And whereae coul.mtii lo tihélailwây Comanay, lo th. .:tent eofTwrnty tiousand ý dollar, oas hereinalter peovided;i md lie requisitenmb.r cfifree.i haldere af thé. &&id lown of Wiitby havé ptltlaned 'hie Municipal -Ceuneil of the #audCorporation af the towmsof aihtby1 as;@çjuired by th li. tatuteinliai à tbêhà lfo <ra subnaieelaa of a te, the qua. l 1fiéd ralepayers *-of 1h. .aid tawn of Witlly, eAho$izing the.ralsiog aoflthe um requlred d u machbonus. And wbereais for- suai purpase it le ne. oesamfr th le Munielpâl Curpor- ation outhle town af-Whitby tb raioe.1h. sum of tweuty lhoueand dollars And whereas the amonut of the exial- lng debt af the sld Corporation aofthe asid -town af Whllby le 1 r:y.ene thoupand two huudred dolasfoie principal, sua twelve dollars furi lteret; aud there la no principal lu srosr, aud twelve -dollars foie InterestinliiarroAr. *Ana wiereas lie total asbouct 'la bc raised annnally, Il sécil rae thouueana llars and Iciieret there- au, ae hereluafler provlded le- twa thourntl two iînudred dollars. Aid wiiereasthie asaunul of tie whole ratcable property ai the Munici. palti of 1h. luwn -of Wiitby, ac- co Uta lia.last resed sesess. ment rail for lie y car une thon- eand oghat huudrod and seventy-ý five la 048,882 dellars. Ani wheieae an annual speoisirate of 2 84/100 mille lu lie dollar upun h., Whole raleable property of lie sala towu of Whltby wlllbe ne.- cesary sud reured for payiug th. lutereot, afid formlng a Piuk- Iug unid suffiolont for pa.yiug off the principal of the said debt lu lie horshy created, wiliu lia perlod af twenty yoare liorein- aller limited iu liaI behaîf, accordug la tie provisions oaitho statut. ln tint behlsf made sud pravlded. Naw Ià le ioroby onacted lay the Mun- icipal CautoU illa.theCorporation ai th letowu af Whiby- 1. *TuA tueh By-law shahl conte ita force sud effecI upon, from ansd aiter tie fret day ai June, ans t haneand elglil huudred anmoyeen- 2. That Il shalhob.lawl n, for the pur- pose aforesald, -fuie lie mayor cf lhe towu af Whilby, sud ho le * hereby aulborized sud required lu Issue debeutures to au aunount ual excecdling lu th.en'Iole lweaty thaueand dollars, lu suais ai nat leos. Ibm une thousand dollars oai, iearniltereet at iteo rate of sixP t e -annuzn, aid une lhoand elgit hundred aud ninely-elx.- 8. The eaid debentureo shall ho res. *peclively sealcd -witi h.heseal oai lhe Municipal Corporation ai the town ai Whithy, and igied by thse Mayor aud cuunlersigned by fi. th Clark oi lhe lowu ai 'Whitby, anid shalî.bear date respeclivoly an lte day ou whioh liis By-law shahll ake effact, aud shahl be miade payable to-lhe hearer tiiereof ut tise Outarla ]Baîk, in thao Town of Whitby. 4. Tiare shah hoc à tlached tb lie eaid -dbouturee coupons ftaie-iopsy- nient ai tlîo interel yeariy dnring lia curreney ai lie eaizd seben- tures, whioi coupons sial hbcîmade payable aI 1he Ontario ]Bank, lu Whllhy saresaii, oauflic first éay af Jîno lu oaci year cluring lie ourrency ai Ibis ]3y-iaw. 5.Ti. dabenturse t be sired and lened as aioueeeia, mia ibhode- livored by eaîd Mayor ta tirco Triiitee, le b. uamod ne ollows : o, ne by lie Lleutenanl-Goveruor ili Conucil, aie by th.eaid -Rail. 