Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1876, p. 3

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T iày....... ...... Eye.- ............. 376............. .... Rai'..... .......... i iWhltbyJ -i ......... ...... 100 Butter ............ :... 10 (3 oal,pe ton*......... # 0S8-0 Wed...........$400a 4 50 Pork, per owi-........S70000760 Chickea------------.... 04)oprei Duekap«.ri...... .... 000c Turkeym, par lb ....... 0 Apples, par lbumbel .....*1.00 oh»i................12icoa 14. STOCKS. manti-ua..........185 14 Toronto ... ...... .. 187 Dominion ...125 ; nlto.........99 8 Fedural...........1091 1011 Impe rial# 0.1.0...100 0 Cmty 4parcnt Debeulni-es li 111h, 1875. TOBWO.OMABRT&. TommNe, Jli'10*~, ira.* Fe be............ 110 a 4 piigbt............0 .0 ,Apples......... ..*1.50O S, llppe,'s Coea.-Gratefolsu ad Cous. operations of digestion sud 'inutritioný, sud bv a crefl application of the fine crprties of vell.sélicted cocos&M- a.pp ba rovlded oui- breakf at table v1iti el deeaty fiavored, beverago, whiah mer gave uns mini' beavidoctors' hUis." [t in & b he judialoeusnuse ci such. articles- ai diit Ilconstitution mybe g a li' buit up until srong enoueh tereslst ev.ry tan- dency ta disemoeeYi=n'd iaubtle mala dies vae dating aronnd ns ready teastiack viierevai- thora ls a vesk point. We =ay escape Man a fatal ohaft by keeplng oui-- selles vellicnvlled th pue blood sud a properinour aok retm ivlSa-vie sud lb., lahelld,-"James Eppa &dco Eomopatblo Chemisto 48 Thýeadneedle streol, and 170, -Piccadbli London. OXYGEN 18 LIFE. MJULTITUDES 0F PEOPLE are hope. loisly auffeig froip Debiliti-, Nervons sud TA-ver Complaints, Depri-emeon af Spirite, H1pochoudîla, Timiditi', Indigestion FeU-. i-e aiHeadlng sight sud Mam0n, kassi- Inde, Wsut ai fover, &o., vlios.cames a.- mit ca a permanent cure h'bieno edy PHOSPHODYNE (Oxonlo Oxygen), vlc et oncea &lI l iIrritations sud -ercîte- ment imports nov energi' sud lii. e he ii anteelle constitution sud rapldly cures even' stage of thes btherto Incurable sud diatresslng masladies. Scld hy aIl Chçmlsa sud DMisults throngbaut thie Globe. tW A TION.-The luge ansd Increas- lug demsud for Dr. Brgts Phaspiiody bas led te several Imitatons ider s=ia cames; pui-cbaermof this medicin ehsbuld thbeefore he careful te observe liaIeuch j came beers tbe Goverameul Stamp, vlth the vords Dr. Bright'# Piosphodyne, e- engravmdShareea mad liat hlmrevod are sabo bovu on the hottle. E'sery case bears the TrWPadeMmrk sud Signature ai REPORT AGETNS.-Nortou, Watnsy dCeO., 107 Santhvark St., Landau, , . NEW ADVERTISZMENTS. VOTERS' LIST, TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBY. Notice la e hy gi-en tbat t a. otera' LIaI for the. Tovnship of Whlthy, preparsd irom Ibm Asassment Ral for ithe salid Tovnsilp cf Whlthy, for the. i'.5i 1876, la uovprapéred sud a copy-ai the. said Voters' List was frat posted up Ilu lb. office of the underslguiad on Tuesdaîy, Juli' 11h, 1878. R. Ir. HARRISON, Clark ai the Mnlcpality af the. Tovnsbip ai Whlthy' Brcakllu, Jnly llth,1878. 