Whitby Chronicle, 25 May 1876, p. 4

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C1LLCOX,1 VISION COURT, dation Agent' Port w# ea--b- """ealli lu entas ta sfuit bar. ralltmeved Farms sud Wild Landu ebej.Itu Mde lu Municipael Deben. t, Bank, and éther nisikçtais le Stocks. r turter paxLionlsro pply te JAMES IHOLDEN, - OmiSel Aiigie, flralcr,&o 'Z9jEea0ver the Dominon Bank, Mo. 6i rcStWhitby1 lHY IMPORTAiT TOTG VE MUICAL -PROFESSION I tt Succees 1 The lHanji Guide for the Piano. 8iu Gtlde l the rsuI t oai nany 1 #wne .adstaly, snd ta Warrant. '*va blesst, sxMactnglis of fth# Cadi. #ilsâriL thefllogara Lte srike upon vilU tomaithetland aiiuetudce whtlete' .# re umptlcyiu4 <tn alagle passages, oiltal riit . 0eca tmoion, atîl la 00-m8elibg qitet un tbe lpart o! the Iononemnploy ed, tandi te Intensify ro-lg l s nilitaeaaa grsatîy the devel nt for whilcb the exercise te Intendati. y Guide lmwarranted tae tny squar~e Ml lsant once gsirpi'm andi trang. net e takan fron t tba , bocbg ibmlôw whtsn uaL roquirel. it Lea tny eclolrass upon reeslpt cf tho v plm hirctions CaatpgsWalnot lotî . *0110 mt~ plateà eOstioga, Rosowead Od» .......... .............6000 3-aCttsare rompee{fitly bivitetI 0 t1leni a tesýt as te their qualificatont. ofesser (G , C. WIOCINS, Wliitby, or refemeor C. MOFLIII, 1llewmutuville, tiele Agentst. Y, Jattry 18L4t, 1870.,. 4 1ENTS FORI NVlNTI ON8 ltoagli lsud vr)oarly seccnrot lfi it Co. 16 anti S ttus tndfl urt)pe. Ps- gtitrantetclor liec charge, Satîld for IlIENtY GIlIST, h i ihabitants cf Duffins' CrW4' nd Vlelnty -: I1Itave îîcw oneti a or'4 Shop lu MY.W. Citblertl' wîîero a ganneuler ai tieheeot dimpisys ai Park, suid Fowl tirer odeored ta te te, RestosouahîlaPrions I Cotmé me alil, auI rgeot lntltiuL te>(In yen y, De sulber 2ud, 1875, 52 tIJABLE P IIOI'IhITY F0OR SALE. Tlie enhe.clîter offera ftr sale te fîllew. g vat.hti1le property lu LisTa bvit af Wbt. z-An atcelieit fBrick Cottiage rith h acre lad, sîtuetetion tae crner cf Green tand .Peter SW, imi te Sounthi Wsrd. Alec, j i.' of landt, well feucoadin dl a bîgît t caIe, oultiratlon corner Wellngton ant ili. il mI., Northt Wsrd. 1 acre al Centre St. ttai lifthe esidajni (3,C.Draper, eq,, lu u ouith -Wac4< A loi 20. iseras af goatilandi, ingêco.iposoli cf part nf lot 18, lotît cou. mLawnehlp ai Murray, Co. Noctiumber. A. er sundIiiipablettltIswlll ha giren ai lte aboya preporty, For furtîtar par. teitamtsapply tb lht% owner. FRI'iANCISI CLARK. dithy, rouly 1871, St! 00O ACILII FARliIX MIA FOR SL Yet-httof of Lot 1-1 intlbé Sixtit couacs. 11 0f Marli. One..alf cisaretisi iite tiraLion, LpLg Houa,, Banit, &c. Wit- wo ulsecf lireclîtu.,Rallway station. H.B. TAYLO1R )AILY LINE TO ROCHEISTER. 1 Commenein onou Ai bout IWURSDAY. 3â011iAPIRJL 1170). N 0 ER1S E AN Ul niaklier rogilar trips an thie route Ving Cobourg crery iiîcrning nt 7:30, ail d o o at 7o'alck, foc Itactieeter, con- M119gthaeswIl the Naw Yack Centtral tlernCeatral, andi enal( jailways, aud a Ontario fillaôra Division cf theBrme, terlown A& Og(liesburgh a Rilway for ail nta Hast, Wout anti Sout.. avoax»'Iso tWilhers Charlotte (pof Iteite) dally Eat 9Up. ni., eceept Saàttor- ifWhob le swill l ave alO8>pmu, for- rt Hope direct, halera la stockA&. wll aid tItis te a5,ent sud. maiL expedtitroute tolDes- Albany, New Yack, &-c. orlafariniformation apply te- RB. C RAWFORD, Port Hope, or, C. Ir. (GLDE1ISLEUVE, April . 