~9ddéflofs'ruamnUTable soupl s," Pîckle 1,uo m. <OI~*AN8. 'i "423011395 d u l otit A. ý ît,ycrm 9"d vi!., *lp~ I aL h>~omo ut ti Our di 40000 od lain e$] btiidrd nd ftau ounà fsud o'te "e0sW ,qý ~lridrdd Su iziy4iq P PN$dÃŽiù il bettér bséilth thug 1 Yowrs tritrs The âov i but î- loir samipl. c 'huilreds v1 lým wiob re civd b D.vidp ed Inthaé' à é ofue eni dne Whitau langer cdea it bthei Doct;>ro Imediclne, cure the wvon casei of Chron joçatà rrb. AieirnNT, clnüx~y nru 'C"'or LOloeo.-The City Sollcltor Mr. T.Ji Nelson, accopalejb Mr. ýDo Jersey hbe ondary effile. &ty cOf Londoon Muailageutloern> repoenling T. WW Bullot, late'Under-Sheriff et London asuI MidAleze, ettend*d;' before Sir FredcrickPellrick,îb, Qpëec"s e. braincer luà lthe Court of Excliequer, -at thê office cfthe Court ln Clîauoery.lau.. ou Sà éldrday aSt twe o'cleck p. w., tc perform ancient quit.:cnt services tôc Il. crowp foi tenur. by tihe Corporation' 'Of the City of Loidon7as suciez» tenant& of latnd Ju ti. ccunty cf 8Salop suad lu the pari ch cf St. Clemeut Danes , West-' mainuéte. Tie. procéedinge vere coffi. inenced by MAr. Seceundaî-y soadiUg a warrant sjtatiugt that John Whittaker' Blilà , Esquire aud Ai,rmân, and jas. SEllaw Esq l]&te Sheriffu et London anil Middf.ese1xcoume ou thse 'day te thern, prftzed to i'enuier le bar Msjesty au accoct ci fie issu.. f et r office frei fitii ht et t, Michael -1h#,Arebsugel luD(lie thirtjrciltîlz Tsar etftih. reign of Queen Vi totst'e oa sinefessit thé neit fOIÃÃŽwing ;',mid aise 'a.ecod ar.- vaut, at.tiug thaS Mr. De Jersey, aud Mr. Ellotagre put lu lii.place et tii. sai late Sbiirffs Io reudereuci account ou tiicirbebaî£ý f. r th fe.warrants Wer'riiii.e Queeères E.mmià igbraucer iirected Iliat thry ehonld-i b. recoidecà as,,royo;d.' Proclamnation v*as tiien ua]e in t(foWwIng venrds :-11 Tei. ami sudoeccupierso' a piece cf waste «lround c-alled 'TIi Mors'iu the cennty. ofSalop, corne forth sund do yeur Br-. vice. 'Mr. City Solitor tîren ehôpped', 013F smaIt fegrt in billf vili à rateret,; and auctiier wIth'l'iII.hoiok, ast quit. lent service fr le bvotnue crier , reclamgdiiou r*as neit -madIe' -t4&s -ý-' Tenap(s sud ectupieruOeta' certain 'tçnemodut-eaull > "1hZeFerge,'1 A n tiré pariai cf'St.,Ojemeut Dînes, 'lu the couà týrofMddee 0 ome forth sud de your servie.Ticreupon Mr. Nelson preceedei ,as reunIerinq service fOr ts prl erte, to ceont six hors.. zices andsi:tymoeehbuails.. Upen bigs'noni ac tthe above num. berslie Wasl answered by te .q tn liemeuubrancer, "Good liumber" (t tbis tii, aboie very anctéiensd curlou eeremû oirtrinnted. Becords efthie quitiren'servlcm for 'The Moors," Sa. * bp, bre fouudisastr baok s18 join' (4. n. 1911), aud for "Tii. ForgKe," as fan as 19 flgnry 'III.' (128) ; but th.enrgin et both i téures Io lest lu atquity.