bar 0, only1 To =atm effect.d. The cu e fs$cag aro"nu I, the lb. tii... oaat obstructions, thug reSOOinthoglea o! tiie beait, réleduufg t i. blood.,e..elo, uoftelaing the pulge^ eathirtUo, the'y do flot, after opeag bae s 7 dayt.udenoy b i tic bowebe moe. otived, Thje 1 importmnt finprovnuto, su l have *eè.i taken maniiy lahsor catbbus.., -for tIf Purpeae o! oveu (ug toutptin, huow tO riir " 'tbs tth: uoudary Otert -of ail twc hs as beaun 5q<o rnder à floteiWOii."Th-m ePellets prc Onob a uoondary f. eoof epol hbore à a. b bib11 j-4out apurma: bealtby Acion. Houai thefr 0 value, takela inornait daily does. leu<(ihofuMe% lDU huaontipa à l'iu-il4.,atended sul produ ~"Notice# ofirtsa, Marric an d Doatht charged 60 cae ach. IBLIEU. n Xontres!..... ..86 186 Wrorcato.... ..... ...168 188 OutarlO..- --..... .... 104 109, Conolidated ..::100 01 Pommerce.......... 4 12 Domiion124 .Hamilton ........... Di Oounty 6 par cent. Debntre, I J.ft une11h,176 TORIONTO MARKETS. ToBoxT., June 14th, 1878. Fanl Wesat....-......... 81.12 @ $1.14 Sprlng Wheat...... ,...... .08 @ 81.9 Pou.., ...............0o@ 72e o Oto...;................ 8400850 Park ..0..........87.6088A» .utr..........160 ~160 Base. &.......... ...le 12e WHI2'.Y MABirETS. LEVI PAAIKB, t, but. Oto Àutione,, Wiiltby. . IMRNDAE8sON, Vendor'g Solitorg, oDsm.No. 1 Jordan St., Toronto. a full une 8tb, 186,S.25 à fi.s t à OUTION SALE OP tire. £ lurT." VALUABILE..PÂRKf 4 O 8, s I 85 ýDON'T FAIL TO CÂLL &T ."THE MONTBE4A] TEÂ COMPAiiy ST -E"WHEBE YOU GAN GET THIE WOeTR 0F youR MONEY IN TEA. "' I-~-J~L.. L. - 1~J'~ dIW~ POWELL. UIU1,WO i, 'Cain SE! Frarnifor Sale. Will be sold by Public Auction, by L. Fair- oa , s.,Actoeea PAC-eEONZ.............. 0141h -18qSA.T UI?1)A FahiWh.aî.ât......... i 0 1 5 Ilarlcy, No0. 1, 750; No. 2, $o. 55 $0 7à THAT VALI Clover ................8 25089 00, Tlmothy...........6 76 @$4 00 .7u0...C AP0 BakBye Penu.::::900ea@C 93e laye.................. 680070o t .at S it...... i0 RIAY..............@14d i Pat t-s#.. ... ... 14 C O11n tý, cf O n ta rio .gg .............e800 i' 10@0 0 Wôo(i ...............8$400 08150 2 dg- S8k a w ...... 7 00 (à 7 60, -Chiekens ............ 0 J 40o per pair 1hait ut le N , 8.)T'e Dueks per pr .........00 @ 60e iaof itv'O . Th sil i Turkeyo, par lb.....1 00 r fler podce wt pëf in rer ce...... . $5- 6 0 k , acelssable tiereto Woo îodqu~r . 8e ~ 7e ]with chu 1e" an grist lIcol, fors quarter .......&80 ~8 0Tepoet swh Sheepskins...........1Th81 @ 5173wel Rides ................ :84 00@ 00 1 tramue dwelling house8, thl onlons ...............f1 0 aOU youtbiildings, taother Turnipi .............. 1@ 1240 ~ h.poprywlh Carrots ........... 8 c200eh 8oetywl lei T be given d'il the I3th day 0 Epp,.'u CoeVOR.-GraieirfgîItned Com. A. the erope eing taken off, a Iorung.~~EDya thorou hh koowled j0FPA MNT o! the natuýral lawc hingoveru 8g leVen ore o A thir ici o, operatiens of dgcbusu Jrton.~Si aud b va carsful application of the finue iw, dpstw properties af wefl.seliected vooe, r. E lsdpppcfl nk oeqa lias provlded our breakafact tbles witt l the t3lîdi of patobein délicately fdavareil beverage, whlch thmaLI annoom.oerne cave ui n any heavy do tors' bill." t M hi the judielous use of coch aârticleq of dust <Frterricarsd that a eonstitution may be graduoali II heVnosSliioWi up util stroug enangi ta reniât every ton..teYnosSoiioWi deuey to dîceace. Hondredi ofcubtle maug. ,J dise arc toatiug sroud uready tO att" wherever there iu a weak p oint. W. insy Whitby, Jioe 9thi, 1876. 