Whitby Chronicle, 23 Dec 1875, p. 2

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INu D*.23, 187ô.oa bsJe CV0gvlo ef91¶,5eC 4$ UWUIpoI5ÇS1 thse benee8t of a t!- soot 'SU éepJtn wt Iis issgP, -, A- Merry Chistmas.' -A weltw4siso4 Merry Chlidtte, anti Ye a p urreaaerd onde na .&H. W. trust that etat-t Is joy" s season cf. Cbnlslmnasq tii.là hii-boaItliopos ani an4~ipatiow Luuay b. realleo(tI. To ourý -yeusug frindis, wlîo jait thievito Sante. Cians, withm spirkllng eyeS8aciý watclfui .e Letow.eiî sh fuli sîLcokiogo, semi te aId anti yoling, glati- nos 01benat, ana lbappine0as turing the year we are *1>0111 ha enter. Anti lot tI1e poar b. nAt forgtton. Lellie pi.ssuî-e et Ciisît; e hepr, andth Ie love aI happy homtefi ua-Irelinton of frindsb.swetuntiby tIse kaewi.dge -tiat tIi. poor hu(ýse beu remembereid. Seuth Ontario. *- ît ioix(lmon f M. Justice Wilson iu ilis cane wais reviewellin the- Court aI - 1rror aui Appeel, ou Tuosduay. Jtg- Moncut reser'eil. Whluby ~Pcýt Penny Rallwsy Exten- Mosin. J A lyltw fer tli na 110 t-e iso. g anul dollar bonisas, fî-ýo Tin$e, eue. leon, OpRa ml XMeiLlsai, lias beca uh-b natted ani wlil h.ývîstul upen oiitIseo l8t 111hJatinuay. Wvie vara'iy macli p-leiloil fta ari thîtthl.e mtigs DOW' living iîhellinuhIse. focafiies by Mr. / 1-bidn ie nI tii. Most encoaragiug sî!î-rter audivei'. very asinirance of The f desi Politicien. - - - - *iarktlts u& um11164 telsclti tise liglut 'i litiesi ps;aiesng app ens ta b. the sÃŽs-oug pohl ints seditor oa!h li Neu. I-tee7iuilb tb. uuilerecooul, as dia-, - - hlaufohetifso-ci-preobical Iirvserly-. - hics pulitical i ermusaos erinons opgltluve alwoys i, ae nf cf ofain- -- iug lui .Hri s ehi, ieuloil abt Cçmsesvatim otight tu b.. W. knaw o coulservatien wfulicli le as Libraf-the only bonost Consens'- ehustn anti Lihe n thlaeb.oîly aeuse in whiclu Lîboraliotns cocu b. protesseti hy ausy%i., ani welI-ftsmcb.d man-& !Joascrvotisun *wilo;If 1al mîssiause svere not ati)eisive, W.weroufd glodhy tilàsei.lil Our 0i- s4ci hosihoapieah. fi - is a.. Coas'rratt.usiwhîolm airns aI mmbstmniel objocîs oamd usges effoctive uu-m.TIse abjo<ul et wfici it aie ure social or-les-, lle parservation of tise 'lue autlserity of gaveri-sment ltme as- coumlauiCy offpubulic roason aval- pamelon, tiiuî seeanity ai prcperty. lIme conciliation (if enter witlisprogrees. The noens wiici il neca are not the cantents o! a liculiical mufieuru, hut tise acîielfofrces us! lIe pi-eoent lime suioth ie shah. afi eouiety In -wîich we live, Tb recegaizes - - -uiawanuecysha helm politiesl .11111a- diii uso! lenocratis- coin rislmsiities aand riieorsta epîuy tIs e i-cue. vtilie-nec, ias uov tIse biefs-of gavera. tument, il cocue, ta ilucate tIsît wiff, to p iiiiy iatsi V ahili ta expetiients wiuieb poiticatl meeianicisam empplies, te roîuler ils action ullihrale anmd ne- - Ifumu al. h sres ho train'tIse pu'ople la fevereisse ilsu' goveropinalas weli as ho niaiseIlue ,govoeiautlwrtiy hoalu. revemred4 lb pramniotes union aemone- alt tIse -truiy easoes-vaive elements o! nocisly suit esoles.ofiction as tlie parensit cf enarclîy aeut hieganse o! tb, scquu-el, TtIol uimaleme tioual abe. Ïi eani geumîie' iyally te pient rai1mltcns a he .specre-s cf Iheo past.1 Itlaî oîmUlera t,-apagoho respect for pnineiglo, lealispire seutimomits o! poli- Citai Isanaur, lcimroe lise toua ni - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I = 9nhci!. lubîhu friouaviolent inveciv'e, luouiir ulterousu mppoais la1 anasrchile passions, frein ait l t ati deeate tle elsareehon cf puiblie mca. 1ti he lCouservtimncol of Party but e! ii men cf msein suani itegriby, anti cf ail11isli ava. a stake il te caunal-y. t L i, In foot, Itie apposite ho demm'igg Wsa-, fenil tIse conisaoaiofatheeV%-silao! irhilislemagogios i. tise oeîsrco.i Tile &bave finais a place lI a ienetiîY1 crillto cf Sir JchnA. Mactieanald's speech-n e I, Mat-eai inuser. ItislaaJ pleaoîste-pfelIurse. It loouies ta i b e einteilanoies-y .olïclbogk ; il shouft i b. liaine- up (mi o vor.y cito-'us sanctusn,1 Neusd paiocati hetnhie leoeo! ofthss ps-eyerhcok o! ,very l1efos-m antiCou- sesvaiue Po lhlcn lài fie country. Andti - l wotidoafl' bo ýin koepiug witlis hit ciuas-ates-,o 01 a "Christiani Politioc," fan Ms-. MoraI tôhlia nDet o! Paslia- -ment possedta t Ist affect. Thesenteai- meants as-o p-anti, poliotie -ont ennahi- j ise, anil snob s ne deuil will be nslsoresl.inawien 1h. Golden Ago bas - birtIs. Pity tIsaI hes~ leas-neti editor w'ouiti Dal APPly his lalents ho the Con- sidati-llsio! lie emulng realItIes b> -wllic hin lu urronsidod. A Noessas-y Am.n4ineiuînt te Ballot I - At.. hloso e eadjouynmouth o! lb. Logis. eetté dolta th lb ous. sud'giva.his as5n~ e lâ t té oves-untu Bfal eiI ing te At In refèIe-eath e IUýe at' M usl1iaWpal abooticea. The bill, oata I S hamt propa-ty-Iuolt ions nteati o!rbs' -- l é.à vote in avr-Ward li wliioi lisy C hld ospprtyi- for lihe loo May,-c oué VOW, qnly s-li e wlole 'Cons>lhut- Pùtýaahnlm'an of ts* eotuitthe onP -pus adiuuprovrmet, b>' the.Town <C4n I, il,,itomu a difsusîlfng volca, sud] thetiis of approval ln wtsfali s ex. plau*ftos w as-e poken of b>' lte ,mai- [a ig a ,wefi-liîae%yo :vrY. eoss'i4able-i w, -O! ilso wn W dosad woheloL inde pentenhly,,isuutesd o! beimug -atis3ks: epg[no t the partly goaengpw i t -bers wbe -Wlrti esigieô" rmu9t 'li bé:onkcoYrn? Tua siod bq seau.te- -Pitasrutrry OFAs' WgITvrB@.