Whitby Chronicle, 6 Apr 1876, p. 1

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Ouà 'T B':aI 9Nô'W, 0 O!iIN1JOI0 NBA-NK, '1; 3. TAYLOR, FAREWELL &R1rrLEUG)C 'BARRàTEIS -TTrOEEEYlgSOLI. 0mfR. iret coor sentis cf the.Roval Hôtel, *lIâtby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, B. AL Couatyrewn Attorney. e8 Notaav pblie '£o ton, rLBS C.7. LE, LYrMAN igNGLISI,k L L. B.,, QO Streqi, Oshawa, G. YOEJNG SMITH, LL. ia., y)ABRISTER, ATTORNEY. AT.LAW, 13. 1 olicitor tu chanceryMdI.u@vency, Notary Public 91 cOfle-lMiflan' Eiock, BrooklitreetWbltby, Ontario. A.ý .G. #11ELLATi, (Late Grccnwooc & Mou"'-a.) BARBISTBR, ATTORNEY, BOUC. . trNotary' Public, Conve' cr. Cf. fieBrnSreet, Sotih of ;oniOfficemo, Whulby, Ontario. fUGGAN &kRBI13NSON, BÂRI5TERS, ATTOIIKEYI'AT.LÀW, SOLICITORS INWiCHiiNCER Y CONVEYANOR,s, tc., OFFIOB-Provlrcial .4eeurancs.Bzuldiige COUve STUIET, Tonoro, J. DOOAW, . o., J. G. ROBINSxON, M. A. * TI1IOSIAS IIIltTON, TOWN CLERK &ND6 TREABURER, oWhtby-Oflice-Town Rail. Houri, from 9 ïa 1 c'clock. ......N . .... s UBGEON TO ýTHE CO'UNTY GAOL, ~Byron Struetf Whuiby. 9gZliY'5 HOSPITAL- LONDON, BNCI,, ~.3xthe @y#.,. l.H.L., Oshawa, Onta.rio. W. ADA141, ~'s..L fauales -Dufo, W, 8IL Carb, "Whblby ovss- Ms-.Jsm.son'oStBIs-. ibrous Ozidaa. admlnistes-efoteapairIeus.or- tsacien of teotis. c, N. V ARS, L. D. S. ACMTEETH 1.s.s-Iuion al the zc"--Llaséi p-inipies of tiseest, as cbeax at l ba peshé , anti as goot se, the beat. Tooh e5Ble v10112GelSand Hiver. TestS ertracted vitheul pain, b>' protiuclng local aatstss. Dental oomsm-lu Cav- an'& n.v bleck, avis- Aklnsau's Drug Store, Ring Bts-eet, Oshava. 85 -TIIOMA8 DEVERILL, BUiLDER AND CONTRACTOR, DNuitAS ST., WRITBY- Mq' AU osdore ps-emptly exoculeti lUtIN ,ROBINSONPS IR tiDRE SSING AND BHAVING SL alcon, Br-ook St., WSilby. * - JORIN WOLFENDENm AGENT FORL TE CELEBRATED Acusltlsh Granite. AI Masbis Wers-S et .Tenthaai Woltentisn,Duudti8., Wiby. - T UMBER MÈRCHàANT,CAh> TB .Li sud Jis-r, Os-sn tsest, Whltby, A large quaulit>' 0f &Il kinds ofetlumbes- con- santi>' on band. Z E. O'DELL, A T H E RL Y , Olerk Div/e/on Court, Tp. C/erk, Coîniesioner ia B. R., Land Agent, &o., ho., AIhes-ty, CeunI>' Ontarioa. /stbes-iv Stt. lud, 1872. 88 DR@.-CARSON & BOGART, 'h>'siens, Surgeons, Acceoera, d&., &oa. Wlsttby, Sept. 801h, 1874. ( RDOBT. -RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. Gretiuate <itis isnora) of tie University' et Quon-s Coltege, Canada; Pisiladelplila Univ. oelMedlcIne sncd Surfgerj,; Amenican Uni,. of Ponasylvaula6; Blc c Ceoloageofe Peunuylvansd LIceutite et Mic-oflcey efth1e Univ. et Etiinburg, Scotlanti. Cor- oner for th. Cou=utofe Ontario. Offce- Coidwster SI., Oril a. Augumt 2415, 1875. y-8 JOTN fB. M. WILLÇOX, 0f the Town cf Whitby, lias boon appointed OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, (UNDER THE NEW AOT,> F.or th. Ccnîy cf Ontario, Ail business autruted to his charge wil bi carefully et- tended le. Whulby, Jan. 141h, 1874.81 IÈ ]rB BDE ST i-tORSE MEDICINES. Ail descriptions cf th. boit HraÎ. Medi. ço onccstantiy. on hand sud for sale et RSNO Charge for adice.N.B Y RAWN.uRAT. fim bn.Nw rk, I viii pai th. hlfst Cash pries foi apy quaniy et MiIIk, Foz, COOn, Muskrat, d&o. ý Whlltby, Deo.,15th, 1875. Si 1 CJOHNSON, DEALER IN, LUMBER, Has on baend a.sl endid stock* et fins cbear and velalieoubtýi.Lumbes-Ail kindu for cjegrosuad buildlug p os-posa.> Pices-tog anti Drosmeti Lsmbeas al~s on uL Gros.'. pliaung Mliiadjolaleg, aos bisa prainmawhbmorties-s rs-mpl> eeCuledforueo. ssu, blido,401, g i n 'z;t t e t a u p g e pORltaPEyt ONT., JOHNSON gçuàB*, EAST IAIKT IQUAIÎÉ, TORONTO- W., G. JOHNS5ON, -- ROPAIETOI. TuÀjis, 081.00 per Day. tsbling in, con," GEORGE BROWN, PIBOPBIETOR., This fis-t-cia.. bouse'lies beau new1 fit. loid npud senovted throughost suddif- les-dssuporler accoumodation for- tUrecep-* tien cfenet&.. Thepre,"t.nipni.terblas oprdaepso-ep en. uints-dncing evsy sapovsusl h~lou'deudto the Tas-ente, Jnby 10th 1874. 29 0NTABIO 3HOTEL, WEITBY, OIITABIO. PETER W.AKB(,. PROPRIETOR. Supesr scometation. Table, .ipplieti villi boat lu eson. Genu, iqr.0 Cigare, boat brandes. ,Billad srn. Ren staiblesansuseds.