Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jun 1876, p. 3

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pg. hoftoo. Eau, mils biwate. Rail iorit. 0lond ries Fit, iOO; second, ou. ..a ;aLfuIofl $100-Lnoal Trot-open te borie .. -er eMr hý in- ENOt Whltby Ihat nover won public Ausitra. GrandafrOSir Waltr Scot, ,111Dfl07 Finit, #M; scodO;third, 'Who golned .11 the pre.. throughout GOZo so. 8W~~<IJodt and va. nover boston. Wazwork lu ~ half brohor ta the. Prince of Waleo, vhlc'h E n i s .t .seon lt d ibi o o l7 bu.r s n d y e h w ag Ne gmuet be oliblAteobll . .WuxworkvaU brod 1%that uote lode NO grabing lloed.dale breoder, Mr. owmon Baillileegn. W. 11ÃŽ29ANT Dom.bryGoasavin; g*ïadd&m by FIOro, the é !ra.CampiOn brood mare of Scotlsud. Oshawa, ___________1870._9_ SoinsetfWoxwork'o coite vili b. on exhi- Oiaslne-sf 7.bidon on day colsallo.V4.Iy PEDJiloUE orYOUNG NON.sucn...Young ENÃŽ -0L OT-O R S NOnSu<hla8year olfin tmbernîxt tanude 1601&4 , hall bande ihb, vs im. o,nnrted by" John Posott, Jr., of Picksni,, Youtg Nný-sch wva. ired by Non-Suc. . ]NORTÉH ONTARIO i' s. éÎÉ191 f En ointi oort Of Yen are again caîlod upen t eoercise WagnrteCaminciFgad h A N EW E R IN A MU M ENTS 1 yonr franchise lInbé,electfon e of ucceeor pr , f Mr. Oh ouanupel Paria, te youn lote o rproaensttvlu 1h.o ommoao M l hl, eut fhtcoboecrtme .M:st~ii 1 ] for te remainder oif D iicheos. The air* ef Dueheze, Old Napo. First Exhibition Of the kind ever in canada'? andMotlsi é l the #'rUMenti" Ion. Non.Such fe a dark brewn, stoude 17 torm. bande Il inch perfeotly eouud, dtbclle in, Largest Travelling Show on the Amerian Continent 1 ýeoL 1bhav allowed myuelf thbqb.nemlnafod mau ee.and ulived b Cempetent 4 sdge on 86 Raüiroad Cars--No mýore I No les te be the bout herse i1h. vend. e1u candidat» LÙ the Govrermont Intorest, ýNen.Such., dos am î ot by Galvenie - sud, havisg bien honored vlth the unon-" grand-dom by FIera, tii. champfon , idobBoÃŽonled n i Nt, oe adPesn imous vote et 1b Oonventlo,1Inow appoarn mare o Scotland. VP ido hwCm lean l eNvladPosn bfofaroente o ct yeü upr t. carSole at On. o'clock, P. in. Teres BoU1evLAý that porsonally sayo0vu Cnte . L. FAIRBANKS, 7 agiteand yotzre ameidenfbcgAl, sudfrein zny Auctioneer. VV joug personl acqunlneace WltIi Most oS Pickering, Jane 9tb, 1878. yen, il vii net bo necesuary to enter fate de"o.--u =* lut ay hatontheloain CTON A=Great New York and New» Orleans Menagere, Circus questions of the day 1I&m n luaccord Wtlao> 1h. pollcy cf thaï Prissent G overnusent, sudAqaim Mue , v ry ndU vrslF r1 snobi v il i1 laolted, bonlestly. support.-. V&L JABLE -A uru ,M seiAFr n U ieslFi àlvayo reeervlng te myseif and olalmlag iluth. Township cf Pickering. . the nlght te coq my ovu Judgmnt-aud vot o eér qustonAsln &eig o zbtBy vitue oS a Pover ef Sale confsiue<1 faa 0- aa!th wlt Ae fNoveaî. jondwron mayîlirct.ber, 1. .. 