29 C ARD.0F THANKS. -The. undersigafi hepte returu bis sic- cars tianks toetile Ontarlo Fsrmer'a Mutual Insurance Cofo le prompt settîsment ln ulml ai is da.im, accaaloued by the humn. lng of hi. bouse near.Corhett's Paint, lu the Township ai Whitb 'Sncb prampti. Inde sud canslderatilu.lale bout raccm- inondation the Ontario Farmers' Mutual Insnrauce Company' couid bave ta lusarers. T. H. SMITH, Ousi-oxa DEPrnMXEET. Ottava, April 22, 1876. A UTHOR1ZED DISCOUNT ON. £XAmerican invalcean util fi-liherun.- tce,ill per cent. J. JOHNSON, 29-Uf Commssalouer ai Customs. FABU TO RENTI1 AÀFhrst.alasa Fumnof 100 Acresoun te rour ai the rd Con., Lot . Toe tfor a terr aifyerm. pyDANIEL McBRADY, Âudley P. O. Nzw&PA&TBRS80F TEE UNITED A complet. llst, numbV-ilng 8,129 vitis Gazetteer correct ho data, ai ail tavus sud vîtieslunvblcb nevapapers are publisbed. Hunotarical aud eatlltical sketches, ai lie Great Noepaper Estahlishments, llustraI. ed viii numeraus engraviugs ai the princi- paluevaepapen buildinga. Boad ai 600 Psge : just lssned. Mailed 'pot-psid, ta an y mddresfan 84e.Ac, à asnprle la SUPERINTENDEN T TE NEWS. PAPER PAVION, Couenal Grounda, Phlsdeîphla, or .Amerlcan News Cornpsy N ey York. Âdveiiamneed if. 2 THS CHEAPRST:AND DEST i THE GREA T DOLLAR WEEKL Y, No moumi' sPent lu Cammilsions. The Subseriber gels vaine for evreri' cent he - Pays. The Weekly Gazette, Comusenclng tbe firsI ai Juli', 1878, viii be mebut ta Subsorlhers fan ONE -DOLLAR A YEAR. COURT? POY TBI. crabeThomaî Nîçob2o Gibbs, ci he Village ci Oshawa, Produce Merahant, a eaiididalat the présent élection oià mom- ber to represent tbe aald District in lb, Roue oi Oommocusý oi Canada, hma point- .4 WilliamFroderlck Cowau,oaitii. illage of Oshawa, Ecqis lm andiai agent foi thi"Uiposes ecf alecetion according te 00 laute ncb âcame ;;Ï& snd provid- Sa. M>bu -btythia J. RAM FERRY, St-DBBaturang Ofacer. À lr eil-bred Young Breeding 1Inquireast CHEONICLE OFFICE. June 101, 1876. 9 C LIgAEINSALE AT TRE OLOOR PÂO ATORY, WHITBY. The. uubcrlher belng auxiaus b lose hie business vlthtke leait possible delay, hep to Iiti- tet. ih. vho ion Wednesacz, 1917e Day of July 1876, offer for ml. ly public anction, vithout réserve, et ffl Faotory Brook Street1, th. foflovlng valuablo property, vf -: 500 BO0-hour O. G. Welght .1-1k. Clooku, ln beauiul ana& hlgbly dinisbed cames, varranted1. 100 8-day "Octagan Prizo," sprlng strike, do., do. 120 80-honi- do., do., ao. 85 80-oni- and 8-day Cottage, do. do.- 8 Highly ftnlshed Cdocks, 8 day, stike '*à' it~ vth fine m=vemeute. The. tra er part o t0 dockmovementa hv een lm >rted firnm ecelehrated IlAnsonia Cia Coma ,Connecticut, snd ea cho braghl1> CI~ upon as Urne. e1eLen Picture snd Looklug Glass Framées Mml sud lsM, venere. M U Xadlem'Work Boxem veéeerdin ven ae, ize 2f inz U i -6 luches 1 osen -Ruile and Spocu boxes,»Mre suze. 0 Crystal Lampe vlth Hangers &cd Be. flectors. 