- .Dî#ïruro CUSTOL-1 , gooethat se ,4radiipk viii do, lie aima, tb«ongli as net'tiiirsty. The custoin et drinkitag for eorpnay, wbe» drink. ln n 41dip.nusable and i prjudîial, "Oos te beas caeeofetthae :..izpkind, sud" t' put à man, featjersoncly>@ozattd, up- on a footing vith a go' el' Mie. haro tire obeeze, -but, girls eliarmth ie he'. Thée mane 'lu truc et t, féstt*rs esSig etf chocs# sud =haIik of h'.,: Týis CEà Aawý=v3à xD à m» Aranuoz ORMa,-In conp.owiwaidth'tleao great lubardicape, ti. "laub" là am »ben aWansê Ad'4 r~BOùi,--ý eullih Oportig,T.Ȕes ay e eIo,!li i e. fore, dttlng frt.lingasoY-i .e O!Briex),,tbe. -eqeentric 'riahzmanW*ho' Wou the, donble-évent ofthle Goodvocd Stalces and Qupc made r'$a-ýebeà *9rý tiio.t!zacli and, 41.4 lua sj les lidon ouone occasaien' 54 hee Aîcet tIrai lie thougl4 hidbiM ê verybà diy. Like r' lie' wos net afrai& etfspekintg'liWmin;1,ý aud hoie rmnstrattri vitlirtheIiaindi.- capper warml,,. ."liejaberi, Mmirli,' 1'Smjust ru»n)g ia to show.how for he ,viii b, beaten.'" TIr. ojué von in The. Âwerieeu Jockey -Club Is cen., * ideriug the. feîtsuility cf giving a grand ý '- entenniai purs. of frein 51ô,000:toý $80,000 fer a, «naît race -ta be ru ai Jerorne Park, naiS season. If a large 'l U eSI1pg -lu a Co b.lletvlng. "Thm, r. ýà maymo é angs ad et cannej of 4h.pooifeio w hdg Co$iteonyt -th or tf tii. DW t'di "id, god btren auf ý'CanYOU s u Okey vwith u N. brlght eil., "Yen,"henwr.,IL ad gfywgld, 1hofet atout tbI4 eh sluul0*1ttlrfo -lo ly. té *~~~~~~l do ttmk aStl uch cams. 'ê Bw.ng udlg J-ovè match. MAKESTHE WEAK STRONGI rornblSolutiontoofat te'0 terof anérsimonta, ts -fen9jt,çfIrm;lated ctd asimaned talu«9s ct, P'«rtotie sLrnpic Nrçarig ni n vsc nu t- *tern.ic re - ria clnd itq LasîltleeZ pcv 271 lea ts evru pat cf tio bodu «rpii Dn darngo ni AstrcO, ýP1m1nt14DroPs,8Y ChirronloDiar- chilIs and Foero, Hruunors, Ises... ofthre KIduiys andI Blà ddôr, Fenrujo' omplmlrnts, and agi tîimses éevgnaUing in a b<dtate Of trbfrtod, or «c- omlpaUad bu fobailty or a fous age of thesaen.. Bclngfre *nertglg e/eo*arc o nt foi-. loebOereSPeo,<unrcac.. sina . trcn 1iès ,viger, ami n&& g[fe <no l iparts of thea suetem, tini building lep an Iron -Con-. W'iors«ndihave treera Changeil by th <létise ltis semedy, fein eveié,sicaUsrsfferqng crea- Usve, t st'ony, oaiou, andS in aiaéantreasonqoq,î»es. <fae e gveLta trial. s,6 a£cis lottéIolias PERU- VIAN $YRUP bzown in tlegîss 'Pampzha.tg FProc. SETHI W,'FWLEà & QrîSI preprieters, no. Iloit laue, iBoston. Burnp tt'sëooaine Burne1tt's bocoa1ne P'rmfeî8liselreaflby Orormn,. Burnett's Odocoaine 19 ilaI OMeeY nonSlr. Burnettle - Oocoalne Burnett%'s Oocoane- Bur nettis OQçoa0C Bu'imt!s Ooèealne ..fufé,ic list Lusti Bunefs ocâîne Burnett's O oad K. insflandrnft Burneétt's -Qoc?