Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jul 1876, p. 4

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,narkldte m t. a heir pzivt.lybtiih o.ff#êof t1s bi a e17i1ks17 story iadeed that, àJuïn. bug ihoald sûr up such 'aaqi . u4 pat Young mmi ked4offthé bwalk, ibey gueuaed.If the truth wu. knowu;. etc. AUit bis wssei Mary Jane bas gone rouud with dlah.llsd loclçpand bu rsîtalueti a a OlrolIesquint (rom mito1 Wasbhlg throughi oos4 blinda for a form thal don't core; and4lber Young man stays withlu 1he f54111.. of ths store sud wonders sud wonclers, wftIi s ain that ilever dieu, wliat alld Mary Jane, sud if tbq salways sol that way, -and lb. oesinits sud morungs go rlght onsud, don't sus.wer. Vrui-The road to virtue is at "irot rogged, ote p, covsred with rocks sud flonts,brisdiIng with thoras il thickots, anitbordered by prkelpiees'âsud torrents. lu cimier la dvecoe, on$ MuAt mke ecotionai efforts; ano must ouimb suna ot-walk, ezcept, with the grealmst elrouinspection. But if one bas the. oourags la overeazgs the first dilUiculties, lthe farîher ou- advances, th.e mmoother lthe way grog~. P ORT WHITIY AND PORT PRUT EXTENSION RAILWAY. TIME TABLE No. 1r). Ttkos offet on Moîîday, May 8th, 1876. Traies» rui by Toronto tîrne, whloh in twenl- ty.twu minutes olowir tha.n G.T.B. lime. MRAIN 00180 8011111, No. 2 MAL NO. 1i M ~Vh1hy uu. . .dp.9.10 a"m. d. T07 p.m Wbithy.,.......... 9.20 7.15 ]3rookllu ... ...... 0.40 7.85 mytI4 ... .....0.8 " 7.52 Uititchcter..ý. ..10.22 8 11 pdr'e -AA lbert..10.52 8.27 P<rt 1'erry. . aTve 10.40" 8.35 *MlAIN <iOflfO SOUTE. Port Pr.dop. 6.0)0 ar. 4 i. 1.25 p.m? t'rince AI bert . 6.09 135 Msu.laliestur. 6.20 1.45 'taminit. ........6,60 " 1.57 Myrtlo .....6.42 2.10 * ' *lin.......7.00 2.27 ...Ail, f 7.20 ,AIu, 12.47 " Wthitby.o. 17.80 Dit..12.56 Wblthty Juun. .arrive "7.18 8.W< S 0Piutouiaî stations, Trains stop un sdg. Cannoctiaîg ut Wltltby Jonctiont with the G; r. iT., CI saut dwelst; ut Port l'en y wlth stage' fori- xbridge, and Steamer Ma pie Ilest of Liudemy, thora connecting with th e Mifidla 1ilwayt and writh steamer for Faineini Fallu. liobouygeon, and Sturgeon Point flotel, a beautLiful pleasure mrota. .TAMES IIOLDEN, '20 Managliu Direetor. WR7iIT13Y MACHINE WORKS 1 iLATt LÀLYTOZ;*i) BROOK STREET, WHITBY. Tho tinuldrslgned bgga to Inform the farm. tr3 oft hie urrointîing country, that he ha. lIasui aoît j ar 13aesortnaent of Cuitting IinXee$,Cllrrs ur£ rllHrs acs NîkYIQli MeTreco, Whieesarrows: tlaiaig of ail knolds cxecuted with *nîîao uticlipatcl<. THOMA.S MsCANN. Broo.k.5t. Whiitiî3 tAîrîl i401, 18701 ly-15 MAN-SION HOUSE, CORNEU IiNG A ND ORKia aTW., TfOitO-N'UO, . -- ONTARIO. WM. KELLY, PRORIETOR. T1ls elldlausituasttiiîutise central pon. tjrta of lthe City, cuavenîeîat tetue wlîolesaie amtalîaasassaidmiblîr buildiings, sud for tautraplla imdcmerclal travellers le a most 01101110bieltutlosa. Tise hotîse bas been taoaalayre-arganlsei anti re.furntahed tiadugtiz 't,11( «mai lllte.d up lu lise mont cmtrtand sai lrtable styla, equal ta afa ný -0,1a38asu tuîe liatishe Dominion. Tise bimeuiontnt ii iriîwisam.rousaîs are largo sud amiy, aMiadithe lieal oatitiry roglallous are obiatryam, 'Thie large said cuîaviBulajnt eainpie roams, faur ise sEtoor,,,oplstlno fComimercial 'Ina- vafitniar sumuilas.anti convenienîly oaeîtonu itheiraI 111t.. "Oaitnbîîassanti CarnIgeos lways ready faer thse accomamoaton of gueste arrlvlng lay ali tise traslaa aatil saibitats ant i aimet afMvy Ilaom lu tise deotasuit viarves on * Telegnaplu 0111ecmlu couectio n ils Ibis 'CEiIM-S, %- 1 r50 PE RDAY. 