Whitby Chronicle, 28 Oct 1875, p. 4

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m&V k.a5u m Peuq Vpu, roman,.samas twQontmu Il(packet, and ho bega Wtda-bsuilpport a,-This *vide oq -on lb. 'sofaà rapidW 1 ' rsialng s thme signal for si4rkm of cauof îmtleswOmn, kimllbtg to-some )one te aile- Sb# macle knowei tu blé visits %Yale ne o gsf- aitiieCi l be batik ,,lignage Lm! eid Soutiiern , ho'lIn Rmil Weil unleretsn4e t t il ateclu. li-n ~te c ils sof nasl il wliom ie noe ln contact. ; Roivere bcuesaao dh Rnte Ie Ploabedilîtholier o ta lecard 1dm, li a &,mia.nd ber Ili-ais It s- bowavor, wu cImauvablo, anal rsttassd ta bave àaytblpg to-abdowltb lïr old *,es~ r." n ' x"iusteal bhis per;ativu powere, Revers bsu<an te tlam'atau; but lbe womuan was as irai ad mu rock,, 15h11,:se firfrein -ein rgbieuerIlit d hlm Riaîddared ehumr9 gotau baneier. A thlandmltinîmmi lie sMaO ho0woaal bulobsi -lior auil thon iiaolate lîlmesîf, ltaI tbe -two naight coling). sud caamfuaîml blie' bonne inaa 0(oauamon gaminefle bornglit a a w ne. velyindi-soifa-mmamm'nttly a,lbitt(ii t Ici litPstue ÏQWompi iltîa ti mS ecOner Or lateÃŽ- ta> cmlin witli i toelgoil of tioir mutuaal lmat1à. lin Mmnday db-Vue r ivuill na poi lime 40aeit ;ucrîlapîtimy lita lu the 1'aveè i ea Pm 1ark. On theur no- tbn'alam, înîdîjiîni'a']lîlig. At tlî'e o'elock ai liu mmo'niuglm3- we-mo ut liiim mmu' 'i'miWî uuvvt-1-'umty learod cygim îad ns laiggdr('untei. suice hasttold u'umaprtoilee' thanmw hiniseif nt ti fil et'flime worn ibii beggsu ier "fmrgivttlaese fur the -paet AnmIilire l'or tue fnturem.' Sie ttwons kics vouimi gemnt -meitherm. Tus düfjporatt u nnsreiv'frona hiki ponket là rell o! bille mninounting ,'lu ieveral btundreils out delmre anda unîmpenb g1,ola 'watoh. Vielle lie extendeal as pence offl'sngs ; buît thoir charnu evers haîritîilng. With a" ourse andmua biiithes woiaiî ttsanptad Jo ali thie mior andl almpat. Thes supremoe incluenit lamaicolos. levorc, ami nie mmit iefoe t-.plading for love, nt once datanaiil uîlooti. S'eiziug the nlison- able î,vomu4ma lau lis anme, ho lirloîlliter',9 itla ail thoe aagèesseof a timen, hack boele(mtna nechair, nI ktisuliig hîmfore * er, pîiemi tlic grilnniig muus fjo! tît rolver et lion lieaml. -"INow willyocî love nie," lieucniedi,-'un lialI I mmmnîer ,lli wonadifl drscck too nucli liq- non toalbc abde teamppaeciats thme danmger' o! fier posi tion, sud agzain I te-- k5<OE>AVOUImR» TO PESCAl. ili f Sdtantly Struokliter' powm.iriil WOW Witli th, eet16ol, feillîmmg lier to tils Iloor Ail cuttiulz I severo gafsh o'ver lier ait te'nilc. Sa 96rc "MuI- ' a"d dOtIbtis e RstvoYU ttlonght lis IliI kïled' IILr. 