Whitby Chronicle, 18 May 1876, p. 3

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ON THE GENUINE. on improv4 F=rmor City' P"oe~. ID- teresa; alèhpar cent. pu ar =.unnm ah Ofince-Over Dom. Bauk * Toronto. Toronto, My4ltb, 1876. 4n9 'aeiOctober 111h, 2lm0 UND3] DIiTflitlISED PATBOSÀAGE. DII. BRIGIT'S ý PH OS8PH ODY N E The New Curative Agent, audoni>' Re- liable Rimedyr for NWrous and Liver Complainte.. Profosijoon ta bc unesld for tIi over Lu repleuls he .v &ci fthe. bodl b sitppl lai't haesuenti contitueu thei oau4 UmIe substance, and for devaloplng 1h02le -su ad funetions of the mytern to lu 10apeb e ta ithe patate asd ntienuoet lu Il.moIon vii.reau a .extr dnar poti ; andnia tpecille.-au laengu2ii knWýthorapeuitle gent lts e 0prescul ay for thoePed0and permanent cure of- ervous Protray u , Lassitude. oer complainte hhortume0f Ereall Palpateo t&"-.01 arTrenbling u ft lhi ~uhfa lu II. em! nti m aud limbe Natts tutheHeadandImparedNutrition. ]Car# 1 Meutlianti phymie" Lois of Ener yaund Ap. Depression t4t4 ongmnption (ln the vamasCompn teta Timidit>' <lsipeýDobLI>' Eruptions of the on kin LPla rn. mpafred Sighk andi Iliyeacty for Otutiy or Memnory lusieu, Nervous-Papoles siltkuatiabe Nervous Debility lu IrnpavertseetiBlondi au lio stages 1Prerature Docliii,, anti ail morbiti conditions of thi se m r lue frenwhataver cause. The mo thet b Phoaphodyne ta twofold-on thc ou. band Inl- Oreellalgthé itrineiple whlch coustitutoo uer. vous anergy, ad n thle othar th. muet paver- fui bod aundflash gseraliug agent knovu: therefors, e marvellaus medine for rsnoatw- 105 i'im e4e undi broken-down coutltutlons. Itquie LyIproves the functlous 0f asimil. atloutomucli eg oe,, aI viere for yeers an - smeulaotd< seuse, heloh il.p l417 inores Iu-qnantity'1and iruines, and 1h. viiole systeinrotur 10e Ble. f robat hsoalth, Tie, Phouphutiyne acte clectrlcally upon thie crganlsatlou , or Instance, Il assste nature tlu genere tb iat human eectrlclty whieli roue"santi rebuiltis 1he osseana mus- cular, nervous, meuibranauosand t 0rgnc ys. terne. Il operates ou thc aYa1m ltien excit. ing cars or thought upon, the, ndividuel as to 1hé prooo. IU moves th.elump, livar, heaut, klinsyo, stomach, andti lteitiiés, vlti a har. mâ.ig ,yel mltne. nuparelledinl In o# PI*hodyue givas back lt te human structure, lu a aultabl* forrn, the phosphorle or aulmating ament of lie, wvielibas been waste4, anti ezerte go importent influence d. recti>' ou tie spical marrow and, nervous sysa. tain , anutritive tiouaniinvigorel gq elaracter, mslntalng thl bayant sunerg oz thé brain asud musculer aystom, vhlcirendo'rs lhe mind ahearfulbrilllaut, anti aurgstlc, en- tiraioly re "0 aIe duI]].nactiv*, Andi ainj iUblal iiiicf l nan>' perons exp.r suc.lu in Itheir actions, Taebénéficiai affecte ofth. Piohodne are fraqueuti>' shov frron the. &0rut yof Ils a4mnlstration, b>' a rsrnarkable lucreese of nervous power, vltli a feeling of vigour anti comfort. lu vhlch 1h patient lias long beau unacousteetiDigestion le Improvad;the i epptit. lnuesswontisrfully - 1h. boyauq beceme regelai' tihe ayes briguier -,lie skin, clouaiatib alli>"- andthle bairecquirs strset h, sbowlug ibeimportance ci the ac- tion uthe bouphodyne- on 1h. organa of nu- tritioni. Finally, the Plipliodins zuelutelus a car.