12t.t, M70. Kngton l &MtES Hl. SAXO &C0HAN7 F U R N I T UR Ef 1iE 8ALE &RETAIL. ooms-Albert Hall tgs 18 9 Yolîgo t l~ on band aFull Stock cievecy. u& ne, aiahapo b> strict attention tg of th* ' ustcmsrop ta ,ijerlL e ýo ci the, patrouige lhiherto e:- Mu.ita temi. te te 0maklIng at w 0OP. x ire., Aie. 4.. Prame Dwell&ssitabie t0; è muIý asul-n~l itdup- san al omto*t able. kîîh o01 sers i ne atrut. 8. Freine Hanse, 'wlth ont 01 ,o~ of land, fruit treels &C',oa S e posite raxaencé oi Mr. D. C. Mac[im 6. SIX Village Lôo, -weot ok Broek8s, aorah of Al Saitls Ourah, iu one block. kl th.a'àave p4oot r ô !àe 'jý situateli, and ale ausi e effectelion vy 10w termes by a sînsIl payMeat o euh, aS1 On Uis Lto:Ant tqonveulenoas fptirchaar., GEO. T, HALL, LauSi, Commission, ana genorasIAqeat. OE'ICE -Duudas St, Whitby. Mambch L, 1876. I MARIF OPF1FEES TO BE TAKEN XB7l-0ilTADILU. fUittlifOider itnucldatea 24tlh diw ai Jnly, 1874.) 2. Atrest ai encli ldyde upon s warn............$#1 50 2. Serviug sannlins or snbpSua....- 025 0:. Mîleage ta servea enmomns, sub- Mpconusor Warrant. .... »......010~ l.Mieagswhen service cenutt ha n pon Iprocof aiduo <illigence.-..0O10 5. Mglage talclu« driseonero ta gaI, exclusive of disburasmentsvuec- essarlly expeudleiluttaîir con- voyance ....................O0 10 0. Attsualog Justices annauitasy -trials, or on exsminatiou ai pri, setters chîtrgei withî crime, for etii day 'neeoserily .eunyiple iu nat or more cases, wben naL engagan more than four lItors.. 1 001 7. Do. do. wltsu enggead nore than t'Our bouri .........é.......i1,60 8. Attonolixig Assîzes 'or Sessions, euac ......y................i1 60 0. Milsage trave 9ngta attend As- sî 1,fisos, M aore Justices £witýen Public cd vce'anoe eau ha talin, cl raKonbledieburse- mneto e allu ed.) ....... 10 10, 5ummonlnêJu r erCoroncri' Inqueat, tncluc ing attending diL itiquet, anda toi services in res- pect (berce!, if haldoan sanie day as Jorysurmtoned.... %.....2 10 il. Atcenling cao-b a'jourument thorpof, if notL augageti moue fotur butors ...................i1 oo 12. Do. do. If cîtgagadl more titan four îtours ....................i1 50 13. Servinq sutimunsor aubpoetîa ta attend heor e Coroner (aubject No. 10) ................. ... 0 25 14, Milcigtt ecrvin g sainie...........O0 10 15, Exhttîniîtg buody undler Coromtr's warrantt................. 2 10 16. fle-buoýyitg tnte ......... .....2 10 17. iervlng dl'osa. warrant, sud re. trig..1..................1ie 18. Advartluiiog under distres war-ý rant .... .......... ......... 150 19. Travelling ta niakeo teas, or te searcit for geods to tmalle dis- - treuil, %heu no goode are funt.. 0 10 2(1. Appratsolett, witter b y cie or more, e <tnel inte Mur, aunte Valne 01 gouda 21, Catalogute mie Aci cnnufleeit tond dliver-y cf 0,0tis, 5ta, lu -te $, onc liii ]ritCÉre of goodt. 22. Ea-r5 cgerîtWarrant,... 