Whitby Chronicle, 18 May 1876, p. 2

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Hlg = Tar's aorreceadlloe Jsue. ed-Dr., Pleero. iv.lo-Townshiip Wliilby Si So PER-'ANNUM. iurday, May -18, 1870. Ex'e OHIINICL viii be mnt L'esday, on account'of lte bc Queeqr's birthday felliog t>'. Adverlier lîe' Ii pisse.- ipd iu teiaq1îsmoie.emenli -ON. ME. MODQVGALL'kiBSP1.sccn in ,Camspbell Divorce Case vii b. aS commenceS on firt tpage, sud 1bc concludaS nexî veek. Thé soit yul net auiy ha noaS on se- sui of the iaWlreeotlken ln lie-cas, his locali>, huit fer. ite greel noit cs iaeterplac» af lorenslo loquence, aSotali- St. Lavrence Bank Stock- holder snd gfon.,Mm. ,Recion. )u cons-speneut vilreastise steut made b>'liman asa te tisaHan. It.esçr's iuvestmeuh ln Asunigau ilities, sud ixakes th. amende,'ai 1 ba sien lu allier comme. AIti Io e ie teputIssanie ertisnent Rllon;, hi>' a>' cf acutian, wiia luitas volt ual hava e bai provoliad lio letler aifltse lioit. Bancher. For own part, ve have ouila se>' ltaIt rsegrt the CaîiNatrna mioulhava LIelcleted as tie min n iaor giving 'ena>' to thestalarnulas oaigiually- limliteS. Nothlng cen lic famIlier s-p)ur inlaiuo eonal>liiehn e rA t de Mn.. Beeson aun injustice on spneeetl lus positiota, ho foiîllavla leitýa pragnapîr vii &aerOt lu tise CîsaîReNCCie 11aI 3d forth ite etter ai "Sinaîli Stack- -VAUN.îOv ire rais e BOATmcn.-II is cltateS lhita Ile o natorsi in(etwhist Siamtit Outari-la oiits'wlaaîinleimtaI'a ij ii son'be at lte iposal aiflIa, Meekan- ai, li eisaniec i s fte pecruuiary V i)anbsrrsaa3s1i(thlIapreseuoit'occît- parmî leadinig te tîaauîrupîcy. Nov is lte tiane fôntha supportesaofitheio Gev ernmoiit foi BoutntiOuario ta prefer themr daiim, W.trust t>' ana>' ual ho quiteo utauauceraus uÙ tu'e appiies for' the offices ofi inpecter of veiglîte 'antd meassunos, sud official usisgues. 'oPile appean. vé 1r>'- axiaus te knov %vlnthie bi omeuoaî'umaînhon for lIas RliSlig prepou e l(1ol inte malter. -Tlitr an s iolting li il, il vii h sAou, ta wtînrattit e staletîlts suhace- qa i11>'l iuptlîtctm tlie carepan. dou1ce, Ve Inusîttis avwili t novvtlie ilalttIon,as tan as v. are coperaal A i-mI Word -on te Towniship Rail- w a>' Banni. Wo rentire 44 ievfurtiien aa's nno thonuv> bnsa4heS freiutnt bva. - it v. belon. tte voting, viaici tlakes laae an1 Saurnt>. The arue ~imot'alreialy ungda se te ltae banits fajain i'niiduîung uap lte lowalaa miug il s grea n hl a e amacos uîptina for ail * lints i fgardon slnff--pouallry, agge, huiler,us>', &.,nasaluallisrecapilul- cati. Neitlîern nueS va efor tIote facl ltat th. sneale p ortionoaithie eantu catsktfer %viii ho expoudet vilain lise townsilp, anltme cotîstruction of fs siltiu4 anuitheflta iaîiaig of s stomeitomaseae MýrtIue, or ta fliroeasse ltatIs le ily> ta tRI -icplace lanlt.evaeue ai prepent>' alao ali nnne' pratute. oi al 'kinaeisn omeocqutîe ofa lt eexensioît. lu te -saving ca' i te single item ai iencing -aloin. vo tiliaa clculenation viii sIrealtaImure tiwtaelte IatIlosant toilera avoitllbesooôta narvedtela ile farin- ena i oltaetowvnship. Lot usnec eefor as taont' lsav liaacceutast onlit -.- stand ou' titis Ibm't. Talc. Itia 10 con- cassions ai 18 lots noai,ave haveaa hoaliof 180 lots ai 200 acres, or au aggegate aif186,000 acres. DodetcI8,000 acres fanrlime Iovp-iomsau anaasoa 83,Q010 acics. 'nus, lanceS off mIIn-e acre delta, wolt give asttalioai5128,000 rosée cf ianclitg. ,0f course meel faunîs arc net tiviuhod m tan-sacre fits, sut oue fonce lin>' casassencves as a doubla ; but taltlng 1hs into aeceanul, anti naokouiutg the. croHSsfences, 20 0,000 rôts ofifs'uin1 vouit lie, ve prosumue ta sa>', van> utairliit'ihintthlitarkui uupou wltcli la baies e llnlsb. As- auiug tulaI as litalanoumatàai focnig ot proea aithin , hesatownshsip, atîd -ascnullig tlît t epainu sud conasnauction ai nov fonces yl avenagn ton pcentma. aanaliy, fonoiug unatenii la otue sent ý12,00 rots, annali>', vonid be requin- cd- la he provideal, At a 1ev cati- itaeboards anS poèla, an rails, aill cosl aut avenage osu nadollar for eacli nod of ieno-matlng au aunusi exponti- Inr. ôi $20,000 fion aierial alano. 'W. castnu thon tIsaI lte ailva>' ocurca laelita farinronsa!Whltby liaI amoualt 'of-fmnetuig iatenlal for et least oise-fifli las ien lise>' vuld othhrwlsa hava le pc>', vers ttan. naoraflly>'hrougi lte township. On Ibis single Item a seving ofa fronu fouir ho five thouooud dollars a yeav lu effectaS lu oonsequsnce of lb. s.llay-av in ocher vors', s savlug in fatuclng suffoient la psy t. hé wle bonus in tva yearu. Thea' ealiniate lunielu abloy ana i but vithaut lIa. adition ai a word more, Iit onlcienîIy. proves te gi'eal beneflt of the rsilwa Lütariera meo! tIse township of Whil- b>'. Andi lot -tisem, vitie coasideuing titis, laIeealise m seamunt lte avlug inlu Isinhsi-roquln.S for barnni)eheds, ean ali ter pirpases. Auitier niatter htire uoul uatlic tout siglut oi4* its tacilh>' viici neuve>y' commulnicatq io ii &fiord for lt.é set- tilliRnt for the immense tract of fertiha c ountry ins lie nati. Wlthlu a fow boum ltlie5 urue>' b>'rail, caIt-at of ou onoul3glh1Wo r as scuretl, to fanam re s-*thu, vilve coustias as bing. au - ey vieiiting istits c f tlieir friends. Suraly lere lfa aeiî!dug te look fer. Ã"penlng of the Ceatcnnial Exhibition. The. Centenulel Exhibition, et Pila. delpl8 aopeued on Wednondeydlieioth lit. There wLs a great jea. It le estlrnetil hhat thera were oe t hnt.d, tlauead peope present. - resldezit Grant errlved et 10.80- when thé format rh opsnng look place. At the. concllusion of a prayer, iffered b>' Blaitop s È" ,,Whlttier's Centennial hymn vas eispg, And lte preuentetlon of tue building. t6 i. the UnitedStBais. Cenennla Commis.