Whitby Chronicle, 4 Nov 1875, p. 2

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5ÂL~ ~s.eenwao&, .lionday, Altif LANI l'S SALE.' fr, 201h. l SALEfS. pleiaste,dc uiseuescpable. Meetlhg aft« 1 ing tisisttes.fôaý ,la peipetrme~ li insthef4nlems of! tleir 'ova og SImagine lter filases lareag w eighisssitwlt idpr nsIi isthm Aillise mttial btulusaa oMo'nàay pf. coond be deeeutly fisiabed in li lans-, wsra sensilsi-susudisposesi isornestu tlieir faenills Ma sproper, ailas ie~cg isstesiai 0pau00 MWslgaleil uosese til "-tlis ta oni om>Ã" doubi liasse.,gési 'maire tishé evri 'Dlmg axcuse for, lai hoas tiai~5sy ave basai oui of tisir basuin lscharglug-ý ais idaportent datiéesailise cauncil. 'l okrliflphcrîu o., -tisan M. Mui elos. o yPik arng 1878. L, , '-04 tie, imld- - -'&o,,o ai Picices-ni, peia 1 r,-L, U'al-loueetIy.pa ONI>Y 5>6~ PRR ANN4UI Wlîîb "hurIsyNov. 4, 187 - - - -~Raàizway liscension Io Linusasy. -jt I fiti "r'foi tliiisusCtististct f . h t : siaansîning lis'- i eraçs'iePasIrge5 fi Il sdllses, ini uei-t at-y fa-mi riij'-Tush iia ai-Elaetoa.I usIî-4p1~' Thesuuumîisel.NIitrin cail - iai ss ti i e ts usciii.'ss a b el p dow- le-y f t lîsi Csmî'ny iudlap ta-bi lîrti t tsios-tusitceis nof the lu a lii si1sforetielant idsevsi as i)etia -~~ sgal,1i l iss s iiîoï îiteluis-niy for ext - ililsiain r o la Rocios. bis rav tisiussaene ftis Vhi Ac fo Aumiuan sttîi otectpiioo a i - tous-acu b u t tu (wLst.clie-abu t hffin seaInisedne m uonly Byeefil tsMpur. Mtkezie aÇl aifx.î Tipareminst sassiescfWtuc ecevo 'lita ilnuios t uallont ufth cit 'Puîaca la-ie c'uuutht tylausfige (Jetelusr - ~ islia ga bofates-rete leie utg 4cs1gs-tulotiuu for isuauenslln uatul niIl itfels e avttugte îcip ci Mui ' Iarisîceshtut ulecsagu atisaips- du aulsciîhobasfilatcage#Ilisi Cliairmnni j that-te iudiated5 set anensoeu h MiYefli Mekcnîle atow Halifaus. K- et 18170111.)lie Si. lalsis- The cîhîrsusliaOflte ulitIsai il veakisat s oiusofn a lis sosen Gvs-sîeul of jusicu, tm' a srei seifurci imCs j tisstlemThé,nsi e olis -Twn jsip a ge-I, nluan wth htisewahiens- ansall - ofais liebhies!te pare. - vutlha hlîsiugoa0,, su tiadIt esns &ntlIi, t0mss-l ai. 5<luuvu d te -'L' as-y." O l ie sle ii. opelaial. ; Tis al'ICTpî'ai I ss-leta al. smdd leisait, mn i 'usiisY esotul" piece t c j:aseiam vu ,he ve sear n toes aom lime, pTil(fise Moeve a istb Cavshnd euaataiscp tiiavte Swanldn lstavssihonliitsf rssqof he lotIsecpar iseas-eil lurth lads-e sai as 'aotica a!tbisa lio-Inwtle ae fs i -' is ksîsvisttn iI -Ad ui t teit ' iall es-s publiseday eve-ng vs uirely ewtuss-sdet promtu sItsen isava taa gol qie letrsandlnas-est 1iîss-pldee ii utuisa 28asa wîl ae, fauah ai iiias n tissgis îse utîlliqs-s Slatat î l issî su sng IeBoeoi- ou - ro Ti 111btusei(Mise antiy PansdSsui, va. Cu lîe, Mb.llis-atgutailis.tIse suesi - as-ireelatnin. Ans! alhtbuild iag ehchU r.s-ol uaav a ain p isst nibis sudsrle A» hie eleatnsus, earilec eau pleaslull T'i.- uin. taae etrese 46V -tansI- tIse chiine assalishas.. konece freniai diss td# to tle X4vss 0 UsSii a e 'of d a-- 75- cous 'ny Agrcutsss- l oly. Whao, ou=, frisbe *iloh. a im i tic wiLt lea the Ssii A -eter issabean publlisaéd ahgts <A. Membes- "-but visic iSi rnovu -' have, bean vs-item by tishe goe-try-a lis. Picerinlsg Agrlo culural Socliey, i unseîla -Our-dissasdl <as,-lia 1figure' sbieg ntIse- positio6n - uthlie Socletj lIere ,s ise sg uawve w. i irns th ilIf tise:C«asict.z'sMase uiv "psy spasty la examnie lis, hocks msels! outelysud aishâ oîb akaepsaii "huveaigelos- tram aiealng lien, h "havis g gis-on siafâdoeut secai-Iysve ar "sus-e tiaItiseéSocety vil .granitSh te lieprivhiesge anti aise ameta il, usa "ibi Glazt tss'a bas!grammes. ie iglea '<up, if It aboubsi coul amlas-sult-iani "vil bail lise Ivo cabliage heads us "siuser for t-be (Jlrosiele'a eoniey .tisaIitr may alap ilsnais.. IlThe fact le, MtIsI ince s..adiug t-si article train tiae Cisousice o ui s5ohemnlly bas been demoralizeti an go bqit~a5 .... .........s' ....... ... ... . .. las uil.debestues., ais- e -....a....... Tls glana a tol I S -L.a'rlisg, of tihe ttaliamnosui f taxep rsised, omly snime eigt thatasasdol- " laint' irsbefor tavu Orsposes, in- a îir tsets"nd lmprlsvemeuts, ss.- ahi asisanr U aussi peutiugeaseansd e91 mhscella e-xpenmea. sTise 'achol ais- anail beinre taxas esi np a bout fftj' perentcflis taalampnutai -hsd. Wes- lera only tise taxations for ipgiii- mâte lava pus-poses tae bemetth'e raie wauidbo;at ois isécent ta tIse ai 'dallar-. Airefaroisceta la tim~npaortant 1<igtledudisamiiandsi taoOur, jovua. 'of nue by dmecoibetrii&la alitisa4ane- n dessasy tao show isov-Iiss masey goas, and sutile prboosibis cies-gebie pasier. r- e diffas-enlhead. Tisi enta-priing ,journal, tise Gazette, calzg, tieuhion -ta 'tise sulject (viths the OsUsI goosi 11 grainusas aud correct spelhiisg) asys :- Of fiTses-eL somctiig ssvs-ome-1 sId vies-e la aviSant, ans! il la the. dutyj le of cfhue ratepayers ta foigi I ont ands! re "rectluivl t Wisat vendes-fnl vaseof viailani1- iî 'Il lantisaduty cf the raiepayens tfc i 11fcrit " it eut ansi -cssity W'Ir,1Il vae la 1dm business, if hé mnev anythiug of tise duies a! tha pasithois ihlch lie epos, tl ave asupplies! lie infor-maion. là Tia CoNCicusgiveis by JeèauhusWaien i as!dMs-. Hardy aitishe Odatelcyws' hall, s- an Fsiday evening, vwu utal o vel sattendes! as tise excellence cf tise per-b formiance desea-vesi, TIere avs; lsov. even, a very apprediative- ansi ra- sspeot-ablo audience. The splendid alng- ing cf bath lise public tavrs-ies-savsays -goos-ve hava neyer isoard surpasiesid -upon any fo;mer ocaosion. Jeauie vas i n excellent voice sud sang Scotcha, Eng. liansd Ibshisoln-geviti a eelndsuw pathos tisait tok possession cf ailbhasla. Ms. Hardy'& camus ballades kept lIse house.lunaa cnetant soas- ai laugistea-.J Ha playeds avenal boetifal ais-s upon CC lthe argasa, ans!