IL L LW' style a, s soï. ..i. Splendid Parl 'I0-O FQd Cam. monta esso~ buylng 4 I maklag largsreduotious I tbueCustows buying I Stsy. ÂLL IM8fltJMENTS slro An gmesesud 14I) i trected to otier uss. arao,. It is.Mlau n ctabllsheti' lirre ï; i ~mii lugondi ours. à Acl"ocrlrng ta cure sick. i10 uQit pt la lelft wish ma KLtY 'pere;O21 L Carry ont thei .-er's ,Ilrrctiorus, 'tLîo ggm in tit . Aîîkl, 01, tiai differcuce0 Ils 1i tlîtway oifeOluiug imm ' ltavlng t ; ln opening, ml ù iit ; ilu haudllug Oa ior. withli»t spilling it, i eloppng.'ît pver, nons but a ylah sick pesnaougbay knov. ,it las onely thi. iympathetic lit for the.offce of nurse. or» nurses, asuIlionaree la- anti posta. Gentie, soft- santures, Who lluothndsuao. ttht-ir vory pivasue., ouip jbeerfal robas sand bcamin~ Ileinbrocluig ehsnty, vii )ilame ounjauglimig nerves ro dJ word cf impatienc., wiian h ara e!aitlg, s -th ül and'pityilook sooths contieuinlug, and haipa'the Ur, jmit Asa a olteuwarm liar baba tu forget ite pain. i inflectîit of Ibe voles la kmore than a whole apoîlie. . Yaun dul, tue~nt eoraker g lhearas lu a ilek room. i tRIsas lsva ov her suc. vocaion, inatssgome -Muet Sis in telligence lu tha llfis.', We luay buy jalisg us fruitta, but whoà bas in. soi tel omblnef vif h kisti. gh'-the mices of Golconda, or~ Oru.-Unlasi taken )f f digeane, and' aven, then id wth tihe greateat esuatiofi, ai action of opium as a 2ulant, bouda rapidly intheii r uth, 1ialth, sttength sud os08 Whîo begulu Ifs eeta ýy expeette Mea ast blrfy 0the-countausuee bacomes 1 yea assguma a wild briglit iemory <ail#4 the. gait tottero, ertlon and morl courage friglatftil tropîy reducm' tha h'ig1tfiul spectacle, Who bas ve hefre lba'bas cease t re la no slavery se complts me opum-Lakerl once'lsbit-' 1seAia a foifous 'stlinq.- ilg ilil be endureti nAthar rivatiou, sud the.cublapp ,os ail the.mortification ofs a IIN of lis ovucerdeisan to MAIl Lis wlfaant ilîdren, li, for 'the. contlnuace -of- ýd anti trausiauf dlîgt,; i4ed-for atf leugtb 1h. ut.A p1roaluce i la a tem parry Of Agouy- and, finaliy, no rug wlII namore or reliea erltig whieh i t iautterly cbgleahbe.- Tii.plaasrab[.,1 ud lImaglnative Ideas ariahagA 1 pas awiy ; thhy become ainter, sud at lest enitirely ) brriti dreauscud a &pYl of death. Spotea0f ear. atut the mud-the'liglit sieamedti o. emanate fnom rivrtedtimio the gloomn of balmy loep, bas fled for su0ceeda day, only te b. neven.eudiug borror ; in.- asau, vomit ug andi total 0 baha egth btnig, with 'Out onthle corporal saie.r [0 relief te the vctim c onlmunal indulgence. gYman, whire reptîha. v as noue cf lime bout, )v wiman ldolticohr of 0 propniaty of wlipplug 1y," saiS io, qihîeonly 1 IVmppt me vos for urati yen Of Iiditi't wmw," luquirati o littie aper never takosbils s trÙeý Mny iear," su. mther ; If las, mark h liti uke hoa shonî ",-,Buihtiibnenhll me, vred the lvr bim abker manage viien ha bair nt F'I," lYsba11,1 "'No," vas; wunis. 