1872, and mode by Johný H. shahuueo the t11»set£1 my dispouainl G ocodand Wis te Preston Hallo n sd - se san aupoelbl an e~laiIugmy HiG&notion, At RAY'S HorEiL, fa fhe holdin sa ossile sud porooly ining rihi aloteewsleod viw oefU nl h vn iacn TOWN 0F WHJTBY, ýg test, 1 trust to b. honored vIth youn con- at tfii heur cf une o'clock, p. am., on 'idançeond votes on the ôtb prox. Frq4ai, 23rd d<qi of June, A." 1). ý'76, , Tour obedient servant, Thot;" valuable forai la the Towaship ofI J~ GEORGE CURRIE. Pickcerng, belag the north hait cf Lut No. j in, in he tfh concessioenof said Township, 'Port Pers-y, :une 20th, 1876. 28 aoutanng-100 Acres, more or Ies, o cf part lo clearedi. ýLEARIING SALE A log houges sd fromo bau are on fise (J - -preta os, aud a noyer flasg Streamu ruas ~~~ TUB acrefhe lot, sud the"efa a good MmIIsite AT Tacon If. CLOCK FÂCTOBY, WHITBY « Ecr futhr partisrularu, condtions ei :sle, itc., apply to Theo ublaciber bélng anzcus to cloie his LEVI PAIRBANKS, business vifstise les.et possible de"Y' eos'Orta Ancattoe W'ftby. te iutlmote tisaI ho viliion . E. ENDERSON, Veadoru Solialtors, 'edi,,the 4îh Da -.~Juig neuf,. 0.i adn z Taat oser for uale.bî public muà l en t tiJne îitb, 1876. S rossi-vs, I theeFoctry, Brotl.Ztdesi, tu follwlveainheai porfy, vri.cStreceted -tue -effraPaen, The Publie are respectrîully requested not to confound this Vast Shoiu M0 80-heur 0. G. Welght triks Coce, Datsd Octolser Ilh m with a mail exhibition of simihar ninue, viz "COLE," that tratieIIed ii inu beautilul sud highlyy dninhed cases, Cainada -ltt ycit. Rememnber ths is the first tour in C tnada of thti great 10-z lcao rle"srn tie Show bince its organization, ai it is 20 timse more grand tliau any tutti dc, de "ctaenPnie,"epiagefike las ever been offredto the Caliadian puli; it liai no conùiection WitL 120SU-heur sd.,-daottge o.d. do.SRDPTIO G.any other show. '880Hîhly fnîsd'd Cote' dodo ý.- :R G HET' 8 The Proprietor-ie NOT relatod to any mnaby the naine of COLE in Webs im tamtetsesrtd E tht show business. 20 Regulatenu vithâneao mvomente. -The p H OSPH O D ' N AS ca e u f th e <ock asevm en t fav beu Ipotei frm he eleraed VER TH NG USTASREPRESENTED . and can be thon glîrfei pnosu ime p koesar. 1 0-1 Y I T E B S O IY a*, zen Platumansd Loeklng Glofse 2Wlsieml ndlrvnre boy",s Te rarest reine af the satire pro'eeîioa..beaatiftil tralned horsts sud mus.sTie OLI' 200 Laodies Wcrnk tnwo. u moruit etest te puo i knso nml n ieGetRc ra -ai 1ooo adeSalad SLîaceboes ýa.eracine Lamels, raeing DtI dric.racag MSptangs rBcllerant isos, racag t fart vnodaâ2f Sm x Il Mn-t incises sers. racing Zebrits racisg CbariotecrsC5 racing lsparish l, raein r ions, racing ak dere h ewrrtveAetaddyR r , ,idfidd ain a Tise Curtiv Agnt, usdonî Re rocng 'iil(lfoldd, -sag ?,isards, racing isy fat rasa, thoroueis.brad a s astgsnd trotter, là .againeft tire as'-lking matchses by ladies ancl gents; ibherty racing by wfld lhom-es turnod baosé dôan Rilfeansd Speon boxas, saine lisble