Whitby Chronicle, 9 Mar 1876, p. 4

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I. Wfi. est dé wU *55w uy. i M SALEI - tier ours for sale à )co Dogof ' LUOfLIII No. 11, dtb saiSi; of Picheulns. bou snd pria., apply ta ÀLLIOT -Ou the pretaios, or Iranvood . V*obrmr 19, 1M. , in49 !3ltATTY:î 1 K0 1 ;( Gand Squarean Upighî.- "~The"ssosiabrated iiruiueuts bave aI- tiaie( a wandorlsl degrae ei popularity amen% the Msiucal irateruity gensrally. Thsy boueb..tetd Sy, and recellred lbe positive 0iiderséents i soionsof the most ielebutadf musicians for Sarmouy and ricS. lim of toue. TSuy are wlthemîî a miuperfoe. Agn suIaned. gland sl,bms for ôitaio ssAddress, DAI413L F. JEAT. TY, Washingtoui,New Jersey. ~ lA 0'I Grand Iquar. audUpright. -"'liuî Pisses Arta-the fist lu the wold as regarda toue- And. xclleue.-HuntUng. do 4a. Lenu,]>Uepubl4ctu. "Tlie Beatty Piano ln prononenef by AIU, the swsetes* toueS lnstrument manufaclur. 4.»"-Gettysburg. (l'a.) Century. r"The Beatty Planoa, grand square sud uprlght,sare rernarkabiîe for thoir beanty of 114tsb, asgolas ofer iveetuesa sund volume ci * tose'.-Mlddtoton [S. Y.] Moecry, '«Mr'. Beatty Io a- roopousible businenss mut'-waaiîingtou [N. ej ~star. B li ATV,'Wahinton, few Jersey. mATUJE PIA NO0S EXCIEL f volume of touse, iXELl a isudanSprity caltoue, EXCBL lu a ices k.quaity ef tloue, I5,7CULilu ssrablity asdkeopiug lu lune, EIXCEL fortlta. concert rooni, ZXCE taorteaclîina esools sud soimînanbes Tises. are broad asaertious, but capable of proot, Thoy are talute any cotler lu uoostructioss; &al 15fr pecîîllarfties are pints 6f excelaunce. Theil' Illustratè.d aud «eCriptIve cataloguse vhicS vo men vars tegauy addregs, oxplailus couclusl ly,i haruouy vilS acceusticessud mechanies, al 15*1 la claluieS for the Mathusak. -TSre ara thousanda of 1b4ppy awnora et hlathousheka wllliaugte aertify ta 15c asu. ýenlar excellence. -W. have rooxu boe for u fow extradt-- New York, Octoîxot' LSîh, 1ff7. W., the lnudersfitd udgoa OfT,'tPl a a the Fair efthlIe Amerlean lusttute, a ter a Varetail oxamtnatlon 0et.Ik e Concert gratndS. (Ioa siarS te Fnidoriek Mathushek the5 hoor ef maklig lb. hfst oftIbis dues of in. -4truuxantrnthon snC Ihion. sulilbited, or A. D. W, BESSEMANSN M. J. IAKETTI CHRAULES PRa;ÇEL. - , - il Iodw#ty, N.Y. Thaes palounst its kethx e stAl cf al knoiwîiatnuorauti, And their penliar Dou. sîrucîleionrendors Ithon:iay fer 11w morddu- 1 able, aili te leaut bhble in get put of tuile, IIUGFeNE ,. .MErtnIAM. - ,iluýt fe irsat.f lIis concert the NMcthil. ehek liai beexn my f avexuiite. J .. JAY WATSON, WVatso 's Cot>xxsrvatocy of Mxic, N. Y. No niey woîid loinp t Illetab anishx il li Mnthtlaek exxpx.xisr tLal oetiî.'r«. M -,IOLLE'HCEl 1ew York. worbLt - Mosteal Orlîle, Saratoa. 