Whitby Chronicle, 17 Feb 1876, p. 1

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DOMINION D4WJ(x.. WHITBY Â-GNO'Y,' quYey *. ORT F.I8T CMoNT. , T.MIAKE, - POPI~R mm Co Attorny. 48- B »& 2TinCLè*" Note Pulioe%S&e. ,WO 17 Ql C54LESC.KELLER, ATIOBNÊfT»TLÂ'W, SeliOiTÃ"R, IX lhaney ,oneygneu, d&o.,annng. torn, (<GdSkf LeUs ~fAERI0TElIAT LAW, SOLICITOR INi 000eStre.t, obhàva.« U. YOUNG »IJTUl L. B., 3 A.RRSTBR, ATTQRNEY.AT.LAW, .LSolleitor Lu Ohaneey a uov, lottry publié , k Me Block, Brook étreet Whitby, Ontario. A- Go çi~LN <LaIe Graonwood hMellmn 1)ÂRRISTER, Â~RR5SLO jtor, Notary Public, Conveyaaoer.Gf fce sB72ý1l8txse, Soiaîh of Pos igloo, DUGGAN kROBINSON, SOLICITORS Jix CHÀNCBBY, OONVEYÀNCERS, 4de.. Couit r iz-a;Tovowro, J. D uocu<, q. c.,. J. G. BoJIIWSoN, x, A. 09 THOAAS USTON, T WNOLEIiR /AND TRBABERI, TOWhltby, Offiee-Town Hall. Hour,, f romj 9 to 1o'olock4, B. J. atUNM, M. De, 1iURGEQN TO TIE COUKTY GÂOL, SByron Street, Whitby. Wm.Me UCRIEN, M.00 n-ne , C~y7'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG.,.» 4h.,. R . O. E. t., Oshawa, Ontario. Wo: AtAIÇiN ~ )ENT19T . (SUOCES- D %We b W. K. C*rd.) Dental :nïms-DunAai Street, Whitbl over Mr. Jamneson'a Store. Nitrons Oxide dù admînlaered for the painlese ex. traction cf teeth, C, N. YAKS, Le P. 8, ÀÈJ1EET1H lnooea ou al the -à latent prin2ciples of the art, as* epmth hsot and se goasethe Teet4 uxtracted wibhoutjait, by prodccng local anothossa.Donti Booms-ln Cov. an'a znew block, ovor Atkinabu'e Drug Store, King Street, Ouosha,, 85 BUILDEU AND CONTRÂCTOR, SDUNDAS &T., WUITUY. 9-13 AU order, pre.mptly:oxecuted JOHN RODINSON'U fLYAâR DRESSING AND SffAVING SLL alcon, Brock St., Whitby. JOEIN WOLFENI)EN; GENT FOR TEE CELEBRATIBD A Scottlsh Granite. At Marle Woikw JOHN. CARWruE&, rCBSEDAUOèTIONEEP FO1R TRE Reidence-Lot 8, Sth Concession Markhamn. pont Offce-UniontvRle. sales attended on thije shorteet notice, and on reasonable terme. 'eedie cW4 biade and bilas prated at the Caoructz-Oficefor Mr:. Carter.. (qEolîE -CORMIACKC, L UIBER MERCHANT, CARPENTER L u&,Ziner, Green Street, Whitby. A large 4luatity. of al kinds of lumber con. stantly ohnhaud.. FI E.ODELL, A TH E R L Y,ý Clee*,Dlvlslon Court, Tp. Clerk, t5ommliquer lu3.B. R, Land Agent, 1o., ko, Âîhsôrl7, onuty Otario. Alleer-rfS Ett. 2d, 1872. 8 Physi e lans, Surgeons, Accouchera,.,&o lVhitby,8sipt. 801h, 1874. d etamro, .OQp Mâa~ bllng M con. GEORGE -BROWN, PROPRIETOB. ThiasfipW-lasbougee bus beau ne$y fi-ý ted ,up sutreauvahod t4hrobo,îIasai- forde superloz AMoÏmiiodatio Ïor tîecop. tion cf guuta ,Tue preni t p Mptor bas1 *=V ipîiwm«t-bàt ouatend ho tbïg Toronto, low M' 87. 29 *(LAT b aoW Bou.) WHHITY, t»iYT eiO. roins.&Ut ra. Bilr rm ooe.n BiI!IS MBAN T CX AN HTOTEL, (L.WI?3 3550 nOAT. W.ITBY, ONT4R. Paoti"tàue the rina eang fouttes wihave ghomd pulta lu drec l seorerr hrecetono et.Auoniu t n (&&m mitrlu. matclasasuî bre AT WRýBT»DT, STTIO TAL.& 'NEILL -PROCPIETOBS. PTe s ntaluidn lb.rn a<n 1aviý&hor -iiLaethe vei tat ey ae tkeir ti i ootEs.TeEBT, whiclthe ond fried in theuiithatiltey havple taken the fenest brande of vinea liqUors. and ci- gars. Ample encloied ah;d moot. and good stabling, box stalle, &a. Detacheti roome for commercial Iravellers. J. P. TAYLOR, PFLIIP MeCANN, lieé of Toronto. TORON TO. The mnoat Elegant, Costiy snd Perfect Hotel lu the Dominion. This Hotel aclcuovledges no rival, sither in itlsmanagement, appointments or lôca. clou. In the latter respect il affordils t giueste s cbarsuing sud nuobstructive view ofLake Ontario. ta" The fdneet Wsterscape vew ln Canada. Il ban 2M rooma furnished witb &Il the modem lioprovementa. McGAW & WDîNNTT, 40ti Proprietors. A