Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jun 1876, p. 2

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iIE:-Penditbr rtal-. 50U 3 PER ANNUM. r!f<yJune-1l, 1876. thse Contry Stand leP eoulitry Stand the alarming tpioblilodebt whicla bas beea Yea' atftor year ince Confsd. Thie qtiestionu is eue which il10aruiect attention of al r e ail-cf tho taxpayers cf hoe, coutrihbute sko large a pQr- revenue, Tise Nat-ion pull. itatessînt coering thoa firsi, cf cnfsjslsraîou. Frein il *felloving ig-lirses; 4 54,1513M 0«.t,754s flu On- * itt75,777 s.ssrsssess vils-st ~L'lt55i5 aîi'itaj 4,-tls>i54 I libas; te h1 lues-rie inii ssd tt thîig * - ssrl)IiU& a c eeiptS, apd enrrl<tiis-a frO»iute Proviconf Ostars'o dus-lut tbloeouiX yearm, ins eclusiVe ef expeisSli- tus-e nu acosissi cfCapital, suli lai railîwiy, puiblie itsnisins fna ces-loir - clai, causls:, etc, If eea-I1lteex. puselllure fs'erus Cap4ital for tte sana p)es-leil, tise naci)usth wîiIsIan-I tlisiî Naw Ilis-sttsstsvcls............ ,81,458s mitfltttu..................:23l'),688 lititîsli t'tltsrlisisi ....... (;18,142 Tobale irt expénislitus-s s Ti.e epfinlitnrn esc tleeuut iut capital ctlrtng 1Lltlt'ste-4ix yOars, fer puibliamos-lis &0>e1b) O-at.%iesf -la, t-silutaiss erplisîslu $514PI2,019,b'l huisle stan-le atoutslu i ts Conesrifos-uy Asne mx-ltyIs-prodieiug p 'vle <ite Tntss-sole1ulh1sRilwy -as anatinal kmss-l , iho% fcrly,; Oisau'gcslagintri 1)OIII[ii , but, fors maîsily yeiter4,il will le nssfi seissi (al work Ic- senS itottuitg ssi.î- Tss los-c- se-n. tnisit hulsssyt isnuia Scotil i îl N'es- lriuemskarts lusssas-ris lii tuo s;trict ,s neuse, auite noe mOeisi sute lss-is-y rutiu0 mel (s0ît m tcDoinlsin'T'oqii'y,. fiîle dises-ta s<tsasm, iapssît, Iesisi lensuuintiisîhg Ilies "l)awson. Rotuleo." -Tisecausals ansi il i5ser litise, in Ons- alss-o an uss sehcsc, pîs'Iulsuo stsficislisl ravenns ol eruseet expîonsso f rupairit anlaus ssrgitsit, 1oui sustlxiug to- wai(mtrtites-elona tiser cîst. Provinc rieoï Og6t lit)ussucil itîl cous. tribsite - ah 111a1e es-e ot -saitlici Tlicy wenttios-s. "l3etibsr toistumt" il% chilI tlise cuy. Ws8Ilisnsînitaitation go- lusg ou11i Qtelîutfîts-a las-gaer uesil. tiure cf Dpeusit s uon yn lus t Il'e- viss. uie-Pioicueak u-luses ,esil ecbaillos, 0t1 tisa hles tisai thiaisloscal s'ovesîtts lias-e beau inntili tfes- local pus-poses, artSd usrinsasaeps-ose. 0si for sp80al altowasseom. To hlieo ucoanils the aGvé rousent, lun m'er te Ésuitalut thmcoa-e s npowers, a'a oisig. cil te accede ; tes-tfise sîsesisers cf tise - aleily Provinces "1maicesne litoues" -abolit telbng Minîsters lîsusi, if tlics- les-mm es-e i nt cotupii l wtîx, ley willJ joitv tie OppositioniandeuS luis-i seuonst 1I V isa peaitilbo bsa aserions cus-s-iouim - beoten1 4It oises- qtsîots ffor theual.s paeyera et Olitarlo-wîelies-evagot le psy tisa pipeqr ne'u l %vlhtt~io se dssns'es - Mow Iosgwilîsosty leutîlsusutconfirmes te lgnore-tliîis sîsîle of ltiig, anS for- tiea oka et Ptrty asusi pes-y admieut. mgite tesget lit il; (Inta tlîseis-cousu- i'Y ? Wia asys curir high-sssnldss statemican, 11r. Biaise,, te, tubs tieecing of Ontario, andsitise gscetIt cfrIsin ub. li eb t tise-rote etfuiste siilliousea0- yeur 2 Thue-eirte ltgruîIsekt aleelad tss ilî lise monet eIi[lfss ihilt- &go willIVA> s-o s (ton lttau-ly f-sgtel sllp Cnfîls-t osxf-m Ibeilng Samltsî le laces. 'he Sultan of Tuirhy Dpo le t. i The isusxpistead lslues teati s-è e- lived cf tise teths-one-mont cf tise lisl- c, andsr i o hie nmer îas-issg_ bcî -colalmad]. us-taS Effondi, is the unie Of the nous-Sultan . Tis eotI-u I Sultan le kept usder'-gnerd at a oque ah tseýexîrscoily cf thueSeragýlie. lie mnibtere iloesmed Mus-ad Effendi et h1 a mes prociab'med Sultan ou tonday silitsb.À popusiar clemonatra- Ou teck Place next coernisag, but ne sitnemsoffared les the ssem 'gjioe. Pes-teet tauqunlity noir pe- ils.- 3othîChistbens andS Misceul- ans exprevi greel satisfaonauaIthe sMnge. Tise cty aili ha llumtnalsd 'ttlgist. -' Tise otsivitioas mliicontinua Wtsltby lRaces. Thée races oves- 1he Wiltby ocus-se te Ibou poetposiecl teMocday euan sesdaty neit, Jusne 5th, sud 615. This lepe rsqsi rd eeuoas-y lunCosea- tldc.cf t&he puttfng cff tisaTes-ento, cfto Gtue day. - is-t eppoiisteil Ites - tbýThea traekhlfiins esSOrter amd du - Ot 9Q&4 cIk hls fébiiuroduy) es-eni -a-ii.a EltisaI0 Death cf Mr. Adani Gardon,, M.P(f. <or Norths Ontario. Thoeseweof t 3unexpeoled deafmh cf Mr. Atlasu Gordon, Merobesi Ofethe Doinioitn Ptrliamient for North- On- tarie,,lias beens receiveil with scmetbiüg -liMe a pnblic slsock, an& lias exeiW1t th liveliest feelings of i;ynpatlîy amoriget lise many friendîe thlie coccased <'àen., tieman. IVfr. Gordon expir-ed, at is@ residosace, Port Perry, at 11.20 on l3aturday niglîtý, fte.ir a brief Musnese of four, daysm-tlie linmoediate causse cf deatls becg iùflamma-tiozn cf tise bowels. flisls eth-bad was eurrounded' by is LagedifathernSd reltioÎs, aud by -hie' eerrdwing widow tand largo fausily cf' fally contesîssl the seat for Nortli On. retariqnait tâc goneral eleotion cf 1874 againse thiesformer suember, ýMr. W.. H Gililss, anti was an ardent supporter'ocf the presont adwinistrati on. Hie bill for the baller obrervance cfthie Sabbats (whic'was withdraw n nt tlise instance of the Governmont, on wlich lie rade a lengthy! and able speech wsts tise principal meastire witis wilsih bis naine was connectsdl in Parliement. He was an attentive- moniber of tse Houie- full cf work, and always alive ta thse isterests cf bis eonstituents. Mr'. Gssr.. dIon baS i 18 fille(S mauy munieipial cffices, including ise reeveshbp cf tihe townshiip cf IBeach, vory creditably. He was an active business man, Iorgely engageS lis tise grain trAide, anS a msan wisome honorable deolicgs gainesl hics snhlimiteil confidence ia the ccrnnnuity. Personally, and ns a pris-e itizon, lie was well estnemed, as xves evidenned by the large ftusrsl ecrI-ege, enihracing tIe leading Vontlomeu fiom 9,1l parte cf bhe county, ivhick accozmpnied the re- mxains frein Port Eorry te Whitby, ansd thonco te ltse Union Cemstsry, Ont Medyafttrnoon, t pay tise lest Iribiste of reppcL bt lue n ry. !t!r.