--- itftrds ùs vos-y 4nu h_-àss4fiaIlnà noiela - mrfermes- young. Iowns M iîs 1r. jitame, Suier, lues beemi ýns maôto ma atiacoju)tcat lchcirge « If.etçIuterios- New Yôi-ken,ïpublise et Jahissvile, .9j, Y., sas editor anti basi nees Manager. ' Thte 'Nv1ltion Ea- 1)ur-se, aI wîich office iý lied pneyiaùsfy worfsiuu, aeaking o! lis engagement, seys "Ms-. Shier in in es'ery way wol qîselihtidfan-ilse position, beiga efiret. dlais piinter anti au expenieuscetine- porter, wlilm gont habits, nuenaf perse. venoe, anîd original idius. - H.li, tu. sites Élbarougily honorable anti reliable, and] Isla fite aine lie one of tie boat o! godt efows. W. siail esarpnisai if Mn. Shien doos ucl make thb,"lister- ion New Yosker," if iis laroI aireatiyo eue of lie noatost. anti fivolfeot news- papers fi tIaI oclion. We regret hi loec hisservices, but shefh b. pleasedte sel unm bettes- lis fortunes extensively. I-e left for hie uew position Ibis moi- Mn. Shier s-nfeaur! arsstiy towns- man, Mn. Jahn Siien, 'C. E. Ho was fornerîy employeti e thle CnmioecLF Office. Oufi-fiend, Mn. G. H. Haun, now fn Winnipeg, will b. gladti tara o! bis aid ocîtm'à success. la thie iunoticlory i lie rnierios New, Yoe,r Mr. Siier leinoduceul as fofiows: I"Mn. Shiei- la& seucaeti a hal! inhoreet in 1h.e be N'eue Yarkes-, anti wiîf berealtan assint us la aur wveekly lobonu-s. Ho iso a goemouan, a cosuteat edihor, au ecellent piIen, anti a igit goti follew gentaaiy." Se say we il. Christmas Supplies. Attention la di-ectedtih Ie aunounIce- monts cf Oar atlverîieing ,frientis in allier coltnus o! xmai; supplias. THti FAIT rMARKV.T ires neyer belles- sapplieri wftl beef, natton, park anti veaof vsery supenier qnalihy. Mn. Tanner shows fin.eIsoifers eut steers, feti hy Mr. Wm. Dow, anti Mr. Dehart, a splendid caif feti by Mr- Haney, sud shîeep 'andti ebo foi hy Mn. Shserman Brown. Mr. Charles Scott bauslire prime Iosago otiby Isimself; a hmv-year aid 'heifer, feul by Mm- Shermaen Browu, a hefler, feti by Mr. Amîîlersou, arle led by Mr. Thiomson, a!f7uayfieIti,-aU spien- miii auli,anul a âne .displayofî suI- tosn, fambs anti posltîl'. Mr. Jo.r.pI Stoes, bas thlueregest tispiay in towmu, iaiuting tirne fieifer- anl'bue steers femi by Mn. A. Anderson, tîtrea fueifémru ed by Mn. James Buns, two steémaq fet liv Mr. Fil-ipatniýck,ear(a uable lf meier, feti by Mn. Slierifl Rey- naît.; ais ea i-usfeep.fed b)y'Mn. T. Hl. Simuiblis andi tro fat erios aul elevea lesnibs, I-t by Mr. Win. Oake. ie natfy Ji-esseti boga rere bs-et aumi ed by Mm-. Seamuel Dawes antiMmr. Juin Reylueî-. IH fia. s-ny qnantiby a! pouf- t-y, rafibits, &c. Ra lias -uslogetliei- a niegaificeat luliîlay. bs-. Jofhn Aundersous liau lwa s.ry fine IseiIes'santic a siuep, led by lit. C. Westf aie; four- fueifert led by Mr. Wm. D<sucai',a a tlff, foiu bx- Mi. Geivet Poswer ; iambe, f.ti Iy- MIr. Geo. LfttIe, eut spîcustiti ogn, fs-ml by Mr. IRichard- Penny. Mn. Jerumne 8eutsîl sisa ammugel bis dispiay a Iseiler, lsreui ly Mn. T. Mc. Brion, anid saine vu-nyfine ellfep ranu Mu.CAmJCIOu'S ADMNSuIDsia s- s-E CABuumIN.-Mr. Caicboadaumiseion ta tIse Cabinet is aiu eveut tîjal bas given tIsI lias given rise tlau on nsual, amnat aI discussion, antdach ani- maesiofn upon tli lconsistelsî course o! Mnr. Meokenzie. Of coursne, saysthe Natosu, il-fs delendeti y hyle Giilor.- ens, bal tho monoesrespectable anti feps violent o! lhiema poak in e lono wio showrs liat, untien a sens. o! tiuly ta oef pvlas-ly, îoy arenaiue-tIse beel o! eillcy kaow la b. a buai case. TIsers-inet a rigiî.miandet ont impar- lial an l ite Dominion who dosual thinis lic appainîment dircrediteble ta tIme Govormimoal. . Pearl anti Tas-Ion Card Cases, Seal- okîn Pam-seu, Bee- Panses, Pociet Books, LelIsr os-oks, Albums &0.., s'es-y cioap ah S. W. B. Snrili's. Messre. Groa & MaeNachami -have a niaguificeul duapia> cf sapeio-oatlony, eoectro-platet a-e, ont lieemool per- tedt kinti e! skates. CHALÂuE O'CoNi;6othe Oemineut Nov Yos-k lawyers-,ohougb given ever ýbyltho doctes s lrnceverne. Qu ebocLegisature IMPOITAXT Basu PȏOx.-In tie Que. bec Assembiy on, Saturuiey Ils. Gavera- met ailwa11Bill,'the. amendaient te licou"s, anti Mn.iinet's 1Bi11 ta preoet iiionfiea betwoon the religions anti ivil aulionlties lu regard tla Roman Catholic censtenies, passedti lsir final Tic Quoea Legislalure wilib. -ps-or. par lb AI S. W. B. Smiti.. - 1BAUXfc rtiuxmr.-Tho Moechanirs' Banke, Monhreal, lies beau ne-opea Tas Pisîcclo or 45TiPslc us! Wais bas laftMati-sfor Calcaîta. Dz»' MàiiDuuis NSI!tUs-. -41,9e se- o* ov lu isedtàd hûfen pu- vilis in tkDeafîanti 1ub itiuIe et le e -i t- [' it inenuotSCerU5U astioVution o Uper, 1&t'ilateP'Vinc op $taw- .ive of those. bsiÉig'meiest4ail i n private flweiliag, yvwai;-Iofiows.-, - j"Alium I1tM.stTt so, 5*22 1 ;sylum fer InuIeifLondoc:Si, 51315 02 mVe=al lia. ae. Ri e~ln, 18811 1>1502 ïýe "Ppnous e -ifined l iesCnsecais:. 101, 9ijawe Convcts lu ilck 90 .870 177,. The inoneym-exp.ended by thse p4&~ Mtnco in thse- maintenance of. Institu- .tions altogeibier suppai-teti or Partially aiciotifrà>m the lunds o! the. Provinice during th. pool <yoar, bhave been as tfollow, .: lb. Inage . 628>5$or Inttufqnî h tlcl * cf Deahsnd amb . 2,0,17 5a" latihtion for tie Educeticu aiof1he Blind.---..-.-...---.24,061 21 The Cevtrpl.Rrison ut Ontaxio., 4,3,017 -64 -1ro1zcll Reirmatnm. 21,882 76 AMtô 11epitae a,41cenal Iiistitttius.-----...-...---52,846 00 Caînmoz uGsele............. 1214257 481 uîoier the contrai of lb. Goverumeut,. inucluding lIse amnnt 'duo by tie Cana- da Car Compeuy for Prison labour iu thse Central Prison but which ie still un- paid, bias becîî as folows :,1 Asylum for the $nan - 22,264 261 Institute for Etincation of Deal eîîd fl,îrnb ............... .2,894 88 Institute for Eductien of thse Bllind ................... 