&ae.gare ila amons imitation i-ftise bagplpeli, ands! iema» 'es-y of ihai instrument elicitesi liseb! was-nsst applasue. -'Ris phayiog ss sinpîy adm irable, Re tbal occasion 4e ta sAnie, as lh. conuinofa au admis-- a abiy playeti piece o! musie,lIaItIshe bc instrnmsnî nd assi vorm thse àtachs- of tIse Mutge h Yarood Organ Com. 'uai pauy, ans!tisai it va. tIse besti asta. Di ment ai tise midha bai playes! on a5 mince lcc ame -ta Canals. Jetiule Watson andi Mr-. EH'ssly lefItus-r Mon- treel ou Satut-isay ta siug a lis e Rlallove'eu celébrationu cni Mouiiîy niglit. Fs-rn Ilieuce tlicy go tuslo Quéaec, vIsera lhey have aiea an on- gagonul lasing ai auoiler Hallovo'caa celebration an tIse -8ls. OntIlii-ratura tisey bava pt-omises! l. aosl -agaitalet Witby, Wvuben ots-ssit llmy vil b. OU more atacesesfuiai a btaining sa gooti an hanse. "Sssot's vhs Ibas "-<' Tisa siggs ip o'basley "-Il W-e a' Johis Tamanu'eart bais-ns," os- ety 0o!o these fine aidlo stonge ti Jeasuis Wnbt9uis sud Mi..ce Hardy eau rendes- in a viiyhatis ilste hseaurtcf a Se<oliian, sisonul, if nots- ing more,1 seonre tIsai» a co-avl. Tis- ' entes-lainnilanul,'hover, confines!, lu Scochiais-s, but exteudis (o Iliosu, ofnu Englan ud I srehani snd ombrasses tise os- besl ans! uncat highiy psizes!ofci a. -Th lioualieil. tae osr 'LE the te Aie idr le Id re. ie. eh g of Mn 'Bd rp rk ke A : aua '::Cabbage Iesea ,*W 1buot aud pot '"Pu9wis" wili colapse. l0W 41To bo serions, Higginâ, are o or- This~ producetion will futiser lerre1 the shlow ItIe secrtsry'o Bluoe for ti M 9- position. lIl charged tise Catoorîc' an wlth vilful falsesooansd nilarepreseni las tiou for oalliug attention ta thse tact- Mlà- vîsiohswc did segrelfully - of th Socaty's deuline. Ha vas asilt oupply thse figures 0 tisaItihe pui cauld jutge betweeu us, aud va sr ýLa. treatesi ta a tirade of biaçkguardiaus&ai san vulgas7 impertinence diagrmafl 'ta til lm position ho. holda. What va demandet rg vas lu the, luterauiai'thse Society itsoal $e W, higulgootaIes.pus-pose ta serve *Tise ternis of the sawer vs hais! ta I RU bsait ta every membes. of lise re speotable body composlng the. Asfionl * tus-ai Society ofthtisownship of Piokers haiug, sud for vhoni thi seoersy is- ase e te, peàiL But ibis ta pasblyà Smanagement, sud tIhbsainq ta whlsi Mlthat mana gement ia eulrusted. Theit l-chas-soeser aunat fait ta b. reassjuring ta ths menibers. Perhàea this style oc es lattes. ws-ting. ins.sply ta information au akeà or, as ikeninta accouusî when tiese acs-taTy has i ffteen dollars addcd ta lis aalary for lise performance or his dutieu ? Ms. Artur Jobuaton, ve oa#- ad infas-mes, offored tta <b thé sarue wos-k li at he ldai!alas-y. No ans viii be likely s. ta goy a word &ainaut Mr. Joliston'e ta Blaos fdt6M~ ie. posiLissnes-that bisses-via.s n. sud expoeeo wouiîi ual hava been to mont useful ta tise Society. But ve '0 suppose Il waa cansideresi that holiss le iliot .ikely ta usineamiiia ietter-ws-sler Il te tise papes-s Andi, with au oye ta thei <,careful Management ai' thse tuudnd<u plisoiding lthe ohalMs týoftihe Society, Ms-. tichardsson hasi the fiteen dollars a ditesi ta thie formerSalas-y. Again we e6 cali upan tIs e nuo! Pickering taol - uita tise affaira ot thair Soiety-ta take le sn intorsest lu ils management, sud ea s-ois# il once tnias-ta tiha fousiising 'h sud prosporous condition il bas hes-ta. fors accupled i5sfos-e lis.counts-y. - o Voted, LegisIatcd and! Taxes! ta Dcsîh. r - %.Talkismg witim e friand oves- the pro. t ceulinigs -of tiha Town Couneil on Mou- day eveainug, andilte tinse vastei by îmunicsipal bods inlutIse sslboratenesa wt hiO hey $Paunot discusslons apon tise mes-est - trifius, ho madle the. -fuscible renias-kthai vo wereo, repre. a senti tadeatis, taxod ta desaIs, logis J lated ta death, aud votes!ta, deatls." gIFew observera wvIs take tise trouble af 1 laoking osoly mb t-se mottes- but viii n- arrive at a similas- concluaion. We have -Town sud Township <ounoils, Boars-deoa o School Trustees, ansi Cainty Coun. ýtcils, ail cutrussted vus htamable powes. WIe ave tlie Locasl Legisialsîret ulte ) Dominion Parianient, empow-eres! vith a lhe rigîsIt Q legisiate sud la% at viii. rAni vs have îl-e intelligent reprsoeut, 1atives to esoaud'sl ithithe cumber- soine suda ooslly machines-y for Ibiir I lection, sud AUl thé expanisive adjanots sund pasaplsernaliacoansldsed uecessam-y 1ta uPholdlng tise dlgnily sud disolsarg lIshe dui1e..of f afl, toaisitain.W. aire la Is-thi aneeciou.-iddsu people; vs oas-y lb. principle of aur éleetive insti- tuIlis. it ise extrenisa l iegth, sud ap- Pigar ta rol lis tise unisonudesi freedosu wevu ha4 qlid. Buta&llthisbas gotta 1b. pelsi for. Ise tex-payer bis gao&ta ft Iii u. Andi $maillvondar tIsi vion lise day o! rsokosing cornes raunsi ho cries ont egaiuat taxation &"d ex. trsvs«snee. Thse peaple are beginuiag ta foesit, snd ta question tise- absaints perfectiblilty oi that syatm vwills, wh.ite t beetowathie las-geai represenia. tire latitude,,-contera * lise s&&me id tisé saublfal priviiege of taxlng, voling, aud oiglating ho deati., Umur -Tac Pxarxaaux< à-CO - _ AIL &INSî' C1URIE aU-CscIt.