li'.thé 0bim%, or .0rnsftr4 e worth 10 cents per gailoi as repr.esented, re. 1 them±y isuai, s,~ nd Ho~,vy ~r~are~ r~ ~ '-i stoek 'r' e Oshawa Btoverrin. stook. am I 'RO0'THIUi'S, -s'of Sheli and Hè " aware, T BY, Q MARI1O. 1876. 8 TE R S 1-ýCUIllERS! LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETÉ, STOCKO' O'DO0NOGV AN)'S LGE FÈACORY BROCK'ST., WHITBY. IRY CHEAP. OALL& SEE THEM. HIOKIE c00 l TO ]34AKE A CLEAANCE 0P TH-EIR GQOD S S-TOC K,j NQW OPFEBING -GREAT BARGAINS .Toý )tustoinersfqr One Mo,,t1l i TfiR STOCK l8 LARGE AN» WELL ASSORTED. W GROOERIES FORS C ý10HRISTMAS, t at receîved in ail tuié differont linos. «t Slock of Fin L iq uors. 7PriADM ES >1ODUCE TANEN IN EXCHANGE. ýy, Dee. 15th, 1875. 'T THE PLýA cE SOOT AND SIIOEMAMIIl, IlI1IOC-ST., WIiTîiY, S ow ou hampi a largo anil varicid stock of' B3oots alid Sliveca. He als<> îahtq,orî or tvery düscription cf Lde'Onhvîc'and ChUIuiîen ' ar. 'Itppiring donc on tue 14horteet notice, eand ut ren.sonaleh rates. A call id te examiîne the ncw stock. WILIAM, BUTRNS, SDeuel)r, 1875.,]iroek Street, Whithy. RODGERS, &SONS EIANDLED TABLE CUTLERY, ke îioElectro-plated Speoons, Ferks, &o. ýT ES AND CLUB SKATES,9 NEW YORK C-L U5 SKATES. 38&M-ACNACHTAN, eROVK STIREET, Y.?3Y E!WNE8 d...PURE 4/QUORS LE mnd RETAIL to suit flie .qJSUALLY LOW PRIýES. TRY à eIT-F0 DVIS î ë~ ,a~e~Ale"& Porter., tt4&~~~â O R~I~ 'O~5 C .A4 '~ ~#4PSTbt ALI ME. CABI NET :-TIL L' tf/E OLD &TAI(D/ O JK16TR f T-,WtII TBY. GO where -you Canna ýý Sfl1to ýbe leased iý making eè~4s o ~o untie Splendid Parlour, 1Cia gizfg itai and 'Bedroom Sets, 1New lDesigns well worthy of inspectiern, at aBtonishïng low .2~ioes. Diningroon.,.Etension-Tabléea- very Esupezi*or Gil1t Cormies-pi'e <Faig in'1every style..Borne hé ~ ~ ~~e Oh~~.s4u~~or salo. I aU ite braneihéiét;. Eiy spphed, A BitOIck of elegailt oashets. Coffinuslwy uJs~~d suitQusomes, ad awél appon Heasr8e aOn8tauîtly tut ., Wlîtby, Novembe I' W.TIL W HIT B Y HRI N A ;T EAÀSTOR E. GlB-SON & SPAýIIVELL, Have just reeeived thé largest, best assorted, and cheapest stock of. Orockery snd' Glassware: ever offered in W.bitby. Ini China, 'Stone ana Fancy Tea Sets. In China and Fancy Dinner Sots. Inu China, Stone mil Fancy Tiet Sets., Il Parlour, Table ud Bedlroom Lampe. In Glas-Friruit, -Cake and Trifle Dishes. in Goblets, 'Tunibleresud Wine Glasees. In Table Set-Ail in New Patterns. FAN 0 Y 0ODSFR---PREBeEN T S In Cups, Saucera, Mugs, Vases, Toys, &e., &e'. GIBSO.N & SPABVELL have ail kinds of Choice Family Groceries, Best Teas, Tobaco, and ail kincla of Fancy Pipes, Hem., Bacon, Lard. -Oysters of the boat brande alwaye an baud. Thelhighcst markiet price paid'iu caà h for auy quantity of Good Dressed Hoge, Oatt, SmaIl Peaso, Marrowtat Poase, &o. à At GIBSON & SPARVELL'S. Whitby, Doc. lStlî, 1874. 51 FASHIONABLE T AIL ORINGT Go where Yen eau get a Well-fitting Garmeut :-Te the 7 Tailoring Establishment cf GEORGE qYRLEY, OSJ-IAWA. SUPERIOJI CUTTING SHAPE S THE, WORK 1 Brook Street, Whlthy, J LIST -OuItario, sund 4 Thomas Poneber,. L. Fairbanks, Jr... D. MK&Y ...... Donald Boss. B., I. Osmeron .... O. Kôore..... j'Ca:MoGi & Ooe.. Donald Rois... T. I. Wals.- Wzn. Gordon. lsIOgy, Jr.. J..Wlaan... 