- e.t BRITISR AMERICAN HOTEL, R A y18, (LArE laBssasnouez.) S 1 IT B Y, 0ON T ARB10 Honss novly renovabei and fus-niehed tbrougliont, anti put in firel-isss-dos- for ,ho roception cf guesîs An omnibus le anti roi 'ail trains. -Fis-t-oeas samspie roxue. G RAND TRUNE RAILWAY HOTEL, AT WEZITBY STATION, WU. O'NEILL - PROPBIETOR. Pas-lies laklug 1h. train and leaving herses vil have lhom vel takeu cars of 111I hoir relus-n. T QUEEN'S HOTEL, aaoCx-sTRET, WEITEY, TAYLOR & McCANN, PROPRIETORS. fs-ends sud Ibe publie tisaI lhsy have laken ltse above veil knovu hetel, visicli tioy bave u.why fitteti up sud renovateti, andi put imt the best eofas-des- fes-the aceommoda- tien et que.tm. The Bas-, vhich in the baud. semesl u inte Cont .1. voel! supplieS vush the fimeat bsands.0avines,lilquore, sud ci- gare. Ample oncloseti sedroom anti gcac stebliig, box st&e, &o. Detaehed mois for commercial travellere. J. P. TAYLOR, PILIP IdcCANN. laIs cf Tes-ente. s HAXESPEABE HOTEL, CORe3 07 x UKo ND.AitOsoa RI ., FDB 0NY'O. JAMES POWELL, . Paorpar.osc Flns;t.class accommosdation-$ babb.-oonis, &oc. Boas-d, $1 60 per- Se>. 10 T OR O NTO. Tic mass Elegant, Cash>' and Perfect Hotel ln the Deminion. Tisis Hotel tcknovletigas ne rivaI, elisher in ils menegusmeut, eppinîment, or loca'- tion. Iu the lattes- respect il adonids il. guesls s charmiug and unobstrnabive viev et Lake Ontario. Kg' The fluemt Watsrseape iviev lu Canada. Il Sa, 250 rooxus turnisbed willi ail ths modes-n fiprovenients. McG3AW & WINNETT, 491f Pruprletora. A RMSTRONG HOUSE, (LATE ALBIOS4, WHITBY, 0ONT AR 10. E. ARMSTRONG - P1ROPIRIETOR. R OYAL HOTEL,_ WEITDs-, ONT. A. HINDES, Jei., - PROPRIETOR. Cosumodieus Bample.rooms, Omnibue meute ill trains. 27 w 1ITBY -BOUSE. DUNDAS-ST.. WHITBY. (WEST OF- POST OF-FICE.) JOSEPH A. BANDEZ, PROPRIETOR. ThsIbouse. ha.been recel>' ybuit, 1e las-!" "d roomau itei plufrat-claus lyle.BesI t ,m ius.aSCsss loseS yard;.4olv sir. 4 FABE1VS d&MECHANIOS HOTEL, BOUGHIAM, ONTARIO. S. B. WEBB, - PROPRIETOR. BesI Liquors and Cigau alvayu ounisandi. Masc-h 01h, 1878. 1 L~VRY that ho earrios on 1he Lives-> businetts st RAY'S OL» STAND. Partises-eaquiclng coniveyauces..covered and. open--can b. accemiadatod at a unement', notice. RICU. PIERDON. -Whltby, Sept. 21, 1875. 89 yOUNG'B HOTEL, MONOK ROAD, DALTON# ROBT. K. YOUNG, PgOPR:IBTOt.j - olabhlnYolon tîuregastijhe iha h.oper A Appiyt- Brodk st,.Whày EM S, S.ADDLERY. g tbe tn he remI ean m- ot. nI a es 1s b tate that hé 1, Dada4~,Wbiby, WN"e wes ls sE.b,,5 Wfiitby, F 24,1874. îf GLEN MAJOR MILLS 1 800,000 eet :?iue Lumbe-, wvol seasonsti. Inchs Boas-is Fboosing, 2 x 4 "Scantling, 2-in si Plank, Fýncing, Bourde, 200,000 fcet cf Oak, Meple for axIes, lst qualI>', -Bassweod, Tma- 15,000 fI. Square mbr AU Aof het h.çiylhosodbs p foeoai. Re venld à1so beg te sa>' thal bise Oriel MUi in s-nnng,aud le deiug fis-t-cis s os-k. Cbop fndouse 6day. lu tise week, forevery Dec. 21h, iPruaprietos-. D-- 16b,178. -- 11f LGOOD NEWS FOR THE LADIES., A NEW,ýEVELATION IN THE SCIENC O F DRESS.MAKING. CORNW WAIST tA Drosses fil1 vi thont chas SFor al. M IS S 'ALL'S SELF-14ITTING ;SHOULDER CHART. ted fs-m meaes-remnl aicue 1g et a salibi. - vllh fs-s. instmutons, et Me INT YRE' DRL55*5ýÂKINGeBOcS, vErTes-. 1 Agente vas tise trade. Wisiîby, Ang led. Liberai inducenionts la 18, 1874. 84 BOTTOM PRICES FOR COAL AND WOOD 1 Ail kintis oi Hard and SoftsCeai, cousist- ieg efth1e cblebs-sed LacSavane, Sea-n ton, Bs-les- 111, Blosbns-g and aiSes- col CHEAP FOR CASH t F'or quanbities la Blackemiths anà ti lere SPE CIAL RATES 1 Wood.) ezbu elon-gh, 255 cents per ces-S ebalemneutoff I nanaîpricos. SenS lu yeus- es-Sex-te Ai. ALEXANDER'S IWilby & Oshsawa, Wiiby, Aue st Blet, 1875. if-8S 0 S F 1 MDIVSION COURTS e,7s-EX COUNT)l 0F ONTARIO, FOË THE TEAR 1878. Wsby.8 1i21 1 11 1I2 1j1 Broughsam 2 li 4 12 1 2 P ort P r"-> 21 1 820 25.26 , 5114 14127 Ur-i5..27 I111 12627 1 618 15122 Ceuigt'n 28 là81 27 28' 7 12 16 21 U.1,' I~6 1 291 il t0 I ery.. 117 1 3101 I 10 a 119 GEO. H. DAIITNELL, Junior Jutige. Whitby, Dec. -ilh, 1875. 