RMSTRONG IHOUBE, (LATE ALBION,) WHITI3Y, ONTAIZIO. E. ABMSTBONG - PROPRIETOR. R OYAL, OTEL, WHITBY, ONT. A. HINDES, Ju.,- PROPRIETOIR. Commodione Sampîsr-roomi. -Omnibus meute ail trains, 27 yvTHITDY HOUSE. DUJNDÂS-ST., WHIITBY. (WEST OY PORT 0772E.) JOSJEPH A. BANDEL, FRUOFRIETOR. erhie bouse bas bean recent!ybutl la1. n om, n ltdu I le.le Mee cq. snu= uss5a * iae*ôsag e - . à pP1y bo-, * Boek.,Whl. t Tw a,l1aseavox i 00m t i ely, AU& Ma>' 08th, Im.L 104 over0Wle cah AT -ONClE.. ~ SWLEEHoEu, ÀALLOKRNZbB, M. P., T'he ubcriber desires ho mite thaîbekam i ip t lb ~maope-alte ysB~1ZA a ~ar ofpuli psîr o"s ick, of QAIAe 4000 lis ol ani vli a'audaadvoipn, 4T TRE IsTUoleantin- mrons proeri> L (~LN ~ - MLLI sr:dorIbrs ma sot oua5 esci£.l 800OOflee Plue Lumber, v e muon@&i Floorlng, :2x14 Sstllng, 2-inch Plauk, *FeunigBoards, 100i0100 foot of Ok, - MaË1 fer aies, lot quelt>', 4~,0f. Squae lmber *AUl ofvl vlh e le eheapfior cash. liHom aelteo ogoay. bhat lie Griot mim iia rwung,a si.doing rut-claaa vork. Oboppiugdoue Otisys lu the week, for ever>' SE. MAJOR, ýDee. 111h, 1878. 611f GOOD> NEWS FOR TIE LADIES. A NEW 1UEVELATION IN THE SCIENCE OF DRESMAKING. NORTE BEITISE i ECA&TL FIRE INBURANCE COMPANY L Baie, madrellable, carges modorsie, prompt GEO. TULE, Agent. WLiIby, Jane 2,1875. 23 Uv EN INSURANCÈ COMPA NY (us *AI 1,Mc) 0F LIVERPOOL &, LONDON! Lreeses 111104 from moasurement alone vithout change of a stIlce. For sale, vith free instructions, nt MIS.S McINTYRE'S DES-XAKITNG 500MBO, WËITBT. Agente wauted. Liberal iduceemute teé- t'Lo trade. WLltby, Aug. l1874. p>OTTOM PICES FOR COAL AND WOOD!1 Ail hindi of Hard sud BofI Coal, coniet. lnig of tLe celebrated LackawanaSrn ton, Brie: Hill; Blotsbarg ud thr coala CHEAP FOR-CASH 1 For qusutittes tb Blackemnithesud otheirs SPEOTAL RATES 1 Wooa, extra 1 ngt' 3 ents pe: cord abatemutOSfusealpriceos. Send in your 1Odr .A. ALEXANDEI'S Whltby & Oehawi, Coal sud Wood depots. WLitby, Angust Blet, 1875. îf.86 L IST OF TEE DIVISION COURTS or TEE COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR TEE YEA1 is176. whitbY.-1j3 1 2 1 iiil 811 -2 -il Brougham 11 2 j] 4 2 4Jo2 12 PortPerr 1:26, 1820,25'.261I 5 14 14127 U.brdp.$57 14 26 271 I6118 15122 Csnnigt'i28 l15 27 28 1 712 1121 Athierly.. .1 '17 80 10~ 19 GEO. E. DARTNELL, Junior-Judge. Wbitby, Dec. ilth, 1875. 61 Dt'Ammu-'ciPARLOIL BEATT ' I~ORGANS 1 The best of al. Send stamp fo lust oftes- timoniale. Addrea, DANI7EL P. BEAT. .Ty Washington. N. J. m AJOR MILLS. T. P. WHITE will, ou the 141h October, 1875. resumne cou- trol ofihe Major Mille, Wohe wo iUll e prepared ho psy THIE 'IIGHEST PRICE for an>' uanby of vbeat* dellverod at WLtv .1 , vil malte overeffori to gveirs factiou te those Who May paroizdtymil v iti Iheir grietiug. Flou: sud 1Feeîl of the, boit qnality, sud at reasonsbia prices, yul sso eképt cou- stautly ophsud d for sale. T. P. wHiTB. Whit"*4e, Oct. Oth, 1874. 41 P 0AN O F01 SALE 1 A bri1imuh4oued sud easy tbnci Piano, chesp for Cseb, EnqUiro at thoeoffice of thia piper. Wbltby, Nov. GIL, 187i. 4o F LO>UR!1 BRAN!1 AND SHOETSI!l1 OATMEAL, S&c. Boit- Dei lqsss Md .tiffl mevayu ounan&u.,1 S' 1T (UDRTHE E iuwit.>ij Ie5MOI, 1875. 