- Mo lok. place. The veut buildÉngs proeentmany gapoansd la vii b. a monh o si vkmbefore the exhibi. - ion wiil roeli competenee, We are tliStihe Canadien Department. vili b. Saboya ratier tissu boiow the 'average. Tihe only court in thi wliole exhibition coipiled aIt Ils.epéning vWae ltaI eqigued ha Canadien Art. Undbubted- 1' lte E;ibiIioh vwili, v.itI luCatu- P1040, b. a marveilonuBSispîs> ai the pnodt oaia. vond's Indusîr>' sud teste, lu same of ils dtepartient Il vilI sumpaseailH previons Exhibitions, as lu none 0'if hisetu vas the ,range of hi., diapia>' groaler -Titi Japaues, Chines., iFgyptiatl, IýgliSh, sud PstDi &lîevsýpncaniâe la be lte mail lubereel- log, thbugithlie vaut 1Vdbbluery Hall viii kresent a vildenzs o f macins ho intoreet tinS surprise SUllias. Whîo aud pleasna lan eamlalug ltenmecien- ical seieverneexIs Wlcithve folloved upon tise utilizatiau cf stoain as a mater. Tite trouble viithteae enonni- oa accucmiiliefit of warlse of art, science, sud ladamîn>', naturel preauels anS national specialties, is liaI lte>'. vaany lte viiter viththiestaxent. IL lu iwpeuiilo ta gel tuci a re titan s vieleéa eidesaiftie Exhitbition. Titane le de great s. multitude of Selails aud se innuinraitie a variaI>' ai objecta fobeh sean, liaI lie cye beconies dazat, euS fev men ara capable of canyiug awa>' iri ltesiglil-an erderi>' assiSvaînable conacaption o aiItlltahe hve Becauin, sucr mess cndt ultipuicli>'. If ltae or- dinar>' visiter is able la umark ltea- tional difféences as abowa in lie dis- piaîya aiflte iffereail cauuîries, ltaI is about te itst llîirg ho aneauhope i9r. Il le cIooao s uful resit ef a walk traughli taeituiiding*. The buildings caver a lttali exît a-o 75 acres, anS sawineaofa die extesal aiflte prioeu Exhaibition iMa>' Ie larmneS rion s camparisea baeten Ib isacercege eut liaI ai praviaus Exhibitions lu institut- cal. Tic numuben of acres ceveret b>' buildingÏsfir tise firet Landau Exhibition vas BD0; for ltae iraI Paris Exiition 810 ; for ýita seconid Loîndon, 24 ; for thue seconai i4arie a 11111e aven 40; and fan lte Vionua E xpocition, 50. Waol. Fanniers viii Ihave la mahe up titeir minds ion a considanable netuclion iii lime pice cf vocal hiiuseasan. Ra- portas -imail meuifactoring centîres IIltoN, ltaI rince ie inceptian, lima WlVenteS Trade vas tuever lu encli ca d- prçesseSl condition ; sut as lte goots raranuftactunad frouas Canadien Cumbing, eud tbler liho Wenic, are suapenitti'ana ennui>' fabrica, and tmoae' of a luxury- tisait ai neceesil>', tîni mnuiaîalmurenai, bolt i EngiandandciiiUnitedStates, uave ftid il impossible lu lishune of tlitis' pmodutiane, lte reeutit clt Ite manhel le licai>' averAtclalei vit gonds, anal s large pro'pot'ionnofai 'Vr. cd Maclitiien>' idae. Rlilerto lteeanite f glitit Clipa of Combing lice been scaîiret lu Engianal, vhiie thia Canadien clip avas noua teea longe lateal lte neqfirenreuls ai U. B. manunfacturera ; but nov,aviug taelte univansci tapi-essieu ai TisSe aud stop- page o aiueci unaciiner>'. itth ie Etigliali astiSCanadian Clips wili ho ia exceae-ai theo entaul, aut picas loy. Caaisaein u ulteil Strtes-vitre lIse groacIer parinlit iotan rClip Endrs mianket-expreas thteirin ititerminia. tien, nual ta pneisasea au>'Canauien WboolIahis scason, excepî et figuras fuli>' 10ce. la 12c. par paunailas titan lest yeen, eut aveu lieu lie>' vauld limit thiein quniis. Bîtanît tua iearket opon nd ut e lilithelise unailarge Itaycre ylrefrain irai incaaing ageuts, aI cil deeirabhc pointsa s lerelafore, and aliil ititil lte Clip is ont aofltae graivure' liants, anS bu>' laler n luhIeumeason fri douants'> dealers, aI valua, as avas lte casea aiica years eluca, avumon caury> dealers voeo alilgadtle accep lsa of i6O. la 100. par pounuta ou Lboir roiiti;mnimrcluasse. Farinera aril hava le exasacise nausual Cano e ta lg them sliîeep Ionugliai>' i- fora puhîing tema iii lte valer, anS Itionvau Isnthai land heep ltai nin goot dcean paclure unlil rnotiti>e clip; sud lt ainig sisonît hadouaclte mmntttIse voolle air>' on theîs heepas baci. TIse>' uot ntenfevaur laeIîsing lhsain fiocoes taemarket lu goot antanr, as t i llaiways lte case, vîliente ade- mîaut islaliglitt tnt pric osu 1 he, abu>'- ers ana rîusunsiy savae in siehaitintg aud graâdiug Ils. Wool. Haie. MALCtOLMs CAaiitar.-TitO laelt neye frein Ottava is la thie affect lItaI lon. Malcolma Cameon, Moniher ior Sentit Ontario, is von>' 1ev aud siuhiug fast, aud liaI no hayes are outar-taineS of is reooveny. LA'avEXAuuîNATuar.-WO arédpioaset la notice tlit Our Young toavuemam, Mn. John A. MaGillivre', lace stceeal- et lu pâsuiug tisa fouti yesm's examia- &lien aI' OPgooaie Hall, b"witioaua anal." Titis lathie second lime bs lieu altaineS a place in lte fi mm là6is vithi- iu a ycar-haviug passeSim. hieird ycr'm examrnaaiau aine moultse ga, -aise "vitmonit an oral." MuLITA'àavCOctIICATcs.-WO notice b> lte lasI nuiber ai tIsa Canada Gca- 'Zeile Ilset six gcullomeu cf lt.e 34th Bat., bave suceaeded lu ablainug con- tlfisaleu. Mr.I'X. F. Peleneun, cf Boavertan, aud Mn. John- Smith, of Ouhava, Itaving been averdeS unIt dlas, and Mn. Bryant., cf Witby, asu Measrs. MoGFlil, Basuett aud Cieviiden, of Oshava, liaviug beau avartad se- cooudelaqs.Wel tdouefor lie 8lit Mn Bitas, af Oshawva, ie selliug cli-> goo e aeut styles anS patteras eh, reuîankably Iow pnices. A portion ai te iankrapt atock ai Moes. Lociarl 4 IIoianToronto, seiiing aIsa great OnD u zoavs' AusivasAur. Tise fitit runiversarsy oai Oddfelicveiiîu ia tii tavu wi hb'obld tis (Thureda>') e-a~ing in tho hall. -llfneaitmcnts 'lu 'héalover, balla, documente prinad; or tisaI ho oseinot pxololro Lu>' other prlullng hetlly re- qulired in l4e disoharge of the' daties'of bis office vithont their sanction. The. allier coommflleeu, requirlIsg notices for tendlers, &a., will uearçe1y be expectei. W0 spendthhefr lime in golng from one' la lte otlier. of the. printing commitlee te gel leave la issue notices. The. leri lieu certain duties ite performslte 1ev direts--some of wviiolrelate ho pint. iug sud.sdvertlsing, outolde lthe coàtrol eud direclian of ltae pnlting comujithe., .-and eyOn o! lb, council alogther.- How vii lii.hereeclution vworn lueoi casees In their ignorance of, hemr praper, auties the.goenlemen aiflte pinning omwltlee et.nup Éroetone ol the raout ebord ehturacter, 'sud et. tempt te pasremoaitonh ea compliance with which lu Impossible. The. proper dt'of the. conmittée.is naltIth. order- "lng , f lie printing, but- lhe careful ex- 1 minshiou of lhe aeccunts, pretinhd- tas-se that lite charge. are correct- thht'the wôrk hem bain propenl>' donc, sud that it was neceusar>' and lu aceor. dance vith lte contreot (if an>') or the. requniremants of lte corporation. It wee neyer conlompiatedlliat the sale orderng of thcpnintingsheuld b.est heïr dicre. tion. It unfortunatel>'san happena, sud the. practice givel i.. ho eome incon- vealauce, liat thas o 'laare considered the laet efficient inembors of te con- ii-aud in feot goad for uothîng else, are placi upon lihe priuting committe las thie lesat important af aIl the allier committees. IL is a sort of refuge mbt which ltae greanst sud duilest ment- bersat etls council board ara geuereily lhrnmt b>' tioir more expericuced cal. 1cagnes. And knowiug littho, but pro. sumiug n great deaasc iguarAncoala- ways dao-those jaoks.in-office stupid. 