2,612 81 Thie tProvinicial lfoitatry .... 5,477 91 Durng the 3car 1823 persons oI an- sound lummd were commuithed btIste var- feus gaohîofIthie Province. 0f tlIse,c 106 remnaincîl in cnstody et lb. close cft thb' official year. Nine were sent frein Whitby >geol (for the wbale couuly,) and two remained iu custouly aet ho close cf lb. officiai year.L r Ss-Tîiai' OP-LiE Wusîvmmsr GsaL.-The foilowing ie tIse officiel repas-t on thue -oetat ftise coiinly geolah Wfitby: 3 Priiociers eammitted turing tie year----------110 Greateelnubr oalet t amy one limse-----------------... 19 r Number et re-cennuiltals----------19 Total csaof ai aitainiug Gaei. - $2,025 60 Stataloi-y examinehionweo asti. leo! tuis Goal on lise lStiio! Februeny ansi 251i e! Jane. On tfue fiso occasion, tue- Gnahen home- absent, tIse Tssiniey acco m Vanieti me thi-onglisth.building. I observeilseht, in canfoi-mily witIs in- sti-uceus given et my hast visita, lie front corridor gale was aow kept clos- I was sus-piseti te fiadt tIai, aotwf Is. standing tIse numben o! escapes tIsaI bail aiton place- freinIhi Gaoal, a ps-e. miumuwas stit affered -fon similer c- cus-emies by loaviusg umrepairfsi'or oves- two meonthe hie wiadaw lunlime water- closet te ls.iet corridor. I insti-adt- edth Ie Sheniff toe sthat 1h. iran bas- >was replaeti irmediotefy. Fron net being able ho use 'tIhe water-closet in question, an unplesaeut odeunrfias be-n causei fa tIse corridor. The. Sieniti walaoinstruetedtehorequest thie Vn- tien or 1he Chais-mon o! Iii. Goal Con- mitte. te taie stops etthue eariiesl pas- silei moment ta ceuse ail thse lacis af lie oelse te be repsircul anti put Iu proper ai-ten. SIsoulcl imicetiiete steps net be laleesiit ' tise Comnty atboritics, I reqnestel Itii.Sheniff lae seetlIsa tise nequisit0 e ie irs we-e mte Fintiing lie Geoler's felnil y sili ean- inuete mse tIse GaI yard for tomes- tic purposes, I ordlered tic use uota ho lieccatinusel1. 1 aiea gave instructions ltaItue prleennesabount t haalloue' edtiel ue tlii Waotias tliet'cbase, anti tiat the sîîppiy solinet ua be phace inlu thie corridor ta whicli tboy haiu acce8s nt sf1 timese. Thse geuci-al canditlion af thie Gol, as regardseanis-antr le iilswas aniy toafemblc. Tfiswesl corr-idor, wluicli was occupiemd by vagrnts, wee hy uso ms-ans neat or clean. The wrn-euss wrd was imuai belter iun laes- res- pectg. I fanal 14 ptisonuirs nUndeî- custatiy, no lae.s than seven of wiom werp con- mitti ne vagi-entix, on ratier icuseles peoapte omnt oI wark, ail o! wlsani were iii- he Gai eof their own fi-ce. iili, andt indeedti Iheirawn*request. Iainon a aware tblue i.Vagrancy Act ontern- pletel sncb a condition sf! hune-e, on bIset a Gai shanîti k. convertei inloaa Pon IFouse. Foui- wcmen were la custotiy as lunolies. Aihiaugi aIal ap- pearedte bch fit sabjecîs for Asyluns treetmnent, I regrect ta say tibat no va- caicica existeil in Asylamus teo whicfs tiey coniti b. transferni. Mr. Speaker Well'e Esrlras'agence. Tie1Hameilon Tisstei-e sîrane-' Min- i5tos-lijonsual-pi-Ie tise fell-uwing opinion coaeernlug Mr. Speaker Veil's litho bil - -"Mn. Spakuer Welle luas, it seemse, taice,lie liberty e! bas'ing is recul~ farniolet et a cest tethie Province a! #783. TIsis is siupiy monstraus. TIi. bill i. noms'baing,,examinei by Ithe Pub- lic AccouaIs Conuniltee, hit w, hope ta se, theîo Has. ilsehI taie saonie action Ibat wili pisI an.eudtotasucs grass ex- traesagauce. Tii. Speaker h unIes-tan- etehý11an offlccr cf tIlHase; ant is inl- tispendent o!fIfse Govrameat, se Ilat iti t0lhe tanner hotiy mutIpub thse abéci ou bis ambitions prelensions anti farurions habits. TIse -p nopes- say Weald h. ta bave lbe cash iy luriture eiIIsn senl bock or redth Il, Speik- er's salas-y hy 8788. As Mnr., Deacon saiti, "il is perfect piec ocf iumbag "trying te rua ltme Prov'incial Lsgieia. "tareasùlIse piluiples o! lie Biisfh "House.o! Cusmions." If the Speak- or muat live 1k. a lord 1.1 unm pay fern Il out o! bis own sales-y." Wcfl spoken. IFa' nICzajre.an>y pensons in Ibis, or aniy cher vlcily, wibhiisg a firalaso Pland bs-Organ, wios eoye aball rool .Upontis ionm, lot lien pause, nefleal, lookrong8.alior colausu, anti Sena ho Daniel ri, Beatty, Washingtan, N. J,, for aay fnfoi-nstîlen lhey muuy desire ronces-aine- lien. Ti sey -are hie-liy1 comnenieti by lthepress anti people, and are a honu-a doaibt vas-y sapes-les - -UMsdoiir ..-Time -Quebec Court -ci. Raiow lies- cani-met lthe deision o! lhi jde- who. fan coirapt practiceo Ontario, te tiômth othe-ZNolta2 sa river on Georgian Beyr. It W -Pickering, 'going in et eue corner a- passing eut aht dis other. Thé railwi fine weter-power se pleutifnlly ai tnubuteel IbronghoonI the. townshoip' Leàving Pickering qoaý wounl ru ou a dirèol iulI\~ufIl-rs tb, Toroento and Nipisig Railway j that place. The effecî of the. roi ýr 4b. t, bting liaï, hhnising businei centre witio about tIse saine distani cf Port Wbitby liaI il lai now fro-1 eanborough !iTunction outhe Grau Trunk, and soin. fifty mites neerf Montroal thon fiaviug, as at presont1 go around by way of Toronto. B;l Pr, à "' i4e jÀ tanof mercstedi2 frôla montriii caald b. lid àown qi# as oIseaply ah Stoaffvillc as et Torontt A busliel of wheat en*a barrel o!fialo conifi be obipped tiaIlower rai frein Steuffville hau froin Toronto t Monîrcal-hhus saving to the peoplec lhab seotion nmore ,ilian it , now, fost Ibein te freigit théir produco te toroî ho ant labring in their uercbondize Tis ses'ing would amount ta, et leasl five conte; per btusiel, oôn grain, 'an, twenty-five ce -nîs,, per barrel, on. fon] Tien. would,'of course, bo a likelavin on park, butiter, &.