Whitby Chronicle, 13 Apr 1876, p. 4

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id barai [ver, the ton ail we kuew Combslé tee en r. irren les.. are Ev a rv 0 offliS of aomt tat 1 ttaight bu able te dii'ert 4dc1à or ïreved eues frotta theIË Ilà 48 vcenh là retiisI wiIl Yýck tup. 1 triviitcaha brave , A eàlectrndlifp; rend w0acitait Ioely Support, lu limée cfrcdan. il lot!t, lu f-loevete._ 0lt1J W llnVt snrOt pI)eaen2rO lingtba à 1111?daid tleo :tiesge, l thle woric. Anti while tiecre oh te fear hM, ilu vitmw of hie lm mcxi j'lctiandcteir oflence, lé leni'a remoucite love I1dmfor ntlorieeuq, hie farercen, ie ae te fdrgive aiireceive une ie ier eameetary of leie love, as ýhie I. -Flrtliîrole. fi]$,hi full -of leocceictesun,.bote cI gli and nfi(cw nlwç, %boula rnloivopir te fdoutiiwLaLthqy port tl ilde.Ili il net an irttmsnsme aêioe -for tie tttbirek lituai w elplei te ne-Luiter te flicnwaâts of viI tins. gotee beirori? 'idiic e ing tender lice veiliof dealh iiiha bacek tipaci ne ai; A11011418oct attii-rtitstone lies ? Iot thet igrcevcshotiil icet ail cet-int.i. cdl leus.qie ail enînilit,' towarcle ;hudwe bseiï riicantlrccpic grief,-ehiltlceg euociedoi away lne duti eti wo W'teu ctievrsq arcinui lé,iny puty tberreàa net beiug nndtyetsictù cl eptie et -oer ati witi Otton tbe icaineel witlî lgtIstII efforts t>i couselte or to t; -but we-sibdultl heur t hebvly "Il, Pl liot of 0ouwcn hart. andc t-le. çdd - ce' NUV v c'ic'W-"i tleu iNova Sc Ilufe 1 777le ile ( tJ, re xpucihi-sa 071 m '11see n 't14.VlVII.-Ti tylerca Epticii.eis leclareu"tlinat tJitpt oat-lice 1)cieetîrata te iccilelc Lh, iQlsa i t rate tcitre-lîl'iman te tt c tfliigecrinorf thr epiru)l." lImetranxti, the Jrescut 0e-ccic 1uLgSý4t4, was peep;poýtcl M- the-t éonivoeilote citMie -11c'îtibLiccure lie for tl ierP-esiluncy. eRIJi 'rDoux . , Tertuerbcy exu b>.2A' ' t~rliloretr-gsdy )11 1ut, Pa littîr by le'eeîe, aridr' no, ct 401 Care-iee-t witle tlSý Mière liait, wbie loft i hmsome ten before ou acqàept of his drticxkfn mibu iu eebcîattairettiuoc, wcce ut19V14ig;dis, ovqe-snl tylng bunicle Pad bolcywith I lit troauti. Tics' 'iliaitnbeeme beutec i t laitby ciieuil wle ace&svy wasle bewi pitelicer. li i v%@as ckeutottihe al, anit i wl di'c. ,i Jitecoren MwiimiNSAiiaWaT. A,~ old ihecýbdlenl mmrder oceereel Idsy MiglctAcbteui.aseu es frerre rd, ai lIce hone cf Micelo lua. W111e11 wae hlrclceujute, andelics Or, PaLti-tk, urai )I i y ýban auieur aftee-wards. Thie seihersl are baçlfolde'eUeslr hanse kept by ilceir elter, Me-s. Aun tes. - Itin IePp$oe*cJ heu the rere weut thora, withî tthe inteci. f getn mheton3¶. A coronersa t WaR Jiel antthelbouffe ibis ýpn 'b L, Uyvs, M. D., er for lice coty of Lacouion. A elung swoe-exin, the fallowing vee. ,as relue-ced :A certain porion, toc i Allôtcii ni wlfnily, and salls flerehoeletkilt mndtrîxeer- le Pale-tek Mouallaci, ., ellin has ynt beAil golte th lI îc' ors of the dceed. îvîtcc .1~3LAZB"t'Tri Wetd<e lipie.