ôairge ilivem Èev lte to tue lEs1r, Burnette- O«coaine Reir oti LM% ot in rit 50 ed 75 cent ai.pr 5.1e. PEMV DAVIS & SON & UWRENOE, WA ,ae s feeomWÃ"ion Ofoco ude. JOSEPH BUJfNMT &CO, MONI Preprietes PORT WHiTDY AND PORT PER? TPUE TABLE1No.18 Takes effec o n Wsduosday, Dec. 1, 8754~ Trains ru by Toronto urne, wmmcii la Son. ty4twu minutez sieurtSbsnG.T.R. lie. ........ Juniin.u5 ni10,50 .M. .no ............... 11»- .m . 'ciPry.........ve 12iSs0 ladies' (JornpanOu efpAma4 ý 'nd Poy'ans, Presentâïien Chips,- Cigar Cazes, Gentiemen'. and Ladies' portaie<3 nnisin, igreat %?ity, Photograph Bao, And grj biisuabefor XmasAiid 1'w Yaxa;rset. 5TT±nd'y 'm e p TXM Sunday School Books and Gard, FPamily:Bibleiand'Poclcet, Bibles, Prayer Books à ud Hynun Books, Oëh oséch'ServicesandOathôoeBibles- and Prayer Books'. complet..- UnoSCLiL OUs AN<D BSoOOI,90Meoo. PoemÙ sud Gift Books, Mful toà cifthe. o"k.uftdilr bphthe High and Oonmoxi Pens sud, Pends; Bookhinding dotorder, an at Pianos, Organs; - l~t' sPfes,ý Plutes uigFrkVoi. 8heet Mugj dMseBcso hand md a rdrsfflledcfom- plet. ana in the promptest ma;nner. Music i.. eboly language, "Â,nY en4 can undetstand;- HeArt catI epeak to heart 'by music, English and Ainerican magazineà an& Papers'on hband, muid yeu viii re ale te mse acopy cf the 'neir edition, cr the Weekly Gxont sud MÀm.in the Store, and l persens favounring Us viitirtir ucripin iar cive the papers free fromn now.te ja ' npuonavllre LEWIS ALLIN"S STORE, Brook Street: Whitby. BERLIN WOOL ANO FANC Y WOULWOIiK I Berlin Wool ýclouded, and shaded in à al colors, Fleecty Wool, Fingcring Wocl, Filloseellé Embl.oidening 8111v, American. Shmded S11k, Linon -Flosi. A&o., Silver and Pento me td'ordmi ag vmriety-of CardBoard Mottoes cf every description,. Chenille' muid Wool Cor] muid Tassels, Smnoking Caps, Cosies,.Oenusamud Slippers, Frency Baskets for Xmà is, Wioket Stinds, ma arg e assoninacut, etofPlower Vmses, Bouquet Hôldera, muid Toilet Oruimmenis, mil very ofiemp, And we hâve added to cur Ladies' Dop arment the latest Stylos of Ameniemu Stamping. have a large Variety et Patteruis on hand, aud m&U enders promptly mtended to and aitirhe lewest rates by SWIritby, December 7th, -1875. GO LDSM I TE'S Stock now complote, and sel Acting and importîng My own gooa ciui effer supenior inducemnts toe csh cusitomers ELGIN WATCHES. . MR$.'L. ALLIN, Brook Street, Wiiit byl Il Al L' H A'LLf w Gel] mna silvor, Ladies'! mn] Geuits, differeut grades auid prices. Veny fine Goid MCins, splendid. assertment cf Colored and Brigiht Gel] Sotte, Lookete, Gem Bingo, Arc,, a.c 18 Carat W.ddlng Bings, Nemn-siglr sud allier Spectacles. Eieotro Plate] Crn.ts, Butter-Coodera, Suger sud Milk Bowls, Trayz, Toast 8ios o Day and 80-bout Clocks, by tire bost unakersCmii -and examline JAMES .TOIIISTON, Practical Watch-maker. Goldsmith's Hall, Whitby, Sept. 22nd, 1875. m9 JUST THE PLACE WM. BURN-S; BOUT AN» BHO30EMAKEB, BROOK-ST., WHIITBY, AS ' -- ' ùîrdvarie] stock et Boots an] Shoca. He also IImakeatà qcniptien et Ladles* Oentlemnen' on] Childrens' mear. t3m Bepmgiis g déne uluetteat notice, muidârt reasenable rates. A cail iz inivitedte éxatmie tIrh stock. Wlritby, Decembon, 1875. WILIAM ]BURNS,1 Brook Str-eet, Wiritby. "IAMJILTON &Cogin i SplendIid; a8sortmgù ôf' -iEADY YPAiD E, ~L 0THI 1NO V#Ëby, Decnrier lot,85- of . sroe w po me i carilote. b ry ..ioala(m Premptly r:epireed. 