Whitby Chronicle, 25 Nov 1875, p. 3

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s uoet >aww ber 24th, 1B7&5k blivng profit for ready mosyor lain la i gures. No seomi I DITOR8ý aines Faultzier, late o! bridge, tu thc Coupty, *h eb41-on, or about $89o, arc, on, or belore imbe, 1675 "th mnaiby b, B-oveil.q, of lb. heIprticslas of thl aisa.ttm t t aI tr acoolmts. and th 4mu'e o1 the se- euriticia, (il axy heilA by "thean ' or ln de- feLut il ereaft t ey ifi b. pcreniptorlly ex- lcd frorntha bsedft ni the gala decree. Every Crdiior, holdingg a:ay - eMerlt le t0; proiloce the a me eoranme, the unaieriigil-. ed M4ester tu Ordnary 01 the saliCourt, af =y Chamnher, in Oaagaod Hall, hL the CitY, of Torouto, on the 2Oth Day of 'December, 1875i, ot Il D'e" lni tbe. forennon. helng-thai tinte appointefi for aduadcaton on the ullinie;Il Dettedtbe 101h dity i ov.mber, 1875, de-liT .TAL Q M G A N S, T E F MUDGE & YARWOODI Mancfscturrng Company- style 5, 4 SiIAs. . 14 5t>i a 18, ' ials , . - lti ityle 7, 56508<. . .171; style i, 7 pSieat i. g1o: style Il, 7 Stops, .21. Ili esonaat asti Walnut Carveti Caes. 'MELODEON' ORGANS P AI4 ~ 'TE S, o! 1h. s*lei L WBER &hCOQ'6. makc 0l tt~.~bh@ Lcwst 3*1.. for a I t d - o r a reipecti Ilr- ALL INSTRUMENTS- WÂRRANTIID 1 BaveraI Sucm& a and Maîçadacns for sale fromniGOup1wardm. * ~ ,, .?RD MUDGE e~ oltjSTrNo A Nt FI£ URlt1iG. The uwberrbelga'e'ea an hisepre mimes,.1't 82, in Mela W1Coi. <i ýbltliy, ai liati4lamiC5 lilll. wilI ail lb. latut, tlor. uaints, A .Wpitrol âd lae euU ai OBISTING A&ND CIIOPPINO, Ltg alcuy4t f li saîvîcasoiagfret.a'lr Mler. - <jlgbstricrt tta,,Iiîatjo n laeiatt-' obtin a 1.libvri'm lW'aiMb!plilile îcrîig 1î<a«. Lata il,st aaail d~4l1 dlaaaraleia hribyh it 1 iiîîli lailaraat l a i.01' iXai <t. IA1. Dii li ýillgl dia 1'tta AîLlra ai, & Ca.,lia '.20 7 h-7i-ra Couiiny fintario, I lbrt'by £Vivpll fia TU, vur t bu- j îaa £rt l !cire Sessions o lise Pola analCouly G<Jetitla aid /ortlnc Cou IrTY 'O1r< ONTAIUO,. a W ,b b ý1dco la lb. C ourt Ilon e, n h @ TOWN 0F, WHITBY' a 0, I » X, Il 1 n ' J' ÇIANCEEY 8ALB. Porant ai a e of o Chsnoery m l a> a uac bb pýwpgyoJalble p"o s. Britlsh Amer l oÈn (Ri ,an zh i opo SELGIN!1 ELGIN Iî E ced 'Parleoe iii Vaivctaen: bu, Wliltby. ,eixiourt of l iq. MMasta . The âfivet,'bcd saudfbs*PapUtW &,9made, for the money, are the ELOIS lt~~y. ~ ~VTOHEq, wblah can b. liaiat 'ayuax'&, Bircara'q in every çr.4 ,oth In ânaIver cases, lu Ladies'anal Ganta' izoi. A1sSoal aT i* 3bk 'o! WEsg.t 8YS tOtlg idËisWatehesi always on bianad. looke, 1iu1iy lvrasat mbth, an Fanoy Goodm 10 suit overy tne ac ok tlet .melüber las o' etdo - Wbilby, Nvm dr'gr, 85. - . .4 et tbhe ur o! Qnu, oclockp, pq,., b7 tb. 1*cz 4.i eing compced of Town L ot 8, un James in. Gerrîse