ilTala. rYork, mep in ia tise NXi.. rand/ biJok. ery, noieQ JnlUib, 1676, l-. - ýoînni tlise Mthu- lt-ntifiri-cles - iev hiee1, an/e .S. 1, MITCHIEL. 'ah. le;t, 1676, t-oultad soll Mfore pîrelladig 1. T. HLIS I d mCVd fîsvor oi1 .Mtisssk1'leio Pur- i rreeîltly, I ain w411 estis-- 1 vvery saîncand ti ausl/- vn t «Iat cb eu *.C. IXILLIEIR, M. D,-- 3 00. i tiior ieliLllleç issskerg et sle iý tIno 110Doniuln af l'Ihi('hiOilÃŽANS. d li ivii'y City, Taire anti. S & 'SOPEiR,., lt.cetTorio, SOLE- AGENTS. I M 11WCERYN A\T A U DLEY.l' tjii tincw gi owil g Nwala a eisieiîeb icen idnoae ie)V lulia ibvahe. and well Selecfod Stock* plii ciiîîîîty tol ay the en nvI 'i l v. Ol]vaus aa ,iit.i if el !ifyi t cou lie I c iliaric irile hoie Audley. S1875. i 44 ý.JIIPTION FREE edyl iirAcitiial Weuk' Maîsînocti /ecll dimarden. ci m idîînte Ail -ce JIL, x Ii512 Ocw Yonk, saluti Onu11icie nlb.h ML hial Orgv'u illaifactur- Ilh Anîscriain Orgsu .0e, iVek ai C Os linu. tii-nný nlen will l ine iven 'gcliF ilel l isn off blre l" teso nriao -r, LAf lnei iniae uaver teson ans can Le fumulis- v tira se vitlly kisnwn- t crticn a tileotlir lîileCo.. 'oie ts Busin:esS Direotory5 WKIITBY BRANO,03 TROU." DOWp 'WHIITBY ÂGENOY, Ji. J. NAC *148LL, LAwu 1xmh*Wing oà or ece jà 0 aMu EUTLDGE3, E. A. 3. PAEEWEL, L. L. B., Oounly Orown Aï"key. do JAMES KEIrif GORDOII, SARRIBTE1 hk ATTORZIET.AT.LAW, NO1 YPubUo d ho. OSOm lit.Ad: ere rà Street, Whîtby, Ont. C RLSC. KRLLWPR, j A TTOENE.ATZaW, SOLICITOR IN Ohaueery, ouveysnoorito.,Oaln. LYMAN< ENGLISH. L L. B." 1B ABRRseTER AT LAW, SOLIITOR lx coe Strnet, Oshawa. G. YOUNG *NITR, LL. B.', -B ]O'tlisTtn Bn ha a n Iuvny Block, Brook Ãtroi Whltby, Ontario. (L.e Grsenwood à h momillan.4 fise-Byron Street, South of Post Office, Wbiltby, Ontario. I UGGAN-k ROBINSON, 'SOLIITORS IN CHANCERy, CONVEY4NCER8, (f., OFFICE-Provinscial 4Amuran.,e Buildings CuuSr STBEET, TfoisTo, J. DaaMs Q. ., J. G. Ro3nssos, x. à , THOIUAREHUsTONV, T OWN CLER AND TREASURER, Whtby. Offce-.Town Hal Hours, (rom 9 to 1 'eloek. R. J. GUrNN, M. o., ciUGON TO TREE OUNTY GAOL, JByron Street, Whltby. Dr. W. J. DURNI. 'OnîICS-NOZt door taO na0wîNCLE-OfICO. r-MRes4ence, ajt Mr. Lewis Houck'.. G- UVYS HOSPITAL LONDON, ENCF., 1- he eye R. O. H. L, Oshawa, Ontario. W. ADAIIIS, D ENTIST, (SUCCES. eson ta W. H. Car/e.) Dental Raams-DunessStreet, Whltby aoven Mr. Jamssan's Store. Nitrous O/des dao adlnsterse ian tisépainiasex- tractiontbI beebin. C, S. VARS, L . . Ter B RTE insérbe/e an ail thé QZ ~~ leteet pinciples etftthe art, sas cinap as bie abeapest, an/e as gaoaeln béit. Tee lis Sle/evitis GoîS an/e Siver. TestS extractae utisout pain, by pro/euing local euc.etinesa. Dentsi Eois-in Cou'- ana nev btock, over Atkisean's Drug Store, King Street, Oshaswa. 85 ze. .--sraer JO roc <rm ronnptlyautte £Q muibisseatà a ne Orilis, IJn. 7,1974. I~~~~~rf Il.~ LU th~R.R cueo e taentsSolo VoiisI. 0 nbeen faor ConceteSorg erosaesset MOsica ie.tlvals ou ro anbeoar'su M.Whlby, Iuiy lbth,18M4. 9 oins by bitter or tels td,ta. 1AN SSDDLERY - rom thé stianeuresJ-I.- RÙBT RUB~LL. TSesubsoniber. ddsis tae, tate tinali in JOHNSON HSEs, lueT AlET EQUARM, TORONTO. Tusse, 81.00 per Dy. Stabllng n cou- neotion. 4 TR AMERICAN HOTEL., comma or TounGUAND Mo» e Ts. GEORGE BROWN, PBOPEIETcR. This fnls sblonse isa-been neuiy fi-. te/e np an/erencvalîed tinrougiutsu/e ai. fardes uperlor accommodation for là recep: tien of guettba. Tho preseut praprietar bas spared no paina or ixpems l introduclng every impravemeut liaI vauX/e tend te bis coin rt ande convealenscofe!is patrons. Taronte, Iuly lti 1874. 2 0NTARIO RTL (LATE DAWxo'a.) WEITBY, ONTABIO. PETER W4-KEM, .PROPR1ETOR. Beprlor accomodation. Table, supplie/e wltl bsst la sesan. Genuine liquors. Cigare, bot bran/es. Bilear/ereoin. Roamy stables sud she/es. 8 -tf BRMTISH AMERICAN HOTEL, R A Y, (L.tTI 101505 noue.) WHITBY, ONTARIO. Soe euuly renavate/e su/efurnishe/e tirouginout, au/e put l in sI-ciaà s order for liereceptînu et (ents An annibus taand rom a&U trains. Fiai-lais $amplseracine. RADTRUNE RAÙLW4Y HOTEL, AT u'HII'ET S'TATION. WM. ONEILL - - PBdPRIETOR. Parties taking bthe train au/ e ilg herses wlBhave hein wol laen cars a iIl hemr return. TEE QUEN'S OTEL, (LITE CSSMMRCUlL,) BOCK5TREET, WBITBT, TAYLOR h McCANN, PROPRIETORS. Tins un/erslgne/e desiro -tq ln!orm tîsin frien/es en/e the public thaltiey hava taken tle abovo ireil known hotel, whmch tley have ueuly SItte/e up an/ e rnovatee, an/e put mbt thes beet ai ardar tar Ile accommoda- tion et gueste. Tise Bar, wbic in I the han/e.t semet i n thse Cauniy, is u'ei snpfflie/e wlth thé flunt brandes o! vines, liquons, an/e ci. gars. Ample enclased se room au/e go/e stabling, bai stalse, &a. Delacied roons fan caommercial travellers. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP McCANN: lats a! Toronto. S HAKESPEARE HOTEL, CORNER OF RING AND l'aiE Mr., TO01?ONT 0. JAMES POWELL, - PROPnOixRo. FirsI-clese accommoation; bati-ooma, &o. Board, $1 80 par day. 10 TEE9 TORONTO. Tise moat Riegant. Cosîly sud Perfect THRAN DEVeRILL, Hotel lu tle Dominion. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOB, DUNDUA ST., WXITICT t3E AU rdere premptly execuied JOSUX JJOBIN5ON98 ilAIR DRESSING AND SHAVIùNG Saloon, Brook St., Whltby. A GENT FOR TEE OELEBRATED Sottisi Granite. AI Marble Warks ioiJeinatian Wollfenden,DunduasSt., Whibby. Tr UMBER MERCHANT, CARPENTER £1 'an/e Joiner, Green Street, Whlbby. A lange quautiby ai aU i d/s cf bumber con- stantly on han/e. H. E. ODELL, A T H E R.L Y, OIerk Division'Court, Tp. Clerk, Comiêlsioner iu B. R., Lau/e Agent. &o., hoAtiseniy, Caunty Ontario. Athoniv Sýist. 2n/e. 1872. 86 - DRt. BOGART, PhystcasSurgeon, Accoucher, hae,,ho. Witby, Sept. 8ti, 1874. 4 RPOBT. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. Gra/enste (wth honoe) of tise University cf naen saiholege, Canda; Piladeliphie, 8nlv. cf Medintina an/e Surgery;Am i cen Univ. cf Pennaylvenla; Eclectaoliege o! Penusylvausansd Llcsntlate ci Micra/eey af tins Univ. aof E/inburg, Scotlau/e. Cor- oner for the Counl7 oi Ontario. Offce- Clduater St., Orihlia. Augusb 241h, 1878. lyr 85 - OEIN S. M. WILLCOX, O!fbise Townu cf Whitby, las'uin appointe/e OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, (UNÉDER TEE NEW ACT,) For tise Couuty af Ontario. AIU business entuste/e toa bs charge wmliie cîretuly aI- tende/e ta. Wblbby, Jan. 141h, 1874. 81Y T IEBT HORSE MEDICINES. 11 s o f te b. be.t Hse me/l. c'a ssnt jSo aneanefor 5" t h e= eè taJble.ï MRNOolrs fr d'ic.N. RAT. C. 0:01N S O DEALE R IN, a/e valseies-se/eLia oerpMait.r a/bilidlaî ug ineand! Dram dýGrssus pianî Thia Hotel ackle'i/gea foiival, eier le its management, appointinents an loca- tion. Iu tise latter respect. lb affar/es its gieuta s chanming en/e nuobaîructive visu' cf Lake Ontaria. MVTise fnest Watsnscepe viawin l Canada. It bas 280 roonve urnished vils al tino mmodern improvansents. McGAW h WINNETT, 49ti Pruipriebare. A RMSTEONG HOUSE, (LArE ALEncON,) WHIITBY, ONTAIZIO. E. ARMSTRONG - PROPRIETOR, R OYAL HOTEL, irEITBY, ONT. A. HINDES, Ja., - PROPRIETOR. Conmo/eie sSampls.rorn. Ominbus meutea ai traine. 27 WyHITBY HOUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. - (WESeT 0FPeOrTOFFICE.) JOSEPH A. BANDEZ, PIIOPRIEFOR, T1 sbueinsbeaun eceitiy hut, ja largo, suan e, an/eSitte/e np in llrà -clas style. Oesai Iinos, Liguai'.,an/e Cîare; ire'sin Lagen Beer, Gaod stable ng en- close/e yard; attentive esthens. 4 COMMERCIAL IHOTEL, CARTiRiclir, ONT. insu openec a in tise promuses appolte Rayai Britishn Am- erlean F[otel, Ditinn u'here hi wvh kesi, on han/ea u r tock ai everytbIin -hi. lins af bu=leaan/e Win t ýlll -ýRie.Hbopgata saleit. Wkiltby, FeS. 24RA974 YLER.ti F OR SALE, AT TUB GLEN MAJOR MILLS 1 600,000 feot Pine Lusnbtr erls asôned. Inch Boar/es, x 4 Scantllng, - 2.noiPiaule, Feucing Boar/es, 100,000 fast of Oak, Maple for axis., lat quaty, Bassu'o/, 1 ,000 it. Square Timber, Ail ai mnich unr hasoi/e cheap for cash. Hoeu'oul/e also beg ta ssy that tise Gniat Mfli terunning,eu/e i./eoiug flst.clas vrle. C4opisnsgdanse8ô/eays lu the u'eek, for every Proprietor. J -.____________________ Financial Resuit of z4 Monîha Busi- OOD NEWS FOR TEE LADIES. nesu 10 3Pet Dc., n875. IG ~ ~~Aulhorlzad Capital ...1........ 85000,000 Sabscribaed Capital ............ 2,800,u0o Psie up Capital........... 200,095 A NEW REVELATION IN THE Governnnnt Deposit (Fire),.. 6,o GoauetDeposit, (Life).80,000 SCIENCE 0F DRESS.MAKING. Total RevnuFine Premiams, -an/e I t-re.............$22,775 CORNWALL'S SELF-ITFTING Total LoBces..................6,52g investeti Funda ...............$9,713 WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. Cs uhue neD pst 49.193 Dressas fittee ram measuremant ahana en sss.........8 8 muanot change of ~a sibih. Total Assets ....... ....... 29,794 For sale, uits Irs instructions, et This Coinpany has noir siaiiied ilsel!, MISS M INTYR ' and illi<t21Branches and, 27 Agauciain I GEO. J. PYKcE, »5E5-LAKNG BOOMs, WUIT13T. j- Mannager, *Agents wauted. Liberal inducements te C. NOURSE, Agent, Wlsitby. tins tra/e,. Winitby, Aug. 18, 1874, 84 f .OTTOM FIIICES FOR .O COAL AND WOO0D! Ail km/es o! Harn// Soft Coal, cansist- ing a! tisa celebrated Lackewene, Scrans- tan, Brier Ill, Blossburg and, aller coassNÀ A CHEAP FOR CASH 1Io N F or quantties ta Blecksmiths su ad athere SPECIAL RIATES 1 W/e, etra Zsngt/i, 25 cents par core JUST ýLOSSES PR XPTLY PAM. L. FAIEBA ES, ii4, 3.B. BI0XLL, Rates ai Inéuraiiec salau' htisaU5centi wilisue 100 for twes mouIse. Au rance Company, -'This aalnwsea là blsîed Company are prepared ta aceeptr iaul alclasses ol propaerateas lau'..tioseaisyue establlslnied ompanylnlCanaea. imslted sd non-hssr/oluo praperty lu. sured fortieyea or >au et speclally la rates. L. FIBAkS, 'tie.y p HRNIXPIRE IýSURANCE -00. Lombard St. su/e Chirlg Cross, Landon. ESTABLISHED !IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOeFAT E& GO., Agente for Csaa JAMES DA VIDSoNy, . Manager. Insurances againeit loss b y Fire are effecl- se on the most ressanabîs tarins, andi lassas aid u'iiioub re!erencé thbnaBoard lu Lau. Agent, Wiitby. Apri 2tb, 1870. 