1 have itearduo xthlng te equal Itluiii siseeî- eaoftouie, 'Ils notes are autOs lite thosoe ld aur 0sweetent msbnging bleds, (or tl,o o.f lteRunt humarita voirs, Ilîsu au>. lustra. pieutai notes 1. erer heard. We are deliglît. itl witlà ournr inxut. f.a>. yen be bIes. PsstsY5rsaul ave. h, Prlncetoti,N.J. The ?athstusik Ordhestnt Square Grand et eoiodnfesii îwstensu 45 11)iJIL, 'lABE, Rou.leter, 1 W08 ray cnvinced tlItheb.Matbtîshek wvas the crtuwxof aU. IL. IELLACIC. My oldîmar, -Whoe Sestatiou c:rreoeni>. p lio for tihe patton yearea sys ltaIlits. . .If) Orchestral litI noiriraS frocs yUnloi ~behîctuusl txd ineet Iritruexent lîkîhis M.5611' VILECleveland, O. El1at Street W. 9. Scheel, Tonoîîla. WobavegreslIhâasureitastatlng hat us aan 1mranont telead th.eatlîaSg ru asn- day Scbtgoi, ntiîlhng eau excelit. The loue la soft i#u.l fnil. ToS. banse lagrand, sud wîseux- 60Volces ar0,ena et'-osher, ith. piamin-ea lise iallctliy her .lVer>. note ring out Ai elei, aselle. $- 1, j1b ~TER. Paloer, WA N G KE NNEDY, Supt., S4ldTuZ FRIMBY, Musical Coudeor, -~HmpaJap. Siat, 1876. -bR. l LPEBE, 1Il fod me preut pîcasuro in »ackuowledglng 1h. enlise >satisfaction, %nd hi gh approclation of the Wo. 9 Mathu. ellk Pn pxfei4usSd tram yon a few day.à Eunualll o nt.,>Jan. 1115, 18716. - The ILedinmu >its4bk v-e gait ram yen ivef enVre aïfailon ln aeryrespec ...I can uuhoiatlngly recoin- Pester of Proiyterian CbhS. 0 shuýwàa, au, i, 1876, PROF. REExSE,- Ilmve fognd the Mathau shiekua a yeu epreaenied lt-a ftnt-cWns piano. Maur Musielans haro trieS il, and - proxaoau o1 texcellent. Hampiton.FS. li, 1876. ç~p.~fop;yowaug4y.i qt1re satbac. t1Ã"iaàilpetal~vtsef 5eenor fbtitirist ln overy respeol. I vôuld recommaud mail %~M e-ale2 bqire purchsng' - - 1!.T. PHiLLIPS, ria au ava lready rielîd la avoca i allier rilbe ni1ttsk a xtsfor ~ Ieof b& la îvr iry ITown sud ï tS E ,* 43 âto. ,, - or aomiezo c SU of W,uSo, msI The beet assortment, "a muea r hof iuiWhibWbÀ r. dsIra~ ~'~ ~ N. . <J~slpAidfor Parmer M.a o rfl»'ip 0tref ~ a rW'ilfle, ont I». soid tu WSitby bye8. W. E. fSmith, jas, 9Brun.ant aiU drugist. lNorthrop *&Lyman. Toroite, wholouae po. 7 FOR SALE! Weoi-l f tLot 14 lulb. heSixth couice. sien et Mars, One-ball cleued sud under cultlvatlon. LegRoue, Born, &c. WltS. I Dominuion Bsu', Whitby. Mens Sana in Corpore Sanio Deecnibo yaur ailmnent, Seow long auffenlng, giv. yur ago sud prosout business; ineglact now means a mniserable existence,-or an tarry gratte, Sau't delayi OVER 800 CURED IN 8-34ONTHS 1 afler Mauyyein af sufforlng. ffluzTitscÂUNKe" for cither ue,.gude of vital lmIlortânco te the young, "4sgn. fer parents as Weil. - "PaRMxerIOw _eAN CURE OF ostpxw elthor 4ol ihe sent prepaid on recelpt of si. Mr -AÂ CURE GUABANTERD, -W a Ihao s isressing affections anising froxu indlscretions (ignorance oet Natul iLavain Marred or Smi.leveak vision, RBMIAL WEAKNESS oss nituerve -torqe, deeay of mano A io pe 41, Paine In the br,weP"RakOmokR,S2 c. To secureaan saer by mail Bond 51.00 aud a slamp. ANOTRER SPLENDID 1BOOK strsnath ai 11mb sud Beauty et Oampiexion, oaly 25C. "Parties eoîisultlng Prof, Egau, of Toronto, vii tItiS hlm perfectiy reliable sud trust. worthy lu every lsarticular" Brockville lBe- cortder, ..wo'candldly recomuend the sifflocteS ta apply tehim for relief ; Se ia alrictly hou- aomble sud confidoutial lu-inei transaction" ..-.he la a kontioman deserving of aIl conf i- ence sud tharonghly rousSIe. Âruprior llcviw. FMasse uddreis Fuser. J. Y. EGAN, Tor6uto,-Ont. -N. I3.-ýfR@ad1the aboe .Prreuextradeg. Nov. 2415, i878l-" 48 OR G A N T Il E MIUDG(E & YA1tWOOD Ms4nafacturing Comipany . .4tle t., 4 Sops, $ 140. sCyIl, -5 Stopr ' - 15?. 8tyIe7, 6 Stopsf, - -17). Style 9,- 7 Stopst, - -190. Style 1l, 7 Stops, 200. Iii Itesonant andti 'mut C'urved Cases. Cases registtîrcd 171. MELODEON OlIGANS PJ4TENTED, 1873. sye, _4 Stop,, 3- 140. Style 6, ý 5 'Stops, -150. style 20, 6 SIopa, . 160. Style 8, 0 Stops, 175. Iu handeexue Rosewood Cases. PIANO FOIRT.ESe o! the celebrated WEBERL & COS. malte aivays ou sale ut the Leot Rates for a flrat-class Instrument. Iuteudlng purîhasers are respectilfnl> ne- quesleS to cili and examiine aur instru- menta before îtuying clsewhere. We are m&kiag large reduotions te Casqh and Short- tume Cuaftomers huyiug direct f roms the fac- tary. , ALL INSTRUMENTS WÂEANI-TED 1 8everaIS8qqond-haqd Melodoons oF03 SALE FROM $60 *UPWA RDS. FRED MUDGE, Manager. WhitSy, November 2415, 1875. 4 BEl,àATTYeS ORGNSI A drsa', i DAIMl4 ,2Ml TTY,. Washiug- tan, -N. rJ1 P ORWIeTBTYAND POIt T FERRY TIMB TABLE No. 1a. Tates elfpel oun pts e. 8, 1878. Trains rmn b> Tarouta timai,Wlicb uatwen- Whltby Junellon ...depart lû.10,60 ni. 11.38 a.m. Srne ert.........121 .m. Part Ferry.........urfe12.15 .m. Port er............ depart 0.10 a.ns. ]prince ASert.............0.09 s.m. mandhete. ...s. ' ~L m MyrI................6.42 a.ma. Brooklilu....... .. . O0a. 7.85 sm. wbîthy Jindtiloit..... apdv» o7.40 a.m. *Plattorm stations'. 'Tralnetop'exaeig nais oul>., C&Cbnlngs itIby Junetlsn vilS 15e ftqPUJ DiIF~no WILL41, RE~F~ ÃŽheHoi~days PFTEfýrSMITH. TI L L'S, r~ AND i1tpJRE,ý WAREROOMS THE >OLD '8L4 ,,NO, BROOCK 8TREETf WHI TB Y, 'Gowhe~~oei cannot fail to be pleasedl in making seleci -~Splendid Parlouir, Drý J bt . !.ov.ber 241h, 1875, CH ions cf gCrod Inruiture, iwing Rdoom aud Bedrô~m Sts .y cf inspection, at aisto.niahing low xtension Tables-a -very superior; ý7~raming l4eeystyle,. om for sale.. , - vr Sm lyeOluppliedT- ptok <f elegant oakets. eý uit* Cù'tômers*, à a *wll appointedl WM. TILL. INA TEA STO'REt. GIB SON &SREL t&ejs received thQ lIrgest, best assorted, and cheapest stoc cfCroceryanda¶3lassware ever offérei, .hty luI China, ~ ~ eand Fancy .'et set$.