-. Otten," Fraya tie, jc'rcenitcs, "lias en takouen ti cexc.gnat cof ü tl -e.'-Winletpg likons taeush il (ily. Nero9eltldclhill orneý 1, andi oir Ceunpil poinide awma i ~ ~ ~ oi PIua hlo Ic gse Qpe IIeane matseJt onftire Ce la- rieciArige ttis yperis their. ieI»emoD DSAD On Saurday a mmed JolieYcucg,*Ibuiter kuown. 0e towu by the $setbiriqsîet- cf lain, --Youg," wAoefoecceci deuil iin- omi in Allandale, àneme-Barrie.4 ýook.àhaixk. Dur. vecockey encens ç~~prn4txêUu.Ti.,ee. nias the causge ofSoute Tic. F R FE T0 ýA LLi Our "Ject 1armoci(turýd4iilseweut of thu Towna ci Whitby, ou tihe Kiageton iBoa&. A large stock aiSeetison baud thsi WMf ssenrlng tics Fieldcoe. bymal P* 8. C. BUlOWN, j, Wieitby, Ont. tg i tar, waeteet~~ ics ork a L, WhitbyPeby. 29th, l576; 04 f NGý1SH REMEDY! SPECIFIC MePDiCINM4 U ailN vous, ccclias ieau j B. lur t lloý ea heuse cf 0* lecIeelI spite: .but thee $Peefe lh nmorcesepclaety recomuended se »4 0=nf 0 I ur or SIcm*L Wercxxes, 1 ixvoeiecIr'VMNrOY mci aU i lleae t flwsas a aceue oelf Abuse,s Ptrrirrà "; ià BCec, Deeceoeis or Vessi>Nri. 1c4rcIM eOL. Aoc, cami, usuy otteer dss t eie to I IYi1OnCNOi<UM.M ccai5l ATUDE i tSItt, pli ni W)JOIlc'le, mic culs ;a lura caugO4 by dcvla&tg froen tire limte o11 nature alla ever Induegence. 'rite 5pecltlo'Moecclcwla te recuecit of a lie utiedy cri tusny yeure of ecciceIli:.trout- eig Loesemîecial clisefices. 1. 1411parteunars fl uourpaiepleiecleirwe uliire te Bond free tîy umIttO Oery elle, The ttpeceto Medicie i galu odey g ci - gft ist $i e tr pckaeo, cccsi.- iaclccget fer à;d5, or ci ie li nt by mil l erocculplof the mincenun', ly scldrncclneg WILLIAM IGRAY & Co., Wluclsor, 0O.1t. t-.'* Sold ic btlvty S. W.,13. Hniltta, Jes, 13yrus suad ail drugiJ.c:s. S<,ntJ)ïO[P & Lyman. Tcncoclw,wliocte&cîggnute. *7 TIl G. A T I Hi MUDjC5Er, & VYA ilW\OOl) Manufecturireg Company. Style 5, - slap.4 - .el4e. stl q, 1Stopm, 150iC. Style'7, ti>St<pt, 1 75. Stl , 7 Stip", . . 190.- Styrle 11l, 7 Hiopet, - -~2 le 1tRihiît isu d îlcnt Cc'c, lCae>. (Jaes r'ugicltcci 187,-1. MELO)EON-ORGANS PAT-ENTED, n873. style 4, 4 Stops, -9$40. Style 6 i, oi sUn, - 150. Stylei 20, 'f- I Rîupe.'1t6t. Stle 80 I0 $ta"i, . .16 inleatit¶jcams e ccenceil flat. PIANO F-TSe c f tles celebteeInui 1tTIt&JeCiOS, maire _alwîygt 0ic sli. ut thee Leotlaitct,e Jor a fles-i.laem Instruirei. InteieSug puerChrc-rs arcu cu'sîuîectfgîily ree qnee5pct. t,aueed eamine Oue- luste- ment êbefere bnîylng elieieruî, Wu are mainla rge rediciiO o cu eias sudShort- time C uslurene's uyiug lireict frou e lue.4 tory.r AjLLINSTRUMENTSWAlI'TD i Seea econad-hand Melodeos FOR SAÀL E FRýOUv' *60 TJPARD S. - . FltlD MUDGE,- Whiiiny, Ncnsnubtr 2-1It#, 185, . 