-end, 1eay, ýor dollar, per ton on, aI. metoliindLzo en lering the lacality for eousumu2ptiozr 'Éfiese advantages need ne argumnen Tlîey are self-esfient. Frein Stan!f ville dfie rond would pesIbroagh 1h centre eithe township of Whitcbuncl ta Newmarket, crossiug the Nortiieri Railway et tliet Iewn. Prom Ilieno, it would procede tihle town of Bral ford. Ilote hisse towus woaîd be tise brougbhtas near Moulrcal se is Tanontd s0 liaI a loni of mercheudize, hy 1h proposoti lne from' Menti-cal, coalti b laid down et Newinerket and Braifari aI as low a rate of freiglîl as nt Toronic And grain, fleur, and all kinda of pro duce cauld b. sipped tram eitier pie., ta Mautreal direct et ns iow a rate o fteigzhlse froin Tononto. Ml proiluct, woald tsecome a vaînable et aIl tins at Nowmarket and Bradiford' as c Tô?onto, andi as muci coulti b. paiti fa produce et tiese places as et Tarante Merclieudize could even bý solti et lois er rates tien et Toronto-rente aui fuel, &c. being les; than in the. City. Leaviug Bradfoard, thi. rondl wouli paso tinougi Cookstown, thence ti Angus, wiere it would agein cross 1hf Nortbernfleilway. Fromn 1heure it weuf( rua direc tle the, nouth cf the. Nottawa sagaý River on the Goorgiin ]3ay-tbý nortieru terminus. At a.11 lIse.placei namod, epproximate afivantages weul accrue. Prom the northeru termnina lie lumbe- andti imbe- o! lb. wiole Georgian Bey les-mitai-y wault hie direct acceos ta Lake Ontarioanti Os- irego by Itue suai-tes; possibl, lin. tIse enu be laid tiare upon Ifs. mep by %nics ta conisect lie wate>rs of lIs Geangien Baywcilfi Laie Onlenia, an an e direct lhue as th. qi-or dires nIl th. City oI Osivego. The iaÃŽerci cil wonf t ho brouglil neaner, by eixty-ive mffcs,to Ils. Geargian Bay ilion by an; olfier fine. Se nueh Ibun for a f-ss'oa lbe raeny ativeuages Ibel usighl be urg-et in lavi-af tlis proposet lino, fi-eu a loa a tumud-pQint rulîsse, anti whicb cf tisemîvos, nerp tlienuotiuing fustic le urge, are safficient, anti ougfst la in- dunce mtma Goveranýy t ta givo lie pi- jeel a favorable consiération. BuiIh most importantl publie ccuids-rations isemaia te ha presentid. Tiecarryiue- Inete of Ibis gi-calDo- minion, anti more parîicnlhrly liat of aur, Na-tb-Wentern possessions, as also biset af a portion af tue North-Wesen States ai Amos-ica is one aIflIse gseat en-t (ifnualthe greateet) question liat eau bse presenteti for the coasidonatiai o! batfh 1h. Provincial anti Dominion Goverumerits o! Canada&. And t i i for Canada anti Canadiens le sey ribatber thue imsperantlitem of bs-ode, coistitut- lue- as iltues suci an Importent saource oI wealtl ho the nation, simisl be soeur- et ta tuis caunl-y permaneally, ar wbetber il sialf b. ailosvet ta pees s ltme hautincf our mare enal-gebio noie-b- boni-s an lie otier aide o! lie fia,. Il is canlentieti by souteliaItIshe en- largement o!tho Wcflland anti SI. Law- ronce Canais iill bave thse effect a: tinerine- tisWestern hi-ste towa-ds lie SI. Lawrene antidaim l a Jioatre- ai, anthence ta lIse Ocean anti Eur- ope. But, we epprebendti Ibt, upon a carafal consideration c! tise subject, it yul be feannt iaI lhee more imnédiate affect wili h. e ti-ansfer a large partion o! luis t-ode noir donc ah Bufflo, la Oswego, as;tIse large close o! vessele liaI viii Iebe .ene-age inlutIse lis-eue-i bradee a! lieLaies,so ta speai, vill f ati il la hein ativalsuae.ta pro- ceet, withoat break o! bak, btlb.here- brement easterly point cf navigation, King-stan oný Oswego. Buffalo vif i therefare be- o la-eelhoer by *tlIe en- has-gei"ntof lie Weiland Counaf. Bal it is i6rblemelieal if OsiegoaneutNewr York, insteitio! Kingston ont Montre- aI, wll b, tho groateot gaine-mb>' lis e«largement. Tino wil tel!. - Transluipmeènt frein hake vessels bo river anti canal craft mi ..b. lie rabe 'Opcousionellày, la lihefuture, a in ihe past, A .bip vii cbe..-fs-ou» laite perla now lot usm lfips-ev. One-ria-naviga- tion la lihe ulmeot >isf e 1ce p.cilty hah moue>' con effeel, wfl u fies-brdal! lakine- foi rani mneanti couse. quentfy unfilte ta hocompete, ou eqieal terine, mih uineIy ieo.gofng vessois, - Direct freihtbing frein hlifflep Euoo. illtie-efn u-lsfauA s a la ao ho tu pol b quite, oropticaebl. ýTransIifpneh l i b. tho raie, becaxia. lbvI pay besî ail round, anthi. fi-ut tnanohipmemt wyul, for ic maI part, tle place abllie peli bayent i fa, beceuse o! lhe siafloîness o! the water, tbi.lirgasl hae Vosel -o*unot descend. Thse rivas- navigation jcou neye- le lau- ps-aveu la lb.eepaaity-o! lie lako,7anti .olling easlats nove- yul tfi s-aaoy 'the 4vt age o! th. t"~, tira., -or ibns fabl greees-draugitthaI lait. nov. river portions of the~ route betwpen h. Chicago and the. Ocean, or ocean vos- -els, can b. deviseed, the. barge undoubt- pefy.i oxnt1ne.tobe eiiydohe exlso Lot ims ,very flOÏhekinld Of 1caL 6 he ue, pobem 1 at brylng of those oimmo(Fitieg troug~ iver and, cez 1; euh' propeller withi Spower enoug&for the mooemnit of haif cea dozen barges, each ca'rrying apot- )n ler'à cargo, eilZ aiar bg zear bear di.' M is 0 fe b rge. er fleeG. ta ,aigitfrgae thenthat 1he, hriver trade eau; b. bter secgrýed"by the àk s4ption f the birgoe yltem, from t. i 6 Kuts< trii -oà tbnere;',il 49 Inonyrqmina 19 be honwliýtif ur any advantage, Kingston and Montres[ te will have as compn-rcd with Oi>wegoa and. ta New York-kooping la view tho prob.' of able enlargement of the canal from Os- Swego. to the Hudson River, to a deptlV n q~a ea d1h amet'fti St.- ». Lawrence Canal, and it deay b. possible t, 'teat depthcapable of psang thse Iargest ,*na1-.