1yotar lui it vfl oekomithou" luan 'anIs to loov i 'büih now r'?1 4 l -th, Items anti ne. ' lires li illaw. ulibo wl"fedh ,ok. Siie pute Up, 1 sutmwer, and lis FRED lïï Wbltby, Novaibar 4th, 1875. anr48 IMM GIBAT BMRDY POR which cai ho' ýcured 'by'a timoly resoî-t-'to .tuis stand-ý ard proparation , ,nsïbas been provodby the -hundreds of testimoniale î'eceîved by the propictors. -tis gçlknowl.. edgcd ly nîany pî'ominent pliyaicians to bc the moet troQduced4r th'a-re1id,,aud. cure of Lungeoxuplaunts, aidis offered<f. tfith ublic,' *satuencdblythoé xprîence ofovér forty yeals. When resoî'ted to !il senson it sel" dom faits to, effeet a speedy cui'e in%'1t10-Mostt severe cases of Couiglîs, ]3ronchitrs,' 12roupe, Wloopiîîg' Cougi, Vnlcuz, stlima, Coldi, BSorc -Th moat, l1ains'oî. Bore- nicus iin tic Chest and Side, Liver Complai1it, ]3leçing ant tiue 11ng19, &c. ,*Wiitaýrs Bidani mdoos îot dry up a Cougli, aîîd leave tic cause behind, as ifs the case with mTost l)repal'ations, but it IoosenS, and Cleanses the Ins, and allays irritation, thué î'emoviiîg ticcause of the complainà t. PiZwà AED 27 FRTE &. O 8018 ON, lZes, Mas. BEATTY'S RAI Agents wantaS averyvhere,'mal, or lama. Addroaa, DANIEL le. BEA!TTY, Waahing. ton, N. J. A EXCELLENT OPPORTTNlTY To0laxcuas A S-PLEýNDlD HOME.STEAD- couîaining.about 150 ACR-ES! of first.class la a,à * 'oIltaVlaea Pninteas anbrsd well. known as T'HE DR~. FOOTE -FAIRM. The Subscribairs hava eau enauthonized by by the owner, Dr. Foote, teo oSer the abova minable property for sale, belag composil A he Slouth three-qnsrters of Lot No. 16, l 4Eh concession ni the b' r' ci TOWNSPo0 REÂVEH 1 Contaluing by sSnaoasurement 150 acres ai obolcesland, tBave ana excepi about ibra. AMIa ll te the Port Whlfby * Port Pemny Rallwaj Comnpany. Tiare are about 180 A cr ameSamaS in a good miche oi cultiva. tion1 thée balance -ha coverad vlfh Rad. iroon limber. Thor@amara rect@d on th. preanluas a Frame Dwellng Rouse, large and comînadlaus Blarns, Stable and Ont- hanses. This. chance ai .saouring one of th. mp#a d9sirable HomentstadInuthe Province afiOstaiao 01dar h tenine Iboa> seoaki hme-fu thaeiai t ieeof thu inal progressive portions af the Do. minlon arm v.liboral. Titla indis. JNO. & D. J. ADAMS. port Fery, O.h.' 5g b8. 44.t p ORM WHITBY A»D POTERRY 'EXTENSION' BAIWA T.' -TIME TABLE No..- 18. - Tikfî efteot ou Wodaqsdsy, Dec, 8,18Mi. Trainsn"n by Toronto tilma vhich la ivon- t y-hwha minutas slowar tian GT.Rtlme. WIMtby .........Separt 10.50aj.. Wb . .........1 00am 5uul................. 11.88,m ..... 12.00sm -pert pérry ........... arrive 12.15 ami. Foter. ~Tams ,. .lSapntI.00 a. 6.a.m ~Div9N5~..............7.00 ae 4. 