1 large Wall Shhv Came, glss front. A qnsntlty of Tools, varions, useful for carpenters or ibinel maker. A enlty o a ,gaY-veneers and pory lnie, o d,*or. for Cdocks, 8Carpenter's bouches, 1 Cabinet mak- er' bech,1 Crcuer awTable, -1 hosvy seat for turning lathe 7 teet long, villia niumber of other articles connected wlth th. lactory. Also tho romains of a stock pnrchased in Euglandk conasatinircf Jet sud Gald Jeveler luPin, Ïrooches, Ear-rings, Finge r Rings, Bracelets, Cuff Buttons, Studa,-&c.9 Boxes of Se*ing Machine Attacbmrents sultable for a rnajorlty af 1h. mahines nov lu use, with a numberof othar useful artiles. Tbeuattyof goods heing-large lb. sale viicommence at il a.rM., sharp, sud vill he continueedilutho ovenlng., The. docks wvlU h. solfi miny or in -lots, te suit puiobasers. 93r TE RMS CASH. L. AIRAN s, JAMES WALLACE. Auctioneer. N. B.-The Suqacriber Mai' state that aIl who eau and who bave the ready should attend li sale, tam auy Yeomsmay ps before anothor sncb opportunty te get bar- gaino-a uipreseut ltseli s TRAYBD. Strayed tram the. Suhacriher on lot 81, 7th concession Whlthy, two Yearling Houfers, white, mlxed wltb red, one havlng a boru knoclked off, the other the thp suds oithte cars fi-amen off whsu Young. Any ersan furnisbing uch information au vlll le ad ta the recovery 0aithe animal. viii be sultabli' rewarded. FRANCIS WARING. Whltby, Juno 241h, 1876. *27 MVA OTEL, WRITBY, JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. Tii. largept sud most commodious botel lu tho towu:. bas large sample rooma for commercial travellers. Table well supplied with the Lestiluseason. Besthbraudesliqnors and cigare.. Enclased yard sud shedroom ; attentive bouilers. ' Carges ta suit the timos. N. B.-Livery attached. 27 A UCTION SALE or IMILORTED ENGLISII DRAFT STALLIONS. Tii. Suhscriher has recelved instructions tra gM. JlN FxAWCE"MTTJ.- oeU openy )t " issent dai'ho show aainst Wavork vu. hred hb that- uôted clYdes. dale breeder, IUr. zowmau Bailleston. DanmbyGashavin; grand-damn hi' Fors,thbe champion broodm=are of Scotlad. Some ai Wazvork's colts viii Le ou exil. bitlon ou day ai sale. Pau>îzoraao, ouxo Noa-Suci.-Yonng Non-Sncb 1e.8 yemr old lu Septembèr naxt, atands 8lsuanaahall bauds hlgh, vasim- potehvJohn Ponsett Jr, af Pickerm*~ Younng Non-Sncb vas slred bi' Non-Sucog the. Cmion ai Englad, theuroerty Bohert G. Raley; asd hrod T, urn, Bot., sd vas goly Ihal celeatedhorse Wagur, tb. Campton cf Eagland the 01 X% o M-.Chapman Aspel 2 arm, Mlenalontof that ceeae mmr Dncboe. !hh.tire cf Duchese, OldNapo. heou. Non-8cii la a dmek brovun, stands 17 han4m 1 lneh periete mund docile lu 'ýma;1= yCOMPelent lndges tohebut horse in thevworid. Youag Non.Sueh.s dam vas ot by Gastienie - grad-dam hi' Flore, th champion ýWÀc< 9W Sale ah One o'clock, p. mn. Te.us- Cash.: Plekcrlng, Juno lti, 1876. 