s 511 sStlISVliUry agi >ad nmuy,..r produce1 E Part y ito e duestinà l affaira. lu-, iquirs nto baiducallônà l mtsanidmtné w oula hé trked, s the motien rgr~ ing rowu Lunds béadbenaitha'lulghi.' - . Mondsy, Janury24Lh. bf.Miller, of Mukea, louk 1bi' A nutmbar et Prhvalé]Bis wsre road t- ifrdfi~n.:nd fAuuad. isv.ra elhcrs vere Sv éasa. - ?UU 8007 iSenzaE. Iu raplyb MvMr. ffditb, 4ore y Ganeral Movat ulatsd Ihit 9lami bad-. bsecn made for -psyment of 4be revurd., A rop r'hudbeeu ýMuA.by beV hi Justice cf Manitoba on hisse d caIms.ý 'A aommlision hbîd beau hssed le him le maiçe toitiquivy. thé persona mak-. inlb. cé laitus bioding tilemuelves 10 ahidl.h nlitafeng. The Chia! Jus. tic oc f Zattohu bad made a report- on theze clainii, sud Il vue 1h.eleeun of lte 0oGvernm»t.nloubjeot ten ',th lancjctiot I of a., , l .puylb. uknounnluawarded line .tPO.' or Ibut ute estimâates. Division. vere luken on mQtiouu cf .journmeOnî, auad'membar. - peko agains i lime sp te four o'elocklu 'lit.n mernnir, wlrpun a jnnnetlo place fer vanbt o! a quorum.' Ths rincipal vols took place upon iDr. Bouitér's ameudmnent sudvas u fSol. Yu-Barr, .Bell, DentIer, Broder, Cimeren, Code, OsgioFehr Harl;.Kesn éaugrLo:ug McDeng. &Il M1ddéieý), Nua;î (ehdals, MoRse; l uO'S0Ullýjan, ~etn Bieburdiôn; Busveur, 6eltt we ll'8 Nuys-Âpfleb$i BluhoP, Cblshelm, Clark. (Nerfek., C3Iakt ,4W.llIý >),. Col@, Crools, aDuwmoe, -e 6tY*lê son, Fréter. Gibol,, %iraam (Lan a. Ion), Grant, HRueyEy ogh lioas, ,Slclair, Saezo.~ pigr Strier, Wilson, oo-8I. pinr Mr. 'Wills' Bill for 1he.proleotien. of, hrakesm.u on riiv.ysu vas Iculon, -a, division, Ià helng ured fâthe, lielate- m'as of thae seion 4 m ot aliow of Il. dstlll-being properly aeuuidarad Ff-lu COnacitw.f. ý eý hte" a Ifer. Iber 10 sacure the iudepeedeea hec Lugiautirs vas illdr-ae, s wlu aa 14Tr. M"o' iilte facolitla t r avalng on $Dew rost,,Mr. COut'I 11 formatins bjIlf tock, cheeta nd butter o lunes, sud Dr.' Bouler'. Dii ortlice rolan'* bïerp vers sevenuhiy-- rsao 00sooiima. The umendmentsto îthe Goverine IciuruncesCampauntea'BUvI wra coe- sidered ila Cemmtillte. 'I t -fo -e'nTusdsy, 251hi. AmnendaI Riection billsud théeBd CA.' lion bilt vase à auediscnusedadtl.clgtb, and: rosa a second lime, lit a tter by a vol. of 45 to 25. À lare number 'of privaI. bil lW eoaived a lIrd reidieg, up %goverk of tb.esmslon. - Pîmpicu, -Eruptienu, Rougit Skie. - Thb. system heleg ptt nudar te là i- gunonceoo!Dr. Piano.'s Golden -Medicil Dlacoveny for a fewt. wvcgka, tihe skIe hecoinea eoo,-car-1f1, and vei. vol>', sel beineg ilqmfnsael witic lie glow cf perfebbl hautib !geM vithle, true husuty stantIu fontlît i lait ilglory. - The - offqçcls cf aIl "medbicea iiol opera&l'a upon the uytem lbrougt thé mo1-iucm cf 'the.,bleod>une neceoa;tuily uomewbul lovw, - no muterbow good thé remél>' oîployotl. Wtllé "bi.ta titrai bottes eleéà r tae skie'o! pimplas, bloichas, erupliotos, yallow spots, com. edoneli, or . "igrba,"l a dozén nia> possibiy ha required t10 cura somno cases whhanu lie. syuiela lurelIeviîh sBoa lulous or virulent blaiod poittonu. Thé cura of these dls.au, hovover, fnomn thée o mMeupimple le héib st scro- fula in, viiththeits ne pf tiasaint pôlanî agent, ouly à métIer cf lime, Solb>' dealors inu medicelua.. covzaan *rmhr.ZUTOM.cUseD. CIA "'Cete~la Co., N. Y. Dr. R. V. >izlà ucBuffuiôi, N. Y.: Dîar 8fr--I ami t y *Y. cf ugé, a nd havs' -beau satle1 -th Sait Bihaum in'ihs 'v. terni fer a great nsny yeui, unt 1,, aecldenily, I sasv one cf ye4l.),oks, wlch dlibéa nsy caugesubllyI bdughI. ytw Goldeni bMediclc D v*r3w an~ d' oowh-*cbot.' lie. .pdAawf an wu n.ily 'curaI. Front dy-sabottu l Ryic' L-vaa el). -ýy - - - vlý4t iié,'aise 011 f - ~u' ~Jevise lu sAnliisly cu0red. May' God eara eu a long lifif tq re ftA lue tin, 10 usa. kinil. With nulo Id prà lhîud. " -- - MRI. -A W. 41,IA'1, -APara zeuIÃŽ.-q>ôoklytï; Jm. 21.- À rs gbImlokjiace nsuar. )are thii v au CI' +ta, oet#is They fougbl fer 050.1 e ie hîl v u Atten2ddAî b'i egs revA of Mev ýYork anI Brooýkije reuha.- Fifte'en ronnl7a vere -fougIt, .-*beu, Hogan,-vWho bil Haley-feughî le a stund.aîlhl, vas de. èlaredlbiwicunar. - ThaBghbî l@»td144 minutes. In 'tle tvuI fi,. round. Houe bail lte advvatégar, galuleg 8pfib1OOI viale Uopa u Ioi 1> iI d dovn. At the close -cf, lb. contaul Htgan we. ifightfully pnnluhod, viailo laisy 'waml trrlbly beaten, ,- - Thé Pope bau bal an ophlPÃŽIocsiznrs but, aitbçiugiiODi. a'. sne t lu atated ibat Ibéeafae no , obedatibn for grave' report. -recQe, n W' irclalel. It jsut b. roîu ,embered,, Iaowever,,that bo in nov a,-very oui ucan, andt ' 4&ý lie uYst-m ra y breou t quy iylnme. r It bua' beau.- ssc.rl&alnsel b ilb. tman icha llon le lblsI" ow&s a e aknffl, and AU dur. TT fkf9qý?8auauu4NA - 'Mens Ssag WCorpore:Banc." o tttsLr t O aCuter Domiin Se. Advetisinient in another coluznia. 21« Proffi rRiuq»!nç,."rApo, Ont., pearFrindI ai gttig aong spien. iirovlng every day, accept my thanks foryour kind atteniUou lId pntuality, 1 )snow eur t.atmentl t he thlng for "t.