1 NEri SToR, ,JUST OPENZD. lor lis CeunI>' of Onlane., AU bualues i<entmueîed te him vierge vIll Le carefull>' si- lende to. te, WltIly, ban. 141h, 1874.,81>' 13E ATTY1 S cauI1CHj 8SCHOOZi, Hall, Leod ge, Oficeé Cab'et Or- glbiansIsîugoe. Send stamp foc7 ciren- oar. Aduleou,, DANIEL F. BEATTY, WaFsbàtuu.9 NTJ HORSE MEDICINES. AU demer!pions af iL. bai erstRoe Metl- ,31inoes lco ceiIntly an aud audforalesta tl.hit eb>' LlveryStablea. ta-Nochubarge for ativice. IRAWFUS Havifhe Wle.agcy for one of 4leelajtrgesî fIrms ln sewTank,, I vi!w syjli'1gheet Cash price.for ayqsu>q4niI0fmlnk,, Fox, Coon, Muktý, do. HUCGT3I oBeN, Whltby, eo. ms, b,5 r L I vETa tes. ho gLfo hiq friands aand the publoc ho Le canouthe Llveryhasinti eat RAY'S OLfl RTAhT1U GIEA CALL, WM. JOHN6TON. TO Ti M. FARMERS!1 Pboughs sud Plozigi CastInge, Strpv:. Cuitera, Panang Mill, Romponis dMv ers, &,o.,Sic. Parties r3qiring cenive>snoees-coverod sud WR!. JOHNSTON. open-can b. accommodsied ai È môment'e Wbtlby Oct. 131h, 1875, tif42 notice.' Wbltb>'. Sept. el,1H P DO. 81jOKEY TO LENDI VOUN S.HOTE, . & large quanti o'f monjhoendAt loir .1. '8 MOEL inhereal, pria. endus. 8ýtw ra Par,"ai.,everul Tov ltIv rm MIONCK »eAD, D.ILTON, Hlass and a large Brick Houas. ýFor RýOBT. K., YOUNG, PROPRIETR terme,1 appi>' 1 .0OUN 7UM Reliablu luforniution reXae-dng îLecou n- 3VhiIý tb', Feb.t ,1874.' 7 tr>', etc., funed to paillisrequilrug itl --7 ample accommodation for Huniers aud ,'lUJSN'S HOTEL*, Sportsmen. Tii bar sud larder auppleIL vitL the Lest of iquoresud vIanda ta Le foundîin lb. country. Noue but-obliqingl 0 OIlA.<WýAOTR. sud atoubive serrants keph. CommotionsWM 'Y -PB 2I2 . stabltag sud prompi t ers ait ayit eLO. PÉ hanS. r I LATE. W, H. 1MGAW, * ROBBT KL YOU:NG, I s TAGE BETxwEEN WHITBV & OSHAWA.> TWICE A DAY1 Leaves -Oshawa et 8 a, m., and 2, p. m. Leaves Whitby ai 10, ea.n.,sd 4, p. m. Pare 25 cent.esclevj.ad tprwt WW Ici at althe hg .1an.e. pivt residences (wben ordere are lft at any of the botels.) Connecte with Oshawa sud Bowmauviila stage'- aIso witb tLe Whitby and Port Perry Raifwav, and with Brough- amn mail at Whitby. TOIOPR Whitby, Marh 9tL, 1873 .Il-ti BEATTY'S OGN The bout sud moat Listing parlor organ now in Ume. No other parlor organ bas ever et. tainied tbe came p pularity. Ssud etamp for circula: sud for terme 10o dealers. Agents wanted everywhero. Addrens, DANIEL F. IBEATTY, Washington, N. J. W ST N ASSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE, TORlONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, - S400,000. AGENT T5 OR USONTABCO, .JOSEVPII JOLMAN, BBOOKLIN, ONT. ,Alao Agent for the CANADA FARMERS' MtITUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Hlead Office, HARILTON; snd CITIZENS' INSURÂNCE COMP.1y, Montreal, Fire, Life sud Guarantes Departmexet, CAPITAL, - -. *2,000,000. 1BrookiUn, Dec. 2, 1872. 112149 B)LiTl.1LIt3TED GROLDEN TONGUE PARLOR ORGANS are Lighli> recoumentietib>' Prof. O. E. Enger, 11ev. A. M. Jolley, Bsltimàme, Md; Prof John B. Rowland, 11ev. S. Dom.:, Washington, D. C.; G. S. DyRarh, Bloomfcield, Iova; G. W. Robinion, Prof. Johuston, Philadel- phua, anti thoasantis of otheroseasthe boit lu use. scnd îtamp for extouded lish of testi- moniala beforo bnylug s Farler Ongan. Agents vauteti ever>rwheme. Address, DANIEL P. BEATTY, Wsablugton, N. J. c xH0OIC E APP.LE TREi A 0 0O U T 40,000, E S31 -AT TE- HOME -NURSERY, Froin tvo ta four years of sge, exbraciug al tLe beet Varieties. SETH C. WILSON, Lot No. 8, 2nd Con. Pickering, on Kingston Bosd, oit Office, Whitby. Ic;L Dllâ.l Bege ho eonnnethat Le bai removed te , King Bt., afev doors EAST '0F THE POST OFFICE, o pposte Lnke'i ihov.rcf.ms, vhere *vil Le fo fnd eestock ofi ilk and f oit- bats for ladies sud gentlemen, of Lis own man- facture. ffârav bats oog Clored sud altexed iu shape. Oshava, bu!>' 611, 875. 8 -BE.ATr]P-T Y'1S O RALN ,11 An y,ùrist-cia PAINTER ANDiLET- TERER eau gnd somethleg to Lia advan- tage b>' aedresslg the oknuiaotnrer, DANIL F BETTYWasingouN.J. VÀLUAULE PROPERTY FOR SALE. '1!h. sbseniber offars for esais he follow- Invaziblprupz$,luath. Tovuof Wb exceUeui3cck~C _.taentb Ire e soilo0, D ' 1.1AI-,W Cr um , c MNoIluebar Ao csae eud ofii p t lét l e l me i e psepartye For furthqwr par. m y the oWume c" nUwm pay<~ldncomer KasdSm If j la fi7. 