26 c OTTAE kFOR SALE I Tbat BrcOtage ,Iuxt iortb af the onoreaU wia syuro WineUsne aineadi' fevoned nm vitb tii Whitby, Juiy Sîli, 1876. A NEW ERA IN AMUSEMENTS!1 Firet Exhibition of thIknda ver in Canada, ana Most Positivol>' the Lergeet Travelling Show on the A&mericaui Continent!1 Coming on 86 Railroad Cars-No mono!1 No,1lss 1 Ev'ery Kind of Show Combined, and ai/ New, Novel and Pleasing, * cuoromenu and large pz *kinfi patronage. E. JUST-RECEIVED AT DOMINIO'STWAREROýOMS, A CHOICE I ]OT 0F GRENADINES, BATTISIS -MUSLINS, WORSTED COATINGIS, SUMMER TWEEDS, &6. Great New York and New Orleans Menagerie, CiOUS, j Also a superior lot of striped and plain Aquarium, Museumn, Aviary and TJniversal Fair!1 The Public are respeolfully requested net le cogzound Ihis VasI show witl a email exhibition of similar nama, viz : "COLE," that-travallad in Canada luot i'oar. ]Remember tIbis jethe firttour in Canada of this greal Show since ils organizatien, as il is 20 limes more grand titan ani' that kas aven beau offerad teo the Canadian public ; il las ne cennectien with an>' other show. The Proprietor is NOT related te ani' man bi' thc ilmr of COLE in thle show business. EVERYTHING JUST AS IIEPRESENTED. IIONESTY IS THIE BEST POLICE. The irraI geinaociii. sutire proression-beautiinl tralned liorses and njules. T'h. OLD CLOWNS v"-11 bc lier.. Tie GRIEAT IRACE 81-10W will giva do lie public, for tlb. l irasm, anp tOulyta th lape -a i id i nml ulth-Coiae Truck-racing Ele. dee Id.a .reigZbrs alg a lter,uccg- î tîi Dr. Pos'racing in sackm, reclug~~~~~~~~~ bln.add aigbcwiir o' ydtn a Disos'racing tHtera- ageint lue; wlkin ril i sb a lea u.Igto ibryralgb iingroca durcd10. onu lis I-iifrsutv c airrt - ad rivr, h i resn',d o rae (alao s-t vi ne). AIl dbase uu liliarlona x ilbiti ... nUl b ei ntact ' tie antir e sea san, Oanl tn r e s tanena aol liciloiue. The anrival ai tic railroad trais, containug dils yot anitaint of eon, îroucrty, %vin be an- iicuiîî:cl 1.by thc 1-ING of <CANNON. W. W. COULbas entirely lgaored lie ald hhuinb-rnerks iluthbook ai show itery. Be bas devoted lireseuh-tie years ta lie orgenization oia Brand New Show an a stupendans scaab. Durng tii, dîme lie bas basa muluega show equai ta th. iergasi, but nov mli Europe ha, bsan searced, aIl Asie and Airica iaokad aver for navelties sud lie raresl cua-lsities, iciheobas et luat coueldaled luta ans grand concorporatlen. MI former mîlempîs allihe show business completely ecltpsed. Larges t and iosl camprehensiva Amerlos bas ever seen. Evary naval. ty let ugeniî eaud iven, o mony pocue, as bau acued as world.wlde Ceulsu. nIa caapagn Ti iu an ciy a te dilrpniic unig te lst acde bas beau for same- thlu no. W W.Cal ba suplld Ibs vntas b. mniusehbrugatestiiy viao dally con- gregta enetb ls astcan p , aueriOl igi aiItaîfcanelung vsrarmilon lest af enu- vase Ma, lchia ra., ord ciau, ccta rg oi ammmi ilel.Wfl abltar frorn the rein sud e ya a li su auci-dnaiy sredtav, l vili l a eilgraed onster race lrack, 80 ieetide5 lmesarond amilmll. Apleraomlorproenaes u te beautiful