1 50 23. Servitig notices on constables, wlc'tî personally served ......050 Pulietibyctider, If. J. MACDOXELL, Clerk au-be Pence, C. O. 22 V ALISES AND TRUNILS. LEATIIETIVALISES- ANDI SA11ATOGA TILUNES, &LC., &C., at W I L L I A M T Il 0) M P S a N 'S, Saier antd arueq Maler, noî-,WnITrUY. June 24, 197-1. THE GRE£A T ENGLISH REMEDY 1 BefaoeTalcitg. SPECIFIC Dr. Wiliarm ýGray 's i fER CH.ANT -jU-ST R EOEIV E D Al 'kinda' of Srn Goods, iniuding English, Scotch,- and Canadian Tweeds, Worsted Goods,,- Faney Vestings, , Broad-cikths, jDoeskins, &.; &o." y G-OOD- TWEED SIJITS AT $5 BrookStreet, Wbitby, Mo Merchaut Tallera. ly lat, 1870. 19 RECEJI~Jn  LE'WI -S-À L LJIN'S' BOOK AND 'MUBiC 8T0Re, Alarge and wei assorted stock oif Boom Paper and Win- dow Blinds, which he is prepared to seil at the lciwest rates. Asplendid assortment of statioey New Misceilaneous Books beautifully bouxýd, ail kinds o! Sohool Books, Violine oand Concertinas. Sewiug Machines-beat maltera. Large sud now assortmeut of hast Gold ana Silver Watches and Chainis on .hand, Waol and Fancy departmeut complets. Ail oî'ders fo r English. and American Periodicals and Newspapers premàptly filled. We are now in a position to, supply Prize Books for Schaols at haIf prie, and we feel tlîat we eau give good satisfaction. Soliciting erders, &c. SWhithy, ÂApril 5th, 1876, SP RI/NG LEWIS ALLIN. j 18769 Garden Rakes, k pades, Shovels, Hoes. Genuine White Lead, Linseed Putty, -&C., &C Qils, Glass> GRQSS & MAGNACHIAN, BR~OOK STREET, WHITBY. Whiitby, April lith, 1876. - 10 OBEA T CLEABANCE SALEI 0 F Boots and Shoes,! At Auction Prices ! MEDICINE $7,000 WORTH Cures ai1 l Niavoue, suelit ancThrtiecta, Drai. ITY, PROTXwî~rATIO etc., whtiol, lnt utîomy cases arc itroduccd l y uver Indulgence lw the use tObaccu snd atcooollle ;ettrîtn: butt the Spectltc MoffUciltle imureeîcally rcmeoned- as au unfatltgcure for trinN't. WANENSc, 8ritUAT6IRcnIAt, Ibî'(T',CYr, snd ait cileensac tt o 0011w en a Sequeuce c f Self Abuse, an LoosercD manit, IUivitîst.L ,mIit, PAIN tN TUtFgBAcn, Dimysoeai e îi, i. MAreOLu Aor, tout mauty ther uilseasca tat leait te INRAIrv or COcyscMtrItîansd a PRrMTUREC4nvn,-ýIl 1 wicl, agi a cule ar is cuelb cea gfrein lheapatit ai nature snd ocrcIndutlgencee. The Sîtecillo Miedielate Ite reuit cf a 110e eitudy sud uîomîy vars cf axper-tencc ln treal-- Ing tIiese peclal dîscamet. 1-nl ltattlctlacs ini aur pacullet, wlclit rudemîre taeaRtnd fras by matoi te ever- cite. -Tie8s' wtîctie Meîlite l Oby ail Ding- gilitat ý 1iter package, or sx eltcarefoi $5, c e mI e snt by inoti atracceil aI mney, by g1 C)RY & i. Witidecr, Ont. L*' OUtI ltn Whltly ty tB. W.1n. Sluitti., jas, Dynte anti ail tlcogglos. Northrcop & Lymuan. Toronto, WlIIc$fleslaagents. 7 M ARALAD FOR SALE 1 Lot 12 lu î2tit concont, 200 acres. Sentit-half of lut 18,, in l2th conteessie, 1n0 &ores. Ao>it izmilles froni Altaly Rail. way fgïton. J. H. PERUT 1 Witby. ~4ILAND RILWÂY 0F CANADA. TIME-TABLE.' GQ[ug Nortit fro ure 19Hpe 10 Lindsay. LeavroPort-gope- Mal...lO0O00 m.lei.... 8,25Pin Oclug Nort ta Poterhoro' A& Lakofielli. Mal 12M03 pu. Mýil a......... Goaing Bni traoin 'lil a Lndeay, Poterbaro' sud Pdrt lp.. Leava Orllla- A Mail 1 :00OP, ni. Pt opfk 6:45 p.m. cmlzng 1South IrotuLalled.' M d...4M46a. 