Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jul 1876, p. 2

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ý The Goyerument have aufféreil ÙflteAý3 in the two Ontarion, Nortb Riding hu buco won frou by Mr., W. H. GlbbFý, by a majÙ1 86, and the Bouth Riding by M Qlbw, by 41'. --Ilthotigli the i ity le, the atualler the victory 1 $«th lo'Mtl£3h the greater. 6 - liai uniW forces of the Domfýiou I»oal Oovemmeutn wore con.cen in ordoi to, defent a coll cagne i lion. Sir Johu A. hfaciloualil. Tremier, . Bfr. Mackenilo, ý prpoo(l hi$ two lieutenants, the ýVInis1 Finanoë,atjd Pout.mafft,-r-General, loto the riding ' and Ilarangusc People-Placing the issue oqtiaroly 1 oonfideue or non-conildance à Govern'ment.' They were as , sIstý &Le Local Acitinfilistration, an&bý 1 supporter end haugerou qfboth emmentoi Inéide and OUW40 the r that colild influence a" vote. - paRsions wnre arougKI and local i onts (witli Goverument favom in pciotancy) appentnd te, Citliotwel 112111101100A, Of 41liell, WC nov oire t,) spnal;, wora aleu bronglit play, and in fact there was ne mompla nor 1),Wtancy in gottingý e possible vagins lu motioli, and ta advantage of 6vo1-ýy ciroutnstanb orltr te wiu a victory for the blini fil Solitil oniarla thmy haël resolvi %viii at râl, hizards. Minis.teri; ovciytliiii,ýY in théir laver. At the Vious election-bir. Gibbs was bomiAl tlifi conofflorable majority of 151, with tjlesn oflils anfl the straiglit p Voui; the power of two Governini and ýtIîé local, un'(1 other itifltienc( %vlifeli W ê ]lave alroa(ly allugled ý ago ilàI 0r3ýýthAy hail (leteriiiinocl h la ilefrat mllotila lin as cri Ing na tlieir victoty certain sud e plote. Tu wiii In Smtli Ontirla to have 'thoir Voliay approveil 1 thoir leatio of power confirir To lo:ii-to , roverme Vie vorilict of '7 to bo bAatou oy T. N. Giblm, one John A'g Miinisterq-wag to provo thý ciiiiitry thitt o,'roitetion had re -thM the Administration of Alexan, haql bno;j woiglied in balance And folind waritilig, Atiî tu lotte both the Qntarios 1 T Judand rnarke t ho turn of (lie t wLtlt fb V»ngý1a1lco. Lot Mr. Niftteken try to fitein the current, an-lie will bý p4lort, tu Vin u4ilio untitirimaloivi igj(,t by Ilitil lillit 011 )ils bolialf, 110 will ýot)tl iln-1 Iiiiii4 In the ov(wliownring wr (Ir pliblio, enn1illin-0 loti wlitcli will m r,!ci-ivfi miloIý un iinpetýits froin tlik- C tàviilq, litil iki OW(,ýOI)illg nv(qr ffin fam. tho Do11lInloný 'Plic Verrimial mattérsi brongliL iii 111'q Of)tlteet, for the Purpo8e of injilri: àfr. t S. GijbG wère not credital) biii, the roiiult*mliev8 that tbey-ha djollu Iiiiii little Ilorin with the flifil ing, Shirdy, honost illoil of the Main Pi-,I-Iiiipgî the Ipso. ilow ettitl about fiul noiléluct, 'a«nxl the fiooner all porBoÙ (fiaputes are forg-otten tlic bqtter for r I)IIrtin.g. Mr. Gibbs liag won à gm Viotory-onc of Ilim groittest Victuril ilideetl-ttnd eau afford -to be lifflMiki linons., «aero of groat elertion çQntes as lie loi this last was iinilotil)tc(lly fi gratitomt victory, ëonsicieritý,,, the tn mondons toron ngaillqt Illin. Upoil Ili fil-fo the bàttlc was fairly fouglit, an lionorably woit. Nor ilo we wiqlà in sa tlirbt the entitpot was carrind on othpi wisa thaù boliçiý, 'ably by Mr' EMgar Pei sinally. Tq' lil'iu, too, gouth Ontati -,%-ill Lo a ;emembratice, and it nîa uviiù tidUc'tlin Vantty of au aspirin politiciau t4 figirre proininently, ils Il wil), in tlie,,ftituro political Itititory c tho cOunLryý as a party-in oue of it mnat romarliable election conteste, au( nue wliiell allod the late, of fb brinistry .el%, 4Jý > Wnmy RAcEs.-The entries for the, Lion. V £n'sacs Ilanes 1 - -I.- ýII,Èt cime Mr and Davies; 2nd, Misses Spencer, read by Dr. Gillespie, Prosideut of the OfgODd Insnnere, of iifin-- ut,ý&Lid éfz business Wljitby racoo close on Friday aveningt Keenfeyside and G. Bennett. 1 that bigh Lune of whieh thega- J3algnoëof 'Profit and Liberal-Con'servative Associ tiow of qualitiotq, Te the Outcomé. , AU(l I trust Accouut' Ir last' IUM. 7th ilIstact, ut 0 P. in, From t ' lie num. Dnriuý,, the part terw Major Dearmal- North Ontario a a om ber of horgeu Uow in Oshawa, ta take IY ha"'s"D giving LI. course of lesspns THE CATH' Yeu will always romew'ber filiale the ex.- ........ 02,536 85 OLIC PICNIl.-Rev. Father ecution et this portion ý'oj Profite --for lices to-day and to-mor. in ridinu allil calisthenice, uni] on Mon. IleCeinu's pirnie field in Aun perative - upon Yeu thon týe yeïr 1876. Part in -tlicir t ' Ta the Righi Hon. Sir John MLction- ici net legs, ira your funetione penses ofe is'a grave Id, K. 0. B. -are the Other after dedu ý a age- 20 row, two of the beqt day's races we (IuY evening, Jujip 20th, a revi,ýw w ou DouiiiiiQji Day, in aid of the bnild. a nt and accraed ýa8 111GHT RON. SIR,-We the Liberal- sien; andin imllearèst Ou7 in dePOuits- 811,8 26 The ever lind over the Whitily traà le look. givi)n On tliri college grenade. Alr'itlg fund, attr'actéci large uumberà franc Conservatives'of the North Ritling of Part of Your datieÇ there ia one peculi ecl for. Socitled PlOnséd with the rjding, and Whitl,3,ýand Oshawa and flic surround. the -Couniy of Ontwrio, -on' thial, file oc- aritY I bave observed in thi,; country. Which has bison ap hoartily commended it &S a milans or ing dipt.I-iot. 'Nottvithstabdin propriateil The'Twolfth. the rain ",,Bien ý of yOUý tiret entry into - this sac- tbOugh not icadigercious, but imported, as fol Aiglial :tien éfý,thô country, beg ta extend toi vliieli 1 tliiuk yon inight use your in aluaqeyuent aud lceultli. Tho Club whicli full contincoualy throughout the lows:- Yeu- Il. hearty %v;leoùic, and through fluence advantageoasly ta correct. I Divideni The iiil'ioOiaii'geracli of this district %Vill exercisla and WnIlling, contlucteil ta the daY, tllo affairIlvas fur boyond the 0 'ta fila cil. No. 87, four Xý Yeu MüWbërg and friends of -tue Observe that it is an. al Colobrat(à the Twelfth of July in Whitby entend of wn,3ic,, provo pectations of the Ille$ Ail Most Ulliversal percëntlEitDecem- L sanguine Canservative Association, of practicil Upon tliis continent, even on bar 1875.... ....... 