'e éedit- abIe, and. au ournest ai vhat may bet secomplilbeti lu thé, future villa aur îîutcd eofrt.- lMo*ivuuLtTPLWL>L u.'cEXnîEXIaloM.- The extension froua Orillia ta Wîuban. shlene, a distance of tweuty miles, ai Ibis lice lias ,iasG been finllinl a oil- isiactory manner by Mi-. Samuel Wright, aifIMouttreal, supéintendot sud foreua ovor extensions. H. loft Orillia villa-ie ' gang ta com- plote thé' line- istvon Wasbiage andi Gavénîîursl, aioug- the Noriber. Extension ]i&lvuy. Muskoks b-sncb. Tt la ctcpécted- thut flua ucad vhlbe lu runauing aitici' bl fteilsst ai November, unS aî isw daYo afetct awiii b. rcady for passeugbe' atnd'foigla t affia, vbicla vill b. s sonrce' oi inuaictuable boncrit tlitho districtof i ukolci, naS Pari-y SonLiat! as weli us thé couniry if large. Gi-et Fi-e at Virgfnia City, Nevada. TES' 'rilOUSAND" PEOPLE LEU'T £ tîrribly destructive fire bas dés- i'oyéd thé business portion af Virginia Cii>', Nevîda,'--The business poirtion af thé place la nearly mi! dastroyeti n- cluding flue telegrupla offices, aiîvay deoa, nevupaper offices, }tisting verks, milîs, h». If ha estinuatedi hîf oset- toua taouand peaplé -bane been ruade latincleas. fHeAPot OcTe'M-ngcrr'io ltAs-n,.-Joahn (Junliiu, oaI Emt WIilby, vwas citai-gS beloe thp amagistralos viti an attempt fa commit i rape on lhe porion oi Ann lViliain, vile 0c'l a coloreS Min, lu thaf iieiglboi'hood. Hé vas commuit- led for trial, and sumaccueiify nloved ta éand eut on hail. Cax Tni mualv àgipuADis. onOFL II5 Hvîz.--Conlin latiget infuai. initions againsi Williamuesîttul ii. for koepiug a disordeuly lieuge, andi bath véro comuaiffodlaugeel foi-GO cays. IMAGINE 1119 FENL8-ýVIlIO iuf i ediler ai the Gat-'.ito vas lownonou lic vharf' coiectiug informnation- about flac barbon.,fil arder bt"îlâeic mtDuaper," hie iicv bat wvue hwicn latte s waer allad carie (l ui bhaoaui!thie lighaîhiccé. Tu wo i-e fuiS. Imngiîe hirfe Ieligs vh.sn thit iuhumn D rapier reluseul io sa iouf ihe fug t tu etsue fthiavaluall coveing of the 'dio's isloîn bPx 1 Won't Draper catch if luinthé "cnlsforiu- nate oîteet"? Whitby Mechanics' Intitote. At flic annîal meeting, tise loliowiîîg voeselecti ofic-beî-ers for flue en- ffatuiîg yens' 11. B. Taylor, Presitisot ; Jin, A. MNc(uullivrety, l13t V. .; M. Hlarper, 2nd V. P. ; f. Oreuistetu, Il. A., Secy.- Treas. ; (I. E. lUbison, M. A. Car., lin, Anditor. coibriTl'L5t-. J. E. Fartuvol, L L. B.; A. G. Mc. -Mila, G. Y. Soifi, L L. B.; G-coigo- BLaIntu, P. Wiilià&, A. G. Wiglul, A. A. Allia, J. V. Hami, J. J. 11iAs, Johnu Kelléy. Savage Landaor and ti tera, ant i muait inteuesting information regardiug Chai-i-o Lamib, anS many ment cou- tewupouarica uf Pi-actai. W. E. Web's 'l'Ait, TavusandiIhteis' Inhabtants," i-s o graphie pici na-cofithé advànccpasfs of civilin.Afioa, or waaf lia passeS for if lau ,Often in Lbe far West. ESatard J. Whalson bas au aifile osa Butter and fIs. adian A'valsaifthe Unitedti Steto establishiments; vlos. aperaliona are- bore doscribéd,- Hou. 6. 5. Cox'. Leg.- 18iatine Umo a re aio uîlnaed anul inglarly lever tai-y entitliti-, bThe -Mt.3. Touùe.aus, the. reciwavu * lé~4~OlO~aÃŽp'qic4wil ié boi-'on* bspélualry wviJi- avairtàgeî by Iei-n $ieïg hise 0tatà i udut1e in eioe cf teaahlng the éruQdin ennta - af. xueio 6 -y 01usd estons Chhlden'lasses viii then he forméS. - Ms- Y'oumani lais on éstibihhed ré,putationi, niaS bis 1systain is bighl>' recommanêe(d,, Qay 50 conts foi 12 successive lsons,, A iugingý book viii bc- preaâ1tei ta oach pupil. IiklNina -.u1;a 1ra-Rox'Os.u .... - ..... 6 24 ... e.... .1...... . ...... 1I o........... '12 l<o, , 4.. 1 Uahi-lSge Village- No.l.64 -tYîbidge Tavtuip -- No. 2.::*:,"2w No. 0 .... No. 412 Na. 587 'No. 1-....48 Na. 2 .......92 N .,a ......... 84 No, 4 ....29 No, . .. .....6 No .... 5T 81 fis 59 82- - 'o 62 29. 80 54 87 A comparative tataniaut aithé figures ai lait Janutry, wien Mr-. Me- lise vas Mr.!P&%ton'& apponeof, gine -te follavin,> resol: Paterson. Paxtan. Mlise. Paxion. Port Pains-- '3l 140 i0 171 &cugog - f5.....% i W85 51 Broele-, ....... 37 170 4U a02 Tbarab-...... i51 113 l183 184 Mai-a......- 75 27 1M0 1m Rama....... se 40 27 4f ea - usé19 tes48 2a -1s VJb-délIL 105 t-tut>lot-i IhbiloTp, tioW B305 lit- M Mta e 18 214 8M2 fM Pîntcn'e iaajority ovea- Pafîcrsan, 185 ; ever MoRue, 182 -The total -nett poîledl in Jauuary vs- FanIon------------.......1868 XoMe..................1726 ...............----167 -8751 In Octoer- Paxton ............. 1635i Pattcieon----------....14W0 Rejected ................103 - .