Whitby Chronicle, 20 Apr 1876, p. 4

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Browr>'s. FREE Ir ma an5d seanoh ail t, ilI laitid séédon i .1876. t-.- T -~-.u. ~. 1' wi f O ,Ra "m ROWN/'-MPl - Kan 4éi bn aneSW hirs tà,onî a lWhtbyý,Feby 99gtb,18764 1-ui < T HEa 0R RA2 J. ,. ENGLISH R EM EDY .1CARR IAGE, FACTOAY I VERY r m.v,raq4li?,, nouet, thé -09 ngont ,ol e.;u hnt J"at lie mýnaged to $all noi eatsilO. opite of bte ohangé lis thé olé! tustia., itlà'&a pl0ùaul u~g t Deke msver convertedl thé of the Régiment int a duch- vô a8u1 play et grasudeuir, sud 1thse noble guelta mareas Io a dispatebacoms's frein thé îting ihat hlI ha'léariut thé thé matchl u 60 many plain 1 ergeant Sulpbcé Who gavé fai ýIi W c nthé nd'ifow thi 'Ds ke that a vi- netd not waitt oa.nbud ronio is not fan off."' m thé Daughtér of thé e t. d' .Tonte béoamé unquestieux- 1ai mife, h useS not hé iS k[rolionees teok thsé adric cf, 3atted. linple. Oldisi rztit. ,H, ,SAXO '- cqMp4Nt; RN ITU RE. LESALE & lETAIL. Wiarroois-Albert Hall Buildlings, i189 Yornge St. haive alwaye1 on iand a Pull Stock et evary. tilln thir lins,ati hope by strict attention to thee wsntse their utunero tb meritaa énotinusneê nithue pstronage Ltherto ex- tende! te thea. t0Êàéu 6iae stkM pald te thé nkng of OTTOMANS, FANOX -CHAIRS, LAMBREQUINS, suaS. ana put _down -ln the boit style.' yÂLU&DLE RItAL ESTATE TOWN 0F WHItBY1 Xnw' ,'.eHbick Iloék, on wlchise q S'eaDeiù , mid threée thér tenensenti. Alo-That valuabié blck (corner lot) on Brok Street adjointng the ÇanoxicrLa Painti fie ' -b.ins lots 1 Ana 2 Ferry'§ A1Lso-he preperty noir oconpfeé? ly Mr( $lo;gyîq lak >Ïfnl»sng Albeut twe acres *iéâwlUnghoua, near thé résidence oi *Mr, . . .Perry. Alo-Two vaicant lots, eue North matlue- di b Ohurlisud anSesopposite thé résidence ai Mr. J. B. F&arel. UAs-r'Vàaûat lot atjoiging anud South of Outaro Bank Buildings.- Ais-Thé lob wedto ?et rOfice lupon wbieh anetwolUi1gbjuoe and cardage shepe. ' ýrimwlibeal-nysmali patyment e. 4ureddowm; balance in à or 10 years, withx Èerst.t sitfpurohasers. o. DRÂP1IB. Whitby. Mareh isi, 187. Bn1 100 4ACRE, ÂUM XIN xMARk :fOFR. SALE 11.ý WehaitiffloLoi 141ui$é it o~cs sien of Mata m éhife Aar ad nder -oultivation. Log-Roue, Barui,kex. With. ta *wêrMiles qf)Bxsbln, RAQ»y Station. B. 3. TAYL OR îDominloxiBin¶e.hltby. XjtA*,zEs AND TauRK8. s'IA BUNo to. Â 3UK, 2W' 1C 'E 1 - - i DiCINEý ~'A large aud- well assorted- stoci Vi Lsii~î doweBMincis, which le is prepa bter d s Midi i rates. onu~ th ahi Asplendid ~s t ts,.New MlScelluneg4us okbeat 4iool Books. Ou ne l 0. ésqir y 'gice It 81 re packagé, qr.pli;pt O s o«r iIb senat by mati on recel t fix money, by CAdesn IA Windsor, ont. ei.* sciai n WitbL y b5. W. B. Smilth, Jas. '7lByrne and ail druggléts. iYortlrop &x Lynman. Toronto, whoLesale agents. s 'best Golda iùd SII vioner ana Ail ~deis' oo l bIi - Schoolâ &t. liidf prise,. ah&d' ý feél ih« !