1>' imaginaeltat tiie> vil ualbe regard. ed as itaving panlormod their duly un. less tliey have a squabbla witlilte town< prinlane. Thtis neturally las ataother equabitlos befora ltae council, sud frc' (înently ta inconveuicuce and down- iglit injuistice ta the printers. lded lte reporters are expectdt i tilqaicîl>' b>' sud len la itours oi boala, anS nonsense, ad miareprosonîclion, if nat actuel alunae, aven a malter viticit a business tianliîaviag doamiluge vili a prlntiug office vouldt al-c~em vontia> a secotiial ogit. On clilImhe ocectiiou5 vitoîtlialligbsat lininaca mea, vio bave utarl soiun o xpenieuco lu lteviug prnuing doac fanthisolven, ihave beau plareltCOi ) thlie pmiîîtiMI g commitîee tifflieulty vliatuver lias arisen. Meni- bers aiflise Committo, Ibis yean ove il te titamueivos toa scertala vItlhein dtLes mccli>' ara-anS tlits>'ana ver>' iev aut simpieli te>' yul fut-anti canfine Iliamseives ho lira faim disciange ai ltose ltIas. TIc>' are ne mare veinanteS ini casting imuputations upen prirmiug offices tlitan lte>'ana upan privalo ludividuals. Titeir Seing se -is aul>' c funthen baîmnycai Ifthemavliu nu, liluetre for lte positiontahey happen ifon the mitoneut la holS. Titese raînca-ka are o mue iade hecatuse ltae action aifltse priniitug ûamiuitlea conce-us lIme Canutoe- maICr-fan va SoîullIlI-10v liaI il Sacs panieuany-aud tlteCiaiRoNiucusC%1a effordtouatrcal- tic acliait ai lie genîlo- - tua ithlilie niosl perfect leadifférence. -We apsai genenel>', for ltae igil, for lte sais ai.- tic nepuatian ai ttc lova, aslte cicraclen af Ihoan visa avouilac oun napressutetiva ian. Let ne Itope wvitl vabavesalt] aili net bc alitorvedtol pais unlîeet. M£iittn.-Tire memiaga ai Miss Frances hReynolds, Second daugîita ai Mr. Slieiff Reynolds, and Mr. Hanter- so, ni Moatreal, leali place aI an eamby lia-tr on Wetucsda>' imuriag antAl Sainte' Churcîs, BeyS. 1Mnf, Cale officiatinig. Natailitauting îhlelieur aus et eau'iy as 8 a'clociî, tIrai-n as a latugeo oucot'se af people piosent la aituets lte ceramon>'. The briSe vas altenîiddb>' lire bridesauîiia -Miss Rcyîuolds, Mies Gtanu, anS Mislien- tarson. 'Thbe happy couaple e lft >'lic. linet train gaing veal. "IIAmmo Ttîcus."-It la au oli. Pro- vert, Ils an muu vinSdltahave owne- body>' an>' gootl." Habit & Brother hurve purcitasad Iliar Sprng stock ci Haadware ma em areasiket alitlae, oviag ta tie greal daimm-ssion bearing ou tardavane frminlaMoutrealaSd aise- vîmate. Titis Cirin, oa'en alive to pur. ctaiaitem "o lieS uad rs"are pie- pareS la suppl>'lhtairnuttruns cus- teiores aili lhardware aI sutal etd- vauces aven ceaI. As lita> givo special attenttion la house.tititg anatanial suait as naîls, locits, limages, haints, &o., va asuviseprarties raqui'iug ntaI lego bye Hlat&tottn'. [Ssat.] P. TAvtuon'ta CîiitiaCnTsi Les Stpirc- TACi.ttCANI E aGi.uiSSE5hava jUal ar- rivet - TIse>'arc aarranteS laite lte meest correctan sd ast in lime wvanS can cul>' le abtainet irai 1. Taylor, on bis sion.-G. B. Taylor, unail futer notice. Evor>' poalihaser vih11lie in- stricteS la lest titeir avu glass, sa lit il viii hc impossible lau gelunapanioclet hans fraiur1. Taylor. 75; lie trato merlu las beau egisee netlaCauade eudthlie United Saes, bevaeaof imi- tations eud- parties pnofessiug la bave tta6 geats. Wil be at Wltib>, ou Manda>' snd TuesSa>', noxl, ah Taylar & Bannarads jevelny sIoe,, vil a large essortîcut. Let avsaroa core nedthave thei ohd glases lesteS, anS. if fount imperfccl, gel s pain-f ai tyio's conneclod caca sud save yann aya sigith. Have aise on hand e large stock cf fduo pelibles. Liasueus Cw.sa.-Mn. Samunel Be>'vas brangitl befone tho mayor, eisngsd b>' lte license luspecon v iti keepýng lte bar cfthie BritishtAmenlcan itotei open- aS Snnfugproiiied houmu. Tha clar ga vas arterw'ards vaiea eSe eof cellhng liquon tuinig polibitdlionu .Aller lte axaminathea af savertIl vituesses aneu a few atijourmnents, ltae vidance failedtiehoestabiclitae cierge. C'ana dismissed vith cosîs. J. E. Farowel appecrod for pit. H. J. Mactonel for deft. lienS la uow cauvasung thue loc«alil> for uiteeniePrs te Hloiman's caution cof lbe Pieterlal ramily B]ible, TIre wank'-in beautlful>' got I ansd coniains 1800 part, Mr. 'êlbson, chairman, .reoom- m.pding paymeni ee6ount of RUg.» .Fré,ur, 011.60, as deputy.-returtiing of&ierfer Northt Ward, laklng lhe-vote on tii. Béilwo&y By-lav. Report- ad'pted. PRQitULGATIOi< or rai BAIWAY ET-LÂW, Mr. Blow moved, secooudedby Mr. il' e, liat 'te by.law granticig aidý ltOIt P'ort Whitby& Pont Fenny Ex- tenjîIou Beiiwey 'Company, be now reaýl s tiird lim anduSpaspied ; laI lh, :Mayor efil te geai of '.ie corporation lteéËeto sud tuat the. clark be insinoted ta have the. by.lew promnigitted hrougii teý love paperu, saslte 1ev diregts. CeneS. nx'oer OF FIXEAND xWITER coiMTErri. Mr. Hfarper reporteS from the Cota- rite. on Pire and Walcr ltat, having 00o'usidered thte report of lte Obief engi- nier of the fire Company, lte>' ouid re- comanend lte purose ai 800 feet cf houe, eI a caut of nol mare titan 85 ce., per foot, ana len set cf couplinga, et a cost of ual more tien five dallera, per OeeL Tii. côunil reealved iteel intIa oam- m'ltee cf the. vitl. tlaereon-Mr. Jef.- ere lulte chair. 1. Fenguson moyaS in ame.gdmenh liaI 500 feet of hase and 6 set cf coup- linge ha purcitauad, insteati of 800 feet cf hase sua tan et cf coupiluga. Re. port adopteS as amendod. TOWN PEINTINO. Mn. Long moved, secondeS by M., Watson, taIlite editans cf lte Town pa lbei turuced lat no more pnIintiug vauld lie paid for unless vouai. ed 'for b>'lte priutiaig cammittce. CarnieS. NOTICE 0F NOTION. Mr. Long gave notice liaI aI lita next meeting cf lie -caunualho wenit iutratiuce e by-law toamosîcu a iey>- 1ev, huovu as lie pounti by.iav. Council lion, ou melation fRing, et- joumnet. AmusExur.NT8 FOIZTUE QUaare'a BxIRT-ý u.ý-Thore ile lca eagrand ploasuma excnrsion la Port Hope eut Cobourg- b>' ltae Na-acmatî, Iseo tlt.] affont. ing a aeligittni trip ou the Lahe. Gainas, foot raciug, jnuping, airS otber cîmusements, antan lte patronage ai ltae OSdhllows lBand, ounltarketa grouncts.' Rlace for lite Qttaîn's Plate aven lte Waodbine Course, Toronto. "MiTR NAvy."