51 Tise bout et &H, SenS stamp folIt ftes. limonlals. Atidrese, DANIEL P. BEAT- TY, Washingto~n, N. J. M AJOR MI4;ILLS. T. P~. WHITE vin., on tSe 141 à Octobes-, 1875, resume con- trol et tise Ma jos-Mille, vSen, he vil Se 1 repared Ici PC>' THE H«"GREST PRICE, tas- an>' quan Whitevah,. H give enlire sel: patronize tison Fleur anti Fe et reasonable p slanti>' ou banc Whlbevabe, Octý FOR & l>' et vist 'lelivosed at a vil1 miii. ever>' effort to staction te tisose vho me>' Mliih itheir gristessg. oS et the boat qusiity, ana ices, villiasebSe ept cou- -andi for sale. T. P. WHITE. li, 1874. 4 MLE-CHEAP 1 A firet-lu eas rimv ise-can Organ, appby et lie I CuasrcirEoffice. Whitby, Feb. 2gs-d, 1876. 91 FLOURB1 BýANt1 AND SERUTSI11I NEW STO~ tasri E,ý JUST OPENED. srex sas's Horro, GIVE A C4IL. WU. JOHNSTON.] TO Tl- lit FARMERS t Plaugli Catinge, Btsav. ig Mi, Reapors and Mev- WM. WbitSy Oct. 1ls, 1875. lm ONET T< A berge quani mInesest,prvi For sal, seveoa Hanses, suda tes-ie, aplyt Wll1yeFeb. 9i WM. T4lO z LAT£ Fr. -çe JOHNSTON. tf-at 7ty fiouey to lend nt ov ia Town lots, tva Freme large Brick Hlouai For G. YQUNG SMiTH. B. McGAW. RICÂN ~ O pan>'. -E 8 T A BL 1S Il D 1 TMi 01 ndwaU euIablixheýI Coznpany- *re prea to accep risks in, au classe.of stpeiyarates aasAew as s.bouec fyvl ardrous liroel- s8ze4 oýthzeyeaars]e i c1- a M 1e Ofc,fxock ., Whieby.. lN,?RRBRITISH & MEIICANTILI$ F/fE INBUVRANOeCOifPAN Yl Safe,,ana roebip, chargssmoderategro 'n2pt Whitbyu1, 1875. 28 INSURANCE COMIPAN Y 0F LIlVEl4POOL,& LONDON. CAP À-AU - - $10,v000. MOLSONS BANK 8l. A. BAYNE8ý ESQ., M.D. Hleasi fMie fer Canada: 39ý & 193 St. James Street, Monîreai. FORBE S & MUDGE, Cg0f Agente. RI. H. LAWDERL, AgonI, lýiiby.* Augnel 1015, 1875. ]y-33 s TÀQL? BBTWEEN WHITBV &- OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY't Leaves Oshsava aISe , ni., andI2, P. M Leaves Whibby aI 10, a. i., ana 4, p. ru. Fare 25 cents oasis vay. WiU cal aatl1the isotls, ad1 st rvae sesidencee (whWh ooresare ief$et an>'0c the isotls.) Connecte vils O*haad DowîsuvWllstlage; aio vilSlbaeWitby anti Port Pers-y Rallvav, ans i.l Brough-. ai mail et Whitby. 1 THOS. BHOPPER. Wbitby, Mas-cb 915, 1875. il-If BE ATTY'S, PQANS The hast and mest basting perles- 's-gan now in use. Na otiser pas-s-os-ogen is* oves- et- taluedthe lisanie p pul.nity. sen tsansp for circulas- anS for Ierms te de a e'. Agents vanteS everyvière. Atidrees, DANIEL F. BEATTY, WashlnkIon, N. J. 1VsiTERN ASSURLANCE COMPANY ILEAI) OFICE, TOaOý<TO. CAPITAL STOCK, - 400,00o. AOEitT resu sature oTi 0ai, .TOSEPE BOrLM4N, BB0oKLriN, ONT. Aise Agent for tisa CANADA F4RMERS' MUTUAL IN'SURANCE COMimPN, Heacl 1Offc, HtUMTNom; a CITIZENS' INSURANCE CO0MP'Y, -Montreal, Fis-e, Lite assd Gua'utee Depes-Imentl, CAPITAL, - - *,l000 Brookliu, Dec. 2, 1872. 12ms49 BEATTY'TED GOLDEN TONGUE PARLOR ORGANS aire iig1 recommended Sy Prof. O. H. Hne- e. A. M. Jehie>', Baltimea, Md; Fs-at. John B. Rowl-anS, RAv. S. Daers, Washington, D. C.; G. S. Dyeart, Bloomf1iebti, Iowa; G. W. Robinson, Prof. JoSnston, Philadel. pii. anti thousantis of aISes-s as lise Seat iu use. Ssnd steusp for extended 15 of eti- moae before bilysng s Pas-h r Osgan. Agents vauteti evorywherc. Add, Ose, DANZEL F. BEATTY, Washln on, N. J. cE01 HOC E APPLE TRE'ES, A Il O U T 40,000,, -AT Tlnis- HOME NURSERY, Froni Ivo tefour yeasos ge, enibtacing al tise besI Vas-lettes. SETHL C. WILSON, Lot No; 8, 2nd Con. Pickering, ou KCingeton RcS. et Office, WSitby. 1 199~ Begs le aunounce that SeoSees ressoved te King St.. a fev Score EAST 0F' THE POST OFICE, opposite Lultes how-roomsl, vSes- 'aili S. tounti ý fine stock of iSj anS etit as for ledlies anti gentlemen, etofs ais 4menu. facture. tý"wBsav bats- colas-ad anS 1ee-oSil shape. Oshava, Jul>' 6ts, 1875. 89 V ALlERS AND TRUNES. LEATHER VALISES AND S~ARATOGA TRi,3NRS, &0c., &o., aI WILLIAM THOMPS0f1x's, Saes- ranS Harnoes Mker; Jun, 24, 1874. 