16-ly HE "TADCON'# IRE& LIFE A. ALEXANDER'S Whltby & Oshawae, Coal aud woo/ e pots Whitby, Auguet SisI, 1875. lf.80 L IST 0F TEE DIVSION COURTS COUNTY 0F ONTARI0,ý2 FOR TEYEAE 1876. Whitby.. 81121î8ij 1 2 il Brougham1 2 4 I2, 4 1. 2, '0rt Penny 2618320 2012 1 5114 14 27 C.ýgy27 114 12027 618162 ý % !g 2 len27127j 7 1121121 B1ave2n9ji lii20 ltherly... 1i2" 117 10 I OI 19 GRO. Il. DARTNÉLL, Junior Ju/ege lVlitby, Dec. llii, 1878. si G. YOUNG SMIT1H, ISSUER OP MARRIAGE LICENSES, WHITBY, ONTARIO. K ING BROTHERS, WH-ITBY, ONTARIO, Importera, Dealers an/e Manufacturera o!fail Kin/eso! LEA THE!? AND FINDINGS, Depasit min Dominion Goverument $50,. 000.. Experienne/e Agents tinrougisoni tle Dominion. Pire Risks wriften ai Adequate Rates. C.'NOURSE, Agent, Wlltby. Whitby, Mrci 7t1, 1878. i Q E N -INSURANCE 1COMPA NY (PMEr AND LiPa) 0F LIVRRPOOL & LONDON. CAPITALI - $ÃŽ010001000, BNKEIR5 MEDiCAL ADYI5ERi MOLSONS BANK G. A. BAYNES, ESQ., M.D. Heade Office tan Canada: 191 & 193 St. James Street, Mantreet. FORBE S & MUDGE, Chie! Agents. R. E. LAWDER, Agent, Wiitby. Augusi 1015, 1875. ly8 NOBTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE FIRE INSUiANCE COMPANY l Sae, au/e reliabîs, charges moderato, prompt sattlement ai clame. GEO. YULE, Agent. Whitby, June 2, 1875. 28 WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANT Cash paid ton Hi/es,, Bers, an/e Leter. CAPITAL STOCK, - $400,000. Lealler sbnetchse.I t2rBELTING MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. Uav, 1872. 22 F OR RN AND SHORTS III NIIW STORE, JIJST OPENED-. 93r PPOBITP RAYe RBOTEL. ___f GIVE A CALL. WM. JOHNSTON'. j TO THE FARMERS! Pogis au/e Pluqin Cstimgs, Sfne. Cuiters, Fanuolg Mîlla, Reapers au/e Mou'. ers, &c., &c. JAMES DBWART - PROPRIETOR. Wiitby Oct. 131h, 1878. Go/e accommodation 1-12 13e98 ta inform bis fiendsaen/te népublic Ibat ho carries ou thé Livory business at R&AY'S OL D STA ND». Parties riqelrng coveysuee-covered an/e open-cau b. scammo/eate/esta amoments RICE. PIERDON. Witby, Sept. 21, 1878. 89 PRESCRIPTION FREE DAVIDSON h CO., Box 229e, N;ir1ark. Sepbembmr, 187. 17y.u - x à 6t;CX EOAD, DALTON, ROBT. K. YOUNG, PROPRIETOR. r LUMBlabl Informatinregar/elng tisa penn: TBY, ample*sconmmrilatoa for Het are i 5 seako! ué c- SîîortlsmcuvTise han-and-ltaréler. suppic4 id toc o fis ofT wttebsies oft vian/es ten Se mber! AIl un/es for lfundin lthe cawnlryNouo bal abllgsu ellcmi~:m, . ,nd.PAtà sulie seevntakept. Cammus/len u8! r F, oniay. sting à ad prompt inotifrs aivan-, an WMé. JOHNSTON. M ONET TO LEND I À large qun:tt(01roney to lend ait low For sale, several Town lots, two Frame Honses, and a large Brick House. For termis, ipply 10 G. YOUNG SMITH' Whitby, Feb. th, 1874. 7 LLAN LINE 9 LIVERPOOL, LONDONDEWRY, GLA.SGOW, ,H EAP FARES! Cdabin, from Whltby - - $81, #81, #91, accordlng 10 accomnmodation. Intermeisaste -0 Stuerage - - - -81 Pr.spi.l passage certlfcatusl ssned At lowest ratbs 10 pemrsonswlhing 10 brlng out fieu. For tickets sud icrther information apply to- GEO. YULB. Bip. sud Tel. Office WhiÃŽby,'March 27th, 1876. tf.14 ÇÂBD 1 TH. MiMILLAN, Agent for thes ROYAL pRO COMPANY, ýAcE col AGEINT FOR go Urs ONIARIO, JOSEPH HOLM.4Ný, BROOKLIN, ONT. Aiea Agent for the CANADA FARMERS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMP'ANY, HeedOc,EHAMILTONran sd CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMP'Y, Moutreel, Fine, Lits an/e Guareutes Departinent, C45PITAL, a . ,*2,00,000 Broeklin, Dac. 2, 1872. 12m49 S TAGE BETWEEN WHITBY & OSHAWA., Leavea Oshawa et 8 a, M., au/e 2, p. n.L Leaves Witby eb 10,, an/e 4, p. nm. ai Faea25 ce nts sacs u'57.T Wiil cal] a t aitins Sable, au/e st privaIs resi/eances (iran erders are lait ab any ofcf tise hotes.l_ Connectes uts Oshawea an/ec Sinumenvilla stage; alecviii tise Whitby au/e Part Perry Raiiwav, an/e mis Brough- sun mai sb Wlitby. RSIOP . Whitby, MarcS Guis, 1875. îî.tf APPLE TREESi, ABO U T 40,q000, TI AT TI19 Prom. tmo ta four yoara 0! ageiembraoiugaj thes bésI Varlies. SETH C. WILSON, 'Lot Na, 8, 2u/e Con. Pickering5 on Klzigton Bes/e, 14t Office, Wiitby.