. OR-Tfê8KQNÂN 3. RB, TAOE irH.. pfflT2gO, .3AMOITER& ATTQM MY*AT-LAW, t.n, N Em oc%,. L L B, (J. l UNQUXIT, LL D. n RISEATTORN"T.,ÀT.LÀW, Bloorlu n cerw y sud nalvncy, NotaryPublic 40.,A M. Ofo-clla ABRIBTER , -ATTORNEY, SOLIO. B PuIllblic, Ooneancer. Ci. flce-.Byvon Sireut, Ofice,# WhIb , ilo D G<iX &ROBINSON, SOZ161TORS IN CHANUERYI CONVEYANOER8S, de., CO3BT STEZET, TomegreO, THOMAS hUSTON, T fOWI( otltIx-AÂNETREASuRERn, .Whlêby. Offce-Town Ba i f rom 9 te 1,cclock. .J. GUNN, M. Do, QURGOIf TO TEE COUNT-Y GAOL, 0 Byrn slre., Wbtby. W.m- gucDRKE, .D., M.R.C.., Y'SýHSPIALLONDON, ENG., W. ADAMS, M DBNIBTý(8UCOES. ~ ETsorto . Card.) Detmalommu-.DwMndeshMet, WbitbycaM.JmsmsSo. OuIs.9;Gs i iotered fer ihe painleams. traction cf teuih. C, N. VARS, L. D. s. MMnBT set on ail the. ;Mr jL ltto__prncipescf the art, aie chep astacheepeatanduzs oodti s wa boit. Tseib 811.8 vlWU Gold ianti ilvir. Tecili extracteti vithoni pain, by.produing local anstsisa. Dental Booms-fn Ccv. Wa new b"ok, over Atkinson's Drug Store, Ring Srstit, Oshea. 85 THORA8 DEVERILL, BUILDEB AND CONTRACTOR, IDUNDAB ST., WEITET. grAil ordore prcanptly executed JOHN RO)BINSON'8p HsAME DRESiNG ÂNE SHAVING ILSaloon, Brook St., Whitby. J0O1N WOLFUNDEN, A BN OR H CRERIU L ICBZ;BBD AUCTIONEER FOR TE LCouanues of Ontario, York and Poel, Resl 1 c-Lot 8. Bih Çoncesalon Idarkhan. PoitOfce-Unlonyvffle. Sa"es attenieo the aboris@i notice, andi on romscable terme. Terms eau be matie andi bille printeti at the Cataorcx.u Offie for Ur. Carter. GEORGE CoRIeACK, L UllER MEROHANT, CARPENTER K" iJoiner, Green Street, Wbltby. -A large quauuty of .&W kintis ci lumber con- A THEB R L Y, Clark Diviso7G'Court, Tp.i Conmuslonr l B.R., Laud! Age: &e., Aihurl>', Coutp Ontario. 4Aiiv Ser,tG ,1872. DR§. CA198ON &A OGAU Wbtby, sept.8Oi, 187. RBT. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. Gratinate (viii honora) cf tirs Univi Qicen'aole ,Canada; Ph" Ponnyl*niaandLicentiate cf IL 01fIbsÙulv. of Etiurg, Scotiani oner fer tire County et Ogitanlé.4 Cçlîtiater St, Orillirs Augnet 94th, 1851. 3eyrksuc7isug1e 1 a Z-geni146 Ouilla, Pan. ?~ 1874. I - - RUB8ZIL, PEIpSISteT. tS8i ie T, On., I. E.WALREE, 3PO, ~T W»K3T* Oojm,' W. .JENON,- 1OMMeTO, cONNUE1 003 ONOS u» mT T. ogEOiGE Biao". , POPREOx. M*ie Irs-class buse bu bee ninwly Mi. tedup and renvateti lugbout'andtii., tomeriorel coommdao ri;Le »ep. sparai nô Pauneor e«P"eai luI niâtoà fg evY iP «ottbibwoubl* ienud to thi Trorento, lulY lib 187M.299 O TABIO HOTEL. PE4TEB WAK.9gM, PRUOPB1JJTOB. wSpro acmdttn al, uclt wtbetln eson. -GonieI4im CIpar, lisibrandiU ilr om em IBEITISE AMEEIOAN HOTEL, R AY'8, <nATE NossoN NeMun.) WHITB Y,. -ONTARIO. Ilouse nevi>' rehovatei anti furuibheti tirrongireut, anti put lu firei-ciasu orter for hoerecepion cf gueste. An omnibus te andi rom a&U trains. PFuIm laisampie noomu. GE NITEtIEx AILWAY HROTEL, AT W13ITBY STATION. WM. O'NEILL . PROPRIETOR. Parti taklng the train analueving herse vin bave tieru veiltakin carsof iMltheir rot=r. TEE QUEEN's ]HOTEL, LTI CONEECIAL,) saocK.STUEZT, vMre, TAYLOR h McCANN, PEOPRIETORS. Tire lunteruignuti ticira te inforru tirf fateadamdtie <public tirai tirs>' ave takua tire abovu eil u w ovuhtel, wvich tbey bave novly fittuti up anti renovateti, ana tiu f uto the bet'e ortier for tire acocmmota. tien cf guees. Tire Bar, vhcin faie hua. semest in tirs County,ilà vel iuppliut i vth tire tuhési brande cf vines liquors, ant-ci. garAn i ý le eucl6sed sired roon anti gooti sabling, ~x stalUo, ho. Dutacheti roonis for commercialtravellere., J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP MCCANN. laie of Teréite. T E d'an d'a TORON TO. The mest Elegant, Ceat!