Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jun 1876, p. 4

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DISIu ab Io"la up Quaba., tends t 9 iadel, as c luuaklng, 2.101. J. . EENDERSON, MillRn4Q,àZitab uer on urn, ~J4 on Fwda Mst1 ut Orby , uetioear, ,fab7 .mtrysd ilin tWq To afil«ue 8bo170 5DONI LT)CALLT 6'EM NTREA TEA OMPANY iMILLINERY-DREBSMAKN AD A4RW by Prc onthartio dmr of Dr. Pifrre'a Pl M KN-aanlÏLOIN I Purgative PeIIata.wbea lhe attàok fiel AUION SALE 0F ornas on, sud follow with two rthre. MONEY IN TEA. IOE T RE lly ueOi 86 PaIIcîeah dayunti a eelussV LUABLE T R cffee$d. Tby curehase ~, b7The undersigned has been appointedl agent of th Montreal Tes Co.,WhbyJuelt, 86 LOWEB k POWELL._________ ar'iang an tbe secretiona, relieving Ther. ýwilIb. saicia t j. ta acfl tbfr Teâ6s. You eau get flncflavored Tes froml t 5pa et ccp of tiç beart, reiievig tb.e ougcsteadR C>Y A L O T EL, return tien sud getipur tmonaY as fraaly se recoived. Itu shouldflot fanl to blood.veusels, softcnîng 'the puise, pro-.<111 duclu gui 0îraParahboz,.sand ubdu. in the TOWN OF WHITBY, on a ie.ts r o is issqaiy ODD EL OW ' BUTILDINGS GOLJ)S 1I fevr.Unlkeothr boat 4ukand 0~FRUITS AN'D CONÉECTIONERY. catiartica, îl'e-do net, sltar operation, -o uyA.D., '76 qTj7 my first classaSt., ech[Ioa ;nges-ndI4ýe6. Candies of aSU-0 thé owes Mrecoativa. Tiau a Pursuent to a Powdr c01sode contained in and Tobsoco. Frcah vegetables recoived daily. '. ca zù sotw:ited. important lnlprovenu, as aU Who an Indeuture af Ma .4e, w*bîthbWin, ba &.]PnET eEebRaSed Wato bave ever takerin mny »it or other roducèd ut lime ofsaethe îollôwlng W. P. .VILLCOXf osbala frta up~a fovercom. th~15r WhitbJane 6th, 1876. 24 Wh8 y RSI oLoNo. Y uasB.inte8dcnesoof byL, W b.HSNOW IN 8TOCK~ pca rcs tng constipation, know ho rhefr @ af Lý ot N 0 a", n theba t alPo ea the a aeoudary affect *of 'au sncb 'VlnMM b Ontaro, contanin,0Â,Ars, mora AAA 5O ~EAR.~LAL twneus bas beau "îtà reuder a liadt or late, sud described as tolows: Corn. STANDARD BANK 0FCA D. 5 ÈE R. S UGAR OURED H.AF MSIiQ .a cbasoodaryj i»nie effecto tét hon<. sut 'l do.,u4, chains 9links* bD haii.aboya rw a Winl bu aid byti. ' " E R LA N D ' B A C O N V Wo a lt boei s bi,1aoutaprmn nt, , uth 74 dag., West lA chaina 46 links NOTICE in eP J yntataDII udersigu bau h inOrmat asd Swe e bOW64 asto rinig aout pemanet, est ht ai i fte Brook Rosd; theu DEND of HB EN.frten hcsltby action. Hance thefr great &lone lhe sau it 01 t e rokad, a=calAiysr, bali etthe rt f Il e ta th defetouOf the Party or O LeA ON -valine, takeu in ematildally-dosas for a uortL-westerly 0caîe1 iks; bo 5orh ot y 'P AN prtesWhUMredof n theRO LL BAonONh l1 Of t of l'buat ntation 74 de.,"asat t ta7centre lu e IX ECN.PR NM sleatli he corne raofthh. li, Dundec 'NE C ES, SECA LST unPîeff.,attaudcd and produced, a ul 