sud vsry extesiv zologial ai-ens.Snc auelaorat colecIon i orlos, aeasd very costly liv- ing IlSenîalusasnavs îeorelu angesaassebla anIbi cotinnt, or elssvbare, since aur drtparenteslutle Grden ai Eden, ombraclue lie dsnimens ai lie dorest. jungle, man=- tain sud 'Uet dsp; repile, srpents, sea moualers, bu-da, etc., lte,'.rem every ohims sud zone vblcb cae E~t in tlacllie;-.hhsliatislecomplete., In lb.Monsten Tant will appoar A DOUBLE CIRCUb TROUPE i A cannon will be fired at 10 a. nm. when the Great Mardli- grass Pagent S.tarts on its Grand Procession. Plrurlstrieie, wviebilan ulike any Pagesutry evai- seau viii a Slvav-Gorgeans sud GU te lnin. t lrerne-Cmt.lyoad bellsi-RIGHLY CÂPAIIISONRD StOede and 5het. lande, IleaulItul Ladies lu Magnificeni Atuire, Londoae. Tableau Cars, GrOclan sud Roman Chariots, PioronshbradlRacers sud Tratai-s, Elephont sud Camel Pomme, Dans ai Mqusir Serpents, Cages of slnglug Dinde, Vans ai Wiid Animails. 8 BANDS, BRASS-MILITARY-MECHANICAL1 DooRS OPEN aIl1 sud 7 'clock. Corne esrly-PFinat camne, firal served i ii choice siita near -lia Grand Stand.- mBa oa iaonoanduxnci 1Date sud dant tail to sec tlisi lmnseasConearparation. Tho euormlie eating capaçiti' (the langeatinlutue vonîd) cf thlu groat Show viiiadmit cf thoir gradad Pitees. Phsper cenlae ofai hv-hhirds cf, lbeentire population ai Canada in r.. qitette and empecied tlrimbrs the prapriater. Leaok out for the langoet assolublago even lu atteudanco upon any show lu Canada. GOD SAVE T-HE QUEEN I 'SPECIAL NOTICE. spealai Trains wili lbav e1 Port Penny et 12, noon,-stopping et ail stations, for aftornoon show. Specia train will aise leaVa Poz-t Perry aI 6 p.,iM., in lime for avaning Shîow, rotur4iîig after per'formance is evwr. 5o cents froîn P'ort -Peruu', PrncecaAibert and Ma.nchester le Whitby and ratura; 40 cents from 3oMyntie te WIitby and returu. G. T. Rti1roadWÜIlsai tickts at haif puice te and fromi itl points- ef exhibition on day of Show. * * W. W. COLE. Pi-orriate ad IXnag SMillinery suitable for the season. MILLINERY, DRESSMA K/NO AND TAILORING DONE TO ORPEII. LOWES & POWELL.' Wbithy, Juno 141h, 1876. ODD FELLOWS' BUILDINGS! PETER SMIT H HAS NOW IN STOCK, SUGAR CURED IAMS,- CUMBERLAND BACON, ROLL BACON, .NEW OHEEQEE, ALSO, MALTBYS COCQA EI-Fmzb:ls 1- NUT, KEILLER'S MARMALADE, And a -general supply of CFG:zOC00Ei R;jI l-S.1 Ke' CASH PAUY- FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. ~ Whithy, Jun 141h, 1876. PETER SMITH, DONT FAIL TO CALL AT ,THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY STORE," WHERE YOU CAN GET THE WORTH 0F YOUR MONEY IN TEA. The undersigned lias been appointcd agent of the Montreal Tee Co., to aelil teir Teas. Yen eau get fine fiavored Ta frein 15 te 25 per cent. cheap- er tien elaewiîere for Cash. Try thIbm and if tiiey do net give yen satisfactien, returu thien and gel yeur m2oney as freely" as received. Yen should net fail to Lui' au these Ions are of firet ciao. quaiity. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY. Tri' myi first -class St. Michacis Oranges and Limes. Caudies of al descriptions-these will give full satisfaction. Canned Fruit, Cigare andTobacco. Freeli vegetables received daili'. A catli es oiicited., W. P. WILLCOX, Whitby, June 6th, 1876. 24 Dundes St., Whitby. SILK, FEL TAND SrAD,4W HA Ts. 1 000' QUALITY Straw Hats at 10c'ts., or three for 25 cents, which other stores seil at 20 cents apiece. The newest styles ini Eng ish and American Si k -and Fait Hale. I;ý The Gents', Furnishings leading as usual. -4Ê1 Fine IRegatta Shirts with two Collais for 75cts. The Ceunir attached Regatta, splendid patterns, only $1.25 ; Fine Whiùto Shirts for 9Ocls. ; 2 Pairs Fine Cotton Soi for 25 cîs. ; Underlothing nt 4Octs. ; 5 Boxes C ollars at 25cts. ;, Gants' Lisle two-button Glovas et BOts, and other liues at the lowest prices. HUGH MoBRIEN, iHatter, &o. Whitby, Junýe 6th, 1875. 24 N OTICE TO ÇREDIIOR5 OF TRE LAT£E E. K. CHAPMAN. Notice is herobi' given lu pursusuce of Statute 201ii Vic:, Cep. 28, 8ac. 28, thaul credilen. sud. other persans having clilrs je n or affectlug lthe estete ai Elaiid Rester Cipmau, late ociii. Township ai Plckor- Inglitedounty oi0Ontario, Yeoan, vie dleàon the Third day ai June, 1878, are berehi' réqnlred on or hefare lie 1l7th day ci Auguat, 1876 ta send h y pont te Richard Calma E sq., *hthi'P.0., the administrea. tcr ci aie. pe9arsoua otesasd effecta MPlb.h smid deceased, thsir nomes, sddreus an sd dlescriptions.lu mli, the pantionlars ot bein dlaims, atebtrnentà ci lieu- accousaInasd the nature o% the 1secUrities (i ai') beldby lien, aMd tbaîmntthe e üphi-tiuohe u»Il lime lie ssiadmiulstrati- rvili soeL ho dlstzibt. lie guets cf lb.esaili- Zeesse4 smong lhe persons'entieSthbereto, havlu¶ regard tae hbé doM& al»m a ci>0c vhlci tlieisaid admlnlmlrator hall lien have beL notice, sud the, azALadlnnlttor uner th. pravimians cf tbueau 8tStet vi ual b.aus e OIan lb. the assets or an>'part liai-soiBa destnlbnted, teay prsnOf via.. dsbt or odim ho shau neti.mave.bad notice ai lie lime cf sncb distrbution. RICHARD COLLINS; Plakering,dti li, 29 dmaaraa- -AUCTION SAL'E 0F VA.LUABLE IPARK 1 Thera wiUlhaesold mt tho ROYAL, HOTEL, uin he TOWN 0F WHITÉY, on Friday, 141/v Day b! July, A.D., '78, at eleven c'cl ock, forenocu. Pursut ho a paver of amie costaiue a lu su Indenture ai Morleg, ih iniivii prodnaed at time oai sale, 1falcln Lands sud pro miaou: Thé nantb.east =Pa ai Lot No. 6, la lb. fr4 concession >aiflie Townsip ci Beach, lu lb. Coyan' udPro- vinc cOutail, containlug-5O Âcres, mare or lesa, sud descrIhed as fallowva: dam. rnning aitie ii. ngle of saldLot; liheu soutui8deg., eamt,40 aaâàaOiinks; tien anuti 74 deg vwept'28abains 4ô links théi eitlirnit a tlaeBrock'BoaS;-I*ep along lie.eat Mli i l b.Brook b&&d Imnpor nt to BRUNTON'S RH-EUMATIC' ABSORBENT RELIE VES THE PATIENT FROM PAIN IN A -FEW HOURS, AND NE VER FAIL8, Rheumatism is a poisioning