- la cluna sund Faney inner Sets. - - .1» china, u ana uacy Teilet Ete'o Iu PssrlQ , Table sud BedrQoýLAMpi. - In- ase-Fiuit, Cake al1er1SêDi".a, 2 e Goflts, Tumnblers afzêdý>Wine Gýlaises. Ia -Table Sèts-;-h-lPaIr. F-OR P-RSFý-NTS In <Jupe, Saucera, Mugi, Vases, Toya, e A. GI»SON & SPAZYEI£L have aUkIdsdeof Choic e Family Groceries, flest' Teas, Tobacce, and al l iuds cf 1Fancy Pipes,: Hama, Baon, Lard. Optera cf the boit brandea lwsys on h&nd.1 The higliset narket price psadin cash for sny quantit'y'cf Good Dressed Hiogo, Osîs, Small Pease, Alarro vfat Pease, te. At *Whitby, Dec. 15th, 1874. GB O TAIL ORING Go Whcre you can gE iWell-fittiùgi Garment :-To the Tailoring Est&hlishment cf GEO RG E G JR LEY,OS.,8HAWA. SUPElIIOiR CUTTiNÇ SRHAPES.- THEB WORK A Large Stock -of Fine Clotils ; bee E"nglis'h; Scoleli &ud Caiadian Tweeds. , g>Eieelleint Overcoatigesud Splendid Vest Patternis. A good fil Guaranteed. GEORGE GURLEY, 51 King Street, Oshiawa. CLOT H-INGI AND For Superior Clothing suitab1e for Suimmor wear try the CI thing Store and Merchant.Tail- oring establisnment cf JO(r-EITI F Em E;?-,G-«USO3 N l-, PUNDAS StÈEET', WHIITBY. A GOOJ) FIT AND STYLISH CUT WARRANTED 1 Gent's Furnishing Gootis cf ail kinds, inoluding Shirts, Hats aud Caps, Umbrellas, &c., Whitby, Juiy lith, 1875. rtf-8i JOSEPH RODGERB 4SN IVORY -HANDLEP TABLE -CUTLERY, Peu and Pocket Knives, I~ectro-pbI.ted Spoons, Forks, &o., SK AT ES iýlN D STIRAPS ! ACME CLUB SKAkES, N EW YOR KOý-UJgS KATES. &MAGNACHIAN. I3ROGK STýEET, M'LflhBY. I ~--I-O~W-- FL0IJJ,, AND' PKÉÈD STOIRE 1 f OHA. P E«ýN Y LEG fO'N' Begst>o:noi~yls friends ai4d the customers cf the aboye selabiiement tht, havmng hought 4ut the fatereat cf 1Mr. Cobbledic-k fa <tbb ush~ts,~e8 s1î peqrd tb supply- FLPPURIt' Of9T-P Of QUALITY, AT THE LOVE ST liVING PeICES. )-Feed, Bran, Shorts, atý Peas, Qats, PotatoeFr f Ç HE4 PEqT FOR I4A SHI Feed Store, Crosby's Blooc be for yonr Ma4 !s. Promptns anî gazO esB N IG .B ô idnBook Binding.--Ma- gsIia ooks, amphlets, &c.~ boý,mid any style; at cfty prioes. Mü ' UI , 'M sleo, '.uii-À 1rge stock of Sheet and- Hfall- 0i Musie, eal 0 Viln e rtinaPu.,<o, tRbe 9o'. J. T#. Bookoeller -and gtationer, and dealer in Fanoy Goods. Brock Street, Whitby, Jauary tb, le6. Nàxt. Rssznsxcv.. M IO NEcz,-z'P. jIZpolRý,P 1 Thomas l4ucher,. Markhani.J.. 3rock............ Feb. lot, 1876. L. Fairbai&s, JrW ty.....ButS Ontario. .. Feb. lot, 1876. D. 100.....Oha Buth Riding .... June 28 1876. Donald li mn . .. ThoraS .........-Mars.............. sept. 0.18. B.E. H.Cateron.. eaverton .....Thorah ...... 21876 C. oor I Orilia.......do............... 29, 1876: JhMcU& o shburn .... .... SoutS Rtidlng..... Oct. lot, 1876, Donald Rý1 os.. ThoraS ......... WhoraS ............'<1,I?? T.B Wa 'h... Caxuaington..,. do .............. ..19,13878. W Gs4n .ud~4 a Brock........ 