-ISS Slaewlng a fiiling off af 568. Ovor eue- senénthcoftius note af Jmnuary, remaineil unpaloed., Iu oery mmlcipaiify (with tb. exception »af Uxbrigavllage)'tbere ws a décroise., Faion iliti uctpoilI vitio223 of ihie svoIc in'fanntry, - uer viblain 91 cf the vote ,phllahy M-a lia. ai that finie. The avitle goes te show thaf ltae pînly strengtli vas nal punt forth sl oihter aide, l'uS thut' thé confeal oit muore flac chara.ter ofa akirmiali thum cf a pilehed poitical baffle. As if lu, Mr. Pazlon ove is mijority mtegetutur ta Mai-a anS Ramna, andi vhaléver daubi thIsré înay hé about bis hein,> fle repréututalive olfithe RiS- iug, iheré eau ha nons at ail about lis eleafian tuai- blicsutoships. Mit. Picnîî'i LECTUauc his (Thara- day) evoeing et thé Oddfelhowa' hall viii deuhîlesmt-acf a largo crovd. In addition, there viilhé hte umusical entetlumént, camprising Calnoi-lcy'a banc], andSeongg by Muis. Austin, Mrs. PtWr Smîiî, IMies Lawi-ie, li-. Cîlién, Mr. W. H. Smiliî, &a., viflu Professai- Wlite,.as musiccal ircor. lI$Y.aTunF Ti.iunuu. - tloponaccoui TobtI'owtler. tetu a, viiten, as préserve the tbath, Set-oys edosy, audS trengthena the guma. SolS in boxes if 25 centsetuy 6. W. B. Sinithà, Wiiby. Fan-rn YmtAR'a EÉxIzuîEia'ex lune teaied the vItnesaI Dr. Wistars Blaaau of WiId Clherry, und if is nov geuevally uctuovl-etigadtaulia thé béat retnc'ly ucitua t for phuttoui>'ymnci inug uicies; emhricing flhe vhoie cociumpties. Weré if nul fori is inerils, iL voulu! long sincé liane 1"Siét, aud made no sign." Nov S cn a i-Oo"' ""o' Ba s' t-'- Di-. Edia-ilr sts las renied the hand- saint' new stouro in thé OJfllava5' Block, vîmero lacie ilapenénaoi plendid stocki of dry gooda-itahi linos si-d nov. est sityles-au Tnoadany nant. Low Puîcuu.-Tieloy lriesa ai wooihunsng uS SiY gouda mi Slîé's Oelîawa le aîaing quifa an xcifemont. Rutânn tù-one lofluin,>foi' men soi boy. î-etîniunhlibiy chjetup if Shéa'u Oshawa. FAScuiONAuLY, BuTr Uua SaeurEM- jOtt't-i.Saunders udverlise thte iaifest toalt, lutest styles anti gei-ests norief>' m-n lwn. - zrToit-ra. - M. Hayes hba villadravu. bina sotest je nov a square one holveeu 11r. TiuurrMin. isteiHal, andS Mou. John Bavaerloy Rob- inaao- (Opposition. S-. Â,NaEvW'sS oclLTY.-'Mééfing at lte Ontaioa Hoel, an Wetincntay, Si-J November ALIs8 IStîgarsCiucttuCoýNcEr.-A 1grandt couert at the Town al, on Taesday, Naiveïmber 2'm. Senorai At d-On 8îlr4a îl isteriall,'andM'r. Ore.ghtan'(Qp oîliu BONUS TO HuONMDi ttaoQUEDB Âti. wv4n.--Tlie àtovn àsoi'lbhecounty cf' -Peterboro laine noteS -beiveen' Ilaem, $800,QQ0as bonus o.~tht Huron gui! Thera-ci-h hIrvine, Mai-phy, suS Eàaa". for the mua-Jer af Mr. .Burke., in Tôroitt, vas conclpiduiipuu Wediéas-, Sauiday; but, short us laid scen lis sf0>' lu thé Dominion, ho aucceoéddlu wisalu,> hasts i; fIriende, suS canquor- ing msany unbelbéviog campaliots bta the conviction ilîit somethiiîî vas neesi-y for Ireland'a liappluesa ana- indéependence .smel tIse conlossed ene- mies or everytbiag 1k. Irish aspiration =oriia ZaSluto onovledgeé-tftthua udaccyaiftlitrigIt in CapîsinXKir-- -wsa's bauds Scîsunded rés?éecl if if dici nait cammancl recognition." 1"r'om te Phituidolpulia Pnvsbyferia. 1 Prom athe ýVorids Dis pensar>' Pi-lt- mng office asti Biudeory, Buffalo, N. Y., ve havé recaoti "b*Te Peoplo's Çlom- îuon Sensé Liedical AJs-isér. laplain Englialu; or, Mauliue Simaplifiée!." hy il,. V, Fierep, M. D. Cuneai--in- ahiel of theo BoarS of Physiclans anti Surgeons at tiie WorlS'o Dispensai-y. Whoue-r héipa humîuity in ifgsstrug. gle villa its inhérent voaitaeseesud Sisears e b bas> or cure, is ifs bénea- tan. IgsormnqO i net an!>' ai if,éei i cause ai diseasé anS zoerfslity, but it la the onemy of - every effet-t ta cure or mitigafé. N-tlîing viii se speediiy r.- moetitis cause as kucsvlcdge (su ele- montai-y oua nt cs) oif the diseasés Ice vhiah vo ure heur, as veli as those suporindsoadlay oui- ovn imprudeonce. Dr. Pierce lias renderesl, in oui- juS,>- ment, a boeetfa~ service, hoth, te the afflihaed and latlite profession, io his, dianosia of thé diseuses treated af, sud in the présentation o! tbe phoso. plia prineipios nolvei tihobir causse anSdi-émanai. Hé ha apsring ai' reine- dieui.and uually perserihes nch sa. are suie in anskilled liauds. As a hoock firiya abstract kriuavedtio, IL is ex- ceeing>' O iahio eandti inosfiog, eapsaiaily thé «fallovin,> sbjeale - CoeamlPâysoiogy, H urnau Tempera- ménts, Pseudo-Hygiéne, flac'Nu'sing af thé Sicit, Sleep, 'Food, Ventilation, etce. In one chapttr on aaatler sub- jee, 90 délicate in its natuire'thal il le h.s;t p hpyond the, Somain cf vsrnuaug ta ail iiutplaieiaus, se acaurséd l ifs reas bt inMo-oéra >aociety, ho îé Most explian sd aliko truc te Goa, ta vii-- tué, ta lufe, soCI ta sacisly, alaosn the traîla"al prosented in, the, leaohwïgs-o Scriplure r-fhst, lifé ) 0 ,n a-ith a Cou- nepfojic-vit ~r~t fo~e,~p w is .added fuitltfsgý"vs, nsau PiLc ciathé juf 4 a i-er,. $50-l Elufu-,-N. T. "'zzt~n TOUSSuCrra-Ia thé casa ai Beoclér Vs. Mourîton sud bilton for. aliéei iilé, eniWhLub ilnilon vas so iosauens1 lusta-ld. ourt -Distria.ctAtas-nsy