>'and Porteci Mtotel iratire Dominion. Tis Hotul ackuevletiges ne rival, etier lu its management, appoinimnts or loca- tion. In tira latter respect lb aBforde f ta geste a cbarming anti unoirsructlve viev cf Laku Ontarle. Ur ~The flnest Waierecape viev in It bas 250 rooma furnisire ti vIil tire modern improvunieuta. McGAW h WINNETT,' 491f Proprietora. ARTMSROQ ALSII,) WEITBY, ONTARIIO. E. ABMSTRONG - PBOPBIETOR.- RO YAL HOTEL, WNtTBv, ONT. A. HINDES8, Jit., - PROPRIETOR. CommotIonis Seniplu-roia. Omnibus meloteai trains. '27 Clerk, rat, &o., VVHTBY HOUSE. 86 DUNDAS-Slè., WHIITBY. (vISsv Or côsv enrCu.) T, J'OSEPH A. BANDEZ, FROPRIETOR'. hai, hC Ta ause iras bien eceutly built, fa urlage anti roonael ant i tled M n l rselas a sl. BosutWnez, Liquora anti Clara; EDIN. treairLager Peur. Gooti stebling sud un. cioseti yard; attentive estiere. :elpiia GLOBE BOTE L, . 0Cr7l. ENOOELitN ON $0 séaé tba tû hblAe*LL, the bpowLý fiëé y. My8 l ie81. SAEET=B AT MM 4e~44 ij esieItb bppLteN MAJi L1 M0,000 fuel PlusLumber, vs» seaienet. Inch Boarde, Ploerlng, 2 x 4 ScaniiUng, 2-incir Plank, Fenciug Bourda, 100,000taiof Oak,~ Maple for ailes, lot queliiy, 15,000 ft, Square Timber, Ail c hirulb. e"al cheap ferrcash. Ho vanld alec heg te say tirai tie re d MMI le ruuniugAnt isfa 4cng fiust.cli.eork. Chrcpg doueéOôtisys rn tire veek, for every E. MAJOR, Proprielor. Dec. ib, 1878. Oufi GOOD NFWS FOR TELADIES. A NEW BEVELATION IN THE SCIENCE 0O' DBESS.MAKIJG. CORNWALL'S SELF-iTTINMG WAIST & SHOULDER CHAR?. Dresses fittut Imtm msuremeni mie vithent Change cf a stitair. 1For sale, vftir free instructions, et MISS McINTYRE"'S D5E55-iAMONG neSs, vIlTa. Agents vauteti. Lîberal intincoments lu tire ratie. Whltbp, Aug. 18, 187t. 5 BOITOM PEICES FOR COAL AND WOOD-1 Aul kintia lefâmilnti tiCela, cons ie fng efthle celebrateti Lackavans, Scran- ton, BnierMil, Blosshnrg anti cIrer caes CHEAP FOR CASH 1 For quantitisete Biacksmiire anti ethera SPECIAL RATES 1 Wood, etra lon, 9)a 5 cents pur cari aheatemeni ooitn.,..*ii pices. Sent inluour entiers lu A. ALEXANDEB'S Wbftby h Oshava, Ceai antod dupaIs. Whitby, Augusi 81a1, 1975. tf-8S LISO F TEE DIVSION COURTS 03, TRI COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR THE TBR N1878. Wiitb..a1211,a 211 Brougarani 2 1 4 12l 2 Port Ferr 21 ilaIgs18î1i5141Ir8 Cu'ge.'rr7 I114, 126'271 61O 15 122 Uxniftie1278 is 2728II7 12 16121 lieaet'u I16 j1291 il111f20 Atel..'I1171 1 80 I 101 i19 GRO. E. 1DARTNELL, Junior JU4ieý WitbyDEc.ihila, 1875. 51 BEATTY'S PARLORNI Tire hut ai l.Sen*tiam Ho t ofettes. timonials. Addres, DANIEL P. BEAT- TY, Washingten, N. J. WMAJOR MILLS. T. P.-WHITE vill, ou tire l4ti Octeber, 1875. reauimu con- trolaot tie Major Mils, virn era irell b. praparedt tepsy THE IIIGHEST , FRICE for an>' qnantity eofviruait elivered ah Wilevsla. eviu Lakel..everp effort t give entire saisfaction te tirose vire =&y patronire lie mii vitir tirefr gristiug. Fleur anti Feati cf tirs besI quality, anti ai raaaonabla priaus, vil aise ukept con- stantly on irsuti ant for sale. WbltesîeOct. T. P. WHITE. WbtvlOt t,1874. 41 JAS. POWELL .- -PROPEIETOR. pIANO FOR SALE ViE5T.O.Aes AOONEO»ATON. . JONS. M. WILLCOX, TiBERShMECKANIC'8 HOTEL. 01thtie Town cf Witb Y, ira beau appoluteti OFFICIALI ASSIGNEE, (UNDER TIE NEW ACT,) For ihe Uonnty ef Ontarlo. Ail business entrusie t u lhbarge wil Wcarefuly &ai tentietite., Whutbý' hPn.11h 174SY BEATTYs CHUECEÀ SOHOOL, liln, Léae Oc Cabinet Or- auo. Boat i u.Senti atamp torone. lar,ýýAdres n..DANIEL F.-BEATTY, WgAblngion, If. J. HORSE MEDICINES. AU 400crlptîong ci thereut Herse Mcdi. -Nt RAT.- A. 'PUS - Havlng îhc froy for one pi the lorbet 4rms orsv or cfo auy qaty c Mik,Foz,, Coca, Lgerot RÙE 40"E, . »BucUOEAR, ià 5. B. WEBB, - PROPRIETOR. Best Liquere MadCigmaaiays on baud. Machir Oi, 1875. 