Whitby Chronicle, 11 May 1876, p. 4

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the wo1é bulo &. u tf e, ai ý ithgrat eoroy; eud the duped puc s e d tbelleve that heix esp lUyfavoured, aud has ch. Tho W.tedlaecvery cf hdis Moabite st4p. Isd th bbereal exeltod by itlnl tbýirhoogclworldl ave luqtted the orctytawtuvss ta luru Ihir, siltULu a*nessirotio ; and a tbrlvlng trad in purfouInsripions ha. spruing up i ad aoud Jornialena. Bcarcely à wok asss tut ooýnetunearth a framad ofa Stniie iouL ment, thàt 3.i-lPe prochaod f lto-fiuder-forsa * Âcorrspoudent ofr* London paper sia ths ho edcus soeur the# cone try i e.och cf 4srptlcs, sud se. domsfitltfi duwlia $ ey m.ek. The fa6 zry 4ndubedly pays well, for a n= e ci rn»e# ezamples Clin.- oIien art4 }vebesu ,diapoaed cof ta ameur av £ihwoIogisto pcssesasd cf tudre moi*ey tbau xperlence- TIsey ar dt efil1y executled. A. atone latal prS(8 n wilh au bnscrptlon lun Nabien characters, lbad ttio lettere well erstoieac lu, and lhait evidently been Iyng Ii ma i cf lye ta gise Il an nutqueo ppearance. Tiie anthor cf fi.ege rgos, whleh reqo-0e4 a cou- ldêyablm degro f soliclayttaitiment rîi sente ski»l, Jesaid ta b. a German rew, resldlpg in Jerualeen. ase wleb recontly Camne ta liglit ln Berln throug1î lhe courts tlircws a sin. ý lar Mlkil Upeoua0phase cf Pruaian te. Bsuoture smies a noncaiumls. lcneci ofler cf m regimn st alioaei t Kooigaberg climmttea. suicide, aud lu',tbbsfoce netc wrote a letter ta a Borlil Jou1rnal explalhlng fi.s motire. Eélnipruvlously publisietl certafin 'acte bihlIy lsfeo4lilublo ta two olulcrs f is regîitent, atuti frein thai unie boey liai porsectoulil in witlî svory ro cf milltary aruielty that the super- Or~ eau isit ipan lie subultero. No 3pprun lty was cfl'eredt ite aprove ils charge#;, anti the standing cf thue Lifiesrs seieneq tlient 'frouainny loves- igation. Lifué, tierefore, bcmei intol- rabli fo tie papr ,nan,-an4 decideti an iuilde Tlie allegutians agaiutthei ;wa ieoi payniaster and, I be- leva, a: lieulsenat-wero repeateti in ie testainentary letter. But as goon as Ais was publise lte outire lins sud itafT-of the rogiment-whici sectus ta lave bossules. molcito-ns about viticlica- [ng its hoiior mbli oneasthe acenser Ii'sl-lîemitououd on hile pa thiutcous LibiWlatilu ta prosocute lis new6papor r libel. Tnie caselime Luafre thue livil Coirt ioe, anit, mueli ta the sur. rime of mii parfýem, the jonynal was ac- îlltd. -1 Trit Pàti-.