Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jun 1876, p. 1

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'~eH. HIGOINSt BROOK STREET, WHITY. r Tema $10, -pop Annum.l mnemessurea in NofplOl, ma Chargod ab the rat* ot 0 eotPu "liotIest nuirtoi, sud 2 osn*.,,r une, eu scliubi- by yor rotherWibO- *muit be in wri~g Bus/ essDirectory. oljqTARIO DBANK" THOMAS DOW, DOMINION DANK, 0cSuhWing Court Houte. Ar- tranemernts for spCOcl retainer of Hon. Mr. 13amueron, Q0C., and Dr. MoMlchael, Q.0- FAREBWELL & RUTLEZDGE,- -) ABIUSTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI. Daltore, Noterles Puiblic,-an<l onvey- 4néërt. ont@@etiret 80cr eouth of the Royal Iotl, *iby. JAMES BUTLEDGE, B. A. .,.FAIIEWELL, L. L. B., Oouty Crown Attorney. 48 JÀ14ER KEITIfGORDON, T~AnISTER & ATTORNEY.AT-.ÂW, ". Soliitor in Chancery- Con ecr Notgry PFublic, &B. Offleo-Ove . d.l dioonk store, Brook Stroot, Whitby, Ont. OUIRLESi Co KELLER, A TTORNEYAT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN .il. Ca r, Couoyacer&c., Cannieg. LYMAN EBLook,, L. BW. 'Boo StEot, ATb A WSLIIRI G. YOUNG SITHE, LL. B., DAERISTER, ATTORNEY. AT.LAWt .>Solicitor Iu Chaucery ,nd Ineolvencyý Notary Public &C', &c. Offlc&-MoMmfan'a Block, Brock âtrott Whltby, Ontario. A. G. MCMILLAN, (Loate Greenwooa & MeMIil.> B ARRISTFJI, ATTORNEY, SOLIC. itor, Notary Public, Conveçancer. Cf. fice-Byron tStreet, South of PoasOffice, WhiLby, Ontaro. D c lI& OBINSON, I3ARIISTliiS, ATTOIINrYS-AT-LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, CON VE lANCERS, cde., OFFICE-Provincial Aserance J3uilding8 CouRT Sreenrr, TonOwro, J, Duauxc, q. c, J. G. ROBINSON, eM. A. TIJOMAS I IUgTONf, TOWN CLERIC AND. TIEA.9URER, .T Whitby. Ofce-iown HeU. Houre, trom 9 to 1 o'clocic. B. J..-GuMN, M. Do, S BGBON TO THEll COUNTY GAOL,; BrnStreet, Whitby. Dr. W. J. BUIRNS. * O,,iz-Next door to UOneoscLX Office. 3M r esidence, at Mr. Lewis Houck's. Wm. MaDRIEN, i1.D.,MX.R.CoA., UT 8 HOSPITAL LONDON, EWG., the oye 1. . H. L., Oshawa, Ontario. W. ADAIM, D ENTIST, (SUCCES. Bor te W. H. Card.) Dental Roorne-Dundas Street, Whitby vor Mr. Jemenonsa Store. Nitrons O ade dmiednnistered for the peinless ex- traction of teetli. C, N. VARS, 1. D. 8. T B ETHI inserted on ail the latest principles of the art, E. O'DELL, A T H B SRL Y. VTOL xx. T 1 XUSBELL RUE CenrMatohodamh & iiisum4s st.., ORILLIA, ONT. Thh magnlfiùt brick botel is one of tbe largost houa.. iorth ofToronto. [5 Is Att. .8, turnlhoed ana! conauuotolua A, FIBST- OLASS HOTEL 1 Conebinlng MM""anc oml tsud eooay. el beng Lu ose lumxmlet tthe 850cm- bot vhro,-llnd !NortheornR. I. Comoxndlouasain le rooism su ites of sapalrtneets forfssun&ois. N. B.-Orderi 1cr rocis by latter or Sl. gr- Promptly ttoudod te. Onibuaseste as!from thecsteamers re. f ch .arge. RB.ÜS Orili, Jsn. 7,187. Prelprietr.1 JOHNSON HOUSE, BA5T MAEEET SQUARE, TOROYTO. 1 W. G. JOHNSON,-- PROPRIETOR. Taice, $1.00 per Day. Stabling in con- nection. 42 T ZAMERICAN HOTEL. dOcEsEa CFTONOZ AND VEONT 5T. GEORGE BROWN, PROPRIETOR. Tus frt-class bouse liesbeen nevlyift. ted ip end renovated threng ont ïandstf torde~~~~~ th;rl ecoindto~ recep- spare ne pins o exp nse untroducing overyiVr'se ttit uld tend te the loinfortand convenUence of bidpatrons. Toronto, Jueli lOt 1874. 29 0NTABIO HOTEL. (LATE DAWES'@.) WRITBY, ONTARIO. PETEB WAKEM, PROPRi1ETOR, Superior accomodation. Table, snppled wlh bot Lu seeson. Gonuine liquors. C1ari, bet brande. BilUerd rcom. ROOMY B RITISU AMERICAN HOTEL, R A Y -8, (LATE BBloaxoBOUSE.) WHITBY, 0ON T A li0. Hlooee novly reuovated and furniehefi thronghout, sud put iLu dret-eleaseorder for lie roception of gueste. An omnibus te, and rom ail trains. Firet-clees sainple rmoins. GRNDT1tUFK BAIWAY HOTEL, AT WHITBY STAT1ON. WU. O'NEILL - - PROPRIETOIR. Parties taklug the train and le aving liorses vil hae tblim vel taken care of tilitheir return. Begs to announco IbiS ho -W'Iuniwdrtùo Ule instruction cf pupila o eanome lodoo, sud ergen, on reoiWl trras, Lise Singng aud SiugClasses.-. Prof. WIg 8 PlanitSandi Vecallat, and~ "»»i ncocrts, Si.. Whtb July 15 1711 9 }jARNES, SADLER9 WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importera, Dealers aniS Manutecturere cf ail Bleds cf LEATHER ' AND FINDINGS, MUITLIAL IN8LIRANOE CO'.Y. HEAD OFFICE, -BBOKST., WEITY. TItis Compny ime.PeymBuing, Ccuntry Churohàs, Scol Hceae, and tbtit Contants et' rates a. x.cv a. thoae cf any JUST LOSSES PROMPTLY PAM. L'. FAMIB4NKS, Ja., J. B. BICKFL Socretazy, Prea"Lde Rates of Insaeo e 1evthat 21 centd wil inoure $100 for twel-ve mentes. The iubacrbor desiros toiFtato thath b. i l IIS MRWCAN bas peno e iIB A HARNE 88S i-o P, -in th. promise s ppot. Ray's Britial h - erican Itote, -Dundas.St., whitby, vhere ho wii koep on hia à-aunprlor stockcof everythlng Lu hie lino cf buaineAn, ana wvii sell At the leot prices. Ho esta soUicit aal> aicfpubleoparcaffl - FAN TYLER,. AT TUEE GLEN MAJOR MILLS!1 W00,000 fot Pine Lumbor, veR seasoned. Inchi Boards, Floo0rlng, x 4 Scantling, 2-inelPiaule, Fencing Boards, 100,000 foot of OaIr, Maple for anles, lot queiity, Basswcod, 15,000 f5. Squax-eTimber, AUl e1 vhicle yUl be seld cheap for eaub. Hoe vonld also beg te uay that the Gilet Mill is rnnning,aud iu doing ffirteauor. Chopiug donc 6 day s ite veele, for every 151h busel. Dec. idîli, 1878. E. MAJOR, Proprlstor. dtif Gx OOD NEWS FOR TEE LADIES. A NEW REVELATION IN TRE SCIE19CE 0F DRESS-MAKING. CORNWALL'S SELF-IITTING WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. Dresses fited frcm msurement alune withteut change cf e eitch. Fer sale, witi froc instructions,,s MISS LUcI.VTYRE'S DRESS-EMAKING OaOeiS, WRIDY - QUEENSRTL -____ r_ - Agentaued. Libsrel inducernte W T (LAT£ E ZCIL Whitby, Âug. 18, 1874. 