Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1875, p. 1

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"MOU 104 1. 0 x enàa Bésm xEW -PIJ A 8V couepRU Ot..ite it Lier Sout.of t1wROp J NYuwEtlL,.L L. CffA!ýeINS C. xnx.Lg A TTCNTA.LW OGIDEI ope isqet, o0e1v.a A. 0. %,xftLAwq CON Vil 14 NOI, d co., OFFIO-Pj.t*i~Aià>éAaaurè eBmildings TIAND IEUTÙN, a. j. Gi'NNI . qj ý ~T*S ROI0PITAL ,LONDON, ENG, '.l the ey ..0. néTi ,Oihaws, Ontarlo. A NTSTt(SUCOES. Whitby, VOr Mr. Jammu'eom 'tm C, fi. 1VA RÛ. Y. .. 14ten Incplesof 111. art, t.11 *h.cIaPW.t. adsa good is Oie ià.ti xrac.Lwîtbout. alu, by prüdueng Iodai ~ auihul.Dn ltmbn-t Cow. TRUA ilDEVEUILL, 13UILDEB AND CONTRÂCTOR, DUKDSb*., *Maiy. Àla oribe prepty exeoutes HlAMR DRESSINO AND SHAVIN Saloon, Brok St,, Wltby GNTa.1W CITUSI, Peut OqUoe-Unuwlé'Blât uSelaedelo tl hoalôl notice sud o ouem4nsideternis Terinseau Wb uiat( sd bis prated at the Csae:ç4ms fiefor i. carter, .sj an .to#r, Ge y 1 'Whtby. A logt.:quantty et!&IIiMadenfsis c i brcmu U'L]3RTM.UkNG.-Punerals uny snp. plied anatt lendesi ou short notice, cealmas Ikept coustsntly onuhbauhA lsa I i re on hbritis .ODeBLL, À T H a"'-L Y, Clark'Division Court, Tp, Clark, Commlsseloual B B., Land Agent.ho. 'Y ' ho.,Atherty, Caunty Ontario. Atherir @#.Pt, Oui, 1872., s liRC'. CARMOFI &BOGART, Physioiene, Surgeons, Accouahers, &o., &c. Wbltby, sept. 801h, 1874. RPOBT. BAM.OAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN, arAte(il hoom o teUr lvsrmtty ai noeuns'lle oî, tCnradao;lbPhiladelphe lv. ot Mstdflue aand u kr; Anierican Unir, cof Penunylvauls;-, Bocstie ollege at Poausylvanta sund Liceutlfte a Mtolt'y af lh. Unir. oci edluburg, S0tlus. cor- ouu lorfie Coutr Of (ularo. Ofce- Augnat 241h, 1873. lyr U8 GRSIOAtD PLOURINO. Thé Subseriber Iavlng rected on bIs pio.. Usises, Sft 5-j, tu thu Sot cou, of WhIîI, tirsî.cliws Mll1101 itail te astipoe munsis k ov p p sotr4 to execu a GRISTING AND CHOPPINO, on Short Notice, sud on Ruamonaléi. Turin, lm-ilng secured th. arricos oi a as.us Hoplngiby strict attention le bps5nesste oý a i berable sharôofa public patronage. 'WlsyNomibr 41.1875. de PRESCRIPTION FREE Fon thé, spedy Cure OS SemilualWesk. nus, Lest Maulîoed Ansi a» dorsr ioNgit on by lodlscretions or exoqse. Any j 1 tîbas 0Ieigrdluts' :Addreu DAVIDSON d&CO., Box, M, ,Nev York. JMPORTED DEKIB ZAR. 1ÛM. B. D, Foie y efBovmaurilq, ibu sbe oaug Od ýable depatoi, ltaI a val. uabYotgBerkshire Soir vws shippesi-te steemsitpMuavls paroiss adu. r.Lve«tkelrstbo]4 v on t. e leowti ati*s l. ~1$?I P~SÉTS ~wgê a~4 von uso~4 IL~iday Season! Kavingbeuglit ~t~tIq pk'esènt âeprees.&p*l~.e, omu ofer N., Qoodaut GREÀIr BARGAINS. OÂLL ÂND 83E GOOI&' AND- PRXCES.1 WALTAM, ELGIN and RUSSELL! Walches, lu ,GoId- -asud..Silver Casues GOLDINE CHAINS, f XMA8. H TOYS> f Iii FANCY,.ýGOODS.ý [tiHE AP OHEAP, OHEAP 14 Toy Books. I* 'W. bave nov on baud ferthie Xam trade, th. Lsrgest, CbaioostJSud Chiap. est stock of 0111 sud Tey Docks ever sbevn in the Tavn af Whilby.