'I'mnoamAitil 12, 1871;. 1 [UST 1îHiSlIVEl) 40 13ALES 8. Prames Dwoihng-stablo u-and ood. AU th a aboys propertlos are daaligy Mltated, sud sales osa -'b. affectai!on Y Io* ternis by a oniR paymsut of oasis, n oi tIis 10 suit convsnee af paircisase. GO, T. HALL., Land, cosalslon, and gouersI Aguat. *OFFICE-Dundas St., Whitbyi F FPES TO »BETARIN (Under Order in Counnei, datod 24th day 2. es 0Tly1 e ac i ndividuel upan s warrant ...................SI8160 2. Senvtag summous or ubpoea.... O 092 8: milsage te serve summans, sub- poenla or warrant ....-..01 4. Mlleage wheu 'service eannel be uposi proo i o d lgeae.... O010 5. Mlisage takring drisouere ta 99al, exclusive of dlshursemonts nec- essariliyexpoadsd lu <heincoua- voyances........ ..........O010 0. Atteadlng Justices ou sunmary trials, or on exanuation ai pui- oners charged wih crime, f or eaoh day necessanlly employeti ta oae or more-aaee, wiseanot -engaes more tIbm four houri.. 1001 7.Do. , .whnengagea more 'than four heure...................1 501 e. Att.oudlng Assizea or Sessions, Ose4h .................... 150 9. silage trve ig ta attend As- ises, Semions, or betore Justices (wheu pubi couveyance can ho taken, onir eaonable disisurso- monte ta cealowed.) ... O... 10 10. Summoning Jury for Corones Inquest, anciuding sttending at inqueel, sud su services lanaes- peel thereot, il heid o anemeday ase Jury summoued ........... 2001 11. Attending escis adjourument thereof, if ual ougageti more four heure ................... 1 Ù0 12. Do. do. if engagea marc tissu four heus. ................ 150 la, Sierving umnans or aulspuna te *atten heboe Coroner (subject 14. Mileage serving ane .......... 10 1-ý Exhuaang body under Coronrs 1(l.rr-an ............. ......... 200 no ebrigesame ........ 200 17. Servng disîreme- vwrrant, sud ne- I aaiguarne ................i0 18. Adveliig undt iondtreswar- ran.I6....... b............. 150 l1t. Tnavellngtu make distreas, or tu oaisfor gou s tomake dis- trois wisc u na oods arc ud.. 0 10 20. Apprleenîs, whetiaen by one gr more, 2 cents in lise dollar, on tise value af geeda; 21. Catalogue sale sud commission sud delivory etfgooda, 5 cIa. lu tise 8, on net protince of goode. 22. Execuliag secanci warrant ...1 50 28. Serving notices on constables, when personsîiy served.... 050 Pub lieheti by ordl a, - H. J. MACDONELL, Clork ofthlie Poe., C. O. 22 VAISES NDTEUNKS. LEATHER VALISE 3 AND SAIlATOGA TRUNKS, &0., &o., ai WILLIAM TEOMPSON'S, Radiler anti Harnegf% Makar, 1 une 24, 1871. THiE GREAT ENGLISH REME DY! Before T"iig. G a' fe aen SPECIFIC MEDICINE CJures ail Nuuavoua, soch it asTnuozs, Dams.. ITv, Pnîa)STnÂvON, etc.. MwIielh, lu MaUY Cases, areFpodiscoti y ovar Indule ence in tise utaet ..ban sd alcoholle spirte :but tise Secille Medicine la more aspcilly