'rôcarry out bis flireat t'O f k-nail, hn tto vtin te ]is lmîisudîll e ict-lgr. Miîe bil. let rittf.tii on flin iglit4t h, pse tlimnuigil hoth aîiîj,îmceof tthu iin, nuulliîgad in timu ekult on the loft ide. )Oittll wMae itstautsueous. Ait officer oentened ljeliouses, airrssteld SeVeritl woIsue wlo %wers thens, and blusU repurtoci the 0140 e thé% a tation. iOuse, CurOnlOr Crolier was toleura )h- eW for, anîl ai 10 o'clook lis anil ilffi, tipnltyXin. lfseWlujnnie, neaclied the sonnaO of the tradgetdy, anti oniereil the body te bc ewtoved te the station hoeuses lu FOrty.sleevstl1 t tîme. .A poit uor- tom eaiainÏ41l h oie I1a.aeesoger, etili wet wltlî hîood wa, Vl' I lifîa't spoe wtonlLI be so Atbrvû o 'clotul& aJury wase eupan. e sel uil aîft(î'ic wliscthé was dis. ellarlisu atitili eloveti o'elock tii fore. -k iaini t acei isuil urrotinled hy tev. lg1 Oloîured'Seavants. Sheii le apr. du nt îirtý-y.tsyaas of fige, andl waei, aio lhaniomé several years ago. Atfret sighb lier l'ace le aoncewhamt pbtasing, but a litule etmnci yreadily dis. elsstie.liard linOé4, oclil sou pit lIesas Ch r e 1v0esueed to bc a whnle. Mple linielier, but PballdJOiOml bis hIstt. nems ioa4 six or- elgit amonthe ago. Ho wae iforty years or ago, aud lias lvod for satnie notths past at the. Washlngton Rous. s ,namr e ofuôih.avonno simdj Twveuty.sikth Streot. Hie 1.maus Were lltoiavod 1la Ot: eloîng te G)eupoliî, ta the lâhtuo!f gaiîl idsteî. NOTICE! rj 1 i A L<]1 5MCOjE J1ŽJ'rîT N Rai ' y elpiuy -WiSI apply to the làepidatu'nof Olitinlo et ite lueit sion thermoifafr ai, set t a uiengl ie st ocr Poratilng thecai) Conujny, esrowerin*< the nae ,5 t rbid the fsai ljiîîilsu-îy te tlîo ghereo-4aiLake, t)ntlîri),, Ivitilina ie Cemnty ai Ontartô, anîd t>) rommnît 0o amalganîste Wçttmauy otiier iBîmlway (lowampî im titn ibid. Cotnty, ana f or othier pm~ss * - PRIUEmNrT. 1NLPSTEIÙ. .&DV yaE -AND WB KLY' LIBERAL. t .upAyasi.-0N.01tpoutags. 1isai u Y as ~U Vapigu Opemi. tipleap te Agents. Falfincery oft67sertber 0Pol4~cIurLw Onilis to Llmdsay', Pt, rPBp n8pti Box 2MS, Nis-em Yonk. AM LUNE TO P.OOEBTE 0 RtE MAS wîll mk hon regamian tipi au hiisrouta le& amCabOarg evei-Y Mrning at 7.80 aad PonI-t. iopse t 9 o'ciock for RPieter, con- nOt.g thée0"WitheheRo* Yank Central, A" sui 'ml pointcmast, iWast, sud Returutug: viilImave Charlotte (portl cf Rochester)( 1mtety t )p., exceptstardays Wheo uehi ii bave at 2p.mn.. direct or ParkHope direct. This is the Abomrteet simd qulckelirt ta Osieo and Waîea.town, ila LakteOutunlo ab...e llroamI moto Charlotte. 'e Daor' ,stock, 4-., iii Hfia4 tiJtie ohoaplet amd-moîeeitllaus roule LI Bos. ton Âlbani' New Y.,r& an beriaforntlon apply ta Kîngaosa. 17 tuhîît'y resoî'tt lotlîiF;standl- ttî-dti<otii-tif3 icceiveti by the h'l iltol's. Ttis nckniîol- c ýge1 y imîy lomîinenlt îuysicifitî8 te ho the ionst i-cuIliblu pî,epau'atioiî cv'î' iii- tî'oduimdfor'the ielief anid eur ocf ali Lung'onîplaits, îid i4 ffcî'cd to tule piîblic, eaîc.t ioiucd by the expeî.ience of ovet- foî'ty yeu-s. 