« Gordon ivas nlis he451h ycar antItie tiaus cf lus dpatls, having beon Item in portar, Scothind(, on tIhe t1411 cf Sept., 18311.Ile %va um itylit tb Ibis conintry j ilu 18à, wlsen quite a ehilîl, by hisV fîsîher, Our fsicsteil towugmnan, Wm. Gordons, esqtirea of J3strside, ,vWho witis tîhe eged metlier cf the e cesasd -sur-h vive thosis- tilentetî suriSwol-bcoued cats, Mssains e ittlti clilS cf siglul musq asnditwo critugitete. 1e tunas--lsed inu 1135j, Ciistissa, Saugliter- et1Captais Caorit-iîiuîlt, sy mlsoîr ie Ices-e sus-ny- iiîg vigitt etililu, tut-use soirs ans il've sasgithîr, aIl bOthWeeua tl-tagOe cf 18 sîsl il 3ysrarî b mutins avitlis lis isiues- duer ls- sot c-ees-cuîeît. :tis. Gcusns 1.,%'14T aRscss. Is a lklntsI tote us, itnosnigtheg L iniltîeioly us-oi, luis-. J. G. rionîs, sars-ietprofet tIis tstaw, gis-e tlise tstlow. iuig i-s lis brothîe's liest, asor-lu r; - "AIs-osuL f) P. nL te.teri'-sjay (Satuu-lays, Ituonctisugl, rOlsîte Ite t sr itelit--' I lut sous-about Là fal tielîsta lus aec iii giory' -aussIitu e fen' usiiuitoq e Iu 11(3 bûlieii utretimuelcuq atndtneveu- ",y ' 1lu'tiis 'on, ', l'uîsr. EkRu A E OA L 1u- uz ic- t. ILo- TItis dsssitaguirtis'l tiixilogisl anîd jsteluis3L is soiv'su tc lss yual IIe, ustie--lui- c Lse1-cusnsultsi uy ail pas-- r-sl fsorlisu--I a iighi pubisleroisttttioss, isilttî tssti11Wmîîlstfti e tIiigt. Tis is Itilssesonusi ri-t ta wiitiy. Puistics wlmo avruiheul ks ofnuisetli,; servies 51555w liste fui-mr- ueîie epcsUIC mariuity lu tas-eu-of ths booctcil renîhs te tliemselrosu. I>oteos' EgautinîsusI s vieiîisug l'est Pesry, tlxhts-lgé, Caxîlni ulgîcîs, lIaens-s- tou ansI Os-huea ; atlec Linlsssy anSj 1'icrbos-otii. WVn las-s great plea. eus-e luicn stoslui tm te eus- citis of iislsebolilitls, arluo ulôctisigg ý- )Iits ec ofue et oprsoness s-es-ee ouîgîgesi iii'ueislos-i' tgsîbbltîabsout dhe gssol-yal'sl, on Wednceiday titsai, a îasen neune (1Sensuiel Graburx, coqfined as e tusuetie,imain Mhuis cape. lHo jnmpa c11 lte top etfbte gite as-lilus lîsolatter as cps-si fou-A n uîiot, elinsissulte lse top est ths cents-s math as agile nus a cal, jusmîsîscul taeIlue grouil tluirty fote, anS so Irlit(iî lis rece, Oresssiog tise Kn tass ronsd opposite Att tileuls' Glenn-h, lis-uusl'Ms-. Psii-sy'c relllto la blIse i-as of f thî tis reiuulcicoumisg orl sugalu eu is tu-cuiot sciai by lui . Peogn sftKr&y'e.ls > to Ing.île ias hssîsancid îmnedisutply ali-tr ste aloi-ci, îsisîiî msgis - iliueson utdîl fi'itemq 11Y th ltsIigîs Cosnstable, M';2. ilryati, ansI risc gitolci, PMfs. Mas-in, assitrlaed tisrougis Dufin's Crack, oS 1e a forineres lueicas- bIe Rouge, wmur-olue lueSj put up for tisa nighl. 1Ho mas stxoured ancd reooed le geol tie saine os-en- sig. On Tossday mos-uing tise nfor. tuosemcinwas teIraise the Lunallo Amyllico. Wriucts-s w-eBtrr.---We lias-s plcassre iu 0 'alliug tue attention cf Our- uauy patrons* oth ie aSs-cnlisemoent cf ons- entes-prÎsing towusmaen ltolu & Bs-o. une las-opuroîsasod i15 tenss etu siale, assitas-si elicuing tstuom et tIseo loir ps-be et $06.00 Ipes-keg. Ib is tce us- interet le luforu ur us- eceress-ee to buy te sas-e ssieey, euS by peroeiusg fs-eu li-st ime t ie eSs-erlieents in cises- cohursno, se doubltishoy uihh sas-o more - than btse ps-be cf lise-papes'. Mstanse. IHetoishave iacuseS lIhe services ot Ms-. Alexander Caldwelil, semaill knomo milS ieuss-s. Laing & Compaey fo r muuny yoas-s, mise ili Se fouisîd et bis post te attend le tise ants of'- tisais' enstocous. Muessrs, HalSil Pro. kecp a large stock Pt bas-Sirejspints-, oila, la, ce advL. Tns ,yurft,, Cours-zua or fluus-sEhtc, aSo lies- triai tAnp ca Salies-day lest, miglS abut 150 persanis abo'ard. , - performane s l pekaus of t s hI suba ""Wâtltsetheou siofnavigatio.n on tise :river uuigisi b.ad vaulegeoumly delay. ed for ra consides-able pes-icd.t' -Oulr information 'was fs-cm Ms-. Faret Well'e own. lips. On ttie etternoon al tIse 40is cf Jauuary lest, sisortly afler bis. reigrn frons Manaitobai, Ms-. Fats wcll, wbilo engag-eS lun-friendly couver. sutio inlutise CHRaosrCLE Office, gis- ne-ÎÏi e ws fs-estise Ncs-Lh-west 'and desscribing bow thse section.cf tIse Paci- ia s-calsunder cents- a e icoand. li ,a-uss e rgrcscing/ýcertainîy saisi lthe ail-rail rente Wam lise - bru# plan; that il iras telly ta lalk about ntilizing tise watisr stretcels, and itbalise Gov- erument irlîhave le chuange Ihelr poliay in tIsat respect. - We, jokingly hock occasionsa 0recoinS him cf lai speeches atcolmbue anS elseiriereio i tIhe lliing in opposition ta1fr.' Gibbes wlso tisaI gentleman cerne back for re-ele.etinattes- iaving accnpteS a seul -in tIse Cabinet, anS of tise, loqu euce mils whistsho e(M1r. F.) dweli spcn Atht Il ntiliziss cof tise isagnificent mates stretehes anS cthes- vagaries." Il Oh,'ý saiS be,-we remembe- tise seply well, -"Iselit res a usissake ; il wcDuId caver do; me muet have e continuons ail-s-ail s-ente." Wàe-teok occasion et lise tume te mention tise cis-cumohances in lisee celucons anS te note tise change misiclu tIse "iirlgig cf lime" tls-eugh t about. No objection was maneeêet tise lime te lise peragrupis by M1r. Far-ewell. But Ms-. Farewehlles-en soacidmnits tIsaI ha *oisIS only bha!l sfaor-of using tise water sîrelaiss 1wIile cosrtrucliag fic lîsse."TiaI suok cf anaudmnission mould ha quilo eisfficiaxît for our argu- ment, as -shewing tIse change- in 11r. Farewel's ' s-iews frein tIse position