Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jul 1876, p. 3

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T ~WHZTBY -V us§uer ,nsnng of the jniriÎo Turf Club, vili Come 0omîc~r lh. Whitby course, 'MONDAY AND-TUE8DA Y, 'IJuiy lot/iand Tlthj,1876. PIT DIT. #150, Province Porese. Open b Dominion bred horsesclY. Millehéate, T. C. W. First hore, 1#M5; second, #u.' 1900, 'Trctlng Pures.Ojpn te. aul horses tt nover betthrre.miutes. Mile hosto, 8 a u , to haruos. Pinxelborne, 8150; second, m,0. 0175o Open Purge. Mile ileats, T. C. W. Domlnon.bred hersesa llowod ton pounds. PirsI hcrse, 150; second. 025. 1EBCOND DAY. 1150, Province Handicap. Open te Pro. vlnce.brod hersesonly. -M île :h.ate.... l'irâi herse, #125 ; second, 125, #200, TrottiugPmrs. Open to aIl- horees lIai no er.4besi2-85,.>Mlle hosto, 8 lu 5, t hanse. lIri hi>rse, 01i0; second, 160. #178, Open Handicap. Mile-boîe.,To1 #,.Consolation Purs.. Handicap. Open toali. one. mle dash. 'XUUB AND REGULATIONS. TlIree herses to enter and two 40 start. Brftrance tee per cent o! pures., Ifutriet close on Frlday, Jo!y 7th test. , at t<trcbotel, ai 9 P. mi. 'Ilorses InUit ho eligibie at-the dateofo!blil. Races eacirdayAt ono P. M. e Admission to track 28 cîs . Badges for meeting, f2; carniages free. PETElI WAKÇEM. June 213, 1876&ScyTce Ear-rin gLost. T OST on Dominion Day, beiveen WhIIby .iJand Oohtwa, a gold ear.nlng. Thse Antier vîlI b6 euitablY rewarded bylonaving same at thie Office. VThltbY, July 5, 1876. 28-lin s ERVANT WANTED. Must be a goca coisand waehler, #8 per MIlS. J. V. HAMl. WhIrby, Jnly lîli, 1870. 6i .jacun fllf mn Luse boxes, sise2- p.x f if -S finches 1 dozen l lmfe ad Spoon boxe ,s arn 0 Orystal Lamauwlth Hangers and RP. dooctors3. 1 largo Wsll Show Case, glass front. À qusntity of (1ool,_ various, usefil for caoenters or cabinet maltera. À 2janity of Mahoguuyn eer, nd Vork jflnee&o 8 Carpenter'. bouches, i1<Cabnet Mak- oe'bencli, i Circular Saw Table, 1 heavy seat for turnlng lathe 7 feot long'wth a, *number of otber atce connected wih the lactory. 1Alsô tho romains of a stock purcbiased iu Englând contstlng of Jet and Gold Jewellery Ïn - Pins, Brocches, Bar-rings, Fin x'MnLeBracelets * Off -Buttons, Ste. co Boxes of Sewing Machinej oittachinets sultable for a niajorlty of the machines now lu use, with a 'tr c other useful articles. Thequantty ofgooas heing large, the sale willî commence at 1lIa. M., sap, and will b. continued lu lhe svenln . S The clocks wiliIb. sold single or ài lots, ýt suit puichaseirs. 83 MSE 8CAS.' L.FAMRANKS, ~ WLAE - Auctioneer. N. B.