14 wn2 car.f~n the pai-up capital stock cf ii n teo .ngta 87 ik hnot 4e. st7can in .1e elrdfor the carrent ATOYCte nc186 as tbeY grd5c5Jj7 are, by torpor of the 86J lins - -thon o- FRIeDAYthWest 8Of iJUNE, 1870.I livr ansd costivenese., Sold Dy. drug. chains 60 1lnks tt le'road aflwance be..ablu e .Bsuansd its Agenciez ou sud W&COB BRYA:&. gil.tween the 8rd sud bth enucensions; thion sitar chiei Constable. Pe of - norti ~ ~ ~ MALTBY OOCOA NUTS, Prmuaos plae ai begiulIng. MKEItii8rLayoLJl, eR.W'ty Jn O,24MABPMAADArE adin a n mrj ae ~"Notice, ofBirtht, IMaiagea, m. ubove ia svaluabl. property, under The trinsiar boaoMksE bSooksI IIIvIlI LJE On d .patla. harged 60 vents oac<. àseuid l aie ofcultivatioanud win sld rom 1tranh ta 8îoîJuwnit, b.ot as SM *S or reasoueble terme. Fur tt atc. etbtdac A1a.gnri o STOCKS. . 1~~~EYS&PPERSOb, The Annuel General Meeting a b ofS tPheO,. 1'L ~flit5 SELLr., ~ Jane l8th, 1870. Veador'c Sols, Toronto Sharehaiders. for the clection ci Directoru NFRI«b «EJ.A.S u3. UEOOSEB.for te siLyaWini be held sat1he MANY IF 91IMITATOSM' .- 4G 031M2 xautreal ...........18 18 86ilie nsin oneTronetoIONon S- no ...... 188 lw ADIiu1ITRA~TîoN NOTICE. ne i ooto M r s . .:: A D W EDNESDAY, TH E 12th F JULY, riE C S P ID O R U T E A D E G . 10 0s neil. The chair will bc tukeu il twelve O i AI ADFRBTEADW ty Conclidâted......100 gai lthe<kCroditora of ISAAC RESOR, o'clock, unu." R WPEtTERMa SMdIT8H6 Commrc.. ......:nd 124 deceaaad, andi ail olter, kaving By aider af lhe Board. MYR LE AYy Whitby, Jane 14t1i, 1876.PTE M H,______________ Hamilton.......... Del os daims a'gainai hi. eaiae. J. L. BRODIE, Sadr....... 88 85 Casher. Towshparcn.90 ad ut ses, onor about telie rst day of Jane, F OSSLTAMnPoferd Tawnehip ad a ters hâfoi:g a.y cih cou1,0Li<OUT FOR THE TJP__ innelibth, 1876. agis i sae ro rWr h itO h i o. Pick.,,. t0 000 diai ofAuguat, A. D., 1676 la uend ta rm es fee iclear dry 1lj and tuc in uumI1er. TORONTO MARKET8, ARAHAM REEFiSOR, tL. underaeud.For partiouarsaeppy t-"1T cz ~ GO ULIY FLTH S[O Oos lo stem s TasaJne1h,87. admlnistratar duiy applointed, addreuced, G D QULIYH. SMITHM 50et, Alo Fsan ea...... ...1.2-@ 01.14 thaîr daim., a etalameant oaino..er accounts Green River P. 0. Sprlug Wheat. o. $ 1.09 sudthie nature ai lb.aoecuity (if sy) helâ-J- eOt 1876. 2in'.24 A TUNE Pias...................... 70e @ 72o by Ihemn, togetier with Iheir christian and nu 0h ON TIfE GNIE O&M ............... 800 50 suru,m=es, addreuuecsud description or ila,21-8m. Park......... .........#il (è-816 dètaalt thereof the3y will b. peremp$oriîy Cl 00 WANTFD! I c i 0 RL T J-Si xhnef Buatter ................ 1 6e00100 tributinof aihlie setas &itarsid lait men- PCiL -1-ry g....................10C4 120 tinued date, taebecnmade amougsteliepr Apply at li a Lte r a~ient, traw £Lats at 10c's., or three for 25 cents, ,he te Apple&s........... ........ 