~~je~~ Renirew, Ont.,Oct. mmry la brlghter, sà ght oearer, ln iac, usn moptaiiy sud phyuiaiy a ren.vsd 1Ife, -Youru, &e. . , L1 1 r e Oui,, No. -Word$ vould iamocal juilme le sprea. niy gratitude.lfer vhat you have dons for me. I bave snt hundreds of dollars wlth phy*lcinuo, tsid every udvertiu.d propara. tien, al vithoqt uvu.l a more wreck iii I Toroute, Jan. 9.14n- NEW -ADVER TEMENTS. CORPORATIOX ,OF ~rBtm OWN 0F ~inJTîme in up snd furcher deiuat vii NOTICE h herohygivon, tq a11 purueiu ln the Coanty vhe une Weg imachines, r Fition csud other Boulé., n'cessaryfor the weighiug 015.Gs& 4Sed, ota, oranoo)r~gttb en mub.fpltedad ùrvêri" d. "If the viii furnluh me with their ames and éd. drest, I wili ut once supply tem vith-co. pieu of the .Act in referece thereto. T.' C. NOAMAN, 3unn'ii- D.PUIYJ r We4hto Onq OO Thde adNe DtLY.fandTheeuund Boude., vhch aes thexe fthe u ie ly cirelated and ledeentiai nuepupers ÇABD> 0F TRANKS' .Brgokllii, Bth 3azuary, ;§78. many lhâukkthoeprémbt uiaqt4geeeroeuîsoi, tieu c et bBoard ciDirectoru of th e, ou* fe"dea e5Lité Anoeitions ln; p în he cIaM 01 ($1,0M0 Ou@ The ud Do.1, cuied to me ugor.poleoy No; 853, 'iÉued 01o th aii d celved hasddy.' BSETTA BALFOUR. To J. Ký M4,ÇDONALD, Bu. 14atagIng Diréctor, Conféderation Lite Association, Toronto. 2ie.5 'Mutuel Insurance Company. Thé meetingo et.tmonitors eoflte On. i4ria FatiD"IZW MttluIasac'C orpany, vwil e . elýd'at tii.. Twn BéliTown et - 'Wbily, e ikiesdaù,y, February 18t, 1876, a2 cld;p. au., fol lta 'pue i Tce. coling lte Directloru Repart, aed fanrlte lecîlon 6f Officeii fer lte cernent year. 11' rdér5 -. ' -- ' -Socnetamy. 0:W7A69UO L )A1I1 -AND S"YKG Tue.Th)ird Genergi AunualMeting et 'tti ÃÃŽesY vii l~tbld ut i t4 Offluot, it enpany>he i.Village cf Oshava, on Tuèaday, -2nd Day of Feb., 1876, 'ut eno<cieck, pi ni -T. H. McMTLýLIAN, -Sec'- and Trous. Casa41-.u,35g...... suiiitisz , for Ca.Içcg.I)o tae Luber, fo0 r Orsono, Towit of Wbhylr h eepmel of 4x4 lu. Bon=t., jcg 1Inl. Boudde, sud S and 8 l.Puk; aU'be 1i2ftest long, and thé lijin. hud net toexceed 10 înèh c.inu idtit. JOHN BLOW, 'r - Lersi Annuat Maaîîng eortdis Shans. iteideru 0 e iWiby & P.rt pry ts. ufon RiaH y companyvn be ecî 51 âtthe companrs lobtiiilté Tý louf Whlby, Saftrdeqo, 5à a daU hf Fehbcary iteat, sI the heur eovf se'lcio~,tnl. jlm dJs.rly eréAlr l The inest-, best, -and cheapest Watëias xmade, for the Mo- ney, are >,te ELGiaN WATCHES8, which eau -be had at Taylor IL Bar. nard's, in every grade, both in Gold andSlvr Ladie' and Gent, izes Aoo a large stock of English and Swisg-Watchèes always ou .hand. Cloche, Jewellery, Silverware;,-and Taucy' Goods to "M every tasie sd pooket. fleinember the place-next door to Gross& MaoNaohtan's,"Hardware 'Merchiimts, Brook Street, Whitby. Eotel Gr LUilnd Store - à f mâslé hy Public Âudtia, 1IAY'S HOTEL, WHITBY -~ ON AT -r10 o'CnocE, A. X. rACE PÂcc .-lttO ,AsorebiA* L i N 1, le . th Conception 'et luxhrdge, s"d -art af Lot 1, lentte lt concession. On Âm aarameri110o~,vZ2offl, pru sBr 0MItwa Stà bles. 50lêteuni, sud'a, Çov Honte, 20x50 vit Root Houseaut. != =id god, bard.: 'Ti i.la final. PascaL 2.