nballvitias plan of Town Léoa 57 and 818, West cf lirock btrat on Psrry'a Plan of patai Lot 27 11n the ga o cessiaon ai Uic taavnmhip of Whlt by, coataiauag about one isth clau n r. '1'TIa.e pari-el la ituatea ou th. eat cie c f Byxcan hîrect, in the aaial Town ci Wlitby, aâ few lAt norIa et Dundat Stret. Un il 10 erccted a large Niase Tvo-sto$col BuIld- ing, iorcasrly klasxa as Gerrle's il, aii1 âmae for ai iaclory. lately useai as a Clock FaaAscty,and1ý Preaitta& a pianao sisian fit-or ;M raeag's lueai expires on ah Itâtedy aalhivh b, sud,1h. rant iéSm 810 PÂaýCiaL'No 2.1 Beung i apan i. Lots ;j2, ub11ana U4 as laid daawn <an Waillica, _l'ancweljýâud lill.îlr'd PJlan an par& ai&bue $ounîh lii aof Lut tiilicbtheaabd coueaaiuaa ut tiic lVawuihip ai! Wlitby, now ioraing ai part ea-the Uic siiciuwn of wlutay, ucanteas. aaap aalaet sîglai aires,. - 1 Oi4'ara.î a 'a i-asSree, nsorti' of Duailtaati i. tjalaot bu, t-2 threaléa a na»l k',ariai lunce èt pa'ast oceupicai by Mic. su,, i uaamOa cli,-, waîhgraeia aUîC»it IrI l a-unt Ira-. A <rik aune ut apl ir a aîNo.Si un wiitlatua-ne ast wN aiICia laîusytmadeisv.nable. Mra. laai'eltýas expiire.ou 2JL "th'duy * f MaIrti l Sill, ka tj. tua ii l 1v lieran- aai.tt.u ties ci.1lbuspraxaucci iut ts 'ii Parrhiirrm mtail l ithe turne of salsa VaUa, doil a ateiîatat f tell per ci-it af!oili .11ai titl laul iat iiaa y ttiasVeizdar ai' lin ah mi.i il, uàtiii ah lco puy ths bais * i tas îiUrahL&1ie t taiy Flthoaut latrt ta tiaii. uaeîiaaaola liom thae dait ai!als -optai , alliaymai-ma'tt li-or tbey chbu, et aoi) t, ao.iaaof the li pcesas s bja-ut i a the leues of thelastceaté nov an îao ms- Il ho Vnlar vii oniy b. obigeat tafur-- il aiacopyuofthe Haitiasabat'a o illa a&là wala îaît l-oblagual10 Praxisce a)titIe- tIicls aoaevidainîas aLliaIs Dutin léa l»e pos ca-hnta liar copie& of! Site sema. 'klot-.exiilor bas aWm-rasai hd it on @ech para-l fixa-il y thc Mater. ia'ab llai-r conditions <of sale arc thc eîtiiidlng condiions caf tic court o! Chan- Tendeors li vrliing vi i 4w l racalveti staj aatime befcraîtbasaliaie ipr the pur. olisseasu agof the above, property, suait tentders ta ae ubjet o t 0loregalsg cas- aitilons. For futber parbculars said cond'itions cf aie apply to A. G. IMoMillan BarrIsto, anti D. Ormisbon,, SoUalicrWL.llby, riso the a aad Mater. G. 'H1. DARTNSL, A. G. ?femILAI4, ligoter lt WhlbbY. Venuior'.s-olîcitor. Wlatby, 'Nov. 101h, 1875. 8n.d7 E XCUTOUBAL SHORT'HORtN CATTLE, AU» GRtADES, BREEDINO CLYDE MARES, AND WORKING U ,HORSES.', CenrI5d hMp, nal$1ailipleaucuta anal ubnisjeôngibg the BbRaats a1lths iatc JAMES WHITSON. . c ,eion, on1 WEDNESDÂY, DEC. l5rn, 1875, ai bbc Wbltmon Olai Farm, near Atha, Pick- e-laaq. vit4tu aneuave. catcaogued os applition to JOHN ILLIA9B ecutr or toJNO. _Istor1 e Piitksrlug, Nov .11, 1876. 