Whitby Chronicle, 6 Apr 1876, p. 4

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ipen- i I À*le go-stock-e- Soeads-on hanrit viii bsanrne d su mnot imil 10 give secnrbing 1h. Pild seeds. - Uwphlug to Sto. edsdrec1t, 1b4Plcaa. Sremespber that matil 0 aesare seant 'a'e lt-bys, 'Or toW- bity, nt. sdfor cular. Addrsss,UDAIi P.»BEA- r, Y ahington, New Jersey. i tb land the -I-les mbIs rulo- gu- st for lue.,# Firench Olimbér of Dep;i îioi hkod for 1,750,000 frages for' ellef of Iis slfferere by tii. rae ai .belbuksd-,.i gneow for must two dsys. ÃŽ IIL lauvlue»ICI- oftous, * o iequllty of toue, CLledttralility cuti bcepiîg inu !XOEL. for th# s-nec-et room, ýxOCpL fori- rî:gsensîd anii Thei i bafl es rrbonoe, buit cî r]ra.Tiyare imbukeecn>, oth.r, lis8trgccbou;- AIl lbhe eculexjhlee e4triptive atalogue *ibli vsenr Iisy etdirms,r explains boliiiusively, timerWthli îsc-ougltt,-anmu inta 1 th., sx laimPd for the Maihushki. Thore I touluicda o! hsppy o wnu sIhthUNike W00, ug- l sriy to thirsi 5Iou %vsir es:W.ha-e. rom heu,,J It ý few extnwîs,. -A-- -New York, Octol>er 28th, ilsi: ié,tbeuxderÉinl djudÉes cf Pianon êhp. o bAnlden- Iutillîte, ait, moilextotiion 01-tihe Concert grec.i iÊet-hp id tiser.e êhlbtec,- kflown te us a.......re - ,W. BESSEMANN, iL J. GIAIIrI ' lee liauomnmut taestise ead aiiml I~uwiiIptrunenssud the-ir ecuiber con- 6titon8n ruii.bre thwsi)isy fer IYoc m-Ot do. ta>ble, aî iidIle# 0#lett hable lu get sunt ni Inus. Ilicu the tligte ni tlille concer-t tise Mnthu- chois li-pe b,,.,, mytfavatirits. * .,.J. ýJAY WATSON) IVatso,1 nl'. oorvittor>- nt Muisi c, N. Y. !.q-o Ily Wpu i tc: Ill e to Ibîsiaii i Mitthuiseissuperlor h.. ail olisro. H. MOLLIINILAUIII, New York. 1littluitiiek ýias in reality taken c stop lu wnrbdi -a. iirlit à lioislcUsitbe, Ss-atog e hprd îiotlilng-tlaequell sne, toCs, Ils notes re mors 1k. hli diwatest ai1ngiug brdçe, or lues. et hbifinu volce, thosu uy mests- noteff I ovriheerd. WC arc lebigha D'r ilnittUwnt. May yen bceis gve0a&ti ed ucee %, trly ý'lqIRBL., INNE Y, ieonÏPisn. Ciaurçb, Puluceton,N.; unthushlek O-eGrranqaieOse abliato!WOu,(leriul power, an- ai e. 1.' ad -ci AL.FEtlD IL. PEASE, Roch e4ler. -1 I wefaly cuVlaced tiaI tise Matlîusbek Yly la tiller, Who 1hA. taissu éas-e ofa fu tisepetton yearâineye tisat-, Qla o cleatrtbl juest cnived Iromon uil; tise Obsmadâi ui flue nt sruîent lnu iis <i ty. oira t&Ct D. N. 8 XâMBVIIýLËî, Clevelaînd, o. t îni Strett W. M. Scbsnil, Tes-auto. eaen¶tùeap taure s ta ltlug that ce da' Bshsoolu vMpeau h TiLrn, naii. 'l sa t aid taiSt. - Iiibase n grand,- and w1jisquO4U(voideenlirselugh ig tsher, fthe i ïlfto daàýW 4uiotly b110M.1t - y Iote rinip out an demi as a hall, M. J. IU,$~T1iR, PaxiO-o, WAIING ZNNEDY, Sut, i, bitr Lm ekR -- -:- - - It a8fordm ute great pîcceni-, li ucknowiedglng tis e nlîre meilelaction, cîi ogsapprocînfton et the No. Il matisu. - eb * Pao~haaed .sans ynI a ev day-e aln. Ver'oi rePtit. :-.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~-q Jk~ Sesllsî à~li.