118,.087 83 Aeterwined ta moka, the béat Toronto ývho have ,-,,y aucompanied publie OccasioI1Hý prizo liste- roll callsý DiviÏond No. 38, four t1ils yeoIr. 'P -i, esti 9ý and (-nj,>.yaLýle ta an prescrit. oci ercent, let June, ton. T. f the radier p and iii the 0 un ropitious state of you. intorcouree of goueral s The ap1J;ýfîraIIce Of the Young, affairis, and, despite the difficalties or Wu --cannot riýgar1 the any of your ety, for Young ladies ta bc- tclluded t 878 ....... ........ 119,725 05 major- CATYlOLrC-PZC-UZOtT alfforded 0 by Positive Prend of the bonefit Of the situation, eujoyed thempelves lm. comiug awo'ng8I;,ýUa than as a Lheir chenal acquaintances, nuy even Balance of profit aud la the ý.7Tlie annualýplc-nfo at Duflino' Creek othor Lossi carried for- thoir courr'a of training. meuselY. Good humor, order and bar- Ilto the this year Who larêëly aitended. Iteyd.' peenliarly happy eue, boing as it is flic in thé newspaperi, by what in the Old ward ........ .... $79,114 23 Mony prevaileil thronghout the clai rPO au iiivprsar.y ofthat grand Ctnfed.oration conntry wé'shoÙ[d call thoir pet"ý 141TERAUY EVENtNiGe, this happy and the ample store of good su succossfully brouglit about mainl Dame$ ; that !B ta blay those a and j?âther Csoo!dY'8 parieliioners Appear ta On TàerdaY evening in flic CollAge things provided by the energ y caressing The generai atrated have loft nothing unde8ired foËtbe "' Y Of the througli yonr inetramentslity, uniting suffi appollations of ûLidearment with depression of business, MUNIO Hall a large number asgombled liiffles' com ittea grotatly c exte net cinly through the Demi- of the tortabînwent-of guelits and visiter@. In Ontributed, n"ing . 1 1 ta enjoy a very interlesting-programme. as woll as the livaly and in Lie tllerObY ne one people under one which their fathers and brothers, and ton, but it, May lie said, ta the entire P'r ng Griverriment, withýèné ýdesir9 ta fartlier those wlio are nellirest ta them,, strfve The Revereuil Fathèýrsidlieat Kelly, Fi" The readings and mutie by the pupils l4l's'a or the St- Patrick's brassa band. and promote the p. l'op OmMerce of the world, has materiall erity and wolfare ta give expression ta the yearniug af (lad by and Conwaywere, presont, and, wore S for the affectea the opérations of the BaZ were wel.1 Tecoivioà, Au es One Pf tho-'uterest'ng fêaturfB,(Of the of unir young natiortu fection fol m in4he home, cirole. durîng file p ý ;tor, Of ZORIOUB in,ý prouidting the en' oay by Miss pie-nie was the election contest lie. . ouvert ast year, andyour direàtois tertain _ W, foolt .nor jhatyour coming Nowp it soeme ta rue tu, Gray, the firat graduate, upon the sub. tween Oshawa and Whithy. For the bave ta ore thai the-oidinary came meute pr tlie day. The PleetÃŽbn cahe u8piaious event, frein, its lieinu ut sacriloge, and.quite incompatible' with Il amonnt during that term. Ject, "Phia iB but the clown that s'peak. first time in four years Ir. - Oiliawa, hy a, taittin wlien this - Ilmuch elected county- the dignity and ëelf-resýect due ta the After paying Ici the w 4,WÃ"U bY Mt.-Jolla Fothergill. lwinging forward one of its st-ronps wo Rem annuai divi- s - eth of the noci yef to-be," was op. . t is qnce more e ad 1 . ticill war daugliters of Our lundi' and with the hILoue SiZAWIJEIlItY IVOTIVAIý.-À festjVal propriate an T. ýIcKittrick- sac- ngag la Po 1 ho 'deuds of four per cent. cach, and wak- a clevor. À ecture bythe - fare ; amd lire trust flint the tuatiy w chivalrous reverouce with which they ing the, usla, pràvision for acé éd coeded lit bearing off the prize, a band- shou]4 be approached, aveu in thought, ru in conuection with All Sainte -Churclit ILev. Mr. Dewart upon Mental Cul- soma oý.tonlhn, from its lieretoforesue. inay bave the pleasure of heuring yolir interest on deposits, thete veniaine et opinion upon the affaire of our ce that the tender, love-iavonteil nomený' untry, the crédit of profit ' nd loss menant flic Il me will talie place at thé trown hall, Whit. ture" waf; ralculateil to afford inspirs. cfssft" r1val- 'na finuncial Peint Of will net only pride thernselveï; npon eliciture of the fire Bide shoulil lie ban BUM of 879,114 et A and your Dir4ctors vie by, thii (TJiursday) evexiing ut 7 o'clock 1lori and sirength to overy thinking view, the succeRs was inore than could th2t; ôircumstance, but will lay yo Ur dilid about ut Tandem in the menthe of. have- depLand it advisable ta allow fille av p. in. All are roqtiestéd ta attend. Pull of able thonght, doliverAil have been expected. worde ta heurt, and profit thereb . cvery empty-beaded' Tom, Dick and. appropriated uutil y arnount ta remain un We believe that that wave of publie Ilarry on the etreet wboso idie Longue the eXtOnt Of 1088 12&8 bOen More défini. in a clour enà forcliblil sfylcjý it was Canadien Preas As5ociation. o,,ýinion, poisoned by the calumnies of a zuay chance ta babble et them. For Party l'AT31ENI' PF TUE VtrTIII:PN'4.---jVlio 1ii9IIýy ai)l)lniitlel. The degrèe of M. le ly us;certainefl. inter- charge that swept yoii from cilice three ini3tanCOliLl file United States, bofore e Wliile thé utwost caution will have Llilitia Dapartuient, have, sont Cciý,quCJ E. L wa3 fi) Miss Gray, and The adjourneil annual meetiug of this years aga, bac; Spent itself on the allure, lier marriage, 1 obseýved that NI: LI the *r*3 ta bc exerciaed, duria- the year we bave n ex-- of 020 each ta tiie veterotis of 18U). prizeg to tlia value of 1ý 100 ta @allie (if As.-ic-ci.-ttion waB lield in the York aud filiale the pt-ciplc of this country are Grau iÃŽat,"hter of the occupant of iiglity Tlicàrn are about liooa voterons all tolif, the Moro filic-wifill impillic. Over 150 COUUCII Cliarnlier last Friday afternoo awakenhic, to a proper approeintion of the wo.