4Id Bgst teinorru hIsand nitire public tirlir caies O on ie vr>'busfues ai A Y'8 OL1,D IlT'ANfD. partie rqulrlngve yne.coe anti ore-cn esaomiSnuood at aemomut's% u tu-c" FRICIL PIERDON. Wbilby, Sept. 21, 1878.8 MNCe:neAD, »AXTON, BOBT. K. YOJUNG, PBOnpRITOp. Renllable informaton raan t. i A brMliant.toued andi easy toucir Piano cheap for Caeh. Enquira aitie ofice"c ibis paper. Whltby, Nov. Oth,18. F LOUE! BRI AND BSHRTSI311 .OATMEAL, &a. NIEW 8TORZ, JUST OPENRD. Soppoarru NÂT 5 oTE!om.. GluE ACALL. Wu. 'JOESTON. TO THE FARMERS I Ploughe ani Plougir Cactlns,Strav. WMX JOHNSTON.' Wlitby éc..lth, 1875. «.42 p NEY TO LEZD 1 A lage quwntY of menep tga et l i1 inierea, #Kysvte nde.' For ealverul Tovu lots, to PFams BXouses, andi a large Brick Houa». Fcr terni, apply to G.YONSm . Wbtp' e. lirx1874. 310 Swtt. 2'Àl YLOB, .PROPIETOR. 7 -EISOLATED ,ï1 Ê1, XiMi adjuslaà loam itui ~By i¶e4heAs T OnOE. Son. AL=LMcE Asuance Co.kü L. FAIRBANKS. . N OBTIEBRITISH h& MCANTILE FINE JN8URANCE CD PANY I arbTmrnto 10,000. ai en npa ny. f gay ve rpftlu icRem"riPraa &%, o ?dunc@Aibet, Sq4pi04 th, lm 89 T. .MO LLN ÊOTrAL INIUPA.içOR damAyy G-10. T. RAI-, LAND, (3OMMISRION, AN!) (*ENERAL ,AGEFNT, Bocks posanmaaccouasatieoi speclalattentongiyeu tO io colletion of Noms, Accounts, à md iMorigages. OMie over E. HJmsusDna.i Whltby, Sept. i,18let » selmetof clý,aes te rompt .Saf, at i fCIlueM.iaaeolti -AUCTION EE ft, &0.9,&Ca"' Witby, Jane 2, lm7. Q EE N B, Agent. 28 An4 IrY Genura CommissionAgent, Port INSURANCE CO M A NY1G. YOUNG SMITFJy, 0F O LIVERIPOOL & L0O(DON. CAPITAL, MOLSONS BANK 0. A. 8AYNE8 eI dOfiRce for Canada: 191 Jamea Street, Montreal. 1 i'tiEE:. E8Q., M.D. a; 198 St. FORBES& MUDGEIB, C cf ýAgente. Auguet 101h, 1875. y8 WHITBY & 08H WA. LuesuWiiby stilO, a. m., anti d, p. nm. Pare 25 cents uach vay 'Wilaallatallthe hote ,and rvt reaidunces (vren eiers are latet a yanofe tire irotels.) Connecta viti Ou ave anti Bowmanville stage; aise vitiriWhitby sud Port Penny laye, and ti Broughr. THOS. H PPER. WlrItby, Mancir PIb, 1875. 11.tl BIEATTY'S PAROR N8 Tire best anti most iasting parier gan nov in use. No cther parier ergan ha uver ai. tainudthetrusame p.-prlarfty. Sun stamp fer circuler anti fer termealu demie Agents vauteti evryvhere. Atitresu, DAIBIL F. BEATTY, Wa.hin n, N. J. W STERN ASSURANCE CO ANT CAPITAL STOCK'00 AGENT Toin 500Ta OCTAnte, JOSEPH EOLMANi BBOOKLII Aise Agent for tire CANADA PAI MUTUAL INSURANCE COM$&Ny, HuAi! Office, He a uo; n CITIZENS' INSUBANCEc Montrel.PFire,Lite anti1Muera Depaueu»t, CAPITAL, - . 520 Brooklin, Dec. 2,18M2. 1 -DL'mrT~T, -CELEI TONGUE PARLOIR ORGAXS are rucemmendet iry Prof . . .Hange: A. M. Jeiley, Baltimore, Md;. Proi B. Rowland, Bey. S. Denier, Wseh E. C. j G. S. Dysari, Blomfilelti, G. W. Echinsen, Prof. Joinston, P plais. sud tiesautis et otierasa the use. Senti stamp fer extendeti liaI moniala hufore bnyiug a Parlor Agente vanteti cverywiere. Atidree DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washingtej cHOC APPLE T ABOUT -AT TEE-- HOME NURSEI Frorutpeb ouYeats cf age, emhra tire tet Vsnleti. &ETS C. WILSON, Lot No.kS,2nti Cou faic ,o ooni et OfcWrtb.o ]Begs te unce tire"iehiras rame -igSt.. a twicSra EAST 0F THE POST OF] oppoafte Lnashow.raevir' là &I", anti gentlemmen, etfiris emm facure ce- 46rV ibats coloed anti at shape. Oshava, Jly Bila, 1875. s BEATTY'S JkAGRli An m y .s-uPAIER A» E TE 3REcan fùni 40 or, gtoirhmsa tige b>'stdeaféhemnufctre DANIEL F. BESATTY, Waablnglcr YALYA LE PROPEETT FOR i Tiresubecniben c l, for .etr lug vainabie proper>tut tirs Tov c bv a-An eent Brick Ctaevi of laid, situateti nute cornea f v of 'cutilvatincne fordl ste ori We;;ihard j a scas>bobruliaiei cO.Drper, tire Routir Wari. Alec 9crs i geot of fut oi f clt',lO E'KÙMP oli a'lm Md l.adkeounab.s..se.