-TIse -'concert gIs-en by tise nembers ci Ail Sainti' Chus-cii, a h Tiswnav hall, on Tuesday evsning, vas y'ell sîtenules!. A select programme vas auccepsfully cas-ries!ont. MUre. Braedon, Ms-s. Cale, Miss Joisuston, lise Misses Frs.r, Misa Blow, 11ev. Ms-..Beil, Ms-. Jaffray, bis. Hardiing aud MUr. Inowing, taak part lu tisa entertaiuntî, sud aIl acquittes! thoseslves moat orcditahiy. Lis-as us-GzNumna L a.-Ma-u. lDay- ton is novlu thus' neigihous-iood cen- vseing foin Cul. Ccoire's lite of tisee cle. hrated SthIes-nGens-al. 'The vos-k la puhslisesi hy tisa Appielans in iheis- boit atyle, andsixlaoueihuai siaculs fins! a place lu eves-y iibsary. aisas-uy aites-six 'ciacir on Tueauiay eveiis hat, ame Laing boen dis- caves-es! ailise haek of ele Brovwn Patte-ou Ma4auf'g co.' wareliaus-c 'Plirlse englue va, promptiy ou lic gs-sud, huai luskily Ils- services vos-e net necded, thea saisaviug basin extil- gniisèd witisont ils assistance. .The crigin cf tise fir s-e l ualkuovu, but it as supposei te be lise vos-k of ýar incendias-y. - Loas, inoonsls!esable. Dass-cta u s a.-Pa-tiedesis-oua of geting.tliercisilrea inlstriacied in uthe as- ai dancing,' vauls! da velltc alla ou, sud leare thi- 1ns-'es1 vus Ms-. Calveslsy, Oaa os- bsiossthlil8h instant. SUismixaDzino-ra Ma. ALEAxNDER Baovs.-Mr. Atexausler'~Brovn, vell. kisovua intus nelglbourl-Ioos!, vas b"auisa4utlielisbilsan eaniy lions- on TIsrais-mSs-y i ng at i s resi- densms, laI con» ci Beaeh. Tise deceas- sul isasi een saises- s- iard us-ines- for-sanie lima pool Au . hnqueet vas hais! by Mr. J. W. ' miths, cas-ees, and! lise talowiug vers!icMretus-uti VaItishe saisi 4tsxaisar Bravai2 de.- pars-te-thisHa ' ont, or about etof lise miornisng ai- ýaa 515 i oises-. t suwsfu-ie 45ti sve bisi des-e-i vas calues!by spasmi ai tis a saas-t brongisi-on by tse excessive usof as-tent spirits.t Tas Sua-axas <U'R maet st 1e.t va for lie "-ns~ioni ot business, an lise lot ist.a, r'a.-4i -quiriug a goos!? quiaiuy âàd *àîanw 4td rticle j5sauid >-give lie oittablimeut'oat-H. MaBrien s oil - Re buyjrise sawimates-lan sad pats, d n fac [il, h. st bai f0 Se lu Sing tic Sang of Gais! snd aVe-. Do y-au snl a a e tlai gaCe vehl Warrsuntcd, in gais! or silvar ; A-timo-piecea ta uno supes-hor; Os- a dlock correct sud baneisonse, Os. a iocket, os. a bracelet,s Os- e chain os- ring, af fine gais! Gem rings, etudi bolli plain anti fsay Ess-riuge tisailoaokMost aIls-active; Binve-va-aoffinusi finish ; Javel-y cf beai description, Cliloslscia. bols gels!antd pimIrd, Talescapes or ospera giasma; ' Worirs mn broaxe, bath clbok's au& vases;. %Vorks ai as-t tIsaicau't 6e sus-parssd Ws-iiing daicauisiswvask-boxes Evca-yIIiug fos- lests and palet Go tO vhera you esau lisesuites- TAYLOR & BERNABD'S GREAT Next lao a's, dmvn uBaSirstreet- Grassz, themihyro oge-- .Tisus 1, suaves., tiut i 151'y-u-, T MP'y iàU -ARby: Tise only pliwsyosidu b tdess.* For, Ciepussa sa lfy anidWlùa-: Thie Asit iîli ah ie eùs' WliuthY, NOV. t8sd, 1875." ToÈOsTO.oJeu. 241h, 1i870. Disais m-1s-l isae tartes!tise pure snisih 1 sisaubsi IbissI sisgislie Weil, Ïaed fer 8ucaemaas;al purpoes; ands!in, wshfiae'vsre theséaû'diuèg-wiil :f8R ilPOss theé te,É4lÏes tel 'zmsëâfl- the. naâme. Tarn, dss- Sir, ycl ts-uy, -W. xM;PUNSfIQN., -Saslis ts in 1 t 0 galion ai- ha ýWhmihby.Pirnimaey. by S. W., B. "Tmssu 3ITIME's S*kz-ar Bsseaxu, B*LxT StLai."-But tilere ave:imés - Mr. is.Wlloax u=Raed pas.ttoslsl-uof! the "Oâwei boni vhleli liappeare tisai isa rOs-salias! lodged' lufos-metlon- be-tara uim uhAt abs 'hatbeen assauited PJ re Gor.~donb~y oiiig liser, ona thay. d v»as ppointes! fî'it hsas.g ans! lis prasactrix faite1t ta attend. UThes ecinatble Wvas seul ae- bes- but ase, refaesi l oa apq, aed @fie 1alal' aubse4ssentiy s-efnseél'0 suaves- ta thie ausinosad asie- sUd uot viali lago an villitlIseuae, Tiserepois lism. - Isfl-te isaneg lit warrant sud bl i s brcts-ht befare,,Joisu .,Oaesilldeoilues ýt Prfflsew issu iii e'" *i, i tiuime The' conse -ers paid by air. Upon li£se brotigisier- ailcafor tais- s-rut. Tis oe astrieiai lis e»ceut no anthoaalty ta Issutise warrant, "ansi lise jury foui saVerdict tas- the.- plai, 111f for #15 damnages ans! caste. -,- - Tlis'ebasmau nassitliesection af tise sot for lis proteotion of, magIstraltes-lu lias disoharge oai heis-duby-a-uggesîing tia 'h ia a a il mev stand vaa Ina anisaoient, aewi ougli ta hoe takén t6 unduce 0; chsange, sa0 as tisa justices actiug hn goosi faits, Wiliaist maias as îsuy intentisu I-o do vtrcug, mught ha protectes! hn assolacasas-asiliat -of Mn. Wilioox, 'ans! &ac ttiIpaipere lunhs-ig- uùgac tinsue atth isunS asonis! bc-'dam- Pehled ta gave seeuity taor caste. - Iu repiy ta Ms-. Grierson aud obse- noembers oi tise bemassiMs-. Willeox italcs! tIsati e dis! ual intenti ta appesl the case tulesag atiisesi by aonÏeaa'to dc eo, sud tuatlie lias! instruateti hie 1ev- yes-, Mn, M. C. Cames-an, ta inssus- no fus-ths-oaste unices lia foltquita sus-e ci ausceeding in tise appesi. Ms-. Meeda'neli oies-k oft tie pesces,' l1a0 oxpiainet tise case hefune 1h. Il vas suggetstesi that as tIse case s-as ans ci imporstance ta ail lthe mag. lsiatrat f heconnty it oulel h. edrha. able la taire tIse opinion af cotîneel, Dr ta ptarsue tho appeal-the muagie- s-aies, amis!tissongh tliesutIse caunty ldemniiying Ms-. Wilicax. Ms-. Gs-iss-on saisitisaItishe erras- of fis iuagistrete, ins the case brangil un- les notice, veaslu gaing on vitS t-ha 3ae sudt issning a warrant, lie sîonîs!d jave allaves tise maltas- te udrep 'vIscu corporation visised to avesspthep cale nPpapelesi. Afier a izoold eal af dis- -oasin, i wsss fiaally egs-eed5 oa mn-~ tian o1 Mr.