48 sk-A!E 1 --Loi 12 In 121h concesion, 20W1 tcreci. i#n -seut.hall 0ilot 18, ii 121h éonelisaio, îuie Saedsa.Aent ix eiles -rn ,ÂtherlyS-ail. iway Statione. have M ID lW R.tLiwAy (l'CANADA, rhIey- 4aiugpe-tf~cpoi acilnetu Llcedsa c~~~~~Q 't' Wrs14- 1o- Smail...4 o10 "m. 1Mx- ..84 î~x ~7l-Goiig North X eteeboro ,41e14 .1,10ti ~x.jMie ~ ,(l 'oming sont .e-m -hua ta 'ià. *Festsrboro' u bf as p m, CAR YtHE fL b sAM Gowhere you NewvDesrwe qthyo IPriigs. Exteni article. ,Gilt cOorniôèëS, -PiotMrw,!i F fine Chromo ýEngravinga ,fer si u ~ r Ini al its 1>rauchsp ;funeréJs-bo l 00esln alwayS on hed riui4te Irle, ovnb 4th ,15. ILI '. , I LJI, cannot fail to be tÃ"f good furiture. B'loom and ]3edroom eSets> i!nspection, sb astonishlng low sion Tables-a vqsp~o aimuinl eveýy style. Soins je. . I l / WM. TILL. WHT B YH JEBS~ lI-ave just relevd Iâe iax-1 stock of Crockery and Glasf Lee China, Stonea.îeed Fancy TaSe In l'ie Jiîa ~erd-lingy Dinnei Iii Cince , tbne tendl le Ineeloue-, Te In Glass-. Li Gob FANM-0Y..G~O COD S1 In Cuîîs, Sanere-, Mugm t, beât tdsotede, ,n'd cheajiest ware ever, offered in- Whitby. Sets;. - hie and Bedroom Lampe. Fruit, Cake aînd Triflo Dishes, 1ets, Tuenhiers aend Wino Grasses. h Table Sts-AR in New-Patterns. FOR 1WPRÉ'19ENT S, 13, Vases, Toyýs, &e., &é. GIsN PARVtNvm lûi l l ind sof Choica FaÇây Oroýeeeia s, t Tons, Tobacco, and ail k iuds of Fcency Piîpes, Hame, Bacon, Lard. Oysters of the best brandà always on hand. The Ilighcst rnarket prlc'e paid in caish for any quiatity oi Good Dressed Iloge0, Octs, Smcdil Pense, Marrowlat Pense, &c. At î IGIBSON & '1ARYELL'S.' Whitby, Dec. lSth, 1874. 5 -FA SIIONÂBLE VTORN I Go where you can get a -W(>]llfitting Garmeiut :-To the Tailoring Estab1ishmet-CLI ýGEORGE À LE OSHAWA. SUPEIOR UTTINd -ýI1ApES TEE WORR A Large Stock ofFine Cloths; l$st English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. l>'. Excllent Oveicontinýs ,%tid spleuddi4 .Vest ,patterns. Aý gomd fit Guarcenteed. :1ýl RE lFUNTÛIRE 1. F'urniture. Having bougtOut the businesslately carxedt Ã"ù'liy -u~sH. Samo, we take thiýS opporttuity of izwiting hie many friends to give us a eall; sund we eau assure aRl that we r prea d to do as', -well by them iu the future, as Mri SanIo has»done in the past. 1ILL &JHNTN --00-- -Orders...by mail promptly at '-dedto 1NERTAKïIN G,,.The class Estab shen in the ôunt'y ohr ,y supPlied 17.TIL J Wlett à ctler lt fiuierâls are ful- >HNSTO0N. 40-ly CA-RD. i --00-- 'Mbile thanking Our customers for the liberal inannei iu theyl-have supported our past efforts to serve t1ýem, we have confidence in soliciting their contini4ed patrona-ge as our present increased fa- cilities ýwill enable us to give greater satisfaction,, and would, most respectfully, invite their atten- tion to the facet that we have now reùeived our stock of Spring and Summer Dry G'oods, coin- - prisiný !a fûl assortment of ail the leading 'arti- cles of the trad~e snitable for a first-class busi- ness. P. IS'.