Rcraedy for Nervous and en tise track four and two horst charilot races, lady dritérs ; tht tEd Clowniis danikey rats size. (slert ir-ina).Ail thset inltifarioua exhiiions wili hc gitan intacttise esiifre-season, sals 6 Crystal Lampa vifs RaugersansdRes. Liver Complainte, sud large towns ail thse saune. fletters. Tist Pirpiatleý-eominfatila epironnceft lurge Wall Show Ca.e, glane front, b>' tisa nias tembuent measbsrs cf fte Medi aiTisaarrital o ailra ris otiigti ataon fso rpr ilb n A qsulî c Tch, vrins nstl erProfession te ho une uallsd fer Iieoer?»Iis r nlouane analig is athemoant f so w CANNON. ' llh n - Àquatit etToos, arinsuseul orrepluini tise vitaaltoftebdy s foi-pntera or cabinet tmaitera. spli atecenalcf tie Ldybe ofce thtse~<~3atCN'O À quntiy ofMab anyvenersAndblood manenrvo subsstance, and for develeplng ýýarfiaIe ?Snlsled wool verk for Clotks, ail tise na uctions oi tise systeni t a Capener'abenheu,1 Cbine Ma- Itte 4re0blete epatate, aud-innocent in 5 Carponor's boches, i abinet a ac~~~ton, isle retalning ani ts extraordlnary - si-s beach, i Circuler Saw Table, i hsavv pro5; and as a speclileeshlpasslug ail seat for Iaraiag ltS.t 7 test leng, vîistise ho'kuown therapeutîc agents off tho pi-e ct aumber foisi- a4iles aseuaected witisday farthetsaspeedyand permanent curs f- the tactesy. Ntvu irrtîan Lassitude. Alsecthe romains of a stock prcasdLver Csimplints Shortuesof Breatis lu Egîaa onnlstug ciJet lptation cf tise Hert Trensblfng ocf thre inEnlndsussin o atad iod Dizzfaieehaude and iba Jeveîblery ïn Pins, lroccises, Bar-rings, Neises Id tisa Hsad'aiid Irnpalred Nutrition.' tiirRinea rees, CuS iButtons, Bars Mental and Pisysical tjoxos cf sewhng machine Lous of Energy and Ap- Depreslon ataclmsate suf table for o majority i Ma Hpchonria ie cuagol>'> machiaesenovlun ue, vitIs a number cf Fml onans Tmdt ather useful articles. osrl DebICit Erutius cf tise The-qnantity cf gooa befag longs the Idsigestion Rida sale W-111 commence if il a. Zn., sharp, Flaueemnpaired Sight sud ad vilihocontinue la tise evenîng. osnca clty fcr Study or Nmne> Tis e lte vill h olseî ngîy or l'a lots, ui eus h Net-voue Fondes h te sanit puichasore. ta' TE RMS CASH. pIck eatdise Norvus fltagsityl Plpt rlehe< oti aIl f, Sae li. FAIBB- - esudau macula condi 1tions cOf .tise syctein alil- fng fi-cmvisatever corset. TIre action aftie - Aulioner.Piseecishodyne is twofold--o tise oee aud ia- N. B-Tse Saqscniber M;ay etafe tisai al Créaslug t nise plb itai couetîtrîtes uer- viscna cn d visehave fise ready sheUld 101cueilrgY% and on tise Oft-rtise meet power- attend' tbis.Baie, os maay yor my as tsa-sOredfls enrtngget nw Seec saiOp OrtanitY t tb arg iug lupalred aud trcken-Ccwu ranetîtutançs. goina. na>' préesaitse&. - if quicliIproves tisefinactIonntf seelunll. ftiOn ta iach o Segrée.. fiaf viser.for years an 0 T 1 ems'usfLstOd. anaicua, tsdsLverous. aCdseémi. ~-r o T c Evît aI condition haextted, tise ileghi