-ivth nominal rates of tollIebtween g Oswej and hthe -Hudson. Sýoin May e perliapu look upon tbis as problemati-- es)ca, bnt froîn the poent feeling- a. oTthe New York State Legislature%, with- t. resectLto tlis carrying trade, it would. rLnôtbe itàlt snrprisinýg ta sec this en- 10 largement finally determined Upon and. eh cominonccd within the next fewyears- .n and maybe sooner. 30 Thse object of thse enîargcnied oQf thse Welland canal is ta do away with, se ta speak, the berrner .ivdin :IMke On- '~tario frein 1he lakes above, by meakig 1,the canal of sucli ample proportions as eWilI peso with tie. least perceptible in- *ie terrupticin possible, the largeet vessels d inployed lit ho carryiug of grain and rdflour. Chicago Harbor, formerly adapt. 0. ed ta ton-feet draught vessels, bas beeù a. improvefi t0 fourteen feet, andi with ~.any lees water on its lockeosilIs th: Wel. of plieb thse object abave indicatefi. The. ts largest propellers loading in Chicago or s other up-lake ports shonld, aI least, b. italloweil the option ofproceeding, witb- out break of bulk, to tb. extremeet east- rerly point of laIe. navigation onlk De Ontario, whicb wonld b.ie ithier Kingo- v-ton or Oswego. Experifinced sîippers ia te ontreal and New York "say tViat a vesse-r having once passed thbrough 1h. Welland Canal intolake Ontario Id wili be as; likely ta disoharge et Oswle- ýo go as at Kingaton, and thet Oswego se and New York wit! hhereforç be benle- [dflted quit. as mauch by thse enlargement of thse Welland Canal as wÏll Kingston and Ifontreal, as hcôwever lunch the Iexport trade of Montreal may grow, es New Yarke wilt non. lb. lose continue la encrease and floufisl, and witbh fer large ocean tonnage and immense 'trade tboranghly establiehed witb En- 5rope, and the whole werld, sa ta spoak, re wil 1 continue in ail liketibood ta have ,_the &avantae.of iow ocean freighits as continue, in tii. future ag in th. past, te 'Y attract fargely in that direction. and ie more effectually will sncb be thie cae ,, shonld thie Oswego Canal bc enlerged froni O.-wego ta tIse Hudson as cou- teinpla - eu. The only way in wlîich we y of Canada cen liavo part il lot in re New York's proeperity will be by carry- Sinc- for lier wliat se will bave auybow, )f and, in our cepacity as carriers, it will1 bc pos.,ible fo.r us ta make gain for our- le selves froru lier necessities. Tihe same ar- n gument witl aIlse apply equelly ta ail thse )f Eceateru States. wbieb are sncb large rconsumers of Westerni products,sucb as seltecl meets, wbeat-flonr, corn, oats, -&c., whicb now reecli New England1 -markets mainly by way af Albany, and sare mainly transported. by wat;%r-Lakes and New York Canais. in viow, thon, of the Welland Canalt routa being quihe as likely te builà up( -Oewego and draw tbe trade fromn thencet )f ta New York as te attract il hoa the St.j 0Lawrence and ta Mont-real, wôuld il not lie wiss for Canadîaui ta nt oncei resolve upan utilizing tIh. short lendr t- route lying betwecin Lake Ontario ands 't the Georgiau Bay--electiug tIse aeliorteet points et which. tii... wa- ters eau be counectefi, eud eitber iconstruot a canal or eue or more air etirelyavoided thre would0b.leb. fther gi ~ satin ;olffur orh five days' ti e on ëaclî cargo' g'oingF througb froin hicago ta Montreei,with h tie additional adventege of baving, graýin aired and elevated whiie in tran- t ait, an edvantage of one or two cents 1 per bushol 10 aIl grain sbipped in warnn , weatber. By Ibis line, Oswegzo wouid aise be b. brought about 8063 miles2 rneaner Chicago than by 1he Welland Canai ropste, snd Liverpool wouidbcE bronght nearer la Chicago, by -about 908 miles, than via Bunffalo andi New a York. 4 t Theqgr~est snpenrrty eoftthe propesef1 fine là, is slïôrînes, Comparef wiîth D ethiWÏlinos, it being, as beforo statedl, è-*~4- Avqmites shorter' Iban the.-,h "&Norern," nd: llfty sniléa shborter j hhin tlie' O Midland " to onlfypl 4wo Unes -liat; cen. be nseutioued as é COmj o Ing lit No other railwaij condtftlegeaftor b. -constracted ai no- -i short a distance to, lake eway ius bue!-, li meus, Wheu ne, restblisbed, By- the propooed E1%m~o doùibt- the ; largest. share of Ibis -Witern carng iý trade oonld b.ie ôéutèd;ýThiig lwiy c wien bnIlt muet bie of th. best dicrjp- -e tiou,',for afrIhrsiyw&xes gaes asudIghtr curvafure, lIa d with steel rail&, and with ample facilities at eltiior endi fo-rrecc'iving-anfi despatc-i- ing all kindsofo grain, W. believe it to oà b. now pretty generaily ceiWedh hat Pl thero are' bardly any liià of railway bc lu Canida that caqàoueoessfàlly sup. in -rdetbythe loee*ade aIôose.- -,Tisd beig tii. case thon, akscemeisher, pl presenledl, omtbining aU the. local &ad. Vautagos comman ter- ohher linos,' with M What muaI, if built, becomeonea of the pa greatest .through. linos in,nthé. con ien'of âAmoeicathug pIaciug 'w CanaSdine in a position, for al l ime, to boom. e eMasters*of Ibeir own earry:- !mg trou, aswf a a qsfor %rr S -fi.Ȉ Of the z ;oeff1<ùl tlet St furey.n tram oeing)*mae. esa -o snba- rade. Ant llawl ]uw liaI, àt Colfingwood, vessels drawing oly talefeet waler fint itlVaesy dan- gernu, te enter. - Eumiiigi fias new been saiati ta îely liaItfiiùs prapaseti tTilWaybasmerik that o g*t te comusdiîta lhe favor- able àp"*itiration < fiOGoverument, 4a any giats liaIag elçbomade -dur- ng theprosent sessibu ôf Parliament lu suid o! ,'ïilwayt. 