- Blow,- toaobtaW thils- tovul salicitor'. vs-itais opinion fur tise- guisk anc nof itise conil; Mr. jifrwimtrodpoed a by-Iaw Sp. pointistg a cenisuable for tisa soutia pOrti£ofaithse lavas -'Leav grantýed and by-law nead. onminlieeppoiat-ed te *aquira into, tise tex.,mute- of ThinesSouthwel -ae Ue ~ sprooed, rodncing -ts Rosaient tram *550 5ta ; 800., Tise nmshter wal s ilJ.ed fin cosiitte a o the vhols-mr. 'FairbansU6 sa-tse chais- --m6mbeysbelWg gêeaslly af opinion tia lt wvônhi b.an uneafe ste - o 'ter- aliro is 4ve aplaipes $sq àke on:>éo4ï acotit tiaI ax .il Waus" saoumei. -aon e«à luin -tise ra1i~tisa sonhwelwvsa not- bi hlglsy Resassed comparas! vi n usseigisbours." M. Blow osileti for. tis. vXole1sud si in x ezuo r s cr ee 9 x On motion of Mi.- Drape-,s.onisd t hg Mr-. Fairbauk% s by-lavw es ýtira. t dnoed 'sud Vasd Ibroug i il seeralz iae, ordarsng tise opuinjg ai Secon. a ut., iseiveen Centre -snd Wiliame.ts.i: t la tise sanli a rd. t On motion of Msr. Pilp, oeoded Isy Ms-. Hatois, communlctioùs cf laseps WlieBvé. M.Oies-re, Tudpo usn 'hmsdDes-isU, as ta taies, aud alda Communication af Joshua Webb, wer. sies-s-ad to a ispiscial cosinitteà cousiat-I iug of' Mess-s. Fes.gueon,.1 Kinug sud P TitES SLYNYS M&N'S PICTîTION. E Ms-. Hatels 5-epoîtesil ramtise Relief t Commiltee un tise application of Robes-te McLenn. ablind mnss vio'isasibaty is cyesigbt ome'twenty-nine ysarsfi' tia in tie toWn, for relief; ilihey lefi ai tIse -s.ter au open question for tIse- council toa isai vt. The malte- wasaia oousides.ed lisnLMndtîle aoflthe - visais -Mr. Harper 1luiiin tise olýers,-and discussesi ai consiclerasIe lengili. Even- w tualiy tIse cammitteeseis thsanl a- te Pnrting, valions opinions beinx express- al md ns la McLenn'a rigisi ta relief, 0, viiliehr ise vase p es-son ln nedy air.- t 6umatancesa t 511-tse aniunt oainh usaney gai by biaisfrour otises. nici- sultiea, Sud tise imps.apsi.isy of iaking îE niau. exceptional, pansianas on tise ad Cs-poration,.00 STIRST EXcIpsUSs. hg On motion of Mr-. Draper, "eooded il by Ms-. Piilp, ltse lreâsursr va direct-.or ed ta psy tIseas-desaoflise.standing ainaittes u ais-sets, ta thse additlonal amuns otf*103, -the.sma is .cha-g- th d as averexpendins-e au Bs-ok.st, ta si be cars-led ta next years accouili. Tis maltai vus Alsa sisotssesil t ti' iu51 longuli in' coumnultee, up tu tIse Po miljouranieut, et 11.40, sud site- Mr. cc Ds-aper lias!'given ueceasy% expiais.u fions, Coucil udjouruesi. li ih A Sciooî Girl on the ,Gazette." en, vs Dees- Mr. E-litor af tise CissiONsCLE : ca wainî you tb iisdy teill me if tIse fol- WC lwitig wurds aee peit cossrecîly tic "Pidgeon,"-(s bis-J.>d Ferit,"-(s assail]animal.) c ILauae,"-(to have lasi.) Priveiedge." b.l I Bid the ahave ands a caumber afin, Ilier Wrsdes pelsin tlIsaisne .s-ange ine ind curiouA wsay lu tihe lest Gazolic. Tise Gi ;elling li» vos-y diffes-ent fs-arn ibet vs titi kre taughl et scisool. Oas- teolihe-dei coke us sipeil tise vosd-sl-1igeon,ferro-i,1 'se, prissikge. Pieuse say -viol is hi ss-rect, Ansi oblige, ahi Yusrs roi4pectfuliy, the A SCHOOL GIRL.,- bel Vlsitlsy, Nov. 8rl 175. api fOui yaung fs.iend hasi bolles. e lu] asied by ber teocher, by ah ilmeans. 1ie Gazette isaua unrelialile idits Oai rtlography as lu evos.ything aise. C11 1eoalmeet 55 but a sbanieleas pellues h a cariscature tapon jouruallan.] dcu ire, Tnua CLocK FAcrasiy.-Additional et. by )ri àa being moade ta keep tise cockt' ttory lu tavu. Ouiriueighboüre oai sisavâare, isovever, bldduusg higis for to su ad aofcoursena on.euislam. Ms-. 1 Vallace for making tise beat bas-gain &ae c an iu looklng site- Ieavis inter-0Do Tna Nmw S-ata.-Mi. Y.oals s ev e ere, unsier tise Oddfellows' hal, viii m Aresoistion vau uaumousl' puseses! isv the lisucia, sultise menuisarimng, tbanking tia Chah-mais for Iithouarht. a l e t h o s - s u d in u s t e i n fe àr a s h i o Tise Cisaiaaneturùed tlicule for genc mes tas-i lest disIa effe& case cons an os- b thaï Juril m ayL tian iSola ai ils, PI - astsg nos-u isa h isqyed'ie tisa bat, andbise orûeýSaeIS avinz labo thsebat it as 'ab1oyas!'oft J. tise Slin1kliq g sseI.' 'Bateslie1 bas! ici cîsa- aithe 'sllp, Iis'mhp ii' výent by lbe boa-s!, nid tie tapi f4iîing abvt tiste ;boat i îera5 great 'dauge-of-Aitilbeing svaun Amlr %ame:dhfficqUly tise qtv % thof- ie- opsust "geai.,'saisi occôupsuts vers lefI isnman o'e çr s--aa~'ses ri<uung,asilibal g~ala Of,, js4blowlug. audviss ans oas. te manage tisa bat,' ibdo oMa haas!ag baes bs-alan ý1laais avwal lis tpmast Tise-Wtî%sion tIse bot's isrswae-osp aona. Tise mate-steereil thea boatv thus nsr wlùilgï. bise esptain lIon sits. ii vis, vie ied ay lier ni arss-ou, end gave tIse nocessa-y*or, fas- $tering liseboa.ý For 'orer- lis béi u- ere ai tis e ssoy'a v as ud ves, asdgrest-grodil due t, tise mate, Joseps- -lueisisox msutnily siking ta hus posî lunaesZ tise boati.-'-Th taie-,ihrse,mnisng up iai'deapair Eus-mg Fs-iday 'igii, uhe maie, made, thorni bond a iselj bans! isngsfidiug t-lisboat" Tie'sacp durhng tisé vhola lime kepi watloe isis vife, aheeij-hn ber s- fertai1 0cli' 'frai le lmzýcismenoy cf'l weahe-Aboutl5 oacook an Sasas- mos-uing tisa boat drifiesi an sas-e SParic'i Poisî,-about, gizileIs vest Wbiby Tieoaptainu'c vite 'vas in umesccous sanIe, ans! itlehiféeas yul hose-Ithe use ai ber limbe.1 ce- ee as-e ssdeas! tissu aivo, llsrougb tIse gesses-as lmalp effo-del Ms-. Thoamas Field tiaey have naw cuve-es!, vilst-be exception oai b Melons ansi ancai tise crew, fs-cm effeota of their penibuus voyage. Becctions. Nou GUtatv- Mr. Ci-eigslan (- pOFsitbias e lcouelectesi by a niaje of 97. ovrer b isalsiatcs-ial, osdil Ms-. -MeKuiisb, for tise Local LeglE tus-e. MasîTRAscnW£Su.