recommended Ris ain unfilsiocueor Bton NOCL WicAxsotsa, Oppsncavo-A.aoÂIM-OvTENoy anti aO isasse, th isa tllo m. seqisezoe of Seif Abuse, Ese Loés or Mi4aanY, UNswv.ueà.. LAsiuzE, PANIsNo TUvosBACE, D131NaS13OF VISIONo, Pue- NATU. Os.u AnGeanad asany oIson diseasois tisSt la oIureMosr ni- OeuxTIev anîaesd a P11MTpÂURiE (iavr, all f aihch, ss arue, are fret causee by ilcvlstlaag coantise pilla of natureasoaeo nulnsîce. Tise Specîfle Medicine inthtle reblt. of alie slndy andi insuy vears off expriouce lu trait.- Inlug t fie octalallleames. Fu partieulans la cur khýech vwodesîre ta moud frea by Tise SIelfi c Medcinoe s old ly al Druî. gluts nt Ci perpackaga, or six pieokageu iar $5, on wiil h ontauI y niaîl ou cecelpl et tise money, hy addîeesing WILLIAM GRlAY & Co., Windsor, Ont. Sis' Boin ( Whitby by S. W. B. Suiili. Jas, ByTnnosud au tnrugglet.s. Northreop & Lyinias. Tonta, îttaoiosle agents. 7 NriW SPRING CAREETS .- - WILLIAM CGORDON 10 inNIpeet lis stock of DnîslTmpnstî.y andl Threc-ply Carpets, Fluor 01a018 anal Cor. -ticines, Damais ýanal Lace CtirtainaIs, WindowPoles, Cornimn & Friuîgings. AU of wlîlchia lll ha eld at tise loweel ptice. WM, GORDON, 18-i Toage 8t., Toranto. Apt-l Il111, 1876. 16 JAMES il. SAMO & COMPANY. FU RN ITUR E. WHOLE SALE-& RETAIL. Warerooms-Albert Hall -Bufldhlgs, 18 9 Yonlge St. Have aiways aon hand a Poli Steck af evatny. Ihlug tlisatnilno, and hope by settaatlo ta tise vauts 0f Iheir qiotamens ta menitea rentînuunc te IoPatronage laisenlo 0:- louded t tihom. Sellatttntion psu ta tise maklngio- N M 9, D L ZW 0 1 PIRE SOREENS, OTTO31ANSP F*NOY OHîýàiU -MAALANDS FOR SALE mesns. Aout six miles inoni Athenly a- MILLINERY' AND., CLOTHINO., AT THLP VERY LOWEST- LIVING' PR IOES, GROCERIES. AN'D LI'QUORS;, - TO SUIT THE TIMlES. Whitby, April.26th, 1876. 18 CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES -l 000--- TE LARGSTUÂD MOST COMPLETE STOCKO0' Ca'rNages, -Sleighs and C'utters, M. O'DO0N'OV A N'S CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITBY. VERY CEEA?. CALL & EE THEM. MER CHANT TAILORINU., J UST RECEIVED Ail kinds of. Spxing Goods, including English, Scotch, and Canadian Tweeds, 'Worsted Goods, FaIncy Vestings, Broad-cloths, Doeskins, &o., &c. GOOD TWEED SIJITSAT $15! A. & J. IL PRINGLE, SBrook Street, Whiliay, May lot, 1876. Mendiant Tallons. 191 RECEml"\VEID ÂTr LEWIS ALLJJN'S BOOK AND MUSIC $TOIRE, A large-anid well assorted stock of iRoom Paper and Win- dow Blinde, 'which li l prepared to seil at the lowest rates. A splendid- assortment of stationery, New Miecellaneous Books beautifully bounti, ail kinds of Scluool Books. Violins andl Concertinas. Sowing Macise-best maliens. Large and ucw assortment cf best Goldan ad Silver Wmtches and Cisins on hanal. Wool anal Fancy departinent complets. Ail orders for Englishi and American Periodicals and Nowepapere promptiy dUcal. We are now in a position to supply Prize Books for Scisools at half price, anal we feel tliait we ceas give god satisfactions. Saliciting'orders, &c. SWhitby, Apiil Stli, 1876. GREAT LEWIS ALLUN. CLEARANCE SALEI 0 F Boots and Shoes! - At Auction Prices. -ana $ 7,000 WORTH 0F BOO TS AND SHOES1 To be sold without reserve 1 GFOSS- & M. BROOK ý.STREETI IN THE- PRICE 0F ORGA'ýNS.