'n. J XMal.... 2100 p. ana 0F BOOTS AND 8HOES To be sold without reserve 1 Parties in want of Boots and Shoes will £mau this a rare oppîartiuiity ta purchase cheup for Spring wear. IRemember the place, at 1XIRK'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, \Ontario Block, Brock Street, Whitby. crv T T SWhitby, April l2th, 1876. rGENT'S CLOTHING AND FJJRNISHIING GOODS Ilý k 0a F3or Supei'ior Clothing suitable for SuLmmer wear try the Clothing Store and Merchant Tail- oring estuablismmentof 1OE30 lB'M E;a GTY8sO0 ,j DUNDAS STREET, WHTTBY. ELGIN,!' EL LGIN! o I t WILLI4M TILL'8 CABINET FAOcRY AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS 1~ THE OL D 8TA ND, BROCK STREET, WHITBY, Go where .,yôu cannot fail' to b e p1eased in maaking selectioits of gooçi fumniture. Splendid Parlour, Drawing Room and Bedro9n'- Sets, Ne* Designa well. worthy of inspection. at astonishing low priees. Din- th ing-room Extension Tabes-a very superior article. e Gilt Comnices, Pictnre Framini lia every style. Some fine Chromos, and Engraving for sale. Ps In ail itst branches'; funerals fuliy supplied, A stock o f eIegant caskets. Coffihe always on hand, trimmed ta suit Customers, sud -a well appointed ]M Hearse constantly in readiness. nia .Wlîitby, November 24th , 1875. WM. TILL. DOMINION OIRGAN-cols IMPROYED AND REMODELLED CA B/NET A ND 4-COMBINA T/ONI OIP C-GA. IT S. 1- w D 1- c,, z .111 m z. m z >'o w This Oompaniy has recently beau me-rganized by the add ition of three of the moat prectical mon from, tbe Pactomy of Clongh & Warren'a Organ Ca.,, Detroit, Mich., eaeh Lakiug an active part in bie awu partiomilar dapartment", sud ara now manufactur-inir an Organ EquAL, sud in nîany pointssPzr W.o u We talce pleesuro lu auurnnceiug te aur cuatinmers aind te trede generally taI we bave seenmod Lte ight to manufacture aud use, in tae Dominion of Can- ada, the celebrlatec SORIBNER- PATENT QUALIFYING, TUBES, secured by Letters Patent in the United States, England and Canada. By means cf this invention an organ oontaining two or three sets of reedg beconies equal in volume and power, and far Superiar ln Qnality aud Brilliancy cf Tene ta an ordiuary reed organ cf six or eight reeds. t:s Our celebrated "Vax Celeste," "'Vox Humana," Wilcox Patent "lOcave Coupler," '-Clelo" or ",Clarinet" stops, "lFuèle Haru," "Plulcet,""IA3oline," "Cremons," and Grand Organ stop, and ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS, can be obtained only in these organe, Twenty-five Different Styles for the Parlor aiid the Churdli, of the best material and workmanship1 1NEý QUÂLITY AND VOLUME 0F- TONE UN-EQUALLED. PRICES-$5O TO $1,000. Factory and Wareroomis, Cor. Teznperancn and Wellington Sts., Bowmanville. Agents Wanted in Every Connty. ee, Send for Price List. Âddress, DOMINION ORGAN CO., Bomanvile, Ont. General Agents for Canada for the IlCelebrated" Bradbury Piano. Bowmanville, Mardli 28th, 1876. 