Wfffi FUR-1 )RE, WAREROOMS- -HEOLO sýrAt<D; BROCK8IWTEET, WHITBYi a' t pairs01as. whig wh1 b fadi" toly ,U pIeased iiimaking eleotions of good furniture. rýatia Splendid Parloulr, Drawing -,Roomi and Bedroom Sets, e4w D#ks èl m 'tiofnsped~~id, aVastnsng w PiUtPries. 'Dining-ronim Extension Tables-a very superior s*opMc Aine ChromoO And Engra igO for sale. il hf%: RT ÂK "cG in. lUi its bnaches; merais fuly ripplied, A stock of elegant caskets. pqt a oin lways 0oxi hd, rimùue4 le suit Customers, aud a wel ppointed ý%~~ btby,,November 24th,, 1875. SHOLID A Y-B ARG A I-NS Vec04.. - 187o. - - 'r1 1vu. .îOs'Ià .MLIJAN aser. aiHANCERY ;A F'Af L AN D I'srsuant tb a docres, anti order ùf tise usrl of, Çisnery for Ontario, lu &,suit of ?4W$ON vu, 1PAW<X s4tW wll beauld.hy Public AusehlousM thse , . Qa"n'a oieS, iu thése XLLéAGJE 01 0MNNINGTON; bTwolv.e 'elet. ms, luy MN La»s. *Ks,-Âudii4Ieeuo is olw 5lr m SbhteuOs.vctwo âp cf Tiserahin th. Cnity cf Obkarl untaining 40 Aose, monreort1 Ie'abmà ltty.ftl'scOrea arteloaI, ipgne lr r-'bh, cest&Wu tm 9l br iu à log hous.asatBsWta a goi wel *,we. 1b s1ebutf ilieelrom D»uvenbe. aià l aun ue-a ioLte anaea.lno tise sr=okêc Np sing lay Tis pacsar i b. reqireti, ab tbe icis cf Saie, te piy dgwo tise Vendeur, or ir Solciter, oneteuh 01etihe purcisîse eenoy, sud- nithusi - cmamonils tisereiter iteate à tterymentoggagou 1ber-1au4 ir.'7b0e h.e aisa.mua.aabl > ou v efroan dataef etl, Wit t«t- « sauullat six;pou , e tlba c tt- a rt &yo ae. AnS aleU %sy0, thlz ef gl ost &,Or 54 usficlent,-wth iiisai fqq0 d thIWSmI obsetents, ise balance <b iSpOiteeWrnoy. TiseVeador wil M ai ths;elra e- tef b.mente. The QMII"r , 1het tis e xpoeet-c tIse otil 'Th thaler vsentiiof0410sAle uthse isdinp coolttltu'nis cf sale of thse Couirof Pl-taoc Uirat ouslorius 4? Ã"F :ÙANADA. ÀB L E Bt Ucpa te LLlnay. Lisave Pot flop.-« Mii.... l10100 a6. uMlxszd .... b.45 P. la. Goini North te Pet*rls>ro' & Lakelield. - ait.1:10P. mi .Mixou . .. . 710 p. nm. comsnng suhý frei Otlla to Llîi(usY, u'tepboro' andi Port iiupe. Lenre Orilla- Mail .,..12:80 P.f. iA~r 1>1 hop ().Ou Pi. ComiuSoleButh f<min Lgkofiell. S~Oa. ,Mal 11 . 0ouîîecîu wth thse Niplsdng Belway te mid frein Toronto sud lîiterminegte xtationo bronokOrWsmd ý,lltâr4,a elltat PôtiHope botlli norn* Ing anti ev.ning wth4tralns Eswit anti 'Plt, nui Str. N(inenîna 9 amw. for Rochiester.' KQ. TAYLOR, inuths ýoi* N Wiru, tiree ; Béier Valve. Tise owmeris rrsslmsDtoti tove prnperty, pay xpnlu44ud tabo ilium away etler- JAMES CAMPIELL. Wliltby, Doc. llth, 1875, 51'Illn Ontario Loan &Savings Co. DIVLDEND Nu. 5. A' Divgceuiletf Ave Per dent. upon the.palS up capital ci tlis Institution for the cor- ren*tlfUyear,>lug et thonrte c ton pr sa â 1. nsus, laibesudcat u ~îîLdue Aud payable i tthe offoe of thse Oo~n noiafet he orS ti4y 01lanu. Oeht, ii Dc1 175 Agent@ Want.d lu eîvery'r.waubip la Ontalo to seli tise ana Pize lisSaOrqan Mînufactur.I or fîcor of t»m JW*sIt.ogrimecau be furnJah. 