Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1876, p. 2

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Ã"NL BsgePER ANNUM. Thé Convention. Tise eveut lai at mese Include nont more ramai-kablé tlan t lio!tics nét. lntg, o! a Rafori nention lu Toronto. tThst thée ali ofthtibodiy sbould have Jbesu &st for thé dty sfti the eléétions lnathhtacounly, ceupleil 'with iusé cou- M4ent cpti-lt l in heitthé cilir-or eaH. ors o! th.eassemblage regstrded thé ré. suit o! Ihose ieiols, bhetehothroî lighl ou tIese pirit i miclh t cad ben conveued. Thé jubilation -et e double vlatery ires autielpateul s a meas ofor aoverlng tée feebt liaIthaltichecou. veution mas cstlW e de l ti lis titlitl of tings flu whici- thiose elecotlons moes o play lice pari of éxopieasý- the stahé o! thinage mhieh places heyocd question lhe foreboding fact of a gi-et Consorvallvc renction. Thé gloemy bec alppsefi tisas te have been luvlled ta cousider, linstea f o! aving roccivsdl cheers fion- hie vlétoi's,inuit have béen deépsued fate thé oinous uhen Millirs. Edgar ant vieiil marcieti inte tué hall miti ltie pace-nat e! a festival --b.ut of s funerai i1 The appréension in muIs ié -tecal for thé convention mais ifeadu îat lîsiv beau sombored mboaitrui iuuiti Msese ma gontlemen sica 1 émt upon limé platform-iiviug or lîalf.living ambodieunénts o! "the band- Veritiug Ott thé-,mal" i Théeibefo, in paity- had'heu se long out o! ailie t ht liopposition had pasie fi boyonul the inilts cf politicai pi-acticé. île objections lisd bécane chronec; ils opposition blinfi ; its 'piL. cihiluc' hatI dssgenei-sléd imb mère peMNis -s; iVls plitical moraiity hed doéceuded mlbo cauliig purisin. Thrcat loto Power by anaccident o! clep.trap, t fottiffl tueélfsîiMmltly confi-outel utc - aatalitléî, witiî pistical dutics, sud mas forcéf luy iii. necesihy o! tiugaho cocue dame publicly franc i, planéo! thé false andI thé ilaal. A Pinist, il mies canghut gras~iuîg office by coirnuph huetgaiim i A politheail maralilt, it mas tieke u ime sa et o! hrihmeî-y sud corrup- tion 1 Uncouuprauîiiuug lu its teaci. luige, il entét-sul itothé Cabinet under tih. foi-un of a CI)alition; anu did gseunu- lier ciraumumitancecs stroeghy suggestive ,d6f lai-tai-aisud salé, àA Réformer, t ssuodtlulsréd by tIi. vor-inig demande of guvertmueni, ilicut an3thing te ré- forie 1 Auil tisé vis4icueiy position lot whiichi it hefi ulntilé, heu lofti 1h sfar outileéthe ruaih, tit, misncahléfi on ta gu--)[Iiîîlwibh a aut ébcommnte lelcriais, Lt. chaoud mitha fcldcd arma, luuclsm.bumg yirWtially tht i il lie masuit lft by Ils auhecuhieute andid LIcmauert ,i utherly Ll':umlîîuî lari vhlh onîiiuary qicuiiu:m4, sclii#i lsas 'ittl xigancie., o!f iîm'ûiLctl sahs uce mip l'limec-le!of liii Conventhiomn cf lait iveuié jiéancou- tuîeh.uum hîat>l, thiutny las <Iscoverèda cli titis ; Iililschaort, lté - ilefe-m p'erty liassoen 'webghued Su thue braunce f aîil feumnu waulfumg." 0 'Vit J.:CsNAîulýi eICsuiiytus galuet thé Utniteil States mouet lcogth Sap. uîr rtlubhéilua feir way o! selhléuueut.C Tlii h)htawït (luvernumnmt (according tlu h thé Cuenaulutcorresponduenîtf lIméLon.-li daim Tiis-) has remcived a isatai n frein Lord Curumrsu cautaiuîing thin.Lu-i *formation tIsati hlm Washîington Goeéi- _& menttlisulom piepai-éf' toa afdress, Lu tl cuaijunehhim mwili théeIBritishmGovéru- SI int, a joint -Note h<î tué Austian Am. bl heece-lor iuî Londuon, askiug binho n naîcie thtithird nimuisi- a! tié Commis.-dJ sirun mîiciàis o ietet lHalifax sud Cl tlétouiithm ie aunoint cf comensation 01 diue to Csnivlttfor lis privilèges accord- C] ho' s&« ill omîmef by Mésierfi S. J. Gi-an her & co.,0 sud accuièf bit'Mr-. J. W. me.-Wj Gréget., ras, ihitée contents, ulctroy- éd by fi-e on' hie aftèmnoau' o! lis Suh imet, The greateet exertionsmero - ass i i te éxtingulsi thé dlames*mieun hi. fi-e tii ,mss liseovei-cu, but mithuul anocese, lhsha, buildIng buruink dam lunhaIt an heur. 1hi Oigi n o! lime fie unkuome. Total loses isé aot4,0;lumua-auc, #1,700. Oreat A s3ympM11sth l èi u lte neighliaurhaod te for Mr,, IliGiegor, mit hati but réecent- tert hy-pt m à hie building s large enount gf o! neir machine-y.gi "TitrDUtprEiN Ai li. '"-Ahtamie baru-reisLug ou Mr-. Adam Dnff'a sploe~ îld 80-acré tarin, 8ahicou. Whitby, às j feir daynamgo, thé ocoasion- cf lice i- largo gathiiring ama ede availabié o Mc nainelte lalce "Tii. Dufférlu Farin." oni Mir. Duff La maliuq oxtéasivé Improve- ha, mnes-theé bei-nalonie coting about $8,0O-and wihi eumre te maké the. farm worthy lis -app»t-priaîe désigna., -À lion. Ron. T. N. Olbbi, X. 1P,, aud cit Mr. N. W. ~Browni, M. P P., mère prcs. by eut aunongs the guéaseai thé rsaing. - ce où) STPAWjsSer1TI-VAL.-A Mosteue.- I onnofulsmtrawbei.r, fuetval lu -coansction A ili. AIL ,Saint' 'Chai-ch, mas hhi.inu i su the dmrilabtid tlWhitby ou Thursday ~Int. Vhée îLdiencc mas LI-ige sud c IdoURbted wit .eiiuglng e! lia yonng liie, wokIoéilv aid, mis Johnuson cfýt Pîyad MnAlaBlck of col in, cvqsie. voe.. 1874, 1488, 1689, 8197 ý876, 1624; --1624 The. candidate oM thé Reformer. we an outsider iu,'tlîc late Eloction; b'ut 00, aise, wvu thefr candidate in the sel". tlban of 1874..- 'The onausthiva the' saea in 1874 nà1878, wue mibar. ressefinathe latter ceeeby r mante whlah aromu inde 1874, ln ô vaa- reentmnti thst Olorosnthein Ives iln the feét that thé oly lutmnea. Wh"o *th#§ vote agait ihlm dos nob 1show a In 1874, wbleý thé totsl vote of the Rldlng preïented an, Inrea.. pf 177, thes Conserviive vote présénted a loi mof108g. That wu. réaction. la théeibat ceu. test, though the total vote shuw à an lu., créas. 9 162, the Betorm vote shows a ise o!fM.This too Le réaction. Osbaws, whoeéthé resitet I ted by pérsoual aircuinslauces o! litý grawth eround mi-. Gibbs, showi aulucI-ese of! voltswhlch la dlvluhed betweeu ihe cau- didates *qnally. Thé reaitlt ith other districts ares folows: Dittl. Cangeeéatio, RfBdn vote vote TowabcfWhitby. lucreas., 27. Dseréae, 4 CTowns'p oc Whitby. mcreas, 18. Déerssé, 14 Zast Wbltby.4miceso,dt .Dearoue, 4 of picksrlug. Inoresass 57 DqeOýséMý 20 Tii. ballots Ln one instance =crasa equÙaiiy, but showing lnail 1chter in. stances a constant gain on one 0ldesud constant 10ss ou tihe other .'the. detalsa conaaie with thé generai réisulté iu de. ciaring theé.