08% byJÏ.'Ridi2wg . Oct. LtS, 1876. James i 4by' Jr Clarexnort ..... Uxbridge ........... Oct. 26tb, 1876. JhL ts.. Port Perry ... North Riding . Oct. 28t5, 1876. J. 0. Pilkiy ... Saintfield. North Riding. Oct. 28t5, 1876, W. M. W ..c.x Port Pry NortJidn. 4iq.11h.876.- 0. Wilson ......... Port Perry .... Reaclx. ...ê. 22dd, 1876d,' Thomnas Tckr . Leaskdale .....*Scott.......... ... Dec. 2ad, 1876. Dan. Whafe. Toronto,......... North'Ridizig. .: Dec-;-lSth, 1876. .,-LI$T.-OF PEPLEIRS FOR THE 00. ONTARIO. John carr . Oshawa....... On foot............LiaIt AprIl, 1876. James Bri ,go..... Brooklio.. .......i1 horse ...........8SthIay 8) A. O. Uu sud ... NonRsident i 1horo, County....9thDe. 187& James Bl& kwll. do. . 2 horses, County- 14th Dec. 1878. Folite Mfcovern do. . 2 herses, Cojuty. 5th Dec. 1870. John Gflllian ... do. . 2 horses, County 15th Dec. 1876. 1I -- . WM. LAING, Co. Treasurer. wbltby, ;an. 1876. 2 o' This Hotel is situated lun b. central portion of the City, convenieut te the wholesale establishments* and. publie buildings, sud for touriese and commercial travellero is a mioat cligible situation. The housSas *been tbroughly re-organizsd asud re-furnished tlxroughout, aud is fittod ~up.in lbt. moat comfertable andfsinnb1etyleitqual to anifArst-class bouse là »the Dominion. The bodroomsansd drawxung-rooms are largo sud ay, and the beet ranitary regulations are obasrv.sdr, The large sud couveniont saxupla recus, for the, accommodation of Commercial Travellers, are co'mmodious, snd convoniently locatod on the firsi fiat. Oinnibuses snd Carrnages always rcndy for the, accomimodation cf gueste arriving by al the teains ad nietad amete convey fliem te the depotsansd wlxarvcs on lesving. Gea. Kennedy, formerly cf Queen's Hotel, Owen Sound, Manager. Telegraph Office iu conuection with tItis House. TERMS,- - $1 50 PER DAY. DFOMINION ORGTAN IMPIIOVED ANI) REMODELLED CABINET c 0,si ORG A NS.1 t- z w D t- c,, z w >1 w m ~r I j-' oZ o zH -n THIS COMPANY fl -RECENTLY ]3EEN RE-OIIGANIZED by'the additioni of tlîree of thse most practical mnen from the. Factony of Ciough & Warren Orgau Ce., Detroit, Miels., eachi taking au active part in hic owni particulan departuient, aud are now manufactui-ing an Organ EQUAL, sud iti many points SUPERIOB, te îîîy maîsufsîctured inilte United States or Canada. 9-YW Our celebrated "1Vox Celeste,' "Vox Humana," Wilcox's Palént "Octave Coupler," "Celle" or IlClarinet" Stops, Il llugle liern," IlDul. catV'. "j.Eeline," IlCreirnena," afid Grand Organ Stop, sud ail the late Improvemeuts, caai ho obtained oîsiy ini these Organs. Twenty-Five Di fférent ~tyies1~ FOR 'THIE PAIILOII AND THE CHURCE, THE BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP. o-r JC Q«ality and Vo/unie of- Tone Uneqjuà7Jied, - P R 1 CESe $50 TO $1 Y'000. I'Fotctory anti