--Mr. Wori <Miiiislerial), lies Iseen electe! 53 niaicniby ai 59 aven Mn. Whit'e.tIse ( Position caulidale, for Ibis Dousini Parliasmeni. Total vote pahies-iie 2,2j Wos-ktan. 2.818. Bs-jactes! bellots, It la saisi that ltsa élection-ý ps-obalily bs coniteasis!, and thse sue i4susitodefeat Ms-. Wlaibe exposesi;1 ie ba- s nsoineas i ie retiremeut fr( lb., posiion ai candlidte lu tIse cil-y the gnisui tat is paitien ait Colas1 tus- of ca ling jour-sai renda pxcieihlimly s lif'iuunlt fos- Iin te cuaS on an siu'tion ceuleatt eotsfuilly iii Wasss-"osssaTO.-Tia nnmnsiutiai cani ltes fos- hlas,- rep-«e5ntaion %Vesi Tarante ln tise H-sue'ùf-'Ca rs-n obos plaîceoan Sauu-dav. iT u(sulî nomuiatissse unadehe -as. lis in-tom ans! Ms. Tus-uer. Psuliulg, Sets slay un-s-b. NOsRis WFN--rw(sari.-D-. MoM'Utlu (G-ia-erituaut can-illatpht) ais besens-le( e-I fa'- Nus-tii Weaitwotliiby a am'juri of 89. Dr. Mtiiler was thse caia af Clan %Oppso-sisisn. EAST NusRTICUMeRLNsis.-'In E' Nsss-flin'uhes-iansl Jemps M. Foi <ýliuis a-li) sud E laesilCooslm-an (Oppasmution) are natuiniteýl yestcs-ie Voting t'iras pince 0sf Tnesay next. H1ALTO'N.-Mr. W. D. Lyoin -'Mini leriai) ae cectesi yesterélay, by nuijaniîyo! eiglitysusoveui ovos- il OppasiCsa cand<idiat;,Ms-. Cuny, lat-I1 OntlarioAssemisiy ftes- lton causuty. -President Grant ou Cuban Indep a deuce. TIse Caîhan question is ualt uniliel bus fiatProsident Granat iuaae lis tes-m o! uflce, uulattbtaning ailimha lias hasu said latiste contra-y, hy la volviug tIsa Unites! States lun avu vilS Spain. 'Tie discussion aifIth Spasis Cabinetas-spiy te vIsatisucal] eT in a laIe Madi-it legrain, '<lis WVasigtan note," isas refèeace 1e0tt, nuacitîleti qustions helveen tise 1w couns-les. 'Ple exact pointa of 1hi officiaI pape- cannai Se ascas-Iainssc butl they may b. ine-res fs-unith, vievo o! ho Prosident wibes t-mti hasis ai thinstuructions la Ministei Cushing, ans! viicis show tisaI tIsaPs-e aident regarde tIse civil dissensions lu Cuba, asid sspecialiy the, sanguinfsr boatililies, se ps-esciug affects lu lh( Unitedi States second in gravily only Is Ilce vIsica tIey procince lu Spain. Thse ullimate issesof eventa lu Cuba viii ho ils inilepensieuce, hawvers.tisa issus may b. produces!, viselios- i means cf negatiation, or as the s-eul' of milita-y opes-elions, or cf anscl lim.. uuexpesstcd incidents vhmicis oe fnequssatiy dotes-mina tIse fat.utf ns. ticns. Tise csentinuance aiflise insu- rection gruaveday hy éday ancra nup- portable taetise Uniteti States, and whiils lise attention of tis Governamuinl le Bacs! on Cuba, in ltse intestéu o! lin suanily, hy thb.lias-s-ae'tft-be civil wai ps-svaiaing tissee it caunoî s-s'lect tisai Isle e-xisence of slave labour lu Cuba, ands ite influence oves-tise feelings nund iutes-este of tIse peuinssîns-Spaisuardle lie ai th. teundaion ai ah t-lie calsami tles wiiuiisnuv afflict thse Islandi. But slaves-y ossinel long continuelun' Cube, unvirouesi as that ishaut is by commu- ni1ies oi ernancipateds! savea lu tIse olis-s WVett lndià FrIands au nulIe UnitedStaBies. 'Pie Prealdent Sas; nuv beau avitliomil iope, tIsIa ll Ibaca ques luone anistIt bo-iselleu by tIse ispanismo- (tns ual oi Spaiunluesai, ashe bein.-7uo Ieephy iutpreeosinlusuds us betu lemut uîam ail tises-ast ut thme' wu-il. Thie tustionvîmît slcoisiom lIse Unitul lSttes glisili makleile sa s-soa nd s imili. uat one, mut tu ba iiasernui-wiîlinnî a its-eful Coliscidaioofa et rteigu policy. tIt th e leemubltueion utfavîici auy at nuy moniseni b.tas-ced unpon usnI-y De- ousrances i es- luinSpainur s- Cul. %Vitlaithe Fs-ellent ca-notb iuut s-. 'sas-s! inudpeusience, amas! enanoips'in mq tise enis' ces-siasani ens-n nec--stms- asin *tion aie-be qtisction o! Cuita, and in is% misisi ail!incidentaI qus-aiaus as-n 'ili sAuboruiiate. l I Mais-as-ps-cltha L's-es;iueut dues iit rus--itate or ulesis-i mujy îeasf-ei'ien,,oi-Cntba ta tise Uasiissb -taise, hast mes-lylite cuevaîlen lisaua uedpeneant nepubie ai freneji l ias--tr sony vr u ourasîes anI<tLe aille-r s-e- rubleus aiuot-ýrawi.,Tisa 'pllen -1thea. [ailtesi States lin retarence t Cnjba et se praseni tipuis edeolarecilus bha.oe )f expeclancy, but vitb positive andu ixed convictions atsia--l-yefle United! Stalts vîmen tise limes or tIse uergency of schloassail arisa., Ruis aîa&Cd.'s 'pam& GuItpa Tsral nus-paseiisy aýny dss aet7veWiane, Bsu iug tlsepas-o jules ai segap roduieoi nSe-ihueir 'v' %î.u1inea eraa n ispurity ad FI etl 'Ne dit s- to %iu,,sites- vhiqîfsy S>rip pme s-e114 t&a ït1fiIiléA <spisutmv z g o tu , a n i l o l i b e r " t i n m e so n« P e l las ii s n u , u ntb '1 1 1 c' i s s i b l e sér t i oi s s- e if ! e t ; b u i1 fo n an -i for vDnrs ak eJ" - È oId 1,er it o ý, Tte p p Pea o ai e-, a u p i bnett keep quiet qutil b l'a" h!se-t4? gtj 19üÉ fýin thé kwtem as tise resmitlian mua't~iItYie 'Ahintw iVssr mnmz!usa ,f 'senissi an-t pisysicai exes-ilon.. iigsud s I i t ýs Y k , , v s ê a a " ' , -, -t , co lb in es! w itii OJh e a D s-hCsc s e t~aile bàozne- is'slio$i i lifancs inuPahi febri s é i s-attéce'i4ticiu ipei sd anotler yoang