0a. wu=al..... LIST 0F james BlaCkwlL.. Fauta MOGoYer... .Join Giliga .. pa9rate M tasmzxx. rkham'" dtby.. iveron... iderry... Meo..... Dito ... Brok, .... ... SoutthOulsalo. Mars'............ do. Thorai. Brook.. ......... SouthiBlUdJng.. NorehEisg North i iDlg-. Beach.........1 - Seot........ «* North lliding.. PEPLERS FOR TE00. Osh Brt XIIl taa....On foot .... ki....1 hr. î.esldent .... i horse, Ccunty.... do ... hrs.., Couhy... le .. 2 horses, -Counhy... do. ... 2hoes, Couty... WM., LAING, 38. t, 1876, Oct.269, 176. Oct., 'SSI, 1876, Oct. 28th, 1876, NOc. 22Ãœ,1876. Oc. SSaii 876 Dec. 1M1h, 1878. -ON;T4IO. 9-1.1 'April-, 1876. 8111 May, 1878. 9th Dec. 1876. 141h Dac. 1876. 151h Dec. 1878. 151h Dec. 1876. Co. Treasurer., Whu4tby, Jan. 1876.2 This Ilotel le aiti ho the Wholeeale est4k sud commercial trave besu thoroughly re-oi 11p lu tbe Most comifo bouse in the Domiui) sud 1iry, and lie ba T he large «ud cc Commercial Travele thie firet fiat. Omnîbuses sud CI guesta arniving by ail tiem ho thue depohi et4 Geo. Kennetdy, fc) Toeerapi Officei TERMS, Awes >EcletOecaig n péddVs atrs Largo Stock of' Fine Cloths ; bout Etuglish, Scotch sud Canadian.t good lit Guaranltocc. 'v0v ±± ab GEORGE GURILEY, King Streot, Oshawa. G E NT'S CLOTHJNG I'URNJSHJNG GOODS1 F or Superior Clothing suitable for Suiininer weai, try the Çlothing Store and Merchant Tail- oriuîg establisument of JQ0 -E I DUNDAS E'E R'C>GU sO0NM, STREET, WHITBY. A. GOOJ FIT AN]) STYLPSH OUT WARRANTED) (lent's Fuî-uishing Geeds of al 1luanmud Caps, Unibrellas, &'o., ýVlitby, Jnly 2711î, 1875. Boots anc kirnis, incuding Shirts, Shoes! - 000 KIE~. STOCK COMPLEp ýIN, ALL LUNES OF BOYS,'Yi ANDOVjRSHOE1ç ,AT WHOLESALE PICS Laie'Rubbers at 40 ýcents », 1 pair. OVERSHOES! QVÉSH0ES, Meus' OveshoeXt$ 25 per pair. ahminthe. central portion of thie city, convenîsut bisenteasu&. public buildings, sud for tourips tîes ssmost eligiblé situation. él'he hanse bas ~gani7ed sud re-furuisbed-tirouighout, sud ii fithed sable and fashionable style, equal ho sny tiret-lase on. The bedroome sud draavîng-roome are rarge hsanitary regulahions are obzerved. uveuiont sample roome, for the accommodation of rare couarioian sd couveuiently located ou arriagos aiwLys ready for the accommidation of [ thie tains and sheamboahe, sud aIea ho .couvoy id aviarves ou lesving. rmerly of Queeu'e Hohel, Owven Sound, Manager. iu connection with Ibis Bouse. 6 1 50 FER DAY. Pharmacy B. SMITH w. Hasjust reeeived mont! of Pancy Geode ai prises a great many No vealuie - French Toioet Bottîca in Plate Glass boxes, eut Goldi Silver sud Gilt Bottles, Parisu Marble Statuary Bohemiau Glass Vases, Lubin's, Atkiuson'E;, Rit the Crowu Parfumes, Toilet Sets, Ladies' Companions, Geuts' Dressing Cases, Necessaries, JeFel Boxes, Pau$s, Writiug Deska, Walnut, Writing Desks, Papier 3 Hair, Tooth, sud Nail Bi Dressing Combo, Toilets Stands; Gonts' Fancy Trunka, Papieterres. Aise a large 'vai S:ýe Caîl an December 1lSth, 1875., Idohn ston's nd opened itable for tho w, Handsome a Large and Choice assort- Holiday Season. The stock com- and Useful Articlos, sud splendid ]Bevelled Fancy Boxes, ârl new, Faucy Baskets, Smeiliîîg PursesandPortmonnaies, a splendid assortmeuh, extra cheap, Albums, very low, GlorVe, Handeichiéf sud Collar