-The Suqscrlber may state liraI al who can and who have> the roady should attend tris sale, as many yeas MAY paus before another such opportuulîy 10 gel bar gains May prenanti le. Strayed foom th. Subscriber ou lot 81, 7th concession Whltby, two Yearling Heifers, witie, mlxed wlth red, one havn a born knocked off, the other'the tip endsof the esrsýirozen off wheu young. Anvpeo !nrnlohing snch lnformaîb'u aswf ai the reco'very of the animIswiliIb. suitabiy FRANCIS WAiIINO, Whltby, .lune 241h, 1876. .27 ROYL .HOTEL, w iiT B Y u- it. g u u u i$ w u ers ana las yfe.vored ns wit thefr kind patronage:- jWhitbY',Juylh186 A NEW ERA IN AMUSEiI1 E 1NTS 1 iiiit Exhibition 'of the kind ever in Canada, and. Most Positively the Largest Traveling Show on the Âmcrican Conitinbnt 1 Coming on 8d Railroad Cars--No rmore 1 No bs! Every Kind of' Show Combined, and :aII New, Novel and Pleaeing, WVTW.OL' G-reat New York and New Orleans Me'nagerie, Circus, Aýquarium, Museum, Avîary and Universal Fair I JA&S PRING<LE, PROPRIETÛR. -The largeet aud Most ccmxnodlous hotel ln the town : as large sample rouini for coenrcial travelleri. Tati.e well eupplieil wn&th the lest lu ceanon. Bustbrands-lquort, aud cigare. Eueeosed ï'ard and eiedroum attentive bottiers. Chiarges ta suitte N.B.-Livery attacbed. 27 or, IMPORTED DRAFT STALLIONS. The Subsoiber has rscoivedi neiructious frein MR. JOHN TAWCETT, Jit., le oeil by Public Auction,- wthout reserve, at Raye EZotel, Whstby, ou Tuesday, the lBth of' du!y, '76, The Public are re.spectfully requested not to colifoud ths Vast Show wýith a sînali exlhibition of iimilar' nanie, viz :-"COLE," thiet travelled ini Canada last ye.tr. Ritonber this is the first tour in Canada of thia greai Show silice its organjizatioil,s it is 20 tules mnore grand titan any that - i~hose twe ceiebraied iupprted ,Draft Sial- unY Othût- nho)W. *- - -- w pu ' arsoed fonduigfers, via W2'- The Prolîrictr i. NOT r'elatedl to arîy inan bthename of CLE n 7 e an m XougNo. Sch 2tho ehow bliniliss.b"tr f " PsnEDIxREZor Wxwoai.-Waxwor's, ýbLECTORAL DISTRICT - Clydemdaie cari italiion, imperled lu Nov. E EIYT I G JJT A lP F F r~ OY TEx ember, 1874, ia dark bay isiug 7 yearse V R T I G J S AS EP S N ED 8SOVlTH RIDINO, TO WIT: 01<1; stadm16hands 8luches higîrci onet OP TE£ noble proportions poseomng ia ratflIIN 'COUNTY OF ONTARIO. iymmoty, eerebizaod ewitab a. im nseSTY 15 THE BE ST POLICY. NOTICE ln hereby given lirai the Heu- devlopureni o! muscular power sud action, oraisie Thomas Nioîsolson Gîlbsy !tr ci ivouderful wldîb sud depîh of body, upou Tise rsss's't ýV]1vq orflti etiis î&<îî5,îsîîIîltrsin.l erfand simiulei. Tise OLI Vlaeo!fQeshawa, Produce Merchane s ea sort legs, vfih geod foet, par. CL0teO' V~îi iîi.Ti A' ]A1 it~is,siîIie-. cor tielsa ttise tialîtststth fît kfl o nhlisssait s~~theiros iss cesî-.Trîak-rsîsiug nie, candi dat at thie prenant electien ofiaa mem. Gfisly oadand a vory sale socks goes; âa tîtssit igviea,Lt tisiiîss. a siiiissîlisi týmiBlmrtli iojm gBli ber te reprenant tire said District uiî inrh -hi lst th.,u,» s n rs seei~qusiî.derss-s Zusn,5sisgiînîtcsorsis1Mstiieran iosic scu lsck Blouse ci COMMrODO, etCanada, ihae appoint, ties hlm te be net tihe rse for Ibis rouis. rasiniuiîî-q îsî,raciisg bitirî rs-sss ii -ssisgiy fat isions, tiorougsli-a<reraisss