84 IBOCK-sTEEET, WRITB8Y, TAYLOR& X cCANN, PROPRIETORS.- The undersigned deire te lufonin their friands aniS tle public that bliey liee bken the abbve vs» -knovn hotel, vhich tliey have neviy.fitted np and reueu'te,eand put inSu bthe bot of onder for thé accommoda- tion cf geste, TticeBar, vhici lethehlien- sonsat Ilu the Ceunty, lu voîl snppliod vith the fineil brands oh vines, liquone, sud ci- gars. 1Aaipl"oulc.d shed roin sd go rtablng, aIIst.Detaclies!roome J. P. TAYLOIR, PHIILIP McCANN. isbe cf Toronto. s HAKESPEARE HOTt, ýCoacoxa osjINo AND OUoetBTS., TORONTO. JAMES POWELL, - PaOPnrETxoR. F'irsi-clanlç accommodation; belli-roomi, dcc. Board, $1 60 per day. 10 TE TORONTO. The mass Riegaus. Costly sud Perfect Hatel lu thc Dominion. Vde Hotehacknovledges no rival, eithar in ite management, appiniments or loca- tion. Iu the latter respectitl affords its gneiss a charmiug aud unobtructive vicv cf Lake Ontario. K3* The fluet Watorseapc viow Lu Canada. It lias 250 roome fuiehes viii ail tbe enaderu imprcvemncts. *McGAW d& WINNETT, 405f Proprielors. A RMSTRONG flOUSE,. (LATY, ALBIO,) WHITBY, ONTAICIO. E. ARUSTRONG - PROPRIETOFI. R OYAL HOTEL, WBIrsv, ONT. A. HINDES, JR., - PROPRIETOR. n ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ,. - .teJ.. . ..A--.n,..I-coumodiones-ampia-roems. Omnibus B OTTOM PRICES FOR COAL AND WOOD! AU kinde cf Herd and Sofi Coal, couelet- ing of the celebrates! Larleaa, Scran- ton, Bian 1111, Bloesbnrg sud othor coass CHEAP FOR CASH ! Feoquantitise ta Blaolesnuthse cnd llier, SPECIAL RATES 1 IVoxi, ct-a lefu , 296 cents per tord abetemont cff usuel prises. Seudin lu our ordeon bo A. ALEXANDER'S Whitby dc Oshawa, Ceai sud wcod depuis Whitby, Augtti$lt, 1875. t-B L IST OF TEE DIVISION COUPI S er T=E COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR TUE YEAR 1876. 1W- 21bî-19 1 a2lý 26uganlli21i4 2, 4 2 212 Port Porr 2118(1120 25,261 5 14 14~2 Unhnidge. 27 14 26 271 I6113 1522 C t.11su28 151 2728 j71216 21 Beaverb'n;1 161 1 129 1f1l 20 Atierly...; 17 80 1 0lO 119 GEO. H. DARTNELL, Junior Jndge. Whibby, Dec. 111h, 1875. 51 G. YOUNG SMITH, ISSUER 0F Assurance Company.' CA PI T AL, #400,MO. This cld and veR establilbod.Ccpy are prepared te acept rieka in allas=esye pretysrates a.s1ev aailiese cf any veR esteishd cemayL aaa Isolated and en "aedoe spropèrty ina sured for thr.e yer or laa. at spo= cla 7w rates. L FAIRBANKS, l. Office,Brock St.,Whltby. p HNIX PIME INSURANCE C0. Lombard St. and Cliaring Cross, London. EZaTABLISBEFD IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & 00., Agents for Canada JAMES DA17IDSON, - Manager. Inurances againet Ibos by Pire are offeet- ed on th. meat ressenable termi, and lesses eO. aiwithout reference te thefBoard Lu Lou- April l2th, 1876. Agen. Whity. T RE "STADACONA" FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. HEAD OFFICE, - QUEBEC. Financlal Resuît af Z4 Monthe Busi- ness ta 31st Dcc., 1875. Anthorized Capital ........ ... 95,000,0W0 Subscribed Capital« ............ 2,500,0(00 Paid up Capital ................. 200,095 Govrumaeut Depoit (Pir-el ... 50,000 Government Deposit, (Life) ... 50,000 Total Revenue, Pire Preenjume, sud Intereet .............. *$228,775 Total Losces.................... 63,528 Inveeted Fonde ................ $194,713 Cashinl baud sud Depoit..... 49,193 Other Aeeets ................... 59,68 Total Asote . .....t.... 293,794 Thtis Compnsylias uow etabliehed itseaf, aud has 21 Branches sud 207 Agoucielu the Dominion. l5-ly *-GEO. J. PYKE,ý Manager, C. NOURSE, Agent, Whilby. Dcpnsib viti Dominion Goverument $50,. 000. Expenicuced Agonte ibrougliout the Domtinion. Fire Rieke writtan et Adaquate Ratas. C. NOURSE, Agent, Whitby. Wliitby, Mereli 7tli, 1870. Q U E E N INSURANCR COMPA NY (FMe ANDnLIrE) OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL, - $OOOOo,OO cAdaxEBB DEDIcAL AnvISEle: MARRIAGE LICENSES, IN ORTH BITISH d& MERCANTILE WIIITBY, ONTARIO. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY settlement of claime. GEO. YULE, Agent. Wbitby, June 2, 1875. 28 1ESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY READ OFFICEd, TORONTO. Cash paiS for Rides,, BacS, sud Leablien. CAPITAL STOCK, $ 400,000-1 Leather etretches!. 1 AETFRSUHOTB uWeAxuivisonuuouit, i p, UI'Nk, .oee isl tralis. 17 e- 13ELTING MADE TO ORDER ON JePH HOLMANGENrosbur ONIOI, OT Coeuniseîouor lu B, IR., Laeed Agent, dc., HXIITBY BOUSE. SHORT NOTICE. dcc, Alherby, Coîenty Ontario, w 1J Mev, 1872, 221 Alec Agent for tlie CANADA FARIcERS' Atlierlv Ssplt. 