yulrap- iN -iI>ly asesta quatiîy sud i-usasse, anti Publi oiei etygvafa .tisa isa. e YtOm returu teo astate oe tiîît HO Ntic ilherby ive tht it e h îatit Thse lPiomphsrfbne acte eîeetrlcsl Municipal C iel of tise croaionrtth 111-ntise otgalesfî-;orf étneItat Tewaeiiip of pickerlug ot ils cerf meetingnatuce te gencoate tisat hunian elecîrioitv tg e hield onvisicis raaowe andi rebanidetise Cessons, mils- calai-, uervous, mernbranuansd at-gaule sie- Saturda.y, the 22nd du/y, 18-76, ten tOeae nte ytmwtn xiý fise proaess, Ilsacre, tise lange, lvrt, iheart. eltîs$e s-oa s§S baYvon lfs No s 4anlsti he la -neye, stamatis. sud intestines, vIls a iar- tise second Concession- cf tise Tewnsip et mediafue.IlrIlidiera eeeLosNe14ndàinzOvvguYtmlno naae D Pickeriag, viser. it 10 ccv trivelleti. Par. Tisa Pheepiodya i-sml ets sna d es laferasted i vlilaietoenotice anC efracturt-r e ita ble foi-sutise phsoric gaveru Ihe@mealvea accordiagl>'. ci- nining lment cf lufe, vistoLashuetu vsfed. ad execf s an Important il5rrse dl. ECTOR DEATON, tcsctîyboutise spinal matow anS netir irsv. Clerk et Picke i aissfa ni ritt-e, taule, sud lnvlgoratinz Piaknîug Jan ~ 176asiu l araatâcmoaiaî&iiu tisai isio>ant eaerscv ai Pikeintiue se 7.te rsîn anCdnirîscular steteai, vicis ceadore tIfS usind abeet-fuilbrilliaut. anC enet-gefîr. en- j OUTI0N SALE 0Fpgtise> ostOdn isîeuis a uoi A Vfý lr-ii re-cul0tire ais. luScItere. sudexp). e e lal ercteOns h Pnopov V ALU AB LE PA RX r Mpqletv hw f ith ira a o - ~adtaîisti-tion, b> s remorkbîbe irasar ai Ther wil tesol at he uer-voaspower. vitri s ieeIia1of ai tîour aund Tisee vii hecî ai isc carnier-t. te whici thoe atiershuas oas .te saacrristomed Digertion leaiuîrcaved; thse R o A L H o -r ~ apPette fno.eaees :orteit,îi-tise owel, RO Y A H O E L bpcone eRtliLr th orshigîrte-; tise Alun laa- ud henfthyis;asd ttei atrqcInrie fa tise TOWN Or WHITBY, on aitreneoti, showlrrg the Importance cf tise ac- I"riîlay, 140t DaY of July, A.D., '76, Iis ttisePseisdn u ieoasoa- et elven 'clnct foenail>'. trhe Pio-pisc4îae aitaalusscer-- at eevo e'lott OUc. tain dE grése cf actitfinfatise pt-vioab->. detii îlruntt taieS nerveas svter:it useiéeenas ls e- >usoîcspaver cf sale tanfainat intabilîtated orans ta refui- a te iîr- sund Psat lulandenture etf >5itgage, wvi-h is viii anad Périot-ni tîeir notari-s et incies.Persana- Vloduact ti fae cf saIe, tise fcllwng m en-ue raus Net-verre Dohîlir-. or*a o ei à,tnde aid premises:s The'iarth-.t atbunduied ti rnos viîcit)îîs itressluqCie«. oft No ÃŽ, nte Ir sa i-C eassionattee sesrrrasniesmislrtest asseuied ai an effetI sud ai-en Weeeti rie hfse judictoacuelc Tawasssîp ci sathin fatise Coaty sti Pro- tissematf rince ui Otîicoatiiig8 <r ~ ithiS tavaluabla ci-eaSy. Or 1900, and Cosaoribeil as f'-1hîov: «Cern- DR. BRIoHT,.Si:5OSPHODYNE t en' Dg at tise N. M.angle of baC Lot ; TsoaurDnOILY I est cf1 heg., esf4choiies 0 1r.lts; Ia CASES et 105- 6d by alCiese lis saufs7t Si vWet 18Chasin$ 46 linke and Patent Medicine Vendara ease socs liaIte eBrookt hfa ,thonisa lag1h sut liait cf-t th.Breok Rc..Atreug0aut tise Globe, lac 0 h.etenl Coains 12 links; thon uorti Pauierli l;ta tôsfer Use, la tise Egih rnh 74 d5.et 4 ais ta 0centraebUne 0ai ra1talie. DateS, >- t.nl, Pt-ati OI a:ten nrs.in Ath _4-Do Dan t in.. nanlei.