sots, imels anti Choquer Boards, Dominoca, Portrait Frames, Gama cf Old Maid, Ink Stands, Iuk Botties, Scotchwood Sets, Pearl sud Tartan Card Cases, Cigar cases and Boxes, lachie, Cigar Stands snd Holders, Irushes, Meorschaum Pipes,' Tebacco Boxes, 18 varicties, now, Tobacco Ponchos, Ninepins and a' nico collectionî of Toys. ty ef ether geecis and nevelties. Examine Our Stock. S. W. B. SMITH, Late Jas. Hl. Gerrie &Co Self- Raking Reaper.1 AWARDEPE THE. FIRST PRIZE. At the ProviWcal Exhibition, Toronto, iu 1870. We off er to our cuýtom:ers for the ceming Ltarest, two dis-, tinct Machines, wbých in- styluansd construction,, embrace the latest and ]tlost useful improvements of -the day. JOIINSTON'S S NGLE SELF-IIAING RIEAPER THE " RING 0F iREAPERS.' The -universal succe S of this Machine, beth in closely ,contest- ed trials and in the bande îëf the (armera, warrant saying that, ýa a Self.Rak- ing Reapinilaehine,,it h i more good points ani lois defecte, and. bas met with mors acceà ù sud lots foure, .than hborehofore offered ho the public. - CYUJAJUÃNIOR MOWER W e were awftrdt-d d; e Firuýt-Pi and Diploma, at-the Prcvin. 8cial zzb lbition, ToroiItýo 1570i cepeîition witb slrthe IaigMcie mai Es ir d Intbe PUi~c; ~~Iw T nrecent imDproIoMentsý,.we.upeitt ingI'~hllego iYeuigslon'iîd ~on~dhn wth on'aetig Mcbins~.a0eare, stlfied thaï uaîch î,iestigatiôüw aili -convinvoe evory -uprejudiëeâ mnd, tit ave otcthe hast Moaer te the aineor for 1872, built in the T)iio.-fV'Sn for descrIptive:,cataloguesl f à BON&P&TISN TQrO'S ~TEJWFQI?~, MANIUFACTURERS'0F "CAIRIAqES, AND, SLEIGHS, DUD~STREET-- WHITBY, ONýT. Have ,now ound'a., irge stock of Carnmages, Buggies, 1sud Sîslis, Cutters, whioh-forstyýle sud-ifinish caniiot boeoeileed. (C' Ail 'wiilbe ûold-aýt oost., -Ai1 work wanra2uted. TOMS &,IiEWPDET, WINCIES' AND -CLO1YDS Splendid assortment ofCloth 'Ja, FURS Very Cheap., READY-MAD E 0CLOTI-NO AT W.hihby, December lat, 1875. NEW IHAVENT-,ý JUBILEE, FRICES - 49 OIRGAN CO'B O IG-A N B., NO1WILLE has them-Splondid Instruments-and, will soll hem ah prices that 'aili surprise you. If you ovor oxpoot to hpy aons, now je* the ime. Be sure ho give me a eall before buying. A. good, aseortment of Cloeke, at wholeeale prices, bc close ont vthe lot. Clooke, Watclis, aud Je wel-, ry noatly aud protnptly repaired. H. W. NOIILLE, Dundas Street, 81 Opposite tho Post Office., JUST RE."CEInVýED AT DOMINI-ON, WA7-'REROOMXS, A Large and Select Stock of Cloths and Tweeds. FASH IONABLE TAI LORI NG - AT - DOMINION FI RST-CLASS WAREIROOMS. DRESS-MAKI NG' -AÀT - DOMINION DOMINION Whitby. Dec. lut, 1875. S PIN WA11EIOOMS.o -AÀT - WAREROOMS. LOWES & POWELL. GLES Have ou hand, at their Merchant Tailoring.Establishment, B ROO K STREET, WHITB-Y, A mueh larger and better stock th an ù"sual, embracing a.U THE NEWEST CLOTHIS AN» TRIMMINGS. Fer geùtleînens' Clething; and as they are giving their whole attention ho the Tailoring business, tiey are in a position to do0 it botter thaîî over. Whitby, Sept. 80th, 1875. A. & .I.1RINGLE.1 Z .,y FJJJITURE! FJJRNJTJJRE! Now is the tîie to buy good andclieap F-urniture. Having bought eut the busmess. lately carried. on by James H. Sanie, we take tis opportunity of invitig his many friEnds te gi-ye us a eaUI, and we: can, assure, al that we are prepared to do as weil bythem. in the- future,, as Mr. Sanie has doue ini tIc past. -00- Whitby, October lst, 1878. Ol BOOI' AND-- SIIOEf -;EMIPO1-ItM,~ BROOK"STR~EET , WHITBY., Larges-t Stock,-ý Latest tyles 0f Greatest Variet-y5 OfBoots and -Shoes ini Town, cheap for ýcAÂSH. mLe,&Felt Overshoes, Itone eie$h.0 ot Fabasiae herd-Eia (mo.) Demoraýt. It la pronauned a sj.londidinstrumaet.