Ê COUPLETE STOCK 0F tTT TT V and Cardages, Nowlis the tim0eto bygodncha layving otbgjbyoare o ye Ms H. Samo, We take this DÉËortunity iiiviting, ý ,0 V A Nhis raanT friends to gî1e us a oel, and W B can assure ai à iat, we are prepared.-tq do a elbtei h uue BROCK- ST, WHITBY. as ,Mr.ÏaÃ"ha one lu the past. LL SEE THEM I TILL & JHNSTN Ordllsy m ilpromPtlY attended to, ~]D.AT UNERTAKNG.- Theol frt éluss Est blishment in the Oounty wir u.easare fi \. L L I N ' ~ uppied - TILL &JOHNSTON. 'SIC STORE, Whitby, October jet, 1878. 0J k-ot-Rfoom iPaper- and Win- lred. to oeil at the lowest ient ýof staàtio'nery,CARD atifuily bound, -«Rl-kinds of, ~hne.-4eî akr. agean While thanking oui customnr oy h l'>ea1 Iver Watchas and Chaiseon mnnMinteyhvesppredor se 1e~'rgiho epîartment cosplete. mnè nte aespotdOTpt fôt &mrcnPridcl n serve themi, we have confidence in solicti ï, A cOninued patronage as our present increasé,d IIâ' Book forcilities will enable us to give greater satisfaction, l'-tion. ed Mdzost respectf,,iuyinvite their atben- tiUP1Ythe ac thz w 'h o ua " recel-ve!-- _our ffe l dci mv ;t fliii !WIIIT*BYCHINA TEA STORE.1 GIBSONI&.PAB V E LL Zy Z%. TII à 1 1. oeve f - eIvdthargest, besit a'ssor-td, and c4ipapest MUDGE & Y ARWOD stoëkc of Crookery and Glassware éver offered i Whitby. Manufaciurng <ompeiy. tyé,-4:'Stops, # ' 140. a Y& &r ô Stops, -10 style?7, 6 stops, - -15 style 9 7 fOuir., - . 190. styleoJi, -7 Stops, - .200. In Resnant uS Walnnt CarreS Casés. cases regioteréd 1870. MELODEON ORGANS PATENTED, X873. Stylé 4, à Stops, - -0140. Stylé , 0 Stops .3-- 50. Stylé 20, 6 $tep"" - .lm0 styléS8, 6 Stops, - .35 xihantisome Rosivood casee. PIANO FORTES, eof thxp eéîçbratell WETIER d COS. make 'iQ ,Loireesi-Ratas ion a hntenti9 pur chasérs -are réspetflly ré- uestedtaimli andi examnine anChpolru- mente blera buying eliémhcre. Wu' are !ektuu ittýredictiçps toa Cash andShtiort- tioèOà tmc bi ilcatiea. tise c- tory. 8everal Second-handMeIddoun8 I FOR SALE nChina, Stonie anti.Fancy 33à Sets., In (Ihinr& aïd: Fsnày Dinne' 6ets. iùchina, Stoné' and Fanoy Toilet Seta. In Pýrlour, Table and Bedlroom Lmé liGlasé-4Fruit, Cake ana TifeDieh. lI G 1et, Tumblers aù& îWne Glasses. -iýTal4le Set-4ll in .New Patterps. *FANOY G-OODS 'FOR PRESENTS,l lI Cups, -Saucers, Mugs, Vases, Toys, &U., &o. GuIBSON & SP,&1VZLL hâve ail kinýs of Choieî Family Groceries, Dest Tes, Tobabco, and &Ul kinde of Fanoy Pipes, Raina, Bacon, Lard. Oysters of the béat brande always on hand. The highe8t market price païd in cash for any quantity of Good Dressed Hogs, Oats, Bmall Péage, Marrowfat Pease, ». At GIBSON & SPAIWELL'S. Whitby, Dec. lSth, 1874. 