ý Organe and Melodeon Organ'é at greatly reduced prices, foi, Cash or Note payable in Octoher next.' Oeil at the "IORGAN -FACTORY" and examine Our stock. Also Second-bualOrgans and., Melodeons at very loVe pnices. THIE MUDGE& YARWOOD MT'G. 0O. Wliitby, Maty iSti, 1876. ELGIN ELGIN!!ELGIN!! The frnest, best, and cheaipest Watches made, for the mo- ney, nie the ELGIN WATCHES, 'which eau be had at Taylor & Bar- nord's, iu evçry grade, bath iu Gold and Silver, Jýadies' and Gents sizes. A.lso a large stock of Englisismuid Swiss Watcliesa lways on hand. Clocks Jewellery, Silverware, aud Faucy Gooda ta suit every taste aud pooket. Iteinember thse plîîc-next door ta Grass& MacNachtan's, Hardwvare Moi chants, Brock Street, Whitby. FURNITURE! FIRNITURE! Now is the time to buy good and cheap Furniture. flaviing bonglit ouglit the bu' iness lately carried on by James H. Sarno, we takie this opportunity of inviting bis manly frieuds ta give us a cail, and we can assure ail tisat we are prepared to do as weil by themn iii tise future, as Mtr. Sarno bas done in the past. TILL & JOHNSTON. Orders by mail promptly atteuded to. UNDERTAKING.-- The only first- cissas Establishmient in the County tvhere funerals are fully supplied. Whitby, Octoben l5t, 1878. TILL & JOHNSTON. 40-IY LIST 0F AUCTIONEERS Parties in want of Boots and Shoes Lioused for South Riding of Ontario, North Riding of will.fiîsd tiais ii rare' oppartuuity ta purchase choap for Sprnsg wear. Remeniber tho place, ut KIRK'S BOOT & SIOESTORE, ,Ontario Block, Brook Street, Whitby.; Whitby, -Apri l12tlî, 1876. C K GENT'S CLOTHING AND ]?IRNISH,11ING-GOODS1 For Supçrior Clothuing suitable for Summerrwear try the Clothing -store and Merchant Tail- .oring esta~b ii=ent of JOn~N «FE liziGUSO0NV PUNDAS STREET, WHITB"Y. ASO001)FIT -AXD $TXISH OUT WARRKNTED!1 Gent's Furnisl4ng Goodi; of ail kinds, including Shirts, Huatt anal capp, Umbrellas, &o., Wkitby, .July, 27t1i, 1875.,'f8 J.H.~CHOI1CE WiNE8 cïf PURE LIQUORS M LADRAILWAT 0F CANADA. -Guito Xorthsto Petrol 'lakeseo,- Ksl12M55p.m. Ilxed .......... Oole Sauts main rlls ta Llidsiy, remarar' nA portfHaps' - .0 .i. Ar Pt IIope 6:45p.n Oomnlng Southe fronelsksead at WHOLE SALE and! RETAIL to suit4u UeüUÉSÀAL - ,LOW PRICE S. TRY FýRE.,DERICK NEALE'S,ý SI- :0E,81T B M, ý 0,SHRlA. &GBNT,, FOe DAVIES & O.'S Ontario, and separate Municipalities inAhe latter. Donald hosu... B. H. Cameroni... C. Moore...... John McGlill êtCe.. DonaldRe . T. Il. Walsh... Win. Gardon.. -lames D ighy, Jr. .: ýJames Digby Jr. John L. ais .... J. J. Ptlkmy ... W. M. Wiilco .. C. Wilan ...... Thomas Tucker ....- Tisomas Poucher, J. M. Pattenson.. L. Fairbanks... I. E. O'Dell.. DonaldRoi RlIa Boies ... Johuoton Brown.... Thorais...... Beaverton.. Thonsi...... Cauin gI on.. Sunderlanti. Claremoat ... Clairmoit ... Port Penny.. Ralalfieli. Port Penny.. Port Penny.. Lceaskdai .. Tornot.. Mainkisam. Blooainglou. Alhonly...... Beaverton ... Manile,.... Village Uxbindge South Ridug .. Mars ............ Thonsh....... fdo....... Soulis Bidiag ... Thonaia....... do.' . ..... Brook . ........... Sauth Rldlng. Uxbrldge .. .. North i_&Ultim... Northa Ridiig .. Reacis... ... ScottI........... Nanti, Riding. Souths Ridiag. South lOnt.,%. Muas........ .... Blaock............ Brook............ Uxisnidge .... LIST OP PEPLERS FOR, TE O. John Carr......... Oshawa...... .... On fot....... James Brigge...Brookîta.. .......i hors ..... A. C. Husand.... Non-Roîdeul i.. 1home, Counay.... Jamces Biackwell.... do, .. 2 homses, County... Felils Mdoo.e.... 2 horses, County... John -Gilhgan.... de. 2 haomes, Counhy.. - DuffeIt Bros.... Ohava ...........i1 hors., Coquty.... Duffet linos.....Oshsawa..........i1herse, Ceaisay... Geao. Burton.....Non-Roîdent ...- 2 herses....... Liossssxp ExpamEs. lune 28. 1876. Sp.20. 1876: Oc,2i, 1878. 18 2, 1876. Oc.lit, 1876. 19, 1876. Oc.9G, 1876. Oct. 26th, 1876. Oct. 28<5, 1876. Oot. 2815, 1876, NoV. l111h, 1878. Nov, 22nd, 1876. Dec. Qud, 1876. Doc. 15th, 1876. Jsa. 24th, 1877. Jan. 251h, 1877. Ffeh'y 2nd, 1877. M'rc is Stis, 1577. Min. lOtis, 1877. Mar. lOtis, 1877. Mar. 21s1, 1877. ONTARIO. 21st April, 1876. 81h MaY, 1876. Olis Dec. 1876. 141h Dec. 1876. 151h Dec. 1876. 151h Dec. 1878. 2015 Jan. 1877. 2isi Mar.ýjB77. lst April, 1877. WM. LAINGî, Co. Treasurer. Whilby, Apnil 4hb, 1870. 1 FASHIONABLE TAIL ORING 1 Go wvhere you can get a Weil-fitting Garment :-To the Tailoring Establihuient of GEORGE GURLEY-,- IËIAWx SUPERIOR OUTTING SHAPES THE WOIRK 1 A Large Btook ofFine Ots'-best Egil>Soc adCnd Twëeilà. O Excellent- * érdoa;iuagq ý8anal spléni i veý4éù--. A JJJST TUE PLAC w~. fl 1TR~3~ S, BOOT AND SHGEMÂKRi BBOOK-8T, WHITBY, r o .>lkai large amsdJ s tock cf Boots ana S es GIIB-S-,ON Hav tjt t eceived the1 staoek of Orockery and it best aesorted, and mare ever offered in In,'Chinaf Stone ana Fanoy Tea Sets. In China and Fancy Dinner Sets. 'I' China, Stone ana Fancy Toilet Sets. Ia Parlour, Table and Bedropin Lampa. Iu Glaaa-Fruit,. Cake and Trifle Dishes. In Gobleta, Tumblersa ad wini: Glaàss.. 'In Table Sets-Ail in 1iew Patteorns. F A NOY ýGOO0DSFOR -PRESENTS, In Cups,, Saucera, Muige, Vases, Toys, &c., &o. GInoN" & "PÂRVELL have'ail kin'd8,of (Jhoice Fasnily Groceries, Beat Teas, Tabacco, ând, ail kinils of Faney Pipes, Ramea, Bacon, Lard. Oystors of the. 4,est la ns lways on baud. The highest market'price paid in cash for any quaântity of Clood Dreased Hogs, Oate, SmalI'Pease, MarrowraitFess, &o. At GIBSON & SPARVELL'S. Whitby, Dec. lSth, 1874. 51 WILLIAM TILL 'S CABINET FACTORY'AN-D FURNITURE WAREROOMS THE OLD STAND,: BROOK STREET, WylTB Y,- Go where you- cannot, fail- to, be pleased ini making seléctions of >good fui-niture. Splendid Parloin', Drawingý Room and Bedroorn Sets, New Designs wdlçpirthy of inspection. at astonishing low pri n.Dii- ing-roorn Extensioni Tables-a very supenior a.rticle. (*ilt Cmcs Picture Framing lu ey style. Same fine Chromos andl Engravingaifor sale. TT: -ID E br 'T' A. EZ- ýI G' TI ail its branches ; funerols fully supplied, A stock of elegaut caskets. Coffins niwaya on hand, triinmd to -suit Customers, and a weil appoiuted Hearse oonstantiy ini readinesa. WM. TILL. Whitby, November 241h, 1875. DOMINION ORGAN. CO'S IMPROVTED AND REMODELLEDý CA B/NET A ND COMBINA TION LUc 0s Mv z w w i This Company lias