Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1876, p. 4

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i lest men- t lb. par. sutç coasseS. 'o ,000 TO B3ELE0T FROM HT& BROOKS' BROOK STRIIET. y Woti, 1875. 20 P ORT WITBY AND PORT PBRRY EXTP.N5ION' RILWAY. TIME iTAIlLE No. 15i,- Tekoroffeelt ou Moneiay, May Suis, 1876. Treins rue by Toroite tîmo, wliri la twen- ty-twu mintps. eowcor then .T.R. lime. TAIN <oOm oz iiRTS. . 1 ge . 2 XAIL 1No. 1 xix. 'Wilittby Ju.. .. dep. 9.11 a&..d. !.07 p.. Wiittii ............. 9.20 S 7.15 0.40 " 7.80" ~iyrie--------.58 M7:2" osami.,......10.10 Il 'B.05 lé Meaceter. ,j ..-0.22 " 8.17 Prince Abert ......,i 1U2 -8.27 ~ Pot Ferry. *..srrtvs 10.40 8.55' . ,TRIN iS 15 ourir. port pesy . .dep. 6.00 a.m. il. 1.25 pi.m. Prince0b0rtIl 1.855I Metieheter. 6.20 6" 145t 08at.nh-------.830 Il 1.57 I Myrts..... .42 " 2.10 Il lirooklin ............ 7.0" 2.27 wbiby .... ....ta 20 Anm- 12.47 Wisihb..........7:80 DiAI 12.5 Whitby 7i.sl .815 " 8.(X) 'Flatter i stations. Trains Bttop ou dîg. nail ouhy. CtsuerlIng et Wiitby Junioin wltiî the G.T 1, ast antil wcist ; ut Potrt Perry wlth 1tiefî Uxbrliti, andt Steamer ispie lI'ho t Llidnay, thereis -ntuectiiig setthe ii Mîtiha i ielway 1sud witi csttamer fer Piemsii P.itle.ltcanygonn, ni Stuirgeon Point Ilotel, a beautful piesurs resoit. JAMES HOLUON, 20 Menegina Direeter. w rIIITIIY MACHINE WVORiCS i 4 . fÀrioTH LAYToietS> DROC310K STREET, WIIITBY. lit Vle 'Oi ai-irsni ia.gs Io ltubsm tise aras- eVtr, cf thitsistrroutitng a.-eistîry, tlitlu li au Ne lit stade aa largeosseto-tasmt eh1 citlnjg B oxas, Clîjîrne .tuip Dillmu, Iloîse itakes, 't Wgg s Sic 1gise. Crim s, Vauiîiisg Mile1i iipalring ofYakî$ ltiiifeso, Wieii-ro vel TIIOMAS McCANN. Whitby, April -tI, 1870. 'F 11 SALE- cl Tisat-eligilile Fibniiy ie wîsî- -itli [Ji aci . e-seflantd enspnising (laîrdait anti Or. l4k br....... of e xceletiquaiiy, Iîrmsriy ee- Cl -riFîsît by ths laI ' Tobs lsuicir, si. etu- etsc. abot nitsii mie rait cf iViitby, on tise 1Kiustosslintssei, iisIlimse centaisitcu lon ellmkitîtb(issîinei-ihgoed t134, 114aiseu nt114Stable. ut reoi I5ss folthitîr artirLes-is raquint (i W COHIN TANLOlI, Estj., WJtly, Airfl tti1 it Os i 1poiss Ï., MANSION HO0U SE tClOilL'r EINO ANDS YORKSTU< Ç, - TORONTO, - - ONTARIO. o4WM. KELLY, PRORIETOR. Ilis Ili l it i s tuae l'àlus l c-it -iti lîtr. io uifthie City, i-ltu etîilit t stii ilooIt.ie eSatliîesauti pubiclbuit(itîge, ati for *turie cutli cmaerlsras-tllers is a tmont s'il thiie-eîtighy MAe-tît ri eti-ftrinsheti it , - theotuglinlite, amîi idilitid uu bnstise mont clsuoradiaui eitEîitt style,lqtical te 'i eiy brst-elagaltioes lilteDîoiniotn. Tise luetrouas s aidtiriiwiuig-î-îttîras are li-go and t Ary, aitisa bet easittsry reglatlois are 'Thoseltrge alli a ovsîîicntî samiple norns, t fouvthts srotialîaof CommnerciliTIra. 