51 -F-ASHIONABLEÈ TAIL ORINU Go where you cen get a Well-fltting G-arment :-To the TaiorIing EstabliehmÉent of GEoa~ ,GUREY, SHAWA. SUPERIOB (,TflG SHIAPES THE WORK 1 À Large Stock of Fin» Cloitl; beatEnglili, Scotch and axuulaian Tweeds. C> .Excellent Oecti~ n peddve8t patterné. A GEORGE GURLEY, ci Ring Street, Oshawra. FR ,OM $60 UP'WARDS. IGE-N T'S CLOTH ING -FRED IUD(IB, 11 WhlWtby,-Novombén 241h, 1875. 48 ABALANDS Lot 12 in 121h goncession, 200 &one. Seuthhsull t la1, lu 121h eoxcéon1110 ace. Aout six miles Iroin Athénly âItil. (*àe station.,:' ' r - J1IDL14Dý RAILWA'YO0F CANADA. Golea North 1Itm Port Hope te LindaaY. Coingouth frOmillia. s t inl pma.ort1Èan Po t- Hope Mai...10I mn. j Mise . 6..80 p. 'oing South tram LWkefeld. AND FURNI3RING GOODS 1 For, Superior Clôthinùg suitable for Summer woar ti+Y the -Clothittg Store and Mercliant Tail-, oring establisnment of D~ND8 STEETWHITBY. 0 O D STYtlTWCUT WARRANTED!1 Gentes Furnishing Goode df al lrhIds, ineluding Shirts, Haté and Cap, Umbreilas, &c., Whitby, July 215b, 1875.tfi 1 f-, 1, n ~ I~i~- I O i~ ItÊOVR AND, 1Z-EDk' 1;R qfa. o,_,ntify hie friends an 1the cu1stomens-6V e'O;iev éstl1isméxi that, having bougit aoùt th.ertaMbr. Cobbladiek lii the business, hé 1* »tu'w pxepare tp upply, R&~~9 FIHE SIýqUALiTY, -AT THE"LQWÈsTj Lm/ XN«* PRICES. Flour, CrCo4ed rn hrs catmea Cnacked Wheat,ý Péas, Oas, ?otatoes, >&ce AWHOLE$ALE AND! ]TAIL- At the l- ý'mniou Potur ,Id Bàýtore', Crosby'1. Nook, Butl Door, Di i4Breet, M ty4 I stock 'Of Springan Summer Dry Gooda, comn- a fli assortinent Of ail the leadiung arti. 'rade suitable for -a flrst-elass busiý ~~-ie'V &ii m S T E W .A R T, LA Â. j0ok Street,Wst. Whitby, March 2-lat,, 1'8?C ________ - sei-ss-Ih-cheap McBRIEN'S -HI4TS FOR STY'LEý AifNi PRtCE' DEFY COMPETITION 1 AÂs they aýre from the Aniericali Man- facturers au1not Caniadfian mako, th'ô6 àaà mué super- i or article.: THIE ONIY ONE WHIO BUYS> DiRECT FROM BUFFALO l! gi The Gents' Furnishings ae, as usual, not , tb be surpassed. The Il CENTENNIAL SHIRT ", Qentenniial Cuifsi and Collars, sample of which are to be shewn at Philadoîphia. Also the IlCentonnial MeMilian'é Block, »rock St.,.Whitby. LIST 0F HUGH MoBRIEN, RatIer, &c. A TTCTI0NEE3S Liconsed foIý Soutli Riding of Ontario, North Ridiug of Ontario,! and separate Municipalities in the latter. Donald ies E. H. Cneo.~ C. Moore...... John. MaGilId& C.. Donald Rons. T. H. Walsh. Jmes Dighy, r J.hu. M-1ki. .r W. m. W. .o C. Wilson... Thomas Tuaker::.. Dan. Whalé .. Thomas Pouchén,w R. B. O'DêU..* Donald Ross.' Elias Boires. Johmxton roir..,. LIST Oý, John Gant. JamiesBng . A. C. H..nt FelîtsMGoau -John Giligau.... ~ DuffettBrs Dnffétt Bros. Gom. Burton..:i RxscnsusCEL Oshawa. Therab...... Beavnten .. Orllia .... A.ahburn ... Therah...... Canulu gtn.