2nd, 1872. C ID. BOGART, Pliyician, Surgeon, Accoucher, dc., dc. Wieitby, Sept. 801h, 187-1, do J)JD1T. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. tlritiltate (vlttc hnors) of tlecUeiverity oh Qiieeeu"l Co l'l' sCanada; Pilaidelphie Ieiv oef Medicf.lue udSurge.-Amenice. Unxelvni oh 1'onsvaeeii; iwjluo cc geo 1'scnKylvaeia aud Liettits oh Micrcfeey cf te Univ. of Euiiburg, ScollaniS. Cor- oier for lie Conaîty oh Ontario. Oiice- Coidvater St., Orlla. Augant 24ti, 1875- lyr 35 -JOHN 5. M. WILLCOX, 0I1ithe Town cf Wiithy, les- been apponte4 Or'ICIL"- ASSIGNEE, - (UNDER TI-E NEW ACT,) - Fus- lie Cony cf Ontario,-l.Al busineiss e otrusteil te hie charge viii b. crfuily at- tendeS Se. WhitbY, l'eu, l4th, 1874, SlY iIORSE MEDICIN4ES. Al'ISecnlpticus cf tice hast Herse Medi- cînes kàpicoustanîly onbaudsud fer sele aI 1he Whilby Llvary tabieu. 9S"No cierge for Advice. - .* -N. RAY, DEAR I N LUMMiR, W H11 B Y, aon liens! a sIplendid eototk of fine clear sud Weil sessoned Lumbsr. Ail kînda for capnter and bilding u'. gaveso lad osigplaubîg Milajolulug, olln th J rmie wher orders are pepi ~ WJl*bygsti 11r.,1875, J DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. (WEST Or POST OrsFaCE.) JOS!ePH A. BANDEL, PROPRILPTOJI. This bouse lias becu rscently builu, in largo aniS room,,sud itteiS np in firt-class aplo. Bcst Wiueu, Liquors sud Cigaru frosît iLai-er Deer, .OoiS sbabliug ud on- elsed iS yrd,; atentive etlru. do COMMEIRCIAL IIOTEL, CAlTWRmIeIIT, ONT. FLOURt i BRAN!1 AND SHORTS!!!1 OATMEAL, dc.1 MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Head Offlea, EÂAX.TON; sud ugo stavef upon hlm Living the p;«IS fux I--" Bini in owgivn ipt evsiesse f nath B ned nfutaie, t te M yî Co 'am. in ,aeuu tate IR my endevou4(bymt Aus!thé carqful tetbuninest , Cam as b*stcteau Who msy acer xnaéwiSh os!. Shoir Saies or colcig 3$sdrauglitedsudanSBIenS Netes f)ieb. ontO os! PM of charge. te a AIBe Bill Stamps elvaya on hans!. *Ont Arangements eauha anadeo fr asà dc., poui At t IaOML uoac Office. WIetby, 08f in0r 0offc Prince Albert, andat l the 5ed*rdia OMIsée, Port Penny. Prn ce Albert, Sept. tW7. 8W9I"Cla JqHN -L.. WATKIS, AVOTIONEER, &D., &c. 13AILUT San DIVISION COllET, Ascý General Commission Agent, Port Pery. M{JONEY TO LEIID. The undersigned lias auy amount cf Mon oy tb Lend upon Farm or Town Property, a unýuonaUly Low Bates of Interest. Lans cen ho repaid Lu sume to suit bor 9 veral Ixuproved Fearme and Wild Lau for sale cheap. Investineùte made inLunmie lDobe tures, Bank, and other marlcetatable $toc, For fnrther particulars apply ta JAMES HOLDEN, OFFICE-Over the Dominion Bank, M4> M!flax's Brook St., Whitby. Bpril 9th, 1@72. JIGELY IMPORTANT TO THil MUSICAL PROFESSION 1 Great Succese ! The Haud Guîdo for the Piano. The Heund Guide je the resnît of msuY yeare' experieuce aned study, sud je warrant- ed tg Beve, et leeet, six months of thee tedi- vus ?xerci e pt-active of the Piaano. It M ' gvethe hea r pure flowin ane f ioný sud the figrsgreat independantce and ,trengt J. It will bnach tbe flugre Wa trike upon the onde. It'will teecli the baud qoiebede while the fixgèrs are oniployefi ou single passages. it '-wiulteach wrist or octave motion, and in thue compelliug quiet ou the part of bhe fonction uot employed, tend to inteueify thc exercice and inerease grety the devel- opinent for which thc exorcise is intendefi. T'he Guide ie wsrranted tW fit auy square piuland je et onceeippie and eroug. eed 1nul bo taken front the piano, beiug sweug boow when not reqnired- Sent l ey addrose upon receipt of the maeýked price, with instructions. Pleju Castinge,,Wenunt Rode ...$4 10 Etogent pleted, castinge, -Rosewood Rode .............. ........... 0 00 X~. B-Teechere are reepectfully iuvlted to givo thoin a test as to thoir qualification. Appiy to Profeceor G. C. WIGGINS, Whitby, or Profeseor C. MOTLEY, Bovruenville, $ole Agente. Wleltby, Jau&ey iSil, 1605. P ATENTS FOR INVZNTIoN.S Exýeoditiously sud properly secured iu Can- adâ, tic United States and Europ.Ps. tonts gueranteefi or ncharge. Sondfor printedieeeusWctione. Agency in operation t00 yeers. 1' HENRY GRIST, Ottawa, Canada. Mechanicel Enginoor, Solcitor cf Patoutq sud Draughteman.3 pTe tic Inliabitants of Duffine' Creek and Vicinity : I bave nov opeucd e Butcherf Siop lu MrW. Cuilibertea, lecre may bo e one cf the bSt dia playe of Beef, Pork, aud Fowl ever offered Wa the Public. Le' Reesoneble Pxce ICorne one0, corne ail, sud get somethiug bu de yon good. RICHARD FESTLAKE. IWbttby, Docember 22nd, 1875. 52 MOLSONS BANK 0. A. BAYNES, ESQ., M.D. VALUABLE PROPERTY POR SALEZ. clss vnue cor_ au.ua îU «1. b. V Jantes Street, Monireal. F OR13ES dc MUI)GE, Chiot Agents. R. H. LANWDER, Ageni, Wbilby. Augnet 101h, 1875. .8 Te înbscribcr ofar. for sale the folov- iug valuable proporby, l inte Townuoeh Whi- by:-Au excellent Brick Cottage vith acrcs of leui, siuated ou bbc corner c f Grecie and St. Peter Ste., lu lie South Wsrd. Alec, j acre oh laned, vell e uced aniS in a hi-gh state of cultivablon torner Wellington and 01f- fard ste-, Fonde Ward. j acre ou CeUtre St. sonth, of the reeiideuce of C. Draper, Es inl tic Soubth Ward. Àlieu 20 acres of goos! hns!, bslug composes! of part ef lot 18, lOth con. cf Twuship of Murray, Ce. Northumber- landS.