261f BEATTY'S JGANI Âu tret-oi. PAINTER AND~ LET- TE R cau fiSsietblug tabli aven. tae b>'a dressing the menafu r s- DANIRI F. BEATTY, Was&&gMq", N. J. PROPrERTY FOR SALE. The subscnber ofo for aie th~ faov. frg valueble Ps-pesy, in the Town. t- hsl Iby:-Arsxce t fBnck Cotv1 r o1 band, silueted ou th, cas-er e of ean Bt. Peter BIs., l is e Set wasd[ a ace of iaud,, v e d ains lue80halt of caltivation cornes - Welintou d Gef tord ite<!roa Was5. jabnsonCiréeSi. sonths of th. resldsuce of C. Draper, Em.,i the -South WarS. Aiso20 acres i goLd t, .bain a oftiopas-t cf lob-16, 101h cm. of owuc1pof Mur-eyCo.a, ',-h",bes-., Aolar en iniptebheiié irm glven boail tisaaboya propos-t>',Pa Fe r par. ilue-apply tle ie wsie. i Il42i1,RK OoPort p PrneAibort (1 A1) t.~4lh~l8?9. 89 Agent for th6 ROYAL ixsiuRANCE COMPÂNT, PEOVINCr IA isupAàieE (Co.; é OPPICE--Onlaioa au d ýavinges Compoxeysbuilding, cerner -Ring suda Bm-' coee areet4, shawa. .April 2Othï 1874. * 17, G.'YO'UNG 'S'MITI ISSUR. 0F IVIARRIAGE LICENSES, WHITY, ONTABIO. WHEflE, TO BUY* I' Gel made up and put devu lu bl style Brussels Tapestry -ail Wool Carpets. Oieoloths and Mats. Cos-nices, Lambroquins aud Fs-luges. Win- dow Blinda, etc., etc., aI WILLIAM GORDON'S, 134 Yangc St., Tas-onlo, a few Score abeve AdelaiSe St., vest Bide. Fcbrnary 1115, 1876. 7 BIEATFY PI14NO0 1 Grand Square andi Uprigisi. "Tise Piano, as-p tise Ouest in lisevos-Id ai regards tono aa 4encellence.-Hunling. don [Tenu.] Ilepublican. "dTise Beatty Piatno is prossounood by. ail, tis sweetest lonesi instrunment mauactns-. ed."-Gettybu-g [Pa] Century. "Tise Beatty Pianos, grand square sud upriglst, as-o remes-keble tfs- IheirlSaint>' cf finish, e. vel e, for sweelness and volume of toe."-Middleton EN. Y.] Mes-eus'. "Ms-. Beaty is aresponsiblo business man."-Washington EN. J.] Star. Agents vanted eves-ywhece. SenS stasnp for catalogue. Atidrees, DANIEL P. BEATTY, Washingten, Nov Jersey. JOHN L. WATKIS, AUOTIONEER, &o., &. DiMLIFs- B5cDIIS-ION COURZT, Anti Ganes-al Comsniseion gnpr Perisy. . -a Aon, r y EOMAN GIIISON, General Commhission Merchant and Produce Dealer, Agent fer IlsuLtaL anad CoxuLsmuiai. U soie Fis-e Insuranco Conupsules. . RATES O>' INSUIIANCE LOW t Aise Agent for lise Louuosuaa u csisckst LoANiAND uce OEcy Cc'pscv. Mone o>lan- eS on seal osîate, payable froni Tva 10 Tweive yeue, and lu seins la suit pas-lies. 5.4'Ies-est 1ev anti ne commission chargea. Mortgages bougisb. Oxuce et, GIBSON d& SPARVELL, Ciina rsaStore, Durcis St., WitbIy. Whltby, Mercis 15th, 1870. 12 B-EATTY PIANO t Grand Squas-c and Upriglit. "Thieco celebruslet instruments have et- taisseS a vendes-fui Segreeetofpepuiarity amengtise musical fsaesnil7 genersil>'. Tise>' ave been tostei Sy, anti receivedth ie poitive cnderemenbs et somaofetthe nMost celebrated musicien, for Sas-mon>' and sscis. ness cf toue. Tise>'as-s vilisut a superios-. -Huntingalon [Pa.] Monitor. ta' Agents wantea. Sand tisarp for catalogue. AStiss, DANIEL F. BEAT- TY, Wasiington, Nov Jersey. KING IBROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importera, Dealers andi Manufactusreta l KInul. et LEATHER AND FINDINOS, -Cash peiS for Hidos, Berk, and Leether, Leatses eretched. 93'BELTI:NG MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. May, 1872. 22 H IGHL IPORTANT TO THE MSCLPROFESSION1 Great Succesf The Hand Guide for the Piano. Tise HanS Guide ln tÉe remuit et ian> yeas-s' experience andSteuti>, anSdluvas-ranI. oS le Bave, aet bas', eix mcnth, of thse todi. eus exerci8c >ractice cf t he Piano. It viii jive.tishe ntia purflotvss,, ac- tion, sud he fingers groet incleponjence andsi crongt/c. Il vil l eacis 1he ilgare la strike Span tise onde. Il vili beacS tise baud cuietude vile the fingers as-e empleyed on single passages. Itwill teubh vs-st or octave Moncc, ansd lu thue compelilng quiet on the pas-t of the tunctien not onpyloyeui, tend te lnteualty the exorcisee sud socseae greeti>' lie devel. opusent tes- vici the eoise iuintenSeS, The Guieis wi I arrauted te fil an~y cquae tnaio, and h in tonce sImpla asu scrang. swun beow h ualotrequrr ~ Sent ta nau>'aSres. upon recelpt efthtie mas-SeS psle., vils instructions. Plain Castings, Waluut Rode..40 EIe¶ýnt plateS Castings, Rosevootià N. B.