-I; august position ita the world enterc.-il upon, ta secure a sufficient D. allouant of auto and Profitable business. being 150 more thau v/cre paid llart prdntinc"M anI li!ýttly franird, IL resolved ta appoint a Cr file ri-ror tiley thon cotninittcd in en. was generally referred ta ia the iiews, the healthy condition of thoagrieulturai ilItO year. Tho îiicl-êaso is caligod by ci %V-ýro vKhibitc-il ili týo drawing roorn ta conter with a Corilmittee frum'ttec tru.qtiiig the ship of state ta gentlemen papîýri as Il Nellie," as though the lia interest in clin the wila bave lot orliy provn t1lierngolves Ontario and the hopefui friagraphist had beGn lier mo--,t intimate prospects of anotlier good haretest aril equlinit 1 m ' and oven Laily Dufferin favolirable ta a eteady and grailual re- I sithOr tien from reinette eiAtricts, wilere news wid attraCI,ýtl ll!llell nttelition. Dominion Editors, and RopOrters' As. false ta tbîîr many professions made 1 ilee" a' CIVery of the gratuity liaviiii, baën voteil hall ','ONOLILT. pociati whiln in Opposition, but want;n-y in the liaq ecome lKate' in the ciegarit Uoluesq ; 1 au with a view ta nraelgamato covery in other branches of la i abilit PllrîlseOlO Y-of a united States rpaga- akiiig net peuetrated la titni) for thein, LOI The concert was'given on WednoF3. tle t""O Associations. y ta properly colicinet the affaire of . . 1 and your Directors hope that by tlip t file country ; and. we believe dicte time zine-thil gli lioçv Kate coultl have been maku application last year, Sinuc hist iliby ovening in the new Methodist A communication waç rend fron' U the wbole Dornini,:, eliciteil froLa Hi-r Excelletiey's Tuai disturbed finaccial condition ofý the in if;, end of the year the present gloomy and i9trY. payaient 120 veteriens have ilicil. cliurch. The clin- rs occupieil 1 Wm. Buckingham, piivate ýecretary of Christain Dame 1 don't know. 01 cil the çvoulil gladly eee Yeu regain ut the couutry shall have given place ta a i ta the Mon, Alex, Mackenzie, luviting tille course, thia a salall niatter ta w1licli 1 jealthior and Luore active emplayment un loft ; Mr. Tortîngton, with ViOlin Assoriation te maire a linve athided, but it ili; net without Sig. hha f2iý, Rernember -Ille -3,ýlJitbY -races org trip Over the In- ý We thark yon and fli(i;;o with yon for fur iiioney ut remunerative rates. t J tçvo pianos, took bis position on a téreolonial Railway ut atiy convection nifieitace wheu regarileil »Les a national pro. on INIOD(lay and Ttion(lay, ùh(j li.)Éli and au . t ilio ditingiiièiýi(,il coinliliixioiit ici havinc The present Itisolvent Act ytiur platforni lu frout. The evening vras tiilgv- IL wal, a"l'eod ta Si the lu. -d Our Ridine, ai; the placlo fbr chtIracterigtie. Af'ces- ati the wotrii-,n of In by v tâtion and m ' (1,11 DÛ mtors co.risider net only ta bu work- f very fine, tlin andience manierons and i ake the trip tiett yeat. yolir d:,y'c; anel trust flint thièl cO(Jticle)lt arc ladies uq VL11118 i ing unsectisfacorily, but as affording fi The timo and -place for holding the yoil leng laity bm Sparf-il ta bc the (lis- Ulinded, and noble-heartell as are ta lie facililitea for gligliorie.8t mon ta avaii il one] Tow.,; Ce, 11, L-re Wu? 110 illect. Ilighly respeciablo. V(,"'Y kiucecqsftlllv n,,L alluivil miptùý« has héen l' found in any cointr' i' the worlti, anci party lu&, of thé coupeill Oft i il titiiti'.slio(i lielad of th(l Libieral-Coiiserv- y n 11 lves of its pràvidion,;, in placini, Monjay eveiling nu(l with froquelit applituse tlic Young flic bacille of' the Execntive Committee, ative party of Callit-Ilà. the soonor wf- Il(.t rid al.' this. vulgar go- tilicir croditors in diffi.alle positiona cents- last for %vaut of a quoruin. Tho metu- hidiCil went througli il programme of Seventevu uclcv uilembr-re tvere proposeil 1). G 1 LLE i 1'l Et lecism the botter; and the firale place- ta just Settlements. t 1 uni) dnly clected members of whitre file correction shoulil tié tnaile il. ýoB to bero lirosent %vere the Ãœllyor, Moi;Mrt, vory choicici vocal and inctrurnen a Preiiident L. C. A., Tliti ustini of the ici 01 le oin8t King, [,'ùrgffloi-L, Long and JefTrey, pieces. Association. 'Vý0teS of thanks were North Ontario. in our school licitS, whicli are official the Bauk at the close of the yeUr is unatlitilougly paqsod te Prof- GOldwill N. F. PATEC11SONi, documents, whiere young ladies Ouglit annexed. that South Ontario. soliatas for piano and violiti by Stitith for h-In villuable essay, and also litAr(..tary-Troasurir. to ho entereil in thoir full ChristIbili ýlirsüm Crowlo, Law, Farrar and Nlr. Ln flic york Colinty Colincil for tl-.e IlilA wanes, and net in their nicli-uaines as All of which, is, respect fully submitted. rilsh. 'l'ho following are the Torringloit wilrn 1)riIIifvitIyý c of their elitiwi)er. AFi finie diI net al. Sir Johu Lifatclonald replied ta thf, J. S1ýlPSON, -infI.joritieq ut Utfd, , ailIlrc,88 in brii nuit ffttina t(,rm*s. 1 have often soeu cloue." LI coni- II Ow tlif3 btisilless Of the Inceting ta lie prosident. t1o différolit volling 'places and gainéd lcu(l al)lilitu". PiaI10 fi wae il, 0 li - cç-nc-ludecl, it wILS rfý.401veil ta 1101II -cin- It is fliat therc were lie- Il No Rcgular Father or' Motlier." Ontrýi-io Barill, Toronto, e i, il 17, 1 el I -ot. duetts and br Mist4en Pli otlj(-r mectini-, ùilher at lýIIffàlo or phil- tvme n live and six fliolisand rlie liffle boy usmed John cronill Jnne 18th, 1876. aud 'J'owil of ýViiitly 112 son, 11waleh, 8auccilern, Bowortnan, :ielilrjliiiiL. Prof. Goli Sinitti tex. nea. Oiiliitwit IJ2 - wllù %vas brCi ul) lis a v'Lgrant nt GEENERAL STATEME ST OF TEIE J Ili (-Ici, Fi 1 sei Clarlie anI. ot)if!t-ki were lil;,,Ii!y appre- teiii:iIii an invitation te) rit[ file tiif>.tnij(r.4 Mr. Wtn. Ilftll.,illcll, uubridge, wag Ptilico Court fti)IC'klrg fil AFFAIRS 0111 VIE ON' rA1110 n 74- No. 1, Austin'a sL'i.q,ýL and - voc-1 bY (if thi! te) Gratiýye" ail)oillf0-1 cimilluail of Illi, iiiei-till-,, booli just such a, lait w; Victor BANK AS ON WLD-';ESDAY, 0 of Nu. 2, luilsale t 1 lie corieluFiion of the trip on Friecilv ln', tl.,,Iàc ou the l'le iiii,,o wolilli lieligh't ta clraw and roi)- No. 13 orangt, Mille aLli crm Ilimes, Ilarritiou, Me a lés the, geritloinvii froin Torotito Ill 31,IL 1876. n't'm . T)Iv w eetill"I' tlI(ýlI tiiijolll'Iliiii. Ri' %ult; lýtýro. - 3 ta No. 1', if nuil oitoru.