î - - - - tlculaesspplytu~$b~ ..FIr.t.cis.p Çumuurç$ul Mmo- ia55ss I ~<rtrt ~ n~5+~5.4Il. ista tee John gion, t est lu of teiti. Organ. s', r'N.J Algil lsto mCeu ro l OR IT- htvn- ISSUER OF $10 9,00.MARRIAGE LICE W~BONTARIO. Ç. JOHNSON, DEALER IN LUMBER, W H IT BY, HElà on baud saspendid stock of fiue cean anti vl s.aeouetiLumber. AUl idafor carpenter anti building p 0po0. Ploorifug antidressetiLuinter alwaya on band. Gros p ing mil adjofnfng, on theu pramise0viere orders are promptly executa for oeors, sasires, blindas, ha. Wiitby, 221h Nov., 1875. 49-tf V ALISES AND TEUNKS. LEUTHER VALISES SARATOGA TRUNKS, &o., &o., At WILLIAM TEOMPSON'S, Sadien anti HaruesMaker, aneCx-Sv., vsrrnv. Jane 2f, 1874.' 201f KIGBROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importer, Dalen antiManufacturera ef aU Kintia cf ONT. LETHER AND FINDING8 Cash paUt for Hides, Bari, andl Leauher. Leaiher atretcheti. 13 BELTING MADE, TO ORDER ON SH9ORT NOTICE. May, 1872. 22. H IHLY IMPORTANT TOQ TEZ MUSICAL PROFESSION 1 Great Succes ! Thc Ha: Guide for the Piano. The Hand Guide as the reault of many yesa'l experience and stnaiy, audie warrant. ed lu apve, ai leait, six mout4 fltcfîlefit. eus ezercise practice oflh Piano. It will ive the baud a pure .itouing ac- t won, sen the fingers greaf îudependance and afrengîl. It wil teaci the iap3ro to airike upon eheý enda. It wil teach the baud i4ietude virile the dungers are eraployeti on single passages. It wilteach wrist or octav~e imotou, andi iu thns compelling quiet on thre part nf the function not emiployeti, tend te anteneiy the .zercae anti scteas greatly the devel. opareni for which tihe exerciau fa Iniendeti. loGuide ie varrantuitfi t i nvsquare anant i fastonoà n a a &",trong. svung below viren not requle= Sent bc, any atidresa upon receipt of the marketi pria., with instructions. perCE.s. Plain Castings Waluut Rode.0400U BIeantpltei Castings, Eevo .oi ..............600 N. R.-Teacbersanare rspeotlully luviteti te givu them a test as. t iei ue&cation. Apply lu Professor G. C. WIGGINS, Wbiby, or Professer C. MOTLEY, Bovmauvllle, Sole Agente. Whitby, Jaunary 1Stir, 1878. 4 LOTS FOR l TEE TOWN 0F WHII'BY. Loi No. 10Oin Sectioe A., front on Gravel Roati. Lot No. 10 lu rear on Willia-St. Loi No. 8, on Brock St. Anti Lot No. 8, lu rear on William Street, Thre propeaty of tire late Wlia LapLW- rence. Application t e b.mate te tire un- JOSEPR JOIES, Bousm T. STEVENSON, lsae Or ta. 29Wiby MN TO LEND. Tireandersigned as any amonai ci Mmn- @y to Lenti upon Furm or TovnProperty, at unnauay Lov Ratai0cf Iterat. rover. ,Severa là mprovetiFaimsmatimli andu for asiheap., tures,Bak, anti ther mertteStcs 'q thet P;s' Ta~t Aha f1111 Gaiard ber vitr cari vhch nmet neyer - d@cl1Anp i Makirertbýytiazy-tar--srlon3g ath:~eu TaPe ber anti pray tire tiu aMmay b. : trong . ' - .1rai Be tehbor&Utht erharlathpo*&ry:. nid Thon o'or Uap pair ' trera vil gaiher, neabi Now aie tirlove tites a one vithout spt- ý,et Ereamu ci, no sorrow ta tiarkea ber lot- ~JO > leth rfuiI y1llder teiithet p Hew I Secam. a Money-Lender. cou il maltera net hov or viry I becams,ual at à acertain eary.period o f My lite, in out ifuloo .o 'et noy. -Accoring te your the individùal tenduis yen vil!b. e »geca-l etotin p iiaomissionluMi ler'.ud Suffice il .ý,that 1, Aritiur.Havilanc, clork lu Somerset Houe., sand, I, uink 1 rua>' att, "gentleman,' vatet, ai tire ge'nine.and tveuty, tiresum, eft iL> lvolruncredponds: vantut lovel>, wiivrylitte 'chance et gettngi. va had ne, relAtives or triialse qual lu htirelaI eMarge neay; b.'