- lames E. -Il'i letter .to Plnjiy r(Ont.) A.merlcan Patrian.  reputation which paes ubem abovê suopicion I Theyagreludorsarlieb7 the ih est mlusical autborities :ýthrougboutth werld Chhebe.-tOarls (Mo) Gossfp. Agents.-wauted overywhere to'csnysss fer. Ibissuprlorinsrumet. ddreee, DANIEL P. BEATTY, Washhsgton, N. J. PATENTS FoB INVENTIONS adthe Unitod Stateoand' E ioe> Ps touts arenmtees orno bar,é, ,Ben- for -- prneinstruction.Ageney lu -o lu1'io ton yeake. HENRY GISTI. Mechanical Engineer, Solicitoi of Patents and Daraightsmnan. 8 BEATTY'SE"GLN TONGUE» Parler Organe are ranked by emnineut mueicians as the Ieadu¶ oygan now in unse. For the Chureh,. abbstâ Ochool, Lodge or- Parler tfiey bave io su- perior tIbugiiout the world. We'chÀleng. sny manufacturer to equs] them for sweot- nos. and volume of toue. "Whore w. av no agente we w92 shW uzy one iBlug to tay li nu. Agents wsuted .vrybere. SenS stamp lfto tf'teeti. maniais and circular i thitvonderfal ma- scproducinginstrment, Àddre.s, DANIEL F. BEATwTY, Washington, N. J. CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT, '4 Ottawa, March 21@1 84 1UTEOltIÃŽBD <'DISCOUNiT ON .L1Ameýican Invçoices nutüifurtiier no- 46-tf CmmsoeofCtm. BOK.AGENTS WAIITED. E..<. HALE d'BON, Pubiehera, ., i"Mrray St., N. Y., Are uow issuiug, to subecribers oniy THE THISTLE ,'ADDITION, the aulyfuiy iluatrated Edition of THE WAVERLEY NOVELS 01 Amoric aunmake evercfferod ho tihe public. 'Of he tetof iTfWaltor Scottit la, cf cours, uueoesry t of manufacture th6 volumnes no-W'ready 'aili ,é,ak forthemeelves iwierever seen. 'T eyhv, aya ths1NewY.ork Eeaim Post, 1"he beet cf, ail goe4 - quglities, in a trinted, boek-cle 1 "'largoou oi ogexpeusivo, ceogan u 2 semceable."' Auexcecd ,gly beautifi,! edltio,sa gem of tyo .aplclbeà uy,ü maa t 1O Forty-oight volumes, avers.gig 4W0 pages each,! and coutaining nearly iwo tliousoiui illustrathcnawill comp lote tioseries..Tw volumes iandMOMthl. Fourteen Volumesa nà w Ready. PIIICE, lu cloth,gilt eitrà 'Ëe ôl4imei #1M5 Addrio-'. CHA5.'.' DANEY, Gnl A't, Cavs B. Hale & sou. 17 Mûrry St., N. Y. Sept. 20th, 1875. 9 Agents Wnted in eVery Tônibp in Ontario to seli tb famos rizeModal Organ Mausiactur- ed bythe Simith Americau Orgà n Go. auid George aun <Jo.'s Pianos. Speclal< inducements aililie, givei tc first.ohaws agente sud clubs of alire.. or fMur wiihing to purchase. Âny, number of t4eetimonials ie lavai' of tfose fMtr enu be furuish. .ed, but as they are no widély-knôwn-. >grea2t nmbonsbavinýgbeenso4tkwaugli _- 'of$ thelbomiinion and-baving given satîsr 'fa&ion iu everyinistance-Notestimoni' aI bp.wieer flatteringe an. add 5p their, rép>utatIon. -T B tock Piano On.,,received th. onlv kold.medaL awarded tu anv eçxhih.. especim 00, ' JOSE-R RB UJ3ýBERnS "Ãïiïiiiýé* i -- i i mmmm.:O. ý]K:.7l'S . Il