ises-tofere taken by tisaI gentlemau npon tise question of building tisa Paci- fe Railwey. »Ansonget tisedise- ps- minent gentlemen cf lIse party mIro fiver the plan cf Sir- Jolis Macedonald's Govc'rnmieit foir buildisng tise Pacifie riasi, ive May istaîsca tise siane cf Mr. Jasseo Iloe,-M-. Gibls's formes- oppount,-Maigiug Directes- cf a 'nilway Iuimgptf, anS wîiens we lhas-e icord ropeebedly dolere, tIsaItise schcsme cf isle lote o osssnmesst, euSas advoceatod by 11fr. Gibbo, mas the cnly ses-tain egatinfactos-y one npen wiviili tIe CitnadinPacifr ie sslwey cesih besuit. But we nseilnet refes-talehaleuges cf iniivjsl l piniois-Mýini#bcrà tissus- sls-ve sulit lise necescity fors a elmrnge in thitt' proglrc-ammie, assl lise Globe, peaking for lam, uow sceks; ta coes-s ther rets-c o-m the fade positison s1ilgiiially tsskcu. ci tn sl 1n ri Pstrciai-M'.J. V. Ilcm eand fauihy, wvIso hae'baen cojonsring in Jeniece hoing îles mintes- mucullua lias-c tinels-l, wire -ehloassesi ;pfinS, ina tietss-itfleS beutl. Wre have i tisank list for o uIsslte cf Wret Inlia papes-s tsf nii kiss lsiS eiscfou couse natiue hiisuercfissu lias-os-. - INAc'u Tris. DlIsi-. MrI s. Jasuies lBorn-cusuo, an elti anS respoeldciti- zen cf Wtuilby, mas found SnS l-in oe tsf the catl1e-,çuurSsi on te Grand Ts-unk llailuiay, aa ises-t uny otso sewhlilby station, en lise snoscicg etftIsaQueen'us lbitlitdy. IHo iissuSboss misseS froco biouseoibIte lîres-lous lay, oseS il ls auîppascul tisaI bile mahklng osnlise tin-k, silies-tIeiffiusui absenjce et mnd, or li o fit, ho fait $nlo tIse cabtie «nos-S anm set lis SentIs. Doceeseiires 78 Yc'as-s cf age; lie mes a native cf Asgytes, SANI's'iiss-Pnus-cAuricre.-rTliea ualh imîcîmctas- lues isastdhie nemninder tfs- tise asopîlous of sacitas-y ps-scandons. Osîs- town lias' oîoys s-cuiseS Iigîs as one cf thi neeosushaîtuy ln Causede, yet espariece teuohses ns, tîset uchitta- standing eus-r aoosabhe location and insmnssiîy fromc pideunlo il monîd ha umîmiso te nagîcl xeceeary lsnilat'y meacucs. Tise iiapecles- is bacised npi usits tIhe fahl po ofsetlte loirandS mli ual net hIsetats 10 unî il buntes-ce. Cttteusmrs---A motels miIîlube played hsa-;oen Wîsilby anS Tes-tcule clkol clusabu nthe Agi-icullus-al groundseon Muondlay, .'itu met. \Vielccts isili he pitehed et If) o'ohoek. WeOO.---uf s. Long cfiessigliste cashi ps-lcoforas-col. [Seoa eSst.i Tuer DEists.-ise mou tise Der-by, rieres-unne- 2nd, euS Juiue Cesen 8s-S. Great Fis-c bu Quebc. 1,000 blOUSES BURNED 1 Tie fis-o'stared iScl ott Si., St Louis Suisurs, aet tavo o'sslock ou Mon day, enS by tisee o'clock 50 houssese dc'mtnôyed. Tisa fiames spreed ilu ah dis-ections, anS favored by e biga minci suSc thise lammilie oaatrota fe tise maate-but, rageS mIls unabated tus-y up le 9 o'chock,mises thse mittul toîl, tenS a good supply cf mates- being aveilabsle tisa fis-o was got pomewbet nde- Con. trol. Oas- daspaýishmaya r-- The Èls-, as passeS Ibrougisths--aau. Ire efthlie.- sobbes-xtcodirsg frepin tîxe extreme iwestern, licolSn euSnaling ta thse eslru limit taciusg tisa fos-tifica- tiens; sxtendbug ouiisýes-Iy btise s-sud Ailes and uortherly, ho ise Ibi-Setreel soencf St. Jolis ebreït. Osuly arouisb simetaetfthe nucbob f sonses bus-n-- ed anSdlise amoUct, cf lcisscashs niade te-niglut., Thes. fos-mos- tmy hoput dounaet 1.000j ansi tie logoavili f0toluap te iii lcal ea million dollars. &settt ets-stet,,irises- h. firs-o ogated, b ears -ais utinssuable uolorl.ly for>ffs-om, lbai- ing beeatlcoai wbcly destroye a 'ie wIishisaa fow. ysas. À boumpe insiste the malle teck fis-e frocm epas, but tisa daâmas. smre -anst,.lt.v i.. rt vcréasîouai sucs irienuiy way toiexpi ë. hie voles is, faveur ofcf es-ailiuag1 L. expenflitusre cf thse Crown Lansde 1 It partmnentu hie vole te eut down1 r-Estisuates ;ou tise immigration poli of tise Goverument,; gainst lise1 propriation for the echscel cf Teehi ogy ; on tise Orange - Inôorporau Bill1;,againt -placiug tise large Samr s-5oo,OO i thse bande. cf, thse ovel m.nent.withoul acceuatlability for its4 -enditure ; iu favor cof Mr. Ilethuh Jns-yBilI, on thiseElectiosi Bill, e S gaisît tisewhilewasising eof Capti INeeloin, and finally tise cous-setakon is im, on thse -Licence BUI, wbich alhiou bùheving ,voteS for, lie sow condemu as an arbilrary, measure dunlise carryi ou oncf whioh great injustîice wado and partiality *hown by tise Govo: g met appointoes. On these bopics e others bce explained hie views eit lengi r ichisi met with tise markad appro- cr f the meeting. Re alise, bu repiy Y questions put te hlm, gave -expls s ations as'te tise Isalary rb' e ceemed disposeS lte regret lise action the Opposition leaders, wiso were cu ningly "1roped iu" le the malter by"t r Govesnmit.. t -Mr. liiokeil, Beeve cf lise Townsl cf Wbitby, Whso accompanied Y1 Brown, wes also asIleS 'upon te spen aitd in a few telling rensarks, wii caed forth the applause icf heue es-s, sts-ongly concdemnad tise extrav gance, incempe.tence, and corruptit r cf bots thse Ontarie andS Deustin G ernmlents, wbose poltical dishionest *ho saiS, bail well carneS tiss t] designation cf tise iicsganized isyp erisy." ebaS bees as old- Refors er, ise saffS, but he now claiuseS -tI the Ccneervsstlves were tiehe c formes. - .Mr-. Tisas. Chsers spoke te tIhe sar effect, ast did otiter gentlîsnen preser whîo cenounocd tise Licence bilt as i uîîcenstitutioeal alla tyrannical mec, uire, and were especiaîiy ses-ors nps Mrfs. S. K. Brown, tise License Cori missioner fs-cm Pickering, for lus ni wortby conduet. Tho feîîewing resoîntiens wero pasi esl unatiinouilly : Mos-eS by Mr. John A. Higgins,g Ciiesrywod, secondesl by lMrs. Josel1 Ellis, anS recels-ad, "Tisai ibis meetisi liais earîl withs ucis pleasure the cei diS explanatiens cf eus- uber, M: N. W. Browni, 11.I.l., as te hileccin anS votes in thes Lgislativo Aseably( Ontario , that we consider tIse assît satisfactory, and beliove M1r. lire' wortlîy thîe continueSl confidence an supsport of the shocoessof SentisOs tario." M1r. Thoema Bus-ton tissu mos-ei soconded by M1r. John Dicis, '*Tliit ltIi itsceting indignantiy protestel agaisîsi anS condîlotns tIse Liessusao Act, as measure cuiculated sscite ôpromoe thI tins canses of 'remî,ssance. isit otte ie eigned for peliticel pus-peos, calculut.