-Rcad !IcWjCc L~AING & STEWART, Bcock fStreet, W]iitby. Wbiitby'ý March 2lst, 1876. McBRIEN'S HA4TS FOR-,TY~ AND PRICE DEFY COMPETITION j sthey ýare fro-m the American Man- GEWOGE GUBLEY, ; factiïrers and net Canadian inakie, te are a mc super- GENT'S dLorrHING AŽNjD FURN 4SII~ GOODS1 F or Su pe rior CI lthing sit bfor Sîumereêrtry týhe',,CoFV g Store and Merchant Tail- oring ostab1llilnmént of STRE ETWIIITBY. A GOOJ) FIT YêN £iYLIýWC4T.-WÀRAPRANTED - Qkent's Furishiing 'Goods hWiii"d, ildn'hr *Hlato and Caps, Umbrellas, , - Whitby, July 27th, 1875. tf-81 JOSEPHI ROb ERS' 'SONS IVORY 'HANDLED TABLE CUTLERY, P'en and Pocket Kuives, -Cilectro-p lated, Spowns, Frk», &c. ACM E CLUB' GROQS SKAtES, ST-RAPS!l CLUJB- tBKN-TES ý2NACHTAN, FLOIJR-AND F-E14DQfjQ$E C H AS. r4PE N N YL E G 1N> Bealsto utify his -mans and *IfM tàlierentha, hvibought out the ixýterest cfo r. obbledick in cebusii, lie is 1o0 preparedq te supply ýR &FEED. OFTý E BET Q H Fl - r:,Ch Ê e Bran, hrs eal. Oracked W.At, eas, Oats, iPotato8fs,-.o AND RETPAIL. ior article. THE ONLY ONE WHO BUYS DIRECT FROM BUFFALO-! SThe Gents' Futrn ishings are as usual,, not to be surpassed. The "CENTENNIAL SHIRTj ", Centenniial Cuffri and Collars, sample of which are to be tihewnl at Phuiladleiphiia. Aise the Il Centennial Hat." - ?i!Millan's IBlock, Bt cek St., Whiitby. HUGH MoBRIEN, Hatter, &c. LJSýJOF iAUCTIONEER'S Iieensed for 'SouthRing-o Ontario, North Riding of, -Ontaïio, ànd separate Munieipalities in the latter. Donald loes.. T. H. Walsli. Wm. Geedoli. James Digby, J.. Jamesi Digby Jr I. John L. Waii.... i. c. rimlk ,... Thomas Tuckr....! Diii. Was Thoemas Penecher, . . J. M. Patiencen.. L. Fnichinlcs. R. E. O1D011. DonaldEes Riais Boires ... Johnstcu ltcowe.ý.., LIST OP Oshawca. .. Thorah ...... Beayerten ,.. oilili.-.. .. Âe'nliuiu... Thcoraie Caniru glon. Sunderlandi. PorttPer-y .. Sai field. Part Ferry.. Leaskdal .. Toronto,... Bloetmingtoe ...* Wlcitby . . A therly...... Beaveritu... Manilia...... Villae .Uxlcridge MeeerccAeaITY. Soutie Riding.. minis........... Thecah....... do ............. SouthBîn . Thorali...... do ....... ...... -Brocckr.. ....... Senth ie iig. Umbenicio. Northe Irlng ... Nue-h IliSing ... North Bdlg Beach.- ......... -Scet......... ... North Ricdieg.: Souh Ridiug. SouthRie . South Ontano. . Mare. i......... Be1-od............ Brook ........... -Uxbeidge .... PEPIJERS FOR'-TE00. John, 0 ......Oshawca.........On foot....... James 'e-gs. ]rooklini.. ........1 ee-se....... A. C. Hmbad t No-Rilit .. 1 herse, Cnunty.... James (la.ck ...do2 baes, County... FalilaMcGoi'rn..e do .. 2 lice-as, Couuty... John Gillignie.... du .. 2 b-ese, County... Duff*tt*Brô'.....Osiaw& .......... 1 hurne,- Cunty.... Duffeit'Be-os .-...Oshawva..........1 corse, Connity.... Gec. Burton .... Nu-Rslni 2 horses .... - WM.,. LAING, LIeCenBE Expiais. Jne 28, 1876. Se~pt. 20. 1876. 29, 1876. Oct, 1.1, 1876. de 18, 1876. te19, 1876. lé19, 18 78, Oct. 26th, 1876. Oct. 26tlb, 1876. Oct. 28te,- 1876. Oct. SSiie, 1876, Nov.rlhe, 1876. - Nor.-22ad, 1876. Dec. 2ud, 1876. Dec. iUil, 1876.