i3W1fllt eot' movéd 1h11 a -sMlle luI eatitrrad, vhi-ch vas ni -as-afiePole s l' New-t-Ykulrk i, '" .intdS, hbst nai Britte làeaeiazuoui 9 ,acase of tb, eop ýTbis vas P itetOis iedyo tn;- s~Hxi> Waed leIL, 1 - 'OÙ 01s0 A oaaucstr oùntué lé apStý îIiwma'enm l ed tfi -0Sfli ao ti-m feminîné lband,,theocaise us différent. Andl sucla vas thé receni eri-nce ai an iggrievod comme- Silentie Who, underinkin,> lao owlido Mre. Lia-ra Gai-Sounow 6"editiéss" aif a California piper. wîe apeeelin i-- SuceS, la use tlb. w&uu f ô*a ocal reporter. la a siatefe ci6tlùees tît vutult excite envn the hluérîat cof a turnip.'5 Tus-,oDouic TELTnoîcloseS lîis nov ipclure on *"Lîfo's F rnblem," ha Nov Toi-k, by tuying flaîl "tho citY ci Washu- icigtan is se aorrupt that theuumin in the masutu olidu bis nase wvlu c ho0oe os-or it." ilf is lbe aci, wvséhionîtlite T. T'a. opinion as ta vlaat thea mun ia thé nucon does, or auglat ta do, as-len lue gaca as-ci-Brooklyn. ThLo Lndau Advertiaer sapsataI Sarnia min bel ten dollars tht lié coulS ridé thae fiy.vheéi aif a sam-nl, sud as bis viiov padflic bet, she ri- marteS : *,William vas a linS luncd, but h. did net hnov muaI ahout fi>'- vhoéla." bTe éditer of thé Bowanvillc States- titan 1usd a min flueS tes dollars lai- lbnowing aunink bottlé nt hlm. Tel Ibis editor luis bfeau iagin,> it aIt éveryhod>' olse for years-enly b. didn't atm, if hbottled np. MONTOUHAL Wgsn. - Os Safurday Thomas Whlite. jr., Centaeutive, and Thomue Workmîu, Refri. vero duiy -ne0minaléd for Montrent Wet, Slueriff Lefîni réturnini> afficer. Nominatin,> pipaiesairbofli sides vere signe b>' a] numbér of citizena. Thé ciection pi- mises ta hé a néry close eue. one ai tise musa inhaereaftin,> person- âges in bhe procession vlaicb vil].faite W lace ai Lucknowv vieu the Prince af îles is .tuer. l lub e 1h.ide nticai ebate elephint flî caiiS the marquis ai Hiefinga vlaen lie visiteS Lucknow us Goverîor-General a confuî-y age. Thie qusdiapetiel cntesariau islaueiît, fed up lunci-der tf akiS afat bu carry te Prince. C ari-nil, lte editor ai a Vineland, N. J., piper, vlao vas aluol b>' nd Landis 'a'hom hel-ltiibeiled.last Maoud, dueS on nna,. Af Ileitimotue eloiing the affair comîsutiet cansidu-iale pub- lic attention. D-.AMenti-cal dealer boa' Iseen ar-esteS flor, pasing a large qisantify -of liquors frani.-bis bondéS warcoeusa v illauqi payng thé cduos ihéren.e bye Cuti Hase officers have heu ~a stedfer being parties ta the fianS. Twsb Men dieti lu Conulsions, on thé Stsfiri sbofiymter lsuanim a country, ds-ng Store- iu'Mosril tbey ha6ve been gis-en prli 16cid is- vhieitey b> mia- take.'.- Thé Bank of Montrés! a doclîrodý a disidtimofa ses-en pou cent. for bIse Thpeiltizeais. cf H>Mewlbo» tha5'é Je- ofa an giof taon.>' for lb, construction . fseuof - fIey haebiné itroduced teai. k'n'acfincs'y' for vaàith e Imdi-ryl 1 pa tes 'nd"s, AndI forussatlg boots anS' kninee an4- ColoneljÀilet«,P, of tbe Grenadier' the camai guinda. Nit-aucoLy-;ccîuuc.-A£tinta, Oct,.i-8. -Clark Edwnodson, a negro fliat wa changeS vilarapin>, a white vomîn, - a' laiton ouf ai gaoi by ivo or three biîtadred people on Sonda>' mari'ng sant lmnng on thé saine gîllowa an vhich lii; brother vas baugodSfa wek before. Fusai An ORANEvILLI.-OM-ngt'viil vai visiteS b>' a destructive tiréeaoa Siunday mornin,>, oigla t stoes being burnel - ýTii.fine is saiS le a ianehen thé voo f aun ncendiai-y. Au'mouL-svîuaT.-Col. laLoS, Coi- mandi-er f lue Mounuei Police, lais beén uppointed ane aif lin Slipecilsary Magetritea ai the North-West. Maesor I-ni-ne ancces ta the conimand aoflIse forcé. Boiveen thue l4Lh anti 2'2s5 oftItis niotuefl, fiIty-five peracus' lest tlIer lines hy shipvreak an île Scotiol Coast. ÀAa-ç-aa 0F THEE FoIa'Cac t»WALES An CARo.-Tité Pnioceof aIWlea; ar-mati a:t Calte, Egzypt, Manday, havis,> diéci.- harkieS fi-cm the Serapus ut lemahi. A spécial Iri. Bembiyiéecoivcd LunLau-- don says that thé Nizai. ef HySci-ahad mfler ail excuses hisouseif iram meeting the Prince a! Wsales. Hé plende thuat lise is lac unvel o undergo te journey la)mecihf, tiut viilsonS a députation i-o- steadl. ROIotmutalUIN MouNTIuicî.-A MeU- t-eal vbolcaal atone vas rebbcd of $18,- 00f> vorîla ai illes anSlaceos laciveen Ssturday sud Monda>' marniat,. 8ev- ci-ai oluer robberiea- occurred in Mon- treal daurlng thé sainie ime. Tva '"doctois" vere fineS $25 esacl t Woadstecit last vesitfor pi-actising tîtdiciné -itîotoulilcense. - Il Le ogain enpiicifhy aunounceatita the Crovu Prisce. ai Piusein will niait the ?biladelphia, Contenniai. Mr. Sumnuel Wiimot, théevol-Icuov pit-icultunist, le founding s fial-breed- iilg establishmntuiea- Sandwvicha. Crime itu rampant ia Nev Brunswvick. Burgîariotu ai-ocomman. andi thé police ai-e aseaunted by rovtiios aiu2Oot uniglit Thée Vntworth- Assaizes oponeti at Hamilton yesteciday before Mr. Jus- tice Burton. There '-are wonty-ii Criminal Casas. - _Mosutra.Geai-go sud Isac EugIlisb, o! 