14 CGheap Harness, Trûnks, W h/ps and Lashes, OaaP Whithy, ldth instant, 1876. I desire tae all the atte-ntion of the publie ta the fact that at no time durizig -te psst five years bave 1 beau able ta offer Hlarues of al descriptions at as low a price as I ca th Iis -Spring. My expentes being light I cat iti. -No more stylisti or beLLer Harness e n thi,. Connity. Cash purchasers will find special induco-ments,-that às what I1sam aftex. Cal sand inspect. laspectfnlly yours, J, R. PHILP. r.iÈ» Repairing doue reasonably. Pleure notice-Second Hamacss Slîop South, uext ta, Gross's Hardware $tore,, 3rock Street. Esfabtished Twenty Ycars ago. -12 TrOMS & \: J~W l=>0 1;, MAMJFACTURERS 0F CAIRRIAGES AND SLEIGHIS, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY, ONT. 11 o. lu .oaesara.. uot rsueu iom Yeouis the bail madIe and inuset instrmnt iu Ibis city. Tours, &c. D. M. SOMERW1LLE, Clevelandi, O. -Elta Street W. M. Scitool, Toronto. WÇe bave great plaasur nrs u salltitat tos' au instrmnet teoiaad the sinu*g in a Sun- day Scitol nothing eau excal -it. Tite toue inesoft sud mil. Tha bair hangrand, ali wben 600 voices ara îiuging tqeether, te piano eu be distinctlybhearli. Every note rings ont as. cleer aessa bail. WARRING KENNEDY, Supt.,- SAUTEL FRISBY, Musical Coud'or. Il lias given my faily thea very higiteat satlisfaction. 11EV. J. BREDIN, Barrie. Hanipton, Jan. Slet, 1876. mBl. J. REESE, SIl attarde ume greai pletosure in atýknowledgicg tae autire stoiàaetiou, atnd bigh appreciation -of the No. 9 Melba- sbak Piano purcîtasite 'roniye a fwl'y -since. ery rsY.lui~ Enniakillen, -Ont., Jan. iStit, 1876. PROF. J. RlESE, - Dz.utSin, The Madiumi Methusbsk wc geL froein ugivçs catire a htotlation lu evary resptectI cati unhesitàliugly reconi- maud it le aildes *inaGo U .i Patter of Preahyleriton Citurcli. PO. Oshawa, Jan. 28rd, 1870.- DroA ixm, bv I bvefanndl the Matitu- ;ihek a urepraeuted l t-a frst-cl"s plna. Manýîr musiios ha'o triaiiL, ali pronouncel itiLexcellaut. Eespectfiilu MTCE ME . Hamipton, Feit. lit, 1876. MR J EES3M, Thb lMathuahak Piano 1 pur- ,Citase lan yoiiihm giVen satIre aa±ieac- -tien anad prnop lt»el a >zen irisrmn ta sea lte Mathushek bafore p.%àarl - elsawhere. Tours, &o.' H9. T. PHILLIFS. - Ennialoillen, Jan. 25th, 1876. PROF. J. ERER-B, Hampton, 1 have mach plesnre iu addlng My testimony 1telite uiany yeu have alreaay receired ilae of the weil mzerita&l Matbnshek Piano pur- cittsea froni yen recenlly. I arn wafl salin- lied with iL lu lu every respect, aond. cousiti- or, for beenty endi toue, iL lansurpeasel by tny instrument I have yet seau. S. C. MILIER, M. D. FULL AGRAFFE, 7-OCTAVE PROU $3o'G - PIANOS froni other reliable makers at boilcem iices. Wholesale agents for'the Dominion ci Canada for the -PRINCE ORGANS. Agents wanted iii every City, Town and County in the Dominion. NORRIS & SOËEIRý, 8- Adelaide-St. Est, Toronto, SOLE AGENTS. JOSEPH RE'ESE, HAMPTON. agent in Darlington, Whitby and Cart- D R7 STORE AT AUDLEY. In order ta i=cet the growing'wants af the locality lte suliscriber lias been iadnced to open businecs iu the aboyaL lins. A Large and wèll Selected Stock equal in price -and qnality te any that can bc ,,urcbased in tuavnor city. Give ns-a cati, juldge for youreelf, and il yon cen be as weII suited au clsewhere patronize home trade. *1 1D. McBBADY, Auëlley, Nov. 241h, 1875. Audley. PRESCRIPTION FIREE F OR the apeedy Cure ai Semiuai Weak- naess, Lost MAnitoad andi ail disordera brteaghl ethy indiscrethous or excesa. -Any Dmuggist hbas lte nde nt. Atidrers Have now on hand a large stock of Carrnages, Buggiesî and September, 1875. -1 Sîcighs, Cutters, which for style and finish cunnot ho exeled.