-j te work injus-y anS optpressiosn lu tIi lieuSe of pastizan Cetunissioners, witi ont accoonntaltilitv te the psi>ic, and tg eutîil tise liberties and privilsgeit c tise pecîsis." "A vote of tîsanks te the, ebeirinai brcugbit the proeceling te a close. Annuel Meeting cf the Mcchnniess TIîhe ajouruseul annuial -ling cf li WViihly lueehanie' Instiluto aasols in ubeir s-comaq, e h ie erpress affice hast Tîîsrssley es-cning. Ms-. If. B. 'Tayhor-, tise presidu-ut, s-sas a repos-t, eheviog tIsaItl3A volumes hte tboss acideShote tubs-sus-ry. TisaIlthi memnbersiïhsi)tis yoas- mas 140 agist 1:35 hast ycuus. lie alec> claIeS Ibat lhs incarne lied becs bol sufici ent ta pay lte s-nnhrug exporusea, tisaI cousequent- ]y lise pus-case cf se large a rumerusiof-e bocks haSds-rawn gseaîîy eus tlici' soses-s- tuodl, andl lia nggested thal the ieIors for ltse insominq year scolcsd endeas-os te iccreaselIce inceme. M1r. Os-mialeus, the Socs-etusy-'r-ecui-. os-, Issus-cat i arepos-t eisoing tise asoos othlie Instituts te ho about 2,- 20i0, being ruse up etofasis on hand axS itsSenti, Soclks, fîriture &o ; andt the iebililltue te be about $10. Ile aise s-eSd a repentrtftisa s-cipts and expeu. fitus-es for liut yeas- ashidli cosSu-mu-sI Ahex stalemota ef tise Pueidout tisaItise -'iuîlay use nearly as unueis asthlie in- cosue. ITua fothowitsg officese uethon elected r-- . TaIylor-, Preredent Jue. A. Pif Gihiis-ay, lat Vico-Pu-cidlesal Gcc. Blaue, 2uudl Vice-l>resisienît ; 1). Ormnicton, Socretai-y-Xs-eaens-cr ; G. H. Rtobinson, cors-espousîing Soeetary ; H. Fs-oser, libres-lau ; Jue. Kehts.y, Amdtor; Cemnilîee-Mcss. J. E. FasreIl, A. G. lufoliihiau, G. Y. Susililu, obes-I Vihiie, Wighit, P. Simil, A. A. Allen, Jue. Kelley, Neil PifNauglitou, eueI e. ILaing. Tle eshing -tien nS- jouraed. BURGoA~ua AND PlveoxsEaS AT ISANT. îFoua-ON<iStmes-T.-A liesrible allais-oce. cnrs-ad os tise sigist cf the 241is ullo., aboutlPa mile fi-cm Brantford, on lIse Hamilton nonS ; tiss-e meetuedI meus breke open thea bousse ef a Ms-s. liey-; one of theoweu IelS e butta oe e e momasnuSnddessoudeS hr onony. She saiS ail filuliaS irascomse loosechange. Tlsoy accuseS ises cf uyig, anud tise mau mils tise kuife cut lien seriniuusly on tise ts-calteaforce ber te bell mises-eber ssossey mas. Tise -puor aromes saiS ilsat ail eaise baS mas soea up in lues- niglît dSne. ITsis amounol lby gel- $85. ThJums-omd tIssu men uh ttes- demu lise rond, euS bs-e open tIse dcci- cf- a mas carneS Brook. Tlsoy Ss-agged tisee lS maout et bcd ; one et tisa o-omSelS bim, Sous ontIhe locs-, misile lise disessirersaneackiug tise bcuse. Bs-ook's mlle pelleSthue meet off lise mau who helS ber hncband down, sud clutelsed Iim by the tissouit. Brook un sOIeaway gel a «us usîdes-lie bus-- glar's stocoacti, and fis-ad, anuS Brook lises got np asti fis-ad tIse second bas-tsi of tise lun i tise ises- lie ne;iît aec lhoughit ui uikeîy'tisai lie buoksot wltis mincistisa glîn mes landeS ets-noi tisa men, as tîse maîl andsdcos- as-e terri- ily u a-ci p ; but erls-thisa crnitg tisa mac whmîîrnBrook sabct mus tounS 1lu tn a fielS sens- tIselieuse, lRe dii co01u iles - -as disap-es-el. Ha mas recoguized as-a desperado named-'Flein. ing.' Tise rbolae-omS dbelongod la <lae Occndaga gang cf lacssa thbs-as, cmur. Soee-sand bor-glare.- DicsrU'STiT ON FE&REIcc.-Omihsg te tise nos-tises-nbay-eof Neufcnndlatai bain&, biocissid uts lc, thue sptiug supplies;tes- tisa Pople cftiseeparseala-sbeas soale ta useel tissu, ssci cousides-able destitutiontî«faledte-et naed MeCusi-Sî,GraliiLm, anS Domina- 'ille;, whleileoping)-iuia cealus in15cr. Yilhe!xisih, mers %tt&eid bus a issusro thse De- tise lioy ap- sol-- in s f and ain seS ing one 1th, mal te au- unS Ur. loie li pr- na- a .te- is( elenleen uoeseu wuuu a rase key, m k s ow ln tisa bands cf îhe Sbrfl&a S le_ manfactureS et wlpsi looks E ' ce a brace or s-est bnckle. 1Titis mnst invs-eaueendoue previcus bo Lawrence cning inito the coel, alîhougl wlîen a e ectred ail appeared inC ordor. Thse bi nkets on: the boa, aud thse flces- were b Pmeas-sd wifth blood. fitwtas fojnd os examination.'tisai efier 'ionn lbaS knoýked ýhie visiiim doaw u ise blow «freMin ird', lie 4aS attàoîeÀS lm n-wtis thse escklas- uttingi lhc tesribly about tis 6b'elS tneceu hasesevered oeeocfLawsces' ers - aoîher on tise lof&t-temple lias laid opeýs usat part cf thse face ; while a,< Ibis-S be almeet broken bis jaw. There' are oci qr ente about'tise heed secs-e or g ese cs-risus, and it im a wondes- ho li", hlive. >~sidee lise wesnds on the lied ýe cocoËlalam cf being seseaIl oves- hie ody, ~d tisinke lusi assailant muet ýave sat or knest on hlm whites deliver.. ile tise lsows. It is supposeS tisat, se en abheo had sttleS Lawrence, James ffoeeed dS te Johîn's ceIl, anS wlh Abe k 8e, wiicisholac laSpossessed limself ofý liber$ted hico alec. Thsey haS tises opsne.d tise iren Scs-o cosinectiug witlî thli hall' anS quietly steppeS ontthy lIse s-e~s, juLsping tise fence anS handiog in tis Çous-t Housesyard. Johnu's misacîles W' s-e l4ft lying ou e cofa lu the hall, tlI~ - s4ving rotained t-hem psobably wh tisé pus-pose of ettackisg auy oe w.