--- Sundenlanti. Claremont. ClarémlorA... Pont Pérry.. Sainîfleii. Port Penny.. Port Pery .. Lesmktisle.. Toronto,.. M.rkhanx.. Bloumingen. whllby ... Athérly...... Village Uxbnidge MUNICwcx.xTT. South Riding.. Mar&a........... Thora h....... due............. South Rliing ... Thonah..... do. ..x Brock . .... ....... South Ridling. 'Uxbrtdgé.... North 1iiing. North RlSlng ... North Riding .. Bteach ............ Scot........ .... Norths Ritding ... South Riding . South Ritiixç South Ontario. Mare ...... ...... Du'ock............ Break............ Uxbrtige.... IPEDLEIRS FOR THE 0.. Osea....On foot....... Brookli.n........ 1 hersé....... NonRsidnt .. 1 herse, Count.... do. ... 2 hornsa, County... do .. 2 herses, County... do .. 2.hursés, Ceuni>... Oshawna.......... .1 hersé, Cunty.... Oshawa.......... 1 herse, Ceunty.... NonResidnt .... 2 herses .... WM. LAING, Lioswis x xxs.a Juné 28, 1876. 293, 1876. oct. ,lit, 1876. 18, 1876. 19, 1876. 19, 1876. Oct. 205h, 1876. Oct. 251h, 1876. Oct, 281h, 1876. Oct. 28ih, 1876, Nov. 111h, 1876. Nov. fituti,1876. Dec. 2nti, 18riô. Dec. 151h, 1876. Jeu. 24th, 1877. Jan. 26th, 1877. Feb'y Sud, 1877. Md'rch Stb, i1877. Mar, 105h, 1877. Mar. lOtis, 1877.' Mar. 21et, 1877. ONTARIO. 2ini Apni!, 1876. 8th May, 1876. fth Dec. 1878. 141h Due. 1875. lôth Dec. 1876. 151h Déc. 1876. 201h Jau. 1877. 2lst Mer. 1877. lot Aprl, 1877. Co. Treasurer. Whitby, April à12, 1816. 1 dohnstç"s 8e/f - Raking Reaper1 AWA DED THE FIRST' ,PRIZE. At thý Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, inf 1870. Wot o iuri ýcuatomers,-for- the, condjng ttarvist, twoî dis- ~ja achides, ,wýîh,in in stylua.d-u' con#lltiôfl, enÏbiace 11ei~t4 n< hiôt tieful, improvements of the day. The nises~ uco of thisMachine, both' ii cWely coiêtee edraaxA J# t ,b UaôIê.aEOT.w Rran i ayng tbs% sea Sélf.RabX- Ing lLéaping 1iaîeban.Uus e èegoodPOIoincd lepà déeee. cd huba ât wItb su a ac en m a t e llelure. than hirétforé, oflfred tothé ýpublic. CAYUý,IA JUNIOR .-MQOWEý.R 1! Firat P'ré v D w cte This.1compaxiy is reecently beexi re-organizeà by the addition of three Ofithé mont practical man frosu the Paotonv of Clougb &,Wàzren'. Organ (Co., V Detroit; lMiib., sa ch ingau activé part un hi. cm panticular dépanimont, and â are noir Maxinfactunine an Organ EQI7rAL, anS in Many pointe aUPsICeI, te auy ma)ufaatjred fIn thse uitea States à Canada.. F W. talcs pleésuré in annnbunurug to <inn oustomfrs and thé tisSe genénally whi tisi weve. bai'.aisncthé nlght ite menufaoture anS use, in flué Dominion of Cen. Pý- ada, theé elabnated nD SCRIBNER PATENT' QUALIFYING TUBES, ménureS l syLattera Patent in tIhe Unitil Statoes, Euia2laud anS Can ada.