9&imbob they are go widely known- osut teono The Stock ]Planô C., ricelve thieý ft'h fii o lut on tri s AT ,,,i-"ý, Y.OSIiLAýWA,,9" lun -Dry Go6ds and Winter Clothing. ýBIANIETS BLANKETS 1. BLANJiÉTS, I1 Several Cases btiught ah B3ankr-uph Sale ah Iess than Manu- A ~IPLEND~ STOCK OP NEW WINTE-R ÂTý,. WHOSALE SNAWLS, -PILES8 0p- Fromn 20 Cents' a 'Yard-. Plain amid Cheoked Aberdeen Winceys in great abundance. Pi-ices satisfac.tory ho ail. RfEAJY 'MADE CLOTYIINGI FOR MEXJ, BOYS, ANI,,CCHILDREN. *STOCK ON HAN]) I A ÉAIRGE1 ALSO- A SPLEiNDIÙ STOCK 0F TWELEI) AND OVERCOATINGS I FOR THE ORDER DEPARTMEN-T. - Clottîin g got lUp wihh despatch and good ft- Guýari#'teed 1 -BOOTS AND SHOFS Weare offering atta su iail advance on cash. We are bound liot-to be wîidersold. dal ,and exaimine ourstock. In each department will be foinid a large sud wellý-gelect.. eti stock of new and fashionable a-odds, n rcst sj the lîard times. pie osi A fuit stock of Grocepies constant/y on Hand, Goods.,sold 1,only Osiawss,-Deeember 18th, 1875. Boots fbr cash, inanulfacturers' orders and1 JAME' SUSHA. 511 a nd S-hoe s FOR0 BT>H E HO10LI D AYS XIR. STOCK COMPLETE IN 2 S ALL, LINES 0F LADIÉSI,* MiSgSES' AND',CHIL]YRENS', ALSO, IN MVýýN8 'BOLYS,' d YOUTH8.1 RUBRERS ,AND-ORSOS A-T WHOLESALE PRICES. Ladies' Rbbers at 40 !cents per; pair. OV~RHOS!OVE RSHTOE S rMons' ,Overaboa S , a 125 per pair. t~ Rmexne>~tixat IKirkreirai Fr~df'Cht4e O. IRK O*RAND COMBIN ION OIRGA] of Beeti Instruments, by me12ns cf wilie the qUat«' or volume oft oea la very largely mnrmseiandth nlt tliu ede Ecqual to that Of tilo Reat Pe h m g Our elekatd ' Vo Ceest," ~ Vn ,~ "Wilcoi Patent,"' tave Cdnplbs', ," s. lsa'ntng ý ell" "laiontte" Stop#.IlGeum Hbjrà , "Caeldmwf i#"on4n t'of f"Viols Etieris," andi OCnu hbeo btisined AMI « these ,gf.peý- g4 Ffty Difprenh Styles, forthe ar1or anatihie Churc, the Paotory. anti %fà reirocMs, Cor., tti anti ongres S p ýTs,, Dxna rlMic CLOtYGH IWXR ROG - G. ERIMOI ThsHtlipituatea l tie. evt ai portion of the City, convénfent <o thb whotlale establishmoeantnpublie buildings, matfor .ourwst anti commercalý trayoisle pinatosti igible situation. The baume bas np in the most comfortable andi fashi îable style, equal to any;zre-cIag bonnein ithie Dominion.Thea -eand -drawing-rooms are large anti airy, and the hast suitary regni 'ons are obaerved. The ~ra4 ~d~ony sic t4#Pl moi, for the accmmodation -of <Jow8reil !vveliein,' are comino ou., ant conieniently locafeti on the firet flat. Omnibus.. and C<arriagen aiway ready for~ the accommodlation of guest. arriviug by .11 the teaintaO eteamboatp. antialan to oonrey them to the depota andi wharves-on Il'avine Geo. IKennedyv, formerly of Quee! 'a Hotel, Owen Sound, Manager. Telà -grsph Mfce iii connection w th ibis flouse. BERUMý.