1t pa, w. untier- sta, leintento te promen o !o til ràiwaly taak thé imunicipalities uaterestd 10 -« pals - lmws graiiting bonuses (allieAg U_ ' fialtening as- surances lias'.heul l!en aloag -flac Mltol# iist laI seh l-ianses will ' ho givea when asketi for) atit thse Gaves-n. ,ment silaîllhave firet eEcooNs~t aq 'jbeîugb~neo! lie reflwayo eha'Sct&t liberat aid from tIse public lneasuny,- as, wllîiout suols ai, il woultib. useless >1t altempl lite 1 c4astnu9tion - o! s acerailway an~e..ee iposed.1 -eolshave, -&shase at iuneyî, cipenil, w;iioat t bav#iag eny-assur- ance fnai Governinat o aid, woulti bc simply ta -repent lie wrssngs doue .yotber raiiways, wÈ ss av xp»ed &aIl tIse ianeyso granlqd,-by mficipiah- ti"r&>e naw askiu* for fuinîhen as- sitnce -froin, tb. publiech ot. - The' - nuniclp alilies Wbich baye oai âsutIi ese lai 't enterpnises are u.àfartunaIélT' 'tiklefy lae lose.ahi lt.enianey they bave aieady -g!venýani be wltiout them rerilways besides.- Tfîepramaters o! Ibis reiiway do pet p repose ho be pas-lies tÃ" 'lacing any o!flthe Mniicipalities hI suri oa position. If tIse enterpnise b.ea goati one, and-ti he ntrresi cf lie cosuntry, il sîmoulti' bo recognieotias such, anti "entiers lu comincil" éased wiIIs suds conditions as la payunt as tIse cr- canisteuces of lie case ,woultisoomn ta tiemnd,-tseu lie bonus by.laws coulti b. Buftuitîed ta tIse varmons muaicipef t- ties aiang lie propoatlineo, sadth Ie stock sabecribeuf witlî intelligence anti a degre. o! confidence wiici wonit seurs a sipeeiy comupletico! hf ie wenk. justice te Sir John." -Thue folowinis laiîtiseé edit.or of the Nation cusîls dainb, Justice - ogSir Johni A. Macdoneald, as a stalesnms: - .- Il Standing abatf fronx prsrty weihas'e nover siîancd eny partisan uîîwiliug. usess ho do justice hoatIse qualities andi dlaims of Sir Joha Macdlonald. The,- fallowing whisihshili 4unrounds bis fafllea and somnewisat besnmisclieti banner, showsthaI hopssesses lu e higi tiegrco lise gift of meicing anti loeping.fm'endu. - Hle lias long serveil Canada, ilhugi it usust be romemboeot Iat, mere con- tinne ntaoffice isDutal oweys service rentienctita lteé public-. He laves lhe country, andI bas aispirations' for hon greatuese whtch we do ual lie les.e re- spect becuse we are convincedti tat tIse visions wili wiich they an. cou- necteti wiillsocu vanisis lue a marniag mist. As an admiaistrator fues bas pro- bebiy gone niglil wienes'er liee.wes not e s'eny strong perty teaspteliou le go wroug. Party seens tala unan es-unal neeeesfity, wiile il seons e1nox- meus andi trausient ebsnrdily le us; anti ut iii neesouable ha gis'. hua crédit for acting ia ebetiience ta tis eeeasling lamv Ii; settimsg an exemple a! indivi- duel caurage anti maniuese i. bes net faf loti; anti wbî o ho was ia pawe. tise country aI cll eveuts;' 50W befone it ils real beeti, a gaîf eut anti soif-reliant man, nol a linge wire-mulling apparetus witli an Intrigues in 1 h. centra of il. Penîueps eveu lie corruption witli whsfci we foar i. infecteti public 11f. was bard- fy mare pestileahiel than lise Iypocnisy anid cowardtce witb'wfiichit i labeing infectetil uw. We cn eau Vlfuntiensîaut îowf se umay tuithat on tliwhae, lie balul hings together itathe hst wey possible, ant tIsathle narrowuess cf lie national jutigment rathar than ils jus- tice, fe .tts fusil., Hie persouel ebareeler as a sensible, courteous anti tléurantlminuoa!thei.wald, affords sa lyraunical Piarisaisin, liaI peaplq wia do ual cee for is peitical :opinions, may well be reatiy Ito iiy tho un as e social dtiveren. - TIse Masef Han-on. DEAT-uSAND L'aNFESîta aF'TiiaMASIMN. Bresocu, Dec. îtl.-Tomnassea dieut to-day fi-cm lie effeets cf tIse injuries inflieted Iy Isimef. Ho statetat bis naine was Win. King Thampean, anti tIsI hewas e native af Brooklyn, N. Y.- His ega is believedt ia bobut tiiirty- fis'e years. H. confessetit hue wsas once captais o! lie vessel Olti -If I bave been iiuskea aboutl n., Siniti boiof tise so'11à116so! Ilie Railwy Comp y I o'e sor-y for c ies'ing se0stote t we in's ior wol, w uej - lt oftaI asI se la, co8brnedti! * - yes's écair' t te wulf 4 . isply é, W ol o! olies- penties,' 'âý nwiom heisgos hie breaïi ati butt.nr--th' Dou4inaBan .7,-and 1 aio Rdaiway Company-for -s.e OU' unust -kniýy, tIse PresidenofcIt VInBae s tIse Prosîdtielof tizo-- iay 0m Pany, sudtihe Manag!ç!fý Directo-,Ms-. Uoldon,-is aIse a prominealt directar o!f~ tie DomÏinion Bank.'Thse MayoaatyI dt Wflilby, in{ sob h linda, woufd bee sînply unden Taroula tdiftatian. M-.. eMith tiarenet disobàyt h. wishes cf Àgin , Mr. Editor, wchave mi, t Smith, ;aclicihor, anti gonerol 'atdr o!. of tie' Mndgoanti;-yes-wooti Organ pàclary1,cempany. nH.!0 àaise-e stock- oltier -isInii. saine ccaceru. Now in lie mallte-s wich cius tcom, e aptes- aispuite betwo.n the lasvd ant liaICon-i pany, it voul iuiot b. hiknterost of!thoe, twn tlitl Mr. Smniitu oit i njnUdg. muent upon thecause o! hlinnelf anti bis V4itby, Deu. 22nd,187& ti WILKIM MAC.-'OLen andi ro 7* 7 8 ou rh ? e îreet for thse present year was *1,ib0. TsaI ther. was ov.e-expendesl in 1874,h #84.72, andtilaI lier. bas b.cn ior- 4 s year-for gravol, $678; C mggvol, #$1.50 ; lumber, $58.