- Bega la anounce tiat lbc "remave/e ta RIng St..aslow eonýr# EAST OP THE -POSIT OFFICE. opposite Luke'a show.roemso, s*he e iii Ina fonnfIuse atf e slk an/ e f011bais fMr la/es an/e gentlemen, ei hie oua manu- Pr ezr. * n--« _ ___.T AISO Agent for tihe LoDox sud -CÂNADIAN on tle cea te a glerione u'oman like LOAN AND AorNCv COMPANY. Moniey lnan. iluat ? Hou' cen yen lie se insensible ? id on real estate, payable tram Two ta Juet look et lier nc', as h.e wiins.' ge rwelve yeare, and in suOns 10 suit parties. It wn, nleeda fine sight te ses that Co 1ýr Interea;t lau' ane no commission gracelul fin, lin il. brilliant batiig d5 bargee. Morugges baugit. tirets gjiiding l i ad ont amith ie wsvee i Office et, like e golden- bas-ked l olpbin et play. I GIBSON & SPARVELL, Hanry, gazing eontiha vision, forgot ta ou china ras Store, diesimniate-forgot that tins sys were t Duxidas St., Wiby. to b. scisoolad te bide thle feeli'ngs or' t'i< flsitby, Merci iSti, 1876. 12 thbe iart. Hoe forgot everytbing, ntil lis Avenel toucbed bim ou the ari. foi 1 0 0 I 5 V E e T E R A s ~ 7 0 O " e n n y , bi n s s h e c cm p l t e ly b e w l bc i s. $1 0 PSVRIT 700 youl1 I have spoken 10 yen twice,a PA M À RO IT 07 y L suad yen bave net euew ered m e." Bfl iris the pst iw eunthe, under cur inn. - Pereivai turnee ta anser, feeling e th( arvecL systein Of OperSting lu STOCnîe. blueli over bis usnaliy pale face, sud, isks re/ence/e te nommnai sumo andprofi srdy croed. Book containinguIifora-wrd. invoking e malîson upen bis tn( n seul on application. ou'n bell-tale blooti, wben ail et once a Pr( UMBEDGEh 0., ankra flokes, earful ory, lbcd au/e minons, rose 055 -17 IDG 2 O afltk e u' YÉ or, upen tns air. - pal 2 Wal S. Ne Yok, HR.tIneti again towar e .bather.>Loi 1 - Tise golde-Uac1ce/ doiphin bs/e disap- LaIl ~O INONFLUEh ERD STORE. ýEer0âfle nd there iris a great sund tis tised heder-c'sr ent J-] pa chudry of en 'e np-alet -W CHARLES PENNYLÉGION a Percival was su expert, simmer. lu 4gs te noiiiy his iriendesuad cuetomers an instant bis ceat was throwusiche, l t o s 0w prepeata supply ana, lie u'as in tins iidet of thsebreakors, sfe /esebiug away nxadly toward tise abject Wc lour sud Feed of thse Best Qnaiityý, of bis; love and solioltadle. Onos-he. laît aetinse îawest living prices. Çorg h. reacie/ easpot where snc ha/e bai sur,*Coro, Chop-Feed* Bran, Short, oat- -thea brigint yeVov drers aise were ; tison Wl, oneal, Crmeked Wit, Pesau, CIsI, p- lest iltissuhe canpbt it agzain, ga dcliil ]oleant , ho.h-i-rfW14 thS aes r n to a h uiesà a ~Arrn'futur@9 e ,ais oy a1j*a Oaffce Pinend n t y AIe..;.Wbt srvceSudi fIce o t e r .' w, t - D ne h* Lt. M eM ediieW. M . WHLan d uikilWWr-lwy-l Prest et, e p nt. 4, 182. g~oan pl edr Bil dmhe &Y.Noe unoè athknoliwtwl Po e fnfiiee adhsfracnofamharges aisloveeil Al"Bil Saips lwys n &and- S owdknss wrd r, nklavw 9 ~ lok ud lng fruheden amanut cannbc pidt re itbelow, 01nd6GeneAlbCortssin A getPot ime o iebegen OffTceHPirts Herr. eyto éL efeuo amo rp erty, a1872.WlitLfoki no Mr.B va unusully Lw Raes aiInteret.hoblleandbéaekiaiulvef theao LanscaINbeEpad u um&0,sut'br.cetate ii kne ie, enargues nr Severl Impovad arinesud Wld Lade oo nd lpgfrhe ysalolour AndresB ank, Cosud son e AgbenSt oks. ihad ne 1ideaof lie ewasso e au1 iun.. audeis eond wie Egau ls OFFIE-Ovr te Doinin Bak, c. brsWhoat sh iteand terman p erm. Milta n Bro S., ii Tn. 15 eu t 'lIatbetieve. Shes. faulusly Bprsully oth, 18 of72. rio th l e and, as yen ses, e eatiful Lean ca berepid n smo sit ar-Ndelath nwe ruHeinrycfarbeng aIe JJIGealYIMPrORT iusan TO THE va 'r m ibe d sfointlntoIf i PRFESIN sarsnlefr nedrwbckpisbul Invetmene mde i Muncipl D adv.isy1baen tea fil inr;loverwther,I Gureat SucceadI The at Gide S ebdno day.' g eutfl fo uthrpr thelane. 'Antd ciIrshwa ibt, lpele Dt ' The Hnd Gide Sh re enî fNan mrres. ageain ieo pustsaIllier for..r yer' xere c ad etudy , diswrrant. tUd i mcn'e.'e nlndls ed~~~~~~~~~~ue tasvaands i ote n /s(d-' s cei ma er, Av ocee ans ezeri e r atheo minioPBan e.wirthaor wleinetthterovaise,' s > l will giBrok te, Wda ist e ,/loweng ac- Heve pionsudthe f1n72 rs 15at niedepedanc, enry and- etenth' wasndta e ti nat eyobu waraar the~an hus *Ia nthengýage.tio fbinarneer fl gee are IMPlO RANTinle pssa Es. aibl nd itlliete I i MUSCA w Plec RitOFcaESION, an nae fevneufr oe.awbg e arry1er lu tas cnnpelingquie ou he prt i th eey uJ Iasuly in lv e wt bern Grh a Suecis s 1 Thccae greatedeve.u ie er.' emylvlofpnr opet for ihthe eeriaeeo. tndd. 'Tnde la s teudliat er nplssV t piano,'ahd isaataonce simple anin casenelle Tes n e Gkud ranethe reinof bing usares spaimn, mlarrynug a îliWef, yswg epow wheandot requtred hernt ue.eulv' erwl nugi n cea ta any ,adreas upxontrecepof the d or n'îtlik er onld be ry lird 10ne maserkse p cthinstrut io . oedeyn2 Panclpvhtt e s and or lw ihnneiot thIa s riving neyerd Plin Cas inge aln at de.84 110 re d's Hery wihgetfidty Elegenth..ed Castin yyen, val waor N. B.