135n47 13E:UTU'1.-Lt'-.tP ORGANS! 'Tha best ol ahl. Send ti ap fo liat o! tes. timntia. Atduesa, DANIEL P. IIEAT- T-Y, Wasblngtua. .J. Ntice la hcrebv gleent the bc 'I-lanai Itil tiwiy omilnada MliliAs omînet asasion o! tioti- agsîalata! C)fntsii, appiy far auArt é o -s-ill -rna'ei thee psit uutsîenaling seîoalMirtgiuc lla09 althe catmpasay. ai aI1 ta. ioat li lionta lb-cie aw Bondslafur aïl I-tcia'uasa- itnaout; fr lagulzlI'g ait Sy. lai-as Ynaitg iý Ta>wt s saiàd itip li a cîlifthýibfa letlWyanal ,or Ottias""pugt. Sécrétay EI f T:VYI'T'S f0GIý I ~an.i'nt evattar.% whî'cc. mulin <i-fa-mals. 'juIL W111VIY 1=11 SCIIOOL tINTRANCE EXAMINàTIP",Ç I tue1usi- expaioi$S" aur admIsin wlf ~V1odaqW1%~,tbe8h o!, Dec. dIn fithte folt6wliig ilmy. Am ti' eganain*#;& "*~ uUrunfort1h.- arita*11bc admtemllhout urtkcr W laItby, NQ. l7tb, 1875. ln4 rÇOTBtO.080 Furs Fu s IFr c-:oi- We beg to cail the attention of the Ladies of Whitby and vicinity te the sple4did Sets jln MINK, SEAL, TER ESA T'A lI'n XIQ. Éi.~ which we have had.made up expressly -for ourse1ves -afnd whicih we warraiît as, the GenýuineQ.uaty.~ SEA L JACKETS AND TRIMMINOS TO Q, 'Wo inake this fine a rpeciahtty. and biuy.for, casI,. from ,tise princi.pal Housos in' Montteal. A L.arge Stock of Ladies' Se'ae sCardiinal-,Ii gettoq, &o., of the latest styles. Z1e Gentlemen's Tie4. and the lateat Collars, b h ud. YOUTES' UNDERCLOTIITNG, À SPECLÂLTY 1 9:i3 FOUR BOXES of thé, celêbratedOerColrxcnt. Whitby, November 16t1h, 1875. GIREATI' HA I'TEÉ AND FUllftIEB, WHITBY. 471 EXCITEMýN T AT AiWTHEi OOES TWO CASES 0F CORNWALL BLANKETS BOUGHT AT AUCTION, WH ICH ;WE zARE' SELLING LESS THAN TrHlEMANUFAC- TURERS' PRICES. ONE CASE, H-EAVY TWILLED'HOME- MADE, BLÀNKETS, $ 9 9-8, Onte Ca8e Extra Lgve a$id, geavj Blanket,8 't CALL Â~tD NEW 8E~J ~EIEJ~. A SPLENDID STOCK 0F' WINTER ýSHAWLS!ý- ~TWHOLESALE PRICES !1 00 fO -F ROCK UINDAS STS ,WHIILBY. ~4~o kfuill .i.4fthe' -.hioh ~ptxe ite theiMtentiqn of intendiEg! Shavis, Fancy WooI Goodo, 15caae,,.,HQsirY aUd 0Qiovea> Sheýtin Hatdtibbouns tla, ýSoIginClo ElyedS'Olinge VeBats, o., ho. ~fia in~a Cmpete in Everg ,Deparimn. . 1o. prsns4siting to examne, astock,ëembracing the greats f~ib1 s m,'~ ent ewusmoat at#ramtve style, we woul snd Taors., A reîiieieéutè4 &. sI ôrt notice,' A large stock of Mifinery, spdPsaq 0&just rooeo. LOWES &POWELL. La *all .11. NEW AND FA SHIONA BLE DRE-e-OaD08I1 Fromr* éeCrt a ?'~a.. Plain and Checked Aberdeen Winceys. iii gre abnndance. Prices satisfactd'ry t& 1ail,. :. a REA DY MADE- Hia ' OR MEN, BOYS,- AND - t S'ý CX QEJiIDk5 ARE ATISO A SLEND Iflb TbM " "- TWEEî)(ANffRf A9Y; FOÀTI4 ýOD-RDEPAREv Clothîn g got.u'p ýeh dîspatch and Ï00od t aranteed BOOTS :N D "SH0ES~ We are offering at ziu advance on ULchW. arej bound not. te be,underspdi- 'CHIt1ni l stoclil3 In.