- tain tieeesaoetactivil>' lu 1h. pravionsi>' tebili- tated irvbu mystezu: Ite use anables ail de- bllttatiorgans la raturu ttheu sonnati mIe andipertoizu iair naturai tunctions. Persans suff.rlngIrom Nervous Debility, or anyoithle hungira4yrnptons whlco etIistaslg dis- sema0 ssumes, Me>' rest sasrat of au affsctual and aveu speati ours lisjutilcions use of this must invaluiable rembti>. DIL BRIGHT,8 PHOSPHODYNE 91kSOLD ONLY In CASES at zos. .Sd. b>'li Ciemniats andi Patent Medicine ycndors througbout the Globe. Pull drctons fer Uae lu the Enallli, Frauci,. GÉipan, itaiean, Dutob, Sani oriuse, Ialli 1huslen Turkle ,Perslan, indu- otite, Ïatirassa, B3nglee, Chinae . ntiJap. eus., Languages, eccompanylng sacli Case., 1W*8OUTN-The large ant i lureeslng de- menti for Dr. Bitll' Phosphodyne han. i.t t saverai Imitations unuter imailar namea pur- chasers of tht, medicino shoulti therefore lie careful lu observe lithaeli cass boira 1h. Eunglish Govermeut Slamp. viththle words Dr. Birigt'% Phomphotiyne engrevedthlereon, Whilte lettons ou reti grounti,>and liaI lthe mnends are aloo blowu ou 1h. bottis. Evar>' caebeaus the Trade Mark anti Signe. tiura of palentîoe. The.public are aimerncu A T ,,WRIGHT & BROOKS' BROO10K STREET. * Wliltby, May lotit1 1875. 20 w HITIY MECHINIOS' INSTITUTE. The Annili-meeting ci the Whlthy Me. chanles' Institute for tie jurpase or mnb- uiltting thb. annuel repori, and electlng -Officerm for tie cnsulng year, wlU b. halla their rourna, aver the Exprss Ofica, on TIturdîlay ovenilng, thie l8tlt instant, et 8 o'clock. D. ORMISTON, Secretar>'. Wbltby, May' lti, 1876, td.20 MILÂ D ÀIWAY OP OAIiADA. -TI ME-T ABLE. .%I;Sà 1. pceHope te Lipasay L.av. Port Hop- Galng Norbh ta Peterboro' kLakefieltd. Mam ..12:10 p.m. 1 Mixeti....... (Xamug South tram Orille ta Lindisay', Peterbora' and Part Hope. Leave Oilli- Mail ... 1:00 P. M. Ar Pt Hope 6:45 p.m. Comlng Elouth fhum Lekefielti. Mileid ..., 4:45 a. zM. Mal.._.2:00>p. m Conncta wit$ the NIpstg Bâlw t l and irinTornto idincedlate staylaà etmillbroak frPeebao nt rEl on tt Lxé hort; mnheln, tean iyluk lieu ortlogosxte et ýj lot; theilIofi n e east, ochial lu place of bgulg ai atto be onebAni W. Md6UiOCECOOHEANE. Ma>'lOt, 170.Village Clark PQ RT WHITYA"D PORT PERET J6EXTENSION EAILWÂY. TIME TABLE No. 14. Tskea effeetou Mondla>, Ma1>*Y 8b, 1870. Trains run >'TorontaolImîsî.Whiebhlatwen- tytu llutumslower thanG.T.R. lime, Ne. 2 KAZL No. 1 IX. wbibl... 1 10.10, Il 7.15 6 Brol . . ....10,80 " 7.85804 Myrtl ........ .10.48 " 7,52 i *a= it. . ......11.00 6.805 Maàncistr......11,12 tI 817 Prince Aian . 1.22 8.27 Port Pair>'..; .arrlvo 11.0 6.85 Manchester. 6.. 820 " 1.456 oSunit.......... 6.80 Il 1.67 I -Kyrts..... .,42 di 9.10" Brouklilu.... ........00 . 9 .t7 whti au. I17.20 AuÂ. 12.7 WIb.;*'- *, 17.80 Da. 12885 Whitby, n...nia7.88'6 8&1W ' *PlalluimstatIons. Trains stop on s« nais an!