'Wlîen r'e'tec te lui, scamloleut -sel- (1o11 failt t effcct a spcedy C'li-e il, thîe iuost ievcro catses of» Coumhs, Bi'oichitis, Cr-oup, 'WTlîoopiîg Cougli, Iîîfluîaî, Astmma, Colds, Sore Tlîîoat, I>ains or~ Soî'c- lic-s inîthie Cliest anîd Siie, Livea' (ioaîplaint, l3leedtng, riti le uîus, e.wista-'s Bakeîîun dotŽs lot dry up a Chagjli, andlea-ve the cause blcluiid, ais iithe icalse wîth aima-ýst îîir<par'Lt ions, but it looscels nîîdct At nses tho 1luus î'einovîîîg the cauise of the coîxplrait. JI'tEtAitiO e ' SETH %V, FOWLIl & BONS, 1De8osu, Macs ADma moldt iy Dru.5-tU liU a sgneily tons, nice aud' iht6 Pâriies buying Carrii Carnage motidià warranted obe OC~AU, wil ie solc Oc j P~ d Z~H I I - .I'I Haila itUâa4-l4ýtIes ôiitïal portionet the cil>',couve tte mewhlesa4 es biim osah ublie bildings u o t a&ndtommeroial -rav2lb'Z taon ma ile tit uallen. The b ouma-6 been thorongly>' -e.rganUisfi sd i- enisb.d- thiionîbeaht, sud is m- up lu tbe mosicocmfortable 4nd taàhieuabls etylej' quel te auyfs s- U- iè &ëc 'l ii ~niin The bedrooiiamrwn-om n ag sud ld , sm bIbt sij yrgualoanoô rved. ~ Tue ange£ndo6nvnmcit s m oinis, ton the-s aomuodadnoLI CobmrWorcial, Travellons, ans 'comumodio, nesdcoouvcnlently lacs" don. the finsi flai. 1.. Omnibusos sud Carrnages always ready for 'the- acoonmoda oi Of- -guestsa at-iving by aIl. the teainu and stoamboats, andi aise ta co>'e e. Ronnedy, fanmerly cf Queera's Oelon *vonouni, 3Unager.- Teîngrapia Office la connection ita tiis Uommse. TERImS, - - si 50 PERDY ONTARIO LADIES' CO--LÉlEE. ist Terrn, Sept. 7tli to Nov. I,5th. 2nd " Nov. l6th to Feb. 7th. 3rd " Feb. 8th to April -2th. 4th " Amiil 2lst to June 2Žth, A coînplete Stacff of Teachers. Mn. Tornington continlies iu charge of Mnsec ]JePatrîmeut. iicaroilable charges for Board and Education. Building and Grounda unequîiled. For Cal.éndarâ, addrems 11EV. J1. E. SANDERSON, M. A., Governor. Or to J. J. RARE, B. A., Pnepl Wbitby, Sept. 1.11h, 1dà.88 Furniture! Furniture!! Now is the timie to buy good and cheap Fturnitiirp. Iiving bouight ont thie business lately carried on by James H. Sano, we tahe tlii opportunity of inviting his inany fric nds to give us a cail, and -we can 4ssnre al tlat wve are prepared to do as we11 by thewin ~tiie future, as Mr. Saino lins done in the past. TILL & JOHNSTON. 1Q UICK TIML. Orders by mail promptly attended to. TVO T1RIPS DAILY Steainnr ITY OF 'TORlONTO îCapt, Dtck) leareus daiiy ioot of Yeimge street, To. routa, mt 7 a. ni., a (1 p. ra., ruaches Ntag. acr li 1.00st. ni.,tand à-10 p. rm., Lewisn at 10 a. rit, ait 5 p. mn. Conicions ior the Fell4, IIrîffuelm Cliivinde Rochsteur, Albany, Nemw York . li,î&c., &p.. TAck-. ets amiutaiflAriiîu it nNe. 8, F-ront $troet, 1Jmtiy 27, 17a. i). McLLOI', AkgL. i -Burne'ttlo Oococalle P-eveîiât, iY- tar romiI-liî Burnett5s, Oocoaine Prumou iclt iicy 0i-wtL. t3urilett'3 ,,Cocoawe -Burnett's Oocoalr.e, L-"amsi- 1ü L îteml,, Oi r. Burnett's Cocoaine Burnett's Cocoaine Burnett's Oocoalne, A iU-Sinll tho Ritmtt Lutre.