17.W0 &M. Sns. 17» . . fà kdArWEC,ýWHITB Y5ý 'YOý e tfRilto be n 00 ~ooiiand Bedroom nSets, bhy ofinspeption, a astonishing low! Ix à soiTblesL. eyspro xeFrmf'niâ mi every style. Borne for osale. to uit ,eIat4met , .well appointed WM. TILL. rNAT EAÀSTO0R E. Have just r"eeed the lýarýgest>, beati assorted, and cheapeilt stockof Crockery, aiidG s érever offered i Whitby. Iu China, Stone anti Fancy Tea Sets. Ia China and, Foney Dner'liete. ?"O ln China, Sto#eandFny 17eti> in .Parlour,., Table and,. Iedroom Lamps. In Glass-Fruit,'. Cake anti Trifle Dishes, In Goblets, Tumblers andi Wino Gînsses. lu 2'Table; Sets-Allân iNew Pâtterus. FANOY GOODS FOR PJ3,SENTS, lu Cups, Saucers, -Mugs, Vases, I<oys, &c., &'c. GIBBoON & SPAIIVELL have ail kintis of- Choice Family Groccries, Best Toas., Tobacco, sund ail kinda of Faucy' Pipes, Hanîs, Bacon,,Lard. -Opatera of thé boit brauda. alvayç on band. The higlicat market pries paiti in cash for any quantity i otiD'se Hoggaâ, smaill Feue, marrowfat Pense, &». At 4GolD GIBBON & ýSARVELL'S. 1Whitby, Dec. l5th, 1874. -FASHIONABLE TAIL ORING 511- Go wh4ere you eau get a Well-fitting Gar>nent :-To the Tà ilôring-Establishment of -GE-ORGE, GURLEY, 'OSHAWA. SUPERIOR CUTTING SHAPE S THIE W011K1 A Large Stock of Fine Clothe; beaSt Englit3h, Scotch and Caniadian Tweeds3. 0- Excellent Overcoatingsa nd Splendid Yest Patterns. A good fit Guarantecd. 51 GEORGE GUIiLEY, M Kug Streut,,Orliawa. GENT'S CLOTHINI AND FURBNLS H1 IG (.3,O0D 8 GI For Superior- Clothing suitable- for Sumîner weax try the Clothiug Store and Merchant Tail- oring.establisunent of 1JOB 0- T- 1.T :91MI Ri GU-TSO0 NT. l DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. A GOOD FIT AND STYLISH C UT WARRANTED 1 Gent's Fuimnishing. ý Goods of al Hala andi Caps, Umnbrellas, &c., ý,Whitby, July 27th, 187». Boots kintils, including Shirts, and Shoes -Oua I.78s STOCK COMPLETE INý ALL UINES 0F LADIES,' MISSES' AND CHILDRENS', 'ALSO", 1N MENS,' BOYS,'1 CUIYOUTHS,' Remember-that KIR is offern RBUBBERS AND O VEILSHOES, AT 1WHOLESALE Pjj, Ladies' Rubbëro nt 40 cents pe r pair. OVEIR$HýOES ! - 'OVERSHOES! Mons' Overgh9es, a $1 26 per pair. ~ Bem~âber -that Kirk repairs al Wbi4iy and Oshawa. Brook Strset,'ÇMI B pékseller and, Station, Lieusedfo L. Fairbanks, Jr. E. H. amerou.. C. Moore. Donald Roas.. T. H. -Wsl WM. Goîdonl. James ,Dlby Jr... job *;"skl. ... 0. flaon. . Thomas Tucker... Dan. Wsa John carr. James Briggs.. ÀÂ. c. usbaud .. yJmes Elackwell... Fahita M.Govrn... John Gilligan.. 'Whitbyi Jan. 187 Bouth Ridig 'of Ota~~jigi aud sparýate' Muioipa4ities iu the latter. Wbitby. por h.T Toraho,... PEDLERS FOR4-THE -CO. Oshawa...... .... On tOOt .... Broobin ........ 1 hors ........ Non.Bgsident .... 1 hors., <Jouaty.... do. ... 2 bosses. Cout.. do. . 2 hossa, Caunzoye,. do. .... 2, horçee, Oonnty.!. WM .