Wareroomà-,,ourae!7o.f Txi~~&ae Wellingtonu Streets, Bowmanville. Agents WVanted i Every County. r:ý' Send for Prieu List. GENERAL AGENTS FOR- CANADA -For -lb. "Celebrated" A4dre.qs, IDIAXNQ DOUMINION eUNCAN CPilpwjWs1cOt John ston 's 8e/f- akn I~eper. AWAREEDý1 ?HE FIRST PR IZE. Atý the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, ifil187&.7 We offer ~ our custorners for the corning Ha-U ,ft»A . tipct MaQhines, which ini style anîd construction, enibrace the Iaý ;test and most useful irnprnvements of the'day. rThe. _.pi-v4rsal s,,wcess cf this..Machine, both in closety contest- -id tr ials sud in the hands cf the tarmers, ai 4'Ut Aé,èltîý iog Roaping liachine, il Sas more goed pointesud les sdefeats, sud-ba met witb and esuc s4sba failure. than Saretefore efiered te the public. -CA4JCiA J UN Ã"MtR~ Weý werd' âwardéd t1Ëî Firift P nize rial Exhibiti, n, Sellu Toronto, 1870,in pnmpetition witb ail the leading Macine ~u~4toye i~-be Pyjncé ;,. n w itSý cur receut improvements, ve unheital- iugly ehalluz je invéfiget!ofn a domparipou m g rir c 9, e Are atlsf6ed t islsuch *uvestigaliou vil yii e th offer the ben Nover te the Fartuer for 187 ulinaeD.îno.Su for descriptile catabopeu. THEIR STOCK IS LAEGE NDA1OWL SBGBTBD.,.. ýNEW GROOERIES ~ 4ITA Just teceived 'n ail tliê diffoeext;imes. ,ýoýglock of Fine LiJuor8. tr FÂRMERS PRODUCE TAXEN IN EXCHANGE. _ Whitby, Dec. iSth, 1875. 51 ..~ »r + LAING & SEWART Most respectfu11y- eall'the "attenition of th eir Friends and Customeý Ïte the lad, thatý they try te keep up with the times, and ij doiiigoav benfortii- nate i getting a 0CH101E LOT ;Oý At less than what they origiaiy 008$te produce them;_- and are now offering several hundreds cf yards at 26 cents per yard, worth 85 cents. TRIMIMNGS TO SUIT. LL.yI4lé-R.>1 A D E ASPECIALTY.' The same Milliner employecý whïo bta:iind, the First Prizeý for lier workiast year.: -If-antlee made by Tailorseiii Germiaùy-, 1edid. Value. C1othing-Read$y-made and made tâ order, on short notice, in the latest styles. An excellenat assortnient. cf Gents' Fùrniéhing-8. Hats and Caps in great variety. Whitby, 8th December, 1875. 5 MAMJFA0,TURERS 0F CAJURIAGJES - NýD SLEGHS, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY, ONT. Rave now oný>hiand a large stock of Carniages, Buggies, and Sleighs, Cuttérs, which for style and finish cannot be exeelled. 3ryAil will be sold at cost. Ail work warranted. TOMS &NEWPORT, Whitby, Ontario, WSitby, Augual 251h, 185. 85 ?-P -pT MN Hae n baud, at thein Merchant Tailoring Establishirnent, B ROO K STREET, W-HITBY, Amuch langer and botter stock than -asual, embnacing al THE NEWEST CLOTHS AND TRIMMINGS. For gentiemens' Clothing ; and as they axe giving their whole attention to the Tsiloring business, lhey are in a position te do it better than ever. ,Whitby, isept. Sth, 4175. A. . R INGLE.' 