* Aliso il the n.w &aus]sfor lm, luoiuding ALBÂTA '-PLATE -CHAINS, Bns aaie uvr esr 'GOLD SETTS, ini olored sud Brigbl Geidi GOLD BiIOOCHES, GOLD EARDROPS, LOCKETSi flritlouJ an a o i tf oz,.cbat.- teîbc±, Little Foiks, Little Wlde.a.wake, Chiltiren'. Friend5 Infants'magazine, TOYS, IQYS. No stock s extensive. No stock oc PENCILCASESeheaP. Our Toys bave boeenpwiouae STUDi, GOLD PENS AND JHOLDERS, SIGNEgT AND GEX RINGS. 18-Carat.WdigRns and Keepers. Electro-plated Cruelis, Pickle Frames, Butter Coolers, Fish Carvers, M&lkand Sugar Bowls, Cake Baskets, Trays, Table Desert and Tea Spoons, Table and Desert Forks, ou bie Most adranlaqeonsternis,.Ud vii b. soldast extravagauiy 1evrates. Corne andIoxasoine for yonrmlve. YÂANCY GOODgi, A SPLENDID STOCK. >.frr A A o o~f N oM ..jO) H Weîk Boxes, Writing Deike, Poett<llo, Ladies Campaulons, %Glove Boxes, Col- lai Boxes, Le.,am. 1 BIBLI&, 'i. PIRATER BOOK9ý HYMN BOOKS. W. voulsi drav specoliattention taoOui stock iu lies. lines, satisdied liaI Do- viceie el au go fln u uassertmeni, be touud. Cail Beils, &c. CNETNS Deeks, Work Boxes, Ink Stands, Jewel Cases, vases, Toilet Sets, Spectacles, Jet and VuloaniIte Goods. CLOCKS 0P THE BEST MAER, EY CEAP. PLUTES, SCRAP ALBUMS;-- AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Do't fail teos«U before pmuroaangs e- viere. The re ïM'lbe a, Ilbig pmusi Ihl pay a1 oIl loame dowu baud- DAI UOESiU, .t 8. ROSEFR BROK8~ÈTwxr~, BROOXBk, T 0ebesp- qTSONY , auER o oO2 N o fr1 ~LA Dt1E -S! 1!uy- ve J argestock- SBot$, cape, 140., IIwIS tIa ib qa ter,&c.,rbal"ad inAt ucnad Sad,, nwrbufore, 92 1hovu- - W 'lb.,o -.Bletare the pure and simple heartil Uuoe ioulyefiued *By 1h. tie 11 laIheven imp&rte Théogh naiture tï31h. mn, sot a1l the pleasuhe.wteabu - GENTS' AND BOSB ISrNS I qsbfrap étiày- For then ibhespring unfo lier flowers; Çfkpsa f the AndPo athemIh ummeld.ndpr luegor ~~~~eu bhaus e ,bie ba tnstoeM sae1, don.'L îe ,Black Basket, 1.5 Ccr'« ~'sSoy 2s:o:-a towards thýe close of a besautj. AN!> CPfrtrm uck< iit-t a aneighibour, n i. ~' rair 4~Stention waB iiîtiigoted by loud expïées. A ALarge and YVaried'A rt4by8ote eeiItrstbý.pomore& ~ mrI A Ibu foii h.AIlOlcfl CUBBANTS.-Patros and Boit onrlosiîy. 'I apprýoaolýied' nd. fouud lte;. ~ aret uaomr my eyogé.New.woetb asaembled round a young. femalf, spparently.>dying. <They hsd' .0-bronght ber-1tram týteu 'lu the bope:. ddanimation iwhlltoe ou': -:0 - e-White Spanish Grapo:, Fige, fliK:ete uu The Gents' Furnishing D . oagsadLmn.bef<atore lb, m ildxravgan >. atet cmrssthe fol«- rifgtédopjloom that. cloudod. the, ~y pa men comprses teru yet hsndsome counieunhces W4f' lin _ FRUIT CANDIES.-Bou Bons the men,- ihpwed'tlb. s rer Là bho«an' ~ owing. es, :ma1ufactnred Bayai Mixed Sweets, 25o par pouud, objeçt'cf-no common inUeati' $lew s ceîtulued the, daù'ït ~~fr orsevesespcialy orOfo:thleir :hief, the aged pàtriarch of1 f o r o u s e l v e s e s p e c i l l y f o t h e 1r l i t 1 8 e t r i b u , Wh o , i n s u e n t si g o n y , NUTS.-Amona, wainut,. Bm. was. bending over dying cbild. I pbrof..l the rieason :. iii and Filberte. fered uMy assistance, which was neithori acoepted nor deolined. AsnI approach.' -:-:0:-e uféer telat rays of :he'set PEE LS.