'vsIit,. r sOussîtoi.ant i îvenlemstIy 10il vu thti rs uet. aessysreci fer tCh i u0tomnsoitttiou et guctîsîs arrbiig luy IAi lise trains menti stîttbseoanall, ete -, , tivey theos te thse dsîpots sit1 wîiau-vtîs eut TiTeisgraphi 0111<e lus cî,îîîectisrttwith lîiîl 'IliuM - - - t'O(sUjpt )î<lAY. J - Ttronhe, Aluil 12, 18713. 1 JUS'1' liECiI-V2UD '90 hALES NEW SpRING CARPIS WIILIAM GORDON Liedpectfulily iitsibntsndisîg îure-luust-r te buapet 110te hr i f Bruissels, Tapostry :11ils dTisi-p1ly Carpote, Flo'or Ciotîsesud Cor. ticines, Diernsk-e ausi Lace sourtaim;s Wiîîdow PoiOR, Cormices ê& Frisigriusgs. .511 oft clwili huis stelat hliîslsecît rîce. N'M, (10- IDON, Apil Itti, 1870. 114suIg F U R N1IT UR E. WHOLESALEA& ]UTAIL. Wareï'ooms-Albert Hall. B3iai4ngs, 18.9 YoîîgeI st., Haea »asp ha a Fol) Stock ofeery. thlng-slioir liao, enS hope by strict slhsntioc t» athO t ftiste nuieons-eres, te -mes-t.a- ceutinusuos , hi ie Otrenegs isitierto ex., hçnousStSethus. -8peiateesUopût$b.@maktag cf FIRE 80PEENS, OTTOMANf3, 2', Brick noues, Two Srsyý-herd asdsd efb watr-quarter aer-i »I' iLd ou-fri. and praaneritet trous.. eatiýe Street. a. Fraasa Dwallug-.Btabls and Wood. éedaoàedywo ecroe of lasd, fruteand rea-lrnstreot. le oi thob above ,puoperttes ,art doeIMbly eltueted, ud islam eau b. e o n very mo toteby ae mli paient Cf cash, n on timo te sit onvoalsncs cf pureheser. D]RY C LINEIRY,' AND CLOTHEING, RO0S$--& MA BROOK STRE' Land, Commheeio, and gsaerlAg.t. AT THE VERY LOWEST LIVING PA1ICES.I OFFI0E-Dundam St., Whitby. March th, 21876. , T ORP F FR1135 TO DE1 TAXE N (Under Orti:li u uibtl4 dteS 21th day of July, 1874.) warranti .................... e0 *2. .Sertvlng sumnions or sabpoeua.... O05 3l Mibsage le serve ehsnsmoue, subi- pouisaor Warrant------------...010 4. 4 igfewlens service caniaot bc, u > p iproofifle dilligenc. ... 0 10 ri. Milemge takleuldrisonors. te gaoi, exclusive of is ossements user- esriiy expended inl their con.- Voyance,.....................O0 10 8. Attonding Jutlree on sumosary triais, or on eximnstionofehpi-- coera chargcd withi crinme, fur cash day nossssriy smpioyced in10 cueor ecases, wii lo t ongýagénmore than four heu*trs. - 1 0 .7. lDo. 0.Who engagea moestitan tour bouts ...................i1 50 B. Attouding Assi4ies or Sessions, cash day....................i1 50 9. Mîieag tr&Lvsiisg te attend As- sizes, Seios, or befors Justi'es -(when public coveytînce eu bs takeni, only reaenablo dieiburseo- iuaslis tlu tcaiewed>. O ......010 10. Sunmonine Jus-y fot Coroers' Iuqust; snciuding attsoding et inqai. tandti al services jr, res- pect tcais, if lield on siane day us Jury susunnoned ........... 2 GO IL. Ateîding carhIsdssjotlriilueut tisereef, if net- engagedl mors Sfonrt sosrs ................... 