-lTeacherthae nrstetllv 60 nlsariîenad piefo i iciew tagv i ethes tnthe -qn. .1 a n etmariedagainett Iowsa cfr Appwly ahtaheaieth n d W-r fam l. auJbeau cati offb themn Pigr re o C. WigleNs sahtge rontasac.irfse e meto Proiltee r. MortveTBbmtoandulle, l ofmeven e e sou. may fo Wiîiscmeigqitbyon thearyrt hf187,. 4 r y .Am ndy I Hurysiewo nld saye h fantio ne eploedted t i tegif mco ofll ay to l ndid h.,wYy Ltexren nSFreaegeal he e auJ teamittad l ents yen Expeicforwly andheropery se ne n Cou nhMis t em l, aeu nplceant adTheGuied stwaate a liEurope.squareI n uJyn avbeids.y ten gadaueeadornochargs.*l- and or n ietî0. loaBut 1prayneeyrmtie srued ntuctony rs. s pn ci pton whe lou taika, rite win ne t er nae ta Gttaa, anad D'I cn ift t e rn sifetie, Heur MlanCaningWane rSlcro t Patent..04 bil eu ' dHnireverîy er richest. Ean/ aten sigRseHn.5Mr Percival benasvery perierH N. .-T ach rs re esectull invted Iac iteci, auJ ba e cfiain t t e preo tQ iv themnabiststa t cfDuffusa.ý' o ieanpl o i io nisn u Appy a I- a ied, nd urin tisf yarsee auJ Vio .C.iniîy S, h cey, r ng at avenut, rit b a b eaurtier Sohae nAgoensd a upini ek fori me uryt povid&bort Buithr bop uryth, 1r6. t 4er'syw ee iemleou eHisuuenr as ac wold ak Bfp aradt tn madteamte aet e EPubli 5u'Rasdpoabl e Pre inCa ynenr by yr, iim, ate tie fi e m 'tory anis, caath ,nid Sgaelsomangta o y o u eis lewsh dcak naw o- RICHARD WE PaKE . t rAnly eavseiue finenc,bu tent guraneedorn chrge- Snd orhie tar's veand plu s- mede t e pritedinsrucion. geny i opraton what reifrtn, n thr wondered, to7yarUiLE ROERY FORSALE.1ha b rongi lnt Ln eaht Otaa -saa spe n bis fmmer vnetin-b nryt ing vaabîs prap er, iitTornof Waten robet f knw , llîauk f ortu niches.a Te th -A n hrr iutsic ottage ith i Cre folvideampwasfIrbuies ua tatd ha.Bu aflndeitata onthecerer f Geenand lie d idn 'brig t heariuar sar' tuet- S nd PaerSt.,inithe So th ad Aej ein a ar boya ireaia be rrn rt I creeo!eland, we riencedlsudrkinoa Hegry ttepeovide fo et culîvr in crr.W.linglan and Gît hi mter ot h ai r nen saWelek iord e.., Nonad e oonCentre dst. eoInHi laap bis], ewcensel, a - a Beont a! resiadencwev C Draer, eq. n aatai atahelrmud pn thbe. ouc W a A bl, 20 ces ! g oat Ine Hearmothar, ihad pr eva bt be csol ban gcomp ian ed fpt a omt18, ti o on. kep a secret, sufed it euldi g *o bar if gs!d Tosaplfera, o othsbr ha ns e a a"o ayt ep ena.f Wtal th aboya prparty85. r5u2he pr-ig nugmay wasiîb m ffie fin Aafor hicuare pplyta tse onar.iba c truwdetman ing ballies Sncb a. Whitby Jnly sîs. 2tf ticuer ligly pinrasqaHe nougli ers " ALUABLEPROERT FO SAE. atibrra s bt hing-tacotua BeatI Vlimends sntîntroduces 7ntelatte 100 AubCRiEr FeBfrM NsaRA eefflo- eet. Snbl aou at lest2 s saboybu ing alubleproprty intheTownof Banvahird's nwthibran tAugneat ra by:An xcelen BrckCotagewit 1 crefolino daar for i e utks etwatle of and t-alf otin the rne of eere a n ns an<tha brigit brird-cf ptareilles. a Sitn Peter Sa.<inathaiSothi ard sudAnser jcPhonerasdfr o bt e alIai asus wo re i r of ultivati o anse ar, corn- lo rîn aetha mosî cbarming twole. of e rehi n.RaofwC. tatE.ion rae hslew dt mid pn th ubWr. B AYL20 crso, relan, iaef ber lad r lved complieo udt __________sd ominit otB18, lWhitco in.k-k bau<scfri in i r. ud oHenrysif A clar nd ndiputblétite Wu b g e arigen a gresi l h ea i ea' bar taa]te bOM rpet.Fr ute ar.dieporiin tipno wtar;b but iedfren. 11a GIIISeap t teown, te cr sud ofturnee i eya wa, stlSng VT) A'>-'nTun-cu -arnedly. ____ cgftd. Tire tiys atan le -sip Muzrdered y er Fatie. aclona/ t St Vinent, wirene ebo oo - in co l. T ie stet for P rtsm outh AN INUUAN ReNeeEa WIrS HSe aaAlUil- irs ma/es ounlins26tis aiApn, iut T NSR TO D EATH. m eeting w it b str eug lie /e in /s tins -~ Calenger ias comp aeel t put iet O u s o f th e m o s b ih o rrib le o u tra g e s bist V i ge winre s ie c ea e /. S ina - sta nte ti it lias basu our painful duty te clroicle on uSnniny for Portsmnouth,. rachingt and ee tint bse justly c le/e forth the Spitîsast, as alrea /y state ti to-nigit. iginecin indignation of evsy nseuho TinsChaelenger lis on boanrd e mani- bse heard et it, occureti aboultlines limat collection ofesceimns au/e e mess miles frein Allen Springs soematire e information wmmd ill engage te weeke agg. David Wite, a inu iri attention of lie Lîinnas, Zoological, as b lie 'eW I by m any uh e kusu h lm ta an/e G e logical sociatLies for m a ny a d y . se ot a brutal nature, usa uthishi litîls The Challenger mill go o u ta Sinernes auglte, tirsve yeers otage, le a fieldt tepy off. aie distance