sssad trotters ed William Fnedeirk Cowîii, cfiheVililage semares. Waxiwork'e sire,. the eneral, egninst tussie wssiinisiîtsisas by Isndien sîssi igentis;liiicnty rsîcuiisg 1sfMi liores itssst inosi of Oshawa, Esque, lirisilincial seagev hlo gàlncd se msnuy primes, viz .tire Iighs -cilthtisa i-sofur sîli twoi-era o surirot lssadiissu-v sivts e tisaOiClowiviîs lsley race the upise!sl ito, c~l~t lind Bboiety opnrize, Lo50, et Invernes lI s £O <lowest iiinsc ji tlise., untitsss-ous cxibiiosss viii ho gir-tsiintact, thea sîssir ýaresisnssi the S talute lu ousir case madeansd provId. jiziret ai Llilthgw was sold tire sainesu sigt assiianns. eai. yeuxr te Mr. D, Nisiett, for £510,P te go te ThSe arrivniai ftic rajîrossl trains, cotainiig tubi eat alsîiist cf show propîasty, "ivirali an- Autraiia. Graudeire Sir Walter Scott, ssouisîced bLy tisa LINGocf CANNON. Glvtnuudler lanbad aI WhItiby 111e who gainsd aU -the prizes threngirout Scot- 2btirday oyune, 1876. ]and, sud vas neyer ireaten, Wamwerls is * J. HAM i'ERRY liai brother te tire Prince e! Wales, vhich 8t-28 Rctursing bilicer. horse vas sou in I8781for £1,500, sud ie new serviun mares aI £11 lOieacis, audlio opesiat tis rpnut day, te show agais TOTICE TO CREDITORS anybnsnnght Stallion lu Britain fer £l,000 NWaxwenk vas breni by tiret neteni Clydes. dale breader, Mr. iovinan flailliestoî. tOP TUE LATE Dam br Gastav ; grand-dam by loira,th 'E .CH APiV AN. Sono Waxwonls's colts wilhaou exi- - bitionuou day ci sale. Notie teIserby gvei Iripuriuanc et lrîniotr YeUseNG Oî-Suci.-Young f Notce é lerey gvè, i puitunceofNon-Surhin is8Syearscii l i September isaxt, Siarîsto (ith Ve:, Cap. 28, Ses. 28, tiret al stans 16 aud a hait bande higir, vas iîss ' credilîcs niud other persona iravlssg nains perlei Is JoiruPeosaeit, Jr., eof Piakerinig. nlcîn or affentlrsg tise estate of Mianri Keter Ycin gNou.Such vas sîred bly No.,s.Siic-ii, C l an at o teTownshilp et Pinter. tr tiampîen et Eigianni, tire pjirty oc litg, U thse Cousitâc nai, Yeoman, vire Robent G. Raley, sud breni by 1. . umnas, ditiid Ou tire Tiidedy cf Jue, 1876, are Bail., sud was-got byv htiriclelsrateii hone hetehy rs-quireil on or beora ithe 17tirday Wswggsier, lus, Chtampion ot 15igiîsnîltise et Aisgut, 1876, tsi sens by peut te Richard poenyof Mn. Chapîssinu isel Fans;il Colins E,.eqWiiîtîy P. t0_.tire admirisîsia. *Mîdîssionuîilthmt cloera sas-rsat tnop oliie personai astate and effects af tire fluaiss.sTite sire of Diiches, -Old Issp-us ouaisI iereaseil, tiseir uaines, addrsesp and leon. Non-Suahinl a <ank bmevu, taîs 17 dostnijîtials inlufsl, th. paticninie ci tijeir hinsî1rinch , îîes-eciy Rounud, docile iu clamsem, ttatenelsts of tirinacaunts, sud tempos-, sud ailsswaîi by cempeteut .idges them u tr ftheaI 1unis (if sauy bh] by ta be tirslbest herse utirs onis. criss tirs tire e etsltrhm expiration 11te sali Nen,ýý-Sucirs dam Wagot by Onoiveisîs .1 WIV. .