--LAING, MIYNXCWALIft. Feb. li, 1876. Rab. lot, 1876 June 28, 1876. - Sept. 20, 1876. 221976. l e SIg j 1876. Oc.21,1876. Oct. 26th, 1876. Ct. 8th, 1870. Oct. 28th, 1876, Nov. 1n0,11876. Dca-oudl 1870. »c 1 1876. ONTARIO. p187&. 9th Dec. 1876. 1411' hDeo. 1876. ;8f'~ 1976.. Co. Treasurer. South E4iIng .. 'Mxars.......... Thorh .. do ...Z ..r........... Souh Blding. uzbridgoé.... NetRdng. Beach........ 2 This Hots f situaiti in the central portioWiof the city, convenieni te the whoieao s lestoblisimeuta andi public baildingi4stanifor> tourise sud cotmurci4 travellera is a moat eliguble situation-','Pliehe bas o been thoroughl re-organizad sud ro.fumuiahed Iirùouot, snd in fitteti up in t a moat omfontnble aud f"ihfnable style, .qnlîl to auy firat-ess house in tiie minion. Tii. beddis 'And -drawing-rooms ors large anti niry, and t e bost sauitary regulalions are obsarved. TPie larg e nd coQvenient somple rooma, for the. accommodation of Commercial T'relIons, are commodions, aud conveniantly locateti ou thes firt iflat, Omnibusos and Carniages naa ready for the accommodation cf guest anrriviug by aIl the tanins anti ateambonts, anti'à Iea ta convey tlîem ta, the dep ta anti wharves on lcaviaîg Oea. Keun dy, forxuerly of Quee's Hotel, Owen 8ound& Manage-r. Telegzrapi flc. in connection vih t bis Bouse. TERMS,1 '-si- 5 0 FER DA. Whlitby Has just redeivu ment of F'ancy Go prises a great inan~ value Pharmacy W. 3.SMITH id n opiened Lsuitable -for the New, ilntsome a Large and Choice assort- Holiday Season. The stock cors- anti Useful Articles, anti splendid Frencli ToilcI i3ottles ina Bevellei Fancy Boxes, Plate Glass boxes, cntirely new, Fancy Baskets, Golti, Silvor ant i ut Smdelliiig Panses anti Portmonnaies, e ]3ottles, assortuient, extra cheap, Pariae Marble Stat tary, Albums, very kow, Bohemian G(lass Vasos, Glove, Handerchief and Cd Lubin's, 'Atkiuaon's, Rimmels and< Choquei Boards, Domiocu the.Crown Perfumos, Portrait Frames, Tiet' Sets, PaigCrs Ladis' CmpanonsGame of Old Maiti, Gonls' Dressing Cas és, Ink Stands, Necessanries, Ink Bottias, Jel Boxes, Sootchwooti Sets, Faine,' Pearl anti Tartan Card Casi Writing.Desko, Walaut, Cigar Cases sund Boxes, Wniting Deska, Pap er Machie, Cigar Stands anti Boîters, Hair, Tooti, antiNoNil Brushos, Meenschaum Pipes. Dressing Combe, Tobacco Boxes, 18 vanieties To LsSands, Gents' ncw, , Tobacco Ponchos, Fancy Trunka, i Ninepins anti aiaice colleA Papieterres. Toys. 'Also a'Ilarge 4riety of other goods and novelties. 