-eiih d partintwil1 b fôund a large and well-seet ed stock of new and faéhionabie goods, and priées tb suif1 the liard tinies. " i -ti -.<~jj~>~- ecA~ 110 Stok asNow, s Arrived. The.choicestat deigns ê'e ouidi B RUSSELS, TAPESTR' ALL WOOL, AND UNI.ON CARPETS,1 EN~JISH IL LOTH ofthe best quality ana new- Laice -CurtaiikR ana Curtain miteriailf, Réps, Dahaskit, ,-éts,.ý 'elt Crumb Clothe. C9:> Everything kept in the house fnrnishing' CaiI i SoicAd.WI4IAM, GORDON, Tlx )ýJto, Oc12th, 1î5314 Yngc.at., Toronto. Pi N G-LE S HAVEON IIAND AT THEIR Merchant Tailoirin.g B-ROC-0K' T-R-ElETy Establishment, W H 1TB Y A much larger aud better, steck tisan usual, embracin.g ail the' Newest Cloths and 'Trimmings, ,Fo~ gntlniea' Cl9hin 'a nd as4 hey are: giving their whole attention to tho Tailoring business, they are ini a position to do il better thain ever. WhiÙtby, Sept- BOUh,,1875. R. PÉIGLE *-y BO{I-AND- 11E STORE,- Oppasiýe41ath fro., BIiOCK $tREThITB Tue llauniothS0:0 .Will be côbpkète, in a fwdays in ai Lins -ofý 6 Y' MriENJ, -0 OY' YUTHS' Rcmcbcrta-l PRK-isgoffering L ESALE jR$ V B »T FUS 4A. ~ J OHNý s. A BAS Largest S$tock, Latest Stylt Of Boosand Shoes 11 r CASIIe Men's et OW'erhoes, L Me'Yas.ots 2~ Ail ordera punctûeaiyattendea. $1 20, $1 Worth JOSE -Repairs aieatly doniel, 'JOHN SAUNDERS. Whity, ct.2711, 170.44 HAM 1L T"ON &.00a ,Have just received tlieir usual- L ARGE STOGCK orw FALL AND'WTR IDRY:ý- G-O O)D8 THE PLACE TO- BUY! FOR CON \CERTINAS, go 'to.Robertson's. to haza thîs week. A new Stock' FOR VIOLINS. go to Robertso n's. The finest, best, and, ebeapest stock in the county found there. FOR FLUTES, ACORDIANS, HARMONICAS, go týo Robertson's FOR MUSIC, Sheet or Hali-Dime, Instruction Books for the Piano, Organ, Violin, Plute, &o., Musical Works of oeorydiscrip- tion, go to Rbobertson'as. A: large stock of ail on hand. FOR BIBLES, PRAYIER BOOKS, HIYMN BOOKS, Day Booke, Journals, Ledgers, Books, Stationary, nd Paney Gooa, o!eeydescription, go to, obertson's. Hie stock in anl thedepart. Mentse very com#plote,. BINDING. Binding, Binding. We 'bind Books, Maga- zincs, Papers, Pamphlets, of ael kinds, at Toronto prices. J. S. ROBERTSON, Bookbisder, Stationur, and dealer li musicl Insrunts, he' Brook Street, Mitb GOLDSMITH'S, 'HALL, "NO TED FOR RELIABLE ý GOODSf Stock now complète, and selAting and mortingm ow gooaeau offer superior inducements to euh-oustoera :ELGIN WATCHES. 