élection proof to a dsmon. stration of Couservative r.action.ý .The lleforîn vote haviug failený off Lu th wliîole Bidiug but 16, the !iatory must havé been won by a cominig ont of votes which haît remained at1 home in- the election of 1874. Thesé wére supplied, no doubt, by that neutral body whose course détermines thé eset o pub. lic opintion, thé electors who, holding thé balance botweeu parties, do not go t) thé poilis, save on great occasions of Pnblie duty. As in 1874, tho charges against Sur John A. Macdonaid'a politi- cal integrkiy brought ont 177 of thosé, Bo in 1876, thèse having séttièd down ta their i-tai veine as ciap.trap, thé charges against Mr. Maekenze's politi. cal capacity have brought ont the:a-bi. tors af Party ta thé number Of 160.1 Iu ail respects, then, -thé two occasions arc pracisely inilainLutheir Lu their lron! of roaction. WOLFPNDIIN'S MARJiLE WORcS.-Wé are very much piéssed ta notice, tii many iMproemejentsaud addaitions ré- centlY Made in the Marbie Workosaud Stone Cutting mannfactory of thé Mesie. BWoifendan. Thé prémisés havé been greatly euiargéd and fittéfi up wlth ail kinds of couvauiéxicien aud mochanical coutrivauces of a labour. saviug character. Amougst the niast important cf thèse are thé new Diamoud Saw-a revolving circulari- roix Vlate, 12 Luches in diameter, with forty.two diamoufis. This instrument ents through a block of granite, as a circulerBsaw dose through a pins log, sud,-wé were going taeSy, With as m2uch facility aud dispatciî. Cortainly, witi t, the ivork of weéks, by thé aid pracées, ie now done lu a féw liants and lu a fer more perfect mnner than heretoforé. Iu îutting and prcparng monidinge ils great utilîty lias sîso been deuionstrated -aud lu tis e partmeut thée services of this; ew inveutioxaré fonufi invain- able. A circuler "rubber" le another inventioniLliai attractm attenîtion. Vith t the 11rougli esier" je reudercd per. fectly emcoli hu a few minutes. An ordicary tombstoue haviug lettérs eut unta it ta thé deptlî cf ï f !au inc ws >enderefi pérféctiy smooth aud ail trace of thue letters compietéiy obiiteraed in lie space of tweuty müinutes. Cominon @and ouly was used. To do lithe ma work would, we woe told, aud with thé use Of béat granite sand, tek.e awliole .ey by baud., For fine polishlng a third machine Le usefi witlî a fine houe and putty powdér. Thie pute on a rilant poli. A turniug la. i.s thé ext machine to which attention i. irécted. Some exquisite spécimens cf Oanadian manbie weré showu us,turniéd n this machine.- Undor ail théeina-1 3ines tiiere are séif.actiug carrnages1 i'hidi serve to keep tii. block actedl xpou at the deired motion. Tiiere are vo tramways-anc froin thé aidowaik i ;o sud thraaiglî the. yard, for tainiug l bis heavy matériel ilutho rougli, sud a coud frein thé back end cf thue hop ,the front dcci-, thns, doiug eway wîth i liandling an.d héavy lifting. AU i.e heavy, iAs wéii aé much of tflinelu ai-k id uow doue by machiuery, drivenc ia tén-liorsé power englué.b Few, if any, marbié factoriée li thé ominion havé uow béttér facilitiés for :ecuting cl kinde cf Jesigus Lu marble id stone-cuttéro' work tien that cf hoSlessrs Wolfeudeu, cf Whitby, aud ci tii tii. large stock o! splendid matériel b, n band, uowhcre can Monuments, oadetoues, &ic., be manufacturéd mare ri eaply te ord'er. Théy intend making la jspeciaity cf chureli work, sud have ow ou hanfi a epieudid baptismnal anid- iy water faut, cf Derbyshire alabas. c for tiieRoa n Catholiec clurch et 'lîitby. Ruer IN THE, WREAT Ciop.-Â cou. lérable bruadth of spring wheat ai ong le Lakeshaore, in tus neighbonrhood, se beeit, We regret ta léaru, Lnjnred by sa int, conséquent upon thé Jeté avy rains sud' mlstyy foggy weathor. fine fielà o! twée @acawsb beooging Mr. J.- S. M., Wiilcox, au the. Rings. m road, has bee n so comphetery de. woycd that hs lae ctting ila down seen, OoL's Cîscus, HIPPODÈOME ÂWD tN,&ozalE,*ijîih oxhibits hère ou Fri. ýy, i. something entfrely new, ontt- 'aliing the aid saw cluit ring. It is' a inéter show, or rather three shows iu no, aud by ail acconts the beut thIat as over entered ths Dominion. A cRÂNez 701 Bà1Guxs 1W CLoCîýs. -In unnmai a haa.for bargain. l oko lo offired et thé saule -advertisid ycol. Walie, [ces. adyt.] The. tock inprlus regnistors, eight.day a.ýd lsr dlocks ontaining nuperior rmov 1 . iets and iu cases of the finéat quaiity. grge stock ot handoome work boxýv 2d- picture frames. The greet'st lanae over offéred forget$ing bsgaiýs FOVr.TYTwO Lireu. LOBT.-An axpi~ on ci fire awp ociursd et L'1îplh >lIsry, *1.17 St. Yàrnolil, Fmc Whit$117Town- No. 2 ... No. 8 . No. 4. NO. 2i. No. 42... 'No. 58... N o. (6... Pickerig- No. 1.... 40.2.... No. B. No. 6 No. 8. No. 9 ... Whltby Township- Na. 1 ..... NO. 2...... No. 8 ... No. 4...... But6 Whitby- No. 1i... No. 2 ... No. 4 ... -58u. 45 49 70 85 87 67 74 -88 67 71 82 si 80 54 60 -88 55 4 85 65 84 '75 IIECÂP ITULATION. Tain of Whitby. 228 0O'hWba............ 428 Pickering---------.. 515 Whltbbytomuship. 254 Buth Whiîby .... 245 Majritv for Gibbs, 41. 47 se '5 82 42 85 714 84 91 84 60 60 55 78 77 78 67 70 196 291 611 265 261 1824. RaJected Ballots. Bélaw we givé thé numbér cf rejected ballets iu the différent palling divisions.1 Whihby tome. No. 1-1 "2-1 8-0 4-7 E.Whitby. -Whihby tp. N.1-5* No. 1-0 2-1 46 2-2 8-8 di 8-0 4-0 44 4-0 o 21 Pio'keriug. No. 1-4 il2-2 118-t) di4-2 665-2 dé6-1 id7-4 619-8 Oshawa, No. 1-2 668-0 '64-2 14 -8 666-0 Total ................ 