- A clear and lndlspnbableblitle wll be gven ta &Hl the aboya property. For furilier pan- tieulare apply ta ithe ovuer. î FRANCIS CLARE. *Wbitby, July 1871. 29ýt 10 OoACRE FAilli IN MARA FOR SALE ! Wel-lilf of Lot 14 luinlih Sixili conces- sion of Mare. Ono-hlf cîered sud under cultivatin. Log House,, Darn,dcc. Wibh- lu ivo miles ot Breci. Raihmsy Station. HL B. TAYLOR, 1 Dominion Banke, Wlitby. NEIW STOR-E,- JUST OPENED.1 CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMP'y, 1 YEOMAN GIBSON, L- OPOSITE RAve dolTE. -jgj GTIVE A CALL. WM. JOH'NSTOF., TreTE F ARMKISS! Montreai, Fine, Lufe sud Onaraue Department, CAPITIAL, - - 02,000,000. Brooklu, Dec. 2, 1872. Plxul oud Plan s etings, StIcav.TEE CIute ni, nig Mille, Reepecosud Mov- E EE ens dc.tcc TG JAMES DEWART - PROPRIETOR. 1Witby Ot. 131h, 1875. GociS aecomnmodation 1.12 L I vER . Beg S iutonm hie friande and tlie public hiS i cercles onthie tivery bueluetse et R-AY'B OLD Y» D Partieraqulnlng conveyancs-cocscad anS opsu-can ho accozumoiSates! et a moments notice. RICE. PIEDON. Whltbb, Sept. 21, 1875. 89 R AW PURS 1 ;!lainth ageney for oua of the lergeut firm e I o k, I vil ay the higisut" Cash prie hon ay qnatity oh Minle, 'Foi, Coo,-usra, ze HUGE McBRXEN, Hettaer and Fus-ier. 1 Wlibby, Dec. 151h, 1875. .5,1C y OUNGel HOTEL,t MONCKI OAtD, DALTON, 110BT. K. YOUNG, PIIOPRIETOR. Rellabie Information regarding the coun- tnp, etc., furulubed te parties requlrnitlt ample accommoadation for Huntera -and~ Sportomen. Tlie<ban ans! larder supplies! mdlih the hast cf lquors aud viauds te ha teunuS lulIe country., Noué but eliqing aies attentive servants kcpt. Commodeous siabling anSdprompt beethens ehvays on he& ROBERTK. YOUNG, Proprietor.c M Ay, 81ir 18OI 12=49 WM. JOUINSTON. WHITIBY & 0SHAWA.1 1-2 TWICR A DAY ! Leave shawlave t S e, iM., and 2, p. mi. Leaves Wbibby pIt 10, e. M., aniS 4, P. en. Face 25' cents ssci way. WiU ecaU at ail the lioteo, aud et prbvate resideuces (vheu erders are lotft at auy of the btels.) CeUectu miithOuliave eus! Bovinvilie stage - aise vitlithe Wbitby ans! Port Pecy fveva, ans! ihBroughi- amn mai et W ib. - MONEY TO LEND1 A lage n&nitci one toionSaS 1evo For sale, sevenal Town lots, tve Frame Honues, sud a large Brick Hanse. Foc terni, apply te, - G. YOUNG SMITH.L Wbulby, Feb. Pti, 1874. 7 ALLAF LINE 1 LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, C HE A P F A R E S Cebin, mroue Whitby - - 061, 881, #91, acterdlng te accommodetion. Intermadiste *-$1 Steenag-------------- Prepald passage certificates issueds!ta l-oveat rates te, pensons visehlng te brinq ont frleuds. For tickets and furthur information spply te- - GRO. YULE. Rip. ans! TeL O)ffice, 1 Wbitby. Wbitbyý, Mardli 271b, 1876. ti T. Ji. MçMILLAN, Agent for the ROAeINSURANCE COMPANT, OPICR-Onitsrlo Loan sud ajinl compeuUiding, corner Ring ana'igz- CIetrzotl, 18TWa Whitby, Mrci th, 1875. 1,-tf c HO 01CEB APPLE TI RES ABO U T 40,000, HO0ME NURSERY, Prom tve te fMur years ef âge,oembrabing ail the boust Vaxieties. iSETH C. WILSON, Lot No. 8, 2nda Cou. Pickering, on ILingeten Roai, cest Office, Whitby. Bege te announco that'ho bau reme-ced te King S. a few doore EAST OF THE POST OFFICE, oppoIte Lukes shev-xýboms, *where yul bo fian fine stock of silk sud feit bats for lies mad gentlemen, cf, bis evn manu- ar 8trAv ba&t. colored and altered lu General Commission Merchantý and Produce Dealer,. Ageni for Iecï'se-ansd Counrcw. lux- cocoriFire Insurance Compenies. RATES OF INSURANCE LOW 1 Aise Agont foc the Lonoo sud CtAÂDLtNI LesANO NDAoxxCcy Coe'ANY.-Mouey lan- cd on ceai csae,,-payable free T vo to Tvelve yoars, and in anMe te suiS parties. Ilm Intereet 1ev sud no commission eberged. Morugge bouglit. CilOfice et, GIBSON dc SPARVELL, Chinesl'osStore, Dunds St., Wliltby. Whitby, Match 131h, 1876. 12 $100 PZ A som$1,700 ~urinq îhe putt tom montlis1 unden eux Ian- . ska reduces te nomneal g Lsud profits ic ressed. Beeok naiins fllanfo1rofit t'on sent on application. ,UMBRMGR dcCO.,BakersBroker, 19172 WR St. NMv York. JOMNON FLOUR & PEED STORE. CHARLES PENNYLEGION nogsCeuiify bis trieudSand cujtemers Ithâboislunov propanes! te enpply Pour aud 'eed of thie Best Quility, et the ioveet living pnlexes. Poiur, Cern, Ch pFe!, Bran, Sherts, Out- 1 meal, CrackeSw!ee, Peu, pats, Po. ~heaper t7a eux 7aClcaeget for Cash. At the Domin ion Fleur anS Focs! Store, ÇrsYsBlocS, 1ast don, Dundas Street, ben Ïproduced, te usta aon that Paint. A tane .8d, Whoia ys James ci ion thc night of the 26t Dvzhomee sE RfiILa.,M. deliberstely dSvuthe tnset, waiteiS theré unlil aiter thé discussion vIi 1 Gardon; proceéthed le théit shap vhich it appcars, Sliey Ivicéeulnered, remain- ing there taking tiair vhiskéy, aniS dis- cusning thie malter tegethsr; tlisn pro. seodied hack te thé lionse te put up a laiSSer tethe ibvndov fan lbe purpose af deing, God 'knovs viai ; thon eloodJ gruncbling teehecanse thsy couliS net gel up s discussinn