-Orango, Lomon and -ment amrbie pale.le Jet fc'rmud'iu.ua- Citron. cnre'e' faireat 'mouldi. She u,ÇÏiu* Ï, dieed, exquiehoely beautifal, yul, of en SWhite,.Oxford,, Zephyr, Re- -:o:- " oriler of: beauâty totsly' detindt from1 »tw>iicla characterizes th. females of1 gapIla, Woolon, Winicey, andthie Seasoning sage. savory.1ttirjor. lber waudoring race,. 0011 "Claittaohed," lt.e'favorite. Il. Whoee cheek. of ruddy bronze, A.nd lareblack oye., thatliflshoniyou .a -: :--: :- ~ O aaLt &&y a thoussut thinge aI crnce,," C OO L LAÀ R Si: CHBISTIE'S BISCUITS.-Soda, while tlaey impies. thé beholder witli Wine, Watur, Brown Muai, Lernon, admiration, bespeak a mind sud trame Cream, Prairie, Aberuoîhy,,Arrowroî, of elqusti vigour. Ou tho contraryi the SDufferin, Ottawa Shakee- G. Nuls, Sultans 'and Fanoy Mlxedl. bair wbici. ûowud round the pale hrowt C2 eare, Yale, Addison, Br ,oli , ýnL±thoinvalitl, thu soft bIne oye' tlnt K'b Liugtn-iLrOedn -:0:- hlfitnnciosed boeath ils longseliken ivinston, Rig, Lrd, ccidn.Iash, aud, maie.tlau aIl, the pligbt '. .îI Grnd uk, MntruiPiil~ TEAS.-Green and Black, Japan Pymmetricsi form, tuat uow, attenu. Sman, aud the Boss Tweed. andi Gunpowdeî 5 11h. Package beel ati by iokues, seumed scarce earth. - o -Tua for $4.00. lbspoke her illadapted to endure .5 By the ue of reeloratives, whielà, iu C 13F FS 'my visite 10 my sick narlehoners, I SUGARS.-Brown, Loaf.-Ieing carry rwith me, ltee niffer partislly Sugaî-Wbfte, Piuk, Bine aud Yellow. ravivedbuonyl experience an lm-. modiste relapse. *I entreited the dis- SOntario, Reversible, Qaken - o - consolate father toa slow hie dylng Buokot, Invincible, EButo"a, Coi- chil<l ta bu removed ta xny parsonage, fort, and Novelty. JAMS.-Cross & Blackwell'op whlch was distant soarcely a nil.. ý Black Carrant, Gooseberry, Aprieot: I shah all soou targuI the expressionE su . u.of the old msu'a.counteuaisce, au be r.. Baapborry, Slrawborry,an eCu_ plioti, "5h. e raw My ouly ehild. rant. Though a frail sud tender lowei, tc- T I E S -:o:- tedr lob . tebuffet of my tormy JELLIES.-C.ivos' Foot, Ratp. uwta M.l lgtd hhIregu f In assorted Shapes and Col- berry, Apple sd Pin.Appl..bosom;Noi et e tl e be in M ors, Duke, Burlinglon, Marchai],- o - mine-lu desth w. uil naot lte divi& 0 Champion, Atlantic, Ring Stroot, eati10 Duko of Edinburgh, and the.IlIm. FRESH BOTTLED GOODS.- "But se ll U livo, I rejoiued; s mure " msnufsctured exprossly for Cross & Blackwellýs Cherry, Grsoin. will you -from s solfish affection, de- ourseîves, and pronounced 10 e gage, Plume, sud Black Currants. prive ber of thal car. sud judicious 0 tbe nobbiest Tie worn. Moretta'e Cherrios, Gooseberry. Basp. treatmnt wbich ea aan Moe precerve berry, Rbubarb, &0.lieri? Do you love your child ?" -:0:- -~'-:o:- "Do Ilovehler2" criedlte oldmin; adding, "Do I love the liglit of da t do I love ta repsy the.min who ý7aaW, B -R A. C IE S Capers. Currie Powder, Exhract benleffid me-do@ I love o ta .avengeti re Coff89, Ising.glass, Parmasean Chase, ou bum who bas dous me P Yes ; but' ce Macaroni, Vermioella, Par, Arrowrool, more dearly do 1 love my child lt ý b Ground Bic., Xmss Caudies sud Ta. Then prove your affection," I added, do in 81.1k, Elastie andl Webb. pers. -'by consulting bier safely." 