8(10 a82.25 lieu entitled Ihereto. QEE'SHOTEL, stored October2011ent, lSet, This.Notice in girea under Statuts i01iby WHITI3Y MRIrJ2q's. Canada, 29 Via., Cisp. 28, Sec 27. Whitby, Jane Olli, 1876. 2 toe si a Q etsaiee ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ U oce zes ABAHA REESOR,__ The newest styles in English and American Sill< and zOusotas Ornasi, Jane 141h, 1876. Adminiuîrator-Iara eesRosa, decessed. OS TO LET 1i UNDE1I DISTNGISUED P&TnOccACE. Fait Hats. Fan Whaaî............ $1 05 go si TO Toronto, l2th Jane, 1876. 2___________Felo SpigWet ...... 10S0.Caulaiuing igil, Roonie, guud Cllai, DR. B R .GHT' S Cu rJThe Gents' Furnishings leading as usual. -É.g Caler....7......,0 890,5 0 O II N DA ,adn sApy ce1ecs.PH DYVNE, Fine Regatta Shirts with two Collars for 75ets. *The fleiey N l, 8e Na 9, 80 65 5 76 D O M N O N D A su ne ee aJ.on a B.nc POW EHLLH.O ~C olla i att ch d R egattia, splendid patterns, only $125 ; Fine W hite Tioh ........887 40 UYzt 8J-WibMyas,17. B.3POWELL. for 9Oots.; 2 Pairs Fine Cotton Sox for 25 ets.; Underclothing Peu................. 70eo at 4Octs. ; 5 Boxes Collairs ah 25ets. ; Gents' Lisle two-button Gloves ah Blacek Bye Peau ...90o @ 95o The annual Mammoti Pie-nie icausne- HOROUGE SERVANT WAJNTED. ~ ' Otadohrln.a h oetpcs Bye..................5o @ 70o lion with tie Metiodist Chai-ch, Wiiitby, T X-0tadohrlns ttelws rcs Ostu .......... 1...... 400 wiil be holà on-Domnioîn Day st Corbett'à 'Nana but a gond girl, qualifted te (Io gra. -,yN .. .......... i 1 Point. The grounds havea u re; oaaiboue work, need apply. 0 oosrsuuvcr..hity, ... 812oC. Drper, i ofdyplce Steani MES. C. DRAPER. atr&0 .oaoz........80 0 Tug aI the disoa fte ciliilee, and W.tby, May SI et, 1878. 2 R................100 arrangements will be made for cunveying Tii Ncw Curative Agent. md1on5. R4 Baler............0e aî& l parties te sud iruni the groundu, ilier The NeJ Cuetive1875nHatter, &tRe B u tte d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 @ i18 0 b >' w a te r o r la n d . S n ob a rra g t se WiI U A N D P L A S T E R 1lia he R e m e d y fo r N e rv o u s a n d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Coul, par ton ........... 7 @ 88 00 bo Mad. au will gira a goud day'e recreationL LiverCmlai s Wod....... ..8 10 ad amuement ta ever>' persan. ComMaaint Fulpriuasad programm i l a ai obnto a oo e Ciekenu ..............80 @ 40e peripsir pubN h1 laa i- ,i vh pubIhemujemianeutilmem0bAreoLS19.e Mdical "A Safe Business Maxîrn." RaICrfes ion it eqal d or tdo ri Dueku par pi ............ ec @ 60c Secretary.Treaunrr. FPia- Gronnd Land Plaster juil arrived repleniahin11 h. e tia canofitheuls o,! hit Turkay,, par lb. ..10e Whilby, June 13th, 1878. 25 ansd for sale at blond and narve substance, sud for develupingL .1ln2arbae .... 