46 Nat Ontario, The official vato lun Northi Ontaria mIll hé dcclared on Sahnmday ah Ux- bridge ; until thon me ai-c unablé ta supply thie exact figurés. Tie "Globe" ou Mi-. justice Wilson. Ou thé application of hou. Senator Simipson foi- a criminel information for libei againet thé publisher of thé West Durhamn News, Chiéf Justice Harrison pranounced thé judgment of thé court grantiug thé writ. Mr. Jue;ticé Wilsion foilowed lu extéudéd rérnsrke upon thé suit, Lu the. course cf whicb he eaid, reférriug ta thé "Big Pnsiî" letter. Itii, cf course, a plein démand Lu mcaéy, ta opposé, it le said, the éxpén. diture by thé Gorvérumént candidates et thé Tarantoeléictione, sud Lt Le au admission tiiet thé writér, aud tics. ao.peratiug witlî hLm, hafi éxpéndefi their etrougti, whieh, I supposé, xmeene their mouey, lucther constiknenciea; for thé like purposé. It i.s ailtter writtéu for corrupt purposée, te interfère with thé fréedoin cf ciéctione. It ie an in- vitatiou to tii. récipient as eue with soe othere and thé wrizér, ta coucur Lu thé cifencé of bribery sud corruption at thé polie.", Thé Globe séverely réviews the. ré. marks Lu s four columu article, the ptth cf wiich may be eummed np Lu thé following éxtraat: 'But cf this Mr. Justice Wilson may rosi eeeured . that elendérs and insults shai not go uuanewered. and if the digîity cf thé Bénc isLeruffléd lu thé tusse, on hie folly sa i- est thé biame. Wé ceet back on Mr. Wilson hie. insolent sud elanderone interprétation. Thé latter was not writtén for corrupt pur- posés-Lt was net writtéu te interféré witi thé freedoin of eiéctios-it wae net an invitation te suybody ta conuni in committing bribe-y sud corruption at thé polis-sud behéaieJndga or uat Who mayasoS, the statémént Lé faise." Towk Concil. Town Hall, Whitby, July lOth, 1876. A secial, meeting of thé tewu coun. ciiwae heid this éveniog. The -mem, bers présent -wére :-His wersliip thé Messors (iuthé chair), thé Réeevé, sud *ess Long, Blow, Hopkins, Jéffréy, Fergusau aud King. POUND Bv.LAiv, Thé& spécial business before thé caun- cil was thé passing a by.iaw for thé betér régulating the impounding cf animais sllowéd tea mn et large, &e., The by.law passefi tirough ics sevéral seadinge. Mr. Happer. towu hall eeépér, aFpoiutéd-pound.kéeper. Council sdjouruéd. t!GRitO? ARItESTED.-A yeuug féllow givlug thé naine of Feuix Cuti-an, a penitentiary bird, who ha. bécu going around net only beggiug, but démand- ig mouéy, wheré ho thought noué but women were lu the hanse, wae uabbéd by Chié! llryan aud sent te gai by thé Mayor for thum-ty days. It Le thought ho je the persan who Dntered he cariaes lactory cf Mr. O'- Danovau sud the grocery store a! Ta. eawler & Co. Thée e! efconstable i. aow éngageflinLuworkingup fm.ther svideuce againet hlm. F1s11KILLED xv TUHfOT WEATZIOR]. -Numbérs of fisli, Luinthé shsllow waters o! thé creéks, lu tuis vicinity, ae beeu kiliefi by thé hot weather of 10, peet few days. FEzRsoérÀL.-Mi-. Richard Halai, (a! 'he fi-n Hatoli & Bro.) lias aur thauks rr Me f lése!1e Euglish papérs. Âcczza.-Ws regret ta learu uhat Ur. Joseph Thomupson, owuér cf thé 14llion "Glancer," lead hie arn broken y a kick frein e mare on Seturdey Thé Irish rifiemen will saij fer New ci-k ou thé 2lst o! Augnét uéxzt. Ti. wli givé thei nueariy e fortuiglit for practiae béfare the, Centanal meeting, 'hich opens et Creduoor ou tic l2h ) Séptember. Thé oiDelal figuras o! hé récent elea- aonn Booth Wsduliughon declere Ur-. !Futhrie (Ministerial) elécted over Ufr. léldie bye majority o! 88, instead o! 15as0: is s1 W b, et ni e 'i ut fi la Pl W M.WEk'blk.ok cu8.J.adr open mil. but&- Mr. P. Coline' bM. Passion, byRed, e, dam by lmp. rW . 18 bý a.Maitime, by lack Lans, dîm -by tmp. Snbo, 91 Ibom.. ........ ..j O 5 al JUr. A-. MéLa gbiia'e b. g. War- i-o- es y Wer fanée dam by Yorksàhire 107 5 4 Blr Mr.F. Pem-on', b4 . bIslander 6- adin,97 lb ......... 8 4éd8 Owuer,m b. f. 14"r Rowétt, 4 eésrs, by Uncle Vie. dam by Mr. W. ilÜÎismnb.I'. Tii. Squire,6 Tsue-l:BOj, 1.48, lmSC, 151J After the thi-d het aH the- hors.. woeésent te, thé stable excspt Passion: sud Maritime, the fariner winuing the fonrth lieat in a canter. Both thesé races gave excellent sastis- faction. The rein came dowu diizzling fromu éariy Lu thé afhci-ucon, sud cou- tinned shawsry until the close., In conséquence o! thé heavy rein o! Mouday night, Tnésday's races were put off to--day, Wsdnémdey. Ail thé parisofor-tha rémainder o! th. races are well filled. Thé follow- lug are thé sutries :-For: théeopsn handicap, Inspiation, Passion, Wari. or, The Squire, Mary Bewett, Mari- time, Ooldfinch, sud Islande- ; for the Provincce handicap, Pilot, Goidfluoh, laiatme, Islauder, Sunnysida, Grey Cloud, Moutreal, sud Cors Bande; for thé 2.85 trot, Lady Hil, Black Maek, Little Ethan, sud Grey Eddie. There is elso e consolation plate o! 8100 for horses beaten et thé meeting. .. Mi-. Wakém's energ~, natwithstaud- iug thé mauydhsappointméuts te which hé a hahd ta auccnmb Lu briuging on tuis meeting, sud thé landable endéav- ours liselues béén making iu ordér ta give publie satisfaction, deservés a bet- ter i-tui-n than that hé le likély to ré- céive fi-on thé fi-at days proceods. Tue excellence cf thé racés themmeives, as wé have said, désérved e larger at- tendance. Wé trust thé well fiiled entrie a!ta-day may hé instrumental Lu attrecting a sufficieut attéudeueé te reconp lin foi- thé large entlay ho minci, mithout auy tenu o! hli. omu, hé ha. bée s ubjectef. Oshawa Racea. Thé races ovèr thé Oshawa Dniviuig Pamk,mhich camé cff on thé Oti sud 71h fast.,meré fsirly atténdef, sud perhas, for a firet meeting géueraily sstiefsetery. Mi-. Consuit, the pi-oprletor, cértsiniy deseuives thé crédit cf seyiug that noth- iug iras lteft undoné upon ils part ho give satisfection ani faim pay ho ahl comèe. The !uiloming is thé sumsry: llehel kéépers' Purs. ; open ta Domninion. bref hereces oly. Mile Imeahe. Fi-el, $110; second, 850. Mn. F. Péarson's b. g. Isiander, 6 years, by Jack Laue, dem by Sale- din ............................ 1 1 Mi-. James Launeuis hi-. g. Maritime, 4 yeers, by Jack Laue, dlam by imp. Samba------------------------.... 22 Mr-. A. Finiar'. cl. g. Pilot, 5 ane, by Jack théeltarber., dem, by Plot.. Ois .Ttucé-l.82j, 148. lu the second heet Pilet came in firet, but thé jeudgès fisqualillési hlm, hie rider baiug short cf meigil, They dréw it naîhar fine, ne tué waè oniy îtf a pouf eshort. Thé second évent, a Ihi-cé minute trot T. Pemelles St. George-......1i 2 2 2 R. jeinée' aoi A------------..2 2 1 1 I W. Kennedye AvoellûBeo -....- 3 8 8 i3Ia Timé 2.48j, 2.46, 2.46j, 2.48, 2.49J. OsuemA, July 6 sud 7.-$10i0 Local Fret, epa'n le herses ini Esut Wbitby litai neyer eue public maney. Mile héats. 3 iu 5 ln iness. $50, $10, $20. W. K. Smthi Annie Kelly ..i 3 2 1 1 T. C.HcuIiwthorn, Shamt-ock...2 1il 2 2 W. bMcCleuan, Kittie.. Motisenéii-----------------....4 2 3 88 J. Wilson, Csaaa George-...I 4 4 dis. H. D)etrboi-m, Charlotte...i. Tim,-2.55, 211à,î 8.09, U.O,8.61L, SSE-CON Dv. Jccv 7-$200. RunnLug, handicap; fei cf tire miles; 81110; $10. J. Laenan, hi-. g. Maritime, 4 ysears, y Jack Lane, dem by Sambe, 101 hbs.... -1 F. Pearson, b. g. Ilansder, 5 yèucra hy Jack Lana, dam by Saladin, 110 ime.. 2 C. Boyle, Suniyaide,6 yeeu-s, Iuy 'luch. é.t eé, dem Anaute, 100 le-----3 A.MLaugilin, b. g. Werneor, t yaars, by War Dance, faut by Yorkshcire, 120 lbs----------------------------f... is P.