81 ' H. W. NORVILLE, oas, -j Dundms Street, Opposite tii. Post Office. JUST TCEIYD -A T DOMINION;WAREROOMS, Large: and, FASHIONABLE 'TALOôR'IýNiS DOMINION WABREROQMS.O DOMINION WAIEIROOM5. sT2'mLIlsE- DOMINION LQWES & POWELL. Whitby. Dec. 1.1, 1875. Have on hand, at their Merchant Ta4loring Establishment, BROOK STREET, WHITBY, à much lirger and better stock than usuai, ombracùrg al THE NEWEST CLOTJIS AND) TRIMMINGS. For geiitlemens' Clothixrg,; and as they à miegiving thelfr viole attention toe cTioring business, ure'y ar n uî position te dé it 0f-l MILLIJSTIE?,-y- -AT- :OM*. WAOES*OOMR «futsu ar (heInTe LIcnsdfo.SthRdg:ô OtroNrhli ein cennecuion viii I OntearidfordSouth ridng3'cfiOitarjoeNQtin Claemet. Sothi1 Port Pn4.Xrt siutileld-. North E manilla ..' Brook. Zepinr.......BotS,.. York, North, f;tugvHO -: ý- NorthE siste N South> Markha <.Brok, Wh tby......Soth i Thbkah.....Mara' sevrt Thorair Ontila.~- do. Azhbrn......Soth I Thori.......Teral. Canriugion do. Snutderlanct Brook. PEDPERS FOR TI Port ery. Oue hon Cannigton.Ou Foct Oshawa. On feot, llrooklju......i ors., - WM.J1 .Tamou Digby,3,... James Diaby, Jr... Jebu. Wtkz... Thomas HIWLs, Atho te.. Jolhn F. Geso,. .Tohn R.Pge Thomas Pencher,. L. Fairbanks, Jr... D. veiKay-7...:, Donald" Ross. B. H. Camoron. C. Moore.,..... John MOGIiCe.. Wm. Gordon.. -LIST. 0F A. B. Mackenzie,-. James Driggs.. ........... ..i.... .. 'EE00. oe County,. LAING' licitr hau evr. 0,185 FIJRNITIJRE! FVJINITUJIE! ithe latter. Oct. LO6th, 1876.i1 *Oa. tb'-7p, t Oct. 28th, 1876. Oct. 255h, 1876, Nov. 18th, 1875, Nov. ]1'tb, 1875. 'Dec. 05k 1875. Dec. ltir, 1875. De. 2Od, 1875. Jan. 7th, 1876. Feb, lot,, 1876. Feb. lot, 1876. Juime;2, 1876. Ocpt. l2t, 187. 221, 1876. 'a 29, 1876 n oc. i, 1876. Nole ti8, 1876 b iev. 1s, 187 21. ]Opni, 187.4 SSii May, 1876. 'Co. T1reastirer. A. &J. 1. PRNGL.l Now is the âmie to buy good and cheap Furniture. Having bought out the business lately carried on by James H. Samo, we take this opport'unity of invitini hie many friends to give us a cail, and we *eau assure aul tinat we -are prepared to do as weil by them in the future, as Mr. Samo has doue ini the past. TILL & JOHNSTON. Orders by mail promptly attended to. IJNDE1RTAKING.--The onfly first- class Establishrment in the County where funerals are ful- 1lhy, pplie.s, 88 BOOT. AND SJIO E EMPIUIJM,9 BROOK STREET, WHITBY. Largest Stock. ' i--4#test Styles, Gre atest Vriety 0f Boots ý&È4dý oes in Twnliafo Men' Fei vephoes - 61 20, r pair. Me = orse Bootd&, $2 00, worth $3 00. JOHN -,SAflXER.c Wiibo.27i, 1875.