ýý,ý34 At 1). lm. tiie j-,,.jj.ty it.fI, (In tile rï,Itly wirý) Dr. Tnp;l,ýr mid MABILITLES. 2t in No. 5, Brougliam 12 1 Vli Maulloug:t1i, (wlvi 11:'ffl dKVfýII Capital .1-tuck. pidil No. III Cinrýi(nout 23 by a lîlriýît iwiýýI;tIr (il'papils arforileil an l'or Nikwal.11, , ' ' dtiits chat inGrie Li, oo S i(ler t1wy rook Ille, Caiseikt lit) from file No. 7. I)tlubi&rtriii - 10 tiie.-ývt-iiitigs ý,r priccocity. £lit- eltil 1 00 the No.$, Wbitei E tilway for ];Ijfïalo, tilence t'l %Vi.4 gaid to lio vi-1 f i&irjl, posii of lxILiýj proiîttit ut 0iii Ili(-* Ille') 'IL y0ars 01, but No, 9, Altoilà, Sa Illier Mr. brillitint 1j:15 1), tu. train tor Piiilallclliliit.' J;:In(.q Ywilig, M. il., Gitlt: Mr. -11illor. 1 lvag futerfist au L vi-ry oxii.di ici lookerl v y Young civelle change rel,âerveil 253-19 98 foic, "(re)-i ?Jý1tvo tJi(' Quccil", of olitarite ; 2-11r. -,ýt. joitll, DJ.. 1 J %ý Chis No. 1, liny's Mil 17 fol, Sileh year;q. fle wusî fouiiil warfi ULleiuilll(,.d divi. ci, Nu. 2 & il, flrc)okli)i the andienco iitill A War of about the éitrcets nt night, and say- ileilds .......... 2,6VO 28 Ti é tion; Sijoriff il-ýyiioIiIs; Jo?.Iju.t Wri-ý,I:t, lie, Dividiend No. 38 fille No. 4, A-ilik)urit 12 Llir- suce.cNilftit work Cf il Second Colloge ijj-- that ho liail no haine te go ta. ËI. ,lie 1,,tt4,r 11wevti <if Port 1'(,rrv \V. Il. L'itiu Dr pilvable IlltJulle p( N 1 L. C t(,Itl the tivigistrate filial; lie lirl no rel- .o y il r tv et$ en J e il. 1 1 187(; ............. 119.725, 05 fa )y a NU: ton ýýlirI(IIaIa 1)... Illar Jallier and inother, autl thiR ciel i 7eO, 114 23 AýND ll0NQIý. !,1-'-iTýS- TIJ4. 1,41 M!4!1 Cou Il -53,745,213 Je 1'1;,' i't:ty -ipiion of his ililui c'r(milli- il -ýmlrJiv ori t1o %vue fil Cire.-Ilit- lis %1/11:4 W-11 txilititi-il by til"! rii M ajoritie!l fier Giliba 2451) bp a il'ar it' riie(I aivi ............ S 1 V. Prttf.-r-j'ý11, el' eh àliiif)t.ititq4 for Edigur V..)(1 1 L C. Row. ('l Ili.; Atoi.y. ilis i1ili aliel Ili' ta (..j" ;Ifý(x1ILir Inftn. 'D it-il 1) .1 I4ty-E ý V;ý fil' lltý,llt e, SI tn iliolli.-r elleil aild liis Stop-fittlivr p;v, tble (),l 1 clu- ave 'L'otid iniljority for C JiIJIýi piiý C Fi ilot illuild ........... 083,"î55 9-5 low r k t 1. 1 J )o i il ait wl North Ori't'aria. :llèý I)iillýi,4 of the výl-:d of j t!iut miy very gront ci.r8 wal, '9 11.l Do- 1-1, 12;) wýIO aro rjot liý(f'Iy L) filillt for 1*ý(,.p--(, of 1'. Aitiiy tul,,-i le! 1)"(,r folle John croclia by t'I'. crient lut -Of The fol Al-, stie I' liet.v(- I'f ('11) il lowili- im ',Il(, reý;iiIt oi' tIt.ý will h'l ;i-îogul-ý- pair wit.'l lio fouil-1 bavilbf. ait do- In, P 1 ý1, ýfit;s Eý:XbtwOod il 1 1, ici ;if, fýtw-!l 'it icý .......... 6L,ýý55 23 21 cont!,.-It III Yerth OnLirio plaeed iu this pi-ctiliar rolatiou- of ;ýi;ùtL IL Ili Our Ovu il iiieiii liom-ever, bail looke-d Mont dvposits, for Gref"s. Clumaj.. '2; tlitre is fillý-Lliiiig wrong -i-1his e1ucation, for lia te, p. Lynble lifter no- Snt(iliffi, 3ril, ici tl)is Ondook appre. Sl>poclipF; werf> iiiviil 11)v Di.. Ti.ppcýr iiiie il afi Xed S. 1 b- et very briglit and iut,ýlIiIent liffle tl"'I or Il )le, 77 Iloil. M ý C. Cafili'roli, Mr. 'i'oilfi" 1 vilil Vnir. and dipi we', :tri- -wro lié-, ce:;',.] rea.] %vit-Il and %va,,; ............ cil 27t; loil. \Vrti. aliti >le t lier IILI)OL ILS pay nt l'Vu Pioctor ; 2111, Noffiinz nt pI0ýiviIt ,,iv;ýg u:; mori; cou. elbIr. tel Ilittiself while wilitille 111 901554 66 Liciugot, able titi dciniLl;ý. nk- huit fho J)l-oý,peCt n"e il whicli ýv(I Cirme eliiii-ge.rooui hy st-udyitig a daily otilor deposits, Port lcrry Giriy .211il, Il ilt%,(, alr(.n.lv of Palier. Ile collid do - SuLoiniiig," liée Pyable aiter no- and a division C'f çl,5;:Jion itn'lI Seritiuiprit I 2l. FIli if 1. SlciýJalielauiloiiricadto tho Luagi-4trate tice or on a fixed iehý Uxbrid,,,,ii Vil. to whieil fila 0'til- -ilipathy Fla l Illigi 0- f0IýO'-i %vith simio prido tbat liq coul 1 1 (Illy ............ 671,616 87 tilt à1bi Mai Iliriz-Of g.ý for socola (. ' ( 1", Lv Dui, ta other baillis die Nortit or Soiith (Iurillg'tlxp Atipri. fircolint, of au Lilexi, asiswer tiiéL.lo Li,; li_ýt-iers* -in Canada ...... 37,768 29 sfa all Cati Wall %vaq At a l'illie likf, -etiptitill jolin, 1). of tilI lacig'li, 1.110UI,11 it wits Flot mentit for a Dii-ý ta Agpn(,ioiiol Scott Po-1,4, Miks A. fltis wliatevûr GOÏ111rnincrit ruivd in Pem iiic-oLA G giiiitli7ed Iiiinself i-.i polir little Ln-in was lianil%, thm. barck, oc ta JUI licriz 'b'rçl, S. Doiv- 1'liglit.!I(l weffliel nkled roicr alici fitra', a;i "elil enicmute-r iat Prielay :tnil è-tuIIý ci othoi biuks or 411ý;llcilt frofil ail blit i Il-elt y Mie y oln fir, Lo blie years 01 delibernte juciiliirity. 46 0 for Giblis... l 7 1 L d , st be.,'L' IiiItirý;, dowil to '.Ilît shot'e ltgke,(] what 110 COUH ' draw, 1 . 1- ü.t-,enÉýiiea in for Curriei., HfiglÃŽ701 Miýýs '11wn- iQt(ýrel are t1ireateucti %vitl. the lia le Of bay, etlI)tuill R promptly answerod, Il A jug of beer *' D el glit coucitlieq.. 15,130, LJý) %Uýq Bowerinan in- of onthliniasts dvclaro eIraLige roitimotiom in the ile ta Ageticies of BIL «.,etiIl*, iflil Thir, perliaps, remindeil So ut, of il':; Total mai. fur Gilbq... 