01 The aid man was subduod. Teas ed -:0 - - a:-coursed oach other clown bis tuirowsd'hi cheeks, 'slhe canglit my erteuded - HÂ NDKER CHIEF'S Potted Hum, Tonguo, Game, hand; sud looking wlstfully lu My b Chickens. Fresh Creani Said, Fiesb face hi eplied- Oc Mustard, Liebig omtrac&,Canued Plume, «II wuli-I.my confide bier to yau. h StrawbeMy Peaeh, Pears, ae. If by youî care my cbiid hI reltorod ta in Silk, Linen and Cambric, mu, how ull My aid hart thank ycul M ea a ices. -: :-If not," sud hiseomolions scaieelyai.11 PICKES.Cros &Biskwel m_2 -u.,roe '.od' -ilnb c-i "-i ~t- QI o t., Q ~ Q ~%5 .4'~ ~." -s ~l ~1 JE 7EIjE? Y T -::.-' Take ber, air," -eaid bho, wheu I madtie proposaI 6bu ryonrae b Tomy Sotch Cuetones-I would chu bad beun lbat te me foîrevri.,Myba direct speelal attention' loihe tolbowlug heurt i liukud ta hber by the, tondeal My A splndidUne ýin SudsIrosb goois :' Killuu's marînaladeé,l ies, sud ntany a pang wMll il orft, me to Sîceve Btallons, Seals, Pins, Odd Glagow Beeéf sud IHaul, Cox'a 'gdin'110t part with ber; but, you Winl Borne- feiiows Pins of the beet 'quslily. GïuisUns" ,*LochAsse Herringa, gronnd lime.s alow ber paoo aidter to om.hill -Oxt muai, Sewatl's Scotch Whiekey, brace bis chuld 2" ii BeruiardsGinger Wlne, #Z.0 pr g .; I assuret i hm my door -sébuld uver pisý Sutherlant, Dublui- sud EtIlùunigh aopen to lte faîher of my praougu, toi Hanwrtig Bxe sital~BicuisYDg eus lo i, gs s.WÈOfot: hat -moment- becsme a mem iy'f iyl eul Ther-. was little difference betwuun for Presents. Lad-les' -b: 'ler ag and ltat f my eldeskgrI, wlth wual and'Gnts" oacas ns. wn~<~ÂîiP Ions~~ bianch ôf useua nsi ornasntaitudy; ByeMals ÉnekaGluBrady, imu e W bleh .'o;applied hersait wth an w fe y , M artel, LM ., IAisi W hisky, P re rdour an u eoc e tat,î.mori ta n ho:n 'N a tiv e , - in @ , . 9 .2 5 p r g l o n , sn d e a a l d o i m o rt -s a n g u in e e x p e t s. ' A à CalRespeetflly Bollol1ted, ~W~~poal o lk tU1Ptarbinyffcrt De". PoýUt iàiidprtegeeq. deetibnor cf apiri 'L 1tire :0: couid attribût lanoieothut source 1'161% bie fZe Highest cash price paiîd regret aâiloaving the wandering life of . S ber forefaheis; ï'but lt proved otbewiee. "~ ALE ÂN PO TEB.-Bss HerDauville, tbe son ot my pa.]fè for ~ ~ ~ ~ C F>stl.DviCp 1 Ce., -Guinness' trosd my owupil, vie bad been Poter rois, Wblbr.d's, Bloadu. mre îontbc absent at tb. depof etbis regimeut, o rted «to bis native HUG M BRINvillage fora, few montits, previous to W Mo n d Davis' AI.' on druei. bic, doearlûre abroad.' ire holiebd man 1,31 P,0 RýT -Lé B. beensnhbour errivesi, tie youDg sol. no 0 <ier paid a visit to bis petor.' 