* Collne, p.Paasieon,6yeere, bylRéf Eye, dem Syunpalhy hy imp. Scytiau SAcs DAY.- $121, Runicing Handicap Dominion bref e, ha5f foulait. Haleif me huease, $101, $21. Cept. Pool, b. g. Moutréel,ag, hy Thunder, dam MisseShauîy, 11ths--------------------...913 0 1 1 Mn. Duggau ceh. un Cens Saufi, 6 yeane, by Extra, 100 ibs.-.O..I01O02 t8 J. R oami, hi-. g.Rurlc.-ycasr, by - Rulie, 100 1 a ...............0 2082 J. Rsymsn, p. g. Hémimpiera, agef, ?y Hat-per, 107 bsu....-4 40 4 ro. Time-.S, .17 .661 .281. *Decland no heal. Fie 2.85 Trot. Little Elisu---------------i... 2 1 1 Btlack Iuak-------------------...3ai12 2 Grey Eddieé...................2 8 8 3 Time-2.87j, 2864, 2.88, 2871 B3UeOuÂttaS.-Wednèîday niglitlhast, the cariage fschory, cf Ni-. O'Douovan, mas éntsirel by burgiars sud a qnantihy cf tools carriefi off. Friday nighh, thé groomrystore, o! Tics. Lairler & Ca., mas aléa enteréfi sud a sinali sein in cUlver aud coppere taken, hesideacmé uisaehienéona aricles. Steambeat Hon-on on Laký Supeiie-- Tmeuty.six Lives Lost 1 Honghten, Mci., Jniy 10.-Lest Sundey mrnng about tira o'cieck theé pi-opeiler St. Clair (Capt. Robéal Rhy- nees;, belougicg ho Werd's line, ou e îay frein Duluthi ift Outouagon tram li Port. iaving on board éigheu paseongers sud a creir o!faurtéén per- sons. Whéu off Fourtéén Mile Point fire mas discoverèd Lu thé foi-e icif, auJ in less than dvenintes thé boat mas auvéloped in flamefi-arn e end te lIme olier. OmLng ho lie apdity miti which tho dlames spresd but oeebhast mas launciéf. Fie ife preservèrs mère biougil ou ctiédi, and alf the papsec4ems succeedef ln pnttiug tiern on, mien a rush vas uade for lhe yawl,.mdi mas sirampef six or sevén limnes. - Thé maer iras véi-y ceif, aed i1hWmel not long befere sixteen passengers peiied, taojothée- miti tan a! lhe crew. Whén thé hoat oanght fin. mie mas about live miles francsShore. ANOTSER ORAZ N 1WI-i-EWASsna- TON Càmuuu.-Gén. Grant buasakéf for sud recivef Postinastér'Genei-al Jeuell's reoignation1 sud noiustef J. N.Tyner, o Indien,, as hies ucessor. This i. suppobef tah.iaveNhecu doué ho smiegthéu the Repuhiiosu ceusé in tits West. Mr'. Jemel itook office on Jîîhy 2, 1874. Four mémbers have, énteref liec abinet Iultiulie laut thomontha. Frni.-Coavauagzh Bmas'. flour uiill ah Foi-est, valuéd ai 818,000, <Sud Offui-d'a sboe !actamy. Kingston., meré desîmoyef hy fine lest Tuesday. The insurane lu eme i' asi ,u,. Ci- ,am gauQmel cf fivé lionne ai Sobiné, lu meunie, lImeServiaseweré fieu miet asîria." TI: Landanu, uy 12.-Ths Time' Bei-lin Cc éecial s thé fû1lowiug :-At thein.,u Lulituit interview, Ceunt Aimdraeesy ta. foi-éd to médi ate hétwee ueissauJ i-eM îgland. Ceui Adraesy eceme ho anu avé luad réeau nte hopq theat Gérmaany Et uid co.apérahe Lu thé médiation. 01g, issia, haviug given ne definihé answer, wS in situmation remaitîs unchsangefi. Iu liii ,e neg"otiahiOne précédiug thé aboyé we fer Count Antaqsy seid le wae un. ble te, consent la auy teritiorial chanuge EL Tnrkey unless approvfi by th.eailier an ,wers. He waa, howéven, williug te lii( sintain existiniz aniangeumélits ans i Zi ipport thé Bei-lin mémorandum, an ed, CAME uGARDEN BRNewsr.--Néw York, thE aly 9.-Caetié Gai-Jeu wss toteiiy thét ostroyefi by fiscthis eveuing ah 5 :25 Ûis m. St-ounens efforts wére m2adé ho de, ibdue thé fine béforé théen-rivL do! thé bu] re déparîmaut, but witiioui aveu. 200 yal tigrants wémé lu thé huildimg, sud uni îeug thèse thé gréateet éxaitemeut *968 reveiled Lun savinlg tueur effeats sud toi tapiug fi-cm thé bum-uiug building. ha< he ceuséeto thé fi-eiLe nkuown, but il ga% supposefilta have 'riinatéfiby.spanke bac Dm aà pipe. Total las. 050,000;ifori mrrd byiueurance. Preperty ewned alti thé City. . 0 YouNêe MANe DaOWtcmê.-Belevllé, y y Il.-Wm. Alexuindun Jolmnston, af ungerford, a young minunîns-teén ire ciii, wes drcwué.i in White liké vicl the T.ownfehip cf Huntîugdono fias umchey matning. Hé vénuuied béyonilth deptlu, aud beingu<nslto,l a iniu e drowbéd, Thé body was rocoveredihs thé evéniug cf he saeéday. MlIé 5ElOOTING.-Jehn HÃŽuies, atheMpted MU shoot hi.emquployéi-, Win. Scott, Lufi-ou Irnt, last Tu.sday aftérucon, sud lvii Itlii j1ebyué Vie, -othé me tér s eogonsa subjet, m ent sot sé' limé ee on siooauecusi.Astluey à mel digasdn se rom th;ifeét t a e fdat fi-one o rf tesbotsle C onin fre a tn, eealiéHls oC ninh renItaietihe ari. fisa c idel faried mfr ad t aeslfinu J cari-Leda th un ora em yars fion n sg spot bt a th esanè re lii n ~ g abthihoaf mli ueasanl fui-y, nit 1,etandt o! pprehs rvingomnioveil.an ýsudvo dralutg i. d heug aminsh i tome, Ou thé police hastéeing te th !'eoithe Young Italien mas fouud :i],hie body piémcéd by elgit rifle ilehs sud mutilatef byr cuts frein F egiene. Hie mataIt sud ciain mémé Y' lieturbéfi. lu is ilmought that tihe Co sassins mistook hlm for théeIalien On cniu et fnoust, îith ilion thé di , saine petty qnarréi, -Thé Turkisa vri-ur at Brosa, Veil Pus, képt it k for sme heurs he héhegramu.1lu- i iig thé ambassies c!tié inni-ft'thg i stated inu s cm déspethcic hat the ae 'un mauie api-abably been killtd hi. compenimon. in S - a*- gir A translation o! thé ordination ser- li ,e cf theliliit priesta lu Ceylnn aul sbeea made. The oau'ihes repeat cel eu lai or précepte o! tIse p-leeî tili. Ti. Budsiét decalogne, whicm ertiyenjoine 1 mn aelthé BuJd o! Il cai-ie prob-ubly daes, ,back te sel Sfoýunder o! the religion, Sakýya lPal nui, hinseif. It eusjoint abstinencet nié nl désuroying 1ite, ticéft,'!formiésîtion, ý- éir.atuzrn k. i-eksti,,."abicfr-eiie Vie naisse. wnan négr theé vilage, Lt was dloaoveraël that the *'ludiasewere niav- ing Ln bot bue, Uasif retreatliý9. DaîOS with séven coin es o! the svsth cavai-y, wee ord'ered te be loft te attsok thé Village ne ts basha ; while Caster, iwith, ÃŽ114 aompaniés, wsuh ,ta thé riight, sud aonimeneod e vigorpus attaok. .Béogfe u hmnwithh-es cacupanies Of caviay, sud wa. almost iustantly sur-ouuded. Afier oua-coiu or more 'o! vigoroas fmh!ing, dnm1iug which hé loch Lieut. Hadgs1on, Malntosii