-Thie caiebratetl tblacco, ivitlithie itratit T. B., is lte favraite ai all sinohorsit ahtcau appret. ile thie-iragreul eeat. -Great rodualion in lte price ofi rai-es et Mutigo & 'Yamvood'u. Baavîe Ys. Baavr.-'This case of au- seul balveen tva brôtena,Asa Brown, caîplitant, adBShermaBrao, de- fonauti, (bath membens cf tise Bociety' ai Fniauds), vlrch lias beau' maliing semae noise in thi localily, vas blaerS befora tic mayon ou FriSa>' lest, cnd an Monda>' judgintul vs givan b>' lus ,voralaip cnt Dr. Gun. Asa Brawa affirmaSltaI, hîaviug gene la lie fielSdvitere Sierrncu and is lava iaen vore.al vouk, acpeniug a drain, in antan letosea if lte drain on hie liad vas ual interitreivitt, Biter- mnira vou1l ual reply taeibis quosihin, \Vttat te>'viee ioittg. Aller aekiuîg tirea limes, Sherma telS iim la go ose fan hîhîsehi. Haviag gaI pu lte Kingston rneethoraene as mono jaaviug andShBerman, te affirmaS, tlîrew cani- piainant (Asa) tiovu violouhi>' sud kuochedthlie pipe ouI ai hie moulu. -Mr. Biuliigu, vie appeareil for 1h. de- fonce, cross-examinaS ltae vitacas, via, iavé',er SeclinaS te anavar svral oi lIas questionm puttle iii. Ou bhaîf aiflte Science il vas gi"eu in evidaîctata As calied Sherman s lier; ltaI lte lttlersait, l'Yeurvonît not go mIa lIte rotaS anSropeaut ltai." TuaI Asa liameupauntloanltae ratai, euttnoya e ta augny v and utas, slgl>pusliet tav b>' Siterman, Wi10 vas moth exciteS b>'lte aggravation eeivet frai Ame. Saearai viluasatis vene examineS snd a good teai ai in- relevant malter gone mIet. Tiare vas ala a chtarge of trespass. Shemnitan vas couvicted cf the aseeNît anS fluaS $2, ead oeaeS legive bonds' ii$500 la ueap lte pence. Tua trespas care ves Sieniiased. Mn. Ormiaton alapear- et ion liio'conaplainaul. Mecting Board Scitool Trusîca. Higi Scliool, -Wlilby, Wetluesta>', Ma>' loti, 1876. Tua boardlai scirool trustees met ltis aveniag ; niemîcere preseal - Mosans. Onîleton, Powell, Post, Blako, Me- Ibaereon, Camnenon and Jntge Ya'rlneiî; Jutga Darltill ite chaeir. Minutas et lest mueeting rend anS appravet. REPciORT FINANCE COtMI~TTELî. Mr. MePlierson lbnouglit lu thie repart cf te finance conhinittea recamineut- ing pnyintaofaitIsa illoving accouants: J. S. Itoterîsorn, $21.411; m. Bannes, $0525; IL. L. flugart, $1.01; L. Alhin, $15.45 ; Tauylor & Bannant, $8, aitatul iuug Iu al lu $142170. Repart adoptai]. COMMaUNItCA'TONS. Communications 'avre rcS mcm itae DapaI>' Ministor 'ai sdataonrasepect- iug lte Publio Satoal conus, eut aiea ao moei i in luraereuca otaelIasn- upeclor's repart on ltae condlition ofthlie Hi-iltSceeol; a comumunicatiounatas at neat irai Mm. Maring, tating tîsal ha lied granlet W. H. Hosmtoit a crthi- ficale ai quclflietion ce monitor in lte Wiitby Iligi Scitaci for eue ycnn. nasonUTIOreS. Mr. Onmislon, seconélaS b>'Mr. Caficron, moved hlast Mn, Irobinson, Mr. Wilii anS Mn. Poavell te sami- inillea tle abtein euS hava planteS trces on or arount flite groundai licheHigit sud Heny.lneal Scliools taelime cxtent anti ual mare tien $15. Carrnet. Mr. 1oel, secondaS b>' Mn. Bicke, moves liaI te suiniof 050 b, appropni. aIeS for the puncîmese ai Priz or lte sevenal ucîsoolu ce fobiove: Higi eclioci, $20; Heur>' sîneet sclîooi, 012; Doutas utreet ucliooi, $10; Johnu telMmscîteol, $8. Carniet. Movet b>' Mn. Onmiston, secondet b>' MrI. IlcPlienuon, liaI liaecomiunttee on ecîtool propent>' pnoceed 10 cel lie amidi huildîngu ou the grounds of'*lte DanSas sîneel achoo,-he buildings le bc e nairt aIonce,anSudalte nantit lot facing ounltte net a-ast, previded Ihseyý gel uatlbeé tia 0100 for saci, anS thaI lb.>' ailea bveýjhe gnpnndu of maiS scitool leveliaS. CeSr.: Mn. Peut, secondeS b>' Mn. Camemon, moved ltat nov doeisud sestu i. procureS for lie J'ahn-aleeat sieel sut ltaI lie cermilîl oan saltol propert>' bý instruehtodta punatasa lte sais. 'At lte raqueut cf Itohe Hi Mainte-r Ils Becretar>' vas ardorad ta giva hlm s corltiet eop>' of lhe- communuication. fron tire Depul>' Minisee of Educetion conlaining,'axtracîs frai Inspectbrs ne p rt.1 T b. Board lieu adjourned. AuNessTy 'ruFccmN.-!l lu ssteS taI Il.eGoverumnent hbe .decldod ho entertain fiLvaulu, 5 te ....àn& dn, il?2 Plaintiff-fle wilil ular>'me n>' vriy. Phlaitifi tapiieSltaI Gir>'acui lieusali lireS togalliar as liuslarid antd vile, but, tulilst uléuit laugflîter, sais] lise>' riepu togeollîe. Gay' acs ir lou- &ut anal paiS lian $2 anacre ionrlte place. Nover ewore on«a former oc- casiounltaI cItasaw ienl waiin. TuaI aras a a ictaeoin takiug Soya lier former axaauiuention. litused taSle lien melositioutieut larause alto muS ual araut taanithe lier mark. Denietds liaS ever signal ari greement ta villa- Su'aw lhe aSuit. [Au agreiuu'rr ta titis affect, daledin luOctobar lait. wag pu nl avidonee.] Il aas nalîil' but a "ion. gary" ta se>' ltaIGay' sidstruck lier; site nover sait suclit e Iiing. Usai mateas Seat oi.tite place ine e nilui ta Wiliham Gay', cs long as lie livetl. Tii.>'bailtimate e ettieenut lain wit- ing. Danieti la-ing gaI 85 freinMms. WVesIt ltaI ayý AItlte conclaîsion ai iter eviSauce plialtifi placeS item mark an lus deposiîlon, cnt adtnossiug JutIge Dartaushl, b>' aa> of paying bita c great compliment, saidt laI oui>' for hile touai' ilîsalisite ouid net [lave douece, as site aras ulia sitalar eut lad a Sacai ofputtitg liter îarlî ta palier. William Hubbarai gava evidoutce ta lias effealttat lie sev lra. MeGrellamu sich iu lied aut Mias. \Vst's baouase, ou lit e 7liî ai Juime ; ltaI Ma'. W. lohld Itini abolit ltavlat ý gea l Siltihet poprty-titllie itati aulket îlaiultiff if Ilmat ora ast, aud ltaat o nalded lier listi iu tissent. ! Titis vas lte forfrlie bill.? FOR T1111tiFNCr Mn. William BWeaI was cullietiaud nvîuu. Atn lawrlahiip clarkoaiEast Wlitb>'-nêisidle uIt Columbus-name- tiane Sadoceua-eyaijoing for neigibauns. h{nov Pltuiuiff anal defeudttrifor yeems; thas>' vre baol <itcuatomersoaimanme viaca I hepu atar' Wcasaut firon o lte 411 ai Jne bont ainaer hume; vent in cousaquteace ofeanmessago dlilvered b>' Johta; Uilabnti, lapreitaro a deet or wvn Iluf on Mns. Ilcrettan or teecî iem nlin s. \Waest, aslite unulansiontl. Tite;r place ie atout four miles ditieant-they ana next doar utaigia- bomîrs la eaccîtallier. Plaintifi ltol iii suce vas getliugip: in years, was iîaviîag apeils ai sichruesa, antd bal neone le laite cane ai ier licase ai siches. Tît aIe uia] tutaulo ila Itemrmmid lIt Mrs. West aao'al'itahe cane aiflion as long as site livrai' aimai ahievantîs givo ban