- BLrnett's Oocoalne le îlot au ic-r(I-oltc VPslm, Burnett's Oocoalrue Bui'nett's >'Oocafine leu- lNew LifthoM .i Iir. Burnett1-l '0*'co aI àne on tud 73 cents prGettie. PRYDAIS &'SON< & LAWRENOE, MaQtTREAL, P. Q. Agiote fIorseilsl1oo t Oumda. JOSEPI SIRNETT& 0Co, BOSTON, îPlr.priato,,. IDORT WIHTBT AND PORT PERET RAILWÀY. TI)&Ê TÂBLE No. l. 'riaes aêffoct Ou Momi1da>-, Jiaita 7, 1875. Trains rui h>' raztntme, mvlîtcb As tvsn- ty-twu tlautes ie1rha G.Tilt.îîtpe, - ]Broolml . 1.5am ,5pm Manethautor 10.238 m. .4pM. -.PrIgo.u~lbaol 10.88 sir.7.49 an ocuce seea..2% M. *hllby->... 7.881s.ni ne. .00 P.m. Wlutby Juetion, arrt iQ.a-i 7 .5p~i *Plahorm taticus. Trains stop ou sie, UNDEIRTAKJNG-The only first- olass Establishment i the> County where funerals are fui- ly suliplied. Whithy, October ist, 187-8. FREDERICK TILL&JHNT . 40.iy NEALE,3 WHOLE SALE & IIETAL DEALEIL IN GROCERI'S, WVINE S AND SIMOQE-SI,, OSHAWA, RAS BREMOVE '£0]YAREWELL'y SBLOCK. AGENT FOR DAVIES & BRO.'S Celebrated XXX Cream Aie & Porter. CnOICErEýrT BRANDS 0F CdIUARS A NDTOBACCOS AL- WAYS IN STOCK. rýrTHE TRADE SUPPLIED. . Oshawa, M\arclt 24, 1875. 181! ORGAN8 c*,,MELO0DEON GRGI4NS. rHE - MIJUDGE &Y-A~ROD~M' O J'ANUF4ÇtR,TR4ýELeflÂM1 TX OGA Spei otýýeib ý ed t0t fhliii tyo u ,ie: Stylé, lu alnt ' $14), ý ~îô style 15, iu Waliit case, $îs, iW nibi&ut (Case.ih 1O ile 7ift- égn"f' àa.o, $175, ÇdVàewthf' ,15 Style 9, lu Resonant Cnses .19,]usa o4o's, wiht m nns,) boards c~ut i litigal the littei imprvements,nelyat ALso, - ,YAIIwýOO]ys 3E -Ea GA*- 'n hadoeRose*oàd pia 'cass h 1ýy in1shedl. -- Styloe t, 150; o Stylo I5 yle r ~loeouuFgrgPt4t&ýié7à, faurea so11y uMI o suiQr -sé- iàjmUse.- eyening pniai Thon. knowea ai ýwhen thou wsrnest five, - 7 This waruilng'e h#and from me Corne Mary eil, pray lookalive, Ân4 loi- us have Bome Tea. W66Se11,wh6asl1à go choicesa cup,ý An 'l~ de renown, WODAMB 'S LD ' -N ïeta4'ît6îLiquor Store, DanidasSt., Whitby. 'Ile British Amerloan Co-PffimmerclilCollege, T OR O-NT O0 ~tablished ir 1961, ana je now the most popular ana extensive eichool m tIominion for the'Education of You,,ig Men, Mfddte-aged Mon, and I# il commerciil branaoies. gp8liéial attention is givon to the _science <of Bookl<eeping as applied to every clepartment of Trade anad Commerce ; ýalso to PRACTICAL PENMANSHIP, COÏÏMERCIAL ABITHMETIC, COMMERt- LIA.L'~W BSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, SPELLINU, &o. Ito graduates are conipetent aciçountauts, aud are souglit for by merchantsa and busiîesoàn, in want of belp, from i l parts of the Province. i ':5î Thsre are no vacations. Students niay enter at any time witls equal ad. vantage. Bemeniber tbis, ia s full course commercial school, and connected with ftony otheré luéated a b Montreal;aod the principal cibLes of the United States. 