ýo miýist obstruai lhsmn. Tlsey pose- edont sucbserved, lîcwes-es-,anS nolh- in4 wae tencwn cf tbe occurrenceunutil LtiwreI ceregained censcienenese nuS crawle S down clairs. TucaioFàAerrc CONuzasA-rSTONi--Thie ne folItss-itlg telegrumu, says tIse Tisse, ai, lias beén recels-eS fromuSalonica sy a aun lighiy -eFectaeî fis-m of msssciîussîsil s- Landau1 fron t lioireorrcrlsousdents thexss-, 01u mise o-ccoustsectesl o'iî l ise Aiuis-ricai I- Consul --"acuc,-a 14.-Salîoic-a In- ls-ngesly, My6 ulgas-ln gis-hcas-riei cff holielagp by Turs. Trsan brousghit -5- lier Satîsica. l'sofess Mlsoelouiicm. HIon case oas-usiug ,synspuitliy. Iîaihuvey eft Giili'-ee iaud odiers- eandes c; ias pLb ebductesl, put but-c Auserican Contul 11g es-siagssl. Awaitiusg Coancîî'e relus-n ,- fs-cm tIse isterior. Gis-i taizen ho Asis-pri- s-. en Coilnism. SeUt amay iesi; suscrs- se ing. Turks iigitly lusîsuseil. Rosete-s cf mix8ête. BrtitcuureI il Frich sîsssll>tsjs rie clan Cssrsusi. Giri'es lýisil-y îpu'b 'n Gîsusaisî nat;sîtc-ss etClsristianr. Fos-- ts -sigtà sSsits. Go-vcrnmsetesi nt-assu-es a lcterng sibuation." a' uutumtC Luseeis Wrs-)tsuir asN ' 118 >~-5 Cesuuiittc-s cf tIbis vy -'Culint. §ta ei ~ 5s-il t st3folinwiisuiess-sssol a tien for Iliïg Exee-tcy'a aprîhîsos-e le On a miuctuemuiiturs . lîseslA pt-lt 2Iý 1 876, frottas lusiMini4i-tes-rnu-u-. lîstios. <1 tatig, a-ursifr-ue5lt ij Ileits du ocf tiss' witlititiuvsl of' irunils is Ibis eis SiIy of thoIre ss- t tùeCasssisuusl'ut-i ic tO Ralsiway ft oi eliuasry sale iand u-il- if tu-itu, lu b' isiqelo f st iLL titiue n hios-istl 55connsisctiists as-ltl ii, cuiti s-le lit5cf tlise rsilrs-ius, t1oisa u siev,' ui ascislifig IuStiisiiiti i- aii <-- sons sut tiking rp lrtisl lisotirsseustise 5, icinit- cf le flse rsIxss---lh lle- use-orS il iele ttlo lus-s--, il leln iris oprinin espîint ta c-usýni lte rseres-s-s sciiîzadt iatli-ct-Sre-r its I1 counceil i l tiss Ieisisf dulsî-tire 2-Yt Febs-uury its, ass -e-turesîi tluî-seo rerci ilîtheIsinis fosr-twsitty utiles cun sach rcule cf tise lins cffhlic I saitwoy frutn 'eRPosint t.weniy uileq w uosîorty. ci thIéBaffleis iver ta J vîts Slasses, in th5 e Y-lltvu lenS i<ss liroigli the Jtsuciy Msmuuslaiuis bo itti- drauvr, 1h le ticîeby ct-desr-S Li55t lise Sessislisî litAs ewitbds-uwi aeccsss-sislg. À coînuulitsc0of tise 1'is-y Costi-eit aise essutittit is tuslloiisisir, --cusiirsa lion fer I& Exs-elisticy's eîsîîrusat - TIi e le isîrvs-cys l'es-thse Cstuaclistss r P<acifiec Usiii.vay ansd thusconis:i--ious et tise tstsgt-apis lise liv es- Ivîitssheu tise tact huai tise Cs-Oasitig cf lte Battis librs, sme 250 utiles West cf Fort Pelty 1s555tsses spial tu trsintageq as n C si te fou- a tose'uil ; tîttlite Battis RiverL le saiS t obe 175 fuetfcerss iii lois ma ates-, miii a s-utof 1L)fuet, andulis it helinveul te heuavigssble foi marty miles si loua-scls ssource ;,islaI 1lInseoii]irhlte w vuciuily is excellent, anS fliscceunIt-y generelly eig-itle for settlerieust, as- tsi lte genes-al position is cents-sl and cous- ii a'euient ferftise ts-silos-les ; tisatinlu iew d of the abus-e, a blneur foot-milles squsare, nsahisg ii al ahtlck cf tsixiceissqtsa-s- miilesi, hoLe esrisuî ahsn i a point lu tisesicinily cof tliejooctioti totfts- lrtitle and thé- Satatebsîvan liics-e nas iîsiy hot fonutisen)ot corss'essiisst fortsaloius' cils, aussI tisaIt tuè landus fer- t lssety utileiso n fi-stlisifîse of tais e legrai linesRns Ilsifiont, extendsirsg tram a point lt taeuly ituiles meetet-ly of Firt Pîuta le e point tmeuly Milse w tes-iy le lte -s M01u0s ft flIuq Butte Bs bsle îsith- bo drauvu forûtîlicpu-csit tfuosu sale ce to sctth-mnît, lse au extension of thé- s-s- seýi-ts-ils-ealset cclast irs cersuseticu ailstiste constructionuoethlie PaucifieT Railway. Co 1- Srreir4esr ' Ars--Oua luset Fs-IIsey hb svenissg t- o-gu-g rhing ofetfrieude s- essemrbledif PifM-.KNuigbt'a {Sundxlatnd)ln ta surîprisa Mileir junior sMiniser, <M-.Ir Wilkintion). la dciug su îissy fs-l tIhat il mas ouly ppying a SebI cf gratitude 'I Suie li'n for ihe vàrsy efficient ses-vices n lue lied reuIei-d Sunderlantd circnit in tl tue ministe-iuui trscles- lte ps-es-nI E: yens-. Aftas- -alinu aieremi, cotuds- ed ed in bermé; of cutis-o aptprobabion, anS cç prseetiug tsbm mih n mebt-fitiesI porses. c tise vicihoî-l cet S0u-o teia eunsptxxeuxchy ai preparoS tee. AU il uieuseeprescrit lu epont a plcaissci ansIprocfitable cvening, ef ansh nov.' Iat lie mIll soon henve us, lie o: mili ces-sy 1i wilishim lise best wisîses cf us hie triasinsfor bic tutus-e beppinese Af sveltes-e antIpres;pe-isi'. A TtiuoUssi or ifDIreCeAL aRT.-Y-c, Ili a triumph me cal il, uslien uncliciese lue cen bb se tlfixed np" as 10 ho pleatient tIl le taesamiS yst acossuplililtee chjcot bu intanulad. Such - a ineuicitiefi; Dr. 8sî Pieroe's gurgatis-e Polos. gesuopie of e-1 mhioth llei writa's ps-oucul atin letedscii in hile eus facniîy. '1'ise- III-ts (11111e in pillei) ae i o ut one-fifîhuli te obus-o e uns-c es-dines-y Iiti, muscl et lity couscous-lia, traIeS - roi tand lies-suextracîs, auut1 suirs-doat.-F-askfos't (Imd(.) Week.-sute PafWerlooiiQues r 4ttwo men, Pares nd iilliwette basly, ininred bythe premature'disohiarge ofsascannon.' Great depressicu is roporteta isn tiso EngilushCotton trude. Msiùy millave becen closeS, and others are running ôs Cý obcurg, on 24t1h, Mise IL Sharp, cf Hastinga, came taslier- deatisb jumpinjg. froco a wagn, the -he0;rste cO w ich lied 4aken fxrs ït. *A. ltile boy zuaned Gccrge P. MoKa2 wus ecaldod to dealhi ai hiei parents! bouse iu River'Johon, Pieion conity, by, upseeting a pot of'boiiing watnr.- A'Â lad napmed Pirank Clarkwasidrown. Bdat aIingelon on 241h. At Londoi, Ont., a M1r. Howe essay- Gd the trole of peacemaker hetween tw< men, named Collnus andS Hodgins. Hi, was slruck o.n the lboaS witls a sbovs and is net expçoted te live. MACRnut INQUiiST.