1-00.4e ail the aawers sud functions of the system ta par auhe.6100 -L thig est deqrae. Woul .... ............. 26a @27e. . oSE. FOR SALE, île action. wilu aania th pl extariaqiziiaie -eeteSol8aentkp sotd e Bee.ISHOP LOTterN....L.C.5IT0 @886 5CT PEI AR EO. Pîî ot iee;ande as sdanuca t "w. one. o b on natnesuee h Saks7r lo ep aerii. "or-t iviethio.s Beef, fore quarter.... #50 80<5 50 At Auhburn, intahei.Townshîip ai WhitbyTIS ALR&C. pitasdrtth kell , rigetaerdnu 7 hi.,milbe fouiît Begus.Ai -oai3 Beefhind uarte.68 0 <g 8 5y1e.knwn tharapeute agente uf tbe present totherstre o omar p Rides ........... : ::::elarieu, aluna cllar, pump, dc., with hall ib, a 811 57.2 eady sud ue a Onos.... ......$ 0 au acre weli planled with gond fruit Ireus.. ý'Patationuftheb Heurt Trrin bling o f the sand-a well assorted Stock. Turuipu ................1ced@ 121e AiseaBlackemith Sh" ou lie lot, 86-30, LASTER i1Dizzineohsusan ibe Carrots ................: 6<g@20o 8 Purges, aud 8 sels of Toula, Hure. .Puwer, issinta Hd ad "mpaî sduthyicon.~- ~~syls Tnrning litho, Vertical sud Grindstona Faro mentainanha ci an lied NutNoition. " and Evloea± the newstl. hya lIpe. n<O.-raetu.,d om.And lire. diffaient preosesr mkigLoose afEnergy sud Ap. Depremsion Epolai,«ç,o.Gri-ClbndC m.Afrsecro utreove Cornc- peiesumptîon lin the. A well assorted stock. nro féi e kl,,g...."B eî ,,aIdboards, sud ana Boit Cuttar. HpeoSaCni-st stage unI>') b au h ai loie nalr awtru ~tagvr a Al«oo100 acres ai land, (a3acres dem-ad), mane 13Bay. Female Cain laints - lîiy aeWndwBise tok ePterC ap 01pter t ua digBhestion aad n ta aSontohaif lot f2., lticoncession Mrs; Gnc n Tbut Battd ft md bat are ful diaion aniin f i. ine oacehool hanse A choIndgtionerDekt n A well assortad stock. hya an vacrflapiaino h ielt itldalaon t 'e90 CENTS PER BAIRBEL. FaulneEmred tion ledo lidsandsoc, e Pter, hap es vaua h ey a fod properties f e -seletedcoos r.Ep TERMS o aeaeylbral. P îî.f heincaiacity toi- Slnd>'or . Meaiiy Cout1Cout1A eylwrts deataly e urbeafs ihapurcimue money of lie Auhiaru property J . cC LA. sne$ Nervuifi Fls Croquet 1Coqe bCoqeutA er owrteln auci elo h odury ue delseyfiavored beversge, whtci niay Wil ho aluwed-la romain on morlgago. A J .MCLLA.Stck eIcai-evons elitncte well assorted stok frtn save us n aay hesvy doctors' bille." I lis od-agi a coaandfrray Pcein abuMy2h 17. 2PrmteDcl its Sage Iuipoverished Blood hilt 'l c c buSntagesmilavao. o by lie judliolus ue aisuci articles ai diet gnc rash plu a , band etayPerinaHrbur Myaut, 87. 2 remacndteion ftesse rs as1Fn as1Siehn iwadPety e lu t a e n itu ioun a>' h c raduaUy balît cJsM.SAppi>' lu PhO spo dv e wh t ol caus e T action a t he, à w eu asso îtea sto k w B o up until trong enougi ta reauut evar>' tan- JAMES WALKEII, " e heo. andin sudaIlmoibl tedttoiseathseyeemart. Fns! Fns Fasf SoethngnewandPret18N76DrssGoos a 1 dee ie,.Haeea ubtle uala uAshbnîn, P. 0. teg tram thve r eaae h tock-.tts er Nt dien arc floaiag araund uiesdy teatslack Jue13h 176 1-5 iestnd onpihe the te met pows er-, Jin al our epatmets-BookStationery, new and evc le r. îua faa weatk ein W .