-Whatsoevor 1h, Future nay have iu remrve for un., 7.1 lhe leur, fs1afiamIao, wltt hwlich %we ave graonlàvlngly intimas, coau iver be remloreti ; :and therefore we àlcOcîfait te ful regret, as-w. Seo il, ccedlng frova cor viow, how brigit sa- 3ver rosy bc tie prospect tie comlng 'ears-spr.rmd ont bufre Iteéiinti's eye. rhe eenp's tirouigh whlci woare uicýforti la Iravel may b. more lave- y tialicoms te wilh Wo are biddiug ffiilc; but (toy posseus unet, asn et, the hiarti of- elti sqolatin; an c, until %e havewon thie eudearing clara- ele, ùytiey îvnay fatscinaIslte ecye, but Jioy scrat bnoci lte ieurt. Auti how iticrly vl'uî th. uttempt ta reproduca lIe Pai Ist 1e miay, lu aur lhopeles onglug, gatlber again tico aef-sauce iursiocs lu the old, fatuiimir mon% but 'et iaow jadilow sud unSatistuîctofýr ia lia résunitWC have Changeati hcey avû ehiacgeti; outward nature lhem fiugeti ; tie vcry tros sîtul flowers ra noa longer oxactly as4thay were ln l1e days of.our yonlli. Xe.-,No akili )s' magieecia repraduca 1lePst. Tusws i mw Pruera u E TnuOWN OPNr :N CHINiA.-A Shatn gliai paper States L~ut tlireo nsw perts iln China are ta bu brown p0p1su taforaiu rade-to wit, :cang, W1eùu, andi Wonchow. Ichang ii sllismïto t oward tihe wostern portion )f ipels, anti muy aluost bc seidta e lit tIhe very- centre cof tho empire. Venciow isla u ie I'rovinu ocf Cheki- .ng, balf.way betwéeo Niugpo and Fo-. ýhow. Il i; oni the bordors cf Fokein, Lndi I a saport towo. Wcril le a dis. ,rietolityliuitha Prefecture of T'al.p'ing, itileProvincaeýf Ngau-iui, anti licesa cw asiles. np th( Yaugtse. beyaud Nais- sn Engllsh Coumodore thaI loe wl ivo hlmn powder anti hulais inshead cf le 'ndomciy aked' for tho life of a 3Uiti suljeot receutIy murderei lnl AMBil. SAMO" COMPAN FU RNITUR E. ;ALE & BETÂIL. as-AlbertHaill hana PIs Fotak ef every. aund hapc by stricttellulle her custommro ta aseir4ý,& te patrnagei ltI-tôe - ded luithecn -- len pat tise makiag of D L EW OR 1 40., *eta WILLIIAM TXDMPSONPS S&radIn HarnoHe...sker, BROOK-OT., WEI TBY. - une 24,-1874, O A LUS LINE 1- LIVERPOOL, LONiDONDERIW, 0OH-EA-P FARES! ecrlgtua acausfodgtion. Steenagetes- - i.a liI s e Ptap lin"l9u lbg te brlug eut rinonds. For tickets andftirhhen Inormuation apply -Exp. andc Tel, Ofice Whit Y-. Widby, Mareh 27tb, 1876. t1-14 -ENGLIS-f REMEDYI, Dr. Bdeore Ta"9n. Ga'a 8r ln SPECIFIO MEDICINE Caroial n eumch as Tatu'os, DEDiL. ZvPaIOBTraTIVîa etc., W110,ial nanMUYCaSS a0 re d îua leel ,' ver indulgece litheacpue-ak tabaca anul lcoglllespirits;'but IbmSpelfu ecielela fmore esuuelally recamune aua au un alig carseIfor ticu=ocN LWicxNz, Spzt'sttvsuuA, IMPavE'iar atud aildisesu tIaI foilow au a seqee8nc oai Self Abuse, as -LOSaor MacUasy, ThcxvrncÂAr 7.eSSrrU:z, P'AIN r.4 TSS iACi, Dn Oes r VISION aZ- bevouURc <ion Aux, sîan alli ter discabes that ln icuti IIA4iXTT asCorNSumpTiON sud a PaunmvA=Étp cà.-,aU if ai uh,s a dule are fil-st ciusu< by utsvlatuc froin the palIs ai naturecutan vsr Indulgence.* Thic Speeit fli elteuthereciuit ofai alite eituily and n acry eauc nt xpcrieecé lu trat. tus tbenao eptea1isleaoe%; i uli luartieulars lu aur p1anipluet, walcti -WCuio0ti-e ta e uil trocuy mal ta avery ona., "ho Spiiiellia elluc e l l iuy 9a1lDrus- its et ai per paagei, oa i p ackagues 1er E-, Or wii l ba crut jy cadil an u ai -tIs muuuey, by aud1î'amefL5sg,ÇA-rtC. Windsuor, tOnt. lý «Sd lu Wliitbjy by S. W. Dl. Smih, Jai, llyuujo-aîuul cait Iruillgl4ts. Nadthcai & Lymaun. Taranto, vhacesause geuta. 