1: eCal nrd, Examine- Ouir Stock. Dolicoinhen 1lt, 18ý'5, asplendid llar sots, lctian of S. -W. B. SMITH4, Late Jas. H. Gernie &i Co. John sto,4 S8e/f « Baking Boa per. AWARDgD THE FIRST PRIZ 'E. At the Prctvincial Exhibition, Toronto, in, 1870. We offer to our ~ustomners for the coming Flarvest, twodis- tinct Machines, ývhidhin ustyIv, and construction,1 Mbrc the lateat an most useful- improvemen.ts of the ýday. . JOIINSTON'S I NGLIE SFiLF-,IltKI NG REA PER TH: " RING 0F UREAPRS."1 The univeérsal sucéess of thig Machine, both in closely conteet- ed trials and in the hang 1 of the formera, warrant us lu sayiug that, es & Slf.Rak- log Reapinz îliuie, i, bas more good points snd lesa defects, aud bas met w'lb more succassansd less f4ilirc. thau'horetofor. offerud"the publia. CAYUGA1ý JUNIO-R MOWER.,' WRe were awarded cas Exhibitio.p, held lu'1 manuà factured'i lu 1h. Pro iuglp challenge inivegtifp sstlfie tip sioli;nve: offer tbe boit hfower ta 1 r> the Firet Prize and Diploma, at theprçvunl. acian and oavraa witb ah smà bos es t gation vill convine oyupaidcdme, a.he Fariner for 1872, blinl the Dominion, jlieud le s ,& ? , T ~ 8 x omsý & r,, ~ANUFACTURERS 0F eARRI4ES ANDSEGIS DUND 8 TREET ., .WHITBY, ONT. Hav e ilow on aud large stock -of ar 'geBU~gea Bleighs Ctr, whiex for style anti finish cannot be eee. (1Ey Ailw]llbD sold at co#t<Alworkwaa-ted. 'TOUS kNEWPOeTe, WhtbyAtînut25h, ~s. ~ . . w bibyg, o m Most respeetfully-$î ý*eir 5Yindi4a* r s kee ' u w.itIÊ tlîë times, 'an&i nate - i getting a 01 andi 're noWbenrlýeveraliSnUidr MF.L4.LN ER YMYA DE A SPSCIkT~ The same Miur empployed *ho tbtindrhe-Pist ' -lê wmMant1es tnade by Taioôrs iu Germiny, SEpIe d4-V-ue.1- Il4à .Clothingý-Re"ady-made ýand made 't-ý order, pst O 4oti'cO, inti loettyles. An excellent assortment of Geuts, Furniingé, l'a à SJÂ ondrQ-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~t mr1 ra ~Rt~ .~.i a G Wbitby, 8h December, 1875. JUBI-L --É à ~ ORGAN CO'~., h OR GAN S. NORVILLE lhas ,them-Splen<dldid Istruments---and, wieie4l.tbem a rct1~ iisurprise, yopi. If pou ever eOxpeet; bbuy onÙe. nowifa he lime..B uet i.m albf ag" od sotmn of Clooka, atwhclesa1e Prices, to Close oùt thre lot.Cdk,-ace, u'*1 Ha. W. NOIIVILE , D)Undu sStreet,i 51 Opposiite t Office. JUS T 1RE"C ÉIVED AT A ýLarge and Sel'ect -Stock of- Cloths and Tweeds. FASHIONABLE .TAILORII46 - AT __- ,DOMINION FI RST-CLASS WAEROOMS. DRESS-MAKING, - AT - DOMMNON WAREROOMS. IILLIrnRJY- -AT- DOMINION Wl4tby, Dec. Ist, 1875. WAIREROOMS.- LOWES & POWELL. Haeon haud, at their Merchant Tailoring Est&blishmet', A mueli larger and better stock tbhuusal,- em>braolug ail THE NEWEST CLOTHS AND TauIMN. For gentreinens' Clothing ; and as they are gvigtheir 'wiole attention ta tic Tailoringbýu'siaoees,' they aré ila aposiion ta do itýj botter tisa ever. Whitby, Sept. 801h,185 A.&.R. PRINGLE'.1 FIJINITUIRE! FIRNITIrREI:! *-000 Now is the time to buy good« andeha Furrnture. Having bouglit out the business lately c arried on by James H. S.amo, we take this opportunity «f iuviting bis mâny friends to give us-.a eaU, and we eau aùSsiire a that we are prepared to do as well byz them.n lu the-utr as Mr. Samo lias doue in the past. TILL- & JOHNSTON4 Orders by mail promptly attendeédito. JNDERTAKIlN.G.