*iugcounltinet, anal T tire able' voulilnet, heiP ýme-tre Pc!? nat relorercof sucir condtions a. oilo Mmeu bilg trlcilytfolleved. vais , Go it came toa dryuattur of busi. egai neîse-a.iranting oui et some oeeread>' " te ativance m oney onapproved secur- O it>', pureouin or hrws.My Lon- don expurencu, spile rMy cmartveo yeuh, haâdbeau suffiaielit te ensile me betc te, gauge tire ueey.lunting fraierait>'gr" at~ tireir intrinsia value. Truc, I tii, niai partly frcm curiesit>', part>' from pris.vi ing naesesit>', makté eue or Ivo aà ysu- &acai ces te tires. bunefacters efthie hmm race; but tire resaIt vas by ne muans Rei satfafaclury. lIntac, il vas unsatia.vig faclur>' in direct ratio te tire guairmng mrue benevoience ofthie respective adveue, Pies ment. area Oue day, Imevever, I observai in thée - I Tunesae notice se curt anti intepentient uxpl ln ita pbraeing, tiret, ireartil>' disgueted 0s171 se I va.vitir Mypeat attempti ta, sil negotiate, I yet dtetermined4 theugin- u. aredulous anal iopiug litilo, upOn 0eue 0 more tzial-rne movement bigt.tire yards "ets," James Strcet, Bulgord COMN Boy, Hoiboru. 4 I1 Arrivu ti itire Houa. indicatei, 1 Bosen lount a ding>' privat. residunce ef real men brick ; vire blinda te tire windowvioetOetin tire grounti deer, a dsrk' gruen door, il>" andi an angry-Iooking kirocirer, ftastnel lim tiowu. On the rigir et tire door ibrue Polic nrsty bel.irautius ; on tire left a single Pour icIllbaatile, cosiuus by its polisr, '"l anti a amali, bnigiri seel plaie baneli, te n vbcruon appeaeuth ie namueto "Bos.nd' vanne." Cenjeaturing tirai my busi- lent] ness was vith RBosuvarnu, I pulicth ie tirul spoeiai bell, anti va presuntly answer. doe cd b>' a clerrl> youtb, vire, in rap!>' te vas .My inqairias concerning "Bea," tic. I siret rue le valk iu, andaltiriMn. ru> Bosevarne, engageai fer soine short di] lime, vouaitse me.wvial Paesing tirrougir e long, dimiy-ligir.te iZ ut passage, ocoupied lu eue oftitealunit. fil fui recusses'iy a peu etf vater, a sun. W bngbrusir, anal a heeti etsomstiirmu merd tirai semudtitebave lite in it, I vas "Wh usirereil jute a email roore, se scantil>' Ij turnisiredti irt given twe cane chairs, stan( an eltiraileti dusi, a copyingpfross, a . blotliug pet], a inuie e otneya, tire papers on a sireif, a vatter-bette anti I glass, anthie inventer>' le complote. tiet 'Tire olenr, ireuting me euee oflire 8; ru cane chairs, loft, returnlng ilua ewev "' minutes te intimatu tirai Mr. Bose. seues vanne vas nov ut liberty', anal vouiti 1are E '1P1case tgestop Ibis va>' ?"-he "va>" tiet ibeing upetaira te e room, apparen>tiii ovcr tiraticrlirI have describet; trie T apartmcnt, turuliret mach aftr tire fasin oet tirt bulov, communialng 1, no vilir an muer sanatuni, lireoor et veru virlci. pnevekingly gloemy andi gnru, ':1l vas labulet "Private," The alerk salisi again ieavlu# me, I avaita tire arrivil c0oV eo Bosevarne. Present>', a ireavy and aliaI.1 a aresky step, enggustiveoetgeai boots penn vell caret for, beunded lu tire corridor;" anal thon, luttera ana papurs lu eue quici haut], anti a bine iag in tire otircr, enter uncu a atui, vll.dreaaud, man, retirer béiow FiR tire muiddle ireigrt ; age semeviiere ye-ud about sixî>'; gray' hein, sturd>' anal "0 pluntitul ; keen vîeagut. anal slesk sitr vitrai ; a mssaive geiti chain, ccursiug the m oeur tire ample viie vaielcoat ; *linbist shrt, tire beau.itcal, a I irat man>' a A'1 time picluret hlmx, et a higir pnest In laUI9 th1e tabernacles et geld.veriip.A "Mfr. Bosevaru e bevu ?