17 EO. Tw A~L L ND, COMMISSION,, AND GENEIIAL AGENT, hor c aaa 3 >Iks posted ana accouinte xùàUont. 8 sciAi ttention gifon ho> the coiiection of 1oIes, Acconnts, taS Mortgages O Ee ove: R. M. Jsnieou'a, Dundaset. WmL tsept. 1, -1874. 8 J)EN L. WATKIS, AI OTI.ONEER, &c.9 &o. BALFsin DMIi oOuRT, And Genoral Commission Agent, Port G, YO UNG SMITH, 18SUER 0F CAPITAL, $101000,90o, M RAGE MOLSONS BANK 0. A. BAYNES, ESQ., M.D. licadOffice for Canada .191 & 193 St. James Street, Montreal. LICENSES,1 WHITBY, ONTARIO. C JOIlN SON, D4 ALER IN LUMBER, W H 1 T B Y, Ras on band a splecedid stock of flua clos: anSd vol seauuoneti Lumber. AU leteea for ca8enter sud building rerposes. .FLooring and Dressed umber alwuys ou' bancl. Groos s pîaneng Mill adjoenceg, cn tLeI pramises, where ordere are prompil>' etc uteti for doos, ssues, blinde, Sic. *Whe tby-, 201h Nov., 1875. 49-tf V LISES ANID TRUNXS. LE ATHEII VALISES AND tiARATOGA TRUNES, Sic., Sic., ut SIL LIAM THOMPSON'S, Sadler sud IHaineis Maker, 13500K-sT., vzîeucr.- Jun~ 24, 1874. 26ti 1ýNG IBROTHERS, iWHIT.BY, ONTARIO, Iln reters, Dealers sud Manufacturera nf al Hindi of LEý4 THER AND FINDLNGS, C4sh paiS for Rides, harle, and Leathor. L¶sther sînetched. tr n IELTING" MAIDE TO OliDEItON SHORT NOTICE. 1 IGHLY -IMPýORTANT 1TO' TE H.{ MUSICAL PROFESSION Chreat Succes! The Hland Guide for the Plan?. dTýe HanS Guide is the resuIt of many ca experience sud slnd>', andis warrant- ce t gave, ut least, six moufle, of thee tedi. ou, rirercue practice of the Piano. il wllçveathhad a pure .flocngec- gi isdîefingers grecf cndeperednce ant strcngt h. 1~ wll ieach the flugîrs ho strike apon the ends. I b wil beach tIce hanS quictutie while tLe niu ers are employed on single passages. vili teach wriat or octave motion, aud iu Ihua Compaling quet on the part of the func ion*not enploye ; tend ho inlensif>' the exerie anti ierease greatiy the devel- opInet for hLe oxercise te Intended. "hoGuid i ammanlte d l fi n>'square ps,asud is.at once simplA sud ît:ong. Ned noi Le taku <from th.eiaobeing 9ving belov vheu not moquieeI veut te an>' address unpoci receipt of tLe nerked price, vith lun tions. I eracîxi. PI lun Custizegs, WValnnt RoSi.... #4 00 Elegaut plated Castings, Rosevooti Rode.................. -.....6000 N.B.-Teaebere are epecîfull>' InviteS te give thein a test as te ihelr qualification. Appu>' te Professe 'r.G. C. WIGGINS, Wbitby, or Professe,: C. MOTLEY, l3owmavMle, .Sole Agents. ýitLy, Juniuar>' 151h, 1876. 4 LOTSLEFOR SALE IOWN 'O0,74 WHI'IBY. Lot No. 10 in Section A., front ou Gravai, Lo ~oNo. 10 inrear on'William St boINo. 8,2n xoçk St. 0 3LtNo , lu rear on William Street, S ilou C. leproperty of the late W'*i am Lv re ce. Application to e m zade to îLte un.; T. STEVENSON, Kiuasle., YEOMAW GIBSON, 29~ Whitby. NONET TO LEND. ndarigneil Las anyainof Mou- ýy Land upon Fermeor Town Propr>'> aI -an aub. nepsidin sue boailbor- everal Improed Parmi sud Wil a tedh cm si ciesp. vestmeuismalL MM JAE OLDEN, Offi4ssiee,~Br o-, u, PIE-vatle hmilo R*,M- flee wmck(bfe Thol te fgpli ages fte Ion Ca léIfharudiseralis à.p9o * efth Imoldsanysud leitn tac.