-Teaon are nmpoo l'inviteS la givlei a .t»est slathois- q oiicaL .AppI>' la Professer G. C. WIGGJINS, Whltby os- Professas- C. MOTLEYf, BaveauM S, sole Agents-. Wbilby, Jauisy 151h, 1878. -4 m ONBY TO LEND. Tise unaereigneti lma&nv amonni tcf Mmn-, p o>' la LnS upan Faim os-r oUw Propent>', ai unusua>'Loy Rate, et Interestl Losus cen b, repailu int s li dtbas- 1 Saves-l Improteti Vas- m aimdLan& for saa cli.a Inveshiett mati l icIpal Deban- Ri tus,BacS, and othe- usketabeoStockg. For furlber parIs-sappla no -ldi .1iithat fgood endfair Ha.geonei tthy.womibfrom eaarlletl chue' Shail dieu coma forth ta Wear Tht glory and lthebeaûty of le primo. 'T. dharming are ýthe green fteids,Piss. ing the' groves, suntd lymp!t li..wsters < in thé vicinity of, Âbano,-.4Iitoharmà ing Itaiean toms, whilheréiehéinvalid repaiaf, eit, tgy for pleasure, and. the merchaunt for.relief .frQr. 1h.. toila of business. Tva, mon, wbo, had,gouight foer pro. tection:.romi 't,raye of 1h. suninan arbons' which Wae ovoiehsaovea by lb. thick, loaveu-of,*a wide.upreading, vinei vere soalefi opposite ' 0ý eacb. other,'1 lec.ning on a table,1 and. smoking por-e fnmed cigarettes. Thé ,uider, v*sa appelated: ta ie about l forty years of âge, -v aliiandi Pale;. 1 hie costume, çwhioh vas rîioatlongh,: very simple, lied somewhat ai. . n rnilitary appearance abont it. As for the yaungor, hie vas characterizeui by that elovenly elégance vhichh le b.. gun ta be f;ashionable lu ItaIy, as Weil ais in France tovards the eight.onth century. t . "Failli, Alfieri," ,àia th. eider of the Iwo, "*yau were tise lest persan .in the world, I ezxeyoted te ayae met ab Abanio."t "Yet, methinks, the sick man's placet sisould lie where hoerney hope ta moudC his isealili,' repiied Caot Alfieri. 'caule, carne, nonsensee;, dia you ever isoaai ofenyisody dying et yaur aea2" t "Somelinies," rnnrmured Alfieri pan- sively, and siseking hie head. III bel I know visat ails yau ; you have eternaily present to your mindj thse prediction of your aid sarcerees." "Arn I vroug, Cellini?2 I1 eas oniy 5 twelve yeere af age vhoîi 1he, oid vo, man tld, me ail tisat, bas happeued la me Bince. 8h. , saii tisaI I aisooid beave Piedmont, thst I absoula become a pool, aidtisaI MY'naime wouid be celebrate.' r"iAnd tisat Yeu wouid aie et lbity. ia ieo. Who daesn't know tsai part of à yanr istolry ? Yon have vrilten on il c -an admirable sonnet whieli a11 Itaiy a kov by Iseart; But tbal a man hikes you shanld put faillinuthe. mumnuery -z of an oad oman, is wbet I canuot un- X derstand. Whatin ail you wonld have i ta bo hapy ?" ,i 1Thalas more than I eau say ; some- e tiig, pchaps, wisichislapouessed by f thse lawliest af lthe crowd visicli caver. me willi acclamations 1-a quiet andi reîired habitation, un obscure deetiny, andi a waman vue vould love me,h seatcd byny side." "But visaI hinders yau from islvng ail Ibis 7" Alfieri sisrugged hie shonîdersi and heaved a deep sigh. "'Yon forget,' said hie, "tisaI chance has made a celo- P brated man of me, san e i.rted a man is like a wild bestr-everybody ma rushe, ta gel a sighl of him." h5 64I u#derstand-you are eoînaly eesa 1 unforluhate as a king." , .11d "lYau seeni ta jest, but il ils strictly a true, nevorlisoiess. Whson I arrived Il bere, I tbanghl I lied eecaped frem il aito my' troubles:1,faà a few days I vas fra is la liv. 11k. everybody ese ; I vas coni-- haai epyli py; but tise arrivai of a een osnmo-I don'l know i visere, destroyed everyihing." "'That'î the wayr of 1hb *orid;" said d Cellini ; your celebriîy la a beden ta 'f yauf and I, who work my fingers off, I reminn uried'in 1h. moet enviable ob. scurity." Il] "'Il'. yaur own fauli ; yon don'I stick toaenything seriously." In "4My dear Cunt, yon seern te forget d usaI î arn in thie pay of a liseatricai g manager, abliged lor have ilire. acte e ready every monts, 1 manage la liv. E same lime an about a dozon decent ci i4eas-you knov visai an idea je, a thing you eau dish up vilS fifty differ- 1 eut saus s you, dan jput 1he beglning I aI tise ond,-te Mididle at th. boguino ing, anid people vonder aI 1h. author's 15 fecundily. I vent on in tSi. mannes' f( for about Ilirees years ; but ai last theI public discovercd tisaI I gaveriisemn t.urned clh for nov-I vas hisseal." "W<-ll, andi how