>'. Connectlug et Whitby Junelion vlth lbe G. T. X., est-anti vesl; et Port PeMri> ith stage for Uxhiritig0, anti steamer jaapie Leil fefLindsay, tiare conueotlug vith lie Mîdianti Railly> and i wth steamer for Fenelon Fealabeygeon, anti Sturgean Point Hotel, e beautiful plasure. resort.. - JAMES HOLDEN, -00- TÂ~E 2'IOTIUEI tliat the great chiefs, "Clean Hands" and "Big Push" have issueda àproclamation te aUl good Grits, .Tories and Grangers that silice the ex-1 tension to the Port Whitby and' Port Perry Ettension Railway is guaranteea by WHIT Y S/UNG RAESWhitby bonus, it becomes WEDNESDAY & THUB8DAY,, MAY .315t and 'JUNE lOt. the duty of ?rotectionists as FIRST DAY. #175-H1urdlle Race.' Tva Miles. $150-Peovlnce P»na. Haa 9175-Open toaui1. Heats. SECOND DAY. *l00-Province-bred. Daah 1& miles; handicap. 5180-Open ta . Duah2Qmilles. #l00-Domlnlan bargs. Oua-bail mile beues, 8 in 5. 0178--Open t alal. Mlle beats. Entris, clos, on Monday, 291h May', et 9 p.=. Entrauce 10 par cent. ai puie.. PETER WAXEM Sec.Tresurer. Whithy, May' Qnti, 1876. .1 pUESMAKING. The Subserlber bas ojened e store on Slm. ceetreet O s H A W Ay opposite T. W. Gibbis's Hardware Store, viier mie lsapreparedti taexecule orders for darnalngin Mb neoet Styleéand F'ahi ion; Chlldren'a Suits1 Ladies Unudlerclalli. lung &o. -Al aidera întrnsted lu ber cars biile care fulI>' anti prouipti>' alteuded ta. * MISS WALSH, Oshawa, Aprili 26th, 1876. 18 MANHOOD-: HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED 1 Jnst pubishsd, a new editian Of utDu. CUuVxuvxra.'S CEux- qBCW mTED EssÂT on th.eiradicacl cure (vithont medicine) of Spcrnetoi-rhoa or Serinal Wcakrnesa, Invulunlary Seminel Lasses, Impotoncy., Mentlianti I'lysical Incapacîty, Impedi'mente ta Maniage, etc.; misa, Cousumption, Epilepsy anti File, ln- dulgence or sexual extravagance, &c. LË'Price, lu e ecaleti euvelop, oul>' 6 cents 1 The coesrateti uthor, ln thia admirable Essay, clean>' demonstrales, troin a thirt>' yearei' succestlul practice, thet the alernung consequeuces ut self-abuse me>' be radical!>' cured villiaut tho daugeraus use of internai medicine or th.eItife ; polntlng out e mode of cure st once simple, certain and effectuai, b>' means of whicli ever> sufferer, nu malter vhel hie condition uiay lie, me>' bo, me>' cnrs iinll ebeapi>', privatel>', and radica 1p Lta"Tis ILecture should blinluhebbande of overy yonlb and ever>' man in the landi. Sent under seal, lu a plein enveiap, lu any eddneee, posi.paid, on receipt of six cents or two puaost euipe. Addîes tic publishere, F. BRUGMAN & -SON, 41 Aun-SI., Nov Yonk. Post-OfieBox 46M8. . ly.17 8BY-LA W, No. 71 0F 1876.1 COUNTY 0P A Dly-Law te close up anti PxTAi-aî,. disposeocf lie Roati acros; THORAH, Lots 6 ant in elulotaCou- 1870. cession ot Thorai. Wioreas, lie roati on anti mrose lots six anti seven lu lie Final Concession ut Thorai bas become unuecossar> b>' roasan cf lie roati on anti neer original roati alluv. suce bettvoen lie lit anti Qnti Concessions, et lieait lots six aind maon, bavlng beon a peneti up anti constructeti. The couneil ut the Corporation cf th. Tovnship of Tiorai edcs as follova t- lst. Tiel frein anti aller thodueal paso. ing. ufthle By-law, lihe sali noati on anti acrcssLots 0 anti 7, lu lie sai lot Conces- sion cf Tiorsh, bie clomed up, anti h o n loug-er osdered a Pub 1< Higiva>', ofthle To fs>4tTionai. Quti. Thotthlbsaîd rmilbhosoldte luthe prapriolrs othe adjacent land, astliseani anti rate eftotn dollars per acre, praviding liaI If the pruprilaora 0f lie adjacent lauds shah tiebline or refuse le plieame lbe saiti romd aet hprica bohrain sot forth, lien t si4 ho acteho n>' olior parties aI lie sae yr n> ,geaéer prie.'