î zb>' usain othed ari T hpylditje AButieethonu bet posud strght 1 Fiouofrne tùs-uhlop'vààeebaater f Ducay pansthe on iv>'neraers ,- v And il t lim ~t engt i hisg, heso nntdqui thé,ieep.In 4a ori$the -th.ps, a lo *ngh hetrseoad, pos( aterljhpl Ferm. ~ ~des "', sI- was fireqehlyg'sa n ewrckra h m .p ye W se asse , t i bi s o w c 1Le nIL, y s.t it 7nl -,Twrclsci huud; fed théclimd -Liia ery loni sud aurydemouratioe oswrc W in-Ilue ownoroftho farm-deri.aarent>luhéaspt ad akigshah in t;apoag And l. "wlvti'7hi re ureardollars- nort, L. uortle.eas trn patof a - oern efCo' pace couln meaut, ga anAtant; Fr oudnring'",ths uoyaee leti' eu oa I did nsot, fou yr sea-ýý,ýý11 bumoku I11'ptence vasenrslyoxhksauter ofIavioronal'. îl houe vieelewansnu clae àetroaine qsuiyeot sud aeseceain a aqnio coutîueu fiv roma; hon laning Lecasof mo e rswitn ng'audarfenforere aI~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~yls &L u.ulig, eeo Is'dited 1 tht mme uarter, ai oarieîl prope Bueandolanea; udd alyAeringy.one nigthi, I hook mety &ia ýfan gsd aurvyingthefielis- ud Le vod, oI nt reailenîiy 10f ýthe pig, a ntlentw wleih mde p mrnefif>'.cre inU, eeiîLe poin therSe ISapotsip tand- t>reàpy'"S'a sIvey coWnTwelnb thatias dauos-unamlténrl.Osën ato ts oQ noarng1' Dothan îLeoewhatehlh ard.t-egsdexrigai L iraiu plccst e ? er esd hcl vsau isng hao ae îe leours openýon Lia 1 di no, o corse; bt lokig a Mypat e e s ct ,ly i eus. * f I in slyï mhaiue,50. Ps an cts eering ctrefnlly luto 1h.dgearinis Igaeitqià "on yq niu-fv o v hon paidbmi 21 beyocduse ofonc'esiscutidoent uoth- h vëiiiotpa-nf ah out-buedindigani>'. "Ye of aug bs ie e a thregusaie quhrter.d hielua prpa izasdvu; for I ; on'tdo ino pyateof blclyèe nihIthouglet pi-closa"e i othve audhecf tradir ndte ai, il oldand Ceutifsîpile of tacthM luberinduries a, waec mae ty-s eundtyrewus ial er eypoinweeI Havigsgane- soey eo i u ndrt d cash oideswati'av inpu nthus for oeinu -detes driug he aing Wa î onintýtoo n it Sil ICe." tre~ n e h e ilowt vite ùc rsd hebentie uring îLredadolier>' s lI olaof back to possiblhI va out h hmezwokl, wich îooPpi.ice ie a efu d, îcnthe eonnd os t'I, s dea va>', Luras on; ontnei 0lk b a-dntioltscr fatehinou, *euigled vgit a clo se ei ftro kn l elong radal,orspr, whide pprnty ut a ,fe yads di. erin uhi wah reouintcrveow vas cd-ondeetedl, t'ant udee rc$d ymvmn.On.moefre vile snguar>'irrguar~)5Of0W SilenglIce oterier by a igl el ikao hi ltrougl ashavasides t 5 Coput- I lstedfor reptintio ne IL. soada hlm, a à inho ts laesîhsd gi, ua u-i qutesiutahih er leathrly ans 4le swaen dr b eugliie sudfstaliosec'a ho,>'adoif osidble wsiabeut a trs.auexpres ofic m o plac inva strucsb>'t o un- t m gain, ud nov otesud a-ofVLumanean w*y mested scl one direcaltoafan iotratm'na, inolsluoiyunaimeth I, mrorenthseon edab orwo, Lut ere îeumberaticîf. 91 di. h îammth eouhsteul iftiglr igt e-loft ri leasî Ione oeror el mitesik' m e sOudhd vieva tH upf,&sîsoo lieaned fuor Il upeon of ath, svnas hLman e phbareetidfrthi apeaainen;asud. endileson ich eiee l gioom, ued, gltsd a treallofa at.sr esist, s Ihong1ety Lea opinut Ieuîghtoed eoIbtanssotadtshattere ci ofvaceustui1y oistuckbyth u- tneiilidux ber Q n>' mut, viclvuald t i-oLn. L qhuietreenît>'of ieels whitougixe. qieco ti toreve posBtioofliheir .p 1nex l or eTeiecro vei n onac iretiehon por oonslantly on îeropposiat sia'cf'tea mrderon forel sou areconl.urly, su but0 mauy te l, or wasolot!> lak tiailsd eLae costl hefinro, stowrm>' metaoFitosenrmreiue,1mn. an ie versateneveucs. îcs lonSii-b ora. aemomheent, withe an oniale Lehr. Wi pacd n feuiug hoap.,a le mondcheneotovintupiebod>theI arn conmie, tad je bis promad e, oncs IthugahharpBt houlthtI ih im painly eabtou hatIefod ms uni appnstantly ma s8uupicions glanc is mnnuing f rreinittewpit c ring un, he rouexend teconerbi tnLe.ous e sd~atimggugwhlia payanS uberýt u- dl'oe Tlehort-astoneacptrently ionpe- teral gswngthiiophisiteosida, ointea Lsd I 10 fored wgleielesd -saLe a imai les r ai îe wod, sud acain a lelayudberh i tuminle til'to rs