- By mesans of this invention au organ containiflg tire or tbres sets of neds becomea ïêquaIfin volume a-na powver, aur! fan Sufperior in Qneîity and Brilliancy of Tons te an ou'diuary recS ongan cf si% or eigixt née dé. týe Our oelébnatefl "Vox CeleRte,"ý "Vox L7umana," Wiiaext Patent !Octave CoùPlxtl,'" '.Clelo" or "Claninet" stops, O"ug)é Horn," "Dulcet," ".2Eoln, "ttiu,'and Grand OrgaurStop, and _ ALI. THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS, eau b. 4fiitid on1lybithefséséongans. rwelnty-fl;',O igkent' Styles for the Parler ancý' the Churcli, of the best maÉtenial and workmanéhip 1 Ke- QUALITY AiÙ VOLUME- OF TONE IUNE QUALLED. ~ M]C-,-$5 ,TO $1,000, Feory and1 Wanenooms, Cor. Temxperance 'aad Wéliiigtoîi Sts., Bosurianville. ,&t«ents Wauted ini Every County. 13"» Seud for Price List. Address, DOMINION OROAN CG?., Bomanville, Ont. Genet. "I Agents for Canada for theo "Celcbratcd" Bradbury Piano, Bo Yuil,,aroh 28th, 1876. 1 Hané..sjTrunks, W h/ps ýand. La8hes, 000o tSiatt~tin c lii pi'~ wlitby. luth instant, 1876. desiontee ,hict the lact Ibat et no limé durng thé pOlénejastii.Ihena teefett.anes o aldescriptions at as Io* th p?,et as h cen , tluis 1 ibe' y epees ;nýliZ s s ,n do it. No more styiss n h tter *,. y lese eHarnuegat mISains iiCesnty. Cash ipare.îita#. rs miiifinS spécial indcenont,-.hatlé isa I f0 ait@,. Cali and inrps.ct. induenret5?-ýat s *hi lgspactfullp jeuti, j2* ;ft béiiig doué uýéaotiahly.- Pléase natet"-8econd Harneý. ra isop South, next tà t e*iai' ad*au'é 5toje, ]3ock Street, 2aliiu 12I Yean dqo- 1 JIJST THft -PLACE ----000-- BOOT ÂND SOEkRR BROCX-ST.,- WHITBY, RJAS nom ou hanS a langé and vanicti stock o!flBoots, anai Shea. Hé aléa .5aL akas te order every description o! Ladieà~Gentlemen' and Childrena' wear. j"'r Repairing doue on tna shorteét notice,' anS at réasoxiable rates. A oel is inviteti te examine thie new stock. SWhitby, Déccînher, 1875. 'rrom&s WILLIAM BURNS9 Brock 5tréeei Wls.tby.. & 2SEmW:pO 1 MANUFACTUIRERS 0F CARRIAGES AND SLEIGHS, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY,ý ONT. Have now. on hand a large stock of Carrnages,- Buggies, and Siaiglis, Cutters, mhich for style sud finisih cannot ha axceiled. Q='Ail will ho sold at cost. Ail work, warranted. TOMS & NEWPORT, Whitby, Ontario.ai Whitby, August 251h,' 155 PRI1 NMG -,S Have on hand, at their Merchaut Tai oring Establishment,. B ROC K- STREET,- WHITBY, A much langer and botter stock than msal, embracing ail THE NE WEST CLOTIIS AND 'TRIMMIN GS. For gentilemens' Clothing - and as they are giving their whole attention to the Tailorixxg tueinees, they are in a position to do il baller than ever. Wluritby, Sept. 801h, 1875. A.&J. BR. PRINGLE.' CHOIE WNE8 à PUREPLQ UOII& at WHOLE SALE an& RETAIL'te suit the satiuaeatfon. 1551V. J. nrBIiE>I, bsnnlé. Hampton, Jan. Slst, M57. MR. J. REESE, I affords me gréai pleesure. in acknowlédgiug the éntine satisfaction, aud hie~ appréciation, of thé No. 9 Mathu-- s5xek *Piano purchasher! Irons yen a fam Sys. sînce. Very nespectfnIil. Ennialuilîen, Ont., Jan. 13th, 1876.. PROF. Z. REBSE. DzînSuc, Thé-Méd iumMathushsk. ve got frons yen gives entiré satisfaction-ta every respect. 