sud Dr., Wolf, andi twéive mon, wîth sévérel Indian scouts kiléd sudd many wouuded hé out lhie >waythi-ongli te the river, 'aud gaiued a bluff8100 faet in hAight, where h. en. tréuchéd- himeel!, sud was seaus joinedl by Col, Bénhon, with four comjpenies. In thé ean16ttiAue thséIndiens i-ésnud the httack, maklug deperaté charges, wlîich %vers i-épnlsed with gi-est slangh- ter tW thé Iu'liaus. Tiey gained high. or grouind thaf Ecumo occupied, aud- a thei- ai-ms were longer in range sud botter theu tii. caalry's, tiéy kept up a li-e until uightraîl. Dnniug thé niigit, Reno *ti-éng9théuéd his Position, sud was prcparéd for another attack, which wss made .4 daylight. Thé day woré on, Reno h84 leat Lu killed andi wond- ed a large portion cf hi. cemmaud;- forty odd men. Thé Indien sharp-' shooter. wéré ueariy oppeaite thé mouth o! thé raviné thi-ougi which thé bravé baye appi-eached the river, bnt the attémpt was mede, end though oe in was killed sud sévén wouuded, the wete- va. gaiued sud the coin- maud relisvéd. Wheu thea flgliting ceased for thé night, Rêne furthér preparéd for et. tecks. Thoe had been forty.eight hours' fightiug, with no word frei neu. ter ; twéuty.ué honte more cf figit- ing, anddfthe suspense suded, whén thé -Iudiaud abaudonsfi thiéi placé in greet hasté sud confusion. Gén. Terry, with Gibbon, aonnmanding hi. owd infantry, had arrived; acon, au officér came rushiug imb camp sud reieted thiat hoe hiad founf Cusater dead, stripped neked, but nat mutiisted, snd hie two bhi-is et., Coi. Tonm auJ Boston Cueter, hus brothér-iu.iew, Colonel Cohhon, sud fils uepiew, colonel Yates, Colonel Kéagi,' Capt&in Smith, Lieuteuant Crittenden, Lieut. Hantiugtou, Dr. Lord, Mach Kellogg, tih. Bismarcke Tribuite correspondent, sud 190 men aud scouts. Ouhy eue Crow scout ré. maiued te 1.11ltth. tale. Ail are déafi. Custer was -snrrounded onu ery aidé by Indiens, anmd t.i heroca feul as hhey fanait on fticskimiah ine or il he o! batia. 'Oneher was amoug thé hast 1 whe féli, but whtn hi. ciieeriug volcs i wes no longer héérdlthem.Iudienb rmade i easy work cf thé reinainder. Theie bodiéesof ail save thIme wspaper cor- i respondent weré .tsippéd, sud nicet cf 1 timon wére liorriUy mntilated ;hé was 1 shah througi thé body sud iurnugh ileé1 héad, Col. Smuith ar-iveul ah Bismarck s ou WVodu *esday niglît with tlîL-tyfivé cf thé wotuuld. 'She' Iuuliaus Ibut héavi. F Iy Lu bettie. Thé village ouiinbc-red 1,- 1 800 loulge, aundii. ihoug-ht theré wero 4,000 warricrs. General Cusher %vas s di-ectéfi hy Gênerai Terry to fiud, tiief Indiens, but uaete ofiglît, umnleusgTarv arriveil with intifhsy sud. wihlî Gih- bau'. columu. Tichecualties foot up 201 kilit-d snd 52 wannded. Bismarecke, Ju]y 0.-Additional Litel. ligeuce froni thisé uoth cf the Big 0 Horin, dshed thé It,says :-lt ford the timely arrivai o! relief, Colonel0 Eteuo)'a comassmid wouild ]save bet cuit f off ta a ruan. The ouuuuhu-r savcl with 1 eéno wem 829, iuciudiug i51 wcungled. i Thé lose amunmgthn lulians was fi robsily considierehle, as bodies hava f uééîî founsi in every diru'ehioîu, snd thcy leît bhliidouly asémail pcrticu cf tueuir leafi. W. temaed ne u'ny two laye c on thé scèec f thia disastcir ta buny the [easd and prépare fer transcpnntiimg the wcundeul toa spîcce cf safeiy. Thée neighhouriug Couintry <as <Y[itl full of scaihereul liaudse < ut liians, watclîiug il< ni- mnovemiesits;, ansd louhilces pmepsred hi eo take adveiituge of eoy waut cf vugi- lu suncé, ta adi ta the timnhaiof tueurB Lactines. GeneraI Gibbucu'e cavai-y fol- 0 lwod the liihiaus for <ahout toti uuieg,ri ud ascéntained thet theuy lheu moveil 4 o tiré éoutlî aud weet by séveral traîlu Agood deal o! ptopérty lis eelué Pl Iîrowsî eway by thseni ho highhuun thui- u matuu,ansd was fcîiuul scattered f or îeuîy miles aier thc prairie. Many cf îc Lléir doad were aIso discovened secret. Bd Lu ravines e long dichauco fficmthe c ettle-fiell ;maîîy of! hoin %vesAr. B apathees and Cîmoyenuîrs, as Weilsp joux. h_ _ 0. _Ii The War luthc Ecast. tIi 1>OSITIo\,î01,1 1. AND, axi) cc for' printing Voters' Lista, veré ladOu lie tlaeé;thal of thée.Paclet Wing lie lowést, ueacépwe. A Byýiaw mas pessed, lnposlug a fus of one dollar eacic ou certain ani- male fomuad runing at large ;sid flue c~aid tethe ertyumpondingay .The folowiug chequés weré greîcted: Te John Laint, te reibursé hlm fer smutiupeifi F. W. Armstrong, for sur- vey, $5 ; To J, M. Ose-tic, for damages, lQ. hi. horse at cul vert, ou ,lCentré roafi, 825 ; Campbell Fair, an indigent, $5 ; To P. Bumnéht, P. L. S., foi snrvey ou 7ti con. lUne, 06; A. Fawie, P. L. S., for eurvéy ou 111h snd 121h conces- sions, 822.50.; Robert McDonald, errai- la lakés, 2.50. Total, #65. Gi-anis ou Roade, &o. - > ll1thcn, aide lime, bstween Lots 20 sud 21, 088 111h cou., belweéu Lots, 25 and 26, anut due «thé Corporation, 077.60; Agricutumal Sociéhy cf Mare, (gi-eut,) $40.- 12 cen., béhmeen lots; il sud 12, $00; 9hîcon., lots 12 and 18, 668 ; on Mofnck roa, out o! Tiffins, 040. Mr. John Kehoe's naine mea takén off Péter Kslléy's road liol, sud placéd au Ihat o! James Laîson: Council sdjourued unlil cailéd ta- géthér by thé Zeeve. Fight Betireen Blacksand Whitm Lu Geai-gia. SIX NEoHOEs AND ONE WHITE KILLED. Auguste, Ga., Jniy 8.-A sérions dis- turbence has cccuréd ai New IHambnrg, S. C., ou thé opposite eide of!the, river, culmlustiug lash night Lu Sharp fdring. betireen thé coloured milita-y compeny- sud 100 whitas. The trouble arasé frorn iegal proceédinge agaiust thé negro campeny for ebetructing thé i-aJe on the 4th sud détsieing pasée. gers. Ah tie opénieg trial ou, Thurs- day thé colorefi commander iras ami-est- edfer centémpu by thé coiored nsg- itatt, Wia mes prestding. To4day thé triailiras renéwed, sud ever 100 rodé Lu te support the Court. Thé col- oméd campsuy .taod te titei- arme sud fiuing began.- The-e i. se much con- fusion sud excitement it is impossible ho givo full sud Jeffinits pai-hicuiers. Tière eas a luil in thé f ring hast uight, sud hopes are éuhei-tainéd that the members o! the celai-éd compsuy wull sur-enuier hélai-. despérate measures are resortéd ha ta compei tien. LÂ-rEa.