recently been reorganized by the addition of three <if the nost practîcal men from tise Factory of Clougb & Warren's Organ Co., Detrait, Midi., eaci takiniz au active part ii lus cwa partieular depariment, sud are uow nianufacturine an OrzEan EQuAL, anin many pointesusuajn,, toa nyý nasufacturedin luhle.Unitedl Stalos or Canada. We tairle pleas;ure inle, mununoiig la <or custoniers, and the tradae geuerslly <bal we have cecurcilthie niglil la manufacture aqdnue, in lhe Dominio f Can- ails, thse oelebraled SCRIBNER, PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, seacured by Letters Patent in the Unitedl Slalos, England sud Canada. By inetas of Ibis invention an organ containing two or liaree, sets of reeds becornes qua1inl volume andi power, sud far Superiar in Qnality and Bnihiancy of Toue 'a au ordinnry reed engin of six or eighit reeds.1 rIý" Our celebrmted "«Vax Celeste," "Vox Humana," Wilcox Patent "Octave Coupler," '-Clelo" or I"Clarinet' stops, "lFagie Horn," ",Duleet," ".Eoiine," "Crernona," and Grand Ongan Stop, anti ALL THE LISTE IMPROVEMENTS, rsn bo obtained anly in Ihese organe. Twenty-five Difforent Styles for tihe Panlor and tise Churci, of the best niaterial andl workanahipI1 F- QUALITY AND VOLUME 0F- TONE UNEQUALLED. PIIICES-$5O TO $1,OOO. Factony amd areroonifs, Cor. Tomprranco -and -Welington 51m:, Bowmmnvulie. Agents Wanted in Every Couaty. , s:e end for Price List. Addroe, DOMINION ORGAN CO., Bomnuile, Ont. General Agents for Canada for thse IlCelebnated" Bradbury Piana. Bownanville, Mardis 28tli, 1876. 14' C heap Harness, Trunks, W/i/ps and Lash es Whilby, lthhhinstant,- 1878. I desine taCRlU tise attention cf lia, public taeIthe fiel tiat at no lime duricg tise past five years hailc I licou able ta offer Hirnes of iii deseriptiona eI Rm low at price as I eau this Spning. My expenaes beiug ligisî .1 eau do il. No mors- styîimb or boîter Harucos mati u Ibis Couuty. Cash porchasers nd special inucemenlm;,-ihaî is wbat 1 am afteî. Cal mad inspeol. Rlespeotfqily youre, ILe> Repairnug <doue reasoaably. Please,,notice-Second Haruos. Sbcp South, next la Grass'. Hardware Store, Brook Street. EsaiibUhed 2wesihj Yeoire ago.-12 Johns ton's Self - Raking, Reaper, AWARDED THE FIýRST> PRIZE.- At the -Provincial Exhribition, Toronto, in 1 870. We ofler to our cîletomers for thecon -tldbkMahiUB- hidh - iu stylu aud do the latest and rnost useful iinprovei - -THE "RING OrOP -.The universftl saiceel of thiS Machi, cd trialp atnd in. the hic and f th tannera, wra ili -Ra.Irap .ae.ainnhem conre gonpd points More sucooma enci leusaiuns, thon herelofare a CAYUC:GA JUNIOI Hrvt, Wo dis- ýruction, enibrace .8ôithedy Matisu. maeladio Ivas vas t" MYvà the, lx We hal au instru t a sot 1a0s grien SOw rings ont'. cisar a a bell. 8. J. HUNTER, Pistor WAMIGRENNED,~~ Itbat-given myfamily thse ver ih Hasapton, Jan. BisI, 1876. ME. J. REEISE, 1It affords me great pleassire and hih apprechatioxa of the No. 9 Maflin- sek Piano psircissshed from;you aswdays mnce. Very respect 1 jEnnislrillea, ont., Ian. 13eh, 1576. PROF. J. BSE, Drin Si, The Mediumn Mathubek we gotfrein you gives entire satiaction in every respect. I oa unhesitatinglyrecoi- mend ilta ailU desrna gond pan. D.STEIART Paster of PresbyteriaCOurcIs.