1 00 12. 1Do. de. ifr ots înetlisi, four hnurs .......... ......... 1 50 lu. Servilp iî cansisenoret sblpDe-t t stiruti before LCroer Isîsicet No. lu) ...... .............. 02 i-ilMhlage ervug sin......... 01) 15. iislsuîittig botty ussder Coresseret ....an........... ......... 2ii 16. Re.I)turyittig sassle.............. 201) 17 Srigdietîcos Nwariltiit, sud re- t.cuigsaie.............1 50 u5 tvrilt nslcr ii-tross war- tnt.......................... 1 50 19, Týrsvùiiiîîg te îixake digtroeas, or te HéearcIlifor gooctîtt- utldis-. treuse, whelnri î Dle trîi csfptt.. O 10 20. ,prieatt, v-her,-rclivee or more-, V cen-ts i ttse aullar, on the valuse cf go@s 21. Catalogif ule 1411a oiiesoe 'Itt iudlivery (i ols, ô us l tise 1,P'011 te-t rotý ut- of guonds. 22. ru fttsi agoenri -s arrat ......150 23l. Ssrs-ing iltius-to01 ou c-tables, sb-ii r tiýrtiiy cor-et].... 0 50- Psiblt-sted lsy eider, i1. .1. MAC]iuNEILL, Cii--ltof ti1 ' -tL iC. O. yAl.lSRS -AIND TTUýSIE. ANI WILLIAM IICMSfi stflîr a ls-~o ui-- Jane 2.1, 187 1. -00:0e GROCERIIES AND LIQUORSP TO -SUITý THE TIMES. Whitby, April 26th, 1870. 18 CARI4GES AND BlUGGIES! -000'- TUE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCX 0F Garria gos, Sloighs ad ùtters, M. 0' DONOVAN'ýjS CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITBY. VE11Y OHEAP. CALL & SEE TI{E M. MEJICHZ4NT TAILORING. J UST. RE-CEIVED Ail kIàds of Spriug Good8, includiùg English, Scotch, and Canadian Tweeds, Worste4 G-oods, Fancy Vcstings, Broad-cloths, Doeskçins, &0., &C. GOOD TWEED SUITS AT $15! A. & J. Rt. PRINGLE, Blrook Stroet, Whitby, Ms-y lis, 1870. - Mereliasît Tailoîf. 10 LEWIS ALLJJN'S BOOK ANI) MUSIC STORiE, A large, and well assorted stock of IRoomn Paper and Win- dow Blinds, wihichlie is prepared to sel ut the lowest rates. A splen did assortrnient of stationery, NewMicdlnuusBooks bcaittifuilly bounld, ail kinds of Schiool Books'. Violins aid ou'rtxss Sewing Macincis-best iriakerg. Large and new i.ý,oti-uvt of best Gold and Silver Watclies and Chiaius on .Jimid. Wool aid lFauscy dopartiost complets. Ml orders for iEnglisli and American Periodicals and News4papots Ïspomptly i1]lc,(!. We re now la a position to supply Prize B3ooks for scllools, at luif plico, ausd wne Lel that ive Cito givo good satisfaction. Slitsgorden', &' NWhitbv, Alînil -ILh, 1H76. CIG/?EA T T -1 E GR EA T ENGLISH REMEDY!ý ~ I)~-, Boots Before Taki, SPLECi'l C 1 N -F, aksl trc ttlT ti et , ucî 1 sst.t i t itt. iu-note. lire. istaI-sud ltues. se.tititit it i-o estr toltecu siffliéoliseic.s -is tio i-t l tii mttdie5itti , tt, 1. -.jt-'t ma l s tcttîoîtle t au ttttailtige cite'fttr 'tutiAIs. W Sl- Surissrtuusi-.iu-rusrs-, t-tiii tilopta isuse !slaw tosisl.