-e 20 ; labour, *291.80-heaving a bàI&-6 unexpendeti o! 49.87. Thal tie appropriation for base lino -was $200. -Thet tiore- was a balance o! 0"440 u . oiý%i4ld lait yeer. T(IS l tier. han boon exponded Ibis yga'- b for grevef, *188.66; for labour, #28,08,; a lumbor, *7-oavîug a balance uup*e- : ponded of$64 78. - % "P i That lie approprén dIoilr 'oth 'P Word tis yer wes *500. lThat liere was over-expeudet inlu1874, 88 0, o~~lre hnliube xpeno& tIse piq- f sent year far lumber, *229.22; labýui 4205.85; fonisils, *18.14-balance ýn- expendoti, *7.98. *ai -labor, *2,75.75;-,lumber, *175.80- ioaving a balance unexpeutietio! *6.69. - That lh. appropriation fan the. Soý'th Word wes *400, -balance unepen edt, '74, $8.81. Expendeth e presont yparN -l abour, -*198.49 ; ,lainer, *50.71, anti *80 te bo expentieUion Cameron'- sidei line-a portion of'ýw4ici nlhJ - el yel been oxpentied--lavmng' *185, la ns lie creilto!fis.e ward yel unexpendeti. os The repart aiso recornmeucled pay- ment-of- accoants o! W. watenhonse, G (Dundas Sl Z2- Geo. Cormack, pi *69.58 ; .W.' Waehouse (Brock St.) 2< $7.02. il Mn. Draper in expiaining lie repont -, anthe .work doue by lbe committe,- gtait aIsaine o! tbe gravol put, on- B Bnok Street was lea large, that h.otiid 'Mi ail lie coulatel stop il, anti hatisne M' difflcnîty witi 1h. paorties onliaI e- là con, bat tIsaI on tbe whale lie work L hal been founi well doue and tic gra- pi vol iree frein senti et ail events. Frein 6 causes, wbicbheh expleined. tise grevPl w cool sometiug more Ilion tiey coula & W l1 as'oid -àying., lu nriply, taý Mn. E been measareti and ciecketi by-Mn. E Murray. H. expiainedti tsecance of si ,the non-expentiture of tie whole aI lb. Si 'appropriation- upon lie Senti Ward 41 Mn. Fairbanks and Mr. Piuilp carra- si bonated tIs tatemnas of Mr. Draper $5 as membere af lb. camintita,and bore ec, :testimnoay toi lb. areful -oesgtof $1 lIs, expnudihure.cet ,-, Mr. Fàirbanks !nrtier: apalogized £forin ual coneuiting bis cafleegues iu the -in North War, salid that ilwaLs, freino la desire latek. ativenhage of thein-hat 61 lie ect;et as had, been dode byprevious ne member aI the comsihlee, andti laI if D he -hed -dons anything wroug il was Cl Ihinougi ignarance-elie'ing ho hall M faîLcoutrol anti following thie precedenîestg of peot yenas. c c 1Mn. Hatc couelidore th le epology et due, anti under the circuinstences wos fa duîy bounnd te accept it. >H. asked pi for explaiia*'.-uns as ta placiug calvent su before Perry's Block on Bý'ron street. fai Mn. Fairbanks expiainedti tit tIse culvert was udt placeti as state&i but of wes a coaîinueliou cf a culvert, anti H was put dewn ta renias' a nuisante complainul oI by tiei. bealthi inspîectar. C. Mr. Phulp sait if e heti cousulteti wih fuie colleagues in the Centre werti Iran si lime la lime, anti deleuiedtihe action R taien. Mn. 114thsfarthercemplaiued7about J. taking the. town môoney la maie drains, &c., wiere these slîanld bava been ni matie by individuels owniog lIse pro- perly-referriug more particnlanly t0e aîh calvert piaceti before Juige I)antnell's lie nesidence. lbe Mn, Piilp explaineti, shewing tIsaI ex Mn. Hlalci was isheken, tiet lie hIles Se ,wpre.p4 lda.wnaI lite .panty'e ewn ex- wc pense, andti it wbet hall been doue hy tb lie town was for the purpose o! reines- ta: ing e nuisante.- Mn. Draper, in reply le furîher ne-fa marks, egreedti lat it woafd b. quit. wroug te expenth le roney a! tbe cor- poration for lie benefil o! privaI. Indi- viduels; he denieti howes'er tiat sncf wae lt. cao, sen fer-as he was coucen- cda. Ilé, aI leéiisti alnDeveittaleen'ei- Fo ventage o! bis position te curry - faor fan votes by placiag gi-aval opposite co- atier mena dos ah lie expeuse o! liefo corporation. 'Tise unopoeedstreels in L. lIse Senti Weri, anthe failare e! th Le persan te wiom. lie job wao given te Ra do tIse vek ou lic base line, anti on i tIse street opposite Mns. Rowe's -wes tIsa cause cf tIse appropriation btiste an' Soutlh Word renaining sinexpendoti. prs Of Ibis is coloagnes af lie Southio WVarti were aware anti hati been con- - sîsîtetiîeron, notwitbsteniig ail tIi. On Mr.,Kin ,ssed hususeif lu a sun- Roi fier menu was gla t laI Mr. fRo thougit liai ni Draper antiit6coin- - * samumille. deserveiti bsir thanke. 1 J-'1 Tii. fýhowing accounts wero atdi can tb ho -eport after*shMe is$cussion, as Une lân tsofMeasr..Gs & s s é * c f j t, maoanlr dfor vanlouspe supplies, *125 61; .-.elier for poS,-4 Report pe1n,5oui hIt-- ed la be -Sd~'~- Mn. 'Fes-guson acceptoti Mn. Fair- Or banks'o epology, se a member o!the for -oNlrhé,Wgrd, anflïwas là pytjirMs. tees Yainboks isath<ie grae. o eckuowl Ti edgo tiet i.hoabibonnet oootibg, 7!01 Mn, Kiiugb3roughtup 1h.e repo~to b. i sontee on dre ant' ae h~ oies sionsideredi lu-comnsittéë, Mrz ~aIh l h~îc~i, ad dopféd; and accounts o! John Blow, $22 50>, anti ra Lhomos MoCann, *8 25,-erdoredl for are payment.- -- expressio of etgaoc wsl l olWards an- ahing tat huefi 'eio c igain a candidate for the office. On motion cf Mi Pilp coneli ajourne4 At Midnigt. - -Oshawa Caunii. Council ssefiépgesent Ms-. Cowai-, Dr, [cGil, Mn. Gls, anti Ms- Qnfgley. - TIse&ComnitIe. on ,finonce. and mpert wes adoptatandti e sei t rdored ho o epeiti: ac"Ur J. Sykes, luiner, *42.21; R. Mc ails, *6; Caneron &t Edwands, $129ir Q; R. V. Chubi, tienee-lire, #2235-, 1. Qaigley, teaming gravolsa &., Sffl, eune, leatniag grevel, *839; W. M. Tiltageado b indigents, *48.88; T. Rger, wcd,$25; G. Gurlyî ndigeuts- anti rouera, *5.16; J3g aike, caiverts, *8;, Laite L& Lare, riuting *$58 80-'-Maftshl & Médrus, 43.80; T. W. Oiýîs,454.6; R. Green- ray, cetiarIambe-, *2; Copp Cliesle ca. p8t~1eeIrs 25; Tios. l , 1wosk ou 9réïhall, *35,09; W. 1.Tisas, cuivent, &oc., *15.00; Mler. lendessn5judgiug engiue, lwo days 1 !W. - Smith, survey anti plans, 6.80; J. 0>. Guy, ceai for englue, $1 '8.- 1; W. H. Bus-ke, aide woli, *25.50; -B. Fogg, lis'ery,#*>, ; J. A. Gibss,, L0.55; S. Cotton, $182.50; B. Morris, t; Jame1 Hainiltan, *2 ; L Engihi, le r, sala-y, S. *8;Jas. awkius, 1.2-5; G. F. Bîsisey, ýgoçtis fr dg uts, *24.90; H. Carswelf, goodo for adigentst, t26.90; J. Hamilton, tean- r., $25.50; A. P. Canerna, iook anti tiden Co., for 1875, *40 ; H. Ciirswell, 10.50; tic. 620.25; W. Warren, laxes inittetio a nismt taup 1 V250 7'W. )oige, lares nemitti 10;'George 'onnack, lunior,. #294,.0,; C. A.