- -O_ W. W. COLE as etutft-y guaecltie ol& tlurn-manke la tie bok a showv istr'. e -liras devotr-d tht-e etirte year-s to tise drgeniiatieu of s Bt-sud New Show O tpnosoae Daing tilesto holbas teecu runnIirig a Show equal te tise largesu, butwaut uO.eebas stae. sssrCised, ail Aid anad Africa laoked ci-et- for isevetîcsansd tise rat-est erciis hh u at last corssaidsîed bta eue giana cancor-portaieu. AU fer-mer attenipte e h hwbsns Ccmpietîy e-Il seil.Lrrgeet autd mast cempreiseusive Aierna bas ver Sau.aeisv eynoebus myht ne ui d l istent, or moTIrs>pioce, isanbeen securet fer tlise vctld-iide Centeu. nIai carupalgal Tise bus andC ry aitht Ceau-patelle turing tise lest d-',cad ibae beau fer sanie- thbgistwW .W. Coei as suppiedttIns vaut. asetise immense tissoage tesifi vho dais>' coa- gregate iselreathi hie i-ast ca ,~py a poatfoot slglst et Itseb, toataiaiag over a millioa feet f eauoi- vase Muet, tackle, rce, ti-cOhyja 1, &0, te rig eut a emailtSeat. %Will sisltenTfroi tisa n anti raye ai tise sua an ordînrci- est ova.buinsioll te a veil gt-sded maustet- race track ab test vide-8 Mimes araunat a full mile. Ample tran fiic promenades iu tise Lesutitul anCd~r exteceit n algical acde on auc s a eaec lcrna arionsis rat.n. ayotll- fn i an 8aeva er.eor a greseaemuts n Ii cnt-St-sf pa-ne0 ieG r e a bmtruclng teud n ea t i e es, u n ia ladsCrast e -ptlss . erpentsf ., ssnefr,, i d,,t c . e te, ficma e c .su zn ics isc., auti-r^hfstrne-tiiltle.mplSo.t.lstiMntr Tt vOl ppar A DOUBLE CIRCUS TROUPE! OD D -FE LO BUL DIN GS>POWE 1L 1r CESI PID CASe 1t P 9AI D0N92r FAIL TO CALL AI STORE,", WHERE YOU Mc .j Y i-fIatiu if unev de nef gîte yoa satisfaction, '-urn hem and Rtsyour inoey am fiîely s reocived. Yon sould met fail go -uy as tise teas are of irs olage quality. F R UIT S A ND CO0NPE C T 1qNE RY. Try my finît dass St. Michaels Oranges and Limes. Candies of al dtscriptions-these wull give full satisfaction. Canod Fruit, Cigans .id Tobacco. Fresh vegetables received daily. A caU ii iolicited. W. P. WILLO-QX, Whultby, June Olb, 1870. 24 Duntla St., Whitbyv. SIL Ky EL T AND S-T1RLAW H-A TS. FTE R-S MU SUGAIR CURED HAMS,- CUMBERLAND BACON, ROLL$BACON, NEW .CHEEE-, ALSO, J MLTBYS COCQA N UT, GtmhM ; e Cee sndd ~ ra ocrer Boe oim d slaI u ea., il PETER SMITH:A L .T "THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY J CAN GET TRE WORTH 0OF yOUR Js ohn o fTo.:usl ANci a N geeral supplya of ot- ,u --E---- TEA & Son's lcelebrated Watches,* Gold and SiI-ver cauest, at BRU NTONS'S RkE * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 8 heuaijj oeoin fthbodrmaieacting