yulMr@. Ceampbell, and onIy bs-ce accupied haif-au-haur lu ail their covemonte? Thie Coenmittee viii jndga for theeselves wvhat heering liaI a.idense eau have an thc case, sud on lie crediiity aiflias potitiouer'a clilci vituesuas. Ineteas! ai rcbutting &Dy avideuse, I subenit they have, te- butteSl their ovu. The case of Shc petibbanen reus upon the evideuce ai Camnpbelsnd Anderson, sud if tiaey are- foundl te bave made vilful mis- staiemeute upon tirés important, ma- tonial points, ecl as aming or a no siug- iug, in bic bouse ; the dmission, an daulal-of Gardon vheu aceuse!aifbbc crime ; aud the liur aifilie morning vian hllat théelieuse, thon I ask yen, vhat neliance an ean uplace upon their recollectien or report of the conversation thet took place vithin -lie lieuse ? Are tliay vibuesees vio can ha blilcved mien thîeytl younilcal ley hoard lice enathor ithrea ildre,-thcu large miti the fonrîhe-asi a* young man lu bier ovu parlor, lu a baud volte, to "1cornelIali vay" for a criminel pur- pose, aniS lie "cnszy" libertine neply- "No, you prapasad il, yen came." ! I vil net elahoate lie point. htisleouly nocessary thai 1 siauld nefreela pour ne- coilecio,.n as ta tlie absunditias, impro- hehilibiee, aud contradictione lu the evi- dence, ta diseharge my violc diSnl ibis part ai thc case. h, perhaps. vil lia justified lu caliug pour attention ta tic menner in mici bthe chiot vituese, James Campblsl, gave hle evideusa. Yau iterd bu enencined aniS crois- examineS. Yeu observaàiSle sibation ta ansmer, hie refusai te ansver saime- times, sud te way hlinetai roug-- out tic enquiry, sudeavounlng la evade every questian wvilsiho be iid ould tend ta vindicata my client. Ail lie vituesses produced by the neepaudent, I sulieit, gave tudr tentimouy in s uraiglilrard,candIS menfet. Thora mss noaettempt te ovada, an cauceal the truti, an te maka Bp astSSay. Sie, liersell, as I heard e spetatir -xemank, neemed vlling te tell théesehole truti, vitiaut neserve. On tho other naide, thie viiuesses couliS net bide thein bise; Sliey hesileted, hackecd, fonceS, axplain- cd, aud sirayed froue the quetion, au if ticy baiS cone te corrohorate a cane previoely egreod upan, aud net te staSe ta yen ahi Sic tacts vitiu heir kuov- ledge. Oua vend as ta the axtraordi-- sry conduci of t ho principal vituesees, lice anireordiuery service tiey auletas! lu, aniS the stilil moea enirardinsry mauner n lu ilci hep. axecuteS theit commission., They vaut thora te vetci. Wben I aekeà for vieS purpasa, I couliS net gel au anever. Tiare yen no par- ticuhar abject in vi-av. Tiaey nepudiat- cd te suggestion iliat they vent thoara ta maisi ton Gardon. Thay selS thap ment ta Sie ionsc te match ton somcthing 1 James Campbll gave, viat I cousidcr, s very remankabie as- ceuni of bis visit ta Anderson ta 'ihtain hie assistance lu valchiug. Ha diS uat tell hlm tic abject, haiS no canversation ,witi bien upan bie subjeot, meale ne renaark by vay of expisuatian on lié rosiS, aniS saiS nating at tiha gaba. Ho vould have us bolievé bliat lie semply ssked bien la go te tli hes ; tiat. Anderson accompaniad hlm vithout asking any nesson ; tliat tiere vas no cammunication or enchange of idoe lictween ticen SilI they arriveS et tue voraudai. I mustsy, Csenpbeiies stary le au axtraordiuary one; se paon. lier, no uncasenable, tifat 1 do noS hés- havéebien. On the oonlrary, I helieve ibep -lcnem miel hep moeagaiug ba match tan, aniS diecuesed aun thica ve. Tical il shoud hava occurred oliervlse, is ubtenly improbable. But the vit- nesses deemed it advisahle ta avalS any allusion to tîceir conversation, abjecte, sud plans, liacause au euquiny migit ha pushced, su d eeap laid plot, as emal as discrepeuciei might ha nevesîcd. James Campbelh sdeite tint hlienouSfor a stick ton tics nainral sud propar purpoise ai hrcaking lun hie indov on the dis- covery ai hie ister-in-lav'n infiuielity. But thb ie atoles us lha allaves ie i brotîcer's mele te be sedused, anS Ibougli arcecdiiha a stick maSe o eabempt te prevent if 1 Ha stood by, as ii brotia. e'e agent, saiS shomod Ithe act Sa' ha connurmebed 1 I submil fineS, thiale- proaaihity ai tha tbiug, anS naît, bbc Rct, vithout a enptin g tabiaiSer bIna. Heono ighlthotefore,auniÙs ovu uhaving, te aak the intervention af Parlisméni, hasung contiluted fa hi ovu disbouar. But, I do nalt est my case on that viev af the facto, béane. I leuy Iliat any sot of edeltery'vas committed, I ask 1he Cammlttèe. tadis- mise the Bill ou the petibloner's ev- dence siono, but I sk ieue ou 1he vhli case, ta finS affLrmastivoly ans! positivelyts. Csmpbell is inno-, cent. [Mr.acdougsil then notIces!, ait nonce longtlI, the psesspions agalnel the rospanent, vhich te ice- 1 wl te a ri mecase 'essed oc lýcorni try, lail thèse sots aniS circSutaneen carrabarato aniS estabhlthé legal affenceofai ctelty. I Say bis canduct froue begilnning t eneud, ise videonce cf orneltydeséticu andS ill-trestmeint, sud 3mustiié Mny demandtu thii Pàrliament sbauld une.the hi-gb povens vhieb thé constitution hbé ommuttes! teoit, a ra t a iillàsparatian, or vhat vifll b. eqc'luvalont ta Il, sud saad te Mns Canipb.ll a fn . ue- trdof han hnsh.ndl'e incame, aniS aieo-a esonabîs sllovancé-fer any cuidron that may lie alatted te lier. In cases cf thîs kiniS whera the mother i-s net pro-ced to be unchaste, ah. i-s uasily a o ahavé the, custody ai the * yanngon chidren. 