40-ly FIJRNITURE! FJJRNJTTJBE! Now is the ltime to buy good and cheap Furniture. Having bouglit out the business lately *c arried on by James H1. Samo, weè tak-e this. opportunity of iwvitinýg luis many ftiends to give' us a eall, and we can -assure ail that We are prepared to do as well by them in the future, as Mr. Samo has done in the. past. TILL, & JOHNSTON. Orders by mail promptly atenddto'. class Estabhishment in the Couty wher lneax e ful- ly supplied. W i>bs-ctober lot, 1873. TILL &.-JO-HNýSTON. -, 40-ly ANDSIIE EXLPJ1IUM, BROOK STREET,- WHITBY. JO0H N SAUNDERS- Largest Stock, -Latest Styles, Greatest* Variety, 0f Boots and Shoes in;Town, -che'ap for Men's Feit- Overshoes, $1 20, per pain. Ladie's Feit Ovenshoes, -- $1 «10, - do. i'; f~ns Oe.00 WOfth :300.- Ail orderspunctuaily attended. -- Repains 'nea4ly donc. Wihity, Oct. 2715ý, 1875'. JOHN SAUNDE1tS.ý QÇHOWCE WINESJ PURE LIQýUOBRS: at WHOLESAILE and iRETAIL:g4pukthe. ~f1J D A Y DifF4m UNUSUALLY LOW IPRIÇES. TRY p- 9weÉ 15c KNAE~1 S SIMC0O~E STRBEE ',T, "",0,S HA,WA. .4àf ,Cqbrate4 ? X $hea A & -1?orteÉ. CHOICEST -BRÂNDS' 0F CIGARS-AND TOBACý-YQ$ AI- WAYS IN1 8rOOK, THEIl 4.repnlsl anaDief e.-u-I r J?" F-. zE wY 'a DSWsrL. .J. IL ýOOD&M AND. ROEBY STIE AT'.AUDLEY.. In ord1ex îo meel the growing.yants of- thal ocaitythe sabecriber bas been mnee&- tlo open business iltheabioya line.; A Large and wel Seleeted ,Sta)ek equail iu price "a zli7 $te any th# oax. Se purchrd'i"b' «city. Give nus&-. cail, 1ndgo for yourself, snd if youn eb. as weU suted. as else*hers patronlzê borne trade. ..Mc]3RÂD-Y,. Audley; Audley, Nov. 241h, 1875. 484<f .BEATTY' S"wTiM.. TONGuE" Parler Çrgans are, ranksdby- eminent musicians as theiegaing .Organ now in use. For thë>'Cbmdreb abbath School, Lodge or Par-ler tbey bave no su- perier thronghout the içorld. 'Wecb»aUmnge, any manufacturer to equal them for sw.et. n'esg and volume of tons. Where vs bahve ne. agents ws will aUlpw any one wxÉbig te =u h agents discount. Àgente'vanted avryhre. Send .alamp for lii. of- testi- mouilansd circular c f this aù(ondeful muu.-. sic produciug instrumènt. Addrsis, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wfaahington, N. J. «. p ÂTENTS FOR INVENTIONS Expeditiously and properly secured lu dan-. ada, the United -Statesansd E oe.Pa- . tenta guaranteed or neoc1 nfor - printed instructions. AgencY fn 9peratiOn. ten years. ENRTYGRIST, Otava Canada..- Mechanical Enginee, Soiecitoz'oiPeatents. sund Daraughtsman. 85. Tàthe Inh abitanta cof Duffins' Creek- and Viclnity:- .I have, nov !qpéedaa mayb sen ee eVllies W-i aïe of Beef, 'Pork, and Fow vii 1 bf ofesa totihe Public. - ' B eazonable Prices L;-Corne one, coine aIl, ud gel aoxnething to de you good. RICHARD WE STLAÉE.ý WSutLy, December LinSd, 1875. 