of the b1bod. fro m- acidz acting on and cont'aating the muscles, and giving intense sufàeing. It arises in tIe stomach from Impai-ed. Digestion. The active principle.of this cdiscovery is to ÂAbsorb the poisonous- Acrid Aoid by Outward Application. It je oompoeed entirely of vegetable substances, and hsÙ never been uaed befone the proeut proprleton eppiied it. Prom the nature of the disesèe of Rheumatism, and the Peouliar Pro. petscfii R mdll n rp0mbit t" mai i n filaellev ag lb. P a i n n m p mn &l u w - h e n a p p li ed a i e t d Aimoot ai ohera rfeetoaneevaio>f dise .Tepropnlooroi> daim liibsrmei6iinliv h aienttion Pin Fro bnate eism su thet il lu th, ou>' emedy(b'ouvmdapplicto)kva1Siee h vi da.n r Tids pi-eperation la guananteed b o rnoveBhenummtic Fainela a ew ov hor Ibe moue>' nefuuded. ta' Frim. SOeaper Botte., Soid wholemelansd Rotai hy Whitby, lune O1b, 1876. S. Wb'. B.SMITH$ Conner Brook and Dimundea ti, lWbitby GOLDSMITH'S HALL.S Just to hand a lot of Thos. Russel & Sonts celebrated Watches, Gold and Silver cases,-ai special prices. Waltham and Elgin* Watchles In G-old and silver-cases, Jewelry, &o., at depression prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS I Perambulators, 3 and 4 wlieel's, Can- adian and American makers, best value in town. CALL AND 'EXAMINE -1 cLA.S. JO 11WTrON*.T Fractical Watchmaker. Whlitby, May 22nd, 1876. - 22 May 101h, 1876. LAING May 10th, 1876.- & STEWART Beg leave to invite their customers and the genexal publie to their store to compare prices with any offered ii the Town. They have no intention of retiring from the retailf trade, uer ef offering Bogue Benki-upt Stock, but th.>' intend bo give the ver>' beet velue thcy cen. afford. They have been so fortunate as to finil several leadinge lines muaI below the ci-dinar>' prces, and offer, not nt coat non tcnder coat, but on a ver>' ameR aavace. For instance New ]iress Goods at 10o per yard, i.n plain Lustres. New Brown Duck ab -12j-c per yard, worth mucli more. New Union Tweed at 37J ets., usual price 50 cents. P. B.-The goode offéea ara in the latest etylée, ana in the Ieading deésigne, aud net the accumulation of yeere. Respectuy ypurs, LAING &STEWART. Whitby, Mai' 1OM, 1876. 20 15 .Tons Gut Naîls- I ONL Y $8 KEG, CA 8Ha Having purchased above« quautity of of best quality of Cut Nails, we are prepared to offer them-large sizes-at the low price of $3.00 pelr Keg. g'Persons building a house, býarn or fence please note the above. We have- also American Locks, Butts, Hinges, Latches--complete for beiding. FAIRMEÉRS' ,TOOL.s Spades, Shov els, Hoes, Rakes, Forks,' Seythes, Sneiths, c.1godgooda eand ohesp. Ipilalhe &Pho ~ oie malutiins s car- -tai dereef acivi=Inthe previoumly debili- tete iranaZVs ymiern* île use ensiles sU de- bilihated orgaaho rehuru toha irsannd stahe sandpenficmieir naturel fucens.Parsans sufrigframrnivous Dehill, or envocuta. mude ymptous vich Mlt -di 7eslngdia- eame UM0 saarne . yesassured of an effectuai snd .