'wsy Cumpany, aud one bythie counicil ai tic. lown oai Wiilby, lun trust ho ho by Iheun, under tIse di- rection ai tise Rsilway Comipany, convarled int money ; Secoudly, la depcat lia amount realized irom, suaisalo in saune Clîsrterod Bank in lh. Prorince ai Ontario, in tie vaine af lie Wiitby and lPart ,Perrv E xtension Baiiway ýMunicipal bIrust Account','aid ta psyhie o e eontI heaieau Compsnyon life.certillcate ai th. Chiae ginear ai liesaisi Railway, iu iaunarfohiowi go naaiely: one- haift loreai whou tie Baid Engi- neer shah crtiiy te saisi Truistee liaI -the said Branahinlegradesi la * Liudsay, sud lie tier balu hlareai wîeulthe sala ngneer shall cer- lily ta saisi Truees- Ihat lia, rails are laid au iad]3anei ta Lindsay. 6.iFor 1h. purpase ai iorming a siuk. 0afa deeturo, and f o t se r pose allihe paying tie interelt due liareon, st lihe rate ataresis, a seciai rate ai 2 84/100 mille lu lia dollar, lu adidition ho al athor rates shall ha raised, leviod sud '~cllectesi in asci year, ou al lie rateahie property in the said towî af Whitby, during the caultisuiace or curroncy oai'the.saisi deben. tures,. 7. And iilte sfurîlier enaoleu-t heIi saiai concil, liaI the votés ai the elolore ai ti.e sid lawu oi Whitby, ho takeon ou the prapueed by-lsw un Frlday, tie twentycigti day ai April, A. D., 187.- For Norh Ward, aI lie Oddiclows' Hall. For Contre Waral, a thie Town Hall. . For gauiîs Ward, st tii. building icuuwn- ai; MisRowe5oestane *store, ou Richmcond Streel. Tial tie voles allihe eleclurs @hall belieokn an liais on, Friday lie tw.uty.oighi day ai April, 1876, conimeucun g aieha our af ciii o'cioak in tlia. ninq, sud aloting allihe heur oi five ôlalck li the aflernaon ; aud tiat lie Returning oilýoers for taking tie eaid voles shah libe- Farn Xorth Wrh-Hugi Friser. For contre Wrd-JaaeisuA;Camp- bell." Fuie Souh Ward-Rlciard Snow. TAXE NOTICE th Iioglu purnauco laii clpaeesi by 7'ear oilier Majesty'e reigu, sud enlitiesi 'Au Ad luo Provîcle foi, vaîing by Bal-i lot oniiMunicipal lly-Lawe requiring -thei aeseât oalliaralepayers," tho Clerk oft he Connoii aof hie Corporation of lie Town of Whilby wll, allie -licur of i wlve 010ioc0s, nouou lin te lot day of MaY, 1876, allie Town Hal In thie Tow Owofi.,Wlîby, susa up tie'riumber -i vt*es given fuie aud agailuet hi. ly- anldthieMayor oallhe saisCoiepur. pli vu' hi ese on, Acourueay,. 555@tha ay of Apru no; sud ýtut allihe hour, day sud à cec tiereÎL' ilxed ýor tà klng ti tes of the eloctmrethe« poilis*ilbi THOMAS HUSTON, lerk. Whitbiy, April elli, 1876. NOTICE. The above la .eatroc copy pi aBy-law pussed by tbe Municipal Concil oftheb Corporation 61 the Town of Whitby, on the Flfleenlb Day of May 1876; andaau peu. sons kre hersby raquired ta taâe notice that suy une de.iroue ut applyiug to baire snch iylaw, or sny pairt thereof, quasbed, muet maelis application , fr-zthat purpose ta one c or Majeety's Superior Courte ui Commun Law, ut Toronto, during the terai uîth tiiad uperlur Courts, uext, after the specillpromulgatiin thereof ; by the pub- lction of this Notice in three coueecjltive dumbers uftheb followiug newspspUere, vis.: Tha. Wbitby Czraommz ansd WItby Ga.- ut, or lie wl -be tua late ta be hard in that bebaif; sud taise notice tbst snob term commences on the Tweuty.eighth Day at August, next. Vide 29 sud 80 Vic., Cap. 51, s.8. 22and 208. _ THIOMAS HUSTON, Clark. SM 0 KE13S-1 MIANY INFERIOR IMITATIONS OF THE "MYRILE NAVY" TOBACCO *Are now offerodi LOOK 01UJT 1FOR TRESTAJIP ON THE" GE NUINE. 