'la ibis case I shah ask, in thb. ent of ils, Commit- te iintat no aSultryvwas cam- mitW.,, hafthe c &owed toretaiu suiS sena.eof duty. 8h. vas hie lavInI vile. No legal procoodinga had taken1 g lacé, vhicb justifled heu tin utning1 er ontoaldoo.,Hoe began by tryiugi ta starvé hon ont. He, sud hie brother,1 gave notice ta the mercliants net ta1 trust ber, sud yok niaé reenaiued nesrlyi s manin lblir ova lieuse, refnsing te admit shé van gnilty of any offeuce thiat11 u stifiod starvation, or expulsion frema ler houa.. AUl thisi lime she vas de.i privéd 'of lier husbsnd'asosciety suadi protectiDn. At lasi came the cnisis,ý anil lié procecded te the lionse vitia tva- constables, wvI aldne legal sutboriiyj te set Lu thé, case- He eitber lilred or bribad theen b accempauy hlm. Ho uayn lie toali tiem tc sethat no dis. turbaneearase I Ha feunli lier Lu bcd, a dosler's cerlificata had been oblaunedi te siov bletatbnhmiglit safely'be ne- moved, but when eubsequeutly produc- ad, it siaeved the ceutrary. Sie vas dragged cul qi lier bod, puslicd in a faunting condition devu atairs, tinust nudely sud by physical force ont, aiofbte bouse, viera eh. feU aImait insensible intohler brotleer'e arme. She vas taken avsy by bie nd als becu maiubained even since by lier relations aud ual by the petitioner. Couduct like biat, ad- anitting that lie believed bis vufe leaiS dishonored hlm, vas noS ouly cruel but entircly unwarranted lu lav. Hie treatenent ai hie vile on that occasion vas in tbc opinion ai the viole counbry side brutasd vitli bhe concurrenceofa every generous minded observer, I ventura ta tik, il proves hlm te lhave been salineband wvi adiSneS performad aniS vas by nature inçapabla ai par- formiug bihose duties which lie nudar- taak lu periormen ioblc vaved ta lave, cherisi sud prateet his e a s long as tiay boti sionld live. I subimit tai bis conduci as proved before ibis Cani- mitee eliavs hlm ta bie a mnu selfisi, morose, sud cruel, as a bnshand incon- genial sud repuleive aud ticrefore not entitled ta demand frnm is vile that devotion sud diere«ard ai social enjay- ment viicia a lovic* sud attentive hus- baud migit justiy cdaim. But 1 only ank iunblite casa ibat nu presumptien ai crime shail be parmitted ta supersode. l1egal evielence becauso Mrs. Campbell soughtinuoceut enjQyenent lubihe society et friends which va's deuicd ta lier ai home, I objecltea ie lav, the logic aniS pbilosopby of lie learued judge, vho reanoued froue the domÛestic relations of Iliese people, liaS circumetancea heing. favourable by "Shle cloue proximity" ai a mal.e cqusinisuco, e.muet lhave given 'lfree course tealier passions" sud cammittefi ibis crime. I tinik I msy teît the oase boensd assume.that you canneS finiS the proamble of ibis Bill proven. The plaiuiiff's il muet ho dismlssed, but visi le ta falo-vhat protection daes the lav entend ta ibis discarded vile?2 Iu Ontario I bave poiuted ont 5he lav is peculiar. Thora is no dean ai redresa nov open ta that unheppy voman, exeept tlie aId common uv roecedy by vbich she msy obtein frbniV lier liusbaud-even wben yau rehabil1 taie lier by dismissing ibis bill-th means of nubsietence. Il ehe cau finiS any one taunudertake bie experimeni ai au action for necessaries againet Camp- bell on tic aId Camtuou 1ev li.-tte, ýshe ensy iudirecthy recover a modicuen of support ta vbich shc la entiblefi as a vufe. But even in e Division Court she may be met by liais jndgmeut, sud tld Shat lier case i-e res judicata. Iu tbis court-the bigiesl lu the an- yen makeIthe lsv ase vel as edminister it in Divorce cass-hee Vice-Ciaucel- lor's opinion goiag fer viceS il is manth aud- go more ; but in thce seferian court, it vililiec probably argued Shat il bas the force ai 1ev, Tuhila *tie ouly- court that eau sppîy te praper reom- edy. I come ta you-a Comenitie ai tie Sonate-sud ssk a divofce ounlie- bhai ib tis deserted vile. The peti. tianer sls fan divorce a vinceda te vhicli li is not entitei. The rospoud- ont, nov the petitionor, also aske fan a divorce a mensa et thora Sa which se le enSitheiS, ay vhicli eheaseke te ha pro- tected in hon earuings sud ta ha made frocansd independent of ber busiasud sa that ho cannaS molest lier, sud tiat nie msy not bc l v iilout support. Itvill ba fer thé Senata ta canaiSer viat amount ai alimony ehould ba se- cured te tha vif, iu esc cse ou oh- taiulng ibis separsiion from "boiS sud board." You vil fininlutha case offDun- dan v8, Dundas, vhero the sdnltery. vas actîîahiy proved, lie IHonse et Lords inserteil in thilbbà provision, tiat the husband siauld psy his ile au auuuily for lite. Thae judiciaisespar. utiou wbich is nciw grauteil or decreed by the Court ai Divorce lu Engzland, is Thé praprieors-oiem billiar! iSaloo ksep, fiue tables, but liae guesta dau't sit doas aSt iheen. A Nev 'York 0eper la dlscusslng vhetber