- anti ..te sale En auci <Arashail le coutuc~idlunsuch man. uer as thie Coundil siail order or tieternine, -N. F. PATERSON. Reeve. NOTICE la boreli>'givon liaI 1h. above By-law vii li e broulit belote lie Council oftThors, in týe own Hall, Beeverton, *il a v'iev lotie final paasing of lis ,aane, on Saturia>', the 27th de>' cf Ma>', A. D., 1878. GEORGE SMITH, -Township Clerk. Tienaiz,.Apnil 22ud, 1878, td-17 MWTB MACHINE WORKS i - CLTE CLATTON'S) -BROCK STBZEETi,-WHITBY. Theunudersignet beosilténforu lie forim. ers of lhe snrnding ceuntry', that h. lias Eu stocl A - largo aseartinont of Culting ]Boxes, CbunnsTurnà Drills Hursesakos, ars Ï ngMiii., Nc.. &es, Trc blbroa eInai dapi mduaexecuteai w weil as Free-Trjders that they should visit the LO YAL TOWN 0F WHITBYD and purchase their supply Hats, Caps8, and al kind8 of Gents' -Furnishinins , nt the store of HUGH - CBRIEN MoItILLAN'8 ]BLOCK, where ýcan always bc found the largeaI and bost selected stock of LA TEST NO VEL TIE$ Onterio Bank, Qnrlknmr Toronto, Blet ÂprE], 1870. 18ý . ECUORS' NOTICE!1 AU crediturs Of THOMAS BURNHAM,' late ci the Township ehtby, la inte Ceunty ci.Ontarlo, whiedieaon the lti daY ef M"ei,-luiae requireti an, or Th# 2fjth Day of Ma>y,- next thi sentiinlu BE. Y. Ceuipheli, Broolelin, one of theExeculurs; or to Davli Orn4ston of tis Thé Town of Whihy, lunb.hClunly of OnlarluSoôlicîtur flor ie Ex"nicutora efthle astate anti affects cf the aiti ThomaBitru. hem, ful particulars cf hem lams egainst lie estate out thid iThomas Burniazu, statlug -thie sinounlt tereof, fer, anti ou viiet acconul the samo are héa.L Anti notice te iereby given, liaI heomanti sitsîer sains e,251h Ma>', noxt, lis execu- foi vill b.eh tliberty' la distrihute lie assola ut thesami salate, or an>'part liere- of, smungst-,lie posns atitid Ihareto, haviug regard 10 i. clatma cf vhich uch Exeoutor han tien netice, . anti shall not be hiable for lis assets, nor au>' part tiare. of seotiltributeti, ta an>' poofet vose laim sncb exocutor shall net have lied notice et hhe lime et sncb distribution, AUl poisons ludot.d tethe lisdaiiThomas Buiniarn, are requiredtel maks immediats peymenlaoftheo amaunt cf indebtetineso la B. F. Campbiell, Broakliu, eue of 1h. Ex. ecators of lisetateo; ur tea vidi Oris- ton, Solicitor for lie sald Executors. D. ORMISTON. Salcr: for Executora, Witb>', April iSti, 1876. in.17 WA NT ED. - TWO APPEENTICES ta bairn the Dress-making. Aiso e Meehinest ta inn eltier a Singer ar-Have machins. Apl emus-. ROGERS, Wity, Meay 8rd,1870. 19 0 Ioo nfVSTED BAS I.70 during the past fev mantha, under ourimu- piarvoadaystemof t penating ln STocKs,* iliaka raducadtelunominal RUMB. and profits incroasod. Bouk conlalnig Eull iforma- tion sent on application. TUMB3RIDGE & CO., Bankeres & Brokere, 19-1>'2 Wall St. Ncv Yorke. N 0 T I C E. AI! accounts dus JOHN ANDERSON are te be paidthle undursigneti belono lie lst cf June, othorvise lie>' viiliebcplaceti lu suit for collection J. E. FAREWELL, Ilarristor, &o. Whitby, Ma>' $rd, 1876. 