did Yeu manage a 'Wby, I determined te travel, and q' regenerele my ideas." I "And do you think yon shahl suc- d "Quit. certain cf il. I enly arrlved fi yesterday, sud eam aiready on tb. soient 81 of an intrigue. Yestes-day, heated by ai travelling andi unabie ta sleep, I ven- Ir 1ured i 4ta-ho -Adon; yon kuow h. 81 o u thescOutt f6, love eirair, wbah v lina daubl lurnish me vithu s'eex- Off elient sceries. IhdaI$iy eak @d thie Marlio, ou accauit-of biu be - ig so ver>' ngiy;. ho lookellke the-im. -M enertnt isief, la 1My i4ea, Seiu ' him contiuually in the Comnspy oftis !erbioesswho 1ythebya,, pp awd sh ate him,Ia t irsiook il frban tS insband,'but I waàýmdisteu; tiere leWh %seorel about'It, visiclIyon must balp s ne te 'penetrate.' *. ter' Il veogindessi a secret ; but il Wag lt oniy now tjst the Qquit, daireato n Hfcoveril Tise Marcblonee" led -bain &bout mg 'rea naoiths at Albaao., W li Qme -alan., and wau »1~ L fiei]wbed 1 sne bis basét'O avoal-héhaxlJ ad. la fu mMT rrenggomaut@ eaneyeus, niaý su isal&the Vouut; "yeunouw il; a. oi4y-hourstS4l 1 njoy, are tisonea dcli Ipue ilS you." c ,,Sir' t"1,erelaimat tseMarchieneu, îî wilh 'distinct -oiviliily- ludeesi, tise an ens toany àdiscuiïon visoS igh Sâïlso bet*eeu -thsm.; sohe ceeme4 ta loair lhisooming lu contact vilS eachi othes'. SucS vwas lise state. çf tislng, whon one day lise Count,- oun ecnigit the, gerden rathe-osle Iinuuh net. thé Yout ifgwldwaanegù.!le wis lana, ansi ho' rooiv 1ed' ta profitb y 1ti. tfter soaa ienlet.lattempîstedis, cons-se on. rdffsenî loies, f'ius bat. hobcea~ otas isooi s.. Pe sai, "eI ise' e yn ageus rel 'a -a Wvi do yu eyid ma2 diravmià yen " etedsa hlae; viaI can lissice you.teink si 2 "o yont ISi , Iarnblindl, made- 2 r's more-tisan a -forlnight, Ibis is tise fs-st lime I hivo beon abie tla speek-ýtô rau., I canuqot Sony My feules, or con- usai my iisougisls. Itle true you- sanie avakenedin meaepeinful eo- tion. et fis-st, andîthet ISdal otattempl ao bide lb. But if sucbSbSe tie can1e of coldnos( lava-db me, wviCas is ua- seeded- se auddefsiy tlayou- pris- affa- silily, you punishi 100 cruel>' e proju.' io. wisichs yens-presencelhas suficesi to dissipaI,." "igAnsi mey I ek you visaI this preju-, lce migisl S. 2" "lWero I te refus. tegiva you lise or planatien yen demeni, you migist ho naliued. b suppose tual i rase fs-cm ne iJnjurinsreptignace oan my part; bnt yaur prononce roeveed a e nsation sf, ses-nov within my bs-ans, o! vSichb I s'as ne lise master."' "'Ansi foi*vattresson ?2" '1 opsc& hallla féiensi, madar, visa sati l"keieis beau 15. campaulnio! omy Inudues, W, lied grown logees, amd I lovel hlm, as ciibisen have one another, becausle they are'o! tise anis age ansi enjoythlisame pleasunes. We Se e Z. tdbut lied kepi up a 'agula cairespondeucse;,for vo conuid sol farget lbsliaà,Py d7ays >of our 7 by.' sood. I heard test h. hived, s'esp.eted my ail Ihal nov him, et Genoa. About ayea- Sack, I bearneS Ibal h.olied fallen ini love with a voman, beeuiu, adniit, anti connto S>' aill.Tvo o! o>' lItos-s romained uuenswered ; aI lael, I receivesi one froni hie molises- hs love had Seen fatal ta isim. ::Ansi your frionsi vas cales-" "Julio Aldi." On hearing tise naine, a cry escapeil be Marehioneo. Il v4 Ithen tiaI I hesci yotir name pronouuced for' 1he final lime," continu- Di AierI ;. but seelng tisItishe young roman hati SurieS iser face lu lier àande-Pardiou me, madeni," saisi ho, wils a suppiicaling anti ajitated, voico ; I1 have efilicloui you, but It vas un- %voidaebbo1tNoisyen es-e evaro vhy I wished tb evosid a persan wvise.prses- oe recallesita rme- tise <ath o!frny miena." 