52 BEATTY PA NO! Grnnd Square sud Uprigbt. Endorsed by the higbest'imusical author- r iles thiroulthouat t15e vend asiTREBEST_ "Mn. D. F. Beatty, eai Wasinein, War- ren Cunty, W. J.0 bas engaged * tlb. Man- ufactue of pianos, and judging finom bIis energy, enterprise snd =musicalblity> tIith publie may expect te secure l is ie anos weflfuised, unile aS' ~ston&in- struxueuts, at s very moderrte price. Bil facilities will enable hini te compote with any."-Lambertville [S. FZ]Record. re',Send stauip fer cataloge.Address;, DMIEL -Z. BEATTY, Waohmgton, N. J. BEAT-PT PIA No., Grand Square -and 4ight. Tins splendid, Piano 1orta combines e vr ipoeent in tons vilS pavqerand, great uablity, and Sas neceived -the un- sical'a utoitf ci fur ils zuarvelons, ýextrsor- dlina richuesa of -Aus; having. NO, SU--- PERLOB INTIHE WOBLD.,Laraizo, -74 Uctý,es,, Overstrnng Basel, Pull Iron Frame F-rencb Grae.d'Actibit,» Fret -Deak, CarvJd edal Bauld Rosewood. Monidinga., Ivory Key Frnt,-.Cappeê. .,RauAners, a Grafis Trehie, &c. LiSeral diacouattte b trade. Agents ntdmlofmle L:&- Send stal p for circular. Addra DANIEL F. BE ATY, Wasbingtorl, K1s. Agents Wantcd, iu every Toveehip in Ontaric te sefl the, fanions Prize Medal Organ, Manufactur- ed SF tho Smith Amorican -Organ Co. sud George Stock and Co.'s Pianos. Speafaàl inducementa will bo givon le first,-class agents sud clubs of tbrce or four wii.hilig to purchatâe. Any number cf testimoniale fa favor of those finI-case organe can ho furnish. ed, buteas, tîy ara sego sl ,novn- great uumübeýrahavingheu oldtbrough- oul theDIominion and Savinjzgve* astis. faction iu everyiustaulea--Weteatmoni. reputation.., S The. Steck piýuô c4.; rêé'e'1ê thl. ç,nl.goId-:meqPIawarad d 19aiuy sudS. Chrc es:quiriug <rgans iei1 ha l1iberally deal witb. Style >82, Smnith Astueiçan,,'we woujd cail ittsete t as Seiug cesaWfy adàýtedfôÏ 0 uburcbes and halls, its: Proportions are gIs.efÙl Etnd ils- musicalqnlities ara nnsnrpss.8 cd. -TZte grand 'érgaifslejs gives lb. -player.faeii1ies fck vaz$ons:aneç#plèndid effecÏî, Iis stop cati b.ctxsed'io-asti t olowly.increas the. 'vlnrneof tousefront a1 whisper or auddén1y- hirWàk*'fôrth al tb.. power cf tbe lntrtume 't IIl uat P.iabo a sd Orgaiis furnisbed. whole. -BI G. Bf» N"ncu T 0,% '- ns Whitby, Ouide 40 traction TestS ei local an aui'as of J lange que stantl>.01 Clerk £ Comnniasi &c., Âtheu, Ather Wbitby, S R ~oBT. Graduate Quesn's Uaif- ef lmi Unir. of P- Peunsylvk af the Uni enen for il Celdvaten -AugmitL24t Of the Tom OFPJC (UN For the C entrxxsted it tendeS ta. Whitb., 'Ta . E. cinesk -t c the Whitby Fil . aylng ti firsin Ns Cash priee1 ----Colou, Muik :Wý>HITBY FANCY GOODIS FASHIONABfIýE G E NT'S (7R Q.-S$ Four, Gen~o Oalrnieal. Cracked WThà AT WHOLESi OHEA PER 11iYA«1Nh -1 - ý: 1 - 1 . 1 . 1 -1 1 C-r T . ýP. -WI A 1 ý 1

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