-Thé riot et fanburg lias terminatéfi disastransly. Ti. moi- ing bétireén tir and thré. o'ciock six cégrees mère kilued sud tirée iron- md, One iwciteminu ias kiII4 sud auotlmer irounded. Afher thée ilhiiés fined fou- round. fi-cm a piece à~ arhii- éery thé negi-ces metréated i io t e col- ai-s sud buildings. FL!teen ire cap- ni-éd, auJ otetrs, iualuding Cspt. Doc. Adatue, escaped. It Le reportiéd tisi soré cf thé prisanere irere sicot afte- ueîug cépturied. Justice Révèrsestatée ici hé did not caîl upon thé whLtés for aid Lu dieax-ming thé négroes. Ne furthe- troublé is soticipatéfi. Thé Exctradiion Quarrel. Thé London Eaenami8i observés thet 'lb la aillvery meli ha tiroir ou- hielfi véi- a depeiring petriat, but wimithe deçpaixiug peini is a probable forger, or smindiér, ci- iii.!, we think me aughit Le pause aud caort their ceet. Thé Unitedi States havé se much inhereat as1 we havé in puttiug an enud to thai un-. ntuuate shate cf' tlings mui bide air ta unake LauJoni, an Québee, ot Nlonîreal thme aeylunf' cf a hiosi o! A.moricen scoundrt-ls, sud New York :r Boston lhe esyluni cf a hast a! Bril- h scaundréle. W. trust thet thé Ime ucvernmente mli spproaclh oaci chier s ýfraîmkiy as possible miti sunlionest eh-, net ho let emahilobstacles stand n thé ;way o!fLimé conclusion e! s néir xeaiy, aud Lu tmui sirangement o! its ernis me muet say w. thinie Gréai nihalun mugit maill oncede somutiing,t tn lier aide, cfthat excessive seiti-E ncutalist symnpaihy mîich politicai af-t udère of ,ioubtfni morality, mmi e t1 nesent seémé hoe bchi,. chie! obstaclet i a cordial uuderstanding mith the nitefi States." l"fie obvions remédy for theén ivarul consequéndea cf thé Jisanssiio<i," aye tute Sauurdup Réview, 'ilite cou- lusion of a new sud improved tresuty.8 alh Govétumeute récognize the ex- ldheuay o! aunsarrangementl; but théy lav. not tins fmi- béén able te agi-e. ou J e termes. It le perheps uniucky ilmet li négotiehln U ntic En1ghB ide is suntro]léd by Mi-. Ci-ose, min elmarea, as te Iicimel!says, hie national sensitive- es on tue rugit cfsyliun. Il mould ci-émrereasonable ta b. sensitivue le otners, mers mun atnmng ethe eat udý a! thé neir bréakîstér, at-whicic place the matée- i. very deep a fsw féee fran th. shore. , lecéaséf gètting into Jeep 'mater, aud beiug unabié te mmm, mas dremued béfore hie cocuraes cauld 'oder hlm euy asistance, Ths body' meezeecovered ohorhly aflerirards. &dooaxisL , Dntoméemc.-Chalham,4 luly 1.-Lloyd Ricirdmoa, .a colored, ls, agsd 19, ma rowne une bath. Tmovem ýa aew leafI 1 4h, thosé eire %4ea i If halte!f theun mère lui-nef aver àt are heikef aboxut, mal a gigauhio urne mwouid they forne-in he lita o! 'isaaa EmrCTS Or T13CEAT.- ou Newt'Yo-k, WaelingtOn, sud « Otimuoré ovèr If fy casés o! sunstrokê ,ré raPoatted Tnesday-apaore tisa -ty béîng fatal, à minaIdog i-au from Suindhnry ho- ilsilMie.., tmlvémile'sbihiuÉ e yeh.he 1 Lg bloc 1h51il~ U es01%ls ul1uatmon. teitting 'DWI 5 band of8-ioux 1ait Umsfr réservaition wih hostile intlént. Théy zétn.cd nagebilé tdons for pélot. They défed the peyg sud anthoriy of the. Unitéd EWaUï They iuvited war. A foiras wae muti' e<ainatthem. This force besamedvia- ed, and Gen. Ouatai-, with fiv6 'aou :panies, coming ap toe c main body of, rthe Sioux, ettacksd timen mpeluonsly, .withant weiting for lb. snpp'9rt ~f th 5rémaindér of the. Uolumn. Taéréesul wa. that the. entite bodly o! meDn. ui- 1ering betweeu tee and faour icuudred, and luchudiing Oen. Caster sud sevéral othér comniimoned, o£mr, fell luto s dsath-trap ; tbeywere overwheiined by mupérlo- nuinhérs, sud were alil magcu sed. The pocie particulers o! that kuown. Thora are ne sue-vivors. The course ai theé techint, aller il b4gauý fhie sttack, le lraaed only by llIýe bodies othc alain. How gsllantly thèeépou- féllows fougict caen ui hésurmnlMd The Indiens carriéa ffi odme-0efmir dsad and, wouadéd; oahrers ée.cou- oealed, orcaclmdu, with Indien2 cunng, la order that thé white minuabhuld ual kcow how mnch damageé hehéy1ud su!- fémed. The etreatnsou which lthe laté traglic. ai évents have happenéd are branches o! thé Yellowstone, which Lu thie regiou -Souliern Moulana-has a geuéral course franc wosl ta ésst. Gotug up streainan sssUy passes on tic. loft, cm Sonthéru bsuk o! thé Yéllow. atone, Powde- river, Tangue river, Rosebud creek, and tics ig Horn. The laat-uamed strécin was supposéd ta be thes extrême wesetrn litat o!flice, pere- lieu o! thi.s xpédihion. Gen. Teîry i. thé senior sud rsukiug cificer in the active farce, Gén. Custer bsviug bée second lu hie immédiate commsud. Thé army, hoeve-, was dividéd inta Ibré. comumue, eue béiug under Gen. Cnook, sud opérating fer te théeaouth of thé Yellowstone, sud on. undér Gibbon, who wee te thé north Lu suppenting dis- lance o! Temry. On thc. 7th o! June, Crook's foi-cea' met thé hostile Sioux, ndée- Sitting Bull, ou tice héedwaters o! thé Braebnd, about seveuty miles frein the junaction o! that streen with thé Yellowstone. Thé Sioux weare pro- babiy natin full force, but they ont- umboed thé whites sud thur alliés, tihé Suakes aud thé Cmows. Oéu.Ci-ook we e pulsed sud feil back Lu a sout-i- ei-lei-y direction, with a lass o! ton kiled acd thi-téen wounded. About thet hume thé commande of Gén. Téry sud Gea. Gibbon wéré eucamped ou the Yelioastne, fer ta tic. narthward, one et thé nanti of thé Powder, and the. cher et tcs mantco! thé Tangue River. We cannaI tell wicén Ter-y isarued o! thé defeat of Crook, if hée did t ail be- foré hie next moemént, which was Lu lié nature o! s scout Lu search o! Sittinê Bull. That chieftain was suppasef ta have a large camp somewiéré ou hase- bud Creek. At lest accounts, Custer, wlti uîué compaulés, waa ho ci-ces oer ta thé Rosebnd, passiug wést froin Tangue River, feeling for lie Sioux. Toi-ny, wiii savon compeniés, irai te follow t witiin easy anppcrting distance. Gib-t ban, wé muet suppose, ires te fellaw thé général renté westward, but *as ta keep ho the uci-hward, in ci-fer te he hefore thé Sioux, lu case they attémpi- cd ho turt t thé eastward. Not find- iug the Sioux ou thé Rosebud, Cuetert képt ou and etruck their main camp on J thé Little liora, a brauctilcf the fig Horn, and about fifty iles ireat o! thé point wioré Crack hsd béen tuiued back, Jumue 17. Cuistér'. command ires Jivideul, Major Rteno commeaudiug part, auJ Custer lime eemaimder. WLthott once reckiongWthie disparty cf numbere (fo- thé Indian.ai-ec reporteil ta have Imeén four. or