1 en -ud, =y. 1 owed té BiEdard I1 devation 'r my i,.poupi ed on heure neyer, vil b er fi :Betareho'left,'bis native' coutiS Henry obtained My.permisuion, t commencea correspendenco 'wilbh h beiovod, *via iebuloft villi a hope C, butter pros eoîe,-iope, sleudc.as eve tualovèresi'eÙ,'on. A leumns after bis deparlure receivud s loter, tram. ebucea"fah requstin myimrpediat», prusençe -,As 1 i i aree th lcd isuta -b sariouely inidlsposed, Y 'set'of immedi, tely for lie a ppointesi place, leavin directions toi lebucca to loilow. A [bsad approhýeutei, I tawid ,hlm tise guoayi.On my untry, bis attend anits ýrtiriug, loftis teethi r i proceediug ta effer tihe consolations c relijioD,-'when interrupudby liete ai .man's passio>iste exclamation_ "'Nal lItI -I knaed. 'not' lItaIil, h cried. 11I bave Voa lng bien àu n bdlieverle thii of vwearyiu g.heav.e, witb lardy penitenceéI Letl[me, vil Yet 'lis in My paver, make reparuti for onu 'mistleeti, by 'au ac t fj«uche tovarde My chuld.- My cbild'"-ýI stideti, »after a, momentary7 clrugg, with his feeling.: ",,ay. cbild 2st nol mine i tee goule for oee of ou reiius rce n"icbraoting viii tNie kives no blr ttathe mek' susâ lrusubliug dove il, S I uuluest ed him ualt, todely coin muuiCating cevery. paîllioular relatve t, lthe mysterions affair. .cnine I "eFor severalyar, dying 'mant , "ouituibe abeu qtlibl ostabli»iied in s village iu thte norti t EnglanI, sle lu the.protection, or. a least th. wili Ing taieration. 'cf the .'tor of lb. mauau, vhose kindueuss v repai( by varione services. Ou th.'dali 'o our kinI patuon, bis son, via lied ove loocetiupon us vili ua suspicions u yu succeeded. ta the estale. Many veri the oppressions af lte èuev piopiehar, but vu endured thein ail-wpa<ientiy sue liumbly ondured lteom. -Beepectforthe memory of bis tather faugit us te sub. mil withoul a murmer ta. .our lyraul, Er. long, au opportuuity' vs offerei blim of-wreakinýg ou oui devoted fsmily bis uugrouuded bale." A'deer wiS lied broke t rain bis park b.adbuen worried by ans of oui dogs, sud teil bieeding sud uxhausted nusu our cal- tages. M y-sou observed il faîl, sud, firnm a feeling of commiserafion for thé poor.snimal, viti bis kuit. put an end a litasufferinge. H.evasdfmcviredbIy one cf the gamekeepurs, ubo- lid toi. lowud lh. crealnre'e track; sud ws lu. stantiy conducted ýbetarê the Squire. Vain weue my poor boy's proteslal-iaui of innoceuse, vaîin- were tie tuai. cf bis nallier, valite onu'àsties viii vhich E scugit la more tb. tyraut 1 He uws inexorable ; sud m'y boy- vas iuried ao prison, trcm.wheuce, afite a procesa vich tkey deignated a trial, liesag uemoved te porpeilual exile. No-t yul content, lb. lyranltidrave nu trônm',aur homes; but I vas &vengea:i1 RHad darkued sevun hap'py -heautbs-.did ýbis vun blaze lb. brigliler2-ie basildasb.ý ti the s uxe fron m ma uy au Bye- v ags bils ovu trer tram clouding soriows ? -ho bcai on trom-me my only- boy; but I-I taugit him «ti. woe ot. b.ing hbildieas 1 I fied-but csrried wilb me bia child V" Ovurcame iy' hie emoioq, lie a man sunk back lu bis boa. Ere long, howver, bu addud, "That ehilti, I nes aIt teillyou, isnpy Rébeccaj not th. augliter of s buggai-au ,*a-st-but te eires ta a ptinoeiy domaun tM -"WItat le' er nusie 2" 1 breatbiss. [inquirud.; toi, froin a cause sbortly io be explainud, my'fceiugs ver. net less paverfuily oxciled than bis own. The old'naTu tiiw a ýpachut traDmm -1 lenealh bis pillow,,vhici bu- present-- ed me, atiting "Apprebeudcing 1I iigt aio live to'se, yen, I 'hati prepared' thII oé yaur perua."1 1 tare open 1h. 