(OLE tise ntnirely isned tira ld tiumb-manks lu tire bock cf airev lstony. He d 1;ibss tr s v d grnnd-uinbFlhan ia iaciin sc d evotei lrce i~tre eis taothe orgeiMszatil oflOaftBrand NewvShow onaups1~lendors seurle. dsibuuteatneothsai eesd mare o c an.searcisdaîlilt Anis, and Aiici. lcoked oear for nvl s nMeranesi enlostles., w ire irbsa arnong tepensona eutltied tirerein, hat-n LeSais at One 'closir, P. n. Tes-s- at liict ceoisiiiariintu oune i-sid cucorponatien. Ail fermer ettempîs et tireeirow busainess rnilr te the btnelesd cdaimsouly li Cs collietaly eallpsd. Largent and seat compreirenslve Amenica liras even seau. Every noeer w. Cash. sl dnulîao ha inL FIBNS ty tliat iugainiîy seurd luvent. ns- mueney procure, irsabsen secred for ibis vos-id-vide Canton- W lssv h slsatreaid ad ruinimor sra to, i.sAIBARS tsi]ssissi igui Thire an sd cryecftir. dean publia durng tire lest deaade irallbeaurn onea- ontQde ti cere ndotous et tire au Stratrv iAuctioneer. tii lov. W. W . (Ioeahian s iplind trio vaut, as tire immense tlinentetestlt vire dafly son- unerth povsinsofth Yai Sattn wllPickearing,, June lOtir, 1876. 26 gratitse îsîstis hie vast cassnîîy, a a :fcsghofitsf, coutainnq over i milionfieofau net bis1 80able estire seeét ser .suy part ____,t___outa iltc ttetm folhdsrbto. SS! eXtasiliitoiOlOiul gitsdens. Suds au siaberate coiletiou of curions, rare sud ver>' sesti>' v- RICHlARD CJOLLINS, t19is aniaisa as neyer batefe nceugrase asseebled on Ilils continent, or alswee sinilce Adiilaraen. eus- irst parnsinbtirs Gardten of Eden, sinbnacinuthtie deuizens ofettirlsest, jungle, men- E'Iokelsîg, tir Jny, 1tutti28andlvastfoop;id reptiles, serpens, sea moustas-, bfrds, etc., etc., fs-cm ai-rci- imoanad MANY INFERIOR IMITATIONS cu ssrCi îitlihi iti-iae i l ieEnis atiiiaiîa F OR SALE,% OF T-IE A DOUBLE CIRCUS TROUPE i A velîsable vsl.-bred Young Breeding 1 , È mvw furi ale.di àA %'f -9- 1p- .. . re_ - i Msnure at CHIIONICLE OFFrIciE., Jusse 201h, 1876. 27 F'AR 1m FOR SALE. A One-irundreni Acre Pas-m for sslu 1liant Wiritby. - D. IIsN ___________187_, m*-27 TA CAR D. auil is e s-aenferint tramtlberres- * ausdalocnîîneciyenth, mesvoue veak. '::aî louss af mairhood, 1 viii Bond -e vlt i cre y ',FE &*Thise great remeni>' vis 4lcoverod b>' a tsieousry lu Southr Amer. %la, Seufi a sa(it dreseiuvelone to-lire 11vJueeiit T rsa, Bta tiubBi Roas,, .Ww YorkCity. 27 A UCTION SALL ole 'VALUABLE FARM j ~Tes. ri-esU le cîi itirae ROYAL HOTEL, in- utlie TOWN O011 WIIITBY,'on . Fr/îýday, 14/ýi Day (if Juily, A.D., '76, et elevan e'slock, forenoon. Pursuant te a power of sale cotalned lu suan douture nf Motange, vbich viii bé produrced ai lime o! sale, the fdllovih Lns ad rms .Tho uortl.ouî p o o e.