'Oinéunue, hv lraytrappeSl Izeaeiy,,oeéthausaudI. insitrason Pigeon Lake. They-ox'peai, if the veatiser continues favonirable, ta double iluil number. R,4 fiié si>tian Brolluers lane uacqÙir- oS tb&wbole of the,»Iijwgoril iIonS in, -sihng ai four bondi-èS acre, 'flac>' intend ta huiS a Noviciat. flousq uap- on1i nef splogwhea-fhy--ill re- célé pui-e roL M;l parla f Northa So à Sail Ie itqnPlace .wameen have entai-éden aia rstt.agtttbaleht,,. Lsstt8suiPds'y 'evenhag an. Of thé "iïle- -vcis -ttko hb -laaanti a -,ma Wnd.. osÉ.s asil.sedT 4lua1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GIRE AT AUCTION SALE 0F STANDING WOOD, ou Lots 7 aud 8 J3ROKEN FRONT, PICKEBRING. The Publie are iniorrned that the whole af the growing woadu the farsu of the iste Alexanuder Campbc-ll, lots 7 and 8, '-Broken Front, Township aifiPickering, wil be sold by Pil blie Auctian, an Monidtty,-tise 15th l)ay qf Vor.nert, Sais ta commence nt Sonthl-easi Angle af the Bush, at one o'cloclc, p. m., sharp. The wood comprises,- about 05 acres of splendid bard wood. I'revions ta the sasle, il wiil be eiakcd off loto anc acre lots. The wapd moast ha removed before the lai day ai Se teber, 1876. Txtus or SÀ&LE.-On#% yeir's credit froua date ai sale wiillie gis-en. by purchasr furoishing approved endorsed notes, bearing seveu per cent interebt. L. F AIRBANKS, j 11. S. CAMPBELL, Anioer A. GoItIiON . P. Autiner)Wl. 1BLACXK, M. D. Pickering, Ct. t6th, 187. 44 A L SAINTS' CHURCH 0 0o ý OEl EZr, will be hoIS on Tiuesday, Nýlov'r 2nd, 1875, i. the TOWN HALL. Doora openi at 7.30 Tickets, 25 centa. Whitby, Octotber 27th, 1875. 44 KEIýA"iL'S Mfeichor d r.e t rsgn delod ewn as bsing-thie best work ofi ho lUnd. This wark in pronounced superior teall11 thers ai its elatsa by Te"ehers who have examineS ht. NEW METHO0D It centaine a cléar anit i sxpie course ofi b- stitictiasi ihereby aan on ay casiiy ne- quire the mnstery aoft-hie favorite instru- meut, vi i a ew nmont 'a $tu Y. lt-oi ai- wsys be a invoits aike i l the Teacher, T IL>on accotnt of its cleamnesssaîd ayo. telnatia progression;'more ai au amusement fkien a study for thse Pupil, sud viii prove a wmine of weaUd ta thé Amateur, on ise- ccanai ai the many choie. Melodies, Sangs, etc., thst Mr. IKinkel has selûcted and ar- rsoged expresuly for this vans. moisI',l REED ORGAN wil lie malleS, poit-post, an receipt oi &2 50 Address, J. L. PIITERS, 843 jB.-ofdway, N.Y. 'Pefwa'RouelsZd.Melodiea, Nos. i1 ta 12 A Collection aiSangs, by Maya, Denk e . Priva (60 cents per , umber, or12 foi 8f. Peter.' Parlor MÇuic, Ntos. i ta 12- A Collection ai Easy Banco Musie. Fnc, GO cents per eumtbet, or 12 Nos. fur 04. La Crom.e de ja 'Creme, 'Nos. i ta 24. A Collection cef flifcuit piano Muazk. Pr. 0cents, per Ninber, -or 12 Nos. Wnai. Efl oï gia, UId t' W U* ld sue # ý l - --keP*rkbe- 4Ç~kW WO~- a Wg p8-GqUUir7 I a~~ ~ A t~waa h s, lii lli# orawM a d -,, u<>j v' -to.Prtetant âhurh, o<rrn uln A n n l . b I tg orro 4 M d -211 ,of . d sý b ot D urt éi i e ét e s c a$ o 1 rgiv. Th a s,'6. tea ie él o bos rbo it"o ol toiug1'he abseuv.4 seule lenty af dé,ý Midind auudsiet tYe'Wbe'so And th e moio nr on'the Part of à oung 'lady in Th u in ,ga, 20-i-rPag'. purs ttea the testues..toe.On a tnwu, Usey etrolled ita. ministers ', 4b, . ongregatlou: Re ims5iately w~ b~-~les ;,Mt4wiï loko, vup*etlcinu loP#Mno Éùuice iand stayed &aWhllf; and ~came .4itIhbdyathqhrhni Re. a mKlblet, Sii. --Pagtest eiiuow0d wlUu poarfut e.neibillty, oit,' sud wie thon man sud wile'. Aund Jc~te1upe4detubr hI god. b we' r plan thoir lsures aiwsys e. on b. tIleoouugal u a, jeonly imxteen, care of ege. Lime - 6 6~*5-)r. Koadys JiavéJi2ciients of absainte beauty.' avet Taonte thed=ttl ande shretThé clergyman then retunéed tetie Then$a b. , 'I', , 2d; "Idy sstaeW.lu4lav ls-plaitu," eauone a uttics na t nd B tfil 176ake ront ~-pulpit and service vas continueS. - Qi to P îsS~ ..' 94,24 eltr taanather, vho pa5aes.ed -nblsItnStohou -ay euatzc T~1he Western Cennties - Eilway la - contonanoe ;',but I hasvo ceea béer oc vitb Lt akuawledged' t sud, gave as Nova Seotis liai been contracted for b Gry -..Mr, Boyle&absolutely béautili utaI imeSs t h lwber geaou, thatsh vsbonue amriy Wilterfsbsnly &Cobmpany, ana- vans ri, 2ad ;Mt, <bowéverybody in thse room -lowards al Is athurb@aWb$madhusai-b. lll praceesI vith a1l passibli e loP.tPh., lie. er.: Whonabshelue ery ha5?y rln eeOppoqi e,$oil. - h. bas gone Sud. -- - - -$1~ï2à', facekindles wth suisbsolute raiu" o m:eh and o e oéta W ae ~-~ ~- gri. d;ws,>to1sAiw u.per, <The reilulng ufeotu cf 'hi*h culture, lnet*boén able ta leara. Thse taoe,--GISN HOTYAîWît 1fr Blf'-lY 'ha 1.aeit icereiinfelnulgent].. roader,- le Ïnetoirton -butun - on thé 201h. anal., nl thé résidence ai 2nd;. ~ 8.d* oui d Ilpsions, bat beautlfy nrlhi il héocne js sthe mollier ai thé bride, b b. heBev., 3, TuiP~5l~,2oeh ~ e 150 ~ "~'~~ %,hav nai~ali ~fraspio "'y si8.Clarke, William J. Ã"fbsau, Esq.. bozigfainiitua.Thgdeoways aga. -ont oi cansideratian mrbu, Mtla o ~ ~-'- ip~~ 'fîte Mr. 96 . phYsicâl 6 lass*l Mmoralfacttbait il orthe yonng lady's friénda ýin Barra.eduher o théll aty lm,'hn'ian e. v isa ey persas w vlthold'nasnes. tance jS"L- is is o n uy erslai bnsNa Teana rBlu- bathdfis 0.