man a n immd Sh3 liàuI fqs- e,,bm 4i" tipn ofh i b i et int iý ber, g oî~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i v' e i s is. B v -nsed S lian k a an s!d- e s a ~ a lt i a i £ t s f tise Smtl1 s0sa-fineiale, auns llin lexl<tsuce. Ih ls'iàpxspbiep0îin, on ast, tllissustUat 'tise linsss psse,liose in IlisoresuIte 'umdr àlivii-cesstsneesi L ar fiî a barn,andsi tfisa ey issu' btt 'es-'Iga ont ~i~- lny asdelt is-Iuias.Tbser tiraesiml, n uemaid efcr o c-,fil ti1s 9mia hjuias M-.'lay vwent ',utiau"BanlmjiiAuihs, C&tas-ssb î riag sî <sd ou'~Finlâv-Iyiniz lu a pn of i S ,'*.sa4d a !sss th., Tbrmt-.r bisas ou àI1 a'iii, baruu'lacs-; - Smisli l o t t l i s n s t t e s t ýýis a ao- I ls u b i e n k i c k & ý I t c , a r% o n e l i ss s a ' s r drM6 , s4 " ' ,- o s sf1> 'death by ane ai tise bs-ses, wlîicîs as mrilne.' p nkes! base, aniise issokesI ,hie etate ' . - TUTTLE C o., 78issoan-ot. N. Y. oh- ligit she admittesi tIsaI S= b las d situsi '- ios hep inrlutes-ma af-affliction amàtosnting ,ta NEW-, ADVERTIS MFNT&8a W-i ily, 'love, audiabtat as ébelievedsi I lbstilime - soi] it a ise bp admittes! tisat- abe as 76rY it- au fa~ mate vilSPlis pine.' îiiis, but -Tise undes-sigues! afferelihis Faim for sale. - s-lsigwhé 'Ivsties! I ny inipaper int*tm'c nat iùi U-F7AesSitsvat'a-a- .seeitsasehsguon-lues iseas! as! a ,No. i u cu. Pmc.-1hm ie as at pbut modle-no, anpwes., Tise qaeslin aâ as ron'rt-, satdnhtas-isosts i~g et us-ise ps-a~eâ. BIs avre tIsai about iïa-mile o-aitheRalvaStitlomiands ct tanSmihsad'. afto e - axps-ssseda iais th iia~ve Mlins fs-puthe tvwai1 "W iby, Glis! iver osuelOdy 'assîsi l iii iy,"ans! hftés-- Hbiist dBsudngz, pzdJ. vas-daSmi i as laid lierliat isha allOB? TMILIER,~ vers'l -, ta itis; h,' n-idrwssts F M ,'- aise~~~~ Bievs eoes rustecoshs-o1e#tnre-alrtheîeSltsco o 1 lit piaerusoionteel e Ms-. (*ier hobu as, O sin!dao!tud as, tbl t -fbadwee -i e.,e'â ' Ti lnesa-ei ga1edil'nu ie- a u s-, e- s- longeesq at -pO)qsnl' vylmne thsisaut 4 u- ares afiitanS'ingiises-Nr. < foria1 Ths-s. sIsuSi nti go tti jssry, ilî iieslsai lBs.-nof Pc+en aon, ls-b -le -lis P btis boeugts ase heorly1viteif siana Te qua anamsl iea wthjues-sta 7chou tiapisua rstsI iasaomuicp-Bancex0 ntde pu-cises-tahaand, s rgtaeas tise - alunisi bis dsobam The. enyagcash),aje g ta a-.' ' ierays-sas p-raisanoevr ulal o iwy-teos Ça fsaou t Apr 5usta *Lot Us huainialu-ibis' viw. Hi-ie - ondeTBBs- vni . re dclve! byibale nIes-- thebeig tutas he onl ubséanâbe1 l ual in isunisei t7alc.e tih pieoneMn'ns tay. f aoèlnl cPrcepntiste iiase orae tendes-. T csa e, TIaris or sa ud euusc sébates- e ai ' cash H. bI-INGS f , ' ' ans! Gliaip5t ne Moudy asn onciý uîhie Thiii o SiLosortesae faanTe t jus- reus-esia vrdic cfgTenyderhsy,' ov. e Ï '1875 y te ' 45- pon ira int nnla il.b ris!u tsep-sou t e iLhIDiIIG-_ CA_ SS. Ti at Tei es. orThea efnice s-aenguesl , a*R it tise equslteae-ndr sion11OUo Tucasiy irEncluile cTh leSoliiso for the es h-of u, f tnda tas n" Mg Fsinltasa illde ti onSit h-ta ha JVENILE DANCING CLAESES. Ti 08. c-stries! mbt effessi on 28s-d Decembes-. Pas-tics desirous, ai. joiniug, ors- euding Tii. vili I tiacis-childrses, for-thtr puaps:ofainsets-uc- SbU ýans <'For tic Blocs! li L' taon, Witi ple-se icve te n xamenetoîTan but. ch sit.', luter hu delit31bais wit clau 1WILLIA.CLELY h 8co5$s D-uîeroiîemy., xii : 231. Tic - Tsassoth&ssde lap cma on IInn bes-s 'e faîrce m-< wilsîeh '1w ' '" rocirStreel. tain, uce- sQ'etern is i-r 11)ais! fi-rn as-iiclm eq W %hitby, lNav. Os-t, 1875.,r 2-lsas- dmiv -ao sets-,ia,,tiias We'il as pis.ysies' _________ py ns- espaiilities, 110W ijnp s-tiin t lan s ôTA I ' B as ls-sm-ili hsPt prs- IIf itLt sin O TA IO BANK.91 Viie'; Iesteriss, p<sni'ssî. ail niremnie the il et lifinciasiasu h s-its'elii. S'ttav DIVIDEND*No. 17. saisis ofi 'suon tI'p"rist as-q-a. -e tii,z. Tb )M les-. an-i ki Inoysa. tlisa cil-ct is,ssei T)'jL-Ef1lilas-reb -gis-t ta eDIVI Th rit, , N dos 'ls -esmt.iliuci i elsnax-pss -ili eX t D I'{4> i F, 'U upan thse oais - t«pil t-li-r ijS*nIa i PI'm' )iers-t-ctia- l i lhty Cdi>it.-sic>k ai sSi, hsubitutlon Il"$ tiia Fs sa-- a',hilu-, tsi nar- aps.si- sutday tisais saWem'1 for the urrsnl hlf year.asise l ittIlml5iY t tItiq pirt-s'it. I 'iLuiO'5 I> ic asi ass i <t ) lilslie oa ablae its- Wii& tls ssrtii;.i ittusa- ivnls--r. Nas'nut-ri thesa 's vis- Ls' 'cimslistaIsa s-a sdiîeiu<y,, uit day Lecessdser ssiti sî 't* rt-.Il eu- i f n ls opri's î ri ctil 4lL rs~ ail Tise Ta-siies- lBooks wiii be cloasi fs-rn sit'a% tiqs'sss'sjs i ihaîs i c 1,Notv, Dr. 11M-.s- s II 5l tIti m ltfi suNvses- urexi, bath days i-s '0q n-st wiss ton îplace lis Gîmt I .S isliis.vss. M -TsuIDi;cis-itoyiss es' il lso'-Liy scrdu aitie iloar!. Octl 1). Fishii-tn. filac <ssrpatent untri-n,'y nt-s-asum---. Geerai lissuager Ontario Banmk. s- ig us2 111 clsrs ssvsss-v liteass, n.-r 5l55C< Tos-cula, 22ud Ot, ;875. 4 Lltlie an recosumen #it t 'utues cnntrsrt-, jY, ,y te-st- e-rus itiusls-uilq ni' iiseases tst a iAsi scknowie,irc-ail avilI unI csss-s-; lbu' jN 011 E. l.wIlmaî lie utees cisitu le tisie, tisaiilies-- ls i; but cis, fos-in of blond suass-aachast NOsTICT IS HERIIBY GIVIEN THAT a ht ailI nos- cures, as--5 tisIdiSesRias tle %k isa'vtby amas!Port Pcs-sy Extesaioo lie auers. He dae ;nel r-coutatns'ui le Ilim Iiway Campfuy vit sppîy te thse Legia.wii lie Diaceov---s- e ai Outai-, nt àitexct Sessions, for san __ yfar timni disesase, ye'bIl Act auttaaniziaag hem tws lusse, pus-chase, as- kuows il ta be thea muat s'srciliclg aîusers-jacqiît.tIse Pas-t Whiby Rabous- B bîcof l chances- yel shi.