taSoblrybameled ons;frifh alepsi bnsl eai whiclut3aeentie isî Teai, lu it.for a: m~ omp, itl>' eutcfnsdpatie Iignorant geiez, igtoapuea ierahd pto whotitdiet io fod m vhchn-ava>'.s ai covnenn poitin fortingsa Bu ihoule.rdei At tirletItougle " fLt Mo Tand aps oen thisatterpiconse nc su i ead smkpit f orai end, cf do g Mbas ai rgus Ihcounrlth il' iebotuend the anpd igu, ho utteredsloud t yoll god o ki themmrterscbg maet te te alrcv.anis ainsîul'bgan the eamb lo awa " TLe resi lati îLe ron look ed tihpvaro 'nyuL ULspa hewoot, andilas bu ft fra the Ieen styaoioe irec.tio ee y lgaesath f ou.ont dsinoehteaatln Tepe tuneh-estI shoad have eit oriez ofLis ne ucp l.eLardu ofpaien, sLegsrant wia test wh w las xecti îLe pmallh cf floda bintedircinfow ifs, lee ah apk s o thlter re nnw bid o ofrhraan olwt uiggoe bestinneachcfîLefnrnpouîr'.ih a i t. c. nexfrtthemniug, at day- "Thea( lu fut, n Iuta bsequetpemith îe î voonnh tedafuua,1ispec- ofjacnlatd converstin myaunostetbe fcocarndbreak, ybgnt caml Ters seai e mta.ac tul>'rmorein >' h so seedfi o at ionwsbu fohcd that ov cairo that rcuti o îLeveraudaon a ontc Laditid ccupihe atinuot"Toe doe norio est, I mboutaîbaveîLepbemaior i ie!> nih, butroah aho "TIzelD u cvii vi w s pin Ie srawh ofertîns hih i'supor at ord he oCd memel' vha I Ldbonbefoe en No>' unit ifereut lacfles, Le umrpi ler1" ovuatinacof ethue; usmePoly waitom ithtTe n anti iispntcdevy- BThei suifalte L au thequnpalng wioohe u:- , Idently ontanan a f n il iet au t de convtestione y anLoynti il a pie anthetre fheezgth us wic Iwti ons h, cf oS, mtn or motingluyrmepicesAt ocseeivminaio c îLe umber Tald.oLu ofai Louds, athindaukftsofcantlh.in ielseif a sst igtalbt pva ofblyamanThlDat anti oerdevisica on. secawpoeeri 0orhi, beipug ve dr>' mielee hav evd « labors-yiu a fw yrds10 îe rghsa ncomeot vi ta msl>-orng an.a ontrabanl cfeel îLe t paLsd ai s nrotiMy footifèen lceth ube )i.! own dvace, o te bose nan goida wa gromt, vi eman ila cied, e for autighw frmlIcae paingathsud lnallsîLwich sur-fetid banniomalofodeur. psie.atcdo itoif pe h ardihoulau oon apizele telti gWL oolet rmv at on s wiel ofntid otipea r ring mS smobushies A loshexotiomi ai n earfy ayeumu- man savur oIf badiste. - cdt avsanlig tslfal' mn ths;ati, wsnpsingt a, wio-s avnd ty. s f hunetiolars, cash, îrtlesinlmnting er musi en, in orp c lon ja poa lbsid-alyundra eyorst pthe it, ande vermd i h aic ho Lsd ralei acoubni ofyte p,' ande m bputea "I offe t hoïaithro, wdetemitte keepsTIp ain ufo n Le ro frun tme. Wist eyn îa>' 2the- movofti. adnti ismI disiaet to b-poer. Sco "Mm L ran," reshauPend -fel aocitromebogs o l îLe timo. ad br abs uew te tke y deamtre,"Mr.Letma e Dur L eemaso vhean ollovti, I onc aneaet1 the utncie hudrtido miefl 0fin îLe dat;bance suprins. atwntoeh IeeT end, ani it is imposllefrs, c vete int fm. o utbei e flinapr toes iv en mre."o 1> pu ito inttoib>,y v lt-esntn!;lmbrn "Nueno tspapin' orhbute vealn hie eihov, v aeIl gro nutcP ryelftim o epatmoe'."II slepl vt titI ne>' .inetvia epTivinh Thn, thunsi yon or alow igur-fortwen ciieuthe ostaucenoti mpiesmoe tieone-cfthrby50a I vus fui!>' a etdreiyo ards2on m teLe sAtl thms Iedsms cfh my or.ed>'Sei vu>'r holce sain, wIhtu I va, s . rroît ring vedtnga'hi i tertiue. culthisu etiak by e veice f amn cLlugme toaringthvuein ani ccasonl lontdI c sub Le me "Yhaen bu>' yonl1ve mc ved dolareun Lufre rkio i>'ecaine Povien Ant.orovede vLnlig o camedritg imassribleone i- 1'iocti ymoigasitle setinte ; ihiier, ne in go "l' ak moe.f" nd L btut,-spthon my a>' Jo e sti ation, I ond ia on e ;te ; l'il hake il o * ereS cos ta y.nt evideuc e hie oT-odc,, vhos 0--nfvo m{omIiîlnl> une'uaIlbor en o-iung a