uleceit turiui,l Andtbtis ala Wago- in- t ta eedth ie pzprly tao lre. West fan uhel pua'îoae lire. Wast dit nel anal doîjt aatt lervardas ltai I tul aoat au>' inSuccuolnh a yau." AshaSt piaitiff if alto lit funl>' cousitoeathlie mialter, and sie IlrepliaS uliat cita lied ansi liad mli>'mate up liemrmii. Site lita ahoula aipapers vmappat up lu a naraspeper 'alia he ia lasutati m anS frmin viaucalie took tlime ol la pmajtare ltse canvieyeuce. Afier readiag oven lte gbat, ant imrimîig ta ltaI p@m' tmîakiitg provisiot,> for liter board aul loalgiiig, plilitil'flinureia hm putla intae words--Aiam ujalli scItashînîttlite l'ut in ta aieueand ailier bodly bunieullunte Caîlliia VriaI giouituuil at Oshavwa, ini lte gi-ave ai lien ' lîumbaami."'rhtat vas pri lin ut lier naqurret. Site %vas perfect- 1' Selliemraith kmmaeýWwvIohasevas doiag --Raav urt- liqum<r draitlia inte honu.c Angelte Wurst lte deiendaftm, lo- fleiu la at long netîuiulamuca 'vitlima plaitiff, ilîtl ahi al ivad beailero fat' 21 yeanc ; IhîgI litey wsre geurerali>' an fi'teuîllyternris; but net oau iirll> teirns vilaya>, vite etime ho liv.vitit plaintiff 14 an 15 yaansaea. SIte useS ta camne la daientant villa cerplaints abtout Ga>', oa i hi iiiusage ai lier. Site carmle la teeauilapla boulse on ueoa> morniug bafone 'lie exacuîliai of lte Seaci d equestrS lta lie ikea lu ; itae vas van>' raid nSdefeudanut bols lien int litem orvuheul, anal gave lien mati- ainle. Bise gava lier no iquien. Titane vas ne iquo lan tic bouse. The mati- cilne vas ladisu VeooIt dbank, vieh vilues bai ahea heneeli eut rexpîc- eS ne ilinesfrenmil; plainîif executeti lhe teeS on Frida>' of lier ovu ires yull. Pliluliff sant for Mn. Beaut ; uli, snt Habbsrt ion it sai lpromiuad ta give hbmla a llarý WitneÃŽs paiS plain- tif $5 laiecoasît. 35 ho Mr. Beau ifon trsving lte ieeti1 sut gelting il record- Otlier vilasseal vcme bsiug calioS ion lte Sefence visia, in repi>' lais lard. slip, plaialiff'u ounsel uitalet ho dit ual Iliai thic e douce vouit sunsîin tue bill eut Would ual proceed fiunten. Blml Ssmiseed iii hcaîs. lMn. Armour ion ?,itff. Mn. H~ Cameron ane> W. H. Biliangu, for deil., Close ais.Michai.-Adjoned le Ta- rante. ïilarlc va.Yei-iriagoi.-Decree b>' canseut-aenéencta b M,%asîcr at Wbity. S. Smniit fan pltI.LH.Cauirteoîtfan tat. Bowntatb vs. C4aimblers.--Ordieetcu ha eIteard et Petýrbuarougiht xIl. Il. Camanon anS IF*Buruici fan plI. S. Suit for Sst., Br-own vs. fJacaull.-PcmponèS un- tiI faau sillinga. , Pafrjsva., Sylv saar.-Postpoued tili fea ittings. Me( e ansd Joncs fan plI. B. R. Loecombe f~ e frIdoit. Aisearrîo SLIe TuDEn.-Tile Bnit. lit Beositent ch Z nzib*r lhas -negolial. cd a tneatl.ivithtI o Sultan" unovidlngr write sud made bter mark. Mr. Ceam- eron on beit4lf ofil Sfeudent -maid tbat teconsidereîjon vas the defsndant's promnis. la talco brrsao' plainiff auS maintain sud' au ýot her turing 'ite remainder of h]lie1f., asdwyen.she, died te baveier oral attenddS b>' hoeanesud ber re tià!niterred ii lte B. C. burial grau il et Oia*~a., Tii. enuver lott.ebill SanieS tbaI plaintiff vras in liquorn tau>'an. impraper influence liaidbe useS. Mary MoGiretat the plaintiff, au olS voman of about 6ji yars otage, uvoru sud examineS, fs id e lived in ýDan- lnlnsud vas ha ovuer of 25 acres of I sui, part aofla1î B5, iu tiIhe con. ThaI mire vWau ind ioed te go te Sefend. set ha1m nseou4,hiJune, 1875 ; thht ehe vas "uieluded"' lhera, anS drink a glass cf liquon;-, id net kuovwlihat kilnd cf iquor il vas, but lter. a pleut>'of ometIîi' g aise lu il beaides; vhmey, ltaI ilv asdrngged, and veli drugged toc, and 1lbat site vas Étiok fan sevaral Saysaftiei wards. Wiue tirere Mr. Besîl came n, did not kuow vite sent for hlm. Gelvo no instructions te uit l a m b SecSof couve>'. suce or an>' athei- wriliuga. Was not intouioated vien Beil came. HaS ne reoolleotion cf 1fr. leall giving her a paper. ta aigu or make han mark an. Gave ne titi. d eds away, but th.> vare laken ont oÇ han Irunk nt lier 11a1se, nukuavu te lier. Bite left Mns. Wast's and vaut ta heron oliuse, sud Mn. Beau féllowed lier ant iîndnc- ed lier te ratura tac Mr@. West's. Wae living witi Mr. Gai>. Had net spoken la Mrs. West- for 6i o uths prcvieusly. Wiîen site gel wOll vont home from Mre. Wesî's aud fIuud lier titi. deetia gaue. Novor puaSlt auytiig for îIraviug the docuageul. Ta Mn. Cemneroia. 1 ilve witlî Gay' sud mean la livQ witli iim. I ara ual married ta hlmi, bat I will ba, lus ail seltlied. I meýu te bce mannicd te hlm witiiuacfew vache. Mn. Cameron.l If yen got ltae ]and becu aae taliemanî'ied ?'A la t sud Anmanians, biddiug them ta- p ri- prfoimmediete deetit. Travellens are ieaving ena masse. Enropeen nesi- denti areoe.nding saa>'heir familles. Tli , presence of su Runapesu squadnop, as lie organisation cf 'velunleer Enrepesu militia, caclan. clanm. PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY ELEOTION. -The pelition egainsl lie a.oturu ai Mr. Gideon Striker tlathi.Ontario "u seerbly fer Prince ESvanS Count>', b. fore JuSge Burton aud Vica-Ciancelion Blake yeulenday, vems ismimmed 'illi. ouI contu as regardselte commupt prec. ticesansd recriminalon>' charges. The. pelitioner is laxedwvilla lie coul ai lia scrutin>'. PI AT Pxcrà.naoeo'.-..Aban lin o'ciock lait Tuemday »nigit s fine brcko ont lun t.e engino-house af Tanuer'e cabinet feeto>', an EHulnter sneeal, sud hefane It ldbc t ha erthhnei arnge ho ltae extent ef 82,000 vas doea latire building, -tnceIinon>', eut stock ; caver. et ity insurausto. BRUAL cMUaam.-Ou' Sanda>', Jas. lcQuilcun, a fanion la Matea Town- shtip, brutl inuntered lise vif., froan vhom it. iraS been separalod for smni mouts.He lias ba-en eme-S FM ior ,Aw OUTEREAI% AT CoNTaerasr- îcops.-Tbe faneigu consul. aI Cou- stanftinople -fear an otitbrest,- sud-arie' hia Comupanyi, -B5LHor 'Pacus Âs.