'paccet, and Ïesd lie mnfirmation of My susqpicions. At Ibist moment, Behecca enteredl; and ' I aspedl ta mv bosoin my uiece-my >rlbue eb ilti t Ta rentier Ibis -apparent mytuy' lu- 'hligibie ta my,'readers,:I muet lnform hem litIeariy lu lite. -baring by sin mprudeut n1iarriage, (iftainion-with'a rman vios only tsiilt *Ms ber vaut 'fofrtune, imay b. ltermet sncb) givent f e n c eà t a n i y r e la tio s , I b i d i s t t t a. Àure conîitysud -obliu1dhecfsy fBelfarsiaI@, tuom vibIfvsi uut d by'Sii Edvsrd ýDaurilli. vItasesou ad bien my pupil, tti.living 'lat Promà tbe lime cf My departure, I ad reouleinoueliecafbu,'a iy brother coulti hold no ooIntoeubo ni viiiï,mevbaireeu. I n* b srer. lu a ýntv'ayIa' i' Meur te aumnt ofsce my rtie sud. lïèovét' 01th îuo rcwn Prep a,1 in lieéset of seppiug. fou s' country holiday. giDid you s.nd lte camnera ai Yoîk?'2" dem dur-Suorelsry, simosi 1 'The chiefeleik iurné ,plied: IlGreat be'avei eible 1t-I1bave targeottel l T is is terrible,', cied theu Iuer. r Sereary. -I Notiug but a-'flet e- i press cm usave t l. uivr e't bese m an.", 1 "1 hope t t it .maybeord.ied," said 1the chief oierk efthle Crovu Papers. 'Ton ave my aulbrly ori.. Seo tit the repie is seul off iliot the 1delsy ot an instant." 1 Thua insrucedthe l. oief clerk drove awsy in bis piauton. - "Taýken altogether," said the 'Under- Sertary ta hie companion as. tIty moved away, I is affair la mot iys- teious sund imprssie. Iftheolivez f' these men ra sed, i ill ib. lifrogh te means, f a dreste, vich oied me, rin mabd lait night ta lie Haini Offie, vere uiy attenticiaas arested býy the uuly in my mmorandm-book inregardte, tis ruprîeve. I wllrelate- ail lb. circumtaces ta Ton, sd frots tIbs:hur l h&D bliaer.in theinfluec of dreame." The sequel ay b saon toli. Pr- parations for'the excution of liee hum- mals ve atse, snd, as au. epeeli repriee did nt arive, il vis snnon-' ed, te them tintthle, our"at death wva ath ba ud.,, By Iis -im e thé rep rie as ou ita vy by. expres. .ýbeime vas short, and le 'eghtest delayair accident ould prevent lie disane~ eing ovrcomo bufthb.e metion. -The riminis er. led ram le prison, sd er. nov in the at of monting te cart t, covy Iein ta the see et tie aü Rot. 4sudltie ryainnt lb. expre.s arrivei, vU:hlery ent up, "lA reprive- Wbeu 4ie singular tacte iu lie case beane publicy lnown, ley causeil s maosi profond ,impresson lrogout thu wile country,and leil ta snocinlu. vstigations liaI, tbe men has 'tbsfr_ etenco comnmuted ta impriomnt for Mlt A umius WIL Cia.-A crionsl viii cae' as beau sotlted aI Povi-"' doce. Amorsn Harris, of Crason, voërtb about $200,000, bail one dangi- ter vba marrid a young Irleinian nmed O'Bouke, Jise auteeednts véer ntf -thubout knd, buLwoas raher; 'aod -ooklu& sd Almoran'a -.Cr- j aifi .1 1

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