7 Q MUDO-E h G, A N S TIlE &Y-ARWTOOD Maunfacturing Comnpany. Style 5, 4 Stope, - Style 15, i Stuîuu, - Style 7, il Stops, - Stylae19, 7 Stope, - -Style 11, 7 Stop,, In Reouanct andu Walntil Cftacu eglutercul 1874. -0140, -150. -175. - 190. -200. Carveul Cames. llMi LODEON 0110ANS1 PATENTED, 1873. Style 4, 4 Stops, - - Style 6, 5 Stops, Styla 20, i -Stops, - Style 8, 6 Stops, lu Isandsceae Itauawe;ad Cases. 175. PIANO FORTE S, of thse colbratu-ul WEBIIER & 005. imake aiways ou tsala aithue Lowev autets for a fIrat- c ass:Iustrui tien t. Intaoding purcitacera ara rrupctiully ra- -qaettolecull sud examine aur Iustra- ceente befora bnying elsem-luerc. We are maklng large indaucus ngto Cash anti Short. hîme Custouiets biying direct fraun tIe lac- 4ory. ALL INSTRUMENTS WAIIIANTED 1 Sevorcil Second-hand 4MIodeons F0OR SALE FROM $60 UPWARDS. FRED MUDGE, Manuager. WlIiitby, Nuvemnbar 241h, 1875. 48 FOR SýýALE i South-hl oi lot 13, ia lth canceeeîi100O acros.' Aont six miles froxn M&herly %ail. way Station. J. H. PERII, 1 7Ilmitby. MIL&D JIAILWÀY QJ? CÂNu&1)Â Lasys Port IHop- UrLi~..11Oa miMxed... 8.45 p!m doing North tle Peterborp' & Lakeel Oouing South frm Orilla ta Llndsay, 'PetezbQroý and Port Hope. LeaveOri- liena'. . 12;8 p ;M. Ar Pt Iopse 8.80pan, Qomling South front Lakc5elId. 1115 .. Sa. s M.I1Màfl-.... -2-:1 cennects witb the Nipiieing Ballwa'rto' New lMoiuieeci sBooks beautift ui m'Adkiis of Sehoci Boýoks Violins ana .Concerinas., S8 i gM' Winel b 4 mkero. Lsargeand new assôi-hmentr cf 1besh maid d ilvere atC W a'-nd 'Ohains 'on' - lani.1Wool and Fuincyf department eoT4$ete.' AUl orders for English ancl Amerioan 'Pé-idioals ana Newspapprm promply:flled., We are- now . in a position îto snpply Prize Books for Socîs e At- hWs price, .ana we feel tiat we ean, give gocd satisfaction. Soliiting orders, &o.- 1~ih~ cirl h. 876 - LEWIS ALLIN. 5 McBRJEN'S HA,ÇS OR SYL ANDPRICE DEFY! ÇOMPETflI1IOl As they are fr-om fhe American Man- facturera ana not-'Canedian make,,they are a muai superior article. THE- ONLX ONE' WHO BUYS- DIRECT FROM BUFFALO I Th 1e Gents' Furnishings areý as usuel, not ta be surpasseti. Tise IlCENTENNIAL SHIRT ", Centennial CuiTs end Callars, ample, of which arceobe sihewn aI Philsdelphiia. Lac tise "Contennial Rait. IleMilen'trBlack, ]3rodk St., Wlsltiy. 8.P RING, HUGH' -MoBRiENt, Hlatter, &a. 1876. Garden Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Hoes. Genuine White Lead, Linseed Qils, Futty, &C., &C. 1%14-Mt0S S.& Glass, MACNACHTAN, BROOK STREET, WFIITBY. Whitby, April lltli, 1876. 