'rensiÏreasonaàble aud lower than mn of -the-ather sohools in the Association. Auy pçrson ueuding their name and address and enolosing six cents in stamps, wili.recelve by reluru, mail a piece ot Ornameutal penmanship, specimens of Business .Penmanship snd Ciroular. S A,,TEACHERS CLASS WILL BE OPENBD DUBIG THE HOLIDAYS at very low rates. 27 ODELL & TROUT, Toronto. NEW HAVEN_ ORGAN JUBILEE ORGAN S. NORVILLE has thetn-Splendida Instruments-and wrlll mail heni At pnices Lbat will surprise you. It you ever expeot to buy one. now i. the Mmze. Bes sure to givo tue a cal) before*buying. A gond assortutent of Clooks, at wbolftsale pnices, to close ont the lot. Olooke, Watcbes, and Jewel- ry neatly and promptly repaired. H. W. NOIIVILLE, Dundas Street, 81 Opposite the Post Office. GENT'S CLOTHJNG- AND FIJRNISHING 'GOODS - - 00 For Superior Clothing suitable for Suxnmer wear try the Clothing Store and Merohant Tail- orin.establisnment of J.E30 T E s-1 M14GU8OT S 0]T, JMJNDAS- STREET, WHITBV. A GxOOD FIT'AND, STYLISII CUT WARRANTED! Gent's Fuirnishing Goods of ail kinda,- inoludiug Shirts, Ratw and Caps, Uinbrellas, &o., Wbîtby, Jnly 27th, 18715. tf-SI J 0OIRN S T ON'Sý.' SELF-RAKIýNG'REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE 1 At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. We ofler to oui- customers for the coming L1rvest, two dis. finct Machines, which in stylsi and conStiýction, embrace the lateit and most useful imprwvements ".-.,the day. JOINSTN'SSI NGLE SELF-IEAKING REAPEIE THE "RING 0F REAzPERBà." Trhe tpýiiivtnersal:auccess of this Machine, both in closely contest- edînrTll and ifi the bande of the Wlarancn warrant us in uaying thut, as aSelf.Rak- ing Reaping Mach.ine, lu bas more gaod pointe apal lo oects, d bas mnet ib motenas csuandI lems ature, than beretafone 6fleed tt laspubilic CAYGAJUNIOR MOWER 1 ».e we re awrded the Firmit Prize and Diplonia, at the Provin- -nia là Exhibition, held in Toronto, 1870.incimpetitbcîi with al the. bsadingMachinfs -meanufmtured in the Provine-; and with ccir recent improvemsnte, ie un}asitat-. ijngl.y:,;èbllqnge ici*taigstaorc aRnd comparimpce, tib cempetirg Maclines. ie are satlefled that smala inveittigatifin will cenvina'e éveil;, îaqprejudie eaidtht. -oflon dit ebot Moirer te ehe Fariner «foi-'1872,1 bùiltin -the Doninion. ~' WSeWd for descriptive Catalogues. BO I BROW & PTE~N BÃ"0, A D SH0E 111.ni R, ~RRO K S REE~,. WtITBY, -T, o.