-50 ucrs, bsig gene Lot No. 2. W ' ' $ li, 4 d él'f Lot No. 2, in -h liii 11h cceeibn 't!! tthhdge. Véry ctlandsut adjolniug Parcel No. 1. FARCEL 8.-Contaieiiug 59 acres, prt ofLot No.1 -lint. Iti concession of Uxhidge, 101h Lng HXot.. Frame. Barn, sud! shunt S acreu nf splendid Hart! Wood. Thera la a neer.faihungcnelc upee thé placa. , ' . 1- PASRCaL 4. -Contaieiogz 100 acnéso! choice land vlth good buildings thoeon, boingiarI cf Lot No. 2, le the 7th cocs ýiu0rbridge, ant! sojoinezthe Village ef Glan IMajor,.Ci% thlB parce! il about 20 acrea of citoice wvot!laud, ansu Snns ot goel Cedar. >- - -PAsca. 5-50' acrés, beinig thé North.east quarter et Lot 4. le thé Othtcon- -cessioe et Uxbridge, forty acres cleared. ' Thora.ilu a Frgm H onse,, rae Blarne,and éttar cthildieg, i el atered, t&c. PASRCEL 8."A new Griot Mill vitb bye ruaofetoBtnes andinlugood vorking enrden, sud a eevei'-faDiig vutar powen vith 20 foetaofliit, and about 8 acres et lisu PIEnCEL7.-A good Frama Houe 4 i que ialf of an acmé of luet!' nearly op- PA,&cxL 8-ATà vern Stand in the oilaéf'G - Iéjr;;lté BZouse.- nvm id qe.4, Stbls0udDrivlng House aiu nid lroc Uilgée dSétl iéTv - 1urn-9.1.AFramne -Store >anti ýDwellisg viit atone collar. and a itoe.stop attuctél.' Goot! tabllng,&tc.- " - ýý-p',&wcL io.à -5O actés, part cf -Lot.j No. 17, le the 7tit concession et Uxbinige- vild Lot. PASRCaL 11.-100 acres, South.halî ot Lot 8 le thé fnl concession cf Beach.' Gaod Log Honce, FraeéBamr, SOidO. viti ed,éO acres cleared. Goal LanA. PÀucG>,12.15Oacnés; Ot 1N0. 19 le the 4tit concession ci Beach, hiait a mile easl cf Prince Abert. On this Lot tbere lu a Houa. sud Barn. PASCxL 111-SQ acres cf splenflid- 'Wood Laul -wiltin cee mile et thé Village et Manchtestem, beien art of Lo& No,18, in lte ôtlconcession et-each. PAEtc., 14.-100 acres cf lceavy Tîm. hemét!Land viit mornesplendid céder titane. ce, helng Nertit-hIWf cfot i14, l intéélt concesuion et Reci- Titis Lot vil té uold- ln Feqrjootsg%,g5acreaioact. -- PACL15.-200 ýacre,, being' Lot, igo, 15 le théelt ccocion et Beach, 80 acte. cleared, gool FrmntéRoues andfBarnc, balane cf lant! wel-timltered. Titis Lot viii te uqil in Four pancelu etf50 acres eacit. É P.jCà 'n16.-ý1O0affrà a, South oafc Lot fie. 18 l inte Ot concession of Reach,. *tA 0 D-urCeseclréd4 and -Lot Ne. 21, le the lotit coeceauiln ià cit, aortion ctihchinla learéit, lithë leUe 1 $4Uiy limiteraI vwitb fina lciuu ceAa. Ond '-fthe heul Celer Lot. le Beach. Tistle vii hé al&d'p4qllo . lb. Sp1ý4it 4Gcncs le cee lot, %li nïà .