1 i tilt, batik or ta tll7wy("Ivé,ýi rae.ily ta sacrifice oin, sfifety Lliat tiie K-ucilit fier di4t lieurers ai tti,,ý lic-l-licin %viio bonsted flint, otbcr I)unkq or %V; t ffi el 1-0 E Il-,']Iltlil ILII410 wn.,; (-ovfýre(l ;vith fi-;!i früm izix lici COUI(l iIrav 11,11(l being itskeil %vltit, ftgollCiCýs in the ltbc Tlieiyio,;LorigiuLl itýï)lý Of, t!i(! and +31,ittfjç! I-V (1(li atiytiiiii_,, inc-lie-r Io a F,ýe-,t timl il liulf in lengtli, et Corh-g;" ai- of tiie youth in' 11'niteîI Kiiig.-lo:n 63 lie YelIl' Illlg.illÃŽt 1)(1011 pUblil1lWil liy CtLric. and "ilit- in opposition to rýo liol . y un grillv hti! _ 513,918,11si 55 Vo t 1 t!le no.lLledstc ver.ý;p, wlio fi a Io la ton & Co., of New York. IL i. the 11-1:1-ueiion of' Turkey. Ilov frieni carte and Sailli, -Thig il; et Iiigli art.' Total ......... j (Yi Tllo ay Tnit, Cý%r, bv Mark iý tt-,,1)0 by thi! %V2.'tor, file Little Cronin, novever, gave Ilis titi- ....... elle- iI-c1rý,riI i-,iviliz;!fioll Jii(e clir ovo. Iia)li dors.,il fin ofa thl, ASSETS. riwer sc-riotisly, arid mentit chat lie coulli 1, Twain and toc,ýtlir!r %vîtIz îd! ffie Eng; perie ............ 1ý; 17-1,101 94 1 la ci O-iz r !;fil[ 114E) iF not IL surfince zi-4 ]il,, 1iunznýÀ tho fieli. l'il(, l'(Iraw a jug 011 a piece of The W eiior Jrý best fligitive pielces ill [Ile '3'tluiýI vein. Criluey ; ýl Id. Mikfi (Illf',FL:Loll wilieil particillur sportirl", F;Ilii-ir of thii tho boy ta t1il, e t : - ý 1 r .1 , and fini. - Thie le a satriple - 211d , gel, te) ;,;.z 110 open- of tlie pari-.11 uil,'il tile SCI10,11 ,Io 1 il 0:1 Othor l3;in!;ý 171,572 63 l'ea 4w alaliv- Son .. ...... ... 4 1) M IS, 14intilf.v. 'Vith a f4r-ICaýt of Ci. fýUrj:eC8t t;ttài"eEi (if the coliflict, capt. G.', ...... TU ntgc)r)ier)-,rii.iiotito Ji ?jr(l Da. ýlicF ri,,tilt ; of tila couffic ali'l trii, yç---,r't: juinbering, I(ý:ÀI é-st',te (other 99 11 Plitlitii -t LigLIy iiiila,,urttbl(-- tienve who %,t vre ofî in tlj(- thl' high Of tile preseilt ruii out ........ MtAs woosirtiff. thitti trio Bank ta Et)(fland. wood.q lit its vainp out c)q the lias briltf:zlit down, and thiq w,,Itltli ii proinises) - and 'i b Obier 2 -'l'attl' A 1 S Petereon brtiff and call"Ci Oat iii $lt', a the liver, Whilé ili bigan lum -o,ýb ().I.r ....... 12 1) ...... Inort'gage on real 'V 'l "IT" It p ýi Il 13Y.I»t .t out .... 5 ...... jýj s'i a. .4 Phirk- 1 corne ont of the 'r i8 fitli]iD," itR wa ta Queb-4 e 6,106 23 1 y W R BLTWYEN A-NI) Tiirkcý,y waferV That 1) e eý4at0 sold ., . .. --jf,ý. Miss Fiiir,ý 2tifl, .15rmian gavo his lifiq thf-ir tviý proinif3ca tuan st renson bain,, that Awericiiij Cugtoing J,3eîllç .... 171,4,12 71 ay bc col-isidvrmil certain %vitera sa Othpr Asi;et,3, not 33 cIutif)US a stii-tesmau as Loril Derb antl siniply enid, il knotv it,' and went rc,:!tlitttion*t; malice it practically I'IUPO>'- Byell .............. t4 Byce ........... . y cri witli Iiif; anlu:ié,,tnent, whiel, lie savs fiitile for- Canadjan vesselg to, il inclutleil unéier L Byes .......... 2 Lp 13yeh déclarts from his place in plrli:-,m(.nt 0 their the foregoing ...... 1 little if any was a.11li5i;t equal ta somt, fil,, ho hýs share, of the Ilu,'Isoil lntuber trail licails .......... 72,340 93 eider Jarvis 2ndt tilat )IP Could entertain lind wilà bears nuil bull bir. 'Ive to Artiericati reetc: Mirn IIOPO Of iti; lj(,itirt averteil. Prince Nlil. 011 ri, iiurn- bottoms a monopoly Total ......... ........ 1 Tot&!.. 69 WHITBY CRICRIE ail is on tlIM"ritier et th(_ý Ilead of one bers of both of whieh lie lins Elain. Of it, %';Iliic CaUadiali boats lie i(Ile ,T CLnl',. st, MiqS Kelly New ho Ens gouî, an a cIeIngate ta tba The only reinedy for this appeiliý,4 ta b(ý 11).'FISREri,,, life i a lat Inuings. 2na Inmiligý;. 'Mit;so.,4 Cribbons aud Tweedie. liundred and ton tloLgitllc,. meil, and Deinoûratie Convention at Quincy, and in the wt'.LsurQ ftdopteilt of declaring General M.Inai'er. Of tI Redtuenrl, b .11Mt,... 0 0 Hfillworth il 1) 13ril Do.ýlpt, ýliýs Ilis obect is it' lirociamations 1 , or whatevcz, lie congiders thi riglit war Upoil the Amorican Custotus de. Ontario Bank, Pyijo. çVlÂch COVVI' 'ZIIO walls at Belgrade ta tir Toronto, P rom iuit Slst Muy, -1876. bow J jacitnan, b 1 there lie will make just aq -leterwined a partaient L)y the ilupagition of a f3ijnil P3-ne.ý 0 1 là M, b Ir 4th Do.-Ist, Miss ý%,OOjijj bo to.01etain 6»Pcîtl adiu ration' for also ne 0 b pvno embargo Upon Awerican vejgcls in 0 Fi Ray, 0 plan . . : , . b 1,1 Woodrufr, 13oc;niLt and B vina, an(j act ta fiollat as lie alid with the shark." The Cliairman thcný raade a few re- J Laing, et 1-lif4110» 0 c Bolster, te _ 4AFý__ N Canadifin Wcýtcrs. Larie numbers ai marks on the business ai the past year, XATUBAL .4C!-eN the indepvndance of Servis. Pyne .......... .... 14 c -rialler, 1) Ur.. . theso find themSolveB stopped at the Sta . ut Matthewgnu, b Plant. o not out..ýj ........ _ ans prcfvsfý, ta bc caltu and Housp MuituLa.- tipolige ta an * 0 i A divorce he.j(j Of tile aud meeting with no re orme 0518r, b Plant ...... 7 0 Boloter, b DO'- "Y-1-qt, Mié,,q Jarvirs 2 CIIPInl)IY Canal, and the timation. that ho would noiv be b Gurret, atp Pynê, b à. 'S'.1 )nd, iýfip.,4 letl»,,Witietýl, and any Eac. lawyer in New York, nanit-il noilro, trude is virtually cljèekpd liutil some ta ariswer au questions tLat migleitppbye and fi 111illerz. - rifiee ; tlicir Iý.jIcjRvjc frien(ls in Austia ho b y of Ail Plant. .......... g) 0 Pyiip, b wLo lias becn instrumental in caiising, hgreewent shail bc came ta eit r . askvd by the sharelloiders prpsent, Pro- der,ý li'uenrien, bpyne .... 0 b Mirs Jarvis 2n (1, ýmigs 'ici, not nuem ta bc, quiet 80 tranquil, ,, a 1 great miserýy ainonl- the inarrieil, was -tween the Governments or between the eeeded ta move the ail Dr. Bnms, tint out.. 1 b til are urgitimir the Government ta Pro- shot &nd killed by hie own wifo on S.tt. option ý of the Bc- F lîeyg4to, là Plant. Of the two conutries. We Port, which on boing secolided by the l> Pync' ............ 