10 GREAT CLEARANCE SALE. 0 F Boots- and Shoes At Auction Prices FUiTIý1Tt]RE!F NIu oe -ooo- NOW is the time to buy odadeeap Bamo, e uDIy cf i 0dlig ie aunite H»v=g bouht fttebusiness lately carried on by James a cal, nd w weassre a weareprepared to do as well by themù in he utue, s r. ýSain has dOnc iiithe past, TI>LL, &JOHIN'STON.' Orders y mail prQmptly.,attende.d toi UJND; RTAKINGx.-The only first- dlasem as eti the CSunty where funerals are fully supplied.. r TILL &JOHNSTON. Whitby, Octob loht, 1878. 40.1y * ÉER S MI TH, fias juýt- received at lis store, O dd P'ellows' Buildings, a large assortnment cf ~H U1SE FLOWER S, * F0O TUE CELEBRATED GARDENS 0F MITCHELL BRO'S., PORT HOPE.1 Also, a large assortment, of Flower ý?ota in difieresit styles anti sizes. Garden Seeds of 9.il kinds on.hand. Speciàl attention paid to the order- ing of bMiscdllaiteans Flowers. Csh, aiis usul, paiti for ail kinds of Fermera Prodluce. Wiby, Apnil l9ti 1876. PETER SMITH.1 We: J. HJCKIE &c 0.? Beà ta asînounce ta the Publie tise arrivai cf their SPRIN G ST-OCK - 0F DRY GOODS. Hiiving decitiati la adopt thue CASH SYSTEM are prapaxedti offer sucis inducemenîs as will ainply repay tisose wanting 0CilMI -&:p (3-O0OIý:D . Afew Leading Lines GOOD rÏACTOIIY COTTON AT GOOD NVAFIIING PIIINTS AT GOOD WHITE COTTONS AT GOOD BLACK LUSTRES AT 8 CENTS.' - - 10 - - - 25 - anid ot îsr thing a i u prop rtion. $ 7,000 WORTH 0F BOOTS AND SH E Afrh lot off Groceries. H. & Co., ha-ving to get rid of the Liquora iy 'the icI of May, wifl eil thein et COST pIICE. To be sold without reserve 1 Parties in want of Boots and Shoes ivill fiuid tlîis a ruire opportunity ta paroisse cieap for Spring wper. iRemember the place, at IRK'S BOOT & 5110E STOIREll -' Ontario Bloch-c,- Brock Street, 'Whtby. Whitby,,Api-il l2th, 1876. GE NT'S CKIRK. CLOTH INGI - AND FUÙIRNISHING cGOODS ce--0 -For superior Clothing suitable for Sýiknmer wear _ti'y the Clothing Store and Merchant Tail- ing estabisnmentof 1-o0 T-r sN EE I GU -TSO0 1% DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. 1-- FARMERS PRODUCE TAKEN 1N EXCHANGE. j Whitby, April lltl, 1876. 16 LIST 0F AIJCTJONEEItS Liceused for Southi ]3iding off Ontario, North iRiding off Ontario, and separate Municipalities in the latter. Donald ilRose ... R. H. Cimren ... C. Moore ...» "* John McGin & e. Donald Rose.*.. T., H. Wulsit.. Wm. Gardaon.,. Jamnes Digluy, Jr. o. Jakes Digby Jr.ý John i Vui&s.. J. C il C. Wilson...' Thoaus Tuckier. Dan. Whuile .. Thoats Pencher, J. M. Puttrao. ..»'. L. Fairbanks. H. E. O'Dell. Donald Rosa.:: Joitaston Brownu LIST John sCern. James rg . A. C. Husbant Jaâmes Blaokwel:.:: -Fela sIgGoveru.. John Gifligan. -. .. DuffetlI Brea. Duffett Bras. TIseraIs. .. Beavonton.. AsIsburu ... TIserait...... Cuninton.. Sunderlandi. Claremont ... Claremnrt ..