&ISTlî11. PR>lOF~. . EIMIS E, sieMedbiumates #e Iwo Ve i 5 001 Te stire setiiaction in every tO t-e1lin I osuhossltctlngby recoin- InAUn ILttno u41 deslirlug a od piano. s'-~ PI - - -D teART, pispe M~nyteIublaneve unlthe-lad ~nS exoisend8 zent, Hlfuswe. on,. bloi, 1876, l'ha M aeubk>,Plauo1pur. a t Wris94. oMgmeod ail 0= acsAitàxobefbowr.rrhcslng m'ka 1 have ifiuch tïilimony tb lb. Ilirivei lu tav6r oSf Piano pur. ,M. -D. keni at dton of Ru si TIIE GREAT ~ertieAIRE ËD)h QABI ~t~r' J> e THE OLL~ ~ neChoios aidE'nge,"Nîng Uearse coiîstant1v in readineEs lty ôe or 2W1 Bde TskIg, Gay'a.&PB akn spEOpiC È ýIË dures 411 NY.evouo, sseh me Tltpooa, lùsun. > '»zoRTIOvrxos.t-e ., wiîlh, in many ce Mdletne 19 morse spclcly -reeomxnendcd as tAt foliow asIl esqueuce ol self Abuse, as LeseOr i1xmuY, Unva~Isoua PMl m Tua BÂCl Dîoas rViis.P >SATURZO Ore, ÂGz, and many otler dlseass thRt lacS te Ire VITY Or CoXHu14PTxONcod a Weir eu e iî t o e npti o nature anti ever indulgence.- The Epecifle MediciI te bsrqs1 i 1. Keta nsd mav veare of exprlne in treel. ug thesepelWcilsfieases. ml partioniars In ~~mphet. wslch wu deaîre tu eend free by 1,e lot j'1)iésge, or lix vackcgeslor S or vlbe 0 iy milUou recelli t of te moîey,~ i4 -àss wGùÀ i<AY& Co. 80 1 lu h Itiby- : W. . gltb Jas, lJyre ed ci d N, rtb1, & Lynien. Toroicc,yhoîeRe e.5ents. 7 1'Oo ACRE FARM IN MAIOA cVI.aI gj ot' n OOu$~Blticnoe cultiv 4n~. Lxg El ,#cirM, e. With. lu two moinles utfBrechin. Railwcy Station. H. B. TAYLOR, IDominion Bank, Whitby. Ã")~iÂmN S T HE À ' - UUDG & Yhi'WÃ"D' MksnsfacîuringCornpany i Style 5, 4-I ip, 8- 140 . stylo 11), 5 sto, -. 150. Style 7, .i Stpps, -- -a17&a Style 9, 7-Stepe, - . -101 style lbt, 7 Stops, - 200. In1 Resolunt sudWliitamvdCs. "NELODEFON 0ÉCGANS- PATENTED, 1873, Style 4, 4 Stops, . $10 -Stylo 6, S Stops, . 10. Style 20, 6 Stopm, - 160. styl8, - '0 Stops, - * *- 17 Ini litLhdecînàe Ilporw.otci Cafies. 1>1 AN O 0I IR'lut s, o! tise ceels-ted WEI3E i & 1. Oitais. mllwayeon sae attise owest listes for a flirt-cai e ls-nnelit. Intendligu rchesa-, sme smpen-flby r.. quasstd hoOalI ced examine oui- Instru. Insista beter! -biyiùg cisevie-, Wseue makbnlarge reductboum ta COasisacd Short- limne Cusîtusers4 huying dires-t fi-ti tise fac- tory, AL - l-e---- Seveal econ-huNT, selodeons ACMEÉ 'P 0 FR SA L'E FIiOM $60 ÃœPWARDS.- FRE D>MUDOR, Whillsy, Noveuen,s 240he 1875. Maa8r BEATY9S PA1ILOI1 AgsaIs vanteSl evsryvbero, mals or feuncie. AdtireseDANIEL F. BEATTY, Weshisîg. to-n N. J P ORT WHITBY AND PORT PEIRY EXTENSIOI( BAILWAY. 1'akou e feton Wédnesday, Dec. 8, 1875. Trains rnn by Toronto tinq, wh.lch la twen- ty.twu minute s lower thanGT. b. M~nchster...........12 00 a.m: Prince ibrt............ 12.00 a.m. Port Perry ..........$41.8e. Prince Àlbet.i2 Manchester,........... 58uIuft......... OPW&fornuutatlons. Train.~~ i nelnly. mýt».ô CàtmootlAMEB H LbEN, cen a N UA1't #I) ô Vt on' in Cina,' Li Iichina asud Fauey lu China, ston! - v inPal F A:N o'YI~o lài cupe, sântors t; aes os,&. ~xsr&SPýRe7ELL IÃŽ4Ve Ma Tos o aù u al kinds.6f] the beset brande alwcye oni'hbanda -The highest market price Pa Hoge Oae 'alPeae fer Goý where you eau getà - ?