on a-iiC1 cuuracting the mu8solear-and giving intésa Buffering. It aie in the atobnach.from lnpaired Digestion. The active principle of this dieooveryf le to Àbeorb the % PisouOus M~rid Acid by 0utward Application. Ltla compoÎÏed ntýrely cof vegetable aubstauce.s, and lias nor usi beoere tierseat prepriefor appliod ite. - be Prom the nature of the dlaease of Blieumatilm, -and t1he Peou1jaw Pro. ele o8ôtlsi.Bosudy, li s.an 1mpm.ibi1àyî Q t t ieau finin lu elaving tii. Pal nt fri air, lu o vhur. vhen applied ai directed. Aimere is Ot £aîivaefeature lu it as eosnpared vith otherPpatent 1odicijne». A ml i Otet-oa o ue aure pf iesp.T e ppletor only osnsthat bus romnjedy viii s-lios'e s.Patient fs-cm Pain fs-cm Bbeuinsuiom, and tbat it 'lis theonly romody <by outward appIcation) kuevu te Scence 1hiat vili f 'h T Zneh ie T ahaCent s-e resul b. l oue &n ti eongefr ch. ...rd. A- 4 0Oro.,ac se nera h Pulic ghvsyi h e brTovrd tTerai. H at s at 0 eti ., r t re e o r 5 c nt s, w h i h ôt e r a y 0 t h 8 7 6 -M y 1 0 h , 8 7 6 N T Eis he rasoy t h at the aosu na stre e--a 0 ensape..By, iàb ruhbeo teonc th ee in cisi 0aed p osoliAtaeetingT. The ewet Dele ors.gshIndndercfer i an LA NG ST W AR A T W h t b y , M a y 2 n d , 1 8 7 6 2 2 u te - C b e f hb uld e a d IIZe he Gens' Furishiug leadng as sual. eg leae tofnvite prit. hareer anduteatedalthenieif aeaolre i e C ol ir att ch e «B g at a, ple did p at erCoanali1.2 a ine wTis eras u a iOR dero dSeM , e. Il 0-I otORMN . PTonhCerON Sýitsra Rats. a rsFin Corttnee for 25cets, ;whieh lother ayIOt, 876 My lth 186. nÃ"~C eaty givtha70. eobov tt 40ets.; 5 Box9sColl mi aTv5eibo ;Gents' Lile twotiseouCoance - Ectan The Gna ets' rnins ledun'asusul. e leave o i-itetir cofuetmr nd frmthe geel ra ublic tle-vNIONo non of offening Bogus Bankrnpt Stock, but they intend bo give tht-very GR2~ NO H UGH MoBRI EN, beat value they con af.-os-d. Whiby JneGti,185.Hatter, &k - They have been so fortunate as to find several leading oIir I limes mucix below tht ordinary prices, and offer, flot at coul non irnder ceai, -auW WibJn t,17.24 but on a very smail advauce. For initance, 0 OSHAWA AN]M) WHZULBY A>raud union pwcnia vili come oq at Anuis' New Prese Goods at 10o per -yard, -in plain Lustres. Gae erOhvo -"A Safe Business Maximn." New Brown Duck at l-4e per yard, worth much*more. DOMINION DAY, New Union Tweed at 87 cts., usual price 50 cents. uy t 1876. - ~~~~ - ~P. S--Tht goode offered are in tht latet Istyles,- and in tht ltadiug l i fth oaathlic ltCisurri, hbi. "N.o Bî,slîsess can lee losey îîredtained uhere thrStocks are Ibof kept assorted<. cdèsigns, and not the accumulation, of ybars. h~e nZ BasaBnd, of tbe St Pal.- Thi8 till be fotind a saf c B biuu 8 8 M a cin"- Joitu M cD onald £ê C.Respctftilly yoiiiso - ic s B nevole al Society' ili assit lu making the day ene et plea.ure. Gines Good Commercial Fâivelopes from 90 ets. per Thou- L I G S E AR~T. iat nzaWeta uceafai caompeti. s d- a w ell assort d Stock. W hitby, M ay 10 h, 1876. 