-Two bacit ai prmse èeeshave jtb es deoda h liq ~'Vince. At lte BMx Auzem, $500 vama aarSeS plart~ sud et Ham iln akMis Stewart ne- Ceived a veraicl~f'8 In.""luh. latter action th. parties le il liaS baienen- gageS for lveuily-sir yeans. , ' tml-ond freiglilrateus'ilrail- raâsifom lhe West ho New York are Sowiz ta iSo. aud 20o..,aocortiing ta lte cases, frmm.pointe-as far veut-aue Chi- cage and Dotroit. fe cmpnliaS. miit tiaî lite allier ines are tsking wemt bonuS .freîg'li'ýte aI loerrates hijan specifid ite tariff fMarch,itud issI. REc in o yps 'maintainltaIlte>' abone k,, a sînictly lu tarif rates. ýMuaIs dis- satisfaction is-expresmedl anSfeil. . Thisaléenu lu lie uewepens liaI Mn. Gambyhad reparteS Dean Cliannel, oue of tIse prepeised tenmini of the Pacifie Railly>, ta b lofuiiice sud tiie navigation ai iltisherefono Sifficult, vas ual correct. Mn, Gomby's report centaine te folieving panagrapi ;:-1 1 did ual have lime te viait luis-lihe Dean minel. I moltsonie parties lu canoas camiug frona l ite sel i it ad been frezen for a short lime. Un. Creigliton weut np ini lie Otter but mev ne .0e." Thc unfortanete uittle girl, Jane Wil. liains, ciergeS b>' Robent Gawan of Landau tovnship viti sotling fire ta is iternmatue yacks ega, vas breugit up ycsterday ion trial. Han case is e ver>' pitiful eue. Bia an orpitan, but extramnel>' baigit sud intelligent for iten ae, wlaicl inl fountean. Btlie d been with lia Gevana tiree moutha. SIte alatas tlit on the de>' cf lia ire aie cna'll undér tiie item for eggs, anS all lte ciuks being stoppeS shit 1a match la sac lion way. Tue match iurnug ber ingera, aie liîrew il dowu, anS weut bath ta lth ouso. 'The naxlnewa waa lte bai-ri %vas an ia., One marning lait weeli a deteclîva avent la lte hanse and arrestcdit ler, tho warrant beiug swonai out owing la sanie iifficul>' about tae ineusanie moue>'. Titaeevas ne evidence ai a aimal nature egeinat lier. The ruaigstrata refuseS ta aonyich lier, but seul hern bach ta prison for tiare. daya, or nutil a anilabla place cen ttc fouaS ion lier. Site cotuplaine bit- tari>' ai boing conipellei ta associata witl ltae vile croatutes ia prison owiag tu Lita walit of iroper cleaification. A «MANe BuaRNT-Ta DFATH i A Lîai, KRit..--A youug maru nemed iraucis Rilo'> met witliae itorribin dccli in To- roula b>' lîeing mml ntin s lime kilu. Il seoins liaI ion saine neasacuor other ha siepl ont in lte open air insteed af î'eturuiîig te hia home on Douro Streeol; sud in clîoesiug c place te *eleep select- cd a board whîch lay beaide a lime Vin, lu Wood's piaster yard, Niagara streel, e fev paces norîla cf King sîreat. Mon bail been oscupied cntlias kilu durnug te îay feoting il sud kecpiug up lihe funcc, and itl vas laftit lu ch a con- dition et niglil ltaI il aexpectai ltae fine woold lima tibi Monda>' merning, if it wi-na loakaîl ta au Snnday. Yestertay moruiug Mn. Woods weut la ig yard for tiera prposa ai examin- iug t4iti' iruaca, anaîtoliap abiornifiat tela thetreotmaiofa manlyiug licnd doiaita'ids l inte huit. Oit examina- lion lia find ltatuta mtau's lieav aà cotuileiely humaI ta a cinîlen, and laie nach vas itoînibi>' sineS.d THREF. IHUNIDRID MILES AGANSîea TîmLe.-In Now York thera ara nov ia training saine tlirly-six Celiloruis Mustangs, wiîicit enîlvetthora but s tew daysaega, penfecti>' ailt, sud vîticti ac iîat edwillîin ninel> daye aifltae 2nd Mait lest, ta rra wiit about tiirty relayeancudione rider ltree liuutrad miles acrais contry an on a trachi, vilain fitecu tours. Tiese heorses wer ruuuiîag vilS on tiae pleins at lieta imneltae match 'was madie, eud hava lied rince Ilion la unuergo net oui>' lte icomiorls.ai ceptivit>', but lte kuockiag about af lweuly-six taya ai Iravel, e cousiderahia amoiult of il b>' rail. L~ARGE Paîca FOR A SIIea'meor.- Tite Telegi'aph asys tuiaI te Dîtha ai Devonsiinalas eold frein lte ilker slior'iirn lic-nilGrand DuciscaoaiOx- fond 2i9ll, la lihe Hou. George Blrown, ai Cawiiîla, for 2,500) guitees, lte bigla- et prico avet' yet paiîi for il'feintais aliortoru iii Eaglaud. PAU'iFîC RAîLWAY SUtîVac- Parties are nov bEiug Seapialcied tae ita erc- eut surveys au ltae Pacifieaiway>. TIte Britisht Calimbia part>' ea ow an titeir va>' via Stan Francisco. Bav- eri patis aLa. engageS ou the Princen anS coleured mon. Tiree vile, are repenteS kiiied. The caunîn>' le blaze vîit exoltemenî. AUl lie liites are anied sud lu lte metdle. Govonnor Antoine received a Iclegrani frai Bienif East, of Fiiciana parisi, via BIaIes htl eveulaîn coiaured men lied beau kilied, sud main>'voundod, sud ske for militer>'ne *sîstance. GEATàm ND LîrrLIC Msîeus,-Tiere amui somne minde suiteS te great, sud aIliers ta 11111e, etnploymnte. Berne moen ure formeS ho acitieve .great.vonku, itile alters seemtu acconpisit appan- sal>, noting lite vonld-grovel ou te grcuud, sud confine themr regard la a uarw, lirnilltie4pisare. Of Itese lwoe'lassens cf irlinda, the final -is ini danger fbacoming inipaireti an accouai of scrupulous sud, cver.vrotïglit ou-ci lut. fan furlier anS toaper sSvenuce- meut in researcit of kuowletige; anS lie second lu iu danger cf becomng ou- hirel>' uselceàs froui uou-ettondeuce ai etud', aud b>' a Sanug nagligeuce cf pponînil>' anda>ipn.1 Thei:'onecol- xunuber. -Baï-nuon-J.Lossing epneludeu- lis "BRomance of lte Hudson.,,lns- peciai iunterest jumt nov vibe fali l lfr. Rideing'u "ýTrail lunlte Fan Soult- *est," 'vwiicit hreahi exhaumivelj' cf the S, unîn'y asdthépeople of-New Mexico, with severel vr'-unln ilna illufitrations. . Mn. Hoil>', in lie second paper afibus seeies cn "Modern Dwelingo," tieate of' 'interion decorallon. Hie paper, vbicli le profusal>' anS lastefuil>' iilnclratot, closea vili smne ver>' practical, sugges- tions reepecting veuhiletion. Dr. Au$lu FFilnI contribuleao ich "FirsI CenInn>" sanies a veny abia ne- viev ci meticel, sud-senilar>'prcgres during tihast aBtneS yeare. R.. BL oSSard, aprepos aI lte neceut publication .cf 'Trevelyan'e lLife anS Le>tteo of Lord Macaulay'," ceutnibus a capital paper, outilleS 'Lord Macula>' sud is Frgneds,"',iUustrated viti par. Incite cf Pred, Heunnali Moe, sud cther Sitlnguisiedfxieuds of bMaoulav'u youliî anS oarly manuiood. Peems. are contribadtad b>' T.- B., Aldrnichs, George Lunt, ad Fnnia R. Robinson. The Easy Chair bas, lacaides cthar inleresliug goasip, smi pilis> renianke coaceroiug' Walt Witman. - By-tie- va>', oeeoa George Eliat's chaplers lu luis Nurnber le prafaced b>' a quoatian frai Wilien'c verse. Iunlte Drawer lu pbited cunteunial ballaS for 1"oug _Moîkes, b> Will Canleton, antilleS "T taLtla Black.eyed -Bebel.'" Sumptuiar>' Legisiehian. tisaI batik, vhicith. Seposited inu - alter, ma>' Ontario or Royal Canadin- audntoufinit xnoohing aud.pliding for a uettiiment vas Il ual an obstacle?2 2u5. Io il Inue liaI ho, Hoî D. R., diS, obtain frotu bis, bratitr-FPied, an- ager S8t. 'L. B., Menkutam, 'aOmai moue y vlioii baS ta b. reîùnded-be- fdre it thetion cf elemeul vas eu- 8n5. , I& t Inn. liaI Han. D. R. diS purciam, frotu hie nephev, 'Peter, a biocoalnd SeeSeil ha bis wvue, upen iiei li, Hou. D.