Î n h rd concession of thre Towob i Bach intheCoutyand Pro- * vime, e! &url:, conuin oblAcvs, 'Cern. orIssu, andde ciealu l owArs more mecn ttire N. E. an gle cio siSLot; Mo$ahilef deg., eni 40 chins 9 lines; tiénseu -uIr74 cdsg., weat l'osîssilu 461lisa te tire saitlilmil su tisaeJirsîsuiofl ssi; lirei alonif th< uist ailhit cf ciii>Ds-ssk Ilcai, ir-sni Muws tsI-J>' Il C -isu2ilinsitihoan uortts 74 dsg., ensi 4 alissiluse tetiseseasirelina cf 4taisilot ; tison nosris 16 deg , eat 283 tns S74 liîkssi, tio rai cshi 1 pg, emt 7 lîitis Jbîlinks; tissu cestir 16 dej., neât 18 cbaie 60 links tute t sualvauce le. twoeeutise Sri.lands4tirnosseeluse ; thon nostir74 te, sschî nie86liùlko tu tise planai blagiusnng. Tire above li a valeabll prepent>', undler ia gaelstate oi caltIvatinns, ai viiibc oIt co' reaennale ,tocm#, For, fustIen rb-efe MYRTLE NAVY" Y TOBACCO .Are nov odes-ci, L001IC OR 101TUE111 Sl'AII' T & éz -M ON THE GENUINE. OSHAWA RACES IAcnit vi e le t11.'.whnteGetMri Straw Rats at l0ctus., or tlaree- for 25 cents, which other Grand Liniviusg ~ grass Pagent Startson its Grand Procession,.trssi t2 ensaic. S n s-,Trs-githe a ti-ts, whvbiscrusnulik au Pageat-y ver n eauiir a lsOW-t30geoandnt e Glittp igin hetIS iis-'i e notiy layon iieia- IGI LY CAPARISONED Steadit sud Sir t e new est sty les i n E n g ish irun 3, A n r c a i n opanit, ettirsuev Oira-sa isdé e, i ui i ues in iu5a&issltiseit Attii-e, Leudod Made i ablesu Cas-s, <-rcian aud Romn h ni iïi.l lsra iacrs sud ITrottes, Kiepirsut sud Camai Teasus, Dons 1 eete-Fel Rata. Park, oun 8Srpents ýCages Of ull 3rs, VnsofWild Animale, Cae The Gents' Furenishings leading as usual. S:i THL/RSDA Y AND FRIDA Y, 3 -BAND S-BRAS S-MILITARY-MECIANJCAL Fie1gtaSitswt 1 olrsfrlos h du/y; 6th ad 7th, 1876. D01OPEN nt 1 sand 7sîsîl ock. Ceusa scarly-î'IS-îstoe, firsins-vad witirchaise Ocais Collur attached Regabla, splendid patterns, on1l' $1.25 ; Flue White - InTDYu-tila (Granid Stand, hrsfr9es ar Shirs fo 9Ots.; P irsFle Cotton Soi for 25 cI. ; Underelothlug' suiious-s irs-oe mle to~, i aks s amoau m f ansd dont taillt ec sas eImmse aConcos-postien, at 40cts. ; 5 Boxes CollarsataI25ets. ; Gent.' Liale Ive-button Gloves at OOOO-etel eapeo' Pu-se-pan Tre ases-sns satint, capacit>'i(tirslas-geet lu tiere edu eft <iis great 8Sow'witi admri oft 5 80-oe eer Pre-nte D,-W Thorels- rada 1ssee ia8ir0 l~ o v-tIIrds of tira antis-e Poprulation O! Canada ilune 8e and other lios at the lowest prices.ý Finol, 1100 ; second, $30. qulsito ans I cxîisial to eius- e thés- lr iruietOr. a IOOi-Tnottiig Purae-Opon tla mss Look eut fter st assemblage sivar in ailendisce nison au>'shoeiro bCasada. HU HM B I;N that neyer boat S minutas, Mile huais, 3 inH GH MB EN 5. l'irai, 1125; second, $50, tinn, #25. 