%W Ê ,gl1e0 ares 1r on ýPMoan 18-200 acta, Lot 2à lu lii. - W Timiter Lot. lm : EL19.-65 as o f Lot 20 le on Ibis lob. ?-j Ãi,120~# -thse Tovn- ofl etBrock:. pullU f ole~O, inte taM 'C6ossibli. - »Ub Undut. '\P zdun21. ?a n ie Wm#te@are goot!d, irllings. 13" TIless&U pOrwcl ý -> ir4sjiwiIboaisesl i umeate. ly after tbheale of the above lands, that etuon"te " on, Gr eeMontain M r .b46 êoar deeblé. Tý--p3 F& er' 'r ýt4ç'40per cent, doý"uaI ime et sale, a0enirtitthé 10'perà ,mus a, e1 m "- ,i t -reitas ine>' li 50 d ., and lte blice In 8 or hiiyeurn ll atrallSu mt Jauur>léift, 1876. 4 c ALFI_<WST - Strayéd fraie thé promniacu cf- thée- suit. scruter, Lot 27, 2ed concésion cf lthe' Town,. Bii of Witly, a Red sud Wite Sprng person rée*tureng lteé sie, suan per)uceÛn retaiuieïg It ufer Ihe issue oet linanotice wÃ11h. prcuéculedacoordlng te luv.: Wititby, Januazy lSlb,-187.--: 4 W GII 4'TÃœOBTA!fT TO' E Great sucocus i Thé Rand 'Guide for lts ePlane. The Hautd Guide lu thé result of many, yeszs' expérieece sud study, aud ia varrant- el te uave, at leut, tir meutho f the t cdi. It vil give lte haed a pur. .floc8ing ac. tien,, sud the flegers iccéat sndépé.tace and etrength. 111011 f it 'l the fEùgers te u8trike pon thé ends. It viii teacit thé baud quietude vitile thé fingérs are einployed ou single passages. It ili teacit wnlst or octave motion, sund le tu compelliug quleton lte part of thé fonction net eýnployel1, tend tor' intensify thé -exorcise and increase gréutly ilié devel. opment for viici thé exeroiué lu ietedéd. T'he Guidé lu wurrnatd 10fit any square ,adist once siii I and streez. e6e4 o ctakon froni the Sianos, hclg uwueg below viten not reqeiru Sent te any addres poci recelpt cf the marked price, with inutructions. "IcEs. Pluie Castings, Walnet Rodea.... .04 00 Biegant plated Castings, Roieooot - .Ro a,.... " " .......4 ý- 6 00 N. B.-Teacbers une reupectfn]iy invitaI le givé theni a test as la thite qualificatioe. Apply te Profesuor G. C. WIGGINS, Witty, or Professer C. MOTLEY, Bowmauvilée, Sols Agents. Whlthy, January lOtit, 1876. 4 1W1ANTEII IMMEDIATELY 1 1000 BUBJ{ELS 10F GOOD CLOVE1R SEEDI Delivened et Gibsan &Sparvelé gStore, Whity. Highest Market Priée PaId 1 hithy Jinsr Ith, 17. * DRY GOODS AND GROCEET STORE AT AUDLEY. In orderai laméat thé groviug wantu cf thé locaity thé subscriber-bau been indued ta ope buemslu lte aboyé liiw. A Large. and well, Selected Stock eqeal tn prie sud quality te any ltat c hé purcased-le towe or city. 01ve us a c1,d4edg or yonel, and if -yen. cau hé au wé>lt suitéd au seweplu rnzehm trad,- weeptoiéhm D. MOBRADY, Àntuy, ~~Lh,' ' Andley, Aaà , Nv.. 2,t15 ii5. .