- R., diS eneta otan-. ien sud piS' fer il out aifltee sob. laineS frottasmaniesource, for, vicithbie vifs la neilion respausibie nom liaS con 411r. In il -Imna liht the Han. D.. Reesen, Beuston, diS eqmpouud villa lie St. Lawrence Bank -for 20 or 25 cents on the 0S?2 Ie ilDoct e fact tisaI ha pitifuil>', snd in lhe Most abject, mauner, suSdvîit learlà anS protestations, plead ucl ta be publici>' adjutiged an ineoivent, as ha would lame hie saeansd vitlwam cf more importance, is psy enil mileage as Benator ? 1 nov cerne le lie question askad lu mny 'fermer lettons, wvici lie unuing. 1>' sud cautienel>' overioaked.--Cau Hon. D. Reeson, Benlon, lie saveS la hoit his scat lu tiese Boale, unden anci painful cincurnslauces 2 A SMXALL BTOCKHOLDER, ST. LAwRitNce ]3ÂNi. RFCOau On IicE YLPAR."-Tlie third number (Jane) viit a fiue steel portrait af Mark Twain, sud s splendid article on -'H1-omsa.Cer Pocîn>" ta uevbefome Us. Besides lia unique anS valuable Diar>' of imnportant evanIe sud occur- rencesthirongtolir te vomiS, Ibis nun- ber couteas, among lwa hundret lter articlea, ltae faliewing pointe ai spatial intarest- Daue'a ilem ca la is appoinîrnul l Englaud. Iialkuap conaict eout of bis owu moult. Anecdotes anS Habile ai A. T. Stewart. Barne>' Williams, airS Thecîres fit>' >'eamsacga.- Authtnia hiclar>'oai "Hanse-Car Poalr>" Sketch ai Opera Bouffe Jacques Offoa- hîacli. Bayart Taylor's translation ai Fraili- 1 gratis Pooni. Joa Jefferson and Mme. Sterling. William Callan Bryant as an Edilor. The Gaina ai Pela, anSdliov o leay >'it. Pionre JButler Courting Penny Kembie. The beentiful Poani "My Ciui's Ori- gin.', Titinge te lie laugited aI, papular euS tonciig pcams, <sketches, incidents, &o., la auci attractive variaI>', ltaIil farinaeltaeniciet ernunt ai vainaithe sud entemlsining reading elmoat aven embracet iu a magazine. G. W. CAIIIETON & Co., Puet.tcuERcS, Madison Square, New York. Rcluru of tic Prince ai Wales. fis Roal iHigines lte Prnce ai Wtales arrivaS ta Englant, frai Indua, au lte lt, iaving -camae b>'way ai Gibralar, Mladrit, euS Liabon. Ha ieiu Lishon oantheBila instant, and tinteS aI Portasmonutrfrai Hem Ma- jesly'e ver slip SerapiF-, Hon. Haury' Cern Glyn, R. N., Commander, vItigi vas placeS eit bis ervice vian hlieta ant an is tour. Thte Berapis togalien viti lic rayai yacht Ostorneansd ltae teai n figate Raeaight, passeS HumaI CaIlle aI ton intes ta elavan c'aioeic in flite men. ing. Tic yacht Albante, ou board af vici vas lte Pnîncess ai Wales anti ltae noyai cidren, met lie Prince lu lte Salant, aud clilte veRssas pracced. edtol Portsmaouth, viacre e ltudiag vas affecteS sud a publia nacaptian giaeu la ltae Prince. is ecaptian vas grantly aultusies- tic aI Portsmuhanîasd lu Londlon. Tons ai ltousants ai people assemblaS au Soutllsea Camion ta vitces the spec. tleofai is landiug. Ttc Serepis vas convoyaS la pont b>' lia splendid iran- clatie Sultan, Wtimior, eud Hector, vtaici finît saintea lu hie itottatr. The Prnce, ou hauding, î'aceia'e<ia cordial volcarne freini te Mayor and Corporattion ai Portsmout. Iu Lautati a million ai people bail essemblet u intae sîreats tla viconia lia Prince. Thea alarnuslralians la hie favon v'ceemoal enîinsiestie. nananus Riai'a Eîecu li te Wiîes sud Negraca. Tite revival ai saîpuan>' logielehion ln Ontario te illustrated lanthe illegel Acta lu refereuee habuses cf publie- anlerlalumeul, calîsla ommd alter scitemes la malta people godi>' b>'lAd ai Panliamaul. Everyn>' av nS again ideas tahe haIS ci thre publicmd ver>' inanci citer 1h. fashian cf an opitemic, vlîici t as at having- speut its force passes ave>' te give place la soie alter ion aifdisasse. At ana lime il vas Seenied ho blie "auI" fanpeoaple te wear claties ual prescripet ionrtein. Tite iev migil inalulge tlita naes and themr caprice ; tire ian>' veme canaigu- aS ta e coufomrmit>' vhicir vas iniceome as vdilas Indicions. ia Seltlant, iu 1621, an act vas passed prabibitiug all but t l"priviieged fev" frai heving - "peaning ofiribbeuing upan lteirruffea, earkie, naipkines, sud aokkim," sud pen- sons vho ver. pammilled ta vear suait "inippenies" vere obligeS ta vear cal>' suc s vere ci Scalliela manufacture. No clolias vene ta be gildeS vilh gelS. The fasiion ai claties leieluexistence' vas ualtanho citanget untier s penalty ai £100, ta, be paiS b>' ltevarer, anS as mucib>' lisemahor. No castorblaIs vere la b.ven, excepl b>' the privileg- et. Agrienitural habanera, tiroir vives sut chiltren, vere tla vearnoueling but gray', wite, bine aut bledk claoti; mate lu Sellent, unden a penalty ai £40. Iu 1696 u ac t vas prapoaod but net passaS Ifonenaconstant fasiin cf cioliras fen mca anS cuotiier consantu fashion af dattes for vomen." lu Englandthelita eastala of ltinge pro- vailet, ant poqplo varehtob>' lte 1ev viatalhp>'miglit on migt neit ear. To as>'tle disposition runes in tle dir- ection oai theminiug wvitlmin anS vonten une> alaot at and triaik, for tha preailiag isalalons lu respect ta ligia shirts eunditeat-gean show ltaI il is ne langer pssble te contrailitetateafan dresa.%Blutiel l. armach>' vautet lai net Bo luchirestriction information, atucalion ; anal vîtn people aI large cen ho brongil la uùaleruslant Itliat ex- ceea in eaiag anad dninkiug are net oui>' expea-aive, aometiniaa muinoual> sn, but are certain rosSe lucari>' Sealih on lue- longtisase, it is iihely liaI asncbtex- ceas viii cease amaug' thici, as il ina aireat>' ceaaed among ltae Ittler lu- formotsutnlte more jualiciaus. Prospcts or the Western Wical Vrap. Chicago, Ma>' 1.