- Tur,ù, nke4, 2 u 'a<'e ota i '.pselau .11 jil. Â oronto, on the 22udot., by thé souse, %e milioand W ")nn aithe intel eclual féculîle., ironder-boir55 pioked flil wfthdeliglalful osaonidanof roaitoe lte AszNNis iratiailà aliri. 'ions, uni the moral nature. P __ur s dorbe' ana oi>oe ,Th Fe MNcNaarPlsO.Au >pi4; Mr . - --oewafu S' laS, leGr,~ u. .~ at the'namefnie mad place, JAmzES In -b',,1 1 i, à t-U tua Pulwus 1%-Québe,Doct. 23.r-Tau AÙ,erPian ' ml ou iemonta tlWiiby, la AansrscMOORE,' second yards from hé iaré Chr'~iW ~ 'x iIaW~ ssi i eist Àkuiatcîbéi f r la oe 1T. A. lagherf cKa aTo-ta - thie ingida t akt rpn« hiefaoi smaOpl.lfi0 leL a éisoI 4c1b r gtr fJolt fTrno throngblii. lodet'lmite I-s'e,&a. 'feîrilly bAftearn brokél es 1 rsudy de initantooi- tu porta ving i>h - er Ceuy An ateoon -untlÃŽ'lun Inean iiàkpabiagne fr à 'c -lie m11lga i.Pics"énoyn ii isté WHITBY M LARKETS. lythd00 dij ned cellenta h éo etm .~ .i. orhing obutha. CIroqu'eyýomlé " i'z te CMOIL prcCe..2th 8 teCnd an 1rf4Hismadeû ro-e0 -Wee, ,otl vnbtgaeIrvouvas Chief, 5.ov. -lc uke, lu le ai-n ic npiintoan y 005uid , j 11 eté l, hoIndi living at thé lime' in anec Horzu O ofOc.2th 86 Ma ollr Ispiatin teu on.aftr g 'Util9 n.,OnSh litIni Besérnations iu New'Yarks. tl Fin Wliat ... .......i o1 W el o8 lu a conter, âaS'Vicksburg tLekseéàcnd howveor, 'truokle euppér DlJldgéle iliin tirsting roiniicénices u, SBprlng Wi.at ........ 000@(p$1os' Morley. Whoauo 505s sie, breaki-sg thé rails tlinely 'illnstrated. The serials, espe.' Barieyr, No. 17855c, No. 2, 90 60 rg $0 6S Honter'a Stako. Para. 0](22. Open thé stirboard . nlsnkli. Nent Sa litially thse "ohing Club," are excellent, Clonor ............... «$5 00 @ $5 25 teaDominiap brédi regalarly huuld ud antlartlng lthe , Ir thoughl ve ~and ei nently héalthfül la tane, whlicla -Timotby ......... ...$8 000,08 25 twobousans villa lia.Toronto honud. .6 0, P. i.., hen - o hn uhippeil mray be siof cthia.entire magazine Pesao................700 Weiglate, 4 yeurs, 154 Ibo.; 5 years, 164- got ovér th. voret oai h, tard fore w. are gliS to commend il ta parents, Black Eye Ppaz. ........ Sb , 0(9 850 - Iba., G pArsandiaged, t8Ib. rçjzondoue sesabaft thé nerf cf the and te adi ft h la cnly $2.00 par .. ....... 1.....57O thoronghibréuds, 10 lbo. extra; 'in frs, igging, drlnlng la the fore - il '%Pd gnum. D. loothrop & Co., Boston Ot........O 61 b». entra.; Dalaoieailé. Gonfle. chéri rom, completelly gutený, 'q forae mocu rder.-Mri, Halligau'a Mercry. lhe Ijýtlé aidé bouse, lifting lb. ""$# A DoIISLx Tu.uEn.-Nov Orleans, Ray.............$0 12- lso tiiI,-2a;Bil ril Su; pr cla.&ig boka>uftva . -*tOct, l4th.-Th. foilow#iog fulégrîni Pota,a .-.. .....400 @soc L itih, 4thd--Btiile cr m crrln uayab W" ormar aeceaved tla.s evening-Buiton Egga ..................140.@ 0e -----boats on that ide, SâiUsAadail, I "<li,,,Oct. I- - livcnor C Butter ............... So 5f22e -'o Mr. and Mc. N. W. -Brou- on smaslaiug the bonte fa atomerna S oii ai e M e rselii*aa li1 D it 801 Wddc Aniaerciging lhe wreck overboard; wntdoV~n CC.'oe biepie da yD t aoi.....on..........307 @ #7 4 lîoir Btvent y n- esag,. a artr bj&do-E t ine ut, prto one aifGlas stake bale véntilatarg, ana qheiff W,. ',dvry aiefor ithe inct f Wood.............. ...$7 00 @$40 Ocfoecr 281k, 1875. hi-cie tva of théemud siys. -on thé *h- e 'es sai-ybeln,.'thépacf i WS... ...........87(908@ 0 himîhi itt may svareS ue, morinuv ai thé I4th ve encaunfered a cs5.d . W. 8aunder. q, anS as ak ewcu.....75 8O - ere uricnbgnig W osne Dr 'Jut tvo p. ru. by Chickens ... i...... .....50 à 40o per pair Oictober sombre crovnod, . S neigt .w, taken fi-o." bi di, £-araookspgep.......sc5 Witbvi-aths a wiherd fov'cis W.,andrapidly eigt .Wwifb Dttiiif n. s< c And lweailte s f ere d rovna lîlîx ingerons ses runniîîg. I. Ibis lb. ors ai-e tr at onEutcype la.. dIra iai e msagan ,gléte aisnvu as. t lu oatClinton. sepat. .-Apples, per buabel. ..- i40 0 Sfc Aloud bridesdcars dgom , gmaye ote pn wonis, heling th eseou.Gai- vas ébat to leatb on ."-o î "- heese ........... .....15o 5f17o Bcnew their cva nanîl pliglat thoir 'fi-aie Dariug the gale the steward, John Me- mtl h aser.i Mt;1a. 26 r i bflac e f'24s.iuqare. 5 f$ This thimtilailabridai day. - Conochie, vas killoti by heing ptchod hanse square te .Mr.b e e' i,, 'cquartez ......e$s@ oe0 lIi- srnw' cpfo t te uili, gainat thé oppér dockt, OConing oùf the and no& distiarbéd. (SigneS), el 005~ '. 