19 c OTTAGE FOR SALE i Tbat Brick Collage, juil noilliofuthle Brovn & Pettarson Manntacturiug Co's. Worke, vith th lanti adioiuiug. Tiere are on lie promises a Stabe, Hard anti Soit Wator, t&o. For furtber particulare e pi te J. E. FAR WELL, hlairister, &o. Wiitiy, Ma>' Srd, 1870. 19 IOUSE TO LET. Cantainiug Seven large Booms, Garden anti Stable, Heruti SoittWatoi. -Centre et Town. Apply te Wl!. TILL. Wiitby, April 26ti, 1876. 18 50 OoBARRELS Fresh Ground Plaster, FOil SALE LT PICRERING- HARBOUR AT 90o PER BARREL, J. H. McCLELLEN. Pickering Haiboni, April 201h, 1870. y EOMAN GIBSON, General Commission Merchant and Produce Dealer, Agent for IMPERULxnx atiCaîuirncur. UN- ioN Fire Ipnrance Companie. BATES 0OP INSURANCE LOW 1 Aiea Agent for lie Lo~NDO anti CÂNADILS LoaNxDAso ENCY CoucpaNv. Mouoy boan- ever imported'into WhiIby. Aud ut CIY0FTOO 1O, the same time aul good "IINGINS"I are to bring thoir Bmw Furs, aud reccive En tic lawfxil moue>' of Can- ada ,thic largest compensation ever 1offered to the faibliful. Therefore, at you.r peril, do nat forget to oeil on HUGH MocBRIENi HATTER, &C, YcMin'm Block, Brook St. (CeI. îc),Lcreg dal y foot cfrnge-S. Tonoet7.an. arives ah Niagaraet 1)6 m atiLeistu t10 a i.Cun- nections ion lieFisilfeuRcser Alban>', leveland, Nv okIhiatepï a &o. Tickets ant inlformation etgS ront 5trel. 18 D. MILLOY, Agent. D OMINION FLOUE & FEED STORE. CHARLES PENNYLEGION Bega ta noit>' iis friands and cualomers liaI be la nov prepare t o suppl>', Flour and Feed of the Best Quelit>', et the lavaîl living prlc4s. Flour, Corn, Cih-Feot, Bran, Sixorte, OaI-. meai, Cracketi<'S1ieal, ries, Oatm, Po- lalee, &Î., aI whieeale anti RelsiL. Clieaper ltai ftOth e C eaf forCasht. At lie Dominion Fleur antiFesti Store, Crosby's Block, 'East dean, Duntiai Street, Whitby. CHAS. PENNUYLGION. Whilby, Aprili 241h, 1876. 18 T 0 FAMRRS AND LANDOWNERS i Do you want to borrow money (Re.pàyable by iiaimautm.) To buy'more lat> tIr >'eureo or for 'Y"%r sons? Te huilta ahouas orsa bain ? To fonce, dlean,unudortiraun, or otherwise lui. prv Luland ? Ta pa>' off a Mortgage or bOrfor an>' chier purposo ?1> If you do, lie reuice t ruis oethle CÀxa- CL. PxmuxtT Leni Ai» SLvmGce Cousaav, viobuesmade moeomans lu Frmons turing the lut twentyyersliu n> tier, afard- faciitiassud atanaoeruoe unequaleib>'y yCompany' su lie-Damin- ion. The HigiesI prie paiti for gooe&Mortgages. Porfurtier information, appi>' u" 10 Set iýtby, May' lbth, 1876. ~EDWARDFRO$ST A lowis the mos for Egs auch B&tter arocrlié, 6, at The 04d , -Fellows' Hal,4 Whitby. E. FR0.T Whýtby, May l6th, 1876. QýH IL DREN'YS - 000 - C ABS. Ulatch Brothers desiring to s7elbal- anc4 of their A.merican Cabs offer them at reduced prices. Thefr are strong, durable and well fliaislied. ------------ 00 E.&B. take pleasure in informing their numerous friends that they have purchased their stoc< of IRardware u.uder market value, and are prepared to oýl'er it to the public at a lwee"t profit. --- TO BIJILDERS. Itest Cut Nails, American Locks, Butts, Hinges, Glass, Putty, Genuine #'bite Lead, Boiled andi.Baw Ofis, Varnish, &c. J3arming and Garden Tools, Spades, ShovelS, Garden Rakes, Hoes, &c. Table and Pocket Omàets, Forks, Spoons, &c, Cutlery, CJIOQUET.