~-VAg4lering îsxunuîon 0L-~averT ue ôi e T ram *n-i- v r syl.-S -ro~ E a e. - > AEI . k ,If-1 WM. TILL. TTA IYS~O~R~ 0000 -- .ea Sels. )inner S els. - 1 sudn Fancy Toilet Sets. Ir, Table and Bedroom Iaamps. Liss-Fruit, Cake ana Trifle Disites. tBnne aiidWine lasse ýý 'TèMèS AuiIJew Ptte ~Mugts, Vases, Toys, &c.,&. ENTl% kinds of Choice Family Groceries, 13t fueny Pipes, Hams, Baconi, Lard. Oysters catse k ýùy&c. 9ÉÇî 01Good"Dress GIBSON &SPARVELLI - 1L4iIJO1~ING SWell-fitting Garnient :-To Estab]isltrit of àrIr, rZes est )Y. sed >ý is. he A GEORGE GJRUEY7S4AWA.- SUPEIOII CUTIN SHAPEP-- -THE WQRK A Largo Stock of Fine Clot s ; best Englisli, Scb eh nd Canadif Tweeds. e EKoe1ent Overiloating-S and splendlid Vest Patter'us. good litGS.arUteedi- 51 -~ ' EOlIGE GURLEY, - Kng Street, Oshaw G ENT'S CLOTHINC AND FU RN ISI1: NG OD s F or Superior i Clothing suitable for Sumuner wear try theo Clýtbing Store and Mendiant Tail- oring -establisnurnent of e DUNDAS ,sýtuEET, WiÃŽiITBY.6 BROOK TE E T WHITBY. lu Ã" M 4 /I -Q N> Wy3~IV FEED STORE ?~QiU~ I -f71 '/V CHAS. pý eotwtlîëment aaving boug the )rnainess, lie FLOU R & FEED Q0 ,,r4-T "THE MOt j 'At the Domin~o ie set J3oor,1 :NYLEG ION a$ the oustomers,'Ã"f the above A otit the interest of Mr. CobbledieIf 's Ew Pr'ejared to supply 'fHE4 BESI QUALITY, ST LIÇ4NG PRJC(ES.-, p-Fé@d, rÇýr eat, -Peas,, Qats, Potatoèb,'~ ~~L. N sthetime t bYagoo&'-d'cd heap,, FtiiriiI~ue.- Hv1n 'Out t~h ý-ugfila.tel k&~e ~ by~r~ H. a~moe-tithis oprtunityîiî rhis nl$,rfren¶s:f v. uaaoiiI; .îd *&cau îaMure ai -tht e 4nQpxpa~d-todoas-well by, -them in 4he tftuire lOrdý3r IY bý lprom»ptY. atte4de d to. U NDERTAXING.- The only fi-rst- class listabhishment in the Coiunty where fimerals -are fui- ly supplied. ~ TL ONTN i-INSTN Wmhtby,l October let, 1873. - 0l A I~T 3 rots CLEA RANCE SALE 0ýF a n«d Shýoe-s FOR At Auction Prices! 0OF MOOTSAN $7,,000 WORTJI SHOESs i To be sold without reserve SAL1 E TO -COMMENCE ON SAT- URDA Y, FEB.- 201h, 1876. Parties in want, of Boots andShoes will find titis a rare oppontunity te- piu rchase cheap- for Spning 'ivear. iReinember the place, at KIIK'S 1BOOT & SIIOE STORE, Ontario Block, Brook Street, Whitby. Vhitlby, February 28tit, 1876. JIJST THE C. KIRK. PBT -R LACE S WOTAN E MAEBOKS. HTY TISnoýv on lîend 10 lurge aud vericd stock cf Bouts and Shoca., Hoecîno meke - - or - - Jc dsrntnîu t- li,-s' aentlluenantila IMeî- War., AGOO FI T AND SýtYLJSfI CUT WAItRAN TED 1 ù,ishited tg exam-in-e the isew Stock,. oie ade esial ae.Acl *G&ýu Furnishing Goý,s of lfi inýds ind1u ig Shirts, Hatsitn4 dCaps, Uinbrellas, &e., NVhitby, July 27t1î, 1875. f1 RJS~H R$E*~o ONS IVORI.. HANDLÉD- TABLE CUTLERY, Pei' and Pock-Qt Knives, lleOtro-PlatCd Spoons, I1orks, &û. 4ND SR-AP S CLBSKATES, -s vi hithîy, Dpember, 1875. WILLIAM BURNS, Brock Street Whilby. LIST 0F ATCTJONEERS Licoiised for Southt Riding ef Ontario, Nortlh Riding of Ontarnio, and separate Municaipalities in the latter. E.Il. bca~ 0. Moor-e.. ... John McGIZ & Co.. DonaldRa . T, H. Wals4 .. Win. Gos-Sun.. Jlames Digby, Jr,.. James Dtgb y, -Jr... John L. Walki.... JC.. kPl.. ,)rbomha6Tu, kcr..'