- ' TWo Patentul t u hemnifcuetherempre a nS b-kells dowcn f torns - goo.dS-Th wereve in su aa hf enou-lilt h auaiatont.nrea fiebeoned anivfloas edcine foagenkovat. ency Goodsr-we adiiera to thc mîxirn, "Kep the Stocks well Assorted." P . foe r selves well fortifleaSwitb pure blod sud a ot tihie iading plougis of the country'ISO ET T0F175il quîImPyire la mandbcon utistl.B T dainadfothacuutonf propariy nonricied fraa."-Oivîl Serine. for se. alOVN CTO 85 lon l uImpa dertea, li-viere to- yesiil- n T 14 and ii t7az#bfta. Bold iu Packals sud Tins, ib. maclatod. arlous, eada-,*eious, anS sont- iJ . S e. R 0 ..B E R T S 0 Nk aud lb, lablled,-<Jaciu e dc $. XAMINATION OF' CANDIDAT'1ES. Inite Maiter >of .JOHN HIIME "vttai cauditton bharfexd, the flash Wti raie- omoeapatîrie Cheaintc 48, T &raSu ESaj. tdlytncresue ta qunttty'aud i- mues,sud Tha Annuaflte Twn f teawhoe sst nratura toa stahe ut rahust Bookseller and Stationer, Whitby. Stret, a S 1 0, Pcefder> Lanauie S amin Tathrira icndtes GREEnWInoDcfe Town cf b 1he orgnisaipodforInsanc e trîail>' Whitby, May Ol, 80 OXYGEN 18 LIFE. ansd Thut-SClis eCrticats-wtl b. aîi helq awneien.uph i-Oneandteattutil2)lace th. ss for ubli SczoolTemcarep'irt Seuednature ta candi-at. tuat huenan eloclrtclly J). B U T'SPHOSPHODYNÉ... 1nh. Towucfliiîby, 1 >'vrt.aila oer etectein i gdaigul y L I BERA L CON8ERVAIVE8 Whiîby, Juna 7tî, 1670. 24îthrty , itia 6uu "dee io, Wih> BRIQHT.S PHOSISHODYNE Wehv lo A eia ok, PI LES 0 R T 24Oh. Village lot numbor three, iu Block l5 a LI> aîxuhvrlo mria L c or ~~~~~~~~D 13~~~~, Ewei's plan, Lu lhe Village ci Manches. Iu CASES St 0.6 yIlCeieBusHgeLthsopeefrbidi. or PDORT W ITBT A D PORT PER T lai.ansd Patet Medcn ButN 1âendors B ates "'te fo buldng S-O U T H O N T A R I O .L EXT NSION RAILWAY. 7tlh. - om~e lots i PeFairor viz.; Lots e ou h uîl e 1 o r o - .. . . . . ..s n fori , w.adsix i ,oneiD, adeuS -e B là o Wlb.oilut.DliSeTIME TABLE No. 15. Water Lot Iwr'. Part ai lot lweuly.Ihre inFai directions toriuoi hEgl& - Brke.FrntCncsso, icein. Gsi-min, Italan thSFi-ench, 0 0 K L yN Tîe e 8Y nMod>, MsY 5h, 1876. Sth. A ane-are loti Village o TrriskmunyFTrant tConcessiont -t%Pilaeri of 0_0,A ME:RS' TO LS. than %fadufact Trhsrubwaot tne erlii i-n. Bi-ougisz, hanow alite Old asury Lot. nsue Lanagsa c.onipayi.g eaci CRUe. P R E os lyli-u inuta cia-er ha G1T11Llim. 9. Town lot nuibr six, on uner tSBCAUTION.T b large mnd aasing de. ~ , î , .J~st, .L UK~ , r s o d SAUR.YJ~~îîî,1870, Street, In lte Toi-n ai Galt, Coul>'of ai nd or-Dr. Bi-ht ades pho-"m' bs las!'t vRAIN !. G oursesur. Waterloo. ceverulImitation bsldl ofglci eiisu1there ne rils, . , 1. 