*"sait I, more prcs.nting ru>'cent. ofet m 419y name e i osevaru; bave liresro ailnei ofsch e" brfitireu n théd rn. .sôa ofn,]olbru. bnCiiienow itre Ing MMer et 'déReler. iliContin n of to 'ë t taor à . acial liii on. agle -of wh"e bue Àroke siranoiwliingtabie et iriciw [ire adarcst oak, ounlui>' inticastn la' aliulen aolr>'suestive as t ret dreil ýj reve, r lu nedbra onMWl vupdet <ifs ted, surinowruil bya rystalase , ve; nut lýtId-r tiehl fy esnitefrnimltr en tirmrd-ant %'Iis$trebtmtleilfom tirMdetu 9ienacfeiuà an =ti edilust'ov a. ni>' te legioai ottmn tiettgW ohe rt eetsrau f rirureen oeftiu&g, ro gri .' Ia 'rai enat> emr otge, qre e s.,' onit o ob asie gic tul,- qiety anbrd- ug teobai 77lý of tire onad;rvire Id rathe-» à vtng ire' I know,. Yen vould !u ineesalmies. iteat consequence ; my, u."y T he i it irte m ôst rturbability, aud soma. oir," interruptedi-Mr. Itransia't busineu' lu If yen- demanti- any excuse My uyn u au eud.' aunoyance, tire neveU>', .1200non u, I 1r tedirection td*od nie niri sie tell me V botO ethie sri [es vill remù molute im1,er "Pardon rue- .MY toue juil 'ardon me, yovu vey. cert you muE- îte±'encei is ait )cspile, nyu tire situation1 c ros'I~. I dogmato Bo rumeutione il lWiry do 7yu, ventureal te TIhalle s i itire rep>'. I tireeore, 'bers va. no cerane persei [w te meni iretere ; but1 ýa out" .ltogelier dam tire subjeot ôc ire a youuga wrestivo. TI al, nbearabie At sharply xcey sboiea, "As yen plet evarne, tekd soper, but, i e distiatly i ose ; but I pl lut do bueinew 1vauteth ien laanI Wvi het iresitati tuer. Notiig te b centrar>',"i cmuni, "Wl I undurtakini mytso e; tit iî as 1the debti ry et lite assi B'm 1-m lthe mcet jour uni srtakia der, Ilivalu est et exposait oariment. TI tiret grantut] informed, hir lite on comixi R'm 1I-an ai aitrare." Tir ne. "lYour &a 'Nine anties "Value of Po e," va.Mr. rat refuruncu, gave tvo-U ading on 'Ci 'ne le good. other, vu vi yentnred xzéi t11e couiti hai emark. Thatis lse n rer.- "Thire rot respeueià yen anti I el gs vitr tirea nile, irait mui The pur.oentai i anai longer, ne. tf tire rcsult, facihb nimnn te reps -'yarly imataim cia. Theé on: "Ipossiblef ciy, ana soi, 2mier ruy ir y poundairail Good I"l' ge qetienei w'irio'whie resi bhumbs. . ,half.smotirr rter trom lhe* iso inapessibli a aunoyeti, l iy purpoes,t as tenusof etr eu", mutIa LYsaes& e~~~~~~~~ y ecmry okre lr onr tIae ie miotir, -e curtall' hmaî,net osi thre01 tlige irehorai duare "I ati tinen -aue lttmn1 vekmni ton(ei] irai.- 1 amn net content tb-" I broke devti1 I oulal go ne o. noe!" sire saiti, holding up & pro ýRparasol, vitr a gravit>' iait as- d,halt ruai. - "Den'i spel your srvicu te mu. I airoulti net liRe 0 f course yen engin te visir lie eo bu ruaay>'fer me et once. But" ghing aga.u, anti graciouey-'Tli ' yen., re shu irulaloui ber irrasistarle bend, viricir, I iretacarcel>' ga>' ,qnick te tare ; but tiruugb 1 it varnil>, I vas pesitivl> tee' offaie ber to ipert an>' genle rues te-tire preuBnre. *NoTicz IT.-Ntie vhei ? Notice everytbing liatisle teub>' gubers te counibu te ovongenufi onrirappiness. Notbing sweuns more ungracioui tien tire pa.sing ever, vitiiont remark, anud epparatly, viibouc tirongiri, lthetron- saut] and eue UtIle calorts anti atten- tiens- viiairare untentedti te euen toniestie liEu. Ingratitude anal ludiffenence sema- tmes mer tire cbaracten et e veman ; but are fan more frequcutl>' observable, vu timk, luniema. A huabauti reinus fren Idhie buginus e vuning. During iris iibsence, andti irougirout lire live- long de>', the-vite a been bus>', witir mina sudhaute, pneparnug soma 11111e surrise, sonie unuxpacti pleasure. te maku iris home mnieaattractive tirea aven. IHu entera, seumingi>' ses ne -'mnoreofet rabias beau ahne te plusse Min tienif hire nuairlinal man, anal iras ucthing moeute say>'about il than 'ifhie' vere alnn. Matasloving vite lias borne in irn eani an abitiing son- nov, t'dalle#r day, from canges like tîrla, until, in proese eoflâme.'