---- gfls& also t6ale.s Tio1r1nd. è val", J~A~~Gdfe~Ã" h'sût~ _OonAeninsÊ' t vyusai m akere;. - M -4th 'S ' i& achines', Ladies' Work Boxes, Writj - Bk~vn~W tEgik' ana "rneniaiý-ýFruiî' -Dishes,' Baskets, Tea Sets, Canal Receivere>, Napkin Rings, Butter o~Goler, Table Rni okaaudl Spcomms lun greal yarity sud very cheep. --- Oth - ~ or :les aüa Gntlix Golt Ringsoi, aind -&amSlt-eve Bottons, Suirt Stnds,'Goid Leokots lnuZ va~etts*u12-o-ta-~îauSets in ine gomlwhich vo Jjisepg-aj ns od iices. '~2~- Àlno Plated Sotes ada3et Goo131-- angé àssaBortmet t f auoy Go( P-S'Al u seortinent o! Family sud Poe lbFae Himu Book. - oket Fae .cjSPE( GLÛUGII & W'AiIgiE OJiàAi CI' (Lt ixuions& B louh0 OganCcE) dlg LE WIS- , ALLIN, r Book and ÃœMuelo cS tore, GREÂ~r DR. clai B 4u9~',aaÂND- S -ýz _ cols.. GIRAND COMBINATION ORGANS' FITTED WITý TEE NEWLY.WMENTEb SORIDNER'S PAT,'ENT QTALTPYINO TUDES, An invention havîng a most important bearing on the future reputation of Reed Instruments, Iiy meane of whieh the qnality or volume of tons ie very Jargely increai;ed, and the qnality of tons renclered' Equal to that of the Best Pipe Organs of the siame Capaoity. Otir cclcl,r. .I.d -Vox Celeste," IlVox Hum-,mna," IlWi]cox Patent," "Oc- tave Couplpr," the clîurmuiing "CIl Clo" or IlmcrIionette" Stops , I"Genis Hormi," II Cri mion," Il Vox Anigelet," Viola Ethlenla," and ALL TH-E LATE IMPROVEMENTS Can bc obt:iined oinly in these Organe i aj Fifty Different Styles, for tice Parler and the Clcnrch, the Best Miteritil snd Vorktnarieliip, Qsality anmd Voluwe of Tons Uuequalled 1 PRICES. Ss? TO Ssoo. .Factory1 and Wzirerooms, Cor. Gth and Congres St!î., DEROIT, Michigan, (EetsblAshed Ain 185 .) Agentï Wunted in Every County. Addies- CLOUGH& WARBEN ORGAN GO., DETROIT, MICH. CHIN.A TEA ST6RE! B Y GIII.3 sO0N-& SAIVLJ, 35 Hhds., Cratc's, and Cases, containing lithe Largest, Best and Chieapest-Assortment of Chika, Glass- Ware, and Fancy Goods 0f ail kinds ever exhibited in Whitby! China Ten, Setts, frein $1.150 tu $20. Fancy Vases, froin 10 cents to, $,50,- per pair. China Mottocd Cupesud Sauceni, frein 15e. to $1.150 each. China Mottoed Mugs, CardBaskets and Fanoy Gooda, 9Iý IN ENDLESS VARIETY! -FANCY TOILE T SETTS, FlýOM Si TO Sî5, PE.R SETT., Ladies, ail tics above having 'been purchsd expressly for Christmas presepts, they -mil bo sold cheap aýnd withont ieserve. Plesse callansd examine for yonrselves hefore purohasing clsewhero. UL--* Aise on hsnd, a fuil assortmemt of choice Teas,«Family Grocieries, Fruits aud Spice of ail kindîî, Haine, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Apples, Pots. tees, &o. QYSTERS, best brand, always on lcamd. GIBSON & SPAIRVELL'S. Whitby, Dec. 15tb, 1874. [E T LSi E D,13. OLD STAND,' New Par1oir Sçts, New Bèeroom. Sets, And a-larg ýstek of*Caî e and seatÇharsTab.les, Bureàùs,; Sofas,-Louinges, B -C Cpboads.""' r, Clojh, and Daniask Loiinges, &c &.- ' estc of New. Qilt Window Cornia The, ltrgefst,,and cheapest stock of Piotures- evei bin- tow naail of 'whioh he offers at prices: that -ill n ts. àther diasitht lbaL olau sai.y-or - ('onsumPtion snd a 5remamire Grave, ail oîwbieh, as &-raie 'art Irsi tzused by d fLbn ram the p atL ,cm aibiaa s d ov er. Thme Specille Medicine l ths reffult of a Hie tudy sd nmuynJeas- o exerence in trea.t pgt iis e ps e es'Fal ar o nr lu o r -p am p hle t, w h l i h v s d Ie" t c. sud basby mailt eve7 n. Th cie ific lMe iciue ià so d by ail D rng, gitI a M e package, or six packages for $5, or vili s ent hy M ain on receipi ni th* m oaey, by addneusing WILIM GRAY C O., Winds ér, *ont., R w ' i i d i u W bi t h b y b ' J a s. H . G e r i s C.