>. Part Perry.. Saintuleli. Part Penny.. Port Peny .. Leuiuktile.. Tarante,... Muinihami. Manill ..... Village Uxhnlulga MnNICIPALITY. SouthitlUtin .. Mata............ Thorsit....... do............. SouthRitdiug ... Thoral.*...... da ..... ....... Brook . ........... Souths Iid*ng. Uxbridgo .... North Iiig Nourit Riding.. Natihllidiig .. Iteuich ............ escett ............ Norths Riding.*: Sont-h Ridiug.. South ltiuinq ... SentisOntario. . Marui........ .... Brock........... Brook........... Uxbî'idge .... PEDLERS FOR THE 0>C. Brooklia. N'on-ltesdnt.. do. do. .. do.aw ........ "0,Isaw ...... Nion-Iteelden ... . A GOOD FIT AND STYLISH OUT WARRANTED 1-1 wlitby,Apl4th,1878. Gent's Furnishiàg Goods'off alkne nldn hrs Rats ana Cape, Umbrellas, &c., nld g hrs GHOI~ WNES~ PRELIQUOR8 set WHOLESALE and.i RETAIL tor suûtthe HOIDA DEMAND ---ccc--- UNUSTJALLY LOW PILICES, ýsIMCýOE STREET, OSHAWA. AQENT FOR ýDAYIS &BO' Oelebrated xX OHOICERT - BRA.NDS O0Füe Aie- On foot ..... 1 horse....... 1 hersa, Ceututy....- 2 itorsee, Cennty... 2 homees, Couty... 2 hoemes, Couty... 1 borse, Cannty.... 1 herse, Connly.... 2 herses. ... WM. LAIING, Juue 28, 1876. Sept. 20, 1876. 4422, 1876. id29, 1876. Oct. let, 1876. di18, 1876. fi 19, 1876. di19, 1876. Oct. 26tIs, 18176. Oct. 26tIs, 1876. -Oct. 28th. 1876. Oct. 28tIs, 1876, Nov. 111h4 18176. Nov. 22ud, 1876. Dec. 2nu), 1876. Dec 151h, 1875. Juin: 241h, 1877. Jeu. -26th, 1877. Feb'y 2nd, 1877. M'rci t 8h '1877. Mer. lOtIs, 1877. Mair. luth, 1877. 'Mar. 21s1, 1877. ONTARIO. 2lst April, 1876. StIs May, 1876. 9tIs Déc. 1878. 141h Dec. 1876. 151h Dec. 1876. iStI Dec. 1876. 201h Juin. 1877. 2isI Mer. 1877. isI âpril, 1877. Co. Treasurer., FASH{ ONABLE TAILORINGI Go .whJxe,,eyou can get a Well-fltting- Garnnýnt :-To the Taioring Establighmeént of GEORG E REY, OsH"AWA SU]?iFIOiRCUTT.ING, ,SHAFES "TUE WORK I À Àaýge Stck cf ine Çlths beât English, Scotch ana ýCanadian Tweds: Fzellenh Oveïrodtings ana splendid vest Poterns. A gooa fit Gtsarinteed. . '1 GEMGE QrURIEY, ~J1J~ 'v T- RE ILACE TM. BUýjsT7 .1 B~OTA"D SHOEMÂKER, I-t1Â nowpi9 4nd a largeand varied ss TIL L 'Go where- you caninot fail to be, pleasedin MalIdng seleotions off g6od furnitnre.: Splendid Parlou.r, Drawing Room sud Bedroomn Sets, New flesigns well waorthy of inspection. uit astoônisbinglowPrices 3Di É ing-sroom Exhenuion Tables-a vary supnperoy articlea.' Gilh Corm ices, Piehure Framing iu every style. Borne fine Chromos 'o~ '~u' TT~NF T~ W T?. 9' A T NT I Iu ail ifs branches; funeràls fûuly suppliail, A stock cf, elegant'caskets...