. Dan., bl[ John Cars-.... James Brig<Bt.. A. C. HuAhenl,... 5'ernes icwi.. roule McGo-vern.. johin Glioa w RxusîDNCLm-ia MnaNCIALzrv. Mas-ihamn... ..s-ocu .... .... .... Wisitby .... .......e ts Ontiario. . Otshawa.. ........SntsRidig .. Tisois...... ..Mus-e............ llee-erton .... Tises-su.......... Os-bille. .......... e.d ........... A6ilbu.rn .... ......onts Iiding ... Thoai...........horis....... Cannjinglon do ....... ...... Sunder-land. -B rok.. ......... - cias-emont. Sen.. SotsBidiug .. Iclaent.... xbdgo .... Port Pers-y . N orthIidinig... Saintield. oOh Ritding ... Port Ferr..... orth ltlding. . Port Pers-y.... g cs............. Leaskdie .....S coît............ Toronto;,.........Noths Riding ... PEDLEIRS FOR THIE C0. Oshawa ... Brooklin2... Non-Reiaient... do. .... do. .... (10. .... Vh John oton '8 AWARDED TH E.FIRS -'PRI-Z E. Athe Provincial Exhibff w4ê6iii74l180 Ou font ..... 1 hor-se..... i borne, Oounty.... -2 lûse Conty... 2 hrmes, Conty... 2 herises, County... WM. LAING, Laier. Exvxaico. Feb. lot, 1876. Feb, lot, 1876. Jue 28, 1876. et.20, 1876. 29, 1876. Octi làt, 1876. 18, 1876. i 19, 1876, di 19, 1876. Oct. 26th, 1876. Oct. 26tis, 1876. Oct. 28th, 1876, Oct. 28t1i, 1876, Nov-. 11th, 1870. Nov, 22nd. 1876. Dec. 2ud, 1876. Dec. 15th, 1876. gint AprIl. 1870.- eth may, 1876. OÙi Dec. 1876. 14th Dec. 1876. lOtis Dec. 1870. 151h Dec. 1876. Ce. Treasurer. 8e/f - Ii'akipg feaper. We ofler teour etistomer8 for 1*0 ig ~ct ~odisà. tilclt Machines wich in tstylu And construction, embracà& the 1 test** ànd most useful inmproven1dÏït of the dey fT KING OcEIsERS. The uniiversaI succéeh of-ibis Machne, both in closely colite8t- ed triulsand ln tbe hands oÃœ the fausrs w irnt.a uaying.tiat, asga Self.~k i~apin~ ine îj more éood points and lIss deects,- nd hsnxut with .tl'bre RSiiee, and les fitsf. thaneretofore offered to the public. C MIYUGTA JUNIOR MOWER --5OTO $1,000, DJ Faoory sud W areroom , Cor. Temp i mnêko VW -euirgtoun al ow a vle Agents wanted in Every Coutty - Send for Pice List. - - - -:Âdrss -DOMINION ÇQlB.ANO., Bomenviflo, Out GenaralAgens for Canada for the IlCelobratedt' Bradbury' Piano, . - . h.: --mevllMsrh2Stbi '87 . *14 CUTTERS,! CUT TER S, L~L ,TiIELý'LATE IMPR0OVEMRNTS, et S ,ty les for the PErkr. ad teC uco h Antia ND d-MEOFekxNansi* U ofthLeD THELAGET NDM-T00M0---SOC O 8leighs and fariae Cuttersf CARý'4AGE FACTORY $ROCK- ST', WHITBY. VERY 0c¶EA.P. CALL & SEE THÈEM. C-heap, Ha'rnes Trunks, Whips and Lashee6, CI RJ 0T-IL AI Wbitby, 15th instint,186 I t desir toche h attention of ti.pblic to the fact that at no time dlring' the pist v er bv en abie offer Harnese of ail descriptions-at as ow a price as -I can this -Spring. 