'rpi . po Dàk ooWoclps vas b eld c, comipanion way, and thon, koocited Scbarfen, Mayor. hmi, . -_ ____ ___ butf ait encg sIlli unambei-ed joys back, falling loto the 'tween, decit. Hô On Sauriday the. uteriatidpal foot- - -rp' :-a.f,,- The e-ueredspili qellS, as pielced up insensible, and died ln hall matchîs eplaired ici Mont-et!5 bc- fieekfaet.- "ii --Iyatilearough As0 vives upon the loaely bésielsr twenty-far houritsîte'vi-ds. tate. 20 etudénfe aif Harva-d College (limgi<a . 'inlaandbnutritiorn The aId. bo ic ovleapd'otis90 an d 20 Canadiens. A vetyzcitfng kiaowledg, ai thliâ t. tionaodfnthfione Theol. owfo nwygrbPtb"ýî hobtpcratious ai diges te f lcln O! thiriy ysars age. The terni "grassi widov" lu saiS 1u b. gane ena,,ued. Mana- aendt d bvaarulppce 'aMi.Ep - acorutin f lteteni"gaceviaî,"ply soméviitot siauger, anS kept tiie properties ai veîl-selecited Il 'bIegs itb Tue îuushnl grIesgrOcz g a cIh ori oi- he treinuhéigrae i-é , biell uinpta teiroppenent ale. has pravided aur breairis t i.. hi?,h me WTehouse, ougivs, dmguente',- brabn"raévuo" ~Te Canadien players wvesaulIMou. delicaiely havai-éd benage, u irseilyoft,nd ié v tts< trm ippli'd taiacte Whb, heconue atrfiaera éict fone. Harsi vadwn.~ aetsiayhay air'bI, cdé ind Lily of he valey wbt« teb the judicicuar of i scb articles sç..'l Shaov sca vin eget;v'dov Iey grottc ai avai', netf o! ies.- eOu Satur'eay fonenoon ma young an, t at a constitution may lie radnsllY bs st1itiniifs of aur,,"etnin ead' - ity, as lby deail, eriginateil ho thé accomputniei hy ivo others, visa repre. Up nyto isebusen l te reseefoevtie- oit, linger round aur vaY- carly «'ages ai EîîroPebn civilizalion, senteS tilaémelvos ta hc defectiyes, e un- aSeau, lideaaiub ae Thé raptureo offthir i-pieîéiie gil* vhén divoarcea ver, gi-unieS butseldani, f,'ieî the dissecting room. oai McGill wducs re f aif; aa pinst. y a e m The fhistieth bridal daY. und w l ltie Caîhola Chînich.lu. e l ontres!, sud laid cdaim te a s wcsie mnaftsait bek epin We ma AIbqent cblidren send thoircrorotingg When u eljiî odetrec vas grintedtietaSobody, whiçb the Young min. claimcd te selves volt iortifted vifh pou% blood a>a a, Fi-cm distant fiuesiluedear, voman, tlap Papal récscripi sltad, hie thaiei grandulofler, ialely do- propenly nouriehed fraan"-Civil Service t And the preseut reuuited "1Viîucu CIO gratis." viaicla intorpreted ceaaed. IL appeeno thaf if had ~~zîc i With eala vanderer lbore; wl vio f'#»,.ce." Ina tb. liv of thé ouly been i-sceutiy braught te the dis- D[p, wHETeFID,'s C o M P O U N B ciildnen'a e-hilSien gaily initter Prenailit if vcld iead,-O'Vcnve" de 8l:acting i-came. The remnains vere Elixir oif Phoqpluafés aieS Caligaya ilis Asd thieiroyludther briger ma ea -or 1"grtiee wfdov," veuve" be- givan te, the yaung min, who baS ilium called al C113337cm- FOOD sUd N UTIrirvE Thd thirigael erbri day. ai ing translated s ,, wïtlew~." removed forthvith. ToSîc liectuse. Plosplutsenfer inta tus The tirtioli bidal ayiorumationueai e-iy silul ealSa uiS of thé -a Tbe ru te eata i ntmabrde Presideni Grant la statu1tîl by a Hcreid Thé masi enciting lacroase matchs bàly, sud prâ rueeîutial te the elevelopsueni Mis lta the bridegroosu aroy-' pecial faeienS igruk(oic sci lyéS luMonfreal came off on ai mer.Tiesuu-trouSte a-gondraptiai rv Wials theun jey, geare, hosljha, vealfla, and ielèeice la belligérent riglimi.'roi-liméSalai-day, for the chînipionslaip, lbe. diestocreithcypreete a gand upteAi A "golden hbil indy." Cuban insuuigents, anud itlah thaakhf iveutu tlh amrocks and Mentreuls. igstgig ntesenboo, aopeîuiyt i Til chili fi-sti oi lies cr1e ta o important mvm unti b intgrs atd4 iiiitutcs, am if entael tud piyiial exertian, Relit] Stili whifer nAkees each sil-ken triste, direction viii take place a aI ly InlfaS clchenîng Ifrai théthoans faicombineS vith Culisay4 BarS, tb h lic rv-. Ador earedcas i-nÇtri resi. liiy aller ftle aic-miiliitg cof Congress. spectnuocas, R va.talikon h by tl iii--lianco lu ail fébrilp, pi-astrale cauilifains, i Ar gthrd o t0ul es- The Preaidoni mny possihly luisit thai ai club.- Girou'r, a player. bAS lis form i comuietnreatuieiuuhmemsesi'i - lBus. oubli a policy would uiake 'hie chances haleieu o o'n, aud vei-y ronghu play 0m ensd i ci-oty hai tlehmedicises ',hty 5hOct., 1875. ior a tiluird tei-isoîcyhal better, hbat vas maSe. 'Tiie Siasîrbeka wonh i eience.Id i i bncaIlalîme 21uiis -thé statemént cornes flarougl vei-Y oeil îregamin u4, 4, anuS 8 Min' nesanutsunden env ircnmeîances. CAPTAIN KIRWAN, TRE 1H01lE BULERI. coubtffl cliannéle. nies, but the jsidgéà: hild a foui anti j- Ê - -- lias ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~j psudfrIesdaai ihstp~ 5) XD y Ë I.. 1.