î.iîtt-ttî t i .0.11 hots mte cstt'Miwouitiy, tt'N ,.x. at-is-ue l'ai uNrtii- uito. ittî- ir tC s itlitt, 1ws- tlitt t ifttl tt lýissi-s ttr -.t- a a iflAUl'savtcItsi-.alti f u-10sttui a ili are in t trtit b ltii4siti t.-. te uh ' Itui-sîttiluitîsis - Pres lt of t-L it- lut04ie t OtO t Re st 1 t-1rt-lt ttc- iIl maiîei o-i-- ace. uthi 5e-i nit t i cite utaît, cal I) ll ai it iuelîeylit o lit-tr-Si5, W1,.A i5îat C't., Le' s itil IIt,tiiei y uS, i. . 5.Sitlili, ls, Jilstit i tilt titiiiltiits. Ntitll-iit& iîyliafl. M ARA LANDS- Lot 12 inl5t1scsncession, 200 acres, erres. AOut six miles fs-oas theriy litîbi. W&Ysion iltitby. T I MIlTAE L ~Port 1198 to oPn oate Goiug Morts lu I'stssbnrn' & Laleefleiti.- Ã"oioing SouChiltrousOs-butaîeinsy Poterbôoi'asd Port Ihope. Lews Orilli- ai ..1:00 P. Mn. As' Pt Hep, 10:45 p.Ma. Oolng Sentlis fcuiurLelela. -, 12t.aM. LE\-IýSALLIN.1 le 15 CLEARANCE SALE oF and Shoes!ý At Auction Prh*ces $7,000 WORTH 0F BOOTS AND To ho sold without reset-vo GP~EAT IN TUàE, PRICE 0F 0FRGANS., Organs aud Melodebil Organs at greatly reduced prices, for Cash or Note payablc in October next. Cal ut the "0JUGAN FACTORY" and examine our stock. Also second-hand Organe and;Mclodeonis ut very low prices. T~HE MUDGE & YARWOOD M-F'G. C0. Whitby, Mity l5th, 1870. ELGIN ! ELGIN ! !ELGIN!.11. o T he fiuîest, best, and ciseapest Waîtc-hes iruade, for the Mo- ney, are tihe E LGIN W'ATCIES, wlîich ceau bc lied lit Taylor & Bar- nard'ilius ves-y grade, luoth in Gold sud Silver, Ladies' and Gents sizes. Aise si largo stockc of Eiiglisii andi Swiss W'atcllcs aiways on lîand. Ciocks. Jewollcrv, Siivcrw-axeansd FasscY Gootls te cuiit oves-y taste and peekiet. Reissesibe)(r tie pi-sco-nexti dooir te Gi-oas & Mac-Nachtan's, Hardware Mlerchaist:o, Broclrk t-c-,Whitby. FlTII1>N..lITliRE! F-UIRNITUIE Novi is the tirne to buly (ood î1il elcap î"î-irusimc. Iftv.ioli osglit cî:giit t)it hioocasitoy calrries1<iii by Jaumes Il. Satîusn. %e tiVt- tiis îsiîportitlnitV cf iutitiitg luis mamsy frh-usss te givse us a eal].anivew-c c ss -o eil tisat wc-artsire urecd te doûuil$s-s-cl by tlieus iii thse fnture-,tas Mi-. is olle iiinitise pabt. - TILL & JQHNSTON. --ce- Or4Lérs bv i-ail promptly atteuded to. "UNDEJITAKING.--- The'onlly first- dîts E itatliiîi (it iii ie Cossîty lilîcî- ftiiesatls are foily slilliedl. SHOESIwIlîiiby, (>cteor ls t, 1873. TILL &JOHNSTON. 40-ly LIST 0F AIJCTJONEEIIS Parties fiu want of Boots and S1ioes Licensed for Souths Riding of Ontario, North Riding of wiil l iti s a rsare Citploîtusîity t'O puichalse cluosîîî ber Sîîriuig i- liyeriimber the place, at KIPRK'S BOOT &HO 10EsTOIIlE, Ot.roBloekýl, Broc'k Street, Whitby. C. KIRK. XVitby, Apri I 2th, 1876. GE NT'S CLJOTH INGI A N]D FJJRNISHING GOODS For Superioi' Clothing suitable for Suinýer weuîr try the Clothing Stor-e and MoelauîV Tail- ýOrig establisument of SJ Ç D -EIý -- :FI . - TS 0 M, . ])UN])AS STRE~ET, WvHITBY. A GOQI) FIT AN]) STYLISU OUT WARRANTED 1 Gent's Furnishing Goods'of alkidndseiildn hrs EnaV nad caps, umbrellas, &o., gSht, Wbitby, July 21ti,- 1875.tf i OHOICE WINES cg PURE ,L IQUOh>8 st WHOLE SALE and RETAIL to siiýt the HýOLIDA'Y -D EMýAND-P UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES.- TRY, FRE DERBICK :N EAL E' Ontario, and separate Municipalities in the latter. le. IL. Cîasnereu - .... C. Muets..... Joi li ctili & Co.. Donald Rlies;.... T. Ji. WîleIh ... Wusî. Gordeni.. -Tae ftgly, Jr. . Jamnes Dt'iuy Jr,. johss L. WiXi.... W. M. Whcx C. Wiloon,... Thonmas 'rucker... fin. Wsc Thomnas Foueies-,.. J. M. IPattesse.. Donald lcs. Elle aise . Jeincten Brown....- olawa ... Snera. Olibuant... Ptert. Çaisomsiigton. Beauetienc.. . Caiamn...... Vortltemli*y. MimeîICîî'AîIrr. South ibding. MaEreL.......... Thes-si. ...... d 0s............. StouthîIiig Tiserai.,.... île ....... ...... f rock . ........... Senth is dilig. Nortis nuttg. Nîtisiiduuîg,.. iteaci...........« ScottI.......... . Nornth iltitimsg,.. SousthI liling. ioutil 1tbin .. South Ontano. Missa ........ .... ]lronk ............ i3rock............ Uxbidtge ... LIST 0F PE])LERS FOR THE- 00C. James Bniggs. A. C.Huisn . James lackwell.... iceis Mravermi. .. Jtohmn (illi,'u .. Df ttiBrus... Duffeti ms GO. Butn do., .. îý le ... ..... Obsiuswa...... 01 fuel ....... Ihee, Cqbuiity... 2 liesses, Caunty.. - 2 locs-e,Cîny 2 heret Cuoîy... 1 botse, County.... i isesse, Counly.... 2 herses .... WM. LAING, LiczNseà ExrwaEe. Jesse 28, 1876j. ep.20. 1870. 22, 1876. 29, 18761. Oct. lot, 1876. set, 18761. 19, 1876. 119, 1876. Oct. 2Otti, 18765. Oct. 201h, 18761. Oct. 28th, 1876. Oct. 28th, 1876, Pcv. Il th. 1870. -No-e. 2-ul, 18781. Dec. 2ni, 18î0. lic. IStls, 1876. -Jan. 24 i, -,177. Jau. ROui, 1877. Feb'y Sisti,1877. M'rch 8i,îls,177. Mus-. 101h, 1877. Mar. lti, 1877. Mar. 21.1, 1877. ONTARIO. 91st April, 1876. Stis May, 1876. OtIs Dec. 1876. 141h Dc. 1876. i-tiiDcc. 1870. 1111hlier. 1876. 'lti Jais. 1877. 21s1 Mer. 1877. ist April, 1877. Co. Treasure.r. Whitby, April 4tiu, 1876. 15 FASHIIONABLE TAILORING Go where you can get a Well-f6tting- Gurmnent :-To the Tailoring Establishment of GEORGE GURLEY, -OSH-AWA. SUPERI0P . CUTTING SHAPE S THE WORK 1 A Large. Stock of Fine Clothe; beet 1 nglish, Scotch and Cu'nadian Tweeds, O0:>Excelent Overcoatin'ges and SplendidtVee3t Patterne. A good fit Guara.ntecd. GEORGE GURLEY, 51 King Street, Oshaws. JIJSTT HE P LA-CE BOOT AND SHOEMÂIIER,, BROOK-ST., WIIITI3Y, I TA ov on bae I L.iaee to et ra ce aud~ stock cf IBoots atidf Ladies' àGentlemûen' ané ..N A C H T,WH:TY PAIR Y best assorted, a x ever offered Whlitby.1 In ýChina, Stone and Fancy Tea