1240ý-Oshava Panoe...Milaheats T C G 0 D S A VE-T HE Q UEÈEN I htb, Juno th, 1875.Rae,&c W., Domteou.bro<j horses alloeed î6b,: ________b--.24 Firat, #00; second, 840.JAs PATE i SECONDf rfYeIhN O TICE . LANDE T A r N T T C1 DahO mmie, â 011.li, 150; Sp E C 1 A i . E~LA secoHnd ca M T 500 BAR RELS K4.RM FOR SALE. 8250-Trotting Purse-Opoa, b ail bises ei Tan'will bave Port Per t 1, ontopping a l ttos Ihit nevOr ýbeat 2.815. Milehenîs, a in 5. Snecia TrainnSieLandtrainv nIl lee baeLPus- Fsst 10;saosi 'i.for aflenusoori show.v a-OÎ ri il LlaOPr Pesry sl Fr Ci ro.rdiLn.,Puie - iArrveS Wii ha saliAb>' -Publia Auction byLu 0i$200;scndaîîa iDs$50. lrd i iuue o v cînuig Show, relunîsng aller perforunce is ovir. 50 cents and for sale ab Fairbani,Esq., ai ýRay'a Hotel, lu lb.e S12 -fiudrap 0 n tDaition])ra l, ilne-fôTowu oa! Whiiby, atoeue o'cleck, p.' .,p 41s11s.a al! ruile fý-aIs. i~lf forfait, froin iwPoerry, Prinsce Albiolatnd M tnehcî ter uWhîysîd turn ;87J OTS. PER BARREL. The',Sth Day of July neit 10i-ot Sit>; osîcni 1540ot fro i Iyîto wiltby and ro-urs ,qli 0Lnci<i Troi-Ope-suta bosia ovuni40 Ihat efelient fnin situaed lu tir iu Rat lViitby tisai neyer %von public G, T, B îiltýoaclwill selI ticket$ at half inico be and front ail peints of tTHOexcelentLEP. & 00. -in th monue>'. Fis-st, #30; second, 000; '<unr, exhibition on dae of Show. Whiiby, M av et, 1870. 2 820.Manger 1)ASTR * TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING, Tirea eras e elsr sd ta e san w. w. OL, Popretr ardA fresir cargo juil receivea i rench-. Frou conialeng 244 ce En truc,@e tan prcen t oi purge. F. LEAVENS, Treasurer.- rsieeis. PaIs t lecommence Ai 180o M.- ,a By.Portesadulrs te- -- - -s f a Enreacoeenlu'e Bfay.B HYE, eerlAen T Psearp-cu plr aS onteno! Buls ls.o1uii>' d - W. R ADN eea ~a.~r-iP svmcs B-orsese muet egible raieLo!ib W.- E. F For -Sale u--ver eaonble Prices. Se-veral Open B-uggies with child'sseat, Lady's; Open Phoetons lateet style' and very liglit, GCovered Phoetonis with RIf1ingý Seat, also Liglit Top anýd Opeù Buggies of Super- ior Style and-Finish. 14 Ilmade JUST RECEIVED AT of thé barnetMteil a TOUS & NEWPORT, A. CHOICE LOT 0F GRENADINES, BATTISTS, MUS LINS, WORSTED COATINGS, A.lso a superior rot of striped and plai e HOSLIRY. ,tC Millinery'suAtable for the seasoi MILLINER Y, DRESSMA K/NO AND TA IL ORIA/ DONE TO ORDER. e0. In ODD FELLOWS' BUILDINGS PETER SMITH SUGAR CURED HAMS, CUMBERLAND BACON, ROLL -BACON, NEW CHEE$cE, NLSO, MALTBYS COCOA NUTRSMAMLAE And a generial supply of t:e CASH PAID FOR BUTTER AND~ EGGS. DON'T FAIL TO CALL AT -TIHE MONTREM.L TEA CO MPANY STORE," WHERE YOU CAN GET THE WORTH 0F YOUR The undersigrsed ha béeau PPeilte4 agent of tho Moîîtreal Tea Ce., unI salilisheis Teas. Yeou gçi-t fiue flavns-ad Teas fson 15 te 25 per cent. cireap. <s- then aisevirn for Cash. Tri' tlissus td if ii>' <le net give yeni satisfaction, retunu leur atis gel your meone>'ase freaiy as receivai. Yen shouli not faili10 lsny as tlise.teas anae ofirai iss qualil>'. F RU 1.TS A ND CON nECTIO NERY. Try my final tins. St. Michaels Orangea and Limes. Candies of al descriptios-these wiil give full satisfaction. Cauned Fruit, Cigars and Tobacco. Fnesh vegetables neceived daily. A cat isi solicited.