~ Coffinssiways on hand, trimmed ta suit Custoes Hearse canshantly.in readiness. tmra~ elapihd' 1Whitby, Navember, 241h, 1875. WM. IL. DOMI'NION O]R,-GAN "C0'-ýS' IMPROVýED AND IIEMODELLED CA BINET . AÂND -COMBINA T/ON 0 IR r _AL 1.N-S. z o*Z z- *Mo > - w >*10 This Company hem recently heen re.organized by hi1e addÉiion. « thr"ê of the mnast practical rmen from the Faotory of Clougli & Warren'. Organ Co., Detroit, Micb., esch taking an active part in his own pjarticular department, and are flôw manuifacturlniz an Organ EquAL, and In many points anuPzE4 RtoapBy nianufactured in the tlnited States or Canada. We tako I icasure in angnneing, to aur customers and the -trade generally that we have.secu.red the right to manufacture and use, in the Dominion of Can- ada, the eelebrated. SCRIBNER PATENT QuALiiYJINOG TUBE~S,~ seeured by Letters Patent in the United States, England and Canadla. By mneans af this invention an organ cautaining twa or three sets of reods hecoxnes equel ia volume anud pawer, and fitr Superiar in Qnality and Bkilliancy cf Tane to an ardinary reed organ cf six ce' eight reeds. L~Our celebrated "Vax Celeste," "ýVa; Humana," Wilcox Patent l'Octave Coupler," '"CleIa" or "lClarinet" stops, "'Fugle Haôro," ;DIe -juJon, "Cremaus," and Grand Organ Stop, and ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS, eau be obtained only in theseoarg ans. Tw'enty-five Difféent. Styles for the Parlor ana the Ohurcli, cf thc.bcst materiel: and workmnansh ip .. ; LI- QUÂLITY AND VOLUME 0Fî TONE É EUALD PRICES-$5O TO $1,000. Fecory and Wareraoms, Cor. Taniperanceansd Wellington Sts., Bowmanville. Agents 'Wantedi Every County. 9t9r Senil for Price List.. Address, DOMINION ORGÂN CQ.,EcBomanville, Ont. Gencral Agents for Canada for the IlCcle.brated" Braçliry Piano. Bowmenviile, Mardi- 28th, 1876. 14 Cheap Harness, Trunks, Whips 'and La àhes -000 Whitby, lSth instant, 1876. I desire t a il the attention of the public ta the fect that atn time during tie pist five ycars have I been able ta offer Harness cf ail descriptions et as low a price as I cen this Spring. My expenses beiug. liglit I cen do it. No, more stylish or better Harness made in tbis County. Cash purchasers will find special induccements,-that is what I amn aftei, Caîl and inspect. Bespecgfully, yonrs, 3.R. PHILP. 1"Repairing doue reasonably. Please notice-Second HEarness Shop Southi, nexita G ross's Hardware Store;, Brock Street.- Establi8heci Twenty Ycars:agoe 1 Tw0M8i & wI~cME?,w, MANUJFACTUEIRS 0F CARRIAGE S AND SLEJGHFS, DUNDAS STRE ET, WHITBY, OINT. Have nlow on hand a large stock of Caàrriageàt,, B-ggiesýenil Sicighs, Cutters, which for style and finish cennot be excelled.> 0jrJ='Ail wil be sold. ai Coat. Ail work waùrantéd TOMS &NEWPOBLT, ..Whitby, Ont4mo Whitby, Angust 25th, 185. 