-Tua Titra-s pnb. lilies repiorts ir.m a largo tausuber ai points lunlte Nort-vet'a nt Hau- ss, enîncu>, anti Misissippi, regard- i lte wialet' vlteat prospecte, frai wviicirli t;e ioiiavîng analyseif is mate: -Frai Illiuiis-12 countita repaît huit a amali ameunIai vietat luinlu fermera' hanta ; 12 rapont e lange quanlil> ' 23 repart ltae acreage ci graving croit bs han lest yean;; end 12 repart il monoeIlian lasI yean ; 82 giva ils aatnition as gond on faim, eut 9 as batl. Frai Iudiane-21 conliaes repart emnali, hta Seven a lange quanti- ly af oéait vt on ubaut ; il have e langer, eudt tiirleon a amellan, acreaga soya titan lasI ycaan; 20 repart lia. gneviug crop lu gooth or faim candtiin, a lu nine il is batl. Frai Michigan -15 conallea repart lilîle, und 9 report ninca, 0ail wheaî ait hant ; 18 plaulet utote sut 2 las inlar wiet flitaitlest year, aeutIhie gnawiiag aap le aven>'- ahrin l-god or faim condition. Ia 011i0 1l canliis have amali enS B htave largo quacahilieu ounlieuS ; Ore- port greatar, 5ilobse, aud 7 au aerage ecreaga ovu ; 106rnoat gonoronfaim condition ant 5 bail. Iu Missouri, 10 siali anS 1 largo stock au -hautl ; 8 piautlSmore and 8 bas vinton vîseat ltan al year, cnd cll sihow lta groav- iuîg ciop flounîiliug. Tbero is 11111e olS vitel at nHanses ; ail piauleS mono .vwiat hautt IsllcS and il &Uilîin lugond candition. In Kenucky the fenuters have lutIle aIt viseat :five aqunlies re- part more and Iva lese titan lest yean, andtie agraviag crop la goat. The mconérenceofa lte thneq Imponiel Cisaîtedlors et Berlin ià uait tithvoe-e sultaS lu a determinehian net te inter- fera in the Tunhisi quemtion ah premeul, but proe on Parle lic necessil>' cf comphyîug vithtthe necaninendtihonu couîaiued lu CeunI Andrassy'u nota. Man is Sesigued fer an active lieiug, anS is spirit, even restlese le net arn- ploye n p ou voitb>'ansudSigniifieS cli- jeols, viii oflen relier engage lu menu sud 1ev pursuils, than suifer thte4etiiens sud listties feeling cannected vil'lb in- dolence; anS kuevletige la nelese noces.3arýn>' lusnegthening lte ýmid, thau-in- presenving the. punit>' cf hhe affectioP n ethle heart. Tca Nelrvans retraîtton idver Cataphaints M = oelln af tue IL Noises ite HIeSla Ears - lamsa of Euergy and) pett Hypochandrla Femais c mlain Y., on -the rnarning of the.làth -inot., Hati A., 'Wifa of Wiuiam_ýk. William. son, aged 27 year&. WHI TBÏY'MABË.Ný'R. CONiIoLZ OrnesP, M8y l7t, 1876.' SýrLng Wh at. .,95 ot #100 Barley, No. 1, 75c;No. 2, 055@" 75 Claver .......... 8 25 $9 0 FPees...... '. .... 65e @70o Bak yePea .....90e O95e Be ... ..65o 70c Oata ... ........40ec Pot eloeu....o C85 Egg ..7...... 12 18c Butter . .........- ..20@-28c. Coal, per ton.......... 07 60-1 0 Woo&d...............840S0904 50 Pork, per c"- . -f7 X @ 7 50 Chiokens ............. 80 @,40o perpair Ducks purpr.........B oO Tuxkeys, per lb106 Apples, per bushel.). 40@ 600 Cheme...........îo@l. Wool ................ 28o 800. Beef, hlnd quarter ....8550 @ 16,~ Beef, fore uate #5.,50 O@14#6 Sheepeius....... ..#1 50:@ 12 50 Hides............ 84 00 @80 Onions... . . .f(A TurVs ............. 15o0 @ 2b Compu'orxiri-The egresable character af this preparatioan'ieu rendered .il ae-ganeral favourite. Made su*mply with bailig weler or milk. Bach packet a ibeoued. Jmxs Eppe's & Ca., Hamoop&thic 1he 0s, - Threadxieedle-wstree, a 170,Pceaiy Works for Dleirea r ean*m, E nstn rosa anaCamden ôTow n n. To Cansumptives. The adx'ertiser, a retired îhysiciai, ha'v- ing Èrovidentially diecavere , *hile a Med- ical Msiseioary in Soutbern Amia, a very' simple vegetabIe remedy forlie mpeedy and permanent cure 1aof Consumptfoun, Asthme, B3ronlihitig, Cetârnh,, end ail tlxoet and, lung àffectione,-lmo a positive ana radical speci. fie for Nervous t)ebility, Premature-DecaLY eud al Nervous Campieit,fàees it hi &uty ta make 1,1 knaws ta hie e uflering fellaws. Actuated'by liii mcétive, lie will cheerfully scnd ( 6cf chorge) ta ail who desirs il, the recipe o.r preperiug, end fuI diretions for ucesully using, Ibis providsntially dis. covere& remedy. Ïuse whli'wimhtoauil themselves af tic benefits ai thl discavery wilhaut cast, cen du so by retu ma=94 by - eddreasiug, wilhslemàp,namxug %Peri Da. CHýA,1.EP A 88 Niagsre Street, il-lyr BuLle, N. Y. OXYO'EN 18 LIFE. TVR. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE.- IMUL.TITUDES 0F PEOPtE are hope-- lessly auffering froua Debilit:f'Nervous andl Liver Complaints, I>epression af Spirits,. -Hypocliondrie, Timislily, Inaigestio an Psu - ure of, Hearing, Sigilt ana Memory, lussi:: tude, Went ai Power, &o., whuse ce md.- mait of a a e necure*by tie uew reed P110SPH0DM (bxanic Oxygeta), wlic et once allaym. ail irritalians anS. -éeats- meut, impaxts uew energy sud lifetàa lie' enfeebled constituition, anS repidly cures& every stage of these hitherto incurable asud distressing.maladies. SolS by aIl Chemistm euS D ugiîa hrougiant the. Globe. -_WýG1UTION.-The large ena incres- ing' demend for, Dr. Bright t Phasphodpi-e hM lea ta severil imitations uiader similar naines; purchamers cftlis medicine shanid -therefure bec creful ta observe thel e'euh case bea-ra te GoverumnentStemp, 'with the worde Dr. 'J3right's Phospbudyne, -en- gravcd thereon, aud theithle saeawaidse are .sa blowu on lie battls. Every caue beers the Trade Mark of iuauea patentes.~ EXPORT AGENTS.-Nartop, Watuey & Ca., '107 Seutiwark St., London, 8. B. NF.W ADVERTISEMENTS. RiVTnYIGH SOHOOL. ENTBANOE EXÂMNATION.. Thc ne xt craminetion for-admission 'wil b. hiaSou1 Tuesday 27th, and 'Wednes- day 28 th, June, 1876, &tg, a.M.' GEO...BOBINSON, M. A. Hleaa Master. Hligh School, May, lti, 1876. 21 1p UBLIC NOTICE- Ia ierehy givexa tiatthlisCourt of Revialan for the Mfunicipality cf the Township of Whity ILbcehl o 'Whilby, May' loti, w HITBY MR( Th~e Annuel me chonles, Institut. xullllng tIhe annu offcefalr lie euse - heur reais, aveý 7turay eenuis -st Whitby, May' 10th, G R AND Pleasure Excursion 1 THE STEAMER WIll, on Wedlueeday, the 24th instan-the Queen's Blrthdsy-mae a Grand Plebmmt Excursion la Part Hapeand 0abarug, bey.- ing WVhltby et 4.80 o'cIoc" in henmOMD8. RermasNIsO.-WIkillleave Cobourg et 4.15, nS Port Hope et 5.15, arrivlng inu Whltby about 10 o'clock ' p. . NO mrare favforable opportuity could pre- sent iteeli for takinig e short, comfortabie, euS cieeptnip on the Lakce, as 'weUl as for witnesig the Races, Games and Base.' tua frant vialeveri vouas energyanddoa ful blood andSfsah.i therefune. a nmarveli ingiipaired and b Itqulakiy improves allen lu une-h a dogme emn 'td, uta 11'increasme in qui 'hewhale mystein r hemitia. Ti he s nature lu generate w reliy u lewspai clealu evuS meacn teiis. beneclral ef en einalue or ecgti the rau a, It( kunaccuetmae3Dit streu ~tu ,insute liaeland Phasptrc - Pinat', zlis tao'] theain a mes u=al th audf 1m her huîre imyanto e' esse eses a' nevqenteeey e liea mcrÉ invawebt uCASpES t et xcs dlom'relas forh Gleanand Italn, tit. ase, baiS fforpr. tnlgh imevenel tmltaltonnr Entmi ov ere * <aliS t t5eonsn autle vn. aee Ever'm cena lar 1 adPatet Fonuse re pontnlea st'a, alinhi gean, ]£dram. B mevLanLae &a m odo D. BC.h 285, en ofth oi Rarefui a onserve J. s Ger Sns, 1 aad n b.oaellaa,Qt L. f adt, aee. - ele ' . agi~ *_ FLO et i -O ER ZOO

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