Sets. In China and Fancy Dinner Sets. -In China, Stone and Fancy Toilet Sets. In Parlour, Table .and- Bed room Lamps. In Glass-Fruit, Cake and Trifie Diehes. In Goblets, Tumblere and Wixie Glasses. In u Table Sets--AUin l New Patterns.. FAN-ýCY GO0-DýS FOR PRESENTS, In Cap s, Sauqers, Mu ge, Vases, Toys, &c., &c. G113SON & SPARWELL'have ail kinde of Choice Fumily Groceries, Best Teas, Tobacco, and ail kînds cif Fancy Pipes, Ramas, Bacon, Lard. Oysters of the. best brande always on baud. The highest markcet price paid in cash for any quantity of Good Dressed Hloge, Oats, Small Poesti, Marrowfut Pease, te. 'At GIBSON & SPARVELL'S. Whitby, Dec. lSth, 1874. .51 *WILLIAM TIL'S CABINET FAOTORY AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS, THE OLD STAND, BROOK STREET, .WHITBYI Go- where- you cailot. fait- to* be pleased in making selections of *good furnitu re. Spleudid Parlour, Drawing Room and, Bedroom Sets, New Designs wcll worthy of inspection, at astonishing low prices. Dmn- ing-room Extension Tables-a very superlor article. Gilti Cormices, Picturo Frauning lu every style,-, ome fine Chromos and Eligravings for sale. UT q IDJ 5'W I:ý % G-, In al its branches ; Limerais fuUy supplied, A stock of elegaut caekets. Coffinsas lways on hana, triirnned to suit Ctustomers, and a well appointedl Hearse constantly in readiness. Whitby, 'November 24ti, 1875. DO0MI1N 1IN ORGAY WM. TILL. 0COS IMPROVE D AND REMOBELLED C A B/NET A ND -COMBINA T/ON, IR.,C--:TS - Thîis Company lias recently beesu re-organized by the addition of tiares <if thýe-mopt. practicai me-n frctm the Faclory oif G-ongis & Werren's Oran Ce., Detroit, Mieh.. scli tain nn nctiva part in his own partieniar cicpartnient, and are now manufactnlrinoz an Orcan EQuAL., andi in imany points supEaiox,r to any mannfoctnrpd in the Uniteri States or Caniada. We tekse pleagure- iii atnnnnncing te cor custoîniers andth ie trade generaiiy theft we hiave ceonrei the righit to manufaeture andi ose, in the Dominion of Can- alla, thse ceeebratedl - SCRIBNER PATENT QUALIFYING. TUBES,ý isectireti isy Letters Patent in the Unitedi Statps, Enulandud nd Canada. By means of this invention an organ containiîtg two or three sets of reetis becomes equalini volumne andi power, andi far Suiperior in Quaiity and Briliiancy of Tous to an ordiuary reei organ of six or eighit rectis. 1ý. Our ceiebratcd "Vox Ceiete," ,Vox Huniana," Wiicox Patent '!Octave Coupler," '-Cielo" or "Cilarinet" stops, "Fuglc Horn," "oiet," "I.Eoline," "*Cremonaf," and Grand Orgau Stop, oi ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS, cap bc ôbttined oniy in these organs. Twanity-fivo Different Styles for tihe Parler and the Churcb, of the best iterial and workauanship1 J--i- QUALITY AND VOLUME 0F TONE UNEQUÂLLED.,~ PRICES-$5O TO $1,0O. Factory and Wareroomss, Cor. Toernepacud Wellington Ste., Bowmanville. Agents \Vanted iii Every, Coulity. 