ý - _ ' 1 50PER DAY. The B rit/sh Amer/van, Commercial Colle ge, -TOROý-NTO, Wats establisbed in 1861, and is now the noest popular and extensive sobool in the Dominion for the Educatfon of Youuuq Men, Midle-agedl Me,, o Boys, in commercial branches. special attention is, given to the se, nce vfý Bookkeeping a& -applied te every depaktment of Trsa andi Comme -ce ; also ta PRÂCTIGAL PENUANtHIP, COMMERiCIAL ARITHMETIC, GOMMER.B- CIAL LAW, BUSINESS CORBEdPONDENCE SP81ELLLN.G, &c. [te graduâates are competenî1ssccuatant4 andi are sougbt meroishuts mAbd business Men, iu want ofbhelp, frassi ssI parts of the Province.' týe>There are novacations. Studentajmnyeuter'at any lime witfrequal aS. vantage.I Bemmbe lis . <nlbourse Commsercial sobool, santi oeltiwith ltony others locateti ai Montreal £04 tise .princip4.l cities of the Unitcdg-81.. Ternis reasouablo andi lower tisan most cf the otiier scisools in the Assoiation. Âny porion sending: their naino andi address andi euclosing six cents la ataMpa,, nul recci-ve by returu mail a piece et O mameutai ponmnanslsip, specims eto Busiess Penimonslsip.anti Cireular. A TEACHEBS CLA$S WILL BE OF NED DURING TEE HOLIDÂTS at very low rates. Atidrees,. 27 ODE L TIROUT, Tbronto. 8e/f AWARDED THE Ii'aking Reaper. ýFIRST -PRIZE. At the Provincial Exhibition, -Toronto,i'n '1870. Weýoff er to our customers for ffe coming HarvLis§t, two *dis- tinct Machines, which in. styltt and Construction, enjbraCeý the latest and mont useful improvements oýf the-day. JOINTN "S SINXGLE SUL-1KN EIE TEE1"RING O REAPERS."1 The universal success of this Ma.éhine, both in closely oiMee,- ed utis'a hntia-of thease u jn-n s i sying tisas, assSetR- log Reaping bac-bine, it bas more gooti points antilees defectg. snd bas nmet wltbî ihofd sûcýess md tegs.ftlle. tibmberetofifre ofleed ti esapublic.. C AYUCiA JUNWER MOWB We were-awrddtheFi'r t pre and.:tiplopnA,.at the Prcvin-. cial Exhibition, belti-in Toronto, 0.1On c_ lpetition witî ail the ieading Mschine imnn9ufaiëor4'n ttýe P ~tce; sud sitb o ur ,recent imîirovensïa.e uuhemieat- ineti;îIn:-aticompa son,: witti opirMcbn., w~ satisfiedtit hsînbnvef tigation will convi ce every unprejuduceti niDdstiIhat we offer the hbut lower te lihe Fermner -fer- 1, l>uilt lu the Domilnien. *Seni for descriptive, cisogs. & 1=EWFO RT,- MÂNUFÂO4JERS 0F CARRfIAGESý AtND; 'DU1tTDS STREE'I 31.ONi-'ou, haudizre sto Cmswie frStyle a ti (33'AR will be Kola at tcs S']~E4GHS, cof Carrnages, Bugg Zr. -A Alwork *warran . 9 l -- - INXWM oEU an4 Spleudid tassStrmneit- u FUR1S FURS FURB BeR EArYAJ LOHN 'ArT 00,ESL~ Whty ecemberla4, 1875,' NEW -XAX.EN. JUBILEE PRIOES 49 OI~Q~4.N -co's. *NORVILLE; hie them"iSplendid, ittùùOt.-É14 wi0.llte e -0cs'ithtwiii.4à rPrise. yon ., If von eveo' expecçt-to boy ena. now-le the urne. BO sureito giveime a catiIbefore buying. 