-Good sets of Croquet at Hatel & Bros., very cheap, cail and see them. Whitby, MaY lOth, 1876. Importera of Sheif aundlIeavy Hardware.1 JUST' ABRI VED T.O-DA Y AT 'SI A portion of the Bankrupt> Stock of Lockhart & Holden, Toronto, PI LES 0F PRINTS AT HALF PRICE. Ba'les of Grey and 'W~hite Cotton Lesu than- Manufacturers' Prices. e~ancy Dress Goods and Black Lus- tres et Remar-kably Low Prices. S$ilk Parasols from'50 Cents. Lsi Threý,d Gloves, from 10o a- pair. -- É,eather Tickiugs and Brownu Dueke, 4t t4~rate of 50 ets. in the dollar. Fine ail Wool Tweeds very, iow. TOGE ~ER WITH A NEW AND WELL SELECTED- STOCK 0F -GENEBAL SPRLNG AND SUMMfER DRY GOODS. ÇàIl and examine, the Bargains Winl not last,Ilong', the *prces viiM Bl them i DO'MINION WÂR BEROO'0M&Se à,Ift "r Spring Trade, 1876. Fuiprin pxhsases, have been made with muph thouglit an= nnd cra dcose of Britisi, Frenoh, Â'merje,ýn aud COùa- Ortiers for din oode. To buy' gooda well one musot haie acoosa to a stock whàich gee Gartit lias beenwefl 'bought. -* We, are, sellng,.many linos of this Spring's Goods lesa Agente for1 thim -thie 1mare Èo066 cst one an& two yeara'ago. --whrEby, ÂprE Oui rie is ,<eztensive. We have special lines ofFB Dr .- odman>' oonfne& to ur.owniHoue., FO s ~ D~.. ..~.O L.i>'- ~L. ~ L:L C-)- i Tht aIg 1.uoa .LLaubu rum ? o t ) cetnzsb, JAux LLo LLLEL1J1mg Am -cents,Âecn and Canadian Cottons frorn 8 cents. We have a large stock of French, West of England, and, -Canadian Clotho, >Weý have ,ail the.- Novelties of the seasoni. Oui prices are Close and styles* Superb. Welhave a large stock of Choice Millinery, a firat-elass MILLINER and DRESS-MÂKEB, and a Fas]hionable TAILOB. .- We solicit an inspection, beore- purchasing, We feel confident -aur priouore, not onI>' aatîufatory but attraotive. 1Whitby, May' 2nd, 1876. May 1Oth, 18-76. LAING' LOWES & -POWELL, May 1Oth, 1876.1 &STEWA RT Beg leave te invite their customers and the general public te their -store te compare pricès with any ofi'erd lun the' Town. They have no intention of retiring from the -retail tr6de, nor of offering Bogue Bankrupt Stock, but they intcnd to give thes ver>' best value the>' cen afford. They have been 80 fortunate as te fmid several leading hunes much below the orcinary prices, and offer, not at cuit flop under cuit, but on a ver>' small advance. For instance, New ])ress Goods at 1o per yard, in plain Lu stres. New Brown Duck. at 12%c per yard, worth mucli more. New Union Tweed at 37J cts., itsual price 50 cents. Whitby, April 121h, 1876, 1 JlT RECE IVBD 40-23ALtl NEW SPRINÇ- OARPETS WILLIAM GORDON Bespecttnlly solicits intending purchazara te luspeot bis stock of Brussels, Tapestr>' and Three-ply CarPete, Floor Çloths and Cor-. ticines, DamaikB ana Lace Curtains, Window Polos, Comnices & Fringings. Arlof wblch -wlll bc sold at tisiovest prie. Wl!. GORIDON, Apri 11h, 176. 181 Yonge St., Toronito. AillTH, 1876, '16iPIL WIi WbarO A417r mgn;Contracte a ubu îoastl E XCUTORS' SAL OF0>'VALUABLE P. B.