1ýý Send for Prico List. Addtres, DOMINION ORGAN C9.. Boinanv'illo, Ont. Gencrai Agents for Canada foxr thc IlCciebrated" Bradbury Piano. I3owLmanvillc, Mardi Qth, 1876. 14 Cheap Harness, Trunks, W h/ipsand Lashes, -000 tise attentionaiwhielpublie t 11h instant 1876. I tissiro toe allteatninoftepbi ethe fact that at notins. suriig the pist pve years bave 1 been able ta offer Ilitrupes aof ail descriptions atasiow a priceas I cao this Spring. My expenece beinug it I cao do it. No mer&e stylîil or isetter Hames. ru ade bi tis County. Cash purchasers will find sp eciai inducemenf;,-risst te what 1Iaa ei. Cail andi inspe-et.p lleRpicîfu1lyyonrs, 1:Z-' epairing Ilone i-earonisisy. Pienqe notice-Second Harnes Shop Senth, nexîto Grosse H1-ardware Store, IBrook Street. I atablisrhcj Twenty Yersr ago. 12 John ston-'s $&If -Raking 1? ceaper. AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE. At the Provincial Euîîiî.Trno~iiin 870 We ofier to oui- custoluiers for the Co-Ming Halr' tinct Machines, wlîich ini style atsud conistruet thse latest and most usefuli imromvemie'ù ts 0 THE "RIN~G OF REApER.p", Thes uni-versai suces' t-if this NMachiîsp, 1l'oth in ci( od triolss r'd b- ein uit , <'fM44tilt-,lsruuî u,i. fîu i.i- s i , !nme Rea;îiuig iniacîirl if h iemuets-e-gonditi uiats tutil ted- faCa. muore sisnccs notiies-s Chure hersetre offered to ite-puli CAYUCIA JUNIQR MG-V We were avarded the Firuot Puize -id Diloma. E dis- Tise Matisus Piano is baillis iselodiaus in tc t.F I was fnuy ci was the crown, -City. Yonrs drec., D. M. S5MERVILLE, Cleveland, O. Blin Street W. M. Sciseol, Toronto, -We bave great pleassrin steting tbeîeu an instrumnt to lesadthe snging inna Sun- daySchool, noflsng cariscel il. Tse tan. is of siSfu!.Tie bais is grand, and visonf600voiceoarae usingetogether, thse piano cen b.einclyberd. Every noe rings enteas, netsa a bell. S. J. HUNTER, Pester, WÂRRING KENN4EDY, Su t., SAMTEL MBSBY, MusicalCond'or. Il hau given My famiy thse very hiqhest satisfaction. 15EV. J. BREDIN, Barrie. 'Hampton, Jan. Bsit, 186. MR.-J. ILEESE, - afforde me great.peaeîire ýnarienowiedging tise cutise satisfaction, end isiqis eppreciation of tiseNo. 9,Me*lu- shek Piano furcisasbed frons yon-a-few daye sce. Vary reepectfnlly. S. J. 83MITH. Enniebllen, Ont., Jeu. 18th, 1876. PROF. J..-ItEESE, The Mediumn Matbnshek va gelt ram Yen gives entire satisfaction ian every respect: 1ee'sn nhesitatingiy renom- monS it te ail deeiingeoo piano.