i-lie chasýer talivO Or te dl. lu suab expansive tîmes as tisse. Ia n s agivén te liquon, leS ýno liquor lie giveu te bien. The anly even.lautingpeapls a-n eésthl ara thae eekets. A uess's eye xnie iacovarûuy vlien laIs nouesla nognacoeus Tho numistakablé evloment Of a gtasplog mnLu-pioking uee The tradés. mân vho meaunres hm goils bonéstly adeptosa vise menuare. The- worel iSath-rattle W vo meOfiis ilié ratie éof înneketry i-n IatilO., -..,...nin W mma5e euu uivorce te fie Paýrlarunt. Cbesnly Yeu bave thie pawer afielegating. Iu ibis case lia. petitioler lias corse taebiais, court soknovldging itsjurlsduîion, suddliste sled for, s divorce 4e vinculo. If yen tiaink jmtoper you can grant s' divorce. a mnna et thora for tic 'greater lu- omiSes the loe. AS a maSter ai ex- pedieney, if there Were'auy meanusai applyaîg'-ta tiJCorS af Cbaucny,- aud if that 'court coulS grant su aiSe- quabe rémedy,_ snch.as I ask et yauný bandls, I vouid. have advleed any client ta go iliere, caotvitlaebanding-tlie delsy sud expense. But lot us sec vieS s dons in Engisud lun the case'of Mise Turner, vho rau svay tram scbool vitb a man named wskefleld, vha liko, Pontenu, vas aftenvarde scen ia Cana- da, - Hea inducod lieîar bheliev-e ber failier liaSbecome bsnknupt. sud mieli- oS, ber te marry a ni-ci persan la save ble sredit. Tliey rau asross thes border sud vere married bstihy, but accord- iug le Scotch law. Forluuatly lia marriage vas neyer cauaummnated, anS Mie Turuer'e father suceoded lu con- victing WVakefield lu a cnminal court for hie fraud, anS sauding bien for tires yeeers ta tic pcuiteutisry. Mn. Turner eeppliad taebbthanlose ai Lords for a dissolution ai tic merniage vbici vas val u l 1evuntil te' caulrary mas. determined. Ih mas argued fint 'as ies Turner coulS bave eeppiied ta theo Scotchi Court, anS on the gro"n4 of decepiion and iranS iSemanded-Ia jutil- ciel separabion ai flie mtrriage, Pan- liameut oughl ual t t iuterfère. Il vas eedmitted lie courte baiS iýnýi-c lion, aniS conhd dissolve tbc metniagce; but as Mn. Turner, lea alrcady epent £1,000 lu iaw, Sie.moet Siptinguisittd meenhers ai theai auguet boly eemougst vhioe were Lords Bidon and, Tenter- den, ic lit thie cee micit ho, arnd lu the circumaeces auguit bu be deait mille hy Panliament. [Mr. Macdoug-aîl reed the remenke ai sevenal 1ev Lords upon bte euhject.] Upon tint view ai the ipovet aI Penliameut euSdithe an- igency ai the case, Mies Tnrner's mar- niage v as iSisealved, ellionghitiS as- aiSmitisiS by tih avycre ln tic Hanse tbet tic Scotch courts coulS, anS vouid if prapcrly appraeil, decree Sic mer- niage ta ha ul. 'Tho Honse saiS "'This case reqeuires promptitude ; il le legehly hefone une; vo eau deal vibhitb v au enuct ticGodian kuot',sud tbey diS it. I have clîciS Mise Tarne- cn-vqp eimphy ta show au enercise ai the power aifPeliainent, -alere the Courts coulS have luruisicd a nemody. lu the case aifeny client, desention be- iug admillei aud crnclty proved, sic would ha entitiSd in Eng-land, or lu Quebec, or lu Nova Sclie, - or Nov Brunswick, ilfIlie juriediciion ai Sheir Divorce Court leas ual licou onsted liy tic Act ai thc Union-to domand judis- i-ai sopenation sud alimany, sud the cnciody ai lie ypungercr ildren-int living ndon ihUlavs ai Ontarniaelle mnuât ,cotamtiis Panliameut, lhe aniy poaen tbab cen remedy lier vrangs. MrlI. Macdougahll aisoins leugtie-up- partiug hie viam-ey neference ta bie autiorities-argued tîcat hics Campbiell vas remedilees, aveu ta thoenetent of ahimouy, lu consequeuce ai theo limiteS povers ai the Court' of Cleauccry, anS bte poeition of bier case lu coneequeuce ai Mn. fllake's judgmeui. fie conduiS- cd ils address, mîcici adS ceupicd tva sîltinge ai tics Comixce, as follove : Gentlemen, I submib lu conclusion, thet ta buru my client amay froue tlais court, aller bte case sie lbas praved, I bohieve ta ta your saiisfaction, monhd ho a great vraug ta bier, a greai failure ai justice, e great scandaI upon aur lame aud institutions. Thé litisbaud-peti- tiouer, bassked ioonenckiad oai i- vorce; lihe mife-petitiouer for su- obleer. I-ask blele cammittea ta report, tbatth bia emile oais Billiibas ual beau provea ; lii au bic coutrary, the evideuce shows* ltha sgnieoaus vrong vib he suetained by ouaeaifiHer Meejes- ty's subjectu lu Ontario, unicessthéeicigi paones ai Parliamieut are--exorciseS to grant banr the limiteS' divorce sho asies, anS to provide, by 1ev. for tic main- tenance ai barseif aud lber chilS ai cildren. I aek tie Commillea bo re- part, that vuie Mn. Campbecl le uane guilty of liecime of adnltary, her linusiau le, sud lias beau, gniity ai groat cruelty; tual liefirst desnbeel sud bheen drava his mile from bis hanse; thaI hae bas neiued.te malutain ar pro- vida ion bier, or lien youngcsb chilS, vithont iamiul excuse, ndiStbat nder tie circumetances asic leantiblidStoi b avethe Bibi amnendeS lu acceerdauce will e cprayer oa iernpetition. [Tho Coenmitteo adjourneil ntil bbe next, day sud reportod Ste preallofa tle Jil nat provan. Tic Sonate reionrcd RCate vas talklng glowingly of loe- apples.