-The inquesi ai Hamilton on the body cf Mr^. J. O. Maecres, lies boi concluded, and a ver. diet inieffectiuindting ber hIsbend for inurder was relus-seS. He lias liSes cemtuitted fer trial. PcERUEPexir'c ÂgPINTMIN.-LoJs. don, May 24.-The Times te day says thes appoî nîmeul cf M1r. Pierreponi le the ambaosadorsbip liere is probably intondea ta aiify tisose whe Semant Iiigh personal chas-acter rallier tîsan party service or political skiil as s quialification for office, but il muet be ednuitted thiat the oppoinimont Socs n-et carry ce distinct a meaffiug ae lb wesid hava done a yeer cge previens te tIhe Iabcook -trial, net'je Il Chier weys se desriraible as that cf M1r. Danà. Trhe article concluae&#in the Bebcocle affeltý. Tîsero le really notsi ng mos-e tair an eri-or cf jucigosent teahbcelleS sigainst NM. Pierrepont. lun negoîlations 1eboive te extradtlioin, lus legal capacity nondes-allen, and tise ceinsson seuce sagecbty for wlîiclt lie obisuins -eneral Créditlçsa-lt o 1usefisillite Unitedsitnttes anS will umit lacis appreciation lise.& EXîîCUION 01? TIIF.LENNIic MUitoîti nns-Fou- Greais seilore cf the crew cf tise Britiis ciîip Letînie, wlîe suntiniesl auS murdered tise Otaliî, Mate sud second oflies.s-of tlisat vessol, andI who suere fennd s.isiy iiilte Cintrai Ortus- tisstl coutrt on titis P i tstweîe expcot- s-i t Newigotoent 8 ucieci titis inerti- s s g. Tus-ts'.ssittt-s wrse 7slîîit'o Car- g gteus-3it;55ye-srs ; Giveli (ioiaufti Citca'ris, 21 yt-eîs ;Ptscalis Cîultdiss, 02 vas-tîssi s-ge Kitida, 122 yesrs. Pen'ce tues ber-ut îtsoliuitnot ed els Gmîteusttl tss îurSsalvadoir. Tise arusy et' Ssivislsi- huas sus-s-sriseclaI iises-e- lion. Vahlesu, laie >reidpnlof Sels- (li-, liss e eauhu-liesîfus- Saunl-Francisco. (lu-ns-aiiisutia"yo Guuaelps, 'Ccisssoeu- Zsulvlss-liw es- îcisproclîsitusul lsisiisîri tsfn -'i aismîulisr.i s-is-s uiir uiics-îuî)rsg illsv ltuagiuig Isirsi- s; fil murlis-1ulpoîlsait ila a Oral)us. l isiii'jtit sa-Ilu e luid eu tise body- uts I'!ssumubaa'. lee s lssu-ifroua Mess- Itisu, aiid lissuss-ea i'ls ci evs-sai clisiliirt. li i iai s tse havss-c ics- ansIe t lusirilirucrcf liqucîr. Hlamulitons. NI ay 23-sfssstu iiag s-i-eic,ýI-si heiapolice liera tItis LCnorusimug thttI;suMu-. WiVallr, rs-eiuitsg in WuVaiessoms, attessptit o kiltirhis mite tsv siuootitsg luer. 'Thue alI tosrk effîset iluiser arxu. Re subsesjus'ntiy sisllo tuitui-li lisice nisi huest andeu oxidis-alàssanty. .. 'flic'p IsisrccetfXWaleslus anstouiise-l tu ho ccrsÇimssidhto Ilus xsîcîîs uithulaihfaîn- wallrt-on cf lthe eitis cf tIse log. 11lsuro Tc)vuLerin Lîcrzrruc. -Th'iA Qssi'eui tins osr-cl l l -iIufferin a iluight Gs-ntSCroscf theos-Se- cf St. Micett-hand St. George, a anusesor route-s- ouiou iis ps-ýI,eyoro, Lordu Liagosaui nViscunrtlMuc. Sean Mcî.1,4 sicsscr.-Sunuîay lus-o as-go, imusc-riliiq, asieet Lus-issîlm, lth sîluis-lt Nstpmuai. av weslisu-si aiug titi a oe)isuidennlihs quatslity cf lursbmr. - At. LuIv rr lgýis i, Llietuets wavec ssio Ses- s-oye-u.'Tiri'e sliffesm-rnt tirêguririlu onîst Tis issa-.1, OF-COrezeUcns-.-Tie Lau- inuesluueaaist etflthe luauîiliss.ý;el russs;s-ceu-e m,-Prsinsce As-Ilsr Itsu Dlie ot tosstilstl uviti suces s- susînur. st10 Osf tiso Sausgitse eutotth' esc-Ring cif Ilanes. ls-ousummumusFeuus-m.-ilie great truani lusse tiase rcilifoshtr neulsucsîl pasecu- i-r fasr-s ho lIse Wrest, asslnd cm lIse s-este-us sonde are offe-imxgchsep ticicete to lise lit. FmgtI-as-e atuse exîecrtiýl to slselini 0caiîsg u o tIse as. lie-e isa eot ins- lucis-colsuticu lthaIse coriinatie] Trsotter-, utc maci-etrit- lyhn sisn10New Yosk, ccnfssesed tb hmuiiot il' A-ciy M'Gt, lusicosnsrnny witis Wsehao, ashie mec exs-cules fur theu sus-des-. SýDi ENDsi sO ADaelfs-u-m- 'tus MvoisIr-ah îarîîu-iv- pantisusîlars ut s ad euh teo auîrty's cnjoymncsrh ors teo Quuren'a-Sis-titsloy. Jusl aslire Exps ainu-l, frontRctuse's Peoint piF5 9i lte crcsseuug, a gruoor's mwaggsîuu, eneul by Mn. J. B. Mýinas-S, grece-, ,s-uer St. Mas-ts ian tuîS.,Joseplias-e, sud occuiuied by 11fr. Pare, Mir. Ltbidessu, s-s-. 1Raymond, a laS ebesst ces-su yens-e )f age, nutned Abrluf enrdal, e pte-W f Mrfs. Mena-S, end anusher litthe ilad -lice nomsne 515dnet learu came si1s. tc- Ilue expresbaS tîitndoresi peel, [s-. Pare Su-ese on, altsuuglu a pilot ?gina meus but a short Sistausce babind lie tie- train. 'Il meuhd appear lImaI se iopedho, paos rntise tracli befcs-e se locamohive enzins sisesîlîl as-rivée, )ut ciccaicssîetesll ie distance frum tIse ipol, niaS bbc rîsees et wtsiohts i ias lvnnciug. Pifs. Raymontd, %VIsa aras üiig lsy tiîa sido lo tticSdria'er, becon- gZ aIares-ceS nes-ssuusly oiutcisd tIse eins, cryilsg cut tian tîsey omugisîtat slc aofflise luack, Tfle bore s - u t tiu-sjcame lime joal eî'upiug oerlise bine cf rabls, bot by bus actionu"Faleppeu. mith l setire fs-uni Sheels as-en ltie hiaS mîseiels cn tise sock. Manavihe, sîr-aror anSdnnese ushel tise is-ce mouches-, uuîtil ir mos este on te the- meggoh.a. Anellier in- ssiI, ansi e, i itlsqaforcue,ii tisî su-rieS ca-cg tIs iinle- ias-Iofetbise xpsa, ise biutuesbeings e ouiitlql wing soolteos-e er tieIrac . lBa-, ur-en tise mataI s-ails loyS-tie Ibond id bonId sospiate fs-cm i oly, cf bela asse lisesashuppy, laugisingleci .Âisv Iloanus'l -ota eisLi,,.i.V t- 1~ suions tis Store for, t ses- have, lise expýeetions cf tlise pubic been diseppointed. - In l tise couseotite; report, tise News.8 Letter says . "Tise Indiaus wes-e dress- oS bu tIsees-disesctriped tiliseuseS -at aitiea-aponte. -Some. more gay-ý afeathers On their head-drees, anS ahl ht ailetreake et s-eS anS bIse peint on 1116W C heeke. ,* * DI* lu additien le the coatliîsit mas intenSeS tisai er- i ts-nire mould s-us againsl urne, but Las mes retîser etiff aftas hie eocean -voyage -and hadn't gel hie land legs mwell renougis le displsey hie speedý. Ho ilîl, 1homaes-s, pceilis-ely s-un, to-muesrom aftersoon. Duning tise day, lis lln. -diS banS of tisa 271b Isuiskltngs play- t daslc programme."1 SiiocscrNc TER141NATION TO A Lovu'.ie QUAREL.