fromeilbalos. plaliug ion. When tbe heur of birelve arrivee Profeser Adler, iri ses renmnee and bley startei for their dinner, Mir. train Greece ta Berlin, reporte thet ex. Witie forbede bis cld niding the horse cavalions ai Olympia are ene/ for tise wili uhic el haid just basu ploagbiug, -preseut ; îley iil 8e réneu'ee sliing ber tins herse wae poor anti tirei, antarn, Meuy photogrphse of tse r'e- unI, tinat see ias more able to uaik cevered sculptures, of tise ruine of tise bian the herso as 10carrylbe r. .TIh, temple, ane of 1h. excavations ane the -hsld lefluthe fiele, leeding teherasre nsrrounding contry have also reachsd - 'e "irecti'n oettishemr, but siter Remlia, ulismé tisey are deliglitiag tse .oing tome distance ane proably fes]. arcieologiels au/e peovoldng saine dis.- îg a 11111e weery, cule like lad tse onssion. For instance, tse ietope des- jorse toe inse anerntee hlm. drubee lntise lut report pebulasd, l [anr fatinar, seeiug irlal se.l/ don,, probabiy evoke many Ieamned, Ireatises bd bsing oontroll/ed moe by a spirit tif issoanseof tsé long aquilins nase ai tse isî-volence than affection, maIee b femalé figure; mmi.le nseisarde mals ne spot wiri sheabsesau/ejerksed Ser figure, vils lise epplés of ths Hesperides 'rom tIsa hors., sud, iu s maunen more lu ifs bane, le dechare ta lié not Her- ika eflae nenh a faterenlet lier un. cules, but Atlas, uba only, accordiag te narcifully. The, cule, on srnivlng ah bise iegend, liaetise right' ta plnck tisé he bouse informe h eliset of lise fa- apptésa .Hercelea Shimei lebearing îily, cf uhat lis/e addarraed, iran the th burd'en of Ala, ulilé tise latter .tbe reniret min asenît, kno ing la getting lise fruit for hlm. Allas Soles er demn a number of limes, and/e s apples le a tauntrng manuer néar tampiug eu/e kickiug bier ine i. rgnu bise nose of Hercules, misose iassue.r -f tb. stemcn, despite lion cries fer omi, is/e u llancing7tbs ual nl/ahrie eray,witb suaob force sl/erspî/etya s ioudena. A grim;ihunmour is apparent- eson cane ler to e eninsensible, le tise'design,wmidhis e nvertséleas issu et lutI bis hellieli liste beosme conceived ane execute lu tse mast tiased, sud ha steppee hiesiruîelity. artistia manuer. Prefeseor Adler, mina' 'e cl/ irs IakZu te lier li, froin rscensbrnctéedlise Temple ai Diana aI ibis sine navor again aroa8,sudn/ the Dians et Ephesus fron itsismans, tliinks eneal belief la lb. asighbarbco/eu ebt ât thsTemple cf Zens, eth Oly-mpia, Drrobersted by thé lait uerescf thé Dan aise lie restome/ed. i ug g ir l , u bi c l a w r e , "6 m y f a t h e r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ilIed me." The neigubarliaod idvery BeuoON os PAUOE.-<Wn Fore- ich incene/e t sncb ,an iinunnins u lh'so ste- u-A» citrgaditi 5e hta m d steanumben of mnffanly ebudeuts ai- ;e ît b. bl akeu lo ring ta justice- tendee bIe atternoon performance ina ! parpetrabor of Ibis, eue of thessmosi bdya/e commencee adisùance,- Bione crimes hat Sas benrecordéeduic a ei iskdb iépop years. -action ai tise proprietar, wha,nahered iin a emal regimeut cf gentîsesuvasamen I'li Quelico Insurance Campames, arme/e utS club nes' /ghmes zius bo test lise constitetionaliby of au/e hr eatenéed bo preare a feu of bisét ýe Local Act, have opely violatsed 1h offendera for lh is iintoin. To me- id convoayem infomation tisereof toi vengte tissiselves tise rFeuiles aeoretiy ýeGaverumeal, ulicb lis/ prsviouely sawe e s spokes of severat of thse îmisee blereupon te commence pro- cisariot snd u'aggon missels, ponred ail édinga, but, morsehisan a monts Ba/eofvitioîupon, e large qunutty of catiras i: mua/ie ene ne unitbas madttie'b5aL ane /esbroyoetwo sinalI bridge. on tiseo trance, tise excuse béing tha ie mcae ho Ypailanti, tissreby /eélayithbie s wyerscannaI he fauud Lha carry oauavrentof thse shaw labo liselatter'ownf à preseontion iris are nat iu eome unti ilira tocs late ho glymani aflernoon $y: connectee utS insuasce coin- perfomasnce on lthe followlsng day . Mr. tg mles. Foepangh stimates hi. bIo" in-Au' Ar r t $2,000, ane lis damages, by ý i'iul ei ira reless ed T iursday re eeon of tise /elay in r ai lu g Y pîsir- t r uon an/e jine/e is e am ilv. a ni, at $2,500,- H e lma place/e tie Iner, Win6ems @soicitr,-tld e-s matter lu tie bauds of Ân Arbor lau. 4pr laI lunh.. Rnt .'andl, ..a vars u ie, va.t ni) ,i"Eta,.,, have. cilu L0%re srSfmty, r f LmeGtA- Gioh- f acrnuvigating expeaition, la t tisareugily eqaipped ande vils s coin- pétent scienînfle staff, to traverse thse hi agreat oceau basins, sud to prepere sec- bi i iane 'siroaing biseir pisysicel sud bho-. ,lagicai ondéitions aloug certain liuei[. > t iDr. Catrpluters lettei w.. refers'ed inual idue courte ta the isydrograpiser te thseçç 9 navy, iWbà et once cordiatiy threw hlm.