m o Hoeleiti Leser>'emphasis iupouIlîLe word italicisoti above -.anti, Ovena88 ho tmalon. uj hs;r spoke, îurned -abrnptl>' from me, -, ed- For a moment, I vas 100 oro key tfhbe mn Casi, orseeeti o os,' ee dk tunnetiby tbiesppslling.9uuslto movebadsco bécli tevardstbe libmese--ex.cly eneLbauâd or foot;,bqi, reov rgyself I~dfui a lcoki* bouigl, as *îLoe. vhicih hse st off,mybe>'Letspeeil, wârdcvLÃœ ma b. hat bendiecing, efov mlinteis l kne "esUeIemne if .soion1 _$ ', *U previusydoitnIL.,patL sud frote= <isteer. * *'Ã"o dn -the bouse. hp -- , . Whst I savleiere il voulti Le foreigu iet "Yonv~~o Ltroatiy for nee-bavk 10 ne> purpôie to desemribe; but several yod " entinuttêi " lWll,-tien, I peropus ver. kId and otiers ivn& d. hefot vi!goei c, b>'lice nxiti-ai, tende u7fleee1t~*scouve.yed ybrl veli seuîle Lt:ah once.' hýý o tlu' bouget o evait th arrIvai of M- bId * Ou Laieeng my saseul, hLe crefalj' meheesgiztilce, fuit which'te1egiraelà' loeked îLe doors of-the bouse, after cou.';llepbén foýeiaddl to,i , ag v cea.ling the gun somevhere insiie, sud nItid ui osely obsÉ 4 i i pemsôRsn der vaxi 6fýj w.sirteti togetber for tho itation. face until ve Lad arrived W'iêlini a short thikuy thono On oui a& il>', ve repsir- disatanceofthLebhousé. -whiz, lfard, 10u-'o r l edt t e -L. ficeèof a', knvpo'ancer, vho 1w.s*Ore wiIl3l' 'zdozeu $yards cf 'lbhe Lad- examlned 1h. litlto the -properi> ' Ibld lnmber-pilevp *aatiti -b>' thé . "P';t III "ecn puirebalèti b>'Lurnete huslfj snedezîruth iu4 v t 14 t ]T pat u4 .a;v ~U 1ie~eoee ~ ôfe~2~~4 ~ Z mul, 'b,* scýk vere coveme t ul Iooti W,ta I-t io dut nhàu1u, sn a. But, upnon aremoving the a, OgUrandy a" su, snpming is Leati, vLile, a1 'w w e >; the li e voful r now rouhi ltce l"u dme,n ilear teex-ýmiue he' lkgi výas Lu îL a9- omuking 1 te binu thé e ondib ë4 otmeud Lia neck hi, vLo 1>' pnsbcd me back, say*Iug,' 0, neý; you needu't do tihI upoke, 1 fancie ' d-thai mome*- âe enuncistion vwas fa.milian. uh'i inspection vas enugh; ne> eyes vere -fixetispon, expresaion,.oftemror., of vili ýpt , roBs ever-y lineament- Rionvh, on.medrig cfbiod, i identiifieti asilîzat ou l'in a dead man 1" Le ex- ins aoutier voice,ase I began semingl>'. boiplees, -under a> can;. Lurmaun#ueretehed d, quietsiLdsafeý;anthe ýet, Lurman in te tlb. h t ms beset, bru sud bleediug,I ap, vonudet bdeath-drag vt eo, b>' fate,. constail' Vha moans Ibis bookof- ter. filti alarrn, lie gbostl>' ex-' ie cm>', ieI'im a deatiminu?", y hiair beginuig 10 mise upon 1 ithese questions ran heunni- my mmnd. But 11111e limea àiscus the point. The man me, lu perl oflie. I gain to dre«s a ounis, in my wsy. Again Le thrust 'me due so," ho mutteneti "The don, for me ; so 'wbasthéîL pig me- alive for lbe resl ? s" ? iechooti, nov couvinc- vas indeeti a madman. es-yes," Lo muttereel, lu a tile houe ; "lyos, lie her- constables, nul-andte !nîtables--ie gaoler 1" 1 .",WLat leave IL.>' te do vite me?"' Le respondeel. ,ohman--that'a vhat îLe>' vith me. Thé deati Dutch- manu nder ,the lwneber- would bo neetihess te -follov- etail tie long semies cf quéo- ch ensuei. Hie tale vas imnu vas no -neamun. A n Le conjecturoti te Le a Ger- anti viom Le knevbto b. a il tradier, came te Lhia Louso t'selotigfing. The Jev's car- outuinetiljevels, vhilo s, boit s'ith- golicolu. These Lur-. throngli au aperture Lu the iutter. lu an atlompiho pnr -ltiono cf hese valnables, ho fortunate as; b avalien, sut, unlIing seuflle, te kill, thé ,a blov vitb a Lear>' trou' eizeti vith aIse anti remorse expeceliresuit, Le- Lurniotil> IL. Loti>,« viIL ils Ireasures *under tL. olti pile of vaste, os:' tLe galo-the frozen )revonting s'Lett 'er grave. île te, endure a constantviev me cf lthe fatal teed, Le bar-, d Lia fsim for v>eateyer cash" obta*nanti endeavoéure4 ho p aiés ?cf ooeco e niti ésf tLh cl>.Buit lu vin:' le etemine tg ýur>'bine- IoL V dlteuof îLe oéxtreme, n& >vLile cn 1 hM - jone ho teêideni ofîboî,-rain -top%-- tîLe scene ofLis crime. Te omrying.