- 485f fi l U e, n: celre!dreuniceviitlte fInal naumber, Priu~e for lb. ri -The fin 0ORPÃ"RÂTIONi 07.TEE 'Icenses mugitl hé m6dal le t npdersign :n or beférs the Biot day CI' 3 ja, hu 'F-ca; -ý Lcis Whitby, Ianouy di. 157. FOR SALE 1 Lot 12 lu 1iâtb W'CDftIII,9OOçY Raeé.h&U.l ts ISénihnSnaBaaik¶. i ".dlole,""Vrmon,~'sudClraia,.zguü Sut S _na l0 It4ç1& rovemnexitu, oeau be obtained only iýlutiOOraé wentyý-F-ive' Diffêrété-ii S ylés 'ÉOR1B -T HÉ" P LOe -AND >t1R <iËÙÉCH, '" THE BB6T 'M&TEBIÂL DWOgMAN8H2I. M'Qaly and I'01ùm0 f T4n6 hetualld F~toy ~d Wa~romscorner of Temperance ana Ungo~~trqtB.owman *'WUe.* gents Wanted lu Every y'-111 'd'~~3ot~ce P DOMINION ORGÀN Co., BowmanileÃ, On. ÃŽ.' . 'urs F u rs t UGH MeBRI1EN IS, SELLllNG ,HIS- ARGE -STOCK, 0FFUIRS, AÂT aCOsT.rV îem changed nlext season to suit thà e stye ~RJEE 0E CIIÂRGEJ. NTATIONAL INS URANGE GO. IINCORPORÂTED BY SPECIÂL ACT OF PÂBLIÂMENT. OAPITALý - - - -$%000O,0001 (With p ower to increasë te $5.000.000. SHARE.S, Szoo EÀCH. - Head Office, MONTREAL OFFICEP.RS: ,eEX. . GIVIE, M. P. P., -F- - acrr. ILi.A&Wi Gus, .... ......T VxcZ-FauurnZZx. E}WR .GOFF.............2uN VZCZ-PXZaZZNT rAND MÂ,,éZB. INRY vlYR.............. . ...SECRETAST. C AS. D. HANSON.............CH=?r1NaPZCTOIR. I DIRECTORS: ~EX. W. OGIINIE, Esq,, M. P. F., (Director of tite Exchange Bank et Canada.) WILIAM ANGUS, Etsq., (Président Cnad Papen Company) F4WARD H. GOFF, Bcq., (MaugiDi o~, Canula Agrcultural Inunne Ce.) ~AVID SINCLAIR, Es., e0tsInirJak TV.,Monitreal. J Q N McGAUVRAN,E sq, M. P- P aund Aldermmn, Monîreal. ICHARD WHITE, Es ., of the 'Montreal Gazette." LPHONSE DESJARD<INS, Esq., M. P., Montreal. 'IIHOMAS E. FOSTER, Eaq.,.Alderman, Moutreal. - E.H. TRUDEL, Esq., M. D,, Montreal. ALEXANiDER SHANNON, Esq., of A. Shannon &Co., MQntréal. THOMAS B. WOOD, Esq., efthte Ltnc Insuranco Company, Toronto. ALEXANCDER CRAWFORD, Ecq., of Windsor. FETER McCALLUM, Esq., of Cobourg. - .NOURSE, - Agent, Whitby. IF'LOUR AND. FEE STORE-- -o 0- -CHAS. PENNYLEGION - Êegs to notify bis friends and the eustomers of the above establisment that, having bouglit ont the ùitereét o! Mr. Cobbtelick ie bhe busineos, lie is now preparel- la supply ýL0UR &FE-ED 0F THE BEST ýQUALITY, AT THE LOWE ST LIVING PInICE S. I'1our, Corna , Chop-Feed, Bran, Shorts, Oatmeal. Crâ.cked Wheat, Peai,, Oaýta, 'Potdtbes, &c.* k AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHEA PER THA~ THE CH/EA PEST FOIR CA 8H, -At the Dominion Flour and Fe.ed Sýtorè, CrosYs Bleok, "ýastDeor, Dandueà Streel, Wbitby, - ~hiby~arnary11~i,1876. CHAS. PENN'YLGION.1 e.1OTEIjîeFOR; RELIABLE GOODS!1 locknow oin1et~aseecting and imp rtingjxon goodpcano«ier:élpeFqp ý« emnt. Io caê1mztin e ELGIN, ~~VATCHES. C/,, . w Fl t -J ~ .