- ol self labo fise projeot, sud preparsd a re tr bport wjsichtresalteîl in tins lords Of tise hi a/eonrality agreeing to tise-diepatoi of s saoùabohauýexpedition if bine Royai Suaielty ni recenxm'4ndsd it au/e provide/e tiein r witlh a fesable sceeie. A cemimitaee sb w.. apointsd by the Royal Seeiety, e cf compreiseusive eciseme wu drawn up bc sud tise- goverument expresse/e tieir f - iwillingneee tep rovide thse fends for tise. e execution af thseprojet. Thse Clial- -le Jenger, au froc deeke/e corvétbe cf 2,806 sr toue, wiîi auxiliary steam ta 1,284X hers-power, was ooen for bise service bi an/e- Capt. S. G. Nsres, a eurveyi*gin affler ai great expérience,' sud singe. 1 larly qualifie/e for- nci a'peut, wae se- to lected-totaescommau/e. Cap. Nares-Roi iwasiitmay remembere/i e, fel tisecloseof 1874, an/e le uaw inu 1coin-,p insU/e cf tise Artic sxpsditiou. A. staff M cf officere, mrny of ibein eurvsyorssri/emn already /istinguiéhee by Iléir kuowl. let cf varions- branches cf practicel science, ffl were cerefnlly. selected froin à large >TE nember af applicants, au/e, a scisutiflo tu, staff ceneieting.of tbres niaturM~ts and on a cinsmiet u'ere appeiute/e ou tie recoin- in sndation of tise Royal Society. Tise ir, slip wus entirely remodeled, a commo- /eioue roin ias fitbed up as swork- Bi rom fer thne nateralists,an/e uas amply lei pro#ide/e uiîinsntrumnuts cf aH i lde, off iucluding several microscopes cf tise- ni hast construction, ail' appliauces for meuntiug sud preserving objecte, sud a La select anti valeable library c! books cf an, refereuce. Anotber reain, iikeu'lse on hi tins maien/esck, u'as.fnurniube/eas a lab. ije eratery. Prof. Wyville Thomson, was "Il appointe/e directar of tbe civilian scien- *b tiflo staff, Mr. Buchasan was selsctsd bc as tine cliemiet,I)r. Von Willoaoessuinm ye Mr-. Mosely, su/e Mr. Murray were ap- col pdiuta/iltthe na'turaliste, en/e IMr. J. J., Wild wae secretary ta Prof. Thosoen. 4 Tins Challenger iras rsa/ey for Ses early Wi in December, 1872, au/e before seelefti 1s Sbsarise ss swsinepecied by sesmi cf lins lor.le of tins a/mirlity su/e tbe Wi committea of lina Royal- Society. Har fin, firat port te eal et iras -Portsmouths, wh wbere she sgtayed- several /eays iu tis a( bigliet hope of bsing ables b preform iriJ lier difficuit mission. The Challenger Ma cat off frein tne jetty lu Portsmouthi nes dockyard ai 11.80ou the morniing cf ' Satnrday tina 21.t cf Decinlir, 1872. g On tina crossing oftisa vasal fîom Sentis ais Ainerica-toTristan /'Adinathe circui oie of lise w'orld wss complatai. -The -old Challenger tlieu relurne/e home onPr lelarcin 15. Soundinge irore continue/e lis daiiy until Ascension u'as reacbed ou mo lins 27tb Mardh. A week was sest at hoç Geosrgetown, anti after conpleliug stores ho. and a/eking on board a faw cupernumer. ma. aies for RuglandtheI Challenger sient- tanr el for Cape Varda 'Islands, sounaiug 'Ty aud lrawling in adelpib of 2000, faii- Che, omns. The Equater crosse/e on tins,1lot r, anti1 ftoi. Then tsey ir-e-po me in e minute, an e o f tbeun put les kues in my bsck wile anotner lii me, a clip u'tha club ar a betteofa gen. den't lçnow uhcs, s J Inaeno bia n tbink Ail I knew u' rsI SvaebejpZ ialpe/e; my hsalr mas bele tighit. r nlt aliot, a redhot, stin . __ sort cf analround thé lap of M.- lies/, ei. gtOm nt by tishe t, il iwastoc secis; I conl/en't alane il. Ieisd-1t eash I-tsouiglt 1 dîia. But My scalp 'as sae isut as lb iras being tor'n off- leé beye et linswagons inae. sen me *Uuniug;eau' tise Ineian&au/end etuis ), tinlrtesu of thenu, sud get np just Il lIme ta prevént tise refi divile finish:' nig-thsir work. Tise Indiane, as wiraI ia my friende, tisougist Iiras des/e. 3ut I came ta again ane ry scalp ires ni/e bsck again. Il iras only hialitatrin ffs Fou irIlrse, asud lagroiigagana Tise;peoor falloir mas telten ta Fort erarnia ane reeivee every attention, n/e, as seen as he iruasbale, slert-e for s aret home lu Milwaukee. Ho3 = Wh irt ite mas me lias faIt tse 'nun's" halRine l iehaie thîsl ear 'ho h liBee lp coma home - as/ eial nu' lb feele. The Blek Hllers spent- nsterday in tise city ane last avsnjng. ontiuuee tii jonrneyseastvard. "1Dora" irýas being 'enactet 4n -a reetern csty wisers ticicc of actera; 1not great, an/e M ary I<efrrison, on ikiug bier, exit ta bring on-hier litile illie, of four years, iras sliockedeta n/e a lnbberly beycof et least fourtesu, lie innel' go on,, otiar iras to-be id.- The. Fermer Allen of fthe- play s io donbt eqnaliy shockee ta se [aý comlng upon lins stage vill aboy ear!y sbig as hitaslf whist tas iras, the audience began tu tiller. h Iarier Allen irse quai ta tise Cbergency, sud în'te/e cf à aekiug "H6ir Id a a yan my litil. bey?'