-"'That's strange 1" exclaimed Chario, lier -accepteiSlolver. 4"Why sihould love ha asisociated villa a.PLea 2 rou the 'c(ntrary, I thonght thai love alveyu vent ln pairs." Rate -mib! apprvllglyy -. ,"tIje-simpossible," sais! one palitician t-e anollior, "1ta say where your pet onde, sud thc apposition perty bogiwe.' -"Well, air," replied tihaler ;u"i yen voeeriding an aUs, il veuld bo Ù- possible ta say where filéna- en"So sud the iSonkoy bogani." Do good, ana fly frou e vll, isleé ameofhunmieu uty. TiaiS v~iR. shortlaaud, perfection in epitomn, --ndK hbsaveu Lu roveoeL - , m nhilbrs Av£ crs t ban of mi siS Car~ anAjueuuunng cmry Wew esausa'aq- be mine in riglit oi my mther. - 'Within a mouth afterI bed rencheî, My majority, Mey puor fathervas strucle davn by aýep1exy, He die& iu a fev days, -sud my- step-neothier's lbanrs eo ceallzed. Luke sud she vere penniles -il was iu my paver ta render, !eom homeîese alec. > My lave for the son Iuflnueed eue ta invite the mother to rèmain wibli s; andS the liamily circle, enve as boken by death, reinaiceod the Prom ibis peri,d xay etepmoiher's, demeanoexrIcecanat. grectly ubdlnod, and, as-regsrdcd myi-,.gf, sliluant unen- ceptionable. SURi I thunglit I couliS Perneive, beneatthh bissueolli surface, that lier laug-ehirished feelings were iuchàuged-ae flic ti,-cr'i;clavs e, bs in repose, are sliesthed ini velvet. Luke'e character vas the opposite--of hie enoibere in ail thinge, Ulve in the latent flercenese of< tompor, vhich euly tlbose Moet intimato witb blim conld de- tedt, behind thb. se-mewia t indolent onînines cf Ilu etgoeraI demesueur. Sis fits of rage were few sud far ho- bwecn; but tleey ,vore terrible ; and wbulo bboey lasteci I vas theOanly bcing vho cQuld ever succeefi in masteriug him. Tbue veaU aitree vere dwelling te- gethor in oubNvard peaco, which. seemý1 likely ta romain long undieturbed wlien a cousin of L-ako's moiher came to pay ne a somewhatlengthened vîsit. Shie wasana orpbian wbo lied bardfly a relative basides ourselves, and was andlowed witli s Chlld.like siinplicity sud joyousuess of sonltiat endeaed- bey toa ah aroend baera she liaiS beau witle us a euontb. fier prasanco bad .gladdened our leonsebiold coma ibrëe mnonilis wlieu Luko, anc nigit, fraukiy confiled to- me hie love for bie cousin, and lite intention of declariug burniolf -on tie noxi favourable apportuui 'ty. The daerce paug wbicb ac8'med to shoot blirougfli My whole bciig, as I listeued, fluet rovealed to mec bbc stateofaiMy owu *feelings. Luke.-my more tien brother -mas -nov my rival ;- bnt-bawarver uu2couaciouly-on dofeatiug- the uncon- iessed, yat deareet, objeci of my ife 1I Wti e etroug effort I reprcesed al oulvard agitation, sud calmly visel Lnke succese in hie suit, ssurinc' hlm I vaulfi do al l my, paver ta basten the fulfilmaut-ai ishieies. Andi, nes heaven le my vituese, I epoke in al reincerity, bolicving IhalMyra Le iu have learut Sa lave rny brother, sud resolvcd thet ne vend or look ai mine eieould tend ta mer theli- happinees. Tva days aftervierds I vas bolS thlat our fair visitor muet vary siortly lbave r ls, lu ordor ta take up ber-future reai-ý douce- elscvhero. Sbo andS Lake, 1 uaticed, were nov uuaually ient andso resarved bavardsecdiother. Tibe evenlng before'lier propased tdeparinre, abrnpily entering the par- )lour, -I surprisod lier lu tcar-vhicli, Ss I approached lier, sic vainly eudlesv- oured ta couceal. [tom 15 al came about I couliS neyer 3racall--cmemnbrauce * le leost in tîhe 1delirium ai lhe fow moments thai suc- Sceeded; but I soon gathieed fromMyra's Lowu lips tiat, aîbionghlituke lied offer- eid hadale leand tleet very aiterno0on, silc liaiS givon lelen no decisive anueer- -ual aihe féared sic couliS lave bien on2lyaa 3cousin. At his point ail Self- * ontraI desertad mn ; andS I drev from ber tUhc sveal confession tiat her'pra- fereucc vas for»lec. _ Tic avawat had fhnrdly oscaped lier D lips, angd Myria's head vuassilil reuting fon My breast, mlien I hecard a6 stealtby 3stop approachiug ; aniS, raisiug up any- éyes, saw Luke in lie doorway CoufronS- iug us. TI l confiicting passions haiS oc *transiornetd h ie countouenca ibiS L cauhd leardWl hava recoguisoil il. Huri- tin- tram betveeu bhis cîocclid teotb teeth -the epitiel "traiter," lie taisaiS - bis are n sd poiuted a pistoa eul ta- *wards me. I advanced a ctep, fied my gaze sernly asdsTaadily an hie face, aud ejaculated ",uike J',Hie eycs drooped, tie outsbretchcèd arue vwavered -bbc wcapou swed, vasdieeliargaed; sud, vii n ý_-land seIk, Myra Lee fell -ona tic Pots behiud meae uileS in ber t eart. - r I eprang bavarde tic munderer ; but, ,f as I reaclied bien,lie lied tunned laie 1revolver againet himeelf, sud foll dead ai My feet. The double catastrophe, the sudden) ravulslous of theso moments, deprivedl r- me fan bbc urne ai reasonand uiScon- Dscionenese. -Wiiboui au abject, I Ensatchad the smoking vespoa.L front the dying man'% grapp, sud rusheS frome the- motroou ta n vuchambor ln au ,f uppor utory. 'Tfire I wvas shortly 1 iftecrpde faun'i pSciug the ilOOr vill i 1, 1 ýY affl

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