- DSTEWART, Pester ef Preebyterian Cisurnis. Oshsawa, eu. 23rd, 1878. PROF. hSEESE, - DEama iu, -I have fanitihe Melba- sisek as-a yen represented il-a first-niass piaIso. Many musiciens bave trieS il, and prouounced il excellent, Itespectfufly, IMRS. B. MITCHEL. Hempton, Feb. lis, 1676. i - The Matisushek Piano I pur- risaseil trom yen hes given entirv selisfeo- tUttI and pro.vep ue s u pser insimtrument in cvery respect. I -wouid rccomMend al ho .ee tise MathIusiek before _pnrcbeang ettewàire. Youirs, &C:., Enlsil .Jean. 251h, 1876. PROF. J. JIEESE, Hssnpton, DamAisSum. j have znuuri picateure in- atding my testimiony te the ntuyyn tve aircsdy recei-veàin favor of th' el t)mrteti .'Iati-usbels Piano 'pur- cisaet fruru yen rfrcsntly. I 1am vol) sarism- flsd with il in-n every respect, anS coneld- or, for lseeuty and toueib lis nneurpased by any instrunsent T hbave yet seeu. S. O. H1LLIEE, M. D. PULL AGRAFFE,, 7-OCTAVE PROM $3 00- PIANO Sfrom ocher relieblo anakers set beffesal-ie aet orteDmiin. Wisd, orte aRNCE fORGADnio o CAntsanfor inhe PRIN C ityTnS an Couiy iu tise Domnison. S ASelaiSe-St. EBut, Toronto, SOLE 4GENTS- JOSEPH ]IEESE, HAMPTON. agent in Darlinglon, WhieeuSai-Carl-, Wright. 7 MANHOOD: HOW LOST, 'HOW RESTORED h just pub1iabeS, a nov edition. li m of 'Dii. CUavoVzaa'E LSCE- DisTED Esece on tise-radical rare (aiihout nssi ' eot SpematorrhSoa or Sommna] Weknes, voiuaiteay seminsi Losses, Impoençy, Meutli misSPhysical Inrapuirity, 'mpcdsuseuts to marlagoetc. ealso, Consumpiion, Epilepsy.anS P In.u dlecorsuai extravagance, A&c. luTici a sealseuvelop, oniy 6 cents Thebo leboited author, lu Ibis admirable Eesay, ciearly demonstrates. frons a tisirty yeers' suoeestual ps-eue, tiset lie siesiis ronsequercaes oif abuse may,be raslicelly curèd witisut the dangerous -use oh internial medictue or tie uile;. pointing*entea mode oh cure ut once simuple, ces-hin aiS sffeetual, by sucana cf vhieh overy sufferer, fie mettes- visaI bis cndition may lie, mey ite, niay cure iiseit nheaphy, privately, anti redirefl. ,-teTbie ture should binlatiue bands et every yoeshh and every man in tise land-. Sent under seel, la a plain envep, te essy eddrees, pcef.jcd, ou rensipt of six cents or lwo pest elamps.- Addrasas heput-lisbers, F. BRUGMAN & SON, AIAmin-St., Nev York.~ Port Office Box 4686. - y-17 Agents Wantcd - ins every Township in Outarlo teo eil tise lamons Prize Midal Orizan Msnfselur. ed 1;y Ch. Smith Ansorican OrgfiùsCe. andi George Stock sud Co's Pieuses special iuduensenîs viii be given tcfirst-ciscs îsRzents ansi omis cf iire or four vi.-hinfg la purcliase. Ajy nonîber of- tetiollniaIs li fayot of tîsase firet-nie.. orguin. ranis. furuici- ed,- but as they lare Ra wjdely - inown- greatunxber. avingbc;4n solS thoougis- eunt Clu.Dansinious sud lavinggiven salie- fection bus every instance- Neteetinsoni- ai isowever latring can aSdto te ir T-T E 1 - ... - .. -. - wol 1 ý -1- 1 way oLazign. 1

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