five tlîan astreeg), Cocher Lmpetuouely ciargéf upon thé fa.. The recuit was appaliig. No suai catastrophe ha. happened Lu ou-t Indien wat-fare eiuce thé Fiorida ir-. It la uséléeta attempt ho discavér alli limé ceuses wmLah have led ta ti. ds- ester. The generel management o! lhé campeigu ruay lhai. béén !aulhy. [h ie wéil kuciru that miiiteny opera- r Liane lu thé North-West have beeau crippled by thé mistakén poliey o! me. bienclimeuhe adopted hy thé présent 'T lieuse o! Répreenteivée. Gen.CnsterE was a hi-ave, deshiug, but soméshbat s ýnpi-udeuh saldier, aud hie naturel dé.w sire te save hie supénior officér (*Ltl ib wlhom hé had not heen Lu perfect ac. L cord) thé responsîbility cf an aiiech- mey have stené is fatal Jesceutfi upon.théeuemy. Tien, behinfi ibis, 0 wo cenuot iéip eeiug thé needléss irri - tation causef by the. éxpedilion iet thé Blak fille aonntry lest summer.w Sittiug Buii'e baud wéne aiienaied sud enraged ah that hume ; sud nolhing but .révnte.s m.esaé. o-théComms._ BNDeclun ia ro zer oir WArxL.- St. Cathies JuIy 10.-Aléx. Wiloi a youug man, astsonucutem by trefi mas droeuefintira felcof mater i lie néw canal cean section ilÏou Satu, d y v.uing. Il ins mppomef lie mi nak ibI cramps. Daomuéuz.-Montreal, July 10.- Dneing tics severe hundse- starmc Saturday ulghh aI Sté. -Anue'a, a mm~ blinfef hy heéflashes a! liglhunin maîkef Luto thé look acd mas freines Thé, body mas récovéref yesisrdak momning, SÂn.aî DsowaNzD.-OGeorge 8peen sailor et the bai-que Camelot, lying i thé Russell piér, feu a!f the gaugieý ihilé geing ou board tii.moi-ding.* I ssnk imm.fieoly and f if not reappeai Thé drage e! tIhe mater pouice more ui éd, sud thé body rtcovéref. FEL IXTO ÀA WZ5L.-Ottairs, Jul: 10.-A Yong mnuumef Doghert3 wiile .dri-eiLg mater f-on a meil i Buckingham ou Saturday éveuing, ae! deutally feuLu i sud ira. dromned beo any assistance canif be given hlm. DwA-s Faux SUueSTsoxz. Ptrick Fîsuagan, hsck emuéi-, St Cathaines. B. Wiloax, cf Clinton. A chilf a! James Isesce', Lcudou. Sévèral laboure-s engîgef inthe ueç canal marks mère prosirated. -Tiiirty.six cases in Nem York oi Moudsy-seversi deaths. A BATTLz wmxi ioAuNes.-A bau( of dacoits, or professianal thiévee, cau eLstiiegof fomty men montefi on tient carnélesuad tee on herses, made thel way inha Oodeypore, néar the Meywal State, mieré hhéy surrondef sud toc] possessian o! seven cames loadéf mati opinin, belcuging'to merchents on tieii msy o! Agi-a. Thé dacoiis gat cléar cf with their hoaty. but thé bypamees iii èscsped i-su sud réportfil the malter hit lie RsaJ Hakim Jn.anaj. mcc io.t n lime lu acting au thé information. Hi ceiiectéd tirelvé sowasi-I pioked mcn, aud eta-héf Lu punsuit, lésving others hi aathe villaers sud secd hélp sfhéi bis pai-ty. Thée-croe r e~e tracef le a spat about sixteeu miles lcff, irhére ihey itaf conceaief tiommelves lu thé jungle, takiug advauhagé-of a raviné foi protection. Thé Hakéim si-i-aged his plane meil, sud conivéd t et1.1tire volleys from diffèrent points simultané- oneîy amaong the gang, but thé thievea wre an thte alrt, sud diredlly réhuret the fi-e mithent ahtemptieg ha escap. Tîey iad not aU muekete, but thosé vio ad icnoue meme ai-nef mith mwords, so0-tiat thé Hakim. coneidered ht advisablé ha avUd a hend-to.hand combat, uuhii hée suaceeded in equalizing the dlumbeme hy killing or monding as mny o!fItue thiévés as possible. Thé eultory flghhing continnei about tirée boure, mien lié Hskim mwas mae ma-e o! thé approsch e! thé viilagere. He seul instructions ta tiena ta sur- rond lié spot, so tiat noue miglut ès- cape; liecoilechef hi. sema-s sud cha-géfi Einto thé middle o! thé fée. 'hé fight then became desperate; thé Hakim sud luis men fougil liké ioans and lie mobbérs, knomiug their lives rre ah ehake, reéeef te sur-enfler, ut thecoi-dem o! villagere eoou closefi n, sud. thé mhole gang mère capînrei noh s uflu eeaapiag. The asnltiès mer. !fteen daceits killed sud niné mUndéfi. nu théeIlskim's sidé tira somers kiliefi, tut moundéf, sud tise Hakim imecîIf with oneéairi-Jout sud tire bilet rounds Mr. MaGiogiton, Depuhy Gi-sud [ester cf lié so-callef Grand LoJgé cf 'i-eetîdsce o! Ontario, i. lun Ottaw, ta ýodgé cf Canada ho show causé o! thé icéssion. Thé anusesseion o! Grand Lodge cf A. F. sud A. M., o! Canada i sets thème to-mo-rom, Deucgetes 'omn ahi parts are srriviug by évet-y rain, acf a muost succestul gahhéeriug aexpechéfi. Some o! thé principal ;randi Officiers ai-s s)meady tiere, acf eo MostI Worehipful Grand Master, t-e. J. K. Kerr- milli-oaci lie oity tu. ci-nom. At noan ta-dayLie Boarila! énèral Pic-pooss seiIed ah. the Ja.ocie Hall. Varionscomnunicatious sré reai sud rèfe-ned te Cemmittees me delégales mère enterteinei et thé Inion Hlouise-by the city bhi-tu-n. D.£TErMINED va Dziz.-A minunamef lalic, Iran Pembroke, seems de- Briinef one way cm cher tho "shuffi, ff huis moi-tel. cil." About àa inti go hie'attempled te commit suicidé by impîng off a bridgé near Starboro'. le fèhi saine tmeuhty-six féét, but iras hyv auccéssful lu hréakiug hi ep. H. shWoa» mauner ;à rec htat yan, sud that yon should word or a Iook, froumtime 4< will indicate yourinitsrest iu t1v.. ha. bean received thaf Autoi de SantaÂn=&, known tauh an eccentriô anddaring Mai era, dioa in mexiao cutb ne. Hie w '"boru in3aspi 1798. Imperia. Tc w 'ns gui tise w ici ils rut' Il-i Ilu c',, 'z I ut ui~ fui <'I t' 1h ru -'il ai uu~ lu - f-t lé Il iF f.) '1' t - ta cure lice morstfori-e»e!Skiai Diseses, as ail forma c! Blotchés, Fimples sud :Enipti.ons, aléa aIllsuldulér Swell. *ugand hémo-st fbrieo! Scrofulgps ind leae Sorea o! Nécli, Legs or éther parts, as u al ciofuloua Diseassez o! thé Boues, se.White Swéllings, lever Sorés, Hip Joint and Spinal Diseaser, ail of mlich aslong te Sci-ofuinue dis- oaés. -- A Moheiniedan Chinamînu, ibrd.