21-Sm, Protecied by Zloy'aZ Zot era Patent,. - Dalod October iltia, 1860. UN ERDSTflNGUISHED PATIIONAGE. DR.B'BIGHST'S PR ý08SP HO0D Y NE -Tic New Cdurative Agent, sud anly Re - hasble Remedy-for Nervaus sud .Liver Complainte. bThais Plia,îhatliccombnlation Io vruuuunced y thelieist emineut saîeaabere ufthlie Medical Profeseion lu be uneqnslled for l. pawer lu replenisili e cvtalit ot -lie body, by its snpplylng ailtie cesen Lal constitacuts outhlie blod sud nerve substance, snd for develuping al lie powers sud faciina uftheli ysteai ta lihs iget dgrce. 11hl agrecabie tluthe palale sud innocent In ils action, wile relsiuling ail Ils oxtrsurdlaaary roperties; sud ase sspociiic, srpassing ail hokiowi lierapesatie agents utflis piceent' day for Lb.e peedy sud permanent cure uf- Nervous Prostration Lassitude. L'ver Cumplanîs Siartnusautf Breati P 1slpalalioafuthLieeanl Tremildiug o f lihe DBxiîzin.sbandeansd limis Nuises lu th. Head sud Inipatred Nuatrition. Eas .*Meutlansd Piyelcal Loua ut Energysund Ap- -Deî,regssan petite Coucuimption (lu lie HypociaondrIa rsi stage anlyl Female Complainute Tlmldlly General Debilîy Eruylion. f h Indigestion RSkin Flatulence Impstned Sigil snd Ince, aicly fui tudy or Meaiary Wlueinens Nervous Faiiei SicksHeadacie Nervnns Debiiity ina Inipovea-isical Blound ail Ils tages l'recatunsDocciti, sud ail morbiai conltlaus outhLia. ysalenianis- lng tram wlaslove cause. The action ufthLla Piospiodyne le twufuil-"on ticne hand lu- ereasing lbhe prlncile w0lliacunstltutaus uer- vous ensrgy, sud ou tlit atier Lie nict power. fui blond sud flash geuersting agent knowi : tieretore, saniarvellous modîcine for renovat. lug impaired -and bruken-davu caustltutions. Il qiekiy lImpraves aile cunctauns et assimil- ation te sncb s degnee, liat wioeê ton yesrs an eniancialcal. auxiaus, cadavorane, sud snii- vitlal condition bias exlsled, lie flesh i ll rap- Idly Inceese in quancity sud firanemesan sd Lie wbole systeni returu Lu a stats ut robust isalti. The l'husplod3m. acta eleclnlcaily upon lie organisation; ion instance,, Il assista nature ta generate thast buman eleclnlclty wbiub renownanad relmilals lie useoua muas- culs,', cnyons, menilranous, and-orgsuie sys- toei. Il operates on Lie systini wtion execit- iug cane or tiongil ucaun lie ludividuai as te lb. preos. Il mayas the. lunga, liver, beart, kialueys, toniaci, sud intestince, witi s bar- muni', vigour, Yul mlduess unaprailelled lu medicine. The Piasphadyn, îives bock te the.inman structure, ln a mntabie tfan, lie piaspiaunlc un anlisating lament of lec, whieh be uee wasld, andl exerta an important Influnce di- rectly ara tie sainal uaarraw anal norvone sys- tom, ut s nutritive, Ioule and Invigunattîng charauter, maiulalnlng liai i.oyaut uengy ut the linain ansucusiar systoru, whici rnuers lie mid ebeertul, billisut, ard energetie, en- linely overcoaniug lie duli, inactive, sud ai,- gisi disposition wiici maay pensons experi- euce, In ail tiir actions. Tie beneileisi cifecta ufthLb.Piaspiodyne arec tnctly'abowu trainthieftiret day ou tl adrûinistratiou, iay a reniankahale inccaesce ut nenvous puver. wiliu s feeling of vigour sud cunitont,touvilch lie pastientlliaselongbcen uînaccnelanied Digestion le impruveu; Lthe a=ppeilcress wouderiulv; Lie buweis beco0eregulan - Lb. eyes iigiler ; lb. 5km eran sd ieaîthy; sud lhe bain acqutres strenglia, ubowlue lie importanceuft lia'nai-- tian outhle Phuspiaodyne un lie organe afn- trition. Finsily, lie Phuspiodine nisintains s cen- tain degreceut actlvlly lu tbe