*ân speedy cnr by the Indicions use cf ibis ma nosimble remed'. DR. BRIGH-T,S PHOSPHODYNE me anu oONLY Iu CASHS et mos. 6d. b>' ail Chemiata and Patent Medicine Vendons thnougiont the Globe. Poli directions fori-gUs is heEuglia, PrencbI, Germain.Ithalien , MeI lab.-P-rlo -1 Banla Idumisu P lrPsruian, saun, Madrass, Bengles, Chines.sud Jap- âse.L 08~, accompsnying saci Came. U 0 -Th largeiuicreeslg de. mand for Dr. Brlght'a Phoaphodyne bas ledstho saversl imitations nder similar nsues; pur- chsmers of ibis mnedIcine sionld therefore h. careinl la observe 1hs1 each case heur. thé English Geveumeut Stamp; vltii the vonlu Dr. Brishh'aPluosphodyheengi-e th le'- (,White ff rur n de voL he same vends amarelo lowuon the hathle. Everycaïebeau Pi-TadoMnasd, Signa- ture ofpaets-Th publiecare abo part=-, IsLceutioned egainst purchaslung qpuiW miotins lmported famhe ui 8.5 s sud are ri-esuted ho'notea he bmdirections for use as r ilntaed lu aIl tl luoage Ra abave, vtthaut vhich noua eaa posaibiy b. gennins. * EXPOBT AGENTS. Noai-In, Watney d& Co., 1M> Soulhwark SI-est, Evans, Loacier dc Lyais, eW Belialamens Clase. Condan, .C, 3s~~,sbridge dcCao, 16 Colemau slreet. Mev, Sound Thomscn. 12-Aidei-gate Street Landan, B.dC. -Marelav cSans, 05 Farringdou Street. Londau, - E. C. 1 -- Nevbeyd&cBons, 87 Newate St. London, E. C. .0.Cý "a3na5Ca 0 St iary Âxe, Loudau.ZEl. Stonsedc Ca. 16 George Street Masiaon Rouze. Landou, EL Campbelli& Cc., lS Leadeniali Street, Lau- flounevilla&dcCo., 2 Braient Ct. PhUlpol Lau., Landau, EL Colley- & Co. 191 GI Winehsln-8t. London, El. I. Brooksa& Cc. St. Psters Chambeon, (ornhfill street, Landau, EL. FAM OR SALET 12-5 ACR-ES, Sitnatedauntue Kinggtan BoaS, 2 iles fi-cm lie flannlsiing Town of Wbitby, besagk compedofi heSethb-vesi 75 sud lia North 60 aores cf Lat No. 8, concession 2in the Pownahip, of Pickering. Tille fei.t On lie front 75 acres elies a alarge Tvo- s tone>' Fi-me Hanse, vell pslied, viii Stone Ceflar, - 2 Cisterua, 8 nevsr- affing Wels; Frague «Barn, 80x50. vith Stone cv stebigas su eili- naern.. ;Horse Stable 42x80 viii dallai- under lie centre Carrir o Hnse 26x94; rarne dov-i;h sud Stable 00x2, Pig-heansd9ixiS; Garden villaPear, Plu= and Cherry I-es lu ebun- dance, bagethen vili 8 mores of finI-dama Orciard. -The ebove fmi-m lavel il i.drini- .4. Pia la au. ai the bosi larinluOnt- rio. on the ram i-a egoa Prame Ra- 605, a one x24, go Plauk Hanse, 26x24 viukitob n satone cellai-; 2 veisa nve--flingSpring, and limacres Phe ahove IarnUlbe soldaon reasonable loi-ms, appui' ho tue proprietai- on the pro. znises, R. 8.- WILSON, Whihby P. O., Oui. Pickering, ;une 20th, 1876. 26- SMOKERS I 1MNY -INFERIOR IMMT Or TEE- "MYRILE -r PAINTS ANI Genuin*e White Lead,' 0à1, Varniahes, Glais, ho coula bairefoot l ad ho hem;- ho r- vordi, lite prea. )unir>'; snd sue and a.. palm tom=y fut a etate FEL T HA TS FROM 50 ots,1 1 1

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