0epMaia fatal cbaft y kseping o8o oeve elOrtilleid wth pore blond aud Ao proper ynourlhed frams."-C1ï,jl Srs foi UaaWte d inluPacketc sud Tinc, *lV - and IL, lablld,-"Jawec p cCn. Heinoeopathie Chemicîs; 8L Thr~s Strot, a i 170, Pi adilly £au don. L 1 foi OXYGEN IS LIFE. .I M R, BRIGHT'8 PHO8PI1ODYNE L'ULTITUDE S OFPPEOPLE are hope.k lesly sofferingr front Debility, Nervoux snd Lîver Couiplints, Depreccilon- of Spirif.; Ilypochondria,,Tliidity, Indigestion Poil- luire of Hoaries, Slght sud Msmoéryr Lascil no tode, Waut ao Power, &c., whe ca ses, mi faâerrmauentocure by the new rem edl pth PIIO ODYE (xooie Oxygen), whigk uit once alîsys AU irritations a»d eXçitê.ý ment imparti new sury aud His to'tic ffeetled conshitution, sud rapidly ours.IL every tags Of ihoce hitherta inourable a&dM clltresclng maladies. Sold by Il Ghemlctc aud Drog ctc thro bout ths Globe. IWGA TICN.-n-el alarme sud increas- ing demand for Dr. Brgt aPîasphodyne c lion led to ceveral Imîitatious under imîlar u namne; purohacurw of ti modiolue shonuld a therefore b.e caréful to observe that each case beare the Goveruusst Stamp, witb Wl tie words Dr. Bright'& Phocphodyne, en- engravsd! thsreou sud tbithle came words m are ica blôvu on the bottie. Every case bie the Trade Mark aad. Signature of B6 PEtXPOT AGETNS.Notor EWtJ /I &Ce., 107 Southwà rh St.Norton, 8 NEW ADYERTISEMENTS. C A MASO MEETING Bot OF LIBERAL CON8ERVATIVEB or 7t51, lelot,' lu ai eoi. lu.iLts u "S OU T H ONTARIO 1 on Full directions for Usanegin te Egîo h Iree WfU iebhl] lu the DrillShîed, TIME TABLE No. 15. Water Lot twn. Part of lot twenîy.îtreo in 'o! recin, for DtO se, lie flroken Front ConcesSionl, Packerlng. Dalb.uh oln , , autian B R o o K L IN Takos offset on Monday, May 8th, 1876, 89i. A ons-acre lot in 1h. Vilage Of $a]n, Madras"e, Pogaooles sudJp Trafiu ru by Torouto time, whilc la twen- Broughiam, kOown ae 8h. Old TsnneryLo.5'5I5iu6eCopiylg ss a. o ty.îwu minutesaloe h, GTR ie tTw lot number six, On HunIer oiand for Dr. B t'P SATURDA Y, ..WNE îZtl&, 1876, .clsettreG..R tme in t Town o at oaYo eea mtte îms.p Rtret, u li Tou o!Gaî, Contyo! cverl imtatons ouedhynear bas lem ho laek p. uîa.21ORlb.Waterloo. ele" ft I moes or i if cslsc?,T" wo. 2 IML -No. 1 ux. loti. The following lande lu Madoc tirel6l80mbcrOS'" beat hefb cio fctnacandidate to ootsttJta Id. WhiîbY Jon. . eîb.êPIc1.tbearhe ti lugluher ~ersîBttii Oistitg lihin.Whlb . p.9.10 d. 7û7 p.m. Lot numbor ceven, lu Fourti Concession, l ngUsh oveueî tm 'st le rds t. ef B.BCBE..0 7~. lzevir, two inndred actes, wetiha1f of lo tea e hro KEL .A. MoGILLWRVAY, Broo..'n.......... . 9.40, .5 é nuber> &t lu Second Concessiou, -BIze. 'â vrmae 'a @ob ovuon 8h. botths HRRHFOR TgE QUENBB î1 Manecher.. ..10.22 ' 17 "Il onitCondeuclon, Elzevfr , heu acsa 1 laI ino priou Price lliri.0.8 " 827 #1 norti.vhit Angle o1 sAit bhl! o lot ffube a r ersquecuu ta fld ots htbnid Stsen, lùbtby, Jeus, 14th, 1876. 