1 cari unheaitatingly recesu-- mend tisal leal desinig a kod pino. 1'ser«et Presbyierian',Church.. Oshama, Jan. 28rd, 1817&. PROF. IBE5E Dxci Smc, 1Ihave feusxd thé Mathu- shah na eju'représnteS l-afLrt-cleam piano. -Màaiy xniuiaus have triati it, snd pronounced t xacéiesui. 4espetfully. MES. B. MITCHEL. - Rampions, Peb. lai, 1876. MR. 3. REESE, 1. S1Thé ýMathushelk Piano I pur.ý chaséd from yon hua given enitie satisfac- tion anaS provep itselli a aup arien instrument in every respect.: -I moniti réconunend ail te sas thé Mathushek béfoné purchaslig elacmhére. Yeuns, &,C., H. T. PBILLIPS. Enuiskdllen. Jan. 25l, 1876. PRO9. 3. REESE, Hempton, DEu& Smx.. I have Mneh pleasure lu addinig Miy iestimony té. thé xraxiy jeuhave slrsady-receive& uinaer cf thé iveil mériter! Mattuahek 2snoi pur- chaséd Ironsyou rmtentiy. I arnmail mtis-' lied willu lainxi évény rueset, maticeiti- or, fon béauty -andt-toné,Lt is unsxxrpaisedx hy xy' :instrumentl have jet sean.. C. . RlLLTEM . D. b GAM 70f1TÂVil PEOK 'INl r?-onsetr éia"'iIamakensata 35flme ýItsfÃ"rthé D. 'slili e o Canadlafor thé P , , GA , 5 Agents vanter! n 5Sny City, To 'ii sIid Oonnty in theé Do.niie.. NýORRIS .& OPER, ! Adiiic-St ItsiTotesuto, SOLE AGENTS- JOSE~ É~~EHAMPTON.- agenàt in' Da1rilixigle,- Wltitby andi cari- STO RE AT A UD LEY. Jli entier to e xt thé grolig Wmaxi e thé localiy thé SgMklariber bas beaniu iitncti te epen-business i Mieabeve lUne.- A Large and well Seleetedf. stock» equal li pnice sud 'qrxlity f« sly- t&'c&. bejxxnchaaet inlutown or cityý- OStré un a- call, judgé for yéur>elf, anS if peu-n aié as weit suiteS as élsewheré patrn"xib bena trede. -D. McBBADY, Audly,No.24h18. ÂuSiey. ý 148tf - kBAE SOLIC. ci OFFICE- from 9 tel1 URE Wsa. Mt traction ef Teéth extra ILI anis King Stret BUILDE' TI AIle1 AGET siantiy oih Clerk Dii &,o., Âiheriy, .Whiby, Sep ]PRESCRIPTION FREE F ODIe the edyC3re of Semcinai Wps6k. nées, jLosý emauhooti and âaU disorderé D* ' it bas the irdeits Addreigm DZIDD ýoi& Ct. Rx226,lw York. Septémben, 1875. Agents Wentad in êvery Tomniship in CuOnti lamons Pnize M dal Ongan M éd by thé Smithx Aménicax and George Stock anS Co.'s1 Special induemuetits mill 10, fiint.clas agents anS' clubE or feur mi-ing te purcllame. Any number of lémtixxoufa of isose flnrt.es FBorgaupeaus .d, but as. ibéy ere Mo midel: greatuuibens hevingisééx sel ont thé Dominion'axid iatiusg faction lu éveiy istanea-Ne 'al humévar fitterixse Cali t ly-12 HOLIDAY 'DEMAN'D !i ' libeirs Amer 1INUSUALLY LOW PRICES. TRY &- sh FREDE R 10K NE AL.E'S SIM*COE STREET, OSHÂAWA. ÀGEI'.T: FOR DAVIES & BIRO.'S Celebrýated. XXX Creani Aie,& P ha tisa.. O R G AN Wliitby,' Aprii, afil l'ýic'

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