< - -- ----..- t .~ -.Agents Wsnited Johnst.on's SelfRaking.,Boea per. AWARDED TH-E FIRST. PRIZE. At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870.. We ofler to ouï cuistomers for the .coming Harvçc8t, two dis- tincut Machines, wbich in -stylu tiad' construction, enjbrace the latest and Most -usefulý_ improvements of the d.ay. JO IlNMTO N~S SIXOIE SE LF- 11,AK~N W THE "RING OF REAPER8."1 The un 'iversal suce.ess of this Machine, both in closely couutest,. ed ýtrials and in the bande cf the farinerS, warrant nesil)sying thal;, as a. Self.Ralc- 1as Reaping Mlacinet, iL bas rmore, gfod points and legse defects, snd bas met witb auccesud lesa filure, thani heretofore offered to the. publie. CAYUGA JUNIOR 7*MOWER! -a.woe .Aqrilfl te irPr P and.sDA TN4,nk n. ftJ" All will be sold at cost. AMl mWor warrantect. TOMS & INEWPORT, iitb, Agus 25h, 85.Witby, Ontario. in erery Townshtip lu Ontario to e a th. fanions Frire Meal aIen Manufactur- et by Lte BSith Amamican Organ Co. anti George Steck and Co.'s Pianos. Special lincamenis -will bc given ta Scrst-claso agents sud clbs of titre. or four wiciting Le purcitae. Aiîy namber cf testimoniale iu favor cf titose fircL-plass organe cabe farnial- cd, but ai Lhey ara' se.-wldely huew»- greet numbeaitavingboauialdthrengi. ont lte Domizîicutand havinggiven gatis- faction ln everyineLauce-Notetimnaoi- al bowever fitîeriug enu add ta Ihoir reputation. VTite Stck-Pian o C., receivedth.- ! 17he finest, best,! and cheapest Watches made, for the mo- ney, are the ELGIËT WATCHF,1, which ean be had at Taylor & Bar- nard's, in every gra4e, bath in Gold ana Silver, Ladies' and Gents sizes. Also;a large stock of ?nglish and Swiss Watches always on hand. Clacks. Jewellery, Silverwarb, and Faney Goods te suit every taste and pocket. bferchants, Brook Stsreet, Whitby. FJJRNITIJTE! FLRNITI.RE! Now is the.time to buy good and cheap Furniture. 1laving buught ougbit the biniess littely carried an by James H. Sai-no, we take t1ùis appartuilty of inviting his maily friends ta give us a eall, and wce can asýure ail that we are prepared -ta do as well hy them in the future, as Mr. $ýamo has doue in the past. TILL & JOHNSTON. - --00---- Orders by Mnail promptly attended to. JJNDEBRTAKINGT.- The only first- class Establishmtimnt the County where funerais are fully supplied. TILL & J-OHNSTON: Whitby, October 1st,!ý 1878. 40.ly PETER S M IT H Odd fias just rileceived at his store, Pelloivs' Buildings, a large assortment of fl3-OUSE F.LOWERS,ý FR011 THE CELEBRATED GAIRDENS 0F MITCHELL BRO'S., PORT HOPE. Also, a 1large assortment of Flower Pots in difierent styles and sizes. Garden Seeds of 9.1 kinds on hand. Special attention paid to the order- kng of Miscellaneaus Floweîs. Iz-C Cash, as usual, paîi foi ail kînds of Farmera Produce. Whitby, April lOLli 1876. PETER SMITH. LIST OF A-iJCTIONEERS Licensed for South Riding of Ontario, North Riding of Ontario, and separate Municipalities in the latter. NAM£. D. Mcay...... DonaId eo.. E. H. Cameron .. C. Moore.... John >icGil & Ce.. Donald Rose&.. T. HL Walsh ... Wm. Gordon.. James Dighy, Jr.. James Digby, Jr... John L. Watkis... J. C. Pilkey... W. M. Vlc . C. Wilson ...... Thomats Tueker .... -Dan. Witala.. Thomas l'ouclîa,.. J. M. Paltereon. . L. Fairbanks ... Hl. E. O'Dell ... Donald Rose.