25. Port Perzy. ...srrive 10i.40> ss.85 si in Second Concession, Elever. for nus crs pted Il u Ethçin TRAMN genre acuj. Alco aul délits,- scoutiiandabeVtlt icfOIcs uiSyi VALABE . Vatel sud aaTrader, adthe Lf o cel< EXPORT AENTE p.m. jouhgrneo idni. aolvsnbotNortongeituu&- 0 ouhâkSre FARM FOR SALE. Mn ti8 9 0 :deed~ u nolet ot LOndO',.r. 047Sohvr tet *RM........6.80 157 -d A lât ci o.ld Book and Judgmaut orton ata X1Lf h soin by publi îc uinu iy Levi Nlyrtle .. ........... . 2 il .2110 .' arc ouen for ioixpe&tioii Iu the iffo De ý-.. v5D5,Leseber & Evase' É.thitiame Riiu;1e. tIay's Hutel, in the Brookinu... ........7.0 0 1 2.,7Il Ormistoii, Ecq. in the town of Whitby, san3 <ilcce. Gondon B. G, (>MJ cifWlntby, atone ao'ciock 'p'a . 7,203)etl, f, 2.47 Il day beretWile Jpnro cf tan &.a.nid mf , o * i &Co,-I Colemian Street. 'ho8t Da c J Pl. nWhitby Ju.... ....:: threep. rm., atco the Titis Deeda of!Real.,, non'E. r b 2l~cgt tet thlexelntfr etîdl h. ni oî.Satis. Tanss o 11Bg Thc Assigne. villii uni ph Boy iPa,,.Td" p. t1.iu 1 N, ihna nv u i.poseeln htharc- avatiabl! ù e c Lonins67don F,, G. now nhopfoa*gin hij $ u od t Ç, , W Ti ugrrgt ci Lots 7 snd 8, fu the Droit'n rurcor.talning 244 Acron 'more or les, For Pâttieosu d condf l sale t ;.r 1 ST Butter or 1Y, THIE 8tli 0F iJUL Y, 1876, JABLE FAIIM, THE PROPERTY 0F THE LATE thN TCAMuPBEL being part cf lots 7 and 8, in -A- 0contaisîîizn -PicKFl RING;, ,the North 144'acres cf lt1 o >an h Nrh faini is situated three miles froîù' the Corporation o! the Townî iricit cday, and hears heavy crops of wlieat and ail otiier kinds igood inatrlets ait Wltby, Duffins' Creek, aînd Frenchinan's by good îottds ;titere is a fgood seohool bouse on altjo1lug lot, Linilis in the ileighîIborlioodl.> watered aînd in ta good state of cultivatioa, aiîd bas thtereon two ires trame harns, andl stable,, shedq, driving lieuse sud otîter neces- rwith gardon and orchard att. about 13 acres of hurdwood. sold iii one or two uiareels to suit purchiasers. Possession viii ot November next, witli permnission to enter and do FaIt plowing ou and tfo obtain stabling for four horses. *A deposit of $1000, to be paid down ut the tume of sale bo the ,an.! encî further sumn on the l5tli day of Ociober ntext, as with the xter of the purchase money; the balance to be secnred by uiortgage t ten equai annual instalments, willi intereet, to b. computed frotu ext, thereon, sud on ahl moneyc unpaid when due ut 8 per cent. per -e conditions o( sale maay b. hud frotu Du. BLAcK, Markham, P. O., or itby. J. K. GORDON, VciNDoRS SOLICIrojIL FAIUMERS' TOOLS. Spades, Shovéls, Hoes, Rak 1es, Scythes, Snaiths, &c., good goode anichE oDeëandii lust or, 0. P «iCITY Wiitby, May B iFLWERS 1J wintby, May lmt, à E ECUORS, .& FARM PR Wiilbe cold by 1 IaujiLtstes mon oki4mre. Ho îc~~cents, nIov adinthe 1ading Tlý unt >order, Tie i IV -DAY t c o ct For time c * of -Bakes of &'rey and WlieCUtcm. nLess than lIaufacturer8' Prive8. ýwel eed Ated on lot H ouge, Di bad, andO0, Was ngowin ie landifalunt ai aeabout ifailinig chu fone&d i or to , Iforks, r anicy ea.p. -a fi IRA at; . -----s,- AINTS AND G-enuine rWhîte- Iead, -1 Ou, V&?llshes, Glus,] CHJILIRENS' TO WAi IIEPLY. LOWES 1 OTTM AT r ONE O'CLOCK, 0. M, ON