- ing te lhs Shaugiat Coureier, mlià had lateiy béen maried te a maman to uhatu ho mas foudly attachéf, fell Mck aud ley et ths peint o! déh. The mife, lu taking faréeel of. ier icuebauf, ciaspéf hée- hafUs asuaore néver to îed éuy ans elsé mien he muegane. For a muile siho kepthler vor, smitors came sud ment, but ohé mas constant, aud il i. probabla monld have remained s midai if Wang, aise a Mahaiamedau, had, ual hecome fher lover. Possibly nithe- hé nor shé had r.ed o!h. fate mwhicc attendéf he fairImogené ilion ohé wu afaithles osteememory o! Aloazo thé' Brave. One day he ua. baud, on eatériag hi. ulfs'S room, as ih perfect distincîness tic, figure a! s in siltiug dama, gszing fixediy upon her. Thé -apparition seoms la have been soinéihst -ebjectionable le, Wang, for me a-e furtcér tlid that hé "lstarléf vioiechiy sud ssked luis mité Výmn ii mes keéping compauy milh," Ta wicich thé lady mephéed, "'Nabady," sud jasi thn he spité vaniehef. Sorély pé-plexéfi, Wang loft 'he roonz sud thréw i lsèl! au a coucl inuasuadjoin-_ ing ciamber' faaleep. But lu -ice ýmifle c!hé nigil lie masarouȎ&.by a treendous bàump in bis mlle'. spart. meut, succeéfef by ereame, sud ha.- teeiug ho tue dace- ic fouud tisI she a fallen ont cf b.d.,sdanaI t-bloof, mas flomiug fi-rn te*r noe.asd month. Nor mas lis .aU; for thénfartunats Wang perceivéf ticat his wifs's resson hoa -lépai-ted, aud that, apparently passesséf by semés atreuge sirit, aie mes "lafdi-éssingliersélfif uthéeharacher cf her husbacd, and pauring eut th.& mosî bitteir denuncistions cf lier omu ceuduct iu havlug brckéu thé voir-sic hef mae." A Taoist priesi mas cent, for te exorisce e giost, bu-t futile ma!re A hi. camis sud lslessbis srcrie.- Mr.. Wang had gene etari, shaeriug uned, sud sa shé rénains. .Mark Tuan'a description o! 4he hep. piést boy in thé village: "'Hucklé- meryas aiays drèsséf lu h u csh off claties et fuil-grairu men, sud Ie uvére ia perénnial blooan ffuhtténg wihh rage. Hi. hel iras a vast rin, vLi a mUde cresceut leepef ont cf its iLi; his-coat, mieuhe mamé eue, hiung ceai-ly te hie heei., sud haf thé rosir- yard buttons feir Joie thé back ; but sué suspénfer eupportédis transeirs; th. seat a! hi. t-esebsgged iom and coehaiuéd uth th Ve f-ingéf legs- ireggéd lui the dIrtilion net i-oled up. Tuakléber-y came sud meut aI lui. cm 'ré. ill. Héelp o oudOi---a c fiue ireather, sud lin empty -lia .1ade in met ; iedid ual havé te go te echeel a' te ami-ci, or caîl auy béiug master, or obey snyhody ; hé coulai go fisiing' 'r ewmuming wmien cr miere ho choue, and stay as long as it suitef hlm ; îobody fombadé hlm- ta fght ; hé canlf Lt up as late shé pléaéd ; hé mas almase fi-si boy hat Vmeut bareéfoot an lie spring sud thé laslt t résumé lather iu thé flu; hé neyer 1bsd te wasi, nom put on clesu *claties; lie coula siear wondèrfuily. .lu as mord, eveirtiug thiat gués te maké lite prec- >ote, that boy lied." ENuLsa vs Camosz.-Wa Chang flaine, Lu the ,Tewish World, that thé people o! Buglauf are ignorent sud ,ai-se campa-éd mith Chinainu. He :pais efohiome: III dcu'l tekses ueu, uEngisuf et- héuniversitiés ud big eclucols a. a fai-rsampie a! thé îsmrning cf this nation ou one aidé;asud doni't laké thé mac y iam Chine.. mie ive in Canton auJ Hong Rang, Wica iavé been spoilef hy mlxicgith fo-- guère, as a fair type o! thé gooduesa eChina on theother- aide. I manif aké -the intenti- Ppulation as a mioe. a thé one country, utchith.popuation ia àihole in the-othor country_; sud nthe hlghest idéal ef culture sud ré- iemeut, I muet aiad he palm tcmy 1 ' 1 1 Boss Tir-msvULLIu.NsCAZADA.-Our quiet httIe tomu mes ticramu inte asteaté o! excitement ,by thé appearan 1ce a! Boss TireefUin oui- midel. -RHé sirivefl hère aceompanied by tire gentlemeén, they hsvin1g came ovér- frein Part Towuseuf Lu sasiiboat. They xuissm-d thé Nati 'Paaific ou - Meuday, sud cuai-téré a ssaihbat, oxpectLag ýte ni-rive lu time to cath the- steamer EnhempiLéefoir-NewirWestminster, sud proaesd tiience cy. stage ta - Barrai-f Inlét, takepassagé lu cu outirard banA ehip for Senth, Ameriea. -Heicbas dis. cppesred, sud, it i.said, left on thue tug Ria White- foi- Nenaimo, whlence h. ujîl prooééf ta Burrirfl Inléh,.-Briil Calumi-nea tandad. - AsaMvr îIN EîeorANmu ox-THE E- vEste QUEscsvzeu-The people cf Engîsï eai- uxions about tié Goveru- rnutEashei-u paicy, sud already agi- tation bas begutu for public meetingsta diecues il. Thé pepermllnolbe dame for a méék, and the question cannoî be véntilated in Pai-liainsut til titen. Sevémnel Libérai <ucembers, .under thé motion O! ad'ouruménî, teck accasion $e attaék'lie Cabinél's - poiicy. by thsjud thsa coi np ntil s dency toi diesa&»:a Properly Gsuef te. and lb., Hcmoecp Strict,i lessly acg LIver Ce tulles wam eh once 1 ment, lue evory- at& anSd Irm inhgdama Damane;p therifore cage bear ben= the. IxPOxR &Ce., 1017 NEW VTMI TO'M ýNotice Liai fer t.i f-cm ieà Township Li. "tm ai nersigu BrookLn, The ns cmréthan] lcInsuce exiofaIhi ie Tome moudatios Insurauce -WhLtby. .J lice, Il pe 29-tf A PLimc mcci- cf th erm eofis N EWS] cit4à m Bis4ozical Gret*Né', éd wîili nevwaj es - je ani- adre, tua.-Yoih, THE C THIf ai Subscmé The Comumeuci ONE '. The GAzzx enh mize, ai TUE BE 'heu suothem Chinaman, supposed te a ae a frieuf cff thée oher, enterefi her oui cuse ai nlght sud choppéd her uéarhy ; désth mith aatahtet.1 Thé Dulci colonial policy icas resein- Oic led thet o! tise Engilli Est Indian Cc, Jorlpauy, mmih tégarded thé exoinsian nia E miseicuaries as justifiable. Thus Java a-' vith e native population of! er tiLi-en ho nillions, ha. beén ellowéd te bécome oau gohammédan Laterîy six Dutch We nissionary societies bégen te, labor ou dicý eo islaud. Thème i., howevér, a eh-ecg iJ iti.inissiou paty in thé colouy, sud thé eo missionaie ffid he -'heathén san horngbly hac-deued. agaluet thé gospel. tris HIEeRa CACT oF à YOUNGo OîL.-O3n ne niday lest, e litl boy -tirand a hlI! <ans cif, thé son cf Mi-. Laerty, o! e oté des Neigés, feil-iute a Jeep mciSy i thé pi-émises, sud ivouifibaeé een hai owned -but for thé couragécues at Of al 1youug servant girl noed Lzzié trel acekiéy. Sééiug thé child meét mith be accident, lice brave Lizzis ruehed ta '1 àe spot, jamped in, sud heu lth, boy 'lés' bove iratérntil her cries brcnghit l sietanc, wusai botc mè remécned vary oli ich xhensted. Ou sskiug uainobie éa nir if shekuei that the W2 was Jeep Tj onglh te' drain lier before sie i-e Pi- le plunge te slave 'à, hutinu life, ai,. BaI seed that aseIé u$sith irknéw nom me i-éd." ti Thé Daily News esys eonine mhéi-s Partiment hav- siguséfiaeréquisitionAs ;kini Mi-. Giatistone te présu.e ah a abic meeting te coneidër thé Geveta *nî'a ELsi>ru poliy. Mi-. Gladeleas iethé ill, bowever, probabhi' ore is e.T 1

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