'MY expense being liglit I cen do it. -,No;'more stylish or better Harners made in thie Cýount.y. Cash purchasers will find speuiai inducerents,-that is what 1 amn aftei. Cali and iîîepect. * espectfallp ours,- J. R. PHILP. 1'Repairing donc rer.gonably. I'lease uotice-Sccond Harnees Shop, South, oexlt toGros's Hardware Storo, Brook Street. E8tabUsihed Tweat' Years ago. 1 IN OIIDEII TO MARE A CLEARANCE 0F THEIR, ARE NOW 'OFFERING GREAT f3ARGAINS TO &:I Cash Customers for One. Monthl 'THEIR STOCK IS LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED.- Just received ini al the différent liues. A iso a large Slock of Fine 'Liquoi-S. 1:ýî FARMERS PRODUCE TAKEN 1X EXCIIjANGE. Whitby, iDec. 15th, 1875. 5 ,VOM8-P (D 1;b T, Auche7, Nov. t4h, 1875. 48 -TNGE"Prlor Organêýrozaked'b eminent rmuiicians asf de eain o nov in use. Fou the Chn-rh, abb School,.Lotige ýor Paitor they -Ive nosu perler throughout-tho would. W.challeng cny Manufacturer to equel thoia for5we nea amid volume of tons. Where vs hwe no aent wé illaUow aiy on mei8gtf- buy he 'gent aisOunt Azets wnt- .ee er. en Sa-u fr àt o EffN .0M ]Ïclcimuar n fbi buy, No.agent 187ou.'Agntsva sie prodnci nsum.tent Àdesn noinEuse. VBEAthe , ashg, 9. ]lpeirhioughy ud piowerld. eechedi nôents wnaranteed- iyore eisen aproaeog instrume.Aen laeperatý tonahngc ye1e ,-- - P AENT FO INENIONGBS' tentegnarntee- rColas-, Jen 'To the Inihabitanté of Dnffins' Cree and Vicinity: - ~ ~ h ave now.openea Bn.iher'a $bop in ?frW. thbert's, vIàe, mayýýbe se en oue of the best-disp1ays1 DePork, enDd Povi ever ofdereil toil Public., 9 reeoablea Prces I1OCm e,-corne au, , md gel somthbnajto do yc guod. RICHARD WESTL&K BEATTY PIANO I Grand Square and Upright. Endorse%Â>y the bigli est musical entho ities th-reughout the vorld. asTHE B355 "Mr. D. F.fleatty, at Weehlngton, Ws uta County, N. Ju, has engaged lu 1 h. mei ufacturecf pianos, mnd jndging irorn la energy, enterpi-ise euS musical abiit5', tl public snay expeeit tesecure l in ianM wellfnisbed, durable anS flne-thnedil struments, at a ver-y- moderrta prie. M facilities wflllenab1e hlm 10 compote oril eny."-Lambeirtnlle [N. J.]J'Record. ý Le. 1 s a" 1 ta1o -Ue.. Addrsi DA.NEE;.BFfý'Y',Wastgton, N.;J CARRJAGES AND SLEJGHS, DUNDAS- STItEET, WHITIBY, ONT. Have now on baud allarge stock of Carniages, Bug giôsand Siciglis, Cutters, which for style and finish caniiot be excelled. Qr'All will be sold at cost. Ail work warranted. TOM.9 & NEWPORT,.- W hitby, A gust 25t1h, 185.W i b , O t r o PR I-NGLES, Have on hand, at their Merchant TailQnlng 'Establishment, BROO-K STRUET, wHFiT B YY A much largér and better -stock than usual, .embracing al THE NEWEST (JLOTHS- AIN» TIMMINGS. For gentlemens' Clothing; and - as 'hyare giving their whole, attention b lth. Tailoring business, they are ii a position to do it botte itan et. cWI5E44/WINE8 J PURELIQUOR8 Rat WITOLESÂ.LE aiJ RETAIL te suit-the Rfl, t Li4DA Y'DEM ND > VNTY, ÀLLY LOW ?RICE S.' TRY . F 1RC K, NaL E'S, I MCO0E' STBE'ET, OSýHÂ1WA, AGE NT FOR DAVlES & B1R.'S Gelebra>ted XXX CreamAie ý& -Porter. A. & J. R. PRINGLE. -Grand. Square and Uprlghî. Thia s< plendid Piaùo Forteecombines evry improvemenit"n toue vilh pawer anti gi-oct Surability, tond bias receivei the un- qualifieti oendorsemntus ei the hlghost mu- sicalauthoritieýs'for jtsmarvolous, extreor. PER ýclye, oftoua, li-ing NO SU- PE TOR1' THE ORLI). 