- Jan. 2bih, -1877. Jan. 201h, 1877. Fe' u, 1877. W1II e-h i, 187t, Mie-. lOtte, 1877. Miae. lUth, 1877. Mar. '2lot, 1877. ONTAIRIO.- 2lst Apfl, 1876. Suh May, 1870. Oth Dete. 1678. 1411e Dac. 1076. 15th Dec. 1876. 15th Dec. 1876. 20thIan.'1877. 2lst, Mer. 1877. John stdn's 8e/f - faking,'fteapr AWARODý 'fbl IRT:tIE At the Provincral Exhibition, 'T«6 .rdf ' n18710. 'We9jIoet 9.1j custoixmer fgr the comntg Iâvs,24ods -the latestj ndmo@t seful ip< dh ay edt1'ss n&e îhà ndi of the farmers, wsrranu &îtà-iyng4tbIt.4 , c#aSefRak- mg Reaping~eine, iL t pmrçge4civts and lesa defecta, and ha&me ivIi1- more Succs' esnd1efsil n e (bat b e 'offered: to the pqblie., XCAU-A JUNIOR MOWER y.ive ff Lted 'Vox-Celeetd4, VoxýH telea,à#"' Wilcoï or "Clarinet" atopa.' "Fugle Horn,"' "Du rand, rgaufïtop, nnd. ,LL rHS;7LATE- IM~PROVEMENTS, cent styles for the'Parlor axed the Chuî mat1erian dwrkasiP~ Iýr QUALITY AND VOLUME, Q7 XQNEZ UNEQUALLED, a PRIIOES-$5b TO ý,00oo Facory and Wsierooms, Cor. Tempersinoe and Wellington 8ts,, 8ewmanville. Agents Wanted in E very' County.; Éend ýér, -'P" List: ÂAddreus, DOMINION OR1GAN CO., Bô àilý'nt Genera Agents for Canada for teIl"Celebrated"l Bradbury P.s. Bewmaanvifle, Marçh 28th, 18é76. Cheap Harness, Trunks, ý-Whip8 and Lashes; V 00 'Whitby, 1tth instant, 1876. I deuire te, eal the attention of the public te the fat that cet noe thi3dunng thef paît fivo years bave ý been able teo ofer Harnescf ail descriptions ut as Iw a price as I asti thîs Speuing My expentes being liglit" I cap -o"à*. LNé* moré 8tylishý or better Harnecarnade in this Centy. ahprhsr ilfn poa rndnemets,-hatis wha't Larn aftei. Csl ad inspect. LE Itepairing clonc reagonably. Please notice-Sécond, Harnesa Bheip South, neit tei Gross'si Hardware Storp, Brook, Str-eet. Esltabliished Twentyt Years ago. 1û JJJ-S T T IlE PLACE BOOT 'AFPSHIOEMAKER, ]3ROCK-ST., WIIITBY, - T.TAS now on hanel a large aud verried stock cf Boots andS Sixes. He Baise -"makea te order every description cf Ladite' Gentlemen' and Childe-ans' er rýr Bepairing donc on tee shortest notice, and ut reasonable rtes. A eaUl is iuvited te examine tire new stock. - - 1wwi)y, Dpecamber, 1875. WILLIAM -BURNS, Be-o'çk Stiet whitby w H]>1Ic KJiE & C0., IN ORDER T$ ýiAKE. A CLEARANýCE OF/iEIR DRY G Ã"SO DS SOK ARE NOW OFFERING GIREAT BARGAINS TO0 Cash Customerà for One Monitif! THEIR STOCK IS L GE AND WELL ASSORTE». NEW GRO RIES FORý. CHRISTMAS, just ceived iii ail the différent .inos. Also large Slock, of Fine 'ý,i4quor8. t:FARMERS PRODUCE TAKEN 1N EXCnANGE Whit'byD 4t, 1875. 51 W'0MS & WI'OR5T, MANUYUACTURERS 0F CARRIAGE S AND SLEIGHES,, PUNDAS STREET, WIIITBY, ONT.- Sleighs, Cutters, whieh for style and finish cannot be exeelled. (~.AU wiil be sold at cost. Al work warianted. TOMS & NEWPEORT, Whit4y, Ontario. Whitby, A4ugùeet 25th, 185.8 1 P-RI lN G-LES, Have on baud, at their MeîÈChant TailoriDg EstablishineOnt, B RO0OK STREET,WHTY A muéh larger and, better stock than usual, embr adc'ing al TIRB NE WEST. CLOTHS AND TIRIMMING8. For gentlemena',, Cl6tbing; an& gg tie are giving. tltefr >whoýle'attentio4, t the Tailorinïg becineisy, thîe y- , re in à position te do it bettâr titan ever. ,VýbSept. 