pcoviuusly debil-. taled nervoua ystem : ils use ensiles ail de- bilitalcd organe t. returnuteatieinBouVd state sud perforai liêir ustunai uction./ Peuuns sufering froua NervouDauiliy, oanannyofut he bunred asynptons whiieb hile itrecing dis- caeassuames, uaay Testt ssuneal 01fan effecleni sud even apeedy cure by lic indIcions use ut lis Inicalnvaluable nemedy. DR. BRIGHT.S PHOSPHODYýNE 19SOSLi CNLY Ini CASES at cas. 6d. by ail Cierniats and Patent Medicine Vendons - lirangiiont the Globe. Fun dirceétione for !Use lIn he Englisi, French, German, Italian, Bitchi, sjuanIsi PrtuÉueas, Danlis ltnesiau, Turkisi, Poriein, HInde. stamn, *adraese, liangalea, Ciluese sud jap- 900a0 Lsnguasges, socompsnyiung e.ccCase. lWqCAUTION.-.Tbc-h large sud increasing de- masuf for Dr. Brigil's Piosphodyne bas led ta eeveral imitlationa under simnliar nanes ; pur- ciasera ufthIis cuedicine ebonlal tierefore be canetul ta observe thast caci case heane lire EnglihiGverninint Ssnrp, niti the worais Dr. lIigl ia ospiodyne eugrsved Ibereoca, white lçttere ou real gnonnd,i sud tlisthle caine wande are 'doilowi on lie bottie. ilvery caise beare lia Trade Maris sud Signa- ture etpateuteo. The publie are aIea Psrtieu- lailcautined agnst phaigalug ou imtlon Impored raithe UnitdStates, sud are reqeesteal la note tuaL lie directions for use are pcited lu al lie languages as abave, vithout n'ilci nouan aupoosslbcir genulue. * EXPOUT AGENTS. Norton, Watney 4kdcCo., 1057 Sua thwsrk Street, Evane, Lesuien d& Evans, 60 ialijolomeu. Close, Coudai E C, flcîeuyne, iteuirialge Ca., 10 Clemasecet. Man', Sun t1c hamean, 1ElAlderagale Street, London EC. Bala5 c au, i kningdun Street, London, Nwlrsr & Sons, 87 Newgat.e St. London X. C. li Cta Coin ma, dc Cc 5061tc Mt,D A xe, Ladu l tC., ldS Ladea ll teLu o.Ca, 2 Brabant Ct. Phalpat Laite, e ~~IMTI.W ANM 'Çýhltby, May 2sd, 1876. i d.19 :]LWBB i FLWERS 1 oVER 2>000 TO BEL4 Or FROM1 WRIGHT&BIOOKSY Wliitby, May, 101h, 1875. 20 p i~MÂKNG. The Subscriber basojee a ýtoreeon Sui-' O S H A W A, oppositéà T. W. Gibbe'e HRa ware Store, whcre eh. le prepared ta exec Wt orders for dressidkng ln tb eouewest Ste'le and Fash. ion; Obidrene Suite Ladies Unnderoloii. ing &c. Ail orders lntrnted ta her care là b. carefully sud proznptlý sttended ta. MISS WALSH. Oeshawa, April 261h, 1878. la MANHOOD: 110W LOST, HOW -RESTORED 1 Àà ý Just publisbed, m new edition 01 DRs. CULVZB"~LL'â OCaLE. 13ID EseÂY on the radical cure (without modicine) oi Spemstorrhoes or Séminal Weakness, InvolnnÎtMr Seminal Loeseu, Ii necy, mental ana Physical Iucspacity, Impediments ta Marrisge, eto.; alan, Conauniptian, Epilepsy and Fi t, in. duiec or sexual extravagance, &oa. LPice, in a scaled en'!elop, only 6 cents The clebrated suthor, in thie admirable Essa,learly demonstrates, tram a thlrty yeare' uccessi nipractice, that cousequences ut slf-abuse msy b. radically curcd withaut the dangerous use oftinternaI medicine or the knif.; pointing ont s mode of cure at once simple, certain aud effetuaI, ly meane af whicb eýery sufferer, no matter *hat hie condition !may b., may be, may cnre himseU chsaply, privately, sad racZclZy. LiTkis Lecture éboula be lu the bande cf svery yauth and every manu in týic land. Sent under seal, lin a plain ovelap, ta sny address, Post-'eaid, on receipt uf six cents or two post staunpe. Adress th publisher, P. BRUGMÂN& SON, di Ann-SI.,New York. post Office Box 