Él~o6l4 Cg, - 1' -t -I I -*1 Amitrong's, and the sb, Imnpoiters otBIhelf alla HeavyHawaQ -ý WÃ~I 7, IR1 ~CUTT-E.RS ! UTTERS T YOt THELARGET N-MOST <IOMPLETE STOCK O0, Cuttere 81é8leighsand Cariagefia M. O'IYO 0NOVAN'1ýS CRAGE FATRY -BROCK- ST., WHITBY.te VERY (JHEA?. CALL& BER TEM. -y W.J. HC Ki E & c 0,Pc IN ORDEB TO MAKE A CL« IEABANOE 0F THEIR 3ý S TOCK, ARE NOW OFFERING «BT BGANS- TO SCash Custiomers for One Moiith!1 THEIR STOCK 18 LARGE IND WELL ÂASOBTE. NEW GROCERI-ES FOR OHRISTMABl Just reoeived ini aJi the different Unmes. Also a large Sloek of Fi-ne ýLiquors. lý3FÂPRMERS PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. _ Witby, Dec. lSth, 1875. 51, JIJUS T THE PLACE lÉOOT AND SHOEMAKEB, BBO0K.ST.,WHRY, - ']A-nov on baud a large aud varied stock 'of Boots ad8o. aae makeu-to order evéry description oLde'(elae'~dOalrn'~w lSrBapairing. dons on tue shortest? notice, sud M resuonble rà tesi. A cal iu invitea b examine the new st6ck. Whitby, December, 1875.- WLLA Brok tet,'1h JOSEPH RODGERS & iSONS LVORY HANDLED TABLE CUTLERY, P'en and 1'octket Knives, .Electroï.plated, Spoonsi, Forks, o &K A T ES S T RA P'S ACME CLUB SKATES, NEW YORK CLUB SKATES. GROSS&MA AHT , -BROCI STREET, WHITY# tir ÇJpIC(llEPURE LIQIJOR8 HOLIDY DJ E~ D SIMOOR STBÉET OSHAWA. Xfr R c G lae la now resdy. ÀA Oil. FHRys, Du*u, etc. Fric., er Nember, or 12 Nenibare fi r09 Parler muscs, -Xi.. 1 *dy. A Celletien id-Eu -Muse. Prie, 0 cents per Ni 12 Nasphena for #L La. Cnemede la Crime,- No& n ov reidy',ÀA-Collection of ~Pianomuic. Fric., 50Cesuta ber, or 12Numbes for 5#L Seul 59l !cU fa BdnXple Çey off tither ci thc ubavei sud if yau sor e ai;uIsfied viahyour barguin, we viiite- fontd yeur mon*.>- Adfrseu, X. m. PETEES, M4 Brcadvay, N. 1. 1 sdm LOTS FOR SALE TPOWN OPf VHIIl'BY. Let No. 10Oin Section A.. front on Gravti ILot No. 1lOin rarz ou William EL Ljot Ne 8 on Breck SI. AnA Là ot *.8, in reur on William Street Sectlen C. - Thespreporly cf th. laIs Wiim Law- rene.,Applicutien taobe maa le btn- JOSEPIR JONES, Bal---Eml uor T. STEVENSON, Ei-aIJlW YEOMAN lGIBBON, 9, W"lby. .A CINSALE R EA L #E ST A-TE. Thorn, vUlibeBld byPabic AuctLen ut lu lb. Tovu eof Whitby, ln thé Counlyct (lutine, on &zturday, 65th day of Febnuauy, 1816, at n 0'0100k, fersec elb oleving lunla sud prusii purovanlt tosÀpaver cetule -coeneéd ina certain ituidenlurs of zart gag, blh: vlm .prcd st SI ale. *Theox*-hWest quarro f Lot No. 3la i i 1he M81 coà ià sicof the. Township of EeSCI4 in th. eunty-aniiprovince of (On- tarieoý-i ce 6lnn 0 cres fLarnS,=»mor o Thisluaainblu c'avblh ara LETS & PEARSON, Soliiors for VeRdcr, * - Toronto. ToetDoc. Bath, 1876' 1.14 ÂW PUES i îGld sd 11tb~'~ 1 1 'y