80th, 1875.A.. &4J104yIN LE 0110/CE- WJNE8 d. PURELIU d. WlOLEALE nd PIT +u. cn 4--eu OID A Y DMA D UN'USUALLY LOW T1ÇK. the. bei City.- an it whea &eii voaces-are 8sing lOg 0er1lc plae eu bAltiuthâa4ra.,BeYM note WA.MI.RU E NE DY, Pâtor Itbsglvvnim 1y ýthie vsry hièest H ampion, Jan. 81st4 876. ]&R. J. EEESB, ' 1; affords me gpeut plessure lna cknowlodgieg lice salira satisfactionc, ana'S h 1 prciation aicfies Né. 9 ath'e. icek Piano purchasee frcrceycu a ew dàcys since. Very rzetuy - Ennislrillen, Ont., Jan. iBU,, 1876. PROF. J'. REESE. , Dzixe Sm,' ln'&gct f rom yen glves eetire eal;isfactiee ire every respect. 1 caTi-uheoitatingly recom. menS it te .11 deeirin a f' & - -. D.gSTE W RT,' - Pasier cf Preabyterian'Uhuxrchi. PRF ESOushawa; Jan. 28-S, 1U76. I a ~ have ',!na Malien. shek as a yen represented it-a first-clas pine. macy muesexave métrieS 15, and. proncnced et excellent; lampion, Peblst, 1876. MR. J. HEESE, TýeMteUàhtIç Fiagol pur. chaud from yen ha. ge-ren enliee atisfsc.. tien su uoep Itéel-a supere-inîtruenent in evee-y respect. I youd reeommend anl th mee teMathe.hf-k beforo jnurchasing elseuiiere. YeeirB, .u. . T.;PEUILIPS. E.uuiisldllen. ian, LShh,*1876. PROF. Y. HEESE, Hemllpton, DzuecA . Sm ) plessure ii mddiug uey "teetiio "Y -tete u'eny yen icsve-elrdady recniyeàin fvre-of the Weil meeie Mtl: k Piano pur.- chaseci ruc oetielitl. Weil tssii.- lied with it jin evry snd cousiS- e-, for ibeautyasudtoue. buepase 'by uy testruet I have y n. PULL AGRAFFE, 7-OCTAVE PROU PIANOS 0 from cther reliabîs makers aI Whcîletule lgeuts for tihs Dominion ni Canada foi the PRINCE ORGANS. - Agenats ante-m evry City, Town snS Couety citeDominion. NORRIS-&.SOIPER, 81A.deaiSS. Eau, Tee-enta, - SOLE AGENTS. JOSEPH ItEE SE, HAMPTON. - agent le Darliegtoi, .Wiclitbj anSdOse-t- DRu GODS AND CRCR STORE-,AT AUDLEY. leÙ order-to-nxcettisýgrewing wsuisof thce locajity the-nicacriber bus been induced te open buaies-incte abote lin. A Large and --Selectéd Stock eqmüsinepe-ico- anS 4uaqfly tea3* -ltai eau as-well suiteS as elsewllire patroceis. home te-ade. t D . MeBRADY, 'Andley, Ncv. 241h, 1875 48-tf Plt'SCRIPTIÃ"'N FREE F OR lcepeedy Cue-ea 1Saýminsi Weslr- -Vus»s1 Lunet Maubeood and> ail diserders brouget on ble4n&scret on or xteu. Auy Dru *"4t ha lthe iugredients. Acdarers DAeIiON B ..o 2296, N.cw York.~ Septeculer, 175.iy-12 -Agents Wanted lun eve-y Tc famoesPir ed b h if .and Gè*oe-g special" tb first-alac ce- fourwIit nftADY i,.l lýe tee - - ' t - - ~ r-r f~- FREDERT 1'c- S T B moi Bic wl . rene 5VTet -BU H Ai lAeq Ltum,. "sIkri Wbitby, -R OBT G;raduais Queea's Unir. af niche n't oner tee- Coldwate Augwsl24 * JOHN r -Oftae Te -NEW YORK S Ti ýj- ', ÃŽ p --- ', V

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