4688. ly.l7 BY-LAW, No, 7,, 0F 1676, COUNTY OP A By-Law to close up and ONTASIIO, dispose of the Road gecs TIIORAH, Lots 6 and 7 in thc let Con- 1876. J cession ut Thatali. -w m~uceas, the road anbu Ëbrase oà lote six sud seven ini the Firet Concession of Thorali las becomo uunecesffary by reason ut the road on and near original ronad slow- suce btwesn the lot and 2nd ýconcession, at the.Gsld lots six and seven,i having been opencd up sud canstrucled. Thle cauncil ut the Corporation ut the Township ot Thoreli enaala ae foilowa: lot. That from sud atter the final page- ung ut the By-law, the said road on sud across Lots 0 sud 7, in the ssid let Conces. sion ci Thoral, be cloaed-up, sud b. nu lon1ger considerod s Pubi Higliwsy, ut the Township ut Thorali. 2nd. That the gaid road b. soidtu lh. =rpiturs ut the adjacent land, at the sura su ratfu ten dollars per sure, providing that if 1h. proprietur.i ut the adjacent lande shial deélîue ar refuse t urarsse the said rond, at the price lierein set frth, tien it shah ibc sold'toanay ather parties at the sarne or auy - feater prie; sud tic sale in sucli case niL hecconducted in snob man- uer as tihe Cuuucil salal order or determune, N. F. PATERISON. Reeve. NOTICE ia horeby giveii that the above Bylwwill be brouglat befor, lhe Council utTbnlin the Town Hall, Beavertan, with a view ta th. final passing ut the sanie, on Saturday, the 27th day ai May, A. D., 1876. GEORGE SMITH, Township Cleris. Thorai, April 22nd, 1876, td-17 w IITBYMACHINE W01IKS i (LATE 'CLATTO."S) BROOK STREET, WIaITBY. The udersigned bega ta inforni the tartai- ers ut the surrounding cauntry, that lie hias in stock a lare assot u Cutting Bouxes, Churna, Iuruip Drils, jHarse Ilakes, Wagous SîîglsCarte, Fsnniug Milse, Ne s oe, Whiffle-Treea, Wheelbarrows, Ilepairiug af ail kind e execnted with neatuessnd deRpatch. THOMAS MrCANN. flrock-St. Whitby, April 4th, 186. ly.18 C OTTAGE FOR SALE i Tbat Brick- Cottage, bd porth ofuthle Browna &-Pattorson ManuiaýturingCs Works, witli the land adjuiuing. Tere are on the premises a Stable, Hard sud Soft Water, dcc. F or f artlicr.pitrticnlsrea pply wt- J. E. FARE WELL, Darrister, dcc. Whitby, May 3md, 1870. 19 H OUSE TO LET. Containn Seven large Ruoma, Garden sud StabeItard sud Soit Watcr. Centrs WM. TILL. Whithy, April 251h, 1876. 18 w VHITBY HIGH SOHIOOL. TARE NOTICE that thegreat ohiefs-P Handa" and "Big have issued a procla "dlea~ to ail good Grits, Tories and r Grangers that since -the ex- I..1 tension to the Port Whitby and Port Ferry Extension 1 Railway is guaranteed by1 aIEA T ?iDTJ TIfr W(tb, ~1~6hTO SUIT THE TII IN THE 186- 0FORGANS DOMINION WAB Spring -Trade, 4irgens and -Melodlecn Organe at gral ee prices, for Cash. or Note payable inf'Oahobcr nent. <Js]1 t the "iORGAN FACTORY" andaexamine out' stocek. lSO oScond-ad rgane and mloeons'ah vry low prices. -THE MUDGE & YARWOOD M'F'G. 00. Whitby, May 151h, 1876. Whitby bonus, it becomes lC ILRi' the duty of Proteetioniets as weil as Free-Traders that they should visit the 1 LOYAL TOWN 0F WHITBY,1 andi purchase their supply Hats, Caps, and al kinds of Gent8' Furnishings, atie store af HUGH McBRIEN, McMILLÂN'S BLOCK, n'iere can always be founsi tic largest andi best selectesi stock af CABS. - 000- Hatch Brothers desiring ta seil bal- ance of their American Cabs offer them at reduced prices. They are strollg, dable and well finished.