1*11o' yen muet have isalosi ne t" irolairno the15. arcinianebatisetin 'cers. -No, madam, ; for I knew tisaI yen lid overyling lu yonr power ta ps-e- ont thisas duel; tisaI pou oven vont te ffe place a! mè'eting t' "lToe laies, sin-tea bale t" exclafmouî îoi Merchioness, despei-lngly. "Tse feuilt vas ual yens-s; ansi Aldi'. sother rende-d ouye fuît justice ; she lid net accuse yen in tise egony o! ier ;s-ef; but tise yeung man's imprufi- Dne, wviebldexpasesi iSu ta Bats-n iaccsasword; Ah, liov eflenhave f 3ndernsed i hm for heving vonulus-oiIn Ue chances e! e duel, a iMe full o! -hope i lb. future t I tison sdanol knov âet jeabons> 'lexcite te ango-. Nov eacmprehen i vhy Adi proeerredi ces- ,n death te, tortures sucS as * ieee br I, a man o!flisougist anad revenuesa arn, visa neye- tencied a svard lu sy life, I feel a lisirsI for sisetiling looti -a chaenige la ever on My lips, Ln& I viehosi bchopiecesi opposita la s>' adverses-y, ovord lu hansila aesa luire lise rigisI o! loving exelusivol>' te myseif t", Tise Mas-ciiouess isau insensib>' Irvu cloner la hurn Hle-loeks vos-e liod on tise poel's dejeoteti coutinen- sce vilS au indesoribebie expression d compassion, ansi she. salsi, in a voice 'embbing villi erntiosIl Gooti hoev- s 1iie ais e mette- vilS you 2- Ill me--toit me V" "Bianea ,,"exclaimesi ha, "havaeI1 sdorstood yen 2 Speek, 1 beseci su-for plity'.sae., speek t" , Tise Meas-oionosa vae about tle au- rr; but slie suciden>' ulle-ed cr sy - terras-, and tesoe esslf fs-rn hie oni- 'ace. Thse Canot raisesi hiseoye.;: youmii TiaId oîssersy. ,Dial I ual t.àow_ïàl;m-la àpeak of, hiisove?il "'I utà1oave -Ibis place," sa id 115 garéliioùes, vili astguish. i"Lcna stay hére axiy 10nger.,I ah'all return le àm éadsi> ýBianc& cést ou Merliasi a alook of torros' and fudignation. - " rYen, castinosh ie, " iahi yaturn ta Genoa, buttla Sud au eterpel ilieu' lao bie vold.' I have oflen Ihonght of it~-mydtermlna iôn iakenL.I .5.11 1 Gbe éie looid altlies.'i'ttLai 't0 avoid cnm'eaI ytushu 1h, e'ori& ie more Ihan yu ov e Ispisre "iAnsi evexier. it s6, have you net faroed'ra i tr, "'Whulehae I donc 2 Tise Mas-ohionees hrlekIy'mraisedhe bonad. "àDô yau des-e te esk me ?".asid, sise, vils in4ignant surpYise. "Baron Riocea, have yon forgottèn i1h. peel?2 'Have yo u-r.u*saood arauins me, a fatal ciloi viiel non.cen pesa vlithoul cor-, tain edealli? 1Yen. ask -me vjset you have doae. Have yon not profitesi- by your odious asidrese as e bravo la as- sume 10 yourself l. eautisority of e guarduan over nie egeinet rny viii, and caulesi 1to eccaupt aU tisose visa have dared ta approaci me?2 I coulsi not demand tlie assistance a! tise.Who vou ld have lied tise 'courage ta prolect me against Ibis lyranny, foril vuhu have exposed tierte certain clestrnc-' lion.. Shelteresi under 1 h. ,point o!- isonour, yon vwonîsihave aweited Iheir provocation ; tison, master o! tise armas and conlitions, you voulsi have mur-' deresi thera as yen dis tse uufor-tunàîte. AIK-ThueR you have en*aslavesi me taý yau- vill dnring \Iiree year@, lrembing, beneats your regard,* ebuiged -ta suifer, yes' srety, and i etranging ail otiers froni me Ibroughsfear. -lu vain havaI1 irid la esicape yen ; yon have foilowed' me eves-yvhere. Even here, viiere I- isad foui for conceelunent yon a ppeer under tise fais. mame cf Merllano, as if y on isd fea-esitisaI yours vionid ha've been thie signai cf my fliglitl-ani yen ask mie vhal yoen have dons V" Whilst th, Marohioneasé-liedbeen epeehing, lis. eenoese lied, t rned peler andi pales'. "Wliy sddy ounmollove sue ?" sasi ha, fixing on tsa Mas'ciionass a wilher. ing look e! anger, Iltle you via have cailsed ail Ihal lias isappeued. Happinese vould have softmsed my soul., Yonhveo orasperaled i l1" "'Tus I am tlie slave of your 'pas.- sien 1"' lI lave you, andarni jealaus 1" ~'ut I-I do ual love you t", Marliano iet drap lier isands, vhic lie lied h4lsin hi,. "1Yen love lise Conut t" raisi le gnashing hie teetis vih ritge. - fIie Marehioness sufderei, altomrpt- esi la speusk, but bunst imb bo. ",To-mo-row va viii starI for Genea," sail hoe, afte- a long silence., At lhie mome*ut, soe pessns ep- pearesiantishe extremity.,o! tise welk. Marliano offered tlie Ca:nle.. hie erin, and tisoy bath valked away. Hardiylied tise>' diappeared aniengel lise Irees, vison Cellii repl centionsiy from beisind a elump o! acacia. wisere hhaed conceales i hm2 self. He lied, ar-ivas esee alitleafler Aiasl'a dopes-lune, and hisvig ',disting- nissesi lie voices, of the Mas-elioneasý ansi Mes-lianote, h d ailovet i s curiasity ta geliho botte' of ýis discre- tien. Tise heglnning of their conversa- lion hesi only e iis leaaoni"ment, ansih lie reiy eaw in1ite-oapit<al sub. 