6 - Natural Illiiloni)pby- vent the LOmtoardMent of 13,elgradé aud arday. Ho bail aceumulatofi a la eau Lardly a-lopt the etatemetit (bat a ,an. %V. P. Howlan Tui 34 So vis ; 211il, Mise PÉIerson. Sowen(li-ia by Turkish guu-Loats on the Oum of monev'loy hie siuieter prolos- transhipt Was submitled ........... 1 Byeg .......... 1 Danube, the possibility of -Whi uent cita be made at White. i tri Leg Byes ...... 1 1 B PbYfýicc l G0091-aPhY-list,,'iýlirs Peter. eh le Rion, Whiell vai; ta procure a diverce ta the Met-ting and carr.ied unanimous- be yes...... ïï son ,j hall frein Canaditin ta Arnetican bot. ly. with wides ............. 1 ....... 0 02nil, Misa -Nit,.Crauey,. croating mach anxiety aimongst the upod the elightent cause -by a jugglerv 0 Chprnistry-let, Misa jarrîs qý n ci, calm and determineil people of these With: the lawd of different f3tates. toms, and Vice voilsal withont. an in_ Mov"d hy William Sissioll, Esq., sec- n2'ýt ......... Toïal ........... ý Mime Gray. towns., Austrfa, however, io not likel mac; arregted lia crezt$e'(>f the ratCS 01 froight, bat what- onded hy J. H Morris, Esq., IlThst the colifir - #.** y for Rome practice of the CVer increase, May thag lie involved thauks of the ý ýharefioIders a thé Ci Capture of Servian Entrenchraonte. Xphysiology-lat, Misis lure - ,)nd to interfero lu favor of Sorvit, wheu kiud in Conneticut about, five tes re hertby s V 1 . r8 may be the ILIOS Of, two avils as it, in-no given to thé imse ocranoy'and peterson. that priticipality is pursuing a WiCY 80 aga, and hie wife who 0 o Preaident and Directors la _.-M : _I < Put 6 ballot in conntry's busineufitostand byandsee tbeir efficient manaàemenfof file a car, a distanteful co ber, and inimicil ta lier flair$ ý ý2,000 KILLZD, WOUNDED GeOI09Y-llît, Missea gadrews auci interesta. bis brain là Constant its trcaty 89re0menti laukhed aL of the Bank duriug the past year." 2,000. AXI) Rare ; 2nd, Mies Gray. With the Germanm and atténdaný inyebstieortdraoyublweas hRf-leneed on - MISSING 1 Magyars as the controlling polit -------- Moved by AnrouýR6@o, Eç4., second- As Astronowy-1st, Miss jarvit, ;.2nil ÏCIII Ple- bail ho never rislied L-îmst-Ifi "KING Tou" POISOISIED.-The Hamil- ed bY W. F. AUen. '-,That Mêosrl. W have i - $ ruent the Goverijmont will i in that London, midnight, J111Y lýiii4 Andrews. lot have direction agitin. The wommu 'Who ton SpecIator sa.yé;:-6&on don. ; » Satnrilay T. Macd ýPatcb ta Reuter froni Widain 110ILM soir.llcl:. Lhéý cleed was once the vvife. rcinrtjini,, t,èle tljo,)jjfý,j1j)r&,ý onell, B. FI. ýTurn--r, auJ Jarne roportq Tiie Turicii4h authoritics have pi attili. Lwkli liellav 'eiige,(l rin iart ho Of tais élection thit: thie Turks have capturèd saine .!î of finotliel., alid, if is .;tijvicil, bf-3C2,111t, King folu, the Proeerty t'f arigi tliýit thr-y'rspcrt the I:Ckitilt to rllê lZaturalTheoingyý-16t, 'Ilisa jar;qs the'uioelvc"i not ta net on thé ve, NIrq. EIOUSO tlirou,,Ii àn npplicittit)tl of (,arnpbt-il uIýd Portnr, SeiviÂn entre*noliimante near Zuiclîitr, 24à, Mipi Petcréon. 01 Ne,6011, cliùii Geigoral Uri(! i-liat ti 11.110 ' and the Setv but w;" Fr'ke at Onc" u that: divorce lawyer's proft4sgiotjàl A.kili. at the Xiitieion 1-011-U i. ables. Ilie ilig now and thât if Clopr at. tio ians havéSed, losing 2ý(ffl A fierce -nternil-Ivar in Turki*y sèe killed, wonuded,.aud prisoners. Evidèucus ist, mlisq Jarvis c , ertain now, but'tho r)robi.-tin is wh Hi$ iuvenýiOn returD6d ta Plauge Ilim. ý'liorso.lLvatq observed to bti ill on Fii(lay crie O'clock ; but if nt 'any tiine' live 'rt;rlc. Mlé;aesiýudrcws anti jjetexýson. ether lie was hoirt b«V ljjw Own pf-Lard. , The, niglit the Tt Mýerraney; 2aj, the excitement-arril foc-ling which it wili , and surgeons wore willuteq Ahall Lave, expireci tvit.l;(ýut a .1 The mco crime of Mrs. Houseï çvllatever ifs cir- -ýproculrecl to attend Iiirn, brit, ifieFipite vote beilig tendereil, týje-bzil[ot iiiay lie javo, the' tfrue made by 4not ýjiiR Shaw. naufiii in- RUSSIa Will givé the Sclavic cumstances, bears, one -ÇOMMOfit- everythiug t1int coula bc done for him ciosod bv the tbe musta.nge ut Cdmpan(l-lrt, Miss Shaw ; .2Otjý war party in the Muscovite Empire the namcly, tj)at Fleetwood Park, New York, came Mies Nfec control of Lbo Sïate. if it does thor thOsO whD tnak6 them- lia died the next worPing. Tha sur- The §erutineors roportèrl as follows EAE weeks il&â.fnr aillirÉIA ýfIé!"nnn 1-1, -11 1 - . 1 - ýO 'Belvçs the ch-sanels of miierv ta sa aen- .I-- i, - , - - - - - - and acooonts report ai; follows :-Yoi cdmmitteewouldrecommend thegran ing-,of the following sums te iniproi the foad8. 1 On Ride'road bet.,ween lots 20 and 2 te 9th con.; for grading, on conditie li the partîes in-- that section give 1 least work to ý the amourit of $75, Dai can MBÏNab com., 61OU0 ; on ut cou. line, ou hill at lût 150 D. ForsytI corn., $50 ; on sideroad between lots and 6 in eth cou., for -gravelling, V Ward and Ira Palmer corn., 3100 ; o Kingston road from. townline te lot Ni 6.ý for gravelling, George Gimiet, com $50 ; on townilinq West, South of Ring ton roa(t, municipality of Scarboro ha, Jlng granteil a liko Oum,, Wni Co*a coin., $100 on western towrilin ,'opposite renr of .4th con, 'and front g 5th con., 'Markham h 1 aviaLilý granted like atnoun-t, M. 0. Fret.zýandT. E1ageý ýman com., 040. Your committee recommeud pay ruent of the following accounts, for ai supplied to indigents J. and D. MeNab, foi aid to wfdoi Young, Alex. MoGeo and wifé- $45 John Oddie for nid tes the Stoupr family $21-70 , Mrs. Wood, for aid -tu Johi Carons, $16-50 ; Thomas llàmilto-q for ai(I to the Stark family, $15 j Jéhi Parker for aid -te widows Campbell J01111:18fon, and Keys, $55; 8. J. Green for aid to the Allins, $22 ; S. j. Green for aid te Liscombels, incinaing fquera' expeuses of Liscombe's wife, 80l26 Wm. Baruips for the support a f S. B Wigmore, $83 ; R . Secker, for Fuppor Of-Roach. 