-.The: onyfirst-; clase Bêta huisliluthe County where funerala are fui- ly supplied. -Wbitby, October lot, '1878. TI LL. i66JOHN.STONI' 'o.1y BOOT AND, SIIEEMOil aRoO01K ST R EET, -WHMTBY. '-o- ~ONN"$A U NDE ]4rgstock, Latest Sy ~1She~uTow DA1 ýBF EATT:Y, WsbM onr 1 pAENqTg5FOBInMENTIONS; ortto,-'arintsea - fer ~P4fl*T1c~nu. .Agency Wfn.opsà Mý9c tan years. GIRIST, :C1fawar Canalk. ,Mschanicsl Engineer, Solicitor cifPatents. and Dà aiehtamsIL 8 T0NGi7W'ý- Parler:Oigans are ranketi .by emWint prmu oin as : the islivl ra nov in xst. For the Cucab~ Sohol, 1od3 orParlr tgy iATe' no su. -Perier truhu h oM V bleg ,,'Y gnanûfactuei ta equsi Ibhm for uveiït. jus& unldiw mnêf t-WB: Wie ve.. no agntnv v lUÃ"sa Wot-4ubng te boy:ths Egénfl l discopai. Agentswià ita To the Inhabitants -of DuffmeCrçek and Viciîit>' »iiicbhr's,$hop in Mr.W$CÙhbes; IIiemw mpeSeDaneaa tehudisplays oi Be4 LPark. ai 'avi1-avar ~efersLto lthe Public., W*Easikl rkpes1 Com» one, camoin@ ,mats swthiiig. t'O doyog Whu!btby, Decnber 8Md 1875. 52 E. J. HALE d-BON, Pubfisherap îMuaySt., N. Y., Arn aovwiasulug, ta subscribera only THE TITE ADDITION, 1h. only fuyflualmted Ed4iloa c THE WAVE-RLEY NOVELS- ai AmasJoan niai.everofferedia hi. public. 01fhu, iaxho ai mWalln- Scoat it lu, ci couss@er-unnacoaaar sy peai. Gi 'Uae.styla- of Manufacture the vqWPltunuw ov iady- will inusvea *foryor en T ve'."eI ay. thlb w Y .rkEening Wi'vY ton aiibetaail 'good qtllla 'e Forty.eighi volumes, avorog!rg 40 pages aach, ana conteiniingaeulT-c.iv7 hofaead. .jllustraUib,wiUooînpete the seniaa. Tva ,Y o l u e a i a a e d = O n t aY . Fourteen Voluîmes now Ready. Hall Turkey.Xmoccoý,ilt top; -2.9 CHAS. IL DABNEY, Gaa'l Ait Caro B. lo k Son. 17 Mnny St., N. Y. Sept. 2Oih,.1875.- * Agents Wantad Mi evny Towuaiii Wn"Ontaihosltii. 'omou Pze MedlOrgan à anufacr- anti George-Stock anti Co.'s Pianos. Specal inducemeuta vWiuib. giron -t fiit-claua agents anti lubs of. tire. or four wishing th purciase., Any number cf besfimonialsin favor, orfbbose tirs uongansc au 4efunh-- aS, but au thay are se witiey nown- graanunmbrîiiingbesold thrugh.- Ube Domninéd hvnrisatis. libarâl - . and.i - andit player, ;t Variety, e810c1 7n, cheap foir ts o ID UGGAX S * BÀ8WSTE15 BOLICMTTOB CONVE J. Dnoo.s&x, Q. c., THOX TOWN OLE] S URGEON VT Bpson Sire, Wau. BRI the éeaR. w Wiiitby, over Mr Omide Gas admix traction af teeth. -C, N. Teetb extracted local aumathe4a an's nev bIock, c King Street, Osb BUILDEB .1 DUND. JOHN * GENT FOI Po 3 Oc-n' -I eic soetn ot i PaosciOff-Ui aheash Jmes, oi L n Vlrk ine'is -kc., Âthenly. dC PUS. CA13 physiétians, SurIV Wbitby, Sept. s0 $120, per pair. - 110, do )worth,8:00. 0.f!Boots an -AA a ý Whitby, 8th Decomber, 1875. BR 00-K -el Ame il- -1- > 1 - STREE'T*, W;HITýRIYI.i'