-lire lira anal untiueasm et lin original nature have bunnut eut, anal mutuel ludiffer- once apruad tia gpal oven a iroueiolti. Oftn, iw. thinla gcnersllyinattention lu 1litt1e actaýo et hbeghlfuln.saseut cou- aideratîon resulte frema, i.mure habit cf caelussues a ; but, lu its 'uffuci upon tire happlnuae9a demi>', il la a ineat iintoiuate habit. A tpv voraof Lirank, et appruciative nucegnutren, are usai>' spoken, anti aucir ords are proalons ltirte seul tiret hungera for thum. iru>' arehigbl>' pnizetanal net seon'torgoltun. Taire notice ot vhat le done ton yeu. Words et munlted.,prelse andti treus uxent a hindi>'ý anal beneficial influencu upen. h liener kud speaker. Grati- tude unuxprusseal sueme te eirth" bu tanfelt. Lr£p Ye.ea 'TievnxGEos.-An ex- chaengetelas thre tolloving gooti alor>' couicerning tire leap year priviluges et thé geul sex: "Young ladies have tire - prilege oftsaYiug anytblug they please darnlîeep ycar," sire sait eylng him ont eft ticcorner et her eyes wvIL a a avel lo.' 'Hieheurnt gave a givat beund, and, virile ire wouturetiif sire vWas geiig te aek tire question vich hoir bil se long dualret antiuarea t te'do, bo Ansaveu, "Yug." "Anatihie Young men miuet net refuse;" sit sire. "'No, ne! Hov conidti tiy " sigirea bu. "iWell, thon," said sire,"vii Io-' e feu on hie Puces s ad a: .A- thmg yenueRs, darliaig." "Waitill1 I gui linon gh. WMIIyen laRe a vaIR, sud net hang &rond our han"seas ach 72"Anal ire alreti. - -iu, .-al ot, searcu. .iutI uce t ethav md i>'acqies tn é te roubled niyself. Circe's tlimone vas do yu en " resla Tirebusiness, et transter anti nucelp dit u0t consume ten minutes. But I ire suni. cau girt mysulimoeutire'once duning- vauà t il 2" iuhiat interval leoking fartivel>' bovards suggeat lirat Ibis quee. lire, ber linlire Vague iropuethie ladymý o es.ti&i. appeîeuce, sud cachUie 1 gave va>' IAY bu, Mn.,Heviienl,"te trtvekcs :instinativul>' fuît I "I regard ià as'essen. vas tiscôvurual b>'Mn. Beauvaà rne, vire ]r «k il." ' 'PreseiÃl> hauîld etinifoî:à 'ni>'signature, o getting by tis. im iastampeti document, vIii, itsý'pre-. i, se I bugaun. la1evamble, rau thue:- don 'the vii>' euttire .- I vas quicki>' cedt Articles «-Agreement, entur net uI, -ibis2Oti a>' et Msay, 1867, beilgArthrur sir; I prefertiret you Havilanti, gentleman, et ý2D, Clifforti's Inn, Fluet.Streel, London, et tire oe 3inaliriet te 1'speak eut" part, anti-Sydnuey Doraford, fiuancisi, if molute>'ccereities agent, anti-bullien muncant, et '181, and vcry pneu>' girl, i James Street, Bedftord Bowv, Hoîboru, Chu 'raure vue tyran- hiondon, cf tire otirn rt. Wheruaa," le; ere I sel &a., . o rumeustratet]i, tirougir The ruai I netinet givu. Tisdean. vipur. meut aigucti, andtitir e vuceme chreck eeasir," repliet Mi. ncie I batis Mn. Bosevanne gooti cig 'ne heet c f tire dylavingl btstautor>' atatuet if aSnyting, apeking mvinawi lajetire condition et tire than beore. "As Yen vire eutdunly, tn i meu>'nluhmr lsses etiervlse, if ve poakeis, vich, itrto, tiruy heaail ea togeiher." hope et eitaiurng. Mne>', se awa>D et iu Shrtl>' atter tire conclusion et ti sunt, sud iieving se ru- matter-taking alveutage et mya.annnal 1puneuce vitrent tire iolidWto jiait eaniarnicc i ster ai a ion eithin uvola. onvillage ueerPeterborougi-IleftLondon by tire Gret -Nentieru Baila>'. My ea aahaemed nf, air-on journal sfaanas Bar-net was iniasecondt.' vas M . oauvarne's clees carniage; but, arrivt tere, a air- ket seaurit>'? cumsance occunred icrih inducuti mu ,I vouli give ni>'Pur- lu seek a more exponsivu mode et cou- rg te reps>', b>' matai. voyance. out.s ial.yleani>', out Happening, et Barnut, t.lookout oi rat, as 4ollateral soeur-. .m>' witvat tiraiver>' chunming iovn, ýs couve>', until suci ,I atteul>' obsenvet], te ni> surprise anti sirhou alt ueuiratuty a plusenne, 5fr. Besevarue'a beautiau irance f9n five u urdniewc ir; as aise loeking oui et a carniage viudev, appareuti>' unguaget], slevent pof youn failing like mysef ith ie -unicyment.