- - Oshsawa, Jan. 29rd, 1876. PROF. HERSE;' DEA SI, I ave fouudlthe Matna. ahek as a yoa representid t-a sirt-cs piano. Many musicians hava tieîti, aud prououncedi l excellent. 1 - espectfofly - MILS.!B. MITCEEL. R-Ianpton, Pcb. let, 1876. MER. j. REESE, The, Mathuslsek PiaoI pur. cisased from yon has given enlira sestirse&- non and provep iteof a s.p inistrient ia every respect. I would recommend ail to see- the -MaLthushFk before purcsing Plaewisere. Tours, &iC.' HR T. PRILIPS. Enniskillen. ITan. 25th, 1876.. PROF. J.,BERSE, lHampton, DEAB Sm. 1 bave much pleaBuro in "eddiug aiy testsnony - la. the nscny you have slresdy receiveid ti favar of tise weiI naeited Matllushek Piano pr cissd fhm you TPcent1y. I aza wel lis.. lied with ilt inti every respaect, and consid- esn4or- beauty and lou <e, at, is unsurpassed by sny tastinent I bave yet seen. Ism, S. 03. HlLLIER, M. D. PULL AGRFFE, 7-OCTAVE PROM $8-00 PIANOS from, otiier roliable makers ah. lactfomjPsiceg. Wholesale agents for-the Dominion of Canada fotnthe PRINýCE ORGANS. Agents wanted in eveny City, Tolwund. -County in tise Dominion. NORRIS & -SOPER, 8 Adclahde-St. Rasi> Toronto, SOLE AGENTS. JOSEPH REESE, HAMPTON. agent ha Darlinglon, Whilby and Carl-- Wright. -7 MXANHOO0D: HIOW LOST, HOW RESTOBED 1 Just pnislisised, a new edition a.f Dai. (luavrawizn/sCELZ- muTsziu Rsa&v on tise radircal - cure (witisout Mediciue) of:i Spematorrlusis or Seminai Weakness, Inavoluntarm eis Lasses, Impany, 'Mental ýanA Ps1sca Incaacit, Ipedieut ta arrae,, etc.; aima', Coasumption, Epilsps3an Eta, jn. dul enoe or àWexusexraagne, &c. reePrioe, ina sBeau envelop, on]y 6 cents The ceiabraled sihor, inthis admiralie 'Essay, olearly- demaastxrates. ftan a thirty years' succeaful pracies, tisaI tise larming consequences of soif abuse may ho raslically cured without tise çsn ofu .. internai Medicine or tise uile; painting oui a mode ot cure at once .simple, -certain and effeetuai, by ineans ai whichevery anfferer, no matter isathisoonditiho May ho, oMay <te, m'y cure isiniselfcisapiy, pnivateiy, aud.radically. Lý'Tbis Lecture should bhointh ie bana ai every youlh sud- every nuan hn- the. land_ Seat under -sesi, ina plain envelopt any aiidress, poet-paid,,on receipt sf ix cents or tim, post ste.mîs. Address tise pullisisers, ri. BBUGMAN & SON, 41 Ana--St., New York. Post Office Box 4686. . 1-17 Agents Wanted ia every Townshuip in Ontario to seii tise fainons Prise Mé dal Orgzan Manufacl or- cd by ths Sn . th Ausenucsn OT98U CO- aud George Steeck sud Co.'8 PiaosOL. 8pecinducérmeuts will i. givon lô Wls.laeie agente and ceubs of thue or four wîiing ,ta purohame- Any nunîber cf leptimonialft in favor aftlaose flrsl.claas orgaine LOs be faries .ed, but as tlsey are mc widely know- gres.l anumbe.ra hsa'hugQbssu 801d thougl- ont tbe Dominion and bivggiOPn sassa- faction ueV ryinstsnose-NotestIim0ii ai however fiatlering can add to their repusia.-- it aSeli-it.ai-11 has met witiî il tp 1 Ire si J - as ci t.1 q mtt 55 Il 't j j, i -tj~ b -King ' fJU4TNSSGLS M, the W&Y qTlki;ýcn. il

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