-lsvereti, ais-1 auis!appurtoisainces. and! ta maismtsiu, san- CT. n- tIsatitIlwil i res 5>.iloesl001nul, sy$ietýarsa asti iwos-k thaesanme ;andsi r otises ofail aIlches- bloos-poisous, be* tbey poavens, WILLIAM MULOCX, ST tuinmail, vu-gpasiis, or mines-nil. Time ui-fr for Apiat- [Gai-Ion Meslieil DiscqveryV la 7~--T -Apiat. ri ed by Isiru toe tre tise waa-t foisrna of t,27iBOt, 85 al Sqin Dip.ases. as ail isîruaingJof iclliss. ER Pirnpipes, ans i -spio.nq; iso ail Glatu- n- slas- sSwiinfR. ansd tIse vosalfersn cf -The ar- Seroultn an Cîsse-tedSor5s o f t R.3JOH, N RHI C me, ,aubte iii NiAlsal SNeoir, Legs. or allier parts. ansi ail 0f lie Tovn ai Wliilby, le auliorlzed la 1Fs-cnt, SScs-afulaus Distante ai lie Bouesq, as a st as le White Sweilingel, Fesses-Sus-es, Hip. FOA- SSG B o< te joint ans! Spinial Diseasea,-all ai wIsieh O F IA ,AiGNE beloug la Scs-ofulousse i;esae.For me. IcoNilseszb.-H5p-juis' usISPAE CU5ED. JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, lie Bt W . G a v e t a ti n , -O ffi c i al A s s ig ae . 10W rv tto, Wbtaby, Oct. 22h, 1875. The 1 0aIo w , J l y 1 4 , 1 6 7 2 - . - - '- t i i er Dr. PisiCIS, Buffalo, ' becY.: BOOCH LOST. a i lameaninevears ago. Saveiliage vouls! Jet ans! Gais!, suber on lis carsbaietenu M epper and disappeas- on iser lsip, aud Pos-i Hope andi Whiby, as- betvesu tise date 0 s'uengs-ssually Isacomiug s-smsuceciGrandTs-555k station ands!th Royalihotsi, fus-elsi ' sd las-vielesysenia-lle vIIs udis-y, It ine a famiiy relique sud tli ve <iand e wlu atnirtenwt idwiil gneally oblige by aenâig it t -e dsuela1871, a weiling bsra amon tia Royal botel asta the Cseomçrcs.x fafce. 'liser- lip, discharsging large qisansilies. WiitbY, Nav Ist, 1876i. - t -Asi.in,.t- a él.. iL.h.e n. siesa -______ -- -- -'-- No. 2-Lsit Nie. 7. in tise Sti concesaion orisca" tVlIITBI' MARtKETVS. oai-the eta], Lukt tirent Ili Cilsas',;CY OPCcî ovsd .- 5,0 TOWNSHIP 0F MARA, onattise ailS Wilbat------------... si i <("rieti ïtZg032ÃŽX Ares, stsss.osu..fiction lpsias Wis-a........I Oi a o- bujfltltîi tfrisutheaavilage s-f lracit'in ai1listas '-*piig Vbai......... i -ù 1 a,5 %-h---r ulaurs- t-.sa s-lutios, of the Milendri tsjsuei Baslai -Na 1, 8Sic; Né. 2, $i 1 ts ) 5368 tiaslsa'1*si '14 las itob8r lut. eo9iietssig QI Tise, Claver---------------..... . e5 M t 5-iI, .ji- , liessworoil sa!C'sn'.csi - jýgu Thnothy ...f.-.... ..... 'riisgj Ps- s'.eî si isy l.aamn. Tis, Tisntisy --- ~ - ~ sail ssil ae a gcaal Fai-suneivi-i tiens-uDp. ir et- lilas-k iiye t5eag -....... Sle. s ' a .Nîmisi 7càf iofL t No. i20, in tish. s<snl ltye---------------. ..s--5e e70e Plus s-onceuls-,s.ofatle Asn< ofit6 ..........-...... 3k- lus-l'vin Riay .........« ....% 5 2 Tauiîb, .~« t5sstssîilsing 100 as-em. 20 soses chia-es, ISsus suis!itse reaendss- ovesied wîtb timbes-, Rock lma -u. T Eggs-----------------.... 24)c apla, Ileslueis ans! Cesaricis s si at .T tîntter----------------. 3o a ssutlava miles fs-on> bdon: aisian. s-ls' ayes-f Coal, pen ton----------$... $7 8 40 sl-ut 2j 'miles fr-sm KiürkBatls! i5isqwbsse ef' t0isse ts aisss attios of eb iisig maI s<wlvi Piesk, pet-cwt .......... 7 Cg IR 50 h.-- -l hepanilh o Ciickens .............. 0-e8ic s-s-muer Tise-s Q ter-îfpaes'vl s ca iapsdlep Mu 0sy e-nm ipaaet. For in-sssrpar. oi lies-sm Ducka pexr s.......... 0<C - ticuiard applIAt ci.prapi-etas.'Flano Tus-ieys, pas-thlb-.. 5< dAMElS HOLDEN. cale sus Aýpples, per bmsebeh......4110@ uc -Wbuttsy, iOct. 201im4875. Slsî-45 tbis4u-Às Gisesà................ . 5<0 53e' - Ci-cul Bee iid quartsr.....s 6g GOOD' 111OUSES - ipiS Boat, fore quartes-.... 5 .5s Sepùimna -s.......... 7@ 7Zo T 0 -E-! Hiss............. 1 1w1 #aie5 ON R1!fLM TDfnRMe-ia-WuR'tIsv isus <aii an pej mi edl es ;ii ai Ittse Frui-t Trteo Therlfégoo 'd tçn tônbis parce], eumail A1 3 o f la cm se ed atma 4of an e, part o otN.22 in the Eighh Con- sion ofi'the Td*niblp id Witby. and ýpart ofhse alowance fer s-oed. .betweý " tu20 and21. bhee farme arc in 34gh siete of 4cu1thVý- rh ilggo01 rtle lies oth, astsof à imnasdttelyad ons pas-col bo. 1, and SVillage aof A8lsýexv lies ta the West and moi s p.-r cil N o.-2." E scis af th éee vMi- m ha, a Post OM7e, a Suol H"nè, rh sM yrtle StaieofL ehP rtW ht y- b Persy Railsoas! la withln a fa* rada éf aisl Ns.'ti sdd2,and! tise therpropes-y M within amile au&da hait of this ERMS AND CONDITIONS Ob' SALE: $n- h a e h a l l a t a t h s e , V n o s ' iuar s ait . th e n 29a 1 ale a d )R*B t 'a per cent, au th. amunt a! tii.pur- e. AÙIsîisg nareoifo>r compietion ai. bis pmsrchaae, and!w' ins uonth tthéreafte r;.. h pa V psy en an1h nakewithsisdep îsi-s(toti diy&f , ont-tlsird oa iâ ucaemn n I psy, the balancau &reseqvsi ammusi Dments, sd iai hàieïüte a usua stt- usaortIzag8 with - pawesf- sala snd us- ance cllause for às5<nzt he p&ySnefc lsme with intas-est at eiglit per cent psr trn. 't. Vendssrs.iiha11have onses-eserve4 bicI,ý %e Deeds wiJl be pssre s! by the Véli- a andi the.margaggs by the pus-clisera. 'rtser pes-tisubrs am<d, conditior oie ýmay b ha 1ion application ta Mr-. John, lts-son, Sh-tucybav Ca. f Soee~Jse s. sud Juail Plak UxbridiM, sud at face of iSe uns-ndigned whes- ]FaIsusOa' prapercy nmsy be issu.- FAREBWELL & BRUTLEDdG-, Vendors' Sulicitars Wbitby. er2b.18;5. Su1 OUTH IWANTED apprentice 1ta tii. ry Gaoas business. Apply ta-- EDWARD FROST, Oddfellows Blc. tby, Octobes- 26tb, 1876. 