-A sb-secking teVcoination le a levers' quarrel tois place u4t Gunnere- but-y, in En.,,and, tise olses- day. For -tire yensepeet, a city oies-ltnamesl Nib- lett, aged, 23 yens, bas beei attenitive te a yonug lady named Agnýes Bus-le, t tIse daugistar cf e relis-eS mes-chant. Tbuey lied SaS a îues-sel, anS tise -yunug lady refuseS ta ec uhlm. Hem- -es-es',Niblet complainred.te lais leu luïdy cf beiug un wnîl anS kept bis bed, auS gel bie iandhady te addres a lettes- te Miss Bus-le sating thatethame-s-es-y iti andîlunablo te lestse Lie bied, tutd is- phcring lues- te cerne ands ce lus-nonce mruse. . The- young- ladly, en -s-scsbvius' lte csmunication, wcut hoafs-y cot- tage and was shows mitiste bedrose cf lies- leser, haise iug stiti in bcd. A >conversation ensued hetwaen Ilîcîn as f lu tuis- conrtslxip, mIses Itie young lady telS lm Iuatllaie mus etîcliios 1waîking uth hico eny mes-e. Afles- se - 1peabesl apiui'tlihes-, li'- seized a lis-e- ciomubered Cclt's s-es-cives, wlbchlsise isesi sectreted bessesusî lIe bedcdotsîes, saidulfis-eS aller. Ths bal lette elleet in-lies- ferelicair, anSpasseS Sowinl-. ridis bler left ctieek;mIxes-e itl idgeil. Nibstit tIson sixîtlIirusesf 11114e lntIse fs'rehueas, tIse haitll ging lu bis choIt. Theis Iosdlaîly gos-s aisnas-unates police asnd thue, disisinui Saos-cin ws se-t for. Tise pistel halte wme in bolli casers succssfuhiy extracted. It le tliuîsugist tisaI lts-e lelittle lusîpe ot tIse s-scuves-y cf Niblot, iesunnutd heing tii-s icit Ises-eu-c, enS Pilsns-m sisslh ro-irins in oas-es-y ps-scsusios laIe. 'tui-st q Ilaset recsl te pas- off lihe Aisx in utisci- omis coin. Tise sisse tsf usuiRsinis ettslcîsuinission cf wliii -s ir itsn-htii-ve e- 'u iiii sire îsîssy iad wiity, as ise fio-sis- ation îsoiiey des-iipsd by 'tihe Ottsiisj Missistry csiisot h #lit ti teaisieton sei-e-rqsjhtrouigli <olIshlcris -it l l i has tise l"stiis frein -4,1(luaensd. In a waos-S, tisees-Su-r lias guone ferîth tisaI "alivsrs," utîuc-wise Yankee, sîsuil psui ONE; bti.1,An tes-rItheprivileusi cf fishisg lu RliceLake, Ontssrio t1Iiicd Lake le lirs homoe of vos-aienrs pucçe, lire spiky Isescis, and lIse goutte niches-. About se-senuy Yankees nnîsually sangle there- inx wittf s-as-çi u,vesy s-oryissg BueccCRR. 'lire tie regulatien may net gs-ertly resSucethue issî-Sen cf taxations borne by ('auiffaslns, bsst, n selles-, itl i8clise l<s-sislssnt Grant auSdlxi culleagses nuit our Gus-ern inpsut l etul atngethuernsins Isacîuhiue, andu it selh tIcaehi Asniesucns titat tlicy riee nt ltse îy people mIxe curs devise 'lebstes- ceux lsgislatiocn," Th<n îlots. G. A. CresvforLl, off ings- toxn, da., lied frein the stig cf -a bec ci] the lhend. and I)-al«1118 sqcd50 cets seuchc1. 1 Ii T Il S. M AC *IEN-At \as'ilQe bec, on 1huiursay, 181li imet.. the %wife of Paîviid MocLart-n, Essj., cf a Son. DE A T9I. 1<10 IIOWrVAN. -On \Ved-(noriay, 241i 'May, ai Vhitby, by stecidetnîssi clrowning, Jantes ]3orrowînsxs, eged 77 yessrf,, anative cof AuhSe,tlitssu. IJOWlE LL.-At Whiibly. on thtp. 27t1s ulto., Williamn Henry, soni cf M1r. Honry llnwc-li, 5154551twnlveytais iansd . STOCKS. Isusis.... ...... . Cosuslisated ........ 'ji Cusîlrurse-0 .....1 : 15otcilliol...*, SI. Lairswente----------t1;, lsslsrsil. .......... 7 Couui 'y t6 perent eulbesilsure May 3sud, 1876. LUtisî. isi 97 1-221 ous 106t TORIONTO MJsliTS. Tuneesc4,e, ilay Bel, 18761. Spring Whcut ...........$1,09 4i 10 Its ........... ...... 1 e & 82e losk--------------------...$8.00) i«e 81.0 s ute.................... ie 5 1 6ohu -Ipples ..................1i30 @ $2,25 WICIITBY MARKET9. Citszcu Ouire, Iebsy 31,1, 1876.- Ful'Vluese.......1.Iloà a@$1 la Sprng Wipat ...........1. I 00 $1 05) Ltrktsy, No. 1, 75c; Ne. 2, $0 ii 55 75 Gins-e-.........i-...... es 25 < (JOi1 Timotliy ............... " '75<39-I 00 tsasi................. 70e Pistils i H-e 1J.e..... VOL (4;Se 5lye ...................i650c70e 0 Li e ....é..... - 40 5?otutoee ............... aûe lButter...............lis 18 t micr.lo.s..7 ifkts100 p* Chiisic.............001it-Os ierîel-0 fUCk-4 lUr ryp. .... 50c C O Fu-steys, per le ...0i); ApplcS, peu- hasitel ...... .1 00 elhese ..........- 12k uIt 54e.c every stage of sneïelantnerto, incurable and .distressing maladies. . .Sold by.iiU Chemns and Drnggists th.ronzhont the Globe. ,-WC.UTION.-The large as4 Jucreas %Dg demând for Dr. Bright's Phospliodyne hâs led to several imitations pnder simila 'aes prhasers (if titis medlicine èscmuld therefourc2U e areful to observe that each- case'bears thse Goverüient Stamap, with the words Dr. flrigist's Phospbodyne, en- grayeS thereon, and tlsat. the same 'words are- alsdblown, on the bottie. Every caue bars thse Tridde, Mark 'and Signature of patenites. EXPORT AGENTS.-Norton, Watpey &.Co., 107 Seutbwark S. oooS. r4. NEW ADVEPRTI8EMENT8.ý L AD PLASTER 1 500 BARRELS Freeli GrounclLand Plaeter mest arrived and for cale at 87ls OTS. PER . BAIdEL. THOS. LÂWLER & CO. B RICK FAMILY IRESEDENCE1 Wantcd te Purchase in the TOWN OF WHITBY. Immcdiato posses3in desired Apply at TIuL CHRONICLE Office. Wh.itby, May 29, 1876. -tf-23 A 1PPrENTICE VANTED.: To Icarn lte Drug Blusiess. Muet be -active, hiLvu good address, asud osoderate eau cation. Apply to JAMES ]3YRNE. Modical Hall, MaLy 24t1s, 1876. 23 wOL1WOOL! Hiffhest Cash.Price paid fcr Woo-mnust be well cleansed-lsy JMl-IIEIMIAII LONG. Wlhitlhy, bMsy aPlt, 1876. 