35 John6ston "S 8e1( - lakin.gReper AWARDED THE, FIRST PRIZE. At the Provintcial Exhibitfon, Toronto, in 1870. -We-ofler ho our customers for tie comingi tinolt Machines, which in styW ansd - const, the latest and most useful improvemei Jl-OH INSTON'ýS SINGLE SELF-RAKI THE - KING 4op RE The universal access of this Machine, both i eti trials anid in tic iands cf lte uners, warrant us in mayi iucg Reapimtg Machine, it bas mare god points sud lais delk mores saccess andi jess faiure, 1h50 berehofone offereti te the 1-A x r'T .1%A i -TT - Nr'uiT-r--. Ibhe en cltyr. Di à iajaoftai pan S.A] ]R. J. ElISBe, ia aeknowledgig thteentire satiaionf, and bightappreciation cf lts No.9Mi.thm- mslk'iaue puscitated front you a5fewUvâ stuce. V'ery respectul5~~ Enniekilen, Out., Jan. l3th, 1876. PO.J. ILEESE, DzAtaSu, - The Medilum Mathusk weý gaI front yon gives satire satisfaction lu evezyrespect. 1oLaiî ccnlieitatiagly recoin- atn lt i ulng a gootana. D. STEWART,- Pester of Preebyterian Churcit. OsbaWa, Jan. 28rd, 18176. I have fani the Matbu- sbek se a yau. represcetd it-a fir5lu'claus- Piano. -Mauxzorluicîaas hava trleti il, and. pronaunced il excellent. Beupectfuil, -MRS. B. MITCHEL. MB .REEHampton, -Feb. 1.1.1876». The Matituhelc Plane 1 pur- chasea i roim yen bas giver, satire satWafc- tien antiprovep ituiell a suieriôr instrument- iu evar spet old sonmn i ta e lt e ahehkbefere purcbagIng elzeuriere. Yonrsi '&c., HL T. PHILIPS. Ennisltlllen, Jan. 251h, 1876. PROF. J. BREEHmnplon, - -I have rach pleesure lu atiting my te'slimeny 10 lits uuany yaulà-ve srestiy iSceivea ina aver cf lte wel mnferited -Matbusitek Piano pur- c'haed'frem yen reently. 1Tam vellsatis- flet i thit lalasvey eet, and coasiti- er, faobeu± vati oeitla ncupss, by =n nsrment I have yet seen. S.0C. HILIiIER, M. D. FULL AýGRiFFE, 7-OCTAVE PROM $3_O1O0 PIAKOSfromalter reliable mskers ai- 'Wbuilssae agents for 1h. ,Dolnion cf' Caati for ibe PRINCE ORGANS. Agento vanteti la everj City, Town andi Caanly inlheflorinion. INORRIS & BOPEERY S &euieSBat, Toronto, - SOLP, AGENTS. JOSEPH BEE SE, HAMPTONI. agent in Dàvlinglon,. Witîby anti Carl- wrighl.- - - - DRY G00DS - AND GROCEIîT STORE ,ýAT AU DL EY. In ortier ta -meetlte gro'wing 'ratsûlf tIse lacality ltse subscoiberhbaa besa laduceti ce open bzainesa ite sars lias. ,A Large and well - 'Selécted Stock equal la priëe-nfl-qnslily te anyltaI ea bc purebestidluin ovah- or clty. Give ns a cuill, juige for' yourxscll,. andtii you cian be - as weil suited as elsè'where patreiiize lite Irade. ' ' - - CD. McBBÂDY, -Audley,_ Andîey, Nov. 241h, 1875. 48-tf PRESCIRIPTION FREE l iRte ,.peed Care -afSemi-1ani&a- Lete l ito al d iseorders broug to yidsrloseexeess.- Axîy DAV NSN b, o 29,Ew YorkL Sejucasier, 876,ly-12 * -Agents Wanted - 2x eryiý'Toayînrhîp i Ontario te oUeu h finua s li atial Orga Manuifactur- -et byle Smith. Anienicai -Organ Go. anti George-Stock annd Ce.'a pianco. - Special iùilncemenls wlU be given tolisIt-c1ass agents sud eluba cf titres -or, four 'wiebing'to purtihaee. edtU rbusin ir cdtl two dis- onj oin, "enbrace the day.- R EA PER and and J H. Lu3MER MER large qaitity o ~stesïty on baud. -JE. I ] A T DR. i SaI'geoz pt50ti~ 1 tblit.L

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