*... Ruias Bores ... Johualen Brown.... Oshawa ... licaverton ... A6ihuru. Claramont ... Claremont ... Port Paîry.. 'Port Pcrry... Pc4 Pcrry.. Lest kdîla .. Trrqto,.. Mankham. Blobmingicu.. Wh*by ... Altecly. Beavecton. VIllagte Uxhridge LîczNax Exorars. June 28, 1876. Sp.20. 1876. 221, 1876. Oct. loI, 1876. 1,18, 1876. 19, 1876. L9, 1876. Cct. 26t, 1876. Oct. 26Lh, 1876. Oct. 28th, 1876. Oct. 28Lh, 1876, Nov. ilLh, 1876. Ncv, 22ndi 1876. Dec. Sud, 1876, Dec. lItit, 18768. Jan. 24tit, 1877. Jan.- 201h, 1877, Feb'y 2nid, 1877.. M'rch 8th, 18477. Mar. lOtit, 1877. Mar. lotit, 1877. Mac. 21st, 1877. Southi Riding.. Mars ............ Thorah ....... do ............. Sentt Iiiug ... Thorah....... do ....... ...... Brock . ........... South Itidinig.* Naothitding. North ltiding.: Northt Riding.. ach............ Scott ........... NorthtRdîg Sentt h tidiug. Souih - iding. Sentit Ontario. . Mars ........ .... Breck............ ]icuck............ Uxbidcge. .... LIST 0F PET)LERS FOR THE CO. ONTARIO. John Car . .. James Briggs. . A. C. Hubibauti.. James Blackwell.... Petits McGovr... John Gilligan.. Duffatt'Broc. .. DuffeLL Dcci ... GAO. Burton ... Osittra. .. Broôklin ... Noit'-Remideul-... 4e . NouýResidn .... 2ste AprOl, 1876. 8th May, 1876. 111h Dec. 1870. i4tit Dac. 1876. 16th Dec. 1876. i5th Dec. 1876. 201h Jeu. 1877. -2iet Mac. 1877. Ist Aprfl, 1877. Ou fOot....... 1 harse....... 1 homse, Ceuuly.... 2 herses, County... 2 herses, Connty.. -. 2 herses, Cunuty... 1 herse, County.... 1 herse, Counly.... 2 herses .... WM. LAING, Co. Treasurer. 1Wititby, April 4Lh, 1876. A' GOOD FIT AND STYLISH CUT WARRANTE!FSIOAL1AILOI Gent's Fureiihin G'rz&oods of ail kinds, including Shirts, Hïkts sadcaps,Ubela,&, Whitby, July 27tb, 1876. -tf-Si COHOICE WINE8cd PURE LI1QUOR8 at WHEOLE SALE, and RETAIL to suit thé H O LIlD A'Y,- Y!E- -AN D UNUSUALLY LOWI.PRICES. TIY FRE DERBICK TE AL E'S,ý SIMCOE STRE ET, -OSHAWA. AGENT FOR PAVIES & BR0,'S Celebrated XXX CreamiAle.& Porter, Go where you cani get a Weil-fltting Garment :-To the - Tailoring Establishment of GEORGE GURLEY, ,OSHAWA. SUPEBIOR OU'TTING SHAPES TIRE -WORX I, A Large. Stock- o!-ie Clotos; best FEngliali , Scotch and Canadisin Tweeds. , . 'ele~ Ovexoeatings suid Splendid Veet Pattems. A good fit Guaranteed GEORGE GUJ1LEY9, 61 Ring Street, Oshawa JUST ITUE PLAýCE1 Do-- BOOT ÂIND gHOEM4AE1I, BROOK-ST., WHITBY, ÇJ8now onhad ala ean au5ied stock ef Booto and Bhaes. Be aiea Aa- i ft..1 ,1.an l obettMu a r. k. G SOLICITOR CONVE OFFIOE-proct _ c J. DooaANr, Q. C., S U-RCGEON TE Byron Slrse Dr. 'w Oryicz-Next, Wm. EcBEI Whitby, over Mr. Oxide Gas adlmi tractionoai leth. sagéitea4th it' Tatit extracted local falm siesiek sa n w black, c Elug Street, Osit THO>IJ V TTUDEBI. le-AIUordere JOIhN Saloon, BI JOHN AGENT FOI GEORC largse quatity oe stantly on baud.. H.E. 0UD A- T Clerk Divis!, &c., Âtiterly, Col c ARD. DR Phygiciau, Sure -Wiitby, Sspt. 3( ROBT. HAM! 4raduate (witb. 1 Queen's Colliq tYniv. aioflaeen Unir, ai Penuay, NT S. M. 1 Town of 1 17 À i. ý Wh After Takiagp JL 1 X,16.

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