'p. 1~ -I I >5 Gold -and Silver, Ladies' and Gen'h, difeérent grades ana Ïpi fine GoId Cbnsing, splendid asor-tmont ogf Coloretl andi Briglat Gold SSa G-ni Bingo, &ê., h.18 Carat,%Wcddini Ringo, Near.ulght andi îhi Elecairo Platila Crueti, Enîtér'Câoie'ri, Sugar andL Mili Bovli, Backs, ho. 8,Day sud 80.hour Clooks, by ltae beit niaiera.C&Hal JAMES JOHINSTCI Goldsmitb's ailn.Whltby, Sept. 2ud, 1875. tage by adaarsamg thie maazubtcsrr, DÂXOEL P. BEATTY, 'Washington, N. J. "ARepository cf Faahio, PICaeura< Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRA TED. -No!dces of the Prie. The Basar is editeai.vith a combluatlon ai tact anal talent ts& va seldam final li any journal; andl the joutnc.l itaclfisl the ai-gain o! tte1eat.wara id f ilo."Bcsan Tgarei": The Bazar commanda itiei la every member oiehouzebold-to the. uldren, by draxanal 1reulpotucî & a Qte 7cung -ladies b,'Ils dent m auaz y4stornàfohe cb1ru ý a ciolies, ta ptirtoaduaabyita tautefulamcgus oreuabr Ir'rm, anal luusad.. ing-gwzw But rcacllg malter of the Basarlilformiy ci great axcelicuce. The noaa squireda a ide pplr h PO5!.enjJaýmenl lb affrd-.tvening 'ISte way thoa.Le notlalng 15k. 1IL Preh anal tru*twlaahy as a feeblan guide, ie ateries and essays, is reetry aal equIbsl.amar sIn. ta a mmd- taiScagam ng JUtL.lta a u S. Postage fýe@ b aMl Subaca ibere li Camada. "Harpera Bazar." ana year...- 8400 04 Co includes prepaymeait af postage by the StLbcriptlonà to IHarper'a Magasine." "Weekly. aund 'Bamar" to one address for mec year, 410 00; or. two of Harpera Perilalss mean aiieasfor ana year, 7 40: postage Back Numbara can be supled at an-y lime. The Annuel Volumes of "Harper's Bazar," li neat ciolh blnailng. 'aili be sent by expres, frec of ezpense, fer e7 W each. À& compile Set. conprising Elght Volumnes. cont au re- celpiof e e1 per vol., fre ght a t expense cf purchaser. ]praminent att ention viii b.iven il"a .aau psr'mBasa" b auRb lllustrationa of the Cen. ieaxia Inter noale xposItion as may ba peonhalry &]=eite tOa te coi'aaann. Nawmpaxaers aranot 10 copy this pdvertoe ment vithaut Uic express crder af Harper Brothers, MAirema. HAREHR & BREOTEHII,Nev York,. ISCELEBRA- BEATT TBD GOLDEN racomniended by PrLof. . LHunger, Roy. A. Mf. 3eflaj, Dstlmore, Md; Prof. Joh B. R '*w vBo.S.Dmner, Washington, -D. C.; G. S4'-ysart, Illoom&eMl, ow G. W. Boblgàios, Prof. 3ohnstou. Philsac phia. and thousands ci othersas thc bent ln urne. ~Send ptamp for extauded llst ci LtS.i moulis before buylug a-Parler Organ. A uwsnt everywlImré. Adaires, T wo 'GOOD IHOUSES TO0 L BT! ON EUOLWD STREET, WBITDT. APPly t>-, J. B. row3àL WhIbyOot 51h,1870.-f.4 'Wiitby 10LOh Nov.,1 FA FOR SALIE Thatticairbie PFa = et urter o lt N cretil a Frame dus Bain SosSo akai' Tih@ .acumin=a ceas t4EW £ALL TO blarke * ai-9 OUR OUST0411ERSIAND» We have much plemure sxiuouueing ti Mit - Yadia'.Riibbers at' 40 cents par eA OVERiSH oE '6'E11SHaoËg Meài b' Vî < .di i*ke0 at $1 25 pe a ' 1 -j

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