'Largoes 7j Octaves, Overstung Boa,-PullI Freine -ncb Grand'Action, Fret Desk, Cae'-Pelni, Soliot Rose-eooti Mouldinge, IýFroynt, Cappes - ammera, a GIio7eTrébe,d &e. Liberal -dit-couat te the trede. Agentfs wsnted-,uslc or fernale. 9ýe ,senditSr ,for circuar. Addreso, DANIEL F. BiATTY, Washington, N. J. --- Agents Wauted in every Toawribip lu On tarIî, toelsitheb fàmous Prize Mc dal Orgen Menufaclur. edby the Smniths Âmerican Orgen Co. sud George Stock and Co.'e Pianos. Special inducements - will bo given 10 6i7st-clees -agents -and clubs of Ibros or four wioshing to pprchmao. - -- Amy rntmber cf testimaoVials in favor ofthiso st-cleas orgenaican bc furnisis. e5,buwt as lb.yaee cwidely lcnown- greet nu mbers h àvi g boen soldlthrough - out tise Dominion andbmavinggivoo eatîs- faction in eveuyiuatmee-,Notestimoni. ai however fbTttering eau add 10 their reputelion. The' Stock Piano Co., received the- only gold medel awarded tù,aoy exhîb- itou et lbe Vienne Exposition in 1678. Churchea requiriing orga - a - ill b. ]iberebly demi t it. Style %2,S itih American, veC-vouid ealu attention- tb ns bcbDg ospriilly-adaptod for churces Ill every -.LowuFljlp ip untario toseli the fàmous Prize -Mi-dàl:()rgau Manufactur- edby the Smith Arnericdn organ Co. and George Stock and Co.'s Pianos. Special inducements - will bc given to -and clubs of three ci four wipLing to pprcliase. 1 Amy ntimber of testimoVials in favor of thooë'first-claf;s organFi can bc furniph- eablwtoËýtheyare sowidoly known- greît n - ùmbera h àvin g been sol il through - out the Dominion and havinRgiven estis- faction in evéryinstauee-,Notestimoni. ai bowever ffatteriog eau add to their reputation. ý The, Steelt, Piano Co., received the only gold medal awarded to eny exhib- itor a L the VienDa Exposition in 1878. Cliiirell.es requiring orga -_ a - Wili be liberally dealt with. Style %2, Smith American, WC would call attention- to as bèing especially adapted for churches aua hâlIg, ite, proportions are graceful and fts mpýsicaI q1ýàIý4'îér. are unsurpus- nlu- aI- an- T for nIa URDGE( 85 S yroi Wse.nie mek G ie e ausa o - - Wh tra tRain ofI Ifs s nIv bi a-thSrk lia - D ~Ie - î TII osAR n.LSao JeI oftJonathan LL1del large quanti stantly on hi -~4 Commissiôn, &oe., Atherly, Alheriv S, CA R D -rdut Py ci ni Qusan ,eo -Univ.oS Mid - unlv. of Fpn -Pennsa.4 oner for the Coldvator St - JOHIN S. 1 OPilseTown~ NEW YýRK OLQ-VeU- 'SKATES. GiROSS-& MA GNACHTA e-n-týnis, qkk-wlmj FOR PRESENTI% FO R bHRISTMAS, mmiamm 1- e 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 ras 008 )Y, - Aùdley. ý -000- 00:00 CO'. y DRY GOODS STOCKý NEW GROCERIES p L A c E NELODEON luryl àitby, Ja»ý- 1876.

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