$ sel/e :."How td tra yen, my etreppiug -falloir 2 nissisîy hopùfng tiat the boy m.oubd av tliegooti ceuse te give «uana1e iore enitable le bhis tire. Tne boy, irwevar -iritir paînful flieîity ta tise oIk, sud in a sapulcîral voire tinat ida tise ausivr ail lins more propos- 'eous, sai: -"Four Ici fvaegmndptp."' Forty-five 1" exclntimerl tisa clisr, ierfally; "lyen look il. mv boy, y~on <k il 1" Tier a aa lengifor tbe me - t, but l hpley ies sayeli frna cf Hochelaga, of lis rnney-sank books su/e wine, turne ont te ýbe tie rse Whno 11-use/e a iranan lu an isoisteci Plaue. Sins soon aller gave bisrtiste a deed-born chilij, owing to the rougis Usage âe. receivaed. Tise gang liave beau arneeteil, aau/eu pli' mua jug 'Iu tiseStewart viiicleest, x-luega Hilton aud Mn. Lubie7 irere TIerseeg, iexaminee ani conroboratadth b.ear- lions aifSire. Stevant, aud gavaeeesti- mouy le regard te, Bir. Steuar'e monta,-i eapacity. Thsy were ai opinion Ils-t ha iras not a man- te b. lellenens/, an-1 irere sure Iliat lieiras net influcncee lu any msy. Coune for tse c1onteatans Iqutes/numnerouautistonities taesho-v Ibat bise Sumrogete Court hae pouer te vacete probete. The wagaa aiflise employas ai 11v. Buffale, 'Neir York, ane plads/elph-ýe Ralmyan e/eed a n tis. î4bli est., au/e ail li audalmmediahely streck. Ors3 or tire figsoccnrree. A numbar ni mn have beeandisargaanetraires /elay.d._ Only eue train ment ot yesterday. A riot iras anticipatee, Sut if use qnsllee by tise police s5rrestnn;, sévéral of th isenlnaers. A spécial froin Berlin tots. Pail Mall gc.çefte sys tisaItisée Empéror cf Anstrïa wvil meet tise Czar ai Ruas inl Bobomis issu reburnlng la RasaI. Tiseir Majeallea mill Iravél a asort dis. tance tegetier, au/e aflermares - tie Emperon oUustria ull meet tise Em. peror WIliHiah a Isclil. Tnssaine deepalcisaaye tisaiPrince Blsmark wll remasin et Elesenpen six iréeke, after unics h. goee ta Vargin. PROM BARRIS Te HALIFALX-It le noir posleîste ga froin Sernaste Hsllfa by rail througs Canadian lerritory, tns lest remaining link, Ihat ai tise Inter.- colonial Seluseeanorthema Nem Brans. * wck su/e River du Loup, bing coi- pIstee i. her day, ane théeitrain passing aven on Samisrday. - - bluRbiug self- 'Mr. Percival,' saisi ais, holding out ler ýbud' IIave ffana/eyu at lst, But baving foand yon, I arn et aeloee h eu't t a bnk y en for so inasi e l gift as M y life.' tial .The' tears shein b ler bsaeti'ul dari aeys. iPercival couil/ebavé k.lesed tipu au'ay, u'illingly ; but ho se sunnd -as non indifferneas lie coule Il amnot aiare,' Mrs.- Beevard,' ha sel/, tia I arn entitled te uy grati- tude. I ias simply forlunate, enougis te be tins only oeste résousyVon., 'Yn ias tins nly ons fortunse nongin te ry, as I iappen ta ,knou,' sel/e ohé-, a litle sinbarasae/e by is cbillingý manuer. II inasi upen tbank- iag vont ane olaiming, not ocly yoar. acqîsaintance, but ycnr friandeip.' 'My fnleudsinip, 1 fear, Sire. Banvard, woule net b. of much benefit te yoa. pWllyen gise me yeur arn, SMr. Perival 2 I ave a fanay 10 argue tie peint wilin you.' Sie took bis arin, dismissd. tise er. vut, ant îey wlleed togther on le sands- for belf an icuir Yen will not imagine, if yu's have tins est faitin l paycioogy, tiat Henry coulti fel lb. tlrill f tiat little bau/e upon hie rm, for tbirty minutes aud communicate ne senecf it 10 lier. 'Dl/e yen ay ler nane ias Bavard?2' aeked Mre. Percival cf ber sou. 'B4nvard-yee. Do you now irtle aie' exclaime/e Harry lu surprise. A qick flushn passe/e overthe moter's face. 'Yes' ashe saiti, II use/e to know lb once. But yen love ler yn ay " 'Fool tbat I smn-yes I Don'l dispise me, mtier, that is al I sk?' 'Dspisa ye, Henry ?2-I only uish tiara u'as a wcmïu7 on earts gooti enogbh for ye.' Soemtiing mors lins a motlir's pride lit up Sr. Prcival's face as aine spok. 'De you tiiuk Iat tiis iroman loves yen 2' aie sketi, earneslly. r ' I dd tbink se ; but irlal of it ? I roulti neyer ask ber te share my pear destiuy.' Sire. Percival wss silent s faincm- mnt. By ad-by seh sai/e suddenly, 'Henry, I an giug tte ll yen acme- hing tiat I lis/ intendet t kep secret foraver. Msj name iras Banvard.' 'Ye, andi I believe this frie/e f y o nr e is t inse ri o f m y e tu si .' 'Henry, yen surprise me I Mary B o, vard- .ye s;, t ie te tIe nain ae ina wiul. Your motner je my late iusband's latir, in caca I mnary agein.' 'f yen shoulti marry tin,sa, lsa- sel ?' 'I houlti marry lie hîir's heir, an/e adse ksep possession cf my property. Quite e speculalion lIaI wouId le.' 'Refuse ne if yn iljl, Isaebl, but do ot mock- me for I l-oevayen dearly.' 'Anti I loeayen in e;pite cf your abs- surd prida, Henry Parcival. I have lovee yen aIl ail aiong.' And seiagve hum ber baud, iitis b.- 1 "-*t 1 1