-, snd Jams Bym-ns and by ail drgIgiss- vrhene. 'orhnp& Lemn, hoo -- CUST0MS DEPARTME 1Ç ttaçv, Miarcb li,1n87d 1 A U TRCOIZE'D DISCOUNT ON A m erlesu I uvoicesu mu til r ho na tive, là psr cent- I. S. Mi BOUCETTE, 4 6 t f G o a 2in s i a n e r cf C m n e e n . B OOR AGENTS WANTED. E. J. HALE-dà SON, Publlsher8, 17 Murray St., N. Y<, Are now issutng, te aïsbacribers only THE TISTLE ýADDITION, the auy fu1l y Illusbnted Editin ai THE WAVERLEY -NOVELS af Amrican uùs keevrofférd ta the puli. f tho tezt -of 8ir Walten Sctt it ii, of corm, unacssary ta mpsk. Cf tbsaîtyle ai manufacturs ýthe ,vohuunnes nov 4eady wilspa for themmelves *b-rvr su 'ý« T h o y 'h a v e ' mia y s th e 'I gY e w« o zr k E ,, m m în i Po l the best ac i l U ua i n u a pubed boam,lgan, largo lpe. Without beia exsamveeleautsndserviceable."1 dilulbaný«]y etifml edittans aen oftpA hi e byeauty! tà he Iew Fortyeght volume, venagig 400 pages each, and cotaîiing-uear1y tio, touao-- illusirationa, wtl comploe. the seres. Tva volumes isuea mou -y. .Foiurteeu Volumes now Ready. PRICE, in cith,gfit extra. pervolume, &1.50 Half Tunley Moiocco, efit top, 2.25 - Addross-- CHAS. I. DABNE, Gese'l Ag-t, Cars E. Hile & Son. 17 Murry- St., N. Y. Sept. 20t, 1875. 8 9 FOR 7011SALE!< Sonth hait o! Lat 12 la 7th Con. of Mara. It lu within two niles anda auif aithe Vi1Mȏe of BesabAi, mmd ts ultuated'on Centra road, whlch rai hetween Onillisansd Bsav. enton, ammd ts on) y ons mils IrgmaShepîer station. ci lbheldlsndRsiiaift4j acres ni At is cieured asud the b asi' ucovered wth good mied tinier., A hnse lu s&ho on the premisies. Wil)'beZold on eazy 'ternms. For aiuifrmto apta0- MICHAEL FEEL, BrechiAi P. 0. Oc .teharOud, THE - - Ia.4 HEN FIJ,_;HOPK1NS.ý N I C E à' in cl d t d 0 th e - ~nt~ t1e av cai ~eganst idèdreâsed are hereby ne- %ainetbfm1'eierticular ofthe'sanielto -: brGEPH 1 INS, WI'lbr' ~ - Execalor. 4rfuly, i È purnued ln v o n o w u" - . L o V, , i i 5 r s s n L m l y b o n - raîlfp. eç- pbtPleworth ýeveeLA!!@Mýtlk 111"o*iâbo Yu.a go tno wnk'at oe, irilllié sént - ireceipt ai "'yncets AUirees, -'J. LATHAM &CO 0., 419 Wauntm Street, Boston. Mess. P . 0 . ~ u i. 4 1 H IUSEAlýDJ LOT FOR SALE 1 -GOOD FRAMlE DWELLIN,' 6 ti o a o i s o o naB. g o oal _ , o i , si_ a c e l. J '17-m->'ie- me~iT A tan, Bloc froe tract Test loccal' Ring BU] M.] IL' Tenue Cmao LU ens f oulii Cneaie, Anh T vif AB FICE. tf-dl -1 'fi 1 ' Pý berlth, 1875. 1 =: ti t] A T TIIE JUST RECEIVED ýTHE

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