-The gols offered are in the lateat styles, and in the leaing IFARM designe, andaflot the accumulation of years. M- 1Whitby, May' lOth, 1876. RAIL WAY Respectfully youre, LAING & STEWART. BY-LAW -CARRIED --00 Plated 1 M«jarity 103 ! An unen'pected figure, but anly a "d4rap in tMe bucket" Icom-1 pared u'ith the crou'ds now purchaging ROJ3ERTSON'S cheap Note Papers-y cheap Enveiopea, cheap Blank Books, cheap Pocket Books, and rnaki,îg thdir olter Spring incrchases frorn Hilm. 4 Qu.ires superfIiýe Note Pape r, iu neat wrapper, for 25c. 1,000 Good Commercial En-velopes for 90 ets. Paper Window Blinde, 110W stock, new Pattern, Cheap. Ladies Back Combs-A No. 1 Article, good variety, al prices. CROQUET-This popular Summer game at very low Base Balls and Clubs-a large stock. low rates. Clubs suppliedl at J. .. ROB E RT SON, Bookeeller sud Stationer, Whitby. Wliitby, May 2nd, 1876. 19 ()ARIIIAGES AND BUGL1ES THE LA1RGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK,0F Cairiago,8leig h8 and. Cutters, M. O'DONOVAýNY'S CARRIAGE1 VERYC PROPE-RT'Y I Wil lie solt b>' Public Auction, on Tue8da.y, 2Oth -of dune, next, et 12 a'clock faon, on the premiss, Itho tl- lovung veinabis tarin prapert>'belongigt the estate cf 0he lte gnl IROBER!T WÂIXER. P'axcxu No. 1-Composeti ud 50 acres, mure or Mis belug p art of lot Na. 16, in the 5h con. 71 East. *htby, logether wlth Dvelllng, Bain, -wth Stan, Cellar -;Bout Hanse, Gooti Orebard , aud ont Offices, as nov lu tie possesaion of -Mr. William Bright. Thia nds in agoati state oet culllvation, andivel tencoJ. PLECEL Na. 2,-1WO acreIî mora or lesE, sltuatetioculot 'Na. 15, inu'the 5h con cf BEa t lbyît i tvat-store>' BrickHanuse,. tvo gond ai-ns, villi. atone tfùd&tundeIu Bool Hanse, Dniving House, Stable, gool Onchard, sud Ont' Officesa u nexsieut order, as nov in lie possession ut mi. John Oltielti. -The land ilainuaagood etete of cultivetion; there are-abiut 20> acres oft vooti land,a nover-faEling stream, andtihle praperl>' Es veil fenceti. TEBMS-oP SALE.-For Percel No. 1. Ton par cent. lu o, paid dovua t lime of sale, anti sufficieut le make terovilli, lbirt7 per cent. of tlb. purchase monoe' vElumn one manth tIlereatte.' The balance lu five -equel annuel, luelelments, vIih u- tereet et 6 per cent., per annuin, tae a e- cuiroti b>' muigage. For Parcel Na. 2,-Ten per coul., etthle lime of sale, sud esungli lherewith te malta tbirI>' per cent. of tb. vbole amount cf lhe puchase moue>', vlthin one menti tiare- atter. 0f tl i reudinto f tispurobase moue>', lie sui of #8,000 yl ho loftout- stnigas a fiit ciarge an tis proponty ; ineee t eight per cent., lu o payable tiereun during the lits ofthevidaoto de- cessoei.The balance ta hie payable Enftvo equal annuali nstalments viti interstat e six pur cent., pur annuin, te bc ecoureti b> morsgae.. Application for turthir particalasateoho matie luthe undcrsigned.1 J. B. BI<KELL, E xecutors. JOHIN D. H0OWEN, 11W. H. BILLINGS, oro Solcitor fui saitiExocuu, WWtlby, Merc 28bi, 1876. FÂCTORY BROCK- ST., "WHITBY. EIHBAP. CALL & SEE THEM. I Hlas muoli ple»,sqre iii ann0ncing that his Stock is com- plete iiievey ine. -A splendid assortment of i - 7-- LU.

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