*of tire jagemei ta, tire pursenai sauene. Wiiirout. steppngte speculete ansvered tlie moue>'. ouni>'yimpulsai eut, tontnnatuiy tonrni> nulleas, uieept udu purpose, prti>' sure ihat tirA lady irad re te tir e badaet your_ net recognizet me, I bastil>' lut ni> irhe litei peliay-bu carniage, aud irailing tire guard, Irni .2" cdl>' told bina I intenduti fer tire ruaI et i ihatl iratiinaireutimyjounue>' te travul b>' final close. g et age. ..ilQuicl>'breaking Âae>'front tire ai et Prudence somu-- guant], viremuch te m ni'anoyencu, iz more te iimach Iran encdth ie doo r et a carlage viiai tt kgu nov 2nei coutaiu tire celtet ni>'expédition, ni>." I, aarput.bag lu h aut], sprang on tire rlicy, ebout £70,l a otb ioard, turnedth ie irandle et Circé'sa ' besearne'a nepl>'. conipartmunt, anal tond-tirat aIl tire s do yen givla 2" .suata venu occupieti! nen et acknovlutgut Tis possibilit>' I irai noti nclucaed in rage. ni>' ceiculatieus. Tire damsel etoftire Lenoagir; cencernng auburn cascade, looking prettiur then 11 net se>' mach." > ever in a inimi>'.lacud bine clotir travel. lir bel te su«gesý in jaket, tau.colennct glovus, anti a ru ne grount for auci eit>'ia, set ira eue corner, îanghing iey reair, va tie rn' itr a Iatetl big rua-etfrut zpinion re minle ; yOenviresael psie' If>'abrupt effort ai oe fon it. No nuesulit> eutranco cirpaket ber gay' pratl:aire bhouitiose peple aud loicet up, soeieiranl surprise, tirougir âie epes." Thi~ iswt- i ne uvidencue f-recegulîion. Stani- rr', irait sercatie. mruurng aul apolog>' ail round, I iiastily ago yen ruquinu P" saitinefretedt, ouI>' te fanaitire impatient aontestiug viti Roeu.guant grnnig.- "Nov, ir-nov,sgirl Jnmplu, ir- et inqui->aiste n>'juin il?" repli et, "yen 1vii Se sa>lig,lire hait puseetme luto tire ky tir a svencu b>' Ive next diviin, virure lu tiffurcut-couti. [munis of one irundre tlions et repose, i tonna lirue aid ladIes, ms aru tort>' Pur cent."auolti geutlenqen--al tour seeni 'gi>' fer me," I retentet, injuneti b>' iis addition te uireir nuniher' nuvhat agl>', "to -a big intle et sirsyls, a per et o renie te tirI uxtunt!1 umirellea, a bi-cagu, anti a pug I- fycarly ; notiring bui. wviic latter vebcomeda me viii grovla, audaedisposition o e ti. tire only reiponse, r u>'Tievas cianging for tire baller vitir a' loong curieusi>' ai aà vengeauce, wviie-*toeureueauu>'vex- td iis ample chiaou ation, Iirheerda anattliug puai et langitrtu froni tire sdjoiniug carniage.viai, ýd -cadence et rippling nigiril> or vrougly, I aeaiied te tire t yonag laty's ' ornen. prcity BRosuvamnu, or vhatever ber lu," continned I. 8111naeumugit bu, aninse t =yr>'diseoni becansse altegetbun eut filune. te agrue tte remou-. Hovevntire.wvasnotiring fon ilbut< ni>' per aurai." -reaignetien; se, bur>'ing mni>' etute in lire moring's peper, I endeavourudtét r>' tinkie et temele maklirhe bosat ru y miscrl tailuru.' Bui, evl> nov andti irn I ceul not re te me," sait 1. ri,- refrain m>'self ftm planning semOe du. iptienet tigrait>', -1 vice virureby teevunrcome tire obstacles, »e close tria matter. lu tire pai tru>' Mydsirée nov ceusilder., ocontinue tireinter-. ail>' irarpuneti by ovurthev. A uvur>' stetiep vireatiru trainet sboppe& ~ s~ii ~, I eenet eut' f.et l irarage vindov, g; ir ù I wthbùtI ginai notingb>'liri. Tirelady ti¶tinei. Good dit netloch 'ont agaiu, aud-neonu12 no' irait iundiug to- qttecompertmnenlvwheaire was adamant te al théu0uaceul, altiougrif a Vac ant place liad beene t 'm'y disposâI, I queelien1 e treni tire corner,. ver>' mach virhhen IJ shonici hae'1 va eu, anal turn edal ava let niye.h ,the l.opp orrli>',0se Ieror. muoha ienerlu ai dI bee'n ruru',-1 Ervilan-ste>' arI1 t'à t1 mt r 'getlema." IBut ru>'visruaprasurati>'grati- cet tris sangular be-i ied lu-6aven>' unuxpct ranner, end amie va fru i-ltrm neviolation etfru>'ovu. -~ -'r-' - vuese ut thnn.66 » R E soow, 1 - S A LE 1