'In, fer a 8ccîoaria ; but lie end hasi laugist n tisepa-tvhich Aie-i playoilu is te affai- ,Ho tiserefore s-an la liii lmmedieteiy, ansi telsihi,-aill tisel ho lie d diecoverasi opporînnel>'. Ris rovelatian vas forlthe Couru as velcoule as Il vas unexpacted ; hie double vos-e removasi, anai le owsavta lie va. belovosi. * Eves-ylbink vas nov oxpleinei; lise trouble o! lb. Mas-chia-- ness aI liese iglil of 74riemo; lier limid sulimiesion te Sus vIl; tise snd- sien elteretion in be-beisaviaun towes-ds huisehlf. Hie jo>' knev no bouns. §$But," obses-vesi Cellni, Ilsh, promis. esi lis Merliano, or rethen thie Baron Rocca, toestart to-mars-av.", >. -No, iliolt" xolaimnesiAlfieri ; Iahe shaul sley. A4h sven-lie tisankei tisI I have lea-esi the tnnlh ; for tsi.' once, tisis Baron Rocca vili finti sanie eue bolvixi lina ansi tise voman lie, oppresses." Tise foilowing lioumneré emplayeti by hlm lu erranging hi. affira, andi 8rtigbilast instructions., Hoveve- fisrn tise soul mey lie, ouois prepa-alona cannaI bot veigs isovily upon il.- :.'m 0. a . poeta medaiIloaPu k F ucinvose lisehecase, the Signas- Masliane -khave tsa t I migish oad-tifc "Whoellindeseyoufs-an doing 'ac,2 saia Masliano, holly. Ï"IYau lien redognlss ISat I bave lis. iigisI ta do il-? YeTan vulit yotar bu' colonce vas directosi tavards mo-Ihat Iamn insateS?" ,e it se,i", sisi Tarliano. Alies-i spraug teversi tise Oemoeee, ansi seizing his band-" I have lise oioie.ofas-me, sir," exelaimet ho. ".Il mateors not la me." !éWe»li*alsoon se.'" le tmau lieh ideboa-si, seired Cehli's- ls aise returning ta Ms.liana-"ChooaIe,l" saiti 1.. "4But onae!rIlie Pistaleis leusloasis," saisi Mesliasse, "'ITiseallies- vil enffce for-ance-!fuà." IWhsatl do yau vautto ai11g5t ?" "lMuzzlela muzzie; anti Goui defend tho riglil," repbiedtli, Canot. "Il i.s impossibifi," excie metMr' "Pàaodn me, ignen, I arn insulteS; y'onhave saïii. 1 bave the riglit ta impose lise Cenditia URs-yau have salM tisaI tee. Yen* canuet refuse, nIsse yen Se a vile covard Tise point e! boneus-,visichs bas ses-yod yen goe fs- quontl>'.,is againsî yon nov. Tan isop- oS tisait,like sa men>' aller, o! yens' victime, I ehoulci Se fool enaugli ta stand up la ses-va as a mas-k for ycmit Suhiet os- yens' eos-d, thai you umiglil eut mq dao as yon Sdathe l oyer, v itS a'snilo on yan lipe. But yen. ves-eniisteken, Bas-on Raoces." "Ah t yon know umy nains, da yen "Yes ;-asi tiink moitishai 12 viii l os- genieroqt>, bu.L ta dehiver tise Mas- chiioness fs-rn yaur culions persecutiano., I fightl laealhiyen." "4Yens- hope nia> ha bè ecived," ex- olaimet ie Baron, visose surprise vas nav lus-mai jte fus-y. III kmev il; but visalover bc lb. issue o! Ibis combat, Bianeviii have uolbing mare te feas- froni yonr lyramo>'. I have talcen ali ni> pracantiens ; if 1 snccnmb, -Il ItaI> viii knov the cause o!f'ni> Sentis; I salUhave bonght vith mry ibatise nigisI cf publisSing yeur sn- fani>'; and] I shal l e believesi, for the tsaiS, -il la known, neyes' lio." "Enonu* 1 enougli t" excilmi iseti is-n, vSo vas nov Sesido hiasiself; "one e! us muet Sie. Folhav su.." "If aims-eaSy, sir." The>' <is-ceaSthises-stops lovass th1e deer. Cellini steppedîlmeni "Oxse' mnient, genlenien. Yen eau- uoa fslwihonseconds, especlal>' on anob eond îtians; tiila im aaclleý" "lYaumisaitlibe mine,'? saisi Affi; 'fieBaron viii gel one." "lMeelme aethe spsing li n ans-o," sàa MenhiiasuaO, oing oui. Cellini ikevise lefi-the epas-tiuent. -Wisou Alfieri vas loft alane, a sert af mos-al depressien seizeti upon ins- peesesi oser lu hie mmd lise oveutz e! hie lfe;1 S e Ibougist cf Biancà. Cellini' sIen>' haaUeti iitgn laileve thet ho vasSelaveil, bui vas ihai unficient nov tisai h. vas about te engage bu a comu- Selal inwich, bis hi!, ivas ai stak.e 2Was iLioveas- plI>' tisailied acluatea the Marchions»?, Ho ' azS bre n talladse rëflealusion misens eeneeatisa spart- meut vit s abooeSinbar band-.On îperceiving lthe Counul, .5. .opped ansi blnshed, but recoyes-ing li presence of 1 - les

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