- W. P. WILLCo-X, Important i B,-RUNTON'S RHE BE/E VES THE PATIENT R-hemfasinis a poisoning cf the blood froxx aia - The'active prniple of this discovery is to Ab Poisonous Acrid A cid by Outward Application. - It is composod. entirely of vegetaýle substances, and his m nsed before thes preseul proprietor applied il. From, the.natureof the disease of Bheumatism, and the. Pe, erties of thiç,.Remedy, il i. an irnposeibiliiy tht il oan fail n B atlent from pain.lu a few houri when ,applled as directed. There is a'distinctive feature lu ini as coorpared with other Patent Almosi ail ailiers profeso teo cure a variety o! diseases. The prop dlaims that hie remedy will relieve 1th. Patient from Pain from Blieunc lIraI it le lire ouiy remedy (by onlward application) kont ce do se. This preparation lu guaranleed te remove EheuaooPains in a ie lire mouey refuuded, 1ar Price 0sOe per Batile. Solwbolsie W tby , ueoh 86 d tc be lin bu NI wi Wlsiiby, June 6th, 1876. 24 Dunnino St., Whitby. SILK, FEL TA ND STRA WHA TS.1 1OOOD QUALITY -FELT HIA T8 FIiOM 50 ots, Corner Broik sud Duadas Ste., Whulby. Whitby, 3uue Olh, 1876. Just to hand a lot of Thos. ]Russeill SSon's celebrated Watches, Gold and Silver cases, at special prices. Waltham and Elgin Watchies in* Go1d ana Silver cases,, Jewelry, -&o.,ý at depression prices. 8PECTACLES TO SUIT -ALL 8SIGHTS Perambulators, 3 and 4 wheels, Can-- .W4 B.SMITH, 0dian anL AnircN akErs bstvauiiton JAS. JOuI- ~Vhitby, May- 22nd, 1876. Pra LAIN &ev t nit hercSToErà] ;og leavestoriie thomercoes i ther tor t cmpaeT ricsn it They have no intention cf retiring f or of offerng Bogua Banknupt Stock, but tht est value they tan afford. They have been s0 fortunate -as to ,es much below tho ordinary prices, ana offer, il on a veny email advance. For instance, New Dress Goods.-at 1o per ya Tew Browvn Duok at le per yard, w( New Union Tweed at»37J- ots.,i P.S.-The goode offered are in the latesti Bsigns, and net the accumulation of ycars. ORespcctfuaux ai 31 ;0 Al ýei ýni ul BS scf A M IN E thMt lnroablne rme j DR. BRIGHTS PHOSPIHODYNE T TO , In CASES i Uyall Chmets. icticl Waohnaaer. thrrougirou.t theGlobe. 22 Fuit directaisfor Ua. lunlth.e ngitmi, Prencis, stain, kadrasse, BopWChines. mnd jap- suse.Laugeago, accompanyi&geh case. ThATON-le large andtnrande nîand forDr. EnighsaPbasphodyne bas lsd la s- svera imIatinsunuder sinsilar]lamnes; puIr- May 1Oth 1878b. cssr ttf mdcn iosdtbserefob. carelul te observe tist aieci case, beara tise EegUsii <ovrnmenl StaMP, viltirt.eyards - Dr. Bnlght'a Phosphodyne engraved tIeneon, tvisieîiteroe id rounl,>andtI tis h ie sa=0e yrds 1are -alsoe blowu ou tb. botie. lose!plnte ispisi reasEvery asebears lire Traie mark and pa. larl> cantioned againet purcbastssg epsiions ad the general public miton mprtdfrm theUitaStes ion use are-prnted lu anl tise Ianeu=, fas iany offered ini the abovevthauî virichr noue sn o r EXPORT AGENTS. N lor-ton. Waissey'&Ceo, 1057 Obutisvesk Etresa, from the retail trade, EvanîýLecer~ & £rvans, fG Datboso-acns Clos., Condon. E. C, y intend bo give the very Bee eeulniîge d: Co., 16 Colemsan street. mav, S n & C.soreon, 12 Aidersgate Sreet find sever&l leading Barnd&~ nôt at tuai nor endier cai ,Olanigronrtel.Lorin Neviien>'& Fons, 87 Newgsrte*.t. LntOuo, ,C .7. Ranger St Ron§;IO Oxford RI. Londoen, MI. G. CarlinA& Co. 80 Rt. -Axe aue. ii & toneS ~. 