-We sen fI-e, a lèias ai, asfwe expetd tan isit I l t'-etl si istgfoi-a i îréd tise match W ra-Feeingsimple sud sure mens of1esf-enuie, for Coli- Ceabll. Thé Mdn dtul nsayvs iicitILidcu a eu eta bcrsévîip the i-an higb. tomplion, l3rouchitia, Asthuni, Catar-la, 1 exlnto:-We hiave, régretlly, ta eritical presse,vhen Glas repres-ative Burin, the rei-eont aloi-ni a whaic, Luogs;. Ners-aus De)iifity, Prématuré De. ulisé;pipate Ill ai lia. orth o tepi-ess is afragile, Ucipratected meisiaring loit-yicno iet in léalgila, ay, Wcaknéss,iuead ail isarders buonglai an pressent.finflis regard. Ciptain Kir. male, butwviacu flic veapen vîuiola fa vas washed ashore an ftie st-unSdai by yautlaiui imprudence. van salleS for Ilrai., oni uebe on iliglitici- thon the swond is wild bylillmacaw, connty Watei-iord, Ire. TUTTLE &Co., 78 Nasau-st, N. Y. liS fvs ainpaesin In 'J 1~ - ~- - F - 1, - -I - J J - Il - i - - J! -- il mi the Village of DUFFINS' ,C.REEK,, Thene wlU bt-r amiS by Public Auction, by Lovi Fiainklc, Auctioneer, at the Village ai Dnfluns' Creek, ina the County ai Ootario, S t'li le QOh day of'Nn. 85 an hie premises,ii îcxteuthc Caîbalie Churcie, uitise hour of i o'clack,, p. in., -the foliowitg eg t-oand Pa-rmonei Preperts-. hé- laîetzug tu flue,éclate ai the late Mitha- 1 C. Carey. PucuSONtAL î'nuuPEanv, - i It-uther 'Bcd, 1 Bedateed, A qunîsify ai ilcdding, Bureau, là Tables, a dat-en Chairs, 1 Sofit, 1 Coolcin,> Stove sud Pipes. i Olnk, 1'laelthing Cbair, snd a variet ai otbcr RIEAL MSATÉt. Tbree Village-LaIs adjoinin,> ibhe -Cui-blis Cburet in uthé Village cf Duin'a Croee, caniaining about a Quasi-Ii- of an Ai-ce eacb On oneoaf thé Village Laie in erecteed a one- stores - 'Ouas,>. ifisKitehen aftecbed. There is a geed velu of vafter on one of thé Lais, and a clateri for -rinvite'Aiséa'a numiier oi gooS bei-ring Fruit Treea. Thone iî astable on an. of be lats. - WHIT-BY AND PIGXERING., The spnual meetingof the tmbersa& friends oftheabove WiiocielIbe held at th. On=erIl owe, by, on. Wednesday, the Srd November, uext, I ý ik~sn D. OEISTON, -R.-W.ZROWB, -Presjident. Secrstary. Whitby, Qot. 27tb, 1875. .]in-" A C A RD. NEPENTHE BITTER-S, A CURE FO, DYSPERBIA AND NE.x<s DEBIL1TY. L)>ABY'B GAZ VA NbBEL TSANDW BODY-WEAR, as ueéd in the. Toronto Hospital. Cail andime stamples £1 the Medical Hall. JAS. 3YRNE, October 26tb, 1875. rcStMby ~OUTH WÂNTED As apprentice ta the Dry Goodi b us. Apply to- EDWARD FROST, Oddieflowi Block. Whitby, O.tobet26tb, legs. 44 Awardod the Highost Modal at Vionna. _ -E.& H. T.--ANTIhO.NY & Co., 591 Bdoadway, Yew York. (Opp. etoutIln EeL Manufacturer, Importer nda Dealers in CHRMO[S IND FIlÂMES. STERE6SOPES AND1 VIE WS, -Albums, irapboscopes «uitablelViewls PHO>TOGR.APHiIC MP4TZÈIALS, We arep Haadqt-'arters- for averything in the. STEBEOI'TCOI4'S and MAGIC LANTERE, Bee 3 M ifsciurm nofithe. ;.Iicro-Scientific 3..antern, University Slropîcan, Av rts 8 tceoaticon, SfoEoLT, 1&-imax, aaaLTLTE-ff, PZ0PLE'S L&NTB.,M. xl tye bolusbenthebbout off auClaAnthi Ct1gecfLiýnterna ands0des witlr directicor using sent on mà a-tion. Any. entelpiaing =b u tlmai.MOne wft a Mgie Lantern. Intat tbl aVW51elf9XwpU. JEANIE!- WATSOI", QUBEN OP BCOTTIaSNO,70 JAMES Fe HARDY, 1%e. Original Conique sud Veratile' ODDFELLOWS' HALL, Wbitby, on FRMIDÂ , LDth OCTOBER, 18175; MUSICAL ENTEËRTAINMENT' as performed. by tlsAm wiih great siaccest, in Scolad, nga>s, reland, thea United Statecsi Càdade - e Admisalca, 25cets. ELeservsd Sosie, 5Oeeats. CbI.ua.-acaompanied by their pa,-sak, iSol. Dooraopen ai 7.80. Con- ert te-commence aIS. Whiiby; Oct. 20tb, 187. Sn4 c OTTAGE F OR SALE OU TO RElIT., Thstt Prme Cottage eltestd on Comrnez- ai XIent aud Mary' Streixjaut west cf Mm. Yeomian Gibaofl'a reideuce, céontaiuing ti8bi roama. Theme As a guad Garden adi- josning 'cai s6out Rau an Acre ai Land, weicvrdslbFruit Trees. For Ternis aud further pasticular, Apply ai .h CmeoxsCczaeOffice, orIG- M. BLOW, 'Whiiey, Ocî 20th, 1875. 45-tf -NOITICE! TOTICE La berebyv given, ihat an appli. ication vil]. lê maie ta lb. Le4isiative - Asserably-l -ithe -province of Ontario, ai its- next Seesion for, tbe pasaing ai an Ac ta- ereet the toansips ai Tborsl Mars and Raema, in the Caniyei OntsIidî. tathvawi-- slipsai Nrlh nd Sutis Orillia, Matcee tls, Medonýte,Tay, the eat half of thé township ni Oroý-si ibe-tava ai(Omillia, L thé County ai Simcoe; and ilse tawnsbip ai Morrison An '.thé Dfiict ai Musloka, ino a iew County for mnunicipal, julhiciai, sud- othe coüty'iffl s'wth the sai toiv ofOilsa onyTw.Thse proposei' néw- Couoiy to -be valed tise Caunny -aof Paùteda <rillia, tis18tIh4ay of O-or SHORTHORN BULL FOR SALE. For sale, lbheSteortborn Dnrbaam Bull, OXFORD 0OHIîIEF, [ 1281] Ecan Cals-ad Fet. 285h, 187ý2, bred by Georirs Thoson. WhufbY ; gaI le Bai ilo- - G EAT AlUCT;Ob) SALE 1 PARU STOCK, IMPL>EMENTS,,&c. The' aibacriber