20NG & S T Wtou r iosa u e e s v l . u a g s Fancy Note, Papers and Envelopes, ail the new styles. -atte a.cl udil bu iibi Tickets, asiorttdn stock. attendante. à w ll as ort d to k .nos-,)528cents. Chidien uuder liSp "ra it &go, U5 cnt. Grounds open t 10M, n. i Paper Wîndow Blinds, new stock, new Pattern.- Cheap. 15 T'onls Cut N ails IJnlf,88 SweII assorted stock. Croquet 1 Croquet -! Croquet ! At ver-y îow rates. ' DO>MI1 NIO0N D.AY,? 1 w a ll a s s o n te d s to c k . U Y i t 18 6 Fans!1 Fals! Fanls! Something- new and Pretty. O LY $ E ,C H kweil assoîted stock.haâ " am o PeneIcne. In ail our departments-Book, Stationery, new and Pein 3 -GO 8H t T e rendu bave beensa ucaod Pncy Goods.-we adhere to the maxin, 1"Keep the Stocks well Aisorted." T.g I tis paie t ipcsa omiaS., su C. Drahe4per, oq.the coimae. , Sandi :jrongmotswa iib.fore-conoyg J5 S. R OB E R T SON, boy a Sach rangemswl Bbelrad ionen, Wiy. ~aî~J A.csu .~ve qas-tita1 lar. andi programme viii b. ~ M ~ K E R ~ . of best quality of O t Nails, we are p e red to T MbIaTediaofo irSM0KER51offer them - large sizes-at the low P'rie, Whitbyf Jane 18th, 1876. 2 X C U R S I O0 N !of $13. 0 p erKeg ; ÙN ~ OA D D T S aSer te spiscithemourtloetFoi-est. MA'AIN FcNDAE se spcescf ie eurNY INFEBIOR IMITATIONS br o uli colT et Fi4cnde fv.r Persons'building a house, br ~nSEmnto O MIN I N DAYS!OF THE or fence please note thé aov. nThlst CIe er ic t.~ ti )OMINION DAYJlunthe-Town- oat-Wblby,- cemmenngm rstera' Dimonstration lu thse Crys- ~-'fnday, lOtis af-J1,.1876, taI Palace Grounds, Toronto. MYR-TLE NAVY W hfaVe' also 'Arnerican Lokaols- res tel Tai-ente y randTlruktijay TOeACCOButts, Hinges,. Latohes3-complete for building. -It Iouindsenable tht nddti .ajuj siaïo cf the sesoe. Exfending inus utlfthé o an z Inspector net 11er tissu borng, Pont Hope and intermodiate uta- TO- OthoentliietIolai4, cf thisais-nteintion to a o No fotida>' isiexcursion Ar now offend, -- ' .~ n a prout 'hoelèveos- examinule, ar e, of a tare ith in tise re a c h ai l, te L O O IC O U T' O R T U E S .t A X gJIPo ase tise attractions ci tise City', beaides 1-FAeM ER$ T'IS ron ter pl cessin ci Fo i-ster . fr in A R_ _ _ l e e s e t se C i t y a c t o mý p a i s i d s i y m a n y - o w-& P a t t e q o i l etie- paues, Shovels. nues, eaes F rk, BpriaCtae-pt 1ST B AN DS O F M US~IC ON TRE GEN.UINE. ;Scythes, _Sniaths, &o., good goodà and heap. Wok, illathefisol o cing.Tsr are l#ioe. Aller the Panade there vilib. ansi c m pe tio n D aning, A filie t Si -Bm w es H r& o L - 'f, 67c er C o m p ti îiu p, s ud efie r C e l e r à t i o nF o.1cn 0t id e A N Dr M£ BaB] ap1 W = ARE frein Ceaheag;ant Prt I o tô -PAINTS AND w[LS. y rd, M& ont and R e u nao, 6 ; and w- , 1R ES, ý ýu~ ' ~ <~ O B- riA eeule wmnV1e,àOshov 500 BARAEL Froh- GrountiLand Pluter- juaveti e, V..;Gli, "' i-' He , 6o Na wtni li,6 a. trousyta fer four diya. pec. Mdtr ae-tA ý, UY ~7 »45suh ,74 D DaSin ' ('teek, .57; -C k ; a rjivjggiluToirento a o- tg-open e.