- .H. & B. take pleasure in informing their numerous friends that they have purchased their stock of Hardware under market value, and are prepared to offer il to the public at a "wee" profit. -0- TO BIILDEIRS. i Best Ct Nails, American Locks, BAts, linges, Glass, Putty, Genuine White Lead, Boiled aa BÈaw ois, Varnish, &c. Farming and. Garden Tools, Spades, Shovels, Garden Rakes, Eoes, &c. Table and Pocket Ortiets, Forks, Spoons, ,&c. Cutlery, Plated1 CROQUET.-Good sets of Croquet at Hatoli & Bros., very cheap, cail and see them. ILIAT-rrc I-I & ~o -, Importera af $helf ansi Heavy Hardware. W7htby, May lOti, 1876. d'U8T ARII-VED- TO-DA Y AT s 8~EJ 2 S! TES T NO VEL T/ES otino h Banakrupt Stock of evor. imporled into Whiby. Anda aI the same tinie ail goosi "INGINS" -ar, ta brimg thoin Baw, Fuies, aid receive in lie lawful mouey ai Can- ENTRANCE EXAMINÂTION. 1 ada tie largest compensation ever1 be held on Tuesday 27thi, and Wednes- day 28th)-June, 1876, et 9, s.=. GEO. H. ROBINýON, M. A. Head Master. Higli Sobool, Mss' 151h, 1876. 21 yE ýOMÂN GIBSON, General Commhision Merohant and- Produce Dea le. Agent for IMpiPE5UL sud Coasaxzmcu Uic- cros Fire Insarance Campantes. RATES, 0F INSURANCE LOW i Aiea Agent for thé Loacuox sud CusAxw LuAce à nc AoaccCY Coxrà e-r. Mono y ban. cd on rosi eetate, payablse maiTwo to Twonel-'years, andin-suais ta sot parties. 93' Intereeft -low aud nuo =mission chiarged. Mortgages bought. Office at, GIBSON & 5PAJVELL, 1offeres ho thc faitiful. Therefore, at. yout peril, do not fongel ho oeil on HUGH MoBRIEN,l HÂTTER, &C., McMUi, Bloek0 Brook St. -Lockhart & Holden, Toronto, --000-- PILES 0F PRINTS AT HALF PRIGE. Bçtles of Grey and White Cotton Les98 than Manufacturer8' Prices. ýancy Dress Goôds and Black Lus- treý at Remarkably Low Prices.- Silk Parasols from -50 e.Lisi à e Thiead Gloves from 10ec a pair. V-eather Tickings and Brown Ducks, at t4ie rate of 50 et,. in the dôllar. Fine à il Wool Tweeds very law.« T07EER WITH A NEW AND WEL S-ELECTED STOCK 0F GENEBAI SPBING AND -SUMMER DRY Gm!- CalI,and examine, the Bargamiins, will mot tIas~ he prioeewmfllBelthemL JAME-S 4876. Our Sjring purchases have been rnadewith- much diau Goods. To buy goadis weflune muet have access to a stock 'wiich las been well bougit. We are selling many lines of' this Spring's Goods les than the saine goods ecet one and two ypars ago.- Oui ,,Variety 18i extensive.- We ha-ve Àpecial lines of Dres--a good manycooufined ho aut, own House. Good Prints froxn 8 to 15 cents, Oxford Shirting 12j cents, ineriean ana Canadien CuItons from 8 cents. -W ave a large stock of French, West of England, and We have ail the Novelties of the season. Our, prices are Close and styles supcrb. We have a large. stock of Ohoice Millinery, a first-class MILLINER and DRESS-MÂKER, ana a Fashionable TAILoR.- We solicit an inspection bcfore purchasing, We feel confident Pur pria.. are nul only satiefaolory but attractive. 1Whitby, May 2nd, 1876. E DWARD LOWES & POWELL.1 FROST Alows the most for Eggs and Butteri in exohange for Dry Goods or Groceries, at The Odd ellosHall, Whitby. E. FR081. :Whitby, May lOth, 1876. May 1Oth, 1876. .May, 1876.1 LAING & STEWART Beg leave to invite their customers -and the general public to their store to compare prices with any offered ini the Town. They have no intention of retiring from the retail trade, nor of offering Bogue Bankrupt Stock, but thcy intcnd to give thevy test valuc thcy can afford. M SThey have been so fortunate as to *find several leading imes muai below thc ordinary prico., ana offor, not at cosi nor under coat, but on a vcry emalià avauco. For instance, New Drese Goods at 10o per yard, in plain Lustres.' New Brown Duck at 12je per yard, worth mucli more. New Union Tweed at 37J- cts., usual price 50 cents. P. B.