'A gooti .eflmeât. of ë kt I, h boiémale .ri&, to-close ont t'lm-lot. Cloclie, Watceani Javel RW. NOP1ILLE . Dundas Street, 81 ~~~~~Opporeti Pu fle J{~TRC ElVE VAT' DOIINWARER",ý 'oi~s A L-araie ,and. Select Stock of Clôths: and Tw,ýeed - FASHIONABLE TAILORING DOMINON FI RtSt-ýCLASS DRE'SS-M.AKING DOMINýION WAREEOOMS. -T- DOMINION Whitby. Dec. lst, .187 5. LOWF1 &'POWELL.o P'R 1 N G L E* S; Have on hand, at thei.rMerchant Tailoring Establiehhent, B.ROOýK STR EE TW HIT BY,g A. mauol larger an d 'botter stock than usual, emnbraoing ail& THE NEWEST CLOTHS AND TBIMMINGS. For geiitiemens' Clothing,; aud as they are givinag their whole attention ta the Tailoring business, they'are in a position to do it better thaw ever.ý Whitby, Sept. 80ti, 1875. 40-Iy FIRNITIJIE 1.FUIRNITÊ1E!' Now is. thei time to buy gouod- and cheap- FurnitureB.. Hav*n bought ont the business latily carried on by-Ja"mf e H.8a Mo, we take this opportuxîity f, invti his man y fiiendüc to givé us a -eaU, and we. -eau assure al that we are prepared to do aswWeil by ih 8-in, thé- fiitie, as Mr. Samo lias doue in the past. * TILL & JOHNS-TON. 'Orders. hy Mail- ,,:,ty ttnded to. ly, supoIil TILL ~ JOHN~TON. 40-ly BIOC< STREE ,WHfiITBY -o---- ) t RASTR Lates Sty Gree 0f 1~,os ad Shoes in-. - M<~t'i'~Oaaiesoots.$2 00,.w~ aes I!o<i"n, cheà p for '120, per 13ar. $11, do. i, OntaR -GAN & T061-P-e r.anisandi k'evMS, ilamox-s, Loue of C«Osuibuo1ar:Tigmse Diessof thse-klbiys n Bladder, Fuih-Cmplinuts, sist ofithe ,a.nBcgro in oanniflW and'"'"' avebeeelsngr bg, tuieu»secf fiaisrebiedy, froua (tieres, te on, ateni )ueppF c nt-soen-au iniralida ceznot es4ayle- iitte temî <t à triai. &0 tflu:î caeTr ?otm o ws PERU- VIAN $GYRIJp 'ZQW niqeia SETHI W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprielons tor:Ela eiw.antil Med Msal of the ie os#a, outerofsa Uailway, iC4 lai Burnett' ooie - 1 e- 0.PElnfom a in ~Buefts Odfeôah-,e Burnett's Oco-*ane Burnett'2,2ocoaine:, Burrett's Côco aine De.bote!rditd ca'lp-kb Burnett'*s om&-In irfodsisE domLusi. D ORT WHITBY AN» PORT PEERY Tl LEXTENSIONEAILWA-Y. TMME-, TABLE- No. 18i Tairesefcct on WMdnSday, Dec. -, 1875. Trains irua hy Teronte- time, nbicb la Ivepa- wi ty;-#wu minu4t alower tIssu G.T.L ltime. 'tViitby .mstwim...Septkt 10.50 .n 'w *::::..*.*.... ........î20a y lýv#e.............. ...... U8aà jn.ý * unin.. .................11 a. Manuchster----------------1.00 à s. Prince Aisent.. o......... .- L1i.lp. Pont Penny ............ arriva 12.1esm Pot ain. e bo.n......... ..... .0am ....eto.... .... ....6.402m Ercln...........- 7.00O.s.s4, r Whltbv ........ ..... o a Th"eti el b IBKATTY'S Agents waom4teoeerp, male tN. . BETTY CUSTONS DEPARTEENT1 A UTR"-IZED bISDU" C AmneicanInveice. mniflI' tice, 15 per cent. 46-tf Ccrmlioner et Ouaton Wm. mouffl 'ws HO S. a- JOH ~ SloonR - GENT -O cf Jonathman Wcl LICENED Ecaldence-Loti PosI OMce-umi tse shcrteAl noti Termu can le r GEOR( large qsîanlity e epnstantlyâi oe p i e a a t m A T Olerk Dirieîh Athei DIB 100K. AGENTS WANTBD. E. J. HALEXd SON, Publshort 17 »7~urmY St., N,'Y., AUv. iiw.istiliu mlbeulwyUi UR WÂYEBLE~ 'Amemiesu mekêvercffs< John ston 's TO>MSk G A N 13. 1 1> > ý - 1161 1