-aI heoldlumbeW ag anoyti e, meL boe dday sftdrvardg--i.was ti hztd bauntet ie neigbbourl ,- cite Mastes d4âtb, i;n b iLrms.uýeguuj,vb.n it enduré et uik-eé le l e l îïh, MD 2vhero lb. deeti had'bè lmn 4. ziffe aneffort 10 vbu'e,ùcde lY'as- e ;uoalo h Q ertierem'th !umed th' slep aie c, onlaining ever 1sn3pý-nu4 noaXwk. no, ofuiý sud mpulckina' yoa hà your gneit,",sald Pllip; sa e '1 gOio lthelb - un ," Nover mind Limi," said Oie strtenger. "SeHo laovrn agry fromi preparing fog lb. Inatle .frienui;,bal goueraily>'l M!ýtured 'of zmon.' . AftemtLey ad reacbedtheiL Obenantia zia gooad wife setl. lte' e Lad before lice strnger, ÀI b> co ltJoeviale is r ii t h abéatr malon theii ts a neWas to sake, visu ses- jàü onB couanle-luiù; jsad, behtg ôverkpn Ly a étize olcarts 'g-oiug id ithenexi -tov, vii thue b drivers ' of Wbich-0en âew, ho g4ied permis- Alon for- the strangen r 4e,' aud Lit- ding Lei Goa' pe," , hoy ,parteti, after the _lranger bail auked'fer Oben'mi am.Oben tbarneetioff tehes ork, andi Lu:&,ev tys, bail.forgotten al about thL. strauiger. Aubumin -p ased avWAY, ematinlg 'Winti em àLgate epread bis manseeOf ice suid eov over t l au& -Chriat- mas vas ccming, and- ever>' famil>' vas preparing for il, nr frieuti Obn eamong tLe rosI. The tay befome Christmas, as Oben Starteti 'hovieil Lis frieud -Pbhbip, Le Lebard, the finge of bella, asd atojpd t0 See vLal vaf coming. ,*Pr tnly a uOpleni2i-llletige ,dashetip, idfswa b>' gail>' capar*isoet-ibonzes, vith Ïfoolmen Lu hiver>'udantisrierchbefot' aud b.; btad,,sud itoppetli lufront of Lis door. "Sarel>',". aitiOben-to imse1f, '4ueo one batïthe Prlusp vcnld traiel in sucle "splendour as Ihat." WLile lé vas EsayM9iàgIi, tLe foot- menu jumpei jecwn anti opensdtheIL door, bonching thm LaIs as a, finel>' clresseigentleman meppeti cut, ou vhoeees iste4tneath Ie insignia of sevsrsl Ondere.- "Aie, ý frièndOben81, I WyuLte Speuk vi th yen,"! saiti lie Prince, furnit-vas nous otier.. Obqn tirowvnear, sud matie a loy obeissunce, >beiug lost in -sbtllllbmeni that thePrince shoalti ke7w -~tham. of'se humble a subjeci a imaelL -"1Yon do. net renmemben mè," .Saiti the Prince, witL a smie, as ()bep drev 1,"Surel>'," saiel Oben, "I Lave, nover seou yn: HIighuas before." eI "Do yon net remeneber lthe sranger yeu osati for. vien your fnionti Philip týhixuiutébiethe street ?-" *AI iii, Oben looketi up ho hiip in- qniriughy. * es"conuandIhP in a:an- sven te Lia Luquiing look ; I"TLiIper- sou va s nmyslf, traveling Ln Ihai'- dis- guise to e c Loy ne>' s8ujecot vere prospering ; and -here la in r eward" -tnowing àa ppckage at Lis feelr-"auti tomoro ynviitae .the. ledge ta I hU ei, ui on vth jour fâezil>'. Wilî tai, îL-te Princ.e prang mule the oedge, sud off h. vent,? Ieaving Obon isîaudtng-thoren. u st<nishimut; but 51 tugthhoLeptclistupýte pa.ket- whfbePi ncý e baLdroppedâalIis feet antii, opening i$, bonad I oti _eh us of golti, and els commisson as Ligie (dreeler lo Ihe Pnice. Atseocù 'as Le tmadeontvwibeit vas, Le 'raU loiàthe hL ouse, anti began dancing in I= ggl h vaa-g bd y the as mou a Piie' a n o AM:,er Lis fateeily' *ore ilkenr tii' he' piam vhqr*tby[hivhd ps*at - CORNWALL'S SELFJITTING FORtBES àSi MDGE, Cilf Agents. WAIST& SHULIYE CHAT. .H. LAWDER, Agent, Wbitby. WAIT &SHOLDE CHRT.Auemt lti, 1875. lym8 1 -M

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