16George SIestMninRn; rd, in plain Lustres._ Loudon, > E.LasonH'e, 'orth maucli more. donbEfl. C,. e e> esl ire.Lu USUa pris 50Cent.EconevWla St Go., 2 Brabant Ct. Pisilpol Lanaý, prce5 cnt.ColIa le&Co1et.Winciresler St. London, F styles, and lu the leading Sret aon .eesCsmes enn I,,y yours, F OP. SALE. 125 ACýRE8," Situated on tire Kingston P.oad, 2 miles from th. fionrs gTowne o! Wbtby, biLug cepset etflIse outir-vesi75 sud lhe Norir50 acres o! Lot No. 8,iconcesslon 2 lu the Townshrip of Pickerieg. Tille firet- On lb. iront 75 sures lbere le a iarge T*o.. alorey Prarne House, vall painted, vii -Stone Cellar ;' 2CMaterna, 8 ueves-faili±ig WieFri.Bsa=, OGiSO, 'setirStone Sev S asud Coller iudaereatr; Hers Stable 42z50 vitir Coer unden lbe centre - Carniage 'House !OSiOt; Frame Gov-si sud Stable eOxUs ilg.is, . 2415; Gardon wllb Puri, Plunai sud herry trees lu abonx- dance, togetirer vitir S acres o!f fraI clan Orcirard. Tir. above farm iweUtUie drain- aid. Thisilsoneoclbte boat farme in Onta- rie.. On. lbe rear la a good Pranie Bars. 60x8, sud eue 40x2g, geo& Plauk Houa., SOM2,< wilb kiIclen sud atone ear"; 2 voUse, a never-fsling Spriug, sud 41 scres o!Orchard. The above farai wiibcool4on ressonabie boums, appl>' talire proprietor osn th. pre-.- Mises, B. S. WILSON, Wblitby P. O., ont. Pickernug, Jnne 2011"1876. - 2 EXAMMIATI0N OF CANDID&TES, Tire Aisunal Examirnatuof Candiaes for Publie Scheol Tuaerrs-First Sacond and Third Claus Certificales-vil! b. uM in lb. Town of Wiritby, cemmeucing ona Mfondai ZO 1tl&of -eTz4', 1876Y *a9 o'clock, a. m. . Il le ind isel atCandldatishoulft notfy theCunt uIuqtoe iot Isar than, the Tentith o Juno!cithiririntentionuto pres.nt telvet for examinatilon, JAMS MOBPII * Conuby.Iuspeotcr. lUne 1111h, 1876. 25 .coTTAGE FOR BALE!1 ONL Y $3 KEG, -CAS8H. Hlaving purchased above, quantity of of best quality of Cut Nails, we are prepared tp offer them-*large sizes-at the Io* price Persons building a house, barn We have. also American Locks, Buatts, Hinges, Latohes-complete.-for building. FARMIERS' TOOLS. Spades, Shovels, Hloes, liakes, Forks,~ Scythes, Suaiths, &o., goodl goods and cheap. PAý Genùuine CR We offer sc c INTS ýAND VlhiiI TsaA I..d.N o -Thre. I * . c TAT W ~ hibby, May 101h, 1876. 20 -1 . 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 'Z . Whitby, July 5th, 1876, ENGLISH ýn 1 Whitby, June 14tli, 1876. LOWES &, POWEL Whitby, May May 10th, 1876. STE' ALSOY Wliitby, %itby, May 10th, 1876. 1 A T 1 21.3m. T-:rTT(':L-m-r best Material *ai, G-Q L D $ M 1 T R'S IEI A*L L LAING 15 Tons Cut Nails,

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