« fallas-y, Iamibe-, *94.28-, Thýs*.' Hait, îiugling toa'suthall, 6100 ; ,J. CraIe-, tuslabie, .*1s1; ji B.R -Vmnderhoof, ,tenting iutient, *10. A By-Law waù.a*'Mîed fLxfg e laces for polimieanti reu-ain- office-s abIse comnisg rncpa1 , elocticus, as Divisioni&Na. 1-Heary Cerswell'a lfice, Bruce St-s-ast;1 Returnin- officen, Ienry Carsweli.- Diz4,i"oueNo; 2---Couou Chemiser, -W. Smthl, Relanniug aofficen. Di fion. eNo - ,-Smits's Lis'ery -aif e, Sim2ca. Street; John Bailes;,. Divisçion No. 4-ýPelar'swa-erooms; B. Harnis, 1tetnnnisg officer Polie la be opénot fi-on 9 o'chock, e! i.la85o'coce, p. n.1e Ms- Qaig1ey wiabcd ta knaw wflen ie ie.o! lb. Municipal Loan Funel honae-g io thse Separate Soflool would- paii. ,Tic Beeve replieti that lie met proportion tue to thse Sepa-ate iaool was ual yet frxed, Ant-ihut i mufti ho inconveaiestt for tIse Couacil pey tb. mouey hI pretent uimitilthe eSis for tho year were colfecteti. Thue Counco iT,îen -*diournted.-Re; Easl9tîWhfit'by *Ctouucl.- - Columnbué, Dec. Uh, 1875. l'h. Council mot, members ai pi-e-- ut., Minutes, e! lU.t meoinug reati anti ifimedti kooýdi unon'ahonirond, tii. rwu Landi teparlnent wus reand, in- usine- the.eonuioil thaLohn Suier, P* S., haà 6Ien -epp iiaota hosunvey Dt 10 la lb. 8h con. On nation, Mn. alpI Has-udenaditresseti the coaneil, refes-ence t6e s- rooia croos Lots 18 id 14 ianlthe 81h con. ' A petition was ,senleti sie-neti hy A. S. Porteaus anti hens, asicing e- -ieU-ot James.Bnruent fe, two vos-y oltisd-antiffim people.. asaotion aI Mn.Laite au ortien for .wos grautet i«i avy of c! ObotWii-' s, heine-1. velue e! bis streep killeti iy ýgs. On xucýIn .o! ýMs-. _Lakethe. )ector: wos graànteti nistift he 271I ec. inet, ta completse anjI relu- is 111. A b-lsî*Wâs.pau ti appoinling hline- places andt Retunuing- Offices liti uin-saiciPM lccons for 1876. uy-lew *0 oiiti la 'oopen lie rondi lwaace te ils full wldlih elwoon lots ind - luhe Sýýente-part er hi. 8&h i. A by.law was intreduced sant ad a efrat lime te remove AhI0;ohstnac. sfiem tieroaticrossin-Ifa s18 anti fn lie 131h con. Mesoss.Luae, Mc. euze anti Licit were appoii4tetia jom- tee t exeamine tise noati araos!ing i 18 anti 14 fa th. 8tb con. , a ce- withbenI rgltbtsc'oatbil, l_it ý-eea ii "cùbE -' Evidonco 'ias lbhtlIbtslWe Id !Shotq- C4osi~ppor, tô±fj-lX pe- -JOc ir1, ý : p 1 Ce.; D W e buý ýýtbl, Geore L*wVie 'urn eiy; 3iob Brymue igh Lconstable, anti A. 3. WhIte, wene ex- tWùsdtes*ifrb àunt teonty 1tesses, addressedtilse juryjon b ofo tepioni,H e relied qgpon the foot 'i~iag-bè~-hfetanti -olsdeavouiùed te - i*~1thse ivitioné uiuu*mpcrt of t-1î.,ror f6thi Crewn wu merey-pre- esiaptive,' anti was notef suech a suis- stantW j ch4actee-as ,la warrant lte -jY l finiling a verdici ageinit ie chýii-TIse jury relu-ncd s-vordiit o! ~git.The prsoni wu s hàsicid tla - GQUNTY COURT. Téfollow-tngare the recortg is lpos- ---Biliard. v#, Lund,, Action- for ,breacli -o! covoent lu lease-nol s-e- ýhVrdit fr p.-Vuerctfot. eret1emen - o!,î ainPun. -H, andH . J G.isRs nd . Dorwell frPlI . . lctn7d.for- Alu rud va. Eed gray- AHlou fr Iegalý Vdit-f.ordicýt -for ect to*100. -P. A Hfàunt._ w H. BçMllingsq $1 . W. i*Cohmn WÉt J. à. FarwefIfor - del 1 isQ~ut disacerin.- Verdict foi0t. $100. - ÈW. -H. Billn,o-Jhff.0.Y1ciln q.W.fo Vderfo. à '. É - - -i :or -- .Bigèioscvs.' rastmlel. Action ou pr*omissa rdictfôrqegdltfor- plIý . o H.isnBUlfng, for plI P. A. 8Hurd hfor tiei. vs - kg Atin - pOsiaro eeve-. VerdIcpt.for- pît. John Bilngs for plI. P. A. Hurd- foï'deft - Bbbelevg.Ausi.Postponed ILnpay-- ment 'o!fob o'.iisI!se J. Es Esrewell forpïl& P~. Uns-ti for dofi. -A -- - - ceiursss-v Freoel.Tis w»s e i.frieuîdly suit bnouetulby the oplaintiff sugainet %T. E. Farewell andi Dr. MéGil as erecutom aof '-Ezd iAUli[à, deceasoti, la aiceirfeiu wliber - -not tlwô h egecies bequostfiotibyldeéeaed to-e is ipiewa *.re th, praperty o! plaintiff. Verdict fuàr plI. *$4., A. G. ýMcMi11sn for pIt. Farewell & Hutletige for defo.. Harpës- sPe-e-ùActionfôr-&zmounl o! timbar dues pas by plt. toltheCrown on -tan-bis-kboàUfiuroÙ deft. an Scngog Island, anti on wflihdeft.bhad -werranl- foi tIL 870'tsvaes' beenpaiti. -Veidict fo l 7.W. M. Cochranie anti J. E. Farowell for plI. P. A. Hurti anti A.GMo-Mnfoz.et7î -PBEOENTMESRW. - - Tie preseutmneit of lie granti jury àclani,> mteoIiér boheua! clans. about vting lie gaolVanti fading il lu good enter, &Ã".,$cOnentkh -aparagraph aprvsgo! hi'logisation bèfere lie Hoe fAmoeably farn -ymont o! Cs-ôwu wlhnesaei. Wo as-eold that King, befos-. being Isiten sav for 'hi. Peiniteutios-y, con- fesse t lahave attemptodti t set fis-e te, thi.& d e- t, ant i stle t tIsaIi. at -Tseraclne*BaRiv ve r edy. vestigation ga" eierd estict on Saiie- day. Thiéy a ' ' 1 îotrengeMSIcn- thin 00oci ab.unleby i havine-open painfalcircni tragical deaf calastnopbss's et os t'OtIse> Thelséad bee bhoas-,anti us itleep, ,The i Ifle ps-pep-oe eould to sug alanàcçs, -antd rapiJity nf5îl repart is the ol o« lie jury ha ment o! lie- ,Psorovacn' tien iha e-s boston ?i, >-cvas sssW lativa's anifer 0oisthe ie a Une ap- sily th o Lod - by a )or.ý The tUg llis, lamenteti eiug neoti- eba-ctes-. ut liaI! an -sâd lust nien liaI f ai l hey e cirenm- hue fearfmi ltas fin. ieér Mur- law 15.1 I - I -l -i ( -t lu -I t4 jc hi fil tii 'a fs Obi 12 Ml the cul c te rec o -se is Col reu le S -rP

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