1, or.1..n A à on caandidp.at.,e -arp ats , ,eNO. 2 SWL No. XI. îoti. The foflawing landei a l adoe:_carefal tu ohser that eaeoh case lhairs th Bi C KEi n L L -c ' e s W i t y On u b e s v o , n F, e hCn c s io n c_ ý e r u n r m p i i a m e ; r rOna-s lieaslgee tioWhlb .......... .20 6" 7.158di Eliavîr, hi-a madraS acres; veut haif f l[i b nr aS 2dthro J.-. 13t-t .BI. wiîb>LJUI..91p. si ( Lo urterseoanl Pe h P Snaths, &o. goolgoo s a d ch ap.tre wait Rem ar a ly L w Prc Fiitr. . . ai , . OGILLITRAT, Bro U n.... ......9. .40 " 7.85 " number aI g hIiSecond Coueclon, RIz.. àMe or$urerta iaelsa blaaow îbebat H U R I! T E S e i~ y r t . ... . .... .. . 9 .5 8 7et .82 9 " v i r, etiu i 4 ~ f uy fi v a a c res, E v er >' ca se b a - th e * T ra d e i Ms a n s d S QUÈ N-1. 1 .1 di 80 su t of 1ý numbr i tre a ptate, The pu li are lb psrtw vemt Pcarthsaedag snut an= 8Sfk Paaosfm QENI-Mencestuer..10.22 si 817 si ocU a Cçoncecuion, Elzévir ;tonacrsr1~cuinddf-mb TiotsauP W ty Jn,1t,17.Pi-ic. Ahert....1( 1.82 " 8.S7 19 narth.wieul angle 0ai eut bal t nnb.à ieeuteo elsIdreae Whîb, an, 41, 87.25. Part Pari-y. ...arrlve 10.40 8.85' e a" S~dCneson lie. o-uai- print la l tlieIàneus sii Scn Cnesin tivr frue anmpotetNTShe USAND OILS. Tlread Glovirsfm10apae p qttUArr .....-de- 60 Ma. 1.25 Pan. jugmnt0 h aa îd I u aet b ; p i t e i u noee. Psill'b. G e nau in e W i e L a , B l d ]I a P ARU FOR SALE. -6,20sta.si. "1.45 It beîdye aidlIeolveut, EXPOBT AGENTe.J, Bild - a Fah .0MMt" 80 es 1 57 e A listai saiS Book sud l.udgnien t Debtu Norton, Valerd&CO-, 1Mr Sotirark Street,- O ,V nih , W111i beclS by ulcAytiub e Myrtie........6 4102 ) --aieaeafrinpcio ali fic iD.E FLLsia-d £ac 01Blilnan lss tuty O a h rt f&o.s.[ hedla br ,,-. liny, g'iihy, toe oclak n th, b R. 720 Ai.2-7ta>hbe--euaithure0 luf. i.i iriuk i-.ai. s îey' Hîp, n te lioulli........70 0 '< 2,47" -Ormutan, Eeq. in the toi- ci !Whlthy, ani C'lse. Caution E<, %Vhitby ato p.oa ., anp.ym..on............An-.1..20 ......2A7 .g.........the.......of.... a..Di......... yneeneubynciep&enbrl ,»lg a . <7 < au " - t ir . p. -a4 so lia T it le D e cs o ai Roa] ondo , E . C. i << a n uStr et. - I D R NC A Bv e y l w The 8,th Day of JI nxWhitby Jun., ~arrive 7 35 de 8.65 VEti..law-, Son dc Thoniq,12Adràà.S-ct oJ3 ,vp e c le f rm i au ateil in th P li tio rm s t tio n s'. T rai un s p o u - T h e A s in a. i l fo t fu rn!i ,b an > p a p e , Isard s dS o ns, 91 d . ST O G E T H R W I T H hbatluie inuOl>'. sg iloinuas flmeqinl ut i.cherImThoSa oa, E. . arrntioe LanduWTe offer Borne Arerican Cabs at Cost._ GIJi~SRN &~ I -TnorWlSHIP seOspo PICi sc aal bleerc>& gane, 07 g N in T O N H F I R B N G , onnecting at W hiîh>.T nn1 *L nd n F tioa 1 iril ie f or,.inspection a r a i Mi. or q 0 a 6 -.1 At 0 0 , don O ~ a ,iJ s -È _ (+.T R, te; aciw(s; t e. ulïNe &CO 0 t,%1,r l Su1. nya few left, eall early. b'gPeAut 01lLowaI uSl La8'1t Prry>'iîlî Frth lolEsaetezP prI'n &r b. Goges ouse MFi.'