basl recetiveil instructiïons frai. MR. GEORGE HEOj'KINSq To sel. by Publie Aueatln, wtth ,nt reserve, on Lot Nu. 22, iunfte lit couce aton 'of the Township d Wblcby, on Wedne8day, Noir, $rd, 187, Tho following vaînable prop.rty,.viz: 1 Bay Mure, 9 yes old, 1 Day Mare, 7Z reara 014, Black Morse, 5 -yeara aid, 1 Hon orse, 7 -y crs oid, 1 Grey Mius, 12 -ear i 2 Day Mare Colis, 8 years old, 1 tipring dpit, .hý "N.therby," 5 'Wei'.btl 8- ycar o0 Hifaswitb Calvea ai the sidei,4 4 arrow Coefor feeding, 20 Good Fooding Steers frou3Otaef5 yearp aid, 20 Weli.bred Cotseold .4 Leicester Sheep, 1 Bearkshire Sow, 7 Spriug Pjim, i Largo Breecliug B3erkshire Saw, 1 Tiuble Skeen Waggon, 1 Iran Axl. Waggon, i Cuiter, 1 Double Sleigh, 1 Seed Dril; 1 Bolier, (near. ly, new), i Osynga Chief Mower, i Johnston ieaper, 1 Set B.ob Slieh, 1i Fanning MinI, i Horse Baise, 1 Set W0ooden Harrows, 1 Cullvator, i Gall Flow, 2 Oohawa'Plows, No. 4,i1 Steel CfIpper Plaw. 2 Brown & Paterson Piowq, 1iOshawa Plow, ia. 8,1 Iran Scffier# 2 New Huy Racks, i'Straw Cuiter witbHors Poier, I Orai!.. 2 Grass Scythes, 5l Hand hles, 9 Set Whiffletreea, 4 "urnip iloem, Hay Forks, 8 1Manure Forks, 2 Steel Bariey Parka, i-Morse Park withi rapes, 2 Set Double. Harneau, 2 Set Neek Yokeo, 4 Acres Coro in Shock, 7. Acres af Tumiv, A Large q nt_ pHa AQuantity ai Household Fi ty Mayâ severai other articles tou numerana ta mou- tien, The pcpprieior having 'reniai bhis faro, altho abov rprydvertised, vil! pasit. el oald to thé ighestbiddtr, 'withaut Sal.etaiif>o0ol. m ., Sharp. Lunch ai 12. Truxao o,SALzx:- For the Feeding Steers, Turnips. and gay, 5 montba, credit; for the other praperty, ail sumsata and under e10, cash ; averý the amount 19 smonthe credît will be given by furnishing approved Jinùt Notes, interest eharged froua day ai sale if no. paid when due. Auctioneer. Whithy, Oct. 2Grh, 1875. ta-"4 ACTION SALE 0F Real and Per8onaI Estate,] f - -j- - y-if saCoussei fte os usn-as,. ciuw uuusy u sud ontaius Ida acre.. lh mgsl cihua iarîii fa gcai aUt foeftrma¶1,pur- Mes.'TZfU bnldlaç d sisecflihe la-m. w As àa. neye- f e~ trcaut ai valez on Ibis prcel; alto FA5",L Na. . Io composeS of 7j acres of Lotbnmzfber 26Oinlte Ninfh îcoanoiî ai itse Tovntp of Wlithy. Thi a ere!le sifuete An tie VillageofaiAsliurl.Thone lu s gociae.u.iblfsary Pm. Maie, a good Ba-n, Stblo sud DImvlg Shodemdanlg um"rjaun PÀWcitNo. 'L -la campaeed ci,40 aGiOs af thé North parie ai Laie anumbers 21 and 22 in lb. NAnti concession oaltie Tcvnsip cf-Witby ,Tmere le a good Bai-a, Sbed, cattis sud baorsestable, id as good -'vêuaf. vator on Ibis parcel - a sasi a don the i-nA ir oèf "_aui dsu-. sli in of lb. besl qnsity. PgAâkx.140. 5, This pi-oiconsista cf lb. set arla LaIN lin thé Pirsi con.ý Geesioni dl.4aTcvn 'dp i ach la lb.e aO ôl1Yw1IUgqU. ntheseIands.. Tii. ý soi 8«6 le4fagoS ualf - eig, WaliadapteS fo.£r fsrming upoe. TbeéAh oto alibhis larcel veil timbered, and" b. Or,, chitad pon-if confalus a number cf nez valuiabl iePult'Tr-ee. Thore a i cd voit sud a cAsiers oi 'thl- tcî, 1sud asail lake touabes ePorti ofii. Je n.IoAkcomposeS ofas1jdian aC.e, Part oi Lot No. 22 in théefBghtb con- cession of the, Township of Wiiitby,' anS &IeOarief ihlb. lovauce for rotS betycon Lais 21 sud 22.- The fe irma arc ilan b igb atete aif cultive- Thé Village of Myrili a te the Eiuîci and'immedÎâtelyed oîns pai-cel No. 1, àad the Village ai Aabaircliés ta théeeet aud adjoins p.rael-Na. 2. Lac-h af thèse- vill- ages lias a s i Office, a Sehool Hanse, Cbumch, Stores and Mechéanie's Shape -Thé Myrfie Sielion ai the Port Wbitby& Part FerryBuiai La vsqithin sloew roda ai Parada Nas i sud 2,1sanS hot ier prope-iy ta su wltbiia miléendi a iiali ai this ste- tion. TZIlMS AND CONDITIONS 0F SALE: The piuichaeer shah psi- ta tic Vondor's Solicitors ai tb. tinte of sale a dé p ait ai Teu per cent. on thé amouni cof the pur. chas. AnS shall sigu su agreement for the compiotion oc ie is puae, admi ilb '0one mouîb tborseaifr.- shail par unaaugb 'î.le vwilî hie duapast'Usîd on the dsy ai to s.-e-thi-deof hieapurelacemancy, sud sale, 01 bte balsacein fh-eé eqoal annual ahal psy .d-Saelleneutée ausuel statu- paymenie, tà. 'vifh pgvwer of sale en4 iin. tory mOrtgags - "'sc nrin> the ayencf .rnce claie-ect,. 'sat cigbf-pez cent per thé susme vilah inl, ainuum. 'uereservecd bld. The Veuidora ahallha.i by the Von- The Deeda vil! hé preyasér»S - pchasers. dors anS tho manigegea by fi >e l-. o 'Furtben partit'IUZland aud litt$,t'. b sale a bctyhohaïI on applicafion $0Go Mr.- Awuls-rsan, Shuenfybayn . isimcoe, leos' Wellsasud John FPunI Unbridge, anS a' the office ai the unuiersignei' vbe-e plans etof thbe prop~erty neay hébccu. PÂIE WELL, & RUTLEDGE,, Veeders' Suilfé aWbifb'y. 'gotobcr 20tb, 1875. si.n-"4

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