- LÂWLRâ & CG bereh Mayiu txstasinitsTa18<i-6. 282 1 cea -fiitnseiig flIc rsac& tisat ,of - Waltham and Elgin Wa tehe$ -in SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL -8IONTS 1 Perambulators, 3 and 4 whee1s, Canm -adian and American makers, best value in twn TOWN HALL, at Beavernfn on SatUrda, the 29th Day of Juig, 1876. Thoas, Jane l7th, T1n876.esk25 BY-LAW No. 9, OF 1876. OOUNTY OF A By-law te cloua uj 0 T iA s o.Ua t c i a a o n THORAB,Ç U9f the Tse Couucil et the Muuicipality cf tho Township of Thes-sh enact: I. That frets sud sitar isea fatpaon f tisBl y-lai-r- thas-psrIt of5.he oti kno-a.oteCamenu coad,lIyiug betveenthe allovanco for ra.d betvei tise Feurtsand Fiflis Coucesaloas A cannon will be fired at 10 a. mn. whien the Great M~ grass'Pagent Starts on its Grauid Procession. Tisiougis tise streets. wicisleunuitte an>' Pagesuit-> et et-000n vitis a Sisaw...orei- Crittring ti ttlseextcenie- ntit icycuibtli5f-HIGHILY IJApflISttNED Steeds an ladsCBal uLadielainMagnificerit Attre, London Matei e aeu Cars, taccan sud Chaiots, Tlsor-oughled Jtisceis and Trattert, ElePisani sud Cains Teaue, Decs 0et Serpente, Cages ci Sbugng Birde, Vagisoci Wlid AnimaIs op. DOpC-nS OPE N at ianC 7 a'cleOC. Corne e&rly-Firnefcoure, ist 001,40ad v h ehafssas nesi- tîso .-sud Stand nr h nme.39igcpcty(h ago ntewrd o hsgetSo Mamto tee thei- graCet Pt-lcs.Tiser eistage ci tvo-tirda cf itie sutura population 0f Canada is re. h. qutelte anti oxpeteS-to iermburge fis. ropriotor. ru, Lo u o helretasmlaeee natn as ad 1-d Shiet. Monst- cm GOD- SAVE THE QUEEN, aSd 8. lu 1h. Ai-ere an sauen vllcs-can cu ouais>'b. MXORT AGENTS. Wtur-& ci4 lm Sontbawark Sotreet. -Lascier& iaer e. 4-ouCiou n . sislm dI. F.. C. Co, e olemaniStreet. 'o &rTherunson. 2 iif let-sgatp i-of, &Soas, 9,5 Fst-igdon Street. Londo, * t %os 87 NowgtoCt.,TondesP. C. r- t qSleL,0 , v eXfmqt«Lolon,'W'. ColaGeerge Street, Mauoa Zone, E Uni Foi I cura toi Beit i eha wisn nili iDcl ,MU Cii .FA I B S n la os '~1 1su SPECIAL NOTICE. Ial T answM le ve Port Peny at 12, moon, stopping at'ail statins, forattrnon. how -spetQitiÀn wil alto leve part p-erry at 6 P. mi.,, in tintle for cveningilmShiv;-returning after performancé d 1.3oe-r. 50 cents fi-la 1'o4t Perry, Prince Ai.bent tutl M inchester tId Wlsîtby sud reuit; 40 ccat-fron M àyrtle to Wuüitby and returu. 1 G< T. ER.ilroad îvdl sitol ctit t Inaif price toanad fmm dipoints-61 exhibition- on diy 'of Show. -w, w. Proprietair DONE TO f O 11t15 Fmli-m 0 R E~ Ihf xclln ToWVNSIp, el1c. n. - - . LOWES & PoýMLL. le And a general supply of A -- -1 M7 IR5 MI S 1-3: Whitbv. tu muai weir reso. IOU can Imt fine flavored ±-eas from t--2-5--p-ér-éen-t-êh ýu', 1 - r than eIBewbýrp for Camb. Trv fli.m .-i ir 1- .1 eap. Tf KEILLER'S MAR'IMALADÊ,'l

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