-The gooa offorcd arc in the lateat styles, and in the lcaa4ing designs, and not the accumulation of years. Ilospcctfully yours, LAING,& STEWART. Whlitby, May 101h, 1870. 20 CARRIAGES AND 'BUGGIES! THES LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK 0F Caprnages, Sleighs and Cutters, M. -O'DONOVAN'S CARRIAGE, FACTORY BROCK-. ST., WHITBY. 'VERY OH:EAP. CALL & SEE THEM.- RPAIL WAY1 BY-LAW CARRIED!1 Majurity 103J1I An unetcpected figre, but only a #drop intihe bucket" coin- paried with îhe. crowdso o purcs<aig ROBERTSON'B chsap Note Papers, clceap EnveZopea, "lep Blanle Books., clseap Pocket Books, and maldng t"er_ -otiser Sprngypurlieassfrom Hum. 4 Qu.ires superfine "Note Paper, ini neat 'wrapper, for 256. nain roa taelieou. chu5 W. SiAUBICE, Msy l1t, 1876. F OR SALE 1I That eligible Fsnily13 celar. ses; - For Whilby, April 121h, 1870, -16 JST RRCEIVED 4.1 BALES NEW SPRING- G&tWIUTS WILLIAM GORDON Respcctfully eolicite intendaing purchee ta inapect hie stock utf Brussels, Tapastry aud Thrcc-ply Carpets, Fluor Clotis and Cor- ticines, Damnaksanad Lace Certains, Window Pales, -Comiesé & Fringing. AU ut which wIU be id at the lawest price. WM. GORDON,- 184 Youge St., Toronto. -Aprà Il 1h, 1878. 1 Tmg PAP Il 19ON FMME w1T5 $ 5ý) TO LOAN- On Fmrve araior; City Propcrty. lun- tre gltper cent. per anui. Payable MULOCK & cÂBL Offico-Over Dom. Bak Toronto, May l5tb, 18. »' 4in.91 N 0 T I C E.B AU sccauirla due JOHN ANDERSON sre ta b. paid the underaiguedl before the. lot ut 3une, otlierwiae tlb.y will b. plaoeil in suit for Collection. 3. B. FAREWELL, Barriater, dcc. Wbitby, May Srd, 1876. 19 $10PAMDÂPnupiT ortp 1700O durung the past ton' montbe> uaer aur tus. proved eystcm ot- apcriting ini STOCKS. Riaksa cncctanominal surasand iprofita increaacd. Book containing ful informa- tion sent on application. TUMBRIDGE &cCO, Bankere d& Braiera;- 19-17 - 2 Wall St. New, York. MANSION HOUSE, CO«lER KING AN<D YORSM., TORONTO, - *- ONTA2RIO. WM; KELLY,. PRORIETOR. This IHotà lis asitnsted irn tb. central por- tion ut the city, coiventent ta tue whalesals estîst a nuf sdpublcbidns u o touriste uï aini ltaellere ue a mont eligible situation. The bo u 'asbe tlaorounglly re-orgaireil ana ne-frih- tbnuugbuutasud us ftted ap in the most cuaifortable sud faelionable. style, equl to suyfizù.claehuseithe-Doinion. 'The bedrofia sud dxsn'ing-raooae are large sua siry, sud 1h. beat eanitary regalations are abserved. The lange sud oeuveuient suiple room, for thae accommoidation ut Commercial Tra. voilera are cammodione. sud coa'reniently locateâL on tho dirut at. SOmnibasses sud*<Jsnriagee - lwaye ready for the accoiuindaliou ut gesete arrnviug by all lb. trains asu-lembaats, saina bho cunvey them ta tii. depols snd -wbarvee on i.avlng. -Telegrspb Office in conneotion wlth Iis Honse.-- TEBRUS, 317 - fWPFER DAY. Toronto, Api 12, 1876. - 1 S TEA MERB- ~CITY -1,000 Good -Coniniercial Envelopes for 90 Cs. Paper Window Bllinde, new stock, new Pattern, 0 Ladies Back Combe-A No. 1 Article, Prices.- CROQUET-This populn Suminer vaxriety,