4 REAT ÂtTCTION SALE CF 7AND-ING WOOD, 01n Lots 7 aud 8 )KE:N FRONT, PICKERING. SPublic are informea tiatthe whle grovig vaaod'antbe fan i the.late auderý pssbell, lots 7-and S, Broken CTawmýseipaof Picksering, wiII be6 sols! by Public Auotian, on lay,, itie 15tc DaCy ofl ov. nevt, tcommence-etý Soutb-eaat Angle Of sih ao nsa'caock, p. =i, sharp.. 0Waod compriss bout 85 acres of &ds bard Wood!. .Prevzous -ta the saue, be stake« offiutoauneacre lss. The musat be remoe! befare.thisat day af imber, 1876., mus or SàLE.-QOne yeir's. credit from Pl male pvill b. -glen, by purciseers shlý4paprved endas-edxote,.besan pent trest. [RBBANE.S, R. S. CAXîPBELL , . .tiuer~ A. GORIDON M p 'WK BLÀCÏ4 k D. ring, -cet. 28tb, 187(5. 4 INOTICE! M'CE la bereby given, thai au apphi- cation viii bc mae.tathe Legialative 2bly of tbe Province ai O3teria, St its Sem'=u for the passing oï-a Ad ta tse townhips of Tisesah, Ma= and in the CouniyofiOisa-'qthe t0wn- of North su South MnILs, Matchs- Medonte, TaX the est hall ai the. bip of Oro, au thse town of 0ruh5a, n unty af Simcna.;sdtie tawusbip 01f Rou, in thse Diatiiét ai Muxkoka, iota rCaunty for rnunicipaljmlicial, snd Cauntyepasposes, viii ibe sasid. tovn oi sCunty Town.-Thé propose! cbinty . b a -e teCounty oi'1 et a-Orilis, ibis iBtis dzy ai Octoisr *48-6in. JAgenié Wauted ry Township ir n Otlrin t'o s"Ii the iPrize Médsj Osgan Manufactur- tbe Susii± Aier.tean Organ Co. sorge Stock nng Co.'a Pianos. lilducenîelts , ii b. given *-cli ag aents aR14c!ubs of lis-ee rwi-IIiny fta pus-cltise. niur<her of etlrons infavor s drart-clasrgI us ou i unirI- se fpthey are go vidsdv ikscon- à n everviyaue NoC.sjsai ývU-r llatcriuig cun Uadsl ta iL.eir S ss-k P iano CcVI rce- f i- . Whil CO Wliil 0of wlitby -We BRO LA plate foi r Whitby, For al - OXF - by Ted set- bans! b ply ta- Atbenly, O SA Vis M 1 Ms-. -vulaom a nteui ta lcxiw if it 'oull ho rugiIfor %us itraie lu dO ht, asisu e hosad ui otvledge tisaI lie arty lsaîl Iseen kepi ont of tise wsy. Baverai mnis of ettise béneh-l aculghist il ul Iss aveuta Lhave th- sint settliul, avietmes-a sagisslnauc ouis! issue 5a wafsant fos- s prouesul ou iude- tise cis-cuniataices mentioned. Ms-. Baiîinsuu cousileeb tIse lair use ounfthe point. Ssappoec, hos saisi, st Mr-.Wilissax rafussel se tako up tao- P£e,,uuiess tIse necsssary cos erse as!- Kcdslie hall a ristIsuta 110, as titu' ase vas nol an lii<labi. offenca'-iu- ouis! be, ciargsd vit a aueasiaî ofijm.. se. H. easetionesl tise ibar-ship uit,- ir avici magietratos actes! iaaaussi, Ms-. Wiîlccx, secondes! by Ms-. Camp- eli,naovs4 sresalulion fthIsaappoint iet cf a cominittea ot three. consiat- ig ot Musss. Griersen, Pets-y, anel inn fthetas pus-paie oi ds-sftinq a p. lau l tista Lpgisiatune eusbsacitsg tise esisesi amausimeuite. Ms-. s-les-son aud ocîlise e aiseieal las tac vague, andi tIsattisa dasumullea Is!l subunil any s-eonmmenslatiun 2ey as-culs!hava tesuaire taelIse full naIsh, in tise Bs-at ingtance, for lIsit- ps-aval baes-re gaing to tIse Loisglla. Mr-. Pes-sy suggested tIse appinmant a onmittee ut Arfie, oa t iicitise sais-nas easisibe oue, la take in la-g. the wIseie question oi Ms-. Vill- t'a appeal, ans! Ihat tSey b. autho-- id ta cousuit, vitstIse Gosses-mmeul Fmeniarial as- ohssaise, s0 as ta base is 1ev aniendes! for thetes prohec- n of magisîralea. Ms-. Haollida asieeiany shape ae pelM- Wlo' cae iujuuias Tir Haldemi vas usuahie ho asmder- asi visaI s-ally the grievanceevas visicis hbey compiaineil. He dis! I bebiere lugaing ta lie Leglilalure amen th ls av an accotantoaioeeex- ,ltianai case. If lise magistrales gen- ally ail ove-tise cmuitry foun! reason îeiplan oallie lav7as being tistea. re, lieu tliey Miglil nove lu the. mat. ,IuI vise-e tiee-svssen ly a singlaecase -xcepthanai in itsef-before aise msg- -sate, susd vIe-e the court isad ai- ady construisîtlise lai, tIsI lIe mag- raie la question Issu]stepped, beyoud 1 pave-, liey hasi no goos! grouanula ask for tise ine-fes-ence aftie Leg. ms-re. Lais vos-e nul muade tu mcci lividual cases, but lsn lise genes-alt id.1 ifles sanie tlies-discussionofai a es-ai chai-ater as ta otmas-assisei - Dr. Gun refer-es!ta t-bs law remun- lon pai! conetables ne-te-lcneav1 %f ans! lbe disaliuwance of lise Sire a voeiico a constable goiug ta as- ;a prisone-, mnamaitervIsai lise sunce-ue hopesi thaI malter wosuldi ho a ve-lacirpul. '«. Persy affoetia resolution thelie ,et tisaIlIsequestion cf appeal lu tisee i of wiucoz vs. Ct-osa, tries! aI lie0 oaso ie rete-resi ta a speciai smille, aauisling cillas Cbelnma, 1 sx allier aembens ofthliaisbond, to b ori vIsetIar Auin his-opinion it t' nid bis auvisable la appaisaid siae lo ake aybtier action tue-s-m, ansi 4-liis =loig ýlsdge l-it l ps-o suad ýsusllu saIs!osnmitte; as! - q ts tecommittee bh9auanîor-ais! leo ninuicate avilis lie IMiniate-ofiec tie fors tIse pus-pose of brinffgliii- is-notice ail sucb maes as thlen y. canside- necessry, vitus tue vi@carai sasoiag su actionrlihs belle- ps-aia-c %of niagltrates un tise iacisarre ai ir dulies, ans!tIsai sny agist-ie; so couniy visay liasse cemplainta sggesticns ifa offe- do ommuuisasa hsais! coxumitte. se lattes- .clasuse as asidesi a h t siae of Ms-. S.,11. Thiomas. ,ho resiolutiomi vas niovesisy Ms-. si Icxand seconies! by Ms-. Camp- in s aùini m a a der ai Court, asi n iiankfiuiss111u ' vith 5e names of s- ge Btis-uhas, casi-mas, J. H. U, ry, , L- O GnuG. 'H. . Griarseh, th uns Tissima-, IRobetiCampbelans!ci 1 0"""

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