16-50; James Taylor for ai( te Mrs. Lnpp, $27.90 ; E. Wright foi aid to Mro. Losie, e22; Thos. Tripp fur aiii te P. ; S. Soruerville for aid to Mrs. licKetiriek, $16,5o. ý-yonr cortimittee would recommeni, payaient of tile folloçving accounts. Sý J. Green for work ûli on rond, $2., 50 ; Jas. I. Daviil!ýon, for gravelling ou eastern towil Une, 820; 0. McAvoy, loi lige of Orange hall on 8th con., at mnn. iciPal election, 18769$2; Edward Brown fur ai]%-.('P liilled by Ao-ils, $6, Your comirnittpe would reconimpiiii L'rantinv aid te indigents as followiz, from 14t June toi 31.st December -- Widow Citinpbell. 75 cents per wepk, %Vidow Jolington, 75 cents pei week, John Pa;-I£(ýr com.; P. Lyon; $1 per wok, T. Trilil) corn.; %Vidow Young, $1 pri- wowli, ,bleGve, ýl per wevki, J and 1). MeNab com. ; John Cairmi, 75 cýnts per vreýýk, NIrs. Wood, coin. ; ýV'ifloçv MrKettrick, V5 cents; per çvpek, S SOl]2CrVille COW.; StOnEir faUlily, el por wrok. Joliti Odélie com. ; Martin Losie, 91 per week, E. W-ri--Iit, corn. ; W. Itgiach, $1 por week, R. Secker, 3ow.; Mra. Lapp, 50 cents ber week, J. raylor, cotn. ; S. B. Wigmore, $1.50 ýer week, J. H. Smith, coin.;-Allin ,twily, $1 per week, S. 3. Green, coin. Ili-port riiceived and ailopted. Mr. Broývn movas that Daniel Rat- diff and Richard WeiitIPL-o be allowed o do their rond work oà-side road lie- %vc.ên lots 12 and 18 in first con. .Nfr. Hoover introilueed a -by-law, vhicli was rpad thi-ce several times and illigze to open part of the oriýjnaI al- for mail botwoeu lots 20 and ý in the 3r.1 range of the broken front on. ' for public travel. , - Mr. Hoover ni that S. K. Brown, J. Green, and the tnover be appoint- il L conimittee te examine and report t the next meeting of this couneil of lie a(l%ýisal)ility of opening a road ý)roilýyli lots 28 and 29 in the'rcar of rd concession, go as te connect with ie road east and west. On motion of Mr. Brown tiie couneil -inds adjourned till Saturday, 22nil of aly next. «'0 wad sünte power the gift to gi'e ua, To sec oursel*s as itliers see us." Baliclil the pale, emaciated figure, ;Lli tlowiiéiisL eye, likF soins criniitial miit te mýý#,t her fate ! S»o the ner. )iis, itiptrosifut loak, as she' walks ong with a slow a-id unsteady step. lie pink has left li(,cr cheii and the terry her lips. The once rparliling, :ticing ùyes are now dull and jnlpé;r_ 'Pli#, ailen 1-e- çv. bat and walking dress"She took the on artiele te a large dry-goodia-hou3e dýwn ro. town, wlierG she usnally traded, and' a., inquired itF. value. "My dear Mrs. ,s. Blank," said the proprietor, "are yon ýv- sold too?" Ile then said the shawl an was a first-rate imitation, and that the le, same fellow bail sold a large number in of the Oity under ýsimilar represeatations. 1 a The , arfiele was left; nt the store to be sold for ber acconnt. She informe -ber huoband thst ohe don't thirik a camells. hair Phawl wôûld become ber, and they id are not fashionable, anyway. It ma be sais te prediet that when Mrs 13laz ,W lext airs ber'1P4Yench it will net bp to a Atscinating Gaul-,wllo is anxions te Sell, a ».bawl worth $100 for $60, and be Cont entWif-h 33 per cent. deposit, M"rveuouýsEscape of a Train. An sc& ,»dent of an altogether exeep. tîonal eh& racter occurred -yesterday urterùoon, es-v-s the Manchester Exam- iner of Juné70, în a railway tunnel pu 3 the London'aL'il southwestern Rail. ri way, and a trai, *1 Pasliug thrOughýtb8 A tunnel at the mot. lent had a namw )r and marvellons an 1 eRcape As it is POS- qible te eonceiv,. A, -- the 8 o'clock ex- prcris from ýOrtsMOatà,'i te London bY the direct Portsmouth j"Q * ut e was run- fi ning through the CacherC18 Hill tUD.' nel, betweeu Godal,,ia ,a* Guildford, the passengers were ajsrmed by find« u ingAljat beavy break-power w& 9 being 'tPPlie(l to the -whole tràitr, an-4 ýY 1jearing the engins whistle sonut ling loudly. - The train was pulied - I., p quickly, and the paSsengers 'after a short but anijous * suspense, diiacovered Oint a large pot ît on of the tunnel ha& suddenly given way at, the London end'. the moment they were approsching. ýrhe 'train, when brought to a Stand- - r still, wa8 within thirty or forty yardE of the ï,nouth of the tunnel. and, but for the, fact that the driver, wbeu iô the middl- of, the tunnel, observea wbat, lookeci like a great mist __ suddeuly obscurin4-ý,thü light, and$- smpectilig jhat soinething was wroniz, applied the brake aud ý signalled the guards to do the came, the train would, in all préb- ability, bavie been buried iû-the débrie Of SOMething like twenty yards. of the tuunel. The line was prémptly block- ed in the rear, au-djaiter atime ÃŽhe' train was backail out of the tunnel ýto-; ward Godalming, affil the passengers were transferred, through huge gapq__ý made in thé roadside-bedgai-4 frow the train tù the varions vehicles- by-whick -they were couveyed to Guildford bi the highroad. The passengers -were g eatly Ettt gr rtled when-they realized the narri)wnes of their escape, toi the ruina- of the fallen portion ýof the- tunnel cov- ered both up and down linesï anirlay in great mas?ës, Of earth and heavy' masonry. In explanation of the acci- dent, it à said thie during the> day there bail been some- blasting for chalk in close proximity to, the tunnel, and it is conjectured that the shocks loosened the tumiel work to snob a degrée thât ouly the vibration of a passffig tn", waé required, to briug it downýý,, -_ Gang* of workmen were at once Eet #Ã"; worlu- te clear the linei kut it was Mected that they would ndt effect au ab"lutp-, clearance till to-day. CHEERED BUT NOT l' ý;EBRUTED.-The winner of the Derby. Notices of Birtità, Marriages, and Deallui charycd 50 *cents eack. - CIlItONIC',Iz -OPPICE, july 6th, 1876. - ipring Wheat ............ 51 00 @ $1 w i3artey, No. 1, 75c; No. 2, $0 65 @ $0 75 Clover .................... 88 i5 @ 59 00 Titnothy ..... . .... .... 83 75 @ 84 00 Peus .................... 70a ýBlack Eya Peas ........... 900 @ 950 Rye ........ ....... ..... 