< -0-- AWARD)ED teý At the P rovincil E x bîi We' o Th BeIritish A mericýn - Go1merdI -college, TOR>CNTà 0, Wms establislred ti1861, andi. now tire m eS1 opir audextensive ochoo li the. Dominon for uthe -Education qi Yonrcg Mi, MJiddü-eeyd Moi,, and Boys, in commercial branches,. Special attention is given to tire *cience oiflookoecpiug' as mýpplid to every depantnut of Trade anid Commerce ; a se to PRACTICÂL PENMANSmIp, COMMZROIAL AIRITHMETId, COMMER-- CIAL LA.W, BUSINESS CoBBEtSpoNbl 'ME- SPELLiNG, 1rc. Les graduates aro conipetent accénntarttsi and ai 9'rougit for by nuerchants and business men, lu vanS ef holp, froinal parts efthtia Provinceè.- tar Thene are ne vacations. $uerzmyetra u ne li eth aI vantago. shnOrata] vei eiad Bemember this lea fuît courue comrnincialscélan connecte] wiÈforty others iocated ai Montreal and thre principal citiez lid the, Unitedi States. ý Terme reasonable aud lever tirmumeet oethe oSiersohotils lu iliLAssociation Any porion sending their name and addross an] eniblosing siRx -cents in ztaîüpz;ý mili receive iy returu mail a piece et, Ornemental penaunsbhip,' specimnreuofe Businqss Penmîanship sud Circuler. 4. TEÂCHEES CLASS WILL BE OPENED DýURING TEE HO0LIDATS ai very loir rates. 27 ODELL&' TROUT,. Toronto. tL9IJGI & WARREN 8RGAN -Clo,,'s (Laie Simmens & lougir Organ. Ce.,) C A BIN E T OIRG A N S -ANX - Éerio îny m rezs a DANILj 1'BEAý-TY, Wa»lungton, N. j. Strayed Item tire prenulses cf thre uI. ber, lot No. le, Lth con. of pickering, titzéi calvez, tire red, prnee li mwite stat on fih ireiead, tre etbct a light red, ami one ;7rto An eron giving suchinfornl'- ion as wlieadio toir eovet,Wfite CHARLES FULLERed That beautiful brick residenca in tii. -TOWN O1' WHITBtli* known as thie WILSON PROPERTY, ;t pe,ent occupiied by B. H. Lawder, Poeat Thitu plue iz most beautilully situated, enjcyfg the. cool refreeiiing bmez. frozo the=lak and bay, which prement a beantiful tfl mc rom tho. remhis. :1Te mnds, whick are amongthe finest là tovu, are beautifnfly lafà out, snd stock- criwith a flneonfectià o fi ewering mas ana plants, and chiioce fruit tre c s. Intending purchazersare respeoifllain- vitri 0 Ispei ii.proise, ith wbicii théy are sure te b. pleased, btâ et nmore se .ia w.th the. terro whieh imay be known bl' eiiquiring et tii. office of PÀRIEWELL & RUTLEYGE,, BEATTY';S P -Aents Wauted everywhere, male or leuSsl. ,Adlrns DAMMF.BEATTY, Wuzbinj,- CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT, Ottawa, Maxch 219t,18.f AYTHORIZED DISCOUNT JON IA =rcnInvoices until futlir ne- tice, 15 per cent. IR. S. M. BOUCHETTE, 46-tf Cemmissionet of Ctoms. JL i i.. Select Stock TILL& JOHNSTON. ,ffaking fleape. FI1I S T P R( IZE. Y., mMmMqý FI RST-CLASS Whitby. Deo.'ist, 1875. - - L-E S' RELMBLE cc), DRESS-MAKI NG . NOTED FOR 1 JOHN 'l.,