23 WHI TB Y SPRIN-G RACES, 310N1AY & TUESD)AY, jtiîc 5th and OtIlý FlRST DAY. $17Z-fus-sle bRase. Tus--nMiles. tt-51 -oviss-e turss. Hea-ts. $175-Oîsen to ail. Eleace. SECOND DAY. Slltt-<eniueb-eS Bash i miles; ýIstO-ntlal. Duteis2 ituesýp. blltDstii o ses. Omtu-Iaîf umile is c it, 5I. ¶1175-Ointsu ltrl. lie u-aIs. lEti-es cisoseison Tmunrlsy, àJu i'tsI u t 9 h.mn Ens-arct 10 îper- cent. of linss. S'c-Tresu-e. Wlisib.5,May fus, 1f476. t1.10 Orangenrien Atitention!1 The Se'ui-Aumai Cinty Mcptittg etflise above-Snestety suf Ssitth Ontia nasilbu iseld tUt 010s <Jeusge lisîI, 'osaisoft iithy, on nltî stels ).uls-le, isu.(sty, District, esud () fi ors. of l's-îsale Leiges avilI pieuse taie sîsîlice uaS go-es-n tserneelves ucsedingly. T. C.- McAVOY, Couîty mestos-. Wlilly, May '29t15, 1876. liu-283 S TEAMEI "VAN DER BI LT."i lIME TABLE ~ ~siitae seffeo5 ou IWonà,1ay, !'.2nd of May. 19176, icu the utesînen avilI beave tisaLoues- Whsarf on tisees-risa -sinitietraita frein Port Hope et 8.20, s. M., callirg aI lise STUIlGEO . NtPOINT IO'T'L, FEN- lsrL<N FALLS -& BUIICAYVGEON1. lleturnlng ailI &gain cal et al lishe aise pointesud asrive et ILindtsay lu timne le con- 1usd wilh lise ereuirtg train going sentis. Tissbout aviO aise cosneet ailis steamer Ontaruiou et Bobcaygeos running t-a Chte- cooxî Lakse anSdcntetg avwili stsieaers Msuple Leal et Lim idsay for Port Pes-ylRail- routi. - TIME TABLE. Ldu....................0at Féelon Feus ...............0.00 u Sturgeuts Poinut.............. 1ny Boiscaygeo ............... 12.ou 9t«rgeon.........1 0pm 'Feniois Falhs .............,.,230 Lindgay .................... 415î Tise Stua-geu Peint Hotel Ce. avilIlibas-a tl'-Hehc-l tcoospleued isy lte 55)-s et cf Justue oteessoiptilon o0vs1is whouu tise Visas dt-r5ilta-ill s-tii t xira trii emv 5si-se .ig n -[Fs- LiabMfties of 1874-- in1874 ........... )0 For Msxbiipal S. st. .Pickerihng & Bs-ci. 1874 ...... ..... 1,8510 For Valuators......... 600 'I ÂSjourned Sessions > idWarn!o sOr-- Ses, 1174......2,746 68 Fer Higis Scisocîs, hast 1 1874...:..2,976 80 - For- ScIseolTeacliers, h asit j, 187-1j.8. ,727 42 -21,401 80 F or Liabilities ef 1875 -- Ceuinty Property.....4,112 Sa Salarie, & Continges. des............. ,842 64 Adjous-ned Sessions Or-- Sers .............8,55 31 - 16,5W 28 Legielative S. Grant, -s- ock & Picksering. 1,831 00o Municipal ScisooL asat., Bs-ock ............768 (0 Higb Sehoola, iItJ, '75, 2,981 25 Poos- Scboohe .......... 165 00 SýuisdY Examines, &c. 47S 401 tire Grant--....3598 8i Notes retireS ....66,0030 00 --> Dehbenturce & Coupons, 2,486 00 Issîcreet tand iccounts, 1,288 87 -- 69,724 87 Noo-Rcseideut Fond... - 1,50w 14 Balance in banstds et- - Teasures- 31 Dec. 1875 ............ 131 Wlaitby. let Mfay, 1376. IIOBT. H A DR, E.Aniès G. H. GIIIEIISO , C . I iè s AcacIa sud Liabihities cf the Çps-pcs-a- tion aftie Couuty of Oiarto, Oc 3151 Deýcecobes-,.x875 ASSETS. Blaunce cf Cash lu bauds et Treasores-.. $ 128 19 As-tess-e of Couuty Îtles. 11,208 85 Onut..Gos-I. ecet-, Crim- inel Jsie 1,094 27 Ontas-io Gos-t. acet. fer- Higb Scixoils, lutl j 18753................ 1,712 50-- J. Y.bsHum J ,3uFce$.. 61 50t lanàtces . unS,....3,072 2( ltorzgsge anSl Inteîcat. 765 28 Estele laIe 1P. Taylor. 8s1i 14 liegisit-as-, efisnl tees 187,1.......... ....... 15 85 Regislras- RefonS tees,- le75 ................. 6870(8 liesl Estate, Couuly Building & fus-suture, 60,0M00 Wxs. 1'axton's indelst- cruss since 1874,IaS- p er S. C. WoId'S sus-eul.................. 11,037 00 f8l,447 96 LI0Au ILITIIdraïw A m o.tBane-..a tnisat dem. Ba chls, ;16O Anut4 du15 ..g.s......os,597 loest in 187k.......-i.,98 75 - Ntes bbleofr - 8,0(5 3 Baaidser cIass.. 432 VAde' odesco- lyPsepet,&.. . 981 Se-Ie........ 1,700 65, B3alamees due Munlici- Saueitiss, xon-residen- eut FuS.. 241 98 Btalanets due Mun.isi- politis, Teueissl. arse, &0c........... 6,8069 Antouisît due -Registrar. Wos-k le ha certitted by Ixspeeler, (oct as- ces-ainedlý... Bebencurce s uses Jty- lais- 219, 1814 *... 2 Bates-e, mheas-ie o%- cees ot A"seets ver Liablltice.... 17,M2754 20,00000 4,820 42 Tise eabsve issu, correct stelemeut ef tise Assets enS Liabililies ofthe Cres-asallen et lise County et Ontario, ou the 31.1 Dacesu- b2n, 1875, s'O fer as -reahave beau able ho Wititii3', ImlMny, 1876. - EOIST. H. LAWDER,1C Adi +. . GllESON~ C. Audiors. 28 COsURT 0F IEIIN Public Notice is laereby gis-eu tisaIthe TOWNSH{IP 0F PICXRflTG, fer tise Iscesext ycar aviMle ha eliS et the Toavship Hall, Brouglisc, on Tîîesd'ay, Julie l3tli, 1876,- at-Lielimous-oi Ouao'cleck lu tisaaflernctou. - - ECTOR BEATON, Tomshis- Clak. Piesiog, May 28r5, 1878. 22 HIOM$E TO LET - - Conlaiuiuug EgixI -Moins, goed Collas-, and isecessas-y cons-elenes. -Aspiy le -J. B. POWELsL. Whitby, May 3let, 1870, 28 HOO G eR-VANT WÀNTED. Noue but sagCod girl, qualifiaS te de gen- es-ah houce ms-,WU' eepply. MES. C. DRAPER. Wisithy, May 81s1, 1876. 28 DAILY LINE TO -ROCHEsTER TRE TEAMa55E INSOL VI fnlte Ma, GREIL i tiaaIe--na sala bys ïPut {-Amesican Ho on SATU-RD, day cf JUIlE sfiss-soona, all tesest -ef the ses, viz. s- let. Tom sties, on ~wll oeneBleck hiu-st's plan£ 2nd Tise Blocik 6, ank wate-:sgedge lot twenty-se Witby. 3rd. Tomi tier of the weist oM-Brocl by On tiss bsdmngs. 411e. Lots and tio hums plan cf lot ire Concession, 1 5tis. TeWX tisirty-one, c les-'s plan e1 ttairty, luthe ots. vimi B, Ewes-'s ph ter-. -71is. SOMc fouin C!, tS Water Lot tv Bro-ken Fs-eu Stis. A on Jirouglitsî, k 151h. Tes-s Sitreet, in tl Waterloo. 1LOts.Tise Lýot numnher EIte-bs, tire isumises- igh vis- uai-vide par-t cf <mc Second, Ces niorth-uis5t a ai, buSecos Aise asE1 jndgmests ei * salely )and ai liS dbyselS AiEt ofsa s are cpcn for Os-snsto, E day -betweem -threa P. M., Estate. Thse AEaýigr tilla, os- Mun now in his p for inspectio Tes-su-F cent. ef tha 1 théa Say of si ates-. For 1 Pohicies, tise Wislitby, Ma p LASTEI ÀÂfres Cà man'aiiay. 90 fCZN Picircs-ng Il FLOWEE OVER ?2,1 -WRIG Wlsilby. M& H1OUSE Costeaixii anS Stable, of Towne. A 'Wbutby, As-r TI11

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