65c @ 70a 0ets ..................... loc - flay ........... $12414 Potatoes ...... sue Eggs .......... ioc Butter ........ 16e @ 180 Coa4 per ton ............. $7 @ *v8 00 Wood .............. .... $4 00 64 50 Pork, per ewt .......... -b7 00 $7 60 Chickons .............. . BO'@ 40e perpair Dttcks ýer pr .......... :.. 50e @ Goc '-Purkeys, per lb .......... Ine AI)pfes, per buêhel ........ . 5100 Cheese ................... 12ic @ i4c. Viool .................... 25o (9 27c. 13eef, hinil quaxter ........ eo 50 §0 60 > Uef, fore ým&rtér. ........ &5 fio 85 50 June L ;ffndei Ume mal mont] Whiti tLEC ;s 0 V ICOUI ý Ni Villagi canam ber to Rause ea wîi of Oish; the eu the b ed. , 281 3t.28 NO] -E Notic statut£ fipon o 1 1 die on hereby of Augx -collins, tor of ti said'de the uati thera. a time thi distribu among regard Which ha-vela, under di mot be tbereof whose d, notice w F ORI A val Sow for -June m A One East Wh )nIeé;S. l'lie Oncle warm, dimpleçl mils are iYow tiiiii auci cc)](]. Her auty has fled. '%'V*11;tt lias %vrnuglit change ? . What le bhýtt. licli. i.q belienta tlie, surface of lit onee, LiVely forni ? Does sh;- rp-- zo lier terrible condition ? 18 she 7,are of the wo(-Itll appearance slle ýlk-Os? WOMUn, frcta lier vvry nature, ï'nýject to a catalogue ' discases iln which a iliau is entirely exempt. i-Y Of these maladies are induced by à own ciii-elessnLs, or throngh ignor- ce (if the laws of ber being. Again, 'UV Feritale Discasetz, if properly atffli, niiý'1htý bc arresteil iii tbeir ýirse, aiiý 1 tliereby provo of sbort dur- OU. They should net lie left, te au ýXjjPýieiICeil Phy;dciau who doei; net derstantl theïr nature, ana ie, there il, i'ICOUlP(-tLut to treat tknin. The lortance of attéudingy tu Feniale «ms"s in tlieir earliest stages cannot 1(lo sirowdy tirged. For if negylect. tlii'Y freqý1ePL[Y leail te) Contminp fi, Cliroffic DubiLity, and oftt!niiiiites III all elut;-;es of Vetnale ýea.,ea, Dr. -Piercels Favorito Pre- jiltiol, is wif-lizut a rival. No nýè(1i- lins evûr N.le<lî,eal ell", Of xiiieli IL V. l'i"roi-, M, D., of ffalo, N. Y., is tho anflio-r and pub. .r, is ai) extenlieil treatise ou Wd. a and fler Diseases. Un(r7ýr tliîi; A, the varion% affectionsto which rnan is incident are carefully con. weil , accurately port-rayed, and a Lorative course -of ireatmeut suggest- Every woman, as elle values her and lieulth, ehould posses§a copy val.nable bool. -1 If slia be dis. tlii8 "Adviser"1ýwill sliow her r lio'may bc restored te ileaith, and , direct ber how slie may ward off ]Y maladies te whieh.,ahe.iscon- Itly being exposed. Loteveryeuf- ig womaiy beed this time1y advice ace ltgr,8elf a"tlter a gée lier. Price Aviser, 8-1-50 - (Poutpaid) te any ad. URKEY.-m_-MaPs of Turkey will t1idieft by all tfiat thêy may fDIIpw 1, intelligence the, war n6ws.ý The c im criant - intelligence is an ni). E irmed despateh fiom Widdin, to P effë0t that the Turks b«d'captured Servian entre' E Ûchraeiit néir Zui- -A and that the 'Servians fied, losing ý .,killed,-ý woundid ane prisoner . S, Wilidin isi the place wliere they implîfoned five hundred Roussain l", to bc killed, il flic PPOI)JO r . of .OJR- 01 ,ve,ýit i-,ý to be presumed thp T:ljktz ai w htit,(.Vf"r Pl0rjýP,,Çj (116.1;) jet Tlie offlv fiirtlitritiforiu,-&^ lie reg tr'l to ilin movýmpntf; of FI rc'Vclr't fron, Belaraile 1-liat b3 ,'urks are -,'liai3tily -fortijýin_ Sera,- til lit Rejoicingts at the ReBult. Tlie alluffiluée ' ment of Hon, T. N. Gibbgg election after the -roturns liad come in on Wetln@u(lay evening tval3 ilectliye,(l witliý 11prolivions elleering 4y the immnnse crowé! which liait gnther- cd on tlic strceto. Mont nive o'clock a large promsion, witil Mr. 0 ibbs and his friends, roached whitby-f-rom Os) - la. W119 Iloade(l by a band ormusie. IlotlEtt% wer'ë ilitiminated and the streetm wore tlironged wifli' peol)lo-,-nally coming lt) from Grvmnwoocl, Dnffins' Creek, Btooklin and the survoundiug noigli. barhood. Addresoes wqvnýdejivpred 1)y the member eloct, and alon by Mr. Brown, M. P. P,, e. B. Biokell autl otherg, who wére vociferously chaored. Therû *aj;'aftùrwarde a JarRo proceq. siou to Oshawa, hendoit by threc bands of muste, toroh-bearcro, &a., whorc the poople were fairly w il(j with, excite. ýmant, Me' Gibbs kà them osoôrted te ILie rosid.llco,-Éllesmere, ývhich.waa splendialy illumi4ate4,, and WIJOYO RII met with > lisarty w élcome. Snboo. quently addresses; weyè doliverpa in t1je drill she4, and the gencral reinicing kopt up until a lâto ecor. Ontario BÏtik, satisfactory report of tbé alinual meeting of the shareliolders of the on. tarlo Bank, to bc kunil in, other col. umne, WW be read with interest bv &U friende of that prospérons institution. Whitby Rues. The Whitby rues comc off on, Uon. day and Tuesday of next wook; loth ana Ilth Instant. The pursem- are don. mWerable, and the track la the very, beibleondition. Entrioq olose on leii. day Ivening at 9 D'elook at the Ontario t#Cànt-govemor of Brltloh col. umbia. June 24t To all ana indfi ness, earl send a "4 OF OR& discovem ica. Sem BEV JOSI Hovie, A UCTI VAL' RO) in-th Montreal ......... 185 Turonto ........... .. 187 185 103 1012J Consolidated .... 100 COmMerce ...... 121 120 Dornînion.... J25 llami osi standard ............ 80 Pederal ............... 101j Imperial ........ .... 1M 105 County 6 Per ce-ut, Debentures, 99 Township Il il 96 July 5th, l8ÃŽ6. TORONTO MARKE TS. TonoNro, July 5th, 1876. FaU Wheat ................ $1.12 @ SL14 Spring Wheat. , . * , ........ 51-W @ 81.07 Peas ....................... % 70o 72o :)&te ............ .. ......... Bse 340 FIay j ................ 811 815 Pork ......... .... ........ $7.60 @ $8.00 Butter ....... ............ 150 @ 160 Egëg ......... .......... Ile @ 120 ippies ....... :.*.'.» .......... &1-50 @ 82-25 and Com. 01,11911;-j A7 thoroùgh, knowled th Qy ye 1&ws -hiçh. &QvO=ý- ULe

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