~ "Paril oi~s sdcodtin r 41 este a o RI.an heISiw amnt gao wiSetLn pontielng4micra nirt r lsu'and (.af t e r o'okad ugetD ea d oeil ont Ci c e l B0te Aj~ uO undMarltloIn Posaeus intRtL alL a tiA i Eý ieâ; theta ldre ________ SUTALL SIGHTS 3Sand 4 wheels,,Can. rs, best value in town.le EXAMIN E N .Practical Watchinaker.n D-FROSIT Dir Egg ad Butr rt Dry Odo 8at heOd W8' .Ia, FROSy. -OVER 2,000 TO SELECT FROM AT May lOth, 1876.Y WRIGHT & BROOKS' STEWARt ~bBROCX STREET., Whity, My 10h, 175.20 bomers and the general puiblic ECITsORS' SALE rices with any offered in the OF' VA.U~AyL FARM PROPERTY retiring from the retail trade, WUb adb'Pbi utao îk; but they intencl b give -the ve' Tue8dcly, 2Oth of dune, next, aIl12 o'eloc, noua, on tha picouses, lie toi- ate as to find several leadng ti-en vulabitni oryeugnl 9 and offcî, not ah cost nor w=dr ol intance,- ROBERT WALHER. PmgBIIL No, i-ComposeS ai 50 acres Oc per yard, lu plain Lutres, mare or laeu, baing petai lot No. 16, inu ryard, worth much more. Dwehlng, Barn, wili Stan, CehLr; Rool ~7~- ts., sualprice50 cets, oua., Good Orehard, sud ontcOffces, as 37J ts.,-usul pice'0 cets.nov in lie possession ai Mu. WliUlon Brigh. the latest estyles, and ini the leaSig Tipý landis in a goad ehibe af callivation, years.- sud El N. tanceS, acres, mare or lsu,. flespcctfullvyoars, sitnsade on lot No.- 16, l ic Othli cou of RBut Whb iîy tlrlva-etorey Brick Hanse, LAING& STEWART. tir9U o 1wihStn foundatiena; itoot Huos, Dnivng Houa., Stable, goda 20 Orchîrd, sud OuI Offices, alLi exehent >r. as nov in the posseonof M. John, The land isina g oastsle af cultiration; thlir, ara about 20 scias ai vood land, a nevelr.fiig Stream, and lie praparty ia ial nceS. TERMS 0F SALÉ.-PForcel.No1 'E D TO --DAY ýOL m y lTan per cent. tla o u el anBfinel oslah i eui l T~~a -0 trelper ç=t.,_pr anumî, ho lese April 11h, 1870. N tn.l 's TEAMEP-1 SCITY 0F TORONTO,J7 LC&pL Drcx), Ieaveu daily l aiof ng-0.St- » 980a. ni.-sud Levlstan aI10 agaaeu- lun aiomlb. Paheas, Baffa*Ieffbater, À bu~eun, New York, Philedehi4 &M k".adaul i! l-,on at 8 u 18 - D. MILLOY,.Agent. C OTTAGE FOR SALE! Thil Brick Cottage, jil noiti af the Brai-n dc PtterlitaManufacturlugCa's. Waiks, viti lia land adj'onng.Tiare ia on h usa aStabie, an d Soit Water,dcW For fartier pirticulars ipply la J. E. FAREWELL, ankrupt stock, of [den, Toronto. JOF AT HALF PRICE . orla Wh'Iite Cotton Leu Wbltby, Im £rers' Price8. . theAi lot No. 2' t 0 cents. eo work, TO WAI si'Lv. pîsce souves., id bld yoî do, and - hoaie, I i lie d ltae ot in iîl ýPrlncei Watch at deprefision IL 1 relry,

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